THE LAND ~ January 25, 2019 ~ Southern Edition

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“Since 1976, Where Farm and Family Meet”


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A Minnesota teen makes her mark at the World Ploughing Championships

PLUS: ARC-CO payment update Brian Hefty talks ag Milker’s Message and more!

PAGE 2 — “Where Farm and Family Meet”


Ketelsen tells of ag’s up and downs P.O. Box 3169 418 South Second St. Mankato, MN 56002 (800) 657-4665 Vol. XLIII ❖ No. 2 32 pages, 1 section plus supplements

Cover photo submitted

COLUMNS Opinion Life on the Farm: Reader’s Photos Farm and Food File Calendar of Events In The Garden The Back Porch Cooking With Kristin Marketing Farm Programs Mielke Market Weekly Auctions/Classifieds Advertiser Listing Back Roads

2-7 4 6 7 8 9 10 18-19 20 23 26-31 31 32


Publisher: Steve Jameson: General Manager: Deb Petterson: Managing Editor: Paul Malchow: Staff Writer: Dick Hagen: Advertising Representatives: James McRae: Office/Advertising Assistants: Joan Compart: Deb Lawrence: For Customer Service Concerns: (507) 345-4523, (800) 657-4665, Fax: (507) 345-1027 For Editorial Concerns or Story Ideas: (507) 344-6342, (800) 657-4665, National Sales Representative: Bock & Associates Inc., 7650 Executive Drive, Minneapolis, MN 55344-3677. (952) 905-3251. Because of the nature of articles appearing in The Land, product or business names may be included to provide clarity. This does not constitute an endorsement of any product or business. Opinions and viewpoints expressed in editorials or by news sources are not necessarily those of the management. The Publisher shall not be liable for slight changes or typographical errors that do not lessen the value of an advertisement. The Publisher’s liability for other errors or omissions in connection with an advertisement is strictly limited to publication of the advertisement in any subsequent issue or the refund of any monies paid for the advertisement. Classified Advertising: $19.99 for seven (7) lines for a private classified, each additional line is $1.40; $24.90 for business classifieds, each additional line is $1.40. Classified ads accepted by mail or by phone with VISA, MasterCard, Discover or American Express. Classified ads can also be sent by e-mail to Mail classified ads to The Land, P.O. Box 3169, Mankato, MN 56002. Please include credit card number, expiration date and your postal address with ads sent on either mail version. Classified ads may also be called into (800) 657-4665. Deadline for classified ads is 5 pm on the Friday prior to publication date, with holiday exceptions. Distributed to farmers in all Minnesota counties and northern Iowa, as well as on The Land’s website. Each classified ad is separately copyrighted by The Land. Reproduction without permission is strictly prohibited. Subscription and Distribution: Free to farmers and agribusinesses in Minnesota and northern Iowa. $25 per year for non-farmers and people outside the service area. The Land (USPS 392470) Copyright © 2019 by The Free Press Media is published biweekly by The Free Press, 418 S 2nd Street, Mankato, MN 56001-3727. Business and Editorial Offices: 418 S. 2nd Street, Mankato, MN 56001-3727, Accounting and Circulation Offices: Steve Jameson, 418 S 2nd Street, Mankato, MN 56001-3727. Call (507) 345-4523 to subscribe. Periodicals postage paid at Mankato, MN. Postmaster and Change of Address: Send address changes to The Land, P.O. Box 3169, Mankato MN 56002-3169 or e-mail to theland@

interviewed many. But as you well know With a farm radio pedigree dating back Dick, even as an ag writer for The Land, to 1975, Lynn Ketelsen’s broadcast backrelationships are what make this work so ground has touched every base you can rewarding. And that’s what makes it fun imagine — even a few touches in other too.” countries around the world. So what’s his take on the world of agriculture these So what’s Lynn’s take on today’s agridays? culture? I had a few minutes with Lynn just “We’re in tough times, and have been before he started the Jan. 9 Ag Outlook for the last 4-5 years. I think we’re due LAND MINDS meeting at Willmar, Minn. And when for better times. I think these trade Ketelsen puts on an event, farmers agreements will get done, even with By Dick Hagen attend. Standing room only for the 240 China and that is the big one. at this show. And why not? Headliners “But the challenge is this: farmers included John Baize, long-time spokesare smart. They pick up fast on new man for the International Soybean ideas, new products, and simply better ways to do Association plus Al Kluis, popular commodities brothings. You’ve seen this too, Dick. When you were ker since 1976. But for now, let’s talk with Lynn: with Trojan Seed and I started in Willmar, you guys Lynn’s an eastern Iowa product. were my first seed industry clients. I remember you And even though the University of were talking about this new hybrid (that would Iowa was virtually a next door have been TXS 102). And you were telling our farm neighbor, Lynn was smart enough listeners this hybrid would grow 125 bushels per to travel west … all the way to acre! Today, corn farmers don’t even work up a Iowa State University in Ames. An sweat hitting 200 bushels and better! Iowa State journalism graduate, “Yes, the reality is that farmers have gotten so Lynn initiated his unique ‘farm good they’re producing more than the market can broadcast’ voice at southern Iowa’s handle. That’s bogging things down. But we always KMA in Shenandoah. But two Lynn Ketelsen get through these cycles. We did in the 80s. Just a years later he made the big move weather calamity in some other part of the corn belt — 250 miles north into “Viking County” and the and we could have a good run again. I’m optimistic. incredible agricultural diversity of Minnesota at I think even within the next couple years we’ll see KWLM in Willmar. this thing turn around.” Very likely, Minnesota’s beautiful lakes were also There you are. Lynn believes in the cycles of propart of the attraction for Lynn and wife Mary. Plus, duction agriculture. After five years of downhill it was a new adventure because nobody in farm radio was doing daily market reports on commodity travel, Lynn simply says it’s time to enjoy climbing the hill again! futures in Chicago, Kansas City, and even Minneapolis. “So in my young career I thought it So this question: Are we pumping too much techwas time farm radio also included daily markets. nology into agriculture too rapidly? That’s what I got going and just like that, farmers Lynn responded, “You can’t put the brakes on were telling me this was a new dimension for farm technology. We have a growing world population … radio and they liked it.” around 7.7 billion people today. Technology is what Ketelsen is now 43 years in farm broadcasting. I drives agriculture even more today than 30 years asked, “How do you like being the Dean of Farm ago. Everybody wants to grow more, do better, be Broadcasting?” Always the modest guy, Lynn more efficient. Have we gotten too big with some of responded, “I may be old enough but nobody calls this farm equipment? I think so, but farmers have me the Dean. However, it’s a special pleasure to pride and ambition. They want to keep getting betknow so many people in this amazing industry of ter and make their work perhaps a bit easier too. agriculture. “I chuckle with I jump into their combine cab and “Even today here at Willmar, many of these famcomment, ‘Wow, you’ve got a lot of stuff in here.’ And ers and farm wives I’ve met before — perhaps even See LAND MINDS, pg. 4



15 — Young farmers face many obstacles in getting started 21 — FSA offices are open for limited program assistance

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Steele County Fairgrounds FOUR SEASONS CENTRE 1525 South Elm Avenue Owatonna, Minnesota — “Where Farm and Family Meet”


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PAGE 4 — “Where Farm and Family Meet” ADVERTISEMENT

AM1 – Optimum® AcreMax® 1 Insect Protection System with an integrated corn rootworm refuge solution includes HXX, LL, RR2. Optimum AcreMax 1 products contain the LibertyLink® gene and can be sprayed with Liberty ® herbicide. The required corn borer refuge can be planted up to half a


Life on the Farm: Readers’ Photos Damia Siebenahler said she loves reading The Land and sent these photos taken at her father’s Lake Crystal, Minn. farm.

mile away.

AMRW – Optimum® AcreMax® RW Rootworm Protection system with a single-bag integrated corn rootworm refuge solution includes HXRW, LL, RR2. AMRW-R – Optimum® AcreMax® RW Rootworm Protection system with a single-bag integrated corn rootworm refuge solution includes HXRW, RR2. Do not spray with Liberty ®. Not all seeds in the bag are tolerant to Liberty herbicide.

AM – Optimum® AcreMax® Insect Protection system with YGCB, HX1, LL, RR2. Contains a single-bag integrated refuge solution for above-ground insects. In EPA-designated cotton growing counties, a 20% separate corn borer refuge must be planted with Optimum AcreMax products.

AMX – Optimum® AcreMax® Xtra Insect Protection system with YGCB, HXX, LL, RR2. Contains a single-bag integrated refuge solution for above- and below-ground insects. In EPA-designated cotton growing counties, a 20% separate corn borer refuge must be planted with Optimum AcreMax Xtra products.


YGCB, HX1, LL, RR2 (Optimum® Intrasect®) – Contains the YieldGard® Corn Borer gene and Herculex® I gene for resistance to corn borer.

YGCB, HXX, LL, RR2 (Optimum® Intrasect® Xtra) – Contains the YieldGard® Corn Borer gene and the Herculex® XTRA genes for resistance to corn borer and corn rootworm.

AQ – Optimum® AQUAmax® product. Product performance in water-limited environments is variable and depends on many factors, such as the severity and timing of moisture deficiency, heat stress, soil type, management practices and environmental stress, as well as disease and pest pressures. All products may exhibit reduced yield under water and heat stress. Individual results may vary.

HX1 – Contains the Herculex® I Insect Protection gene which provides protection against European corn borer, southwestern corn borer, black cutworm, fall armyworm, western bean cutworm, lesser corn stalk borer, southern corn stalk borer, and sugarcane borer; and suppresses corn earworm. HXRW – The Herculex® RW insect protection trait contains proteins that provide enhanced resistance against western corn rootworm, northern corn rootworm and Mexican corn rootworm. HXX – Herculex® XTRA contains the Herculex I and Herculex RW genes. YGCB – The YieldGard® Corn Borer gene offers a high level of resistance to European corn borer, southwestern corn borer and southern cornstalk borer; moderate resistance to corn earworm and common stalk borer; and above average resistance to fall armyworm. LL – Contains the LibertyLink® gene for resistance to Liberty® herbicide. RR2 – Contains the Roundup Ready® Corn 2 trait that provides crop safety for over-the-top applications of labeled glyphosate herbicides when applied according to label directions. Herculex® insect protection technology by Dow AgroSciences and Pioneer Hi-Bred. Herculex® and the HX logo are registered trademarks of Dow AgroSciences LLC. YieldGard®, the YieldGard Corn Borer Design and Roundup Ready® are registered trademarks used under license from Monsanto Company. Liberty®, LibertyLink® and the Water Droplet Design are trademarks of Bayer.

PIONEER® brand products are provided subject to the terms and conditions of purchase which are part of the labeling and purchase documents. ®, TM, SM Trademarks and service marks of DuPont, Dow AgroSciences or Pioneer, and their affiliated companies or their respective owners. © 2018 PHII. PION8CORN053_legal_VA

E-mail your Life on the Farm photos to Tyler resident and The Land Correspondent Richard Siemers sent this shapshot of frosty round bales against a beautiful backdrop.

Ketelsen seeing more young farmers LAND MINDS, from pg. 2 my farmer says, ‘Yep, sure do. I’m not certain how it all works, but it sure makes farming easier.’ I’m told there’s more technology in today’s new tractors than there was in the space ship we sent to the moon.” So Lynn, what’s your word for young people who want to get into farming? He commented, “I pay lots of attention to the ages of farmers coming to our events. I’m seeing more younger guys than I did just a few years ago. Granted, many are part of a family operation. These are extremely sharp young guys. They know what’s going on. Many got going when things were really good … back 8-10 years ago. Today, things aren’t so good. However, the lessons they’re learning now are invaluable. They’ve seen the best … now they’ve got to struggle through these not-so-good times. But you and I have seen these cycles over the past 40 years and likely will see more.” However, this reality: suicides are increasing amongst our farm audience. What’s your message for these folks thinking about giving up on life? Lynn paused a moment, “It’s really unfortunate but at the end of each day realize that nothing is better than living. Even if you have troubles with the farm, always there are alternatives. If it means quit the farm, so be it. When you are doing what you were created to do, you feel terrific. Just

remember each day when you arise: You don’t have tomorrow. All you have is today!” I wrapped up my interview with this easy question: What’s the one bright star still shining? His wise response, “Just remember, if there are no downs, there’s not going to be any ups!” And this inevitable closing question: Lynn, it’s now 2019. Will you still be doing farm radio five years from now? His instant response, “I certainly hope so. This is a fun business and I’m working with the best people in America!” After launching the Linder Farm Network in Willmar with four other stations owned by Linder, his network now includes 25 stations. Lynn built a new station at Blooming Prairie and later purchased Waseca stations. He later moved his broadcast headquarters to Owatonna plus he does TV specials for KEYC, Mankato, and nationally on RFD-TV; also This Week in Agri Business. The Linder Farm Network includes Olivia, Willmar, Montevideo, Marshall, Pipestone, Slayton, Jackson, Fairmont, Waseca, Owatonna, Rochester, Glencoe, Sauk Rapids, Alexandria, Wadena, Winona, Red Wing, Wabasha, Tracy, Mankato and St. James. Dick Hagen is staff writer of The Land. He may be reached at v

THE LAND — JANUARY 25/FEBRUARY 1, 2019 — “Where Farm and Family Meet”








Irrigated 1st

Roger Huhn

Litchfield, MN




Paul Beskau

Hastings, MN




David Kolb

Paynesville, MN



Congratulations to the winners of the 2018 National Corn Growers Association (NCGA) yield contest for your exceptional results! Visit for a complete list of results.

*All Pioneer products are hybrids unless designated with AM1, AM, AMRW, AML, AMT, AMX, AMXT and Q, in which case they are brands. The foregoing is provided for informational use only. Please contact your Pioneer sales professional for information and suggestions specific to your operation. Product performance is variable and depends on many factors such as moisture and heat stress, soil type, management practices and environmental stress as well as disease and pest pressures. Individual results may vary. PIONEER® brand products are provided subject to the terms and conditions of purchase which are part of the labeling and purchase documents. TM, ®, SM Trademarks of Dow AgroSciences, DuPont or Pioneer, and their affiliated companies or their respective owners. © 2018 PHII. PION8CORN053_5732


PAGE 6 — “Where Farm and Family Meet”


Across the pond: Heading for the Brexit Two hundred and fortyBut like Mr. Trump’s victhree years after the nottory here, the Brexit win yet United States declared ignited as much controverits independence in a sy as it quelled. First, it lengthy letter to England’s split the U.K. as a union. King George III, the old Voters in Northern Ireland enemies are, yet again, new and Scotland voted to “stay” allies. while voters in England This time, however, it’s an FARM & FOOD FILE and Wales voted to “leave.” It also divided the U.K.’s unlikely alliance of defiruling political party, the By Alan Guebert ance. Both are challenging Conservatives, who (then international institutions led by David Cameron) like the World Trade openly opposed Brexit Organization and the until they were for it European Union which some lawmakafter its slim 1.8 percent win. ers say interfere — and, worse, illegitimately overrule — their sovereign U.K. farmers, however, were not on laws of state. the fence. According to Farmers Weekly, a British farming magazine, The complaints, however, aren’t out 53 percent supported Brexit despite a of left field. Both have the support of pre-vote estimate that it could cost voters. For the United States, it came them up to 60 percent of their annual in the Nov. 2016 election of President income (the percentage of U.K. farm Donald J. Trump. For the United income received through EU’s agriculKingdom, it was the June 2016 triumph of Brexit (shorthand for “British tural subsidy programs). exit”) or its move to leave the EU – Much of that support hinged on the the 28-nation quilt that stretches from belief that U.K. food exports would Hungary to Northern Ireland. find better markets — even in scorned


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2016 results. U.K. farmers are equally stiff-lipped. Recent polling shows that their 2016 support, 53 percent to “leave,” remains solid – despite the likely loss of generous EU farm payments and some, maybe most, of the 62 percent of U.K. ag exports now sold into the EU. So why do it? Because, as Prime Minister May has said repeatedly, it’s what the voters said they want. As such, right, wrong or indifferent, the search for a workable Brexit will continue. Which raises a simple question: Is there such a thing as a “workable” Brexit? The answer, so far, is no. Which leads to an even more elemental question: While nations around the world are establishing deeper financial, cultural and manufacturing links through blockchain technologies, artificial intelligence, and global trade, why would any nation burn most of its political capital to remove itself from this more-integrated future to become an island of antiquity? In your search for an answer, remember that the U.K. isn’t the only nation looking to go it alone in today’s increasingly interconnected world. Many leaders in its former colony are advocating the same thing. The Farm and Food File is published weekly through the United States and Canada. Past columns, events and contact information are posted at www. v


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Europe — after being unleashed from the EU’s trade and environmental rules. There was scant evidence to confirm it, though. In fact, in January 2017, Informa Agribusiness Intelligence estimated that the loss of EU farm subsidies could mean 90 percent of U.K. farms would face “collapse.” After the dire forecast, the U.K. government stepped in to “promise” to make up any EU shortfall through 2020 – and longer if needed. How it hopes to do so remains unclear. What is crystal clear, however, is that U.K. politicians have no idea on how to deliver the “democracy” voters demanded in 2016. Two years of tough negotiations between the EU and British Prime Minister Theresa May (who became leader when Cameron resigned after backing the wrong Brexit horse) collapsed in ruin Jan. 15 when May was crushed by an overwhelming anti-deal vote in Parliament’s House of Commons. Worse, perhaps, many of the “nay” votes came from May’s own Conservative colleagues who — as if to confirm there always will be an England — overwhelmingly supported her the next day when the opposition Labor Party called for (and lost) a vote of no confidence in her leadership. May’s Brexit loss and her no-confidence win, however, doesn’t mean Brexit is dead or that a second national Brexit vote will be held. Brexit is Brexit, she has said, and political leaders are duty bound to honor the

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THE LAND — JANUARY 25/FEBRUARY 1, 2019 — “Where Farm and Family Meet”


Letter: Look at what China is doing to our country FDA. They own the largest pork processor in the world. They have the process to make a blood thickener for battlefield casualties. We are at their mercy if we need this medicine. My grandson works for a business that makes ATV add-ons. He had a good business. Now the Chinese have made the knock-offs and are selling them cheap. He has lost a lot of his market. They have copied our ships and planes for the military. We do the design and building of them. They then modify them so that they can go faster or handle better in combat. Otherwise, looking at a picture of their military hardware, a lot of it looks like ours. They make things cheap and our people buy. They don’t realize what quality is. As one businessman told me, I love the cheap Chinese items. I buy them cheap and get a good price when I sell them. I’m getting rich. I don’t care if it is junk as long as the people buy them and I’m getting rich. I

Calendar of Events Visit to view our complete calendar and enter your own events, or send an e-mail with your event’s details to Jan. 28 — Livestock Judging Workshop — Hampton, Iowa — Youth will learn how to properly judge livestock. Along with filling out score cards. Pizza and Pop provided. — Contact Jackie Dohlman at (641) 425-5281 Jan. 29 — Midwest Forage Association Winter Meeting — Rochester, Minn. — Options and opportunities to utilize forages in non-traditional ways. Topics include cover crops, feed mixtures, bale wrapping options. — Contact Jake Overgaard at over128@umn. edu or (507) 457-6440 Jan. 29 — Farm Transition and Estate Planning Workshop — Austin, Minn. — Workshop will feature information on farm goal setting, family communications, business structures, mechanisms for inheritance and transition, estate taxes, and other basic concepts such as retirement planning. — Contact Megan Roberts at meganr@ or (507) 389-6722

Jan. 30 — Farmland Rental Workshop — Worthington, Minn. — This workshop will answer any questions you have about farmland rental rates in Minnesota. The workshop will go over historical rates for farmland in the area and the rental rates for pasture land and other types of farmland. The presenters will help farmers, landlords, and professionals use data-driven decisions to determine a fair price for rental. There will also be time to ask any questions about farmland rental. — Contact David Bau at or (507) 360-0664 Jan. 30 — Resilient Farms Conference — Lakeville, Minn. — Legal and business insights, consultation and resources for farmers looking to diversify operations and create new revenue streams. Topics include specialty crops, agri-tourism and re-purposing farm assets for multiple uses. — Contact Nora Nolden at or (844) 426-6733

don’t care what it does to my country. China needs our pork as they have African swine fever decimating their pig population. They also need our soybeans as our beans are better suited for some of their food ingredients as the South American beans aren’t as good. The Chinese are going around our tariffs by having a third country buy them and then when they get on a ship it goes to China instead of the purchasing country.

They want to take over as a world leader and will try everything to do it. We didn’t learn, pre-WWII, by selling all of our scrap iron and letting Japanese army and naval officers attend our colleges. I don’t know if we are still doing it, but a few years back we were doing the same thing with the Chinese military. Milfred Smith Darwin, Minn.

a certified

repair shop Feed Trailer and Feed Body Repair Center We have sent our techs for training at the Sudenga factory in George, IA. I am convinced this is a very high quality built trailer and feed body. They have one of the fastest unloading trailers in the industry and are quality built and now are providing service centers for better and faster service as we all know down time is not acceptable.

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To the Editor, This letter is in response to Alan Guebert’s column in the Nov. 16 issue of The Land. Alan better take the blinders off and look and see what China is doing to our country. When President Nixon opened up trade to China, it was a third world country. Now it is trying to bury the U.S. We gave them special concessions then, but basically have not changed them. Their companies buy a majority into our companies or buy them out completely. These companies are said to be privately owned, but only 48 percent. The government owns the other 52 percent. This is what they do when they buy into our country’s businesses. If they can’t buy a company, the do knock-offs and sell them here and world-wide for less. Does Alan know that no aspirin are made in the U.S.? Over 70 percent of our drugs are made in China — if not the whole medicine, the main ingredients are — with no oversight from our

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Olsen Truck Service Center has been repairing grain trailers, livestock trailers, Dry Van and Reefer trailers for some time. We have experienced welders and technicians to continue our trailer repair to the feed trailer and feed body industry. We have installed third axles on feed trailers for use in the Minnesota road restriction season that are easily removed after road restrictions go off.

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We have on hand, hydraulic hose and fittings for your replacement needs. We have qualified welders of aluminum, steel and stainless steel. We do axle alignments. We do brake and ABS work. We have installed robotic systems. We also install TRAM Safety systems. We have a variety of brands of tires such as Firestone, Kelly, Bridgestone, Goodyear, Kumho and more.

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PAGE 8 — “Where Farm and Family Meet”


Little maintenance needed for gardens under glass Terrariums are perfect Containers need to be solutions for ‘black thumbed’ clear glass. I found two at a as well as ‘green thumbed’ local thrift store for two dolgardeners because they offer lars each. You can be crelush greenery on a small ative and use a large branscale and won’t drip water on dy snifter or other apothefloors or furniture. I made cary-style jars. Lids are two terrariums recently and important for moisture lovwill be giving one to a friend ing plants, but you won’t IN THE GARDEN who is in the hospital. need covers for cactus and Terrariums remain fresh other small succulents. If By Sharon Quale and beautiful and can be you want a large-scale tertaken home and enjoyed rarium, tropical fish tanks long after the hospital stay. They are are perfect. also great gifts for any occasion. Steps to assembling a terrarium: 1. A list of materials needed for makAdd a layer of one to two inches of ing a terrarium include: A clear glass tiny rock in the bottom. 2. Add a light container, decorative river rock, horti- layer of charcoal to act as a filter and culture charcoal, (charcoal sold for prevent stagnation. 3. Add a barrier fish tanks works), coffee filter or layer to keep the soil from sifting into sphagnum moss, potting soil and small the rocks. I used a coffee filter. 4. Add plants. three to four inches of premoistened

Photos by Sharon Quale

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Terrariums can be large or small, simple or complex, and take on each gardener’s personality and taste.

soil. (Make a funnel from light cardboard to direct the soil where you want it and keep it off the glass.) The last step is adding the plants. I find it is best to trim the root ball a bit to accommodate the shallower planting medium. Any number of plants can be used. A single African violet looks lovely as well as an assortment of small succulents. Don’t mix water loving varieties with plants liking a dry environment or you will end up with distressed or dead plants in a few weeks. Read the information labels on the plants to find what environment they like. Personalizing a terrarium with accent items is easy. I have small cat figurines in mine because I’m such a cat fancier. Larger pebbles, marbles and sea shells are attractive additions. Seasonal small figurines can be added such as Santas, valentine glass hearts or objects of interest to the recipient if it is a gift. Tiny embellishments are available in garden center sections

that cater to fairy gardens. Add colored moss or small pebbles to the top surface to finish the miniature garden. Fertilizing is not necessary because the idea is to keep the plants growth at a slow rate. Watering is only needed occasionally. Use a spray bottle and quit watering when the moisture accumulates on the bottom pebble layer. I make a device with q-tips taped to a wooden skewer to clean the glass sides of the terrarium. Finally, I quote an unnamed source who wrote these words in praise of terrariums: “Terrariums are pure magic, lighting up the faces of everyone who catches sight of these rare bits of natural beauty indoors. I have noticed that these mini secret gardens offer delight and calm to each home they grace.” Sharon Quale is a master gardener from central Minnesota. She may be reached at (218) 738-6060 or v

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THE LAND — JANUARY 25/FEBRUARY 1, 2019 — “Where Farm and Family Meet”


Coping with life, four corners and the 1,000-piece puzzle Monday was tough. A friend called How much more so in life? But I can get about her young daughter. Just when stuck in the weeds. Snagged in the insigthey thought they had turned a corner in nificant. her therapy, there was a disappointing When one of my best friends experisetback. Then another friend called about enced a horrendous storm (by no fault of her family. They were hurting and coping her own) she coined the term “small deal” with an unimaginable situation. Minutes to help her keep perspective. In light of later, my cell rang again. This friend was all she lost, slow traffic is now a small ready to throw in the towel at work. It deal, spilled milk is a small deal, as is THE BACK PORCH standing behind people in the express was too hard, too messy. She wondered if it was worth the battle. By Lenae Bulthuis line who have more than 10 items in And I was having my own terrible, hortheir cart. And from this big-picture perrible, no good, very bad day. I was facing multiple spective, she discovered most things in life are just deadlines in a narrow timeframe. And what I lacked that — a small deal. even more than time was words. A wordy girl with 2. Not all the pieces belong in your box. By no words? A stellar day for my husband Mike, not the eve of the tough Monday, I was crushed by the so much for me and the blank screen. weight of everything shared. And as I sorted Have you ever had a day or a season when it feels through the darkness, I realized there were handlike everything is falling to pieces? fuls of pieces that weren’t part of my puzzle. Disappointments, disease, disputes, and a string of Have you ever taken on other people’s problems as damp, dreary days can take a toll. Life can feel like if they were your own? Same here. So I picked up a 1,000-piece puzzle scattered throughout the room my responsibilities and released what I could not by a zealous toddler. Pieces are chewed on, tucked change nor was never meant to be mine. between couch cushions, and hidden where dust 3. Connecting matters. And though we’re not to bunnies gather. And you look at the mess and wonder if this is a Humpty Dumpty situation. Too much take on other people’s problems as if they belong to us, we need each other. Puzzle pieces are not to put together again. designed for solitude. Nor are people. And as I’ve sat with the scattered puzzle pieces from that Monday months ago, four things have brought me through. Like the four corner pieces of a puzzle, it’s held everything together for me. Maybe it can help you too. 1. See the big picture. To piece together a puzzle, we must see the picture on the cover of the box. It’s critical to see how the little pieces fit into something bigger.

Compeer scholarships available SUN PRAIRIE, Wis. — The Compeer Financial Fund for Rural America, Compeer Financial’s corporate giving program, is offering scholarships to 120 students this year. High school seniors from a rural background or pursuing post-secondary education in an agricultural field are encouraged to apply between now and March 15. Each scholarship recipient will receive $1,500 to offset educational expenses. Qualified applicants must live in Compeer Financial’s 144-county territory and have a 3.0 GPA or higher. Students can find the scholarship application at Applications can be emailed to or submitted in person at a local Compeer Financial office. The deadline for applications is March 15. This article was submitted by Compeer Financial.v

Over the years I’ve had more than one piece of luggage drop unto the baggage carousel orangetagged: “HEAVY — Get Help to Lift.” Here’s the thing. Life’s burdens are heavier still. But when we connect, prop each other up, and cheer each other on, we give one another the strength and hope to make it through. Like T.A. Webb wrote, “A burden shared is a burden halved.” 4. Look to the Creator. There are a number of ways to gather what’s been scattered and to fix what is broken. There’s trial and error, phone a friend, time and effort, and Google. And if you’ve run out of all viable options, there’s this thing called an instruction manual. Which may sound like crazy talk. But if you really wanted something fixed, no one would have greater know-how and expertise than the one who made it. The one who painted the picture and created the puzzle. And of the four corner pieces this brings the most peace to me. God, the Creator of all things, knows how life works best. So I bring Him the scattered pieces and ask Him to do what only He can do. Whether in this life or the next, it’s never too much to put together again. Lenae Bulthuis muses about faith, family, and farming from her back porch on her Minnesota grain and livestock farm. She can be reached at or @LenaeBulthuis. v

PAGE 10 — “Where Farm and Family Meet”


Make a resolution to try these tasty salads in 2019 1 cup tortilla strips ‘Tis the season to get on 1 can black beans, rinsed and the scale and see how much drained damage was done celebrat1 can whole kernel corn, drained ing Thanksgiving, 1 can black olives, drained Christmas, New Years and half of a small red onion, thinly every day in between. I sliced knew I needed to get back on track when I realized that dressing: the only salad I had eaten in 1 cup fresh cilantro, loosely COOKING days was Snickers Salad. packed WITH KRISTIN (Spoiler alert: Snickers 1/4 cup orange juice Salad has lots of Snickers in By Kristin Kveno 3 tablespoons lime juice it, some apples and plenty of 1 tablespoon honey (optional whipped cream. There’s no actual salad sweetener) involved in the whole dish.) 1/4 teaspoon ground cumin 1/8 teaspoon salt I’m ready to bid adieu to Snickers 1/8 teaspoon freshly-ground black pepper Salad, Cookie Salad and any other 2 tablespoons olive oil salad that doesn’t have veggies in it until next holiday season. I found Add cilantro, orange juice, lime juice, honey, these salad recipes that are tasty, sim- cumin, salt and pepper to a food processor or ple and delicious. Give them a try if blender and pulse until combined. Gradually you need to incorporate more vegetastream in the olive oil while pulsing until combles in your life! bined. I love a good taco salad. This version is light Toss all salad ingredients together until comand healthy. If you’re in the mood for a little bined, or serve “rainbow-style” lined up on top salad fiesta this recipe is for you! of the lettuce. Drizzle and toss with honey lime vinaigrette and serve. Skinny Taco Salad n 1 head Romaine lettuce, washed and roughly Chicken salad is delicious but can be laden chopped with plenty of calories. This recipe uses avoca1 avocado, peeled, pitted and diced do, Greek yogurt and mayonnaise. The combina2 cups cherry or grape tomatoes, halved (if tion is absolutely delicious and nutritious. This is desired) the only way my family makes chicken salad 2 cups fresh cilantro leaves, loosely packed now. Put this salad in a lettuce wrap for an easy 1 cup shredded sharp cheddar cheese meal with fewer calories.

Outside Sales Representative The Land, a weekly farm and rural life magazine going strong for over 40 years, is looking for an Outside Sales Representative for the Southeastern Minnesota territory. Candidates should have professional sales skills to service existing clients and to prospect and develop new businesses in a designated territory. Also essential is self-confidence, strong organizational habits, keen attention to detail and superior written and verbal communication skills. This position requires reliable transportation and a good driving record. The successful candidate must have a motivation for sales and may be allowed to work primarily from their home office. A company laptop will be provided. This position is full time, salary plus commission, mileage allowance, and other benefits.

Interested candidates should email their resume, salary requirements and a cover letter to

Deb Petterson, General Manager at:

Healthy Avocado Chicken Salad 2 cups shredded chicken 1 avocado 1/2 teaspoon garlic powder 1/2 teaspoon salt 1/2 teaspoon pepper 2 teaspoons lime juice 1 teaspoon fresh cilantro 1/4 cup mayo 1/4 cup plain Greek yogurt Mix all ingredients in a large bowl. Cover and refrigerate for at least 20 to 30 minutes to let all those flavors blend together. n A little known fact: Caesar salad was not created in Italy. Rather, it was the idea of a chef in a restaurant in Tijuana, Mexico. I for one am grateful to that chef as a good Caesar salad is one of my favorite meals — especially if there’s some delicious shrimp on top. This health-conscious recipe incorporates lemon garlic shrimp and creates a taste sensation that can’t be beat. Lemon Garlic Shrimp Caesar Salad 1/4 cup cubed ciabatta or sourdough (or storebought croutons) 1 pound large raw shrimp, peeled and deveined, tails intact juice of 1/2 a large lemon 1 tablespoon minced garlic pinch of salt cracked pepper, to taste 1/4 cup diced bacon 1 egg, soft boiled (or poached) 4 cups Romaine lettuce, leaves washed, dried 1/2 an avocado, sliced 1/4 cup shaved parmesan cheese 1/4 cup plain, non-fat Greek yogurt 1 tablespoon mayonnaise (reduced fat) 1/2 tablespoon olive oil 1 garlic clove, crushed (or 1 teaspoon minced garlic) 1 anchovy fillet, finely chopped or minced 1 tablespoon lemon juice 1-1/2 tablespoons freshly grated parmesan cheese salt and pepper for seasoning Preheat the oven to grill/broil settings on medium to high heat. Place the cubed bread onto an oven tray; drizzle with olive oil (or spray with cooking oil spray) and bake in the oven at 350 degrees (on middle shelf) until crispy. Alternatively, use store bought croutons. Combine the shrimp in a shallow bowl with the lemon juice, garlic, salt and pepper. Allow to marinade for 10 minutes or so while preparing

your other ingredients. Heat a grill pan (or skillet or non-stick pan) with a light drizzle of olive oil; fry the bacon until golden and crispy. Transfer to a warm plate; set aside. Drain some of the bacon fat from the pan, leaving about 1 teaspoon in the pan for the shrimp. Fry the shrimp for 2 to 3 minutes each side (be careful not to over-cook or they will get rubbery!) Set aside. To make the Caesar Dressing: combine the yogurt, mayo, oil, garlic, anchovies, lemon juice and parmesan in a magic bullet blender, small blender or a small food processor. Blend until well combined; add salt and pepper to your tastes, and blend again until smooth. Taste test. Assemble Salad: Combine the lettuce with the shrimp and bacon; avocado slices; shaved parmesan cheese; and croutons. Pour over the dressing; mix well to combine. Slice the egg and arrange on top. n There’s nothing better than a good Cobb salad — the chicken, blue cheese, avocado and BACON! While it may taste great, there’s nothing great about all those calories. This recipe keeps all the flavor and loses a lot of the calories resulting in a salad that everyone will be raving about. Cobb Salad 3 tablespoons white-wine vinegar 2 tablespoons finely minced shallot 1 tablespoon Dijon mustard 1 teaspoon freshly ground pepper 1/4 teaspoon salt 3 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil 10 cups mixed salad greens 8 ounces shredded cooked chicken breast 2 large eggs, hard-boiled, peeled and chopped 2 medium tomatoes, diced 1 large cucumber, seeded and sliced 1 avocado, diced 2 slices cooked bacon, crumbled 1/2 cup crumbled blue cheese, (optional) Whisk vinegar, shallot, mustard, pepper and salt in a small bowl to combine. Whisk in oil until combined. Place salad greens in a large bowl. Add half of the dressing and toss to coat. Divide the greens among four plates. Arrange equal portions of chicken, egg, tomatoes, cucumber, avocado, bacon and blue cheese (if using) on top of the lettuce. Drizzle the salads with the remaining dressing. If you’re in need of less Snickers Salad and more actual salads, then give these lighter but still awesome, salads a try! Do you have a recipe you want to share? You can reach Kristin at v

THE LAND — JANUARY 25/FEBRUARY 1, 2019 — “Where Farm and Family Meet”

Young farmers need to be magicians By DICK HAGEN The Land staff writer MORTON, Minn. — “My son came home to farm about five years ago. He’s now 28. When he came home, soybeans were about $17 right out of the field. That was his first taste of farming and he thought it was pretty good. Right now he’s in the red. There’s no way he can make it unless we share machinery and expenses.” That statement comes courtesy of Roger Kettner, a Morton, Minn. area farmer and board member of Farmward Cooperative — one of Minnesota’s newer farm cooperatives — consolidating in 2017. Farmward conducted its first annual meeting on Dec. 19. It was at the meeting where I caught up with Kettner who talked about how young people get started in farming today. Kettner said, “I think we’ll be okay. But the reality today is that any young farmer trying to make it standing on his own two feet will have to be a magician. I don’t see how he can do it.” Might crop shares, once common 30 to 40 years ago, become a consideration? He related, “Sure, that might be possible. But you’ve got to realize land owners have gotten comfortable with cash rent these days. Getting them to switch to the uncertainties of crop share rentals wouldn’t be their thinking. I cash rent some of my farmland to my son. Yes, we likely will negotiate cash rents for 2019. “When you get into explaining your fertilizer costs, chemical costs, seed and machinery costs per acre, it seems cash rents are so much easier to relate to the actual costs of farming. But that doesn’t mean it’s relevant to our situation today. And therein lies the challenge!” Smart marketing, even in today’s tariff-oriented scenario, is still the first step in successful farming — regardless commodity pricing. Producing good yields is still major. Kettner said this is where Farmward Cooperative is a big help. He said their 2018 corn crop was virtually all forward-contracted and 90 percent of soybeans were contract priced. “We’re right on the wire of meeting our break-even pricing on corn. Soybeans were probably in the black at little bit.” Comments made during the annual meeting by Farmward CEO and President Dave Stuk set the stage. “Farming will continue to evolve faster than ever before,” said Stuk. “From the advancement of data and information tools, to modern facilities and cutting-edge equipment, this evolution presents new opportunities for farmers. “But it also adds pressure and complexity. We’re here to guide our growers through this new landscape to help them reap the benefits technology brings while mitigating the challenges it poses. Side by side, advancing farming forward, we are Farmward Cooperative. Our foundation is to provide purpose,

vision and strategy to be a leader in providing our customers the products and services they need to succeed today and in the future. “Yes, 2018 was a challenging year. But we see it more as a defining point in our company’s history — a year that made us more resilient and committed to being your cooperative for generations to come.” Sept. 1, 2018 marked year one as Farmward Cooperative. This, like most farm co-ops today, is a full-service cooperative providing all crop and livestock inputs, plus crop loan services. Farmward has 1,600 voting members today. As a Farmward board member, Kettner understands his cooperative bands together with other cooperatives and farm commodity groups for stronger and more effective farm bills. But like many, he has questions. “My biggest concern when voting on the farm bill is they have so much other garbage included. Seems we’re kind of forced into that because of the diverse population of the country and the fact that agriculture, we farmers, represent a smaller minority each year a new farm bill is introduced. “If they could just deal with the brass tacks of farming itself it would be good. But it seems more welfare issues become part of each new farm bill. Something like 80 percent of the total farm bill budget goes for See KETTNER, pg. 15

January 26th & 27th, 2019 Saturday 9am - 4pm Sunday 9am - 3pm


PAGE 12 — “Where Farm and Family Meet”


Minnesota teen sixth at World Ploughing Championship By TIM KING four times a week for about three The Land Correspondent hours each night,” she said. RICHMOND, Minn. —Sixteen Then, in late July, Hailey put year-old Hailey Gruber took sixth her Case Farmall 55 tractor and place in the 2018 World Series of her Kvemeland competition plow Plowing. The event, which is offiin a 20-foot shipping container cially called the World Ploughing and sent it to Germany. Championship, took place in “It was there when we arrived,” Hofgut Einsiedel, Germany on Hailey, who traveled with her Sept. 1 and 2. father, Gene, said. Sixty-some competitors from 30 Hailey and Gene arrived in countries competed in the World Germany two weeks before the Ploughing Organization’s 65th competition. When she got to annual competition. Gruber, who Hofgut Einsiedel, Hailey set to was the youngest competitor and work practicing. She practiced one of only two women, came out her technique every day. ahead of competitors from “I didn’t know how well I’d do Estonia, Kenya, Scotland, and then, at practice, everybody Macedonia, and other countries in was so good I wasn’t sure about her competitive category of conmyself,” she said. ventional plowing. Eamon Tracey, of the Republic of Ireland, was the On the first day of competition, World Champion of Conventional competitors plow in stubble. On Ploughing. the second day, they plow in grass land. “There are two different kinds Photos submitted of competitive plowing: conven- Hailey Gruber guides her Case Farmall 55 tractor to make the perfect furrow at the 2018 World “To get a good score, you’re looktional and reversible,” Hailey Ploughing Championship which took place in Hofgut Einsidel, Germany last September. ing for the uniformity of the fursaid. “With conventional plowing, row so that the furrows on each you do your opening split which is two passes up and side look the same,” she said. down the field. You make one furrow and then you “The competition starts about 9 o’clock and we get come back and make two furrows.” 20 minutes to do an opening split and everybody has To prepare for the competition, Hailey spent countto be done at 9:20,” Hailey said. “The judges get an less hours practicing. hour to judge the opening splits and then we start up again at 10:20. We get two hours and forty minutes “Before the World competition I’d practice three to to do the rest of our plots. That includes the crown, general plowing, and a dead furrow.” Hailey’s sixth place was sealed with 173 points — only half a point behind fifth-place Jarmo Itälehto of Finland. By TIM KING Hailey’s mentor is her dad, who was world chamThe Land Correspondent pion in 2017 when the World contest was held in The 2019 World Ploughing Championship will be Kenya. In fact, she was inspired to become a comheld near Baudette, Minn., not far from the shores petitor in the local, state, country and international of Lake of the Woods, according to Anna Marie competitions by Gene. McHugh, general secretary of the World Plowing “Hailey would watch me practice and practice and Organization. After visiting the Baudette area from County Kildare in the Republic of Ireland, McHugh then she asked me when she could start plowing,” said she thought that the Lake of the Woods site Gene said with pride. “That fall, when she was seven, (which was selected by the United States Plowing she bought an old Ford tractor and plow and used that for two years,” Gene said. “Then she outgrew it Organization) was an excellent choice. and we got her something better.” “Once the World Ploughing Organization repreIt wasn’t too surprising that a member of the sentatives visited the venue, we could quickly Gruber family started competitive plowing at an Darin Zanke agree that Lake of the Woods was an ideal location New Ulm/Mankato Area early age. Gene started when he was 14. for the world ploughing contest,” she said. “We met David Baldner with a number of representatives from local tourist “My dad was plowing competitively back in the ‘50s Austin, MN boards and we met the head person from Lake of and ‘60’s,” he said. “Then my brothers, my sister and Michael Terry Faribault, MN the Woods Tourism and Henry Gruber, the chief I all plowed. Hailley is the third generation of organizer for USA 2019. Everyone was very effi- Grubers to plow.” See MINNESOTA, pg. 13 See GRUBER, pg. 13

2019 world championship takes place in Minnesota

THE LAND — JANUARY 25/FEBRUARY 1, 2019 — “Where Farm and Family Meet”


Gruber missed fifth-place finish in Germany by half a point GRUBER, from pg. 12 Hailey and Gene, along with other family members, have always been involved in the local and state plowing organizations. Gene and Hailey have also been regular competitors in the national competition. In fact, to compete in the World Ploughing competition, you have to be one of two winners of the national competition, which is sponsored by the United States Plowing Organization in Marion Iowa. In the early years of Gene’s competitive plowing, he didn’t own a competitive quality plow. He often did well in the nationals, but only middling in the World Ploughing Chmpionship. He plowed in Austria, Switzerland and the Republic of Ireland before he decided to get his own competitive plow and go for the gold. “My brother and I worked hard and we were getting closer and closer,” he said. “In 2010, I Gene Gruber displays the hardware he won as the 2017 World plowed in New Zealand and I broke the top ten. I Conventional Ploughing champion in Kenya, Africa. took ninth place. That was a big accomplishment Canada and broke the top five. Then I got fourth at for us. A couple of years later, I plowed in Alberta, the world competition in Denmark. In Kenya I won

both days of the competition. That was the first time in the 64-year history of the World Plowing Contest that the U.S. had won the gold.” Winning a plowing competition is exacting. Plowing a straight furrow is a number-one priority at the world contest. “We plow 330 feet and you’ll vary an inch left to right,” Gene says. “You may drive straight, but your plow may shift. You’re plowing perpendicular to the way the field was farmed, so it’s a little rough. That’s a challenge. You probably get off the tractor close to 100 times during competition to measure your width and depth and to make adjustments on the plow.” Gene says that he works on his plowing yeararound. When he can, he’s on his tractor finetuning his technique. When the ground freezes, he’s in his shop working on the equipment. Both he and Hailey agree that it’s all fun, not work. They also agree that having plowing friends all over the world has enriched their lives. v

2019 plowing event expected to draw 60 competitors MINNESOTA, from pg. 12 cient, capable and had a very comprehensive plan for the event.” McHugh said that she expects that a couple thousand spectators will attend the annual international event. The spectators will be in addition to 60 competitive plowing teams from around 30 different countries. The plowing teams require a flat stone-free field of approximately 150 acres for practice plowing and the actual competition. The site also must have a large adjacent area for competitors to park their tractors and assemble their tractors and plows. McHugh says that the competitive plows are generally Kverneland with a few Lemken. But each plow is unique. “If you look in detail at the individual plougher’s plough, each person has created a very unique

machine — unique to them alone,” she said. “Every plougher has their own bit to add to plough. They mould it into the machine that they specifically wish to use. Every single competition plough is different in some way as the competitor has done a huge amount of engineering to make it the best they can. Each plough in the world contest really would be priceless. If a competitor had to use a new replacement plough, it may take them a lifetime to create again what they lost in the old plough.” The World Plowing Organization was founded in Workington, Cumberland, England in 1952. The aim of the organization is to preserve and improve agricultural techniques — especially plowing — and to “foster a vigorous spirit of co-operation and enterprise in producing food for an increasing world population.” The symbol of the World Plowing Organization is

the Cairn of Peace. “Basically, the idea is that in the World Ploughing Organization we all participate together in peace. We have a common ground and we are brought together through our mutual love and interest in the sport of ploughing and the land,” McHugh said. “We have some very special ceremonies during the contest programme including the unveiling of the cairn of peace which has the inscription, “let peace cultivate the land.” Around the cairn we place all the flags of the participating countries and we raise the flags at the opening ceremony — signaling the opening of the contest. And when the competition ends, we take down the flags during a ceremony as well.” The 2019 World Ploughing Championship will take place Aug. 30 through Sept. 1. You can learn more by visiting or worldploughing. org. v

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PAGE 14 — “Where Farm and Family Meet”


People, not product will influence agriculture’s future By DICK HAGEN The Land Staff Writer OLIVIA, Minn. — One of the genuine success stories in American agriculture is Hefty Seed Company, originating 20 years ago from their own farming operation a few miles south of the thriving city of Baltic, S.D. Brian Hefty The Hefty crew invited Olivia, Minn. area farmers for a ‘sit down’ buffet at Max’s Grill on Jan. 7 for an update on what’s new with Hefty Seeds. The spokesperson at the event was Brian Hefty, elder brother of Darrin. The two young men have convincably proven customized service is indeed the preference of today’s farm audience. Brian gave me a few minutes to satisfy my curiousity. The Land: How big is Hefty Seeds today and how big might you eventually be? Hefty: We’re at 45 stores in 12 states today. Eventually? I don’t know, but I will say this: It seems many in this corporate agriculture world have a grand plan of being so big by such a date. We’re just trying to provide good value to farmers. We don’t need to expand, but we know there is a lot of opportunity out there. Farmers are becoming more particular about the products and services they need — especially in today’s cost/price squeeze.

255 16th Street South St. James, MN 56081

The Land: With 45 stores there inevitably are dif- younger replacements. They’re also looking for help ferences in the results from one store to another. on the technology inputs of today’s farming. Why? The Land: Is there a shortage of technically Hefty: Almost always the same reason and that is trained young people for farming? the people. Other companies frequently ask me, Hefty: I think not. I feel the way a lot of people in ‘What are the limiting factors in your business?’ I business today also feel … there’s a lot of young peosimply say there’s only one limiting factor and that is ple that just don’t want to work hard! Young people the people we have. We’re fortunate. We have great are smart today. So they can do the job, but it’s a quespeople. It somewhat reminds me of the 1980s when I tion of are they willing to do the job? was in school — the same school my kids (Brian has three) attend today. Back then, a lot of the kids were The Land: Is our primary education system at farm kids. I was lucky. My dad didn’t tell me I fault? couldn’t come back to the farm. But a lot of dads back Hefty: I’ve got three kids in school: seventh grade, then were telling their kids, ‘You can do anything you ninth grade and twelveth grade. My wife is on our want except come back to local school board. We’re very the farm.’ So very likely familiar with what’s going on a lot of talented young What happens if we have a seri- in education and so much people got kicked out of depends upon the parents. If ous weather challenge like the agriculture because their drought year of 2012? Suddenly they spend good time with the dads didn’t see a finankids, these kids are often doing this surplus disappears and you cial future for them. better in school. But I look at might have $8 corn. But then what kids are being taught The Land: Thanks to what happens? We very quickly these days. It’s considerably all the bright, educated have priced ourselves out of the more advanced than when I people in agriculture world market. was in school. Being a good today, are we increasing production more rapidly — Brian Hefty student somewhat boils down to how hard are they willing to than our markets can work. Yes, single-parent situaabsorb? tions often complicate issues. Or with both mom and Hefty: Yes, you could debate that argument just a dad working, how can they find time to attend their bit. But thanks to the entrepreneurial spirit of agri- children’s school functions? I recall my dad rarely culture today, we keep finding new uses too. Just look came to my sporting events because he was simply too at the change in demand today. Consider how much busy doing the farming. Yes, the challenge for teachers corn is being utilized today vs. 10 years ago and 20 and schools is to keep advancing their abilities too. years back? It keeps going up. It’s not just feed and ethanol today … it’s literally dozens of new uses. The Land: Hefty Seeds seems a leader when it That’s the excitement of research scientists around comes to seed treatments. How did this service come the world. However, world population keeps increas- into being so rapidly? ing too. We’re at about 7.7 billion today. The projec- Hefty: Famers are willing to accept things that tion is 8 billion by 2023. In America there are about work, that help them make more yield, that might 187,400 new births each day and only about 78,600 prevent issues during the growing season and improve deaths per day. And what happens if we have a seri- their soils in the process. Farmers are very innovative ous weather challenge like the drought year of 2012? and willing to try new things is what helps keep them Suddenly this surplus disappears and you might going. Today, all of our seed comes with seed treathave $8 corn. But then what happens? We very ments. Most corn brands have three fungicides and quickly have priced ourselves out of the world mar- one insecticide. We don’t stop there. We’re now up to ket. The right supply at the right time, but there’s no 34 components on some of our seed corn. Just think formula for that kind of magic. about that … 34 different things on a seed plus the The Land:Is farming now so expensive that young polymer to hold it on the seed. And going forward there will be even more. Our proprietary blend of people simply cannot get started in farming? fungicides, insecticides and biologicals means healthHefty: It’s a huge challenge because of both equip- ier plants and better yields. All the big companies are ment and land costs. Thinking back 25 years when I spending lots of money on biological these days. was a beginner, would I have been farming today Healthier soils is the new thinking with farmers. And without the help of my father? Probably not. There our seed treatments are part of that package. aren’t very many first-generation farmers out there today. It can be done, but you’d need some real pas- The Land: Do you see alternative crops such as sion. How do you develop that passion unless you’ve hemp coming on in Midwest agriculture? been working with someone already farming? Hefty: I don’t know what the future is going to Farmers aren’t getting younger. I’m told the average bring, but change is inevitable. My dad was president age today is now up to 59. That sends a message. A of the South Dakota Soybean Growers Association in growing number of older farmers are looking for See HEFTY, pg. 15

THE LAND — JANUARY 25/FEBRUARY 1, 2019 — “Where Farm and Family Meet”


Hefty: ‘I would love to have a better deal with China’ HEFTY, from pg. 14 1984. At that time, we had 400,000 acres of soybeans in the entire state. Today, South Dakota has over 5 million acres of soybeans. If you add up total acres of soybeans in both Dakotas last year, it would have been the number-one state in America for soybeans. So in just one generation of farming, we have seen a huge shift. Ahead? It just depends upon what the world needs. It could be industrial hemp; it could be something I’ve never heard of. For our 3,000 acre farm, I’d love to have four or five or six different crops. But on our farm today, corn and soybeans are what make the most money. And right now as a farmer, I need every dollar we can generate. The Land: Are trade disputes with China, our single biggest customer for U.S. farm products, inevitable? Hefty: I can give you one example and that is Enlist, a new trait for soybeans where we can spray Roundup, Liberty and 2,4-D over the top of the beans.

It looks amazing. The genetics are great. We’ve been working with it for about five years. The chemistry is a new 2,4-D which is awesome compared to the old, and better than Dicamba. So I’m excited about Enlist — especially since the scientists in China have already said it’s a totally safe product. So what’s holding it up? Why hasn’t it gotten approved? Dow thought it was going to get approved four years ago. Apparently, China is trying to work us for a ‘better deal’ on everything else they buy from us. China sends a lot of their stuff into our country with no questions asked. Yet when we’re wanting to ship some of our products to China, they come up with a variety of reasons why that can’t happen. At this stage I don’t know what Trump might get done on foreign trade. But as a farmer and a U.S. citizen, I would love to have a better deal with China in general. Editor’s note: On Jan. 10 Chinese officials announced approval of genetically engineered crops. This clears

the way for Dow/DuPont Inc. to begin selling Enlist. The Land: Is warmer world weather a threat to U.S. agriculture? Hefty: Since we’ve already dealt with a couple of blizzards this winter, I could use a little global warming. I’m not a climatologist but I do know this: Where we farm we have a challenge because of colder weather. We can’t raise two crops like they can down south. We get the opportunity to raise just one crop. Every spring we are planting into cold soils. So if the average temperature went up 1 degree, is that going to hurt us? I think not. But I don’t know all the other issues around the world. Also, a lot of people believe this is just cyclical. There have been heating periods; there have been cooling periods in history. The Land: What is the biggest challenge facing Hefty Seeds tomorrow? Hefty: Always it will be people. We simply want great people who can give good advice to farmers every day on this entire dynamic of modern agriculture. We do a lot of training with our people, so hopefully our agronomy staff is the best in the country. on soybeans. Sure, markets could change before we But the bigger question in the future will be finding KETTNER, from pg. 11 these special welfare provisions. Yet we get attacked plant. But crop acres depend very much on your crop people who know farmers and agriculture well by the non-farm media and non-ag members of rotations. Keeping our soils healthy is getting talked enough to be of genuine value to every customer. v v Congress as being selfish. They have no concept of more than ever before.” the risks we take each year in planting our new crops without any guarantee of what weather events will be happening. There is no other industry in America which plugs millions of dollars into the start of its next production campaign without any guarantee of final results”, summed up Kettner. He and his son farm 1,200 acres plus an Angus cow/ Invest in the success of all three with a calf herd with pasture land in the Minnesota River membership in Southwest Minnesota Farm valley. They background the calves and sell as yearling feeders. Plus they raise sweet corn and alfalfa. Business Management Association “The cow/calf operation has been fairly steady for us. We don’t have a lot of input costs. We bought our pasture ground years ago.” Visit: Cost cutting strategies for the Kettners for 2019? Kettner said lowering seed costs by eliminating some Call: 507-752-5094 certain traits is a starting point. But they’re not Email: Many going the route of ‘conventional seed.’ “I’ve been NEW AUGERS farming about 40 years. We need certain traits. I On Hand remember when there were no traits. It’s no fun picking corn off the ground. Today, the Co-op has affiliated with: excellent agronomists who keep us posted on whatever precautions to consider. “We had our share of weather-stressed corn this year,” Kettner went on to say. “Soybeans mostly came 507-256-7501 through okay, but dry-down time to get fields harGeneva, MN 56035 vested without fighting the mud was a challenge. It was a tough year. Yet we’re grateful to be looking ahead of a better year in 2019. “Yes, we’re hearing about hemp as being a possible ~ USED AUGERS - ON HAND ~ new crop alternative. But sounds to me like that crop needs some time to mature. For now, it looks like In Many Lengths! The University of Minnesota Extension is an equal opportunity educator & employer. guys will be expanding corn acres and cutting back

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PAGE 16 — “Where Farm and Family Meet”



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ARE NEMATODES ROBBING YOUR FIELDS OF YIELD? NEMATODES ARE SILENT KILLERS in a farmer’s field, causing damage that can’t always be seen and robbing yield along the way. When trying to combat these difficult pests, farmers need solutions that offer impactful results.

symptoms do occur because of significant infestation, they are often sporadic and imitate other production related issues, like drought stress or fertility deficiency. Controlling nematode populations early can greatly diminish the potential for yield loss.”

“Damage to plants occur when nematodes feed on roots, which can heavily impact plant growth. Unfortunately, this doesn’t always develop above-ground symptoms,” says Jim Schwartz, director of PFR and Agronomy for Beck’s Hybrids. “Even if above ground

Prevalent in both corn and soybeans, there are many types of nematode species. Ectoparasite species exist in the soil and may move around and “graze” on roots. Endoparasite species spend most of their lives feeding inside the roots. Different species are more popular in different soil types, for instance, ectoparasitic species are more common in sandier soils. No matter the species, all nematodes can lead to moisture and nutrient uptake restrictions and lead to yield-robbing diseases, like root rot.

A NEW LEVEL OF SEED PROTECTION Beck’s newest addition to Escalate®, NEMASECT ™, offers farmers an effective way to manage nematodes in their fields. • As a biological, it’s safe to handle and safe for the environment • Multiple modes of action against the most common nematode species: lesion, stunt, dagger, and stubby root • Controls nematodes within 24 to 48 hours • A broad spectrum nematicide with activity on many soildwelling insects • Delivers an additional yield protection advantage of 12.2 Bu./A. in corn and 3.5 Bu./A. in soybeans**

Each year, nematodes are responsible for more than $3 billion loss due to crop damage*. While many nematode species feed on both corn and soybeans, soybean specific species do not typically feed on other plant types. Soybean cyst nematode (SCN) infestations can cut yields as much as 30 percent and not only cause stunting, yellowing, early death, reduced nodulation and lower yields, but can also serve as an entry point for other diseases. SCN is the number one cause of yield loss in soybeans and is prevalent in majority of the soybean acres in the United States. Schwartz says the most critical time to control nematodes is in the first 30-45 days the seed goes in the ground. NEMASECT™ controls nematodes within 24 to 48 hours and impacts both egg and juvenile nematode populations for up to 60 days. But this revolutionary nematicide doesn’t stop there. With its multiple modes of action, it also acts as a powerful insecticide and has activity on many soil-dwelling insects. Management practices like crop rotation, eliminating winter annual weed species, planting resistant varieties, planting early, minimizing growth stresses, and using seed treatments can all aid farmers in the fight

“Damage to plants occur when nematodes feed on roots, which can heavily impact plant growth. Unfortunately, this doesn’t always develop aboveground symptoms.” against nematodes. Farmers should take advantage of the tools at their disposal to control damaging nematodes and protect yields, especially when one offers the effectiveness of NEMASECT. A revolutionary nematicide and insecticide, NEMASECT comes standard as part of Beck’s Escalate® seed treatment on corn and soybeans. The best part? It comes at no additional charge, so it’s putting even more money back into farmers’ pockets. Farmers can be confident their crops have an added defense against nematodes and insects, and can look forward to additional yield protection. *Society of Nematologists. “Information on Nematology.” 2018. Web. **Corn results from two-year field trials at 50 locations (2016 and 2017) vs. competitive standard. Corn trials conducted in nematode infested fields in NE, MN, MO, IA, IL, IN, OH and AL. Soybean results from two-year field trials at 124 locations (2016 and 2017) vs. competitive standard. Soybean trials conducted in nematode infested fields in IN, IL, IA, OH, WI, MN, NE, KY, VA, NC, GA, AL, LA, MS, AR. Individual results will vary based on nematode pressure in each field.

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Beck’s is an industry leader in providing the corn, soybean, wheat, elite alfalfa, small seeds and other tools farmers need to succeed. NEMASECT™ and Escalate® are trademarks of Beck’s Superior Hybrids, Inc.

THE LAND — JANUARY 25/FEBRUARY 1, 2019 — “Where Farm and Family Meet”


PAGE 18 — “Where Farm and Family Meet”



Grain Outlook Little market action as news is scarce

Cash Grain Markets

Grain Angles Crop insurance and risk managmenent

corn/change* soybeans/change* Stewartville $3.27 -.01 $8.09 -.06 Edgerton $3.39 +.01 $8.19 -.10 Jackson $3.39 +.01 $8.23 -.05 Janesville $3.44 .00 $8.27 -.03 The following marketing analysis is for the week Cannon Falls $3.31 .00 $8.09 -.06 ending Jan. 18. Sleepy Eye $3.35 -.01 $8.15 -.09 CORN — Unexpectedly, we had a couple of fire Average: $3.36 $8.17 work days this past week. After a quiet start to the week, corn plunged to the bottom of the recent trad- Year Ago Average: $3.00 $8.81 ing range on Jan. 15 on reports that U.S. Trade Grain prices are effective cash close on Jan. 22. Representative Robert Lighthizer didn’t see any *Cash grain price change represents a two-week period. progress on structural issues in the trade talks with China. Structural issues include the technology problems which got all this started in the first place. However, China’s Vice Premier Liu He is scheduled to come to Washington Jan. 30-31 for further high level discussions. On Jan. 17, the market roared PHYLLIS NYSTROM back to life on rumors that the Since the first of the year, the livestock markets CHS Hedging Inc. United States had sold wheat to have shown some very interesting moves in their St. Paul non-state Chinese buyers; and the respective price structures. Cattle prices have expeUnited States was considering rienced a rather sharp rally, while the feeder cattle lifting the tariffs on Chinese have experienced a fairly significant drop in price. goods to calm the markets and entice China to make The hog market actually showed signs of stabilizing “real” concessions when they meet in Washington. during that same time frame. Without any reports to confirm export business, the Weather has played a large roll market was left to rely on cash market input, which in all of the livestock trade durdidn’t reflect any big wheat business being done. ing this period. As the weather As the bell rang on Jan. 18 before the long weekend, outlook appears to be changing there were statements from the United States that more toward winter-type condinothing had been done in relation to lifting tariffs on tions through most of the domiChinese goods. And from the trade, maybe a cargo of nant livestock areas, this could wheat had been sold off the Pacific Northwest. As the keep these markets on a roller session progressed, it came to light that China had JOE TEALE offered to pick up the pace of U.S. purchases to the coaster in the weeks ahead. Broker The recent rally in the cattle tune of $1 trillion over the next six years. U.S. officials Great Plains Commodity were reportedly skeptical of the offer and if true, they market can mostly be attributed Afton, Minn. to the adverse weather condiwould prefer it occur over the next two years. U.S. ethanol production increased this week, but tions in the major cattle feeding ethanol stocks also rose. Production was 51,000 bar- areas. Sloppy yard conditions and mud-packed anirels per day higher at 1.051 million bpd, but this was mals have created havoc with many feedlots in the still 1 percent lower than last year. Stocks were up 4 country. million gallons to 981 million gallons. Weekly export Because of the worry regarding the weather, the inspections were 39.9 million bushels. We are 61.4 futures market quickly moved higher with the expecpercent ahead of last year and need to average 46.1 tation that cash prices would follow. However, the million bushels per week to hit the U.S. Department cash trade really didn’t follow the futures market to of Agriculture’s 2.45-billion-bushel export projection. substantially higher levels. China also stated they anticipate one more year of Product movement has been steady and beef cutstate corn reserve sales. They expect corn stocks to outs have been steady to slightly higher in recent return to more normal levels after 2019. trading. Packers seem to be content with slowing March corn rallied this week to its highest level down the slaughter rates and therefore have not since Jan. 9 and December corn revisited price levels been aggressive in picking up new inventory. With

The 2019 crop insurance renewal season is in full swing. As you contemplate what your options are, it’s important for you to know all of the different options available to you. Building a risk management program with multi-peril crop insurance is not a cookiecutter solution, and not all crop insurance agents are created equal. As you prepare to meet with your trusted agent, I encourage you to ask yourself these questions to better prepare: What is most important to you and your operation in purchasing insurance? What is your individual risk management philosophy? How do you utilize your guarantees to market? What is your cost of proROB MOLINE duction by crop or even by field? Compeer Crop Insurance Team Leader By answering these key quesMankato, Minn. tions, you will be better suited to select the right plan for your own operation. Formulating a plan suited for your operation has the ability to ultimately help you attain the goals you have set forth for operation and for your family. Mulit-peril crop insurance is the base for any risk management plan. However, there are several options available, including: revenue protection, yield protection and area plans. A majority of producers are utilizing revenue protection. Revenue protection will set a base guarantee with the average price in the month of February, looking at November 2019 for soybeans and December 2019 for corn. With revenue protection, a producer will utilize their own 10-year production history. Each producer has the option to utilize optional or enterprise units. Optional gives you a guarantee on each individual section, while enterprise will group crop by county. In order to determine the bushel guarantee for your operation, choose a percentage of coverage, multiplied by your actual production yield history. That bushel guarantee is then multiplied by the spring price to get your baseline revenue coverage. Most importantly, you must answer the question, “what is your cost of production?” As farmers, our goal is always to grow the best crop we can, while taking care of the land we work, to ensure it’s the most productive it can be. Knowing your cost of production will tell you what level of revenue you need to attain in order to mitigate any potential losses. Crop insurance isn’t meant

See NYSTROM, pg. 19

See MOLINE, pg. 19

Livestock Angles Weather impacts livestock markets

See TEALE, pg. 19

Information in the above columns is the writer’s opinion. It is no way guaranteed and should not be interpreted as buy/sell advice. Futures trading always involves a certain degree of risk.

THE LAND — JANUARY 25/FEBRUARY 1, 2019 — “Where Farm and Family Meet”


Soybean crush sets record for 14th straight month NYSTROM, from pg. 18 last seen in early November. For the week, March corn was 3.5 cents higher at $3.81.75, July up 3 cents at $3.97.25, and the December contract was 2.25 cents higher at $4.03.74 per bushel. Outlook: Heading into a short trading week with no trading on Jan. 21 due to Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, traders remained somewhat cautious on tweets, rumors and headlines. Without the USDA to verify any export business actually being done, we are left to our own devices and rumor mills. Corn is still in a sideways pattern despite this week’s gains. SOYBEANS — Soybeans began the week on a soft note after Brazil received moisture, but not enough to say all their dryness concerns were alleviated. On Jan. 17, soybeans benefited from the same rumors and trade chatter which sparked corn higher (stated above). If we can reach an agreement with China, it could mean additional soybean business. However, that business could be limited with U.S. soybeans priced higher (even without the tariff) than Brazilian soybeans and Brazil beginning their harvest. Reportedly, several Brazilian soybean vessels that were looking for homes found them in China this week. It also makes sense to question China’s demand. They are still finding new cases of African swine fever in their hogs. It has now been found in every

province in China and has spread to Mongolia. China reported this past week that 916,000 hogs had been culled. This may be an understatement as over 100 cases have been verified. Rabobank believes China’s pig herd could fall as much at 20 percent this year due to the disease. According to China, their hog inventory was down 4.8 percent from a year ago in December and the sow herd was 8.3 percent lower than a year ago. China asked for farmers to restock quickly to avoid a shortage of pork and higher prices later in the year. Due to the ASF, China’s meal prices have fallen to their lowest in three years on weak demand. The last USDA forecast for Chinese soybean imports was 90 million metric tons. This number may be called into question on future balance sheets. Brazil continues to experience dryness in the central and northeastern regions. How much rain they receive before traders return after the holiday weekend may affect next week’s trading. Most outlooks for Brazil’s soybean crop fall into the 115 mmt to 118 mmt range. Celeres cut their Brazilian soybean production forecast 5 mmt to 117.2 mmt. In Argentina, the Buenos Aires Grain Exchange lowered their soybean acreage estimate 200,000 hectares to 17.7 mil-

MOLINE, from pg. 18 to insure a profit, but to help mitigate the size of losses you have the potential to incur. As a subsidized product, it’s important to maximize the revenue product at the highest levels to match where you want to be for your operation. With the base set, you now have to ask, “what’s the biggest peril that you worry about?” When I ask the producers this question, often times the answer is hail. So what’s the best thing to utilize to protect your crop from this peril? A key factor to remember

is that hail takes off the top bushels produced — meaning those are the first bushels lost. If hail is a concern for you, it’s important to look at coverage options for your operation when meeting with your trusted crop insurance partner When looking at multi-peril and hail, it’s important to understand your total dollars of coverage. Say, for example, you were to get hailed out. Are you okay with the amount of coverage you have? Knowing that value is extremely important and there are different options available to get you there.

TEALE, from pg. 18 the futures market currently at a premium to cash, this could set up the possibility that the futures may correct the recent rally experienced in recent trading. Weather will continue to dominate the cattle in the weeks ahead and is likely to see an unsettled cattle market as a result. Producers should continue to monitor market and weather conditions and protect inventories when necessary. The hog market appears to be attempting to establish a low at the present time as prices have stayed relatively steady to slightly higher. The same holds true to pork cutout which also appears to be holding relatively steady. Product movement has been improving slightly overall, which is helping packers maintain a positive margin. With the prediction by

many weather forecasters calling for more severe cold and snow conditions, the likelihood of disruption to the marketing of live hogs could play a major role in future price direction. The African swine fever continues to make news and could have an effect on prices if the disease continues to expand. Product movement has been improving over the past month or so which gives rise to the possibility the hog market could see price improvement. The futures market continues to hold fairly large premiums to the cash trade, indicating traders believe that prices are likely to improve in the months ahead. Producers are urged to keep close attention to market and weather conditions and protect inventories if needed. v


lion hectares, or 43.7 million acres, due to heavy rain. The December National Oilseed Processors Association soybean crush report was better than anticipated and set another monthly record for the 14th month in a row. The December crush was 171.8 million bushels and was the third-highest monthly crush ever. Soyoil stocks were slightly less than expected at 1.498 billion pounds compared to 1.571 billion pounds estimated. Weekly export inspections were a seven-week high at 39.9 million bushels. We need to average 35 million bushels per week to achieve the USDA’s 1.90-billion-bushel export outlook. Outlook: The holiday-shortened trading week will rely on how much rain Brazil receives, how much is in the forecast, if Argentina can back off excess rain, and what is going on with China. Looking at the big picture, it is difficult to formulate a scenario where soybeans can surpass this winter’s high. Even if China returns to the United States for soybeans, it will likely only amount to what the government tells their trading house to buy. Brazilian beans are cheaper than U.S. origin, so only politics would drive purchases from the United States. For the week, March soybeans rallied 6.5 cents to $9.16.75, July up 6.25 cents at $9.42.5, and November soybeans were 3.75 cents higher at $9.55.75 per bushel. v

Multiple options are available for crop insurance coverage

Pork continues wait and see pattern

We’ll first look at hail insurance. There are multiple options available to get you the needed coverage, and different premiums for the amount of money you want to spend. Wind can be a large peril as well. There are wind policies which can be utilized if that’s one of your concerns. Looking at total dollars of coverage, there are revenue and bushel products which can guarantee you up to 95 percent of your trendadjusted APH by offering higher levels of coverage options. We have seen the success of these products by helping our producers guarantee additional dollars over their current multi-peril coverage. Ultimately, you as a producer need to decide what’s most important to you. How many dollars of coverage do you need, and how much do you want to spend to get that level of coverage? There are a lot of questions which need to be answered, along with identifying goals. Each producer should strive to work with their trusted crop insurance partner to find the right individualized plan for their operation. No single operation has the same goals, cost of production and/or risk tolerance. Take the time to develop your goals, understand risk tolerance, create or update your grain marketing plan and determine your cost of production. Knowing these details will help you be successful in mitigating your risk and achieve your goals. Compeer Financial can help you put together a risk management plan for your individual operation today. For additional insights from Moline and the rest of the Compeer team, visit v

PAGE 20 — “Where Farm and Family Meet”


2018 ARC-CO info stalled by government shutdown Crop producers are now in the process grain prices and average county yields to of doing their crop income and expense determine ARC-CO payments. ARC-CO estimates for the 2019 crop year. One of payments for corn, soybeans or any other the big questions for farm managers is crops are paid when the actual county whether to expect any Agriculture Loss revenue for a crop in a given crop year Coverage-County payments from the falls below the calculated county “reve2018 crop year in October this year. For nue guarantee” for that crop. The actual the 2017 crop year, very few counties county revenue is the final Farm Service received ARC-CO payments for corn or Agency county yield for a crop for that FARM PROGRAMS year times the final national market year soybeans, except in counties which had significant crop yield reductions in 2017 average price for the year for that crop. If By Kent Thiesse due to weather issues. The lower 2018 that final county revenue amount is benchmark prices for corn and soylower than the county revenue guarbeans will likely make 2018 ARC-CO antee for that crop, producers in payments for corn and soybeans that county who are enrolled in the quite limited again in most areas. Similar to 2017, ARC-CO farm program would earn an ARC-CO paycounties which incurred reductions in average ment for that year. Each county also has a maxiyields in 2018 are most likely to receive a 2018 mum ARC-CO payment level for each crop. ARC-CO payment for corn or soybeans. The revenue guarantee for a given crop is the Most crop producers in the upper Midwest are benchmark revenue times 86 percent (.86). The enrolled in the Ag Risk Coverage farm program benchmark revenue for 2018 is the five-year (2013choice on their corn and soybean base acres for the 2017) county average yield, dropping the high and 2014 to 2018 crop years. A large percentage of crop low yield, times the benchmark price, which is the producers in the region earned a significant 2014 five-year (2013-2017) average market year average corn ARC-CO payment, while farm operators in price, again dropping the high and low price. The some counties also earned a partial ARC-CO paynational benchmark prices for 2018 are $3.70 per ment on their corn base acres for 2015 and 2016, bushel for corn and $9.63 per bushel for soybeans, before receiving no payment for 2017. The ARC-CO which have been declining each year from the highpayments for soybeans have been much lower and est benchmark prices of $5.29 per bushel for corn less likely in most areas, due to above-average soyand $12.27 per bushel for soybeans in both 2014 bean yields in most areas of the region. Some coun- and 2015. The significantly lower benchmark prices ties in the upper Midwest that had reduced soybean for 2018 lowers the potential maximum ARC-CO yields in 2017 did receive a small 2017 ARC-CO payments, as well as reducing the likelihood of payment. receiving 2018 payments in many counties. The ARC-CO program utilizes national average Some counties in Minnesota and Iowa will have increased county corn and soybean benchmark yields for 2018, compared to much lower levels in 2015 and 2016. This is due to the lower yield years of 2011 and 2012 being dropped from the five-year benchmark yield calculation, and being replaced by 2016 and 2017, which were years with much higher county yields. The result will be higher final 2018 county yield levels to initiate potential 2018 corn and soybean ARC-CO payments. However, the improvements in the county benchmark yields for 2018 will be more than offset by the decline in 2018 benchmark prices. The 2018 corn benchmark price is 30 percent below the 2015 benchmark price, while the 2018 soybean benchmark price is 22 percent Also: Insecticides & Fungicides, Nurse Trailers, below 2015 benchmark price. The lower 2018 benchprices will likely mean that only counties with Liquid & Low Salt Fertilizer, LG Seeds, Traeger mark final 2018 corn and soybean yields that were below the 2018 county BM yields are likely to earn any Smoker Grills, Telescoping Flag Poles and 2018 ARC-CO payments. Enduraplas Poly Tanks The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s National Agricultural Statistics Service is scheduled to release the 2018 estimated average county yields for corn, soybeans and other crops in late February. However, this date could be delayed due to the fed27296 730th Avenue - Albert Lea, MN 56007 eral government shutdown. The NASS county yields will offer a good estimate of where final 2018


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CO farm program payments are likely to end up, depending on the final 2018 market year average price level. The NASS county yield estimates may be adjusted slightly by USDA, based on 2018 planted acres, to arrive at the final 2018 county FSA yields, which are used to calculate the 2018 ARCCO payments. This could a factor in some counties that had a large amount of prevented planted acres in 2018. The 2018 market year average price for corn and soybeans is the national average price from Sept. 1, 2018 to Aug. 31, 2019, with prices being finalized on Sept. 30. As of Dec. 1, USDA is projecting 2018 market year average prices at $3.60 per bushel for corn and $8.60 per bushel for soybeans. These market year average price estimates will continue to be adjusted by USDA in the monthly World Agricultural Supply and Demand Estimates report which is usually released around the 10th of each month. There have been no updated WASDE reports in 2019 due to the federal government shutdown. The relationship between the final 2018 county yield and the 2018 county benchmark yields is extremely important in calculating potential 2018 ARC-CO payments for corn and soybeans. Expressing the 2018 county yield as a “percentage of benchmark yield” is more important than the final county yield in determining estimated ARCCO payments. Once the final 2018 NASS county yield estimates are released, it is possible to make some fairly accurate 2018 ARC-CO payment estimates at various final 2018 market yield average price levels. Following is the likelihood of corn and soybean ARC-CO payments for the 2018 crop year, at the current market year average price estimates of $3.60 per bushel for corn and $8.60 per bushel for soybeans, for various levels of the percentage of benchmark yield: Corn — Any county that has a percentage of benchmark yield of 78 percent or less will likely realize the maximum estimated 2018 ARC-CO payment for that county. Counties with a percentage of benchmark yield of 79 to 83 percent will likely receive 51 to 99 percent of the maximum 2018 ARCCO payment. Counties with a percentage of benchmark yield of 84 to 87 percent will likely receive 1 to 50 percent of the maximum 2018 ARC-CO payment. Counties with a percentage of benchmark yield of 88 percent or higher will likely not receive a 2018 ARC-CO payment. Soybeans — Any county that has a percentage of benchmark yield of 84 percent or less will likely realize the maximum 2018 ARC-CO payment for that county. Counties with a percentage of benchmark yield of 85 to 90 percent will likely receive 50 to 99 percent of the maximum 2018 ARC-CO payment. Counties with a percentage of benchmark yield of 91 to 96 percent will likely receive 1 to 49 See THIESSE, pg. 21

THE LAND — JANUARY 25/FEBRUARY 1, 2019 — “Where Farm and Family Meet”


ARCO payments paid on 85 percent of base acres THIESSE, from pg. 20

final 2018 county yield of approximately 165 bushels per acre or lower, percent of the maximum 2018 ARCCO payment. Counties with a percent- and the maximum payment would occur at a final county yield below 148 age of benchmark yield of 97 percent or higher will likely not receive a 2018 bushels per acre. There could be some counties in south central and southARC-CO payment. west Minnesota (as well as in adjoinNote: Any 2018 ARC-CO payments ing counties in Northern Iowa) which would occur in October, 2019. ARC-CO had significantly reduced crop yields payments would be paid on 85 percent in 2018 and may qualify for 2018 of the base acres for a crop on a given ARC-CO payments. Given the fact FSA farm unit. Any ARC-CO paythat the 2018 statewide corn yield for ments would likely be subjected to 6.8 Minnesota is projected to average percent federal sequestration reducabove 180 bushels per acre, it is not tion. likely that many other counties in the state will qualify for 2018 ARC-CO Assuming a $3.60 per bushel 2018 payments for corn. corn market year average price level, 2018 corn ARC-CO payments would Similarly, with soybeans, if we begin at approximately 87 percent of assume an $8.60 per bushel market the county benchmark yield, and coun- year average price level, 2018 soybean ties that were at 78 percent of the ARC-CO payments would begin at county benchmark yield or lower approximately 96 percent of the counwould receive the maximum 2018 ty benchmark yield, and counties that ARC-CO payment. This means that for were at 84 percent of the county a county with a benchmark yield of benchmark yield or lower would 190 bushels per acre, 2018 corn ARCreceive the maximum 2018 ARC-CO CO payments would be initiated at a payment. This means that for counties

All FSA offices now open U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Perdue announced on Jan. 22 that all Farm Service Agency offices nationwide will will open and offer a longer list of transactions they will accommodate. For the first two full weeks under this operating plan (Jan. 28 through Feb. 1; and Feb. 4 through Feb. 8), FSA offices will be open Mondays through Fridays. In subsequent weeks, offices will be open three days a week, on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays, if needed to provide the additional administrative services. FSA staff will work on the following transactions: Market facilitation program; Marketing assistance loans; Release of collateral warehouse receipts; Direct and guaranteed farm operating loans, and emergency loans; Service existing conservation reserve program contracts; Dairy Margin Protection program; Agricultural risk coverage and price loss coverage; Livestock forage disaster; Emergency assistance livestock, honey bees, and farm-raised fish program; Livestock indemnity program; Noninsured crop disaster assistance program; and Tree assistance program.

Transactions that will not be available include, but are not limited to: New Conservation Reserve Program contracts; New direct and guaranteed farm ownership loans; Farm storage facility loan program; Emergency conservation program; Emergency forest rehabilitation program; Biomass crop assistance program; and Grassroots source water protection program. Agricultural producers who have business with the agency can contact their FSA service center to make an appointment. Updates to available services and offices will be made during the lapse in federal funding on the FSA shutdown webpage ( help/shutdowninfo). Programs managed by FSA which were re-authorized by the 2018 farm bill will be available at a later date yet to be determined. Additionally, Secretary Perdue announced that the deadline to apply for the Market Facilitation Program, which aids farmers harmed by unjustified retaliatory tariffs, has been extended to February 14. This article was submitted by the U.S. Department of Agriculture. v

with a benchmark yield of 50 bushels per acre, 2018 corn ARC-CO payments would be initiated at a final 2018 county yield of approximately 48 bushels per acre or lower, and the maximum payment would occur at a final county yield below 42 bushels per acre. The 2018 statewide soybean yield for Minnesota is projected to be near 50 bushels per acre, so there may actually be more potential for counties to qualify for a 2018 soybean ARC-CO payment than for a corn payment — especially for some counties in southern Minnesota with higher benchmark yields. Counties in the upper Midwest are likely to have a wide range in 2018 ARC-CO payments for both corn and soybeans. However, ARC-CO payments are not likely in counties that had average or above average crop yield in 2018 compared to the county benchmark yield. Any further decline in the 2018 national market year average price levels below the current estimates would enhance the likelihood of potential 2018 ARC-CO corn and soybean payments. Conversely, any

increases in the final corn or soybean market year average price would reduce the ARC-CO payment potential even more. The USDA FSA ARC/PLC web site contains 2014, 2015, 2016 and 2017 ARC-CO payment maps, as well as a spreadsheet with actual yields, benchmark yields, and payment rates for all crops for every county in the United States, and other farm program information. The 2018 county benchmark yields are listed on this spreadsheet. It should be noted that the payment rates listed on this web site have not been factored by 85 percent to arrive at an ARC-CO payment per base acre, and the 6.8 percent Federal sequestration reduction has not been applied to the listed payment rates. The FSA ARC/PLC web site can be found at Kent Thiesse is a government farm programs analyst and a vice president at MinnStar Bank in Lake Crystal, Minn. He may be reached at (507) 7262137 or kent.thiesse@minnstarbank. com. v

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MILKER’S MESSAGE — “Where Farm and Family Meet”


Product down, prices up at Global Dairy Trade auction This column was written for the marketing week ending Jan. 18. The second Global Dairy Trade auction of 2019 got another boost in its weighted average of products offered, jumping 4.2 percent, following the Jan. 2 gain of 2.8 percent, and the biggest increase since Feb. 6. It also represented the fourth consecutive session of gain. Sellers brought 61.5 million pounds of product to the market, down from 63.2 million on Jan. 2 and the lowest amount since July 17. All products offered except rennet casein were in the black, led by skim milk powder, up 10.3 percent, after it climbed 7.9 percent in the last event and 3.4 percent in the event before that. Lactose fol-

News and information for Minnesota and Northern Iowa dairy producers lowed, up 7.9 percent. Butter was next in line, By Lee Mielke up 4.6 percent, after a 3.9 percent climb last time. GDT cheddar was up 4.2 percent, following a 3.2 percent increase, and anhydrous milkfat was up 3.2 percent following a 3.9 percent gain. Whole milk powder rounded up the gains with a 3 percent increase MIELKE MARKET WEEKLY


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after it was up 1.2 percent in the last event. FC Stone equates the GDT 80 percent butterfat butter price to $1.8860 per pound U.S., up 8.2 cents from the last session. Chicago Mercantile Exchange butter closed Jan. 18 at $2.24. GDT cheddar cheese equated to $1.5893 per pound, up 6 cents from the last event and compares to Jan. 18’s CME block cheddar at $1.40. GDT skim milk powder averaged $1.0907 per pound, up from 99.82 cents last time and the first time it topped $1 per pound since June 20, 2017. Whole milk powder averaged $1.2597, up from $1.2269. CME Grade A nonfat dry milk closed on Jan. 18 at $1.03 per pound. n Week three of 2019 became week four of the partial government shutdown. So far, the dairy industry has been deprived of the November Dairy Products report, the January World Agricultural Supply and Demand Estimates, monthly U.S. trade data from the Bureau of Census, weekly dairy slaughter data, the month’s Livestock, Dairy and Poultry Outlook, and grain stocks data. Next will be the December Milk Production and Cold Storage reports scheduled for Jan. 23 and 24 respectively. Agriculture Sonny Perdue ordered many Farm Service Agency offices to reopen temporarily to perform “certain limited services for farmers and ranchers,” and “assist with existing farm loans and to ensure the agency provides 1099 tax documents to borrowers by the Internal Revenue Service’s deadline.” But FC Stone dairy broker Dave Kurzawski played down the loss of information from the missing U.S. Department of Agriculture reports in the Jan. 21 Dairy Radio Now broadcast. “The markets do a pretty good job of determining whether buyers are panicking in the country or sellers are panicking in the country,” Kurzawski

explained. He admitted that the USDA data is important and “gives us a good frame of reference for what’s going on out there,” but “The markets reflect what is actually happening in the country and if there’s too many people selling cheese, the market will go down. It doesn’t take a USDA report to figure that out.” “The data is also aged,” Kurzawski said, “And while I’d rather be in a world that had the data than not, I don’t think that it’s as critical as we initially thought.” Of more importance to Kurzawski for example is the loss of E-Verify, the web-based system that allows enrolled employers to confirm the eligibility of employees to work in the U.S. That is very important, according to Kurzawski who agrees that for now, the shutdown has replaced the issue of the tariff wars; but that issue hasn’t gone away and says we will address that again in the future. n One of the functions the USDA did still perform was to announce the February Federal order Class I base milk price at $15.30 per hundredweight. The price is up 18 cents from January, $1.05 above February 2018, and the highest Class I price since November 2018. It equates to $1.32 per gallon, up from $1.23 a year ago, and put the two month average at $15.21, up from $14.85 a year ago but compares to $17.09 in 2017. CME prices didn’t respond much to the week’s GDT, in fact most prices weakened. The cheddar blocks slipped to $1.3875 per pound on Jan. 17, but closed the next day at $1.40, down a penny on the week and 16.5 cents below a year ago. The barrels sunk to $1.1850 on Jan. 17, the lowest price since July 28, 2009, but rallied and finished at $1.20. This is still down 4.5 cents on the week, 14.5 cents below a year ago, and a whopping 20 cents below the blocks. Three cars of block See MIELKE, pg. 23


MILKER’S MESSAGE — “Where Farm and Family Meet”


Cheese production scaled back, but still outpacing demand MIELKE, from pg. 22 were sold on the week and 14 of barrel. n Dairy Market News reports that central cheese production has scaled back since the holidays as regional producers manage post-holiday inventories. Spot milk prices ranged $2 under to 50 cents over Class. But the gap between block and barrel prices drew more attention. Dairy Market News says barrel producers who can shift production to other varieties and/or sell milk back on the spot market are doing so. Block producers are reportedly concerned and “suggest that even though there is a chance barrel prices could ascend to meet block prices, the inverse possibility of block prices declining to converge with barrel prices creates hesitant buyers and a gen-

erally inferior market dynamic.” means, using risk management strate- plants. But that doesn’t seem to be gies or offsetting the milk intake costs happening in a meaningful enough Western cheese makers continue to with greater value generation in the way for WEnow.” BUILD OUR STALLS RIGHT! run their vats at or near capacity, as whey protein complex,” says Dairy there’s plenty of milk. Mozzarella n Take a look at Market News. demand is solid due to the football our tubing Cash butter closed Jan. 18 atwith $2.24 playoffs and pizza season, according to FC Stone’s Jan. 18 Early Morning unequaled per pound. This is down 1.75corrosion cents on Dairy Market News, “However, the Update candidly stated, “At the the week, but 12 cents above a year protection! winter holiday season that generates moment there seems to be no light at ago, with eight carload sales reported Freudenthal Tubing has been peak consumption is a memory and the end of the tunnel for the cheese on the week. engineered for your specific processed cheese demand continues to market. It sounds as though milk Cream situationsrequirements are similar the wheretostrength struggle.” flows are strong enough to keep Class and corrosion resistance are previous week for butter producers, CORROSION Auto Head IV plants full at theRelease moment andLocks still Panel The retail cheese market is seasondesign factors. prices says Dairy Market critical News. Cream PROTECTION leave plenty of excess available for ally slower, and some contacts suggest have been reported at or near the milk to make its way into cheese sales are lagging while others say same range, therefore butter churning CS-60 Comfort Tie Stall plants. That’s tough to determine for demand is as would be expected, but remains active. Plant managers are certain, but that seems to be the chatproduction is outpacing demand. preparing for the spring push The and Toughest ter out there today. The bearishness Stocks are weighing heavily on cheese multiple contacts have said this is the Stalls that’s so prevalent in the cheese and prices and end users report getting peak of butter production for the year. Class III markets is what makes it difon theas many offers for consideration. The Butter demand remains healthy, to be • Provides ficult superior lunge areabullish on dairy products spread between block and barrel pricmarket,sugwell as the market tone. Contacts at the With barrels at fresh • Much stronger than moment. our es has western manufacturers “adaptguaranteed gest, “with bullish powder markets, lows Class III at a big discount, competitors’ beamand systems ing to this through a number of not to bend milk should be moving away from the See MIELKE, pg. 24 • No Stall mounts in the • Entire panel made of H.D. 10 gauge tubing concrete or sand are hot dippedWI galvanized after W. 6322 Cty. O,• Panels Medford, 54451 • Fully adjustable welding inside and out (715) 748-4132 • 1-800-688-0104 • Stall system stays high and Heaviest, • 6’, 8’, 10’, 12’ lengths dry, resulting in longer life Strongest, REMODELING, EXPANSION OR REPLACEMENT • 12’ panel weight 275 lbs. • Installation labor savings Custom Buy Direct From Manufacturer and SAVE! We Can Handle All Your Barn Steel Needs • Head-to-head and single row Cattle Diagonal Feed Thru Panel options available Auto Release Head Locks Panel Gates • Compare the weight of this on the system, heaviest available Elevated Dual Market on the market today



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MILKER’S MESSAGE — “Where Farm and Family Meet”


The Margin Protection Program and Dairy Margin Coverage ST. CLOUD, Minn. — After a lot of back and forth and conferencing, we have a 2018 farm bill! Agricultural groups and parties on both sides are expressing general satisfaction with the new farm bill and the programs it will provide. A key change is to the 2014 farm bill’s Margin Protection Program, which is now called Dairy Margin Coverage, or DMC. You may recall that MPP went through some changes in early 2018 after the Bipartisan Budget Act of 2018, including new coverage levels for the first 5 million pounds of production, and reduced premiums on catastrophic coverage levels for larger producers. The revamped Dairy Margin Coverage includes those changes and more. First, the coverage options are expanded even more.










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dent of that, at Under the 2014 Comparison at-a-glance between Margin Protection Program levels of $8.00 farm bill MPP, and Dairy Margin Coverage and below. coverage was Coverage above available from Margin Protection Program Dairy Margin Coverage 5 million $4 to $8 in Production history covered 25-90 percent 5-95 percent pounds, or Tier 50-cent incre- (in 5 percent increments 2, is available ments. Under $4.00-$8.00 $4.00-$9.50 at increased Dairy Margin Coverage levels premiums. Coverage, farm- (in 50-cent increments) 4 million pounds 5 million pounds ers can get cov- Pounds of production history Continuing erage from $4 eligible for Tier 1 premiums the trend from to $9.50 in Risk management options MPP or Livestock Ability to enroll in both DMC and the early 2018 Gross Margin (not both) Livestock Gross Margin 50-cent incre- changes, premi(Dairy RP also available) ments. The ums across the amount of cov- Premium discounts None available 25 percent discount board are greaterage has also with 5-year enrollment ly reduced comchanged, from Coverage flexibility for No flexibility First 5 million pounds can pared to the 25-90 percent large operations be enrolled between $8.50-$9.50. original MPP in 5 percent Additional milk can be enrolled at premiums. For increments to $8.00 or below example, $8.00 5-95 percent in coverage is 10 5 percent increcents per hundredweight under DMC vs. 47.5 cents ments. DMC will also keep the Bipartisan Budget Act per cwt. under the original MPP schedule. The $9.50 change of Tier 1 prices being good on the first 5 mil- coverage level available on the first 5 million pounds lion pounds of production, vs. the original 4 million of production history has a premium of 15 cents per pounds. These changes provide producers with a lot cwt. There is the 25 percent discount for producers more flexibility in how they cover their milk. who enroll for five years. DMC does more than MPP to encourage risk manDMC has two final pieces which offer relief from the agement strategies. If farmers sign up for the pro- less-than-ideal Margin Protection Program. First, gram for five years, they will receive a 25 percent dairy operations that were prohibited from particidiscount on their premiums. In addition, the restric- pating in MPP following the early 2018 changes due tion of having to choose between DMC and Livestock to enrollment in an LGM contract can retroactively Gross Margin has been eliminated. Please note that enroll in coverage. Second, dairy operations have the the new Dairy Revenue Protection program is also opportunity to utilize 75 percent of the net premium available. paid for MPP from 2014‐2017 as a credit for future With the Margin Protection Program, there was no DMC premiums. Alternatively, operations can elect to coverage flexibility for larger operations. With Dairy receive 50 percent of net premium as a direct refund. Margin Coverage, the first 5 million pounds can be This article was submitted by University of enrolled at the $8.50, $9.00, or $9.50 level and milk Minnesota Extension. v in excess of 5 million pounds can be enrolled indepen-

Low cream prices build butter stocks MIELKE, from pg. 23 dryers will be more active, and this could weigh on butter markets. But they also point out the resiliency of recent butter markets, and their tendency to ignore otherwise bearish indicators.” Western churns are full of cream as processors take advantage of cheap prices to seasonally build butter inventories for use later in the year. Stocks are heavy and will likely get heavier in the coming months, but processors are comfortable with their holdings. Export demand is currently stable, but sellers hope it will respond positively to competitive domestic prices. n Grade A nonfat dry milk hit $1.0450 per pound on Jan. 15, the highest CME price since Jan. 6, 2017, but slipped back and closed the week unchanged at

$1.03, 32.25 cents above a year ago, with 15 cars finding new homes on the week. Spot dry whey climbed to 52.5 cents per pound on Jan. 16, the highest level since mid-October, but finished Jan. 18 at 50.5 cents per pound. This is up a penny on the week, with eight cars trading hands on the week at the CME. Cooperatives Working Together members accepted 28 offers of export assistance this week to help capture contracts for 4.45 million pounds of cheddar, Monterey Jack and gouda cheeses; 454,15 pounds of butter and 1.12 million pounds of whole milk powder. The product will be delivered through June and is the equivalent of 59.53 million pounds of milk on a milkfat basis. n See MIELKE, pg. 25


MILKER’S MESSAGE — “Where Farm and Family Meet”


Agricultural Worker Program Act to create ‘blue card’ MIELKE, from pg. 24 Checking dairy politics, Western United Dairymen’s federal affairs lobbyist, Charlie Garrison, writes in the Jan. 17 member newsletter that California’s two Senators and several members of the state’s House delegation have joined together to introduce the Agricultural Worker Program Act of 2019. The bill would create a “blue card” program for improperly documented farmworkers who have a significant history of employment on farms in the U.S. and would allow eligible workers to work in agriculture for up to five additional years and then adjust to lawful permanent residence (or green card) status. It would also offer protection for spouses and children already physically present with the worker. In addition to Senators Dianne Feinstein and Kamala Harris, more than half of the Democrats in the California House delegation are listed as original cosponsors of the bill. WUD says it will evaluate this and all other immigration reform legislation. And, as Congress prepares to review a new trade agreement replacing NAFTA, the U.S. Dairy Export Council charged in a posting on its website that the U.S. dairy industry “remains wary that a Canadian protectionist pricing policy could return under another name.” In an interview with Farm Journal Editor Rhonda Brooks, U.S. Dairy Export Council President and CEO Tom Vilsack stated, “We need some reassurance that the terms and conditions of the U.SMexico-Canada trade agreement are actually implemented. Canada has to be more transparent with its activities relative to the dairy market. We’ve seen for far too long Canadians agreeing to do one thing, and then utilizing a loophole or utilizing some tactic to basically sort of disregard what they’ve previously agreed to. We need to have a better understanding of exactly what the Canadians were doing in terms of the Class 7 elimination,” Vilsack

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charged. He said it’s great that it’s going to be eliminated, but not if it’s been replaced with something else by another name. Vilsack said, “The same is true with market access. Do we really have that market access? Are we going to play some of the same games that have been played before?” Switching to the feed side of trade, FC Stone reports, “There have been rumors of large Chinese soybean purchases. These will be difficult to confirm without export reports due to the partial government shutdown. Chinese soy imports are down from all sources, not just the United States; although the United States is bearing the brunt of these reduced purchases. “There are reports that soy meal demand is down 20-30 percent due to African swine fever. There will most likely be large pork imports into China, but that day is being pushed back.” “There does not seem to be any evidence of Chinese corn or wheat purchases,” Stone concludes. “Traders are looking for confirmation of Chinese demand and are growing tired of waiting. Even if robust Chinese demand materializes, is it too late to save this year’s soy balance sheet?” n Uncertainties in agriculture has spawned questions regarding the current land market. Omahabased Farmers National Company asks in a press release this week, “Will the negative farm financial situation finally overcome other factors to drive land prices the final leg lower? Will outside influences put more stress on land values or actually support prices? Will regional pockets of stress spill over into the overall land market?” “Farm and ranch land is the key financial bedrock for American agriculture as land makes up 82 percent of total assets for the industry,” says FNC. “With today’s uncertainties in agriculture, everyone involved with owning, buying or selling ag land is

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holding their breath to see what will happen next with the market and prices.” “At Farmers National Company, we are seeing an uptick in our land sales as more families and inheritors want to sell now,” said Randy Dickhut, senior vice president of real estate operations. “Within our 28-state service area, we are also seeing more landowners coming to us to market and sell their land as evidenced by our volume of land for sale increasing 21 percent. These landowners are just deciding now is the time to sell and capture today’s price.” “Overall, agricultural land values have held up surprisingly well over the past few years despite lower commodity prices and much lower farm incomes compared to five years ago. There are a number of reasons for this, including the low supply of land for sale, cash rental rates remaining stronger than expected and interest rates that have been historically low.” “But there are some important questions looming about the land market that are causing many to figuratively hold their breath in anticipation of what comes next,” says FNC. “Even though the rate of bankruptcies and forced land sales is low, there is the expectation that numbers will increase somewhat in the year ahead as farmers’ cash flows are stressed. There is also an increase of quiet sales to neighbors or investors where the land is never exposed to the market to see what the true price is. The ultimate question here is how many more properties for sale can the market handle before the volume overwhelms the number of buyers and puts downward pressure on land prices,” Dickhut said. Lee Mielke is a syndicated columnist who resides in Everson, Wash. His weekly column is featured in newspapers across the country and he may be reached at v

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FOR SALE: Case-IH field cul- WANTED: JD 780 or 450 mativator 4800, 26’ with harrow, nure spreader, for parts or used on low acres, very nice, good. Also, 4R JD 7000 plant$6,650. Please call 507-847- er. 320-630-8131 2710

Planting Equip

Krause 5430 Drill, 30’, front fold, markers, 7” spacing, Pro Openers, excellent coned- dition, $22,000. (507)459-5151 nty, 00; wer, Wanted sal543All kinds of New & Used farm equipment - disc chisels, field cults, planters, soil finishers, cornheads, feed mills, discs, balers, haybines, etc. 507438-9782

OR 50, racrge ark age

Livestock FOR SALE: Black Angus bulls also Hamp, York, & Hamp/Duroc boars & gilts. 320-598-3790

Planning an Auction? Get the best results when you advertise in THE LAND!

Tell your auctioneer or call our friendly staff at 507-345-4523 800-657-4665

Land Specialists

Sealed Bid And Land Auction February 15 • 160± Ac. & 149.33 ± Ac., Slayton Township, Murray County — “Where Farm and Family Meet”

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507-345-4523 or 800-657-4665

Massop ElEctric inc. 507-524-3726


∙ DELUX 10’ Model 2515, LP/NG, 1 PH, 300 bph DELUX 15’ 10’ Model RECONDITIONED, LP,31PH, PH,700 250 bph BPH ∙•DELUX 7040, LP/NG, USED DRYERS ∙ DELUX 20’ Model 6030, LP/NG, 3 PH, 600 bph ∙•DELUX 30’1025, Model 7545, KANSUN 215, LP, 1LP/NG, PH 3 PH, 900 bph



∙ KANSUN 1025 215, LP, Heat Reclaim LEGS ∙ BEHLEN 380, 1GRAIN PH, LP, Heat Reclaim UNIVERSAL 1600 ∙•BEHLEN 700,38’, 3 PH, LP,BPH Heat Reclaim ∙ BEHLEN 700, 3 PH, LP, w/Pre-heat

1409 Silver St. E., Mapleton, MN

For information brochures CALL 1-800-730-LAND (5263) or visit www.Wingert Only registered bidders may attend. View our other available properties for sale on our website.

1160 Victory Drive South, Suite 6 • Mankato, MN 56001 • 507-345-LAND (5263)

Charles Wingert, Broker # 07-53

If you’re having a Farm Auction, let other Farmers know it! Upcoming Issues of THE LAND Southern MNNorthern IA Feb. 8, 2019 Feb. 22, 2019 Mar. 8, 2019 Mar. 22, 2019

Northern MN Feb. 1, 2019 Feb. 15, 2019 Mar. 1, 2019 Mar. 15, 2019 Mar. 29, 2019

Deadline is 8 days prior to publication.

Call Mike Keefe for free market analysis of your farmland. PO Box 3169 • Mankato, MN 56002 Phone: 507-345-4523 or 800-657-4665 Fax: 507-345-1027 Website: e-mail: Ask Your Auctioneer to Place Your Auction in The Land!

Office: 507-216-2432 • Fax: 507-288-8141 Cell: 507-208-8969 • 1601 County Road 7 N.E., Dover, MN 55929


Steffes Auction Calendar 2019

For more info, call: 1-800-726-8609 or visit our website: Opening February 1 & Closing February 6 Online Steffes Auction - 2/6, Upper Midwest Locations, Timed Online Auction Opening February 11 & Closing February 20 HFL Concrete & Masonry Auction, Rochester, MN, Timed Online Auction Tuesday, February 12 at 12PM Quality Tested Hay Auction, Steffes Group Facility, Litchfield, MN Opening February 12 & Closing February 21 Davidson Farms Retirement Auction, Beardsley, MN, Timed Online Auction Opening February 15 & Closing February 20 Online Steffes Auction - 2/20, Upper Midwest Locations, Timed Online Auction Wednesday, February 20 at 10AM Smith Farms LTD Farm Auction, Sawyer, ND Tuesday, February 26 at 10AM Brad & Glenda Johanson Farm Retirement Auction, Wheaton, MN Tuesday, February 26 at 10AM Quality Tested Hay Auction, Steffes Group Facility, Litchfield, MN Opening February 26 & Closing March 5 at 11AM Lorang Farms Realignment Auction, Mt. Vernon, SD, Timed Online Auction Opening February 26 & Closing March 5 Jason Leer Farm Retirement Auction, Wolford, ND, Timed Online Auction Opening February 26 & Closing March 5 Gary Bacher Retirement Auction, Wolford, ND, Timed Online Auction Wednesday, February 27 at 10AM Keith Axtmann Farm Retirement Auction, Rugby, ND Thursday, February 28 at 10AM Johnny Herr Farm Retirement Auction, Sawyer, ND Friday, March 1 at 10AM Roger Walkinshaw Farm Auction, Argusville, ND Tuesday, March 5 at 10AM Bill Stibbe Estate Farm Auction, Hunter, ND Wednesday, March 6 at 10AM Jaeger Farm Retirement Auction, Balfour, ND Tuesday, March 12 at 12PM Quality Tested Hay Auction Steffes Group Facility, Litchfield, MN Wednesday, March 13 at 10AM Aglron West Fargo Event, Red River Valley Fairgrounds, West Fargo, ND Thursday, March 14 at 11AM Dennis & Karleen Wernsing Retirement Auction, Chokio, MN Friday, March 15 at 11AM Dan Lange Farm Auction, Ogilvie, MN Tuesday, March 19 at 10AM Aglron Sioux Falls Event, Steffes Group Facility, Larchwood, IA

PAGE 28 —”Where Farm and Family Meet”

Polk Equipment, Inc.


AUCTION TRACTORS 2011 JD 8285R, IVT, ILS, 2400 HRS 2012 JD 8285R, IVT, MFD, 2100 HRS 1997 JD 8200, PS, MFD, 4800 HRS 1997 JD 8100, PS, MFD, 4050 HRS 2007 JD 7630 , PQ, TWD, LDR, 1488 HRS 2005 JD 7820, PQ, MFD, 4120 HRS 2004 JD 7420, PQ, MFD, 1480 HRS 2013 JD 6170R, PQ, MFD, 1400 HRS 2007 JD 6430P, PQ, MFD, LDR, 1300 HRS 1993 JD 4560, PS, MFD, 6400 HRS 2014 JD 5100E, CAH, MFD, LDR, 4320 HRS 2009 JD 5083E, CAH, MFD, 3260 HRS 1967 JD 4020, OS, TWD , LDR 2005 JD 3520, HST, LDR, 1400 HRS 2006 JD 3120, HST, LDR, 750 HRS 2011 CIH STEIGER 500, BB, GUIDANCE 2900 HRS 2007 STEIGER 480 QUAD, BB, GUIDANCE, 3900 HRS 2005 STEIGER 425, BB, PS, 5500 HRS 2013 CIH MAGNUM 340, PS, SUSP, 1796 HRS 2014 CIH MAGNUM 290, PS, MFD, 1300 HRS 2010 CIH MAGNUM 305, PS, MFD, 1600 HRS 1999 CIH MX200, PS, MFD, 3280 HRS 1998 CIH MX170, TWD, PQ, 3870 HRS 1999 CIH 8920, PS, MFD, 3850 HRS 1994 CIH 7220, PS, MFD, 8100 HRS 1981 1H 786, OS, DIESEL , 5200 HRS 2014 FARMALL 95C, OS, MFD, 770 HRS 2014 FARMALL 75C, CAH, MFD, LDR, 700 HRS 2011 CHALLENGER MT675C, MFD, CVT, 2247 HRS 2006 NEW HOLLAND TG305, MFD, PS, 7900 HRS 1990 VERSATILE 946, BB, 5900 HRS 2015 KUBOTA BX25D, LDR, BHOE, 150 HRS 2013 KUBOTA M126GX, CAH, MFD, 854 HRS COMBINE & HEADS 2000 JD 9650 STS, RWA, 2600-1567 2012 CIH 3408, HDP, KR 2005 CIH 2206, HDP, KR 2010 FANTINI 6R30 CHOPPING 2002 JD 893, HDP 1996 JD 893 2014 CIH 3162, 35FT DRAPER CIH 2020, 35FT, 30FT CIH 1020-20FT-15FT JD 635F 2008 MACDON FD70-40 , JD HOOKUP NUMEROUS HEAD CARTS RIPPERS & CHISELS 2012 KUHN 4850 -18 DOMINATOR-VERY NICE KRAUSE 4850-18 DOMINATOR



Monday, January 28, 2019 9:30 A.M. EST Online Bidding & For Photos Polk Equipment, Inc. 6407 North State Road 15 Leesburg, Indiana 46538 • 574-453-2411



TERMS: Cash or Good Check on the day of the Auction. NO EXCEPTIONS


Local Motels in Warsaw, Indiana

•Wyndham Garden - 574-269-2323 •Comfort Inn - 574-269-6655 •Holiday Inn Express 574-268-1600 •Hampton Inn - 574-268-2600

Local Airport:

Warsaw - 5 miles

Major Airports:

South Bend or Fort Wayne - 50 miles


ALL ITEMS must be removed from the lot by February 8, 2019 • NO CONSIGNMENTS ACCEPTED! EVERYTHING SELLS! DIRECTIONS: 5 miles north of Junction US 30 & SR at Warsaw or 9 miles south of Junction US 6 & 15 at New Paris, 50 miles northwest of Fort Wayne, 50 miles southeast of South Bend, 110 miles from Chicago and Indianapolis.

NOTE: Due to early printing, there will be additions and deletions • NO SALES after January 5th, 2019 • AUCTIONEERS: Mike Berger AU#0870052 • Gary Olsen AU#01031658 • Kelly Hoffman AU#1010019 • Jeremy Edwards AU#09100129 • Gary Horras, Ringman • Steve Feldman, Clerk

THE LAND — JANUARY 25/FEBRUARY 1, 2019 — “Where Farm and Family Meet”


USED PARTS LARSON SALVAGE Good selection of tractor parts - New & Used All kinds of hay equipment, haybines, balers, choppers parted out. New combine belts for all makes. Swather canvases, round baler belting, used & new tires.

DONATE YOUR CAR, TRUCK OR BOAT TO HERITAGE FOR THE BLIND. Free 3 Day Vacation, Tax Deductible, Free Towing, All Paperwork Taken Care Of. CALL 1-855-977-7030 (MCN)

6 miles East of

We Ship Daily Visa and MasterCard Accepted


125 ACRES+/- • 2 TRACTS



Tract 1 lies just north of Albert Lea on a blacktop County Road 25. There are approximately 85 tillable acres with 5 acres in CRP. There is a block of timber on the east side. There will be an option to purchase just the tillable or the entire tract.


Tract 2 would be a great investment for someone looking to buy a small parcel. Last year rented for $5,000 per year. Online Bidding Available


Agricultural & Recreational Real Estate / Auctions / Farm Management

Broker/Auctioneer GREG JENSEN Broker Greg Jensen - MN, IA / Broker Brian Haugen - MN, SD, IA, WI / Broker Amy Willett - MO LandProz Real Estate, LLC. 111 East Clark Street, Albert Lea, MN 56007

Paying too much for car insurance? Not sure? Want better coverage? Call now for a free quote and learn more today! 855-417-7382 (MCN)

Cross country Moving, Long distance Moving Company out of state move Trailer Sale! 2018 Aluminum 3 Horse $799 Long Distance Movers Get Free 16’X6’8”X7’ 10k was $15,599.00 NOW quote on your Long distance move. $12,953.00; New 6’X12’V-nose, ramp 1-800-503-6126 (MCN) door $3,149.00; 15 models & sizes of DUMP trailers starting at $3,184.00; A PLACE FOR MOM. The nation’s DIRECTV & AT&T. 155 Channels & 14,000lb. & 16,000lb. bumper- largest senior living referral service. 1000s of Shows/Movies On Demand pull equipment flatbeds & tiltbeds Contact our trusted, local experts (w/SELECT Package.) AT&T Internet trailers. Information & PRICES: www. today! Our service is FREE/no 99 Percent Reliability. Unlimited Texts 515-972- obligation. CALL 1-855-811-8392 (MCN) to 120 Countries w/AT&T Wireless. 4554 (MCN) Call 4 FREE Quote1-844-245-2232 (MCN) Life Alert. 24/7. One press of a FRUIT & NUT TREES From $15. Strawberry, Grape, button sends help FAST! Medical, Blueberry, Viasat Satellite Internet. Up to 12 Fire, Burglar. Even if you can’t reach Asparagus, Evergreen & Hardwood Mbps Plans starting at $30/month. a phone! FREE Brochure. CALL 888- Plants & MORE! FREE Catalog. Our Fastest Speeds (up to 50 Mbps) 227-0525 (MCN) WOODSTOCK NURSERY, N1831 Hwy & Unlimited Data Plans Start at $100/ 95, Neillsville, WI 54456. Toll Free month. Call Viasat today! 1-855-445- SAVE ON YOUR NEXT 888-803-8733 wallace-woodstock. 5297 (MCN) PRESCRIPTION! World Health Link. com (MCN) Price Match Guarantee! Prescriptions DISH Network $69.99 For 190 Required. CIPA Certified. Over 1500 Get a SMARTPHONE for $0 DOWN* Channels. Add High Speed Internet medications available. CALL Today with AT&T Next® and AT&T Next for ONLY $14.95/month. Best For A Free Price Quote. 1-866-710- Every Year? $250 Gift Card for Technology. Best Value. Smart HD 6889 Call Now! (MCN) switching to AT&T! (*Req`s wellDVR Included. FREE Installation. qualified credit. Limits & restr`s Some restrictions apply. Call 1-855- Start Saving BIG On Medications! Up apply.) CALL 1-844-290-8275. (MCN) 434-0020 (MCN) To 90% Savings from 90DAYMEDS! Over 3500 Medications Available! Meet singles right now! No paid Spectrum Triple Play! TV, Internet Prescriptions Req’d. Pharmacy operators, just real people like & Voice for $29.99 ea. 60 MB Checker Approved. CALL Today for you. Browse greetings, exchange per second speed No contract or Your FREE Quote. 844-903-1317. messages and connect live. Try it free. commitment. More Channels. Faster (MCN) Call now: 855-651-0114. (MCN) Internet. Unlimited Voice. Call 1-855577-7502. (MCN) Lung Cancer? Asbestos exposure Book Your Flight Today on United, in industrial, construction, Delta, American, Air France, Air Earthlink High Speed Internet. As manufacturing jobs, or military may Canada. We have the best rates. Call Low As $14.95/month (for the first be the cause. Family in the home were today to learn more 1-855-725-6305 3 months.) Reliable High Speed Fiber also exposed. Call 1-866-795-3684 (MCN) Optic Technology. Stream Videos, or email cancer@breakinginjurynews. Music and More! Call Earthlink Today com. $30 billion is set aside for DO WARM WINTERS SOUND 1-855-679-7096. (MCN) asbestos victims with cancer. GOOD?? Bring your RV down to the Valuable settlement moneys may not warm Rio Grande Valley. J-5 RV Park Are you a Class A CDL Driver and require filing a lawsuit. (MCN) in Mission Tx. will welcome you with tired of getting jacked around by a country setting, friendly people and employers? Call me to see why our Become a Published Author. We lots of activities to keep you busy. We turnover rate is so low. Scott 507- want to Read Your Book! Dorrance have a special for first time visitors. 437-9905 Apply: WWW.MCFGTL. Publishing-Trusted by Authors Phone us at 956-682-7495 or 515COM (MCN) Since 1920 Book manuscript 418-3214. Email info@j5rvparktexas. submissions currently being com Tom and Donna Tuttle, Managers Behind on your MORTGAGE? Denied a reviewed. Comprehensive Services: (MCN) Loan Modification? Bank threatening Consultation, Production, Promotion foreclosure? CALL Homeowner and Distribution Call for Your Free Want to purchase minerals and other Protection Services now! New laws Author`s Guide 1-855-520-9045 or oil/gas interests. Send details to: P.O. are in effect that may help. Call Now visit Box 13557, Denver CO 80201(MCN) 1-800-496-4918 (MCN) (MCN) CASH FOR CARS: We Buy Any Condition Vehicle, 2002 and Newer. Competitive Offer! Nationwide FREE Pick Up! Call Now For a Free Quote! 888-366-5659(MCN)

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PAGE 30 —”Where Farm and Family Meet”

Pre-Owned equiPment

Have you renewed your subscription to The Land?

‘17 JD S680 PRWD Combine, 588-472 Hrs, Power Fold Bin Ext,


PowerCast Tailboard, Serviced, Warranty...........................$315,000


‘13 JD 9410R 4-WD PS, 1480 Hrs, 1000 PTO, Hi-Flow Hyd,


620/70R42’s, Serviced.........................................................$189,500 ‘12 JD 9360R 4-WD PS, 1700 Hrs, 1000 PTO, Hi-Flow Hyd, 480/80R50’s, Serviced.........................................................$169,500 ‘12 JD 7200R MFWD, 974 Hrs, 4-Remotes, 20 Spd PQ, 480/80R46’s W/Dls, 540/1000............................................$106,500 New ‘17 608C StalkMaster Corn Head, Intermeshing Knife


We pay top dollar for your damaged grain. We are experienced handlers of your wet, dry, burnt and mixed grains. Trucks and vacs available. Immediate response anywhere. CALL FOR A QUOTE TODAY



M.S. Diversified Fairfax, MN


7 bred Black Sim/Angus heif- FOR SALE: Yorkshire, Hampers due in spring to easy shire, Duroc & Hamp/Duroc calving Final Answer bull, boars, also gilts. Excellent selling by the lb, market selection. Raised outside. price. Also, 10 Black Polled Exc herd health. No PRSS. Yearling Sim/Angus bulls, Delivery avail. 320-760-0365 easy calving, good disposition. $1,995 for choice. 50 Spot, Duroc, Chester White, yrs of AI breeding. (Epic Boars & Gilts available. Renown 10 Speed) Riverside Monthly PRRS and PEDV. Simmentals Gerald Polzin Delivery available. Steve Resler. 507-456-7746 320-286-5805

Delivering insightful articles


800-432-3565 • 320-894-6560 •

Miscellaneous PARMA DRAINAGE PUMPS New pumps & parts on hand. Call Minnesota’s largest distributor HJ Olson & Company 320-974-8990 Cell - 320-212-5336 REINKE IRRIGATION Sales & Service New & Used For your irrigation needs 888-830-7757 or 507-276-2073

on the latest farming technology

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DEADLINE: Friday at 5:00 p.m. for the following Friday edition. Plus! Look for your classified ad in the e-edition.


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4WD TRACTORS ‘13 JD 9360R, 1970 hrs, 1000 PTO, pwr shift, 620x42 tires & duals .............................................................................$150,000 ‘13 NH T9.390, 2557 hrs, pwr shift, 1000 PTO, 480x50 tires & duals, susp cab ..........................................................$120,000 ‘11 NH T9.390, 905 hrs, pwr shift, 4 hyd valves, hi-flow, HID lights, 480x50 tires & duals ........................................$120,000


LOADER TRACTORS ‘04 JD 7320, MFWD, cab, air, 3pt, 540/1000 PTO, 2 hyd valves, JD 741 ldr w/QT bkt & joystick ......................................$49,000 ‘09 NH TV6070, bi-directional, 3543 hrs, cab, air, 3pt, 540/1000 PTO, 2 hyd valves, NH ldr w/84” bkt ............................$52,000


‘14 C-IH Steiger 370 HD, 7052 hrs, 1000 PTO, big hyd pump, 710x38 ‘13 JD S660, 1066 sep/1598 eng hrs, 4x4, 2630 display, tires ......................................................................................... $79,000 Contour-Master, chopper, long unloading auger, 20.8x32 tires ‘98 C-IH 9370, 4000 hrs, pwr shift, 4 hyd, 650x32 tires &

& duals ........................................................................$139,000

duals ...............................................................................$49,000 ‘13 JD S660, 892 sep/1180 eng hrs, Contour-Master, chopper, ‘90 Ford 876, 12spd, 8253 hrs, 520x38 duals...................$25,000

ADVERTISER LISTING Agri Systems ......................................................................... 6 Anderson Seeds ...................................................................... 8 Beck's Hybrids ............................................................1, 16, 17 Blethen Berens ..................................................................... 13 Broskoff Structures .............................................................. 15 Courtland Waste Handling ...................................................... 9 Dahl Farm Supply ................................................................ 20 Doda USA ........................................................................... 14 Freudenthal Dairy & Mfg ..................................................... 23 Gehl Company ..................................................................... 22 Keefe Auction ...................................................................... 27 ...................................................................... 29 Larson Implement .......................................................... 29, 31 Massop Electric ................................................................... 27 MS Diversif ied .................................................................... 30 North American Farm & Power Show ...................................... 3 Northland Buildings ............................................................. 12 Olsen Truck Service ............................................................... 7 Palmer Bus Service .............................................................. 26 Pioneer Corn ...................................................................... 4, 5 Polk Equipment .................................................................... 28 Pruess Elevator .................................................................... 30 Schweiss Doors .................................................................... 29 SI Feeder/Schoessow ............................................................ 24 Smiths Mill Implement ......................................................... 26 Spanier Welding ................................................................... 25 St. Peter Toy Show ............................................................... 11 Steffes Group ....................................................................... 27 The Andersons ..................................................................... 11 Triad Construction ............................................................... 21 Wingert Realty ..................................................................... 27

507-345-4523 • 800-657-4665 PO Box 3169, Mankato, MN 56001

TRACK TRACTORS ‘15 C-IH 500 Quadtrac, 2750 hrs, 36” tracks, cab susp, HID lights, Pro 700 monitor & receiver ...............................$175,000 ‘15 C-IH Rowtrac Quadtrac, 918 hrs, 1000 PTO, 80” spacing, 4 hyd valves, hi-flow ....................................................$155,000 ‘14 C-IH 350 Rowtrac Quadtrac, 1865 hrs, 1000 PTO, 120” spacing, 18” tracks, 4 hyd valves, hi-flow ...................$152,000 ‘14 C-IH 340 Magnum Rowtrac, 290 hrs, lux cab, susp front axle, 18” belts, 6 hyd valves, 1000 PTO, 3pt .......................$180,000 ‘04 Cat Challenger MT 755, 4844 hrs, 16” tracks, 3 pt, 1000 PTO, 88” track spacing, JD ATU ..........................$65,000

ROW CROP TRACTORS ‘12 JD 8235, 2WD, 1235 hrs, pwr shift, 3pt, 1000 PTO, 4 hyd

520x38 tires & duals ...................................................$135,000 ‘04 JD 9760, 2268 sep/3460 eng hrs, Contour-Master, chopper, 480x42 tires & duals .....................................................$54,000 ‘01 JD 9750, 3013 sep/4156 eng hrs, Contour-Master, chopper, 520x38 tires & duals .....................................................$42,000 ‘01 JD 9650 STS, 3014 sep/4325 eng hrs, Contour-Master, chopper, 520x38 tires & duals .......................................$39,000 ‘00 JD 9650 STS, 2645 sep/3623 eng hrs, single point hookup, chopper, bin ext. ............................................................$42,000 ‘14 C-IH 5130, 660 sep/928 eng hrs, rock trap, chopper, tracker, 700 monitor, 900x32 single tires .....................$132,000 ‘15 C-IH 6140, 810 eng/685 sep hrs, rock trap, chopper, tracker, pro 700 monitor ...........................................................$149,000 ‘11 C-IH 5088, 1541 sep/1743 eng hrs, rock trap, chopper, tracker, 30.5x32 single tires. ..........................................$88,000 ‘11 C-IH 7120, 2200 eng/1610 sep hrs, rock trap, chopper, tracker, 600 monitor, 520x42 duals ...............................$95,000

valves, 18.4x46 duals, extra clean...............................$110,000 ‘10 C-IH 8120, 2250 eng/1650 sep hrs, rock trap, chopper, ‘16 C-IH Magnum 180, MFWD, 1046 hrs, CVT tranny, 3pt, 1000

tracker, 60 monitor, 520x42 duals..................................$92,500

PTO, 4 hyd valves, 18.4x46 rear singles .......................$82,000 ‘09 C-IH 7088, 1275 sep/1807 eng hrs, rock trap, chopper, ‘13 C-IH Magnum 290, 1250 hrs, 1000 PTO, 3pt, 4 hyd valves, big pump, 480x50 tires & duals, front duals & wgts...$110,000 ‘12 C-IH Magnum 260, 1784 hrs, susp front, 1000 PTO, 3pt, 4

tracker, HID lights, Pro 600 monitor, 520x42” duals .....$92,000


hyd valves, 480x50 rear tires & duals, front duals ........$99,000 ‘13 Drago 6R30 chopping, fits JD combine............................$25,000 ‘04 C-IH MX285, 5540 hrs, 4 hyd valves, 3pt, 1000 PTO, 10 front ‘09 Drago 6R30 chopping, fits JD combine ........................$19,000 wgts, 18.4x46 tires & duals, fresh eng OH ...................$59,000 ‘87 C-IH 3594, 8526 hrs, 24 spd, 3 hyd valves, 1000 PTO, 3 pt, 20.8x38 duals .................................................................$21,000 ‘13 NH T8.360, 1200 hrs, lux cab, 1000 PTO, 3pt, 4 hyd valves, 480x50 tires & duals, complete auto guide syst...........$105,000 ‘06 NH TG210, MFWD, 4240 hrs, pwr shift, 540/1000 PTO, 3pt hitch, 4 hyd valves, 380x46 rear tires & duals, 380x30 front

‘06 Drago 8R30 chopping, fits flagship C-IH combine .............$14,500 ‘13 C-IH 3408 8R30, hyd deck plates, fits flagship combine ....$21,000 ‘08 C-IH 2408 8R30, hyd deck plates, fits flagship combine...$12,500 ‘02 C-IH 2208 8R30, hyd deck plates, fits older 1600-2000 series C-IH combines ...............................................................$11,500 ‘83 JD 643 6R30, low tin, oil drive ..................................... $6,500

tires & duals ...................................................................$56,000 ‘03 NH TG230, MFWD, 3346 hrs, pwr shift, 540/1000 PTO,


Mega flow hyd, 4 valves, 3pt, 380x46 tires & duals......$59,000 JD 512 5 shank disc ripper .................................................. $9,500 ‘11 Versatile 305, MFWD 690 hrs, 3pt, 4 hyd valves, 1000 PTO, ‘08 JD 512 5 shank disc ripper ...........................................$11,500 HID lights, 480x46 tires & duals ....................................$95,000 JD 980 field cultivator, w/ JD harrow ................................$10,500

LARSON IMPLEMENTS 5 miles east of Cambridge, MN on Hwy. 95 763-689-1179

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PAGE 32 — “Where Farm and Family Meet”


This week’s Back Roads is the work of The Land Correspondent Richard Siemers.

Montevideo arts project


ome cities have art museums. Montevideo is becoming a museum of public art. With three projects already on display and another slated to be completed in 2019, the city is off to a good start. “We’re trying to do one public art project a year,” said City Manager Steve Jones. “If you do that over a period of time you’re going to have quite an impact.” These are big undertakings, so the fact that the latest one will cover a two-year period actually gives the Montevideo Arts Project (MAP) a chance to catch its breath. MAP is a group of interested citizens who work in partnership with the city council, which acts as fiduciary agent and has final approval of all projects since they are on public property and owned by the city. MAP was formed in 2014 in response to a study by the Upper Minnesota Valley Regional Development Commission that found an interest in promoting public art in Montevideo. Kristi Fernholz, C o m m u n i t y Development Senior Planner for UMVRDC, is hired by MAP to guide them through the projects and write grants which cover two-thirds of the cost of hiring professional artists to bring the projects to life. Fundraising and donations cover the remaining costs. The first project was a mural painted behind a statue of

Montevideo, Minn.

Jose Artigas in a plaza in the heart of downtown Montevideo. The statue was a gift from their sister city, Montevideo, Uruguay and the mural celebrates the relationship between the two cities. Artist Shawn McCann has the viewer looking up a street into the Uruguayan capital. The next year, a historic boxcar donated by the Milwaukee Road Heritage Society became the billboard for murals relating to Montevideo’s railroad and agricultural history. That proved to be a major project, according to Jones, which involved moving the boxcar, laying track for its base, and hours spent by volunteer Dan Sanborn to prepare it for painting by artist Lili Payne. In 2017, a 1929 McCormick Deering tractor donated by Minnesota Valley Antique Farm Power and Machinery Association became host to stained glass creations by Karl Unnasch. While attractive in daylight, it takes on a new quality when lit after dark. That project won national recognition. To be completed in 2019 is a painted stairway, of which there are a few to choose from in this hillside city overlooking the convergence of the Minnesota and Chippewa rivers. MAP not only looks to a future with more projects, but sets aside money so this citywide art museum can be maintained for future generations. v

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