THE LAND ~ October 5, 2018 ~ Southern Edition

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October 5, 2018 October 12, 2018


A revolutionary nematicide and insecticide now included in Beck’s Escalate® seed treatment. Standard on all Beck’s corn and soybean seed at no additional cost.

Heading into Harvest Early results are mixed with prices on the rebound


Candidates speak out on agriculture as election nears PLUS: Kristin cooks with apples, Milker’s Message and more!

PAGE 2 — “Where Farm and Family Meet”


Growing and groaning P.O. Box 3169 418 South Second St. Mankato, MN 56002 (800) 657-4665 Vol. XLII ❖ No. 20 40 pages, 1 section plus supplements

Cover photo by Paul Malchow

COLUMNS Opinion Farm and Food File The Back Porch In The Garden Cooking With Kristin Marketing Mielke Market Weekly From The Fields Auctions/Classifieds Advertiser Listing Back Roads

2-6 5 6 8 9 24-25 26 27 33-39 39 40


Publisher: Steve Jameson: General Manager: Deb Petterson: Managing Editor: Paul Malchow: Staff Writer: Dick Hagen: Advertising Representatives: Danny Storlie: James McRae: Office/Advertising Assistants: Joan Compart: Deb Lawrence: For Customer Service Concerns: (507) 345-4523, (800) 657-4665, Fax: (507) 345-1027 For Editorial Concerns or Story Ideas: (507) 344-6342, (800) 657-4665, National Sales Representative: Bock & Associates Inc., 7650 Executive Drive, Minneapolis, MN 55344-3677. (952) 905-3251. Because of the nature of articles appearing in The Land, product or business names may be included to provide clarity. This does not constitute an endorsement of any product or business. Opinions and viewpoints expressed in editorials or by news sources are not necessarily those of the management. The Publisher shall not be liable for slight changes or typographical errors that do not lessen the value of an advertisement. The Publisher’s liability for other errors or omissions in connection with an advertisement is strictly limited to publication of the advertisement in any subsequent issue or the refund of any monies paid for the advertisement. Classified Advertising: $19.79 for seven (7) lines for a private classified, each additional line is $1.40; $24.90 for business classifieds, each additional line is $1.40. Classified ads accepted by mail or by phone with VISA, MasterCard, Discover or American Express. Classified ads can also be sent by e-mail to Mail classified ads to The Land, P.O. Box 3169, Mankato, MN 56002. Please include credit card number, expiration date and your postal address with ads sent on either mail version. Classified ads may also be called into (800) 657-4665. Deadline for classified ads is 5 pm on the Friday prior to publication date, with holiday exceptions. Distributed to farmers in all Minnesota counties and northern Iowa, as well as on The Land’s website. Each classified ad is separately copyrighted by The Land. Reproduction without permission is strictly prohibited. Subscription and Distribution: Free to farmers and agribusinesses in Minnesota and northern Iowa. $25 per year for non-farmers and people outside the service area. The Land (USPS 392470) Copyright © 2018 by The Free Press Media is published biweekly by The Free Press, 418 S 2nd Street, Mankato, MN 56001-3727. Business and Editorial Offices: 418 S. 2nd Street, Mankato, MN 56001-3727, Accounting and Circulation Offices: Steve Jameson, 418 S 2nd Street, Mankato, MN 56001-3727. Call (507) 345-4523 to subscribe. Periodicals postage paid at Mankato, MN. Postmaster and Change of Address: Send address changes to The Land, P.O. Box 3169, Mankato MN 56002-3169 or e-mail to theland@

Depending upon where you live, harcaution during this harried time of year. vest reports are a mixed bag. In some I realize from the Barcalounger some of areas, soybeans look great but corn is these safety tips seem obvious and eleso-so. Farms which received a lot of rain mentary. I also personally know people this year are lamenting less-than-averwho put in a 12-hour stint inside the age soybean yields, but the corn was combine and toss those rudimentary safelooking good. Getting that corn out of the ty tips out the window. field could be a challenge, however, as First of all, no 12-hour stints inside the high winds wreaked havoc — snapping combine. This “guideline” gets easier to off stalks and leaving fields looking like LAND MINDS ignore the later it gets on the calendar. a bad haircut. A wet fall is throwing a By Paul Malchow Spouses: as much as you would love to wrench into the sugar beet harvest, leavhave your significant other out of your ing growers to play the wait-and-see hair for 12 hours (especially at harvest game. Judging by accounts I’ve heard, time), it’s best for everyone to get their it was a good year for wheat. rest. Around my home in Le Sueur and Blue Earth Power down while troubleshooting. Everyone has Counties, the farmscape is changing by the hour as tried to dislodge that stubborn corn stalk (somecombines are operating full-bore havesting corn. times in the dark) without taking the proper preMoisture-content reports seem a little high, but the feeling appears to be, “get it out of the field while the cautions. Some have nine or fewer fingers to show for it. Harvest can be stressful enough without havgetting is good.” As I type this, it’s raining — again. ing an injury making things worse. I had the opportunity to speak with a farmer near Carry a fire extinguisher. This doesn’t look like Waterville, Minn. on Sept. 29. It was one of the few one of those years for fires, but they don’t take up operations I saw combining soybeans. The report was satisfactory yield at 13 percent moisture. Again, much room and you can use it to scare the beejeebers out of your helper who has fallen asleep in the just happy to be getting the crop out of the field. grain truck. At the Malchow homestead, harvest is over. The Eat healthy food. (This comes from someone who forecast for Sept. 28/29 called for frost, so the garhas red licorice as a major food source.) You dens were stripped of tomatoes, zucchini and pepwouldn’t put crappy gasoline in a $500,000 combine. pers. A late-night cloud cover kept the killer frost at Don’t put crappy food inside you. It’s been a bumper bay. But truth be told, we wouldn’t have gained year for apples. Have some with you in the cab. much by leaving the produce on the vine. Now I know you’re all busy and you’re not going My wife and I cannot recall a year where the garto read this until probably Thanksgiving. Just pause dens looked as good as they did this year. We live on an extra second to make the smart decision this pretty sandy soil. While we augment the soil with compost and my wife waters religiously, we can still harvest. handle an inch of rain per week and by the scorchn ing days of late August the greenery isn’t so green One last thing: This being an election year and a anymore. farm bill year and a trade tariff year, The Land Not so this year. As I said earlier, the zucchini are wanted to introduce you to some of the candidates still producing and it was only a couple of weeks ago running for congress, senate and governor this fall. when the cucumbers finally gave up the ghost. The Tim King worked with various farm organizations tomatoes were (are) strong, tall and healthy. So are to develop questions which we presented to the canthe peppers — all loaded with fruit. didates. Many responded, some did not. I’d love to hear from gardeners and CSAs to see if Two weeks ago Tim was in an intensive care unit they experienced similar bounty. and still managed to pull off this amazing feat. I’ve always known Tim is a class guy and a real profesn sional. I wanted you to know it too. Thanks, Tim. While on the subject of harvest, it’s been really Paul Malchow is the managing editor of The Land. great to see the emphasis on farm safety this fall. He may be reached at v State agencies and farm organizations have been at the forefront reminding everyone the importance of


INSIDE THIS ISSUE 10 — Candidates for Iowa and Minnesota governor, congress and senate speak out

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THE LAND — OCTOBER 5/OCTOBER 12, 2018 — “Where Farm and Family Meet”



E U L A V E R MO OUT OF E R C A EACH h s i n e loybeans P h t i w gh oleic s



Cash in on processor-paid premiums and booming yield potential.

The High Oleic logo is a registered trademark of the United Soybean Board. PIONEER® brand products are provided subject to the terms and conditions of purchase which are part of the labeling and purchase documents. TM ® Trademarks of Dow AgroSciences, DuPont or Pioneer, and their affiliated companies or their respective owners. © 2018 PHII. DUPPPL18008_VB2_100518_TL

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9/28/18 2:19 PM

PAGE 4 — “Where Farm and Family Meet”


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THE LAND — OCTOBER 5/OCTOBER 12, 2018 — “Where Farm and Family Meet”


Sometimes you get what you vote for Farmers and ranchers spent most of clear fact that America imports $137 millast month hoping the U.S. Department lion of Canadian dairy products and of Agriculture’s recent crop estimates exports $470 million of dairy goods to its would be proven wrong and President northern neighbor. Donald J. Trump’s “plan” to fix “the It’s even worse than that. Tony Fratto, world’s worst trade deals ever” would be an American free trade advocate and proven right. George W. Bush White House veteran, September, however, disappointed them told the New York Times Sept. 26. on both counts. FARM & FOOD FILE “Opening up Canada’s very tiny dairy industry is a pretty tiny gain to risk On Sept. 12, USDA reported the By Alan Guebert blowing up the most advantageous trade already big 2018 corn and soybean agreement in history. It won’t make a crops were getting bigger, not smaller. dime’s bit a difference to jobs and stanTotal corn production was estimated at dards of living in either country. Try to 14.8 billion bushels — the second largfix these things? Sure. Blow up NAFTA over them? est ever, while soybean production was pegged at a That’s crazy.” record 4.7 billion bushels. Actually, it’s even crazier than that, added The bin-busting crops pushed USDA to lower the the Times. estimated 2018-19 average price for both: $3.50/bu. for corn, $8.60/bu. for beans. “Ironically, lowering Canada’s dairy barriers had already been ironed out over years of arduous negoShortly after that tough news, the Trump tiations that led to the Trans-Pacific Partnership, a Administration imposed a new 10 percent tariff on sweeping trade agreement … that Mr. Trump with$200 billion more of Chinese exports to the United States. Beijing immediately retaliated with $60 bil- drew the United States from…” lion in new tariffs on U.S. exports to China. That’s the honest reality the White House chooses to ignore, however, even as it continues to push its Neither the thinning market prices nor the thick‘Our-Way-or-the-Highway’ trade strategy on almost ening trade tariffs arrived as a surprise. every key American ag trading partner with little to Huge planted acres (89.1 million for corn, 89.6 nothing to show for it now, or to plausibly gain later. million for soybeans) coupled with better-than-averWorse, when the President isn’t attacking our payage weather usually brings record crops and, soon enough, record-challenging low prices. That’s exactly ing customers, he’s threatening to outright withdraw the United States from the World Trade what is happening. Organization — a foolproof recipe for global trade Similarly, populist campaign rhetoric coupled with collapse. a grave misunderstanding of trade economics (U.S. None of this should be a surprise in farm and tariffs hit Americans, not foreigners; a trade deficit ranch country. Candidate Trump promised today’s between two nations is evidence of economic growth, Twitter-littered approach to trade over and over not growing debt) usually brings an enormous policy during the 2016 presidential race. He said he’d do it mistake. Again, that’s exactly what is happening. and, with no plan in-hand and no end in sight, he’s Now what? doing it. Now it gets worse. And there’s no “before it gets If there’s any surprise at all here, it’s that somebetter” in sight for two reasons: First, as most farm- times you get exactly what you vote for. ers know, “Big crops get bigger.” That means today’s The Farm and Food File is published weekly low prices are going nowhere fast. Second, farmers through the United States and Canada. Past coland ranchers are starting to realize that there is no umns, events and contact information are posted at grand Trump “plan” to fix U.S. trade. v In fact, the Trump Administration has been winging its choppy, confounding, and reactionary approach to U.S. trade policy since Inauguration Day. For example, there was no independent analyIn comments from Dr. Jim S. Ladlie, president of sis done to support its third-day-in-office exit of the ProfitProAg which appeared in the last issue of The Trans-Pacific Partnership. It just did it. Land, we reported, “We’ve measured up to a 50 perNow, however, the Administration eagerly wants cent increase in yields after 2 to 3 years of treated to talk trade with several of the pact’s remaining 11 manure applications to these fields.” nations to get a “deal” nearly identical to what it That statement should have read, “We’ve meaand U.S. farmers could have had 20 months ago. sured up to a 5 to 15 percent increase in yields after Good luck. 2 to 3 years of treated manure applications to these Even more unplanned is the bitter NAFTA scrum fields.” the Trump Administration has opened up with Canada over — of all things — milk, despite the




PAGE 6 — “Where Farm and Family Meet” ADVERTISEMENT

AM1 – Optimum® AcreMax® 1 Insect Protection System with an integrated corn rootworm refuge solution includes HXX, LL, RR2. Optimum AcreMax 1 products contain the LibertyLink® gene and can be sprayed with Liberty ® herbicide. The required corn borer refuge can be planted up to half a mile away. AMRW – Optimum® AcreMax® RW Rootworm Protection system with a single-bag integrated corn rootworm refuge solution includes HXRW, LL, RR2. AM – Optimum® AcreMax® Insect Protection system with YGCB, HX1, LL, RR2. Contains a single-bag integrated refuge solution for above-ground insects. In EPA-designated cotton growing counties, a 20% separate corn borer refuge must be planted with Optimum AcreMax products. AMT – Optimum® AcreMax® TRIsect® Insect Protection System with RW, YGCB, HX1, LL, RR2. Contains a single-bag refuge solution for above- and below-ground insects. The major component contains the Agrisure® RW trait, the YieldGard® Corn Borer gene, and the Herculex® I genes. In EPA-designated cotton growing counties, a 20% separate corn borer refuge must be planted with Optimum AcreMax TRIsect products. AMX – Optimum® AcreMax® Xtra Insect Protection system with YGCB, HXX, LL, RR2. Contains a single-bag integrated refuge solution for above- and below-ground insects. In EPA-designated cotton growing counties, a 20% separate corn borer refuge must be planted with Optimum AcreMax Xtra products. AMXT (Optimum® AcreMax® XTreme) – Contains a single-bag integrated refuge solution for above- and below-ground insects. The major component contains the Agrisure® RW trait, the YieldGard® Corn Borer gene, and the Herculex® XTRA genes. In EPA-designated cotton growing counties, a 20% separate corn borer refuge must be planted with Optimum AcreMax XTreme products. AML – Optimum® AcreMax® Leptra® products with AVBL, YGCB, HX1, LL, RR2. Contains a single-bag integrated refuge solution for above- ground insects. In EPA-designated cotton growing counties, a 20% separate corn borer refuge must be planted with Optimum AcreMax Leptra products. ®

YGCB, HX1, LL, RR2 (Optimum® Intrasect®) – Contains the YieldGard® Corn Borer gene and Herculex® I gene for resistance to corn borer. YGCB, HXX, LL, RR2 (Optimum® Intrasect® Xtra) – Contains the YieldGard® Corn Borer gene and the Herculex® XTRA genes for resistance to corn borer and corn rootworm. AVBL, YGCB, HX1, LL, RR2 (Optimum® Leptra®) – Contains the Agrisure Viptera® trait, the YieldGard® Corn Borer gene, the Herculex® I gene, the LibertyLink® gene, and the Roundup Ready ® Corn 2 trait. RW, HX1, LL, RR2 (Optimum® TRIsect®) – Contains the Herculex® I gene for aboveground pests and the Agrisure® RW trait for resistance to corn rootworm. AQ – Optimum® AQUAmax® product. Product performance in water-limited environments is variable and depends on many factors, such as the severity and timing of moisture deficiency, heat stress, soil type, management practices and environmental stress, as well as disease and pest pressures. All products may exhibit reduced yield under water and heat stress. Individual results may vary.

Q (Qrome®) – Contains a single-bag integrated refuge solution for above- and belowground insects. The major component contains the Agrisure® RW trait, the YieldGard® Corn Borer gene, and the Herculex® XTRA genes. In EPA-designated cotton growing counties, a 20% separate corn borer refuge must be planted with Qrome products. Qrome products are approved for cultivation in the U.S. and Canada and have also received import approval in a number of importing countries. DuPont Pioneer continues to pursue additional import approvals for Qrome products, including in China, in accordance with Excellence Through Stewardship Product Launch Guidance.

HX1 – Contains the Herculex® I Insect Protection gene which provides protection against European corn borer, southwestern corn borer, black cutworm, fall armyworm, western bean cutworm, lesser corn stalk borer, southern corn stalk borer, and sugarcane borer; and suppresses corn earworm. HXRW – The Herculex® RW insect protection trait contains proteins that provide enhanced resistance against western corn rootworm, northern corn rootworm and Mexican corn rootworm. HXX – Herculex® XTRA contains the Herculex I and Herculex RW genes. YGCB – The YieldGard® Corn Borer gene offers a high level of resistance to European corn borer, southwestern corn borer and southern cornstalk borer; moderate resistance to corn earworm and common stalk borer; and above average resistance to fall armyworm. LL – Contains the LibertyLink® gene for resistance to Liberty® herbicide. RR2 – Contains the Roundup Ready® Corn 2 trait that provides crop safety for over-the-top applications of labeled glyphosate herbicides when applied according to label directions. Herculex® Insect Protection technology by Dow AgroSciences and Pioneer Hi-Bred. Herculex® and the HX logo are registered trademarks of Dow AgroSciences LLC. YieldGard®, the YieldGard Corn Borer Design and Roundup Ready® are registered trademarks used under license from Monsanto Company. Liberty®, LibertyLink® and the Water Droplet Design are trademarks of Bayer. Agrisure® and Agrisure Viptera® are registered trademarks of, and used under license from, a Syngenta Group Company. Agrisure® technology incorporated into these seeds is commercialized under a license from Syngenta Crop Protection AG.

PIONEER® brand products are provided subject to the terms and conditions of purchase which are part of the labeling and purchase documents. TM ® SM , , Trademarks and service marks of Dow AgroSciences, DuPont or Pioneer, and their affiliated companies or their respective owners. © 2018 PHII. DUPA1418008_VB1_South_TL


Comfort is what you make of it When the air turned chill, the place to move. But braver still are those who step be in my childhood farmhouse was in into a move that was decided for them. front of the baseboard heat register in Maybe this is your first night in an the living room. And I wasn’t the only elderly care facility because your children one to plant myself there. It was the covdetermined you can no longer live on eted spot of my siblings, too. We’d either your own. It wasn’t your choice, but here fight for position or at mom’s prompting you are. Or maybe disease, debt, disaster, make room for one another. And once our divorce, or a loved one’s death have spot was secured, we trapped the heat by moved you into a place you thought only THE BACK PORCH happened to other people. Not someone tucking a blanket around us. It’s a warm memory. By Lenae Bulthuis like you. But as great as it was in that place, we Tough stuff is tough. And while we feel couldn’t stay there. Something always forced us to helpless when our viable options dissipate faster move. Things like meals, chores, and the desire to than dewdrops, there is something that cannot be play. Not that we moved without protest. From our taken from us: How we respond. heated seats the past now seemed better than the Even in the hardest of hard, only one person can future. After wrapping ourselves up in all that was choose your response to it, and that’s you. You can warm and comfortable, the once cool air now felt choose to be bitter or a blessing; to grumble or to be frigid. grateful; to clench your jaw and fists; or be open to Here’s the thing: The longer we stayed in a cocoon what a new season may hold. of comfort, the harder it was to make our move. But good news for those who are making their Grandson Landon gets it. Two summers ago, on move with eyes of faith. As Mary Southerland the last night of our family vacation, our oldest writes, “God has already been where He is asking grand didn’t want to go home. “Let’s just stay here you to go and prepared every step of the way for forever, Nana,” said Landon who was seven at the you. You don’t have to be afraid of the unknown. It time. And when I asked about his school, friends, is unknown only to you. God is well aware of where and the farm place he calls home, he was quick to you are and of every step He is asking you to take.” answer. He’d stay put and they could move to him! Will you trust Him? His solution may not be realistic, but the kid Lenae Bulthuis muses about faith, family, and keeps it real. It’s easier to suggest that someone farming from her back porch on her Minnesota grain else move, than for us to stretch from our comfort and livestock farm. She can be reached at lenaeszones. But when it’s evident that change is needed or @LenaeBulthuis. v and we can’t stay where we’ve been, it takes immense intentionality, strength and courage to

Letter: Article only tells part of story To the Editor, The Aug. 24 issue of The Land had an article by Barry Thompson, the sales rep for Blue Horizon Energy. He presented the merits of solar for Minnesota farmers. He goes on to say rural electric costs are “rising year after year” as the “appetite for energy continues to grow.” Our rural co-op energy use has been dropping and our rates have increased less than 1 percent annually. Mr. Thompson states that “for every dollar (solar) you invest, you get 30 cents in an investment tax credit.” Where does that 30 percent kick-back come from (U.S. taxpayers)? He also shows where any excess electricity produced is sold back to your

co-op. He failed to mention that our state’s net metering law requires the co-op to pay about 30 percent more than the wholesale rate from their electric provider. Who makes up that difference? The non-solar customers are stuck with that bill! How much production occurs during the four-tofive winter months when we have short, cloudy days? Our co-op has a small solar unit and the past several winters show levels of 2 to 7 percent efficiency. That farmer can be thankful that his co-op “leaves the light on” for those winter months. Don Buck Zumbrota


Letters to the editor are always welcome. Send your letters to: Editor, The Land P.O. Box 3169, Mankato, MN 56002 e-mail:

All letters must be signed and accompanied by a phone number (not for publication) to verify authenticity.

THE LAND — OCTOBER 5/OCTOBER 12, 2018 — “Where Farm and Family Meet”



Pioneer ® brand corn products with the Yield Hero designation take overall yield and performance to new levels. Talk to your local Pioneer team to line up the perfect fit for your fields. Pioneer ® brand products with the Yield Hero designation are geographically selected based on a combination of factors, including local product adaptability, yield performance, defensive traits, agronomic characteristics, trait packages and grower preference. Pioneer ® brand products are provided subject to the terms and conditions of purchase which are part of the labeling and purchase documents. TM ® SM , , Trademarks and service marks of Dow AgroSciences, DuPont or Pioneer, and their affiliated companies or their respective owners. © 2018 PHII. DUPPCO18020_VAR1_100518_South_TL

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PAGE 8 — “Where Farm and Family Meet”


Keep your hibiscus plant warm and dry over the winter Fall weather is nipping the air and sigthat were braided together while young naling gardeners it is time to start accliand supple. The braiding makes it look mating potted plants to live indoors for the exotic and three plants growing in the winter. Moving large containers inside is a same container produce more blossoms big job, but I have discovered how to do it during the summer. by myself. A dolly is the answer and I have Hibiscus plants prefer a cozy fit when one just for gardening. I can slide potted grown in a container. This means they plants as well as large boulders, bags of like to be a little root bound. When the mulch or whatever heavy bulky items that plant becomes too big and needs a new IN THE GARDEN need to be moved container choose one that is about five onto the dolly, inches larger and use new potting soil — By Sharon Quale secure the item tamping it well around the root ball — with a bungee and put some mulch on the top to help retain moisstrap, tilt it and wheel ture. Always make sure the container has good away. Even steps can be drainage. Hibiscus like a lot of water when growing navigated using the dolly. I and blossoming but need less when inside for the move the potted plants that winter. are lucky enough to be choHibiscus (hi-BIS-kus) are from sen to live over the winter the Malvaccea family. Rose of Sharon is a shrub down the steps from my hibiscus. Hibiscus rosa-sinesis is the national flower front porch and into the of Malaysia. Hibiscus brackenridge is the official garage. state flower of Hawaii. The hardiness zone for For the past five years I hibiscus is 5, so few live over winter in the garden have moved a favorite pothere in central Minnesota. Photos by Sharon Quale ted hibiscus plant into the Some people grow hibiscus inside as a house plant A two-wheel dolly and garage for overwintering. I and if conditions are just right it will flourish. I find save this one because it has a bungee strap help it to be messy because sometimes many or all of the make moving large pot- a unique braided trunk. It leaves fall off and it looks unsightly. Temperatures ted plants a breeze. is actually is three plants for indoor storage of hibiscus should be 50 degrees or warmer and a heated garage is an ideal place. It also needs some light, so put it by a window.

You can expect yellowing leaves and leaf drop while the plant adjusts to a new environment. This is normal. If all the leaves fall off, but the branches are still pliable, your hibiscus has gone into full dormancy. While the plant is dormant, ease up on watering and just leave the plant alone. After a month or two of dormancy, This hibiscus is actually three begin watering plants with their trunks braided and fertilize together. sparingly. New growth should begin and next season you will have a larger and lovelier plant than you could ever buy in a store. Sharon Quale is a master gardener from central Minnesota. She may be reached at (218) 738-6060 or v

To the Editor, I want your readers to understand as corn and soybean prices continue to fall because of Chinese tariffs and a big crop. There is a NO COST one-year proven farm policy option for our farmers to use, called the Roebke (REB-KEY) Plan that Congress can simply attached to the 2018 farm bill or President Trump can administer as an executive order to support farm prices.

The Roebke option moves all nationwide E-10 gasoline pumps to E-11 immediately which consumes an additional 500 million bushels of 2018 crop corn and lowers gasoline prices by 1 cent/gallon. It also raises USDA 9-month commodity inventory loan collateral amounts by 1.55 percent for the 2018 crop which hasn’t been adjusted in over two decades by Congress! Giving farmers cash flow this fall and time for sound marketing management without more subsidies! So USDA corn loans move to $3.03/bu., wheat to $4.55/bu. and soybeans to $7.75/bu. for all USA farmers! This also allows farmers the right to extend the above loan option for an additional 9 months on up to 25 percent of their historical crop production as a crop marketing reserve! It’s no cost to taxpayers, for these loans are recourse loans and have a 1 percent higher annual interest rate than present USDA loans, that are really only used by sugar and peanuts today! So it’s out there taxpayers, as elected officials, universities and farm groups do nothing! Alan Roebke Alexandria, Minn.

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Letter: Plan would help farmers’ plight OPINION

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THE LAND — OCTOBER 5/OCTOBER 12, 2018 — “Where Farm and Family Meet”


Apples are the core of these terrific recipes Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Fall is upon is, the air is Line a small baking sheet with crisper, the days are getting parchment paper. Place brie on the shorter and the leaves are baking sheet and sprinkle the beautifully vibrant. It’s chopped walnuts evenly on top of time to throw on a vest, the brie. Bake for 8-10 minutes, or grab your PSL (aka until the brie is warmed through Pumpkin Spiced Latte) and and starts to ooze out a bit. head to your favorite Remove from heat, and drizzle the orchard to stock up on local COOKING caramel sauce on top of the fresh apples. WITH KRISTIN brie. Serve immediately with According to Minnesota By Kristin Kveno apples for dipping. Grown, there are 111 n orchards in Minnesota. We’re an apple-loving state, as the Pork chops and apple sauce — they go University of Minnesota has developed together like peanut butter and jelly, salt and nearly 30 apples perfect for our clipepper and fish n’ chips. This is an exciting take mate — including the newly released on an old favorite, substituting in pork tenderloin “First Kiss.” and fresh cut apples. Flavor abounds in this dish! Apples don’t just taste good, they’re good for us too, Minnesota Grown One Pan Brown Sugar Pork and Apples states that apples “protect bone health lower LDL cholesterol.” Here are sugar-pork-apples/ a few apple recipes that will warm 1-1/2 to 3 pounds pork tenderloin your tummy and get you in the fall salt and pepper, to taste spirit! 3 tablespoons oil I appreciate any recipe that has “crock-pot” in 1/2 cup brown sugar its name and this one is no exception. I love 3 tablespoons Dijon mustard making this applesauce. It’s easy and makes 1 tablespoon minced garlic your whole kitchen smell delicious! 2 tablespoons apple juice 2 medium apples, sliced into wedges Homemade Crock-Pot Applesauce pork with salt and pepper on all sides. crock-pot-applesauce/ Drizzle oil into a large skillet and bring to medium heat on the stove. Stir together brown sugar, 12 golden delicious apples Dijon mustard, garlic and apple juice. Rub mix1/2 cup sugar ture all over pork using your fingertips. Cook 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon pork in preheated and oiled pan, turning every 1/2 cup water two to three minutes to ensure even cooking. 1 tablespoon lemon juice After about 10 minutes, add apples and cook Peel and core apples. Cut into fourths and until tender and pork is white through the midplace in crock pot. Toss apples in lemon juice and then add in sugar and cinnamon, stirring to dle (there shouldn›t be any pink left). Serve combine. Add in water. Cover with crock pot lid. immediately and garnish with fresh parsley or Cook on high for three to four hours, until apples thyme. n are softened. Eat immediately or store in a sealed container in the refrigerator. I enjoy French toast. The eggy bread masterpiece is always a winner in my book. Adding n sautéed apples creates a new layer of deliciousThere’s just something about crisp apples ness to this breakfast bake. coupled with decadent brie that works so perApple French Toast Bake fectly together. Add in caramel and some nuts and suddenly this isn’t just a dish, it’s an experi- ence! 6-8 cups day-old whole grain bread cubed Carmel Apple Baked Brie 7 large eggs cups milk baked-brie/ 3/4 teaspoon cinnamon 1 wheel brie 4 medium apples (cored, peeled, and sliced into 1/2 cup chopped walnuts or pecans wedges) 1/3 cup caramel sauce, homemade or store2 tablespoons butter bought 1/2 cup brown sugar (divided) 3 apples, cored and sliced

Preheat oven to 375 degrees and grease a 9x13 baking pan. Add bread cubes to the baking pan — enough to generously cover the bottom and up about 1.5 inches. In a mixing bowl whisk the eggs, milk and two-thirds of the cinnamon. Pour liquid over the bread and use your hands or the back of a wooden spoon to push the bread down to soak up the liquid. In a large skillet over medium-low heat, add the apples and butter. Sprinkle with remaining one-third of the cinnamon, stir and cover to steam for a bit. When they start to get tender remove cover and sprinkle with 2 to 3 tablespoons brown sugar. Continue cooking with cover off until tender and slightly caramelized. You don’t want them to get mushy so be careful not to keep the cover on for too long. Remove from heat to cool slightly. Check the bread to make sure all pieces are getting well soaked. If any cubes are dry on top, flip them over with your hands to ensure all pieces are wet. Sprinkle top with remaining brown sugar — about 1/4 cup. Next, spoon three-fourths of the apples over the top of the bread and push them down into the cracks with your fingers.

Bake on a center rack for 45 minutes to 1 hour. You’ll know when it›s done because the bread and apples will be golden brown and the egg mixture will no longer be wet. Top each slice with any remaining sautéed apples and maple syrup. Store leftovers in a covered container in the fridge for up to a couple of days and reheat in the microwave (though this dish is best when fresh). Happy fall to one and all! I hope you’ll give these apple recipes a try. It’s a great way to usher in fall in style! Kristin Kveno scours the internet, pours over old family recipes and searches everywhere in between to find interesting food ideas for feeding your crew. Do you have a recipe you want to share? You can reach Kristin at v


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PAGE 10 — “Where Farm and Family Meet”


Candidates weigh in on ag issues as election nears By PAUL MALCHOW The Land Managing Editor TIM KING The Land Correspondent The Land has spent much of September reaching out to congressional, senate and gubernatorial candidates in Minnesota and Iowa for their opinions on a number of ag-related issues. Farm policy groups from the two states were asked to submit questions they would like to see addressed by the political hopefuls. The Land correspondent Tim King forwarded these questions and compiled the candidates’ responses. Some candidates did not respond, but in the following pages you will see the questions from the various organizations and the answers from the candidates who did respond. Thanks to the internet, a fair amount of information can be found on each candidate’s website. Another interesting source is the website This site provides biographical information on each candidate, their positions on key issues, and even


CANDIDATES information on the candidate’s campaign funding and chief contributors. Because of the number of candidates and space limitations, The Land is concentrating on the submitted questions and responses. Although there can be a number of candidates on the ballot for each office, The Land limited its inquiries to Democrat, Republican, Independent and Libertarian candidates. This is not to diminish the efforts and dedication of all candidates. It is simply a matter of economics and available space. We encourage voters to research their candidates well to make informed decisions. The Land would like to thank the candidates and the organizations for help-

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ing us provide this service to our read- pulled from beneath their feet, or that ers. We ask our readers to please vote. their markets could suddenly be thrown The day of the general election is Nov. 6. into chaos. The Hubbell-Hart administration will provide that steady leaderIowa Governor ship so our farmers and agricultural The Land attempted to reach workers can continue to be successful. Republican incumbent Kim Reynolds, Do you support spending to Democrat challenger Fred Hubbell and improve broadband capabilities Libertarian candidate Jake Porter. for rural communities? Only Hubbell responded to our request. Hubbell: Yes, communities large and The pork industry is vital to small understand the importance of Iowa’s economy, creating jobs for 1 reliable internet service. It has become in 12 Iowans and generating more a benchmark for economic developthan $8.3 billion in labor income. ment, and a critical technology for How do you intend to support pork healthcare and education, especially in producers’ efforts to maintain and rural Iowa. Every Iowan should have grow export market access? (Iowa ready access to reliable broadband at Pork Producers Association). work and at home because access has far-reaching implications for our state Hubbell: I’m proud - it is a public safety issue, a health that my running issue, an economic issue, an agriculmate, State Senator tural issue, and an education issue. Rita Hart, brings a lifetime of agriculturWithin the framework of a balanced al and rural experibudget, my administration would conence to our ticket. The tinue the state Broadband Grants ongoing trade war Program and consider ways to expand poses devastating Fred Hubbell it or further the impact of each dollar. threats to the future With my decades of experience managof our agricultural economy. Since ing complex budgets, I will turn the launching this campaign I’ve met with state’s fiscal mess around and invest in and listened to Iowa farmers and agri- local infrastructure like high-speed cultural producers who are bearing the broadband and housing, to get Iowa brunt of this ongoing trade war. Iowa’s growing the right way. pork producers stand to lose $800 milIowa has been on the forefront of lion over the next year and tariffs placed on soybeans could cost Iowa’s water quality issues. Are you satisfied with the progress being made soybean producers $772 million. and what steps would you like to Governor Reynolds has stood by as see taken to keep moving forward? President Trump continues this reckHubbell: The Hubbell-Hart adminisless trade war. As governor, I’ll stand tration is committed to comprehensive up to Washington D.C. - no matter who and well-funded efforts to improve is in office - to defend Iowa’s farmers. I’ll reach out to our trade partners and water quality. Access to clean water isn’t establish, long-term, bilateral relation- a rural issue or an urban issue, it’s an ships to reinstate stability and prosper- Iowa issue that we all need to come together to solve. As governor, I will ity for Iowa’s farmers and producers. enact long-term, sustainable solutions Do you feel the property tax system that include local watershed input, is equitable for farmers? What tax- ensure accountability and transparency, related legislation would you like to and work to fund the Natural Resources see to help the farm community? & Outdoor Recreation Trust Fund. Hubbell: We need a balance that What do you think the Iowa state works for farmers so they are able to legislature can do to help young grow and produce the goods that are and beginning farmers? powering the Iowa economy, while Hubbell: Supporting farm families is ensuring communities have the resources they need for schools, hospi- something I became very familiar with tals, and public commodities. More during the Farm Crisis in the 1980’s. than anything, Iowa’s farm community Younkers organized Farm Aid scholarneeds stability and reliability from gov- ships and concerts to benefit families ernment so they can produce these who were hit the hardest, and young goods without fear that the rug will be See CANDIDATES, pg. 11 |

THE LAND — OCTOBER 5/OCTOBER 12, 2018 CANDIDATES, from pg. 10 Iowans that want to become farmers are still forced to overcome numerous hurdles. They face high land prices, an aging farm population, and lack of incentives to enter the profession. It’s vital to keep Iowa’s agricultural economy strong, and in doing so we must provide first-time farmers with the resources and support they need to be successful. As governor, I’ll work with our state legislature to continue to support and promote efforts of the Iowa Beginning Farmer Center, help reduce student loan debt for college graduates who enter farming, and further fund the Beginning Farmer Loan Program — which created a wait list of applicants due to a legislative sunset. — “Where Farm and Family Meet”

Iowa Congressional 4th District covers most of the north-central part of the state. The district includes Ames and Fort Dodge, as well as the counties of Lyon, Sioux, Plymouth, Woodbury, Monona, Harrison, Shelby, Crawford, Audubon, Carroll, Greene, Boone, Story, Hardin, Hamilton, Webster, Calhoun, Sac, Ida, Cherokee, Buena Vista, Pocahontas, Humboldt, Franklin, Butler, Chicksaw, Floyd, Cerro Gordo, Hancock, Winnebago, Kossuth, Emmett, Palo Alto,

Dickinson, Osceola, O’Brien, Clay, Grundy and Wright. Republican Steve King has filed to regain his seat but did not respond to our inquiry. Nor did Independent candidate Edward Peterson. The Land did receive responses from two other candidates for the 4th District: Democrat J.D. Scholten and Libertarian Charles Aldrich. See CANDIDATES, pg. 12

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U.S. Congress – Iowa While all four of Iowa’s congressional districts will elect representatives this year, The Land has chosen to concentrate on the two districts in our readership area: the 1st and 4th Districts. Iowa Congressional 1st District covers the northeastern part of the state. The district includes Worth, Mitchell, Howard, Winneshiek, Allamakee, Clayton, Fayette, Bremer, Black Hawk, Buchanan, Delaware, Dubuque, Jackson, Jones, Linn, Benton, Iowa, Poweshiek, Marshall and Tama counties. The incumbent is Republican Rod Blum. Challenging for Blum’s seat is Democrat Abby Finkenauer and Libertarian Troy Hageman. None of these candidates responded to The Land’s request.


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PAGE 12 — “Where Farm and Family Meet”



DO NOT APPLY DICAMBA HERBICIDE IN-CROP TO SOYBEANS WITH Roundup Ready 2 Xtend® technology unless you use a dicamba herbicide product that is specifically labeled for that use in the location where you intend to make the application. IT IS A VIOLATION OF FEDERAL AND STATE LAW TO MAKE AN IN-CROP APPLICATION OF ANY DICAMBA HERBICIDE PRODUCT ON SOYBEANS WITH Roundup Ready 2 Xtend® technology, OR ANY OTHER PESTICIDE APPLICATION, UNLESS THE PRODUCT LABELING SPECIFICALLY AUTHORIZES THE USE. Contact the U.S. EPA and your state pesticide regulatory agency with any questions about the approval status of dicamba herbicide products for in-crop use with soybeans with Roundup Ready 2 Xtend® technology. ALWAYS READ AND FOLLOW PESTICIDE LABEL DIRECTIONS. Soybeans with Roundup Ready 2 Xtend® technology contain genes that confer tolerance to glyphosate and dicamba. Glyphosate herbicides will kill crops that are not tolerant to glyphosate. Dicamba will kill crops that are not tolerant to dicamba. Roundup Ready 2 Xtend® is a registered trademark of Monsanto Technology LLC used under license.

Always follow grain marketing, stewardship practices and pesticide label directions. Varieties with the Glyphosate Tolerant trait (including those designated by the letter “R” in the product number) contain genes that confer tolerance to glyphosate herbicides. Glyphosate herbicides will kill crops that are not tolerant to glyphosate.

Pioneer® brand products are provided subject to the terms and conditions of purchase which are part of the labeling and purchase documents. TM ® SM , , Trademarks and service marks of Dow AgroSciences, DuPont or Pioneer, and their affiliated companies or their respective owners. © 2018 PHII. DUPPSY18035_VC2_South_TL

CANDIDATES, from pg. 10 The pork industry is vital to Iowa’s economy, creating jobs for 1 in 12 Iowans and generating more than $8.3 billion in labor income. How do you intend to support pork producers’ efforts to maintain and grow export market access? (Iowa Pork Producers Association). Scholten: As I look around the nation, I see what is happening as a result of the trade war this administration has created. I don’t see New York City real estate, Texas oil or Silicon Valley struggling. We here, in Iowa’s 4th District, are bearing the brunt — especially our pork producers. As a result of these trade wars, America›s farmers have lost markets J.D. Scholten that may never be recovered. There’s no plan and no foreseeable endgame. The absurdity of the $12 billion bailout is this: we’re borrowing money from China to pay our farmers to not sell their products to China. To any politician that says we should be patient and wait: my question to them is will the banks be patient and wait when it’s time to repay them? These are not Democrat politics. These are not Republican politics. These are Iowa politics. We need a good look at who is fighting for us and who is not. Steve King has been in Congress for 16 years and was left off the farm bill conference committee this year despite his seniority. For the first time in 20 years, no Iowan is on the conference committee on the House side. We need someone who will put the needs of Iowa farmers first. Aldrich: The first item I would work on is eliminating tariffs. Other items would be reducing or eliminating regulations not impacting safety, environment or quality. Do you believe Congress should have the final say on trade agreements? Why or why not? (National Farmers Organization) Scholten: Yes, I believe Congress should have input on all trade agreements and also should have input before any administration declares unilateral trade wars. Aldrich: Yes Congress should have the final say on trade agreements. Trade agreements are in effect a treaty with another country and according to the U.S. Constitution all treaties must be ratified by congress. Do you support limiting agribusiness mergers — as in the revised version of the original Wellstone legislation that was just (re)introduced by Sen. Cory Booker and Rep. Mark Pocan? (Family Farm Defenders)

THE LAND — OCTOBER 5/OCTOBER 12, 2018 cents to the retailer dollar — an all-time low and a direct result of consolidation. While Senator Grassley has spoken eloquently on the threat of consolidation and antitrust abuses that threaten the economic viability of our farmers, Rep. Steve King has been completely silent about the harmful impact of all these megamergers. Maybe because he funds his campaign with their corporate PAC money, including $17,000 from Monsanto. I accept no corporate PAC donations. I support Sen. Booker and Rep. Pocan’s efforts to address consolidation in our ag markets. Aldrich: Yes, I support limiting agribusiness mergers. In the event of a Foot and Mouth Disease outbreak, the livestock industry and rural communities will face severe economic consequences if we are not prepared. For example, an outbreak would cause an estimated loss of nearly $6.5 billion in beef exports. If elected, would you support the current funding request of $150 million annually for a vaccine bank that is adequate enough to support the livestock industry in the United States? (Minnesota State Cattleman’s Ass’n) Scholten: We must do everything to prevent a devastating Foot and Mouth Disease outbreak and I’m committed to fighting for a vaccine bank funded at $150 million. The Senate version of the farm bill does not allocate any funding towards the bank, so I hope the House version with funding is included in the final bill. Aldrich: No. Each farmer, co-op of farmers or local authority should prepare for contingencies. In March 2018, LSP released the report “Crop Insurance: A Torn Safety,” showing how the current crop insurance program benefits the very largest operations and corporate interests at the expense Charles Aldrich of family farmers, the land and rural communities. Will you support reform of the federal crop insurance program which includes a $50,000 limit on how much public money will be provided to a single operator in one year in crop insurance premium subsides? Will you support reform that would encourage farmers to use stewardship-based risk management such as crop diversification and cover crops? (Land Stewardship Project) Scholten: I agree with reform efforts to ensure taxpayer money isn’t unfairly benefitting insurance company profits over those of farmers. We need an effective crop insurance program to help farmers navigate these years of depressed prices, but we must be fiscally responsible with the program. Aldrich: Crop insurance is a boon to corporate farms and insurance companies and not helpful to See CANDIDATES, pg. 14



Scholten: With the recent Monsanto-Bayer merger, market choice is being taken away from producers and the result is higher seed prices. Meatpacking and grain processing are also controlled by only three or four companies. Currently, a farmer sees less than 15

THE LAND — OCTOBER 5/OCTOBER 12, 2018 — “Where Farm and Family Meet”




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Data is based on an average of 2016-2017 comparisons made in the U.S. through Nov. 29, 2017. Comparisons are against all competitors, unless otherwise stated, and within +/- 3 RM of the competitive brand. Product responses are variable and subject to any number of environmental, disease and pest pressures. Individual results may vary. Multi-year and multi-location data are a better predictor of future performance. DO NOT USE THIS OR ANY OTHER DATA FROM A LIMITED NUMBER OF TRIALS AS A SIGNIFICANT FACTOR IN PRODUCT SELECTION. Refer to or contact a Pioneer sales representative or authorized dealer for the latest and complete listing of traits and scores for each Pioneer® brand product. Pioneer® brand products are provided subject to the terms and conditions of purchase which are part of the labeling and purchase documents. TM ® SM , , Trademarks and service marks of Dow AgroSciences, DuPont or Pioneer, and their affiliated companies or their respective owners. © 2018 PHII. DUPPSY18035_VAR3_100518_South_TL

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9/28/18 4:43 PM

PAGE 14 — “Where Farm and Family Meet”

CANDIDATES, from pg. 12 family farms. I would support a limit of $50,000, but a limit of $20,000 would be more beneficial to family farms. The farming practices encouraged by this program should be changed to encourage sustainable and good land use.

Minnesota Governor

Current Minnesota Governor Mark Dayton is not seeking re-election in 2018, opening the door for Democrat Tim Walz, Republican Jeff Johnson, Grassroots candidate Chris Wright and Libertarian Josh Welter. Walz and Johnson were contacted to participate and only Walz responded. We know answers exist which allow family farmers to achieve a good living producing nutritious food in a way that improves our air, water, land and rural communities. What will you do to shift state agricultural policy toward that soil health-focused model and away from the current one that breeds ever-larger corporate farms, threatens our environment, and causes rural depopulation? (Sustainable Farming Association of Minnesota)


CANDIDATES Walz: As governor, I will invest in soil health initiatives such as education and implementation of soil building practices like cover crops. I will also continue to work with the University of Minnesota to conduct cutting edge Tim Walz research on soil health and soil regeneration. The University has been leading efforts on establishing new crop varieties through the Forever Green Initiative that diversify crops raised and products produced while also enhancing soil health, water quality and other benefits. Minnesota has a public land inventory of about 51.2 million acres. Of that amount, just over 3

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million acres are owned by the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources. Do you plan to encourage or incentivize state agencies to work with farmers to allow public grazing of this land to reach the long standing goal of 50,000 acres grazed set by the Minnesota DNR? (Minnesota State Cattleman’s Association) Walz: Yes. I support working with our farmers and ranchers and the Minnesota DNR to establish and implement a managed grazing program. Managed grazing programs can be a critical component of a strategic land management initiative. What would your administration do to expand the use of higher blends of ethanol in Minnesota to increase consumer choice, economic opportunity and improve air quality? (Minnesota Corn Growers Association) Walz: I have been a longtime supporter of ethanol and I believe the benefits of the Minnesota Petroleum Replacement law are integral to our success as a state — both economically and environmentally. As governor, I will work with my Commissioners of Agriculture, Pollution Control, and Commerce to ensure that we are on track to meet our 30 percent goal. I have also been a longtime supporter of the RVP waiver and have taken a number of actions during my time in Congress to address this issue, such as working with my colleagues to introduce the Consumer and Fuel Retailer Choice Act, which extends the E10 waiver to E15. As governor, I would urge the federal delegation to take steps to remove the unnecessary barriers to E15 use year round. The Biofuel Infrastructure Partnership (BIP) program has been a great success thus far and has made a significant impact on the biofuels market here in Minnesota. I would fully support additional funding for further investment in infrastructure to make higher blends of ethanol available throughout the state. The U.S. Department of Agriculture reported in September that farm income will drop another 13 percent in 2018 as part of a five-year decline. Prices have dropped, often below the cost of production, due to over-production of both commodity crops as well as dairy and hogs. Farm and rural hotlines have been initiated

in Minnesota to help those in crisis. What will you do to improve prices and farm incomes for Minnesota’s farmers in the short and long-term? (Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy) Walz: Farmers are facing low commodity prices, ever-changing weather patterns, flooding, and uncertainty at the federal level, amongst so many other pressures. It’s no wonder there is so much stress out in farm country. As governor, I would continue to support the Agricultural Growth, Research, and Innovation (AGRI) fund which provides critical dollars for families and small businesses to add value to the crops and livestock that they produce. Additionally, as governor, I would make trade a top priority. Trade is founded on relationships and managing those relationships is critically important to the economic future of farmers across this state. My administration will work vigorously to defend the markets our farmers have worked hard to create, and establish new ones. We will advocate in Washington to make sure we re-establish sensible farming policies that allow family farms to thrive. With agriculture depending on internet access more and more, and with the experts saying Minnesota’s broadband infrastructure needs are between $50 and $100 million per year, what is your position on funding for rural broadband? (Minnesota Farmers Union) Walz: As part of my One Minnesota Community Prosperity Plan, I have called for investing $300 million in high-speed internet access all around the state by expanding broadband service at or above the state’s 2026 speed goals. These funds will be targeted at economic development — ensuring that both unserved and underserved communities, particularly in rural areas, get connected at speeds to make them competitive and prosperous.

U.S. Senate – Minnesota

Because of Tina Smith’s appointment to the U.S. Senate to replace Al Franken, both senate seats are on the 2018 ballot. Whoever occupies Smith’s seat will be up for election again in 2020 for a six-year term. Democratic Senator Amy Klobuchar is attempting to regain her seat against challenges from Republican Jim Newberger, Green candidate Paula Overby and Legal Marijuana Now candidate Dennis Schuller. Democrat See CANDIDATES, pg. 15

THE LAND — OCTOBER 5/OCTOBER 12, 2018 CANDIDATES, from pg. 14 Smith is challenged by Republican Karin Housley, Independent candidate Jerry Trooien and Legal Marijuana Now candidate Sarah Wellington. Klobuchar, Newberger, Smith and Housley were contacted by The Land. Housley and Newberger responded. Trade is vitally important to the beef industry. In the first quarter of 2018, international exports accounted for $318.91/head of value per beef animal. How do you plan to protect and grow international markets for U.S. agriculture products? (Minnesota State Cattleman’s Association) Newberger: I will work with our current trade partners to maintain our relationships with them. Some of these relationships took decades to develop. I will also support expanding new trade opportunities to other Jim Newberger parts of the world in order to bring more opportunities for beef producers to prosper. American products must come first. American products and those who produce them, must be protected. One area we can do this is to start at home. Ag producers do better at home and abroad when their taxes are lower. The Trump tax plan has jump-started our economy and eliminated the “death tax”. Eliminating that tax helps to keep family farms in the family. My opponent, Senator Klobuchar, voted against the Trump tax bill. I support the tax bill. Housley: I agree — trade is vital to a prosperous ag industry. I believe in free trade, but it also must be fair trade. We can strengthen the beef industry — and the entire agricultural industry — with a long-term trade solution that balances the need for fair trade practices with protecting and growing international markets. I believe we should protect the standards put in place under NAFTA, support the trade negotiations taking place with the European Union, and explore bilateral trade agreements with certain Asian countries proven to have growing markets for beef consumption. Minnesota and U.S. beef producers are the best in the world — and that should be reflected in any potential trade agreements negotiated by the president. — “Where Farm and Family Meet”


CANDIDATES Increasing extreme weather events, including intense rains, flooding, and periods of drought, have challenged Minnesota’s farmers in recent years. Growing zones that are shifting within the state bring their own opportunities and challenges. These weather changes will continue and become profound, according to the National Climate Assessment published in May. What policies and programs will you support to assist farmers in adapting to climate change on their farms? (Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy) Newberger: I represent an agricultural district in the Minnesota House of Representatives. I will work with our ag industry and farmers to assist them to respond to any crisis or change in their ability to produce. Housley: We need to strike a balance between protecting our environment and putting too many unnecessary regulations on Minnesota farmers. I will support Minnesota’s agricultural community in finding ways to adapt to challenging climate scenarios and extreme weather events. I support market-based solutions to reduce greenhouse gasses and alternative energy sources to cut down on pollution. I also support a strong investment in farm bill programs like crop insurance to provide farmers with a buffer against our increasingly-uncertain weather patterns. Minnesota corn farmers have strongly advocated for removing regulatory barriers, such as the RVP waiver, to year-round sales of ethanol blends above 10 percent. Do you support eliminating this regulatory barrier? If yes, how can you help advocate for this change? (Minnesota Corn Growers Association) Newberger: I will be a strong voice to remove regulatory barriers, of all types, for our farmers. Regulatory burdens are squeezing the life out of our farmers. My opponent, Senator Klobuchar, has supported the massive See CANDIDATES, pg. 16

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PAGE 16 — “Where Farm and Family Meet”

CANDIDATES, from pg. 15 growth of big government agencies over the past 10 years. I will stand up for the folks in my state, not for big agencies. Housley: Regulations have taken their toll on our agriculture community in many ways over the past decade — a source of great frustration. As I look at ways we can help our farmers expand market access, a common-sense way is to allow the selling of E15 year-round. It is proven to be safe and giving consumers the choice, while at the same time helping our corn growers, is something we should do. I would work with our regional ag leaders to help convince President Trump and the EPA to move on this as soon as possible. In March 2018, LSP released the report: “Crop Insurance: A Torn Safety” showing how the current crop insurance program benefits the very largest operations and corporate interests at the expense of family farmers, the land and rural communities. Will your support reform of the federal crop insurance program that includes a $50,000 limit on how much public money will be provided to a single operator in one year in crop insurance premium subsides? Will you support reform that would encourage IONS Please read attached email farmers to use stewardship-based risk management such as crop diversification and cover crops? (Land Stewardship Project) AMES ALREADY ON AD THE LAND 3.7461 x ” Newberger: I am undecided at this time. Housley: Crop insurance is the cornerstone program to help our farmers handle the year-to-year challenges they face with fluctuations in prices, yields, weather, and other factors out of their control.

It provides the stability for them to know that they won’t lose the family farm, large or small, to any one particularly difficult year. While we should always look at ways to improve our programs, such a drastic change is unnecessary. Farmers are some of the best stewards of our land out there, and there are already quite a few conservation programs out there for them to choose from. The Conservation Reserve Program or the Environmental Quality Incentives Program are two good examples of programs that further help improve the quality of our soil and water. Investments in these types of programs are a good thing. In the month of July, there were congressional efforts to reform the Endangered Species Act. The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources estimated that there were nearly 3,000 wolves in Minnesota over the winter of 2017-2018 — a 25 percent increase over the previous winter. That is nearly double the ESA recovery plan goal. Current protection of wolves in Minnesota by the ESA as a threatened species does not allow a domestic animal owner to defend their animals against wolf attacks. How would you, as a legislator, work to ensure that animals that meet recovery goals under the Endangered Species act, like the grey wolf, get delisted as the ESA intended? (Minnesota State Cattleman’s Association) Newberger: I support removing the wolves from the endangered species list. They have made a strong recovery. The reports that I have received from the ag industry is that the wolves are causing substantial damage to livestock herds and to moose and deer populations. It is time to manage the wolf population in a responsible way in order to protect livelihoods of our farmers. Housley: By nearly every metric, the gray wolf’s recovery goals have been exceeded to where the federal government should delist it as an endangered species and return management responsibility to the state. Farmers and landowners are prevented from protecting their livestock against wolf attacks because of this Karin Housley burdensome regulation — an unnecessary cost for livestock owners. The state legislature should explore ways to provide funding to make up for the losses livestock owners may face, as well as consider the impact a hunting and trapping season would have. Finally, the federal government should work with the relevant stakeholders, livestock owners, state officials, and area residents on a long-term plan to address the issue of livestock losses due to wolf attacks.




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U.S. Congress – Minnesota

Minnesota Congressional 1st District extends across southern Minnesota from the border with South Dakota to the border with Wisconsin. It includes Blue Earth, Brown, Dodge, Faribault,

THE LAND — OCTOBER 5/OCTOBER 12, 2018 Fillmore, Freeborn, Houston, Jackson, Le Sueur, Martin, Mower, Nicollet, Nobles, Olmsted, Rock, Steele, Waseca, Watonwan, and Winona counties. Areas of Cottonwood and Rice counties also lie within the district. The current representative of the 1st Congressional District is Tim Walz. Since Walz is seeking the office of Minnesota governor, there is no incumbent. Candidates for the seat are Democrat Dan Feehan and Republican Jim Hagedorn. Both men responded to The Land’s inquiry. Minnesota’s 2nd District covers the south Twin Cities metro area and includes Dakota, Goodhue, Scott, and Wabasha counties and portions of Rice and Washington counties. Republican Jason Lewis is defending his seat against Democrat Angie Craig. The two did battle in 2016 and each participated in answering The Land’s questions. Minnesota’s 3rd, 4th and 5th Districts would be considered metropolitan districts. The 3rd District encompasses portions of Anoka, Hennepin, and Carver counties. Republican incumbent Erik Paulsen is challenged by Democrat Dean Phillips. The 4th District is located on the far eastern edge of Minnesota and includes portions of Ramsey and Washington counties. Democrat incumbent Betty McCollum is facing off against Republican Greg Ryan and Legal Marijuana Now candidate Susan Pendergast Sindt. The 5th District includes portions of Anoka, Hennepin and Ramsey counties. It’s current representative is Keith Ellison who is running for Minnesota Attorney General in 2018. New district hopefuls are Democrat Ilhan Omar and Republican Jennifer Zielinski. Not surprisingly, none of the candidates in these districts took on our agricultural-related questions. Minnesota’s 6th District includes Benton, Sherburne, and Wright counties as well as portions of Anoka, Carver, Hennepin, Stearns, and Washington counties. Incumbent Republican Tom Emmer is being challenged by Democrat Ian Todd. Both candidates took part in our survey. The 7th District, Minnesota’s largest, covers almost all of the western side of Minnesota. It includes Becker, Big Stone, Chippewa, Clay, Clearwater, Douglas, Grant, Kandiyohi, Kittson, Lac qui Parle, Lake of the Woods, Lincoln, Lyon, Mahnomen, Marshall, McLeod, Meeker, Murray, Norman, Otter Tail, Pennington, Pipestone, Polk, Pope, Red Lake, Redwood, Renville, Roseau, Sibley, Stevens, Swift, Todd, Traverse, Wilkin, and Yellow Medicine counties. Portions of Beltrami, Cottonwood, and Stearns counties also lie within the district. Congressional veteran Democrat Collin Peterson faces Republican Dave Hughes. Both answered The Land’s questions. Finally, Minnesota’s 8th District includes the counties of Aitkin, Carlton, Cass, Chisago, Cook, Crow Wing, Hubbard, Isanti, Itasca, Kanabec, Koochiching, Lake, Mille Lacs, Morrison, Pine, St. Louis, and Wadena. A section of Beltrami County is also included in the district. Current representative Rick Nolan decided not to seek re-election in 2018, leaving the door open for Democrat Joe Radinovich and Republican Pete Stauber. Only Stauber replied to The Land’s questions. See CANDIDATES, pg. 17

THE LAND — OCTOBER 5/OCTOBER 12, 2018 CANDIDATES, from pg. 16 Since candidates from all of Minnesota’s eight congressional districts were asked the same questions, we are running their responses together, rather than by district. — “Where Farm and Family Meet”

anyone — especially with how the buffer rule was rolled out. Many farmers already have installed conservation practices and are good stewards of their land. Increasingly, farmers in southern Minnesota are utilizing cover crops and other practices — such as technology to more precisely apply nutrients and crop protection products in a way that reduces impact to the environment but also enhances farm profitability. We need to encourage these types of practices. As a member of Congress, I will work hard to make sure the crop insurance program keeps up with the evolutions in agriculture; but ultimately ensure that this vital program continues to offer a sound safety net for Minnesota farmers. Hagedorn: I support federal crop insurance to protect farmers from unpredictable weather and disasters. Minnesota farmers and ranchers work every day to produce safe, affordable food. At the same time, they are working to be good stewards of the land. I support the farm bill conservation programs that supJim Hagedorn port USDA-Natural Resources Conservation Service as they voluntarily work with farmers to make locally-led improvements on their operations that help improve water quality and soil



Federal crop insurance is an important risk management tool for farmers, but important conservation practices should be encouraged through this program to support farmers building healthy soils, crop resiliency and water quality for all of Minnesota. Will you support crop insurance provisions that direct the Risk Management Agency (RMA) to recognize all conservation practices as good farming practices, to remove barriers to cover crop adoption, and to authorize RMA to offer annual premium discounts for risk-reducing conservation practices? Why or why not? (Sustainable Farming Association of Minnesota) Feehan: I am fully supportive of encouraging more sustainable farming and conservation practices through positive financial incentives. As a former federal policymaker, I know that positive financial incentives are the most effective in getting desired outcomes. From my time at the Pentagon, I know that regulations cannot be driven from the top without input from the people it affects. Farmers know this better than

PAGE 17 health. This is important for farmers and ranchers, but also every day citizens that benefit from clean water and quality habitat. Lewis: Effective risk management tools and practices are essential for farmers to weather natural disasters and economic disruptions to remain in businesses year after year. Conservation practices often go hand-in-hand with risk management as they can have long-term benefits to sustainable production, Jason Lewis as well as create immediate risk reductions. I support voluntary conservation programs that allow farmers the implement the practices that will work in their situation and provide a positive effect on yield and quality for them. Craig: Yes, crop insurance is vital to farmers across the state and we must do everything we can to protect our environment while ensuring family farmers across Minnesota are able to sell their crops. Iowa is currently running a pilot program to offer crop insurance discounts for those that plant cover crops. The results have been promising. USDA and the RMA should do everything they can to encourage cover crops without tipping the razor-thin profit margins many farmers face over into the red. This program appears to be doing just that in Iowa and if the reception to the program remains positive, we should expand it nationwide. See CANDIDATES, pg. 18


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PAGE 18 CANDIDATES, from pg. 17 Emmer: I support voluntary conservation programs that help farmers implement practices that protect soil, water and their crops. However, I remain wary of efforts to modify the most critical risk management tool available to American agriculture: crop insurance. Successful conservation practices may vary depending on climate, location and type of operation, which is why these programs must be voluntary, incentives-based and flexible enough to meet the individual farmer’s needs. Todd: Yes. Conservation is both good for our yield and for keeping our farmers’ land healthy for generations. By ensuring conservation practices are rewarded we can make the market healthier and more appealing to younger generations. Peterson: In the new farm bill, we will hopefully be addressing the concern that folks who are planting cover crops are penalized or forced to terminate cover crops Collin Peterson outside their conser- — “Where Farm and Family Meet”


CANDIDATES vation plan or in alignment with NRCS practice standards. The Obama administration tried offering “Good Performance Refunds” in 2011. Their efforts were quickly shut down by the House and Senate Appropriations Committees who included riders in their bill disallowing USDA from offering these type of rebates. There has been a robust discussion during the farm bill consideration about this authority and as of the deadline for this publication, that discussion is on-going. Hughes: I agree with all good farming practices including building healthy soils, crop resiliency and good water quality. Stauber: I support a federal crop insurance program, as it is an impor-


tant risk management tool for farmers. I also believe conservation practices should be encouraged through this program to support farmers, build healthy soils, and ultimately have more crop resiliency and water quality for all of Minnesota. Tell us about your agriculture background or experience in agriculture. (Minnesota State Cattleman’s Association) Feehan: I have had a lot of hard jobs in my life: disarming roadside bombs in Iraq, teaching middle schools in underserved communities, and ensuring our servicemembers and vet- Dan Feehan erans had the resources they needed to succeed. However, the hardest job I have ever had is detasseling seed corn while growing-up in Red Wing as a kid. This brief experience in agriculture as a kid showed me firsthand the work ethic and optimism that all farmers have. This has only been reinforced throughout my time on the campaign trail where I’ve talked with and learned from farmers and agricultural groups throughout southern Minnesota. And in Congress, I’ll draw upon the many personal relationships I have with farmers across southern Minnesota and my experiences serving in the military to mitigate risk and ensure that both foreign and local markets stay open for our farmers. Hagedorn: This issue is personal for me. I live in the rural farming community of Blue Earth (where I was born) and was raised on my family’s grain and livestock farm near Truman. My father (former Congressman Tom Hagedorn), grandfather and greatgrandfather were all southern Minnesota farmers. It is my goal to serve on the U.S. House Agriculture Committee and work to sustain agriculture and our rural southern Minnesota way of life. I will use the position of congressman to affect federal policy in three areas to help farmers and rural communities. 1) Reform the federal government to keep the cost of farming as low as possible. I support regulatory reform, individual tax reform, repealing Obamacare and achieving U.S. energy independence — all of which will help to lower

the input costs of farming. 2) Support the farm bill and other measures to ensure that farmers — especially smaller operators — are able to remain in business during difficult times. When smaller farmers are forced to sell out, larger farmers swoop in and purchase the land. Larger farmers are not bad people, but it means fewer people hold and working farmland and fewer people purchasing products on our Main Streets and attending our schools, which places enormous pressure on smaller communities to thrive or even survive. 3) Expand global markets and vote for trade agreements that lower barriers so farmers and agri-businesses can fully export the finest agricultural products in all the world and create demand to support profitable commodity prices. Lewis: During my time in Congress, I have visited with farmers and producers from across the state and discussed the challenges they are facing with regulations, the cost of healthcare, the importance of the farm bill, and costs of trade uncertainty. Growing up, my family ran an auto parts business — Lewis Motor Supply — where we sold parts and equipment to farmers. This helped me understand how a strong agriculture economy impacts small towns and communities, and how downturns are truly felt by everyone. My family eventually lost our business when the government seized it through eminent domain. This experience stuck with me, and when I learned that Drysdale family may lose their farm due to eminent domain I worked with local partners and the Army Corps of Engineers to find an alternative that would save the farm. Craig: I grew up in rural America for much of my childhood. My grandfather farmed beans and rice and worked as a farm foreman until the farm crisis in the 1980s forced the farmer who employed him — and many others — out of business. He spent the next few years repairing John Deere tractors for those who made it through the tough times. I know how important farming is to Minnesota’s economy – it’s not just a job, it’s a way of life. Emmer: Agriculture is one of the primary drivers of our state — and my congressional district’s — economy. It is an important foundation of this nation that should never be, but often is, taken for granted. Growing up, my family’s lumber business was based on the sucSee CANDIDATES, pg. 19

THE LAND — OCTOBER 5/OCTOBER 12, 2018 CANDIDATES, from pg. 18 cessful and respectful cultivation of the land. Upon being elected to Congress, the first committee I requested assignment to was the House Agriculture Committee. Today, I am fortunate to work with so many leaders in agriculture from our state as Congress works on issues relating to the reauthorization of the farm bill, expanding access to new markets, and addressing matters related to trade. Todd: I have no agricultural experience. I’m a veteran of the Air Force where I was a geospatial intel analyst. During training, I learned about the Department of Agriculture’s ability to determine crop health with aerial imagery and the science behind it. During times of uncertain weather patterns and erosion, these Ian Todd tools and others could help our farmers stay in business and keep our food supply secure. Peterson: I grew up on a farm near Baker Minn., and while in high school and college, I grew potatoes and other crops, but had some challenges with the weather, and decided that accounting might be a better fit for me. However, when I was elected to the Minnesota Senate, and then to Congress, I found that my rural upbringing was very helpful to navigate farm policy, and it’s been an honor to be one of the leaders of the House Agriculture Committee since 2005. Hughes: My background is in national security as a 21-year United States Air Force Officer, combat veteran, deployed to the Middle East seven times, and pilot of several planes. Agriculture is a key component of national security. Stauber: I have been a small business owner for the past 27 Dave Hughes years and understand the importance of meeting payroll, abiding by numerous state and federal regulations and laws, and the value of hard work. I personally know the great joy of creating and ultimately selling a finished product (hockey gear with our family business), but I have a great admiration for other job creators in the state, from soybean farmers to pork producers and those who provide for the growing farmers markets. Because of all the activity with trade negotiations and tariffs, the United States is losing export sales of grains — resulting in larger carryover stocks. Would you support a one-year acreage reduction program for feed grains to manage that challenge? Why or why not? (National Farmers) Feehan: First and foremost, we must end the trade war. Congress needs to be a co-equal branch of government and check the executive branch when they take unilateral actions that hurt farmers. The trade approach of this Administration has been — “Where Farm and Family Meet”

disastrous for farm commodity prices. Soybean prices in southern Minnesota have lost nearly $2.00 a bushel over the past year. Developing markets for farm products across the world requires developing relationships and these relationships can take a long time to establish. Unfortunately, trade disputes show how quickly these relationships can be damaged. Our farmers are hurting as a result of trade disputes currently taking place with some of Minnesota’s largest export markets: China, Mexico and Canada. I am open to short-term solutions to provide assistance and which help farmers weather this storm. But ultimately, Minnesota farmers want markets that provide them a good price — not subsidies. I would be disinclined to support a one-year acreage reduction of certain crops. This proposal would be costly to implement and wreak havoc on southern Minnesota’s farm economy. I don’t believe this action is in the best interest of farmers and puts a band-aid on the bigger problem. While this action could drive up prices, eventually it would distort our markets and add more volatility to the marketplace. Our farmers need markets — both global and local — and I will fight to create and keep markets open so southern Minnesota farmers can compete on a level playing field. Hagedorn: Minnesota’s farmers are some of the



PAGE 19 most productive in the world. There is no doubt that Minnesota agriculture depends on access to export markets. I respect President Trump’s intentions to get a better deal for our farmers and ranchers — especially Minnesota dairy producers. While we work to get a better deal, I support USDA’s efforts to deliver relief to producers who have felt the impact of depressed prices. I also believe USDA and USTR need to continue to explore alternative markets for Minnesota commodities, and that we need to deliver a strong farm bill that provides an adequate safety net and crop insurance for the tough times. Lewis: Expanding access to foreign markets and ensuring our producers can compete on a level playing field is critical for the long-term success of American agriculture. While ongoing negotiations have led to short-term loss in exports and larger carryover stocks, we want to make sure that relief efforts will not make U.S. commodities less competitive in global markets and potentially hinder growth in the future. I am open to proposals to assist our farmers during these negotiations, and in the meantime our main focus remains settling these trade deals in a timely manner that gives farmers greater access to markets. Craig: A one-year acreage reduction might keep government grain stocks lower and feed grain prices higher now, and if it is the only way to help some of our family farmers stay afloat in the short term, we may need to look at that. The real problem, though, is See CANDIDATES, pg. 22

PAGE 20 — “Where Farm and Family Meet”


THE LAND — OCTOBER 5/OCTOBER 12, 2018 — “Where Farm and Family Meet”


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PAGE 22 — “Where Farm and Family Meet”

CANDIDATES, from pg. 19 the way we are currently conducting our trade policy. We can’t allow the administration to continue to escalate trade wars. They are picking winners and losers, and the losers are our family farmers. Farmers need a fair price and access to markets, now. Emmer: Farmers from around the state have told me they support trade rather than aid. While I understand that temporary measures may need to be taken, I will continue to advocate for the promotion of free and fair trade agreements that improve access to new and existing markets for our growers, producers and agribusinesses. Tom Emmer Todd: A one year ARP for feed grains could assist if we are to expect new markets to take the place of the ones we have lost in that time. This could also promote conservation by having adopters of the policy adapt techniques to increase the health of their soil. I don’t support long-term ARPs, but a short term one with proper restrictions and qualifications could serve to help those that get hit hardest from losing crop value. Peterson: The current versions of the House and Senate passed farm bills do not contain provisions to reduce acreage planted. One of the reasons that I’m pushing for additional CRP acres is that we’ve put land into production that should never be farmed, and with additional acreage and a requirement that the Farm Service Agency (FSA) hold general CRP signups, we may see some of that less-productive land taken back out of production. I’m also looking at giving producers 12 months instead of 9 months on their FSA marketing assistance loans to serve as another tool to help farmers during this downturn in prices. Hughes: No. Farmers are very wise and in their forecasting they are adjusting to the trade negotiations and tariffs. I believe the trade markets, although volatile due to tariffs now, will quickly resolve and allow more free trade of agriculture products. Stauber: I believe ultimately trade negotiations will be a win-win for multiple sectors in our economy. I will fight for all sectors in Minnesota’s 8th Congressional District for fairer, better trade across the board. We all know that the American farmer can



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compete with any country on a level and fair playing field and I believe it is time to start having that conversation. We need to put our American farmers first. More and more farmers are installing solar systems on their farms. Do you support solar and what ideas and barriers do you see to solar in agriculture? (Minnesota

THE LAND — OCTOBER 5/OCTOBER 12, 2018 Craig: Yes. We need to incentivize development and deployment of wind and solar power. The longer we continue to subsidize fossil fuel industries, the greater the risk to our environment. Minnesota farmers stand on a proud history of leading in the fight to promote sustainability and curb climate change. We Angie Craig should continue this leadership. We need a farm bill with a strong, bipartisan energy title. In previous bills, this section has kept support for biofuels and bio manufacturing strong, while helping farmers and ranchers make their operations more efficient and even building new industries. It may not be the highest profile section of the farm bill, but I applaud the bipartisan coalition, including Senators Smith and Klobuchar, for working to secure our energy future through the farm bill. We need to chart a new, “all of the above” energy future — one that creates jobs, reduces our dependence on foreign oil, increases domestic energy production, keeps energy costs affordable for middle-class families, and responds to the challenges of global climate change. Emmer: Yes, I am a strong supporter of an all-ofthe-above national energy strategy which includes the use and development of solar. Todd: I’m a strong supporter of solar in agriculture. Farmers can devote a relatively small part of their land to solar farms to generate all the electricity for their daily needs and often enough to sell back. The problems to facilitating solar at an increasing rate may be the eventual generation of too much electricity to the grid. Our electric grid is in dire need of renovation as is, and the inclusion of long-term batteries with solar packages could be a solution to both issues. It may be that the solutions to our nation’s energy problems could come from innovative co-ops generating too much power to use. Peterson: I support all forms of energy and solar is part of that equation. Farmers make decisions that are best for them and their operations, and I support those decisions. Solar can help increase the bottom line for farm operations by reducing their energy costs. Especially with these difficult times in farm profitability, little things like this to help a farmer’s bottom line become even more important for short and long-term viability of farming operations. Solar projects on our farms also have also helped create new jobs in our rural areas that are important to the economy. While solar may not make sense for every farm, it’s a tool that can help a farm’s viability and that’s what’s most important. It’s also why I’m a strong supporter of the Rural Energy for America Program in the farm bill. This program helps our farmers and rural electric cooperatives diversify their energy sources, helping their bottom lines and providing another tool during these difficult times. Hughes: I fully support solar power, as well as all forms of energy. The barrier to use of solar is the initial capital expense compared to other forms of energy. Stauber: I support an “all of the above” energy

Farmers Union) Feehan: Climate change is a problem that affects not just people who live on the coasts but our communities right here in southern Minnesota. Our farmers feel the effects of a changing climate most acutely, from record flooding to unpredictable growing seasons. That is why I am proud that southern Minnesota, and especially southern Minnesota farmers, are leading the way in fighting climate change — from installing solar fields and wind turbines to growing the corn needed for biofuels. While solar becomes fully cost-competitive with coal and other fossil fuels, there are still barriers that remain. First, we must modernize the electric grid. In its current state, the electric grid is unprepared to distribute electricity if a significant percentage of energy comes from solar or wind. However, this should not stop us. Just as we must fix our roads, bridges and airports, we must also fix our electric grid. This investment would help create jobs and ensure that we transition to a clean-energy future helping our farmers and future generations of southern Minnesotans. Another major problem is the tax breaks that subsidize fossil fuel companies that politicians beholden to Big Oil donors keep in place. Even though tax breaks to Big Oil hurts southern Minnesota farmers and the industries they power, like biofuel, wind and solar, politicians taking donations from corporate PACs have shown time and time again their distorted priorities. That is why I am proud to be the only candidate in this race rejecting any and all corporate PAC money. I will not work for Big Oil or corporate special interests, I will only do what is right for southern Minnesota and stand-up for our farmers. Hagedorn: Minnesota has been a leader in energy production — particularly biofuels. I believe Minnesota farmers have led the way in utilizing technology to more efficiently feed the world. Between current technologies, solar energy and other emerging technologies, I would be open to addressing red tape that stands in the way of farmers’ ability to use the energy source of their choosing. Lewis: I support an all-the-above energy policy where consumers can choose the most cost-effective and efficient policy for their individual circumstances, which in many cases, will include solar. Strategic use of solar farms in conjunction with cropland can increase the production capacity and enhance energy independence. Solar may be a particularly attractive option for farmers in more remote areas that may not have as reliable access to the grid. See CANDIDATES, pg. 23

THE LAND — OCTOBER 5/OCTOBER 12, 2018 CANDIDATES, from pg. 22 work best for certain farmers, I support that. In the event of a Foot and Mouth Disease outbreak, the livestock industry and rural communities will face severe economic consequences if we are not prepared. For example, an outbreak would cause an estimated loss of nearly $6.5 billion in beef exports. If elected, would you support the current funding ask of $150 million annually for a vaccine bank that is adequate enough to support the livestock industry in the U.S.? (Minnesota State Cattleman’s Association) Feehan: I am fully supportive of funding for a vaccine bank that is adequate to support the livestock industry in the U.S. What I hear from livestock producers all across southern Minnesota is the need for risk mitigation. It is critical that we stop potential outbreaks before they can even get started because the livelihoods of our livestock producers are on the line. Preventing pandemics and outbreaks is not an abstract concept to me. When I served in the Pentagon, I led the first American team on the ground in Liberia during the Ebola crisis. I saw firsthand how critical preventive care is because both the human costs and financial costs of a disease outbreak can be catastrophic. And we need to do more. That is why I will be a champion for more federallyfunded agriculture research. This will help our farmers, ranchers and livestock producers have the resources and tools they need for all areas of their work. But specifically, it will provide them additional peace of mind as we mitigate additional risk from potential disease outbreaks. Hagedorn: Minnesota has seen firsthand the devastation from outbreaks such as PEDv and Avian influenza. I support the establishment of a U.S.only vaccine bank to protect our nation’s herd from foot and mouth disease. I believe we need to do everything in our power to provide the tools to USDA’s APHIS to protect against disease threats of all kinds. In addition to a vaccine bank, I support robust cooperative agreements, such as those found in the farm bill that would leverage state and local resources to rapidly detect and respond to disease threats before they impact our domestic livestock. Lewis: The risk of foot and mouth — “Where Farm and Family Meet”


CANDIDATES disease is a major concern, and with our global supply chain, it is becoming increasingly difficult to completely safeguard our livestock from exposure to this virus. The House farm bill, which I voted for, included for the first time $150 million in funding to establish a National Animal Health Vaccine Bank. Sustaining an adequate investment is essential to ensure an effective response to any outbreak, and will require consistent support from the federal government as well as strong partnerships with industry stakeholders. Craig: Yes, I would support investing in making sure we can protect our exports and help our family farmers thrive. Emmer: Yes, I have engaged with the Chairman of the House Agriculture Committee on the issue of proactive animal-health programs and was encouraged to see report language Tom Emmer included in the Agriculture Appropriations Act acknowledge the importance of ensuring we have “sufficient quantities of vaccine readily available and deployable to control an FMD outbreak.” Additionally, I voted in favor of providing the full funding over the duration of the farm bill. Todd: I support the funding for a vaccine bank. An outbreak would damage much more than just the livestock industry, and the funding pays for security beyond just foot and mouth disease. Peterson: I am leading the effort to push for mandatory funding for the animal health programs that were included in both the House and Senate farm bills. This effort includes a vaccine bank for foot and mouth disease as well as a cooperative grant program that is modeled after the successful Plant Pest and Disease Program we started in the ‘08 farm bill. These programs would allow the agriculture secretary to better respond to emerging


animal health threats like foot and mouth disease and African swine fever. The devastating outbreak of avian influenza a few years ago showed how damaging and expensive animal disease epidemics can be for animals, producers and consumers alike. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, and I believe that funding prevention and response programs is of utmost importance to our livestock industries and is a responsible use of taxpayer dollars. The House provided mandatory funding for the animal health/vaccine bank provision, but unfortunately the Senate did not. However, I am working with my Republican counterparts to ensure that there is mandatory farm bill funding for these important provisions.

Hughes: Yes. Biosecurity is a part of national security. I will work hard to defend the safety of our crops and livestock. Stauber: I applaud the House Committee on Agriculture for including language establishing and funding a vaccine bank to combat an outbreak of foot and mouth disease in its 2018 farm bill. As the Senate and House continue their discussion for the final farm bill, my hope is that language continues to be included in order to protect our farmers from the potentially devastating effects of this disease. Threats such as these and others are to be taken seriously, and therefore I support a robust plan to have counter measures and funding in place as needed. v

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Courtland, MN

PAGE 24 — “Where Farm and Family Meet”



Grain Outlook Corn sales see huge week Editor’s Note: Joe Lardy, CHS Hedging research analyst, is sitting in this week for Phyllis Nystrom, the regular “Grain Outlook” columnist. The following marketing analysis is for the week ending Sept. 28. CORN — The focus of everyone’s attention this week was the quarterly stocks report. Expectations coming into the report had a 140 million range between 1.96 and 2.1 billion bushels. It was bearish news when the U.S. Department of Agriculture printed Sept 1 stocks of 2.14 billion bushels. Usage in the fourth quarter was a record at 3.165 billion bushels, but that was overshadowed by the burdensome stocks number. We JOE LARDY are starting to see a shift of more CHS Hedging Inc. usage in the fourth quarter of the St. Paul marketing year and less in the first quarter. Crop conditions showed an uptick of 1 percent from 68 to 69 percent in the good/excellent category. Last year was only at 61 percent good/excellent; but the rating did climb all the way through harvest. Corn harvest was 16 percent complete which is better than 10 percent last year and better than the 11 percent five-year average. Spotty weather should narrow the advantage in the next week. Ethanol production continued at a strong level in this week’s U.S. Energy Information Administration report at 1.036 million barrels per day. Ethanol margins continue to slide and have gone from a couple of cents positive to a negative 5 cents. There are reports of several ethanol plants slowing down production to counter the negative margins. Current corn usage based off the weekly ethanol data is right in line with the USDA’s ethanol target of 5.65 billion bushels. Corn sales were huge this week, going way above the top end of expectations. Estimates were between 35.4 and 51.2 million bushels. This week’s total was a whopping 67.4 million bushels — making this the best total since March 8! Mexico was the biggest buyer this week and they continue to be the main destination. The rumor mill continues to talk of an E-15 announcement. It was said it would be revealed this week, but once again, nothing official was announced. Outlook: With the quarterly stocks report now in See LARDY, pg. 25

Cash Grain Markets corn/change* soybeans/change*

Stewartville Edgerton Jackson Janesville Cannon Falls Sleepy Eye

$2.98 +.30 $3.13 +.25 $3.12 +.31 $3.11 +.25 $2.98 +.27 $3.09 +.24

$7.45 +.56 $7.63 +.39 $7.73 +.52 $7.75 +.52 $7.36 +.67 $7.66 +.52

Grain Angles Seven traits top producers share

The livestock markets have experienced some strength over the past several weeks. The hog market has seen the most price advancement, while the live cattle and feeder cattle have seen some slight advancement in price. This is after spending most of the summer months at depressed levels in a lackluster trade. Could things be changing that promote higher prices for the livestock markets? The cattle market seems to be firming despite the numbers available according to the latest U.S. Department of Agriculture Cattle on Feed reports. Exports have increased while domestic JOE TEALE usage continues to remain steady Broker with signs of improving. Live prices for live cattle have Great Plains Commodity Afton, Minn. remained steady to higher for the past several weeks while feeder cattle prices have advanced during the same period. This would either indicate optimism or the fact that many are looking for a place to feed their excess grain. Either way, there definitely feels like a different attitude is taking over in the cattle complex. Obviously, if demand does not lead the beef market, then prices will remain relatively stagnate until the excess numbers of cattle are worked through. Exports are likely to play a major role in the scenario over the next few months as to whether we see price improvement or continue to stay in a trading range at current levels. The next several weeks are likely

Depending on who in the agriculture industry you ask, there are many different definitions of the term “top farm manager.” In the end, however, there are some characteristics that tend to show up more often than not. As a loan officer, looking at the varying levels of success between farming operations of similar type and scale has always been a fascination of mine. In these low commodity price environments, some producers are able to weather the storm without too much anxiety, while still showing profits. In contrast, the next producer may face a higher degree of struggle. Many times there isn’t a clear cut, obvious difference in management. What I believe does make a difference is JAY RETZER the culmination of many little Compeer things. So what are the common Financial Officer factors that add up to great manFond du Lac, Wis. agement? 1. They are always prepared with updated financials and projections. Top managers consistently maintain and review their financial records and regularly meet with advisors, such as their lender, accountant, agronomist, tax preparer, marketing advisor, etc. to review crucial numbers and identify areas that may need adjusting. Welcoming constructive feedback from outside advisors provides ideas that the producers themselves may not have realized. 2. They invest in risk management strategies. For many, this may not be an easy thing to do, but mitigating some risks can help solidify overall management plans. Some of our clients allocate a percentage of their annual operating budget to risk management every year, regardless of what is happening in the markets. In order for risk management to be effective, being proactive is key. Have plans in place before an event occurs. This could include purchasing adequate levels of crop insurance, working to develop a solid marketing plan, hedging production, or even installing drainage or irrigation. 3. They control costs. This may sound simple, but there are large variations between operations when it comes to their operating expense ratio. It isn’t about spending the least, it’s about putting the right capital into the right place at the right time to maximize production. In a nutshell, this ratio quan-

See TEALE, pg. 25

See RETZER, pg. 25




Year Ago Average: $2.84 $8.95 Grain prices are effective cash close on Oct. 2. *Cash grain price change represents a two-week period.

Livestock Angles Exports will drive cattle market

Information in the above columns is the writer’s opinion. It is no way guaranteed and should not be interpreted as buy/sell advice. Futures trading always involves a certain degree of risk.

THE LAND — OCTOBER 5/OCTOBER 12, 2018 — “Where Farm and Family Meet”


Soybean sale to Mexico largest since September 2017 LARDY, from pg. 24 the review mirror, the market will be focused on harvest results. We have almost two full weeks until the next World Agricultural Supply and Demand Estimates report and harvest activity should be ramping up in that window. Corn has the most variability and uncertainty about just what the real yields are. Twitter will be buzzing with harvest results, but will that be enough to break corn out of the 345-365 range that December corn has been stuck in for a few months? SOYBEANS — Sept. 1 soybean stocks were 438 million bushels — which was well above the average

MARKETING estimate of 401 million. Despite the big stocks number, fourth quarter usage was a record at 781 million bushels. The USDA also revised the 2017-18 production number higher by 19 million bushels to 4.411 billion. Soybean conditions had an improvement of 1 percent from 67 to 68 percent in the good/excellent category. Last year was at 60 percent good/excellent. Soybean harvest was 14 percent complete which is better than 9 percent last year and better than the 8 percent five-year average.

Hog cash, futures prices moving up TEALE, from pg. 24 to set the tone of the cattle market, so producers are urged to pay close attention to market developments and protect inventories if needed. The hog market has seen what now appears to be a summer low established in the past month. Prices in both cash and futures have moved quickly higher for several reasons. The most predominate reason appears to be the increase in the export market of pork. The African swine flu has been detected in several Asian countries and this has reduced hog numbers in this area of the world. This has prompted great concern that hog numbers in these areas are being reduced substantially which will bring about further imports of pork into these countries. This could expand U.S. pork exports over the next several

months which would likely benefit the prices to producers here. Add to this the latest USDA Hogs and Pigs report that indicated a slight increase in hog numbers during the last quarter which was anticipated and seen as neutral. The reaction was positive in the futures trade, primarily because the futures were a discount to cash. The next several weeks could see hog prices steady for a period as prices have advanced fairly rapidly over the past several weeks. If the events which have affected the Asian continent continue to find more breakout of the swine flu, prices are likely to continue to firm. Producers should continue to monitor market developments and protect inventories when the market dictates. v

RETZER , from pg. 24 tifies how much was spent in operating expense for each dollar of income taken in. The University of Minnesota’s FINBIN program offers benchmark data that demonstrates how this aspect of business management is the most obvious difference between the top third and bottom third of producers. Those who can effectively spend their operating dollars where it receives the best return, tend to come out on top. Factors that have a direct impact on the final outcome include: variety selection, fertilization programs, pest control, risk management, labor decisions and paid rent. 4. They manage working capital. With depressed commodity markets, working capital is being more closely monitored than ever. Budgeting cash flow needs on a consistent basis is a must. Understanding your upcoming cash needs vs. what liquid assets you have on hand to sell or what’s in the bank will allow you to have a better handle on upcoming obligations. If there are potential shortfalls in their future, top producers contact their lender and other advisors to develop a plan ahead of time. Some managers may need to look at alternatives for the operation — or

even outside of it — to allow for positive cash flow. 5. They understand their cost of production. If you do not know what your cost of production is, it will be difficult to develop a solid marketing plan. This should be an exercise that every producer works through at least once a year. There are many tools available to help a calculate cost of production. 6. They judiciously invest in technology. Over the years we have done a good job of evening out the playing field as far as fertility and seed placement is concerned. We can also do an accurate job of monitoring the results of this activity during the growing season and at harvest. Don’t assume an investment in new technology will automatically benefit your operation by improving profitability. Research is essential. Additionally, those who make the effort to measure the results of their efforts every year, and then analyze that data, are in a much better position to create a business plan to take forward to their lender once they determine a new technology will be beneficial.

Mexico bought 672,000 tons of soybeans which was reported in a flash sale announcement yesterday. This is the biggest soybean sale since September 2017 when China bought 960,000 tons. It is also the biggest sale to Mexico since November 2017 when they bought 846,000 tons of corn. Weekly export sales were ok at nearly 32 million bushels. Unknown buyers topped the list this week and we did see another Chinese cancellation of 2.35 million bushels. Soybean planting in Brazil is off to the quickest start in over five years. Adequate rains have got producers planting aggressively. The state of Parana was 18 percent planted compared to just 2 percent at this time last year. The reason that this area is so important is that it is close to the ports. Early planted beans in this area can be harvested and shipped by mid-January which would eat into the tradition window that used to belong to the United States. Brazil is shipping every bean they can to China during the trade war. As a result, Brazilian grain trading firm Agribrasil believes that Brazil will import 1 million tons of beans from the United States in the coming months. Outlook: A bearish stocks report will linger with the market as harvest reports continue to pour in. So far, almost every report is a record or near record bean yield, except for average to below reports in the Dakotas. It’s hard to find any reasons to be bullish with zero business to China, a heavy stocks report, bigger Brazilian old crop numbers, and a fast start for their new crop v

Concentrate on a few management practices at a time 7. They are professional. Professionalism is one of those intangibles that is hard to define but easy to witness and even easier to notice when it’s missing. Little things like returning a phone call or text on a timely basis, or taking the time to sign documents — even during the busy time — can go a long way toward another professional wanting to go out of their way to help you manage your business. Treating others with respect will in turn bring respect back to you. I wouldn’t recommend you tackle each of these factors at once; but rather, urge you to focus in on one or two at a time to help improve your operation. This isn’t something that will happen overnight, and not something you should face alone. Bring your trusted partners into the discussion, and strive to focus on the little things that, together, could make the biggest difference. For additional insights from Jay and the rest of the Compeer team, visit, v

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MILKER’S MESSAGE — “Where Farm and Family Meet”


Butter, cheese stocks drawing down, prices inching up This column was written for the marketing week ending Sept. 28. August butter stocks saw another good drawdown, but remain above those a year ago, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s latest and slightly bullish Cold Storage report. The Aug. 31 inventory fell to 290.8 million pounds, down 27.5 million pounds or 8.6 percent from July, but was 10.6 million pounds or 3.8 percent above August 2017. American-type cheese, which includes cheddar, slipped to 787.3 million pounds, down 36 million pounds, or 4.4 percent from July, and 13.7 million or 1.7 percent below a year ago. The “other” cheese category fell to 541.2 million pounds, down 16.2 million pounds from July or 2.9 percent, but 35.5 million or 7.0 percent above a year ago. The total August cheese inventory stood at 1.36 billion pounds. This is down 53.5 million pounds or 3.8 percent from July, but 25.9 million pounds or 1.9 percent above a year ago and the 46th consecutive month that stocks were above a year ago. The Daily Dairy Report adds that the July-to-August decline in cheese stocks was the largest since 2004 and more than twice as large as the typical decline over the past five years. FC Stone’s Dave Kurzawski wrote in his Sept. 26 “Early Morning Update” that overall cheese inventories came in below his expectations. “The confusing part of that report, if there is anything, centered on recon-

News and information for Minnesota and Northern Iowa dairy producers ciling the July production numbers (cheddar By Lee Mielke production grew by more than 9 percent) and these August cheese drawdowns. At face value, it tells us fresh cheese demand must be better than we expected. All we can do, however, is wait and see if there are any adjustments made in the upcoming reports.” n A higher U.S. All Milk price average and lower feed prices boosted the August milk feed price ratio to its highest level since January. The USDA’s latest Ag Prices report put the August ratio at 2.03, up from 1.92 in July, but down from 2.51 in August 2017. The index is based on the current milk price in relationship to feed prices for a dairy ration consisting of 51 percent corn, 8 percent soybeans and 41 percent alfalfa hay. In other words, one pound of milk today purchases 2.03 pounds of dairy feed containing that blend. The U.S. All-Milk price averaged $15.90 per hundredweight, up 50 cents from July but $2.20 below MIELKE MARKET WEEKLY

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August 2017. New Mexico had the bottom at $14.30, followed by Michigan at $14.60. California was at $15.45, up 40 cents from July; and Wisconsin was at $16.20, up 90 cents. The national average corn price averaged $3.36 per bushel, down 11 cents from July but 9 cents per bushel above August 2017. Soybeans averaged $8.59 per bushel, down 49 cents from July and 65 cents per bushel below a year ago. Alfalfa hay averaged $177 per ton, down $2 from July but $30 per ton above a year ago. The U.S. milk-over-feed margin advanced 70 cents, to $7.42 per cwt., based on the dairy Margin Protection Program calculation. That is the second-highest margin of the year, but lower than any margin in 2017. Looking at the cow side of the ledger, the August cull price for beef and dairy combined averaged $63.00 per cwt. This is down $3.80 from July, $13.30 below August 2017 and $8.60 below the 2011 base average of $71.60 per cwt. Meanwhile, you may recall I reported August culling at 279,000 head, up 5.3 percent from August 2017. FC Stone adds some insight. “With these types of slaughter numbers and the USDA estimating the dairy herd rose by 5,000 head, we’d suggest this illustrates just how available replacements are. Nevertheless, August’s slaughter report in and of itself suggests herd contraction.” n Checking the dairy markets, Chicago Mercantile Exchange cheddar block cheese finished September at $1.69 per pound. This is the highest level since Sept. 4, up 5.5 cents on the week, but 4.5 cents below a year ago and a half-cent below where it was on August 31. The cheddar barrels closed the week and the month at $1.3825, which is 2.25 cents higher on the week, 31 cents below a year ago, and 26.25 cents below its Aug. 31

perch. It’s also an unsustainable 30.75 cents below the blocks, a spread that tops a previous decade high of 30 cents. This was the second week in a row there were no blocks traded at the CME as opposed to 38 of barrel. Only 16 cars of block were traded on the month but 97 cars of barrel. Producers of gift-packaged cheddar, muenster and colby cheeses are taking in more milk to meet increasing demand, according to Dairy Market News. Mozzarella and provolone orders are flat to up, week over week. Spot milk is accessible, but most is at a premium, with price ranging from Class to $1.50 over. Some milk handlers suggest premiums could go over $2 in the near term. A fly in the ointment is that cheesemakers, particularly those who ship out of their respective states, suggest that freight has become a logistical nightmare. They relay that required electronic logs are making it harder to find available haulers at practical price points. Bottom line, cheese market tones are uncertain, says Dairy Market News. Western contacts report strong domestic retail and food service demand are lending support to block prices. Some processors that make packaged retail goods say they are “over-committed through the end of the year.” Football season pizza sales are helping clear stocks of stored mozzarella, but the Cold Storage report showed that other natural cheese stocks, which includes mozzarella, were at record highs for August. Export demand is mixed. Some sellers say cheese is moving well through contracts, others suggest persistent concerns about trade issues have diminished interest. Processors are hopeful that recent discussions between the U.S. and its trading partners will result in a favorable trade environment soon. See MIELKE, pg. 28

THE LAND — OCTOBER 5/OCTOBER 12, 2018 — “Where Farm and Family Meet”


Weather dictating which crop is harvested first

By KRISTIN KVENO, The Land Correspondent

Blair Hoseth

Blair Hoseth, Mahnomen, Minn., Sept. 21

Soybean harvest is finished on the Hoseth farm with unimpressive yield results. The Land spoke with Blair Hoseth on Sept. 21 as he reported he wrapped up soybean harvest on Sept. 19 with average yields. There were “a lot of 40-bushel beans.” It took one week to complete harvest. Right now no combines are running as one-and-a-half inches of rain fell on Sept. 20. As soon as the fields dry out, Hoseth will check out the corn progress. His concern this fall is the stock strength of the plant due to corn borer and the lack of moisture in the growing season.

Hoseth still has the fourth cutting of alfalfa — though he’ll “wait until after a frost so it goes dormant.” Triticale was planted two weeks ago and it’s “coming up nicely.” It definitely feels like fall on the farm as it was 90 degrees on Sunday and 40 degrees this morning. Overall, this year’s harvest is “just a little earlier than normal. It’s nice to be getting done a little bit early.” As for the yield results for the corn, “I think it’s going to be highly variable, more so than in other years.”

Matt Haubrich, Danube, Minn., Sept. 28

 FROM  THE  


Two weeks into soybean harvest with plenty of weather-related delays and so far Matt Haubrich hasn’t been wowed with the results. The Land spoke with Haubrich on Sept. 28 as “we’re at average yields.” Though he’s currently combining later maturity beans and “seeing better and better yields.” As for the corn, “ready or not we’re coming at it.” How it will yield is still anyone’s guess, “it’s a big wild card.” The gusty winds last week, “triggered Matt Haubrich damage to corn.” The majority of damage was seen in snapped stocks above the ear. For Haubrich this is “definitely weighing heavily on my mind.” He’ll feel better once he gets the corn off the field and in the bin. So far this harvest “everything’s running as it should.” Importantly, “everyone’s happy and in pretty good spirits.” The storms last week brought in three and a half inches of rain. That “held us back.” Now back in the combine, Haubrich is currently focused on the beans but he’s prepared to switch to corn if needed, it’s all dependent on the weather. The weather this time of year can be unpredictable, cold and rainy one day, hot and muggy the next. As October arrives, Haubrich is hoping for some good harvest weather to keep the combines rolling.


For Sale Price: $26,500

The grapes have all been harvested though there are 5,000 pounds that haven’t been sold and as of right now it looks like the birds and other wildlife will get to feast on it. In the midst of harvest, Beyer is already thinking of next year’s crop rotation. “It’s possible we’re going to see more corn and less beans.” While “corn on corn here isn’t common” that may change if the bean market doesn’t improve. The focus right now is to get back in the field and “try to get the soybeans out.” Then start regular sugar beet harvest followed by corn. Harvest has been going well so far, with a wonderful soybean crop. There’s great optimism that good yield results will be the norm this fall on the Beyer farm.

Karson Duncanson, Mapleton, Minn., Sept. 28

Harvest time is drawing near for Karson Duncanson. The Land spoke with Duncanson on Sept. 28 as he was getting everything all set. The soybeans “are not quite ready to go.” Duncanson expects all the beans to be ready at the same time, he plans on starting to combine on Oct. 1. Duncanson is going to try some of the corn this weekend. As of yesterday the corn was at 26 percent moisture. “The corn is all ready to go, it’s all Karson black layered.” Duncanson believes the corn yields, unfortunately are not Duncanson going to be excellent. “It’s not going to be good corn.” Normally this time of year, Duncanson would be in full harvest mode. But this year, “we’re starting pretty late.” The beans aren’t completely ready, though today’s warm, dry weather is really helping. He’s seeing “average yields” for soybeans in the area and expects that the “beans are OK.” When the beans are ready, Duncanson knows that “once we get going, we can go pretty fast.” He’s excited to get the combines moving and get this year’s harvest started. Duncanson is feeling “optimistic” and that’s a great place to be on the eve of harvest 2018.

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For Sales Price: CALL


Fall harvest is in full swing on the Beyer farm. The Land spoke with Jamie Beyer on Sept. 21 as she reported half of the soybeans have been combined. This is the “best beans ever.” The yields are running 50 to 75 bushels per acre. There was a half an inch of rain that fell yesterday, resulting in a day off from combining. Beyer has already harvested 150 acres of corn “they look really good too.” The corn is currently at 23 percent moisture. Sugar beet pre-lift begins tomorrow. It’s an earlier pre-lift date than was expected.


Automatic; ISM Cummins Engine 370 hp; Tandem Axle; Yes Engine Brake; 11R24.5/ LP24.5 Tires; Alum. Wheels; 215 in Wheelbase; 42 in Flat Top Sleeper; Left Hand Drive; 3 pedal 10 spd automatic, tires are 80%, 1/4 fenders, clean 577,208 mi

Cummins eng N-14 , A/R susp, 430HP, tandem rear axles, alum wheels, LP 24.5 tires, 10spd trans, Frontier box 19’x96”x68” sides, head lift roll tarp, center swing door, pintale hitch, new steers, new brakes & drums 905,556 miles.

Jamie Beyer

Jamie Beyer, Wheaton, Minn., Sept. 21

For Sale Price: $29,500

23774 380th Ave. Hancock, MN 56244 P: (320) 795-2827 F: (320) 795-2892


Automatic; 12.7 Detroit Engine 430 hp; Tandem Axle; Engine Brake; 3:73 Ratio; 11R 22.5 Tires; Alum. Wheels; 208” WB; Left Hand Drive; 3 pedal auto shift, steers are 70%, drives 60-70%, brakes & drums are 80%, clean! Power Locks 818,849 miles

For Sales Price: $18,500


40’ L x 5’ 8” H; 11R24.5 Tires; Alum. Composition; 2 Hoppers; White painted alum. With black tarp & graphics, front & rear platforms. Deluxe light kit.

For Sales Price: $31,000


Pace Setter Model; 41’ L x 96” W x 6’ H; 11R24.5 Tires; Tandem Axle; Alum. Composition; 2 Hoppers; ladder + cat walks, SS front corners, 1 row of 9 lights, new tarp, 17” hopper clearance, clean, Model: PACE SETTER

For Sale Price: CALL


MILKER’S MESSAGE — “Where Farm and Family Meet”


Dairy retail sales up 2 percent over last year MIELKE, from pg. 26

eties is slower. The butter market tone is steady to bullish. The Cold Storage report stoked some marn ket bulls, as U.S. stocks were down month over Butter also strengthened on the week, closing at month. Some analysts relay that after this news, $2.32 per pound. This is the highest CME price they expect butter to remain steadily range bound since Aug. 16, up 8.5 cents on the week, a half-cent into 2019, according to Dairy Market News. above a year ago (when it fell 13.25 cents), and is up Cream is available for day-to-day butter churning 10.5 cents on the month. There were 26 cars of butin the west and butter output is currently stable. ter sold on the week and 75 on the month. Supplies are good and enough to cover current A number of butter producers are running churns needs. Participants are optimistic about holiday only to meet current contractual needs. Cream pric- butter sales and buyers are starting to plan for es are trending up, but still accessible to butter their holiday needs. In general, butter sales are makers. Butter sales have remained steady week steady to higher depending on the seller, says Dairy over week, while supply reports range from balMarket News, and the market undertone is mainly anced to longer. Domestic inquiries into salted butsteady. ter continue, but export interest into unsalted varin Spot Grade A nonfat dry milk closed Sept. 28 at 87.5 cents per pound. This is up a quarter-cent on GREAT DEALS GREAT PRICES NOW! the week, 4.75 cents above a year ago, but down a penny on the month. There were three carloads traded on the week and 35 for the month. GREAT DEALS GREAT PRICES NOW! Dry whey set a new record high every day and closed the week at 55 cents per pound. This is 3.5 cents higher than the previous week and up 5 cents from Aug. 31. There were two sales for the last week of September and five for the month. Matt Gould, editor and analyst with the Dairy HIGH STEEL INSERT IN 20’ ARROW FRONT FEEDER and Food Market Analyst, stated in the Oct. 1 Dairy Radio Now broadcast, “Maybe you wouldn’t know it from prices, but domestic demand has been very HIGH STEEL INSERT IN 20’ ARROW FRONT FEEDER strong or firm.” Domestic retail sales are up 2 percent, year-todate, Gould said. Natural cheese sales are up 3 percent, butter sales are up at least 4 percent, “all firm growth numbers.” LARGE BALES IN A 30’ TANDEM AXLE ARROW FRONT FEEDER Ditto on foodservice, according to Gould. He reported that August restaurant sales were up 11 percent, according to census bureau data. That outpaced the LARGE BALES IN A 30’ TANDEM AXLE ARROW FRONT FEEDER first half of the year’s 5 to 8 percent range, adding







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that the five-year average is 5.4 percent so “domestically, things are holding up just fine.” n Turning to the trade wars, China’s latest retaliation to President Trump adding more U.S. tariffs on Chinese goods will hurt dairy more than the last set. The previous tariffs applied to whey and milk powder, Gould explained, but this last set will apply to lactose, which had fallen through the cracks. Gould said the trade war with China continues to ramp higher. However, Gould pointed out that things elsewhere may be getting better. President Trump announced that the U.S. will begin trade negotiations with Japan, an agreement with Korea was announced this week, and NAFTA is still on the table as negotiations with Canada continue. Speaking of trade, Cooperatives Working Together member cooperatives accepted five offers of export assistance from CWT that helped capture contracts to sell 850,984 pounds of cheddar cheese and 440,925 pounds of whole milk powder. The product has been contracted for delivery in Asia and Oceania from October 2018 through March 2019. CWT’s 2018 export sales, adjusted for cancelations, total 51.952 million pounds of American-type cheeses, 12.962 million pounds of butter (82 percent milkfat) and 52.298 million pounds of whole milk powder to 35 countries on five continents. The sales are the equivalent of 1.153 billion pounds of milk on a milkfat basis, according to the CWT. n The U.S. Food and Drug Administration announced on Sept. 27 it will receive comments on labeling practices of plant-based foods that imitate dairy products. An FDA press release stated, “The wide variety of See MIELKE, pg. 28

Program aids organic certification ST. PAUL — Minnesota organic farmers and processors can apply for a rebate of up to 75 percent of the cost of their organic certification. The Minnesota Department of Agriculture is accepting applications for the Minnesota Organic Cost Share Program from now until October 31. Organic certification is a third-party verification system. It assures consumers the organic products they buy are produced in accordance with federal organic regulations. Organic operations must follow National Organic Standards and are monitored through review of their records and on-site inspections at least once a year. Operations that received certification (or had ongoing certification) between October 1, 2017 and September 30, 2018 are eligible for reimbursement of

up to 75 percent of certification-related expenses, with a maximum of $750 per category (crop, livestock, processing/handling, wild harvest). The MDA also offers a similar cost share program for transitioning to organic. To qualify, applicants must be certified organic by a USDA-accredited certifying agency. The MDA has already mailed application packets to all certified organic operations in the state. Any certified organic farmer or processor who did not receive a packet can obtain all the program details and necessary materials on the MDA’s website or by calling (651) 2016134. Applicants that do not wish to apply with MDA may apply through their local USDA-FSA Office. This article was submitted by the Minnesota Department of Agriculture. v


MILKER’S MESSAGE — “Where Farm and Family Meet”


Lack of farm bill action puts some programs in limbo MIELKE, from pg. 28 plant-based foods that are being positioned in the marketplace as substitutes for standardized dairy products has been the subject of much discussion in our initial work on the Nutrition Innovation Strategy. The rising demand for plant-based products, like soy-based alternatives to cheese and nut-based alternatives to milk, has created a growing number of new food choices in supermarket aisles. However, these products are not foods that have been standardized under names like ‘milk’ and ‘cheese.’” The FDA said it “has concerns that the labeling of some plant-based products may lead consumers to believe that those products have the same key nutritional attributes as dairy products, even though these products can vary widely in their nutritional con-

tent. It is important that we better required to attend 80 hours of training n understand consumers’ expectations of each month in order to be eligible to Last (but not least), the 2018 farm WEfood BUILD OUR STALLS RIGHT! these plant-based products compared receive stamps.” bill will not be passed by the Sept. to dairy products.” a look Gray adds that mostTake farm bill at pro30 deadline and the existing bill will our tubing with The National Milk Producers grams will continue. “Margin not be reauthorized until Dec. 31, corrosion Federation praised the FDA’s Protection Programunequaled payments for 2018 according to Bob Gray, editor of the announcement and said it hopes the if farm Northeast Dairy Farmers Cooperatives would continue to be made protection! FDA will “finally curtail the misleadnewsletter. Gray stated the 2014 farm milk prices were low enough to warFreudenthal Tubing has been ing labeling practices of plant-based rant payments. Farm insurance paybill will be allowed to lapse rather engineered for your specific foods imitating real dairy products.” ments would continue to be made.” than be reauthorized. requirements where strength NMPF said it will “provide additionBut Gray concludes with aresistance warning: “This means Auto that Release some farm proare Head Locks Panel CORROSION and corrosion criticalcompleted design factors. dural perspective explaining why the “Getting the farm bill grams will be in limbo over the next PROTECTION agency must enforce its own labeling ing the lame duck session will not be few months until Congress takes up regulations and limit the use of stansession in December will be the legislation after the mid-term elec- easy. TheCS-60 Comfort Tie Stall dardized dairy terms to products that tions on Nov. 6,” Gray wrote. “One of hectic as appropriations bills will be come from an animal,” and that it is the major controversial issues remain- under consideration as well.” The Toughest “pleased that after years of engageing to be resolved between the House Stalls Lee Mielke is a syndicated columnist ment with FDA, the agency is finally and Senate versions of the bill are the who resides in Everson, Wash. His on the addressing its concerns about how • Provides SNAP (food newspasuperior lunge area stamp) work requirements weekly column is featured in market, these plant-based products are inapwhich would mean that all able-bodied pers across the country and he may be • Much stronger than our guaranteed v propriately marketed to consumers.” citizens without dependents would be reached at competitors’ beam systems not to bend • No Stall mounts in the • Entire panel made of H.D. 10 gauge tubing concrete or sand are hot dippedWI galvanized after W. 6322 Cty. O,• Panels Medford, 54451 • Fully adjustable welding inside and out (715) 748-4132 • 1-800-688-0104 • Stall system stays high and Heaviest, • 6’, 8’, 10’, 12’ lengths dry, resulting in longer life Strongest, REMODELING, EXPANSION OR REPLACEMENT • 12’ panel weight 275 lbs. • Installation labor savings Custom Buy Direct From Manufacturer and SAVE! We Can Handle All Your Barn Steel Needs • Head-to-head and single row Cattle Diagonal Feed Thru Panel options available Auto Release Head Locks Panel Gates • Compare the weight of this on the system, heaviest available Elevated Dual Market on the market today



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MILKER’S MESSAGE — “Where Farm and Family Meet”


Holstein cattle market margins are slim, but profitable By DICK HAGEN The Land Staff Writer LAKEFIELD, Minn. — Three generations of beef production certainly suggests stability and durability for O’Connor Farms in Lakefield, Minn. “We’ve been feeding cattle since the late 1980s,” said Dan O’Connor. “My great grandfather homesteaded this place. He was Irish, but my grandfather married a full-blooded German. So my dad is half German and half Irish. He married another full-blood German. So my name is Daniel Patrick O’Connor but I’m only a quarter Irish … but it’s the dominant quarter!”

Convention which took place in Windom, Minn. The distinctive feature about this stop, which feeds 1,200 to 1,400 head yearly, was the fact that every pen had only black and white cattle. Yes, this Minnesota feeder specializes in feeding Holsteins! “The reason is to have more predictability in the performance,” said O’Connor. His operation has a solid marketing agreement with JDS Packers in Green Bay, Wis. JDS is the third processor for O’Connor over the past several years because other packers have stepped out of the Holstein kill. JDS is now the only buyer so O’Connor Farms was a tour stop on “they’ve unsweetened the deal,” said this summer’s Minnesota Cattlemen’s O’Connor. “But we still have the oppor-

Photo by Dick Hagen

O’Connor Farms is definitely a family affair. Pictured (left to right) are Dan, Courtney, Calvin and Shannon O’Connor.


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tunity to lock in our basis, so at least we know where we’re going to be at when we market the cattle. You gotta keep score.” So might there be a growing preference of Holstein beef over regular beef? O’Connor thinks not, countering, “A lot of the time you can’t even tell or taste a difference. When you get into the middle meats, some of the steaks may show a little different muscle confirmation. But taste is the same. You’ll notice size of the steak, confirmation and the way the muscle lays.” “There’s a live weight range of 1,350 to 1,500 hundredweight,” O’Connor went on to say. “We typically move ours at about 1,425 pounds. At the front end, we’re buying steer calves as light as 200 pounds, but I prefer 300 to 400pound calves coming in. Those 200-pounders are only about 10 weeks old.” So where does he source Holstein calves when dairy farmers are a disappearing species? “It’s still no problem,” said O’Connor. “We’ve sourced calves as far east as Indiana; as far west as Washington state. But my favorite calves are out of Idaho and Washington. Those high elevation calves are typically a little healthier. They’re greener. They’re raised in an outdoor environment more conducive to healthier calves vs. a confined building environ-

ment.” How is the cattle business these days? “It’s damn tight … that’s no secret,” O’Connor admitted. “But with the cattle in the yard right now, I’m predicting we’ll have black ink. The day we purchase we do a basis contract on them so we know where we’re at. Then we either hedge with a forward price or a futures contract that works off a basis. What we can do with JDS today is lock in our basis so that puts us into a marketable situation. Holstein feeders are coming down far enough in price so we can buy cattle that work.” O’Connor is big on rubber mats over his concrete slats. “I don’t know if the payoff is one year or three years … but it’s somewhere between. Those slatted barns built in the ‘70s where really one dimensional. Cattle on concrete slats without mats will last maybe 150-180 days without developing some leg problems. And Holsteins are an indicator species. If it’s good, it’s really good. If it’s bad, it’s really bad. A Holstein after 45 days is likely to be developing knobs on their knees. They’re already uncomfortable. And that leads to poor performance. So we do everything to focus on cattle comfort. And that means rubber mats on the slats. See O’CONNOR, pg. 31


MILKER’S MESSAGE — “Where Farm and Family Meet”


Farm is a diversified operation with ‘lots of moving parts’ O’CONNOR, from pg. 30 “The first time we used mats we had Holsteins with knee issues, swelling and joint problems. I said at the time, ‘if we can just salvage this batch I’ll be happy!’ But they completely recovered. I couldn’t have been more pleased. Those cattle ran around like they had a new set of sneakers on their feet. It was amazing. “With the mats we have no joint problems. We can put cattle on those mats for 300 days! Yes, they’re expensive, but they seem to last good too.” So how does O’Connor keep crop acres in sync with cattle numbers? His is a simple process: 1,500 crop acres and 1,500 cattle is the formula. Plus they buy 600 isowean pigs every 9 weeks and 130 acres out of that 1,500 acres is grass. “We’re a diversified farming operation with a lot of moving parts. From a business perspective, we have as many vendors as a 5,000-acre crop farmer. A good accounting staff is perhaps the most critical part of the entire operation. But good accountants are expensive. Cindy, our current accountant, is part time and she’s good. When we had $7 corn, we could justify a $60,000 a year accountant. But can’t do it now, so that’s why a half-time job for Cindy and fortunately, she’s a quick learner.” Good accounting is a never-ending battle, noted O’Connor, “But you’ve got to have all your cost data, both in and out. If you don’t keep score, you don’t know who wins the game.” O’Conner is a healthy 52-years old. He and wife Shannon (that’s Irish) have two children: Courtney, 12 and Calvin, 9. Eight years ago he lost his best friend and business partner, his

of talk about consumers wanting to know where their food is grown. It’s a good talking point. But the reality is, it will never happen except for those families buying from farm-fresh roadside produce. And as we often hear, there are health issues with some of those products. The bottom line? We’re going to see larger and larger operations involving fewer and fewer producers. People want to eat and generally they don’t care if they don’t know exactly where their food is grown. “We have fantastic U.S. agriculture today. And food standards are amazing. We have the most wholesome food in the world. We will never be able to put something into our livestock that would be detrimental to the consumer. Thanks to USDA and various food regulatory agencies, we are provided the most Dan Vancara oversees the Holstein-only feedlot operation which raises between wholesome food worldwide. Today, 1,200 and 1,500 head annually. according to American Farm Bureau, brother, in an accident on the farm. Looking ahead, O’Connor sees ongo- one U.S. farm feeds 165 people annuO’Connor’s full-time job at that time ing issues between the farm and non- ally in the U.S. and abroad,” summed was sales nutritionist with Big Gain farm population. “Today, farmers make up O’Connor. v Feeds. Suddenly his life was in tur- up less than 2 percent of the total popmoil. ulation of America,” he said. “And that’s The O’Connor family live north of going to continue to decline. Sure, lots Mankato, “But I sleep here at the farm about 150-200 days. I’d love to have my kids more involved because I think a farm is the greatest environment for raising a family. But with school and all their activities, they don’t get down here as much. “We need to pull these kids into agriculture regardless what they do the rest of their lives,” O’Connor continued. “On the farm they learn a good work ethic and keep farming and food production in perspective. These gol’-darn video games are so counterproductive to the real world.”

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PAGE 32 — “Where Farm and Family Meet”


Worth: NAFTA agreement will happen before election By DICK HAGEN The Land Staff Writer Interviewed in early August, Bob Worth, long-time advocate for Minnesota Soybean Growers Association (current board secretary) and a southwest Minnesota producer, was correct in thinking President Trump would have a Bob Worth NAFTA agreement before November elections. He also stated the recent $16 billion tariff relief proposal for U.S. agriculture is vital. “Even though it’s just a band aid, agriculture needs it,” said Worth. “But it’s not just the tariffs that are the problem. Its more the four years previous to this that have caused this financial bind of U.S. agriculture.” Worth is aware of backlash voices saying why this help for agriculture when nobody else is getting any assistance. “But that’s not true,” countered Worth. “Government bailed out the banks when they needed help. The auto industry got bailed out. Agriculture is just as important as any of those industries. If we don’t have ag, we don’t eat.” As a board member of Minnesota Soybean Growers, Worth has done some world travels. So how does the U.S. soybean grower compare with soybean producers in other parts of the world?

“We’re still the leaders,” Worth stated. “Our yields keep going up. Yes, Brazil is now a major world producer also. They may have more acres and they have a longer season using 107 maturities, for example, vs. earlier, 100s up here. That can be a yield bonus for South American producers.” Worth contends soybean genetics are now competitive worldwide, saying Chinese plant breeders are doing a good job but also very adept at ‘borrowing’ the better genetics of U.S. soybean breeders. Yes, the 25 percent tariff has immediately jolted soybean markets for U.S. producers. However, Worth suggests this isn’t a death blow for U.S. soybeans. He noted there are only so many beans produced worldwide and China takes one-third of them. “So if China intends to buy all their beans from South America, it can’t be done because South America doesn’t produce enough,” Worth reasoned. “And the people who have been buying their beans in South America would have to go elsewhere. And guess what … they’re going to be coming to the United States. But will some countries buy our beans tariff free, than ship them to China? It’s very possible.” Worth questioned the legality of such traffic. “If another country buys our soybeans, loads them and unloads them in China or wherever they wish that’s legal. But if they change the flag on their vessel in the middle of the ocean, that is illegal.”

He also suggested the President’s $16 billion buyout package was vital. “He needed to do that to help keep the allegiance of American farmers. But he also has to get NAFTA with Mexico and Canada done so we have three trade agreements in place. And I’m certain he will get this done before the November election. Plus, I think that with agreements with both the EU and NAFTA, China will recognize they are out here by themselves. Our president thinks this will make China that more willing to come to the table to negotiate.” Like most Minnesota farmers, Worth was predicting a wild harvest both for soybeans and corn. “We’re going to have zero bushel beans and 70 bushel beans — all in the same field. Much the same with corn. Yet it looks like a big crop for both across America so storage could be a crunch because a lot of beans may be stored this fall.” So is Worth Farms forward priced on some of their 2018 production? Worth gives full credit to his son John, age 42, who does the marketing. “We have most of ‘18 sold, much of ‘19 sold and also some of the ‘20 crop is sold. Before my son took over the marketing, I probably would have three years still in the bins trying to figure out what was the best time to sell. John does everything — including some ‘hedged to arrive’ contracts — plus a lot of forward pricing. He keeps score and that’s what counts,” summed up Worth. v

The future of agriculture depends on our youth By DICK HAGEN The Land Staff Writer MORGAN, Minn. — Today’s younger generation continues to be curious about farms and where their food originates. That quest led to a most unique venture at the University of Minnesota Extension tent at Farmfest which took place Mary Buschette Aug. 7-9. Explained Mary Buschette, Director of Alumni Constituent Relations, “We decided to let these younger people explore agriculture. And what better place than Farmfest, where dozens of agricultural











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vendors were on display telling people what they were all about. So we decided to let the kids conduct their own agricultural short course. “We got kids from elementary to high school to stop at different tents at Farmfest to ask questions. Like at the Minnesota Soybean Growers tent, we suggested they ask ‘What is agronomy?’ And, ‘why are soybeans important in our lives?’ Or at a machinery exhibit ask ‘Why are your tractors so big?’ Or ask, ‘What is a combine?’ Or, ‘is it really true these machines can drive themselves across the fields?’ Or at the Corn Growers tent ask, ‘What is this stuff called ethanol?’ And, ‘is it really made from corn?’ “We’re hoping these kids start realizing there’s all kinds of things connected to this thing call farming. And just maybe some will start seeing their own future in this world of agriculture.” Buschette noted several FFA chapters in Minnesota now have more female students than male students. And a growing number of FFA chapters have more non-farm students than farm kids taking agricultural training programs offered in Minnesota high schools. “This is so good to see this happening,” she said. “There is a USDA/Purdue University study that showed there is a 30,000 person gap in employees in the agricultural food and natural resources industry.

I think that’s critical … so many job opportunities and so few agriculturally trained students to fill them. “I think too many people make the assumption that kids in the Twin Cities don’t have any interest in learning about where their food comes from. That’s true even in greater Minnesota where every community is surrounded by farms and farmers. This disconnect is only going to produce an even larger gap for employers wanting to hire young people to work in the thousands of jobs our vast agricultural industry has to offer.” Buschette challenges students and parents to get interested about the food chain and take more science classes. She even remembered a theme tag: “If you eat, you are involved in agriculture.” She’s a champ about continuing education too — a two-year community college training or a four-year program leading to a college degree. “There are so many opportunities. Even the kids who did their own ag short course stops at various Farmfest exhibitors were excited when they came back to our Extension tent. “I’m passionate about the future for young kids who begin to understand just how big their future might be if they make agriculture their ambition,” summed up Buschette. v


Real Estate 75 acres Richland Township, Rice County, high CPI, some tile. Wayne Gadient, Keller Williams Premier Realty. (651) 380-7025 or wgadient@ Blue Earth Co. Farm For Sale: Judson Township NE 1/4 Sec. 14, SE SW 1/4 Sec. 11. 187.9 tillable. Contact Agricultural Resource Management Co. John Murphy Broker PO Box 4097 Mankato, MN 56002 507-625-1363 Sell your land or real estate in 30 days for 0% commission. Call Ray 507-339-1272 Stearns County MN Farm St. Martin/Freeport Area 77 Acres with Farm Buildings Michael Meagher Realty 320-250-5391 Wisconsin Hunting Land for Lease: 200 +/- acres in Chippewa County. Woods, wetlands and farm fields. Contact Bob Panzer at 920.539.8728. Pifers Auction & Realty. Robert Scott Pifer, Registered Wisconsin Auctioneer #2720-52, Robert Pifer Broker #56685-90, 1106 Mondovi Road #118 - Eau Claire, WI 54701. 877.477.3105 Please support the advertisers you see here. Tell them you saw their ad in The Land!

Real Estate Wanted WANTED: Land & farms. I have clients looking for dairy, & cash grain operations, as well as bare land parcels from 40-1000 acres. Both for relocation & investments. If you have even thought about selling contact: Paul Krueger, Farm & Land Specialist, Edina Realty, 138 Main St. W., New Prague, MN 55372. (612)328-4506 — “Where Farm and Family Meet”

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PAGE 34 —”Where Farm and Family Meet”

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Oct. 10 Oct. 24 Nov. 14

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Grand Forks, ND 701.203.8400

Mt. Pleasant, IA 319.385.2000

FOR SALE: JD 6600 dsl combine, JD 220 flex head, JD 643 cornhead. JD 7720 combine. JD 8300 grain drill. All excellent condition. 320-5832751

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Farm Equipment

FOR SALE: Brent 644 gravity JD4020 DSL3PT JDW, $7,995; wagon, 1999 green, fenders, JD2940DSL New tires with brakes, LH unload, lights, loader, $11,500; JD2955 CAH no tarp, very nice condition, overhauled, $11,900; all good $9,000. 612-743-5823 runners. 320-543-3523 FOR SALE: JD 27 stalk chop- S150 Bobcat, 660 original hrs, per, 15’; (2) 6” augers - 1 is new tires, excellent condi715-879-5766 21’ & 1 is 29’; 1 Sukup Stir- tion, $25,000. way new style twin auger. Elk Mound, WI (952)492-6144 We buy International Model 55 25’ Salvage Equipment chisel plow; 7 bottom InterParts Available national spring reset mold Hammell Equip., Inc. board plow. (507)859-2766 (507)867-4910 JD 9510 combine, duals, set for 6R30 head, long auger, Tractors brown box, yield & moisture, 2275 sep hrs, $31,900; JD 725 ldr, 30-55 mounts, 8’ QT bucket w/ joystick, $6,250; Brent 1082 grain cart, w/ tarp & scale, $24,500; (2) new Killbros 1055 550 bu gravity boxes made by Unverferth, w/ fenders, $10,450/ea; ‘06 Loftness, 22’ pull type stalk chopper, exc cond, $5,500. ‘00 JD 8410T track tractor, Auto Trac Ready (plug & 320-769-2756 play) 120” wide stance W/ JD4020 dsl, 3pt, JDW, $7,995; 24” Camoplast belts (80%), JD2940 dsl, new tires w/ undercarriage good, 3 pt & loader, $11,500; JD2955, PTO. Many new parts-excelCAH, OH’d, $11,900. All good lent mechanical condition, runners. 320-543-3523 $57,500. Call 507-789-6049

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Wednesday, October 10th - 2:00 pm 28299 Holyoke Ave, Northfield, MN

Tractors, Farm Machinery & Equipment: JD 4030, 6768 hrs, hub duals, Quad Range, dual hyd, rock & tool box; Oliver 1800 WF, gas, cab detached, dual hyd; Bobcat 763, 2515 hrs, 66” bucket, aux hyd; skid loader attachments include: grapple loader, forks & quick hitch; NH 499 haybine w/ conditioner & swing hitch; JD 336 sq baler; JD 894A rake, 4-bar; NH 518 manure spreader, dual beater; Artsway 2-stage snow blower; ’15 Priefert Ranch Equip. squeeze chute; 7 - corral panels; 2 - hay racks on gears; feed bunks; Misc cattle equipment; many Oliver 1850 parts; Trucks, RV, Boats & Trailers: ’04 Ford F350 Super-Duty, 113000 mi, Power Stroke V-8 turbo diesel, auto, 4x4, crew cab & 5th wheel; ’99 Ford F350 Super-Duty, 227813 mi, 7.3L Power Stroke V-8, manual 6-speed, extended cab, 5th wheel & toolbox; ’08 Keystone Challenger 33DBB RV, 3-slide out, alum frame; Premier Pontoon w/ 60HP Mercury 4-stroke EFI motor & Yacht Club tandem axle trailer; Smoker Craft 16’ boat w/ Honda 4-stroke ob motor, Minn Kota trolling motor & trailer; ’10 JD 625i Gator UTV, approx. 700 hrs, 4WD, 1 owner; ’99 Exiss Maximum SX 30’ horse trailer; ’00 PJ flatbed 26’ goose neck trailer, tandem axle; Sled Bed 2 place alum snowmobile trailer; Mowers, Shop & Misc. Items: J D EZ Tr ak Z655 zer o-turn mower, 270 hrs, 54” deck; Cub Cadet 2206 lawn tractor, 48” deck; Lincoln Welders Model AC-225/DC210/6 arc welder w/ gas engine; Northern Ind. log splitter on transport, 6 HP; Stihl MS270C chainsaw; Stihl MS362 Chainsaw; Homelite chainsaw; Craftsman air compressor, 33 gal tank; shop lights; 2 racks of tools and shop items; garden hose reel on cart; ladders; rakes; shovels; pop-up fish house; misc furniture; chest freezer; assortment of household items; scrap iron; View terms, complete list & photos at:

Auctioneer: Matt Mages - 507-276-7002 Lic. 08-18-002

Photos shown may not depict actual equipment.

Litchfield, MN 320.693.9371

FOR SALE: C-IH 3900 disk, 25.5’, heavy bearings, $13,000; C-IH 7500 6-bottom vari-width plow, w/coulters, $5,500, both good cond. (507) 557-8357

Farm Equipment

Owners: Randy Delzer & Beth Delzer West Fargo, ND 701.237.9173

Farm Equipment

9500 JD Combine 1996 model, FOR SALE: Fantini chopping 4x4 GreenStar rebuilt, like 8R & 12R CH; 70’ Elmer new tires, 4500 & 6600 hrs, drag, Merritt alum hopper nice, $16,500; 4560 JD Trac- grain trailers; 24R30” JD pl tor, MFD, hub duals, 11500 on Kinze bar; Big A floater; hrs, power shift, $24,500. 175 Michigan ldr; IH 964 Call 715-772-425 CH; White 706 & 708 CH & parts; White plows & parts; DMC 30 foot stir-ator, 3 screw, 54’ 4300 IH field cultivator; good condition, $16,000/OBO. JD 44’ field cult; 3300 Hini715-572-1234 ker field cult; header trailer. FOR SALE: ‘17 Soucy tracks, 507-380-5324 came off JD 690, will fit JD FOR SALE: (2) Feterl augers, or Int’l combines, like new 8”x66’, 10HP elec; 8”x55’ condition, $53,000. 320-269PTO driven. Continuous flow 8719 or 320-226-0296 grain dryer, FarmFans, CF/ AB-190, 988 hrs on meter. Call 507-227-7602

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Ames, IA 515.432.6000

Sioux Falls, SD 712.477.2144

For consignor information & location, terms, full lot listing & photos visit

Auctioneers: Matt Mages, New Ulm Lic 08-18-002; Larry Mages, Lafayette; Joe Wersal, Winthrop; Joe Maidl, Lafayette; John Goelz, Franklin; Ryan Froehlich, Winthrop; Clerk: Mages Land Co. & Auction Ser vice, LLC. Terms: No Buyer ’s Premium.


THE LAND — OCTOBER 5/OCTOBER 12, 2018 Tractors

Tractors — “Where Farm and Family Meet”



95;‘68 JD 3020, 148 ldr, gas, syn- FOR SALE: ‘82 MF 4840, 4WD, JD 4240 powershift, 5800 hrs, NEW AND USED TRACTOR with cro/range, good tires; ‘68 JD Cummins 265HP, 20.8x38 3 outlets, 18.4/38 Firestone PARTS JD 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, AH 4020 diesel, syncro/range, tires, 4 hyds, 12 lights, new rears (75%), matching duals 55, 50 Series & newer tracpaint, cab upholstery & floor (40%), 4 rib front (80%+), tors, AC-all models, Large ood retired farmer. (952)466-9818 mat, low cost power, $9,850. rock box, quick hitch, clean Inventory, We ship! Mark FOR SALE: 2002 JD 8520T, Call 507-250-0452 no texting cab, $23,700/OBO. (507) 451- Heitman Tractor Salvage hrs, 4400 hrs, 100 hrs on new re715-673-4829 9614 or (507) 213-0600 FOR SALE: 1944 John Deere ndi- man engine, 18” belts - 75%, A, w/slant dash, good cond, 766 undercarriage in excellent condition, $55,900/OBO. 612- $4,000/OBO. (507) 227-4896 756-4420 JD 4520 side console, power shift, 1000 PTO, new rubber, cab. (320) 395-2310

tor, & W/ %), t & celion,

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& se er; et ;

Find what you’re looking for in THE LAND

Farm Equipment, Collector Tractors, Collector Garden Tractors, Lawn & Garden, Power & Hand Tools, Antiques



Due to health issues, Loren Jacobson shall sell all items listed at public auction. Auction Location: 2068 Millersburg Blvd. West, Dundas MN 55019. Directions: From Dundas, take Co. Rd 1 west for six miles, property on south side of road. Watch for auction signs.

Sat., Oct. 20, 2018 9 A.M.

Can’t attend the auction? Bid live online at

Go to for more photos

5.16” x 5”

CASE IH 485 LOADER TRACTOR & CASE 1270 TRACTOR & ATTACHMENTS Case IH 485 diesel tractor w/CIH 2250 Hyd. loader, 372 actual hours, ROPS, 14.9x28 tires, 540 PTO, 3-pt. 2-hyd., SN: 17319400; Case 1270 2WD tractor, 3,369 hours, 4-speed power shift, 3-pt., 1000 PTO, 4-hyd.; Kewanee Model 160, 9’ blade, 3-pt.; Ferguson 3-pt. 7’ digger; 10’ Pull-type box blade; 72” 3-pt. blade Good Collector Tractors John Deere B long frame, wide front, rock shafts, fenders, SN: 2161147; Massey Ferguson Twin Power 102 Junior, restored, fenders, belt pulley, wide front; Oliver row crop 66 gas, wide front, side curtains, restored, fenders; Co-Op row crop tractor, fenders, PTO, good tin; Ford 8N, 3-pt., fenders, good tin; Farmall B, NF, belt pulley, electric start, restored, custom 2-seats; Case SC, NF, PTO, fenders, belt pulley, good tin; Case S, WF, fenders, restored; McCormick Deering W4 standard, restored, WF, fenders; (2) John Deere styled B, good tin, (1) rock shafts; Farmall H, NF, fenders, belt pulley, good tin; IH Cub, fenders WF, 3-pt., 5’ push blade; IH 184 industrial w/belly mower, turf tires IH T-6 Dozer & 1998 Chevy 3500 Bucket Truck International T-6 dozer, gas, 16” tracks, ROPS, 3,646 hours showing, 8’ blade; 1998 Chevy 3500 dually truck w/Versalift bucket Model TEL29N, Knapahide 8’ utility box, 5.7L, V8, 2WD, 56,570 miles, auto, 4,484 hours, runs & works good 30+ Collector Garden Tractors John Deere 318 mower, hydro, 1,084 hours; John Deere 110 & 111 garden tractors, fenders; Allis Chalmers 716H, 36” deck & AC 912 hydro; Gilson Hydro, power lift mower; Sears SS-18 w/rear 3-pt., Super-12, SS-15, ST-16 & SS-12, garden tractors; Cub Cadet 127 hydro, 125 hydro, 782, garden tractors; Jacobson Super Chief 1450, hydro, snowblower; Cub Cadet 1282 hydro, 1,144 hours; Simplicity 1716, hydro, 3-pt. & 727 mower; Ariens GT17, hydro, 60”, 17 hp.; Roper 16T, gear, wheel weights, B&S twin cylinder; Suburban 12 garden tractor, gear, fenders; Country Squire tractor, fenders, 2-sp., 1-bottom plow, Kohler gas; Montgomery Ward 16 hydro & gear, 15 & 14 garden tractors; (3) Massey Ferguson 12, hydro; Bolens 1225 & 1253 mowers; (4+) David Bradley power unit & attachements

Garden Tractor Attachments, Chainsaws, Parts & Tractor Parts John Deere 52” front mount thatcher; (8+) Steel lawn carts, 8-17 cu. ft.; MC Lawn-Genie power sweeper; Gravely LI self-propelled snowblower 2’; Sweepster 46” front mount power broom; Agri-Fab garden tractor loader bucket; JD Model 49 snowblower; Stihl HS60AV hedge trimmer; Stihl BG75 leaf blower; Stihl FS74 & FS36 trimmers; Remington Wizard elec. pole saw; Yardvark portable blower/vac, 3-hp.; Fimco 25 gallon 12 volt. Sprayer, trailer type; Ryan lawn aerator, 27”, 3.5 hp., walk behind; King Kutter 72” garden tiller; (10+) Front mount snowblower; (30+) Mower decks; (20+) Front push blades; (30+) New rear & front lawn mower tires & rims; Lawn sweepers; Ryan Spread-Rite lawn spreader, 5-hp.; IH Cub belly mount sickle mower; IH Cub parts; Large amount of mower parts Good Shop Tools, Welder, Pressure Washer & Woodworking Tools Hotsy Hot water pressure washer, 1300 PSI, 2.2 GPM; Century Five Star AC-DC welder, 250 amp; Craftsman 3-hp., 1500 PSI pressure washer; PowerLine K4717 horizontal band saw; Northern sandblasting cabinet; Rockford 14R bench drill press; 2-Ton cherry picker; Pro 4000, 20 gal. air compressor; Ryobi 14” chop saw; Schumacher 40/200 battery charger; Craftsman pedestal grinders; 3’x3’ Welding table w/ vise; Welding clamps & C-clamps; ¼” – ½” Socket sets, metric & SAE; 3/4” Socket set; Angle grinders, drills, drivers, circle saws, hammer drill; Open end box end wrenches, ratcheting wrenchs; Foley 398 lawn mower blade sharpener; Therm 4,000 lbs A-frame hoist; Craftsman 7” planner, 12” table saw, 12” miter saw 1981 Buick Regal & EZ Go Golf Cart 1981 Buick Regal, auto, 86,164 miles, 2-door, 3.8L V6; EZ-Go gas golf cart Farm Toys, Antiques, Collectibles & Garden Items (20+) 1/16th Scale collector farm toys; Macy 98 4-stack book case; Made in Nippon Violin w/case; Airlines collectibles & books; Red Wing 3 & 5 gallon crocks; Street signs; (2) Maytag ringer washers; (2) 1950s Tandem bikes; (2) 1950s Bicycles; Large amount of garden items, pots, planters; Lawn windmill; Large amount of forks & shovels; Farm primitives Terms: Case, check, credit cards, photo ID. All sales selling AS-IS, where-is. All purchases must be paid in full day of auction. 10% buyer’s fee applies.

Can’t attend the auction? Bid live on-line at proxi-bid auction proxibid ®

Loren Jacobson seller/owner

We Sell the Earth & Everything On It.

MATT MARING AUCTION CO. INC. PO Box 37, Kenyon, MN 55946 507-789-5421 • 800-801-4502

Matt Maring, Lic. #25-28 • 507-951-8354 Kevin Maring, Lic. #25-70 • 507-271-6280 Adam Engen, Lic. #25-93 • 507-213-0647 Reg. WI auctioneer #2992-52


Steffes Auction Calendar 2018

For more info, call: 1-800-726-8609 or visit our website: Opens September 28 & Closes October 8 Ripley’s Inc. Excess Equipment, Erhard, MN, Timed Online Auction Opens October 5 & Closes October 15 Ground Up Service & Towing Business Liquidation, Portland, ND, Timed Online Auction Thursday, October 18 at 10AM Borchart Steel Retirement Auction, New Germany, MN Thursday, October 25 12PM MST Custer County, SD Land Auction , 640+/- Acres in West Custer TWP, Timed Online Auction Wednesday, October 31 at 10AM Todd Ostenson Farm Retirement, Sharon, ND Thursday, November 1 at 11AM Steele County, ND Land Auction, Sharon, ND, 692+/-Acres in Westfield TWP Thursday, November 1 at 11AM Mark Krueger Large Farm Retirement, Sawyer, ND Opens November 1 & Closes November 8 Stearns County, MN Farm/Recreational Land Auction, Waite Park, MN, 137+/- Acres Friday, November 2 at 11AM Schoon Farms Retirement Auction, Beardsley, MN Opening November 5 & Closing November 13 Art Dubuque Farms Retirement & Dan Dubuque Estate Auction, Grand Forks, ND, Timed Online Auction Tuesday, November 6 at 11AM Bottineau County, ND Land Auction, 988+/- Acres, multiple tracts in Newborg & Lewis TWPS Wednesday, November 7 at 12:00PM Cass County, ND Land Auction, 80+/-Acres in DOWS TWP Wednesday, November 7 at 11AM RV Walsh Farms Inc. Farm Retirement, Niagra, ND Thursday, November 8 at 10AM Leon & Louis Klocke Farm Retirement, Fessenden, ND Friday, November 9 at 10AM Meeker County, MN Farmland Auction, 627+/- Acres in Greenleaf TWP Tuesday, November 13 at 11AM Major McHenry & McLean County, ND Land Auction, 3,239+/-Acres in north central ND Wednesday, November 14 at 10AM John & Connie Dimmer and Neal & Colleen Dimmer Farm Retirement, Oriska, ND Thursday, November 15 at 10AM Robert Peterson Trust & Ronald Peterson Trust Land Auction, Atwater, MN, 74+/-Acres Thursday, November 15 at 10AM Kelly & Jo Boyd Farm Retirement, Buffalo, ND Friday, November 16 at 10AM Keith Fluth Farm Retirement, Dalbo, MN Friday, November 16 at 10AM Steel Wood Supply Business Liquidation, Detroit Lakes, MN Tuesday, November 20 at 10AM Curt & Marilyn Swanson Farm Retirement, Thief River Falls, MN

PAGE 36 —”Where Farm and Family Meet”

If you’re having a Farm Auction, let other Farmers know it! Upcoming Issues of THE LAND Southern MNNorthern MN Northern IA Oct. 12, 2108 Oct. 19, 2018 Oct, 26, 2018 Nov. 2, 2018 Nov. 9, 2018 Nov. 23, 2018 Nov. 16, 2018 * Dec. 7, 2018 Nov. 30, 2018 Deadline is 8 days prior to publication. Indicates early deadline, 9 days prior to publication.


Tillage Equip

Tillage Equip

THE LAND — OCTOBER 5/OCTOBER 12, 2018 Tillage Equip

Tillage Equip

‘09 3710 JD plow 7 bottom, FOR SALE: 2012 CIH 870 disk FOR SALE: 8R30 3pt mount- FOR SALE: IH model 720, 5-18 hasn’t been used since 2015, ripper, 14’, 7 shank, w/ spike ed Strip till machine, w/nifty bottoms plow, nice shape, exc condition, plowed aver- tooth harrow for leveler ag units, set up for dry fert, extra parts. 507-334-7637 age of 500 acres per year, (works well for all moisture new points, low acres, exc $29,500/OBO. (507) 951-5237 conditions). No welds, deliv- cond; JD 2700 5 shank rip- FOR SALE: JD 235 30’ cushery available, $35,500/OBO. per, very good cond. (507) ion gang disc, $4,900. 507327-6430 2014 Case 875 Ripper, $58,000. Alden MN. 507-383-4992 530-2274 507-794-5779 FOR SALE: IH 700 series IH 700 5 bottom 16” auto reset plow, 8 bottom 18”, w/mount- plow, like new moldboards; ed harrow, $3,000. (651) 775- IH 710 5 bottom 18” auto reset plow, like new mold 0236 boards. (952) 873-5566 FOR SALE: IH 735 6 bottom Sell your farm equipment plow; also IH Farmall B tractor, nice shape. 507-350- in The Land with a line ad. 507-345-4523 9580

Harvest special

PO Box 3169 • Mankato, MN 56002 Phone: 507-345-4523 or 800-657-4665 Fax: 507-345-1027 Website: e-mail:

motes, 620/70R42’s, Grain Cart & Planter Tractor..............$189,500

Ask Your Auctioneer to Place Your Auction in The Land!

‘12 JD 9360R, 1678 Hrs, PTO, Hi-Flow 78 Gal Hyd Pump W/5-Re-

EQUIPMENT FOR SALE ‘14 JD 7230R, IVT, triple link suspension, 540/1000 PTO, 480/80R46 singles, 940 hrs .................................................$106,000

‘17 JD S680 W/PRWD, 584-472 Hrs, Powerfold Ext, 580/85R42’s, 26’ Auger, Command Touch W/5-Spd Rev, Warranty..........$315,000 ‘13 JD 9410R, 1480 Hrs, PTO, Hi-Flow 78 Gal Hyd Pump W/5-Re-

motes, 480/80R50’s, Grain Cart & Planter Tractor..............$169,500 ‘12 JD 7200R, 970 Hrs, 20 Spd PowerQuad, 480/80R46’s, 380/85R34 Frts, 540-1000 PTO, 4-Remote....................... $109,000 ‘18 JD 640FD, 0-Acres, Flip-Over-Reel, Course Tooth Knife, Spare Knife, HHS in Rigid Mode, Warranty.................................... $94,500


R&E Enterprises of Mankato, Inc.

‘09 JD 7830 MFWD, 16 speed power quad transmission, 4 remotes, 320/90R54 rear duals, 320/85R38 fronts, 9415 hrs ................................................................................. $37,500

‘16 Case 721F XR wheel loader, 4.5 cubic yard bucket, 20.5R25 tires, extended reach, 4010 hrs, warranty till March 2019 or 6000 hrs ................................................................................. $83,500 ‘01 JD 8110 MFWD, 380/90R50 duals, 380/85R34 fronts, 540/1000 PTO, 4 remotes, 42.5 GPM hyd. pump, auto trac ready., 10300 hrs, just through service program................................................. $45,000 ‘10 JD 9770 combine, 800/70R38 single tires, tank ext. 2WD, contourmaster, chopper, tank ext., 1650 sep. hrs ................. $87,500 ‘13 JD 2720 17’6” disc ripper, rolling baskets .................. $23,000

– AgDirect Financing Available – Please call before coming to look.

Keith Bode

Fairfax, MN 55332 507-381-1291 •

Knife Rolls, 0-Acres, Warranty............................................. $82,500

M.S. Diversified Fairfax, MN

800-432-3565 • 320-894-6560 •

‘15 New Holland BC5060 small square baler, has not been used ....................................................................................... $15,250 ‘12 New Holland L218 skid steer loader, no cab, 72” bucket, 365 hrs ................................................................................... $19,750

‘17 JD 608C, StalkMaster Chopping Corn Head, Intermeshing

Why use R&E Enterprises of Mankato, Inc?

NO STOCKPILING ON THE GROUND • Our trucks deliver ag lime directly to the TerraGator • TerraGators minimize ground compaction •No wasted lime or mess to clean up • No foliage to plug the spreader GPS APPLICATION AND GUIDANCE SYSTEMS • We apply variable and conventional rates • We can spread 1 to 6 ton/acre in a single pass • We have seven units to minimize wait time • We have twenty five trucks to haul lime For more information on Agricultural Lime delivery, spreading and rates, please email us at: or call 800-388-3320 today!

R & E Enterprises of Mankato, Inc. 1-800-388-3320

Massop ElEctric inc. 507-524-3726


∙•DELUX 10’ Model 2515, LP/NG, 1 PH, 300 bph DELUX 30’ MODEL 7545, LP/NG, 3 PH, 900 BPH ∙ DELUX 15’ Model 7040, LP/NG, 3 PH, 700 bph USED DRYERS ∙ DELUX 20’ Model 6030, LP/NG, 3 PH, 600 bph • KANSUN 1025, 215, LP, 1 PH ∙ DELUX 30’ Model 7545, LP/NG, 3 PH, 900 bph • BEHLEN 380, LP, 1 PH • BEHLEN 700, 3 PH, LP HEAT RECLAIM


HOPPER ∙ SUKUP T2431BS, LP, 1 PH,TANK SS • BEHLEN 2800 BU ∙ KANSUN 1025 215, LP, Heat Reclaim ∙ BEHLEN 380, 1GRAIN PH, LP, Heat Reclaim LEGS ∙•BEHLEN 700,38’, 3 PH, LP,BPH Heat Reclaim UNIVERSAL 1600 BEHLEN 700, 60’, 3 3000 ∙•BEHLEN PH, BPH LP, w/Pre-heat

1409 Silver St. E., Mapleton, MN

THE LAND — OCTOBER 5/OCTOBER 12, 2018 Harvesting Equip — “Where Farm and Family Meet”

Harvesting Equip


5-181994 Gleaner R-52, 2085 eng FOR SALE: JD 120 stalk cut- All kinds of New & Used farm ape, hrs, 1250 sep hrs, clean ma- ter, always shedded, have equipment - disc chisels, field chine, always shedded, will owner’s manual for item. cults, planters, soil finishers, cornheads, feed mills, discs, come with 6R cornhead & 20’ $7,500/OBO. 507-840-0483 ush- beanhead, $32,000. (507)524balers, haybines, etc. 507FOR SALE: JD 8820 combine, 438-9782 507- 4754 or (507)995-8110 w/ duals, 220 flex head, 843 2016 Demco 1050 Grain Cart cornhead, $12,500. 507-567eset $28,000;2013 JD 612C Head, 2442 or 507-456-8139 Livestock ds; $45,000; 2008 Dose Stud King uto Head Trailer, $4,500. 507-794- IH 1460 combine, IH engine, FOR SALE: Black Angus 3100 hrs, 28Lx26 tires, $8,000 mold 5779 bulls also Hamp, York, & in updates, field ready, exc FOR SALE: Minnesota 7’ Hamp/Duroc boars & gilts. shape, always shedded, power binders w/ canvases, 320-598-3790 w/1063 cornhead, exc shape, steel tranport wheels, ex$14,500. (507) 533-4620 or cellent; Also, (2) flair boxes (507) 951-5071 Swine w/ JD 953 running gear, new rubber, excellent. 320-293- JD 3300 gas combine, w/2R36” 2182 cornhead, new drive tires; FOR SALE: Yorkshire, Hampshire, Duroc & Hamp/Duroc FOR SALE: JD 115 15’ Flail JD 4420 combine, diesel, boars, also gilts. Excellent Shredder, ‘02 model, one w/12’ beanhead, both exc selection. Raised outside. cond, field ready. (320) 252owner, chopped a total of Exc herd health. No PRSS. 1800 acres of corn stalks, 0674 Delivery avail. 320-760-0365 like new condition, $10,500 RETIRED: CIH 2366 combine, or make offer. (763) 497-7353 1,687 sep hrs, 2,666 eng hrs, Spot, Duroc, Chester White, Boars & Gilts available. FOR SALE: ‘06 Massey Agco specialty rotor, long unloadMonthly PRRS and PEDV. 30’ flex head, on Gleaner ing auger, field tracker, grain Delivery available. Steve loss monitor, header control, combine, will fit Massey/ Resler. 507-456-7746 Gleaner & Challenger com- heavy duty final drives, chain oilers. 605-359-6205 bines, $6,000. 507-995-2513 FOR SALE: 20’ Loftness stalk chopper, like new, $9,500; (4) augers, 34-56’, 2 PTO & 2 EMD w/motors. (320) 2201138


Classified Line Ads


Call 507-345-4523

FOR SALE: One 2 1/2 yr old Hampshire ram. 952-4654523


• All Steel Shelters for Livestock & Other Uses • • • • • • • • • •

JBM Equipment:

Feeder Wagons - Several Models Self-locking Head Gates • HD Feeder Panels Self-locking Bunk Feeders Tombstone Horse & Horned Cattle Feeders Skid Feeders • Bunk Feeders Bale Wagons • Bale Thrower Racks Flat Racks for big sq. bales Self-locking Feeder Wagons Fenceline Feeders Several Types of Bale Feeders

Smidley Equipment:

• Steer Stuffers • Hog Feeders • Hog Huts • Calf Creep Feeders • Lamb & Sheep Feeders • Cattle & Hog Waterers • Hog & Sheep Scales – We Rebuild Smidley Cattle & Hog Feeders –

Sioux Equipment: • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Gates • Calving Pens • Haymax Bale Feeders Cattle & Feeder Panels • Head Gates Loading Chute • Hog Feeders Squeeze Chutes & Tubs • Calf Warmer

Notch Equipment:

Rock Buckets • Grapple Forks • Manure Forks Bale Spears • Hi-Volume Buckets & Pallet Forks Bale Transports & Feeder Wagons, 16’-34’ Adult & Young Stock Feeders & Bale Feeders Land Levelers

For-Most Livestock Equipment:

Squeeze Chutes - Head Gates Large & Small Animal Tip Chutes Open Bar Corral Tub Round & Square Calving Pens Tub & Alley Chutes • Crowding Tubs

S-I Feeders:

• Mid-Size and Full-Size Bunks • One-Sided Juniors and Adult Bunks • Arrow Front 4-Wheel Feeders, 12’-36‘

Mar-Weld Sheep & Goat Equipment: • • • • •

Lambing Pens • Crowd Tub Grain Feeders • Scale Round & Square Bale Feeders Sheep Head Locks Spin Trim Chute • Creep Feeders

• “Farm Built” Hay Feeders w/roof • Poly “Hay Huts” New Items • • • • • • • • • •


GT (Tox-O-Wik) Grain Dryers, 350-800 bu. 150 Bu. Steel Calf Creep w/wheels Bohlman Concrete Waterers Calftel Hutches & Animal Barns R&C Poly Bale Feeders Ameriag Poly Mineral Feeders Snowblowers ~ Special Prices Miniature Donkey & Fainting Goats APACHE Creep Feeders

~ USED EQUIPMENT ~ • 4 Yard, 4 Wheel Soil Scraper Sharp • 580 GT PTO Grain Dryer (Tox-O-Wik) • New & Use GT Dryer parts • 350 Bu Gravity Box 12 Ton 90” wagon VG • Smidley Hog & Cattle Feeders • Tandem 3-Way Hydraulic Dump Trailer for Tractor • 9 Shank Disc Chisel • WANTED TO BUY: Crowding Tub & Other Cattle Equip. • GT PTO Drain Dryer (Tox-O-Wik)

Lot - Hwy. 7 E

Office Location - 305 Adams Street NE Hutchinson, MN 55350

320-587-2162, Ask for Larry


Sheep RETIRING. For Sale 49 big Rambouillet open ewes, 2-6 years old. Excellent stock. 320-796-5666 Spicer MN

Trucks & Trailers


1973 Mack truck Model DM685, w/20’ grain box & Knapheide hoist. (507)4590376 FOR SALE: 2000 Ford 350, 7.3 diesel, 4x4 dually, crew cab, AT, new heavy duty tranny, extra clean sharp truck, $9,900. (320) 583-0881 FOR SALE: ‘74 IH 1800 tandem truck, 20’ box & hoist. 507-427-3561


We pay top dollar for your damaged grain. We are experienced handlers of your wet, dry, burnt and mixed grains. Trucks and vacs available. Immediate response anywhere.

Sell your livestock in The Land with a line ad. 507-345-4523 Please support the advertisers you see here. Tell them you saw their ad in The Land!


PRUESS ELEV., INC. 1-800-828-6642



‘03 Versatile 2310, PS ..................................... $85,000 ‘06 Buhler 2210 w/ auto steer......................... $88,500 ‘12 Buhler 280...............................................$109,000 NEW Massey GC1715 w/loader ............................. Call NEW Massey 7722 FWA CVT ................................. Call ‘05 CIH MX210 ................................................ $79,000 NEW NH T4.75, T4.90, T4.120 w/loader.. ...... On Hand NEW NH T9.645, w/Smart Trac .............................. Call NEW NH Workmaster 60, 50, 35’s/loaders ... On Hand NEW NH T8.410 ...................................................... Call NH T8.275, 495 hrs ....................................... $145,000 ‘08 NH 8010 .................................................. $110,000 ‘99 NH 9682 .................................................... $67,000 ‘96 White 6175 FWA....................................... $49,500 Allis 6080 2wd ...................................................... SOLD Allis 185..............................................................$8,750 Kubota L245 2wd ...............................................$6,500

New NH Hay Tools - ON HAND

TILLAGE Sunflower 4610, 9-shank ................................ $45,000 10’ Sunflower 4412-07 .................................... $31,000 DMI 530B ................................................................ Call ‘95 JD 726, 30’ ................................................ $21,500 10’ Wilrich QX2 37’ w/basket.......................... $38,500 Wilrich QX 55’5 w/bskt..................................... Coming


NEW White Planters ............................................... Call White 8182 12-30 w/liq .................................... Coming ‘14 White 9824 CFS w/Agleader.......................... SOLD ‘12 White 8186, 16-30 w/liq. fert. .................... $59,000 ‘11 White 8516 CFS, Loaded .......................... $85,000 White 8186 16-30 w/liq .................................... Coming


New NH W80C wheelloader .......................... On Hand New NH E37C mini excavator ....................... On Hand New NH E26C mini excavator ....................... On Hand New NH track & wheeled skidsteers............. On Hand NH 230 w/cab & heat ...................................... $37,900 ‘99 Bobcat 863F .............................................. $16,800


‘14 CIH 7230 ......................................................... SOLD Gleaner R65 ................................................... $105,000 ‘12 Gleaner S77............................................ $205,000 ‘03 Gleaner R65 ............................................... Coming ‘98 Gleaner R62 .............................................. $79,500 ‘98 Gleaner R62 ...................................................... Call Gleaner 3308 chopping corn heads ...................... Call NEW Fantini chopping cornhead ........................... Call Geringhoff parts & heads available


NEW Salford RTS Units .......................................... Call NEW Salford Plows................................................. Call NEW Unverferth Seed Tenders .............................. Call NEW Westfield Augers ........................................... Call NEW REM VRX vacs. .............................................. Call NEW Hardi Sprayers............................................... Call NEW Riteway Rollers .............................................. Call NEW Lorenz Snowblowers ..................................... Call NEW Batco Conveyors ........................................... Call NEW Brent Wagons & Grain Carts ......................... Call NEW E-Z Trail Seed Wagons .................................. Call NEW Rock Buckets & Pallet Forks ......................... Call REM 2700, Rental ................................................... Call Pre-Owned Grain Cart ................................... On Hand

All Equipment available with Low Rate Financing

SMITHS MILL IMPLEMENT Hwy. 14, 3 miles West of Janesville, MN

Phone (507) 234-5191 or (507) 625-8649 Mon. - Fri. 7:30-5:00 • Sat. 7:30-Noon

PAGE 38 —”Where Farm and Family Meet”


irst Your F or f Choice ds! ie Classif

Place d Your A Today!

Livestock, Machinery, Farmland... you name it! People will buy it when they see it in The Land! To submit your classified ad use one of the following options: Phone: 507-345-4523 or 1-800-657-4665 Mail to: The Land Classifieds, P.O. Box 3169, Mankato, MN 56002 Fax to: 507-345-1027 • Email: Online at: DEADLINE: Friday at 5:00 p.m. for the following Friday edition. Plus! Look for your classified ad in the e-edition.

South Central Minnesota’s Daily News Source








































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PAGE 40 — “Where Farm and Family Meet”


This week’s Back Roads is the work of The Land Correspondent Carolyn Van Loh.


Pipes and prayer

he history of Old Westbrook Lutheran Church is the history of Cottonwood County. The earliest settler-colonists in the county were the same people who later organized the first Lutheran parish west of New Ulm, Minn. After the U.S.-Dakota War of 1862, military personnel who had passed through the future Westbrook and Storden areas spread the word about available prairie lands. Immigrants soon started arriving from all directions. By 1870, 30 families and seven unmarried men, mostly Norwegian and Danish Lutherans, had settled in northern Cottonwood County and wanted to establish a church. In April of 1870, Rev. John C. Jacobson walked on foot from St. Paul to Madelia. From there he walked to Westbrook via Windom to help organize a Lutheran church. He conducted the first services in a log house belonging to Morton Engebretson. On May 12, 1870, 15 men met in the Engebretson home and organized Westbrook Norse Lutheran Congregation — the first church established in Cottonwood County. Churches rose up in every community in the county — just as soon as enough individuals of a particular faith joined their efforts to start a church congregation. It was common for people of different Protestant faiths to hold union meetings. Buildings were constructed when enough worshipers and enough funds were available to erect a church. A grasshopper plague challenged southern Minnesota farmers in the mid-1870s. Pastor L.O. Peterson (1878-1881) saw the dreaded pests as a spiritual challenge. He said, “…from an economical point of view, the grasshoppers retarded the growth of the church. But the people were very patient and uncomplaining, living as sparingly under the meager circumstances as it was possible to do. But from a spiritual point of view, I maintain that the grasshoppers served to promote growth. If there had been sent out dozens of evangelists and the people had lived in plenty, yet they would not have been able to do any better evangelistic work than the grasshoppers did because the people received the plague as a chastisement from the Lord’s hand and caused the people to seriously meditate and open their hearts for God’s quickening grace.” The first Ladies’ Aid fellowship began in a home near the church in 1874. After organization, one directive stated meetings would be held in homes with board floors. Several families still lived in dugouts. Three more ladies’ and young ladies’ groups were functioning before the turn of the century.

Because local residents walked or traveled by wagons, they wanted a church congregation close to home. Westbrook Norse Lutheran Church soon became the mother congregation for four more church groups: Highwater Township (1901), Amo Township (1887), Bethany in Storden (1886), and Trinity in Westbrook (1901). One pastor served all five churches until they were able to support their own ministers. In 1946, Rev. L.O. Sunde (1936-1946) was the last pastor to conduct services in the Norwegian language. Rev. Arthur O. Aadland, pastor from 19631977, made a few changes related to music when he became pastor. He organized a male chorus, various children’s singing groups, and even took upon himself leading

the regular choir. “I felt a good choir was important to a congregation,” said Aadland. The last change he made took about three years to complete: designing and building a pipe organ from scratch. “There was an organ, but it was inadequate,” he observed. Aadland’s creative mind incorporated several unique features in the handcrafted instrument. The “great organ” action was made primarily from walnut harvested from the Dutch Charley Creek woods located behind the church. The “choir” action is made entirely from quarter-sawed oak. This choir organ has three ranks of black walnut pipes. Most organs use one blower and one bellow, but Aadland constructed a dual system. The larger bellows are weighted with over 200 pounds of lead weights which were cast into lead bricks molded in Mrs. Aadland’s bread pans. There are over 650 pipes for the harmonious voices created by the organ. Pipes range from 16 feet to 3/8th of an inch in length. Utilizing the organ to its fullest, a hymn could be played through over a thousand times — a little differently each time. The organ was completed in 1968, but the dedication didn’t happen until 1970 on the 100th anniversary of the church. The magnificent product was Rev. Aadland’s labor of love. As one person wrote, “It is his humble offering to the Lord and to sublime Lutheran Hymnody and the monumental organ works which have been inspired by the Gospel of Jesus Christ.” Shirley Iverson, who has been playing the organ for over 30 years, commented on the unique instrument. “The power of this organ enhances the voices of the Old Westbrook Congregation and the church is filled with sounds of joy and praise,” Iverson said. “We are blessed to have an instrument like this.” v

Westbrook, Minn.

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