“Since 1976, Where Farm and Family Meet” © 2018
June 29, 2018 July 6, 2018
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Beautify your barn
Meet two craftspeople dedicated to this popular art form ALSO INSIDE: Dick Hagen has lunch with legislators The Land’s guide to Minnesota county fairs
www.thelandonline.com — “Where Farm and Family Meet”
THE LAND — JUNE 29/JULY 6, 2018
Legislative deja vu P.O. Box 3169 418 South Second St. Mankato, MN 56002 (800) 657-4665 Vol. XXXVII ❖ No. 13 32 pages, 1 section plus supplements
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Cover photo by Paul Malchow
COLUMNS Opinion Farm and Food File Table Talk The Bookworm Sez Swine & U Calendar of Events From The Fields Mielke Market Weekly Marketing Auctions/Classifieds Advertiser Listing Back Roads
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Publisher: Steve Jameson: sjameson@mankatofreepress.com General Manager: Deb Petterson: dpetterson@TheLandOnline.com Managing Editor: Paul Malchow: editor@TheLandOnline.com Staff Writer: Dick Hagen: rdhagen35@gmail.com Advertising Representatives: Danny Storlie: theland@TheLandOnline.com Jerry Hintz: jhintz@TheLandOnline.com Beth Plumley: bplumley@TheLandOnline.com Office/Advertising Assistants: Joan Compart: theland@TheLandOnline.com Deb Lawrence: auctions@TheLandOnline.com For Customer Service Concerns: (507) 345-4523, (800) 657-4665, theland@TheLandOnline.com Fax: (507) 345-1027 For Editorial Concerns or Story Ideas: (507) 344-6342, (800) 657-4665, editor@TheLandOnline.com National Sales Representative: Bock & Associates Inc., 7650 Executive Drive, Minneapolis, MN 55344-3677. (952) 905-3251. Because of the nature of articles appearing in The Land, product or business names may be included to provide clarity. This does not constitute an endorsement of any product or business. Opinions and viewpoints expressed in editorials or by news sources are not necessarily those of the management. The Publisher shall not be liable for slight changes or typographical errors that do not lessen the value of an advertisement. The Publisher’s liability for other errors or omissions in connection with an advertisement is strictly limited to publication of the advertisement in any subsequent issue or the refund of any monies paid for the advertisement. Classified Advertising: $19.99 for seven (7) lines for a private classified, each additional line is $1.40; $24.90 for business classifieds, each additional line is $1.40. Classified ads accepted by mail or by phone with VISA, MasterCard, Discover or American Express. Classified ads can also be sent by e-mail to theland@TheLandOnline.com. Mail classified ads to The Land, P.O. Box 3169, Mankato, MN 56002. Please include credit card number, expiration date and your postal address with ads sent on either mail version. Classified ads may also be called into (800) 657-4665. Deadline for classified ads is 5 pm on the Friday prior to publication date, with holiday exceptions. Distributed to farmers in all Minnesota counties and northern Iowa, as well as on The Land’s website. Each classified ad is separately copyrighted by The Land. Reproduction without permission is strictly prohibited. Subscription and Distribution: Free to farmers and agribusinesses in Minnesota and northern Iowa. $25 per year for non-farmers and people outside the service area. The Land (USPS 392470) Copyright © 2018 by The Free Press Media is published biweekly by The Free Press, 418 S 2nd Street, Mankato, MN 56001-3727. Business and Editorial Offices: 418 S. 2nd Street, Mankato, MN 56001-3727, Accounting and Circulation Offices: Steve Jameson, 418 S 2nd Street, Mankato, MN 56001-3727. Call (507) 345-4523 to subscribe. Periodicals postage paid at Mankato, MN. Postmaster and Change of Address: Send address changes to The Land, P.O. Box 3169, Mankato MN 56002-3169 or e-mail to theland@ TheLandOnline.com.
Being a seasoned news guy brings with Blame the Republicans, blame the it a more-than-passing-fancy for politics. Democrats, blame Mark Dayton. The botMy interest in the political arena, howevtom line is, not much is getting accomer, has less to do with issues and more plished in St. Paul. toward the players and the political proThis is nothing new. The 2017 legislacess itself. Each new legislative session, tive session was historically inept — each new senator, governor, congressman many calling for a special session to pass and representative brims with hope and any kind of legislation. In 2016 there was ambition. By the end of the session these widespread dissatisfaction with House hopes and ambitions have often dissolved LAND MINDS representatives and state senators sitting into party cronyism, self-interest and on their hands while the session clock By Paul Malchow marginal legislation (if anything is clicked to zero. accomplished at all). To show just how unhappy voters On June 21, the U.S. House approved were with situation, almost 96 percent its version of the 2018 farm bill by a of state representative incumbents on the ballot margin of 213-211. The Senate approved its version were re-elected. In the state senate, that number handily (86-11) on June 28. plummeted to 87 percent. Go figure. Officially called the Agriculture and Nutrition Act With another election quickly approaching, The of 2018, the farm bill has become the poster child of Land’s intrepid Dick Hagen attended a legislative bloated legislation. The size and scope of the farm luncheon hosted by lobbying giant Minnesota bill guarantees no one is going to approve of it in its AgriGrowth Council. He spoke with AgriGrowth entirety. Muddying the waters even more, CEO Perry Aasness, a few elected officials and some Republicans and Democrats are voting for or very interested constituents. His report can be against the bill because of immigration issues. found in this issue. Organizations such as the American Soybean The siren’s song remains the same: cut the politics Association, National Corn Growers, Independent and do what is best to help the people of Minnesota. Community Bankers of America and The National How many times will we believe it? How many Council of Farmer Cooperatives are pushing out times do we send the same people back to the capipress releases “applauding” the House and Senate tal to display their ineptitude? passage. In each case, these organizations express a The same old song has a new verse this year as concern that the farm bill — any farm bill — is Dayton will not be seeking another term as governor. passed before the September expiration of the 2014 This seems to be pumping new hope into the political version. landscape. Those who felt Dayton was a self-serving In one of his tweets, President Donald Trump veto machine won’t have him to kick around anymore. called the House farm bill vote, “a big win for farmWhile visiting town celebrations and county fairs, ers.” To me, having Trump weigh in on the farm bill voters will have opportunities to meet their local is like having Mahatma Ghandi picking out the representatives and candidate hopefuls. Not only steak for your backyard barbeque. Trump may know hotels, golf courses and high-rise real estate, but I’m does this present an opportunity to get a feel for the candidates’ political agendas, it also gives candiskeptical of his agricultural expertise. dates the opportunity to hear constituents’ concerns Have you ever brought home a Thanksgiving turand priorities. Make the most of these meetings and key only to find it was too big for your oven? The have your voices heard. farm bill is too big for the oven. Regardless of which This issue of The Land has a listing of county version is finally passed and signed by the presifairs held throughout Minnesota. These fairs only dent, I propose we use the next five years to chop up take place because of the hard work, planning and the Agriculture and Nutrition Act into easier-todedication of hundreds of volunteers. Show your digest pieces. Children’s nutrition shouldn’t hinge support for their efforts, see some amazing exhibits on sugar subsidies which shouldn’t hinge on beginpresented by our youth, have a corn dog and lay the ning farmer programs which shouldn’t hinge on groundwork for a strong, productive 2019 legislative land conservation which shouldn’t hinge on rural session. health care which shouldn’t hinge on biofuels. Bounce the idea of revamping the farm bill off of the Paul Malchow is the managing editor of The Land. many candidates who are running for office this fall. He may be reached at editor@TheLandOnline.com.v Speaking of fall elections, we are all up to our armpits in candidates – incumbents and newcomers — publicly decrying the partisanship and gridlock which continues to shackle our state government. It was only two years ago at this time when we were hearing the same song: the “We need to reach across the aisle and find common ground” blues.
THE LAND — JUNE 29/JULY 6, 2018
www.thelandonline.com — “Where Farm and Family Meet”
Love letters or otherwise, the mailbox is always open There’s an art and eleloss is noted, but not gance to letter writing that missed. electronic communication (Three years ago Mike — email, texting, direct wrote to say he would never messaging, Twitter and buy “The Land of Milk and other ethereal forms — simUncle Honey,” — a book of ply can’t capture. The bigmy “youth” columns comgest difference is also its piled by editor/daughter most ironic: paperless comFARM & FOOD FILE Mary Grace Foxwell and munication encourages me. So I sent him a signed brevity and emphasizes By Alan Guebert copy for free. Two weeks urgency. later, Mike sent more Why, I wonder, is there than enough money to a weight restriction on cover the cost and he email? NNTR (No need to reply). kept the book.) Still, most reader letters do, in fact, Mike isn’t alone in his now-suspendarrive via electrons while ever fewer ed mission to convert me from an ag arrive via the U.S. Postal Service. That journalist to an ag jingoist. I won’t dwindling number reflects the plain highlight other very faithful, firefact that I may live to see the sad day breathing correspondents because this when Americans no longer deliver is, after all, a no-hate space. their private thoughts and ideas on The overwhelming majority of readcursive waves of colorful ink that only er mail in the last six months (either I am allowed to read. in the mailbox or inbox) ranged from Maybe it’s that feeling of privacy complimentary and encouraging to which explains why some of my harsh- very caring and deeply personal. By est critics find that only a handwritten far, the most responses came after an letter packs the proper wallop when April column on my mother’s death hitting me with a stinging jab or hard and how, right to the end, she carried slap. For example, Mike C. from Texas a heavy sense of weary disappoint(an impressively devoted despiser of ment and unrest. my work), sent what he promised will Letters and emails poured in from be his last anger-filled letter this past knowing women and sorrowful sons February. alike. One of those sons, Jim A., wrote: “I will not be commenting on any “Thank you for your heartfelt eulogy more of your articles,” he wrote. “I sent of that most special person in our a note back with my (newspaper’s) lives… Let us now resolve to be obserrenewal notice telling them to notify vant of the lot of womenfolk… and me when and if they decide to delete teach our children the value of comyour articles from their paper. I will passion and appreciation.” renew my subscription then.” Another note which came through a Mike, if you’re still out there and mutual friend’s Facebook page sneaking a read of the column at the thanked me “for speaking so lovingly local library or from a neighbor, please of your mother. To me it was the most know that life without your diatribes beautiful testimony any son could give is like winter without pneumonia. The his mother. I, too, married young.
Letters to the Editor are welcome Let us know what you think! Send your letters to: Editor, The Land P. O. Box 3169, Mankato, MN 56002 e-mail: editor@thelandonline.com
All letters must be signed and accompanied with a phone number (not for publication) to verify authenticity.
Treasure your children.” Maybe the most touching email came from Fred P. who began by noting, “You don’t know me from Adam, but I just read your article ‘Mom deserves her eternal rest’ while sitting with my mom resting in hospice. I humbly pray the same thoughts for her when that time comes. Thank you.” Much of the January-through-June mail, like Steven V.’s, encouraged me “to keep up the good fight over our politicians’ failures and unwillingness to stand up to special interests.” I appreciate your encouragement,
Steven, because, in fact, that’s the only plan I’ve ever had for the column since it began nearly a million words ago. Still, I’m a piker when it comes to the writing readers who have sent me far more than a million words by ways old and new. Please continue because these conversations need to continue. And yes, that means even you, Mike. The Farm and Food File is published weekly through the United States and Canada. Past columns, events and contact information are posted at www.farmandfoodfile.com. v
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THE LAND — JUNE 29/JULY 6, 2018
Pressure of spring was extra hefty this planting season Spring planting. It’s probably the best bring planting to a halt before it ever time of year (next to the fall harvest) for began. Memorial Day weekend dealt us most farmers. They are tired of moving temperatures and humidity which would snow by then, and when the last of the have given away my true identity if I had lambs and calves are born and the actually melted. (Me and the butter cow warmth of the sun tells them it’s time to — it’s best we both stay out of the heat.) get out and get machinery ready to go, This year, the unforgiving weather was they leave the screen door swinging not the only trouble. Here at the behind them in their race to jump-start Schwallers, we had all kinds of experiTABLE TALK the new crop year. ence in long suffering. The field cultivator At least I think that’s why they scamBy Karen Schwaller had recurring issues and the roller per out so quickly. The fact they can do showed up with unexplainable damage. that is testament to the notion my cookThis was not the worst thing in general, ing at least gives them the strength to run away. but when my husband can’t fix something himself, it changes from an unfortunate situation into someI don’t understand why they love that time of thing that completely rocks his world. He does like year, really. The work is never done, they’re always to fix things himself. on the run, their phones ring constantly, they eat most of their meals on the go, and graduation parThe sprayer, which has worked like a dream since ties and planting time butt heads every year — he’s had it, experienced issues with flow and speed. even for their own children. This kept him from spraying on one valuable weathLooking at the bigger picture, the calendar chases er day which would have allowed him to cover some serious acres while my brother (who drove 90 miles them all year long with a laundry list of things to do each and every season. When day turns to night, here) ran the planter in a frantic effort just to try to help us get done. they just turn on the lights and keep working, no matter how long they have been at it — often well The pressure was turned up when planting plans past bed time. changed because of late dates. The planter became This Iowa spring showed no sign of normalcy here. stuck a time or two in wet holes. The extreme heat and humidity took the blame for complicating plantBut then, neither did Mother Nature. She blew in ing, spraying and rolling schedules. The hay ground snow storm after spring snow storm in April; folwas looking like it was getting ready to be cut — lowed with copious amounts of rain just in time to
even before the planting had been finished — and we had precious little help to make it all happen. All while the grain prices became smaller and the royal family became larger. My husband would have had some explaining to do if our pastor had sprung up unannounced here this spring. Farming is a lot of pressure in good years — but especially in years like this one, at least for farmers in our corner of the world. The down pressure was constant — not only on the planter, but on the one running it, too. I liken farming to a river. It may seem calm on the surface, but the undercurrents of weather, markets, timeliness and financial pressures can pull us in unexpected directions. This year’s relentless undercurrents created a strong test of patience and wills — even for the most dedicated of farmers, but especially for those who have been unable to plant their crops at all. A little humor helps, along with a splash of math sense. Farmers here needed both to configure the number of gallons of coping whiskey per acre it took just to get the crops planted. Thank God for auto-steer. It’s rough out there. Karen Schwaller brings “Table Talk” to The Land from her home near Milford, Iowa. She can be reached at kschwaller@evertek.net. v
Everything you wanted to know about milk Your cookies are no good today. taken from an animal, it wasn’t meant to be consumed in liquid form. It was probaThey’re too crumbly, too soft, too … bly meant to become cheese, yogurt, butsomething. They don’t taste right — ter or something portable and less liable maybe because you’re missing an essento spoil. Nobody knows when those prodtial from your fridge. Ach, no snacks for ucts began, but curds show up in ancient you. Instead, you might as well dunk into text and the Greeks knew how to make “Milk! A 10,000-Year Food Fracas” by feta. Ice cream, by the way, surely has Mark Kurlansky. roots that are ancient; but it wasn’t writTHE BOOKWORM In the beginning, there was Earth — ten-about until surprisingly later in hisSEZ sprang from milk, if you subscribed to tory. By the time that happened, the beliefs of the Fulani of West Africa, By Terri Schlichenmeyer Europeans had already literally changed the Norse, Iraqis, the Egyptians, or the the landscape with cows they brought Greeks. They and others had milk or lacwith them to the New World. Settlers underscored tating women at the forefront of their creation that by accepting milk cows from England and new myths, which made things easy for them to explain. dairy practices. Even so, there’s no denying that farmers were in As for the littlest milk-drinkers, wet nurses were on this history. often employed for reasons of illness, convenience or vanity on behalf of the mother. Maybe that was “Each species has its own unique milk,” says Kurlansky, and though it should be no surprise that safer anyway, because drinking cross-species milk simian product is “closest to that of humans,” virtu- was sometimes chancy and could even be deadly. But, says Kurlansky, by the late 1800s, there was “a ally nobody ever has a refreshing glass of monkey scientist in France who had a theory.” milk. Instead, we mostly drink cow or goat milk, as we have for the last 10,000 years since herding You may not believe there’s a lot to consume about began (though mule milk may be better for us, and a basic substance like milk. If you are lactose intolpig milk is likewise palatable). erant, all you know is that you can’t touch the stuff. But hold on. Inside “Milk,” there’s a surprising fact Even so, it’s possible that the first time milk was
about lactose intolerance, and a whole lot more. Starting in antiquity and bringing us up to modern times (and modern problems), Kurlansky exhaustively examines everything you ever wanted to know about milk but didn’t know enough to ask. Kurlansky writes about humans, milk and human milk. We learn that dairying was perceived as playing in Marie Antoinette’s time. We see how American history would look vastly different without cows. Kurlansky shares other facts and looks at esoteric milk-based foods that have been enjoyed through the ages. And he includes recipes for the brave. While this book is absolutely entertaining, it may be best-suited for foodies, historians and the curious. If you got “Milk,” you’ll know exactly how the cookies crumble. Look for the reviewed book at a bookstore or a library near you. You may also find the book at online book retailers. The Bookworm is Terri Schlichenmeyer. Terri has been reading since she was 3 years old and never goes anywhere without a book. She lives in Wisconsin with three dogs and 10,000 books. v
THE LAND — JUNE 29/JULY 6, 2018
www.thelandonline.com — “Where Farm and Family Meet”
www.thelandonline.com — “Where Farm and Family Meet”
THE LAND — JUNE 29/JULY 6, 2018
Take biosecurity measures with you to the fair Like most Minnesota agriculturalists, I enjoy the summer’s county fairs and their livestock, and, of course, the ultimate competition exhibited at the Minnesota State Fair’s youth and open-class swine shows. It’s terrific to see so many folks who’ve worked hard to bring the best pigs in the Midwest to compete in classes of optimum quality peers. My recent work has focused on livestock biosecurity — particularly in swine — and it always comes to mind when I’m attending pig shows. Of primary importance is that exhibitors return to their animals at home without bringing along a disease. For this reason, the messages of meticulous biosecurity and careful monitoring of animals’ health are integral parts of exhibitor education. BEET and 4-H Livestock Day Camps The University of Minnesota’s Biosecure Entry and Education Trailer (BEET) has traveled across Minnesota this summer, taking the biosecurity message to 4-H livestock exhibitors. The BEET is used as part of the education for 4-H beef, swine, rabbit and meat goat exhibitors during summer 4-H Livestock Day Camps. Extension Livestock Educators Abby Neu, Sarah Schieck and Diane DeWitte developed specific biosecurity information related to each of the four species. BEET is set up as a mock feed room, a rabbit shed or a pig barn entry — depending on which species exhibitors are visiting it. 4-Hers spent time in the BEET learning how to don and doff barn-specific clothes and boots without bringing disease in from the outside. They practiced biosecure ways to feed and water their animals. They learned how important it is to quarantine new or returning animals; and safe measures to care for those animals after they have cared for the “high health” animals in the herd. 4-H exhibitors applied lotion which (unbeknownst to them containing glo-germ) to their hands. They stepped through glo-germ powdered shavings as they entered the BEET. Later in the session, when
the team turned on a black light and highlighted glowing smudges and fingerprints, it was apparent to everyone how easy it is to spread “germs” with unwashed hands and outside footwear. SWINE & U 4-Hers learned the details of how to keep their animals By Diane DeWitte healthy, and how to prevent and reduce the spread of diseases to their 4-H projects. One important practice repeatedly highlighted was washing hands with soap and water. The minimum recommendation is scrubbing hands thoroughly for 20 seconds — or about the time it takes to sing “Happy Birthday!” At the end of the day, the BEET team gave each 4-H exhibitor a biosecurity starter kit. The kit is a five-gallon bucket which contains a bar of soap, a face mask, disposable gloves and disposable boots, a pack of disinfectant wipes and a brush for scrubbing. In addition, the exhibitors received a flash drive bracelet which contained the four species-specific disease, disinfectant and biosecurity information. The 4-H Livestock Day Camps were hosted by the Minnesota 4-H program with collaboration from the Extension livestock educators. Extension Educator Abby Neu received an Extension Risk Management grant from the U.S. Department of Agriculture to fund biosecurity education at the day camps. The actual BEET unit is supported by the University of Minnesota Rapid Agricultural Response Fund from the State of Minnesota.
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The BEET team also collaborated with Poultry and Livestock Supply (PALS) of Willmar, Minn., for acquisition, support and sponsorship of the biosecurity buckets and their contents. The USDA biosecurity grant covers the same educational activities during the summer of 2019 when the 4-H Livestock Day Camps will highlight four additional livestock species. The Secure Pork Supply Plan The National Pork Board and USDA Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service have collaborated to create the Secure Pork Supply plan. The SPS project plans response strategies in the event of a foreign animal disease outbreak in U.S. swine. Minnesota’s Board of Animal Health oversees the Secure Livestock Supply project and has recruited Buffalo, Minn. veterinarian David Wright to spearhead the Secure Pork Supply plan. Wright spent this spring meeting with swine producers and affiliated industry leaders to ensure that SPS becomes an integral part of swine farm health plans. SPS is a voluntary strategy for producers to create their own farm-specific and workable continuity of business plan in the case of a foreign animal disease outbreak. SPS is on the lookout for four particular diseases: foot-and-mouth disease, classical swine fever, swine vesicular disease, and African swine fever. Foot and mouth disease and classical swine fever (hog cholera) were eradicated from the United States many years ago and African swine fever has never occurred here. The scope, efficiency and extensive movement in See SWINE & U, pg. 7
THE LAND — JUNE 29/JULY 6, 2018
www.thelandonline.com — “Where Farm and Family Meet”
Fair exhibitors should watch for changing health issues SWINE & U, from pg. 6 the U.S. swine industry would present tremendous challenges if a foreign animal disease outbreak occurred. The SPS plan includes biosecurity education, surveillance of animals, and establishment of a movement protocol in the event of an FAD outbreak. SPS was developed with input from veterinarians, academia from University of Minnesota and Iowa State University, and swine industry leadership in an effort to ensure that the entire U.S. swine production and marketing structure will not be devastated if a foreign animal disease outbreak occurs. Wright, collaborating with U of M Swine Extension Educator Sarah Schieck, has begun distributing the “Seven Steps to Participate” for pig
producers. These steps break down the SPS plan into simple pieces which guide their participation. These seven steps can be found online at z.umn. edu/SPSmodules or by visiting the University of Minnesota Swine Extension website at http://blog-swine. extension.umn.edu/. Seneca Valley Virus Last summer the National Pork Board released a warning to swine exhibitors to be on the alert for Seneca Valley Virus. While it’s still early in the 2018 fair season, it’s not a bad idea to reiterate the importance of watching for SVV. Blisters (vesicles) at the coronary band are common clinical signs of SVV. The pig’s coronary band is the extremely vascular area where the hoof meets the hairline on the animal’s foot. When SVV was found in a
Calendar of Events Visit www.TheLandOnline.com to view our complete calendar and enter your own events, or send an e-mail with your event’s details to editor@thelandonline.com. July 7 — Midwest Garlic Project Field Day — Chokio, Minn. — Tour Big Stone Garlic and learn about field trials on mulch, fertilizer and planting times — Contact Jerry Ford at jerry@ sfa-mn.org July 10 — Summer Beef Tour — Windom, Minn. — Minnesota State Cattlemen’s Association and Cottonwood Area Cattle Producers invite you to visit some of the state’s most innovative cattle producers — Contact Jana Piotter at cottonwoodcattleproducers@gmail.com or (507) 822-3188 or visit www.mnsca.org July 12 — Benton County DairyForage Field Day — Foley, Minn. — Program focuses on improvements Czechs have made on the 450-cow dairy; discussion of forage, feed storage and management; forage cutting height and timing; unique windrow management. Contact Emily Wilmes at krek0033@umn.edu or (320) 2556169 July 17 — Farm Camp 2018 — St. Cloud, Minn. — Meadowbrook Dairy hosts campers entering third-sixth grades to connect with agriculture and food — Visit www.farmcampminne-
sota.org July 17 — Leadership for Successful Employee Management — Freeport, Minn. — Workshop will feature a wide variety of employee management topics aimed at helping farms attract and retain employees. Through hands-on activities, tool development and class discussions, participants will create an employee handbook and build leadership skills. Contact Nathan Hulinsky at huli0013@ umn.edu or (218) 236-2009 July 19 — Garden and Landscape Bus Tour — St. Cloud, Minn. — Tour begins with stop at research display gardens at U of m. West Central Research and Outreach Center in Morris, Minn. After lunch visit Morning Sky Greenery in Morris — Contact (320) 968-5077 July 25 — Public Hearing on Proposed Groundwater Protection Rule — St. Cloud, Minn. — MN Department of Agriculture is holding public hearings on Groundwater Protection Rule — Visit www.mda.state.mn.us/nfr or contact Larry Gunderson at larry. gunderson@state.mn.us or (651) 2016659
Minnesota sow herd in 2015, the factor which caught the barn manager’s attention was lameness in the sows. They had developed painful blisters at their feet. The main concern about SVV is that it looks very similar to foot and mouth disease and the only way to know the difference is by veterinary diagnostic testing. Producers and exhibitors who find blisters on their pigs or see any of the other clinical signs should get their veterinarian involved immediately. Seneca Valley Virus can spread from pig to pig through direct contact; or can be spread by boots, brushes or other equipment. As in response to any pig illness, the affected animal should be isolated from healthy pigs. No pigs showing signs of SVV should be sent to a show or to market. The Morrison Swine Health Monitoring Project at the University of Minnesota has collected SVV incidence data and suggests that Seneca Valley Virus appears to have a seasonal pattern with the number of cases
increasing at the end of July. Back to the Fair This summer’s county fairs and the Minnesota State Fair are terrific places to view livestock competitions and visit with old friends. Exhibitors should watch for of any changing health issues in their pigs — including coughing, diarrhea, fever or blisters. If a pig shows any of these signs, contact a veterinarian immediately. Producers visiting the fairs must be diligent about changing clothes and footwear before returning to the pigs at home. Any site where unrelated animals congregate is a place for potential disease pickup. Thorough hand-washing during and after a visit to the fair can destroy disease organisms and reduce the chance of taking a disease back home. Don’t be surprised if you hear “Happy Birthday” being sung at the sink! Diane DeWitte is an Extension Educator specializing in swine for the University of Minnesota Extension. Her e-mail address is stouf002@umn.edu. v
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THE LAND — JUNE 29/JULY 6, 2018
From beer cans to barn quilts: An artist’s journey Haffner grew up near Millerville, Minn., the youngest of 17 children. She said she caught the “art bug” when she started drawing pictures found in the encyclopedia in seventh grade. When she was 16 she painted a 6-foot tall can of beer on her neighbor’s fish house. “That project reminds me, even back then, I was already thinking big.” Her love for art over the years led Haffner to cake decorating, sewing, interior design, photography and painting. It was during an eight-year stint as a visual display supervisor for a major retailer where she honed her talent for color and arrangement. After completing that first barn quilt in 2014, word of Haffner’s talent spread. She was approached by the wife of the pastor of Rose City Free Church to paint a barn quilt for the parish. So far, Haffner has painted barn quilts for seven other parishioners in the congregation. “A barn quilt is meant to tell a story,” Haffner explained. “There is meaning behind the pattern and colors. One woman I did a quilt for had eight children, so the design featured an eight-pointed star. I did one for a fellow who liked working with tools, so I incorporated a wrench design in the quilt.” With the help of her husband John, Haffner has set up a studio in their garage. Using tall cardboard barrels, John fashioned a turntable on top of the barrel so Cindy can stand, paint and rotate the barn quilt in progress as she works. Haffner creates her design on graph paper and uses medium density overlay panels for the finished product. (Medium density overlay board is a paintable surface made of plywood with a weather-resistant resin overlay bonded to the wood by heat and pressure. The overlay board’s resin content resists water, weather, wear and degradation.) After priming the board twice, Haffner then applies three coats of white paint. Then she draws a grid on the board and transfers the design from the graph paper onto the board. Using painters’ tape, she marks off each area of color. Haffner insists on using high-quality exterior house paint for her creations. Each colored panel receives three coats of paint. Light colors go on first, dark colors go on last. Haffner See HAFFNER, pg. 9
By Paul Malchow The Land Managing Editor ROSE CITY, Minn. — When it comes to describing Cindy Haffner’s interest in barn quilts, the word “pastime” doesn’t really fit. “Obsession” goes a little overboard. But “dedication” is certainly accurate. Just by driving onto Haffner’s property, it is easy to tell she doesn’t do things half-way. The gardens are weed-free, the yard is trimmed. Her business, Country Consignments, occupies a rustic barn which is cleaner than most houses. Haffner brings this attention to detail to her latest venture — painting barn quilts. Barn quilts are large wooden panels, usually 8-foot square, painted to resemble a pattern you would find on a sewn fabric quilt. Bold and colorful, barn quilts are popping up throughout Minnesota, Iowa and Wisconsin countrysides — and not just on barns. Photos by Paul Malchow Cindy Haffner has painted over 75 barn quilt designs and counting. Haffner became interested in the art form in 2014. “I like quilting,” she said, “but I hated ripping and there’s a lot of ripping involved in quilting. I like colors, I like to paint, so this seemed like a good fit.”
Many of the elements in Haffner’s barn quilts have special meaning. In this design for the Rose City Free Church, the black cross represents sin, the white cross life eternal, and the red rose is the blood of Jesus. The dark to light strips symbolize the darkness of our lives becoming light when we turn to Jesus.
THE LAND — JUNE 29/JULY 6, 2018
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Haffner’s work now on display at the Evansville Art Center HAFFNER, from pg. 8 does not use a sealant of any sort on her barn quilts as it can yellow and diminish the bright colors of the quilt over time. “A true barn quilt is 8-foot by 8-foot,” Haffner said, “but that requires there to be a seam in the quilt and I don’t care for that. The most popular size is 4-feet by 4-feet.” Haffner said she often has as many as five or six barn quilts in progress at one time. She writes on the painter’s tape what time the paint was applied and how many coats. A minimum drying time of four hours is needed before another coat can be applied. She estimates she can complete a quilt from start to finish in about a week. Haffner has produced over 75 barn quilts for people as far away as Wisconsin. That particular quilt was a wedding present from the bride’s mother incorporating Haffner works out of a converted garage. She often has four or five works in progress at one time. colors used in the wedding.
“I like the challenge of the color and the pattern,” Haffner confessed. “I like taking an idea and making it my own — not copying it. I think I get my best ideas when I dream.” The Evansville Art Center, in Evansville, Minn., is displaying an exhibit of Haffner’s work throughout the month of July. The Art Center is open on Friday and Saturdays from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.v
There are five quilt trails in the north-central area of Minnesota, though none of them feature Haffner’s work. The Staples Area Trail features 20 quilts placed in and around the city of Staples, Minn. Branching out from each direction of Staples are four other trails. More information on these trails can be found at https://barnquiltsmn.org; on Facebook; or via email at barnquiltscmn@gmail.com.
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One of Haffner’s neighbors proudly displays the International Harvester colors on his shed.
Haffner has been branching out with her design ideas. Here she has constructed a coat rack employing the barn quilt motif.
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THE LAND — JUNE 29/JULY 6, 2018
AGCO exec weighs in on U.S., international agriculture By DICK HAGEN The Land Staff Writer JACKSON, Minn. — Bob Crain, Senior Vice President and General Manager, Americas (AGCO, North and South America) commented to about 180 people gathered at the Jackson, Minn.AGCO facilities, “This is a critical year for agriculture in Bob Crain America,” stressed Crain. “Along with our farmers, we’re the people who make America. And that’s why this ‘I Make America’ tour supports both farmers and the 1.3 million who work in the farm equipment manufacturing industry around the world. Free and fair trade drives our industry.” Crain and Steve Patterson, event emcee and cohost of Twin Cities Live, Minnesota, led a panel discussion on May 17 featuring agricultural policies, the next farm bill, agricultural exports and questions from the audience. Crain also stayed a few minutes for a private Q & A session with The Land. The Land: The industrialization of agriculture is rapidly changing rural America. As farm numbers continue to shrink, what will be the structure of faming and rural communities? Crain: Recognize that we will always have change. What’s critical ahead is the balance. We all come from small communities. Many of us, myself included, have a farming background. But we have to keep tuned with what’s happening in the world in order to survive economically. And that means doing the right things for our rural communities and our own constituents. The Land: You touched on the exploding connectivity of electronics — especially on farm equipment. Young people are sharp. They quickly accept and adapt. But will farming have room for them? Crain: The capitalization of farming today is a
major challenge. Unless you inherit farm land, or marry into a farming opportunity, my recommendation (if you have the opportunity) is to start working with an established farmer. That will be a tremendous learning platform about the technologies of modern farming and might open a window for
your own ambition. The Land: Are you a farm protégé? Crain: Yes, but I also grew up in a farm equipment dealership that is now a fourth-generation business in Georgia. Our farming operation was, and still is, cattle, corn and soybeans. Today, younger brothers and nephews are now managing both the farming operations and our farm equipment business.
The need and interest in technology is strong both in Brazil and Argentina ... Primarily because Brazil farms are so substantially larger so their need for technology is huge. — Bob Crain The Land: AGCO is a world company. Are you seeing agricultural technology catching on in all countries? Crain: My work with AGCO Americas also involves what’s happening to our marketing in South America. I’ll be in Brazil next week and am a monthly business traveler to this huge agricultural area. The need and interest in technology is strong both in Brazil and Argentina — perhaps stronger than here in North America. Why? Primarily because Brazil farms are so substantially larger. With some, you are talking upwards of 100,000-acre farms everywhere you
turn. So their need for technology is huge. And they know they are operating in a truly global environment — especially with growing markets to China, Africa and around the world. Brazil now exceeds the United States in soybean exports to China. Argentina is number-one in soybean meal exports. Yes, the United States is still the recognized leader, but other countries — especially these two South American countries — are right with North America when it comes to technology. The Land: Is China still the ‘big elephant’ when it comes to world agriculture? Cain: It is the big elephant. We need to keep cognizant of their population and their ‘more demanding’ foods. Now that the working class in China is making more money, they are eating more variety — both grains and meats. They are one of the biggest customers for North American agriculture. They will only become bigger and stronger and have demands for even more variety in their tastes. We always need to stay abreast with what’s going on in China. The Land: Which leads to NAFTA and world trade. Is free trade without allotments in President Trump’s agenda for agriculture? Cain: Certainly, President Trump will impact agriculture. We’ll see what happens to NAFTA. Hopefully, very little from an agriculture perspective. Current trade discussions with China right now reflect a little backing off the rhetoric. If there is any impact, we hope it will be positive for both countries and our trading allies around the world. The Land: With a Congress showing little agreement on issues, is anyone listening to voters these days? Cain: It does seem discouraging. Don’t try letters. But do use email and even phone calls. You likely won’t talk directly with your elected official, but each has staff people that will take your message and hopefully relay your special concern. We must always remember we have a voice. We are a voter. v
Pinkeye prevention strategies can help your herd ST. CLOUD, Minn. — Along with summer’s heat comes increasing fly populations. Face flies are a major source of pinkeye transmission in cattle during the summer months. Pinkeye is the most common disease affecting breeding age heifers and is second only to calf scours in diseases affecting nursing calves over three weeks of age. Pinkeye is a highly-contagious disease which can affect all breeds of cattle; but it is more commonly found in pastured cattle than in feedlots. The first clinical signs are often tearing in one or both eyes with frequent blinking and a possible redness to the eye. Pain associated with their condition will often decrease feed intake. If the animal is left untreated, the disease may eventually lead to blindness in the eye. Strategic management practices are the best way
to prevent pinkeye. With a lower overall risk of disease, the concentration of bacteria will be lowered — reducing the risk of a severe pinkeye outbreak. Make sure your cattle are eating a well-balanced ration. As with many diseases, cattle are more susceptible if their nutrition is imbalanced. Deficiencies in protein, energy, vitamins and minerals could influence the likelihood of pinkeye in your herd. Provide shade for your herd. Cattle which are constantly in direct sunlight have a greater risk of eye irritation which can lead to the development of pinkeye. Breeds that lack pigment on their eyelids like Herefords and Charolaise are even more susceptible to the disease due to their sensitivity to sunlight and decreased immune responses in the eye. Control flies around your farm. Good face fly control is very important for preventing the spread of
pinkeye. Some methods of fly control include tags, insecticide pour-ons, dust bags and sprays. If you are using fly tags, be sure to remove them according to their expiration date. If they are left in the cows’ ears for longer, the amount of insecticide continues to decrease over time, causing insecticide-resistant strains of flies. Many producers choose to utilize multiple fly control methods to reduce fly populations around their livestock. Vaccination against pinkeye may be recommended if the problem is persistent year after year. Be sure to work with your veterinarian to develop an effective pinkeye prevention and treatment plan for your herd. This article was submitted by University of Minnesota Extension. v
THE LAND — JUNE 29/JULY 6, 2018
www.thelandonline.com — “Where Farm and Family Meet”
Northern crops look great, fields soggy in the south
By KRISTIN KVENO, The Land Correspondent
Blair Hoseth, Mahnomen, Minn., June 29
“We haven’t had rain.” The Land spoke with Jamie Beyer on June 29 as she reported that there’s been no rain in the last two weeks. The sunny weather has resulted in 97 percent of the crops being good to excellent.
Blair Hoseth got a 5 a.m. wakeup call in the form of a thunderstorm that “blew hard.” The Land spoke with Hoseth on June 29 as he reported that the storm lodged some of his wheat. While his fields didn’t get hit with hail, there was “a little hail by Mahnomen.” Hoseth sprayed dicamba on his beans and was happy to report that he hasn’t heard of any drift problems in the area. The second cutting alfalfa “started a couple of days ago.” There’s been a break in getting it wrapped up due to the rain that’s fallen in the past day. Hoseth plans on spraying fungicide on the wheat this week. He’ll also be getting machinery ready for harvest. Hoseth has been able to get into Mahnomen and enjoy the sights and sounds of the Mahnomen County Fair, with the chariot races tonight featuring “real race horses from off the track.” There’s also a skid steer rodeo starring some local farmers who will be showing off their skid steer skills.
Blair Hoseth
Hoseth attended a Minnesota Corn Growers Association committee meeting on June 20 where results from people surveyed across the state showed, “Minnesotans are becoming more understanding of GMOs.” Hoseth attributes that to greater education on GMOs. The survey also showed Minnesotans “believed more in farmers and had a greater trust in farmers” than previous surveys showed. Hoseth believes that “Minnesotans want more of a personal relationship with their food source.” Hoseth has had a busy few weeks at the farm — in meetings and at the county fair. The crops are doing well and at this point everything’s “sitting in a relatively decent spot right here.”
The soybeans are “blooming and are knee high.” The corn is tasseling and “is great.” The sugar beets have closed their rows. Beyer has seen leaf spot in some of the sugar beets, which will need to be sprayed.
Jamie Beyer
The corn is all sprayed. “We snuck in one bean field before the rain.” Haubrich has a lot of soybeans left to spray. “In the next day or two, I should be able to get out and start spraying beans.” Haubrich had fungicide applied via airplane to the wheat on June 21, “just when it’s starting to head out.” The wet conditions are evident as “even the wheat is showing a little stress.” On the livestock front, the lambs are “very close to being finished.” The first load will be ready for the first week in July — “running on schedule.” The “ewes have been out on pasture, they’re happy.” The rain has been a constant these past few weeks, but Haubrich is hoping that warm, sunny weather will be the new constant soon.
Beyer attended the Minnesota Board of Water and Soil Resources meeting which dealt with the nitrogen rules. Beyer is seeing “already the immediate consequences to the map the Minnesota Department of Agriculture has put together.” For Beyer, from a farming standpoint, this is very similar to the buffer issue. The comment period runs until July 26. “Those comments have to be submitted in writing.” Beyer suggests checking the MDA website (www.mda.state.mn.us/) for more information.
Matt Haubrich, Danube, Minn., June 22
Karson Duncanson, Mapleton, Minn., June 22
“There’s been some crop loss already.” The Land spoke with Karson Duncanson on June 22 as he was dealing with continued wet conditions. “A couple percent of total crop has been lost.” In the past week, five to eight inches of rain has fallen. While some of Duncanson’s fields have been hit harder with rain than others.
On June 9 it “started raining and it’s been frequently since.” The Land spoke with Matt Haubrich on June 22 as he reported there’s “lots of wet fields.” The rain has caused yellowing of corn in low-ground areas and side hills. There’s been little chance to dry out as it “continues to rain every couple days.”
Matt Haubrich
The first crop of alfalfa was cut this past week. “It looked pretty good for us.” The cut resulted in 1.1 tons per acre of alfalfa. The grapes are looking great. “The early rain really filled out those grapes.” Beyer expects a bumper crop of grapes this year. While rain hasn’t been around the Beyer farm, the warm temperatures have been. “The past two days we’ve had miserable heat.” Any chance for rain may not have happen for a while. “Typically after July 4th we don’t receive rain until it rains or snows in the fall.”
Haubrich is thankful it hasn’t been a deluge of rain “we’ve been getting it in increments.” There is more rain in the forecast. “We got some thunderstorms here late weekend — early part of next week.” The good news is, the sun is expected to come back next week.
Jamie Beyer, Wheaton, Minn., June 29
With all the rain, there’s “nowhere for the water to go.” If the water doesn’t start receding, “we’ll be in deep trouble.”
Karson Duncanson
More rain is in the forecast for Sunday through Tuesday. Duncanson has no plans to replant any fields. He believes this year’s crops will have “average yields at best.” Drainage is key this growing season. “Well-drained ground is going to have great crops,” Duncanson said. Once the fields dry up, “we have a little side dressing on the corn left.” Duncanson also plans on finishing spraying soybeans. The corn is all sprayed, though Duncanson may “do a fungicide application.” Not being able to get in the field has meant Duncanson could start “doing our typical summer maintenance projects.” Rain seems to keep coming and that has “wreaked its havoc.” The crops are showing the results of continued moisture. The sun has been in short supply; but with temperatures expected to soar by next weekend, the crops could get a respite from the rain and get some much-needed time in the sun.
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THE LAND — JUNE 29/JULY 6, 2018
Seed quality is both a private and state function By DICK HAGEN The Land Staff Writer FARGO, N.D. — Quality issues regarding corn and soybean seeds are basically the responsibility of the commercial name on the seed container. Ken Bertsch “They’re doing their own field inspecting; their own laboratory testing. Labeling that seed accurately is their responsibility. Our only function with the private seed vendors is to take samples of some of that product and make certain it meets label claims,” said Ken Bertsch, state seed commissioner and 18-years in the North Dakota State Seed Department. It’s a busy place. Bertsch said 18,000 to 20,000 seed samples are brought into the seed laboratory located on the North Dakota State University campus each year. Most are for purpose of final certification. Some are samples growers send in to check germination, purity and absence of weed seeds before the seed in put in the ground.
Bertsch pointed out the majority of seeds produced for the industry is by companies under their own quality assurance programs. In plain language, farmer satisfaction quickly identifies if there are any particular issues with a seed supplier. “Seed quality within the corn and soybean industry is under the company umbrella — be that Pioneer, DeKalb, Monsanto, etc.,” said Bertsch. “Our involvement would be if a particular soybean or corn sample that we collected at a seed retailer’s location didn’t meet the label requirement. Here at the state seed department, we deal with certified seed production from the dozens of seed providers growing soybeans, various wheats, barley, oats and other cereal grain providers including field peas.” Bertsch reflected 10 years ago when the program involved no more than 3,000 to 4,000 total acres of seed production in North Dakota. However, with the advent of a growing number and variety of crop seeds, testing at the North Dakota State Seed Department has expanded significantly
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Seed quality within the corn and soybean industry is under the company umbrella ... Our involvement would be if a particular soybean or corn sample that we collected at a seed retailer’s location didn’t meet the label requirement. — Ken Bertsch Soybean acres in North Dakota (and northwestern Minnesota) have boomed in this same 10-year time frame. Bertsch points out cereal crops (wheat, barley, oats) fluctuate on an annual basis. However the bigger surprise in recent years in North Dakota is field pea. “It has expanded dramatically, especially in our western areas. “Field pea is grown as a livestock feed, though there is some edible usage also. Grown primarily in our western area because of its drought tolerance, field pea is also a good rotational crop with cereals. Edible beans have been fluctuating with the commodity market. It might be 400,000 acres one year, 800,000 acres the next year.” Bertsch admitted he has some concerns about disputes questioning the merits of GMO vs. non-GMO labels as it pertains to soybeans. He explained this is not primarily a function of the State Seed Department because the majority of seed is produced by growers complying with the specifications of the seed company. “So quality assurance of these private label soybeans is under their own jurisdiction.” Is seed piracy an issue? In North Dakota, the State Seed Department is a separate function and not associated with the state department of agriculture like it is in most states. Bertsch indicated part of the responsibility of the Seed Department is to ensure that the “plant variety protection” is being honored. He pointed out the Plant Variety Protection Act assures a given seed can only be sold as a Class of Certified Seed. “They can’t be exchanged farmer to farmer. They have to be purchased legally, but can then be replanted by that farmer for a number of years should he choose to do so.” Infractions can be penalized.
“Absolutely!” said Bertsch. “We can enforce PVP or labeling laws or anything relating to the seed laws with penalties.” A poster displayed on a wall at the North Dakota State Seed Department reads: “SEED PIRACY … Is Your Seed Labeled And Legal? Intellectual Property Protection Drives Innovation. Most crop varieties are protected by one or more of the following Intellectual Property Rights laws: Plant Variety Protected (PVP); Plant Variety Protected Title V; Utility Patents; License Agreements. “Seed piracy may result in civil penalties and fines up to$10,000 per violation in N.D.,” the poster goes on to say. “Seed sellers, buyers and conditioners are all potentially liable. If you suspect seed piracy call: ND State Seed Department Regulatory Manager @ 701.231.5400 or Farmer’s Yield Initiative (FYI) tip line @ 877.482.5907.” Despite costs impacting seed buying decisions, Bertsch defends the value of certified seed versus bin-run seed. “You’ve got genetic purity and that in itself is what prompts sharp farmers to buy a particular seed. Also, certified seed is conditioned — meaning the larger, more viable seeds are what is being marketed. The smaller, likely less-viable seed is not put in the bag. Germination and purity, plus better overall quality are the benefits of certified seed.” Granted this doesn’t apply to corn and soybean varieties marketed through commercial seed companies. Bertsch admits it is very likely some North Dakota certified seed is sold outside the state. Just as some certified seed comes into North Dakota from outside sources. That certified seed tag is your protection, he said. The Seed Department lab even conducts certification work on treated seeds. The purity examination is a visual process. Germination testing involves seeds placed on wet towels placed in a germination chamber with specific standards of temperature and humidity for that particular crop. For most seeds, this is a 5 to 7-day process. But for grass seeds, it can extend out to 30 days. Even vigor testing is showing up in some labs, but not so at the North Dakota State Seed Department. Bertsch may be contacted via e-mail at kbertshc@ndseed.ndsu.edu or by phone at (701) 231-5415. v
THE LAND — JUNE 29/JULY 6, 2018
www.thelandonline.com — “Where Farm and Family Meet”
Iowa barn quilt organization currently on hold By RENAE B. VANDER SCHAAF The Land Correspondent Stan and Linda Korver’s fascination with barn quilts began when their children attended Iowa State University. Their frequent trips to and fro gave ample opportunity to view the landscape between their farm near Orange City and Ames. The barn quilts captured their attention. “There were all different kinds of quilts,” said Linda. “Some were literally quilt patterns, others were patriotic, college mascots and even the state of Iowa was depicted on one quilt.” The barn quilts intrigued Korver, who has always liked quilts. Her mother, grandmother and aunts made quilts; but sewing was not something she did. She wondered if barn quilts could be her thing. “When the Sioux County Extension scheduled a program about barn quilts, I attended,” said Korver. “Several of us raised our hands as we would like to Photos by Renae B. Vander Schaaf see more barn quilts in the area.” Linda Korver worked hard as a member of the Barn Quilt of Sioux County Committee Linda Korver and four other women to help facilitate barn quilts in Sioux County. The first Quilt was hung on the Korver throughout the county met together to barn. It is the pinwheel design. form the Barn Quilts of Sioux County A metal shield is placed on top of committee in mid-2008. They spent each quilt to protect the plywood several months researching barn from moisture damage caused by quilts, gathering information on how rain or snow. to make barn quilts, hang them, protecting them from the elements and Another issue was finding a securing funds for making the quilts. place to work. The quilts are large and it takes several weeks to make This committee planned to help othone. Through word of mouth, ers with their barn quilts. They would friends of friends, the Barn Quilts make a quilt completely from beginof Sioux County were able to work ning to finish, give instructions to go in buildings that were heated or about making a barn quilt and sell the cooled depending on the season. proper equipment to those who wanted to make their own quilt. “It is a process of steps,” said “One of the things we learned was This 4-foot by 4-foot “Flutterby” Korver. “The larger quilts required plywood to be joined together. that a high grade of plywood was barn quilt design is easily seen required,” said Korver. “A regular barn by travelers who pass the garage There is a frame that goes around the plywood sheets and all of this quilt measured 8-feet by 8-feet. The on the Klover acreage. is screwed together. This work was smaller quilts are 4-feet by 4-feet.” done by my husband, Stan.” A specially-formatted paint manufactured by The drawing of the patterns proved to be a bit of Diamond Vogel Paint in Orange City is designed to not fade and is weather proof. At that time, Diamond challenge, but pencil drawing is easily erased until Vogel Paint was involved with “Keep Iowa Beautiful“ the pattern was perfect. Later a computer program campaign. Their contribution was to supply a certain helped. It wasn’t perfect, but certainly made designnumber cans of paint. The barn quilts qualified ing the quilt easier, said Korver. under this program. Before any quilts were started, the committee needed “It takes quite a bit of paint on a barn quilt,” said to figure out a way to hang the quilts. They are heavy, Korver. “There is first the primer, then the design awkward to carry and the places on the barns where itself takes many coats. The colors do stay vibrant.” they would usually hang were high above the ground. “We asked our local REC (rural electric cooperaBarn quilts are usually best when done in bright colors — often with the opposite color on the color tive) if they would help,” said Korver. “When they agreed to hang the quilts, we were ready to start. But wheel. It needs to look good from far away.
we didn’t have a list of those who wanted quilts.” She volunteered their acreage farm to be a place to begin. This didn’t give the Korvers much time to choose a pattern or the colors. There are so many possibilities. But in a day or two, they had chosen the pinwheel design. “It’s a variation of the windmill,” explained Korver. “We have an old windmill on our land, so this pattern seemed right to us.” From this first quilt, the committee went on to help and/or make quilts for others throughout the county. The quilts were expensive to make. It was not a money maker for the committee and there were supplies that needed purchasing. The interest appears to have dwindled and the committee has disbanded in the latter part of 2011. Today, there are many quilts hung on barns and other farm buildings — some on regularly-travelled highways, others on less travelled roads in the area. The Korvers are not alone in their delight in seeing barn quilts. v
Aitkin County Fair — July 4-7 632 Minnesota Ave N, Aitkin www.aitkincountyfair.org Anoka County Fair — July 24-29 3200 St. Francis Blvd, Anoka www.anokacountyfair.com 763-427-4070
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THE LAND — JUNE 29/JULY 6, 2018
Carlton County Fair — August 16-19 3770 Front St., Barnum www.carltoncountyfairmn.com 218-389-6737 Carver County Fair — August 8-12 501 West Third St, Waconia www.carvercountyfair.com 952-442-2333 Cass County Fair-Pillager — July 12-15 207 E Second St S, Pillager www.pillagerfair.com 218-839-5329
Becker County Fair — July 25-28 Rossman Ave, Detroit Lakes www.beckercountyfair.tripod.com 218-847-5490
Cass County Fair-Pine River June 28-July 1 5744 County Rd 1, Pine River www.thecasscountyfairmn.org 218-821-0444
Beltrami County Fair — August 8-12 7223 Fairgrounds Rd NW, Bemidji www.beltramicountyfair.org 218-444-8169 Benton County Fair — July 31-August 5 1410 Third Ave S, Sauk Rapids www.bentonfairmn.com 320-253-5649
The following county fair information is courtesy of the Minnesota Federation of County Fairs website — www.mfcf.com — and is subject to change. Where available, information includes a fair’s dates, fairgrounds location, phone number and website. Big Stone County Fair — July 11-15 220 Fair St, Clinton www.bscfair.org 320-325-FAIR Blue Earth County Fair — July 26-29 340 Fairgrounds St, Garden City www.blueearthcountyfair.org 507-420-5689 Brown County Fair — August 8-12 1201 N State St., New Ulm www.browncountyfreefair.com 507-354-2223 Cannon Valley Fair — July 1-4 800 N Ninth St, Cannon Falls www.cannonvalleyfair.org 507-263-3548
Chippewa County Fair — July 25-29 584 First St, Montevideo www.chippewacofair.com 320-793-6727 Chisago County Fair — July 19-22 905 W Fourth St, Rush City www.chisagocountyfair.org 320-358-0296 Clay County Fair — July 12-15 620 Main Ave. E, Barnesville www.mnclaycountyfair.com 218-354-2675 Clearwater County Fair — August 1-5 800 North Main, Bagley www.clearwatercountyfair.com 218-694-2780 Cottonwood County Fair — August 14-18 1480 Eighth Ave, Windom www.cottonwoodcountyfair.org 507-831-0023
See OFFICIALS, pg. 15
THE LAND — JUNE 29/JULY 6, 2018
Crow Wing County Fair July 31-August 4 2000 13th St SE, Brainerd www.crowwingcountyfair.com 218-829-6680 Dakota County Fair — August 6-12 4008 220th St W, Farmington www.dakotacountyfair.org 651-463-8818 Dodge County Fair — July 18-22 62922 Hwy 57 N, Kasson www.dodgecountyfreefair.com 507-634-7736 Douglas County Fair — August 16-19 300 Fairgrounds Rd, Alexandria www.dcmnfair.com 866-656-FAIR Faribault County Fair — July 26-29 235 Midway Rd, Blue Earth www.fairbaultcountyfair.com 507-520-6552
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Koochiching County Fair — August 10-12 12099 Hwy 71 N, Northome www.koochichingcountyfair.org Houston County Fair — August 15-19 218-897-5205 Lac Qui Parle — September 6-9 203 History Lane, Caledonia 705 Fair St., Madison www.houstoncountyfair.com www.lqpfair.org 507-725-3397 320-598-3989 Hubbard County Fair — July 11-15 Hennepin County Fair — June 15-17 7205 County Road 101, Corcoran www.hennepincountyfair.com 507-222-0293
201 Fair Ave, Park Rapids www.hubbardcountyfair.com 218-252-0264
Isanti County Fair — July 18-22 3101 Hwy 95 NE, Cambridge www.isanticountyfair.com 763-639-6853 Itasca County Fair — August 15-19 1336 Fairgrounds Rd, Grand Rapids www.itascacountyfair.org 218-326-6470
Lake County Fair — August 16-19 1381 Fairground Rd, Two Harbors www.thelakecountyfair.com 218-269-4159 Lake of the Woods County Fair July 11-14 County Hwy 1, Baudette lakeofthewoodsmn.com 218-634-1174
Martin County Fair — August 13-19 1300 North Bixby Rd, Fairmont www.theotherbigfair.com 507-235-9576
McLeod County Fair — August 15-19 LeSueur County Fair — August 16-19 840 Century Ave SW, Hutchinson 320 Plut Ave, Le Center www.mcleodcountyfair.com www.lesueurcountyfair.org 320-587-2499 Jackson County Fair — July 24-28 507-357-6500 Fillmore County Fair — July 16-22 78748 550th Ave, Jackson Meeker County Fair — August 2-5 Lincoln County Fair — August 2-5 Preston www.jacksoncountyfairmn.com 1230 N Armstrong Ave, Litchfield 200 W Strong St, Tyler www.fillmorecountyfair.com 507-849-7222 www.meekerfair.com www.lincolncofair.com 320-593-3247 Freeborn County Fair — Kanabec County Fair — July 25-29 507-247-5675 July 31-August 5 701 South Union Street, Mora Mille Lacs County Fair — August 8-12 Lyon County Fair — August 8-12 1031 Bridge Ave, Albert Lea www.kanabecfair.org 1400 Third St N, Princeton 500 Fairgrounds Rd., Marshall www.freeborncountyfair.com 320-679-3371 www.millelacscountyfair.com 507-373-6965 763-389-3138 Kandiyohi County Fair — August 8-11 www.lyoncountyfair.com 507-825-4303 Goodhue County Fair — August 7-11 907 Seventh St NW, Willmar Morrison County Fair — August 9-11 Mahnomen County Fair — June 28-30 15575 Hawthorn Rd, Little Falls 44279 County 6 Blvd, Zumbrota www.kandifair.com 3460 5th Street, Mahnomen www.goodhuecountyfair.com 320-235-0886 www.morrisonfair.com www.mahnomencountyfair.com 507-732-5001 (fair) 320-632-1040 Kittson County Fair — July 11-15 218-935-2226 Grant County Fair — July 19-22 County Hwy 1, Hallock Mower County Free Fair — Marshall County Fair — July 25-29 605 Vienna Ave, Herman www.kittsoncountyfair.org August 7-12 520 North Eighth St, Warren www.grantcountyfairmn.com 218-843-3411 700 12th St SW, Austin www.marshallcountyfair.org 320-677-2284 www.mowercountyfair.com 218-745-4445 507-433-1868
106th Annual Free Fair July 31 - August 5 Remembering Our Fallen Racing Pigs from Leader Butterfly House Ultimate Truck Series Racing Animals, food and fun!
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Nobles County Fair — August 1-5 1602 Stower Drive, Worthington www.noblescountyfair.com 507-372-2919 Norman County Fair — June 20-23 503 W Thorpe Ave, Ada www.normancountyfair.com 218-784-4984
Murray County Fair — August 15-18 3048 Broadway Ave., Slayton www.murraycountyfair.com 507-836-6303 Nicollet County Fair — August 8-12 400 W Union St, St. Peter www.nicolletcountyfair.com 507-934-2684
Northern Minnesota District Fair July 6-8 4940 Fairwood Ave., Littlefork www.northernmndistrictfair.com 218-278-4405
Otter Tail County Fair-West July 18-21 1812 Pebble Lake Rd, Fergus Falls www.wotcountyfair.com 218-736-0272 Pennington County Fair — July 18-22 524 Barzen Ave. S, Thief River Falls www.penningtoncountyfair.com 218-688-0488 Pine County Fair — August 1-5 707 First Ave NW, Pine City www.pinecountyfair.com 320-629-3408
Olmsted County Fair — July 23-29 Rochester www.olmstedcountyfair.com 507-282-9862
Pipestone County Fair — August 1-4 10th Ave. SE, Pipestone www.pipestonecountyfair.sites. 507-348-4919
Otter Tail County Fair-East — July 19-22 445 Fourth Ave SE, Perham www.eotcountyfair.org 218-346-2750
Polk County Fair — July 11-15 200 Polk Ave. SE, Fertile www.polkcountyfairfertilemn.com 218-945-6723
THE LAND — JUNE 29/JULY 6, 2018
Pope County Fair — July 18-21 230 Minnesota Ave. W, Glenwood www.popecountyfair.org 320-634-4855 Ramsey County Fair — July 11-15 2020 White Bear Ave, Maplewood www.ramseycountyfair.com 651-770-2626 Red Lake County Fair — June 21-24 201 Governor Street, Oklee https://www.facebook.com/rlc.fair 218-268-4747 Redwood County Fair — July 11-15 201 N Dekalb St, Redwood Falls www.redwoodcountyfair.com 507-627-2801 Renville County Fair — August 8-10 County Road 5, Bird Island www.renvillecountyfair.com 320-365-3242
THE LAND — JUNE 29/JULY 6, 2018
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South St Louis County Fair July 11-15 800 N Boundary Ave, Duluth www.proctorduluthfair.com 218-628-2401 St Louis County Fair — August 8-12 1100 E 25th St, Hibbing www.stlofair.org 218-263-4256
Rice County Fair — July 17-22 1814 2nd Ave NW, Faribault www.ricecountyfair.net 507-332-2470 Rock County Fair — July 25-28 South Freeman Ave, Luverne www.rockcountyfair.com 507-220-1725 Roseau County Fair — July 15-20 500 Fourth Ave. NW, Roseau www.roseaucountyfair.com 218-689-6634 Scott County Fair — July 25-29 7151 190th Street W, Jordan www.scottcountyfair.com 952-492-2436
Stearns County Fair — July 25-29 1105 Ash St S, Sauk Centre www.stearnscountyfair.com 320-352-2482 Steele County Free Fair August 14-19 1525 S Cedar Ave., Owatonna www.scff.org 507-451-5305 Stevens County Fair — August 7-12 177 S County Rd 22, Morris www.scfair.net 320-589-1062 SW St Louis County Fair August 23-26 107 West 7th Avenue, Floodwood www.swstlouiscountyfair.com/ 218-263-4256
Swift County Fair — August 15-19 500 W. Reuss Ave., Appleton Sherburne County Fair — July 19-22 www.swiftcountyfair.org 13372 Business Center Dr., Elk River 320-289-6090 www.sherburnecountyfair.org Todd County Fair — July 12-15 763-441-3610 215 1st Ave SE, Long Prairie Sibley County Fair — August 1-5 www.toddcountyfair.com 801 W Chandler St, Arlington 320-732-2739 www.sibleycountyfair.com Traverse County Fair — August 23-26 507-964-5698 7th St S, Wheaton www.traverse.mn.us/ 320-808-6323
Free Entry and Parking
Tri-County Fair — August 15 600 Hope St, Mankato Wabasha County Fair — July 18-21 99 Coolee Way Rd, Wabasha www.wabashacountyfair.org 507-251-7149 Wadena County Fair — June 21-24 400 Ash Ave NW, Wadena www.wadenacountyfair.com 218-631-7630 Waseca County Fair — July 11-15 409 8th Ave NE, Waseca www.wasecacountyfair.org 507-835-8958 Washington County Fair — August 1-5 12300 40th St N, Stillwater www.washingtoncountyfair.org 651-436-6009
Watonwan County Fair — July 19-22 35164 11th St S, Saint James www.watonwancountyfair.com 507-375-5515 Wilkin County Fair — August 16-19 101 Nebraska Ave, Breckenridge www.wilkincountyfair.org 701-640-6644 Winona County Fair — July 11-15 506 West Sixth St, St. Charles www.winonacountyfair.com 507-932-3074 Wright County Fair — July 18-22 County Rd 6 SW, Howard Lake www.wrightcountyfair.org 320-543-2111 Yellow Medicine County Fair July 12-14 Fairgrounds Road, Canby www.ymcfair.org 507-223-7155
www.thelandonline.com — “Where Farm and Family Meet”
THE LAND — JUNE 29/JULY 6, 2018
AgriGrowth Council gearing up for election year By DICK HAGEN The Land Staff Writer ST. PAUL — Perry Aasness brings a diversified business background to his position as CEO with the Minnesota AgriGrowth Council. Before joining AgriGrowth, Aasness had worked with the Minnesota Farm Bureau, National Pork Board, Perry Aasness USDA Farm Service Agency and Minnesota Department of Agriculture. “We view AgriGrowth’s industry-wide perspective as essential in a state where agriculture and food sector is the second-largest economic driver,” said Aasness. He described AgriGrowth as a unique organization — dealing with large companies involved in world trade issues as well as regulations pertaining to farmers and food processors. Founded in 1968 to advocate for Minnesota’s agriculture and food sector, AgriGrowth boasts a membership of over 170 companies, organizations and individuals. The organization works the political arena in hopes to create a positive business climate for Minnesota’s food systems and agriculture Aasness spoke with The Land during the annual Legislative Review luncheon which AgriGrowth hosts for members and farm media. He was asked for his take on President Trump’s issues on agricultural trade. His quick response, “Yes, I think there’s a lot of anxiety right now in terms of where this is all heading. China, for example, has many practices crowding the issue of fairness. In our tough farm economy right now, there’s lots of concerns about trade talk.”
Four state legislative representatives attended the luncheon. What sort of grade does Aasness give Minnesota’s 2018 session? With proper political correction, he responded, “I think we will hear more on the missed opportunities of this session. Going in, we knew it was going to be a short session with a lot of politics because this is an election year. The biggest disappointment from AgriGrowth standpoint was the failure to not enact some form of tax conformity and tax reform with the federal tax bill.” Why did Minnesota Governor Mark Dayton choose to veto the bill? “I can’t read his mind,” offered Aasness. “There were things that he talked about in his tax proposal that were good for agriculture, such as Section 179 Accelerated Depreciation. Everyone agreed on that; but because it was part of a much bigger package that he didn’t agree with, that got lost by his veto also. “We were hopeful as things moved along that there was good bipartisan discussions. It just simply should have gotten done. If it wasn’t quite what the governor wanted, he should have made that clear so we could find a way to include that section across the finish line. It doesn’t just affect agriculture and business. It’s going to affect all tax filers … Plus, our Department of Revenue may now have to design two systems of tax filings for next year and that is going to be a disaster.” In view of the number of new filings for various elected offices recently, Asness thinks everyone will be looking ahead to see who’s filing, what will emerge from the primaries, and how all this might affect agriculture come 2019. “As the deck chairs get shuffled, I think a lot of new
people are seeing this as new opportunities in the political process. Primary caucuses have lost their impetus. That is why so many new candidates are willing to announce their candidacy without the endorsement of the party leaders,” speculated Asness. Aasness added that it is the intention of AgriGrowth to advance the candidate for governor who is solidly pro-agriculture. “By that I mean someone who is going to look out for our interests from a regulatory standpoint — looking to remove barriers that would allow agriculture to flourish. Without naming anyone at this point, it appears there are candidates that track more that way than others. By the same token, I think you will see our efforts elevating also for selected House and Senate members,” summed up Asness. Would an AgriGrowth council board member consider being a candidate? This group has some intelligent, articulate and very successful farmers as part of the board. Aasness commented, “You raise a good point. We can all get quite frustrated with our political system, but we need good people to run for office. Yes, it can be a tremendous sacrifice. And in this polarized environment of social media, even people with the very best backgrounds can get criticised. It’s not an easy task. “But we are governed of the people, by the people, so we need real people who can create jobs and be dedicated to their elected cause. I’m not aware that anyone from our organization filed. On the other hand, our role at AgriGrowth is to be bipartisan in helping advance a stronger state for any and all people of Minnesota. We’ll put forth resources and we’ll support those candidates whom we think clearly has the interests of agriculture,” summed up Asness. v
Legislators see plenty of problems ahead for next session By DICK HAGEN The Land Staff Writer ST. PAUL — Taxes were a popular topic for the four legislative representatives who took part in AgriGrowth’s annual legislative luncheon on June 6. The quartet shared a variety of opinions on other issues too. Six-term Republican Representative Sarah Anderson of Plymouth, simply said, “Taxes continue to be a huge issue — especially since we didn’t get around to doing conformity with the new federal tax bill. When the next governor takes office Jan. 8, 2019, I think tax reform should be the number-one item on his/her agenda.” DFL Senator Kent Eken of Twin Valley thinks lack of action on a major bonding bill was a critical mistake of the 2018 session. “We have a huge backlog of deferred maintenance on our state highways and bridges. Yes, a $825 million general obligation bonding bill was passed, but that is insufficient. Next session, I’m suggesting we phase out property tax. It’s
simply unfair. You’re penalizing success.” Representative Clark Johnson, a third-term DFLer from North Mankato, stated, “Ground water legislation continues to divide agriculture and others. There’s opportunity for everyone on this issue. But I think it important for agriculture to take the lead. Nothing is more important down the road.” Republican Senator Michelle Benson, in her third term from Ham Lake, is concerned about how consumer behavior negatively impacts health care costs. “And day care providers for children have a growing fear over increasing state regulations. Reform has to come, and soon, or we will be driving day care providers out of business. Then what?” The guest representatives were equally candid when asked to identify their three top questions/ issues for state government. Rep. Johnson asked, “Who we are? How do we get along? Let’s quit partisan government. We’re stronger together. Wages are an issue. We have more jobs
than we have workers. Rebuilding our work force is critical.” Rep. Anderson chimed in, “The economy and cost of living. How do we better educate our students? Day care issues. What parents now pay is astronomical. More personalization of education. Tax conformity that matches up with the federal tax program.” “Economic conditions for rural Minnesota,” added Sen. Ekin “Metro area can’t be prime income area without rural Minnesota also prospering. Also, growing concerns over long-term care for seniors — both availability and costs. We will continue to have more and more senior citizens, but are we ready to properly accommodate them?” Sen. Benson said, “Health Insurance — especially the Minnesota Care package. Buy-in has to happen. Tax conformity with the federal tax program has to happen. Ramping up Minnesota values. Minnesota potential is huge. We’ve just got too many naysayers.” v
THE LAND — JUNE 29/JULY 6, 2018
www.thelandonline.com — “Where Farm and Family Meet”
Farmers Union President Wertish optimistic for next session By DICK HAGEN The Land Staff Writer ST. PAUL — “Lots of things didn’t happen that should have happened.” That comment by Minnesota Farmers Union President Gary Wertish echoed the sentiments of many attending the AgriGrowth Gary Wertish Legislative Luncheon on June 6. “Politics always play a big role,” Wertish said. “Because of the governor’s comments about line item vetoes of what he didn’t agree with, everything got rolled into big omnibus bills. And with the governor’s veto, lots of things we had proposed got wiped out with his signature.” Wertish credits the one-year moratorium on the buffer bill as a plus. He said the 2019 legislature has a big job ahead — starting with conformity of the Minnesota tax law with the new federal tax bill. Wertish was uncertain if we will see a lot of new faces at the state capital after this fall’s election. “It’s hard to say. In view of this rash of new filings, I think you will see many new faces next January when the 2019 legislature kicks into action. That’s both good and bad. As you work with legislators, it’s a constant educational process to make them aware of your issues. But new faces could be refreshing too. Time will tell.”
You’re always optimistic. That’s the very nature of being a farmer. However, there’s little doubt the credit crunch will catch a few more farmers again this season.. — Gary Wertish Will a new governor make a difference? Wertish hesitated. “I think that’s been blown out of proportion,” he admitted. “Unfortunately, election year politics really reared up this session. Speaking for Farmers Union, and I suspect other farm groups as well, we’re willing to work with any governor. We’re all in this together.” Wertish, himself a Renville County farmer (with two sons actually now running the show), is concerned about the continuing cost/break-even scenario of farming today. He admits for the time being it appears American farmers are very capable of producing more than domestic and world exports can consume. Continually improving genetics; a fiveyear flush of good growing conditions in most agricultural areas of the United States and other countries; plus farmers using new technologies has definitely bumped both U.S. and world agriculture into new levels of production never before achieved.
However, another serious issue for Wertish involves day care centers and early childhood education. Governor Mark Dayton was a staunch supporter of the Head Start program. “It’s even more concern for some immigrant kids,” Wertish said, “but all kids deserve a better start in life. Day care centers are vital. Less state regulation is a concern … and so too are the costs of getting kids enrolled in day care facilities. I think this should become a high priority item in next year’s educational funding. “And with an aging population in Minnesota, head start programs for kids becomes even more important. In many situations, day care permits both parents to be working. Local schools are seeing if they can assist, but they would need additional funding to make that work. It takes a special skill to be a day care provider. Not everyone is suited to do this very demanding work and we are so often told, good day care is likely the most important segment of a child’s entire education process.” Are more tough times ahead for farmers? ‘You’re always optimistic,” admitted Wertish. “That’s the very nature of being a farmer. However, there’s little doubt the credit crunch will catch a few more farmers again this season. That’s simply the nature of this incredible occupation we admire, we love and we cherish.” v
Bilek: 2018 session more about what didn’t happen By DICK HAGEN The Land Staff Writer ST. PAUL — When asked what did happen during the 2018 Minnesota legislative session, Amanda Bilek, Senior Public Policy Director of the Minnesota Corn Growers Association, is more likely Amanda Bilek to tick off what didn’t happen. Bilek was in attendance at the AgriGrowth annual legislative luncheon on June 6. She admitted the extension of the ditch mowing moratorium permits for another year was a positive. Regarding transportation as it relates to agriculture, year-round exemption of the 150-mile limit as well as the electronic logging blocking devices and new additional investments in road and bridge infrastructure were also plus happenings. “The tax issue was vetoed by Governor Dayton,” said Bilek. “Included was full conformity on Section 179 for agriculture. That would have been a real bright spot for agriculture. Other issues on ag finance and ag policy also were vetoed in that same allinclusive bill, in addition to a separate ag policy bill. Bottom line … there simply were no big wins for agriculture.” Is a house cleaning of elected officials needed to get more favorable results? “I don’t really know,” Bilek
Other issues on ag finance and ag policy also were vetoed in that same all-inclusive bill, in addition to a separate ag policy bill. Bottom line … there simply were no big wins for agriculture. — Amanda Bilek replied. “Things have gotten rather volatile in the Minnesota political scene — especially this rash of people suddenly becoming candidates for this or that opportunity. But I think what voters will be wanting to see are things getting done, not just talk. There was a lot that was left undone this year.” Elected officials also want to make things happen and get over the gridlock attitude. “We very much want to — and need to — work with our members of both the Senate and the House plus the next governor,” Bilek added. “But we need assurances that the next governor’s pen isn’t so veto happy like the pen of Governor Dayton.” So are Minnesota Corn Growers actively beating the drums at the state capitol on issues of high concern? “Very definitely,” said Bilek, “and I’m one of the drum beaters. We also have a contract lobbyist and
she’s on board every day. We sent letters to each elected member on a buffer property tax credit. It did not pass the tax bill so it will be on our agenda next year. Funding concerns was the issue. Clean water funds vs. general revenue funds was the hang-up. So we’ll be looking at how we can make better use of those clean water fund dollars in the future to be more directed to on-the-ground practices.” Buffer land tax credits are definitely on her agenda for the 2019 legislative session. “For farmers putting in buffers, they are paying essentially ag land property tax rates on those buffers. So a tax credit on those pieces of land would be a logical way to reduce the disparity. Both Democrats and Republicans were in favor of this tax credit, but they couldn’t reach agreement on how to pay for it.” Bilek grew up on a farm in Wadena County. She graduated from Staples High School and then St. Thomas College in St. Paul. She’s been with Minnesota Corn Growers for about a year. Prior to that she was the State Government Affairs Director for an energy policy organization. So she’s keen on renewable fuels and the important energy arm of agriculture. She sees a strong future for both wind and solar energy — plus storage options for those resources. “Energy storage is coming on line and we’ll see and read lots more in this area ahead,” summed up Bilek who drives a flex-fuel Ford. v
www.thelandonline.com — “Where Farm and Family Meet”
THE LAND — JUNE 29/JULY 6, 2018
Agriculture needs metro and outstate working together By DICK HAGEN The Land Staff Writer ST. PAUL — Maureen Gustafson, marketing director for Gislason and Hunter, was in attendance at the AgriGrowth annual legislative review luncheon on June 6. Gislason and Hunter is a Minnesota firm active in agricultural law across Maureen Minnesota. Keeping tuned in on Gustafson what happened and what didn’t happen during the 2018 Minnesota state legislative session is important to all tax payers — especially a law firm with offices in Minneapolis, Mankato, New Ulm and Des Moines, Iowa. Gustafson spent a few minutes with The Land and shared her thoughts on many issues of the 2018 legislature and beyond. She’s not bashful. The Land: What was the biggest disappointment of this past legislative session? Gustafson: Not having a tax bill that is workable for all of our clients. Plus, the Minnesota tax law doesn’t line up with the new federal tax program. So now we have confusion. People don’t know what to do. It’s going to cost a lot of money evaluating what they need to be doing to clear up the confusion. The Land: So now what do you do? Gustafson: Tough to determine right now. Looking at the various scenarios that could happen and give advice accordingly in the best possible manner is where we are for now. The Land: Why did this 2018 Legislature have so
many difficulties? Gustafson: Not being able to function in a bipartisan manner is most obvious to me. It’s like they have forgotten that working together is how laws are written. Today, it’s like they are following the religion of their particular party and they’re not comfortable crossing the line. It’s not good for the economy; it’s not good for their constituents. The Land: So what has to happen to make government function more effectively? Gustafson: Leadership is always the first answer. And to me it means some way for the metro and the outstate communities to better understand each other and find some balance. That means recognizing both segments are intertwined and they have to work together. The Land: Did we not get leadership from our governor? Gustafson: No. He simply dug in his heels. Until his issues were dwelt with, he didn’t want to hear other issues or other viewpoints. He’s very stubborn about his agenda. If it’s not being taken care of, nothing gets done. The Land: Would a Republican governor make a difference in how the 2019 legislature functions? Gustafson: It depends on who that person is. I don’t think it matters which party the governor represents. The Land:So would former Governor Tim Pawlenty be a better choice? Gustafson: No, I think he is metropolitan-based. I
don’t think he understands the needs of agriculture. So from the prospectus of AgriGrowth Council and its membership — which includes many agri-business and farm organization leaders of Minnesota — I don’t think Pawlenty is a good choice. At this stage, I think Ron Johnson, the endorsed candidate, is more representative of Minnesotans and has a more global viewpoint of the entire state. The Land: Your thoughts on President Trump. Is he getting a negative image in the eyes of our agricultural leaders for his involvement in trade talk issues? Gustafson: He always has. Yes, he got a lot of votes from the agricultural community across America, but they didn’t realize what he might be doing to foreign trade. They thought they were getting a wise businessman who was going to make wise decisions. But instead, he has made numerous decisions that have hurt the agricultural industry. Anything they thought he was going to do, he did the exact opposite. I think he’ll get U.S. agriculture completely alienated from Mexico and Canada so who knows if we will even have NAFTA. The Land: Politically speaking, do you see any particular help for U.S. agriculture? Gustafson: I don’t. And it will take a long time to recover — particularly since our production and marketing challenges cannot be solved quickly. We’re alienating anyone who wanted to work with us. We’re alienating years and years of positive trade agreements that were put in place. And this is hitting agriculture the hardest. v
It’s important to keep cows cool in the summer heat ST. CLOUD, Minn. — Heat abatement and preventing heat stress on a dairy farm involves so many things to keep in mind. Heat stress is important as it can have a huge economic impact on an operation. Dairy cattle will significantly decrease dry matter intake during heat stress in an attempt to reduce heat production from the digestion and metabolism of nutrients. It is important to develop a nutrientdense ration during periods of heat stress. Milk production can be significantly reduced during heat stress. Research has found that when cows experience days where the temperature heat index is between 65 and 73, milk yield loss averages five pounds per cow per day. Heat stress also hinders reproductive performance of the dairy cow and consequential impacts can be seen for months following the exposure. Decreased fertility can lead to more days open and disrupt the cycle to which a cow enters and exits the milking herd. In addition, embryo loss is 3.7 times more likely in times of heat stress. Always keep in mind that cows feel discomfort in the heat a lot sooner than we do. Cows are most com-
fortable at 50 F, and begin to feel heat stress at 68 F. With this in mind, make sure fans and sprinklers are being turned on at an adequate time. Research suggests fans should be turned on at 65 F. Shade cuts solar heat gain for cows on pasture. Roof overhangs provide shade near the barn sidewalls. Barn ventilation cools cows by providing air exchange between inside and outside. Ventilation can be by either natural or mechanical means. In hot weather, provide as much ventilation as you can. Tunnel ventilation brings air in at one end or side of a barn and exhausts it out the other. Size fans and inlets correctly and make sure the fans are well maintained and inlets are open. Mixing fans hung from rafters or trusses create air movement. Mixing fans do not provide air exchange between inside and outside, but they supplement the cooling effect of ventilation. Low-pressure sprinklers along feed bunks or in holding areas wet the cows’ backs to provide cooling. Low-pressure sprinkler systems must turn on and off. Mixing fans enhance the effect. At 70 F, sprin-
klers should be turned on at a cycle of 2 minutes every 15 minutes. As temperature increases, sprinklers need to cycle at shorter intervals. High pressure misters cool the air by creating a fine mist or small droplets. The droplets need to evaporate before they hit the stalls or bedding. Place misters near inlets. Misters are not as effective when ventilation blows the mist out of the barn before the air cools. Evaporative pads cool and humidify the inlet air in low-profile cross-ventilated barns. The pads need to be uniformly moist for best effect. Fresh water needs to be added, and check for mineral accumulation and algae growth. As always, and especially in summer, cows need plenty of access to fresh water. There should be 1.2 to 3.6 linear inches of space per cow at a waterer. As temperatures increase, so does water consumption and crowding at waterers can occur. Also, think about having a waterer just outside the parlor. Cows consume about 10 percent of their daily water after milking. This article was submitted by University of Minnesota Extension. v
THE LAND — JUNE 29/JULY 6, 2018
www.thelandonline.com — “Where Farm and Family Meet”
Grain Outlook Corn rebounds with USDA reports The following marketing analysis is for the week ending June 29. CORN — Markets took a nose-dive as traders returned from the weekend with no resolution to any of the trade issues, no weather threats, high crop ratings and a rallying U.S. dollar. Bottom pickers and fund position squaring going into month/quarter end and the Planted Acreage and Grain Stocks reports seemed to limit the losses in corn. Fundamentals have been termed friendly, but recent fund selling and poor trade news reigned supreme as corn stairstepped lower through the week. Growers and many traders went to the sidelines awaiting the June 29 reports. The June reports didn’t result in the blow-out volatility we’ve seen over the last five years, but did provide a bounce to PHYLLIS NYSTROM the market to end the week. In CHS Hedging Inc. the last five years, December corn St. Paul has closed from 27.5 cents lower to 29.25 cents higher on report day. This year, we closed 5.25 cents higher. The 2018 Planted Acreage report pegged corn acres at 89.13 million acres compared to trade expectations for 88.56 million acres. This is up 1.1 million acres from the March estimate and down 1.04 million acres from last year. This extended the history of actual June acreage coming in higher than estimates. The June 1 corn stocks were spot-on with estimates at 5.31 billion bushels. This is the biggest June stocks number since 1988 and the third highest on record. Last year’s June 1 stocks were 5.23 billion bushels. This also extended the streak of higher stocks than estimates. On-farm stocks at 2.75 billion bushels were down 3 percent from last year. Off-farm stocks at 2.56 billion bushels were up 7 percent from last year. 2018 Planted Acreage for wheat results were: all wheat 47.82 million acres vs. 47.1 million estimated and above the highest trade prediction; spring wheat 13.2 million vs. 12.43 million estimated; all winter wheat 32.73 million vs. 32.63 million estimated; durum 1.89 million vs. 2.03 million estimated. All wheat acres are up 4 percent from last year, but are still the second-lowest since 1919. June 1 wheat stocks were 1.1 billion bushels — right at the trade estimate and 7 percent lower than last year. If anything, the jump in wheat acres was the most surprising thing on the reports. However, the Chicago and Kansas City markets rallied sharply off the reports See NYSTROM, pg. 22
Cash Grain Markets
corn/change* soybeans/change* St. Cloud $3.01 -.08 $7.69 -.40 Madison $2.99 -.10 $7.81 -.40 Redwood Falls $2.96 -.12 $7.83 -.36 Fergus Falls $2.87 -.16 $7.57 -.40 Morris $2.97 -.11 $7.65 -.30 Tracy $3.00 -.12 $7.79 -.35 Average:
Year Ago Average: $3.04 $9.08 Grain prices are effective cash close on July 2. *Cash grain price change represents a two-week period.
Livestock Angles Livestock market is oversold Fear has dominated the commodity markets over the past several weeks which have also included the livestock markets. This fear has arisen from the idea that tariffs may be implemented on U.S. livestock and grain exports by the foreign buyers in the upcoming days. As of this writing, no tariffs have been enacted on U.S. agricultural products. All of this fear has left the livestock markets oversold and the futures markets well discount to current cash prices on both cattle and hogs. The cattle market was hit twofold — not only by the fear of tariffs on the beef exports, but JOE TEALE also by the recent U.S. Broker Department of Agriculture monthly Cattle on Feed report. Great Plains Commodity Afton, Minn. That report was seen as slightly negative — primarily due to the greater-than-anticipated placement number and the slightly greater number on feed. In the meantime, the cash trade has weakened during the period down to the $108 cwt. area on a limited number of trades. Beef cutouts have also been on the defensive as prices on choice have dropped below $220 cwt. — signifying weakness at the consumer level. With the cattle market at all phases oversold, it would seem likely that some price recovery could surface in the near term. However, if any tariffs arise that are implemented on American beef, there could be additional weakness even at these price levels. See TEALE, pg. 23
Grain Angles Create a financial feedback loop In the past decade, the amount of information on the farm has increased exponentially. In the age of big data, producers are becoming increasingly aware that the information they supply about their precision planting, yield mapping and hybrid choices is becoming more and more valuable. When that information is analyzed in a timely manner, it leads to better decision making. Currently, there is a lot of discussion revolving around what happens to that data after it is collected and who receives the benefit from collecting the data. Are you getting enough value from the information on your farm? You may have thought about your production data, but have you thought about the data that you supply your lender with each year? When you supply tax returns, production data, balance GLENN WACHTLER Compeer Senior sheets and other information, Lending Officer your lender should provide you Baldwin, Wis. with feedback which will allow you to make better decisions for your operation. Do you know the financial strengths and weaknesses of your operation? Will your balance sheet and working capital be enough to withstand a couple more years of razor-thin margins? These questions can easily be answered from analyzing your financial information. You need to create a financial feedback loop with your lender. A financial feedback loop will assist you in comparing your operation’s financial ratios with your lenders’ credit standards. It should also help you compare your farm with other operations of similar size in the region. Comparing your farm against benchmarks can inform you whether you may be in the top 25 percent of your peer group, or if you have some work to do in certain areas. When farming profitability declines, the need for communication with your lender increases. What if your lender isn’t getting back to you with the analysis that you need? Many producers have found valuable feedback from Minnesota’s Farm business Management. FBM’s review of a farm operation is very comprehensive and the contact information can quickly be found with an internet search engine. They also generously supply their reports online for the public to access. Compeer Financial has also developed grain benchmarks which compare your operation with other full-time farming operaSee WACHTLER, pg. 23
Information in the above columns is the writer’s opinion. It is no way guaranteed and should not be interpreted as buy/sell advice. Futures trading always involves a certain degree of risk.
www.thelandonline.com — “Where Farm and Family Meet”
THE LAND — JUNE 29/JULY 6, 2018
U.S. farmers are planting more soybeans than corn NYSTROM, from pg. 21 as Russian production is shrinking, as well as EU and Australian production. Brazil’s safrinha early yields have been disappointing, which was expected. Agroconsult cut their safrinha estimate from 57 million metric tons to 55.2 mmt, but left their corn exports at 28 mmt. The U.S. Department of Agriculture is projecting Brazil’s corn exports at 29 mmt. Weekly export sales were good for old crop and excellent for new crop. Old crop sales of 33.5 million bushels were pushing up 3 percent ahead of last year. The USDA is carrying year-on-year exports at unchanged from the previous year at 2.3 billion bushels. This after the 75 million increase on the June World Agricultural Supply and Demand Estimates report. New crop export sales were outstanding at 25.1 million bushels. Total new crop sales of 168.8 million bushels is 53 million bushels ahead of last year by this time. The USDA is forecasting a decline of 8.7 percent in exports from 2017-18 to 2018-19. We are off to a great start. Weekly U.S. ethanol production was higher for a third consecutive week — up 8,000 barrels per day to 1.072 million bpd. This is the biggest production since December 2017. Ethanol stocks were up 100,000 barrels to 21.7 million barrels. Gasoline demand is up 2 percent from the same week last year. The Hog and Pig report was friendly for corn and meal this week as hog inventories rose to their highest level since 1965. There were 73.45 million pigs in inventory as of June 1, up 3.4 percent from last year. Kept for breeding was 103.5 percent of last year and kept for marketing was 103.4 percent of last year — both higher than expectations. Outlook: While weather wasn’t the single focus this week, there is increasing attention being paid to the forecast for warmer, drier conditions for the first half of July for the Midwest. After the rain we’ve experienced, it’s believed it shouldn’t be that detrimental to the crop right away. However, the nighttime temperatures are going to be watched closely. If temperatures stay high overnight, it may be perceived as yield limiting. Trade tensions and the USDA reports were a feature as funds squared positions ahead of the reports, as well as month and quarter-end. On the continuous chart, corn posted its lowest settlement during the week since December 2017. Short-term direction hinges on the tariff situation with China and what happens July 6 or before. Trying to call the politics of it is futile. The market has taken most, if not all, of the weather premium out of the market. We have a long July to get through as pollination is just starting. Watch for opportunities to catch up on sales. If weather and/or politics don’t provide a rally, we’re headed for a big crop. Corn posted a lower weekly close for the fifth straight week. September corn dropped 7 cents to close at $3.59.5 and December lost 6.75 cents at $3.71.25 per bushel. The contract low in the
MARKETING September contract is $3.48.25 and $3.60 per bushel in the December contract. SOYBEANS — Soybeans took a 20-cent hit to begin the week, but the losses didn’t stop there. Prices drifted lower into report day as funds added to their net short position, tariffs loomed over the market, weather was favorable for crop development, and export demand was minimal. Uncertainties were plentiful ahead of the June 29 reports, in addition to a holiday-shortened week coming up, and the July 6 tariff implementation deadline. The Chinese Academy of Agricultural Science estimates that bilateral taxation between the United States and China could cause U.S. agricultural exports to China to fall by 40 percent by the year 2035. Month and quarter-end coincided with the June 29 reports. The extreme volatility we’ve experienced in previous years was absent this year. In the last five years, November beans have closed on report day anywhere from 70.75 cents lower to 57.25 cents higher. On report day this year, we closed 3.5 cents lower. The June 29 Planted Acreage report showed U.S. soybean acreage at 89.56 million acres. This was close to the 89.7 million-acre estimate; but was up 575,000 acres from the March report. This year’s number is a decrease of 585,000 acres from last year. This is just the first time since 1983 U.S. farmers have planted more soybean acres than corn acres and is just the second time in history. The history of June acreage higher than the March estimate continues. June 1 soybean stocks were a June record at 1.222 billion bushels and essentially spot-on with the trade forecast. This is 26 percent higher than last year at this time. On-farm stocks were up 13 percent from last year and off-farm 33 percent higher than a year ago. In their efforts to diversify and source soybeans from other countries, China dropped their soybean, meal, rapeseed and fishmeal import tariffs from India, Bangladesh, Laos, South Korea and Sri Lanka effective July 1. This has been in the works since March. This will barely make a dent in what China needs, but it signals their willingness to reach out to other origins. Coincidentally, a U.S. bean cargo was switched from China to Bangladesh in this week’s USDA export sales report. The USDA attaché in China is expecting China 2018 soybean imports to be 100.5 mmt, which is slightly lower than the last USDA forecast for 103 mmt. The 2017-18 projection is 97 mmt. Agroconsult predicts Brazil’s 2018-19 soybean acreage will increase 1 million hectares or 2.47 million acres. Argentina’s President Macri confirmed they will not reinstate export taxes on corn and wheat and will proceed with the monthly 0.5 percent cut in soybean export taxes. A possible light for soybeans was President Trump’s backing off his tough stance on Chinese companies’ investments in U.S. companies. Investments of overseas companies in U.S. companies (and vice versa)
will have to go through a government agency, but would be allowed. USDA Secretary Perdue said he hopes to have a plan for protecting U.S. farmers from tariff-related loses by Labor Day. According to the USDA, China has 1.33 mmt of outstanding soybean purchases with the United States for this marketing year and 1.45 mmt for next year. Weekly export sales were at the low end of expectations for old crop, but well above estimates for new crop. Old crop sales of 13.2 million bushels kept us 4 percent behind last year. The USDA is forecasting a 5 percent decline in year-on-year exports. For new crop, sales were unexpectedly high at 23.6 million bushels. Total new crop sales are 276.4 million bushels vs. 126.5 million last year at this time. The USDA’s outlook projects exports to be up 10.9 percent from 2017-18 to 2018-19. Outlook: We have a short trading week coming up due to the July 4 celebrations. After the grain markets close early on Tuesday, they won’t reopen until Thursday morning. The July 6 deadline for implementing trade tariffs against $34 billion worth of Chinese imports is right around the corner. China has stated they will retaliate with their own tariffs, which include U.S. soybeans. This continues to cast a dark shadow over the soybean market. On the continuous soybean chart, beans posted their lowest settlement during the week since March 2016. July heat is garnering attention, but we’re in a good moisture situation going into that time frame. It’s August weather that really makes or breaks the bean crop. We’ve basically removed any weather premium from the market, so any threat or perceived problem will be friendly. But what is important in the short run is whether or not China imposes their 25 percent tariff on beans on July 6. Weather and politics … politics and weather. Just stick with that mantra for now. Beans fell for a fifth consecutive week with August beans down 36.5 cents at $8.63.5, and November tumbling 36.25 cents lower to $8.80 per bushel. The contract low in August beans is $8.47.5 and $8.64.5 per bushel in the November beans. August meal crashed $9 per ton lower this week to $331 per ton and soyoil fell 9 ticks to $.2923 per pound. Nystrom’s Notes: Contract changes for the week ended June 29: Minneapolis September wheat set a new contract low at $5.35.25, settling down 24.25 cents for the week at $5.36.75 per bushel. Chicago wheat was down 3 cents at $5.01.25 and Kansas City was off 17 cents at $4.88.5 per bushel. Crude oil soared to a four-year high on the continuous chart to $74.46 per barrel as the United States encouraged other countries to avoid buying Iranian oil and production disruptions occurred in Canada. Crude oil was up $5.57 for the week at $74.15, ULSD ran 8 cents higher, RBOB gained 9.75 cents, and natural gas fell 2 cents. The U.S. dollar index was up 185 ticks. v
THE LAND — JUNE 29/JULY 6, 2018
www.thelandonline.com — “Where Farm and Family Meet”
Butter, cheese stocks continue to grow; cheese prices rally This column was written for the marketPrices report shows the May ratio at 1.90, ing week ending June 29. which is unchanged from April but down from 2.20 in May 2017. May butter stocks were up considerably from April and a year ago, according to The index is based on the current milk the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s latprice in relationship to feed prices for a est cold storage data. The May 31 invendairy ration consisting of 51 percent corn, tory stood at a bearish 338.8 million 8 percent soybeans and 41 percent alfalfa pounds. This is up 31.5 million pounds or hay. In other words, one pound of milk 10.3 percent from April, the largest endtoday purchases 1.9 pounds of dairy feed MIELKE MARKET of-May volume since 1993 (according to containing that blend. WEEKLY the Daily Dairy Report) and 25.2 million The U.S. All-Milk price averaged $16.20 By Lee Mielke pounds or 8.0 percent above May 2017. per hundredweight, up 40 cents from American-type cheese, which April but still 50 cents below May includes cheddar, climbed to 804.7 2017. Michigan and New Mexico million pounds. This is up 24.5 milshowed the bottom price at $14.80, lion pounds or 3.1 percent from April, but 11.5 milwith California at $15.66 (up 40 cents from April) lion or 1.4 percent below a year ago. and Wisconsin at $16.70, also up 40 cents. The “other” cheese category hit 549.7 million pounds, Looking at the cow side of the ledger, the May cull up 13.9 million pounds or 2.6 percent from April and price for beef and dairy combined averaged $66.20 83.3 million or 17.9 percent above a year ago. per cwt. This is down $1.30 from April, $7.10 below May 2017 and $5.40 below the 2011 base average of That put the total cheese inventory at a bearish $71.60 per cwt. record-high 1.386 billion pounds. This is up 40.6 million pounds or 3 percent from April and 76.9 milThe U.S. milk-over-feed margin improved 16 cents lion or 5.9 percent above a year ago. If it’s not sold, from April to $6.78 per cwt., according to the Daily it ends up in the cold. Dairy Report, based on the dairy Margin Protection A higher U.S. All-Milk price average could not off- Program calculation. set higher feed prices, but the May milk-to-feed “By this formula, the national averages for price ratio was unchanged from April — ending five income-over-feed margins were slightly lower in consecutive months of decline. The USDA’s latest Ag March and April 2018, but otherwise this was the
Packers resistant to live inventory TEALE, from pg. 21
Producers should continue to monitor market conditions and protect inventories if required. The hog market appears to be running into price areas that are finding some packer resistance to paying higher prices for live inventory at this time. After penetrating the $82 cwt. area on a live basis, the market has slipped back below the $80 cwt. level in recent trading. While the pork cutout has continued to move higher past the $85 cwt. level, packers’ margins have narrowed and this has seen a more defen-
lowest figure since June 2016 s $5.75 per cwt,” the Daily Dairy Report stated. The latest Crop Progress report shows that 77 percent of the nation’s corn is rated good to excellent (as of the week ending June 24), up from just 67 percent that week a year ago. The report shows 73 percent of the soybeans are rated good to excellent, up from 66 percent a year ago. Looking at the cotton crop, 42 percent is rated good to excellent, down from 57 percent a year ago. n Cheese prices rallied the last week of June Dairy Month following three weeks of loss — especially on the barrels. Chicago Mercantile Exchange block cheddar closed June 29 at $1.5550 per pound. This is up 6.5 cents on the week, 3 cents above a year ago, but down 4.25 cents from where it was on June 1. The barrels, after plunging to a nine-year low of $1.2050 on June 25, brought back the buyers and rallied to a June 29 close of $1.39. This is up 10.5 cents on the week, 3.75 cents above a year ago, but down 13 cents on the month, and an unsustainable 16.5 cents below the blocks. Five cars of block traded hands on the week at the CME and 80 of barrel. A total of 231 cars of barrels have traded hands since June 1 and 62 of block. Dairy Market News says the cheese market tone is “undoubtedly shaken by a laundry list of bears: trade concerns, cold storage data and recently inconsistent barrel demand to name a few.” Milk into cheese production remains discounted at $3 to $4 under Class and plant managers expected discounts to remain into the Independence Day week. “However, as temperatures rise throughout the country, some are expecting volumes to wane following the holiday week.” Western sources report that international cheese demand has started to slip and some overseas customers are cancelling contractual orders — blaming current trade issues. Some U.S. cheese sellers say they are adjusting prices down to maintain current contracts. Stocks, particularly for barrel cheese, are
sive action in the acquisition of live inventory by the packers. Thus the downward drift in cash and futures. Fear has also played a role in the market — primarily the futures prices — as futures have moved from a premium to cash to now a discount. Another matter that might influence the hog market are the seasonal patterns that usually bring about a high in the early summer months. Therefore, producers are alerted to maintain a watch on market developments and protect inventories if needed. v See MIELKE, pg. 24
Strong relationship with lenders beneficial down the road WACHTLER, from pg. 21 tions in the region. For grain producers, you can compare your working capital per acre, machinery cost per acre, land cost per acre, yield information, and much more against other anonymous producers in the region. There is no argument that in 2017, producers were once again faced with many challenges — with net income and repayment capacity declining. However, it is also important to point out there were some highlights. For example, machinery cost per acre declined, with many loans being paid off for purchases which were made in the higher income years
four and five years ago. In addition, yields across the region were some of the highest averages that have been documented in recent history — leading to a year of extremely good production. And lastly, direct operating cost per acre held steady to a slight decline, meaning producers are managing to get more out of their operation for less. I am hopeful that this trend will continues. Make it a point to start a financial feedback loop with your lender or another financial professional this season to ensure that you are getting the most value from your own financial data. As the amount of information available to us continues to increase, I
would encourage you to strive to stay ahead of the curve to understand how that data can benefit your operation. Knowing your numbers, knowing them well, and applying that knowledge to increase operational efficiency and ensure long-term success for your operation will be vital in the years to come. Know what tools and resources you have, and remember you don’t face that task alone. I would encourage you to seek out and build strong communication with your financial partner. They are there to help you succeed and build a stronger operation. For more insights from Glenn and the Compeer Financial team, visit Compeer.com v
www.thelandonline.com — “Where Farm and Family Meet”
THE LAND — JUNE 29/JULY 6, 2018
India making big push as skim milk powder exporter MIELKE, from pg. 23 plentiful. As the result, several cheese processors are shifting from barrels to blocks as a way to prevent inventories from increasing too much. Others are cutting output. n Spot butter, after dipping to $2.2450 per pound June 26 (the lowest price since April 16) finished June 29 at $2.2675. This is down 2.25 cents on the week, 3.75 cents below a year ago, and 11 cents lower than its June 1 perch. 26 sales were reported on the week. Central butter producers, like a number of processors in the dairy industry, are concerned about recent market trends. There still is confidence in the foundation of the butter market, and some analysts maintain that butter may be near or at its basement. But some contacts point out a steady to slowing demand. Cream remains available even during the ice cream manufacturing peak. Western contacts say butter demand has softened. Cream is readily available but with higher multiples. Some manufacturers are willing to sell the milkfat to ice cream manufacturers. “By slowing the churns, butter processors hope to stem the growth of inventories,” says Dairy Market News, as butter stocks have grown considerably. n Cash Grade A nonfat dry milk closed June 29 at 74.75 cents per pound, down 1.5 cents on the week, 9.75 cents below a year ago, and down 7.75 cents from June 1, with 18 sales reported for the week at the CME. Dry whey saw a June 29 CME closing at 40.75 cents per pound, up a penny on the week but 2.25 cents lower since June 1, with two cars purchased on the week.
27 Early Morning Update of “rumors floating around that the EU Commission will double the number of monthly tenders to sell the Intervention skim.” He says the vote is slated for July 5 and if approved, would begin in November. Kurzawski also addressed the global markets stating, “A majority of the talk surrounding the recent and drastic sell off on Cheese and Class III (futures) revolves around President Trump’s newly-imposed tariffs on the likes of China and Mexico. However, putting the blame solely on the administration is a bit of a stretch. A larger issue at play here seems to be the current over supply of barrels in the market place, which is not an abundantly exportable cheese.” Speaking in the July 2 Dairy Radio Now broadcast, Kurzawski admitted that while the Mexican tariffs sent jitters throughout the market and are not good when trying to grow U.S. dairy exports, the reality is that those tariffs are only projected to effect a 4 to 5-cent reduction in the cheese price and not the 25-30 cents that we saw in the barrel market over the last couple weeks. “The seeds of this precipitous decline in the spot cheese market, particularly on the barrel side in the month of June, were sown probably a month or two ago,” Kurzawski argued. Global dairy demand was great the first four to five months of 2018, he said, but in mid-May “the spigot was turned off, things calmed down, and the markets were of the mindset that we have enough milk for the time being. We had really good demand that was eating away at that milk, allowing us to make cheese. But now we have a lot of fresh cheese sitting out there and the phone stopped ringing. “The sellers got really aggressive and said, we can bleed out slowly at $1.40 (per pound) or we can go The European Commission accepted 56 bids for down and try to find a bid and I think they found a skim milk powder from its June 19 tender. The sale bid at the low $1.20s,” Kurzawski added, though he totaled 51.9 million pounds from its intervention pro- doesn’t believe prices will stay that low for long. gram and most was at an equivalent price of 67 cents Summer heat can change this in a hurry, he said, per pound, according to the Daily Dairy Report. The as can other factors such as cows coming off rbST in Commission still holds 585 million pounds. key areas, labor issues, poor income-over-feed marThe Times of India reported that the Gujarat gov- gins and continued good global demand. “This is not ernment has announced export support for Gujarat 2009,” Kurzawski concluded, “even though we can Milk Marketing Federation that markets prodsee a price on the spot barrel market that we uct under the brand Amul, to clear the huge invenhaven’t seen since 2009.” tory of SMP it is holding. n HighGround Dairy says, “India has not exported In other trade news, more than 60 companies and anything close to 132 million pounds of SMP since organizations representing U.S. dairy farmers and 2014, so the remainder of 2018 would place India cheese makers commended President Trump this (using July through December data) as the fifthweek for “his efforts on equitable trade and for largest exporting region behind the European insisting that Canada halt its market-distorting Union, United States, New Zealand and Australia. In a market that remains saturated with dairy practices.” A joint press release stated the companies also urged the administration to “reconstock, this news was not what market bulls were sider its imposition of new tariffs on Mexico in light hoping for.” of that country’s constructive engagement in FC Stone’s Dave Kurzawski reported in his June NAFTA negotiations and the harm that Mexico’s
retaliatory tariffs will have on U.S. dairy’s trade with its largest and most reliable market. “These tariffs will certainly diminish demand for high-quality dairy products that are produced across the United States. The production of cheese and other dairy products in the United States supports nearly 3 million American jobs. The additional Mexican duties also will allow the European Union, which recently signed a bilateral free trade agreement with Mexico, to take hard-earned market share from American dairy companies.” The companies in a letter asked the administration to “work collaboratively with Mexico and suspend the steel and aluminum tariffs on Mexican products until the negotiations for a modernized North American Free Trade Agreement have been concluded.” The letter’s stated goals were endorsed by the U.S. Dairy Export Council, the International Dairy Foods Association and the National Milk Producers Federation. n In politics, the Senate passed its version of the farm bill June 28, 86 to 11, which drew praise from the NMPF and the IDFA. A NMPF press release stated, “With the House having adopted its version on June 21, the two chambers must now reconcile differences in the two bills in a conference committee later this summer.” NMPF thanked Agriculture Committee Chairman Pat Roberts (R-Kan.) and Ranking Member Debbie Stabenow (D-Mich.) for “their leadership in finalizing the measure in a timely manner, and commended Stabenow for her work to secure $100 million in additional funding for the dairy title baseline.” The Senate version contains enhancements to the dairy Margin Protection Program — including improved coverage levels and greater program flexibility. The bill, which renames the MPP as the “Dairy Risk Coverage” program, raises the maximum covered margin to $9 per cwt. and adjusts the minimum percentage of milk that can be insured. It also includes an important agreement reached between NMPF and the IDFA on price risk management. Meanwhile, the house defeated its Compromise Immigration Bill 121 to 301 on June 27. You’ll recall the bill was withdrawn from consideration from the House floor the previous week because there weren’t enough votes to pass it. Bob Gray, editor of the Northeast Dairy Farmers Cooperatives’ newsletter, says the House leadership has promised it will take up a guest worker program in late July that will cover a broad sector of the U.S. business economy, including agriculture. Lee Mielke is a syndicated columnist who resides in Everson, Wash. His weekly column is featured in newspapers across the country and he may be reached at lkmielke@juno.com. v
THE LAND — JUNE 29 /JULY 6, 2018
www.thelandonline.com — “Where Farm and Family Meet”
1 mile north of Comfrey, MN -Sat, July 14, 2018 @ 9:00 a.m. Tractors: 1991 JD 2955 MFWD, 4350 hrs, new clutch, rear engine seal, PTO clutches, transmission seals, partial power shift, H-Farmall, Fair Rubber, Runs Good, 350- IH Loader, Hyd Bucket, Stan Hoist, Very Clean, Allis Chalmers C Tractor (Doesn't Run, Motor Free)Titled Vehicles: 1979 Chev C70 Twinscrew 20' Crysteel Box & Hoist, Roll Tarp, Gas Engine, 1992 GMC Volvo Single Axle Semi Tractor, Cummings Engine, 9 Sp Trans, 1995 Featherlite 27' Gooseneck Trailer, Tandem Axle, Beaver Tail w/ Ramp, 21' Gooseneck Trailer, Triple Axle, Aluminum Rims, Beaver Tail, Pull Out Ramps, Side Boards, 2001 Mauer Steel Grain Hopper 40', Spring Ride, Ag Hoppers, 1978 40' Flatbed Semi Trailer w/ 2 1600 Gal Water Tanks, Induction Tank Pump, 1979 Ford 800 Grain Train Truck, Twin Screw Gas Engine, 5 x 4, 20' Box & Hoist, 1973 Chev C65 Cab & Chassis, 427 Gas Engine - 5 x 4 Trans, Tandem Axle, 1980 Ford L-800 Single Axle Grain Truck w/ 16' box & Hoist, 5 & 2 Trans, 370-4V, 10.00-20 Tires, 1960 Ford F-600 Tandem Truck w/ Tag Axle, 18' Box, Hoist, 292 V8, 5 Sp Trans, 2 Sp Axle Camper: 78 Chev Holiday Camper 68,000 Miles, Very Good Shape, AC Grain Cart: 7000 Unverfeth Grain Cart Hay Equip / Mowers: Diamond Hyd, Ditch Mower, 2-72" Decks, Hyd Driven, 1 Side Mount, 1 Rear Mount, Came off JD 6400 Tractor, Decks new in 2017, 435 JD Round Baler 540 PTO Monitor - Corn Stalk Chopper, J.D. 336 Square Baler, Bale Rack & Gear, 8' x 16', Allis Hay Cond - 6', Hay Rack, Vandale Feed Wagon, 16' Bale Elevator, Tillage: 700 5' x 16" Plow IH, 5'-18" AC 3 Pt Plow, JD 680 34' Chisel Plow, Gale 800 Chopper w/ Hay Head Sprayers, 300 Gal Sprayer, 200 Gal Sprayer, Ag-Chem 500 Gal. Hyd Fold 60', Electric, 1992 Haggie 280 Sprayer, 2800 hrs, New Engine, 60' Boom, Raven Monitor, Outback, Model 5, Rite Bar, Twin 400 Gal Poly Tanks 2 & 4 WD, Machinery: 10' JD Van Brunt Grain Drill - Rubber, 790 NH - Chopper Electric Controls, 2 Row Corn Head 1000 RPM, 7' Hay Head, 2 - Badgor Silage Wagons - 1586, IH Tractor, Patz Bale Chopper, 2 - Flare Boxes, Good Rubber, Rock Box, BushHog 6 Row Nallon Stalk Chopper, 4 Row Wide Rotary Hoe, Gehl Grinder Mixer No. 120 - 21" Hi Cap, New Idea 324-2 Row Wide Corn Picker, 8 Row JD Cultivator, 35 Minnesota Manure Spreader, Gravity Box, 496 International Disk - 32 ft. w/ Drag, 20' JD 400 Rotary Hoe, Balzer 20' Stalk Chopper, 250 bu Seed Gravity Wagon w/ Brush Auger w/ Self contained Power Unit, Lorenz 3 pt Snowblower, 2 Stage Double Auger, 20' Balzer Corn Stalk Chopper, 1994 IH 1020 30' Bean Head w/ Transport, Loftness Snowblower, JD 400 20' Rotary Hoe, NH 27 Silage Blower, JD 2500 4 BTM Plow - Auto ResetMel-Cam Rock Picker, 1083 Case IH Cornhead, 8 Row - 30” JD 4400 Diesel Combine 3 Belt Dummy Head Pick Up, 10’ Brady Chissel Plow Pull Type, 218 Bean Head Yellow for JD Wagons: Gravity Box, Dallon 260 Bushel, Livestock: Assorted Gates - 4' x 18', Cattle Panels, Hog Panels, 2 Bottomless Bunks 20', 1 Wood Bunk 20', Portable Scale, Hog / Calves, T-Posts, Misc Gates, Tube Type Cattle Gates Grain Bin: 27' Grain Bin, 8500 bu, New Door & Floor, 8" Vertical Unload Augers: 6 x 50' Auger w/ 7 1/2 Electric Motor, 6 x 50 Auger w/ Mount for Mower, 6 x 8 2 Wheel Trailer (Homemade), 52' Stainhoist Elevator, Westfield Auger W80-51 PTO, Westfield Auger W80-51 Electric, Westfield Auger MK-61 PTO Loader: Westendorf Model WL40 Loader w/ MDS Quick Tach Bucket Attachment JD 20 to 40 Series Mounts Westendorf Grapple Fork Misc: 32-Yetter Sharp Tooth row Cleaner wheels off 1255 16R CIH Planter, 32 - Gauge Wheels, Barn Cupola, 4 Wheeler - Snow Blade, Rock Wagon Hoist, Steel Deck, Two Point Post Hole Digger, 10 - THD - Demco Gravity Wagon Flotation Tire, 1178-BTT Gravity Wagon Flotation Tires, Bolt Bin, Fully Stocked, 2 Bin Sweep, 24' & 30', John Deere Rock Box - New Head Mower, PTO Generator, 48" Port Barn Fan, 500 Gallon Fuel Barrel - 12 v, Adaptor Plate - 5830 Chopper, Schedule 80 Plastic Pipe, Gas Air Compressor, 1958 JD #30 Combine w/ JD 4 Cyl Power Unit, 7' Cutter Bar w/ Pickup Head, Straw Chopper & Scour Cleaner, Stored Inside
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THE LAND — JUNE 29/JULY 6, 2018
Beautiful Home • Hunting Land • CRP Acreage
If you’re going to have an auction be sure to advertise it in The Land for the best results! Call us at 507-345-4523.
Real Estate in 4 Parcels Real Estate to be Sold: Parcel 1: 10.8-Acre Building Site w/Home 3 P.M. - day of auction on the property Parcel 2: 40.2-Acres of which 26.8 is CRP Parcel 3: 87-Acres of Rim Hunting Land Auctioneer’s Comments: Parcel 4: 64.2-Acres of Rim Hunting Land Folks, the Tvete’s have lived on this beautiful acreage
70010 320TH ST • MORTON MN 56270 • 507 697 6133 (WEBSITE) WWW.USEDBINSALES.COM
Mon., July 9 and Mon., July 23 4:30 - 6:30 P.M. or by appointment
See Machinery & Household photos on our website.
for over 40 years. With pride, they have taken great care of this property. If you’re looking for hunting land, CRP, or a home on 10-acres, tucked in the woods yet close to town, this property is for you. This “diamond in the rough” is a must see. Call for questions or terms, or visit website. Kristine Fladeboe Duininck - Auctioneer Jasmine Vikse - Realtor
Kristine Fladeboe Duininck 320-212-9379 OR Visit www.FladeboeAuctions.com
Luvern & Paulette Tvete Owners
Consignment Auction
Tuesday, July 17th - 9 a.m.
55780 St Hwy 19, Winthrop, MN 1/4 mi W of Hwy 19 & 15 intersection
Boat & Vehicles: ’06 Chevy Equinox LT, 263273 mi; ’85 Lund 16’ boat w/ Spartan trailer, 30 HP Johnson outboard motor, elect start, pwr tilt & trim, new gas tank; 8’ x 19’ flatbed trailer, dual axle w/ winch; BBW Ind Little Rocker fifth wheel receiver hitch, 15k lbs & fifth wheel hitch; exhaust pipes for Victory CrossCountry, Vegas & Cross-Roads motorcycles Farm Machinery & Equipment: IH 1086 w/ cab, 5810 hr s, hub duals, r ock box & weights; ’61 IH Cub LowBoy tractor; Century sprayer, 1,000 gal, 90’ boom, 100 gal rinse tank; JD 235 disk 22’ wide; JD 10’ tandem disk; JD 1209 haybine; JD 466 manure spreader; IH 810-10 belt pickup head; Farm Fans AB-8B corn dryer; Hardi EST 500 sprayer w/ 60’ boom; JD 694 corn planter; Arps 70 snow blower, 6’, 2-stage, 3pt, PTO; sickle mower, 7’, 3pt; blade, 7’ 3pt; Oliver 4154, 3 bt plow; 2 bt plow w/ coulters; Parker gravity box, 425 bu; 8’ x 19’ hay rack w/ JD 1275 tandem axle gear; Mayrath 10” x 62’ auger; assort elect. Augers; 12’ bin sweep; IH #10 drill w/ grass seeder; 12” & 16” aeration fans; 2 sets of 18.4-34 duals; 20.8R38 duals; SnowCo grain cleaner; Lawn, Garden, Shop & Tools: J D SX95 r iding mower , 38” deck; DR 60” pull-behind finish mower w/ 13 HP engine; Swisher 44” pull-behind finish mower w/ 8.5 HP B&S engine; Roc & Well drill press; 9” x 54” Southbend lathe w/ new ¾ hp motor; Ryobi 16” scroll saw; Snap-On elect pressure washer; 5-pipe jacks; Harnischfeger TLI180 compact arc welder; air compressor ½ HP, 13 gal; airtanks; parts washer; anvils; Skilsaw; 2-man saws; mill saw blades; tow strap, 50’; Guns, Outdoor & Sport Equip: Glenfield Model 60, .22 cal, semi; New England Spor tster , .17HMK, single shot, bull barrel w/ Scheel’s 3.5 x 10 scope; Mossberg 695, 12 ga, bolt, slug gun; Springfield Model 67, 12 ga, pump; Daisy Red Ryder bb gun; Daisy model 111-B bb gun; Remington chokes, 20 ga; 7mm shell casings; duck, goose & turkey decoys; 8-gun wooden cabinet; Farm Antiques, Collectibles, Com. Kitchen Equip, Tools, Household, Toys & More! View terms, complete list & photos at: magesland.com
Area Neighbors
Auctioneer: Matt Mages, 507-276-7002 Lic: 08-17-003
Clerk: Mages Land Co. & Auction Ser vice, LLC. Terms: 10% Buyer s Pr emium Fir e ar ms buyer s must have valid dr iver s license. Pistol buyers must have valid “permit to purchase”. Not Responsible for Accidents.
Auction will be held Friday, August 3, 2018 at 10am at above address Auction held by Henslin Auctions, Bird Island, MN www.henslinauctions.com Lots of inventory discounted if bought before auction Bins still available 4000 bu – 33,000 bu. Bins purchased by 7-10-18 have guaranteed completion date Sept. 15, 2018 if labor up is needed
5.167” x 5”
Farm Retirement
TUESDAY, JULY 17 | 10AM AUCTIONEER’S NOTE: Major equipment begins selling at 10:30 AM. Live online bidding available on major equipment. Registration, terms, & details at SteffesGroup.com.
2001 JD 9750 STS
1998 NH 9682
1999 Volvo 64T
AUCTION INCLUDES: Tractors, GPS Equipment, Harvest Equipment, Grain Cart, Air Seeder, Tillage Equipment, Semi Tractor & Trucks, Trailers, Pickup w/Sprayer, Grain Handling Equipment, Other Equipment, Recreation, Tanks, Shop Equipment, Parts & Farm Support Items
Steffes Group, Inc. | 2000 Main Ave E, West Fargo, ND | 701.237.9173 Brad Olstad ND319
or Brad Olstad at Steffes Group, 701.237.9173 or 701.238.0240 TERMS: All items sold as is where is. Payment of cash or check must be made sale day before removal of items. Statements made auction day take precedence over all advertising. $35 documentation fee applies to all titled vehicles. Titles will be mailed. Canadian buyers need a bank letter of credit to facilitate border transfer.
Do you have extra stuff sitting in a shed? sell it fast with an ad in
Wahpeton, ND
Thursday, July 26, 2018 • 1 P.M. 4400 Co Rd. 5 NW • Willmar, MN Directions: 3 miles north of Willmar on Co Rd. 5 from Hwy. 12
Classifieds work! 507-345-4523 • 800-657-4665
THE LAND — JUNE 29 /JULY 6, 2018 Real Estate
Farm Equipment
Sell your land or real estate in FOR SALE: Fantini chopping 30 days for 0% commission. 8R & 12R CH; 70’ Elmer Call Ray 507-339-1272 drag, Merritt alum hopper grain trailers; 24R30” JD pl on Kinze bar; Big A floater; Real Estate 175 Michigan ldr; IH 964 Wanted CH; White 706 & 708 CH & WANTED: Land & farms. I parts; White plows & parts; have clients looking for 54’ 4300 IH field cultivator; dairy, & cash grain opera- JD 44’ field cult; 3300 Hinitions, as well as bare land ker field cult; header trailer. parcels from 40-1000 acres. 507-380-5324 Both for relocation & investFOR SALE: JD 709 Gyro ments. If you have even mower, 7 wide, heavy duty, thought about selling conalways shedded, exc shape, tact: Paul Krueger, Farm & $2,600/OBO. (507)317-5828 Land Specialist, Edina Realty, 138 Main St. W., New JD 566 baler w/net wrap, stanPrague, MN 55372. dard pickup, $6,500; JD 327 paulkrueger@edinarealty.com baler w/bale chute, $3,900; (612)328-4506 JD 9510 combine, RWA, 30.5x32, big top grain ext, 2500 sep hrs, $32,750; ‘03 Feed Seed Hay JD 925F full finger flexhead, exc poly, $9,750; ‘92 JD 843 Alfalfa, mixed hay, grass hay, cornhead, 2 season on new and feed grade wheat straw. rollers, $4,900; Killbros 490 Medium squares or round grain cart w/tarp, $6,450. bales. Delivery available. (320) 769-2756 Call or text LeRoy Ose. 218JD 4630 150HP, duals, field 689-6675 ready, $11,900 OBO. 612-400WANTED TO BUY: Dam- 5285 aged corn, soybeans & other grains. Call Schwieger Cat- Retired farmer w/mostly JD equip for sale. Call & see tle LLC. (507)236-5181 if we have what you need. (507)744-2472
Bins & Buildings
SILO DOORS Wood or steel doors shipped promptly to your farm stainless fasteners hardware available. (800)222-5726 Landwood Sales LLC
Farm Equipment FALL HARVEST SALE: Tractors: Case 440 STX w/triples; 180 Allis w/ldr. Combines: ‘97 JD 9600 w/rear whl assist; 912 JD pickup header; 6200 Model HI cap Lilliston edible bean combine. Other Equipment: 1370 Buhler Farm King auger; 1315 Alloway auger 10”x61’; 235 8T Unverferth wagon; 37’ Case IH chisel plow; 42’ JD Model 960 cult; 42’ John Blue N applicator; Big Red grain dryer, 240 bush cap; Quick Clean grain cleaner. (218)4378120 FOR SALE: JD 5 belt grain pickup, was on 9500 combine, always shedded. (612)655-1053
We buy Salvage Equipment Parts Available Hammell Equip., Inc. (507)867-4910
Classified line ads work! Call 507-345-4523
USED PARTS LARSON SALVAGE Good selection of tractor parts - New & Used All kinds of hay equipment, haybines, balers, choppers parted out. New combine belts for all makes. Swather canvases, round baler belting, used & new tires. 6 miles East of
CAMBRIDGE, MN 763-689-1179
We Ship Daily Visa and MasterCard Accepted
www.thelandonline.com — “Where Farm and Family Meet”
www.thelandonline.com — “Where Farm and Family Meet”
Steffes Auction Calendar 2018
For more info call 1-800-726-8609 or visit our website: SteffesGroup.com Opens June 26 & Closes July 10 Lake Willie RE Auction, Litchfield, MN 57+/- Acres, Timed Online Auction Opens July 4 & Closes July 11 July Online Auction, Upper Midwest Locations, Timed Online Auction Opens July 6 & Closes July 13 Don Tisdale Collector Tractor & Parts Auction, St. Thomas, ND, Timed Online Auction Opens July 9 & Closes July 19 Anderson Family Antique Tractor Auction, Bertha, MN, Timed Online Auction Opens July 9 & Closes July 26 Hunting/Recreational Land with Building Entitlement Auction, 58.88+/- Acres, South Haven, MN Opens July 12 & Closes July 19 Curtis Jahnke Moving Auction, Durbin, ND, Timed Online Auction Friday, July 13 at 1PM George Besser Estate Auction, St. Cloud, MN Tuesday, July 17 at 10AM Robert “Bob” & Virginia “Ginny” Buck Farm Retirement Auction, Wahpeton, ND Wednesday, July 18 at 10AM Steve Breuer Farm Retirement, Mooreton, ND Friday, July 20 at 10AM Meeker County, MN Land Auction, 175+/- acres in 3 tracts, South Haven, MN Wednesday, August 1 at 9AM Aglron West Fargo Event, Red River Valley Fairgrounds, Tuesday, August 7 at 10AM Aglron Sioux Falls Event, Larchwood, IA Deadline to consign is July 9! Thursday, August 16 at 9AM Wick Construction Retirement Auction, Valley City, ND Friday, August 24 at 10AM Lennie J Anderson Estate Farm Equipment & Land Auction, 120+/- Acres in 3 tracts & farm equipment Cokato, MN Tuesday, August 28 at 10AM Doug Fenner Living Trust Farm Retirement, Iroquois, SD Wednesday, August 29 at 10AM Calvin J & Jacky Gardner Farm Retirement, Webster, SD Thursday, August 30 at 10AM Mike & Tina Noteboom Farm Auction, Philip, SD
Please visit our website:
thelandonline.com Collector Tractors-Honda Motorcycle-Truck w/Tree Spade-Petroleum Memorabilia LARGE AUCTION Saturday, July 21, 2018 10:00 A.M. Located: Arlington, MN 618 East Brooks Street Collectible Tractors-Truck w/Tree Spade-Honda Gold Wing: ‘53 MM U, OH’ed & restored; ‘48 MM Z, restored; ‘42 JD B, styled, hand start; ‘39 JD GP B, new rubber, restored; ‘36 JD GP A, fenders, restored; AC C w/belly mower; ‘83 Ford F600 w/tree spade; 77 Honda Gold Wing GL 1000, chrome pkg, saddle bags. Petroleum Memorabilia & Automotive Collectibles-Shop Misc.-Primitives-Antiques See website for photos and complete list: TROCKEAUCTIONS.com
Wayne and Louise Quast-Owners Trocke-Pinske Auctioneers Lic. # 52-17-007 Usual Auction Terms St. Peter (507) 382-8092 No Buyer’s Premium Arlington (507) 964-2250 Cash or Bankable Check Only
THE LAND — JUNE 29/JULY 6, 2018 Tractors
Tractors Mpls. Moline UTS-LP tractor, compl., good rubber, $1,250. Also, IH 460, NF, Good Tires & Tin, $2,850. 712-288-6442
NEW AND USED TRACTOR PARTS JD 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 55, 50 Series & newer tractors, AC-all models, Large FOR SALE: Case 1470, 5,742 Inventory, We ship! Mark hrs, always shedded, tin Heitman Tractor Salvage work excellent, as clean as 715-673-4829 you will find, must see to appreciate, $11,700. 507-317-1482
Tillage Equip
FOR SALE: Used Oliver & White tractor parts, including wide front for 77-880, FOR SALE: Case IH 4800 field $375; engine block for 1955D, cultivator, 26’, adjustable $500; 3spd over & under for 3-bar harrow, low acres, 105 White, $700. Also lots of paint above average, excelother parts for Olivers & lent cond, $6950. (507)8472710 Whites. (218)564-4273 FOR SALE: Case IH 1830, FOR SALE: 966 Int’l, 2,462 12RN cultivator, Vibra original hrs, mint condition, shank, late model, rolling tin work excellent, always shields, very nice, always shedded, duals, 3pt quick shedded. 507-236-3138 tatch, rock box, M&W pistons. As clean as you will FOR SALE: JD 2210 field cultivator, 29.5’, 3 bar harrow, find, $11,500. 507-317-1482 2013, always shedded, very FOR SALE: 1964 IH 706, nar- little use, as clean as new, row front end, dual PTO, $29,800. 507-317-1482 runs good, new paint, new torque & clutch, $7,000 O/BO. Hay & Forage (507)642-8391
FOR SALE: JD 4840 tractor, 18.4x42 tires w/ duals, front FOR SALE: JD 214T baler, weights & quick hitch, good good condition, always shedcondition, $16,500/OBO. 507- ded, $2,400/OBO. 507-8286287 567-2442 or 507-456-8139 FOR SALE: Lundell wagon, 6 FOR SALE: 1953 Super C overply tires, 2x10 hayrack floor,. hauled Woods Bros. 72” mower deck. (320)864-6206 507-334-9333
If you’re having a Farm Auction, let other Farmers know it! Upcoming Issues of THE LAND Southern MNNorthern MN Northern IA July 20, 2018 July 13, 2018 Aug. 3, 2018 July 27, 2018 Aug. 17, 2018 Aug. 10, 2018 Aug. 31, 2018 Aug. 24, 2018 Sept. 14, 2018 Deadlines are 8 days prior to publication with Holiday deadlines 1 day earlier.
PO Box 3169 • Mankato, MN 56002 Phone: 507-345-4523 or 800-657-4665 Fax: 507-345-1027 Website: www.TheLandOnline.com e-mail: theland@TheLandOnline.com Ask Your Auctioneer to Place Your Auction in The Land!
THE LAND — JUNE 29 /JULY 6, 2018
tor, 250. res 2
OR 50, racrge ark age
field able res, cel847-
Harvesting Equip
www.thelandonline.com — “Where Farm and Family Meet”
Grain Handling Equipment
Harvesting Equip
FOR SALE: 35’ MacDon FD75 FOR SALE:Used grain bins, Big, thick, Polled Hereford draper head, w/ AWS air floors unload systems, sti- bulls. Semen tested. AI reel, one owner, approx 1900 rators, fans & heaters, aer- sired. Delivery available. acres, like new, $68,900. 507- ation fans, buying or selling, Also, Hereford & Shorthorn 327-6430 try me first and also call for cow/calf pairs. 715-597-2036 FOR SALE: 1997 Brent grain very competitive contract FOR SALE: Registered Angus cart model 774 w/ weight rates! Office hours 8am-5pm bulls, 2-yr olds & yearlings, scale, excellent shape, Monday - Friday Saturday fertility tested, guaranteed. 9am - 12 noon or call 507-697$14,500. 507-327-6430 Miller Angus, Kasson, MN 6133 Ask for Gary ‘04 Pickett One-step 6-30, (507)634-4535 Grain Handling 6R w/ tractor dividers, semiShorthorn yearling bulls. Regend delivery, 8-bar pickup, Equipment Wanted istered, quality A-I sired, cushion shank, shedded, polled. Call Keystone Shortnice condition, $12,500. JD All kinds of New & Used farm horns. 715-202-0594 pick-up head w/ Westwood equipment - disc chisels, field 388 pickup, $3,500. ‘79 JD cults, planters, soil finishers, 6620 combine, 5000 hrs, new cornheads, feed mills, discs, engine, concave & raspbars, It Works! Adv balers, haybines, etc. 507good belts, shedded & nice e rtise 438-9782 shape, $6,500. 763-218-2797
FOR SALE: Two 1999 Demco 830,Case IH 1083 8-30 cornhead, 650 gravity wagons $5,750/ Livestock w/hyd deck plates, tall corn, bra ea. Please call (507) 274-5210 some poly & tracker drive, ling ays comes w/wgt brackets for FOR SALE: (2) 48’ floors, FOR SALE: Black Angus combine, nice head in good split, complete, like new, bulls also Hamp, York, & shape, shedded & on trailer, 1/2 price of new; (2) Grain Hamp/Duroc boars & gilts. cul- NO RUST, $3,750 or $5,000 w/ Handler 10” U-trough power 320-598-3790 ow, trailer. (507)276-5733 sweeps for 48’ bins; Heavy ery Read The Land’s e-edition wide corrugated sheets, online at ew, Please support the advertisers you see here. good condition. 507-697-6133 www.thelandonline.com Tell them you saw their ad in The Land! usedbinsales.com
ler, ed828-
n, 6 or,.
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$2 off Farmfest Tickets Purchase tickets online at www.farmfest.com and use code THELAND18 at checkout! WANTED
We pay top dollar for your damaged grain. We are experienced handlers of your wet, dry, burnt and mixed grains. Trucks and vacs available. Immediate response anywhere. CALL FOR A QUOTE TODAY
PRUESS ELEV., INC. 1-800-828-6642
‘15 JD XUV 550 Gator, 4X4, cab, winch, 107 hrs ��������������������������� $6,750 ‘13 Unverferth 1015 grain cart, 900/60R32 tires, roll tarp ���������� $29,500 ‘15 Case SV280 skid steer, no cab, 2 speed, hand controls, 1,842 hrs, new 78” bucket ������������������������������������������������������������������������� $21,500
TRACTORS TRACTORS (I) 2013 JD 6125M, MFWD, 24 Spd. Pwr. Quad, Cab, 160 Hrs. ………….$74,900 (I) 2013 JD 6125M, MFWD, 24 Spd. Pwr. Quad, Cab, 160 Hrs. .............. $74,900 (I) JD 4450, Cab, 2WD, Quad Range, 140 PTO Hp, Fresh overhaul.…….$35,900 (I) JD 4450, Cab, 2WD, Quad Range, 140 PTO Hp, Fresh Overhaul ....... $35,900 (R) 1993 JD 8570, Cab Heat/AC, Radio, Quad Range, Duals……………….$39,500 TRACTORS (R) 1993 JD 8570, Cab Heat/AC, Radio Quad Range, Duals .................... $39,500 (R) 2015 JD 6155R, Cab, MFWD, Duals, Guidance Ready, 640R Ldr….$145,000 (I) 2013 JD 6125M, MFWD, 24 Spd. Pwr. Quad, Cab, 160 Hrs. ………….$74,900 (R) 2015 JD 6155R, Cab, MFWD, Duals, Guidance Ready, 640R Ldr ..... $145,000 (R) 2015 JD 7230R, Cab, MFWD, Duals, e23 Trans, 4 Remotes…………$169,900 (I) JD 4450, Cab, 2WD, Quad Range, 140 PTO Hp, Fresh overhaul.…….$35,900 (R) 2015 JD 7230R, Cab, MFWD, Duals, e23 Trans, 4 Remotes.............. $169,900 (R) 1993 JD 8570, Cab Heat/AC, Radio, Quad Range, Duals……………….$39,500 EQUIPMENT EQUIPMENT (R) 2015 JD 6155R, Cab, MFWD, Duals, Guidance Ready, 640R Ldr….$145,000 (R) 2014 JD 835 Center Pull MOCO, 11’6” Cut, Impeller, 3pt Hookup..$28,900 (I) JD 7200 Planter, 6 Row, 30”, Dry Fer�lizer, Fert. Cross Fill Auger….$13,500 (R) 2015 JD 7230R, Cab, MFWD, Duals, e23 Trans, 4 Remotes…………$169,900 (R) 2014 JD 835 Center Pull MOCO, 11’6” Cut, Impeller, 3pt Hookup ... $28,900 (I) 2010 JD 1750 Planter, 6 Row, 30”, Liq. Fer�lizer, 350 Monitor………$28,900 EQUIPMENT (I) JD 7200 Planter, 6 Row, 30”, Dry Fertilizer, Fert. Cross Fill Auger .... $13,500 SKID STEER LOADERS (R) 2014 JD 835 Center Pull MOCO, 11’6” Cut, Impeller, 3pt Hookup..$28,900 (I) 2010 JD 1750 Planter, 6 Row, 30”, Liq. Fertilizer, 350 Monitor ......... $28,900 (I) 2013 JD 333E Track Loader, Cab Heat/AC, Joys�ck, 2 Speed………...$49,900 (I) JD 7200 Planter, 6 Row, 30”, Dry Fer�lizer, Fert. Cross Fill Auger….$13,500 (I) 2012 JD 320D, Cab w/Heat/AC, Foot Controls, 2 Speed, 900 HRS...$26,900 SKID STEER LOADERS (I) 2010 JD 1750 Planter, 6 Row, 30”, Liq. Fer�lizer, 350 Monitor………$28,900 (R) 2010 JD 318D Skid Steer, Cab, Heat/AC, 2‐Spd, Foot Controls……..$25,900 SKID STEER LOADERS (I) 2013 JD 333E Track Loader, Cab Heat/AC, Joystick, 2 Speed ............. $49,900 LAWN & GARDEN TRACTORS AND ZERO TURN MOWERS (I) 2013 JD 333E Track Loader, Cab Heat/AC, Joys�ck, 2 Speed………...$49,900 (I) 2012 JD 320D, Cab w/Heat/AC, Foot Controls, 2 Speed, 900 HRS ..... $26,900 (I) 2003 JD X475 Garden Tractor, 23 Hp Liq. Cool Kawasaki, 62”……….$3,500 (I) 2012 JD 320D, Cab w/Heat/AC, Foot Controls, 2 Speed, 900 HRS...$26,900 (R) 2010 JD 318D Skid Steer, Cab, Heat/AC, 2-Spd, Foot Controls .......... $25,900 (I) 2013 JD X730 Garden Tractor, 25 Hp EFI Kawasaki, 54” Deck………..$7,295 (R) 2010 JD 318D Skid Steer, Cab, Heat/AC, 2‐Spd, Foot Controls……..$25,900 (I) 15’ JD X738 Garden Tractor, 25 Hp EFI, 4WD, 3pt Hitch, 54” deck..$10,495 ATV’s & GATORS LAWN & GARDEN TRACTORS AND ZERO TURN MOWERS (I) 2017 JD Z930M EFI Z‐Turn Lease Return, 60” Deck, 209 Hrs………….$9,495 (I) 2003 JD X475 Garden Tractor, 23 Hp Liq. Cool Kawasaki, 62”……….$3,500 (I) 16’ Polaris ACE 325, Bucket seat ATV w/winch, roof, windshield .......$5,495 (I) 2017 JD Z930M EFI Z‐Turn, 60” Mulch on Demand, 230 Hrs………..$9,995 (I) 2013 JD X730 Garden Tractor, 25 Hp EFI Kawasaki, 54” Deck………..$7,295 (I) JD 550 XUV Gator, 4 Seater, ATV’s & Gators Green & Yellow, Alloys rims, 276 hrs ......$8,995 (I) 15’ JD X738 Garden Tractor, 25 Hp EFI, 4WD, 3pt Hitch, 54” deck..$10,495 (I) JD 550 XUV Gator, 4 Seater, Camo, Alloys Rims, 80 hrs ........................$9,895 (I) 11’ Polaris Ranger 800XP, So� Cab Enclosure. 4 Wheel Drive………...$8,995 (I) 2017 JD Z930M EFI Z‐Turn Lease Return, 60” Deck, 209 Hrs………….$9,495 (I) JD 620i, 2010, Pwr Box Lift, Front Brush Guard, 4WD, 497 hrs ............$6,895 (I) JD 825i XUV, Power Steering, Pwr Box Li�, 4WD, Box Li�……………..$10,500 (I) 2017 JD Z930M EFI Z‐Turn, 60” Mulch on Demand, 230 Hrs………..$9,995 (R) JD 625i Gator, 4WD, Alloy Rims, Radial Tires, Brush Guard……………$7,900 (I) JD 825i XUV, Power Steering,ATV’s & Gators Pwr Box Lift, 4WD, Box Lift............... $10,500 (I) JD 825i Gator, 4WD, Dlx Cab w/dlx Poly Doors, Heat, Camo ................$9,995 (I) 11’ Polaris Ranger 800XP, So� Cab Enclosure. 4 Wheel Drive………...$8,995 (I) JD 825i Gator, 4WD, Dlx Cab w/Glass Doors, Heat, Camo.................. $14,900 (I) JD 825i XUV, Power Steering, Pwr Box Li�, 4WD, Box Li�……………..$10,500 (R) JD 625i Gator, 4WD, Alloy Rims, Radial Tires, Brush Guard……………$7,900 (I) JD 855D Gator, 2013, Diesel, Windshield, Roof, Winch, Pwr Steer .. $10,595
‘10 JD 9770 combine, 800/70R38 single tires, tank ext� 2WD, contourmaster, chopper, tank ext�, 1650 sep� hrs ��������������������������� $87,500 ‘01 JD 8110 MFWD, 380/90R50 duals, 540/1000 PTO, 42�5 GPM hyd� pump, 4 remotes, auto-trac ready, 10,300 hrs, just through service program�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� $45,000 ‘13 JD 6150R MFWD, 20 speed auto quad plus transmission, 520/85R42 single tires, TLS front axle, loader ready, 3280 hrs ������������������������� $72,500 ‘67 JD 5020 row crop tractor, 18�4X38 duals ������������������������������� $7,500
‘14 Case SV250 skid steer, cab with air, 2 speed, high flow, 320 hrs ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� $31,000 ‘03 JD 9650STS combine, contourmaster, 18�4R42 duals, tank ext�, chopper, 3,100 sep� hrs, nice combine ������������������������������������������� $42,500 ‘16 Case SV280 skid steer, cab with air, 2 speed, 520 hrs ��������� $31,500
‘14 CIH Magnum 280, 620/70R42 rear duals, 19 speed powershift, HID lights, 5271 hrs, new rear inside and front tires, engine rebuild and tractor inspection just completed by CIH dealer ���������������������������������������� $79,500
– AgDirect Financing Available –
(R) Rogers: 763‐428‐4107 (I) Isan�: 763‐444‐8873 www.MinnesotaEquipment.com (R) Rogers: 763‐428‐4107 (I) Isan�: 763‐444‐8873 www.MinnesotaEquipment.com
Please call before coming to look.
Keith Bode
Fairfax, MN 55332 507-381-1291 • www.keithbodeeq.com
www.thelandonline.com — “Where Farm and Family Meet”
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Livestock, Machinery, Farmland... you name it! People will buy it when they see it in The Land! To submit your classified ad use one of the following options: Phone: 507-345-4523 or 1-800-657-4665 Mail to: The Land Classifieds P.O. Box 3169, Mankato, MN 56002 Fax to: 507-345-1027 Email: theland@TheLandOnline.com Online at: www.thelandonline.com
THE LAND — JUNE 29/JULY 6, 2018
Look for the annual Farmfest section coming soon in The Land! Call 507-345-4523 for advertising information.
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Greenwald, MN • 320-987-3177
NEW Versatile 500 w/ PS ........................................ Call ‘03 Versatile 2310, PS ..................................... $85,000 ‘06 Buhler 2210 w/ auto steer......................... $88,500 ‘12 Buhler 280...............................................$109,000 NEW Massey GC1715 w/loader ............................. Call NEW Massey 7722 FWA CVT ................................. Call NEW MF 1754 CAB, LDR ...................................... CALL NEW MF 1736L, LDR ............................................ CALL ‘05 CIH MX210 ................................................ $89,500 NEW NH T4.75, T4.90, T4.120 w/loader.. ...... On Hand NEW NH T9.645, w/Smart Trac .............................. Call NEW NH Workmaster 60, 50, 35’s/loaders ... On Hand NH T8.275, 495 hrs ....................................... $155,000 ‘08 NH 8010 .................................................. $110,000 ‘96 White 6175 FWA....................................... $49,500
Sunflower 4610, 9-shank ................................ $45,000 10’ Sunflower 4412-07 .................................... $31,000 DMI 530B ................................................................ Call DMI/NH 48’ FC w/bskt .................................... $32,500 ‘95 JD 726, 30’ ................................................ $21,500 10’ Wilrich QX2 37’ w/basket.......................... $38,500
NEW White Planters ............................................... Call White 8182 12-30 w/liq .................................... Coming ‘12 White 8186, 16-30 w/liq. fert. .................... $59,000 ‘11 White 8516 CFS, Loaded .......................... $85,000 White 8186 16-30 w/liq .................................... Coming
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New NH W80C wheelloader .......................... On Hand New NH E37C mini excavator ....................... On Hand New NH E26C mini excavator ....................... On Hand New NH track & wheeled skidsteers............. On Hand NH 230 w/cab & heat ...................................... $37,900
NEW Fantini chopping cornhead ........................... Call ‘14 CIH 7230 .................................................. $190,000 Gleaner R65 ................................................... $105,000 ‘12 Gleaner S77............................................ $205,000 ‘10 Gleaner R76, Loaded .............................. $195,000 Gleaner 3308 chopping corn heads ...................... Call ‘12 Gleaner S67, 532 sep hrs ....................... $235,000 ‘98 Gleaner R62 .............................................. $79,500
NEW Salford RTS Units .......................................... Call NEW Salford Plows................................................. Call NEW Unverferth Seed Tenders .............................. Call NEW Westfield Augers ........................................... Call NEW REM VRX vacs. .............................................. Call NEW Hardi Sprayers............................................... Call NEW Riteway Rollers .............................................. Call NEW Lorenz Snowblowers ..................................... Call NEW Batco Conveyors ........................................... Call NEW Brent Wagons & Grain Carts ......................... Call NEW E-Z Trail Seed Wagons .................................. Call NEW Rock Buckets & Pallet Forks ......................... Call REM 2700, Rental ................................................... Call Pre-Owned Grain Cart ................................... On Hand
All Equipment available with Low Rate Financing
SMITHS MILL IMPLEMENT Hwy. 14, 3 miles West of Janesville, MN
Phone (507) 234-5191 or (507) 625-8649 Mon. - Fri. 7:30-5:00 • Sat. 7:30-Noon www.smithsmillimp.com
THE LAND — JUNE 29 /JULY 6, 2018
www.thelandonline.com — “Where Farm and Family Meet”
Trucks & Trailers
Compart’s total program fea- 2011 Stoughton grain trailer, PARMA DRAINAGE PUMPS tures superior boars & open air ride, roller gates, farmer New pumps & parts on hand. gilts documented by BLUP owned, used very little, al- Call Minnesota’s largest distechnology. Duroc, York, ways shedded, $22,000 O/BO. tributor HJ Olson & Company Landrace & F1 lines. Ter- (651)463-4521 or (651)387minal boars offer leanness, 2085 320-974-8990 Cell - 320-212-5336 muscle, growth. Maternal FOR SALE: 2000 Chevy 3500 gilts & boars are productive, REINKE IRRIGATION dually, 4x4, AT, 454 engine, lean, durable. All are stress Sales & Service crew cab, flat bed, no rust, free & PRRS free. Semen New & Used 130K miles, runs perfect, also available through Elite For your irrigation needs $6,900. (320)583-0881 Genes A.I. Make ‘em Grow! 888-830-7757 or 507-276-2073 Comparts Boar Store, INC. Winpower Sales & Service Toll Free: 877-441-2627 Miscellaneous Reliable Power Solutions FOR SALE: Berkshire boars Since 1925 PTO & automatic & Berkshire cross boars. FOR SALE: Ash lumber, Emergency Electric Genermilled & dried, 100 boards/ ators. New & Used (320)583-3490 pallet; clean barn wood, varRich Opsata-Distributor ious lengths; black walnut Thank you for reading The Land! 800-343-9376 boards. (641)420-1029
‘14 JD 9560R, 1045 hrs, 800x38 duals, 5 hyd valves, wheel ‘13 NH T8360, 1200 hrs, luxury cab, 4 hyd, 1000 PTO, 3pt, wgts .......................................................................... $212,000 480x50 duals, auto steer complete ......................... $110,000 ‘14 JD 9360R, 2550 hrs, 5 hyd valves, 480x50 tires & duals, ext warranty to 3/27/2020 or 4,000 hrs ................... $140,000 ‘13 C-IH 290, 1250 hrs, 1000 PTO, 3pt, 4 hyd valves, big pump, front duals, rear 480x50 tires & duals .......... $113,000 ‘13 JD 9360R, 1799 hrs, 1000 PTO, 4 hyd valves, 620x42” tires & duals ............................................................. $159,000 ‘13 C-IH 260, 577 hrs , 540/1000 PTO, 3pt, 4 hyd hi -flow, ‘02 JD 9320, 5341 hrs, power shift, 1000 PTO, 4 hyd valves, 8 front wgts, 420x46” tires & duals............................. $110,000 new 18.4x46” tires, auto steer ................................... $89,000 ‘12 C-IH 260, 1784 hrs, 1000 PTO, 3pt hitch, suspended front ‘13 NH T9.390, 2557 hrs, 1000 PTO, power shift, diff lock, axle, 4 hyd valves, hi-flow, front duals, front wgts, 480x50” 480x50 duals ............................................................ $120,000 rear tires & duals ...................................................... $105,000 ‘11 NH T9.390, 905 hrs, power shift, HID lights, big pump, 480x50 tires & duals ................................................ $123,000 ‘04 C-IH MX 285, 8540 hrs, 3 pt, 18.4x46 tires & duals, 1000 PTO, 4 hyd valves, front wts, eng overhauled-0 hrs . $59,000 ‘13 C-IH Puma 170, MFWD, 642 hrs, power shift, 3 pt, 540/1000 PTO, 520x42 single tires, w/C-IH 765 ldr w/ joystick & bkt, very clean ........................................... $89,500 ‘94 C-IH 9270, 8533 hrs, power shift, 4 hyd valves, 650x42” tires & duals ............................................................... $34,000 ‘92 C-IH 9270, 9969 hrs, 12spd gear drive, 4 hyd valves, 520x42” tires & duals ................................................. $25,000
‘14 JD 680, 2WD, 1169 eng/821 sep hrs, ContourMaster, chopper, power bin ext, 520x42” duals ................... $169,000
‘13 JD 660 4X4, 1598/1066 sep hrs, 2630 display, ‘13 Versatile 2375, 1482 hrs, 1000 PTO, 12spd gear drive, 710x42” tires & duals, Outback auto steer ............. $110,000 ContourMaster, chopper, 520x42” duals ................ $145,000
‘13 JD 660, 1180/892 sep hrs, 2WD, ContourMaster, chopper, HID lights, 520x38 duals ......................................... $145,000
‘07 JD 9760 4x4, sep hrs, ContourMaster, chopper, bullet ‘14 C-IH 340 Mag Row trac, 287 hrs, luxury cab, suspended rotor, 3901 eng hrs/2618 sep hrs, 520x42” tires & front, 18” tracks, 6 hyds, 1000 PTO, 76” track spacing ..................................................................... $185,000 duals .......................................................................... $65,000 ‘04 JD 9760, 2WD, 3460/2268 sep hrs, ContourMaster, ‘15 C-IH 340 Mag Row trac, CV tranny, 1108 hrs , 30” tracks w/ 200 hrs , 4 hyd valves, hi-flow, 120” track chopper, bin ext, 480x42” tires & duals ................... $58,000 spacing ..................................................................... $179,000 ‘04 Cat Challenger MT 755, 4844 hrs, 16” tracks, 4 hyd, 3 pt, ‘01 JD 9750, 4156 eng/3013 sep hrs, ContourMaster, setup w/ 1000 PTO, JD ATU steering wheel ............................ $65,000 single point for 600 series heads, chopper, 20.8x42duals .. $51,000
ROW CROP TRACTORS ‘12 JD 8235, 2WD, 1235 hrs, cab, air, power shift, 3pt, 1000 PTO, 4 hyd valves, 18.4x46 duals .......................... $110,000 ‘06 JD 7420, MFWD, 5164 hrs, cab, IVT, 3 pt, 540/1000 PTO, w/JD H360 ldr ........................................................... $69,000 ‘03 JD 8120, cab, air, 3832 hrs, 3 hyd valves, 540/1000 PTO, new front tires, 18.4x46 rear tires & duals................. $78,000
‘01 JD 9650STS, 4325/3014 sep hrs, ContourMaster, chopper, 520x38” tires & duals ................................................ $44,000 ‘14 5130, 928/660 sep hrs, rock track, Tracker, chopper, 900, 5x32 single tires ...................................................... $142,000 ‘11 C-IH 5088, 1743/1541 sep hrs, rock trap, chopper, 30.5x32 tires ............................................................... $93,000 ‘15 Claas Lexion 750TT, 853 eng/492 sep hrs, 4x4, 35” tracks auto pilot, chopper, chaff spreader ......................... $215,000
‘11 Claas Lexion 740, 1466 eng/1899 sep hrs, 4x4, chopper, ‘11 Versatile 305, MFWD, 690 hrs, 4 hyds, 3pt, 1000 PTO, HID lights, front wgts, 480x46 tires & duals .............. $98,000 520x42” duals ......................................................... $105,000
LARSON IMPLEMENTS 5 miles east of Cambridge, MN on Hwy. 95 763-689-1179
Look at our Web site for pictures & more listings www.larsonimplements.com
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ADVERTISER LISTING Ahrens Bin Sales ........................................................... 26 Courtland Waste Handling ...............................................3 Diers Ag & Trailer Sales .................................................8 Doda USA .................................................................... 13 Fladeboe Auctions ......................................................... 26 Greenwald Farm Center ................................................. 30 Hanson Silo Company .....................................................6 K-Bid Online Auctions ....................................................9 Keith Bode .................................................................... 29 Kerkhoff Auction .................................................... 25, 27 Larson Implement ................................................... 27, 31 Mages Auction .............................................................. 26 Minnesota Equipment .................................................... 29 Minnwest Bank ...............................................................7 NK Clerking ................................................................. 28 Pruess Elevator ............................................................. 29 Schweiss Doors ............................................................. 29 Smiths Mill Implement .................................................. 30 Spanier Welding ............................................................ 11 Steffes Group .................................................... 25, 26, 28 Trocke Auctioneers ....................................................... 28 County Fairs Benton County Fair ....................................................... 15 Blue Earth County Fair .................................................. 14 Brown County Fair ........................................................ 17 Nicollet County Fair ...................................................... 14 Rice County Fair ........................................................... 16 Steele County Free Fair ................................................. 16 Waseca County Fair ....................................................... 17 Watonwan County Fair .................................................. 15
507-345-4523 • 800-657-4665 PO Box 3169, Mankato, MN 56001 www.thelandonline.com
www.thelandonline.com — “Where Farm and Family Meet”
THE LAND — JUNE 29/JULY 6, 2018
This week’s Back Roads is the work of The Land Correspondent Tim King. Photos by Jan King.
See you at the zoo
n a hot summer afternoon at Little Falls’ Pine Grove Zoo, there may be a tussle in the tiger enclosure over swimming pool rights. On this particular afternoon, the white Siberian tiger (who looks very large until she’s wrestling with the humongous tawny tiger) evicts the larger tiger from the refreshing water. Meanwhile, the bears and wolves are sleeping; the bison are chewing their cud; and the news hasn’t yet — and may never — reached the African Sulcata Tortoise. But there is action in Prairie Dog town where the extended family of Black Tailed Prairie Dogs are alternately digging, scampering and napping. Nearby, however, the mountain lion and the bobcat (either which might enjoy a prairie dog snack at another time) are chilling under the shade. “The zoo has moods,” says a zoo volunteer who, with her daughter, is in her third season of volunteering. “This morning, when it was cooler and during feeding time, the animals were very active.” The 100 year-old zoo, which is part of the larger Pine Grove Park, is owned by the city of Little Falls and operated by the non-profit Friends of the Pine Grove Zoo. In recent decades, the zoo has been modernized with attractive landscaping; paved and fully handicapped accessible walking trails; lots of shaded benches; modern bathrooms; educational programs; a gift shop; and the Cougar Cafe.
Little Falls, Minn.
In the center of it all is a state-ofthe-art black bear exhibit featuring one very black bear and one cinnamon-colored bear. The bear enclosure, which has big glass walls for high-quality viewing, features pools, bridges and things to climb and play on. On this afternoon, the bears are having nothing to do with any of it. They, like their neighbors, are sleeping the afternoon away. The very big very black bear is cat-napping against the observation window. He turns slightly, opens one eye, and gives a bear grin. He has jumbosized canine teeth. Throughout the sleepy afternoon, looking at elk and zebras and emus and tarantulas, the cry of Blue and The General can be heard. They are the zoo’s wandering peafowl. We didn’t see the kangaroos, but two of the joeys (which is what a young kangaroo is called) are zoo educators. Throughout the summer two red kangaroo joeys, accompanied by a zookeeper, conduct a “Roo Walk-About” so guests can learn about the zoo’s Kangaroo Mob. It’s a popular event, so you must make a reservation. Call (320) 616-5595 or visit www.pinegrovezoo.com. v
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July, 2018 (800) 657-4665 www.TheLandOnline.com theland@TheLandOnline.com P.O. Box 3169, Mankato, MN 56002
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THE LAND, Advertising Supplement
July, 2018 - Page 3
Custom Colors Available
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greener world solutions 855-612-8038
MN LIC BC639351
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THE LAND, Advertising Supplement
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July, 2018 (800) 657-4665 www.TheLandOnline.com theland@TheLandOnline.com P.O. Box 3169, Mankato, MN 56002
Eliminate Leaks • Tighten Fasteners • Prevent Rust
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greener world solutions CALL E HEDUL TO SC E A FRE ATE ESTIM
855-612-8038 www.greenerworldsolutions.com A Minnesota Family-Owned Business MN LIC BC639351