“Since 1976, Where Farm and Family Meet”
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August 9, 2019 August 16, 2019
Who’s driving? No one!
Developers of an autonomous tractor planted 500 acres in a day – without getting into the cab PLUS: Robotics help answer dairy farm’s labor woes; and Edible beans could be an option for stubborn grain market
www.thelandonline.com — “Where Farm and Family Meet”
The land of 10,000 lake memories
P.O. Box 3169 418 South Second St. Mankato, MN 56002 (800) 657-4665 Vol. XXXVIII ❖ No. 16 36 pages, 2 sections plus supplements
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COLUMNS Opinion Farm and Food File Cooking With Kristin In The Garden Marketing The Back Porch Calendar of Events Auctions/Classifieds Advertiser Listing Back Roads Mielke Market Weekly From The Fields
2A-3A 3A 4A 5A 8A-9A 10A 10A 14A-23A 23A 24A 1B 12B
Publisher: Steve Jameson: sjameson@mankatofreepress.com General Manager: Deb Petterson: dpetterson@TheLandOnline.com Managing Editor: Paul Malchow: editor@TheLandOnline.com Staff Writer: Kristin Kveno: kkveno@thelandonline.com Staff Writer Emeritus: Dick Hagen: rdhagen35@gmail.com Advertising Representatives: James McRae: jmcrea@TheLandOnline.com Ryan Landherr: rlandherr@TheLandOnline.com Office/Advertising Assistants: Joan Compart: theland@TheLandOnline.com Deb Lawrence: auctions@TheLandOnline.com For Customer Service Concerns: (507) 345-4523, (800) 657-4665, theland@TheLandOnline.com Fax: (507) 345-1027 For Editorial Concerns or Story Ideas: (507) 344-6342, (800) 657-4665, editor@TheLandOnline.com Because of the nature of articles appearing in The Land, product or business names may be included to provide clarity. This does not constitute an endorsement of any product or business. Opinions and viewpoints expressed in editorials or by news sources are not necessarily those of the management. The Publisher shall not be liable for slight changes or typographical errors that do not lessen the value of an advertisement. The Publisher’s liability for other errors or omissions in connection with an advertisement is strictly limited to publication of the advertisement in any subsequent issue or the refund of any monies paid for the advertisement. Classified Advertising: $19.99 for seven (7) lines for a private classified, each additional line is $1.40; $24.90 for business classifieds, each additional line is $1.40. Classified ads accepted by mail or by phone with VISA, MasterCard, Discover or American Express. Classified ads can also be sent by e-mail to theland@TheLandOnline.com. Mail classified ads to The Land, P.O. Box 3169, Mankato, MN 56002. Please include credit card number, expiration date and your postal address with ads sent on either mail version. Classified ads may also be called into (800) 657-4665. Deadline for classified ads is 5 pm on the Friday prior to publication date, with holiday exceptions. Distributed to farmers in all Minnesota counties and northern Iowa, as well as on The Land’s website. Each classified ad is separately copyrighted by The Land. Reproduction without permission is strictly prohibited. Subscription and Distribution: Free to farmers and agribusinesses in Minnesota and northern Iowa. $29 per year for non-farmers and people outside the service area. The Land (USPS 392470) Copyright © 2019 by The Free Press Media is published biweekly by The Free Press, 418 S 2nd Street, Mankato, MN 56001-3727. Business and Editorial Offices: 418 S. 2nd Street, Mankato, MN 56001-3727, Accounting and Circulation Offices: Steve Jameson, 418 S 2nd Street, Mankato, MN 56001-3727. Call (507) 345-4523 to subscribe. Periodicals postage paid at Mankato, MN. Postmaster and Change of Address: Send address changes to The Land, P.O. Box 3169, Mankato MN 56002-3169 or e-mail to theland@ TheLandOnline.com.
We’re nearing the end of summer. The zooms across the lake, he inevitably spots days are hot and humid, the nights are a fisherman pulling in the big one, and … well, hot and humid. We Minnesotans jealousy abounds. While he doesn’t mind like to get away to one of the 11,842 pulling the kids a few times around the lakes that we have in the state. Whether lake in the Super Mable, he would much we’re rural residents or city dwellers, we rather be fishing with them in the boat love a good lake. I can remember growing catching many a walleye. up in the Twin Cities, we’d rent a cabin If you have kids, then you know that every year and head to the Brainerd relaxing at the lake rarely happens. If LAND MINDS lakes area for some fishing, swimming you’re not pulling kids across the lake, and lounging about. My husband grew up then you’re watching them swim, fixing By Kristin Kveno on a farm in northwestern Minnesota goggles (always with the fixing of the and has similar memories of going to a dang goggles) and untangling fishing lake resort near Waubun, Minn. line. While it may not be all that relaxWe’re not alone in our enjoyment of ing, it’s definitely memory makings. getting away to the lake. There’s 135,000 private Some of the best memories I have of my childhood recreational homes (cabins) in the state. Whether are at a lake reeling in sunnies, doing cannon ball you head to Green Lake near Spicer or Madison contests off the dock with my brother and enjoying Lake, or Mantrap Lake in Park Rapids, there seems the sunsets over the lake. I hope that my kids are to be a lake and a location for everyone. making the same kind of wonderful memories. As Minnesotans, we’ve been going to lake for cenWe head to northern Minnesota to a lake resort turies. It’s part of who we are. We seemed to be near Bemidji every summer with my in-laws. We drawn to the water. Back in the day, it was really have a delightful time — even with the swimmer’s one of the only ways to stay cool as houses didn’t itch, leeches as big as bass and mosquitos galore. have these fancy-dancy central air conditioners that The fun is spending time together away from the we now all rely on. Going to the lake also provided hustle and bustle of life. an opportunity to gather with family and friends. My in-laws farm, so they line up lots of help while I know for certain that s’mores eaten around a they’re at the lake. Then they usually keep an eye campfire while listening to the gentle sound of on the radar to check for any potential severe waves lapping up on shore is the best way to conweather. When adverse weather hits the farm, it sume this sticky and sweet treat. I also know that means having the hired man check whether there’s catching fireflies at the cabin is something that any hail damage or any downed corn. You can get never, ever seems to get old. away to the lake, but the farm is never far from their minds. A few years ago, my husband, Seth, and I — for one brief moment — became fun/cool mom and dad When the sun is shining, the kids are enjoying and bought a Super Mable. If you don’t know what fishing from the dock and GETTING ALONG (for a a Super Mable is, then picture a loveseat on water. second or two). My husband and I like to sit on the It’s an inflatable that has a back to it and comfortswing near the shore and take in all the beauty that ably fits three riders who are then pulled around surrounds us. Being at the lake in Minnesota durthe lake by a boat. It’s hard to fall off this thing, so ing the summer is magical. It’s not always calm, but much of the time at the cabin is dragging the Super man, it sure is fun! Mable across the lake with our kids yelling “faster, Kristin Kveno is the staff writer of The Land. She faster.” My husband drives the boat while I make may be reached at kkveno@TheLandOnline.com. v sure that no rider falls off (they never do). As Seth
5B — Updating Green Isle, Minn. dairy is worth the effort 9B — Farmers looking for an alternate crop are looking at edible beans 10B — Autonomous tractor is drawing interest from agriculture cooperatives and seed companies
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Down the primrose path or down the economic sinkhole? The sun is shining, the sky is blue, and For example, no American farmer or the yellow roses along the primrose path rancher would have taken all of two days are dazzling distractions from what, in a in office to dump out of the almost-done matter of days, has already been a long Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal with month for farmers and ranchers. 12 other nations without first seeing what new markets the agreement — Worse, a long harvest and bitter winter involving 40 percent of the global econoalso loom as President Donald J. Trump my — would have offered the nation and threatens even tougher trade sanctions on key U.S. food buyers beginning Sept. FARM & FOOD FILE its farm and food producers. 1. The Trump White House did so unilatBy Alan Guebert erally and without pause. How did American agricultural and political leaders (especially the White Nor would have any American farmHouse) put farm and ranch constituer or rancher — be free trader or proents on a cliff ’s edge in so many crutectionist — kicked off trade talks with cial areas — trade, climate science, the economy, their five largest ag customers (China, Mexico, food assistance, data collection and analysis — in Canada, Japan and the European Union) by threatsuch a short time? ening all with steep tariffs if they didn’t play by our rules. The easy answer is, they didn’t know what they were doing as they almost uniformly placed politics The Trump White House did so unilaterally and over experience and talking points over expert without pause. advice on everything from trade to taxes to technolNor would anyone in farm or ranch policy circles ogy. have moved to mute two critical U.S. Department of The harder, more truthful answer, however, is Agriculture agencies (the Economic Research farm leaders absolutely knew what Trump Service and the National Institute of Food and Administration officials were doing when the White Agriculture) because of perceived but never proven House attempted to cut departmental budgets, elim- political bias. inated agencies, scrubbed scientific studies with The White House is doing exactly that right now political soap, boosted federal deficits to $1 trillion in its staff-gutting, forced — and possibly illegal — per year, picked trade fights with every key U.S. ag march of both from their longstanding home in customer, demoted undersecretaries into irrelevanWashington, D. C. to metro Kansas City. cy, and misled Congress, ranchers, and farmers with Moreover, White House Chief of Staff Mick glowing forecasts of their farm and food policies. Mulvaney essentially proved Secretary of In fact, what Cabinet and sub-Cabinet officials Agriculture Sonny Perdue’s explanation of the move were doing was obvious: They were carrying out (to get both agencies “closer to their customers”) White House political directives without question or was Grade A baloney during a political rally Aug. 2 concern to curry favor with the President and his in his native South Carolina. tweeting, vengeful thumbs. In any other administra“By simply saying to people,” Mulvaney boasted, tion, Congress would have swiftly stepped in to “‘You know what, we’re going to take you outside probe, slow, and even stop similar shortsighted or the bubble, outside the beltway, outside this liberal harmful actions. haven…’ they quit. What a wonderful way to But, as Trump trumpeters remind us, this admin- streamline government and do what we haven’t istration isn’t like any before it. Nor, as it turns out, been able to do for a long time.” are any of its trade or farm policies. Do you know anyone so cruel as to force people to
choose a job over home, or a career over family simply because they have that power in the “liberal haven of Washington, D.C?” And, yet, here we are. We watch as few farm leaders and even fewer in Congress hold anyone in the White House accountable for your fast disappearing markets, your fastsinking farm income, your growing dependency on government handouts, and the bleaching of your salt-of-the-earth reputation. But this is what happens when you stroll down the primrose path: you become so bedazzled by the smell and color of the roses that you don’t look to see where you’re going. The Farm and Food File is published weekly through the United States and Canada. Past columns, events and contact information are posted at www.farmandfoodfile.com. v
38th Annual ALL BREED SWINE AUCTION & 14th Annual Semen Sale
Wed. Evening, August 28th • 6:10 PM
Judges: Dean Compart, John Huinker, and Shandy Bertolino Monday, August 26th West Ring - 5:00 pm: Junior Barrow Showmanship
Tuesday, August 27th
East Ring - 8:00 am to 3:00 pm: Poland China, Chester, White, Spotted hogs, Yorkshire, Landrace, All Other Breeds & Supreme Champions West Ring - 8:00 am to 1:00 pm: Duroc, Hampshire, Berkshire 11:00 am to 1:00 pm: Junior Skill-a-thon 2:00 pm Junior Crossbred Breeding Gilts 4:30 pm: Junior Judging Contest
Wednesday, August 28th
wants to hear from you!
Letters to the editor are always welcome. Send your letters to: Editor, The Land, P.O. Box 3169, Mankato, MN 56002 e-mail: editor@thelandonline.com All letters must be signed and accompanied by a phone number (not for publication) to verify authenticity.
West Ring - 8:00 am: Junior Barrow Classic East Ring - 9:00 am: Open Barrow Show All top placements (boars and gilts) born from December through March in each breed will be sold at auction. Up to 100 head! This is an excellent opportunity to obtain some of the top genetics available in the Midwest. Herd health is a #1 priority for the exhibitors. Prices in the past have been very reasonable. Payment must be made at the auction. Hogs purchased may be removed from the State Fair Grounds immediately following the sale. Help is available for loading out. If not taken that evening, they must wait until Thur. Aug. 29th from 1-5.
www.thelandonline.com — “Where Farm and Family Meet”
Leave the oven behind with these campfire recipes Why is cooking over an open flame way n more fun than tossing food in the oven or Campfire nachos? You bet! This recipes feaon the stove to cook? It’s because of the tures zesty chicken, black beans, cheese and whole camp cooking experience. You get chips cooked over a fire. These are nachos that to be in nature, cooking food the way our you’re-nacho-going to soon forget. ancestors did all those years ago. These Chicken and Black Bean Nachos recipes though are definitely anything www.countryliving.com/food-drinks/a28071322/ but ancient. Here are some fun dishes to chicken-and-black-bean-nachos-recipe/ try that jazz up camp cooking. COOKING 3-1/2 cups shredded rotisserie chicken Some say that breakfast is the most important WITH KRISTIN 1 cup red enchilada sauce meal of the day. I say when it’s this delicious, it’s By Kristin Kveno 1/2 small onion, chopped the best meal of the day. Start the morning off right 1 cup fresh corn kernels with the tasty breakfast sandwich. It’s portable, so 1 (15-ounce) can black beans, rinsed you can enjoy it while fishing, hiking or just taking in the sights 12 ounces pepper-Jack cheese (about 3 cups), divided and sounds of the great outdoors. Kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper Camping Breakfast Sandwich 8 ounces tortilla chips https://theadventurebite.com/camping-breakfast-sandwich/ fresh cilantro and lime wedges, for serving 4 sourdough English muffins Set up grill for indirect cooking and heat to medium. Toss 2 cups leftover BBQ pulled pork together chicken, enchilada sauce, onion, corn, beans, and 8 4 eggs ounces cheese in a bowl. Season with salt and pepper. Tear six 4 slices cheddar cheese 12-inch squares of aluminum foil. Place one-sixth of chips, butter to crisp up the muffins chicken mixture, and remaining cheese on one end of a piece of In a medium cast iron saucepan, crisp up the English muf- foil, leaving a 3-inch border. Fold foil over filling to create a packet and crimp edges to seal. Repeat with remaining foil, chips, fins with a bit of butter until golden and crispy. Set aside. chicken mixture and cheese. Grill packets over indirect heat until Reheat leftover pork in skillet and set aside. Fry eggs. Fill English muffin with a half-cup of pulled pork, runny egg and cheese is melted and chicken is warmed through, 6 to 10 minutes. Transfer packets to plates and carefully open. Top with a slice of cheddar cheese. Wrap in foil and place over fire cilantro and serve with lime wedges alongside. until cheese is melted. Serve! n Potatoes cooked in foil on the campfire are just too good to pass up. I love this recipe because the mozzarella and parmesan adds the perfect amount of cheesy goodness to this recipe. We make this often and it always hits the spot! Campfire Potatoes www.delish.com/cooking/recipe-ideas/recipes/a53137/campfirepotatoes-recipe/ 2 pounds mini Yukon Gold potatoes, quartered 2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil Saturday 9am - 4pm 1 teaspoon garlic powder 1 teaspoon dried oregano Sunday 10am - 3pm Kosher salt freshly ground black pepper 2 cup shredded mozzarella Held at the New Ulm Civic Center 1 cup freshly grated Parmesan chopped fresh parsley, for garnish 1212 N Franklin Street crushed red pepper flakes, for garnish Farm toys; cars; trucks & various collectibles Preheat grill to medium-high, or preheat the oven to 425 Farm layouts will be displayed degrees. Cut four large pieces of foil about 10 inches long. In a large bowl, toss potatoes with olive oil, garlic powder, and oregano and season with salt and pepper. Divide potatoes between foil Welcome new vendors. pieces, then fold the foil packets crosswise to completely cover More information call: the potatoes. Roll the top and bottom edges to seal them closed. Place foil packets on the grill and cook until just cooked through, Wendy: 507-381-8234 • Jim: 507-381-8235 10 to 15 minutes. (Or transfer to the oven and bake about 15 minutes.) Unwrap the foil packets and sprinkle mozzarella and Parmesan on top of the potatoes. Fold foil back over the potatoes and cook until cheese is melty, about 3 to 5 minutes. Top with parsley and red pepper flakes and serve warm. n
New Ulm Toy Show
August 31st & September 1st 2019
There’s always room for dessert! Especially when the dessert is warm and gooey apple crisp. Dutch Oven Apple Crumble https://letscampsmore.com/dutch-oven-apple-crumble-2/ Apple filling: 8-10 Granny Smith apples plus 4 more of different variety (Gala, etc.) 4 ounces of apple juice or cider 1 cup brown sugar 3 tablespoon butter, melted 2 teaspoon cinnamon 4-5 tablespoon flour 1/2 teaspoon salt Topping: 3/4 cup flour 1-1/2 sticks cold butter, cut into small pieces 1/4 teaspoon salt 3/4 cup brown sugar 3/4 teaspoon cinnamon 1 teaspoon baking powder 3/4 - 1 cup old fashion oats Before prepping, start charcoal briquettes in a charcoal chimney. You’ll need 8 for the bottom and 16 for the top, but add a few extra for backup. Preheat your Dutch oven over the fire. Line it with a Dutch oven liners. Peel and slice the apples. Mix the sliced apples with the rest of apple mixture ingredients in a large bowl, stirring gently to keep apples from breaking. The topping can be made ahead and kept chilled until ready to use. In a food processor or with a pastry blender (which is easier while camping), cut flour and butter pieces together until crumbly. Add the rest of ingredients except for the oats. When all the ingredients are combined evenly, stir in the oats. Place apple mixture into the Dutch oven and top with the crumbly mixture. You can sprinkle with some chopped nuts if desired. Use a foil baking pan that is the size of the bottom of the Dutch oven to contain the coals. Place the 8 coals in an even circular pattern and put the Dutch oven on top. Place lid on Dutch oven and put 16 coals on top around rim and middle of the lid. Allow 40-45 minutes to bake. Rotate lid after 15 minutes one direction and Dutch oven, the other direction. Do this again in 15 more minutes. Check to see if bubbly and brown. You can leave it a few more minutes, but realize that the crumble will keep baking in a hot Dutch oven. Take the Dutch oven off of the bottom coals if it’s getting too done on the bottom. Allow it to sit for at least 10 minutes with no coals. Grab some chairs, slap on some bug spray and head outside to cook. Whether you’re camping or just cooking out in your yard, campfire cooking simply can’t be beat. Kristin Kveno scours the internet, pours over old family recipes and searches everywhere in between to find interesting food ideas for feeding your crew. Do you have a recipe you want to share? You can reach Kristin at kkveno@thelandonline.com. v
www.thelandonline.com — “Where Farm and Family Meet”
‘Sun King’ is beautiful and beneficial landscape addition clusters attract a host of pollinators. It is site: Pollinators are an important insect group that A shrubby plant suitable for shade that enjoyable to watch the different insects has an important color and silhouette includes domesticated honey bees as well as native busy doing their job! The flowers produce wild bees, flies, wasps, moths, butterflies and more. impact is spikenard. My semi-shaded back a small purple-colored fruit which is porch on the north side of the house has Over the past 50 years, the number of pollinators enjoyed by birds. been transformed by the addition of a relahas decreased and their overall health has been tively new spikenard called Aralia cordata Choose your site for spikenards careful- negatively impacted. A web of complex environmen“Sun King.” Spikenards are native to ly and consider the ultimate height and tal factors are the root of the probJapan and also grow wild in many eastern width as they are diffilem. Pollinators are exposed to a states. The Sun King cultivar is a golden cult to move when variety of stressors such as paraIN THE GARDEN leaf Japanese cousin of native spikenards mature. They like part sites, pathogens and pesticides. In and has superior characteristics. sun/part shade locations addition, their habitat is getting By Sharon Quale and fertile soil. Mine is I purchased my Sun King four years smaller. Each of us can do someflanked by some hollyago as a foot-tall specimen in a small pot and it has thing to help pollinators. Simple hocks growing on the sunny edge rapidly grown into a four foot tall by four foot wide acts, such as planting more pollishrub. In addition to being beautiful, it hides the air and the contrast of shape and color nator-attractive flowers, leaving conditioner in the summer. It is a herbaceous peren- is stunning. ornamental grasses uncut in the nial and loses its leaves before winter. The debris fall to provide habitat, or using Spikenards will overshadow delileft in the spring is minimal and can be left alone or cate plants, so companion planting pesticides only when necessary, raked up. In the early spring, new shoots emerge can make a big impact. should be made with sturdy speciand grow at lightning speed until it is a full round mens such as large hostas, large Sharon Quale is a master garshrub. ferns and — if you have enough dener from central Minnesota. She sun — showy flowering perennials. may be reached at (218) 738-6060 It is a lovely remarkable plant, or squale101@yahoo.com. v enjoyed by a variety of pollinators and ranks high on my list of favorites for shady areas. The following information is from Sun King’s flower clusters attract a variety of pollinators. the U of M Extension web
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• Fast and efficient manure transportation • Up to 3700 GPM. unload speed • 5000 gallon to 11,000 gallon • Stainless or Aluminum • Remote or manual controls • New and used set ups available • Keeps tractor and spreader in the field
Photos by Sharon Quale
“Sun King” likes part sun/part shade locations and fertile soil. Mine is flanked by some hollyhocks growing on the sunny edge and the contrast of shape and color is stunning. The individual compound leaves are not attractive to deer or insect predators and at the beginning of August show no sign of any damage. In mid-August, the plant produces tiny white flower clusters which resemble fireworks in their shape. These flower
To learn more about our offload trailers Visit Courtland Waste Handles 316 413 Street, Courtland 507-359-4230 www.courtlandwaste.com
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THE PERFECT BALANCING ACT. Pioneer® brand Qrome® products deliver increased yield, better agronomics and above- and belowground pest protection. Ask your Pioneer sales representative to learn more. CornRevolution.com
Qrome® products are approved for cultivation in the U.S. and Canada. They have also received approval in a number of importing countries, most recently the European Union. For additional information about the status of regulatory authorizations, visit http://www.biotradestatus.com/. Herculex® XTRA insect protection technology by Dow AgroSciences and Pioneer Hi-Bred. Herculex® and the HX logo are registered trademarks of Dow AgroSciences LLC. YieldGard®, the YieldGard Corn Borer design and Roundup Ready® are registered trademarks used under license from Monsanto Company. Liberty ®, LibertyLink® and the Water Droplet Design are trademarks of BASF. Agrisure® is a registered trademark of, and used under license from, a Syngenta Group Company. Agrisure® technology incorporated into these seeds is commercialized under a license from Syngenta Crop Protection AG. PIONEER® brand products are provided subject to the terms and conditions of purchase which are part of the labeling and purchase documents. TM, ®, SM Trademarks and service marks of Dow AgroSciences, DuPont or Pioneer, and their affiliated companies or their respective owners. © 2019 CORTEVA. PION9CORN056_TP
With defensive traits that work with our germplasm,
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WHERE THE THEORETICAL MEETS THE PRACTICAL, YOU GET THE INCREDIBLE. It takes brilliant minds in labs. And the muddiest boots in testing fields. And every step in between. In other words, it takes a revolutionary way to develop corn. Contact your local Pioneer sales representative to learn more. CornRevolution.com
PIONEER® brand products are provided subject to the terms and conditions of purchase which are part of the labeling and purchase documents. TM ,®, SM Trademarks and service marks of Dow AgroSciences, DuPont or Pioneer, and their affiliated companies or their respective owners. © 2019 CORTEVA. PION9CORN055_TP
www.thelandonline.com — “Where Farm and Family Meet”
Grain Outlook Soybean export inspections strong Editor’s Note: Joe Lardy, CHS Hedging research analyst, is sitting in this week for Phyllis Nystrom, the regular “Grain Outlook” columnist. The following marketing analysis is for the week ending Aug. 9. SOYBEANS — The week got off to a very bearish start when the Chinese government asked state owned companies to stop buying U.S. ag products as retaliation for the newest round of tariffs the United States imposed on China. China also took the radical step of weakening their currency which sent global markets into tailspin. Headlines between the two countries continue to fly and they would indicate that we are very JOE LARDY far away from any deal occurring. CHS Hedging Inc. The soybean market dropped St. Paul sharply on the news, but quickly recovered and was unchanged by the end of Monday’s trading session. The market was able to stage a small rally late in the week that push November futures to a gain of 24.5 cents for the week. It’s getting dry across a large portion of the eastern belt. The drought monitor is quickly expanding and now a big chunk of eastern Iowa and most of central Illinois are showing some drought. Temperatures have been moderate which has helped the crop from coming under too much stress; however, it’s not aiding growth. The good/excellent rating for soybeans held steady at 54 percent this week. This is the fourth week in a row at that value and the rating for six of the seven data points this year. It really has been a sideways rating this year. Soybean export inspections were very strong this week, topping the 1 million ton mark. This week’s total is the best in the last 23 weeks. Weekly export sales of soybeans were 101,600 tons, which was within the estimates of 0 and 300,000 tons. New crop sales were 318,200 tons, within the estimates of 100,000 to 400,000 tons. Estimates for the Aug. 12 World Agricultural Supply and Demand Estimates report are: planted acres at 81.006 million (78.000-83.500), harvested at 79.890 million (77.300-82.800), yield at 47.6 bushels per acre (46.0-49.0) and total production at 3.800 billion bushels, (3.633-3.974). 2018-19 carryout is estimated at 1.065 billion bushels (0.988-1.124) and See LARDY, pg. 9A
Cash Grain Markets
corn/change* soybeans/change* St. Cloud $3.26 -.51 $7.84 .00 Madison $3.43 -.51 $7.94 -.10 Redwood Falls $3.57 -.45 $7.96 -.07 Fergus Falls $3.24 -.41 $7.59 -.10 Morris $3.29 -.45 $7.69 -.21 Tracy $3.61 -.45 $7.89 -.05 Average:
Year Ago Average: $3.12 $7.71 Grain prices are effective cash close on Aug. 13. *Cash grain price change represents a two-week period.
Livestock Angles August markets off to slow start So far the month of August has not gotten off to a positive start for livestock prices. Both cattle and hogs are struggling to maintain recent price advances, but have been unable to hold those gains. The volatility seems to have come back to the markets especially in the hogs. Fear is once again driving the markets which we will expound on later in this writing. From a supply/demand point of view, demand will be the driving force behind the future pricing in both the cattle and hog markets in the weeks ahead. The cattle market has struggled for several weeks with cash JOE TEALE not being able to advance over Broker the $115 to $116 area since midJuly, while the nearby August Great Plains Commodity Afton, Minn. futures haven’t been able to surpass the $110 area during the same period. Several reasons have been the consistent discount of nearby futures to cash which is positive for moving cattle by hedgers to take advantage of that positive basis. Another is the continued availability of market-ready supplies of finished cattle. Movement of beef picked up for a short period in late July as weather became more conducive for barbequing which provided some strength to the market. This also brought down weights as packers became more aggressive in their bidding for acquiring inventories. As of late, however, weights are now increasing once again which provided more product available versus steady demand. For producers the See TEALE, pg. 9A
Grain Angles Grain operation benchmarking It is clear the economy has never been more complex, volatile and fast moving. Business decisions have become more complicated and time sensitive. How do you stay on top of the numbers and make sense of it all? The top three ways to achieve your business goals are: having access to reliable information, understanding your business and managing by the numbers. Does your financial services partner provide you with an annual financial performance report? One of the features of these reports is using that data to create benchmark reports. They allow you to see how they stack up against your peers on many different financial metrics. When workSEAN MULCAHEY ing with clients, I have always Compeer Senior found that they are extremely Credit Officer interested in this information. Mankato, Minn. Compeer Financial completed a benchmark report in 2018, with data compiled from 171 clients, primarily with cash grain operations in southern Minnesota. Here are some key metrics from that report. Working Capital One of the most important financial measurements for a farm operation is their working capital. It’s the difference in value between current assets and current liabilities. On the benchmark report we like to compare your working capital to the number of acres you farm. In 2018, our benchmark data shows the average working capital per acre was $223/acre — a $23/acre decrease from the 2017 average of $246/acre. Keep in mind that the $223/acre is an average. Within the data set there is a high of $850/acre and a low of -$150/acre. We have seen the working capital per acre trend downward over the last five years as the grain industry has experienced depressed margins. Compeer’s working capital per acre target is $200/acre or more. This level of working capital makes it more comfortable to cashflow your farm through the year. It also provides a buffer against a down year. Machinery Another important financial measurement is machinery cost per acre and machinery investment per acre. Machinery cost per acre includes your principal, interest and lease payments on machinery See MULCAHEY, pg. 9A
Information in the above columns is the writer’s opinion. It is no way guaranteed and should not be interpreted as buy/sell advice. Futures trading always involves a certain degree of risk.
www.thelandonline.com — “Where Farm and Family Meet”
Brazil to ramp up soybean planting for 2019-20 season LARDY, from pg. 8A 2019-20 carryout is estimated at 0.821 million bushels (0.607-0.950). The ranges are pretty wide as no one is overly confident about what the report will bring. Outlook: I think the trade war narrative is so broken that it really won’t be a negative factor moving forward. It’s almost skewed to be a supportive factor; but that feels like it’s a long way away given the recent rhetoric. Everything hangs on the Aug. 12 WASDE report. The possibility for some big price swings is very high. CORN — Speculators continue to cut their corn length. In the past three weeks, funds have cut their
MARKETING net length substantially and now have of a position of just 59,000 contracts long. Slow but steady buying as the week went on help push December corn futures to a nice weekly gain of 7.75 cents. The dry conditions are having an effect on the developing corn. The good/excellent rating on corn dropped by 1 percent this week to 57 percent. We are normally above 70 percent good/excellent at this point. The drought monitor is expanding across Kansas which was pegged as one of the bright spots early on. Kansas has good irrigation and the drought is not yet severe; but it will hit the dryland corn for
AFS now found in Bulgaria
TEALE, from pg. 8A outlook still appears that the discounts of futures to cash will remain for the near future. Therefore, protecting inventories will be somewhat of a challenge for the near future. Volatility is the best description for the hog market over the past several months. The cash and futures markets have been nothing more than price roller coasters through the entire period. It does not appear that this type of condition will change much in the future. African swine fever is back in the news as several hogs were detected with the disease in Bulgaria which sent the market reeling once again with fear. This developed into some futures contract to finish
limit down on Aug. 2 under heavy selling. The fear developed because the disease world-wide is still not under control, which makes the trade wonder if the spread of the disease will continue throughout the world. Short this was interrupted as unfriendly, however long term the supply of pork in the world is shrinking and would be presumable friendly. The current U.S. supply continue of pork in a facets is still a bit burdensome which will continue to be a negative factor. However as exports begin to expand in the future to replace world need for protein, which should be friendly to prices over the long term. Producers should expect that the roller coaster ride in price and volatility will continue in the weeks ahead. Therefore protect inventories as needed. v
sure. Corn demand continues to be very sluggish. Corn inspections were at the low end of expectations. Inspections are now behind the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s export pace by 66 million bushels and the gap is getting wider. Weekly export sales were 42,500 tons, which was below the estimates between 100,000 and 300,000 tons for the 2018-19 marketing year. New crop sales were 197,000 tons, which was below the estimates between and 200,000 to 600,000 tons. The combined sales total was the second-lowest of the year. We should be seeing a reduction to exports on the Aug. 12 WASDE report. Estimates for the Aug. 12 WASDE are: planted acres at 87.998 million (83.494-89.800), harvested acres at 80.050 million (76.114-81.900), yield at 164.9 bushels per acre (161.0-167.2) and total production at 13.193 billion bushels (12.723-13.550). 2018-19 carryout is estimated at 2.392 billion bushels (2.2202.490) and 2019-20 carryout is estimated at 1.620 billion bushels (1.281-1.900). Outlook: The WASDE is going to set the tone for the next month. The ranges are very wide and anything could happen. I have heard some very good arguments for both a bullish and bearish report and really anything is possible when it comes to USDA numbers. Other notes: The trade war comments have really had a material impact to equity and oil markets as well. Both markets have been extremely choppy and volatile and that often has a knock in effect to grain and livestock markets. v
U of M’s FINBIN site is a great source for benchmark data MULCAHEY, from pg. 8A divided by the total acres your machinery operates on — including custom acres. 2018 benchmark data shows the average was $58/ acre compared to $64/acre in 2017. Compeer’s target for this metric is under $65/acre. Within the data for machinery cost per acre there is a high of $140/acre and a low of $0/acre. Machinery investment per acre is the total value of your machinery line divided by the total acres your machinery operates, including custom acres. The 2018 average was $624/acre compared to $672/acre in 2017. Compeer’s target for this metric is under $575/acre. We have seen both of these measurements trend down in recent years. This is likely because farmers are not replacing machinery as quickly due to depressed margins. Within the data for machinery investment per acre there is a high of $1,200/acre and a low of $200/acre. The data shows that, on average, your machinery cost per acre and machinery investment per acre trends down as you operate more acres. However, this is not always the case. Low machinery cost per
acre and investment per acre can be a competitive advantage for your operation compared to others. Capital Debt Repayment Capacity Capital Debt Repayment Capacity (CDRC) is a measurement of your operation’s ability to meet all debt service demands. This ratio provides insight into your ability to service your current debt level. It also indicates how well you are staged to take on any more debt to grow your business. In 2018, the average CDRC was 106 percent compared to the 2017 average of 90 percent. A CDRC level above 100 percent means that you can meet your debt service obligations and have excess margin to build working capital or invest in other capital needs. A CDRC level below 100 percent means that you can’t meet your debt service obligations and you would have to service any shortfall with working capital. A solid level of CDRC would be 115 percent which gives you some extra margin. Within the data, the high 25 percent of earners had an average CDRC of 217 percent and the low 25 percent of earners averaged 4 percent. As you can see, there is a lot of variation within the averages.
However, overall averages point out the depressed margins that clients have been dealing with in recent years. Another great resource for benchmark data is the University of Minnesota Center for Farm Financial Management FINBIN site. FINBIN is one of the largest and most accessible sources of farm financial and production benchmark information in the world. FINBIN places detailed reports on whole farm, crop, and livestock financials at your fingertips. Farm management association programs provide the data. Put this benchmark information to work for you in managing your farm operation. Work with your trusted financial services partner to calculate these metrics and see how you stack up. For additional insights from Mulcahey and the rest of the Compeer team, visit Compeer.com. v
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Storms are an unplanned door to new beginnings At the end of an incredible weekend of A storm had ripped through this area. pouring into women at a leadership conThe blast destroyed buildings, but thankference, my heart was full, and my body fully spared lives. And while I leaned into tired. As I buckled in for the trip home, their eyewitness accounts, I was mindful the pilot announced that our direct flight of the aftermath. There is unexplainable would fly indirect to avoid a storm. beauty after storms. Though I don’t know the fear they must have experienced in Two of my coworkers shared the same the middle of the wind and rain or the flight, but not the same row of seats. back-breaking, heart-wrenching ache for Safely on the ground and within the what this means in the cleanup, I witTHE BACK PORCH Minneapolis/St. Paul airport, one comnessed what beloved radio personality mented on the bumpy ride. Exhausted, I By Lenae Bulthuis Paul Harvey called, “The rest of the had snoozed through it. The first storm of story.” two that I missed on that turbulent Sunday night. Jaw-dropping beauty and goodness can come Our grain and livestock farm is two hours after a storm. When we have the faith and strength straight west of the airport. Though I’ve lost track of the times I’ve taken this route, I won’t forget this to see beyond what’s in front of us, there is hope. trip. The sky was majestic. The deep blues and Yesterday I walked through Dykstra Gardens, a pinks were jaw-dropping. And while Minnesota was local summer plethora of beauty, with California only days away from a law to keep drivers more visitors who were seeing it for the first time. As we focused on the road then on their phones, under the stepped through picturesque paths, bordered by an spectacular canopy of colors, it was a struggle to array of colorful flowers, within a walled grove, drive distraction free. More than once, I pulled over Mary Jo asked if this part of the acreage was to snap pictures that did zero justice to the allalways without the thickness of trees. How could it encompassing wonder. be that there was a wall of trees around us without massive growth within the space we were enjoying? A wonder that left me wondering just outside of Silver Lake, Minn. where there were four utility Bill answered, “It was a storm.” Years ago, when a trucks and a local TV camera crew lined up on the tornado ripped through the area, 13 trees were side of State Highway 7. A story that I watched not eradicated from this space. Space that created space through a windshield, but through the TV screen on to plant dreams, and in time, would invite hundreds the 10 o’clock news just minutes after I arrived at of visitors to enjoy the beauty of the aftermath. home.
Though we would never wish for a storm and certainly wouldn’t pray for it, for those who weather it, beauty, goodness, and new life are possible on the other side. Not in a rainbow and unicorn sort of way, but in our painful reality and unique circumstances. Here’s the thing. Storms are no respecter of persons. You are either in the eye of a storm, heading into one, or viewing it from your rearview mirror. Unless you’re a storm chaser, it is rare to equate storms with happiness. But for those who believe that storms are not the end, but an unplanned door to new beginnings, there is hope. Hope that grieves the loss and then looks up to see beauty and possibility made available because of a storm. Hope is a choice. New York Times best-selling author Bob Goff writes, “We›re not what we hope for, identify with or have learned about; we’re the sum of what we do about it.” Today may you find perspective in your storm, the courage to choose hope, and the strength to do something about it. Lenae Bulthuis muses about faith, family, and farming from her back porch on her Minnesota grain and livestock farm. Her blog can be found online at www.lenaebulthuis.com and she can be reached via email at lenaesbulthuis@gmail.com. v
Calendar of Events Visit www.TheLandOnline.com to view our complete calendar & enter your own events, or send an e-mail with your event’s details to editor@thelandonline.com. Aug. 16 — Minnesota Soil Health Coalition Kickoff — Redwood Falls, Minn. — Join us to celebrate the Minnesota Soil Health Coalition official kickoff! Enjoy the festivities at Stoney Creek Farm, a family farm that has been employing the five soil health principles for two decades. — Contact Jennifer Hahn at coordinator@mnsoilhealth.org or (651) 485-7848. Aug. 16-18 — Heritage Hill Threshing Show — Montevideo, Minn. — The Threshing Show is well attended each year by various spectators, exhibitors, vendors, active members and other guests. — Contact Chip Grube at chipgrube@yahoo.com or (320) 815-5791. Aug. 17 — Henderson Hummingbird Hurrah — Henderson, Minn. — Tour hummingbird garden; see hummingbird banding; many speakers and demonstrations. — Contact Brenda Kotasek at kotasekb@ gmail.com. Aug. 17-18 — Butterfield Steam and Gas Engine Show — Butterfield, Minn. — Two-day event fea-
tures antique tractors, engines, cars and machinery as well as a pioneer town and crafts. Aug. 20 — Cover Crops: Setting Up for Success — Lamberton, Minn. — Program will highlight University of Minnesota research providing management tips and considerations to help farmers and ag professionals successfully incorporate cover crops into Minnesota cropping systems. — Contact Lizabeth Stahl at stah0012@umn.edu or (507) 372-3900 ext. 3912. Aug. 21 — Top Performing Annuals for the Home Garden — Morris, Minn. — A walking tour of the best annuals for west central Minnesota. — Contact Esther Jordan at (320) 589-1711 ext. 2152. Aug. 24-25 — Donnelly Threshing Bee — Donnelly, Minn. — This event features all makes and models of gas engines. — Contact Harry Kruize at chkruize@runestone.net or (320) 246-3337. Aug. 28 — Beck’s Minnesota Field Day — Gibbon, Minn. — Attendees can tour Beck’s PFR facility; learn about the company’s seed research; crop stress mitigation; fungicides and UAV applications. — Contact Beck’s Hybrids at (800) 937-2325.
Sept. 11 — Guiding Minnesota Farmers to Legal Resilience: A Workshop for Agricultural Providers — St. Paul, Minn. — Learn how to answer law-related questions that come up in your work with farm clients. This free workshop will guide you through six core farm law areas, including business structures, insurance and liability and employment law. — Contact Eva Moss at eva@farmcommons.org. Sept. 18 — Dirt Rich: Building Soil Health — Becker, Minn. — Topics include grazing full-season cover crops, no-till, perennial pasture management and interseeding cover crops in cash crops. A soil pit demonstration and rainfall simulator will also take place. — Contact Jason Walker at jason@sfa-mn.org or (844) 922-5573 ext. 702. Oct. 5 — Backyard Chicken Basics Class — St. Paul, Minn. — This class will cover all aspects of backyard flock management in an urban setting: getting permits, choosing suitable varieties, raising chicks, coop and run requirements, feed and nutrition, common health issues, predators, cold-climate care, chickens in the garden, composting chicken waste. — Contact (651) 645-0818.
www.thelandonline.com — “Where Farm and Family Meet”
A second cousin has hopes for 200-bushel corn this fall By DICK HAGEN The Land Staff Writer Emeritus BALTIC, S.D. — Even driving in light showers the last 30 miles or so (from Pipestone, Minn. to Baltic, S.D.), the moisture didn’t dampen my intrigue to once again be part of the annual Hefty Farm Show. Only one word is needed to best describe the huge event: Incredible! Much to my delight and surprise, one of my first visits was with an Iowa farmer confidentially talking 200-bushel corn again this fall! He farms about six miles east of Lake Mills along State Hwy. 105. Many readers of The Land met him three years ago when he was a “From The Fields” reporter. Jim Hagen is the guy. Yes, a second cousin of mine which perhaps explains his corn growing talents. But Jim simply responded, “Lots of tile!” “Yes, everything, both corn and soybeans planted in April,” Hagen said. Pattern tiling with 50-foot spacing on his tile runs did the trick — plus a break from the weatherman too. “In our area we had normal rainfall; none of the 4 to 6-inch downpours that got dumped in many areas this spring,” Hagen said. “When I check weather history on the Internet, we’re just a bit below the 10-year average. But it stayed too cold too long. We’re catching up on growing degree days; but if there’s early frost, lots of these fields won’t make it.”
With April planting, Jim did the opposite of most corn farmers this spring. Although he usually plants the 100-day maturity bracket, this spring — hoping to catch any extra yield kick — he planted mostly 107108 day corn. Hagen said his local seed dealer is his “guidance counselor.” But much like any farmer, he added, “If he leads me wrong one time, I don’t go back!” So 200-bushel corn is a possibility this fall? “Yes, I think so,” Hagen replied. “It looks good right now … nice and green.” No yellowing corn plants indicates no nitrogen is leaching because of drenching rains. Besides starter nitrogen, he also side dresses 32 percent nitrogen. He plants at 35,000 plants per acre and doesn’t have a variable rate planter. “If I did, I’d likely adjust populations too,” he said. For now his eyes are his variable rate monitor. “Come to a place where there’s no corn, I shut it off,” chuckled Hagen. His corn bins are empty. The last of his 2018 corn got trucked to market mid-July. “When I got above 4 bucks, it was time to clean out.” But Hagen still is hanging on to lots of beans. “I think there’s going to be a rally on soybeans,” he said. “Driving here this morning, lots of fields with 3-4 inch soybeans. That won’t amount to much.” He added he is seeing some prevent planting in his area too. In farmer talk Hagen simply said, “Some guys
SHAKOPEE, Minn. — The Minnesota Industrial Hemp Association, a non-profit trade association based in Shakopee, Minn., has been formed to ensure that opportunities for cannabidiol and other products derived from industrial hemp continue to grow and be readily available for consumers. “The overarching objective of the association is to position Minnesota as a leader within the industrial hemp sector” said Dave Ladd, MIHA President. “MIHA will implement strategies that coalesce stakeholders, policymakers and the public in support of the growing industrial hemp and CBD markets from producer to consumer.” With passage of the federal farm bill, the growth of industrial hemp as an alternative crop continues leading to new marketing opportunities throughout the supply chain. Hemp-based products such as CBD oil have grown in popularity as natural remedies for pain, nausea, seizures, anxiety and other ailments. Although hemp-based products such as CBD oil are legal and contain little or no tetrahydrocannabinol, the main compound in marijuana that provides a “high”, issues related these products remain prevalent at all levels of government. “Our team has over five decades of experience working in a variety of areas, including; government
relations, strategic communications, media relations, grassroots activation, and coalition building” said MIHA Executive Director Noah Rouen. “Our stakeholder engagement infrastructure within Minnesota and networks throughout the United States enable us to ensure the interests of our members are represented when decisions are being made at the state and federal levels of government.” MIHA will utilize a multifaceted approach to monitor the legislative and regulatory issues related to the industrial hemp and CBD industries and prevent harmful actions such as large tax increases on the sales of products, marketing restrictions on CBD and retail sales restrictions at the local, state and federal levels. MIHA will implement a strategy that coalesces stakeholders, policymakers and the public in support of the growing industrial hemp and CBD markets. For additional information and membership options regarding the Minnesota Industrial Hemp Association, visit mnindustrialhemp.com or via e-mail at info@mnindustrialhemp.com . You can also follow the Minnesota Industrial Hemp Association on Facebook , Twitter and LinkedIn. This article was submitted by the Minnesota Industrial Hemp Association. v
Minnesota Industrial Hemp Association announces formation
farming too many acres just didn’t get it done this year.” Hagen has some concern about commodity markets however. He was the driver of the charter bus which brought 60 Lake Mills area people to the Hefty Farm Show. “Yep, a little extra cash — plus this driver’s seat is comfortable and you see everything.” Hagen’s dad, Gordy, is 80. Jim a solid 60. “Looks like we’ll both be retiring the same time,” he said. “My sons got trained for other work, so doubtful they’ll be farming. Catch me down the road.” And a good place would be Happy Times Resort, a smashing success story developed by brother Rodney Hagen just a couple miles from Jim’s operation. v
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Real Estate
Real Estate Wanted
Great River Land Company WANTED: Land & farms. I Has buyers looking for prop- have clients looking for erty in your area, please dairy, & cash grain operacontact us for details. 800- tions, as well as bare land parcels from 40-1000 acres. 762-1545 or 608-769-2565 Both for relocation & investSell your land or real estate in ments. If you have even 30 days for 0% commission. thought about selling conCall Ray 507-339-1272 tact: Paul Krueger, Farm & Land Specialist, Edina Realty, 138 Main St. W., New Prague, MN 55372. Your ad paulkrueger@edinarealty.com could be here! (612)328-4506
Electric Fence Energizer Stafix Model M15R with remote. Powers up to 15 miles of fence with a 110v 15 joule output. Excellent condition, new price is $1,100. $775 (507) 822-2189
Tell your auctioneer to advertise your auction in The Land Retirement Auction
Tuesday, August 27th - 10:30 am Auction held at: Mages Auction Site 55780 St Hwy 19, Winthrop, MN Combines & Tractors: JD 7720 Titan II combine, 3495 hrs, long unloading auger, many new parts, new concave and rasp bars approx 850 hrs ago; JD 6620 Turbo diesel combine, 3069 hrs, heavy-duty rear end, newer drive tires, new battery; JD 220 Flex Head bean platform, black reel, good poly, bolt on sections, extra 20’ sickles; JD 643 corn head, newer deck plates, poly outside row dividers; 25’ grain head trailer; JD 8440 4WD, 2580 hrs on a 50 series engine, 3pt, triple hyd; JD 4630, 7372 hrs showing, diesel, quad, duals, 42” wheels, newer front tires, 3pt, rock box, yoke; JD 4440 approx 10973 hrs, diesel, front fenders, quad, engine overhauled at approx 8000 hrs, 3pt, rock box, yoke, ext mirrors; JD 4240, 7160 hrs, diesel, duals, syncro, 3pt, rock box, yoke; JD 50, gas, w/ trip loader; Farm Equipment & Miscellaneous : White 6100 12-row, pull-type air planter, 540 PTO pump, insecticide, 3 sets of plates; IH 4600 Vibra-shank cultivator, 25’ pull type, walking tandem wheels; JD 1010 field cultivator, 24’, 3pt, newer ram; IH 6500 Conserva-Till chisel plow, 11 shank w/ disks, pull-type, wide points; JD 1450 5-16 plow w/ coulters; IH 480 folding disk, 20’, tandem wheels; DK 151 grain vac w/ loading hoses, one owner; JD 227 stalk chopper, 6-row, 4rear tires; White 378 6-row cultivator w/ shields; Mayrath 10” x 60’ auger; Feterl 8” x 55’ auger; Keewanee 8” x 30’ auger w/ 3 HP electric motor & 100’ cord; Demco 525 bu gravity box & gear, roll tarp, surge brakes; Demco 350 bu gravity box & gear; Parker 300 bu gravity box & gear; Melroe 5-section drag on wheels; hay racks; 1400 gal water tank; 550 gal diesel fuel barrel w/ pump; Fimco ATV hand sprayer; grain aerators; transfer pump; 18.4-38 tires; 38” band duals, 30” spacing; selection of tools; various household items, farm antiques & sporting goods;
Owners: David & Lisa Muchow Auctioneer: Matt Mages - 507-276-7002
Auctioneers: Matt Mages, New Ulm Lic 08-19-001; Larry Mages, Lafayette; Joe Wersal, Winthrop; Joe Maidl, Lafayette; John Goelz, Franklin; Ryan Froehlich, Winthrop; Clerk: Mages Land Co. & Auction Ser vice, LLC. Terms: No Buyer ’s Premium. Note: All buyer s of large equipment br ing a letter of approval from your bank.
er ith 15 0v ent is 9
THE LAND — AUGUST 9 /AUGUST 16, 2019 Antiques & Collectibles
Bins & Buildings
1904 3 Box Moline Wagon, Stormor Bins & EZ-Drys. $3,000 or Best Offer; 3 Bot- 100% financing w/no liens or tom Moline Sulky Plow, red tape, call Steve at Fair$1,200 or Best Offer; Oliver fax Ag for an appointment. Breaking Plow, $450 or Best 888-830-7757 Offer; 1917 Maytag Washer, $300. 320-396-2436
www.thelandonline.com — “Where Farm and Family Meet”
KANDIYOHI COUNTY AUCTION Tuesday, October 15, 2019 Lots Located On Or Near Long Lake Including an 8 +/- Acre Point Here’s your opportunity to own property on or near Long Lake just north of Willmar. These one-of-a-kind parcels offer a chance to make your dreams a reality! Go to www.FladeboeLand.com for complete details and drone video.
Farm Equipment
FOR SALE: 1949 antique 77 Oliver tractor, exc cond. 320‘13 Gleaner S67 combine, all 864-3282 updates, 240 sep hrs; w/new bean & corn head; RT155A Agco tractor, 800 hrs; 839 Feed Seed Hay Parker grain cart; everything like new & always HIGH Quality Western dairy shedded. 507-276-8840 alfalfa, large quantities of shed stored hay and 2009 RiteWay 50’ land roller, STRAW, up to 230 RFV, $14,500. 507-383-3447 From our farm to yours on our trucks. 1 on 1 dealings, FOR SALE: Fantini chopping NO middle man. Experi- 8R & 12R CH; 70’ Elmer enced and Trusted. Call for drag, Merritt alum hopper pricing-delivery included in grain trailers; 24R30” JD pl on Kinze bar; Big A floater; price. (307)359-9644 175 Michigan ldr; IH 964 CH; White 706 & 708 CH & parts; White plows & parts; Bins & Buildings 54’ 4300 IH field cultivator; JD 44’ field cult; 3300 Hini140’ dairy barn, white steel ker field cult; header trailer. ceiling, 2x10 floor joist, 3/4” 507-380-5324 plywood flr, foam formed 8’ side walls, Patz cleaner, 18” FOR SALE: 20’ Loftness stalk chain chute head & motor, chopper, like new, $10,000. lumber is in exc cond; 18 & 320-220-1138 20’ silo unldrs. 320-212-9023 FOR SALE: JD 3710 8 bottom varible width pull type plow, SILO DOORS 507-530-1423 Wood or steel doors shipped promptly to your farm Hesston 4750 big sq. baler, stainless fasteners also bales corn stalks, exhardware available. cellent. Vermeer 605F round (800)222-5726 baler, Steiner 325 stationary Landwood Sales LLC tumble mixer. Mensch sand fluffer. Brady portable all Looking for something special? hydraulic mixer mill. 507Put a line ad in The Land and find it! 313-0033 Call 507-345-4523
Call Broker: Kristine Fladeboe Duininck 320-212-9379
AL WESSEL LIC #77-60 PH. 320-760-2979 & KEVIN WINTER LIC #77-18, 320-760-1593, AUCTIONEERS
Steffes Auction Calendar 2019
For more info, call: 1-800-726-8609 or visit our website: SteffesGroup.com Opening August 9 & Closing August 19 Equipment Wholesalers Auction, Steffes Group Facility, Larchwood, IA, Timed Online Auction. Opening August 12 & Closing August 20 Manure Pumping & Handling Auction, Upper Midwest Locations, Timed Online Auctions. Opening August 13 & Closing August 22 Wallace “Wally” Vorweck Antique Tractor & Equipment Auction Gibbon, MN, Timed Online Auction. Opening August 15 & Closing August 22 Secured Lender Farm Auction, Greenbush, MN, Timed Online Auction Opening August 16 & Closing August 21 Online Steffes Auction - 8/21, Upper Midwest Locations, Timed Online Auction Opening August 19 & Closing August 27 Atwater Elevator Auction, Atwater, MN, Timed Online Auction Opening August 19 & Closing August 27 Lender Owned Poultry Barns, Grove City, MN, Meeker County Auction, Grove City, MN, Timed Online Auction Opening August 19 & Closing August 27 Mark Konu Dairy Farm Retirement Auction, Moose Lake, MN, Timed Online Auction Thursday, August 22 at 9AM AgIron Mt. Pleasant Event, Steffes Group Facility, Mt. Pleasant, IA Opening August 22 & Closing September 4 Hawley Elevator Co. Equipment Auction, Hawley, MN, Timed Online Auction. Friday, August 23 at 10AM Meeker County, MN, Tillable Land Auction - 31± Acres, Grove City, MN Friday, August 23 at 10:30AM Voigt Dairy Farm Retirement Auction, Grove City, MN Friday, August 23 at 11AM Cecil & Betty Mashino Farm Retirement Auction, Spencer, NE Opening August 23 & Closing August 30 Schwab Farms Excess Inventory Reduction Auction, Englevale, ND, Timed Online Auction Monday, August 26 at 10AM Force Enterprise Construction Auction, Mandan, ND Opening August 26 & Closing September 4 Larry & Carol Maiers Grain Handling Equipment Auction, Stewart, MN, Timed Online Auction Opening August 27 & Closing September 3 Hawley Elevator Co. Real Estate Auction, Hawley, MN, Timed Online Auction. Thursday, August 29 at 10AM Heller Farms Charitable Remainder Unitrust Retirement Auction, Danube, MN Friday, August 30 at 10:30AM Clarence & Anne Juncewski Farm Retirement Auction 2 Tracts - 60+ Acres, Silver Lake, MN Friday, August 30 at 11AM Clarence & Anne Juncewski Farm Retirement Auction, Silver Lake, MN Opening September 2 & Closing September 9 AgIron Sioux Falls Event, Steffes Group Facility, Larchwood, IA, Timed Online Auction
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’90 Peterbilt 379 Semi Day Cab, 3176 Cat, 13 Sp, Jake, 719,500 Miles, Very Sharp; ’01 Sterling Semi Day Cab, C-12 Diesel, 10 Sp, Jake, 472,900 Miles; (2) Jet Grain Trailers 2013 And 1997, 38’x96�x66�, Roll Tarp, Scale, Air & Spring Ride
CO. The Anderson’s other business takes much more of their time. Therefore, they will sell all of their clean line of crop machinery at Public Auction. Auction Location: 6350 Hampshire Road, Chaska, MN 55318 (Chaska MN is Just West of Minneapolis, MN 30 Miles)
’09 NH CR9070 Combine, RWA, 1,209/1,699 Sep/Eng Hours, Bin Topper, Long Auger, Intell Plus II Display; ’13 Harvestmore 735, 35’ Bean Platform, ; ’08 Drago S12TR 12Row 22�, Chopping Corn Head, Stalk Stompers; (2) Good Head Carts
4511 E Cty Rd 134, Moose Lake, MN 55767
OPENS: MON., AUGUST 19 / CLOSES: TUES., AUGUST 27 | 7PM LOCATION: From Moose Lake, MN, 3.5 miles west on MN 27, 1/2 mile south on E Cty Rd 134. PREVIEW: By Appointment / LOADOUT: By Appointment
Krause 5635 Field Cult, 46.5’, Rolling Basket, 3 Bar Harrow; Wilrich V957 DDR, 7 Shank Ripper; RiteWay 4241HL Land Roller, 42’, 3 Section; 1992 Ford F350, 7.3L Diesel ,4x4, Auto, Flatbed, Air Compressor; 2,000-Gal Fuel Tank W Fill Rite Pump; 550 Gallon Fuel Tank W Elec Pump This is Only A Partial Listing For Full Details Go To
Viewing August 19, 20, and 21 8AM 6PM No Exceptions!
Tyler Patriot Self Propelled Crop Sprayer, 700 Gallon, 75’ Booms, DJCMS100 Control Bar, JD Diesel, 12x4x42 Tires, 4,836 Hours; Friesen/John Deere 24 Row 22� Planter, 500-Gal Tank, 3 Bushel Boxes, Hyd Shutoffs, Markers; Semi Sprayer Tender Trailer; Water Wagons
PO Box 37, Kenyon, MN 55946 • 507-789-5421 • 800-801-4502
Matt Maring, Lic. #25-28 • 507-951-8354 Kevin Maring, Lic. #25-70 • 507-271-6280 Adam Engen, MN Lic. #25-93 • 507-213-0647
Auction Terms: Cash, Check, Credit Card. All Sales Final. All Sales Selling As-Is, Were-Is With No Warranty Or Guarantee Expressed Or Implied. All Items Must Be Paid For In Full The Day Of The Auction. Photo ID Required.
Farm Retirement
Sukup T-12 Crop Dryer, Single Phase, 15hp, Quad Touch Display,1,958 Hours, SN: D09658; 2013 Sioux 33,000 Bushel Grain Bin 33’ x 12 Rings, Staircase, 7.5hp And 12.5hp Motors; 2012 Sioux 6000 Bushel Grain Bin, 18’ x 8 Rings; Butler 30’ Grain Bin, 6 Rings Tall, Floor; Westfield WR130-71 Hyd. Lift, WR10031; Bulher/Farm King 10�x60’ Swing Hopper Auger; Adrian Drive Over Grain Dumping Pit; Sukup Cyclone Grain Moving Air System, 160’ Pipe, 2; 10 hp Single Motors; J&M 750 Grain Cart, 1000 PTO, Scale, Camera
6ERSATILE 7$ .( 4' -&7$ )(# 7$ 4RACTORS
’94 Versatile 9880 4WD, 20.8R42 Triples, 7,438 Hours, Full Weight Packages, 4hyd; ’03 NH TG230 MFWD, 380/90R50 Rear Duals, Front Duals, 4hyd, PTO, Trimble 750 Monitor, 11,710 Hours, Very Sharp; IHC 1486, 2WD, 18.4x38, 7,516 Hours, Good TA
LOCATION: 87708 285th St, Danube, MN 56230
THURSDAY, AUGUST 29, 2019 | 10AM
LOCATION: From Danube, MN, 4 miles north on Cty Rd 1, .5 miles west on 870th Ave., .75 miles north on 285th St. From Roseland, MN, 5 miles south on Cty Rd 5 turns into Cty Rd 1, .5 miles west on 880th Ave., .25 miles south on 285th St.
(39) Y2K free stalls LIVESTOCK EQUIPMENT (12) Calf-Tel individual poly calf (28) Y2K head to head free stalls w/oor mounts pens SILAGE WAGONS, (2) Ritchie 300 automatic Dari Kool bulk milk tank FORAGE BOXES & PARTS Tuthill vacuum pump waterer FEED & FORAGE WAGONS Miller Pro 5200 silage box Ritchie automatic waterer Kuhn Knight 5042 Vertical Maxx (2) Miller Pro 5100 silage wagon Dari Kool bulk milk tank Stainless steel sink TMR Meyer 4516 TSS silage box (9) Calf-Tel calf TRACTORS / TILLAGE DC Atlas Agri-Metal stationary (2) Gehl 970 forage box (14) Surge/Westfalia Omni auto hammer mill EQUIPMENT / PLANTERS H&S 501 forage wagon take off milker units Highline Bale Pro 6600 bale Gehl 970 top beater Double 7 rapid exit parlor GRAIN HANDLING EQUIPMENT processor (3) Gehl 970 beaters Low line receiver group 2004 Kelly Ryan 2W-04 PARTS TIRES / MOTORS Stationary hyd. power unit Centerline Big Bagger 1999 John Deere 3970 pull-type forage harvester John Deere corn head
(4) 2018 Up North Plastics Ag bags
Steffes Group, Inc. | 24400 MN Hwy 22 S, LitchďŹ eld, MN 55355
MARK KONU For information contact Mark 218.393.3254
or Randy Kath at Steffes Group, 320.693.9371 or 701.429.8894
Complete terms, lot listings and photos at SteffesGroup.com
40 ac Sibley Co. Farm Land & Hog Operation
Land Auction
Tuesday, August 20th - 10:30 am
Auction held at: Mages Land Co Office 55780 State Hwy 19 West, Winthrop, MN 55396
AUCTIONEER'S NOTE: The Heller’s have farmed over 43 years and have decided to retire. Major equipment is shedded with meticulous service & maintenance records. Online bidding available on all major equipment. Major equipment will sell at 10:30AM. Registration, terms, & details at SteffesGroup.com.
992 IHC 9300 Eagle day cab, 542,433 PLANTERS 2009 John Deere DB44, CCS, 24x22â€? miles John Deere 7300,12x22â€? GRAIN TRUCK John Deere 7100, single row 1972 Ford L9000 tandem axle grain TILLAGE EQUIPMENT truck, 578,961 miles Salford 570RTSHD vertical tillage PICKUPS 2008 John Deere 8130, 2,532 hrs. GPS/NAVIGATION John Deere 2410 chisel plow 1997 Dodge 3500 Laramie SLT, 2007 John Deere 8330, CAH, 2,983 hrs. EQUIPMENT John Deere 2210 ďŹ eld cultivator 108,382 miles 2000 John Deere 8110, 4,552 hrs. John Deere StarďŹ re ITC receiver John Deere 637 disc 2006 Dodge Ram 2500, 188,488 miles 2WD TRACTORS (2) John Deere 3000 receivers John Deere 2700 disc ripper 2001 Ford Ranger, 127,546 miles 1979 John Deere 4440, 689 hrs. John Deere brown box w/mobile John Deere 3710 auto reset plow GRAIN CART & GRAVITY BOXES 1962 John Deere 4010, 4,047 hrs. processor John Deere 856 row crop cultivator 1979 John Deere 2440, 4,153 hrs. TRAILERS / SUGARBEET (2) John Deere 2600 displays w/SF1 Summers pull-type coil packer Ag Cam camera system EQUIPMENT / SPRAYERS TRACTOR LOADER Kongskilde 3500 soil ďŹ nisher DRILLS John Deere 1010 ďŹ eld cultivator GRAIN HANDLING EQUIPMENT BACKHOE & FORKLIFT Ford 5500 tractor loader backhoe, John Deere 455 drill, 30’ CONVENTIONAL TRUCKS OTHER FARM EQUIPMENT John Deere 9300 grain drill, 30’ shows 772 hrs. 2002 IHC 9400I day, 503,355 miles UTV/ATV & ATTACHMENT 2004 Mitsubishi FG20ZT forklift, 7,453 hrs. John Deere 8300 drill, 13’ 1998 IHC 9100 day cab, 644,713 miles Farmhand tandem axle drill transport, 30’ 1995 IHC 9200 day cab, 104,750 miles
2008 Caterpillar Challenger MT855B, 2008 John Deere 9770 combine, 3,854.5 hrs. 2,148 sep. hrs., 2,863 engine hrs. 2006 John Deere 8430T, 4,486 hrs. 2009 John Deere 612C chopping corn head MFWD TRACTORS
Steffes Group, Inc. | 24400 MN Hwy 22 S, LitchďŹ eld, MN 55355 HELLER FARMS LLC
HELLER FARMS CHARITABLE REMAINDER UNITRUST The Lutheran Home Association Foundation: Trustee
For information contact Ben 320.522.2145
Eric Gabrielson at Steffes Group, 320.693.9371 or 701.238.2570
TERMS: All items sold as is where is. Payment of cash or check must be made sale day before removal of items. Statements made auction day take precedence over all advertising. $35 documentation fee applies to all titled vehicles. Titles will be mailed. Canadian buyers need a bank letter of credit to facilitate border transfer.
Directions to land: From Winthrop head East on Hwy 19 for 2.5 miles, turn North on County Rd 4 and travel 5 miles, turn West onto 236th St. the farm site is on the North side of the road. Watch for signs!
This property will sell as two parcels:
Location of property within Sibley County: 52608 236th St, Winthrop, MN Section 9, Transit Township, Range 29 Total of farm: 40 acres, Approx. 28.35 acres tillable. PID: 23.0902.000 2019 Taxes: $2,740 Parcel 1 (Farm Land): 30 acr es, Approx. 28.35 acr es tillable. Productivity Index: 91 Parcel 2 (Farm site): This full 10 acr e hog oper ation has many well maintained outbuildings & 4 hog barns. The home is a 3 bedroom, 2 bath rambler with an attached single stall garage. Note: All acres are published based on Nicollet County Online Records and FSA records.
Owner: Travis Linsmeier
Listing Auctioneer: Matt Mages, 507-276-7002 Lic 08-19-001 Auctioneers: Lar ry Mages, Lafayette; J oe Maidl, Lafayette; J ohn Goelz, Fr anklin Joe Wersal, Winthrop; Ryan Froehlich, Winthrop; Broker: Mages Land Co. & Auction Ser vice, LLC. Terms: No Buyer ’s Premium. Everything sold in “AS IS� condition.
THE LAND — AUGUST 9 /AUGUST 16, 2019 Farm Equipment
www.thelandonline.com — “Where Farm and Family Meet”
Tillage Equip
Retiring. 500 gal pull type Ag Case 1470, very clean condi- Retiring. For Sale: NH TM165 Custom 8R30 strip till bar w/ Chem crop sprayer, $1,600; tion, $10,000 firm. 507-317- tractor, 2WD, auto steer, du- Micro-Trac NH3 monitor, ‘95 JD 8300, MFWD, good 1482 als, wgts, 2074 hrs, planter strip tilled 3500 acres, exc cond, field ready, $55,000; & sprayer tractor, always emergence and stand, al‘77 Chevy C65 grain truck, FOR SALE: Steiger 430 trac- shedded, excellent. 507-640- ways shedded since new, field ready, $4,250. 507-250tandem axle, air brakes, Al- tor, 4WD, pwr shift, 710/70/42 0146 0452 lison auto trans, 20’ box w/ tires w/ duals, 2nd owner, hoist, roll tarp, $15,000. 507- 2092 hrs, excellent condition, FOR SALE: 1993 C-IH 7500 $127,500. 320-226-5453 Tillage Equip 744-2472 6-bottom on land hitch plow, exc cond. 507-360-8610 NEW AND USED TRACTOR We buy PARTS JD 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, Case IH Cushion Gang 25” Salvage Equipment FOR SALE: Tebben 5 Shank 55, 50 Series & newer trac- disk. Excellent condition, Parts Available deep tiller w/ leveler. 320recent new front blades, tors, AC-all models, Large Hammell Equip., Inc. 596-2140 bearings and holders, updatInventory, We ship! Mark (507)867-4910 Heitman Tractor Salvage ed spring mounts, updated RETIRING: DMI 530 disc scraper bar mounts, new ripper, 12.5’, all new points 715-673-4829 or good scrapers, new tires, & disc blades, exc cond; IH Your ad good hoses, more, shedded, 490 disc, 31’; (2) White 588 Sell your farm equipment could be here! ready to use, none nicer. plows, 4x18 & 5x18. 507-947in The Land with a line ad. 507-345-4523 $12,600/OBO (320) 282-1678 507-345-4523 3859 or 507-381-6576
ANNUAL PRE-HARVEST CONSIGNMENT EVENT Our Annual Summer Consignment Auction Event will be held at the Wieman Auction Facility located at 44628 SD Highway 44, Marion, SD or from Marion, SD, 1-mile South and ½ mile West on Highway 44 on:
WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 28, 8:30 A.M. CST Lunch by the Presbyterian Church Ladies
Every moment has the potential to be amazing.
Coming In November 2 Parcel Prime Farmland Auction Parcel 1 -73 +/-tillable acres located in the part of the S ½ of SW ¼ of Section 16; Parcel 2 -110 +/-tillable acres located in the N ½ of NW ¼ and the SE 1/4 of NW 1/4 of Section 21, all located in Lake Elizabeth Twp, Kandiyohi Cty; These parcels contain very good to excellent soils, tiled with excellent outlets.
Call Broker: Kristine Fladeboe Duininck 320-212-9379
Tractors, Machinery & Tools
Thursday, August 22, 2019 - 10:00 a.m. 48113 210th St., Sanborn, MN From Sanborn Corners, 4 miles south on MN 71 to 210th St., 1/8 mile east to property COMBINE/HEADS
1997 Case IH - 2166 Combine, AFS, 3185 CIH Magnum MX315 MFWD Tractor, Engine, 2250 Rotor, Rear Wheel Dr (add Front Duals, Front Suspension, Rear Hub on) Big Top Ext S/N: JJC0183376 Dual, P.S. AFS, 480/80 R50 Front Weights
This Auction will offer over 1200 items in total. A Large Assortment of Tractors (3 – 4x4’s, 20+ MFD’s, 20+ 2 WD, 50+ collector tractors), 5 – Skid Loaders, 20+ Combines, Large Assortment of Corn Heads, Bean Heads, Dummy Heads, Head Transports, Grain Carts, Gravity Boxes, Augers, Planters, Tillage, Haying & Forage Equipment, Skid Loader Attachments, Trucks, Trailers, Fencing, Miscellaneous and more! FOR FULL AUCTION AD, VISIT OUR WEBSITE:
**WWW.WIEMANAUCTION.COM** Auctioneers Note: This is another large and interesting auction of consignments by Area Farmers & Dealers. Online bidding will be available at Proxibid.com with a 2.5% buyer’s premium and a $750 maximum per item. Miscellaneous starts at 8:30 AM sharp and older equipment at 9 AM with 2-3 auction rings all day. A 3rd auction ring will sell trucks-trailers-vehicles-augers @ 11 AM. For more details/pictures, please call our office or visit us online at WiemanAuction.com. South Dakota sales tax will be charged. This ad is subject to additions and deletions. All consignments must have been approved by the Wiemans - sorry we are full! We have excellent loading and unloading equipment. Financing and trucking are available. We are in our 71st year of selling. We offer honest and fair treatment to all because we appreciate your business! Bring a friend and come prepared to buy! If you are driving a good distance – please call to make sure the item is here. Welcome to the “Machinery Mall of South
EVENINGS: Derek Wieman 605-660-2135 • Mike Wieman 605-351-0905 • Ryan Wieman 605-366-3369 Kevin Wieman 605-660-1587 • Rich Wieman 605-660-0341
(4) Demco 650 Wagons, Lights/ Brakes, No Roll Tarps 2009-2013
TILLAGE 2010 Case IH 2606 - 6 x 2 30” Chopping Head Poly S/N: Case IH Puma 160 MFWD Tractor, P.S. 140 Hrs., 480 / 666588011 80 - R42 w/ L765
1999 CIH 1020 Bean Head Add Crary Air Reel 6 Years Ago S/N: JJC0320065
Case IH Tractor Weights
2009 Bobcat #90 Finish Mower
Case IH Tiger Mate, 2 Field Cultivator, Bar Harrow, Rolling Baskets, Walking Tandems, S/N: JFH0035926 Parker 200 Seed Wagon Divided w/ Roll Tarp
Dakota!” Our next auction December 11, 2019.
WIEMAN LAND & AUCTION CO., INC (SINCE 1949) 44628 SD HIGHWAY 44, MARION, SD 57043 AUCTION OFFICE: 800-251-3111 or 605-648-3111 MACHINERY OFFICE: 888-296-3536 or 605-648-3536 Email: Info@WiemanAuction.com Website: WiemanAuction.com
Live & Online Auction
Stealth Liberty Enclosed Trailer, Reinforced Floor, 8’ Interior, Single Door 18’ Flatbed Trailer w/ 10 Ton JD Running Gear
Case IH 870 Ecolo Tiger Disk Ripper 7-Shank, Double Disk Front, Single Rear w/ Rolling Basket S/N: YDD069063
IVAN & JOEY GLANZER, TRUSTEES • 507-822-2840 1500 E. Bridge Street Redwood Falls, MN 56283 Office - 507-644-8433 Doug Kerkhoff - 507-829-6859 Zac Kerkhoff - 507-829-3924
www.thelandonline.com — “Where Farm and Family Meet”
Please like us on Facebook Tony Montgomery Realty & Auction Co.
TMRA Starts closing at 6 pm
Mallard seed Co. & rayMond and evelyn Brueske estate
Everything exceptionally CLEAN!
Sat, Aug 17th through Tues, Aug 27th 2019 10 DAY ONLINE AUCTION! Go to www.tmracompany.com for photos
Auctioneer’s Note: The Raymond and Evelyn Brueske family would like to thank all of the previous Customers and employees of the Mallard Seed Co. Your patronage was and is greatly appreciated since Mallard Seed Co started in the 1950’s. TRACTORS – TRUCKS – PLANTING EQUIP. – TILLAGE EQUIP. Allis-Chalmers 7060 Tractor pwr. Shift, cab, duals, frt. weights, 4559 hrs. – Allis-Chalmers 190 Tractor XT Series III, open stat., 6826 hrs., 4 spd. Hi/lo trans., - Massey Ferguson 65 Tractor, 3-pt, 540 pto, - Massey Ferguson 50 Tractor w/ woods belly mower – IH M Tractor N.F. – 1989 Ford L8000 Tandem Truck w/ Steel 22’ grain box, hoist, 135k miles, 9 speed Fuller Trans., - 1977 Ford F600 Custom Grain Truck w/ 15’ dump box – 1977 GMC 6500 Grain Truck w/ Steel 18’ dump box – 1965 IH Fleetster 2000 Grain Truck tandem w/ 20’ dump box – 2003 GMC 2500HD Reg. Cab pickup, 5 speed manual, 6.0L, 2wd, ONLY 27,421 miles, CLEAN – 1995 GMC 3500 Reg. Cab pickup, 5 spd. man., 5.7L, 2wd, topper – 1991 GMC 2500 Reg. Cab pickup, 5 spd. man., 4.3L, 2wd, topper – 2005 Dodge Grand Caravan SXT – John Deere 7200 Corn Planter 38” 8-row, dry fert., - Case IH 5300 Soybean Special Drill w/ grass seed box, 12’, 6” spacing – John Deere 7000 Corn planter 38” 4-row, dry fert., - White 6-row 38” planter – John Deere E1710 13’ chisel plow, 11-shank – Allis-Chalmers 2300 14’ disc. – John Deere 1010 field cultivator 30’, 3-bar harrow – White 6-bottom vari-width plow – Glenco Soil-finisher 19’ w/ 5 bar harrow – Numerous row cultivators – 4 section drag on cart – John Deere 27 Stalk Chopper – and so much more too numerous to mention. GRAIN HANDLING – CONVEYORS – ELEVATORS Handlair Pneumatic Conveying System Model 566 w/ assort. pipes – Rapat 61’, 40’, 26’ belt/paddle conveyors – (2) Bush hog 52’ paddle conveyors – (5) Dakon 250 bu. gravity Wagons – (2) Bradford 300 bu. Gravity wagons – Tyler Fert. Tender on trailer w/ hydraulic auger motor – (2) Farmhand F94D Side dump wagons – Minneapolis Moline Corn Shellers complete w/ drag lines – And Qty of misc conveyors, elevators, Augers, Shellers, Fanning mills, Platform Scales and so much more! DOZER – BOAT – BOBCAT – MISC. CAT 941B Bucket Dozer, less than 100 hrs., SN: 80H3535 – 2003 Alumacraft V16 Boat on Spartan Trailer, Mercury 25HP motor – Bobcat 743 Skidloader w/ 3654 hrs., - ParCar Gas Golf cart – John Deere LX186 lawn mower w/ 42” deck – Arps model 70 snowblower, 2-stage, 3-point – Large Qty of Bin Sheets – Qty of numerous fuel barrels – Qty of Boom Guns – Hand corn shellers – Lincoln Welders – Buzz saw and so much more too numerous to mention. Owners – Mallard Seed Co. and Raymond and Evelyn Brueske Estate
Go to www.tmracompany.com for photos
Open House: August 21st 3PM-5PM & August 24th 9AM-11AM at TMRA office, Plainview, MN TMRA
Tony Montgomery Realty & Auction Co. “Experience with Integrity For Your Auction”
MN Lic. #79-06 Wi. Lic. #639-052 www.tmracompany.com Plainview, MN. • Tony: 507-259-7502 • Brad: 507-421-0232
Organized & Professional
Tony Montgomery Realty & Auction Co.
HAVE AN UPCOMING AUCTION? For the best results place your auction ad in The Land! Talk to your auctioneer or our friendly staff. 507-345-4523 or email: theland@thelandonline.com
THE LAND — AUGUST 9 /AUGUST 16, 2019 Planting Equip
Harvesting Equip
www.thelandonline.com — “Where Farm and Family Meet”
Harvesting Equip
Grain Handling Equipment
FOR SALE: White 6R30” soy- 2006 Massey Ferguson 8000 JD 9600 combine, 2500 hours, 2011 EZ-Flow 510 grain cart, bean and corn planter w/ dry flex head, 30’, will fit Glean- new 20.8x38 duals, 16.9x26 bigger tires. 612-597-0764 or fertilizer; 20 disc JD grain er combine, good cond. 507- rears, completely re-built, 320-238-2302 $32,000. 507-478-4221 drill w/ grass seeder attach- 995-2513 3,000 bu Butler hopper holding ment on rubber tires, hyd FOR SALE RETIRING: 2004 bin; 500 gal LP tank. John lift. 320-352-3301 C-IH 2366 combine, 1980 ro- Retiring. ‘93 JD 9500, 2088 Palmer 507-829-1752 sep hrs, $32,000; Brent 740 tor hrs, new hydrostatic, JD 7000 Corn Planter, 2 Row, cylinder bars, cones, sieves, wagon, duals, lights, brakes, FOR SALE: Used 15’ over3PT $1,800, Fert. Avail. $350/ chains, 25’ beanhead w/trlr; $12,000; J&M wagon, truck head structures. Used bin Row. 715-234-1993 Geringhoff 6-30” cornhead, tires, 350, $2,950; JD ripper, fans, single phase & 3 phase 5 shank, $7,500; All exc cond. both w/Head Sight field styles. Call for details. 507507-319-3459 Hay & Forage tracker. 507-640-0146 649-1888 or 507-649-1674
FOR SALE: ‘06 9760, 2spd, PRWD, 2779 hrs, 2050 sep FOR SALE: Hesston 7165 hrs, Contour Master, single chopper w/ hayhead, A-1 point latching, Maurer topCondition, $5,000; H&S 18’ per, power cast tailboard, silage wagon, rear unload, $63,000. 507-381-4406 excellent condition, $14,000. 507-236-4835 FOR SALE: JD 6620 combine with rear wheel assist, looks FOR SALE: JD 5400 self pro- nice, works well, $9,000; pelled chopper, 2WD, 3R 6R30” cornhead, $2,500; 20’ cornhead & hay head, un- bean head, $1,200. $11,500 for der 3000 original hrs, nice group. 507-794-7801 running machine, asking FOR SALE: JD 7700 Turbo $14,500. 507-227-2602 combine, w/grain pickup head, field ready, exc workNew Holland FP230 forage ing cond, well maintained & chopper, 2 row cornhead, serviced annually. 320-291hayhead, processor, tan9175 dem wheels, elect cont, hyd swing, new blower paddles/ FOR SALE RETIRING: (2) liner, clean. 320-583-8584 MF combines, 2000 hrs, FWD, cornhds, beanhds, all field ready. 641-425-7204
Harvesting Equip
FOR SALE: ‘08 6-30” row Gerringhoff cornhead, ex2002 Case 2366 combine, 1270 cellent condition, field ready, sep hrs, 30.5 tires, 25’ 1020 $22,000. 612-232-4078 bean head with transport, FOR SALE: ‘15 Case IH 875 1063 cornhead. All very 26’ ripper, Please call. 507nice. Retired. (507) 382-8457 829-6688
If you’re having a Farm Auction, let other Farmers know it! Upcoming Issues of THE LAND Southern MNNorthern IA Aug. 23, 2019 * Sept. 6, 2019 Sept. 20, 2019 Oct. 4, 2019
Northern MN Aug. 30, 2019 Sept. 13, 2019 Sept. 27, 2019 Oct. 11, 2019 Oct. 25, 2019
Deadline is 8 days prior to publication. Indicates early deadline, 9 days prior to publication.
Mistakes are the proof that you are trying.
COMING SOON PRIME SWIFT COUNTY FARMLAND AUCTION PARCEL 1-67.2 Deeded Acres/ 60.2 +/-Tillable Acres PARCEL 2-162.8 Deeded Acres/ 147.1 +/-Tillable Acres CPI=88.6 Kildare Twp, Swift Co. Call Broker: Kristine Fladeboe Duininck www.FladeboeLand.com 320-212-9379
Tractors, Machinery & Tools
Tuesday, August 27, 2019 - 10:00 a.m. Located at 37817 Co. Rd. 7, Belview, MN ATV
Live & Online Auction
TRACTORS JD 8630 4-WheelDrive Tractor
Farmall 706 Diesel Tractor, WF, 18.4-34 Rears, Hub Duals, 3 PT, 540/1000P PTO, Single Hydraulic 856 Farmall Tractor, WF, SN: 26507SY, Diesel 18.4-34 Tires, 1500 PTO, Dual Hydraulics, 3 PT Corn Soybean Drum IH Farmall 766 Diesel DAVIDSON &Tractor 18-34 Rear, 3 PT, 540 & 1000 PTO, 2 0 0 3 Dual Hydraulics IH 1586 Diesel WF Tractor, H a r l e y Rock Box 9000 Hrs 520-85R38 Hub Duals Davidson 1000 PTO, Triple Hydraulics, 3 PT
New Holland Rustler UTV Side by Side, 4x4, 1544 Hrs, Electric Tilt, Radio (2) Trailmaster Childrens Go Carts Arctic Cat 4x4 ATV
100-Year Centennial Dyna Wide
966 Farmall Diesel WF Tractor, Hub Duals, 540-1000 PTO, 3 PT Dual Hydraulics, Year Round Cab Farmall B WF Tractor 1944 Farmall H, Live Hyd, New Rear Tires, JD 45 Loader, IH Mount Farmall 560 Diesel with Schwartz WF IH 2350 Hydraulic Loader w/ Dirt Bucket & Bale Spear International Rops Cab (New) M&W
New Holland LS170 Skid Loader w/ Cab, Heat, Air, Hand Controls, Quick Attach for Buckets Skid Loader Manure Bucket 6.5’ Skid Loader Bad Boy 726 Maverick Zero Turn Snow Bucket 3 PT Yard Rake 7’ Skid Mower, 125 Hrs, Kawasaki Gas Loader Dirt Bucket H&H Skidloader CIH Tiger Mate II, Model TM14FT, Engine w/ 60” Deck. Mount Post Hole Auger 34’ Field Cultivator, JFH0022070, 2 DOZER Bar Harrow and Crumbler, Walking Tandems IH 710 - 5 Bottom Spring Reset Plow (One Reset Missing) IH 490 Disc 28’ - 14 Tooth Mo. 3250 Anhydrous Applicator Int 710 6 Bottom On Land Plow IH 48 Disk H&H Rock Bucket w/ Grapple 16’ 1865 Earthmaster Disc Ripper, 9 Shanks Front Double Disc 42’ Field D7 CAT w/ 11’ Blade, open Rops Skidloader Hitch Reciever SpeeCo Cultivator Case IH 4900 Vibra Tiller Split Master 28-Ton Pull Type Wood with Pivoting Blade SN:58816 Splitter w/ 10.5 HP Briggs Engine Field Cult, 3 Bar Harrow, Walking Tandums, 36’ 6,8, & 12” H & H Post Hole Auger
JAMES ELLINGSON ESTATE OWNER PO Box 3169 • Mankato, MN 56002 Phone: 507-345-4523 or 800-657-4665 Fax: 507-345-1027 Website: www.TheLandOnline.com e-mail: theland@TheLandOnline.com
Ask Your Auctioneer to Place Your Auction in The Land!
1500 E. Bridge Street Redwood Falls, MN 56283 Office - 507-644-8433 Doug Kerkhoff - 507-829-6859 Zac Kerkhoff - 507-829-3924
www.thelandonline.com — “Where Farm and Family Meet”
THE LAND — AUGUST 9/AUGUST 16, 2019 TH Wanted
All kinds of New & Used farm FOR SALE: Yorkshire, Hamp- 2 Hamp mrkt type aged rams, equipment - disc chisels, field shire, Duroc & Hamp/Duroc Kinsley breeding, reas. cults, planters, soil finishers, boars, also gilts. Excellent Wood/metal gates, variety cornheads, feed mills, discs, selection. Raised outside. lengths. Variety wood/metal balers, haybines, etc. 507- Exc herd health. No PRSS. bunks. 5x10 feed trailer. 40’ wheeled motorized hay conv. 438-9782 Delivery avail. 320-760-0365 Hutchinson 320-587-9238 Spot, Duroc, Chester White, Boars & Gilts available. Dorset & Hampshire rams & Livestock Monthly PRRS and PEDV. ewes for sale. Lambs, large Delivery available. Steve framed w/fast growth that FOR SALE: Black Angus Resler. 507-456-7746 will put extra lbs on your bulls also Hamp, York, & lambs. I can deliver. Gene Hamp/Duroc boars & gilts. Sanford (507)645-4989 Sell your livestock in The Land 320-598-3790
with a line ad. 507-345-4523
Mark ZIEMER New London, MN (320) 979-4044 Auctioneer
Brian ZIEMER New London, MN (320) 979-4044 Auctioneer
, MN
, MN
The Following Described Property Will Be Sold At Farm Located At 77588 Cty. Rd. 1, Danube, MN. From Danube MN: 5.5 Miles South On Cty. Rd. 1
Saturday, August 24th • 10:00 A.M.
250 ATV 4x4, Log Splitter Pull Type 8 HP Briggs TRACTORS 2” Ram JD 7930 MFWD 3Hyd, PTO, 3 Pt, 1165 Hrs., COMBINE & HEAD 480-80-R46 Tires & Duals, Rock Box, Green JD 9600 Long Auger, Maurer Hopper Ext, Dust Star Ready, Ser. 005061, JD 7810 MFWD 3 Hyd & Power Beyond, 14.9-46 Tires & Duals, Collector, 3995 Engine Hrs, 2744 Separator Hrs, 3660 Hrs, Ser 2492, JD 4020 Diesel WF, Extra Ser 673535, JD 930 F Bean Head, Head Mover Trailer MN Gear Fits 30’ Head, Geringhoff Rota Front Mount Fuel Tank, 1 Hyd, 18.4-34 Tires, Side Console, 6760 Hrs, Ser 230922, JD 4020 Disc Corn Head 12-22”, JD 25A Head Mover Diesel 1 Hyd, 18.4-34 Tires 9015 Hrs, With JD Trailer Fits 12 Row Corn Head, JD 9400 Maurer Hopper Ext, 24.5-32 Tires, 3240 Engine Hrs, 148 Hyd Loader, Wagner WA 14 4 Wheel Drive Tractor 2 Hyd, Cummins 250 Engine, 18.14-34 2130 Separator Hrs, Ser 635573, JD 920 Bean Tires, Ser A14212, 1944 JD B New Rear Tires, Head Stainless Pan Good Condition Shedded, JD 643 Corn Head 6-30” Chain Drive 1936 JD B NF, Rear Steel Wheels, JD 630 NF MACHINERY Roll-O-Matic PS, McCormick Deering F12 NF JD MaxEmerge 2 Planter 24 Row 22”, Sunco Restored, IH M WF 12 Volt Row Cleaners, Vertical Fold, JD 980 Field CulMOWERS & ATV Cub Cadet 105 Mower Hydro, No Deck, Cub For Full Listing, go to: Cadet 125 Mower Hydro, 54” Deck, Cub Cadet www.ziemerauctions.com 149 Mower Hydro, No Deck with Tiller, Polaris
tivator 30’ 3 Bar Spring Tooth Drag, Kongskilde Triple K 28’ Rolling Baskets Good Tires, Redball 655 3 Pt Sprayer 90’, JD 1710 Disk Ripper 14’ Walking Tandems, Melroe 420 Multi Weeder 3 Bar 40’, DMI Disk Ripper 9 Shank Disk Levelers, Brent 520 Grain Cart Shurlok Roll Tarp, JD 120 Tandem Disk 20’, JD 33 Manure Spreader, JD 400 Rotary Hoe 22’, IH Sickle Mower R2 7’ Bar, JD 220 Stalk Chopper High Speed 20’ Good Hood, 2010 Tandem Axle Trailer 8.5x20 Dove Tail & Ramps 8 Holt hubs, Westfield Auger 6x61 5 Hp Elec Motor, Westfield 10x60 Auger With Swing Hopper Hyd Lift PTO, Westfield 8x60 Auger PTO, Feterl 6x24 Auger w/ Electric Motor, Handlair 3000 Grain Vac With Pipe, NH 269 Square Baler, 500 Gal Diesel Tank with Elec Pump, IH Side Delivery Rake on Steel, AgChem 502 Pull Type Sprayer 40’, New Idea 456 Round Baler, Kewanee 500 Elevator 46’, Lorenz 8’ 3 stage Hyd Spout Snowblower
Lorraine Kohout Trust & Michael Houdek Trust AUCTIONEERS
Mark Ziemer, Lic. 34-46 New London, 320-354-4312 Cell: 320-979-4044 Brian Ziemer, New London 320-354-5308 Terry Hilbrands, 239-777-3120 Ron Paskewitz, 320-843-2718
Thank you Farmers!
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No Items Removed Until Settled For. Everything Sold As Is. Ziemer Auction Service 3176 198th Ave. NW New London, MN 56273
THE LAND — AUGUST 9 /AUGUST 16, 2019 Pets & Supplies
Trucks & Trailers
ms,FOR SALE: Tri-colored pure- 2007 Ford F150, 4 wheel drive, eas. bred border collie pups; 1 super crew cab, 5.4 liter ety male/1 female Blue Merle V8 engine, 4spd automatic etal pups, all vet checked & cur- transmission, 85,000 miles, 40’ rent vacc, extremely intelli- $11,000. Phone 507-642-8126 onv. gent, working parents, exc cattle dog/pet. (651)206-8307 ‘99 Ford 350 Dually, 4 x 4 cab chassi flatbed, 135K actual s &Golden Retriever Puppies, 4 miles, new auto trans, very rge Males, 2 Females, Males sharp clean truck, $9,900 hat $600, Females $700, Farm & 320-583-0881 our Family Raised. Ready Au- FOR SALE: ‘00 Transcraft ene gust 24th. Call 715-495-5029 Eagle I 45’ x 102” aluminum combo flatbed trailer, limitTrucks & ed use, never used in winter. Trailers Very good overall condition. $11,500. 320-296-6836 or 3201988 Wilson 48’ Sow Pot trail- 339-6572 er, 3 decks, sprinkler system, hardly used, everything Classified Line Ads exc shape, DOT inspected, road ready, great for sheep or goats also, $9,900. 320Call 507-345-4523 905-4490
www.thelandonline.com — “Where Farm and Family Meet”
Raise your words not your voice. It is rain that grows flowers not thunder. ~ Rumi • 5/8” drum roller wall thickness • 42” drum diameter wall thickness • 4”x8” frame tubing 3/8” thick • Auto fold
We pay top dollar for your damaged grain. We are experienced handlers of your wet, dry, burnt and mixed grains. Trucks and vacs available. Immediate response anywhere. CALL FOR A QUOTE TODAY
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GREENWALD FARM CENTER Greenwald, MN • 320-987-3177 14 miles So. of Sauk Centre
NEW NH T4.75, T4.90, T4.120 w/loader.. ...... On Hand NEW NH Workmaster 60, 50, 35’s/loaders ... On Hand NEW Massey 4710 w/cab and loader ........... On Hand NEW Massey 4710 rops/loader ..................... On Hand NEW Massey 6713 w/cab and loader ........... On Hand NEW Massey 1735 w/cab and loader ........... On Hand ‘13 NH T8.275, 495 hrs ................................. $145,000 ‘12 Buhler 280..................................................$99,500 ‘09 Versatile 435 3000 hrs .................................Just In ‘08 NH 8010 .................................................. $110,000 ‘08 Agco RT 155A ........................................... $92,500 ‘03 Versatile 2310, PS ..................................... $79,500 ‘96 White 6175 FWA....................................... $41,500 ‘95 Agco Allis 9670 fwa .................................. $39,750 White 2-135 ..................................................... $13,900
New NH Hay Tools - ON HAND
NEW NH E26C mini excavator ...................... On Hand NEW NH track & wheeled skidsteers............ On Hand NEW NH L228/L220/L232 wheeled units ...... On Hand NEW NH C227/C237 track units.................... On Hand ‘03 JD 240 Series II, 825 Hrs .............................Just In
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THE LAND — AUGUST 9/AUGUST 16, 2019 TH Place d Your A ! y a d o T
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Recreational Vehicles
FOR SALE: 2008 Honda 4 wheeler, one owner, 26HP, 420CC, TRX model, less than 100 miles on it. $5,000 or reasonable offer. 507-3301715
REINKE IRRIGATION Sales & Service New & Used For your irrigation needs 888-830-7757 or 507-276-2073
Miscellaneous PARMA DRAINAGE PUMPS New pumps & parts on hand. Call Minnesota’s largest distributor HJ Olson & Company 320-974-8990 Cell - 320-212-5336
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’15 JD 690, 4x4, 1745/1160 sep hrs, CM, chopper, 650x38 tires & duals ....................$187,000 ’15 JD S680, 1465 Eng/731 sep hrs, CM, chopper cast tailboard ................................$168,000 ’13 JD S660, 892/1180 CM, chopper duals ............................................................$135,000 ’04 JD 9760, 2268/3460 CM, chopper duals ..............................................................$54,000 ’01 JD 9650 STS, 3014/4325 CM, chopper, duals ..............................................................$39,000 ’00 JD 9650 STS, 2645/3623 chopper, duals ..............................................................$42,000 ’01 JD 9750 STS, 3013/4156 CM, chopper, duals ..............................................................$42,000 ’15 Case/IH 6140, 685/810, Tracker, Rt, chopper .......................................................$155,000 ’14 Case/IH 5130, 660/926, Tracker, Rt, chopper .......................................................$132,000 ’11 Case/IH 8120, 1650/2250 Tracker, Rt, chopper, duals ..............................................$92,500 ’11 Case/IH 7120, 1610/2200 Tracker, Rt, chopper, duals ..............................................$92,500 ’10 Case/IH 7120, 1650/2250 Tracker, Rt, chopper, duals ..............................................$92,500 ’09 Case/IH 7088, 1275/1807 Tracker, Rt, chopper, duals ..............................................$92,000
‘14 Case/IH 350 Rowtrac, 1865 hrs, 18” belts, 120” spacing, 1000 PTO, .................$152,000 ’12 JD 9360R, 1970 hrs, 1000 PTO duals ............................................................$150,000 ’11 NH T9390, 705 hrs, ps duals ....................$120,000 ’14 Case/IH 370 HD, 7065 hrs, 1000 PTO duals ..............................................................$78,000 ’90 Ford 876, 8523 hrs duals ..............................$24,500 ’15’ Case/lH 370 HD, 895 hrs, 1000 PTO, full guidance, 4850 tires and duals ..................$172,000
’12 JD 8235, 2WD, 1235 hrs, ps, 1000 PTO duals ............................................................$109,000 ’13 Case/IH 290, 1400 hrs, 1000 PTO duals ............................................................$109,000 ’12 Case/IH 260, 1784 hrs, loaded, 1000 PTO duals ..............................................................$98,000 ’11 Versatile 305, 690 hrs 1000 PTO duals ..............................................................$95,000 ’11 Challenger MT665C, 2703 hrs, loaded, duals ..............................................................$79,500
‘13 Drago 6R, 30” chopping for JD combine ........................................................$25,000
‘13 Drago 6R, 30” chopping for JD combine ........................................................$25,000 ‘09 Drago 6R, 30” chopping fits JD ....................$19,000 ‘06 Drago 8R, 30” chopping fits Case/IH Flagship.........................................................$14,500 ‘13 Case/IH 3408 8R, 30” for Flagship ................$19,500 ‘08 Case/IH 2408 8R, 30” fits Flagship ................$11,500 ‘02 Case/IH 2208 8R, 30” fits 1400-2000 series combines ............................................$11,000
JD 310D, 4x4, 2001 hrs, cab,extend-a-hoe ........$24,000 JD 310SE, cab, 4x4, approx 2213 hrs, extend-a-hoe $32,000 ‘11 Case 580N, 4x4 cab 2540 hrs .......................$42,000
‘12 CAT 924K, 3355 hrs cab, quick coupler, 2.75 yd bucket ..............................................$89,000 ‘13 Cat 924K, 4834 hrs, 3 yd bucket quick coupler.................................................$79,000 ‘16 JD 544K, 788 hrs, cab, quick coupler w/ bucket, ride control ................................$128,000 ‘13 JD 724K, 9015 hrs, loaded, quick coupler, 4.75 yd bucket, aux. hyd. .............................$92,000 ‘10 Kawasaki 65 ZV-2, 6510 hrs with 2.5 yd bucket ................................................$54,000 ‘08 Kawasaki 80 ZV, 5775 hrs, 4 yd bucket, loadrite scale .................................................$55,000 ‘12 Volvo 50F, 5785 hrs, QC, 2 yd bucket ..........$65,000 ‘13 Volvo 110G, 9452 hrs QC, 4.5 yd bucket, scale ..............................................................$79,000 ‘13 Case 821F, 6485 hrs, quick coupler, 4.5 yd bucket, aux. hyd. ...............................$77,000
‘12 JD 120D, 3460 hrs, hyd thumb 24” bucket .....................................................$69,500 ‘12 JD 135D, 2760 hrs, hyd thumb 36” bucket .....................................................$72,000 ‘11 JD 290GLC, 3347 hrs, 12’6” stick, 42” bucket ...................................................$120,000 ‘11 Case CX300C, 2658 hrs, 12’ stick, 54” bucket ...................................................$117,000
‘17 Case CX57C, cab & air, 333 hrs rubber tracks .............................................................$53,000 ‘11 Bobcat E45EM, cab & air, 2965 hrs, rubber tracks .............................................................$33,000
‘08 CAT 12M VHP, 3568 hrs, 14’ blade ..............$100,000 ‘10 JD 870G, 4533 hrs, 14’ blade, ripper ...........................................................$125,000 ‘06 Volvo G960, 6740 hrs, 14’, ripper ..................$65,000
LARSON IMPLEMENTS 5 miles east of Cambridge, MN on Hwy. 95 763-689-1179
Look at our website for pictures & more listings: www.larsonimplements.com
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507-345-4523 • 800-657-4665 PO Box 3169, Mankato, MN 56001 www.thelandonline.com
www.thelandonline.com — “Where Farm and Family Meet”
This week’s Back Roads is the work of The Free Press’ Trey Mewes. Photos by Pat Christman.
In the swim
he newest addition to North Mankato, Minnesota’s parks and recreation offerings made a big splash on July 31. Rather, multiple splashes. The Spring Lake Park Swim Facility opened at 1 p.m. to a line of more than 200 people ready for aquatic fun, the culmination of more than two years’ of work by North Mankato officials. “All spring, everybody’s been waiting for this,” North Mankato Mayor Mark Dehen said. “To have this opportunity to open this up for the citizens, give them a chance to play with this this summer, it’s still going to be a great summer for this.” The outdoor pool cost $3.2 million to renovate, the first major renovation since its construction in 1969. Gone is the sandy bottom, as well as aging filtration systems and the old changing station. Here to stay is a new entryway with showers and restrooms, a community warming house with concessions, and numerous pool amenities. The pool now has a PVC plastic bottom, as well as a large accessible entry for residents with all kinds of needs. There are slides for little kids and big kids at heart, a volleyball net complete with adjacent basketball hoops, a rope course, a rock-climbing wall and, perhaps the most popular feature at the park, a 40-foot zip line that the mayor and city staff “tested” before the pool opened. “I’m looking forward to the children of this community having an asset to come and enjoy,” City Administrator John Harrenstein said. “We really tried to make it a place where children of all ages and their families can enjoy.”
North Mankato, Minn.
“When they started building it, we were really excited,” said Joneesha Fischer, who was at the pool supervising several children and teens. Angelee Hayden, 16, and her sister Rashelle, 13, were excited to try all the pool’s features, though pool staff does test younger swimmers before allowing them on the zip line or rock wall. “I don’t know what the zip line’s like, but I think I’m going to like it,” Rashelle said. Becky Hopp and her 8-year-old daughter, Haley, usually go to the Spring Lake Park pool every day during the summer. They’ve driven past the pool since it closed last fall to monitor construction, but they didn’t expect it to be so nice — though Haley thought the water was cold when she first jumped in. “We’re really excited,” Becky Hopp said. “It’s been kind of been a hard beginning of the summer not having our pool open.” Brandon Flom was busy playing with his wife and three children at the pool. While the Floms don’t always get out to the pool, they made sure to visit for the first day of its reopening. “It’s been fun,” he said. Older area residents can remember when the pool first opened in 1969. As Neil Kaus of the Greater Mankato YMCA put it, the Spring Lake Park facility was the finest of its kind in southern Minnesota when it was built. Before that, children swam in Hiniker Pond in Mankato. “(It’s) overwhelming,” Kaus said of the pool’s reopening. “I’m in awe of what this place is going to be for the residents of North Mankato and the surrounding area.” v
SECTION B August 9, 2019 August 16, 2019
China aside, exports to Indonesia look promising This column was written for the marketing week ending Aug. 9. Global trade took the news spotlight the first full week of August as President Trump announced the addition of 10 percent tariffs on another $300 billion in Chinese imports to the United States effective Sept. 1. China responded by letting its yuan value tumble and state-owned companies ceased purchases and imports of U.S. agricultural products. There was more talk of a free trade agreement between the United States and Japan; and reports that Britain’s new Prime Minister Boris Johnson seeks a free trade agreement with the United States after the UK leaves the European Union. Reuters reported on Aug. 9 that Indonesia’s trade minister has asked dairy product importers to “find new sources of supply other than from countries in the European Union,” and will propose a 20-25 percent tariff on EU dairy products in response to EU duties on biodiesel from Indonesia. HighGround Dairy points out, “Indonesia’s dairy imports reached record levels in 2018 and are off to a strong start this year as well. Should these tariffs become reality, there will be a strong opportunity for the U.S. and New Zealand to increase volumes to the region. Through June, the U.S. has shipped 54,063 metric tons of dairy products into Indonesia, which are six-year highs. The bulk of the product shipping from the U.S. is in the form of skim milk powder, followed by whey and lactose — all of which have the potential to grow as those are the products that are heavily imported from the EU as well.” n Meanwhile, butter’s price woes continue and were a part of the downturn in the Aug. 5 Global Dairy Trade auction. The weighted average of products offered fell 2.6 percent, following a short-lived 2.7 percent “recovery” on
News and information for Minnesota and Northern Iowa dairy producers July 16. That followed four previous By Lee Mielke declines. Sellers brought 77.1 million pounds of product to the market, up from 55.1 million in the last event and the highest since December 18, 2018. Just as all products offered in the last event were in the black, all were down this week, led by lactose (down 11.5 percent) and buttermilk powder was down 5.6 percent. Neither traded in the last event. Butter was down 5.5 percent, following a 1.7 percent gain last time; and anhydrous milkfat was down 5.1 percent after it also gained 1.7 percent last time. GDT cheddar was down 2 percent, following a 3.3 percent rise; whole milk powder was off 1.7 percent, following a 3.6 percent rise; and skim milk powder was off 1.6 percent, following a 3.8 percent climb. Rennet casein was off 1.3 percent after falling 3.4 percent last time. FC Stone equated the GDT 80 percent butterfat butter price to $1.8431 per pound U.S., down 10.7 cents from the July 16 event. Chicago Mercantile Exchange butter closed Aug. 9 at a pricy $2.3150. GDT cheddar cheese equated to $1.7409 per pound, down 1.4 cents from the last event and compares to Aug. 9’s CME block cheddar at $1.8675. GDT skim milk powder averaged $1.1257 per pound, and compares to $1.1365 last time. Whole milk powder averaged $1.3787, down from $1.3944 last time. CME Grade A nonfat dry milk closed Aug. 9 at $1.0275 per pound. n The U.S. Dairy Export Council MIELKE MARKET WEEKLY
reports, “Lost sales to China due to retaliatory tariffs and African swine fever, plus strong competition elsewhere from European and New Zealand suppliers, resulted in lower U.S. export volume in the first half of 2019. Shipments of milk powders, cheese, butterfat, whey products and lactose were 1 million tons, down 14 percent from last year’s record pace. Exports of these major products to China were down 54 percent, while sales to other markets were up 5 percent.” “Overall value of U.S. dairy exports reached $2.95 billion in the first half, up for the third straight year. Suppliers saw notable gains in sales value to Mexico, Southeast Asia, South Korea, Canada and South America — offsetting a large decline in sales to China.” HighGround Dairy warns, “While exports have been weak, so has the availability of incremental milk for processing, which led to counter-seasonal stock drawdowns in cheese into summer. Domestic demand for butter and cheese will rise into the coming months and will help offset the slower movement of export volumes across the dairy sector, creating a tighter atmosphere for fat and protein in fourth quarter. However, the longterm outlook is bearish as domestic commodity prices for cheese/butter are not competitive, and both Oceania and EU slowly take on the lost U.S. market share into China, which is soon becoming an irreversible trend as the trade war worsens.” The Consorzio Tutela Mozzarella di Bufala Campana, the U.S. Dairy Export Council and the Consortium
for Common Food Names signed a historic agreement Aug. 5 that is expected to “pave the way for a new dialogue on the protection of products of origin in the United States and in global markets, including those bearing geographical indications, while respecting the rights of companies to produce and market products bearing generic names.” A joint press release posted on the USDEC website stated, “The new agreement provides greater support for robust protection in the United States and around the world for the Mozzarella di Bufala Campana Protected Designation of Origin, while unequivocally establishing the free use of the generic term ‘mozzarella’ to indicate a type of cheese.” “The agreement recognizes the distinctive character of the name Mozzarella di Bufala Campana PDO and its territory of production. It also recognizes the rights of all to freely use the term ‘mozzarella’ to describe a cheese produced according to the definition provided by the Codex Alimentarius or the U.S. Food and Drug Administration Standards of Identity.” n Cooperatives Working Together members accepted six offers of export assistance from CWT this week to help capture sales of 507,063 pounds of cheddar cheese and 881,849 pounds of whole milk powder. The product will go to customers in Asia, the Middle East and South America, through November and raised CWT’s 2019 sales to 36.3 milSee MIELKE, pg. 2B
MILKER’S MESSAGE www.thelandonline.com — “Where Farm and Family Meet”
Butter makers battle high freight costs for cream MIELKE, from pg. 2B pound on Aug. 5, then relapsed and closed on Aug. 9 at $2.3150. This is down a half-cent and the fourth consecutive week of loss, and is 2.5 cents below a year ago. Twenty-six sales were reported for the week. Midwestern butter makers avoided the spot cream market this week, at least from sources in the region, according to Dairy Market News. An occasional spot load from the Southwest/Western regions was available but “additional freight costs are pushing beyond their reach.” Some butter manufacturers are looking to add to production schedules the week of Aug. 12 and were busy looking for affordable cream. Bulk butter has been readily available but contacts suggest that demand is “uninspired.” Buyers are taking a step back as market prices have declined in recent weeks but there are concerns about upcoming cold storage reports. The Dairy Products report showed a June decrease in production while June’s Cold Storage report showed
a four percent monthly increase in stocks. Contacts The USDA’s latest Crop Progress report shows 78 are awaiting July’s cold storage numbers and what percent of U.S. corn was silking as of the week endBUILD OUR STALLS RIGHT! those results will do to the markets, says Dairy ing Aug. 4, up fromWE 58 percent the previous week, a look at Market News. but 17 percent below a year ago andTake 15 percent percent our tubing with of Western butter makers relay that cream is in ade- behind the five-year average. Fifty-seven down from 71 unequaled corrosion quate supply. A few have slowed churning schedules the crop is rated good to excellent, percent a year ago. because it’s more advantageous to sell cream than protection! to make butter. Retail sales are sluggish and bulk Seventy-two percent of U.S. soybeans are bloomFreudenthal Tubing has been butter buyers have taken a break, waiting to see if ing, up from 57 percent the previous week, 19 specific perengineered for your prices may trend lower, according to Dairy Market cent behind a year ago, and 15 percent below the requirements where strength News. Food service is one of the few market sectors five-year average. Fifty-four percent are rated good and corrosion resistance are CORROSION Release Head Locks Panel that appears to “have life.” Inventories areAuto diminto excellent, down from 67 percent a year ago. critical design factors. PROTECTION ishing but contacts acknowledge that bulk butter is Tom Wedegaertner, director of cottonseed research readily available in the West. with Cotton Incorporated, echoed thatTie sentiment CS-60 Comfort Stall in Grade A nonfat dry milk closed Aug. 9 at $1.0275, the Aug. 12 Dairy Radio Now broadcast, reporting up three-quarter cents on the week and 19.75 cents that the cotton crop “ooks fantastic.” The Toughest above a year ago, with 12 cars finding new homes. Stalls Wedegaertner said the southeastern and Texas CME dry whey closed the week at 35.5 cents per crops look good and we may have about 700-800,000 on the • Provides superior lungebelow area a year ago, more tons of cottonseed than last year — though pound, up 1.5 cents, but 47.5 cents market, with only one car trading handsthanonourthe week. that has “put a little pressure on prices.” • Much stronger guaranteed competitors’ See MIELKE, pg. 4B n beam systems not to bend • No Stall mounts in the • Entire panel made of H.D. 10 gauge tubing concrete or sand are hot dippedWI galvanized after W. 6322 Cty. O,• Panels Medford, 54451 • Fully adjustable welding inside and out (715) 748-4132 • 1-800-688-0104 • Stall system stays high and Heaviest, • 6’, 8’, 10’, 12’ lengths dry, resulting in longer life www.freudenthalmfg.com Strongest, REMODELING, EXPANSION OR REPLACEMENT • 12’ panel weight 275 lbs. • Installation labor savings Custom Buy Direct From Manufacturer and SAVE! We Can Handle All Your Barn Steel Needs • Head-to-head and single row Cattle Diagonal Feed Thru Panel options available Auto Release Head Locks Panel Gates • Compare the weight of this on the system, heaviest available Elevated Dual Market on the market today
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MILKER’S MESSAGE www.thelandonline.com — “Where Farm and Family Meet”
Senate Finance Committee hears input on US-M-C agreement MIELKE, from pg. 3B “The big news on cottonseed,” he said, “is that we are expecting to export quite a bit more cottonseed this year compared to last.” The USDA projects a half million tons and much of it will go to dairy cows in Saudi Arabia and the Pacific Rim, according to Wedegaertner. “Cottonseed has gotten scarce and
expensive in Australia” he said, “and the cottonseed that satisfies most of the Pacific Rim, Japan and Korea comes out of the southeastern U.S.” What does that mean for the U.S. farmer price? Wedegaertner said, “Given the larger crop, I think it’s going to look pretty good. Prices were good the past year, which is what spurred exports,” he
explained, but he believes cottonseed will be “plentiful and affordable this year and the fat, fiber, and protein of cottonseed continues to make it a vital part of a dairy cow ration,” he concluded. Lee Mielke is a syndicated columnist who resides in Everson, Wash. His weekly column is featured in newspapers across the country and he may be reached at lkmielke@juno.com. v
Factors to consider when selecting mastitis tubes ST. CLOUD, Minn. — Understanding the different components of mastitis tubes and their labeling can help you select the correct treatment for your infected cows. A good first step is culturing the milk of infected cows so you know which pathogens you are treating. As always, you should consult with your veterinarian before administering any medication to your animals. Here are the selection factors you should consider: Antibiotic — The antibiotic is the actual drug that the mastitis tube contains. Some examples of antibiotics are amoxicillin, ampicillin and penicillin. Knowing the drug in your mastitis tube is helpful, as some herds can become immune or resistant to certain drugs over time. Bactericidal vs. bacteriostatic treatment — These two terms refer to what the antibiotic does to the bacteria/pathogen. Bactericidal treatments will kill
the bacteria; bacteriostatic treatments will slow the bacteria’s growth or reproduction. The majority of mastitis tubes on the market are bactericidal. Spectrum — The spectrum of the tube indicates the range of bacteria an antibiotic will treat. Broad spectrum tubes will treat a wider range than narrow spectrum tubes. However, narrow spectrum mastitis tubes may be more effective against specific pathogens — especially if you know what pathogens you are treating as a result of culturing milk samples. Dosage — The dosage tells you the size and frequency of the antibiotic that should be administered to the cow. The units of size are expressed as an entire tube. Frequency can vary from two tubes in 12 hours to one tube every 24 hours for eight days, and everywhere in between. Milk and slaughter withholding times — The withholding time for milk and slaughter is important to
pay attention to. They indicate how long (after the last treatment) the antibiotic will remain present in the cow’s body. Milk or meat found to contain antibiotic residues will be rejected and not used for food products. Product indications — The product indications will give you more information about what the mastitis tube is marketed to do. Typically, it will list some common pathogens it treats, type of mastitis it best treats (subclinical/clinical), and sometimes if it treats strains of bacteria resistant to other antibiotics. Summer can be a tough time to manage mastitis, but if you take preventative precautions and treat confirmed cases properly, it doesn’t have to be a struggle. This article was submitted by Emily Wilmes, University of Minnesota Extension. v
Minnesota cropland rental rate information now available WORTHINGTON, Minn — The most recent land rent figures are now available in the publication titled, “Cropland Rental Rates for Minnesota Counties.” The rental rates come from rents paid by farmers who participate in Adult Farm Management programs across Minnesota. This publication pro-
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vides a historical perspective on rental rates paid by a group of Minnesota farmers and trends in those rental rates over the past five years. In it you will find rent average; median rent figures; and the 10 percent lowest and 10 percent highest average rents. Rents are listed by county. Historical rental data is included for years 2014 through 2018. This information is meant as a guide and starting point. The information and data is not meant to establish, determine, set, fix, or even hint at what actual rents should be. It is simply a reporting of historical land rental rates in Minnesota. There is really no way to statistically project future rental rates. Keep in mind the numbers listed are weighted averages. That means there are rents both above and below the numbers listed. Also included in the publication is the 2017 county rental data gathered by the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s National Ag Statistical Service in cooperation with the Minnesota Department of Agriculture. The USDA/NASS data is collected by mail-out survey and the 2019 results should be available in September 2019. This document will be updated to include the new NASS numbers at that time.
The land rental data shown in the publication is extracted from FINBIN, a database of farm record summaries of over 2,000 Minnesota farms. The farmers participate in the Minnesota State College Farm Business Management program as well the Southwestern Minnesota Farm Business Management Association. The rental rates are based on analysis of the financial records of participating farmers and represent the actual rents paid for the years listed. To compile this report, rental rates are extracted for cash rented land. All row crop acres, small grain acres, canning crop acres, etc. are included in the data analysis. Not included in the analysis are acres allocated to pasture, aftermath grazing, hay and haylage acres, CRP acres, fallow, and prevented planted acres. Counties with a minimum of 10 farms with cash rented acreage are included. If a given county does not have rent data listed for 2014-2018, there were not enough farms reporting data. The publication can be found at www.cffm.umn. edu/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/MN-Land-RentalRates-2018-7-1-3.pdf This article was submitted by University of Minnesota Extension Eductor Dave Bau. v
MILKER’S MESSAGE www.thelandonline.com — “Where Farm and Family Meet”
Robotics allow dairy operation with smaller work force By PAUL MALCHOW The Land Managing Editor GREEN ISLE, Minn. — When you’re milking six cows, daily chores are pretty simple and easy to accomplish. But when that number grows to over 180 head, more help is required. Unfortunately, especially in today’s world, good help is hard to find. Jim Dieball knew if he was going to expand his dairy operation he needed to address the labor supply — or lack thereof. Last November, Dieball installed a Photos by Paul Malchow robotic milking system and couldn’t be more pleased with Plagued by rain delays, the Dieball’s new barn was finally in operation last November. They opened their dairy for a U of M Extension tour on July 15. the result.
Dieball’s new barn allows cows to move about freely. They seemed relaxed and content in their surroundings. “With this system, one person can manage 200 cows,” Dieball said. The Dieball family opened their operation for a University of Minnesota Extension tour on July 15. About 50 people came to get a first-hand look at the modern facility. During World War II, the Dieball family made their way across Europe as refugees and eventually came to the
Like a mini-spa, these brushes located inside the barn are activated by touch and provide cows with a quick massage.
United States, starting Dieball Dairy when Karl was 6 years old. The current farm site, located southeast of Green Isle, Minn., was purchased in 1956 consisting of 125 acres and six dairy cows. Karl and Rosemary Dieball and their sons John and Jim milk and grow crops. John lives on a farm south of the home place with his wife, Jenny and two children. Jim lives and works on the farm full time with his wife, Wendy, and their two children. The Dieballs Jim Dieball holds a collar were named Sibley which is worn by each cow County’s farm family and is the brains of the milkof the year in 2018. ing system. Incorporating the mechanized milking system actually began a few years ago. “We visited different farms for eight years,” said Dieball, “and talked to a lot of people. We found an operation in Swanville, Minn. that was identical to the system we have here.” “We went through the building process with Lester’s (Lester Building Systems of Lester Prairie, Minn.) and spent about a year hashing out details,” Dieball went on to say. He took it upon himself to act as the general contractor for the construction. “I would reconsider doing that again,” he admitted. “It was very stressful. Saved a lot of money though. My advice would be to hire people who have done it before, do your homework, and pray it doesn’t rain.”
But rain is exactly what the Dieballs got during the construction of their barn. “Just as it would start to dry out enough for the workers, it would rain again,” Jim said. “Luckily they were easy-going about it and were able to work at different sites while we dried out. But it put us months behind schedule.” The barn is very open in design, allowing the cows to move freely about. Large fans made up the entire north wall; and in spite of the sweltering heat, the barn was quite comfortable. An automated scraping system keeps the area free of manure. A battery-operated sweeper patrols the barn’s See DIEBALL, pg. 8B
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Collars worn by each cow is the brains behind the system DIEBALL, from pg. 5B feeding area — pushing the haylage back within the cows’ reach. The barn’s floor layout is programmed into the sweeper so it knows when and how far to turn to the next aisle. But most impressive is the milking system. The Dieballs settled on a Lely A4 Astronauts robotic milking system. Leedstone is the distributor of the Lely product and worked with the Dieballs during installation and early operation. Leedstone representatives were The Dieball dairy uses sand for bedding on hand on July 15 to help with the instead of straw. The sand conforms to the animals’ body for more comfort and tour. a cleaner stall.
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The Lely system is guided by a collar the shock from an electric fence,” worn by each cow. Sensors on the collar Tennanc said. “Just enough to keep will track a cow’s heart rate and tem- them moving.” perature which will immediately tell the Dieballs if a cow is sick. It also indicates when a cow is in heat. But the main function of the collar enables the system to interact with each cow. The Dieball barn features three robotic milking stations and each station can serve about 65 cows. The cows patiently wait their turn to enter the small penned area which has gates Cows wait their turn at the automated milker. on either end. As the last cow leaves, the gate automatically opens to let the next cow in. As the cow enters the pen, the system reads that particular cow’s information off of the collar. The system will know when that particular cow was last milked. It will also have that particular animal’s feed requirements and the system deposits a ration of feed for the cow to munch on as she is being milked. An automated brush system washes each udder before the milking process begins. Each cow’s udder is mapped by lasers to guide the cups to the cow’s teats. This information is stored in the system. “We average 1.4 tries to connect A battery-operated robotic sweeper with the cows,” said Leedstone’s Clay keeps the aisles clean and pushes the Tennanc who guided the July 15 tour. haylage back within the cows’ reach. “If we go five tries without success, we Dieball said the cows learned the sysknow something is wrong and can fix tem quickly. “The cows caught on faster the problem right away.” than the people,” he laughed. “It took “We should get 25-33 pounds of milk us about two months to figure out what with each milking,” Tennanc went on to to do and when to do it. After four days, say. “Production tables are set up for the cows started to catch on and threeeach cow. If production drops, the sys- fourths were going on their own. We tem won’t let that cow milk three really don’t have to train the newcomtimes.” ers to the herd. They learn from watchIf a cow tries to butt in line for a ing the other cows.” quick snack, but isn’t supposed to be “About one percent of cows just don’t milked at that particular time, it work with robots,” Tennanc added. “It’s doesn’t get a feed ration and receives a a mental thing. They just like that permild electrical shock to move it along sonal touch.” through the pen. “It’s much less than See DIEBALL, pg. 11B
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Crop diversity is fueling edible bean popularity By DICK HAGEN The Land Staff Writer Emeritus MORRIS, Minn. — Maybe younger farmers are more adventurous. Or maybe these younger bucks don’t have history clouding their ambition. One of the intriguing stops on the July 9 Minnesota Cattlemen’s Association tour was the Bonanza Bean facility in Morris. It was here that Andy Hacker, general manager of this huge operation commented, “Perhaps because of the economic squeeze, I Andy Hacker think farmers are transitioning at this period of time into younger farmers. “We’re seeing quite a few younger farmers coming back from the Twin Cities with ambitions about farming,” Hacker explained. “Sure, they’re excited about corn and soybeans, because that’s what their dad or granddad always did. But these guys also are excited about looking at new ventures. And edible beans are definitely one of those new possibilities.” Bonanza Bean is a relative newcomer to the Morris area — originating in 2008 said Hacker. Fourteen investors were the original money source. “We’re up to 17 investor/growers now that come from five different families.” So why this splash in a multi-million industry virtually unheard of in Stevens County just a few years ago? “I think the growing diversity of farms and farmers. Corn and soybeans you can overdo real quick. Plus edibles do well up here. And thanks to contract production, we pretty much control yearly production. That’s how you keep markets intact,” said Hacker. Who does the teaching? You’ve got to know some agronomics about growing this crop. Hacker thinks it’s basically ‘peer group’ education within the industry. “It’s a small group, so we share contacts with a lot of people, growers and a few University folks. Once a year we have our North Harvest Bean Days at Fargo. That seems to draw just about every farmer growing edibles. It’s a great people-to-people session and lots of ideas get talked over. We like talk about how to increase yields, because
that increases our handle. If we can push everybody’s yield up 100 pounds per acre, that’s an extra 100 pounds per acre that Bonanza Bean can sell into the market — both domestically and exports.” Red kidney beans are the specialty of Bonanza Bean. Hacker says growers average about 2,200 pounds per acre. Average yield on the blacks are about 2,700 to 2,800 pounds. “We hit some 3,500-pound yields on the black beans. And that must be a God-given reason … the weather is prime. It has very little to do with us.” Yes, growers are few. “We’ve been trending around 75 to 80 growers between the two facilities.” Wilcox, Ariz. is home base for the second Bonanza Bean facility. Hacker acknowledges times have been tough for corn and soybean crops. “Guys are trying other commodities. Our contract program catches the interest of some newcomers each year.” With a current contract price of 35 cents per pound and 2,200-pound yield, you’re looking at $770 gross revenue per acre. Get up to 3,000-pound yields and you’re looking at $1,050. He says total production costs are in that $700 range with fertilizer costs being a major variable. “But I would say that here in Stephens County, we’re fortunate to have access to lots of cattle, hog and dairy manure which can lessen production costs significantly. The huge livestock population in our county has been very beneficial in many ways and a predominant manure source would be one.” Bonanza Bean is a busy place. When milling, its running two shifts — 5 a.m. to 1 p.m. and 1 to 9 p.m. During the harvest season, Bonanza Bean is open six days per week and takes deliveries from 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. “And we’ll even do after-hour deliveries if needed. We know how farming works. Disruptions just happen, so we accommodate as best we can. But we are closed on Sundays,” said Hacker. Kidneys are harvested by first cutting and then windrowing. Within 5-6 hours, combines move in and do the harvesting. How does Bonanza Bean recruit growers? As you might suspect, offering contract-specific pricing pretty much generates the traffic from ‘would-
be’ growers directly to their Morris facility. “Plus we get a lot of phone calls from guys who say, ‘my neighbor does this. Why?’ So yes, a lot of word of mouth talk generates our business,” said Hacker. North Harvest Bean Days in Fargo is the only booth setup during the year for Bonanza. Hacker added the academic world is a big help — particularly Michigan State which is deep in genetic research and insect/pest research. However, both
North Dakota State University and the University of Minnesota provide extension information assistance on the edible bean industry. Bonanza Bean provides the seed — delivering directly to each farm customer. And because we’re dealing with a food grade product, edible bean plants are audited and even inspected by state officials. “We’re proud,” said Hacker. “In the nine years since we’ve See BEANS, pg. 10B
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Developers take driverless tractor to the fields By KRISTIN KVENO Rupp enjoyed working with farmers The Land Staff Writer across the Midwest. “The farmers were salt of the earth.” Those producers allowed At one time, driverless tractors seemed Rupp to plant their fields. “We could clip off right out of a science fiction novel; but 500 acres in a day.” today we’re learning more about autonomous tractors becoming a reality in farmThough the tractor was fully autonoing. It may be a while before they become mous, there was a visual on it at all times. readily available to all, but thanks to a “I was out in the field with a kill switch in collaboration with Sabanto, NK Seeds and my hand,” Rupp said. This initial planting Crystal Valley Co-op, the opportunity to opportunity was all about the experience. have a driverless tractor take part in “I wanted to do this for the lowest cost posplanting this past spring in southern sible.” Minnesota became a reality. For the farmers and for Rupp, this was For Sabanto co-founder and chief executhe chance to try something innovative. “It tive officer Craig Rupp, developing an was a learning experience for both of us.” autonomous tractor marries the two things The feedback he received from farmers he’s he’s passionate about: farming and techworked with on this is positive. “They nology. Rupp grew up on a farm in northunderstand they have a labor shortage and west Iowa. And while his career initially Photos submitted see autonomy as a solution to some of their took him away from agriculture and into A collaboration between Sabanto, NK Seeds and Crystal Valley Co-op field- problems,” Rupp said. the cellular field, it was his desire to work tested this autonomous tractor throughout the midwest this spring. “I think autonomy will be a reality,” Rupp in the agricultural sector that brought him said. “A farmer’s job isn’t really to be a There were definitely lessons learned from this to John Deere. He used his electrical engineering tractor jockey, it’s to be an agronomist.” This technolbackground to develop the StarFire receiver naviga- first spring of planting with the autonomous tractor. ogy lets farmers to get out from behind the wheel and “We struggled with communications for a large portion system and GreenStar touchhave the time to devote to the tion of a day. We just couldn’t keep up our cellular screen display. He then wanted to health of their crops and soil. link.” Rupp realized he was unable to use data on his do something different and decided For Mike Schultz, agronomist phone — though he had four bars which he needed to to start Sabanto with Kyler Laird. with NK Seeds, this was his first run the planter. “The solution to the problem hit me “We met in 2017 at the AgBot experience with autonomous traclike a brick,” Rupp said. “I found a data services comChallenge held in Rockville, Ind.,” tors. “We focused on working with pany in the Oklahoma panhandle. We used to deploy Rupp recalled. “We decided in the individuals who wanted to be the cellular repeaters and if not installed properly, the fall of last year to take autonomy first ones to witness and be a part of feedback will eliminate any chances of communicatinto agriculture.” Craig Rupp the future of farming,” Schultz said. ing. We were 50 feet from the farmer’s machine shed. Mike Schultz By September 2018, Rupp had Sure enough, he was using a number of cellular taken a JCB Fastrac with a Harvest International See TRACTOR, pg. 11B repeaters. Problem solved.” 18-row planter with precision planting equipment and made autonomous modifications to it. This past spring the goal was to have the tractor plant from the south to the north. “We initially wanted to go from Texas to Canada,” Rupp said. Because of weather and BEANS, from pg. 9B North Dakota territory with seven receiving stations logistical issues, the farthest south they went was in North Dakota and one in Minnesota. started, we’ve passed with 99 percent scores each Arkansas. “We decided to pair it down and just go The edible bean history of the Minnesota-North through the Midwest.” Rupp and Laird got their com- year. But that means we’ve got a great staff that takes pride in their work”. Dakota region dates back to the early 1900s. Settlers mercial driver’s licenses so they could drive the semimoved into this area from the eastern United States. As you might expect, edible beans are very much a truck with the tractor and planter on it around the Midwest. “I’ve learned a lot. This whole spring was a world-wide commodity. Forty percent of the dark red Commercial production of edible beans (navy and kidneys leave America with Italy being the single great northern) first occurred during World War II, learning experience” Rupp said. biggest destination. “We’re working with many differ- but ended shortly after the war. It wasn’t until the ent canners, so don’t really know where in America 1960s that edible bean re-entered this territory. our beans go. But with more and more concerns Today, the classes of edible beans include dark and about protein in the diet, edible beans seems to be a light kidney beans, red beans, black beans, small red beans, pink beans and great northern beans. permanent niche in the diets of many Americans.” The production of edible beans has helped many Andy’s wife, Echo, (who is the company’s office manager and international sales director) apparent- growers make their farming operation more profitable. ly knows edible bean cookery too. “She often sur- Plus these growers are producing a nutritious highprises our bean team with how many different meals protein food source which helps feed a hungry world. can be made with beans.” Cork Fehr is Bonanza Beans’ sales manager. Dean At this stage, Bonanza Beans is likely the largest Schaefer is the founder and board chairman. Schaefer Minnesota cleaning facility for dark red kidneys; but is a major edible bean grower too. Bonanza Beans there is a bigger facility in Wisconsin. MIN/DAK is can be reached via email at info@bonanzabean.com. v the largest edible bean cooperative in the Minnesota/ The office phone number is (320) 384-2811.
Edible beans date back to early 1900s
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Schultz: Watching tractor do its job was ‘very surreal’ TRACTOR, from pg. 10B a reality check that it’s here. It was Being a part of this opportunity kind of amazing how technology in allowed Schultz to watch the autonagriculture can go from an idea to omous tractor do its job. “It was very actually happening.” surreal seeing the rig in action. In Leary believes that this type of watching a driverless tractor pertechnology would be a benefit in the form such a critical task, you wonfall in having an autonomous tracder what the not-so-distant future tor do tillage. That seems to be the may hold. Planting may be just the one thing that there’s never enough start. Tillage, spraying and combintime for after harvest and before the ing could all be possibilities.” weather turns too difficult. That There’s never enough time or peocould be a big advantage to farmers ple when it comes to planting and in the area to have the ability for harvest. “It always seems that a the tractor to follow the combine, farm and/or retail operation is one but not need anyone in the cab to man and one rig short — especially drive it. during the compressed planting and The chance to see a glimpse into harvest seasons we’ve been dealing the future of agriculture first hand with recently,” Schultz said. was a wonderful opportunity for all Time is definitely of the essence involved and provided a great colwhen it comes to planting. “Planting With this JCB Fastrac and a Harvest International 18-row planter, Rupp was able to plant laboration between all three compaa crop on time is one of the most 500 acres in a day without getting behind the wheel. nies. v critical steps to setting the table for a successful crop. Having access to autonomous tractors and planters will make it possible for growers to be much more efficient during the planting season,” will. Give us another six months.” DIEBALL, from pg. 8B Schultz said. With the new barn and milking system in operaManaging the construction of a new barn aside, Jason Leary, ag technology manager with Crystal Valley Co-op, worked with Sabanto and NK Seeds on tion, the Dieballs are focusing their attention to transitioning to the robotic system was difficult for this project. “We’ve been talking all winter getting developing the herd for milk production. “Reproduction the Dieballs. Herd size needed to be built up to make fields lined up,” Leary said. He worked to line up is a big factor,” Dieball said. “We have a rigorous the new system efficient, but those additional cows breeding program. Everything here is self-raised. We needed to be milked the “old-fashioned” way until the customers; but unfortunately, the don’t buy any animals.” new barn was ready. wet spring didn’t allow the time for the tractor to do those fields. “Our fresh cows produce about 100 pounds per day “We were waaay over-populated, but we had to do Instead, the tractor planted a test or better,” he added. “175 pounds per day is our high- it,” Dieball said. He added with a grin, “So far, so plot at Farmamerica in Waseca, est. We feel the genetics are there. It’s all about feed good!” v Minn. “We laid out where they were quality.” going to go.” Dieball said systemic cell count is about the same For Leary, “it’s technology that’s with the new system, but he’s confident that will been talked about; but to see it, it’s Jason Leary improve. “It will come down,” he stated. “I know it
Most all cows adjust to system quickly
Managing Crops in a Changing Climate insect species; and the ability to plant and harvest a crop in a timely manner.
ZACH FORE Field Agronomist Mentor, MN Few industries are as dependent on t h e w e a t h e r a s a g r i c u l t u re . M a ny farmers experienced delayed planting from record rains and July 2019 was conf irmed as the hot test month on record. Conditions like these can impact the potential yield of a crop; the growth and spread of weeds, diseases, and
U n d e r s ta n d i n g a n d i n c o r p o ra t i n g long-term clim ate trends into crop management decisions is important for minimizing risk and increasing the likelihood of successful outcomes in any given growing season. One of the most impor tant factors influencing climatic trends is rising global temperatures. However, this does not mean that warmer temperatures manifest uniformly. Earth’s climate system
is complex and dynamic. We haven’t experienced the higher temperatures in the summer months that some other parts of the nation have, but our maximum winter temperatures have increased. Daily minimum temperatures have also increased across all seasons. Alth o ugh th e M idwest h as th us far n ot ex p e r i e n c e d h i g h e r m a x i m u m temperatures during the summer months, higher night temperatures have the potential to be detrimental. Research has shown that above-average night
Insights for helping growers increase yields through better crop management temperatures during reproductive growth can reduce corn yield through reduced kernel number and kernel weight. A d d i t i o n a l l y, ra i n f a l l h a s b e c o m e concentrated into more intense rainfall events. One of the reasons for the shift is the effect warmer temperatures have on storm systems called mesoscale convective systems. They are typically most active at night and extend into the morning hours. These types of systems have historically accounted for 30-70% of the total warm-season precipitation
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PIONEER® brand products are provided subject to the terms and conditions of purchase which are part of the labeling and purchase documents. Trademarks and service marks of Dow AgroSciences, DuPont or Pioneer, and their affiliated companies or their respective owners. © 2019 Corteva. 3133
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Reporters hoping fall freeze doesn’t come too soon Brandon Fast, Mountain Lake, Minn. – Aug. 1
Nancy Rys, Rock Creek, Minn. – Aug. 9
“Everything’s progressing.” The Land spoke with Brandon Fast on Aug. 1 as he was still trying to find out the extent of the damage that 75 mile-per-hour winds did on his crops on July 20. “Tangled up some corn pretty bad.” Fast estimates that 25 percent of the corn was affected. The corn snapped right above the ear. “It was basically straight line winds.” For Fast the damage was disappointing. “The beans are fine.” The soybeans fared better in the storm than the corn. “They have a lot for flowers on them, they’re growing real nice.” There’s been about a half an inch of rain that fallen every week for most of the summer. “We’re perfect on moisture. We just need the heat to keep coming.” Fast has already gotten the combine out and has been working on the corn head and bean head. He’ll be spending some time off the farm working at the Minnesota Corn Growers Association booth at Farmfest Aug. 6-8. He’s ready to talk corn, policy, anything that visitors would like to discuss. As for the crops, they’re catching up. “Everything from the road looks pretty decent.”
John Haarstad, Rothsay, Minn. – Aug. 9 “A week ago today we got an inch of rain.” The Land spoke with John Haarstad on Aug. 9 as he was happy to get that amount of moisture in August. The weather has been cooler with temperatures dipping into the 50s at night. There’s a warm-up expected for the weekend, but rain and cooler temperatures are in the extended forecast for the Haarstad farm. “We haven’t been hot. I don’t remember the last time it was in the 90s,” Haarstad said. The corn is looking good. It’s fully tasseled and pollination is wrapping up in most of the corn. The soybeans have lots of pods showing up. Haarstad’s beans are doing well. “There’s a little bit of tiling to do,” Haarstad said. He’ll work on that in the next few weeks as well as getting equipment ready for harvest. “The combine is ready to go.” He has some tillage equipment that needs to be worked on soon as well. The lack of heat is concerning to Haarstad as the crops need a long, warm growing season this year. “We’re behind, but we’ll keep praying for a nice August and September.”
Creep Feeder on Wheels $3,179 20’ Single Sided Super Square Bale Feeder $1,999
“Things settled down.” The Land spoke with Nancy Rys on Aug. 9 as she’s been working on insurance claims from the storm that hit her farm on July 19. There’s now a new roof on the house. The soybeans weren’t as affected by the storm as the corn. “We sprayed fungicide on all the beans. I think they’ve responded well so far to that.” The beans were sprayed the last weekend in July which is earlier than usual; but with some damage due to the storm they were susceptible to disease. “It looks like the corn that isn’t damaged, pollination went well.” The crop is looking good. For Rys there was a 30 percent loss overall in corn from the storm. Ever since the storm in July, the weather has been kind to the Rys farm. “The weather has been just about optimum these last few weeks,” Rys said. Taking break from the farm, Rys is getting ready to take her grandkids on vacation in Door County, Wis. This is a tradition and one that Rys looks forward to. She savors the time with grandkids as she knows that the busy days and nights of harvest is almost here. By the first of September the machinery will be out and preparations will begin for harvest. Looking to the fall, Rys is hoping that the ideal weather sticks around. “We still need all of September to be frost-free.”
From the Fields
Dale Bissen, Adams, Minn. – Aug. 1
“Rain is getting a little short now. We could use some rain.” The Land spoke with Dale Bissen on Aug. 1 as he reported that while precipitation was needed he’s had the best crops on the drier years. The corn continues to be a week to 10 days behind. Bissen hopes there’s at least 50 days before a frost as the corn needs more time. The crop tasseled over a week ago. The cooler weather forecasted for the next week is ideal for pollinating. After pollinating Bissen hopes the warmer weather returns. “We need to get back in the mid-80s.” The beans look good. “They’ve actually stretched a bit.” The weed control in the bean fields is going great. “Probably not going to do any fungicide, the way it’s looking.” In the vineyard the grapes are turning color now. Bissen plans to apply fungicide one more time. Grape harvest will begin in September. Bissen is starting to think harvest and will start working on the combine soon. His summer is almost over, as he’ll start driving school bus on Aug. 12 when school resumes for the Southland school district. While Bissen will soon be back in the bus driver’s seat, he knows it won’t be long before he’s driving in the combine. He’s feeling optimistic about harvest. “There’s potential for a pretty darn good crop.”
Chute $4,179
Portable $10,999
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