“Since 1976, Where Farm and Family Meet” © 2017
June 23, 2017
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The Land’s annual County Fair-Goers Guide
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Power to the People! Farmers are turning to solar power to lighten energy costs See page 10
Holy George Jetson! Robots in the dairy barn A visit to Farmamerica
County fairs deserve support
THE LAND, JUNE 23, 2017
P.O. Box 3169 418 South Second St. Mankato, MN 56002 (800) 657-4665 Vol. XXXVI ❖ No. 13 40 pages, 2 sections plus supplements
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Cover photo by Paul Malchow
COLUMNS Opinion Farm and Food File The Back Porch Calendar of Events Cooking with Kristin In The Garden From The Fields Mielke Market Weekly Marketing Auctions/Classifieds Advertiser Listing Back Roads
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“Where Farm and Family Meet”
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Publisher: Steve Jameson: sjameson@mankatofreepress.com General Manager: Deb Petterson: dpetterson@TheLandOnline.com Managing Editor: Paul Malchow: editor@TheLandOnline.com Associate Editor: Marie Wood: mwood@TheLandOnline.com Staff Writer: Dick Hagen: rdhagen35@gmail.com Advertising Representatives: Kim Allore: kallore@thelandonline.com Danny Storlie: theland@TheLandOnline.com Jerry Hintz: jhintz@thelandonline.com Office/Advertising Assistants: Joan Compart: theland@TheLandOnline.com Jessica Klingbeil: auctions@TheLandOnline.com For Customer Service Concerns: (507) 345-4523, (800) 657-4665, theland@TheLandOnline.com Fax: (507) 345-1027 For Editorial Concerns or Story Ideas: (507) 344-6342, (800) 657-4665, editor@TheLandOnline.com National Sales Representative: Bock & Associates Inc., 7650 Executive Drive, Minneapolis, MN 55344-3677. (952) 905-3251. Because of the nature of articles appearing in The Land, product or business names may be included to provide clarity. This does not constitute an endorsement of any product or business. Opinions and viewpoints expressed in editorials or by news sources are not necessarily those of the management. The Publisher shall not be liable for slight changes or typographical errors that do not lessen the value of an advertisement. The Publisher’s liability for other errors or omissions in connection with an advertisement is strictly limited to publication of the advertisement in any subsequent issue or the refund of any monies paid for the advertisement. Classified Advertising: $18.79 for seven (7) lines for a private classified, each additional line is $1.40; $24.90 for business classifieds, each additional line is $1.40. Classified ads accepted by mail or by phone with VISA, MasterCard, Discover or American Express. Classified ads can also be sent by e-mail to theland@TheLandOnline.com. Mail classified ads to The Land, P.O. Box 3169, Mankato, MN 56002. Please include credit card number, expiration date and your postal address with ads sent on either mail version. Classified ads may also be called into (800) 657-4665. Deadline for classified ads is 5 pm on the Friday prior to publication date, with holiday exceptions. Distributed to farmers in all Minnesota counties and northern Iowa, as well as on The Land’s website. Each classified ad is separately copyrighted by The Land. Reproduction without permission is strictly prohibited. Subscription and Distribution: Free to farmers and agribusinesses in Minnesota and northern Iowa. $25 per year for non-farmers and people outside the service area. The Land (ISSN 0279-1633) is published Fridays and is a division of The Free Press Media (part of Community Newspaper Holdings Inc.), 418 S. Second St., Mankato MN 56001. Periodicals postage paid at Mankato, Minn. Postmaster and Change of Address: Address all letters and change of address notices to The Land, P.O. Box 3169, Mankato, MN 56002; call (507) 345-4523 or e-mail to theland@TheLandOnline.com.
The good old days are still here and The Malchows were a 4-H family which appearing in a town near you. meant preparing projects for exhibit at the fair. My mother reveled in the duty of Few things bring out sappy nostalgia fair project enforcer and was not to be like a good old county fair. Even the prostrifled with. Vegetables were carefully pect of an impending return to school scrubbed with a soft toothbrush to could not dampen the excitement of those remove the dirt but not damage the skin. five days in August for a young boy. My sister baked and canned for days. It Growing up on a dairy farm, family was not unusual to have four or five vacations were few and far between. layer cakes in the kitchen before one was LAND MINDS Although my dad farmed with his brothdeemed worthy of the fair. I think my By Paul Malchow er, who was a very skilled dairyman in mother felt the color of our prize ribbons his own right, dad was hesitant to were a direct reflection on her and leave “the girls” to sleep in a strange there was no way she was going to bed, eat strange food, and be cooped up look bad in front of the whole county. inside a hot Chevy sedan (no AC) with three kids in Some projects were judged at a later date, which the back seat who had definite boundaries of their called for several trips to the 4-H building on judgpersonal space. ing day to see what you won. But other projects were So the county fair was my version of vacation. The judged as you arrived on the first day. Waiting in carnival from New Jersey was about as exotic as you line to see the judge was a harrowing ordeal. Not could get. Shady-looking men with rough tattoos because of fear of the white ribbon, but because held your life in their hands as they operated the many of the judges knew my parents. I was sure rides. There was Professional Rasslin’ at the grandthey would get together with the judge detailing all stand where you could see The Crusher and Dr. X — of the shortcomings of my project; my parents just like on television BUT IN THE FLESH! exclaiming how lackadaisical I was in preparing for Brightly-colored stands sold food which your mother the fair and how surprised they were that he or she was never going to make at home. Machinery Hill had given me any kind of ribbon at all. was filled with gleaming behemoths with giant tires In this respect, I’m glad I grew up in a simpler and … cabs! It was like a little clubhouse perched on era. The hard work and creativity displayed in top of an International Harvester. And free stuff! today’s 4-H projects are worth a trip to the county Pencils, notebooks, balloons, calendars and handy fair in themselves. Project subjects now seem more kitchen trinkets could all be had if you were polite topical and scientific. Visitors will see presentations enough and not too greedy. Yardsticks were a little tougher for a kid to acquire and I was always suspi- on global warming, economics and government. Food projects go well beyond four cupcakes on a paper cious when someone my age had one. plate. 4-H’ers are now well-versed in various areas Even something as mundane as the cattle barn of nutrition and health. (If you still consider ketchhad a special allure. I secretly envied the kids who up a vegetable, a corn dog contains three of the four had animals at the fair and their coolers and radios food groups.) Besides flirting with the opposite sex, and primitive lean-tos. Spending the entire five those kids in the cattle barn can discuss genetics, days on the fairgrounds seemed like heaven to me. feed quality and animal health. Not only do clothing As I got older, it seemed the girls liked to hang out projects show off some incredible craftsmanship; in the barns and flirt with the boys. Strictly cattle entrants know their fashion and fabric as well. or horses, though. Pigs and sheep never quite Fight the feeling that a sixth-grader knows more seemed to have the same draw. See LAND MINDS, pg. 4
8 — Federal officials look at highspeed internet for rural Minnesota 12 — Clean Energy Resource Teams are available to help with projects 14 — Farmamerica mixes history with modern agriculture 19 — Robots tend to the herd for Owatonna dairy family
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U.S. Rural Development programs: If it’s not broken …
since 2009” in rural America. USDA’s Rural Development pie is pure sugar to budget bees because it’s big. In fiscal 2016, its loans, grants, and technical assistance portfolio totaled $216 billion. Last year alone, the agency “supported 157,660 projects through more than $29.3 billion (in) help” to rural America. Nearly $17.3 billion of that total went “to help more than 132,000 families … buy, refinance, or repair” homes in rural communities. Despite that clear need, the Trump Administration wants deep cuts to Rural Development programs. On June 13, skeptical Republican and Democratic members of the Senate Ag Appropriations subcommittee grilled Perdue on the budget plan and his elimination of the undersecretary for Rural Development. Perdue defended both by telling the senators to give him a year to fix Rural Development programs. Fix what? The much needed, heavily used programs aren’t broken. Yet. The Farm and Food File is published weekly through the United States and Canada. Past columns, events and contact information are posted at www.farmandfoodfile.com. v
This may be your last issue of The Land! Dear Readers, To all of you who have already turned in your 2017 subscriber card, we sincerely thank you. You can stop reading this letter now.
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“Where Farm and Family Meet”
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split. While Donald Trump racked up huge vote totals in rural America last November, Hillary Clinton’s geographically smaller area of victory — just 450 of the nation’s 3,144 counties or their equivalent — holds almost twothirds of the nation’s GDP. Rural, or mostly red, America, a staggering 85 percent of the nation’s area represented in last year’s election, holds but the other third. Those facts alone suggest rural America placed a big bet on the Trump Administration’s ability (to coin a phrase) to make it great again. The key tools to do so, however, USDA’s rural development programs, face severe cuts under the proposed 2018 White House budget. For example, a May 30 letter to the White House from 28 Democratic and Independent U.S. senators noted that “zeroing out USDA funding for water and wastewater infrastructure projects leaves small communities without access to federal funds needed to address the $2.5 billion backlog” in rural water, wastewater, and “emergency water assistance.” Also, the senators pointed out, “… eliminating USDA’s small business programs” wipes out programs that “have been credited with saving almost 800,000 jobs and helped finance more than 107,000 businesses
THE LAND, JUNE 23, 2017
Farmers and ranchers are er post of Undersecretary a resourceful lot. Their for Rural Development. widespread reputation for Perdue demoted that presifixing almost anything anydential appointee to an where — often with little “assistant” named by him more than baling wire and so he could grab that chair spit — is well-earned and (there are a limited number greatly admired. of undersecretaries at USDA) for a new, yet-to-beOne thing these masters FARM & FOOD FILE named undersecretary of of the mechanical don’t do, trade and foreign affairs. By Alan Guebert however, is fix what isn’t broken. No farmer or Despite the demotion, rancher wastes either Hazlett jumped at the sweat or bubble gum on job. “Small towns and the tires that aren’t flat, people who call them plumbing that doesn’t leak, and cows home have been my life’s passion,” she that don’t complain. gushed after the announcement. “… I am eager to get to work at USDA and The same cannot be said for U.S. be a partner in crafting solutions to Secretary of Agriculture Sonny the significant problems these commuPerdue. At the request of the White nities face...” House, Perdue appears more than willing to take a hacksaw to what few Significant problems, indeed. Rural see as a broken operating structure America, bucolic though it sounds, and no one sees as a too-fat budget at notes Steven Conn, a professor of histhe U.S. Department of Agriculture. tory at Miami (Ohio) University, is the Perdue, however, has already started “new inner city” because “(w)hether to implement part of his controversial you look at median income or per capita income, the poorest places in the restructuring plan. On June 12, he nation are rural ...” named Anne Hazlett, the former Indiana director of ag and, most And, continues Conn in a March colrecently, the chief counsel for Senate umn for the HuffPost, much of the Ag Committee Republicans, as his new century’s “new economy” new “Assistant to the Secretary for bypassed rural America. Rural Development.” That rural-urban income split can be That title replaces the headier, high- seen in the nation’s red-blue political
THE LAND, JUNE 23 , 2017
Coming together for
HOPES AND DREAMS OF ALL SIZES. Introducing Compeer Financial.™ Three Farm Credit organizations are coming together to strengthen our commitment to the agricultural community. We are combining our resources, knowledge and expertise to champion the hopes and dreams of rural America like never before. Let’s get started with yours.
“Where Farm and Family Meet”
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County fairs still fun for the family LAND MINDS, from pg. 2 about alternative energy than you do and see what these youngsters have to offer. Outside of 4-H, there are many other sources of information for today’s families. Many businesses and organizations have booths staffed with knowledgeable people who can answer your questions. Looking for a new roof or windows? Got a sick begonia with more leaves on the ground than on the plant? Need to tell a local politician what a great job they are doing? Want to join a group of left-handed model airplane enthusiasts? You might just find what you’re looking for at the fair. With all that is new at today’s county fair, many things remain the same. Is there anything better than a frosty milkshake on a hot summer day? Machinery Hill might not be as expansive as it once was, but the equipment is still mighty impressive. And young children still get a kick out of sitting behind the wheel of a big rig. Speaking of children, they complete the soundtrack of the county fair midway with screams bordering on terror and delight. Don’t be surprised if you run across someone at the fair you haven’t seen in a while — even if it isn’t your local county fair. More years than not, a surprise encounter has proven it is indeed a small world. Your neighbor might be working the church taco stand. You might find out the wild child in your Sunday school class has a flair for art. And the biggest surprise: it’s free! In an era of tightening budgets and cutbacks, volunteers still fill county fair boards and provide a variety of entertainment in a relaxed, family-friendly environment. Talent shows, tractor pulls, animals, music … and nostalgia … are all available a short drive from your front door. This issue of The Land features a listing of county fairs in Minnesota. By attending these fairs, you will be keeping alive a tradition and building memories for future generations. Pack the kids up in the Chevy and check them out. Paul Malchow is the managing editor of The Land. He may be reached at editor@TheLandOnline.com.v
Letters to the editor are always welcome.
1st Farm Credit Services, ACA, AgStar Financial Services, ACA, and Badgerland Financial, ACA are equal opportunity employers, lenders and providers. Compeer Financial, ACA will begin operating on July 1, 2017, assuming the Farm Credit Administration grants final approval for the merger. © 2017
Send your letters to: Editor, The Land P.O. Box 3169, Mankato, MN 56002 e-mail: editor@thelandonline.com All letters must be signed and accompanied by a phone number (not for publication) to verify authenticity.
Like it or not, wishing will take you only so far in life
Visit www.TheLandOnline.com to view our complete calendar & enter your own events, or send an e-mail with your event’s details to editor@thelandonline.com.
“Where Farm and Family Meet”
June 24 — SFA Herb Project Day — Hutchinson, Minn. — Herb Specialist Connie Karstens will conduct a tour of her herb plots and on-farm market as well as give a presentation on herb marketing — Contact Sustainable Farming Association at jerry@sfa-mn.org or visit www.sfa-mn.org/the-herb-project/ June 27 — Regional Workforce Session – Detroit Lakes, Minn. — Minnesota AgriGrowth Council hosts free session to educate employers in agriculture and manufacturing on attracting, recruiting and retaining talent — Contact Dave Kornecki at dave.k@ workfountain.com or (612) 868-7545 or visit www.agrigrowth.org June 28 — Soil Health Field Day — Morris, Minn. — See the latest in soil heath, cover crop varieties and management, and relay cropping at the U of M West Central Research and Outreach Center — Contact Jodi DeJongHughes dejon003@umn.edu or (320)
589-1711 or visit www.wcroc.cfans. umn.edu July 5-8 — Sheep for Profit School — Pipestone, Minn. — The Sheep for Profit School combines lecture, group discussion and farm visits to improve your management skills and increase profitability — Contact Pipestone Lamb and Wool Program, Philip Berg at (507) 825-6799 or philip.berg@mnwest.edu or visit www.pipestonesheep.com July 10-11 — Summer Beef Tour — Starbuck, Minn. — Tour stops include Clear Springs Cattle Company, Redhead Creamery, Bar J Ranch, Bakko Brothers, Highland Acres Cattle and Public Land Grazing Efforts and steak supper – Contact Kelly Anderson, Glacial Ridge Cattlemen’s Association at glacialridgecattlemen@gmail.com or (320) 808-4424 or visit www.mnsca. org/news-events/summer-tour July 17-21 — inTENse — St. Paul, Minn. — Students in grades 10 and 11 gain hands-on experiences in agricultural careers and at Minnesota colleges and universities — Contact Southern Minnesota Center for Agriculture at (507) 389-7263 or visit www. centerofagriculture.org
to today’s goals, and ultimately this life and the next, to be in Christ. To be in Christ is not a free pass to life without trials or access to a magic genie that provides your every penny wish. It’s infinitely and eternally better. In Him is real life. In Him is peace beyond understanding, and grace upon grace no matter the size of the mountain or depth of the pit. In Him hope is anchored and the things that really matter are found. Like author Randy Alcorn writes, “Life on earth is a dot. Life in Heaven is an unending line extending from that dot. If we’re wise, we’ll live for the line.” Lenae Bulthuis muses about faith, family, and farming from her back porch on her Minnesota grain and livestock farm. She can be reached at lenaesbulthuis@gmail.com or @ LenaeBulthuis. v
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Calendar of Events
pass and his phone in hand to track his progress, the guy was determined. And as she did the math on what it would take to accomplish such a feat, she roughly figured it would take him 83 sunny days. Her final thought? Get a job. Why do we do what we do? What’s the ultimate goal and desires of our hearts? And what is our pursuit telling the next generation that have hopes of their own? Ann Voskamp penned, “We only get one life here. It’s a crazy, beautiful, liberating thing to realize: We’re not here to help ourselves to more — we’re here to help others to real life. We’re here to live beyond our base fears because our lives are based in Christ.” There are so many things we can be in. We can be in debt, in a funk, or in mud up to our axles. And we want out! But what a radical difference it makes
THE LAND, JUNE 23, 2017
“Did you throw a quarter have hope for the future. in our toilet?” I asked Mike. And it’s bigger than wishful One never quite knows. He thinking. It takes intentionanswered with an eye roll. ality, work, perseverance, and if you believe in God, Then it was the grandrelentless prayer. There is kids. With those two one expectation that what is really never knows. They done well today will make a are always up to something difference tomorrow. that only makes sense THE BACK PORCH inside the heads of 5 and But I suppose the greater 7-year-old boys. This sheBy Lenae Bulthuis question isn’t how you get nanigan may have been there or how long it takes originated with a wishing well. to arrive, but what’s your end goal? Here’s the thing. We can wear ourIt happened the last time we took selves ragged running after things the boys out for breakfast. As they that don’t matter. We can pour ourwaited for their adult-sized pancakes selves out into broken wells that canand refills of apple juice, they twirled not hold water. pennies on top of the table until they dropped under the table. Pennies they On opening day at a local amusewould later toss into the restaurant’s ment park, a friend of mine was a wishing well. And though we chaperone on the senior class trip. explained that it was just for fun, And while she shocked herself by all there isn’t a one of us who doesn’t the rides she could still stomach, the have a thing or two we wish for in life. adult dude buckled behind her shared his summer of 2017 goal. He planned It’s the story of graduates, parents, on going on this particular thrill ride gardeners and farmers dropping tiny seeds into the ground each spring. We 10,000 times this season. With a fast
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THE LAND, JUNE 23, 2017
Easy wild game recipe is ‘winner, winner, pheasant dinner’ There are some people in this world Schumacher’s Hotel in New Prague, that live for the thrill of the hunt. They Minn. seem to eat, sleep and breathe hunting There’s a segment in the cookbook entiand fishing. I am not one of those people. tled, “Supporting Cast,” which features For almost 15 years however, I’ve been tasty side dishes, including Knedliky married to a hunter gatherer. We have a (Czech Potato Dumplings); Pickled freezer full of assorted meats and a few Grapes with Ginger; and this deliciousanimal wall mounts to show for it. sounding recipe, Schumacher Hotel When I was asked if I would write this Sweet Roll Stuffing. While the side dishCOOKING column for The Land, I instantly said es are impressive, the real star of this WITH KRISTIN yes. I look forward to expanding my cookbook is the meat. And boy, there’s a By Kristin Kveno small, lackluster cooking repertoire. For lot of different meat recipes — everymy first review I wanted to go outside thing from pheasant to rabbit to squirrel my comfort zone and review a cookbook for all those to venison and moose. Since we have quite a bit of who love wild game (or simply love those who love pheasant still left in the freezer from my husband’s wild game). western North Dakota hunting adventure from last year, I found a recipe I was optimistic that at least John Schumacher’s “Wild Game Cooking Made 50 to 75 percent of my family would enjoy. Easy” was the perfect choice. It has in the title my favorite word when it comes to cooking — “easy.” That kind of agreement on a meal would be conThe wild game part was going to be a challenge as sidered success in my book. I have four children: wild caught salmon purchased at the local grocery three girls whose tastes range from eating herring store is about as interesting as I like my protein. as a snack to being a strict vegetarian (if being a However, our freezer full of wild game meats either vegetarian means eating bacon, hamburgers and needs to be eaten or thrown away. (I usually go with pepperoni). I have one son who loves any lake fish the latter.) that my husband fries up. And, at the ripe old age of 5, he has finished a whole pizza by himself. This cookbook is great for us newbies in the wild game world. Schumacher’s creative pairings along n with his use of fresh ingredients make the recipes Keeping with the title of the book, I decided to make not overwhelming. You may recognize Schumacher’s Endless Easy Boneless Breast of Pheasant. The simple name as he was the former owner and chef of ingredients caught my eye and the straightforward instructions shouted “pick me.” Out of the six Kvenos in my family, all but two thought this dish was “winner, winner pheasant dinner.” So now I can add 65’ or 100’ pheasant chef to my list of abilities. If you have pheas- 2 Models ants taking up space in the freezer, try this meal. 2” full port swivel & transport lock. Endless Easy Boneless Breast of Pheasant Can be mounted 4 boneless pheasant breasts right side up or upside down, 6 eggs & crank can be on 3/4 cup Parmesan cheese either side. 2 T. fresh lemon juice 1 cup seasoned flour (add salt and pepper) 1/4 cup clarified butter 8 lemon slices, 1/4-inch thick Remove skin from boneless pheasant breasts. In a bowl, com3 pt. heavy duty bine eggs and Parmesan cheese and whip smooth with wire Rock Lifter whisk. The resulting batter should have a medium consistency. Place seasoned flour in a pie plate. Heat butter in a large, heavy sauté pan. One at a time, dredge pheasant breasts in flour, then dip in Parmesan/egg mixture, coating well and dipping back into flour. Place breasts in sauté pan. Brown lightly, turn each breast and splash with lemon juice. Place breasts in a covered casserole and bake in oven at 350 degrees for 40 minutes. Remove and serve each with two lemon slices as garnish. for leveling n tile lines How many times have you needed a good moose recipe and you just couldn’t find one? Well, you’re in Double B Manufacturing luck! Here’s a delicious recipe that has a bit of a 6666 58th Avenue SE • Willmar, MN 56201 bite, and would be a perfect on the grill on these • Website: www.doublebrepair.com beautiful summer nights. • Email: jpeterz28@gmail.com Phone: (320) 382-6623
Hose Reels
“Where Farm and Family Meet”
Rock Lifter
Trench Groomer
Moose Steaks with Green Chili Pockets 4 moose steaks (8-10 ounces each) Rub: 1 T. black pepper 1 T. Cajun seasoning 1/2 tsp. garlic powder 2 tsp. olive oil Stuffing: 2 T. olive oil 1 cup diced onion 1 cup canned green chilies 1 tsp. dry oregano 1 tsp. dry basil 3/4 cup bread crumbs Remove all excess fat and silver skin from steaks. Cut a deep horizontal pocket in each steak. Leave a half-inch on the sides and end. Combine black pepper, Cajun seasoning and garlic powder. Rub on steaks and place steaks in plastic bag with 2 tsp. olive oil overnight. Heat 2 teaspoons olive oil in skillet. Add onion and sauté until tender. Add green chilies and spices and simmer for five minutes over low heat. Add bread crumbs and combine well to make thick paste. Stuff each steak with 2 tablespoons chili stuffing. Spray outside of steak with olive oil spray and grill to medium rare. n Martini Marmalade Marinade. Say that fast 10 times. While the name is a bit of a tongue twister, this marinade is perfect on any upland game bird (that includes pheasant, grouse and quail.) Martini Marmalade Marinade 1-1/2 cups olive oil 1 cup gin 1/2 cup orange marmalade 1/4 cup white vermouth 2 cloves garlic 1 tsp. dry basil 1 tsp. dry tarragon 1 tsp. freshly ground black pepper 1 tsp. salt Place all ingredients in blender. Blend for one minute on low speed. This marinade is to be used with upland game birds. Place game in glass bowl. Cover with marinade. Let meat marinate for three days (no more, no less.) Remove meat, leaving marinade on game and grill game over medium heat. Always grill bone side down first. n These are just a sampling of the diverse, delicious and dang interesting recipes found in the book. Grab a copy of this cookbook, get hunting and get cooking. This cookbook is available on Amazon.com. If your community group or church organization has printed a cookbook and would like to have it reviewed, send us a copy to The Land, P.O. Box 3169, Mankato, MN 56002. Please specify if you wish to have the cookbook returned, and include information on how readers may obtain a copy of the cookbook. Submission does not guarantee a review. v
Selecting mini accessories makes fairy gardening fun get three wishes. This makes them symbols of luck and happiness. Sometimes the most pleasant thing a person can do is gaze upon a miniature fairy garden where mystical things abound and the imagination can soar. Sharon Quale is a master gardener from central Minnesota. She may be reached at (218) 738-6060 or squale101@yahoo.com. v
THE LAND, JUNE 23, 2017
a certified
repair shop
2011 InternatIonal INTERNATIONAL 8600 2009 8600 TRANSTAR serIes DAY CAB TRUCK transtar Day Cab
isM cummins engine - 410 hp, 10 speed Maxxforce MF13 Series Engine UltrashiftFuller transmission, air Transride sus410HP, 10 Speed pension, Jake Brake, a/c, 171” WB, 3.73 mission, Jake Brake, Air Ride Gear ratio, Brakes - 75%, New stainless Suspension, 3.42 Gear Ratio, 171” steel 1/2 fenders on rear drive axle, WB, Plastic 1 /2 Fenders, Outside outside aluminum rims, 295/75r22.5 Aluminum Rims, 295/75R22.5 Tires, tires - steer tires 90% / New recap tires on drive axle,90% 477,000 Miles,Tires Good 80%, conSteer Tires / Drive dition, dot inspected. 184,000 Miles, DOT Inspected.
Olsen Truck Service Center has been repairing grain trailers, livestock trailers, Dry Van and Reefer trailers for some time. We have experienced welders and technicians to continue our trailer repair to the feed trailer and feed body industry. We have installed third axles on feed trailers for use in the Minnesota road restriction season that are easily removed after road restrictions go off.
sale $36,500 SALEPrICe PRICE $21,500
1979 INTERNATIONAL 2004 InternatIonalF1954 8600 FARM serIes DayTRUCK Cab truCk Tandem Axle Twin Screw, DT isM cummins engine - 385 hp, 10 speed 466 Diesel Engine, 10 Speed transmission, air ride suspension, a/c, Transmission, Air Brakes, Air Up 156” WB, 3.90 Gear ratio, outside alu& Down Pusher Axle, 22 Ft.- steer Steel minum rims, 295/75r22.5 tires Crysteel Box/ Steel tires 90%, drive tires - Floor, 4 New Roll recaps Tarp, 3 Pc. End gate,Miles, Crysteel & 4 tires - 60%, 502,000 dot inStingray spected. 3 Stage Hoist, Spoke Wheels, 315/80R22.5 Steer Tires -New, 11 R22.5 Drive Tires - 75%, 320,000 Actual Miles.
sale PrICe $25,500 SALE PRICE $16,500
42 ft./ 66” sides / 96 Wide, air ride 43 Ft./66” High/96” Wide,New Air roll suspension, standard traps, RideBrakes Suspension, Ag Hoppers, tarp, - 75%, 8 aluminum rims, New Tarp, Front 11r22.5 tiresNew - 80%, NewPlate/New 5th Wheel & KingRail pin section, Good condition, Front Section/New Fifth dot inspected. Wheel Plate, Brakes 90%, 8
We have on hand, hydraulic hose and fittings for your replacement needs. We have qualified welders of aluminum, steel and stainless steel. We do axle alignments. We do brake and ABS work. We have installed robotic systems. We also install TRAM Safety systems. We have a variety of brands of tires such as Firestone, Kelly, Bridgestone, Goodyear, Kumho and more.
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Fairy gardens are still marbles glued to golf tees popular. I have wanted to add some whimsy. Street create one for many years lights were created from and now we have added one white marbles glued to an to our yard. Larry built a acorn top and attached to a raised garden that is 3-feet wire. A tiny birdbath has by 4-feet wide and just over two robins enjoying a 3-feet tall. It was made from refreshing drink. leftover composite deck The green plants include IN THE GARDEN material and has a raised ageratum, alyssum, brass inside bottom so only about buttons, creeping thyme, By Sharon Quale two feet of potting soil is some moss from our woods, needed. He lined the soil a few small cacti and two miniature bed with landscape fabric to keep conifers. The small conifers are kept in water from running out of the cracks their original pots and will be taken in the siding. into the house this fall to overwinter. A key to a successful fairy garden is selecting accessories and plants that have a harmonious size relationship to each other. Using houses with doors the fairies could get into as well as benches they could really sit on gives the little garden a pleasing sense of proportion. The blossoms and leaves on the plant material should be small in scale and add to the mystical feel of the garden. Having morning coffee at the new fairy garden has now become routine. It’s a great way to begin the day checking on the tiny garden and the little fairies. I always fill the little birdbath with a few teaspoons of water daily. Usually something is in a different place than the day before. It could be the wind. It could be an aniPhotos by Sharon Quale mal or it could be … Because it is a large and heavy There are a lot of tales about fairies structure and not moveable once it and they usually have one thing in was filled with potting soil, selecting common. Whenever you meet one, you the perfect place to put it was a big decision. It now graces an area near a small garden pool and is semi shaded by a large weeping tamarack tree. The fun part was adding the buildings, fences, other miniature accessories and (of course) the fairies. The large fairy house was the focal point. Green and white glass paths were placed in curves around the fairies’ yard. A small rusty bridge covers the stream that was made from crinkled blue plastic with the edges anchored with small pebbles. Gazing balls made from
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THE LAND, JUNE 23, 2017
FCC chairman touts commitment to rural broadband
By Deanna B. Narveson to install the high-speed connections. dbnarveson@mankatofreepress.com “It’s frankly amazing that some of MADELIA, Minn. — Federal these companies are able to do what Communications Commission they do,” Pai said of small rural comChairman Ajit Pai visited Madelia on panies. “It’s hard to build a network June 7 to talk with rural broadband and do it on a limited budget with providers about how to get high-speed limited resources, but it’s so important internet to more Minnesotans. for all kinds of economic opportunity.” The chairman hosted a roundtable Anyone with a good idea can run a at the newly reopened La Plaza Fiesta successful business from anywhere, on Madelia’s rebuilt Main Street after Pai said, providing that person has touring the Christensen sturdy internet access. He said people Communications office. shouldn’t feel like they need to move to other cities to run their businesses. “I have found in my travels and in my experience growing up in a rural Along with Christensen, representaarea that there’s a gap between those tives from 702 Communications of who have access to next generation Moorhead, Bevcomm of Blue Earth, technologies and those who don’t,” Pai, CenturyLink of St. Paul, KM Telecom a native of Parsons, Kansas, said after of Kasson, Minnesota Valley the roundtable. Telephone/Winthrop Telephone of Franklin, Minnesota Office of He said that rural providers have Broadband Development and New the opportunity to help close that Photo by Pat Christman, The Free Press “digital divide” but face problems with Federal Communications Commission Chairman Ajit Pai (center) walks through down- Ulm Telecom attended the discussion, which was closed to the media. funding. town Madelia with a staff member and Brent Christensen, general manager of Chris“In my 21 years in the industry, he’s In rural Minnesota, about one in five tensen Communications, after a roundtable discussion about rural broadband access. only the second chairman to visit households, don’t have access to home “The biggest challenge is the cost because you have Minnesota and the first to visit outinternet service that has download speeds of at least copper cables that go to existing customers, and that state,” Christensen said. “He’s obviously very com25 megabits per second, according to the Department revenue doesn’t change when you are switching them mitted to rural broadband.” of Employment and Economic Development. to broadband,” said Brent Christensen, general manChristensen said the FCC reached out to him in his However, according to the FCC, two in five rural ager of Christensen Communications and CEO of the position with the Minnesota Telecom Alliance to tell residents across the country don’t have access to Minnesota Telecom Alliance. “So you have to find a him Pai would be driving from Minneapolis to Sioux those speeds, putting Minnesota ahead. way to upgrade without the revenue getting bigger.” City, Iowa, as part of a five-state tour and would like For reference, a cellphone with a wireless 4G LTE Pai said part of how the FCC can alleviate the cost to meet with Minnesota broadband providers. connection has download speeds that range from 10 of the burden is to continue current work on policies “So I said, ‘I can do one better — he has to visit to 50 megabits per second, according to Verizon.com that ensure the FCC’s millions in federal subsidies Madelia,’” Christensen said. “He loved looking at the are administered “wisely” to the places that would maps that showed where we are going to build fiber benefit most and go the farthest, like rural areas. and about how we transitioned from being a tradiPlan on attending the Sometimes USDA Rural Development grants also tional telephone company to being a wireless pro2017 Minnesota are used to support broadband expansion, such as a vider.” GLACIAL RIDGE completed by RS Fiber last fall in Sibley Summer Beef Tour & project The Land and The Free Press are sister publications CATTLEMEN’S County. Dan Pacerina, CEO of Hiawatha Broadband ASSOCIATION owned by The Free Press Media. v Trade Show Communications, said it cost about $1,000 per home Hosted by the Glacial Ridge Cattlemen’s Association WHEN: Tuesday July 11, 2017 registration from 6:30AM-8:45AM
“Where Farm and Family Meet”
HEADQUARTERS: Clear Springs Cattle Company EVENT LOCATION: 30819 250th Street, Starbuck, MN Come ride a chartered bus around the scenic Glacial Ridge Trail and visit area beef farms and ranches. For both the experienced cattlemen or if you just are wanting to learn more about the beef industry. Registration is $35 at the door. Registration includes breakfast, lunch, steak supper, chartered bus tour and trade show! Pre-registration is encouraged but not required by emailing glacialridgecattlemen@gmail. com or calling 320-444-1113.
Organic board openings available The National Organic Standards Board is a Federal Advisory Committee which provides advice and recommendations to the U.S. Department of Agriculture on the implementation of the Organic Foods Production Act. NOSB members are volunteers and come from across the organic community. Each member is appointed by the USDA to a five-year term. USDA seeks nominations to fill one vacancy for an individual with expertise in areas of environmental protection and resource conservation to serve on the NOSB from January 2018 to January 2023. The USDA is also seeking nominations for a pool of candidates to fill future unexpected vacancies in any of seven position categories, should unexpected vacancies occur. A person appointed to fill an unexpected vacancy will serve for the remainder of the term
of the vacant position. Committee member duties include: attending committee meetings (travel paid by USDA); participating in bi-monthly subcommittee conference calls; reviewing materials and/or recommending changes to the National List of Allowed and Prohibited Substances; and advising the Secretary of Agriculture on other aspects of the USDA organic regulations. Written nominations must include a resume, an AD-755 application form, and a cover letter (optional), and must be postmarked on or before Aug. 7. For more information, visit www.ams.usda.gov. This article was submitted by the U.S. Department of Agriculture. v
GreenSeam: Ask The Expert agriculturally relevant, responsive
Bridget Norland Greater Mankato Growth, Director of Marketing & Communications
and diverse.
n an “Ask the Expert” story submitted to GreenSeam, Don Donayre of Bolton & Menk Inc. explains how mitigation of wetlands can be used to make a profit through the restoration of wetlands on marginal land.
"GreenSeam is the premier agriculture epicenter of the United States, just as Silicon Valley is the epicenter of technology or Wall Street is for financial solutions. If you are a business or individual that finds value in being connected to agribusiness, then GreenSeam is where you need to be." - Sam Ziegler Director of GreenSeam
“Where Farm and Family Meet”
Mitigation banking is the process of restoring, preserving or creating wetland, stream, or habitat creation, with economic benefits available to those who participate. Within the GreenSeam there are banking systems at the state and federal level. These systems were introduced to offset or compensate for the impacts of pollution and loss of ecosystems on the environment. Many environmental policies may be difficult or costly to implement, yet mitigation banking can serve as another way landowners can make a profit. Dan says that the Wetland banking system allow landowners to restore land to pre-settlement condition, and in return receive wetland credits which can be sold to public and private entities. The credits are required by these entities through the Clean Water Dan Donayre Act (CWA) and Wetland Conservation Act (WCA). A successful wetland restoration can easily become a profitable venture. The price of wetland credits between $30,000 and $40,000 per acre in southern Minnesota, the option of restoring marginal land to pre-settlement wetlands may be a great choice for income stability. Designing a Wetland Restoration requires a combination of historical reviews, watershed planning, hydrologic analysis, engineering and botany. The engineering behind wetland restoration is heavily reliant on detailed observations, testing and research. For example, knowing the immediate need of watershed, and the history of the site itself is vital to restoring the
hydrology of the land. Planting is also essential for restoring the land, being mindful of the different species best suitable. Wetland Restorations require permit from state and federal levels which can take two or more years. There are three phases in the permit process. The first step is the Draft Prospectus document. If approved, a Prospectus is developed as the second step. The third phase is the Draft Instrument, which includes all the same items as the Prospectus, addressing any comments from the agencies, as well as: Prospectus agency comments, Design specifics, Hydrologic analysis and hydraulic analysis, Draft Mitigation Banking Instrument. This is the final phase for the WCA approval. The CWA approval requires one additional step, the Final Mitigation Banking Instrument. This is the legal agreement between the landowner and the U.S. Government that summarizes the Draft Instrument. Once all permitting requirements have been achieved, the landowner can begin the construction process and begin receiving credits. Credits are released after meeting series of benchmarks reached through the establishment of wetland hydrology and a native plant community. Examples include depth of water table, percent of native species, percent of invasive species and aerial coverage. These benchmarks are measured by performing several site visits during the growing season. At the end of each growing season, an annual monitoring report is submitted to the agencies detailing the findings of the site visits, requesting the release of credits if any of the benchmarks have been met. This is Monitoring phase is the most important. One must track the progress of vegetation and hydrology. No matter how good the design or site selection, it is here that the restoration either succeeds or fails. Read the full story on greenseam.org.
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How to Restore Wetlands on Marginal Land for Credit
Ben Broze GreenSeam, Marketing Intern
Agriculture can be found everywhere…in our schools, offices, retail stores, vehicles, hospitals and our homes. We certainly are not experts in all those areas or industries but we know folks who are. This is why we bring you our “Ask The Expert” story series. You can find many technically written stories on our website at greenseam.org from area experts about numerous topics, directly and indirectly tied to ag and agribusiness. Help share the depth, scope and diversity of agrelated business across southern Minnesota and northern Iowa by sharing your expert story at greenseam.org.
THE LAND, JUNE 23, 2017
GreenSeam is not simply a place, it’s also a state of mind and being. We have a real and visceral connection to the land we stand on. We are connected to all the people and enterprises that support, supply and stand with us. And we have a heritage that links us with the hardworking past generations whose shoulders we stand upon. GreenSeam innovation is forwardthinking and historical. Long before there was any concept of a place called “The GreenSeam,” people of this area were innovating. Advances in farming techniques, developments in production, equipment and technological breakthroughs all had origins in the minds of those inhabiting this GreenSeam. A continuum of innovation.
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THE LAND, JUNE 23, 2017
Solar power proves bright spot for controlling costs By PAUL MALCHOW The Land Managing Editor COKATO, Minn. — “You’re fixing your costs for the next 25 years. That’s huge.” In a nutshell, that statement by Dennis Terning tells why solar energy systems are becoming as much of the rural landscape as the Dennis Terning silo and grain bin. Dennis and his son Dean are owners of Terning Seeds and TNT Farms in Cokato. In 2014 the Ternings installed a 105.6 kilowatt solardriven system generating approximately 180,000 kilowatt hours of electricity annually. Though warm and engaging, Dennis seems like a no-nonsense kind of fellow who isn’t apt to jump on a trend for trend’s sake. The Terning family farm is 106 years old. “From a financial standpoint, it made sense to do it,” Dennis said. “That’s part of it, but we thought it would be a good idea to be going green with our consumption.” The Ternings farm about 2,200 acres in corn, soybeans and small grain. But it was the 2,100 acres of irrigated seed corn which put a big demand on the Ternings’ power bill. “There’s three things you need to be successful in
For our Summer Specials
Photo submitted
The Ternings’ solar energy system is the largest privately-owned system of its kind in Minnesota.
the seed business,” Dennis explained. “Irrigated fields, single-pass reversing dryers and a climatecontrol warehouse.” Dennis said the operation usually harvests the seed corn at 35 percent moisture and it must be dried to 12 percent. However, conventional dryers dry the grain from the bottom up, which can create uneven moisture levels. The reversing dryers dry from top and bottom — providing a more even moisture content level. The corn seed is stored at no more than 60 degrees Fahrenheit. All of this consumes power. Records show in the month of September alone, the Ternings used 100,000 kW of power.
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The Ternings first explored solar energy options about five years ago, but found it was not financially feasible. But a number of developments since that time led them to Blue Horizon Energy of Plymouth. “The cost of panels fell 50 percent since 2008,” said Blue Horizon representative Barry Thompson, who worked with the Ternings on their installation. “We couldn’t have done it without government involvement,” Dennis said. “We received a tax credit of 30 percent, plus we qualified for a 25 percent USDA REAP Grant. And we could depreciate 85 percent of the total cost.” The state helped out on the project as well. No state sales tax was charged on the equipment and the panel system will not cause a jump in the Ternings’ property tax bill. “We looked at how much energy the Ternings used each month over a 12-month period,” said Thompson. “We worked with Xcel Energy (the Ternings’ power provider) and they were very cooperative. At that time, the state law was a 40kW maximum, so we had to work with that.” The Ternings’ 180,000 kWh system is Photo by Paul Malchow the largest privatelyEach tracker has a device owned solar system of its which monitors wind speed. kind in Minnesota. If winds reach 30 mph, the The Terning system panels will flatten to a horiconsists of 16 individual zontal position to prevent piers with a tracking wind damage. system. The piers are augured into the ground, corkscrew-like fashion, eight-feet deep. Each pier holds twenty-four 275 watt solar panels. The panels contain paper-thin silicon wafers. Light creates molecular movement within the wafers and that movement creates energy. Inverters convert the AC current to usable DC current. Ternings’ system is interconnected with Xcel Energy’s power grid by use of a bidirectional meter. Dennis said 10 months out of the year, Ternings’ solar panels will be supplying electricity to other Xcel Energy customers in the area when their system is producing more electricity than they need them- Barry selves. During those times, the bidi- Thompson rectional meter will actually run in reverse and their electric bill will be credited and applied to future electricity charges. Rather than using conventional fixed-angle mounting brackets for the solar panels, the Terning system utilizes dual-axis trackers which follow the sun vertically and horizontally throughout the day using GPS software. No matter where the sun is, dual-axis See SOLAR POWER, pg. 11
System operations are continually monitored by computer
Photo submitted
Todd Rose uses the power generated by his system to operate exhaust and circulation fans in his three turkey barns. panels at all.”
“I was looking for ways to be efficient,” Rose said. “To create more income and be less expensive. With this system we’re saving money without more work.” Rose’s system is relTodd Rose atively new. It was up and running on the last week of 2016. “It was the coldest days of the year,” Kimball shook his head. “It was brutal! But it was a good, clean job.” The ground needed to be thawed to anchor the piers. “Blue Horizon made it pretty simple,” Rose said. “They took care of everything. They also monitor the entire system. Blue Horizon knows before I do if anything is amiss.” The Rose system performs much the See SOLAR POWER, pg. 12
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“The panels are made with tempered glass — like a car windshield,” Thompson added. “Now, large hail will damage a car windshield, but we’ve had panels go through 1-inch hail and not get damaged.” The inverters are warrantied for 10 years. The panels carry a 25-year warranty. “With the sun aging the panels over time, we estimate you’ll lose about a
half-percent of efficiency per year,” said Thompson. “Still at the end of the warranty, they’re still producing about 80 percent of brand new. That’s pretty good.” “There’s really very little movement (in the system),” said Blue Horizon specialist Hal Kimball. “About every seven to 10 years you should probably change the hydraulic fluid.” Kimball oversaw the installation of Todd Rose’s TR Farms’ 58 kW solar system near Morgan, Minn. “58.5 kW to be exact,” smiled Kimball. “Actually, that was a conservative estimate on the output. We’re running 15-20 percent ahead of what they projected.” Rose raises turkeys from hatch to 20 weeks. He estimates he has 13,500 birds in a barn — one barn is for starters and two are for finishing. The electricity generated by the solar system powers six large exhaust fans in each barn and 12 circulation fans.
Solar power seeing dramatic growth across Minnesota The bulk of new solar in 2016 came from large utility-scale projects, including the 100 megawatt North Star solar project in Chisago County. A 10 megawatt solar array was completed by Minnesota Power at Camp Ripley near Little Falls in November. Solar capacity in Minnesota is expected to increase by about 600 megawatts in 2017, according to utility filings. A 62 megawatt solar farm in Lyon County was completed in January and nearly 100 megawatts from multiple sites in the Aurora Distributed Solar Project should be completed by the end of June. But much of the new generation in 2017 will come from smaller community solar projects currently under construction. “Solar power in Minnesota today is where wind power was 10 to 20 years ago,” said Rothman. “Wind now provides nearly 18 percent of Minnesota’s total electricity generation. Solar has the potential to grow even faster and larger in the years ahead.” This article was submitted by Clean Energy Resource Teams (CERTs). Their web site is www.cleanenergyresourceteams.org. v
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“Where Farm and Family Meet”
PLYMOUTH, Minn. — Minnesota Commerce Commissioner Mike Rothman announced that the state is enjoying dramatic growth in solar power, adding nearly as much new solar capacity in just the first three months of 2017 as in all of 2016. “Solar is already a bright spot in Minnesota’s energy picture, and it’s getting even bigger and brighter,” said Rothman, whose agency includes the state energy office. “Minnesota is enjoying dramatic solar growth from residential, commercial, community solar and utility-scale projects. What used to be called alternative energy isn’t alternative anymore. It’s mainstream.” According to data compiled by the Commerce Department, Minnesota added 203 megawatts of new solar electric capacity in the first quarter of 2017, compared to 207 megawatts during all of 2016. Minnesota’s total solar capacity has grown from just one megawatt in 2009 to 447 megawatts as of March 31, with more than 800 megawatts projected by the end of the year. One megawatt powers about 140 homes.
THE LAND, JUNE 16, 2017
SOLAR POWER, from pg. 10 trackers are able to angle themselves to be in direct contact with the sun. The trackers have a built-in system that monitors wind speed. In the event of a 30 mile-per-hour wind for 15 seconds or more, the system will instantly flatten horizontally, minimizing wind resistance. Trackers also have a snow mode. When activated, the mode moves the solar panels to a vertical position, allowing snow to slide off the panels. “Blue Horizon has its own team and does all of the installation,” Thompson said. “A local company did the electrical hookup. If directional boring is needed for a project, we’ll hire that out; but everything else is us.” Dennis said the entire system took about a month to install. The USDA and Public Utilities Commission inspected the system, which was commissioned on Dec. 23, 2014. The Terning farm was hit with a significant hail storm this spring and the panels survived intact. “The storm dented every steel roof on the place,” Dennis admitted. “It didn’t affect the
THE LAND, JUNE 16, 2017
Resources available for renewable energy projects Solar, wind, and biomass are plentiful sources of clean energy in Minnesota, and the Clean Energy Resource Teams offer help to farmers and rural small businesses to get projects done. Through Renewable Energy for Greater Minnesota, CERTs offers custom project assistance and tools to those interested in pursuing renewable energy projects. CERTs can help you: • Explore projects that could work for your farm or business • Identify potential funding and financing options
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www.cleanenergyresourceteams.org Learn more about CERTs and Renewable Energy for Greater Minnesota online. You will find in-depth details on funding, project examples, videos, links to companion loans, sample grant applications and more.
• Get one-on-one assistance on your project Here are some funding options. REAP The Rural Energy for America Program (REAP) from USDA Rural Development is one funding opportunity for Minnesota farmers and rural businesses to save energy with efficiency work and add renewable energy systems. Grants can cover up to 25 percent of eligible project costs, and loans can cover up to 75 percent of eligible project costs. REAP is for all farmers, and for rural small businesses that are located in communities with populations less than 50,000. As part of the REAP application process you’ll need to get an energy audit. Talk to your electric utility about whether or not they provide audits. If
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Fritz Ebinger is CERTs rural energy development program manager. He works on energy efficiency and renewable energy initiatives with farmers. “I will come out and do a site assessment. I work through the application process with them,” said Ebinger. He takes a hard look at whether renewable energy is right for the site. When it comes to Rural Energy for America Program (REAP) grants, most grants are issued in the $20,000 and under category, explained Ebinger. The success rate for REAP grants is 30 percent in Minnesota, he added. Fritz Ebinger Another option for energy efficiency upgrades and renewable energy projects is the new Property Assessed Clean Energy (PACE) program, noted Ebinger. The loan is a property tax lien against your land and buildings. Over a 20-year time frame, you pay off the loan as a special assessment on your property tax bill. One requirement is that you must identify significant energy efficiencies and savings. “They pay a slightly higher property tax, but overall the operation is more profitable,” said Ebinger. If you are considering a renewable energy project on your farm, contact Fritz Ebinger at ebing007@umn.edu. He will be answering e-mails periodically. — Marie Wood, The Land Associate Editor you haven’t gotten one before, you can watch a video to learn more on the CERTs website. CERTs has created two REAP sample applications using the short form for projects of $80,000 or less for you to view online. PACE Property Assessed Clean Energy (PACE) is a new way to finance energy efficiency and renewable energy upgrades to the buildings of commercial property owners.
PACE could be a companion to REAP funding in Minnesota. Energy-saving measures pursued by the owners receive project financing and are repaid as a separate item on their property tax assessment for a set period. PACE eliminates the burden of upfront costs by providing low-cost, long-term financing. This article was compiled from the Clean Energy Resource Teams website at www.cleanenergy resourceteams.org. v
Reflection powers panels SOLAR POWER, from pg. 11 same as the Ternings’; just on a smaller scale. The panels use a tracking system to follow the sun. They were spaced 60-feet apart so one tracker would not shade the panels of another. Kimball said while winter days Hal Kimball are shorter and the panels see less sun, Rose will benefit from snow cover as the bottom of the panels will pick up light reflected off the ground. Kimball said Rose can expand the system if the need arises. “It’s basically modular,” he said. “It’s common for customers to add trackers. We’ve had customers come back to us five times.” “If the goal of the customer is to
eliminate bills, we can scale the project to anyone’s needs,” said Kimball. “We’ve done many projects throughout the Midwest.” Blue Horizon has done over 200 projects in Minnesota alone. According to Blue Horizon Energy’s website (www.bluehorizonenergy.com), in the short time of its operation, the Rose system has produced enough power to offset the production of about 128,140 pounds of carbon dioxide emissions, equivalent to taking 13 typical passenger cars off the road for one year. The system’s energy production to date is sufficient to power 326 average computers for one year, or to power one average television for 294,702 hours (34 years) non-stop. “I felt it was a responsible thing to do — save energy in an appropriate way,” Rose smiled and winked, “less coal burning.” v
June heat wave ushered in storms
Corey Hanson, Gary, June 19 At Corey Hanson’s farm, they moved the beef cows and calves to the pasture on
May 29. And he’s making hay; baling began June 19. He has sprayed his wheat with herbicides and a little fungicide. He noted unevenness in emergence. He sidedressed the corn with anhydrous. Next he will start spraying the soybeans for weeds. Corey Hanson The corn, wheat and soybeans all look good. The heat has pushed the corn along, but Hanson noted that if corn matures too fast, you can lose yield. “I personally don’t think we’ll have the record yields of the last two years. We are getting back to an average year,” predicted Hanson. The area did receive storms that brought in hail and took down trees in some places, but not in others. “We’ve gotten a few spotty showers, but we’re not in the drought yet. We’re not long on moisture by any means,” Hanson said.
Larry Konsterlie, Pennock, June 16
Nate Hultgren was in the tractor planting the last of the Hultgren Farms’ organic edible kidney beans on June 8. They grow about 1,000 acres of dark red kidney beans. On June 13, they will get one last field of sweet corn in for Lakeside Foods in Brooten. They finished planting soybeans on June 3. They have been going solid planting soybeans and kidney beans since June 1 when fields dried out. “When we got the conditions, we were out planting until the middle of the night, every night,” said Hultgren.
Nate Hultgren
Mark Ditlevson, Blooming Prairie, June 9
On June 9, Mark Ditlevson was getting ready to do a presentation on small grains for Practical Farmers of Iowa. His farm has roughly 950 acres divided in thirds between corn, soybeans and small Mark Ditlevson grains. “We’re going to make a nitrogen pass on our spring wheat,” said Ditlevson, adding it would be the last of the season. Over the weekend, he would do the last treatment of fungicide on the winter wheat. As for corn and beans, he hasn’t treated them yet. “We are waiting to see if anything else germinates as far as weeds,” said Ditlevson. The week of June 12, he will interseed cover crops into his corn. As for rain, Ditlevson reported that he got lucky as they received 1.5 inches of rain on June 3, which really helped. “With the rain and heat, it’s looking very well. We are very good right now,” said Ditlevson.
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“Where Farm and Family Meet”
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Bob Roelofs, Garden City, June 9
On his family soybean, corn and hog farm, Bob Roelofs replanted 10 acres of corn due to emergence issues. The last full week of May brought rain and cold weather. “It just sat in the ground and rotted,” Bob Roelofs said Roelofs. Otherwise the rest of the corn fields look really good, reported Roelofs. He sprayed about 200 acres with post-emerge herbicide and will do the rest the week of June 12. “Beans are excellent. They look really good,” he said. On June 9, Roelofs was headed to St. Clair to a 30-acre farm they just began renting. He wants to check on the soybeans they planted the first week of June. With a brutally hot and humid forecast in store for the weekend, Roelofs will be looking after the hogs. “We’re going to fight the heat with the hogs and try to keep them cool,” said Roelofs. The forecast also calls for a possibility of rain on June 11. “We could use a shot of rain pretty bad right now,” he said.
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Now he can get back to a regular routine. Sugarbeets, soybeans and kidney beans all got in later than he’d like. For instance, sugarbeets were planted two weeks behind normal. “In the last week, they really shot up with the heat,” said Hultgren. “What’s out there right now looks really nice.” Their corn is looking healthy. They have been spraying the corn with herbicides. “Our corn came up really well and with the heat it’s going like crazy,” he said. They chopped the first hay crop for Meadow Star Dairy. The next step will be seeding in another week or so. They also are putting up some hay, which will be round baled, for their own beef cattle. “Now we’re on the other end of the spectrum wanting a little bit of rain,” said Hultgren.
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“We escaped any major damage,” said Larry Konsterlie from his family corn and soybean farm. Storms blew through on June 11. He noted a couple trees were down, causing minimal damage to a house on Larry Konsterlie that property. Unfortunately he got hail and wind damage on some corn acres. He had mostly corn where the worst of the storm hit. A hail adjuster is coming out. At this point, Konsterlie is not replanting. “I will have to see how things turn out as the season goes on,” he said. His soybeans are up now, but it doesn’t look like they were affected. He will keep an eye on them. On June 16, Konsterlie was filling the tank for his in-season nitrogen application of 28 percent that he will inject between rows. His first cutting of hay is up and in the building. Now he’s trying to find a place to sell it. “For the most part, things look good,” he said.
Nate Hultgren, Raymond, June 8
THE LAND, JUNE 23, 2017
Compiled by The Land Associate Editor Marie Wood
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THE LAND, JUNE 23, 2017
Farmamerica helps bridge gap from farm to table By MARIE WOOD The Land Associate Editor WASECA, Minn. — When students What: Ice Cream Social with tram rides, and visitors come to explore Farmameranimals, games, antique equipment disica in Waseca, they can climb into modplay ern farm equipment, enter a pioneer When: 1-4 p.m. July 8 dugout, visit a 1930s era farmstead and learn where their food comes from. Where: Farmamerica, 7367 360th Ave., Waseca Gabriell Edel, event coordinator at Farmamerica, also works at Kasper Cost: $5 per person; members free Dairy, a 400-head family dairy near Learn more: www.farmamerica.org Owatonna. Edel teaches a farm-to-table lesson on the dairy industry to school “They drive it to maybe like a store,” tours. said one student. “The kids just light up,” said Edel, 22, Edel explained that the milk goes to a of Owatonna. plant, where it is cleaned and bottled Her presentation includes photos into 1 percent, 2 percent and skim milk. from Kasper Dairy, where she works on Then the milk is sold to stores where the maternity crew, caring for calves Photos by Marie Wood they can buy it. from birth until they are weaned from Children run to see the animals at the 1930s farmstead at Farmamerica in Waseca, To explain how dairy farmers care for milk. Kids see photos of her teaching Minn. calves, she used terms children can the calves to drink milk from a bottle understand. Since calves can’t talk, and filling their milk buckets when daily, but not ice cream every day. “As ice cream is Edel told them how she wakes them up they get older. She also shows pictures of cows being very good, that doesn’t cause you to grow,” she said. just like their mom and dad wake them up in the milked. When she showed a photo of the dairy’s bulk tank, morning. She plays with the calves’ belly, ears and She asks the children if they eat dairy products where milk is stored, one student guessed the tank nose to see how they are feeling. and they tell her they eat cheese, milk, yogurt and was a silo. She explained that at Kasper Dairy, the “Those three things tell me if they’re sick or not,” ice cream. tank is filled twice a day, every day when the cows said Edel. She encourages them to eat three dairy servings are milked. The milk truck comes twice a day to pick up the milk. Now what happens, she asked.
If You Go
“Where Farm and Family Meet”
Children shear sheep using a scraper and shaving cream at Farmamerica.
Call for Pre-Season Service
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At Farmamerica, Gabriell Edel shows photos of her work at Kasper Dairy to school tours. See FARMAMERICA, pg. 15
Children explore pioneer dugout, hovel, 1930s farmstead about animal science and the use of animals for food and fiber. For instance, they sheared sheep by scraping shaving cream off wooden sheep cutouts. Using paddles, they carded wool by hand. The Holstein calves didn’t come up to the fence to meet their visitors, but volunteer Jerry Schroeder of Waseca took the kids through a 1930s milking barn. Wooden cutouts of cows illustrated his points. With a special pail, the wooden cows can be milked by hand. v
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“Where Farm and Family Meet”
Farmamerica volunteer Jerry Schroeder shows school students what a barn in the 1930s looked like. Wooden cows help illustrate his points.
Jenna Carlson
field trips give her kids a love of history and hands-on experience. Only a handful of her students had been on a farm before. “Every year we come, our kids just love it,” said Carlson. “To really get on a farm and live it for a day, that’s fun.” The experience goes beyond a petting zoo and children learn
THE LAND, JUNE 23, 2017
Farmamerica, from pg. 14 She talked about bottles warmed like baby bottles. As for cow ear tags — they don’t hurt, it’s just like getting your ears pierced. She likens their straw bedding to sheets, which are changed twice a day where she works. Edel explained the commitment that farmers have to their animals. “You don’t feed yourself until your cow is fed,” she said. Edel graduated from Minnesota State University, Mankato in May with a degree in program planning and a non-profit leadership certification. Her goal is to be a 4-H program planner. She is passionate about agriculture. As a 2016 Steele County dairy princess and now Farmamerica event coordinator, she is working to bridge the gap between consumers and producers. “What goes on at Farmamerica becomes very magical,” said Edel. “The opportunity of learning this way versus in a classroom is what needs to happen — giving them that hands-on experience of animals.” History On the 1850s farmsite, kids explored a dugout, hovel and cabin and washed rags using a washboard and tub. They saw an antique plow that a settler would have used with the help of oxen. Oxen could survive by grazing on prairie grasses so pioneers used oxen to pull their wagons west. In the one-room schoolhouse, students played with old-time toys like stilts, which was fun even though it was not electronic. At the 1930s farmstead, the kids enjoyed watching several pigs. “It’s so curly,” said one student about a pig’s tail. As they were leaving, another chimed in with “I want to see the pigs again.” Jenna Carlson, third grade teacher at Rosa Parks Elementary School in Mankato, visited Farmamerica with her class in May. She said the Farmamerica
“Where Farm and Family Meet”
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THE LAND, JUNE 23, 2017
Sheriff’s Mounted Posse trail ride keeps tradition By Deanna B. Narveson dbnarveson@mankatofreepress.com LE CENTER, Minn. — As they went to cross one of the creeks in rural Le Sueur County, the mule that 11-yearold Rayna Brenke was riding reared up and launched itself clear over the water, splashing her with mud on the landing. “I was like hanging onto the neck,” Brenke said. She and her family were out on the five-hour long Le Sueur Sheriff’s Office Mounted Posse trail ride, a fundraiser for area youth activities. Brenke was nervous about it at first but soon got more comfortable and even drove a mule-pulled cart for part of the way back, said her father, Shane Brenke. Le Sueur County Sheriff Brett Mason said the Sheriff’s Mounted Posse trail ride is always held over Father’s Day weekend as part of a three-day event to raise money for local youth programs, including track teams, sports clubs, after-prom parties and children with disabilities. This year was the trail ride’s 35th go. About 50 riders and seven horse-pulled carts participated on June 17, compared with about 200 riders 15 years ago, but there was a small increase over the year before. The trail ride weekend kicked off with a ranch rodeo Friday night that raised money through concessions sales, and then the five-hour ride begins at noon the next day. Families come into town with their horses and camp on the fairgrounds. Saturday night was a cookout and dance, and then Sunday featured another, shorter trail ride. “What I like most about this event is that it’s an event with a long-standing
Photos by Jackson Forderer, The Free Press photographer
Drake Holecky (right) watches Shane Brenke (left) and Mary Jo Blanchard help Rayna Brenke, 11, onto a mule at the Le Sueur County Fairgrounds in Le Center after the Sheriff’s Mounted Posse trail ride on June 17.
Mike Card, who lives in Henderson, said he makes a point to come every year. “It’s just good people that put it on,” Card said. “The Sheriff’s Posse, they do a great job, and it’s for the kids.” The Sheriff ’s Posse has about 35 members who are trained to assist the Sheriff’s department and works with 4-H children and holds weekly rides for those with disabilities. Folks come back to the Father’s Day weekend festivities year after year. “I’ve been coming for 30 years,” said Joel Lueck. He drove more than 65 miles for the event. “Might’ve been more than that. It’s for the Posse, plus you get to know everyone.” The Free Press of Mankato and The Land are sister publications owned by The Free Press Media. v
MDA seeks public input on draft Nitrogen Fertilizer Rule Paula Selly of Le Center looks into a nearly empty bucket after giving the horse Belize a drink after the Sheriff’s Mounted Posse trail ride on June 17. tradition, and people make it a Father’s Day tradition,” Mason said. “We had a lot of people come out for the ranch rodeo Friday. The bleachers were full.”
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ST. PAUL, Minn.— The Minnesota Department of Agriculture is seeking public review and comment of a draft proposal for regulating the use of nitrogen fertilizer in Minnesota. The purpose of the proposed Nitrogen Fertilizer Rule is to minimize the potential for nitrate-nitrogen contamination from fertilizer in the state’s groundwater and drinking water. Nitrate is one of the most common contaminants in Minnesota’s groundwater and elevated levels of nitrate in drinking water can pose serious health concerns for humans. The MDA is seeking public input and will be holding five public listening sessions throughout the state to discuss the proposed Nitrogen Fertilizer Rule at which written comments can be submitted. The draft rule can be viewed online at www.mda.state.mn. us/nfr. All comments regarding the proposed rule must be submitted in writing. After consideration of comments received, the MDA expects to publish the final draft of the rule in the fall of 2017. The rule is expected to be adopted in the fall of 2018. The draft Nitrogen Fertilizer Rule is based on the Minnesota Nitrogen Fertilizer Management Plan which recommends steps for minimizing impacts
of nitrogen fertilizer on groundwater and emphasizes involving the local community in developing local solutions. Listening sessions on the draft rule will be held at the following dates and locations: June 22, 5 p.m., Marshall Public Library, 201 C St., Marshall; June 28, 6 p.m., Chatfield Center for the Arts, 405 Main St., Chatfield; June 29, 2 p.m., University of Minnesota Extension Office, 4100 220th Street West, Farmington; July 6, 3 p.m., Great River Regional Library, 1300 West Saint Germain St., St. Cloud; July 11, 6 p.m., Robertson Theatre, Wadena-Deer Creek High School, 600 Colfax Ave. SW, Wadena. Written comments on the draft Nitrogen Fertilizer Rule should be submitted by Aug. 11 via mail or email to: Larry Gunderson, Fertilizer Technical Unit Supervisor, Minnesota Department of Agriculture, 625 Robert St. N., St. Paul, MN, 55155-2538, e-mail larry.gunderson@state.mn.us. All comments should, but are not required to, include a contact name, phone number and/or email address to provide for follow-up discussion on specific comments. This article was submitted by the Minnesota Department of Agriculture.v
Strong demand fuels higher price forecasts from USDA Butter sales are strong according to Central producer’s reports to Dairy Market News. With only slight exceptions, retail butter demand has outperformed expectations for the past month. Contacts suggest the butter market is healthy and there is little reason to expect a slowdown in the near term. Domestic buyers are report-
edly not covered for the second half of the year, therefore sales may continue to climb and cream headed for the churns is tightening somewhat, as the weather continues to heat up. Western butter demand is also strong. End users, uneasy about possiSee MIELKE, pg. 18
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This column was written expectation, and compares for the marketing week endto $13.77 in 2016 and ing June 16. $14.35 in 2015. The 2018 Class IV average is proThe U.S. Department of jected to average $15.25Agriculture again lowered $16.35, up 85 cents from a its 2017 and 2018 milk promonth ago. duction forecasts from last month in its latest World n Agricultural Supply and DeApril American cheese MIELKE MARKET mand Estimates report “as demand was up 2.8 percent WEEKLY lower expected growth in from March, but down 0.9 milk per cow more than By Lee Mielke percent from a year ago, offsets expected gains in cow according to USDA’s latest numbers.” Dairy Outlook. Other cheese demand 2017 production and marketings was down 0.8 percent from March but were projected at 216.7 and 215.7 up 2.8 percent from 2016. Total cheese billion pounds respectively, down 200 use was up 0.5 percent from March million pounds from last month. If and up 1.4 percent from a year ago. realized, 2017 production would still Nonfat dry milk use gained 0.4 percent be up 4.3 billion pounds or 2.0 percent in April and butter demand was up from 2016. 22.8 percent from 2016, according to USDA. 2018 production and marketings were projected at 221.7 and 220.7 bilCash cheese prices languished in lion pounds respectively, down 300 mil- butter’s shadow mid-June, especially lion pounds from last month. If realon June 14 when the shining star of ized, 2018 production would be up 5 the “Milky Way” shot up 12 cents and billion pounds or 2.3 percent from hit $2.70 per pound. But, the roller 2017. coaster plunged on June 16 when 24 carloads traded hands, dropping 14.5 Cheese, butter, and nonfat dry milk cents, to close at $2.56 — still 8.5 cents price forecasts were raised for both 2017 and 2018 on strong domestic and higher on the week and 19.25 cents above a year ago when it jumped international demand and a reduced production forecast. Whey prices were almost 17 cents and peaked for the year at $2.3675. A total of 49 cars sold reduced for 2017 but raised for 2018. on the week at the Chicago Mercantile The 2017 Class III milk price foreExchange. cast was raised as the cheese price n increase more than offsets the lower whey price. Look for a 2017 average of FC Stone’s Brendan Curran wrote in about $16.55 per hundredweight, up 20 his June 14 Insider Opening Bell “The cents from last month’s projection, and international (butter) market remains compares to $14.87 in 2016 and $15.80 on fire and driving prices here, which in 2015. The 2018 forecast is for a could have lasting effects if some of the range of $16.75-$17.75, up 35 cents shortages we’re hearing of come to frufrom last month’s estimate. ition.” The Class IV price forecasts reflects HighGround Dairy points out that higher butter and NDM prices. For EU butter prices are quickly approach2018, Class prices were raised on ing the $3.00 per pound level and look higher component product prices. The poised to test the CME all-time high 2017 Class IV was estimated at about from September 2015 of $3.14 per $15.50, up 85 cents from last month’s pound.
17 THE LAND, JUNE 23, 2017
Milker's Message 28
THE LAND, JUNE 23, 2017
Dairy farmers went to Capitol Hill to urge NAFTA updates MIELKE, from pg. 17 ble higher future prices, seem willing to pay more in the short term to assure coverage of butter needs for the second half of the year. Milk fat supplies are getting tighter and ice cream and other Class II manufacturers are pulling large volumes of cream away from the churns. A lot of milk fat is also getting tied up in cheese production. However, cream is still available, says Dairy Market News. n Cash block cheddar held at $1.63 per pound for five consecutive sessions, then lost a penny and a half on June 16. Cheddar closed at $1.6150, down
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the third week in a row, but still a dime above a year ago. The barrels finished at $1.38, the lowest price since March 29, down 3.5 cents on the week, 16.5 cents below a year ago, and an unsustainable 23.5 cents below the blocks. Two cars of block traded hands on the week at the CME and 46 of barrel. Milk remains available for cheese production in the Midwest, according to Dairy Market News, and reported spot loads ranged from $2.50 to $6.50 under Class III. Some situationally discounted spot loads headed to the vats as well, as thunderstorms caused power outages at some milk production facilities early in the week. Cheese production continues to match milk intakes, and building inventories remain a concern for some Midwestern cheese producers. Western cheese output is also ongoing and additional milk is available as most educational institutions are closed for the summer. Cheese inventories are currently high, mostly for mozzarella. Demand is strong and steady but the recent decrease in the CME price has some buyers expecting prices to continue to slip. A number of contacts suggest that export opportunities to Asia are increasing due to U.S prices being below international market prices. Cash Grade A nonfat dry milk closed the week at 91 cents per pound, up a quarter-cent and 6.75 cents above a year ago, with 14 sales on the week. California’s July Class I milk prices climbed to $18.45/cwt. for the north and $18.72 for the south, highest levels since March 2017 and the highest July price since 2014. Both are up $1.46 from June and $3.58 above July, 2016. The 2016 Class I average now stands at $17.77 for the north, up from $15.64 at this time a year ago and compares to $17.86 in 2015. The southern average, at $18.04, compares to $15.37 a year ago and $17.59 in 2015. n The United States and China this week signed a ‘Memorandum of Understanding’ that will “increase access to China for more than 200 U.S. dairy exporters in the short-term and pave the way for additional U.S. entrants in the future,” according to a press release from the U.S. Dairy Export Council. “The action creates new, sizeable opportunities for dairy farmers and processors, and the milk, cheese, infant formula and ingredients they produce.” n In politics, dairy farmers from across the country visited Capitol Hill this week as part of National Milk’s annual young farmer fly-in. A NMPF press release stated that more than 70 farmers from 21 states visited House and Senate members and highlighted four priority issues, including the need to improve the structure of USDA’s dairy Margin Protection Program, “which currently is not providing an adequate economic safety net for farmers.” The second priority is the Dairy Pride Act, which would “require the U.S. Food and Drug Administra-
tion to enforce existing food standards specifying that dairy terms such as ‘milk,’ ‘cheese,’ ‘yogurt’ and ‘ice cream’ should only be used by foods made from real milk.” Third is “The importance of a balanced approach to trade policy, especially as the 24-year-old NAFTA agreement is renegotiated by the U.S., Canada and Mexico.” And lastly is “the need to reform immigration laws in a manner that helps preserve the existing agricultural workforce and allows for the future flow of dairy farm workrs.” NMPF’s Board of Directors voted unanimously June 14 to support modernizing the North American Free Trade Agreement “in a way that enhances and protects the United States’ current dairy market access opportunities and addresses Canada’s constant use of trade-distorting measures.” NMPF and the U.S. Dairy Export Council also pledged to work with the Trump Administration to “modernize” NAFTA, “to make sure it safeguards open trade with Mexico and confronts increasingly protectionist dairy policies by Canada,” according to a joint press release. In joint comments sent to the U.S. trade representative, the two groups described the existing North American dairy landscape as “one in which U.S. dairy products flow relatively unhindered to Mexico but are curtailed by Canada’s increasing use of policy tools violating international trade obligations.” “NAFTA has accomplished a great deal over the past two-plus decades, but it has also been overtaken by new, unanticipated forms of trade and trade problems,” said Tom Vilsack, USDEC president and CEO. “We agree that NAFTA could use a facelift and our industry looks forward to working with the Trump Administration to explore ways to preserve and strengthen it.” NMPF president and CEO Jim Mulhern said, “The relationship between the dairy sectors of the U.S., Mexico and Canada is of such great importance to all of our nations that we need to devote the time and effort to make it better. A modernized NAFTA agreement must preserve the open and dependable trade relationship with Mexico, and remove remaining barriers to trade that were not adequately addressed in the original agreement.” The International Dairy Foods Association added, “Maintaining the U.S. dairy industry’s export market in Mexico is the number one priority for the when U.S. negotiators begin efforts to modernize and update the NAFTA.” In comments filed with the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative, IDFA urged negotiators to “push for greater market access to Canada by addressing the oppressive and expanding policies that limit U.S. dairy exports to that market.” Lee Mielke is a syndicated columnist who resides in Everson, Wash. His weekly column is featured in newspapers across the country and he may be reached at lkmielke@juno.com. v
Robotic milking improves life for cows, farmers health issues. He can sort the data into useful reports. “There’s so much information we can pull out of here,” said Scott. One important statistic is the fat to protein ratio in the milk. “We want the butterfat to be higher than protein,” said Scott, adding that if it’s the other way round, you’ve got a health problem. Scott also looks at benchmarks to compare how they are doing to other farms. He has computer data for three years now. He entered a year’s worth of
Photos by Marie Wood
Scott, Cathy and Rick Balzer use two Lely robotic milkers in a freestall barn at Balzer Family Dairy near Owatonna, Minn.
See BALZER, pg. 20
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“Where Farm and Family Meet”
Then many cows walk to the large Lely brush, which they rub with their head for grooming. Meanwhile, the milk goes through a tube that is inside a larger tube that holds water. The milk is 102 F and the water helps cool the milk which is more efficient for the bulk tank cooler. In turn, the milk also helps warm the water that is going into the trough for the cows. The cows drink more when the water is warm. The cows can continue to be milked even when the milk truck comes to pump out the milk. While the bulk tank is being emptied, the system pumps milk into a buffer tank. The truck comes every other day, collecting roughly 18,000 pounds. Instead of a total mixed ration (TMR), the cows are fed a partially mixed ration (PMR) once a day and a Lely feed pusher travels the feed lane. “I call it my hot dish,” said Cathy. They receive the rest of their feed in their pellets when they are milked. “They seem to be so much more comfortable in this barn than the old barn,” said Cathy. The cows have more space to lay and sprawl out; they can pass through the alley; they have increased access to water; and the hoof trimmer is seeing less sole ulcers. Data From an office with a window that overlooks the barn, Scott can view the operation. On the computer, he looks at detailed data on each cow generated by the robots. He can see the number of lactations, days pregnant, production, milk speed, vaccinations, etc. He is alerted to cows in heat, as well as
THE LAND, JUNE 23, 2017
By MARIE WOOD The Land Associate Editor OWATONNA, Minn. — Robots have replaced Rick and Cathy Balzer at the Balzer Family Dairy near Owatonna, and they couldn’t be happier. “You’d get in between the two cows to milk them and it was like being between two furnaces,” said Cathy. The couple, with their son Scott Balzer, built a freestall barn to accommodate 120 Holsteins. Two Lely Astronaut robots, named Rick and Cathy, have been milking the cows since August 2015. At age 57, Rick said his body and knees were wearing out. “I milked in the old barn for 40 years,” he said. And Cathy doesn’t miss doing squats down the tiestall barn. The work was hard on her knees, feet and hips. They milked twice a day — 6-9 a.m. and 6-9 p.m., sometimes a half hour longer. It was getting harder to find help with the milking. They also had calves to feed and field work. They were too young to retire and their son, Scott, wanted to carry on the family dairy. Now they can walk into the robot rooms and see one side of the robot and the legs of the cow, it is milking. The other side of the robot is in the barn. The cows enter the robotic milker of their own free will. The incentive is pellets that are like candy for the cows. Unlike candy, the pellets provide nutrition and energy. By scanning the cow’s ID tag, the robot knows the exact amount of pellets to dispense. “Fresh cows need more glucose,” said Rick. Cows can be rejected if it is too soon to be milked again. If the cow is approved for milking, the robot uses brushes to clean the teats for optimal hygiene and stimulation. Next a laser maps the udder, storing the data until next time. The teat cups attach gently and milking begins. After milking, the cups are removed and a post dip is sprayed on the udder. According to the Lely website, its automatic milking process minimizes milking times, improves udder health and reduces udder stress. Using very hot water, the robots are cleaned and sanitized twice daily. “Generally after they get milked, they get a drink of water,” said Rick.
Robotic milkers increased milk production per cow
THE LAND, JUNE 23, 2017
BALZER, from pg. 19 data on each cow when they set up the system and he kept some of the old cow cards. The dairy’s average number of milkings is 2.9 per day which is within Lely’s target range of 2.8 to 3.2. On average, their cows produce about 80 pounds of milk per day. The range of milk per cow is 25-130 pounds daily.
Production has increased to 15 pounds more milk per cow per day, said Rick. Chores Scott does most of the work in the new barn. He feeds the cows and rakes their beds. Their beds are dried manure solids. An alley scraper scrapes the manure. A manure separator separates the liquids from the solids. The
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This Lely robotic milker is named after Cathy Balzer at the Balzer Family Dairy. The other robot is named after Rick Balzer.
“Where Farm and Family Meet”
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solids travel and dry on an elevated conveyor belt before they are delivered to the stalls. “The whole design in this barn is to keep the skid loader out, to not disturb the cows and let them do their thing,” said Scott. Rick takes care of the freshening cows and feeds out the steers, finishing them before selling them. He also handles the field work and any mechanical repairs on the farm. Cathy cares for calves and does the bookwork. Then there are the heifers, dry cows and calving. “There’s always something to do,” said Rick. Scott also manages the breeding program. They do genomic testing where a hair or skin sample is tested for a variety of genetic traits. The information is used to cull the herd. They will take the bottom 10 to 15 percent and raise them for beef. One trait, Scott is looking at is milking speed. Some cows can provide 2 pounds of milk per minute while others can provide 13 to 14 pounds per minute. “We’re trying to set them up right from the beginning. Down the road we will cull for fast milkers,” said Scott. Balzer Family Dairy is truly a family operation. Rick and Cathy’s son, Ross, is an electrician and completed the electric and wiring work in the new barn. Their son, Brandon, has an IBA dairy supply route and delivers to his family’s dairy. Their son, Reid, is a product specialist for Lely North America. Advice Rick would have done one thing differently. He would have made the special needs pen bigger. This pen has four stalls for fresh cows or cows with other issues. He likes to keep his fresh cows there for several days so he can watch them and get them off to a good start. “Look at a lot of dairy farmers and other robot farms. It took us five years to decide,” said Rick. v
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Staying cool: Cattle should have it made in the shade Make sure water access is plentiful and clean, because a problem with either will reduce water intake and reduce productivity independent of heat The first heat-stress event can be stress. most challenging because cattle WE BUILD OUR STALLS RIGHT! have not fully adapted to the seaDairy studies show cows respond to hota weather Take look at by either finding a way to cool off or increasing their sonally higher temperatures. our tubing with heat load to the point of illness as productivity unequaled corrosion next generaherd goals while targeting the brand with above- declines along the way. Conceiving the protection! tion is a lower priority than feeding the current calf, average marbling will be in vain if heat stress renso cows use reproductive energy to cool themselves Freudenthal Tubing has been ders him sterile. Spermatogenesis requires 60 days, milk engineeredpersists, for your specific so heat stress events can have lasting consequences at the cost of pregnancy. If heat stress production declines as more energy diverts to furrequirements where strength on herd fertility through sub-fertile bulls. ther cooling, at the risk of lower weaning weights for and corrosion resistance are Auto Release Locks Panel CORROSION Try to keep cows on vegetative forages during hot Head calves. PROTECTION critical design factors. weather. Grazing mature, high-fiber forage causes After seeking shade and increased water intake, greater metabolic heat from rumen digestion of celCS-60 Comfort Tie Stall growing cattle reduce feed intake to lower their metlulose. abolic heat. Feeding more of the ration or suppleFly control is a not-so-common strategy for heat ment in the evening and increasing nutrient The Toughest density stress mitigation, but consider: cows bunch up to by adding fat can maintain growth and carcass Stallsqualminimize fly exposure, resulting in decreased air ity as intake declines. on the cooling along with greater • Providesheat superiorgain lunge from area herdmates This article was submitted by Justin Sexten, direcmarket, and greater activity trying to avoid • Much stronger than ourthe flies. We may tor of supply development for Certified Angus Beef guaranteed not be sure if cows stand in ponds to keep cool, or competitors’ beam systems LLC. v free from flies or both, but they do. not to bend • No Stall mounts in the • Entire panel made of H.D. 10 gauge tubing concrete or sand are hot dippedWI galvanized after W. 6322 Cty. O,• Panels Medford, 54451 • Fully adjustable welding inside and out (715) 748-4132 • 1-800-688-0104 • Stall system stays high and Heaviest, • 6’, 8’, 10’, 12’ lengths dry, resulting in longer life www.freudenthalmfg.com Strongest, REMODELING, EXPANSION OR REPLACEMENT • 12’ panel weight 275 lbs. • Installation labor savings Custom Buy Direct From Manufacturer and SAVE! We Can Handle All Your Barn Steel Needs • Head-to-head and single row Cattle Diagonal Feed Thru Panel options available Auto Release Head Locks Panel Gates • Compare the weight of this on the system, heaviest available Elevated Dual Market on the market today
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THE LAND, JUNE 23, 2017
It’s been an interesting year for climate, as we could tell halfway through the spring. A parade of wind storms, fires, blizzards and floods moved swiftly by, leaving every cattle farm and ranch to cope with those and the peculiarities of an early or late spring, with too little or too much moisture. Still, cattle are one of the most adaptable food-animal species, proven by their thriving herds in operations across North America in heat, humidity, cold, wet and everything in between. Summer means there will be some hot days. As the sun comes up each morning, temperatures will rise and some cattle will experience heat stress. Summer heat will take a toll on productivity and ultimately beef quality. Cow-calf producers have several ways to ease the impact. Well-shaded areas should be available to pastures in late June and early July. The first heatstress event can be the most challenging because cattle have not fully adapted to the seasonally higher temperatures. Keeping bulls cool may be of greatest importance. Your investment in the next great sire to advance all
Local Corn and Soybean Price Index
THE LAND, JUNE 23, 2017
Cash Grain Markets
corn/change* soybeans/change* Sauk Rapids elevator, Pilgrim’s, Sauk Rapids $2.95 -.07 The is no longer accepting soybeans. Madison $3.00 -.11 $8.48 +.04 Redwood Falls $3.06 -.15 $8.58 +.05 Fergus Falls $2.92 -.10 $8.36 +.13 Morris $2.99 -.11 $8.35 -.09 Tracy $3.07 -.12 $8.54 +.04 Average: $3.00 $8.46 Year Ago Average: $3.45 $10.46
JUNE ‘16
“Where Farm and Family Meet”
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Grain prices are effective cash close on June 20. The price index chart compares an average of most recently reported local cash prices with the same average for a year ago. *Cash grain price change represents a two-week period.
Grain Outlook Wheat rally lifts corn market
Livestock Angles Erratic prices to continue
Grain Angles How does your farm compare?
The following marketing analysis is for the week ending June 16. CORN — Prices were hit hard when traders returned from the weekend and rains had been better than expected. A classic Turnaround Tuesday ensued on June 13, but was followed by a key reversal lower at midweek. June 15 saw a spike lower to levels not seen since June 2 before reversing to close higher on the day. We ended the week on a positive note, just not enough to erase the losses earlier in the week. Weather forecasts and actual rainfall kept PHYLLIS NYSTROM traders on their toes and funds CHS Hedging Inc. were reluctant to push prices anySt. Paul where near the previous week’s high. Informa Economics estimated U.S. corn acreage at 90.2 million acres, just slightly higher than the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s forecast of 90.0 million acres. I believe the trade was expecting a decline in acreage. A factor in corn’s recovery from early week lows was the startling rally in wheat. Spring wheat was propelled higher by drought conditions in the Dakotas, and winter wheat harvest in the Plains was delayed by severe weather. Reports of hail in the southern Plains hurt an already low-quality crop. Spring wheat conditions in the week ending June 11 plunged 10 percent to finish at 45 percent good/ excellent vs. 79 percent last year. The release of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s one and three-month temperature forecasts indicated above-average temperatures for the Corn Belt.
The livestock markets have settled down just slightly in the past few weeks from the erratic and highly volatile trade we have seen lately. At this juncture, it shouldn’t be taken for granted that the volatility and erratic price movements are a thing of the past. We are more than likely to see more of the same price movement as we move through the month of June for both cattle and hog markets. Lately, the cattle market has been darting up and down in price in both the cash and futures markets. This erratic movement continues to surface as we strugJOE TEALE gle between supply of cattle and Broker the demand for beef. The supply Great Plains Commodity of market-ready cattle has not Afton, Minn. been enough for weeks to satisfy the packer demand as evidenced in the strong cash trade. At the same time, the number of cattle in the feedlots continues to expand, causing fear that the supplies will be more than adequate in the future. Demand has been questionable during this time period as boxed beef movement has been slowing as the beef cutout increases. Granted, with Father’s Day and the Fourth of July just around the corner, demand for beef cuts has slightly improved. The question is, if this demand can hold as the beef cutout moves over the $250 level where resistance has proven to be in the past. Technically, the futures market experienced a downward reversal on June 6, which would indicate the trade is anticipating a change in either supply or demand in the weeks ahead. Through all of this,
If everyone is facing $3.50 corn, aren’t all grain farmers in the same economic position? The short answer is no. Depending on cost of production yields, marketing, and other factors, one producer might be able to squeak by a profit, while their neighbor takes a loss. Do you know how your operation compares to your competitors? What areas of your operation are a strength and what areas need improvement? The answers to these questions may lie in benchmarking or peer data. This information allows you to visualize the health of your operation in relaNATHAN tion to your competitors and helps KROMANN you identify potential gaps in per- AgStar Sr. Credit Officer formance where you can improve. Northfield, Minn. AgStar just finished the 2016 grain benchmark report. The peer group represents 196 grain clients scattered throughout our territory in Minnesota and Wisconsin. While the peer group is small in comparison to the many grain farms in those states, it does provide some key takeaways. Yields It’s no surprise that yields were very strong in 2016. Robust yields impact the bottom line and the health of your operation. Based on the peer group’s data, average yield was 205 bushels per acre for corn and 60 for soybeans. This was an average increase of 10 bushels for corn and 5 bushels for soybeans over 2015. These strong yields drove an improvement in working capital, increased earnings, and lower breakeven. Yields in 2016 won the day. Will 2017 have equally strong yields?
See NYSTROM, pg. 23
See TEALE, pg. 24
See KROMANN, pg. 23
Information in the above columns is the writer’s opinion. It is no way guaranteed and should not be interpreted as buy/sell advice. Futures trading always involves a certain degree of risk.
Weather can bump soybeans out of traditional range biggest crush for May. Soyoil stocks were 1.749 billion pounds, in line with the 1.745 billion bushel forecast. In the first crop condition report of the year (week ending June 11), 66 percent of the U.S. soybean crop was rated good/excellent vs. 74 percent last year. This was the second lowest in the last five years, but is expected to show improvement on the next report. Planting was 92 percent complete, which is 5 percent ahead of the five-year average. Emergence was 77 percent compared to 73 percent on average. Weather was a dominate factor in soybeans and across the entire ag sector. This won’t change as we progress through the marketing year. We know the bean yield will be set in August. Weekly export sales were at the upper end of estimates with 12.5 million bushels for old crop and 11.6 million bushels for new crop. Old crop commitments at 2.165 billion bushels have already surpassed the USDA’s 2.050 billion bushel projection. On average, about 55 million bushels of sales are rolled over from old crop to new crop. New crop commitments are at 126.3 million bushels compared to 204 million bushels booked last year at this time. We didn’t hear much out of South America this week, but a major producer of plastic silo bags used for grain storage in Brazil estimates that 15-20 million metric tons of grain could be stored in bags this year. This would be up 30 percent from just two years
ago. Ipesa do Brasil sold a record 80,000 bags this year. Each bag holds about 7,000 bushels of grain. It’s estimated grain can be stored between six to 12 months in the bags, under the right conditions. The Rosario Grain Exchanged raised its Argentine soybean production number from 57 mmt to 57.3 mmt. The USDA has Argentina at 57.0 mmt. Outlook: Soybeans may now be penned in a trading range until either weather forecasts are in agreement or we get to the June 30 release of the Planted Acreage and Grain Stocks reports. The July soybean contract fell 2.5 cents this week to close at $9.39 per bushel. The November contract managed a 1.75 cent gain to settle at $9.50 per bushel. July soymeal was $5.00 lower at $300.90 and soyoil was $.0082 higher at $.3311 per pound. July soybeans could be relegated to a $9.10 to $9.50 range until we see the June 30 reports, assuming no major weather threats. November soybeans are in a range of $9.15 to $9.60 per bushel. July options expire June 23. Nystrom’s Notes: Contract changes for the week ending June 16: Minneapolis wheat set a daily volume record on June 13 when it crushed the previous record by 23 percent! The new record is 33,453 contracts. Minneapolis July wheat soared 36.25 cents higher for the week to close at $6.42.75 per bushel. The Chicago contract gained 19.5 cents and Kansas City was up 22 cents. Crude oil fell 90 cents to $44.74 per barrel, ULSD was up a half-cent, RBOB dropped 4.75 cents and natural gas was down a quarter-cent. The June U.S. dollar index was down .093 at 97.146.v
Grain benchmarking a valuable tool KROMANN, from pg. 22
“Where Farm and Family Meet”
from 2015. The inconsistency in break-even is quite amazing. Working Capital and Earnings Benchmark numbers for working capital averaged Break-evens ranged from $1.85 to $6.10. Some of $258 per acre, an increase of $14/acre from 2015. your direct competitors are making strong incomes Working capital affords you the ability to manage and some have large losses. volatility and in today’s environment any improve- Costs ment is welcomed. Producers should aim for $250 of In grain farming, it is vital to know your cost of working capital per acre, and the average producer in production. Once you do, you can target certain 2016 met that goal. The second result of strong yields areas of your operation to reduce your break-even. impacted total earnings, which were up $13 from Costs in the 2016 grain benchmark remained mostly 2015, at an average of $22/acre. On average, the peer flat. Total land cost (principal and interest, rent, and group was profitable in 2016. (Total earnings is your total income after family living cost. It includes depre- tax) dropped $6/acre to a total of $228/acre. Rent dropped $14/acre while owned cost remained neutral. ciation and interest but not principal.) Machinery cost, which is machinery principal, interBreak-even est, and lease payments, decreased by $7 to a total of The last major result of strong yields is lowered $73/acre. Crop inputs actually increased an average of cash flow break-even. Break-even has two major $4/acre to a total input cost of $349/acre. components: yield and cost. It’s a global view of your So, where do you stand? Do you know your breakoperation including all farm and non-farm expense even? Do you know how you rank or compare to your offset by non-farm and non-grain income. It includes family living cost, includes principal and interest direct competitors? Do you know your operational payments, and excludes depreciation. Understanding strengths and weaknesses? All of this information and calculating your break-even is the single most helps you position your operation for long-term important task in managing the financial health of health, and grain benchmarking could be a tool that your operation. Once understood, it will affect every can assist you. For insights from our grain experts, check out decision you make on the farm. Break-even averv aged $3.74 for corn in 2016. This is a 30-cent drop agstaredge.com.
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This prompted traders to add back some weather risk premium into prices. Weekly ethanol production was up 3,000 barrels per day to 1.002 million bpd. Stocks were up 500,000 barrels at 22.5 million barrels. Crush margins were unchanged for the week at 6 cents per gallon. The four-week average demand for gasoline is down 492,000 bpd from last year and year-to-date gasoline demand is down 3 percent from last year. Weekly export sales were on the lower end of expectations at 23.6 million bushels for old crop and just 500,000 bushels for new crop. Total commitments for old crop are 2.150 billion bushels or 96.5 percent of the USDA’s 2.225 billion bushel outlook. We need just 12.9 million bushels per week of sales to hit the target. New crop sales continue to fall further behind last year’s pace. Total new crop commitments are 108.4 million bushels vs. 155.8 million bushels on the books last year at this time. Corn conditions in the week ending June 11 were down 1 percent to 67 percent good/excellent vs. 75 percent good/excellent last year. Most traders are anticipating an uptick in corn conditions on the June 19 report. The crop is 94 percent emerged, exactly on the five-year average. Outlook: The current weather forecast for this summer leans to above-normal temperatures. For rainfall, July looks dry in the western Corn Belt, normal in the east; August sees some relief in the west, a little drier in the east. August also calls for dry in the Dakotas and Illinois, and normal elsewhere. July corn fell 3.75 cents this week to close at $3.84 per bushel. The December corn contract was 4 cents lower at $4.02 per bushel. The market is not yet confident that weather will be a threat to the crop, but traders also aren’t confident that it won’t. Funds continue to hold net short positions, although at a much smaller amount than the previous week. The whole situation leaves us in a trading range, albeit a higher one than we were in for three months. If the current weather forecasts for the next couple of weeks prove true, conditions may turn more favorable for crop development, which could be translated into a push back into the old, lower trading range. The December contract trading range is bounded by the recent $4.09 high and the 50-day moving average near $3.85 per bushel. The July contract first line of support comes in at $3.70 to $3.65 with resistance at $3.92 per bushel. SOYBEANS — Soybeans started the week on the defensive with better than expected weekend weather, but was able to reduce the losses on good export numbers and a strong crush report. Informa Economics pegged U.S. soybean acreage at a new record of 89.4 million acres, a cut of 300,000 acres from its last estimate. The USDA is currently at 89.5 million acres. Its 2017-18 carryout is projected at 516 million bushels compared to the USDA’s 495 million bushel outlook. The May National Oilseed Processors Association Crush report was 149.2 million bushels, well above the 143.2 million bushel projection and the second
THE LAND, JUNE 23, 2017
NYSTROM, from pg. 22
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THE LAND, JUNE 23, 2017
International feed buyers visit Minnesota farm By Tim Krohn tkrohn@mankatofreepress.com WASECA, Minn. — The dozen feed buyers from eight countries had a lot of questions for Scott and Vicky Singlestad about their corn, soybean and hog operation north of Waseca. They wanted to know how big the farm was, how heavy the hogs were when they were sold, if they made their own feed, how big crop yields were and what prices they got for them. But converting the answers — given in acres, pounds and bushels — required some calculator work to put the responses in hectares, kilos and a variety of foreign currencies the visitors could understand. Creating more understanding about American farm products was the point of the visit. The feed buyers, from Brazil, China, Colombia, South Korea, Mexico, Philippines, Romania and Vietnam, stopped at the farm on their way from the Twin Cities to the World Pork Expo in Des Moines, Iowa. They
livestock farmers depend were led by Minnesota heavily on foreign markets. Department of Agriculture representatives who set up the “We export 56 percent of our itinerary for the visit. beans, so it’s a huge issue. Plus all the livestock that gets Matheus Cancado is a feed exported, especially pork and purchaser from the De Heus poultry.” Animal Nutrition company in Brazil. His country’s corn, soyHe has long been involved in bean and livestock production the local, state and national has grown dramatically in soybean associations and recent years and many of their serves on the national United products compete with Soybean Board. He said meetAmerican farmers’ products ing with those in agribusiness on the world market. from around the world is important. “Our countries are alike that way,” he said. “The Soybean Association has always been big on perBut he said he was here to sonal relationships. Bringing meet suppliers to get somepeople here and going other thing American agribusiness places to meet people is imporis better at. “I’m buying soy Photo by Tim Krohn tant — everyone from truckmeal and high-quality specialScott Singlestad (right) and wife Vicky (front) lead a group of ing and import/export to manty products. Price doesn’t matfeed buyers representing eight countries around their farm ufacturers to farmers,” he said. ter much. I think you have north of Waseca. more quality here. We’re a new Singlestad said he and other at Guardian Energy, the nearby etha- farmers are concerned about possible country at (doing) this.” Chad Larson, the commodity manager nol plant, was on hand with samples of disruptions to foreign trade. President dried distillers grain, solid byproducts Trump campaigned on a promise to of the ethanol-making process that are pull out of or renegotiate trade deals prized as animal feed. He said about 30 and to impose tariffs on foreign prodpercent of their DDGs are exported, ucts. But farm groups and farm state most going down the Mississippi River members of Congress are pushing and on to South Korea and Vietnam against moves that would cut farm and some going by rail to Mexico. The export opportunities. remaining feed is sold locally. “It’s possible trade agreements will He said foreign trade is nice but isn’t change, but we hope to maintain or a huge deal for Midwest ethanol plants even increase trade opportunities,” he as they have ready markets locally for said. their fuel and byproducts and are The Free Press and The Land are sislocated far from shipping ports. ter publications owned by The Free But Scott Singlestad said crop and Press Media. v
The Land, a weekly farm and rural life magazine with a circulation of 28,000+, is looking for
Outside Sales Representatives
Cash, futures move forward
“Where Farm and Family Meet”
TEALE, from pg. 22
$90 cwt. level, the question arises whether the demand will start to decline as it has done in the past. The futures market appears to be slowing its ascent as we approach the end of trading in that particular contract. The gap between cash price and the June futures has narrowed quickly in the past few weeks, but futures still remain a premium. From a historical seasonal perspective, we normally see a high develop in the late spring or early summer. From the producers’ standpoint, one should be cognizant of the seasonal aspect and pay close attention to current market conditions and protect inventories if warranted. v
expect the volatility to remain a part of the cattle market for some time. Producers should remain informed of market conditions and protect inventories as needed. The hog market has been much more mundane than the cattle trade. Hogs have remained steadily moving higher for weeks in both cash and futures as packers continue to seek live inventories. The fact that the pork cutout has been steadily moving higher over the past month has not hurt the sentiment toward a friendly atmosphere toward the market. With the pork cutouts now over the
Report: Rural areas would be most impacted by Medicaid passed by the House of Representatives in early May. As written, the current bill would cut back on the Medicaid expansion and put a cap on the amount of money states could be federally reimbursed for enrollees. The report’s authors say the bill would hit rural areas and small towns hard. “For these rural communities, the significant Medicaid cuts would have a very devastating impact not only today but also in the future,” Joan Alker, a Georgetown researcher who coauthored the report, said during a conference call. One result could be a rise in uninsured rates. Minnesota has historically had lower uninsured rates than other states, but the Medicaid expansion and Affordable Care Act led to the percentage to drop even more. The percent of children uninsured in rural Minnesota dropped from 8 to 4 percent between 2008 and 2015, accord-
affordable care in rural areas is already a problem, she said, but the cuts would hurt patients and health care providers alike. The Medicaid patients would have less access to affordable care, which the researchers noted they’re generally able to receive at similar costs and quality to privately insured people. The providers relying on Medicaid reimbursements, meanwhile, would struggle to cover costs, Hogenson said, adding it could lead to layoffs or closures — further limiting access to quality health care in rural areas. “It’s really a concern for everyone, this issue,” she said. “This data really needs to be taken into consideration.” She hopes the report informs lawmakers on both sides of the aisle of the importance of Medicaid, especially since the senators deciding on the new health bill have rural constituents who could be negatively impacted by the cuts. “I think we need to heed the data and researchers as the public discourse happens,” she said. The Free Press and The Land are sister publications owned by The Free Press Media. v
Early weaning of beef calves has pros and cons the biggest economical returns — especially if cows are in poor condition or if you are trying to move up the calving season. Some studies have indicated that cows not being suckled will have increased fertility and that cows in good body condition will rebreed sooner. With early weaning, there are some concerns related to calf health. Calves weaned early will still have passive immunity from their dams, and studies have indicated that if early weaned calves are vaccinated one month prior to weaning and again at 6 months of age, they are healthier throughout the feeding period than conventionally weaned calves. Some studies have also shown fenceline weaning decreases stress in young calves, which will help their immunity. Early weaned calves will only reach this potential by being intensively managed. Calves weaned early have an improved feed efficiency and similar yield grades as conventionally weaned calves. Early weaned calves can also
have improved meat quality. There are also other considerations to make when thinking about early weaning. Cows that make good candidates, such as thin cows, 2 and 3-year-old cows, late calvers, and cows that will be culled in the fall, could be weaned while other calves remain on cows. Early weaning does require more management and attention to the
weaned calves. It also adds cost initially, so these costs need to be captured elsewhere to make it economical. These costs can be gained back by the decrease in pasture pressure, the increase in fertility of cows, the improvements in feedlot performance or the gains in selling cull cows earlier. This article was submitted by University of Minnesota Extension. v
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“Where Farm and Family Meet”
ST. CLOUD, Minn. — For some cow/ calf producers, early weaning has become a more common management practice in recent years. Early weaning is generally defined as weaning calves when they are 3 to 5 months of age as compared to the more common 6 to 8 months. There are several advantages to weaning early, but also some disadvantages. One advantage is improved pasture management. When cows cease milk production, their consumption decreases, providing less stress on pastures. During dry conditions, this can create an opportunity to preserve what little forage remains or allow an increased stocking rate when it is not dry. Weaning calves can cut forage consumption by as much as 50 percent. However, if calves are not sold directly after weaning, there is a need for facilities where calves can be fed a concentrate. There are also advantageous opportunities for cow reproduction with early weaning. This is an area which can have
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ing to the study. Adult uninsured rates dropped as well, from 14 to 7 percent. The drop in the number of uninsured in Minnesota largely coincided with a 10 percent increase in Medicaid enrollment for rural residents since 2008. The increase has led to a growing reliance on Medicaid in rural areas compared to urban centers, which gets into why any cuts could hurt rural areas more than anywhere else. Statewide, 38 percent of children in less populated areas receive Medicaid health coverage, while 28 percent receive the same coverage in urban areas. Blue Earth County has a much smaller percentage of children on Medicaid, with 21 percent. The county also has a lower uninsured rate, at just 3 percent. But rural areas and small towns generally do have higher Medicaid enrollment percentages compared to metro areas due to lower average household incomes, lower rates of workforce participation and higher rates of disabilities. Stephanie Hogenson, research and policy director at the Children’s Defense Fund Minnesota, said the data should highlight the importance of preserving Medicaid funding. Access to
THE LAND, JUNE 23, 2017
By Brian Arola barola@mankatofreepress.com MANKATO, Minn. — Proposed cuts to Medicaid would disproportionately impact children and adults in rural areas and small towns, according to a report released recently. The analysis from researchers at Georgetown University and the University of North Carolina used census data to compare Medicaid enrollment and uninsured rates before and after Medicaid was expanded once the Affordable Care Act went into effect. The report found Minnesota’s rural areas and small towns have higher percentages of children on Medical Assistance — the state’s Medicaid program — compared to their metro counterparts. Those outstate Minnesota areas, as with nearly all similar areas in other states, also saw childhood uninsured rates decrease since 2008. The study comes as the Senate weighs the American Health Care Act
THE LAND, JUNE 23, 2017
Tuesday, June 27, 2017 10:00 a.m. Sale Held: 2368 190th St., Tyler, MN 3 miles North and 2 miles West of Tyler Very well kept machinery, trucks and livestock equipment Approximately 45 minutes to 1 hour misc then on to machinery PROXIBID offered on major items Not responsible for accidents COMBINE
2014 CIH 7230 Combine RWA, loaded. 525 engine, 380 sep. hours. Â 2011 Capello 12x22 chopping head. CIH 3162 40â&#x20AC;&#x2122; draper bean head and head mover.
Lubaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Lunch Wagon available 0911? )?)/ 9?482.;>? ?=<*> 091 ?)< .2:6>=?.<;>?:,=>44>= 1& ?% )?,< .75>? (9 )>::685?$9 ?:6<3*>= )>::685?$9 ?:6<3*?!8 >= 2014 Farm King 2580 38â&#x20AC;&#x2122; self-loading bale mover. TRUCKS
1997 Kenworth Tri-Ax Truck w/silage box, Cummins CN14 1991 Kenworth Tri-Ax truck w/silage box, CAT 3406b 1 ( ? )? '75?:3=>'?47>:>;?'<6>=?6=23* ?8;4>=?:75+;>?< ;>?6=23*: ?586?=25575+ PICKUPS 099 ? %?-73*2-?& &?<--=8 ?199 999?!7" 2008 NH T8020 FWA 2,580 hrs 2010 NH T9040 4WD 1,720 hrs, 0911? 8;<=7:? <5+>= 99? autosteer. 099/? 8;<=7:? 2004 Grouser 4100 16â&#x20AC;&#x2122; silage blade %" 2003 CIH MX 230 FWA duals & approx. ;<4475?,86?'<6>=?-=>::2=>?'<:,>=?85?3<=6 5,500 hrs. 7538;5?'7=>?#>>4?'>;4>= 1991 CIH 7120 FWA approx.. 7,300 hrs. >6?4=7;;?-=>:: AgLeader EZ Steer 500 Omnistar %,8-?:<' unlock autosteer system ) 4"? =>:: )?109$ %26675+?68=3, )?$/$?
7:3?688;: PAYLOADER 884?7=85?<54?:23*>=?=84: 2000 CAT 924G 12,000 hrs, well %,>!73<;?6<5*: maintained, lots of attachments. ?685?.2;*?.75 ;4>=?%;<=*? /%"? $999?+<;"?#2>;?.<==>;?<54?-2!EQUIPMENT ROUND BALES 2010 CIH 1250 Early Riser 24x22 0 ?+884?<;#<;#<?.<;>: Central fill planter. /?< >=<+>?<;#<;#<?.<;>: 2014 CIH 875 ripper 9 shank. /(?+=<::?.<;>: 2005 CIH 52â&#x20AC;&#x2122; TM2 field cultivator w/ 0&(?38=5?:6<;*?.<;>: tine harrows CONSIGNED ITEMS 2012 Unverferth 375 seed tender ;4>=?% )?<7=?:>>4>= ?3<=6?<54 ?47++>= <--;73<68= ($/? 7=? 74>? 9 ?:>;# -=8->;;>4?:-=< >=" )?& $? <54>!?47:3 0990? =>56? (/?+=<75?3<=6 ? ?10 ?+=<75?4=7;;? LIVESTOCK EQUIPMENT % ? 01? ?-< ;8<4>=?/999?,82=: ?5>' 1997 IH 4900 DT466 feed truck with 67=>: ? 273*?<66<3,? 4?.23*>6"? Knight 4052 feed box 099 ?%<:>? *74?;8<4>=? &&/? ?( ?.23*>6 2012 Kuhn 8141 20â&#x20AC;&#x2122;, 4100 gallon %<;;?/9( / 9 &1&$ Protwin spreader '<6855<?0$9?1& ? '<6,>=?1&99?,82=:? 0910? )? ?(9 9?=8254?.<;>= 8,5? >>=>?//19?'76,?/&9?:>;# ;> >;?;8<4>= 0991? 2##<;8?=8;;>=?!7;; ;>#6?,<54?-8'>=?=> >=:>= ?$(99?,82=:"? 8 0910? )? 7:3?!8'>= 3<."?%<;;? =>+?/9( & ( /(19?
OWNERS: Lund & Lund Inc. Info Call Dan 507-247-5181 6>!:?75?BOLD < <7;<.;>?#8=?85;75>?.74475+" 7:76?-=8 7.74"38!? ?:><=3,? >26 ? <!7; ? 236785:?68?=>+7:6>=
SEE OUR AUCTIONS @ www.marshallindependent.com or deutzfamilyauctions.com
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â&#x20AC;&#x153;Where Farm and Family Meetâ&#x20AC;?
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Real Estate
020 Bins & Buildings
Farm Implements
FARM MANAGER WANT- Sell your land or real estate Barn roofing Hip or round FOR SALE: Case IH 183 in 30 days for 0% commisroof barns and other build12R30â&#x20AC;? cultivator; 12R30â&#x20AC;? ED: On a 170 cow organic sion. Call Ray 507-339-1272 ings. Also barn and quonset 5800 Hiniker cultivator; dairy, Central WI, motivatstraightening. Kelling Silo 7120 Case IH tractor. 507ed, & reliable individual or 1-800-355-2598 427-3561 family to live on the farm Real Estate Wanted 021 & perform daily operations. SILO DOORS FOR SALE: Goodyear DiOpportunity for farm own- WANTED: Land & farms. I Wood or steel doors shipped amond Tread Tires, Qty ership also avail. have clients looking for promptly to your farm 2 - 30.5 x 32, Ag -10 bolt (715)560-0389 dairy, & cash grain operastainless fasteners pattern, std offset rim, tions, as well as bare land hardware available. good condition, 70%, parcels from 40-1000 acres. (800)222-5726 White color, came off Both for relocation & inLandwood Sales LLC grain cart, stored inside, vestments. If you have $2,400. (641) 590-1102 even thought about selling Stormor Bins & EZ-Drys. contact: Paul Krueger, 100% financing w/no liens Farm & Land Specialist, or red tape, call Steve at FOR SALE: Goodyear Edina Realty, SW Suburban Narrow Tractor Tires, Fairfax Ag for an appointOffice, 14198 Commerce Qty 2- 14.9x46, 70% tread, ment. 888-830-7757 Ave NE, Prior Lake, MN step rim for 36" cast 55372. wheel; Qty 2- 14.9x46 70% Grain Handling Equip 034 paulkrueger@edinarealty.com tread, steel duals, ag (952)447-4700 10bolt; Qty 2- axle mount FOR SALE:Used grain bins, hubs for duals w/bolts, floors unload systems, sti$5,500. Great for the Hay & Forage Equip 031 rators, fans & heaters, aersprayer or sidedress ation fans, buying or selltractor (641) 590-1102 20 Ft RHINO #SR240 Flex ing, try me first and also Wing Cutter (2007) Foam call for very competitive JD 6400 MFW tractor, w/ 640 Filled Wheels (4 Gear Boxcontract rates! Office loader, all new Firestone es) Shedded Real Good. hours 8am-5pm Monday â&#x20AC;&#x201C; tires, exc cond, $22,500; '12 H&S AR61 10 Wheel High Friday Saturday 9am - 12 Bobcat S770 skidloader, Speed Rake (Hyd Leveling) noon or call 507-697-6133 2spd, AC, 80â&#x20AC;? bucket, exc 319-347-6677 Can Deliver Ask for Gary cond, $29,500; '13 JD 569 baler, net & twine wrap, FOR SALE: 16' Badger mega wide hyd pickup, chopper box on tandem Farm Implements 035 moisture monitor, 11,000 gear, $2,500; 14' Badger bales, $21,500; Case IH 183 chopper box, $2,000, always FOR SALE: Fantini chop12x30 flat fold cult, $1,650; shedded. 763-370-3546 ping 8R & 12R CH; 70' NH 499 12' haybine, good Elmer drag, Merritt alum FOR SALE: JD #328 baler w/ cond, $4,750. 320-769-2756 hopper grain trailers; '89 #42 ejector, electric conIH 1680 combine; 24R30â&#x20AC;? RHINO FLEX WING trols, one owner, field JD pl on Kinze bar; Big A Cutters New & Used 15 & 20' ready. 320-583-7062 or 320floater; 175 Michigan ldr; on Hand. 327-2507 IH 964 CH; White 706 & 708 See the New Sleek DesignCH & parts; White plows & Cleaner (More Open) parts; 54' 4300 IH field culUnderneath. tivator; JD 44' field cult; 6 Year Warranty On Gear 3300 Hiniker field cult; for reading The Land Boxes Comes w/ Light Kit. header trailer. 507-380-5324 Dealer 319-347-6282 Can Del
27 THE LAND, JUNE 23, 2017
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THE LAND, JUNE 23, 2017
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Look for our section inserted into The Land on July 21st and July 28th.
‘13 JD 670, 1294 eng/647 sep. hrs., premium cab, HID lights, Hitorque VSD, chopper, contourmaster, less bucket, 18.4x42” tires.............................$62,000 520x42” duals ..............................................$167,000
‘05 JD 7420, MFWD, 467 hrs., cab, air, IVT, tranny,
3 pt., 540/1000 PTO w/ JD 741 self leveling loader, ‘13 JD 6170R, Cab, IVT trans, MFWD, 859 hrs.,
w/H380 loader, 3 pt., 540/1000 PTO, ..........$116,000 ‘09 NH 6070, Bi-directional, 3543 hrs., cab air, w/NH
Call 507-345-4523 for advertising information.
‘13 JD 660, 4WD, 1598/1066, 2630 display, hrs...................................................................$57,000 contourmaster chopper, 520x42” duals ......$155,000
‘13 JD 660, 1180 eng/892 sep hrs., cm, HID lights, high torque USD chopper, 520x38” duals ..............................................$157,500
84lb loader, 3 pt., 540/1000 PTO...................$62,500 ‘00 JD 9650TS, 3611 eng./2645 sep. hrs., chopper, 20.8x38” duals ...............................................$55,000 ‘12 Kubota M110, Cab, MFWD, 240 hrs., w/Kubota ‘11 CIH 7120, 871 eng./732 sep. hrs., rock trap, LA1953 loader, 3 pt., 540/1000 PTO .............$55,000 chopper, 520x42” duals ...............................$149,000 ‘11 Challenger, MT 575 B, MFWD, 2242 hrs., ML98 loader ...................................................$75,000 ‘09 NH CR9060, 2400 eng./1800 sep. hrs., tracker, chopper, 520x42” duals .................................$72,500 ‘94 FH 6640 SLE, MFWD, cab, loader ..............$25,000 ‘04 NH CR970, 3138 eng./2186 sep. hrs., tracker, chopper, chaff spreader, 520x42” duals........$52,000 ‘02 Challenger MT 765, 4190 hrs., 120” spacing 30” ‘11 Claas Lexior, 740, 1466 eng/899 sep hrs., 4x4 belts, 3pt, 1,000 PTO .....................................$69,000 520x42” duals ..............................................$109,000 ‘14 CIH 380 MAG row trac cut, 290 hrs., 4 hyd., big
29 THE LAND, JUNE 23, 2017
LOADER TRACTORS ‘04 JD 7320 Cab, MFWD, 16 spd., 741 loader, 6316
pump, 3 pt., 1000 PTO, 24” tracks, completely auto guidence equipped, suspended front, 24” belts .......................................................$195,000 ‘13 CIH, 380 MAG Row Trac 1178 hrs., luxury cab, full guidance, suspended front, 24” tracks, 120 inch
‘02 Int 4900 DT466, auto 3060p, tandem, 666k, can have PTO, 15 1/2’ cab to axle .......................$14,500 ‘04 Int 4300, bucket truck, 40’ reach, Auto, 219k ................................................................$26,000
4WD TRACTORS ‘12 JD 9410R, 1411 hrs., 1000 PTO, 4 hyd., HID lights,
‘04 Freightliner MII, bucket truck, 40’ reach, Auto, 188k ........................................................................ $0
520x46” tires & duals ...................................$169,000 ‘12 Pete 587 Cummins, 13 spd, 72” sleeper, 406k ................................................................$40,000 ‘10 JD 9330 1239 hrs., 1000 PTO, 4hyd powershift w/ ‘09 Columbia, 120 Day Cab Detroit, 105 gal, diff lock, 480x50” tires & duals, 85% .............$155,00 423k ................................................................$29,000 ‘11 NH T9.390, 905 hrs., powershift, diff lock, HID lights 480x50” tires & duals .........................$128,000 ‘96 FL80 Cummins, Allison Auto w/ PTO 4x4, 88k ..................................................................$26,000 ‘09 CIH 385, 3071 hrs., 620x 46 tires & duals, 4 hydraulics, powershift ...............................$105,000
ROW CROP TRACTORS ‘14 CIH 260, 605 hrs., MFWD luxury cab, 4 hyd, 3 pt hitch, 1000 PTO, 480x50” duals ..................$118,000 ‘12 CIH 260, 1784 hrs., Deluxe cab, 19-spd., PS, susp. front axle, 3 pt., 4 hyd., Hi-Flow, 1000 PTO,
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spacing 3 pt., 4 hyd. Hiflow, PTO ................$180,000 ‘12 Freightliner Sprinter 3500, 15’ body, DLS, Auto ................................................................$15,900 ‘14 CIH, 340 MAG Row Trac 287 hrs., luxury cab, suspended frt axle, 18” tracks, 76” spacing, 6 hyd ‘09 Freightliner Columbia II, auto shift, 410 hp., remotes, 3 pt., 1000 PTO, full guidance......$195,000 3 axle ..............................................................$28,000
‘12 JD 750K, 1316 hrs., cab air, Su blade with tilt ..........................................................$125,000 ‘04 Cat D610XL, 6659 hrs., w/ cab air, 6 way blade, & winch ..............................................................$85,000 ‘08 CatD4K LGP, 2180 hrs., 6 way blade ............$77,000
480x50” duals, MFWD .................................$110,000 ‘10 JD 850J LGP, 2926 hrs., cab air, 6 way blade ..............................................................$99,500
‘13 CIH 260, 577 hrs., PS, 3 pt., 540/1000 PTO,
4 hyd., big pump, 420x46” tires & duals.....$115,000 ‘08 Case 1150k, 1265 hrs., cab air, 6 way blade ..............................................................$77,000
‘13 CIH 290, 1250 hrs., 3 pt., PTO, big pump, 480
front duals, 480x50” .....................................$119,000 ‘13 NH 8360, 940 hrs., MFWD, leather seats, 4 hyd., 1000 PTO, auto steer complete, 480x50” rear
EXCAVATORS ‘13 JD 290 GLC, 2271 hrs., w/ aux hyd., hyd. Thumb, 50” bkt ..........................................................$145,000
tires & duals .................................................$119,000 ‘15 Komotsu PC, 138 US LC-10, 1038 hrs., 30” bkt, like new machine ..................................................$99,000
‘13 NH T8.300, 801 hrs., MFWD, 4 hyd., 3 pt.,
540/1000 PTO, 480x50” tires & duals .........$105,000
LARSON IMPLEMENTS 5 miles east of Cambridge, MN on Hwy. 95 763-689-1179
Look at our Web site for pictures & more listings www.larsonimplements.com
“Where Farm and Family Meet”
‘11 Versatile 305, MFWD, 690 hrs., 4 hyd., 3 pt., 1000 ‘14 Volvo BL70B, 724 hrs., cab air, pilot controls, PTO, HID lights, front wts, fender ..................$99,000 hydraulic thumb, xhoe ...................................$57,500
Farm Implements
THE LAND, JUNE 23, 2017
035 Farm Implements
035 Farm Implements
035 Tractors
036 Harvesting Equip
FOR SALE: Int'l 2350 load- Hydrostatic & Hydraulic Re- FOR SALE: Dual wheel FOR SALE: Restored '78 MF 1135, 6401 hrs, 121 HP, 8x12' tilt bed trailer, Ideal pair Repair-Troubleshooter, Quik Tach 7' bucket w/ new seat, muffler, other skid loader unit, no ramps grapple fork & IH mounting ing Sales-Design Custom parts, excellent tires, good needed, new planr bed. 507brackets. JD #85 12R flat hydraulic hose-making up runner, field or parade 370-2149 fold cultivator w/ shields, to 2â&#x20AC;? Service calls made. ready, $8,900/OBO. 507-250stored inside. No solicitors. STOEN'S Hydrostatic SerWe buy 0452 320-760-0969 vice 16084 State Hwy 29 N Salvage Equipment Glenwood, MN 56334 320Parts Available JD 6400 MSWD cab loader, www.thelandonline.com 634-4360 Hammell Equip., Inc. rear blade, one owner, 9700 (507)867-4910 hrs, asking $24,500. 608-7928051 Tractors 036 NEW AND USED TRACTOR PARTS JD 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, FOR SALE: JD D Styled; 55, 50 Series & newer tracJD 1952 Model A; JD 1959 tors, AC-all models, Large 630, Mint Condition, All Inventory, We ship! Mark Are Restored. Buy individuHeitman Tractor Salvage ally or all 3! (715)723-9234 715-673-4829
If youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re having a Farm Auction, let other Farmers know it! Upcoming Issues of THE LAND
Southern MNNorthern IA June 30, 2017 July 14, 2017 July 28, 2017 August 11, 2017
Northern MN **July 7, 2017 July 21, 2017 August 4, 2017 August 18, 2017 Sept. 1, 2017
<< www.TheLandOnline.com >>
Deadlines are 1 week prior to publication with Holiday deadlines 1 day earlier ** Indicates Early Deadline
EQUIPMENT FOR SALE â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;13 Case SR250 skid steer loader, cab with heat and air, 2 speed, hyd. coupler, E-H controls, 78â&#x20AC;? bucket, 289 hours............................... $31,500 â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;16 JD 8601 RSX Gator, power steering, 289 hours, warranty .................................... $8,500 â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;13 Case 621F XR, wheel loader, JRB coupler, 3.0 cubic yard bucket, 3rd valve, new 20.5R25 radial tires, 4730 hours, just throught service program..................................................... $74,000 â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;08 JD 9870 combine, 4WD, 520/85R42 duals, 1858 swp. hours, nice condition ............... $95,000 â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;12 JD 2410 33' chisel plow, tru depth standards on 12'' spacing, nice ................ $28,000 â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;15 New Holland 340, big square baler, single axle, standard baler, 4500 bales ............... $55,000
â&#x20AC;&#x153;Where Farm and Family Meetâ&#x20AC;?
â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;13 CIH Magnum 235, 320/90R54 duals, 540/1000 PTO, 2235 hours, powertrain warranty till 9-2017 ................................................... $89,500 â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;11 CIH Magnum 190, powershift, 380/90R54 duals, New 380/80R38 single fronts, front wgts., 540/1000 PTO, 3pt w/quick hitch, just through service program, 3448 hours, powertrain warranty till 02/28/2018 ............................................ $65,000
â&#x20AC;&#x201C; AgDirect Financing Available â&#x20AC;&#x201C;
Keith Bode Fairfax, MN 55332 507-381-1291 www.keithbodeeq.com
Ask Your Auctioneer to Place Your Auction in The Land! 0/ "OX s -ANKATO -. 0HONE OR &AX
037 Spraying Equip
CIH 2366 combine, 1,687 sep FOR SALE: '13 FS9518T FOR SALE OR LEASE hrs, 2,666 eng hrs, specialty Fast sprayer w/ 120' boom, REGISTERED BLACK rotor, long unloading auger, 20â&#x20AC;? nozzle spacing, 1800 gal ANGUS Bulls, 2 year old & field tracker, grain loss tank, 380/90/R46 tires, yearlings; bred heifers, monitor, header control, Raven Ultra Glide ISO calving ease, club calves & heavy duty final drives, boom height control, Raven balance performance. Al chain oilers. 605-359-6205 ISO rate control, like new. sired. In herd improvement 507-317-5625 program. J.W. Riverview FOR SALE: 7720 RWA Grain TOP-AIR 1000 gal sprayer w/ Angus Farm Glencoe, MN loss monitor; 893 corn 55336 Conklin Dealer 32060' hyd lift booms; 3-way head; Mico-Trak yield mon864-4625 nozzles on 20" spacing; hyd itor; chaff spreader. 507drive pump; 12.5L15 tires 213-8440 on 8-bolt rims on walking FOR SALE: 25 Limousin semen tested bulls, 2 yr olds tandems; 3-zone controls, & yearlings, Black or Red, Tillage Equip 039 $2900. (715)878-9858 low birth weight, super growth. John Goelz, FOR SALE: Ag Enterprises Livestock 054 Franklin, MN 507-557-8394 40' 15 disc liquid fertilizer side dress applicator, John FOR SALE: Black Angus FOR SALE: Angus bulls Blue ground driven pump, bulls also Hamp, York, & yearlings & 2 yr olds. Stout, 700 gal tank. 507-381-6719 Hamp/Duroc boars & gilts. heavy muscled bulls w/ exc 320-598-3790 performance genetics. FerFOR SALE: JD 856 6x30 cultility & performance tested. tivator (like new); 9x30â&#x20AC;? Dairy 055 Kellogg MN Sullivan Angus. anhydrous bar. Call 320-360507-527-1034 WANTED TO BUY: Dairy 1240 heifers and cows. 320-235- FOR SALE: Black Simmen2664 Machinery Wanted 040 tal Bulls, Polled, Calving Ease, AI Sires Augustus & Cattle 056 All kinds of New & Used In Dew Time, Reasonably farm equipment â&#x20AC;&#x201C; disc chisPriced, 2 y.o., yearlings. 2 yr. Miniature Horned HereMegan Sweerin 612-860-8216 els, field cults, planters, ford Bull For Sale. Calm Cokato, MN soil finishers, cornheads, gentle disposition, raised as feed mills, discs, balers, pet, good home only, $1,200. FOR SALE: Red Angus haybines, etc. 507-438-9782 Call or text 920-765-1041 yearling bulls, $1,700$1,800; Oehler Red Angus WANTED: Geringhoff PC Black Angus yearling bulls, 507-931-5758. 630 corn head for parts. 763three year olds, proven 360-6885 herd, sire. 715-755-3233 FOR SALE: Registered Angus bulls, 2 yo & yearlings, bred for well balanced EPD & growth, fertility tested. Miller Angus, Kasson MN. 507-634-4535 FOR SALE: Simmental Sim/Angus yrl bulls, Polled, Black & Red, semen checked, ready to work. Grass-Lunning Simm. LeRoy, MN 55951, Bob:507-438-9007, Luke:507-440-6386 glsimmentals@gmail.com
PRE-OWNED EQUIPMENT â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;14 JD S660 2-WD, 800 Singles, Chopper, Bin Ext., 26â&#x20AC;&#x2122; Auger, Warranty, 435 Hrs. ..................... $205,000
Registered Texas Longhorn breeding stock, cows, heifers or roping stock, top blood lines. 507-235-3467
â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;14 JD S680 PRWD, 650/85R38â&#x20AC;&#x2122;s W/Duals, Chopper W/PowerCast Tailboard, 26â&#x20AC;&#x2122; Auger, Warranty, 582 Hrs. ..................................................... $252,500
Semen tested Black Angus bulls, sired by Our Sons Of, 10X10, Mainstream and Providence. www.teamjsi.com 715-483-3866
â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;14 JD 8295R MFWD PS, FS 480/80R50â&#x20AC;&#x2122;s W/Dls., 1300 Frt. W/420/85R34â&#x20AC;&#x2122;s, Big Pump, Wt. Pkg., 2718 Hrs. ................................................... $142,500
Sim Angus & Simmental bulls, long yearlings & coming 2 yr olds, Black Polled & easy calving, 45+ years breeding background. Can Deliver. Riverside Simmentals Gerald Polzin, Cokato, MN. 320-286-5805
â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;17 JD 640FD Flex Draper, Flip-Over-Reel, HHS in Rigid Mode, Never Used -New Warranty! ........$93,500
â&#x20AC;˘ 5/8â&#x20AC;? drum roller wall thickness â&#x20AC;˘ 42â&#x20AC;? drum diameter â&#x20AC;˘ 4â&#x20AC;?x8â&#x20AC;? frame tubing 3/8â&#x20AC;? thick â&#x20AC;˘ Auto fold
â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;15 JD 635FD Flex Draper, Poly Tine Reel, (Optional Conveyor Auger!), Short Dividers ...................$64,500 â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;14 JD 630F HydraFlex, HHS in Rigid Mode, Demo-New Warranty! .....................................$34,500 â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;14 JD 608C Corn Head, Knife Rolls, Hyd.Deck Plates, Low Acres! ....................................................$42,500
M.S. Diversified monte@ms-diversified.com
Fairfax, MN
800-432-3565 â&#x20AC;˘ 320-894-6560 www.ms-diversified.com
MANDAKO 12â&#x20AC;&#x2122;-60â&#x20AC;&#x2122; LONG ROLLERS
GREENWALD FARM CENTER Greenwald, MN â&#x20AC;˘ 320-987-3177 14 miles So. of Sauk Centre
056 Swine
065 Cars & Pickups
Courtland Waste Handling............19 Rush River Trim & Steel................10 Deutz Auctions ..........................26, 27 Schweiss Inc. ....................................29 Diers Ag & Trailer Service ............10 SI Feeder ..........................................18 Doda USA ........................................14 Smith's Mill......................................31 Double B Manufacturing ..........6, 16 Steffes Group ..................................29 Duncan Trailers ..............................30 Whitcomb Brothers ........................14 Edney ................................................15 Freudenthal Dairy ..........................21 GEHL ................................................20
Glacial Ridge Cattlemen's Assn.....8 Arnolds ........................................F4/F5 Greenwald Farm Center ................30 Benton County Fair ........................F6 Grizzly Buildings ..............................5 Blue Earth County Fair ..................F8
Henslin Auction ..............................26 Brown County Fair ........................F3
All Equipment available with Low Rate Financing
K & S Millwrights ..........................25 Fairbault County Fair ....................F2 Kannegiesser Truck Sales ..............13 Kandiyohi County Fair ..................F6 Keith Bode ........................................30 Nicollet County Fair ......................F2 Larson Brothers..........................26, 29 Nobles County Fair ........................F7 M S Diversified ..............................30 Rice County Fair..............................F7 Mustang ..........................................17 Steele County Fair ..........................F3
Olsen Truck Service ..........................7 Waseca County Fair ........................F8
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P.O. Box 3169 - 418 S 2nd Street Mankato, MN 56002 theland@TheLandOnline.com
Hwy. 14, 3 miles West of Janesville, MN
Pride Solutions ................................29 Watonwan County Fair ..................F3
“Where Farm and Family Meet”
Compeer Financial ............................4 Randy Buntjer Auction & Realty 27
NEW White Planters .............................................. Call ‘04 Kinze 3600 16-30 ..................................... $42,000
Anderson Seeds ..............................12 Pruess Elevator ................................30
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‘12 White 8186, 16-30 w/liq. fert. ................... $59,000 White 8222, 12-30 w/liq. fert. ......................... $42,000 NEW Massey GC1705 w/loader ............................ Call ‘11 White 8516 CFS, Loaded ......................... $85,000 NEW Massey 7722 FWA CVT ................................ Call White 6122, 12-30 .......................................... $12,000 NEW NH T4.75 w/loader ........................................ Call NEW NH T9.645, w/Smart Trac ............................. Call NEW Versatile 310, FWA.............................. $157,900 NEW Fantini chopping cornhead .......................... Call NH T8.275, 495 hrs ...................................... $155,000 Fantini Pre-Owned 8-30 chopping NH 8870, FWA................................................ $49,000 cornhead ............................................................. Call ‘12 NH T9.390, approx. 850 hrs. .................. $180,000 ‘10 Gleaner R76, Loaded ............................. $195,000 ‘09 NH TD 5050 w/loader, 1300 hrs............... $36,000 ‘01 Gleaner R72 ............................................. $72,500 ‘08 NH 8010 ................................................. $114,500 ‘03 Gleaner R65 ........................................... $105,000 ‘05 CIH MX210 1700 hrs ................................ $98,500 Gleaner 3308 chopping corn heads ..................... Call ‘06 Buhler 2210 w/ auto steer........................ $92,500 Allis 180 D .........................................................$7,250 ‘12 Challenger MT 665D .............................. $155,000 New Hesston & NH Hay Tools - ON HAND ‘10 Versatile 435, 1050 hrs .......................... $150,000 Allis 185 w/loader .............................................$9,500 ‘85 White 4-270, nice ..................................... $29,500 NEW Salford RTS Units ......................................... Call NEW Salford Plows................................................ Call NEW Unverferth Seed Tenders ............................. Call ‘03 Sunflower, 32’, 5-bar spike ...................... $18,000 NEW Westfield Augers .......................................... Call Sunflower 4630, 11-shank, Demo ......................... Call NEW REM 2700 Vac. ............................................. Call DMI Tiger Mate II 40.5 w/ 4 bar ..................... $29,500 NEW Hardi Sprayers.............................................. Call DMI 530B ............................................................... Call NEW Riteway Rollers ............................................. Call DMI/NH 775, 7-shank .................................... $23,500 NEW Lorenz Snowblowers .................................... Call ‘12 JD 3710, 10-bottom ................................. $35,000 NEW Batco Conveyors .......................................... Call ‘08 JD 3710, 10-bottom ................................. $20,000 NEW Brent Wagons & Grain Carts ........................ Call ‘08 JD 2210, 44.5’ w/3-bar harrow ................ $29,500 NEW E-Z Trail Seed Wagons ................................. Call NEW Rock Buckets & Pallet Forks ........................ Call ‘07 NH 170 w/ cab ......................................... $18,900 REM 2700, Rental .................................................. Call NEW NH Skidsteers - On Hand ............................. Call Pre-Owned Snowblowers, 7’-9’ ............................. Call NH 230 w/ cab & air ....................................... $37,900 Pre-Owned Sprayers ............................................. Call
THE LAND, JUNE 23, 2017
PARMA DRAINAGE WANT TO BUY: Butcher FOR SALE: Yorkshire, PUMPS New pumps & cows, bulls, fats & walkable & '03 Chev Silverado 1500 Hampshire, Duroc Reg Cab, Pewter. 100,967 parts on hand. Call Mincripples; also horses, Hamp/Duroc boars, also mi, 8-cylinder, Auto, sheep & goats. 320-235-2664 gilts. Excellent selection. nesota's largest distributor 2WD. Nice truck, $6,900. Raised outside. Exc herd HJ Olson & Company 320Call (641) 590-1102 health. No PRSS. Delivery 974-8990 Cell – 320-212-5336 Horse 057 avail. 320-760-0365 FOR SALE: 1965 Chevrolet Miniature stallion pony for REINKE IRRIGATION 396 motor, 5-2 trans, power sale. 6 years old. Gentle, Pets & Supplies Sales & Service 070 steering, air brakes, tag foals on site, $300/OBO. Call New & Used axle, 18' box w/ a head lift 715-667-3239 For your irrigation needs hoist, good rubber, nice oldFOR SALE: AKC German 888-830-7757 or 507-276-2073 er truck, $3,900. 763-218-2797 Sheep 060 Shepherd puppies, Schuzhund breeding, excelWANT MORE READERS FOR SALE: Sydell corral lent bloodlines & disposi- Recreational Vehicles 085 TO SEE YOUR AD?? system G, like new, $1,700. tions. Suzette Riches, HolExpand your coverage area! 906-466-2535 or 906-553-5334 loway, MN 320-394-2189 The Land has teamed up FOR SALE: 2010 32.5' Jayco with Farm News, and The 5th wheel 4 season camper, Swine 065 Country Today so you can set up at Springsteel Island Cars & Pickups 080 do just that! Place a classicampground in Warroad, Compart's total program fied ad in The Land and MN, on paid seasonal lot, 2 features superior boars & have the option of placing it lrg slides, exc cond, open gilts documented by FOR SALE: '05 Ford F150 in these papers as well. $22,500/Obo. 218-686-0159 XLT Extended Cab, Red. BLUP technology. Duroc, More readers = better re135,000 mi, 8-cylinder, York, Landrace & F1 lines. sults! Call The Land for 090 Automatic trans, 4WD. Miscellaneous Terminal boars offer leanmore information. 507-345Good condition, Trailer ness, muscle, growth. Ma4523 • 800-657-4665 One call does it all! hitch, Solid work truck, ternal gilts & boars are With one phone call, you can Winpower Sales & Service $6,500. Call (641) 590-1102 productive, lean, durable. place your classified ad in mthrone@wctaReliable Power Solutions All are stress free & PRRS Email The Land, Farm News, tel.net Since 1925 PTO & automatfree. Semen also available AND The Country Today. ic Emergency Electric through Elite Genes A.I. Call The Land for more Generators. New & Used Make 'em Grow! Comparts info @ 507-345-4523 • 800-657Boar Store, INC. Toll Free: www.thelandonline.com Rich Opsata-Distributor 4665. 800-343-9376 877-441-2627
This week’s Back Roads is the work of The Land Correspondent Tim King. Photos by Jan King.
Get thee to a rookery
“Where Farm and Family Meet”
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THE LAND, JUNE 23, 2017
gret rookeries are rare. Indeed, there are only 23 in Minnesota, according to the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources. Most of those are located in fairly inaccessible places. Egrets are, after all, wild creatures, right!? Wild creatures prefer to stay clear of humans, right? Perhaps! But the egret rookery at Grotto Lake may challenge your preconceived notions of wildness. Imagine that you are an office worker in Fergus Falls. Imagine further that you’ve grown a little weary of your fellow workers and that you’d like to have some peace and quiet over lunch hour. It’s a lovely day so you grab your sack lunch, jump into your car, and drive a few blocks to Adams City Park. It’s in a residential area close to downtown. You pull into the parking lot and park so you have a full windshield view of the busy rookery on a small island in Grotto Lake. It’s barely 30 feet away, so you roll the window down, grab a sandwich, and listen to the birds hiss, crackle, and clack. It’s a little like your office but somehow more soothing, especially with the sunshine warming your face.
Fergus Falls, Minn. Office workers, school children, bird watchers, and even farmers on a lark can not only watch snowy white Great Egrets up close but also Cormorants, Black Crowned Night Herons, the occasional Blue Winged Teal, and a waddling Mallard or two.
Here are some descriptions: The Great Egret is also known as the Common Egret. It is about 3 feet tall and has white feathers, a long yellow beak, and long black legs that it uses for wading in the water while hunting for small fish and frogs. It was hunted close to extinction in the late 19th century because women just loved its tail feathers for their hats. Hunting was banned and it is not threatened with extinction now. Black Crowned Night Herons are about 2 feet tall with a long black bill and yellow legs. It has red eyes, a black cap, blue-gray back and wings, and a white neck and breast. It is less common in the rookery than its cousin the Great Egret. Misguided citizens nearly clubbed the orange billed and iridescent feathered Double Crested Cormorants into oblivion. They believed they ate too many fish. But, thanks to the federal Migratory Bird Treaty Act of 1918, there are about 30,000 of them in Minnesota. Grab a sandwich, jump in the car, and go to Adams Park to see a few of them. v