THE LAND ~ November 1, 2019 ~ Southern Edition

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“Since 1976, Where Farm and Family Meet” +2.0 BU./A. ADVANTAGE vs. industry Roundup Ready 2 Xtend ® varieties in 12,588 head-to-head comparisons. * P.O. Box 3169, Mankato, MN 56002 • (800) 657-4665 © 2019 •

November 1, 2019 November 8, 2019

*Beck’s Roundup Ready 2 Xtend varieties versus Pioneer, Asgrow, and Syngenta Roundup Ready 2 Xtend varieties. Includes data from farmer plots, Beck’s research, and third-party data. Roundup Ready 2 Xtend® is a trademark of the Bayer Group.

Girl Power! Angela Guentzel fills many roles on the family farm – and off

PLUS: Minnesota museum honors Vietnam veterans Ethanol producers continue quest for the global market

PAGE 2A — “Where Farm and Family Meet”


“Behind every great land...” P.O. Box 3169 418 South Second St. Mankato, MN 56002 (800) 657-4665 Vol. XLIII ❖ No. 22 44 pages, 2 sections plus supplements

Cover photo submitted

COLUMNS Opinion Farm and Food File The Back Porch In The Garden From The Fields Cooking With Kristin Calendar of Events Mielke Market Weekly Marketing Auctions/Classifieds Advertiser Listing Back Roads Life on the Farm: Readers’ Photos

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Publisher: Steve Jameson: General Manager: Deb Petterson: Managing Editor: Paul Malchow: Staff Writer: Kristin Kveno: Staff Writer Emeritus: Dick Hagen: Advertising Representatives: James McRae: Ryan Landherr: Office/Advertising Assistants: Joan Compart: Lyuda Shevtsov: For Customer Service Concerns: (507) 345-4523, (800) 657-4665, Fax: (507) 345-1027 For Editorial Concerns or Story Ideas: (507) 344-6342, (800) 657-4665, Because of the nature of articles appearing in The Land, product or business names may be included to provide clarity. This does not constitute an endorsement of any product or business. Opinions and viewpoints expressed in editorials or by news sources are not necessarily those of the management. The Publisher shall not be liable for slight changes or typographical errors that do not lessen the value of an advertisement. The Publisher’s liability for other errors or omissions in connection with an advertisement is strictly limited to publication of the advertisement in any subsequent issue or the refund of any monies paid for the advertisement. Classified Advertising: $19.99 for seven (7) lines for a private classified, each additional line is $1.40; $24.90 for business classifieds, each additional line is $1.40. Classified ads accepted by mail or by phone with VISA, MasterCard, Discover or American Express. Classified ads can also be sent by e-mail to Mail classified ads to The Land, P.O. Box 3169, Mankato, MN 56002. Please include credit card number, expiration date and your postal address with ads sent on either mail version. Classified ads may also be called into (800) 657-4665. Deadline for classified ads is 5 pm on the Friday prior to publication date, with holiday exceptions. Distributed to farmers in all Minnesota counties and northern Iowa, as well as on The Land’s website. Each classified ad is separately copyrighted by The Land. Reproduction without permission is strictly prohibited. Subscription and Distribution: Free to farmers and agribusinesses in Minnesota and northern Iowa. $29 per year for non-farmers and people outside the service area. The Land (USPS 392470) Copyright © 2019 by The Free Press Media is published biweekly by The Free Press, 418 S 2nd Street, Mankato, MN 56001-3727. Business and Editorial Offices: 418 S. 2nd Street, Mankato, MN 56001-3727, Accounting and Circulation Offices: Steve Jameson, 418 S 2nd Street, Mankato, MN 56001-3727. Call (507) 345-4523 to subscribe. Periodicals postage paid at Mankato, MN. Postmaster and Change of Address: Send address changes to The Land, P.O. Box 3169, Mankato MN 56002-3169 or e-mail to theland@

The phrase, “Behind every great man is the author of “Cooking With Kristin,” The a great woman,” dates back to the 1940s Land’s monthly recipe column. to no one’s particular credit. Truer words This summer Kristin joined the editoriwere never spoken in the world of agrial department on a part-time basis as our culture. Behind every roaring combine is staff writer. She is more than willing to the harried soul driving the grain cart. take on any half-baked ideas I throw at But the 1940s was a while ago. Today, her and turn them into a good story. women’s role in agriculture is front and Kristin also maintains The Land’s center. While running ham sandwiches Facebook and Twitter accounts, as well as and hot coffee out to the field is a dutiful checking in with farmers each week for LAND MINDS task still performed by many, women have our “From The Fields” feature. By Paul Malchow assumed virtually every aspect of agriculWomen’s contributions to The Land ture — and the industry hasn’t skipped go beyond those here at the office. a beat. Plus, farming is a little more Our grain marketing columnist, complex in 2020. Spreadsheets, genetPhyllis Nystrom, has been writing for us since 2006. ics, animal health and employee management have Her insights and analysis are always easy to undermade agriculture a true science on many fronts. stand and she is a faithful contributor each and Speaking of employee management, The Land’s every week. general manager is a woman: Deb Petterson. Even Lenae Bulthuis’ inspirational column, “The Back in today’s computer world, Deb’s office is lavished Porch,” has also been a staple item at The Land for with numerous tidy stacks of paper. Unlike my desk (which at times can look like a dumpster exploded), many years. In respect for her privacy, I won’t say Deb knows exactly which papers are where and can how long; but she must have started writing in grade school because she still looks fabulous today. produce them at a moment’s notice. Also in the fabulous category is our columnist Deb keeps The Land’s financial oars in the water Karen Schwaller. Karen’s monthly offering, “Table and the staff on task. Although our staff is small, Talk,” tells of the joys of farm life with an unblinking getting all of us to turn in the proper forms at the eye. It may not always be roses and champagne at the designated time is a full time job in itself. You may Schwaller’s Iowa farm, but it’s honest … and funny. be familiar with the term, “herding cats.” Another Iowan, Renae Vander Schaaf, is a regular Deb also masterminded the recent “Recipes from contributor as well. A versatile writer, Renae can THE LAND — Volume IV” cookbook. (Copies have arrived off the press and are available now. A handy cover a field tour one week and share a tender slice of life in another. I wish she had the time to write order form can be found in this issue on page 11B.) for us more often. Deb is active in the Greater Mankato Area United Way; is a die-hard Vikings fan; and still finds time Diane DeWitt is a University of Minnesota to spoil her grandchildren. Extension educator; a swine encyclopedia; and a darn nice person to boot. I knew Diane before I If Deb steers The Land, another grandmother in came to The Land and am tickled to have her writthe office provides the push. To say Joan Compart ing our monthly “Swine & U” feature. simply “runs the office” is like saying someone just “teaches school.” Those with a green thumb have enjoyed Sharon If you’ve called The Land, you’ve talked with Joan. Quale’s “In The Garden” column for quite a while Someone should bottle her patience and tact on the now. But you don’t really need a green thumb to glean some knowledge from Sharon. She writes in telephone. People will call to place an ad, find out I an easy-to-understand style and shares projects and answered the phone, and curtly inform me they’ll tips any gardener (or not) can use. The colorful pho“call back and talk to Joan.” tos she sends are also a spirit booster during the Joan forwards me e-mails which I might not othdead of February. erwise receive. They often come with a witty comWhile on the subject of photographs, I would be ment concerning the e-mail’s subject. I love that. remiss in not recognizing the contributions of Jan Joan makes sure there are paper towels and napKing. Her terrific pictures are the staple of many of kins in the break room; and everybody in the office The Land’s “Back Roads” features. gets a card on their birthday. Each of these women bring their own talents and Lyuda Shevtsov is Joan’s sidekick in the front style to The Land and we’re lucky to have them. office. She works mornings with us before heading downstairs to her duties at The Free Press. Lyuda is They all have busy lives outside of these walls and they sure aren’t in it for the money. Like other friendly and quiet; and sends out my mail for me. women in agriculture, the “ladies of The Land” are She’s fairly new to The Land, so I don’t have any dedicated and industrious … and fun to work with. embarrassing stories to share. Stay tuned. Thanks to them all. Also fairly new — and not so new — is our staff writer Kristin Kveno. Kristin served a stint in The Paul Malchow is the managing editor of The Land. Land office a number of years ago and has written He may be reached at v several stories for us as well. You may know her as


THE LAND — NOVEMBER 1/NOVEMBER 8, 2019 — “Where Farm and Family Meet”


Letter: Is the move to Kansas City so bad? To the Editor, After reading Mr. Guebert’s column (Farm to Food File: “There’s always Kansas City,” The Land, Oct. 4/ Oct. 11) and giving it much thought, I concluded that there is more to the story that should be considered. Guebert reports that Laura Dodson, an ERS employee, told him that since June 15 of this year, 16 people have moved to Kansas City (9 percent of the 181 employees), 24 will remain in D.C. until Dec. 9 at which time they must relocate or quit (13 percent of the 181) and 141 have quit (78 percent of 181). A careful reading of Ms Dodson’s comments sounds a lot like a “Deep Stater” protecting their turf instead of looking at possible benefits. Take for example this comment of hers: “Who wants to work for an employer that doesn’t value its staff?” That sounds pretty negative to me and besides, she works for the taxpayers — not “the government.” According to Mr. Guebert, Ms. Dodson is vice-president of the local federal government employees union that represents ERS. Did you know that Federal employees can spend up to 25 percent of their paid work time on union activities? That’s your money and mine on work not related to ERS research. Putting her remarks into the context of a federal employee’s union representative sheds new light on her perspective and remarks about the relocation of ERS.

Also, Secretary Perdue’s remark in Wisconsin “In America, the big get bigger and the small go out” is an observation of reality. Every farm magazine published focuses on adoption of new techniques to improve efficiency, reduce costs and maximize profitability and on new and better ways to farm. Successful farm operations rely on either improvement in quality (specific niche markets) or in quantity — larger scale farm operations with more acreage and bigger equipment. Being bigger and/or better is a desirable goal and not a negative. And fixes for woeful markets are political. Better trade deals with China, for example; and where is Congress in approving the new trade agreement with Canada and Mexico? Oh, I forgot, they are focused on something else — impeachment I think. And how is that improving agricultural prices? This might be a good time to contact Representative Collin Peterson and remind him of his promise to Minnesota farmers that he would get the Mexico – Canada trade agreement passed. Let’s consider some other facts in this relocation scenario. Federal service offers excellent pay and benefits including relocation costs. With the high cost of living in the D.C. area compared to a lower cost of living in Kansas City, one would wonder why these people would choose to stay. Now some might take an early retirement, but others will not. In that

Agriculture is the heartbeat of America – driven by those who cultivate the land and care for animals. Your hard work and dedication builds strength, integrity and character and is an inspiration for the next generation. Through your unrelenting passion and commitment, you feed a growing world – thank you!

case, with Federal Civil Service protection that employees have, they would be eligible to transfer to other government jobs in the D.C. area. Another reason they would choose not to leave is that their spouse or significant other also has a job in government service in the D.C. area and that person might not be able to relocate. Ms. Dodson doesn’t plan to relocate as her union representative influence would change if she did. Now let’s look at the loss of intellectual capacity that Economic Research Services (ERS) might suffer. Mr. Guebert suggests that the absence of the proximity of the current ERS office to policymakers on Capitol Hill “just four museums, two statues, and one reflecting pool east of USDA’s office” is somehow devastating. Having personal experience with how research data is gathered and processed, the effort these days more often relies on data gathering from the Internet, contacting agriculture and industrial data sources online, by phone or through e-mail. Research Analysts then use highly complex spreadsheet routines to compile and analyze the data and then publish the results. Team data compilation and analysis quite often takes place through online interaction sharing spreadsheets, teleconference meetings and individual phone calls. Most team interaction does not necessarily require in-person See LETTER, pg. 6A

PAGE 4A — “Where Farm and Family Meet”


‘Get big or get out’ — It’s harmful and not inevitable By JOHANNA RUPPRECHT Policy Organizer Land Stewardship Project At the recent World Dairy Expo, Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Perdue responded to the economic crisis facing many small and mid-sized farmers with these remarks: “In America, the big get bigger and the small go out. I don’t think in America we, for any small business, have a guaranteed income or guaranteed profitability.” He added, “It’s very difficult on an economy of scale with the capital needs and all the environmental regulations and everything else today to survive milking 40, 50, or 60 or even 100 cows.” Perdue’s comments are infuriating and unconscionable words for anyone, let alone a public official, to offer to people in pain. They’re also an example of powerful narrative strategy at work, and it’s important to pay attention to that. For decades, the message of corporate ag and its various supporters and figureheads has been, “get big or get out.” Perdue’s statements echo Nixon

administration agriculture secretary Earl Butz, who even more bluntly presented the same message. They also echo the 2018 comments of U of M economist Marin Bozic, when he told a state legislative committee that 80 percent of Minnesota’s dairy farms were doomed to go out of business and should not be offered help. Bozic praised the Minnesota factory farm model of Riverview LLP, with thousands of cows per site, as the future of dairy. The big getting bigger and pushing out the small has been sold to farmers and the general public as the inevitable destiny of U.S. agriculture for a long time. It’s often even been presented as progress or a good thing; it’s always been presented as unstoppable -- there›s nothing you could do about it even if you wanted to. It’s no wonder how many well-meaning people, especially those not connected to farming, but also many farmers, now believe this. That›s exactly how dominant narratives work. What is repeated most often (with all the weight of corporate money behind it) is what people are most likely to believe; it shapes what people see as true, right, and possible. It buries, smothers, other beliefs and values people also hold. This is a concrete way in which power is taken from people. Perdue’s choice to frame his remarks with “in America” ties in American exceptionalism, another strain of the dominant narrative, in a particularly nasty twist. What he’s doing is using people’s feelings of patriotism as yet another way to stop them from questioning the harm that›s being done to them, to hold them back from thinking other ways are possible. The message is: this is inevitable, you’re over, nothing you can do about, this is just how it is in America, and you’re an American, right, so how can you complain about that? And Perdue blaming “environmental regulations” for a crisis


that is actually caused by corporate power is an example of yet another narrative element frequently and effectively used to distract from the heart of the real problems facing farmers. The most important thing to remember, of course, is that the message isn’t true. Nothing is inevitable about factory farm dairies or the current course of U.S. agriculture. We’ve gotten to the point we’re at because of deliberate choices that have not only allowed, but heavily subsidized and supported, the big to get bigger and push out the small. Corporate-driven public policy choices have led to the results they were designed for, to the massive benefit of those interests who designed and advocated for them. And through it all, agribusiness and its figureheads like Perdue have been telling farmers, essentially, “If you can›t make it, it›s your fault -get with the program.” The strategy has been to destroy people’s livelihoods and then blame them for it. Create the factory farm system and then tell dairy farmers, well, too bad, but sure is tough to make it milking 50 or 100 cows anymore what with all these big farms with their economies of scale. But different policies create different results. We can have any kind of food and farming system we want. It’s going to require people organizing to take control of our government away from corporate interests. Small- and moderate-sized farmers deserve a government that goes to bat for them. Together we can choose to support farming at the scale that provides the lifeblood of countless rural communities. Nothing is inevitable. An enormous amount of corporate ag’s power is rooted in the mere fact that it›s gotten so many people to buy into the myth that the corporate way is the only way. It’s past time to change that belief. Time to fight back. v

Tips for winter storing tender bulbs ST. CLOUD, Minn. — Tender bulbs include dahlias, gladiolus, caladiums, canna and calla lilies, and they need to be stored indoors for winter. If not dug up and stored in the proper manner, these plants’ tender bulbs will not survive the cold Minnesota winter. The general rule of thumb is to dig your tender bulbs out of your gardens after the foliage begins to dry up or is killed by frost. Use a fork or spade to gently loosen the roots several inches away from the plant’s base. It is important to avoid cutting, breaking or “skinning” the fleshy material. After the bulbs have been dug, most plants need a gentle wash. However, gladiolus corms store best if left unwashed and simply let dry out. Be sure to dust off any soil before putting in storage. Old gladiolus corms and cormlets should be removed at this time. Now that your bulbs are clean, the bulbs need to cure. Dahlias, cannas, callas and caladiums have a short curing period of only one to three days. Dahlias

curing should actually occur in an area with high humidity to ensure desiccation doesn’t occur. Gladiolus, oxalis and freesia require a longer curing period of approximately three weeks. Gladiolus should cure in temperatures of approximately 60 to 70 F. All tender bulbs should be stored out of direct sunlight and in well-ventilated areas. You may wish to label bulbs as you put them in their final storage space. Freesia, gladiolus, oxalis and tigridia should be stored at 35 to 40 F. Cannas, dahlias and glory lily should be stored at 40 to 50 F. Tuberous begonia, caladium and calla lily should be stored at 50 to 55 F. If you have additional questions about storing tender bulbs, visit or call Katie Drewitz at (320) 255-6169 ext. 1. This article was submitted by Katie Drewitz, University of Minnesota Extension. v

THE LAND — NOVEMBER 1/NOVEMBER 8, 2019 — “Where Farm and Family Meet”

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PAGE 6A — “Where Farm and Family Meet”


An old house, a new roof: Walking in the shadow of hope The first obvious sign of The floodwater, made the season-long flood is a stale by summer heat, now perfectly level, three-foot grows mold in every shady high ring of dried mud on spot on the house’s exterior. the machine shed’s siding. It especially prospers on Nature put it there and, in the screened-in porch time, will likely wash it where my great Uncle away. Honey napped after our daily noon dinners. Now Across the road, 100 feet FARM & FOOD FILE the walls appear to nap as behind a noticeably tilting each sags noticeably toward By Alan Guebert mailbox, stands the empty, the torn screen door my sagging farmhouse of my father walked through a youth. It sports no mud million times on his way ring because it sits on a to and from the fields small sandy rise that isn’t evident and milking parlor. unless you’re on a bicycle or roller skates. I don’t go inside (it’s not my family’s house anymore); but the interior The house, however, has bigger probmight be worse than the exterior lems than mud. Water filled its origibecause several windows are open, nal cellar and basement for the first presumably, to air out the rooms my time since the tall, imposing levees brothers, sister and I sweated and were built to protect it and the surfroze in 50 years ago. Curtains flutter rounding farm from the Mississippi in the October breeze. River in the early 1950s. But the levees also made the now-protected Other, more terminal signs — broken river bottoms into a bathtub that, storm windows, patches of missing sidonce filled with record rainfall, has ing, a disconnected gas meter, remnowhere to drain. nants of a tattered American flag — point to the farmhouse’s begging-for-









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the-bulldozer appearance. It has been on a downward path since my parents sold the farm 20 years ago and it now looks like it will soon hit bottom. In truth, the bottom was never that far off when we lived there. Until I was five or six, the house’s furnace was a woodstove in the kitchen. There was no proper basement to flood until my father had one dug in the mid1960s. Air conditioning finally arrived the year I left for college. Moreover, the house stood out for what it didn’t have — a dining room, a second bathroom, built-in closets, level floors, a heated upstairs — than what it did have: one electrical outlet per room, salamanders and turtles in the basement, and a front door that no one but traveling salesmen ever knocked on. And yet it somehow still stands, barely, now at the confounding intersection of practicality and sentimentality. By almost every farm measure it

should be knocked down to raise more corn and soybeans, not left to raise more farm children and memories. Instead, it has been left to wither and age, much like our farm programs, disgracefully and unforgivably so. In their best days, both were simple, unadorned structures designed and built to serve hardworking people. Now, without foolishly large infusions of cash, both fail quickly and completely. Ironically, the most enduring feature on the tired, wreck of a house is its green, steel roof. I can’t remember who put it on, Dad or the new owner, but it was a supremely hopeful act to put a 100-year roof on a 100-year-old farmhouse less than a mile from one of the fiercest, flood prone rivers in the world. I like that roof. I like its hope, forlorn or misplaced as it may now be, and I hope the owners allow it to stand as testament to the hopeful, hardworking people who once found their futures under it. v

New location a fresh look? LETTER, from pg. 3A team meetings since in such a setting it is hard to work interactively with multiple computers. Given this type of work interaction, ERS employees could work from anywhere and still get the job done. So there is no compelling need to be located in D.C. unless there are other reasons. The linked “leaked internal memo” cited by Mr. Guebert (it is worthwhile looking up and reading) in his column (leaked by whom one might ask) lists the reports currently being worked on by ERS which will be delayed. The memo also mentions that these reports are disseminated on-line through a website which means they aren’t hand-carried past four museums, two statues and one reflecting pool to policymakers on Capitol Hill. They should be accessible from the new office in Kansas City unless the Internet hasn’t yet reached the Midwest (you know, flyover country). We’ve heard a lot about the Deep State (internal memo leaks as one example) and the Washington “Swamp.” Might it just be possible that these employees are so embedded in the D.C. culture and lifestyle (Ms. Dodson and her union work?) that

they don’t want to leave — especially if their spouse or significant other also has a lucrative Civil Service D.C. job? Why live somewhere with a high crime rate and high cost of living when life is safer and cheaper in the Midwest? What does living in the “Swamp” have to offer that isn’t available in Kansas City? Certainly in the age of high tech, research can be completed just as or perhaps more effectively closer to the center of Agriculture in the Midwest. Is moving ERS to Kansas City one way of draining the “Swamp?” It shouldn’t be difficult to replace the 141 (and perhaps more) of the employees who have chosen to leave ERS with some brilliant, hardworking Midwestern young people with a strong loyalty to agriculture and Midwestern values and lifestyles. As Mr. Guebert states, there are reports that are waiting to be published. But perhaps a new, fresh look at these reports by other sets of eyes may result in improvements and better suggestions that would benefit agriculture and related industries. And those are my thoughts. Franklin J. Svoboda Hutchinson, Minn.

THE LAND — NOVEMBER 1/NOVEMBER 8, 2019 — “Where Farm and Family Meet”


God is our cushion for farmings’ crash landings “Farmer, Farmer, let me and high commodity prices. down!” was the teeter-totter As with the ups and cry of the person dangling downs of a teeter-totter, her legs from the high end farmers are familiar with of the see-saw. the rise and fall of grain “What will you give me, and livestock prices and Charlie Brown?” asked the seasons of drought and person on the opposite end flood. It’s the rhythm of life of the teeter-totter who was in agricultural. Expected, safely seated on the ground. THE BACK PORCH but not easy. By Lenae Bulthuis The person on the top Within our neck of the could promise everything Minnesota prairie, we are from her recess snacks to impossible back-to-back saturated. Last fall was rainbows and unicorns; but ultimately, wet, as was this spring, and now again her safe descent was not based on in Fall ‘19. It wasn’t easy to see the what she said she would give, but on first snow of the season settle on cornthe character of the person on the stalks before we’d harvested a kernel. other end. It felt like we were dangling on the high end of a teeter-totter bracing ourWas that person trustworthy? Was selves for a crash landing. he for her? Did her little brother care enough to let her down gently, or There is a time for everything: a would he think it funny if she had a time to plant and a time to harvest; a crash landing? time for joy and a time to lament. When trucks are sidelined on yards or One too many children thought stuck in fields, it is a time for lament. crash landings were comical. Teetertotters are a thing of the past. They’ve Things are not as they should be! been eradicated from backyards and Whenever we are forced to wait for parks because trust was broken, along favorable conditions, we have a choice with a few bones. when we connect with neighbors. We If trust were a muscle, farmers could can commiserate, or we can congregate to worship. supplement their income with winnings from bodybuilder competitions. Mid-October neighboring churches in Farming demands trust! Farmers our ag community chose to worship. trust experience, grit, and what On Sunday night we gathered for a they’ve gleaned about fertility, soil Harvest Hope worship service. The conditions, drainage, and seed genetics church was packed. Before we sang a to determine what to plant, where to word, there was the sound of folding plant, and when to plant it. For a suc- chairs being set up to provide more cessful year, they rely on favorable seating. This service was bigger than weather, an optimal growing season, farm families. Young and old, on and

Still time to control buckthorn ST. CLOUD, Minn. — Land owners are encouraged to make efforts to control buckthorn on their property as it is on the Minnesota restricted noxious weed list. In addition, the common and glossy buckthorns are an over-wintering host site for soybean aphids and should be removed in fence lines and woodlands near soybean fields to reduce aphid populations. Management includes hand-pulling seedlings or small trees. A tool called a weed wrench can also assist with removing plants up to 2-1/2 inches in diameter. Some local Soil and Water Conservation Districts or other offices have weed wrenches for check-out or

rent. For larger trees with 2-inch or larger diameter trunk. the plant should be cut down to the ground and the stump should be treated with chemical herbicide to prevent re-sprouting. Recognize that a foliar treatment may also kill other desired species from spray drift. For more information about buckthorn identification or control, visit the Minnesota Department of Agriculture, Minnesota DNR or the University of Minnesota Extension websites. This article was submitted by Katie Drewitz, University of Minnesota Extension. v

off the farm, each person’s presence gave testimony that we’re in this together. Hope was harvested. Trust muscles were strengthened. Not trust in weather patterns or commodity prices. Circumstances are not trustworthy; they rock like teeter-totters. But trust in God who is always sovereign, good and loving. Together, this small farming community declared by faith: “We will trust in God. No matter what.” And in that declaration in our part of the prairie and yours — if you choose — hope is birthed.

I am keeping it raw and real. I don’t understand God’s ways and certainly wouldn’t choose another wet fall if it were up to me. But this I know: I don’t have to understand God to trust Him. And there is never a crash landing for those who believe that He’s got the whole world in His hands. Lenae Bulthuis muses about faith, family, and farming from her back porch on her Minnesota grain and livestock farm. Her blog can be found online at and she can be reached via email at v

PAGE 8A — “Where Farm and Family Meet”


Watering cans have a use in the off-season too Beau, the most mischievous The Barberry shrub outof my three cats, decided to side along the fence is in its jump to the top of the cabiprime fall coloration so I nets in the garage and view snipped some branches his surroundings. He is also from it and added them to a handsome guy, so I took his the dried material in the picture. In my attempt to get watering can and now have him down I got a close look a colorful fireplace decoraat the galvanized watering tion. This would look great IN THE GARDEN can collection displayed on as an outdoor entryway top of the cabinets. I have decoration too. Gourds and By Sharon Quale four metal small pumpcans and use kins would one in the garenhance the den all sumdisplay. mer for waterThe look and ing potted feel of a plants. The watering can others serve is appealing. as decorative The architecobjects. tural shape of Because I was the handle, up high on a spout and the step stool and rose (spray Beau obliged nozzle) comby jumping bine to make a utilitarian watering down, I decided to bring the old can can look like a sculpture. with some dried material into the Watering cans have been used since house.

the 17th century and have seen improvements through the years. Now-a-days, plastic cans are readily available. I’ve read that purists prefer metal watering cans for longevity and eye appeal; but practical gardeners like plastic versions because they are lighter, less expensive and rustproof. A two to three-gallon can is the best size for outdoor use. The handle should be smooth and comfortable. A second handle on the side helps to tilt a full can without causing arm or hand strain. A removable rose, which is the name for the perforated nozzle, is a necessity for me as leaves and debris can get in the can and into the rose — hindering the water flow. The top opening should be large enough to be able to fill the can easily from a spigot or hose. The gentle shower from the rose is perfect for watering seed-

lings and irrigating new beds for planting. Watering cans will always be popular for the personal touch they bring to gardening. Inspecting plants when watering them gets you close enough to be able to check for disease and insect infestations; inhale the aroma; and appreciate their beauty up close. Fall watering of newly planted flowers and shrubs is needed for their survival through the winter. It is a task I enjoy and Beau is usually right by my side scampering through the leaves and generally trying to get my full attention as he preens and plays with anything that moves. Sharon Quale is a master gardener from central Minnesota. She may be reached at (218) 738-6060 or v

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THE LAND — NOVEMBER 1/NOVEMBER 8, 2019 — “Where Farm and Family Meet”


Soybeans near a wrap, corn harvest is up next Brandon Fast, Mountain Lake, Minn. – Oct. 25

Nancy Rys, Rock Creek, Minn. – Oct. 18

The Land caught up with Brandon Fast on Oct. 25 as he was on his second-to-last soybean field to combine. “We’ll be done with the field we’re on in about an hour.” Fast will have 80 acres of beans left to harvest after that. He plans on finishing beans tomorrow. The beans are hanging out at 14 percent. The corn is still pretty wet. “There’s a lot of stuff hanging right in there at that 25 percent,” Fast said. He’ll start on corn this weekend. The weather looks good to keep combining. The snow that was expected for next week has now been taken out of the forecast. The temperatures will be cold though — in the 30s and 40s. The field conditions have improved, the ground has firmed up thanks to the colder temperatures. “We’re driving trucks in the field.” Fast expects corn harvest to last at least three weeks. “It’s going to be a slow grind.” Tillage has started as well. Fast is ready to focus on getting the crops out of the field; and with the weather looking favorable to be able to do that, Fast is thrilled that harvest is now in full swing.

From the Fields

The Land caught up with Nancy Rys on Oct. 18 in the midst of soybean harvest. “We just started the dryer-to-dry soybeans.” The bean harvest began today; though Rys discovered that the beans are too high in moisture and have to all be dried. “The wind is helping, the sun is really helping,” Rys said. The ground is still wet, so tracks are essential this harvest season. “We have tracks on the combine, tracks on everything else as well,” Rys said. There’s rain in the forecast for Sunday night. This definitely isn’t welcome news for Rys. There could be up to two inches of rain coming. Until then, the bean harvest will continue. The temperature has warmed up and the wind is helping the battle against all the moisture. The time is ticking until the next rain event, so it’s go-time to get as much harvested until then. Rys is ready to get harvest in full swing and finally get this season all wrapped up.

 

Dale Bissen, Adams, Minn. – Oct. 25

John Haarstad, Rothsay, Minn. – Oct. 18

“Started back again at one o’clock today.” The Land spoke with John Haarstad on Oct. 18 as he was happy to be combining soybeans again after dealing with between six and eight inches of snow that fell at the farm last week. Before the snow fell, Haarstad was able to combine three days last week. “We got about a third of them (beans) done before the bad weather.” Haarstad plans to combine all weekend until the rain comes on Sunday

night. “The soil conditions are pretty damp yet.” The wind has helped a little with drying the fields out, but not enough. The corn is still in the upper 20s, early 30s in moisture. Haarstad plans on holding off on starting corn until beans are done. Today, harvest is going good. “Got some nice big fields to go on.” Haarstad hopes to be done with beans by the end of next week. He’ll start on corn right after that. That is if the rain stays away, as the farm has had more than enough moisture for this fall. Haarstad is ready for some drying winds and kinder harvesting weather.

Heavy Duty 24k Bale Wagon $6,495 24' Feeder Wagon $4,299

“We just about got all the beans out.” The Land spoke with Dale Bissen on Oct. 25 as he was in the tail-end of soybean harvest. “We’ll finish them tomorrow.” Bissen is disappointed in the bean yields. They are about 10 bushels less than what he was hoping. Bissen has two combines, so he was able to start corn about a week ago. He was pleasantly surprised with the corn yields thus far; they’re about 20 bushels per acre better than expected. The corn is down in the lows 20s for moisture. It will be a busy weekend in the field finishing up beans and continuing corn harvest. “Sounds like we’re going to get some decent weather,” Bissen said. Bissen is optimistic that he’ll be finished with corn in about 10 days. “That’s with the best of luck.” Tillage will start tomorrow. The weather is finally cooperating and the time is here to finish the beans and get the corn going. The end is in sight for the 2019 harvest. In less than two weeks harvest should be about wrapped up on the Bissen farm.

Spanier Welding and Metal Fabrication Paynesville, MN



Steer Feeder $2,999 Special Pricing until December 31

20’ Single Sided Super Square Bale Feeder $1,999

PAGE 10A — “Where Farm and Family Meet”

Age-old question: What’s for dinner?


Always follow stewardship practices in accordance with the Product Use Guide (PUG) or other product-specific stewardship requirements including grain marketing and pesticide label directions. Varieties with BOLT® technology provide excellent plantback flexibility for soybeans following application of SU (sulfonylurea) herbicides such as DuPont™ LeadOff ® or DuPont™ Basis® Blend as a component of a burndown program or for double-crop soybeans following SU herbicides such as DuPont™ Finesse® applied to wheat the previous fall. Always follow grain marketing, stewardship practices and pesticide label directions. Varieties with the Glyphosate Tolerant trait (including those designated by the letter “R” in the product number) contain genes that confer tolerance to glyphosate herbicides. Glyphosate herbicides will kill crops that are not tolerant to glyphosate. Always follow grain marketing, stewardship practices and pesticide label directions. Varieties with the Genuity® Roundup Ready 2 Yield® (RR2Y) trait contain genes that confer tolerance to glyphosate, the active ingredient in Roundup ® brand agricultural herbicides. Roundup ® brand agricultural herbicides will kill crops that are not tolerant to glyphosate. Genuity®, Roundup ® and Roundup Ready 2 Yield® are registered trademarks of Monsanto Technology LLC used under license. Individual results may vary, and performance may vary from location to location and from year to year. This result may not be an indicator of results you may obtain as local growing, soil and weather conditions may vary. Growers should evaluate data from multiple locations and years whenever possible. Varieties with the DuPont™ STS® gene (STS) are tolerant to certain SU (sulfonylurea) herbicides. This technology allows post-emergent applications of DuPont™ Synchrony® XP and DuPont™ Classic® herbicides without crop injury or stress (see herbicide product labels). NOTE: A soybean variety with a herbicide tolerant trait does not confer tolerance to all herbicides. Spraying herbicides not labeled for a specific soybean variety will result in severe plant injury or plant death. Always read and follow herbicide label directions and precautions for use. Varieties with the LibertyLink® gene (LL) are resistant to Liberty® herbicide. Liberty®, LibertyLink® and the Water Droplet Design are trademarks of Bayer. DO NOT APPLY DICAMBA HERBICIDE IN-CROP TO SOYBEANS WITH Roundup Ready 2 Xtend® technology unless you use a dicamba herbicide product that is specifically labeled for that use in the location where you intend to make the application. IT IS A VIOLATION OF FEDERAL AND STATE LAW TO MAKE AN INCROP APPLICATION OF ANY DICAMBA HERBICIDE PRODUCT ON SOYBEANS WITH Roundup Ready 2 Xtend® technology, OR ANY OTHER PESTICIDE APPLICATION, UNLESS THE PRODUCT LABELING SPECIFICALLY AUTHORIZES THE USE. Contact the U.S. EPA and your state pesticide regulatory agency with any questions about the approval status of dicamba herbicide products for in-crop use with soybeans with Roundup Ready 2 Xtend® technology. ALWAYS READ AND FOLLOW PESTICIDE LABEL DIRECTIONS. Soybeans with Roundup Ready 2 Xtend® technology contain genes that confer tolerance to glyphosate and dicamba. Glyphosate herbicides will kill crops that are not tolerant to glyphosate. Dicamba will kill crops that are not tolerant to dicamba. Roundup Ready 2 Xtend® is a registered trademark of Monsanto Technology LLC used under license. Varieties with Enlist E3™ technology (E3) are jointly developed by Dow AgroSciences and MS Technologies™, L.L.C. The Enlist weed control system is owned and developed by Dow AgroSciences LLC. Enlist Duo and Enlist One herbicides are not registered for sale or use in all states or counties. Contact your state pesticide regulatory agency to determine if a product is registered for sale or use in your area. Enlist Duo and Enlist One herbicides are the only 2,4-D products authorized for use in Enlist crops. Always read and follow label directions. P = Plenish high oleic soybeans for contract production only. Plenish high oleic soybeans have an enhanced oil profile and are produced and channeled under contract to specific grain markets. Growers should refer to the Pioneer Product Use Guide on for more information. ®



SCN = Resistant to one or more races of soybean cyst nematode.

By RENAE B. VANDER SCHAAF The Land Correspondent Everyone wants to know what’s for dinner — including me, the official cook of the family. Planning three meals a day that are nutritious, with a variance so it’s not the same thing over and over, but also pleases every palate definitely challenges me. It really seemed easier when the children were all home and a not-so-tasty dish could still disappear when a spoonful was put on every plate. Now, since our family keeps dwindling, it seems impossible to make good-tasting food the remaining family members all enjoy. Or was it the ambiance of dining together as a family which made the simplest meal better? Our taste buds have definitely changed. Only my farmer and I seem to differ a great deal of what is appetizing. I tend to think dessert is the main course. He happens to prefer meat. So we compromise just a wee bit. I put a larger serving of meat on his plate and a more realistic slice of dessert on mine … so much better than just a taste. But lately, cooking has been making do with what is available. We are down to the last few packages of beef in the freezer (which happen to be liver — just how big is a beef liver anyway?) The other packages are tongue. Yes, not one, but two! I don’t remember that last steer we had processed having two tongues, but there are two. Well, only one now, because tongue was on the menu last week. I do enjoy this rare delicacy so it is saved for special occasions. This day we celebrated the beginning of soybean harvest. Beef tongue is so easy to cook. Just put it in my old-fashioned pressure cooker (the ancient forerunner to instant pots) with some onion, bay leaf, salt,

pepper and water and let it cook. My two young grandsons came to visit that day. I wondered how they would like beef tongue because they aren’t like that boy on the old cereal commercial: “Let’s give it to Mikey, he likes everything!” (I never could understand how that would help the other two know whether it was good or not.) No, these two boys definitely have those overactive taste buds. If soup is on the menu, they know they’re not eating. But they devoured that tongue like it was the best thing they ever had. The other menu item right now is the fresh stuff in the garden. There’s an abundance of beans, tomatoes, celery and that’s about it. While it’s not too hard to eat fresh beans each day, or tomatoes, celery is a different story. Besides, we were quite greedy when we planted it. If I remember right, I set out nearly a hundred plants. In my defense, the two little boxes we purchased of plants didn’t seem that full. Celery seed must be inexpensive, because they sure were extravagant in the number of seeds planted in the boxes. A cookbook indicated that celery can be boiled like any other vegetable, fried in butter or served au gratin. It’s also a nice addition to an apple or cabbage salad. A meat and celery salad would have been perfect if there had been any leftover tongue. But the boys and I made sure it had disappeared. The other good option is celery soup. I’m wondering how often we can eat this creamy green soup before we have a greenish glow. Renae B. Vander Schaaf is an independent writer, author and speaker. Please contact her at (605) 5300017 or v

Crop insurance deadline nears ST. PAUL — The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Risk Management Agency reminds Iowa, Minnesota, and Wisconsin producers the final date to apply for crop insurance for perennial crops such as apples, cranberries, grapes, and tart cherries is Nov. 20 for the 2020 crop year. Current policyholders who wish to make changes to their existing coverage also have until the Nov. 20 sales closing date to do so.

Producers may select from several coverage options, including yield coverage, revenue protection, and area risk policies. For more information about crop insurance and the modern farm safety net, visit This article was submitted by the U.S. Department of Agriculture. v

Letters to the editor are always welcome. Pioneer ® brand products are provided subject to the terms and conditions of purchase which are part of the labeling and purchase documents. TM ® SM Trademarks and service marks of Dow AgroSciences, DuPont or Pioneer, and their affiliated companies or their respective owners. © 2019 Corteva. PION9LOCL051

Send your letters to: Editor, The Land P.O. Box 3169, Mankato, MN 56002 e-mail:

All letters must be signed and accompanied by a phone number (not for publication) to verify authenticity.

THE LAND — NOVEMBER 1/NOVEMBER 8, 2019 — “Where Farm and Family Meet”


















































See your local Pioneer sales professional for details. Visit us to see the latest harvest results near you.

Data is based on an average of 2019 comparisons made in southern Minnesota and northern Iowa through Oct. 22, 2019. Comparisons are against any number of products of the indicated competitor brand, unless otherwise stated, and within +/- 3 RM of the competitive brand. Product responses are variable and subject to any number of environmental, disease and pest pressures. Individual results may vary. Multi-year and multi-location data are a better predictor of future performance. DO NOT USE THIS OR ANY OTHER DATA FROM A LIMITED NUMBER OF TRIALS AS A SIGNIFICANT FACTOR IN PRODUCT SELECTION. Refer to or contact a Pioneer sales representative or authorized dealer for the latest and complete listing of traits and scores for each Pioneer ® brand product. Pioneer® brand products are provided subject to the terms and conditions of purchase which are part of the labeling and purchase documents. TM ® SM Trademarks and service marks of Dow AgroSciences, DuPont or Pioneer, and their affiliated companies or their respective owners. © 2019 Corteva. PION9LOCL051_TP

PAGE 12A — “Where Farm and Family Meet”


These ‘manoomin’ dishes fit well for fall weather

and pepper to taste. Remove bay leaves before Fall is here, time to bring out the hot serving. dishes and soups. Nothing’s better in either of those than some Minnesota n grown wild rice. According to Red Nation The time has arrived for hot dish season. This Foods, a Native American owned compaone has it all: ground beef, mushrooms, soy sauce ny located in Red Lake, Minn. that grows and so much more. Of course, the wild rice is main and harvests their own wild rice, wild event in this dish. rice isn’t actually a rice, but an aquatic sea grass. Wild rice has higher nutritionWild Rice Hot dish COOKING al value than regular rice with more WITH KRISTIN tein, minerals and B vitamins per servprint/ By Kristin Kveno ing. 3 cups boiling water Wild rice soup is delicious; but this version fea1 cup wild rice tures chicken, sweet potatoes along with a myriad of veggies 1-1/2 pounds ground beef making this soup tasty the day it’s made — but even better the 1 medium onion, chopped next day. 2 cans condensed cream of chicken soup, undiluted 2 cans slice mushrooms, undrained Harvest Naboob 1 can (28 ounces) bean sprouts, drained 1 can (10.5 ounces) condensed beef broth 3 quarts chicken stock 1-1/3 cups water 2 chicken breasts 1/4 cup soy sauce 1 medium onion, chopped 1 bay leaf, crushed 3 cloves garlic, minced 1 tablespoon dried parsley flakes 1 tablespoon olive oil 1/4 teaspoon each: celery salt, onion salt, poultry seasoning, gar1 teaspoon poultry seasoning lic powder, paprika and pepper 3 stalks celery, chopped 1/8 teaspoon dried thyme 2 teaspoons fresh ginger, chopped 1/2 cup sliced almonds 2 bay leaves In a large bowl, pour water over rice; let stand for 15 minutes. 1 large sweet potato, diced into one inch cubes Drain and set aside. In a skillet, brown ground beef and onion. 6 cups cooked wild rice Drain; add to rice with remaining ingredients except almonds. 2 cups frozen corn TRUCTIONS Please read attached email Transfer to a 13x9-inch baking dish. Cover and bake at 350 salt and pepper to taste 1 cup milk mixed with 1 tablespoon flour (optional) REP NAMES THE LAND 3.7461 x ” Heat olive ALREADY oil in six quart ON stockAD pot. Add onion, celery, poultry seasoning, ginger and garlic. Cover and lightly sweat. Add chicken breasts whole and sauté all until fragrant, about five minutes. Add chicken stock, bay leaves, sweet potato and simmer for two Visit to view our complete hours covered. Remove chicken breast, shred with two forks and calendar & enter your own events, or send an e-mail add back to pot. Add frozen corn and wild rice, bring back to low with your event’s details to boil, heat through. Check potato chunks. When they are fork tenNov. 5-6 — Central Plains Dairy Women’s Conder, soup is done. Turn off heat and add 1 cup milk with flour ference — Bloomington, Minn. — Network with whisked in for a light creamy flavor, if desired. Season with salt dairy farm women from across the central plains. Topics include marketing; food and agriculture trends; immigration law; risk management; successful career strategies; mental health; industrial activist behavior; and the changing consumer. — Contact Renee Brod at Nov. 6 — Pro-Ag Outlook & Management Forum — Waterloo, Iowa — Opportunities for producers and ag business professionals to get updated information to help make decisions that need to be made during the post-harvest period. — Contact Shelly Smith at (319) 234-6811 or Nov. 7 — Produce Safety Alliance Grower Training — Iowa Falls, Iowa — Topics include introduction to produce safety; worker health, hygiene and training; soil amendments; wildlife, domesticated animals and land use; agricultural water; post-harvest handling and sanitation; and developing a farm food safety plan. — Contact Ellen Johnsen at (515) 294-6773.


degrees for two hours. Sprinkle almonds on top; bake, uncovered, 30 minutes longer. n My husband’s aunt Mary made her signature wild rice casserole for every meal she hosted. It had a prominent spot at the dining room table because it’s was simply amazing. Mary taught on the White Earth reservation for 35 years and loved each and every one of her students as if they were her own. Mary passed away from cancer four years ago, so I’ll never know the origin of the recipe. But I do know that wild rice has remained an important part of the White Earth culture, so it would only make sense that it would have been a staple in Mary’s entertaining. Aunt Mary’s Wild Rice Casserole 1 onion, cut up 3/4 stick butter 1 cup wild rice 1 can mushrooms, pieces and stems 2 cans beef consommé soup Sauté onions in butter. Add rice that has been well rinsed. Mix well. Add consommé and mushrooms. Bake in covered dish for 1.5-2 hours at 350 degrees. Wild Rice, is manoomin in the Ojibwe language. I hope these manoomin dishes warm you up as we head into the chilly days of fall. Kristin Kveno scours the internet, pours over old family recipes and searches everywhere in between to find interesting food ideas for feeding your crew. Do you have a recipe you want to share? You can reach Kristin at v

Calendar of Events Nov. 7-8 — Swine Disease Conference — Ames, Iowa — Topics include a veterinarian update; bacterial classifications of gilt sources; M.hyo eradication experiences; field research for PRRS; African swine fever; carcass disposal options; biosecurity; protein economics; precision livestock farming; prolapses and pig survivability initiative; Rota virus C in sow farms; reducing antibiotic use in lactation; improving pig performance; and coronavirus diagnostics. — Contact Chris Rademacher at or (515) 294-6222. Nov. 12 — Emerging Farmers Working Group Listening Session — Marshall, Minn. — Session will identify barriers farmers are facing and work toward solutions to remove those barriers. — Contact Larry Schumacher at or (651) 201-6629 Nov. 13 — Dairy Field Day — Primghar, Iowa — Tour the milking parlor, cattle housing and the commodity and mixing building. Breeding strategy will be discussed along with feeding issues. — Contact Jim Salfer at or (612) 360-4506. Nov. 14 — Produce Safety Alliance Grower Training — Fayette, Iowa — Contact Ellen Johnsen at (515) 294-6773.

THE LAND — NOVEMBER 1/NOVEMBER 8, 2019 — “Where Farm and Family Meet”


Cottage Food Law protects producers and consumers By TIM KING The Land Correspondent ST. PAUL — Minnesota’s Cottage Food Law has been in place for four years, since July of 2015, and each year the number of Minnesotans that produce and sell food under its umbrella has grown dramatically. “We have a total of 5,420 people registered for 2019,”Alida Sorenson, Response and Outreach Coordinator for the Minnesota Department of Agriculture’s Food and Feed Safety Division, said. “These are registrants in ‘good standing,’ which means their registration is not on hold, and they are considered active, registered producers.” The number of Cottage Food Law registrants increased by nearly 2,000 registrants between 2018 and 2019 and has been growing by more than 40 percent each year, according to MDA statistics. A majority of the registrants, from year-to-year, are recurring registrants. The Law gives registrants the right to make and sell certain types of homemade food products without obtaining a food handlers license if they take a food safety course every three years; agree to follow food handling safety measures; and register each year with the Department of Agriculture. Producers are also required to label their products according to MDA guidelines and to only sell in certain retail venues such as from their home or at a farmers market. Wholesale sales are not allowed. Food labels must include the name and address of the producer, the date the product was produced, and the ingredients — including potential allergens. Only individuals can receive the Cottage Food exemption. There are two tiers, or levels, for Cottage Food producers. Tier I is for individuals that sell no more than $5,000 worth of Cottage Food products per year. Registration with MDA for Tier I producers is free and the food safety course for that tier can be taken at home on-line. Registration for Tier II producers is $50 per year and they are required to take a written test. Tier II producers may sell from $5,001 up to $18,000 per year. That is the maximum allowable under the program. The types of food which can be produced and sold under the Cottage Food exemption are as wide-ranging as the imagination of food entrepreneurs. They can include home-canned pickles, vegetables, or fruits with a pH of 4.6 or lower. They can also include jams; jellies; preserves; fruit butters; dried or roasted items such as beans, herbs and seeds. If you know how to make tasty and attractive icings, frostings, or sugar art, you can do that as well. What’s not allowed under the exemption are foods that are from an animal or aquatic species — whether they are raw or cooked. Foods that are from a plant and are cooked, such as rice or steamed green beans, are not allowed. Food which consists of raw seed sprouts, cut melons, cut fresh tomatoes, cut leafy greens, or garlic, or herb-based oil mixtures are

also not allowed under the Cottage Food exemption. Angie Welmers, of Redemption Acres near Belle Plaine, Minn., has been a Tier I Cottage Foods producer for several years. “I’ve been making jams for my family for about a decade and selling for a bit less time than that,” she said. “I really enjoy canning, so it will always be a part of my summers. Any extra work involved is absolutely worth it when I open that jar of fresh and delicious jam in the middle of a January snow storm.” Angie calls her Cottage Food Enterprise “Homespun Edibles” and sells her products from home and at markets in Savage, St. Peter, and Eden Prairie, Minn. She and her husband also include canned products in Redemption Acre’s CSA subscription. Angie lists fourteen different products for sale at her website ( and proudly states that her rhubarb barbecue sauce took first place at the Scott County Fair this year. Angie has taken Homespun Edibles to a new level through teaching canning classes at Redemption Acres. At a canning class in September, her students learned by canning Plum Cardamom Jam and Dilly Beans. “Making jam is my creative outlet,” Angie said. “Life on the farm is full and sometimes challenging, but making creative and delicious jams lightens my

load and makes me feel proud.” A large majority of Cottage Food producers are Tier I producers and, like Angie, have less than $5,000 in sales. Angie says she’s “aiming high” and aspiring to increase her sales. The average Cottage Food producer is fairly close to breaking through that Tier I ceiling and, likely, has similar aspirations to Angie’s. “Respondents who took the course in 2016 and 2017 and responded to a survey in 2018 reported a total of $187,767 in sales, or an average per participant of $4,204,” Suzanne Driessen of the University of Minnesota Extension said. University of Minnesota Extension teaches food safety courses and provides educational resources to Cottage Food Producers, according Driessen. “This law affords cooks the opportunity to become entrepreneurs and share delicious, locally produced food,” she said. “This might be known as the pickle law but we’ve had an interesting variety of products being prepared by people taking the course — including kombucha and cupcakes.” People interested in finding delicacies produced by Minnesota’s creative Cottage Food producers can get started in their search by going to the Minnesota Department of Agricultures’ Minnesota Grown Directory at v

USDA opens ARC, PLC enrollment WASHINGTON, D.C. — Agricultural producers now can enroll in the Agriculture Risk Coverage (ARC) and Price Loss Coverage (PLC) programs — two U.S. Department of Agriculture safety net programs — for the 2020 crop year. ARC provides income support payments on historical base acres when actual crop revenue declines below a specified guaranteed level. PLC provides income support payments on historical base acres when the effective price for a covered commodity falls below its reference price. Signup for the 2020 crop year closes June 30, while signup for the 2019 crop year closes March 15. Producers who have not yet enrolled for 2019 can enroll for both 2019 and 2020 during the same visit to an FSA county office. ARC and PLC have options for the farm operator who is actively farming the land as well as the owner of the land. Farm owners also have a one-time opportunity to update PLC payment yields beginning with crop year 2020. If the farm owner and producer visit the FSA county office together, FSA can also update yield information during that visit. FSA began processing payments in October for 2018 ARC-County (ARC-CO) and PLC on covered commodities that met payment triggers on enrolled farms in the 2018 crop year. In addition to the $1.5 billion now in process, FSA anticipates it will issue

another $1 billion in November once USDA’s National Agricultural Statistics Service publishes additional commodity prices for the 2018 crop. Producers who had 2018 covered commodities enrolled in ARC-CO can visit for payment rates applicable to their county and each covered commodity. For farms and covered commodities enrolled in 2018 PLC, the following crops met payment triggers: barley, canola, corn, dry peas, grain sorghum, lentils, peanuts and wheat. Oats and soybeans did not meet 2018 PLC payment triggers. 2018 PLC payment rates for the following covered commodities have not been determined: crambe, flaxseed, large and small chickpeas, long and medium grain rice, mustard seed, rapeseed, safflower, seed cotton, sesame seed, sunflower seed and temperate Japonica rice. For more information on ARC and PLC including two online decision tools that assist producers in making enrollment and election decisions specific to their operations, visit the ARC and PLC webpage. For additional questions and assistance, contact your local USDA service center. To locate your local FSA office, visit This article was submitted by the U.S. Department of Agriculture. v


MILKER’S MESSAGE — “Where Farm and Family Meet”


Milk Production report shows healthy gains This column was written for the marketing week ending Oct. 25. Some called it a September surprise. Others called it fodder for the bears. The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s latest Milk Production report showed preliminary output at 17.6 billion News and information for Minnesota and Northern Iowa dairy producers pounds, up 1.3 percent from September duction was negative worldwide and enter- pounds, up 5.5 million pounds or 0.7 percent from 2018. Output in the top 24 states MIELKE MARKET ing, or maybe we’re already in, a period August, but were 32.3 million or 4 percent below a totaled 16.8 billion pounds, up 1.6 perWEEKLY where milk production is positive.” That year ago. cent. Revisions added 10 million pounds By Lee Mielke will put downward pressure on prices, to the original 50-state August total, Stocks in the “other” category climbed to 571.6 though we are entering “the demand seanow put at 18.29 billion pounds, up 0.2 million pounds, up 2.1 million pounds or 0.4 percent son of year,” but “Volatility is probably the one thing from August; but were up 26.5 million or 4.9 percent percent from August 2018. Revisions added 32 milyou can predict will continue.” lion pounds to the top 24 states’ output. from a year ago. Gould doesn’t see a freefall in prices and says, Cow numbers continued to slip. The head count in The total cheese inventory crept up to 1.369 bilthe 50 states totaled 9.315 million, down 2,000 from “Next year’s lows are probably going to be the high- lion pounds. This is up 6.4 million pounds from August, which was revised lower by 1,000 cows, and est lows that we have seen in several years.” He August, but 10.5 million pounds or 0.8 percent 53,000 head below a year ago. Output per cow aver- also said it’s possible that prices may be even highbelow September 2018. er. “The big difference is, we started this year with a aged 1,891 pounds, down 72 pounds from August, HighGround Dairy says, “While the increase in mountain of milk powder in European inventories but 34 pounds above a year ago. total cheese in storage was less than last and now it’s all gone. We don’t have buffer stocks to Matt Gould, analyst and editor of the Dairy and September’s climb, the 6.4 million-pound monthly insulate markets from volatility.” Food Market Analyst newsletter, said the Milk increase was well above the five-year average 10.9 Demand will also continue to play a big role. U.S. Production report “represents the fastest growth million drawdown. Total cheese stocks have climbed cheese at retail has been growing 2-3 percent, he rate in milk supply in about a year,” in the Oct. 28 higher in September in just three of the past ten concluded, “and we’re still growing per capita conDairy Radio Now broadcast. years (2010, 2018, and 2019). On a positive note, total cheese stocks dropped back slightly below Gould warned that milk output is also growing in sumption.” FC Stone stated in its Oct. 24 Early Morning prior year levels after eclipsing 2018 levels at the Europe, “So we’re exiting a period where milk proUpdate, “In a broader view, a generally tighter milk end of August.” production situation coupled with Class IV prices Traders appeared to ignore the bearish reports running above Class III early in the year (and, to and took the cheddar blocks to an Oct. 25 close at some extent, California moving into the Federal $2.1225 per pound. This is up 15.5 cents on the Order) has tightened the availability of fresh cheddar week and 60.75 cents above a year ago. The barrels (to say nothing of several production hiccups we’ve caught fire this week and closed at $2.25, up 25 heard about in the past few months). This has partly cents on the week — the highest barrel price since Invest in the success of all three with a led some users to whittle down, rather than building Sept. 26, 2014, and $1 above a year ago, and with inventories for the holidays as they had last year.” membership in Southwest Minnesota Farm an inverted spread of 12.75 cents. Twenty-one cars Dairy farmers culled fewer cows in September of block traded hands on the week at the Chicago Business Management Association than they did in August, but more than a year ago. Mercantile Exchange and only nine of barrel. The USDA’s latest Livestock Slaughter report shows Midwest cheesemakers continue to report a lack of an estimated 255,700 head were slaughtered under spot milk, says Dairy Market News, but keep a close federal inspection, down 10,900 from August, but Visit: eye on how much to take on due to production 8,300 or 3.4 percent above a year ago. The 9-month capacity and potential resale concerns. Demand Call: 507-752-5094 cull count totaled 2.417 million head, up 81,100 reports continue to be steady but slower than a few Email: head or 3.5 percent from a year ago. weeks ago and inventories in the region are “mostly n in balance.” The September Milk Production report fed the Western cheesemakers have found comfort in the bears and the September Cold Storage report likely narrowing block-barrel spread and firming prices. affiliated with: added a little more fodder. September butter stocks Western cheese output is active and cheese demand totaled 302.1 million pounds, down 2.2 million is “steady, but not phenomenal,” says Dairy Market pounds or 0.7 percent from August, but were 19.8 News. Holiday orders are starting to come but are million or 7 percent above September 2018. not impressive. Some contacts suggest government HighGround Dairy says September is when holiday purchases could be helping support cheese prices. Fiscal 2019 purchases of cheese products are up orders would typically be pulling product from storabout 14 percent from 2018 and processed cheese age. “The 2.2 million pound stock decline paled in buys are up nearly 40 percent. comparison to the five-year average of 25.5 million pounds. At 302 million pounds, September’s ending n stock is the highest level for the month since 1993.” CME butter fell to $2.0575 per pound on Oct. 24, American cheese stocks totaled 771.4 million The University of Minnesota Extension is an equal opportunity educator & employer. See MIELKE, pg. 15A

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MILKER’S MESSAGE — “Where Farm and Family Meet”


Dairy officials looking at Mexico’s dairy checkoff programs MIELKE, from pg. 14A but closed the next day at $2.06. This is down 5.5 cents on the week and 17.25 cents below a year ago on 13 sales. Butter producers are reporting varying production methods, says Dairy Market News. Cream is slightly less available and some suggest it may soon be out of reach for churning. Demand is steady, meeting seasonal expectations, but market tones are, relative to their typical steadfastness, “slightly in flux.” Analysts tell Dairy Market News they expect a slightly bearish 2020 butter market as higher imports and stocks put a bearish slant on the overall tone. Still, butter is expected to remain in its range-bound status. Retail butter orders in the west have been strong the past days, says Dairy Market News, but stockrooms are full and, so far, incoming orders for the holiday seem lower than usual. Butter output is steady to up a bit due to readily accessible and reasonably priced cream.

FC Stone points out that 2019 will likely mark the Dairy Management Incorporated board members seventh year National Dairy Product Sales butter were in Mexico this week getting a first-hand look WE BUILD OURonSTALLS RIGHT! prices have averaged above $2.00. at dairy checkoff programs going there, sponTake a look at sored by the U.S. Dairy Export Council. n our tubing with USDEC points out Mexico is the United States’ Grade nonfat dry milk closed Oct. 25 at $1.1525 per unequaled corrosion number-one export market, accounting for one-quarpound. This is down 1.75 cents on the week, but 28.5 protection! ter of U.S. dairy exports. Nearly 90 percent of cents above a year ago on 11 trades for the week. Mexico›s dairy imports come from the United States. Freudenthal Tubing has been Dry whey finished at 28.25 cents per pound, a Those sales amounted to $1.4 billion in 2018, says engineered for your specific quarter-cent lower on the week. This is the lowest USDEC, and have increased for nine consecutive requirements where strength CME price since April 4, 2018, and 18.75 cents years. Exports to Southeast Asia and were second, totalcorrosion resistance are Auto Head Locks Panel CORROSION below a year ago. A lot of product continues to Release flow ing about half those to Mexico, followed byfactors. Canada, critical design PROTECTION to the CME — 75 loads; 273 loads since Oct. 1. China, South Korea, South America, and Japan. Class I milk prices will move higher. The USDA ComfortDairy Tie Stall In other global news,CS-60 HighGround reports, announced the November Federal order Class I base “EU milk production showed the strongest yearprice at $18.14 per hundredweight, up 30 cents from over-year growth since April, supported by Thehigher Toughest October, $2.62 above November 2018, and the high- production from the top five milk producingStalls counest Class I since January 2015. It equates to $1.56 tries on the continent.” on the per gallon, up from $1.33 a year ago. The 11-month • Provides superior lunge area Lee Mielke is a syndicated columnist who resides market, average is at $16.78, up from $14.82 a year ago and • Much stronger than our in Everson, Wash. He may be reached at lkmielke@ $16.41 in 2017. guaranteed competitors’ beam systems v not to bend • No Stallnmounts in the



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PAGE 16A — “Where Farm and Family Meet”


THE LAND — NOVEMBER 1/NOVEMBER 8, 2019 — “Where Farm and Family Meet”


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PAGE 18A — “Where Farm and Family Meet”



Grain Outlook Corn market not budging

Cash Grain Markets

corn/change* soybeans/change* Stewartville $3.41 -.12 $8.42 -.10 Edgerton $3.76 -.07 $8.38 -.11 Jackson $3.61 -.32 $8.50 -.06 Janesville $3.62 -.18 $8.47 -.06 The following marketing analysis is for the week Cannon Falls $3.50 -.04 $8.58 -.02 ending Oct. 25. Sleepy Eye $3.51 -.07 $8.36 -.08 CORN — Corn has been stuck in a range from Average: $3.57 $8.45 $3.78.25 to $4.02.5 per bushel since Oct. 1. An indication of how flat we traded this week, this week’s clos- Year Ago Average: $3.11 $7.40 ing prices ranged from $3.86.75 to $3.88 per bushel. Grain prices are effective cash close on Oct. 29. Prices eased lower in the first half of the week, but a *Cash grain price change represents a two-week period. technical reversal mid-week turned into consolidation. Harvest continues to creep along, but we are running well behind the average with a frost over most of the corn belt to arrive early in November. As of Oct. 20, corn harvest was 30 percent complete, well behind the 47 percent average. Eighty-six per- PHYLLIS NYSTROM As we close in on the end of the month of October, cent of the crop was mature and CHS Hedging Inc. the livestock markets have — for the most part — conditions improved 1 percent to St. Paul seen prices generally moving higher. The cattle com56 percent good/excellent. plex as a whole has seen a fairly good advance in Growers are pushing to find fields to combine, but cooler temperatures are limit- prices while the hogs are just trying to find a foothold in moving prices higher. The coming winter months ing the speed of dry down in the field. are likely to see a continuation of Export demand for corn continues to struggle. This high volatility in the hogs while week’s sales were on the lower side of expectations at the cattle may remain a little 19.3 million bushels. Sales are 49 percent behind last more benign. It is likely the key year at 427.4 million bushels. We need 31.5 million factor over the next few months bushels of sales per week to hit the U.S. Department will be the export picture for the of Agriculture’s 1.9-billion-bushel target. There were entire meat complex which will 3.6 million bushels of new crop sales, bringing the determine which direction the total to 8.6 million bushels vs. 3.9 million bushels hog and cattle markets will evenlast year. Weekly ethanol production increased 25,000 tually head. JOE TEALE barrels to 996,000 barrels this week. Ethanol stocks The cattle market has shown Broker fell 700,000 to 21.4 million barrels. Ethanol crush surprising strength as of late as Great Plains Commodity margins improved a penny to 12 cents per gallon. many in the industry forecast Afton, Minn. Argentina’s corn planting is 34.6 percent complete lower prices during the month of vs. 34.4 percent last year and 26 percent average. October. Strength in the choice and prime beef have Their soybean planting has yet to begin compared to been exceptionally strong recently. This has forced 2 percent complete last year. Brazil’s first corn crop the packer to try to accumulate cattle in that categowas reported at 47 percent planted vs. 54 percent ry. Thus the spread between choice and select beef average. has widen over the past month giving rise to the Outlook: Corn basis was firm as harvest moves strong prices paid for live inventories. along slowly and growers have not been inclined to On Oct. 25, the U.S. Department of Agriculture make additional sales. The weekly export sales num- released the monthly Cattle on Feed report which ber was okay, but there were no daily flash sales was seen as neutral as all categories right on with announced this week. If yields or harvested acres pre-report estimates. Once again, the demand for decline, some of the decline will be offset by weak beef versus the supply will be the answer to the final demand. Weather forecasts for early November are direction the market will take in the next few mixed with some rain and/or snow predicted. Below- months. It appears the export market will be a major normal temperatures should cover the Midwest. For factor in that determination of which direction prices See NYSTROM, pg. 19A See TEALE, pg. 21A

Livestock Angles Exports will steer livestock market

Grain Angles Get some sleep: Cash flow basics For some farmers, managing cash flow means paying bills until the checking account is empty, running credit cards up to their limits, then hoping the mail carrier delivers a check or two instead of just bringing more bills. If handling your farm’s cash flow by the seat of your pants is stressing you out, cash flow planning and analysis will help to ease your anxiety. Cash flow projection Cash flow planning starts with a month-by-month projection of the cash flow you expect to see in the year ahead. The projection can begin on Jan. 1 and follow the calendar year; or it can start when something big is expected PAUL DIETMANN to happen that will significantly Compeer Senior impact the farm’s cash flow — Lending Officer such as a land purchase, conPrairie du Sac, Wis. struction of a new building, or taking on new debt payments. A cash flow projection is a prediction of all the cash which is likely to flow into and out of the farm operation during a given period of time. On the cash inflow side, it includes money generated from the sale of farm products, government program payments, machinery and breeding livestock sales, income from off-farm employment, and proceeds from new loans. Cash outflow includes operating expenses, principal and interest payments on loans, funds used for capital purchases, income tax and Social Security payments, and family living draws taken by the farm owner. An annual cash flow projection is a very useful tool for a farm. Plot out, on a month-by-month basis, when cash income will be received and when cash expenses will need to be paid. The projection will help you anticipate in which months cash inflow will not meet your needs. Most importantly, you will be able to plan ahead to cover the cash shortfalls without tapping credit cards or leaving unpaid bills, and possibly wrecking your credit score. Solutions for negative cash flow months Nearly every farm will have months — possibly even years — when cash flow from farm operations is negative. Summer is often a time of year when farm cash flow is poor. The bills for seed and other crop inputs have been paid, there might be bills for machinery repairs, and there isn’t much to sell until See DIETMANN, pg. 19A

Information in the above columns is the writer’s opinion. It is no way guaranteed and should not be interpreted as buy/sell advice. Futures trading always involves a certain degree of risk.

THE LAND — NOVEMBER 1/NOVEMBER 8, 2019 — “Where Farm and Family Meet”


Early soybean yield reports better than expected NYSTROM, from pg. 18A the week, December corn fell 4.25 cents to $3.86.75, July was 5.5 cents lower at $4.09.75, and December 2020 declined 2.5 cents to $4.07.75 per bushel. If we could get corn, ethanol, DDGs included in a Chinese deal, maybe volumes and volatility would improve. The next World Agricultural Supply and Demand Estimates report will be released on Nov. 8. SOYBEANS — Soybeans moved sideways this week, but traded a fairly wide $9.26.25 to $9.45.25 per bushel weekly range. The daily closes were tightly grouped from $9.33.25 to $9.34 per bushel in the first four trading days this week. Most of the week’s action came on Oct. 25 as options expired and traders awaited any news on a Chinese trading agreement. China indicated early in the week they would allow 10 million metric tons of tariff-free U.S. soybean imports. Chatter also suggested China would buy $20 billion of U.S. products in the year following the signing of the Phase 1 trade deal. If true, that would bring us back up to pre-trade war levels. They would then purchase another $40-$50 billion worth of agricultural products annually after that. However, they are asking for concessions from the United States for that to happen. They would like to see the Dec. 15 proposed increase in tariffs by the United States taken off the table and the 15 percent tariffs from September eliminated. Phase 1 of the trade agreement will hopefully be signed in mid-November when the presidents of both countries meet in Chile at the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation summit. Currently, U.S. soybeans are competitive without tariffs with South America; but are not competitive

beyond February. In the first nine months of the calendar year, China imported 10.15 mmt of U.S. soybeans, 45.19 mmt from Brazil, and 5.11 mmt from Argentina. Weekly export sales were terrible at just 17.5 million bushels. Total commitments are running 12 percent behind last year at 678.4 million bushels. We need to average 24.7 million bushels of sales per week to achieve the 1.775 billion-bushel USDA projection. There were no new crop sales reported this week. In daily USDA export sales announcements this week, unknown bought 128,000 metric tons of U.S. soybeans and China bought 264,000 metric tons. China has imported 1.33 mmt of pork this year, up 44 percent from last year as they continue to find new cases of African swine fever. Both Brazil and Argentina have received welcomed rain in the last couple of weeks. While not totally out of the woods, conditions have improved mainly in Brazil and their dry area has shrunk to less than 25 percent. As of Oct. 18, Brazil’s soybean planting was 20 percent complete, finally edging above the 18 percent average. U.S. soybean harvest was 46 percent complete as of Oct. 20 vs. 64 percent on average. Dropping leaves was 94 percent and conditions were unchanged at 54 percent good/excellent. Early yield reports have been slightly better than expected. Growers have been slow sellers and basis numbers have firmed in response. Argentina will hold their presidential election on Oct. 27. The incumbent Macri is not expected to win.

Alberto Fernandez was the leader in the polls going into the election. If he wins, there are suggestions he may raise export taxes. This would be friendly for U.S. commodities. The Chicago Mercantile Exchange will implement new daily trading limits for soybeans effective Nov. 1, going from 65 cents per bushel to 60 cents per bushel. Outlook: For the week, November soybeans were down 13.75 cents at $9.20.25, with 13 cents of the loss coming on Oct. 25 when November options expired. July soybeans were down 9 cents for the week at $9.67 and November 2020 soybeans were only off a nickel at $9.67.75 per bushel. Soybean harvest is winding down in some eastern areas, but has barely begun in some western spots. Chinese developments, weather and grower selling will be forces behind direction. Basis levels have been firm to attract bushels into the pipeline. It’s impossible to guess what political events may transpire next week, but next support in the November contract is near $9.10 per bushel, then down near $8.95 per bushel. If you have bushels to move, look at rewarding the basis improvement. Nystrom’s Notes: Contract changes for the week ended Oct. 25: Chicago December wheat dropped 14.5 cents to $5.17.75, Kansas City was down 11 cents at $4.22.75, and Minneapolis was 7.75 cents lower at $5.36.75 per bushel. Crude oil rallied $2.79 to $56.66, ULSD gained 3.25 cents, RBOB was a nickel higher, and natural gas fell 2 cents. v

Credit cards are a poor source for short-term credit DIETMANN, from pg. 18A later in the year. If you develop a cash flow projection and figure out that cash flow is going to be short in some months, you have several options to cover the shortage. Maybe you can build up your cash reserves during good months. Perhaps you could add another farm enterprise which brings in cash flow during months you would otherwise fall short. You may be able to pick up some off-farm work at slower times of the year. Consider negotiating to re-schedule payments of some bills or term loan payments to better match your cash flow. Additionally, you could set up a line of credit with a lending institution, which can be tapped in lean months and paid off in good months. If you need to use short-term credit to bridge your low cash months, work with a reputable lender and apply for a farm operating loan or line of credit. The terms will be much better than paying exorbitant credit card interest rates. It’s awfully tempting to get through a few months of tight cash flow by using the handiest source of short-term credit: credit cards. Please don’t use credit cards to cover cash shortages — even if you

typically pay them to zero every month. You could unwittingly exceed the acceptable credit utilization ratio (usually 30 percent of the limit on the card), which will damage your credit score. You could also find yourself unable to pay the entire balance in a cash-short month, and you’ll rack up interest at an 18 percent or higher annual rate. Over the long run, the farm operation should generate enough positive cash flow from operations to pay all of its operating expenses, make loan payments, pay the farm owner a decent draw, and have enough cash left to replace some capital equipment and put a bit into cash reserves. If the operation consistently runs negative cash flows, you should undertake a more in-depth financial analysis and consider making structural changes to your farm business. This sort of analysis is done at the end of the year, and looks back at the farm’s actual cash inflows and outflows. Analyzing cash flow To analyze cash flow, we break it out into three distinct categories: cash flow from operations; cash flow from investing activities; and cash flow from financing activities.

Breaking out the farm’s cash flow will tell you if the farm operation paid its own way or was subsidized by other sources of cash such as off-farm income, proceeds from new loans, or with sales of capital assets such as equipment or breeding livestock. Cash flow from operations includes all of the dollars that flow in and out of the farm in normal, dayto-day activities. Cash comes in from sales of milk, fed cattle, grain, vegetables and other products. Cash might also come in from government payments and custom work. Cash flows out as you pay for seed, feed, fertilizer, fuel and other operating expenses. We want cash flow from operations to be positive every year. Cash flow from investing activities refers to capital investments in the farm, not the dividends you received from investments in mutual funds. Cash inflow in this category generally comes from sales of machinery, breeding livestock or land. Cash flows out to pay for purchases of these capital investments. Cash flow from investing activities — whether positive or negative — can offer clues to other aspects of farm management. For some farms, cash flow from See DIETMANN, pg. 21A

PAGE 20A — “Where Farm and Family Meet”


Guentzel recognized as Young Professional of the Year By KRISTIN KVENO The Land Staff Writer MANKATO, Minn. — On the north side of Mankato you’ll find the sixth-generation Guentzel family farm. Producing corn and soybeans, this farm is utilizing family to make their operation run as smooth as possible. The Guentzels also focus on community relations. Their goal is to give back to the area which has been part of their agricultural livelihood for generations while bridging the gap between those who grow our food and those who buy it. Angela Guentzel was raised on the Guentzel family farm. “I had always helped out on the farm growing up.” Life took her from the farm to school at the College of Saint Benedict in St. Joseph, Minn. where she majored in sociology and minored in Spanish. She went on to work in the human services sector in

Denver, Colo. and in the Twin Cities Committee and is also involved with before it became apparent that her the Farm Bureau on the county passion and calling was working in level as well. Guentzel works with agriculture. CommonGround, which according to the organization’s website is “A In April 2014, Guentzel made the group of farm women who volunteer move back to the farm and hasn’t their time to share information looked back since. Guentzel’s father, about farming and food.” Terry, and brother, Jon, own the farm, while Angela takes on various She is also part of the Greater farm duties. Her role on the farm Mankato Young Professionals which changes with the season and the she joined in 2014 when she started needs of the farm — from driving working full time on the farm. tractor to working in the shop; to According to Guentzel, being a part human resources; to payroll; to comof that organization has provided munity relations. Guentzel works her with many opportunities diligently in all the various roles through the years. Her leadership she’s taken on. As for how the three in the Young Professionals group Guentzels handle farmled to Guentzel being named ing together day in and Greater Mankato’s 2019 Young day out, “We’ve worked Professional of the Year. “I was together a long time. excited to be recognized for that.” Photo submitted We’ve figured each other For Guentzel, being involved in Angela Guentzel out.” the community is a vital component “I obviously didn’t come back at the pin- of the farm. “As the landscape of agriculture changes nacle of economics of it (farming),” and grows, we’re getting more and more removed Guentzel said. From 2014 to now, Guentzel from the average person.” Connecting to community has witnessed change in farming. As the is a great way to get the message of what’s happening average age of producers in the United in agriculture out to the general public. That includes States is now nearly 60, Guentzel believes having the opportunity to host farm tours. Guentzel that is starting to usher in a new wave of believes that it’s always important for the farm to younger farmers. “The landscape is chang- give back to the community they have been a part for ing a lot.” over a century. Guentzel is proud of Guentzel and husband, the longevity of the farm Andy Cramblit, own and the opportunities it Mankato Valley Seed where has given her family. they sell Golden Harvest “The family legacy is the and Gold Country seed in pillar of our business,” addition to microbial prodPhoto by Paul Malchow she said. ucts. The Guentzel family farm has evolved through six generations. Their annual “Breakfast on the Farm” event attracts hundereds of In addition to her variTogether, Guentzel and visitors each spring. ous roles on the farm, Cramblit grow giant pumpGuentzel is thrilled to be kins. The largest one this involved in the community through year is weighing in at an a variety of organizations. astonishing 1,200 pounds. Cramblit puts in the time Guentzel represents District II on On display at the Guentzel farm are a Early deadline for ads in The Land and energy working to the Minnesota Farm Bureau’s number of giant pumpkins grown each Due to the Thanksgiving Promotion and Education State year – some weighing over 1,000 pounds. ensure that every year there’s a huge pumpkin or holiday The Land office two on the farm. will be closed on There’s always something new on the farm and it Thursday, Nov. 28th & seems no two days are the same. The Guentzel farm Friday, Nov. 29th. has seen generation after generation raise crops on the land they love and respect. Succession planning Deadline for The Land’s is now in the works to ensure a smooth transition Nov. 29th issue is safeguarding that the Guentzel farm is around for a Tues., Nov. 19th at noon. long time to come. For Guentzel, being a part of farming operation coupled with the community involveDeadline for The Land’s ment has been the perfect pairing of the very two Dec. 6th issue is things she’s passionate about. v


Tues., Nov. 26th at noon.

THE LAND — NOVEMBER 1/NOVEMBER 8, 2019 — “Where Farm and Family Meet”


USDA opens ARC, PLC program enrollment for 2020 Agricultural producers now can enroll in the Agriculture Risk Coverage (ARC) and Price Loss Coverage (PLC) programs for the 2020 crop year. ARC provides income support payments on historical base acres when actual crop revenue declines below a specified guaranteed level. PLC provides income support payments on historical base acres when the effective

price for a covered commodity falls below its reference price. Signup for the 2020 crop year closes June 30, while signup for the 2019 crop year closes March 15. Producers who have not yet enrolled for 2019 can enroll for both 2019 and 2020 during the same visit to an FSA county office. ARC and PLC have options for the

farm operator who is actively farming Oats and soybeans did not meet 2018 the land as well as the owner of the PLC payment triggers. land. Farm owners also have a oneFor more information on ARC and time opportunity to update PLC pay- PLC including two online decision tools ment yields beginning with crop year that assist producers in making enroll2020. ment and election decisions specific to Producers who had 2018 covered their operations, visit the ARC and commodities enrolled in ARC-CO can PLC webpage. visit for payFor additional questions and assisment rates applicable to their county tance, contact your local USDA service and each covered commodity. For farms center. To locate your local FSA office, and covered commodities enrolled in visit 2018 PLC, the following crops met payThis article was submitted by the U.S. loan payments being made on time? ment triggers: barley, canola, corn, dry Department of Agriculture. v Are principal balances being paid down peas, grain sorghum, lentils, peanuts faster than new loans are being taken and wheat. out? If the farm has an operating loan, is the balance being paid down or is only the interest being paid? Is the owner able to take a regular cash draw out of the farm, or is he or she putting more money into the farm? The farm operation should generate enough positive cash flow from opera• The simple and effective steering system for 10,000 times tions to pay all of its operating expenssuperior maneuverability es and have enough cash left to replace • and going strong, Stainless steel tank welded inside and out for some capital equipment, make loan increased durability (optional) our customers • Swivel hitch for better interaction between payments, and pay the farm owner and spreader something back for his or her investdecide the GEA • tractor ment in the farm. If cash flow is coming Epoxy primer and urethane paint finish for excellent corrosion resistance up short, a more detailed cash flow spreader is the analysis is in order. Ultimately, positive • Industry standard-setting tank shape style preferred choice design cash flow is what will keep you farming for years to come. over any other • Bolt on components for easy maintenance Paul Dietmann is a Senior Lending Specially-designed suspension system for manufacturer. • minimal compaction Specialist with Compeer Financial. For additional insights from Dietmann and • Limited maintenance requirements the Compeer team, visit

Positive cash flow is a must DIETMANN, from pg. 19A investing activities might be positive because the farm does a great job with heifer calves and always has excess breeding stock to sell. For others, it might be positive because machinery is being sold to cover shortfalls in cash flow from operation and nothing new is being purchased. Cash flow from investing activities might be negative because the farm is using positive cash flow from operations to make capital improvements, which is good. Cash flow from financing activities considers funds provided by lenders as well as funds made available by the farm owner. Cash inflow comes from new loans and from off-farm income. Off-farm income is included because it’s money which could be tapped by the farm if needed. Cash flows out to make principal and interest payments on loans and to provide for cash withdrawals by the farm owner. It’s helpful to look for patterns in cash flow from financing activities. Are

Hog market moves sporadic TEALE, from pg. 18A will take. Producers should continue to monitor market conditions and whether to protect inventories. One thing the hog market has not lost in the last month is the volatility in price movement. We have not seen hog prices actually move in one direction for a long period of time since back in July of this year. Despite the fact that the range of price movement has not been large, it has moved up and down in extreme moves over the past several months. China continues to be the prime accelerant in moving the market prices in either direction. If and when an

agreement between China and the United States is either signed or dropped, this will give the market direction whether up or down. Until these negotiations come to an end, hog prices are likely to remain extremely volatile in either direction. Given the fact that the cause of this volatility started with the outbreak of African swine fever in Asia and seems to be still spreading. The overall number of hogs in the world has been reduced and this could play into future price direction if not controlled. This should keep producers in close contact with market conditions and should response to change in conditions to protect inventories. v

GEA manure spreaders, chosen for performance, reliability and innovation. Give Chris or Mark a call!




PAGE A22 —”Where Farm and Family Meet”


AUCTION TUESDay, NOVEmbEr 19, 2019 • 2:00 P.m. PARCEL 1: 74.80 +/- Deeded Acres, 73.66 +/- Tillable Acres PARCEL 2: 120 +/- Deeded Acres, 110.22 +/- Tillable Acres Plus 2.44 Acres in CRP Buffer Strips LAND LOCATION: South of Atwater, MN 8.1 miles on County Road 2, turn right (west) on 105th Avenue and go 2.8 miles.Watch for Auction Signs. LEgAL DESCRIPTION: Parcel 1: S1/2 of SW1/4 EXC PT, Section 16, Lake Elizabeth Twp

Parcel 1

74.80 +/- Deeded Acres 73.66 +/- Tillable Acres

Parcel 2

120 +/- Deeded Acres 110.22 +/- Tillable Acres Plus 2.44 Acres in CRP Buffer Strips

Parcel 2: N1/2 of NW1/4 and the SE1/4 of NW1/4, Section 21, Lake Elizabeth Twp

ParCEL 1 CPI = 95 ParCEL 2 CPI = 87.3 Tiled With Excellent Outlets Spring 2020 Possession Very Good to Excellent Soils


Real Estate

Real Estate Wanted

Antiques & Collectibles

Sell your land or real estate in WANTED: Land & farms. I FOR SALE: 1954 WD45 AC 30 days for 0% commission. have clients looking for tractor, WF, very good tires, Call Ray 507-339-1272 dairy, & cash grain opera- recent OH and tune-up, new tions, as well as bare land battery, runs good, good parcels from 40-1000 acres. paint, $2,500/OBO. Can see Both for relocation & invest- photos on Marketplace. 507ments. If you have even 236-3099 thought about selling contact: Paul Krueger, Farm & Feed Seed Hay Land Specialist, Edina ReGet the best results alty, 138 Main St. W., New ALFALFA, mixed hay, grass when you advertise in Prague, MN 55372. hay & feed grade wheat (612)328-4506 straw, medium square or round bales, delivery Call Looking for something available. special? Put a line ad in Thief River Falls, MN. Call The Land and find it! or text LeRoy Ose: Call today! 507-345-4523 218-689-6675



507-345-4523 800-657-4665





LOCATION: 8422 Hwy 32, Gwinner, ND 58040. From Gwinner, ND 1-1/2 miles east on ND Hwy. 13, 2-1/2 miles south on ND Hwy. 32. AUCTIONEER’S NOTE: Major equipment begins selling at 11:00 AM. Live online bidding available on major equipment. Registration, terms, & details at

AUCTION HELD AT: Atwater Community Center • Atwater, MN Auctioneer’s Comment: Folks, Parcel 1 offers 73 +/- tillable acre with an excellent CPI=95. Parcel 2 contains 110 +/- tillable acres and a very good CPI=87.3. With great soils and tiling, these farms would be an excellent investment. These farms are located in Lake Elizabeth Township, which is in Southeasterly Kandiyohi County. You will have the chance to purchase either one or both of these parcels. The successful bidder(s) will have the opportunity to farm this land in the 2020 growing season and after. Please call, text or email any questions you may have to or (320) 212-9379.

-the Fladeboe Land Team

Linda Bosch & Jim Bosch –OWNERS–

Kristine Fladeboe Duininck - Broker - 320-212-9379 Glen Fladeboe 651-208-3262 Dale Fladeboe 320-894-9392 2015 MSAA Hall of Fame Auctioneer

Auction Terms: The successful bidder(s) will pay down $30,000 per parcel as earnest money on auction day in the form of a cashier’s check. The non-refundable check should be made out to Fladeboe Land Trust Account. The successful bidder(s) will enter into a non-contingent, AS-IS purchase agreement on auction day. Buyer’s premium will apply. The closing of Parcel 1 will be executed on or before December 31, 2019. The closing of Parcel 2 will be after January 1, 2020 but no later than January 10, 2020. Both will be closed by Quality Title, Willmar, MN. Upon successful closing possession will be granted. Announcements made auction day take precedence over printed material. For info packet call Kristine at (320)212-9379 or email

Sellers, auctioneers and brokerage are not responsible for accidents.

2015 JOHN DEERE 8345R

2010 JOHN DEERE 9530

2010 JOHN DEERE 9770

TO INCLUDE: Tractors & Loader, GPS Equipment, Harvest Equipment, Grain Cart, Planter, Tillage Equipment, Semi Tractors, Pickup, Hopper Bottom Trailers, Sprayer, Water Trailer & Chemical/Fertilizer Equipment, Seed Tender, Grain Handling & Aeration Equipment, Skid Steer Loader & Attachment, Other Equipment, Tanks, Parts & Farm Support Items

Justin Ruth ND2019

Steffes Group, Inc., 2000 Main Ave E, West Fargo ND 58078

ROGER & RODNEY ASCHE Roger, 701.680.0283 or Rodney, 701.680.2450

or Justin Ruth at Steffes Group, 701.237.9173 or 701.630.5583 TERMS: All items sold as is where is. Payment of cash or check must be made sale day before removal of items. Statements made auction take precedence over all advertising. $35 documentation fee applies to all titled vehicles. Titles will be mailed. Canadian buyers need a bank letter of credit to facilitate border transfer.

THE LAND — NOVEMBER 1/NOVEMBER 8, 2019 Feed Seed Hay

Farm Equipment

HIGH Quality Western dairy Balzer 4200 Magnum Lo Pro alfalfa, large quantities manure tank, 4 Diedric disc of shed stored hay and injectors, very good condiSTRAW, up to 230 RFV, tion shedded, $19,000/OBO. From our farm to yours on 507-236-1266 our trucks. 1 on 1 dealings, NO middle man. Experi- FOR SALE: Fantini chopping enced and Trusted. Call for 8R & 12R CH; 70’ Elmer pricing-delivery included in drag, Merritt alum hopper grain trailers; 24R30” JD pl price. (307)359-9644 on Kinze bar; Big A floater; Classified Line Ads 175 Michigan ldr; IH 964 CH; White 706 & 708 CH & parts; White plows & parts; 54’ 4300 IH field cultivator; Call 507-345-4523 JD 44’ field cult; 3300 Hiniker field cult; header trailer. Bins & Buildings 507-380-5324


Stormor Bins & EZ-Drys. FOR SALE: Bottom Sieve for 100% financing w/no liens or 7700 JD combine. New, still red tape, call Steve at Fair- in box. FOR SALE: Autofax Ag for an appointment. matic cattle waterer. New, Never used. 320-826-2531 888-830-7757 — “Where Farm and Family Meet”


Farm Equipment For SALE: IH 720 5-20” auto re-set moldboard plow; Feterl 8”x55’ grain auger; Artsway 240B 8-30” 20’ stalk chopper. Phone 507-227-7602. FOR SALE: 710 7 bottom IH plow, auto reset, good condition; Hiniker 20’ stalk shredder. 507-427-3561

PROPERTY LEGAL DESCRIPTIONS: PARCEL #1: S1/2 NE1/4 except North 4 Rods of South 22 Rods of East 10 Rods & Except 9.28 acres & N1/2 NE1/4 in Sec�on 9, Township 105N, Range 37W Co�onwood County, MN. Containing 150.72 acres more or less. PARCEL #2: N1/2 SW1/4 Sec�on 25, Township 106N, Range 37W Co�onwood County, MN. Containing 80 acres more or less. PARCEL #3: NE1/4 except tract in NE corner Sec�on 35, Township 106N, Range 37W Co�on wood County, MN. Containing 157.12 acres more or less.

FOR SALE: JD globe SF1 activation, $499/OBO. 320-2124462 JD 8300 MFWD, exc tires, $52,000; Loftness stalk chopper, 20’ rear mount, $5,000; JD 6620 combine, SH, RWA, $18,000. 507-330-2808



OWNER: Evangelical Free Church of America, as Trustee of the Cur�s and Marcella Sykora Uni ‐Trust

Sale Conducted By

Jackson Office

410 Springfield Parkway Jackson, MN 56143


FOR MORE INFORMATION: www.danpikeauc�

PAGE A24 —”Where Farm and Family Meet”

Steffes Auction Calendar 2019

For more info, call: 1-800-726-8609 or visit our website: Opening October 28 & Closing November 6 Meeker County, MN, Tillable Land Auction - 125± Acres, Dassel, MN, Timed Online Auction Opening November 1 & Closing November 6 Online Steffes Auction - 11/6, Upper Midwest Locations, Timed Online Auction Opening November 1 at 8AM & Closing November 7 at 7PM Bushmills Ethanol Shares Auction, Atwater, MN, Timed Online Auction Opening November 4 & Closing November 14 at 7PM Messenbring Farms Retirement Auction, Norwood Young America, MN, Timed Online Auction Tuesday, November 5 at 10AM David Matson Estate Farm Equipment Auction, Gary, MN Opening November 5 at 8AM & Closing November 5 at 12PM Bottineau County, ND Land Auction - 320± Acres, Maxbass, ND, Timed Online Auction Opening November 6 at 8AM & Closing November 6 at 12PM Cass County, ND Land Auction - 160± Acres, Absaraka, ND, Timed Online Auction Opening November 11 at 8AM & Closing November 14 at 12PM Oxbow-Hickson, ND, Area Land Auction, 827± Acres, Near Oxbow, ND, Timed Online Auction Opening November 11 & Closing November 20 at 7PM Mies Outland John Deere Shop Equipment & Tractor Attachment Auction, Steffes Group Facility, Litchfield, MN, Timed Online Auction Opening November 11 & Closing November 20 Jim & Kathy Hartkopf Retirement Auction, Clear Lake, MN, Timed Online Auction Tuesday, November 12 at 10AM Charlie & Liz Richards Farm Retirement Auction, Argusville, ND Tuesday, November 12 at 12PM Quality Tested Hay Auction, Steffes Group Facility, Litchfield, MN Opening November 12 & Closing November 19 Michael Hakanson Farm Equipment Auction, Maddock, ND, Timed Online Auction Opening November 12 & Closing November 21 Gray Potato Farms Excess Inventory Auction, Clear Lake, MN, Timed Online Auction Opening November 12 at 8AM & Closing November 12 at 12PM Richland County, ND, Land Auction - 426± Acres, Hankinson, ND, Timed Online Auction Wednesday, November 13 at 11AM Roger & Rodney Asche Farm Retirement Auction, Gwinner, ND Opening November 14 at 11AM Jim & Michele Seil Farm Retirement Auction, Heaton, ND Opening November 15 & Closing November 20 Online Steffes Auction - 11/20, Upper Midwest Locations, Timed Online Auction Opening November 18 & Closing November 25 Evergreen Implement Year End Auction, Warren, Thief River Falls, Mahnomen & Baudette, MN, Timed Online Auction Opening November 18 & Closing November 26 at 7PM Glenn Homandberg Estate Equipment Auction, Slayton MN, Timed Online Auction Opening November 19 at 8AM & Closing November 19 at 12PM Traill County, ND Land Auction - 158± Acres, Buxton, ND, Timed Online Auction


PRIME BARE FARMLAND AUCTION 157 Acres +/- in Nashville Twp, Martin Co., MN Thursday, November 21, 2019 @ 6:30 PM Auction to be held at the Knights of Columbus Hall 920 E


St, Fairmont

PROPERTY LOCATION: The subject property is located on tar road County Hwy 53/260th Ave approx. 4.5 miles N of Granada, MN. PROPERTY LEGAL DESCRIPTIONS: PARCEL #1: S 1/2 of the NW 1/4 32-104-29 Containing 80 deeded acres; PARCEL #2: N 1/2 of the SW 1/4 32-104-29 Containing 77 deeded acres (Ex. 3 acre building site). For full flyer & informational booklet, visit




320.693.9371 | Advertising Deadline: Thursday, November 14

Farm Equipment

Farm Equipment

JD 9300 4WD, 5530 hrs; ‘03 Retiring. For Sale: Tebben 9650STS JD combine, 2700 9 shank deep till ripper w/ eng hrs/1860 sep hrs; Park- extra set of new points and er 450 grain cart, 500 bu; cover boards; 5 shank Year JD 4840 tractor; ‘07 IH 9400 Round earth buster; 10x80 & semi tractor; ‘10 Frontier 10x70 Brandt augers. All in 40’ grain trailer; ‘07 Jet 38’ exc cond. 320-630-1777 grain trailer; ‘14 Westfield 10x61 swing hopper auger; RETIRED. For Sale: Wil-Rich JD 630F platform; Stalk- 25’ stalk chopper; DMI 24’ master 606 cornhead; ‘94 Ecolo-Champ chisel plow; Volvo semi tractor; ‘09 JD 16’ Hiniker model 816 3pt 2700 ripper, 7-30. 507-317-6201 mounted chisel plow. All in good condition. 320-630-1777 Gibbon MN JD 2940 tractor w/ 3pt hitch We buy & 148 ldr, $9,450; JD 725 ldr Salvage Equipment w/ 8’ QT bucket & joy stick, Parts Available 30-55 mounts, $5,900; IH 720 Hammell Equip., Inc. 5x18 & 6x18, 3pt auto re-set (507)867-4910 plows, $1,350 per choice; Conveyall 35’ belt conveyor w/ gas motor drive, exc Tractors cond, only used for seed bean, $4,750; Schweiss 9’ 2 auger 3pt snowblower, 4640 JD power shift, new 18.4x42 Firestone tires plus $3,900. 320-769-2756 hub duals, LED lights, new MF 8780 combine w/ 863 6R sound system, rock box, CH, nice, $35,000; MF 9750 200HP, very sharp & strong, 25’ BH w/ trailer, very good, 320-808-5723 $6,850; NH ST740 7 shank ripper, (same as Case IH FOR SALE: JD 4450 quad, MRX690), $14,500/OBO; Fe- new tires and batteries, terl white 40’x10” PTO au- $25,500/OBO. Retired. 507383-8213 ger, $1,200. 507-340-1001

#1783 Steve & Jodi Ladwig Farm

114 ACRES +/- FREEBORN COUNTY, MN • Nov 22 @ 10 am Auction Location - TB3’S BAR & GRILL

ONLINE BIDDING AVAILABLE LOCATION: Steffes Group facility, 24400 MN Hwy 22 S, Litchfield MN

THURSDAY, DECEMBER 19, 2019 | 10AM This is a large multi-ring event with many items already consigned.

Tractors, Combines, Heads, Trucks, Semis, Tillage, Construction Equipment, Hay & Livestock Equipment & much more! Live online bidding with registration & details at

Total Deeded Acres: 114+/Total Cropland Acres: 102.2 CSR2 Soil Rating: 91

CRP Acres: 32.9 CRP Payment: $11,496 CRP Expires: 9-30-31

Terms and Conditions on 2% Buyers fee will apply.


MN & IA - BROKER & AUCTIONEER Albert Lea, MN 507-383-1067

Steffes Group, Inc., 24400 MN Hwy. 22 S, Litchfield, MN 55355

Ashley Huhn MN47-002, Eric Gabrielson MN47-006, Randy Kath MN47-007, Shelly Weinzetl MN47-017, Scott Steffes MN14-51

Broker Greg Jensen - MN, IA / Broker Brian Haugen - MN, SD, IA, WI, IL / Broker Amy Willett - MO LandProz Real Estate, LLC. 111 East Clark Street, Albert Lea, MN 56007


ben w/ and ear 0& l in

Rich 24’ ow; 3pt l in 777

new plus new box, ng, — “Where Farm and Family Meet”

Please visit our website:

2 Parcel Prime Farmland Auction Tuesday, November 19, 2019 at 2 p.m. FARM MACHINERY RETIREMENT


THURS, NOV. 14, 2019 - 10:00 AM Location: 73733 237th St, Albert Lea, MN

Combine/Head/Chopper: 2004 John Deere 9560 Combine 2,200hrs 1,500sep Contour Master, straw walker, duals; 2006 John Deere 625F 25’ Bean platform; Balzer 1500 15’ Stalk Chopper windrower (Minimal use); Head cart Drill: 2016 John Deere 455 35’ Grain drill 7.5” spacing, Grass Seed Attachment, Digi-star Scale(very little use) Tillage: 2015 John Deere 2730 Ripper 18’ working width, 9 shanks, Knife edge rolling baskets(approx.1000 acres of use); John Deere 2310 45’ 9” Finisher 5 Bar Harrow; Schulte 2500 Giant Rock Picker, Hydraulic Direct Drive and Hydraulic Swing Hitch Grinder/ Mixer: 2018 Patz 2400 series II 950 Cu. Ft twin screw W/ Right Front and Rear Discharge Manure Truck: 2006 International Paystar 5600 w/ West Point Spread-All spreader Auctioneers Note: Steve Ladwig has decided to retire from farming and is offering a nice line of late model equipment. Be on Time this sale won’t last long. Online bidding will be available Terms: Cash or Good Check . Nothing is to be removed from the premises until settled for. Any announcements made the day of the sale takes precedence over advertised material. Buyer is responsible for items after purchase. Not responsible for accidents.


Land Specialists

Upcoming Land Auctions

November 12 • 72.66 ± Ac.& 40 ± Ac., St. James Twp.,Watonwan Co., MN November 13 • 39.66± Ac.•Decoria Twp., Blue Earth Co., MN November 14 • 49.37± Ac.•Mn. Lake Twp., Faribault Co., MN November 19 • 258.72± Ac.•Freeborn Twp., Freeborn Co., MN November 21 • 77.57± Ac.•Blue Earth City Twp., Faribault Co., MN November 22 • 146± Ac.•Mankato Twp., Blue Earth Co., MN November 22 • 54.22± Ac.• South Bend Twp., Blue Earth Co., MN View our other available properties for sale on our website. For information brochures CALL 1-800-730-LAND (5263) or visit www.Wingert Only registered bidders may attend. 1160 Victory Drive South, Suite 6 • Mankato, MN 56001 • 507-345-LAND (5263)

Charles Wingert, Broker # 07-53

Vehicle, ATV, Lawn & Garden & Collectible


Thursday, November 11, 2019 - 3:00 p.m. Kerkhoff Auction Center

Live & Online Auction

Steve Ladwig, Owner

ad, Greg Jensen, Auctioneer ies, 507-383-1067 507- MN License #24-108

JJ Wise, Auctioneer 641-420-7355 MN License #24-117



2003 Dodge Ram 1500 quad cab w/ topper 54072 miles, pwr windows, locks, seats, 2004 Polaris 500 Ranger 4x4, cloth interior 1507 hrs, radio, half windshield, seat cover Polaris front mount ATV snow blade

Allamakee County, IA

16’ Sylvan boat on rolling trailer, trolling motor, Evinrude 75 hp Ezgo gas golf cart, tires are flat, does not run



JD D130 riding lawn mower w/ bagger, 390 hrs, 48” deck, hydro drive

1989 Cadillac Fleetwood, full power, 4 dr at Aruze foreign coin Kromer Co. Field Turf Machine slot machine, Wallace 3-pt yard blade oyakata w/ coins and wood stand Yamasa Co. Ltd 3-pt sprayer w/ boom and panic saurus Hyflow pump foreign slot machine w/ coins and wood stand

2001 Bombardier Traxter 4x4 ATV, does not run

Parcel Parcel Parcel Parcel

1 2 3 4


119+/- Acres 88+/- Acres 53+/- Acres 3+/- Acre Homesite

Thursday, December 5th, 2019 - 10AM Off Site - Live Auction Waukon Banquet Center - 612 Rossville Road Call for your Free Information Packet 246 Old Spruce Drive Decorah, IA 52101 507-218-1243 MN 055110001

Auctioneer: Jacob Hart IA 40396408 WI 2920



24” x 30” Pride Seed 18” x 24” Pride Seed (3) 12” x 18” Pride Seed 2’ x 30” Pride Seed 31” x 56” Redrock Cola

32” x 45” Chicago & Northwestern

Farmall 300 WF tractor w/ Schwartz loader bucket (**does not run**) Bale spear 330 Owatonna Mustang Skidsteer w/ dirt bucket, 4765 hrs Wurlitzer jukebox replica, plays 45 albums omt1015 infrared remote control

Bad Boy Elite Series zero-turn riding lawn mower, Kohler engine, 220 hrs, 60” deck

JD 770 lawn tractor, mfwd, 3-pt, front hyd blade

1500 E. Bridge Street Redwood Falls, MN 56283 Office - 507-644-8433 Doug Kerkhoff - 507-829-6859 Zac Kerkhoff - 507-829-3924

Terms: Cash or good bankable check. All items sold as-is, where-is with no warranties or guarantees of any kind. All items must be paid for at the conclusion of auction prior to removal from location Titled vehicles will be transferred. Any verbal announcement made by auctioneer will take precedence over any and all printed material.


Parcel 1 -73 +/-tillable acres located in the part of the S ½ of SW ¼ of Section 16; Parcel 2 -110 +/-tillable acres located in the N ½ of NW ¼ and the SE 1/4 of NW 1/4 of Section 21, all located in Lake Elizabeth Twp, Kandiyohi Cty; These parcels contain very good to excellent soils, tiled with excellent outlets.

For more details & drone video visit

Call Broker: Kristine Fladeboe Duininck 320-212-9379

PAGE A26 —”Where Farm and Family Meet”


wants your feedback. Email: or visit: or call: our friendly staff at 507-345-4523 800-657-4665


We pay top dollar for your damaged grain. We are experienced handlers of your wet, dry, burnt and mixed grains. Trucks and vacs available. Immediate response anywhere. CALL FOR A QUOTE TODAY

PRUESS ELEV., INC. 1-800-828-6642

FARM EQUIPMENT FOR SALE 2015 John Deere 7230R, IVT transmission, front suspension, 480/80R50 rear duals, front weights. 2255 hours ..................................................... $109,500 2017 John Deere 9470RT, 30” tracks, AutoTrac with 3000 receiver, 4450 hours, powertrain warranty till May 2020 or 6000 hours ........................... $115,000 2015 Case 621F XR, extended reach wheel loader, coupler, bucket, ride control, 8200 hours, just serviced ........................................................... $65,000 2015 Case SV270, skid steer loader, cab with heat and air, air ride seat, E-H controls, 72” bucket 1550 hours ................................................................ $24,000 2013 John Deere 635F, flexible platform ..... $13,500 2013 John Deere 8260R, IVT transmission, 1500 front axle, 60 GPM hyd. pump, 4 remotes, CAT IV drawbar, HID lights, 380/90R54 duals, 380/80R38 front duals, 2720 hours, just through service program.......................................................... $115,000 ‘96 John Deere 8100 MFWD, 18.4R46 duals, 6 new tires, 7750 hours ................................................ $48,000 ‘90 John Deere 4755 2WD, powershift, 14.9R46 duals, 6230 hrs................................................. $26,000

– AgDirect Financing Available – Please call before coming to look at equipment.

Keith Bode

70786 510th St. • Fairfax, MN 55332 507-381-1291 •


Tillage Equip

Harvesting Equip

FOR SALE: MF275 tractor, w/ RETIRING -- 30 Ft Great FOR SALE: ‘06 9760, 2spd, 4600 hrs, in good condition. Plains (2004) Turbo-Till w/ PRWD, 2779 hrs, 2050 sep 320-266-8745 New Rolling Harrow/Reel hrs, Contour Master, single Last Year A-One Cond. 2014 point latching, Maurer topNEW AND USED TRACTOR M&W #1710-5/7 Shank Earth- per, power cast tailboard, PARTS JD 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, Master H.D. Series. 319-347- $55,000. 507-381-4406 55, 50 Series & newer trac- 6676 or 319-347-6150 LM tors, AC-all models, Large NH TR86 combine, 4WD, latInventory, We ship! Mark eral tilt, feeder reverser, Heitman Tractor Salvage Maurer topper, Geringhoff Planting Equip 715-673-4829 6R30 head sights, 973 Terrain Tracer flex head, windNH #TN75SA tractor w/ 820TL JD 7000 Corn Planter, 2R, 3PT, row pickup, 3pt head mover, ldr, 1135 hrs, also included $1,800, Fert. Avail. $350/Row pkg for $25,000. 952-212-3328 Farm King 7’ snowblower, 715-234-1993 grapple forks mounted on a separate bucket, & pallet Your ad Harvesting Equip fork. All in exc cond. 507-8223790 or 507-662-4260 could be here! FOR SALE: 9500 JD combine 507-345-4523 w/ RWA, low hrs, 925 25’ Tillage Equip bean head, 6R poly cornhead, w/ head mover; 530 Retiring. For Sale (4) Demco JD 2700 disk ripper, 7 shank DMI ripper. Both very good model 750 gravity boxes; 24” spacing, 10” points, ex- cond, and always shedded. (2) red w/ tarps, 455/55R22.5 tra set of points, excellent 507-340-7720 tires; (2) green, 445/65R22.5 condition, very low acres, FOR SALE: 20’ Loftness stalk tires. All very good condi$17,500/OBO. 952-212-3328 tion. 320-630-1777 chopper, nice. 320-220-1138



NEW NH T4.75, T4.90, T4.120 w/loader.. ...... On Hand NEW NH Workmaster 60, 50, 35’s/loaders ... On Hand NEW NH T9.645 ............................................. On Hand NEW Massey 4710 w/cab and loader ........... On Hand NEW Massey 4710 rops/loader ..................... On Hand NEW Massey 6713 w/cab and loader ........... On Hand NEW Massey 1735 w/cab and loader ........... On Hand NEW Versatile 610 ......................................... On Hand NEW Versatile 570DT trac .................................Just In ‘13 NH T8.275, 495 hrs ................................. $145,000 ‘12 Buhler 280..................................................$99,500 ‘09 Versatile 435 3000 hrs ............................ $128,000 ‘08 NH 8010 .................................................. $110,000 ‘08 Agco RT 155A ........................................... $86,500 ‘03 Versatile 2310, PS ..................................... $79,500 ‘96 White 6175 FWA....................................... $41,500 White 2-135 ..................................................... $13,900

New NH Hay Tools - ON HAND

TILLAGE ‘14 Sunflower 4412-05.....................................$30,000 ‘13 Wilrich QX2 60’FC w/Bskt............................Just In ‘10 Sunflower 4412-07 .................................... $24,000 ‘10 Wilrich QX2 37’ w/basket.......................... $38,500 ‘09 Wilrich QX 55’5 w/bskt.............................. $37,500 ‘05 CIH 730b cush. w/leads............................ $16,500 ‘03 NH ST250 40’FC w/Bskt ........................... $30,500 ‘95 JD 726, 30’ ................................................ $19,500 JD 512 9-24 blades ......................................... $12,500

PLANTERS ‘15 White 9816FS 16-30 w/Agleader .............. $83,500 ‘12 White 8186, 16-30 w/liq. fert. .................... $53,000 ‘11 White 8516 CFS, Loaded .......................... $75,000 ‘06 White 8516 cfs .......................................... $54,000 ‘05 White 8182 12-30 w/liq ............................. $22,900 JD 7200 8-30 w/dry fert ..................................... $7,500 White 6122 w/bean unit ................................. $12,500

CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT NEW NH E26C mini excavator ...................... On Hand NEW NH track & wheeled skidsteers............ On Hand NEW NH L228/L220/L232 wheeled units ...... On Hand NEW NH C227/C237 track units.................... On Hand ‘06 JD 332 trac/cab h/a................................... $24,500

COMBINES NEW Fantini chopping cornhead ........................... Call ‘15 Gleaner S88 ............................................ $230,000 ‘12 Gleaner S77 ............................................ $200,000 ‘03 Gleaner R65, CDF ..................................... $85,000 ‘98 Gleaner R62 .............................................. $76,500 ‘98 Gleaner R62 .............................................. $70,000 Gleaner 3308 chopping corn heads ...................... Call Geringhoff parts & heads available

MISCELLANEOUS NEW Salford RTS Units .......................................... Call NEW Salford Plows................................................. Call NEW Unverferth Seed Tenders .............................. Call NEW Westfield Augers ........................................... Call NEW REM VRX Vacs. .............................................. Call NEW Hardi Sprayers............................................... Call NEW Riteway Rollers .............................................. Call NEW Lorenz Snowblowers ..................................... Call NEW Batco Conveyors ........................................... Call NEW Brent Wagons & Grain Carts ......................... Call NEW E-Z Trail Seed Wagons .................................. Call NEW Rock Buckets & Pallet Forks ......................... Call REM 2700, Rental ................................................... Call Pre-Owned Grain Cart ................................... On Hand New Horsch Jokers ....................................... On Hand

All Equipment available with Low Rate Financing (507) 234-5191 (507) 625-8649 Hwy. 14, 3 miles West of Janesville, MN

Mon.-Fri. 7:30-5:00 • Sat. 7:30-Noon

THE LAND — NOVEMBER 1/NOVEMBER 8, 2019 Wanted — “Where Farm and Family Meet”




pd,All kinds of New & Used farm FOR SALE: Serviceable Age FOR SALE: Yorkshire, Hampsep equipment - disc chisels, field Normande Dairy Bulls shire, Duroc & Hamp/Duroc ngle cults, planters, soil finishers, George Polzin • Cadott, WI boars, also gilts. Excellent op- cornheads, feed mills, discs, 715-289-4546 selection. Raised outside. ard, balers, haybines, etc. 507Exc herd health. No PRSS. 438-9782 Delivery avail. 320-760-0365

Classified Line Ads


Call 507-345-4523


Registered Pinzgauer bred cows. 715-425-5925 Leave message.

Why hang on to stuff you don’t use? Put a line ad in The Land and sell those things for some FOR SALE: Black Angus extra cash. It makes sense.

Spot, Duroc, Chester White, Boars & Gilts available. Monthly PRRS and PEDV. Delivery available. Steve Resler. 507-456-7746



bulls also Hamp, York, & Hamp/Duroc boars & gilts. 320-598-3790

H HHHHHHHHHHHH H H WEEKLY mco H H xes; H AUCTION 22.5 H Every Wednesday H H 22.5 H H Hay & Straw ndi- H H H 4:30 PM H H Homestead H H H H Sales, Inc. H H HWY 15 N, HUTCHINSON, MN H H H 320-433-4250 H H H H HHHHHHHHHHHH H

Call The Land at 507-345-4523

with a classified line ad! Call us today 507-345-4523 or 800-657-4665

Multi-Parcel Farmland Auction Tuesday, November 12, 2019 at 1 PM Parcel 1 - 120 +/-tillable acres, Sec. 33 Parcel 2 - 78.9 +/-tillable acres, Sec. 28 Parcel 3 - 73 +/-tillable acres, Sec. 28

Parcel 4 - 69.1 +/-tillable acres, Sec. 29 Parcel 5 - 88 +/-tillable acres, Sec. 29

All parcels located in Crate Twp, Chippewa County.


For more details visit

Farm Retirement

AUCTION Argusville, ND


LOCATION: 17340 22nd St SE, Argusville, ND 58005. From Argusville, ND, 5 miles east on Co. Rd. 4, 3 miles north on Co. Rd. 31, 1/2 mile east on 22nd St SE, 1/4 mile south. From Georgetown, MN, 1 mile north on Hwy 75, 1 mile west on 170th Ave N, turns into 22nd St SE, 1/4 mile south.

AUCTIONEER’S NOTE: Major equipment begins selling at 11AM. Live online bidding available on major equipment. Registration, terms, & details at

2011 CASE-IH 450

PARCEL 1 Parcel No. 09.022.0501 Total acres 50+/The NEl/4 of the NWl/4 & the Nl/2 of the SEl/4 of the NWl/4 of Section 22, Township 102 North, Range 24 West, except a tract

CPI 82.23 AND

PARCEL 2 Parcel No. 09.022.0400 Total acres 60 +/The NWl/4 of the NWl/4 & the Nl/2 of the SWl/4 of the NWl/4 of Section 22, Township 102 North, Range 24 West

Subject Property

CPI 90.34 PARCELS 1 & 2 SOLD AS 110 TOTAL ACRES (102.75 tillable acres) TERMS:

TO INCLUDE: Track Tractor, Tractors & Loader, Collectible Tractors, Harvest Equipment, Grain Cart & Gravity Wagon, Planter & Drill, Sugarbeet Equipment, Tillage & Row Crop Equipment, Semi Tractors & Box Trucks, Pickups, Hopper Bottom Trailers, End Dump & Other Trailers, Spray Pickup & Sprayers, Water Trailer & Chemical/Fertilizer Equipment, Grain Handling Equipment & Hopper Bins, Other Equipment, Recreation Equipment, Tanks, Tires & Weights, Parts & Farm Support Items

2008 CASE-IH 8010


Call Broker: Kristine Fladeboe Duininck 320-212-9379


latser, hoff Terndver, 328

Brad Olstad ND319

Steffes Group, Inc., 2000 Main Ave E, West Fargo ND 58078

CHARLIE & LIZ RICHARDS | 701.261.4844 or Brad Olstad at Steffes Group, 701.237.9173 or 701.238.0240, or Tadd Skaurud at Steffes Group, 701.237.9173 or 701.729.3644

TERMS: All items sold as is where is. Payment of cash or check must be made sale day before removal of items. Statements made auction take precedence over all advertising. $35 documentation fee applies to all titled vehicles. Titles will be mailed. Canadian buyers need a bank letter of credit to facilitate border transfer.

• 10% down on date of auction and 2% buyer premium at closing • Closing on or before 12/31/19 • Sellers to furnish abstract showing marketable title • Seller pays taxes payable in 2019 and all assessments • Buyer pays taxes payable in 2020 and all assessments • Only bidders that present or fill out a registration slip will be allowed into the auction • All announcements at the auction take precedence over any prior announcements

View the Farm Brochure at



PAGE A28 —”Where Farm and Family Meet”


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Trailer Sale: TOW Dollies: Aluminum & Steel Utility trailers; Skidloader trailers; Aluminum 3 horse slant & 14’ Livestock trailers; New 6’X12’ Cargo $3,199.00; New 7’X16’ V-nose, ramp $5,199.00; 18 Models of DUMP trailers. For INFORMATION & PRICES go to 515- 972-4554. (MCN) Attention: Oxygen Users! Gain freedom with a Portable Oxygen Concentrator! No more heavy tanks and refills! Guaranteed Lowest Prices! Call the Oxygen Concentrator Store: 855-536-0324 (MCN) Still paying too much for your MEDICATION? Save on medications such as Lipitor, Advair, Diskus, Eliquis, etc! Receive free shipping on 1st order - RX required. Call 1-877-304-0870 (MCN)

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Upcoming Issues of THE LAND Southern MNNorthern IA Nov. 15, 2019 * Nov. 29, 2019 Dec. 13, 2019 * Dec. 27, 2019


Northern MN Nov. 8, 2019 Nov. 22, 2019 Dec. 6, 2019 *Dec. 20, 2019 * Jan. 3, 2020

Deadline is 8 days prior to publication. Indicates early deadline, 9 days prior to publication.

PO Box 3169 • Mankato, MN 56002 Phone: 507-345-4523 or 800-657-4665 Fax: 507-345-1027 Website: e-mail: Ask Your Auctioneer to Place Your Auction in The Land!

Horses & Tack FOR SALE: Trimming stock, Pioneer fore cart, 10 heavy draft horse halters. All items in good condition. Call 715554-0243 FOR SALE: 2 Perchron stud colts, $2,000/ea 715-577-9155

Trucks & Trailers 1998 Volvo semi, 12.7L Detroit, 500HP, 10spd transmission, 160” WB, new steer tires, 4 new drivers, 450K miles, very clean truck, $16,900/ OBO. 507-240-0294 ‘91 IH 8100 tandem grain truck w/ Cummins LAT10, 240HP, 9spd, RoadRanger, white cab, blue Scott box, 20’ w/ tarp, steerable 3rd axle, solid, good, clean truck, recent service & DOT. 507-381-7097 FOR SALE: ‘79 Int’l tri-axle, 20’ aluminum box, 671 Detroit 8spd trans. 507-340-7720

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Saturday, November 16, 2019 @ 10:30 A.M. Blizzard/Storm Date - Saturday, November 23, 2019 @ 10:30 A.M. Check our web site

SALE LOCATION: The auction will be held at the Rich Benda farm at 58174 810th Street Jackson, Minnesota. TRACTORS & BACKHOE: ‘95 JD 8300 MFD w/ 5,518 hrs. Ser. #001964; ‘78 JD 4440 w/ 9,226 hrs. Ser. #012319R; Case 580K Construction King backhoe/loader w/ 6,856 ind. hrs. Ser. #12200870; JD Styled B Ser. #289579; Ford 8N tractor w/ no 3pt; COMBINE HEADS & HEADER TRAILER: ‘92 JD 9500 w/ 2,314 sep. & 3,626 eng. hrs. Ser. #645541; JD 693 6RN LP corn head. Ser. #680584; JD 925 25’ flex head; Wabasso Products header trailer; TRUCKS - GRAIN TRAILER LIVESTOCK TRAILER & MANURE TANKER TRAILERS: ‘95 Volvo WG64T day cab twin screw semi tractor; ‘79 GMC Brigadier day cab twin screw semi tractor; ‘03 Dakota 42’ steel grain hopper trailer; ‘75 Beall aluminum 9,200 gal. manure tanker trailer;’ ‘90 East Tech steel manure semi tanker trailer; ‘88 Hillsboro 7’ x 20’ combination aluminum/steel gooseneck livestock trailer; ‘65 Chevy C-60 single axle truck w/ B&H; MANURE FLOATER & MANURE EQUIPMENT: Ag Chem Terra Gator 2505 5 wheel floater w/ 4,000 gal. manure tank Ser. # 2505870; NH 195 manure spreader Ser. Y9N013990; Balzer 1500 gal. liquid vacuum manure honey wagon; Houle trailer mounted 8’ manure pump. Ser. #1004022716R8; FIELD EQUIPMENT: Wishek 862NT disk; JD 7300 MaxEmerge II 12RN planter; JD 980’ 28’ field cultivator; Hardi NAV1000 pulltype sprayer; Tebben 3pt. 9 shank ripper; IH 183 12RN row crop cultivator; LIVESTOCK & HAY EQUIPMENT WAGONS & GRAIN EQUIPMENT - MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS. Very few small items!! Please be on time!! To bid on line go to to register to bid. EQUIPMENT INSPECTION: Equipment inspection will be welcome between 9:30 A.M. and 4:00 P.M. One day prior to the sale or by appointment with Chad Benda by calling him at 507-841-1206.

OWNER: Richard Benda Estate

For more information call Chad Benda at 507-841-1206 410 Springfield Parkway Jackson, MN 56143 507-847-3468

THE LAND — NOVEMBER 1/NOVEMBER 8, 2019 Miscellaneous


ck,PARMA DRAINAGE PUMPS Winpower Sales & Service avy New pumps & parts on hand. Reliable Power Solutions ems Call Minnesota’s largest dis- Since 1925 PTO & automatic 715- tributor Emergency Electric GenerHJ Olson & Company ators. New & Used Rich Opsata-Distributor 320-974-8990 Cell - 320-212-5336 tud 800-343-9376 55 REINKE IRRIGATION Sales & Service New & Used For your irrigation needs 888-830-7757 or 507-276-2073 With one phone call, you can place oit, your classified line ad in The Land, ion, WE BUY R12 - R500 - R11 Farm News and Country Today. res, Cert. Professionals pay $$$ les, for your FREON + FREE Call The Land 900/ SHIPPING

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NOTE: was long loved which totohave a apassion hunting, archery, fishing &&collecting Ducks NOTE:Roger Roger wasaaconservationist, conservationist, longtime timeD.U. D.U.sponsor, sponsor,time lovedthe theoutdoors, outdoors, whichlead leadhim himthe have passionforfor hunting, archery, fishing collecting DucksUnlimited Unlimited NOTE: Roger was a conservationist, long D.U. sponsor, loved outdoors, which lead him to have a passion for memorabilia & Elvis Presley collectibles. This auction will auction be enjoyable many. Seeto you the auction–Bruce Gary. Presley memorabilia &archery, Elvis Presleyfishing collectibles. This willDucks betoenjoyable many.atmemorabilia See you at the auction–Bruce & Gary.collectibles. This auction will be enjoyable hunting, & collecting Unlimited & &Elvis to many. See you at the auction–Bruce & Gary. Masterbuilt 40" Elec. Smokehouse smoker (new)


R & E Enterprises of Mankato, Inc.

Serving Southeast Minnesota & Northern Iowa for all your Real Estate needs Call for more info and additional listings.

FARMLAND xle, De- Mower County: Approx 121 ac bare farmland, pattern tiled. 720 Very good tenant in place. SE edge of Austin

Mower County: PENDING Approx 73.7 ac, 62 tillable. Older building site, separate purchase possible. NW of Austin. Mower County: PENDING Approx. 138 ac, 135.5 tillable. Pattern tiled, excellent soils. Waltham Township


Racine: Completely remodeled 10,000 sq ft building on 2.12 acres. Many possible uses including event center, daycare, offices, retail. Stewartville: PENDING Great retail/commercial space in desirable location close to I-90 & Rochester. 8000+ sq ft with ample parking. Many possibly uses. LeRoy: PENDING Unique multi-use building with retail space, apartment &auditorium. Many updates include lift, wiring, HVAC, solar panels, $79,900. Need assistance with Rental Rates, Government Programs or Environmental Issues? Call us for your Farm Management needs!

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ClITEMS am fish trap shelMasterbuilt ter w/sled (for ice40” fishing) Elec. Smokehouse setshelf Diamond C ranger series 5' × 8' singlSm. e axle utility 3-piece bedroom book GUNS, ARCHERY, FISHING, D.U.Masterbui lt 40" Elec. Smokehouse smoker (new) HOUSEHOLD ITEMS POWER PRODUCTS & GARAGE ITEMS D.U. Canoe D.U. cooler bags Microwave • VCR/DVD player trailer w/rear folding ramp ClSeveral am fish campi trap shelng tcool er w/sl e d (for i c e fishi n g) 3p i e ce bedroom set Di a mond C ranger seri e s 5' × 8' si n gl e axl e uti l i t y smoker (new) Clam fish trap shelter Pheasants Forever Collectibles & OTHER SPORTING GOODS ers Oak dinette table w/4 chairs r bags target • VCR/DVD trailer w/rear folding ramp Cabelcoolasearchery flatscreen T.V'splayer apparel (jackets, w/sled (for ice fishing) Men’s huntingMiOak3crowave &-di32"nfishing seasonal Wards Westerfield model 47c boltD.U. action. Several campiansggoose coolers& turkey hunting decoys ette•tablDavenport e w/4 chairs Many Cabel Loveseat boots, gloves, 22 cal. repeating rifle Cabel 3 Matchi - 32" rain flatscreen Popupas archery hunting target blD.U. ind cooler bags ng La-gear, Z-BoyT.V'srecletc.) iners Good quality Many as goose & turkey Fold Cabel up hunti ng &Several fishi ng chaihunti rcamping s ng decoys coolers Oak Chi•naDavenport cabibeer net • signs Oak endtable Many D.U.Loveseat signed Springfield model 37 b .410 ga. Shotgun Hard case gun carryi n g case Oak T.V. cabi n et • Fl o or hunting blinCabelas d Matchinarrowheads g La-Z-Boy reclinerslamps archery target 12 old Indian Springfield model 67 f 20 ga. pumpPopup Shotgun ed gunng case's bar stool FolSoftsi d updhunti & fishing chairs Oak6' Chientertai na cabinment net bar • Oakw/4endtabl e s Cabelas goose & turkey hunting D.U. decanters Johnson 190 outboard England high power rifle w/clip Hard1930caseto gun1940'scarryiMany ng case model OakOakT.V.cased cabineletec.•firepl Flooracelamps motor Usual sm. ki t chen wares ded gun case's decoys 6' entertainment bar w/4 bar stools Remington wingmaster 870 12ga.Softsi pump Life jackets • Waders elec. Kitchen appl nces POWER PRODUCTS ITEMS to 1940's Johnson modelhunting 190 outboardblind OakSm.cased elec. firepl&aceiaGARAGE Shotgun,ventilated rib w/recoil pad1930 15 to 20 fishing Popup poles Elec. Roaster Diamond C ranger series 5’ies× 8’ single motor Usual sm.home kitchen wares Several i c e fishi n g pol e s Usual cl e ani n g suppl Fold up hunting & fishing chairs Benelli Super black eagle 12ga. Shotgun,Life jackets • Waders Sm.Wicelkertrailer ec.piKictnichen appliances folding ramp w/rear Lots of fishing tackle too numerous to mention c basket Two stage 24" walkbehind snowblower w/axle utility casedip netsgun carrying case ventilated w/recoilD.U.pad, 15Platonoedition 20tacklfishienboxes g polHard e•s Assorted EleWic.cRoaster GUNS, ARCHERY,ribFISHING, ITEMSD.U. & OTHERlimited ker walkbehind endtable snowcab, 8hp., elec. start Two stage 24” ice fishiscanmaster ng Softsided poles fish locatorgun case’s Toro elec. snow thrower Usual homecal clcarousel eaning ssupplies snowblower GOODS Shotgun Several Shakespeare 3 Musi Benelli 12ga.SPORTING automatic Wards Westerfield model 47c bolt action. 22 cal. LotsSeveral of fishisetsng oftackldeere tooantlnumerous WiSm. ckerwooden pic8hp., nic basket TwoLawnstageThatcher, 24" walpulkbehi ers to mention clotheselec. dryer start l typend snowblower w/w/snowcab, 1930 to 1940’s Johnson model 190 outboard motor 50GUNS,repeati cal.ARCHERY, B.Powder rifle, C. Valley arms co. ng rifle FISHING, D.U. ITEMS & OTHER Pl2anoclatackl y pigeeonboxesthrowers Redthrower Wieng crock Assorted • Assorted dip nets Wi2ckergal.endtabl snowcab,garden 8hp., eltoolec.s start Toro elec. snow Spri n gfiel d model 37 b .410 ga. Shotgun jackets Assorted sizesscanmaster ofLife binoculfish ars locator • Waders ToroPulleltype setscalof carousel men's gols f clubs fertilithrower zer spreader w/tascoSPORTING scopeGOODS Shakespeare 3 2Musi ec. snow pull ntype Springfiel d modeld model f 2047cga.bolpump Whitetalsetses ofspotti gantlscope binoculfishing ar set w/ polesLawn nebago Assorted ladders Wheelbarrow Lawn Thatcher, Wards Westerfiel t actioShotgun n.Shotgun, 22 cal. ventilated Several deern15 etors &20 Sm.1970's woodentoyclWiothes dryerMotor home Thatcher , pul•l type Stoeger 12ga.67Over/under Engl andnghigrihflepower rifle w/clip Shop mate Assorted garden repeati 2 clahardcase, y pigeon (new) throwers 2 Shower gal. Redseat Witools ng crock Assorted gardenworkbench tools Several ice fishing poles rib w/recoil pad, D.U. limited edition Remi n gton wi n gmaster 870 12ga. pump Approx. 50 assorted D.U. men's caps Larger cerami c cat Powercraft tool box • Pi p e wrenches Springfield model 37 b .410 ga. Shotgun Assorted sizes of binoculars 2 sets of men'sspreader golf clubs Pull type fertilizer spreader Pull type fertilizer lated rib3000 D.U. Leather recliLots ing chaiofr w/ottoman Oak treadle sewing machine (white) Many assorted handtool & wrenches tackle tooAssorted numerous to bsarrow Stoeger model mossy SpriShotgun,venti ngfield model 67 f 20 w/recoi ga. pumpl pad Shotgun oak 12ga. es spottingnscope & bifishing nocular set w/ 1970's toy•WinWheelbarrow nebago Motor home ladders • Wheel Benelli Super black eagle 12ga. Shotgun, ventilated WhiD.U.tetalthrow or afghan 4 & 6 drawer dressers Oils, conditioners, fuel stabilizers, etc.Assorted ladders EnglShotgun aribndw/recoi high power ri fl e w/cl i p hardcase,framed (new)& sigmention matesmalworkbench tackleShopboxes •l Assorted (new) l pad, D.U. limited edition Assorted ned D.U. PrinPlano ts, too numerous Oak 3-seat drawer dresser w/wishbone mirror Several parts organizersdip Shop mateShower workbench Remi wingmaster 870 12ga. pump Approx. 50 assorted men'sShakespeare caps Larger cat • Bedding Powercraft tool fish boxgrin•derlocator Pipe wrenches Benelngton li 12ga. automati c Shotgun to menti on D.U.nets Queencerami sizedc bed Elec. 6" bench scanmaster Marlin 20ga. Over/under Shotgun, ventilated latedriflrie,b w/recoi treadlsibox ezedsewielen•c.g machi ne (whi Many & wrenches 50Shotgun,venti cal. B.Powder C. Valleyl pad arms co. w/tasco D.U.D.U.Leather clock reclining chair w/ottoman Queen adjPipe ustabl ewrenches vibtratie) ng bed Elec.assorted Chainsawhandtool • Elec.sHedge trimmerPowercraftOaktool Several sets of deer antlers ribscope w/recoil Benel li Super black eaglpad, e 12ga.D.U. Shotgun,limited ventilatededition D.U.25 throw or afghan 4 3&spd.Osci 6 drawer OiEllse, c.condi lizers, etc. Many assorted plus D.U. hand crafted signed & numbered l adressers ting fan & wrenches Leaftioblners, owerfuel• Polstabi e saw handtools ri b w/recoi l pad, D.U. l i m i t ed edi t i o n Stoeger 12ga. Over/under Shotgun, venti l a ted ri b Assorted framed & si g ned D.U. Pri n ts, too numerous Oak 3d rawer dresser w/wi s hbone Several smal l parts organi z ers 2 clay pigeon throwers Electrolux canister vacuum mirror Remington elec. pole chainsaw Pointer .410ga. Over/under Shotgun,assorted duck decoys Oils, conditioners, stabilizers, etc. D.U. climShotgun ited edition Benelw/recoi li 12ga.l pad, automati D.U. Colleoctin ble Santa Clauses, numbered Sharksivacuum carriergri•nderTile cutter to menti Queen zed bedfuel • Beddi ng EleCarc. 6"topbench Assorted sizes of binoculars ventilated rib w/recoil pad, D.U. model 3000 Manyparts Battery Severaltrimdrop 50Stoeger cal. B.Powder rifle, C.mossy Valleoak y Shotgun w/tasco D.U.Sm.clD.U. Several small ock Canoe book shelf Queen siL.P.zed33elerecords c.organizers adjustable vibrating bed EleSm.c. Chai nsawcharger • Elec. •Hedge mercords Whitetales spotting scope & binocular set limited edition (new) Pheasants Forever Col l e cti b l e s El e c. Treadmi l • DP exerci s i n g bi k e Sm.Proforce ai r compressor scope 25 plus D.U. hand crafted signed & numbered 3 spd.Oscigrinder l ating fan Elec. Leaf blower • Pole saw Elec. 6” bench Marlin 12ga. 20ga. Over/under Shotgun, ventilalatedtedscope & fishiw/hardcase, ng seasonal apparel (ja(new) ckets, Remi ballster vacuum Lognchai Potato Stoeger Over/under venti riribb Men's 12ga. Slug barrelShotgun, w/Tasco assortedhuntiduckng decoys EleExerci ctrolusxe cani gtonnsel•ec.Axespole•chai nsawfork w/recoil pad, l pad,D.U.D.U.limlimiteditededieditiotinon trimmer boots, glbolves, rainClgear, etc.)numbered Good quality Patiovacuum tabl•e Elec. w/6 chaiHedge rs Oldtophorse coler la•r Ti•leOlcutter d two man woodElec. saw Chainsaw w/recoi D.U. Col l e cti e Santa a uses, Shark Car carri 50 assorted D.U. men’s caps 12ga. Remington Pointer .410ga. Over/underSlug Shotgun,barrel ventilated Many D.U. signedApprox. beer si g ns Lg. BBQ gas•griPole l w/coversaw Wooden hand corn pl a nter Elec. Leaf blower Stoeger model 3000 mossy oak 12ga. Shotgun Sm. D.U. Canoe book shel f Many L.P. 33 records Sm. Battery charger • Several drop cords rib w/recoithe l pad,guns D.U. limihave ted editioboxes n 12 old Indian arrowheads Pioneer system w/2 lg. side speakers Halogenw/ottoman light • Skil saw reclining Sm.Proforce chair Many (new)Slofug barrel Pheasants Forever D.U. CollectiblLeather es c. Treadmi l • DP chainsaw air compressor RemingtonEleCard elec. 12ga. w/Tasco scope D.U. decanters tablepole w/chai rexerci s sing bike Dril • Jig saw D.U. throwapparelor (jafghan Many assorted Marl12ga. in 20ga. Shotgun, ofventiammunition lated rib Men's hunting & fishi ng seasonal ackets, LogSm.chaiBattery Exerci ns • Axes Potato fork Remi nOver/under gton Slug boxes barrel 8-plasecebal•setl Tile of chincutter a jump•pack Car top carrier w/recoi l pad, D.U. l i m i t ed edi t i o n boots, gl o ves, rai n gear , etc.) Good qual i t y Pati o tabl e w/6 chai rs Ol d horse col l a r • Ol d two man wood saw Many of the guns have boxes Assorted framed & signed D.U. Prints, ELVIS PRESLEY COLLECTIBLES Spoon col l e cti o n w/rack 5 gal. Shop vac Ten Point Titan Tl - 7 crossbow w/arrows & hard case Sm. BatteryLg.DelBBQcharger •Cannon Several PoiMany nter .410ga. Shotgun, D.U.75sigElnedvis beer signsplates gas gril •w/cover Wooden corn planter assorted Over/under boxes of ammuni tion ventilated Many Approx. colletoo ctor l computer printer drop cords 1200 psihandpowerwasher numerous to mention Daisy BB gun rib w/recoi limited ediw/arrows tion & hard 12Many Ten Point Titlanpad,Tl -D.U. 7 crossbow old Indiassorted an arrowheads PioComputer neerairsystem g. sidefilspeakers HalHard ogenpllaigstihtc •sawhorses Skil saw Elvis pictures deskw/2 • 2 lwood e cabinets Sm. Proforce compressor 1212ga.caseorSlumore wooden g barrel w/Tasco scope animal calls D.U.Autographed picture clock w/Jordanaires Papertablshredder •rsOak pantry cabinet decanters ElvisD.U. Card e w/chai DriOll d•alJiugmisawnum grain scoop Log chains •NewerAxes • Potato fork DaisyRemi BB gun of assorted musi 20julbmp.L.P.pack tanks 12ga. ngtonmemorabilia Slug barrel pins,buttons,Lotsetc. 8-place setstylofe chioaknarolltop desk Sm.Several Battery 25c CD's plus D.U. hand crafted signed & D.U. sm. 12 orofmore wooden mal calls Old horse collar twobicyclman Elvis colleELVIS ctablePRESLEY coins COLLECTIBLES Mongoose 26" e wood saw Mechani cs vac rolling seat Many the guns haveaniboxes Spoon coll•ectimen's oOld n w/rack 5duck gal. Shopdecoys assorted D.U. wooden ammunition boxes, Approx. D.U. assorted sm. memorabi ns,buttons, Many other lenumbered ctibplleastestoo numerous to list (if 1200 Car ramps • Infrared heater Many boxesliofa piammuni tion etc. 75 ElvElisvicols collector Dell computer •planter Cannon printer psi powerwasher Wooden hand corn tion boxes, Remington, collect ElElvviiD.U. ss memorabi lia I suggest youSanta attend Clauses, TERMS: CASH filORe cabi GOOD dryers • Old cow kickers numbered Remington, Chesapeake bay, etc.Manyyouassorted TenD.U. Poiwooden nt Titan Tlammuni - 7 crossbow w/arrows & hard picturesCollectible Computer desk • 2saw wood netsCHECK HardOld plearasticorn c sawhorses Halogen light • Skil Chesapeake bay, etc. the auction. We have hundreds of individual Animal traps • Horse hames case umbrel Autographed cture w/Jordanai res for complete Paper shredder • LUNCH Oak pantryAVVAILABLE cabinet Ol12d albiumirdhouse's num grain details scoop D.U. umbrellas • D.U.(new)dartboard (new) website D.U. las • D.U. dartboard pieces) Elvis piSee Drill DaiLotssy BBof assorted of assorted music CD's Newer style oak rolltop desk Several 20 lb.L.P. tanks knives forknives hunting &forfishihunting ng Lots of gunassorted &Lots fishing 12 or more wooden animal calls

D.U. sm. memorabilia pins,buttons, etc. D.U. wooden ammunition boxes, Remington, Chesapeake bay, etc. D.U. umbrellas • D.U. dartboard (new) Lots of assorted knives for hunting & fishing

Elvis collectable coins Mechanics rolling seat Many other Elvis colBRUCE lectibles too numerousHELGESON to list (if Car ramps • Infrared heater you collect Elvis memorabilia I suggest you attend Old ear corn dryers • Old cow kickers Lake Mills, Iowa the auction. We have hundreds of individual Animal traps • Horse hames 641-592-2754 pieces) 12 birdhouse's

Mongoose men's 26" bicycle


For photos, visit

BRUCE HELGESON Lake Mills, Iowa 641-592-2754

GARY HEYDT Ventura, Iowa 507-421-2001


PAGE A30 —”Where Farm and Family Meet”

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NO STOCKPILING ON THE GROUND • Our trucks deliver ag lime directly to the TerraGator • TerraGators minimize ground compaction •No wasted lime or mess to clean up • No foliage to plug the spreader GPS APPLICATION AND GUIDANCE SYSTEMS • We apply variable and conventional rates • We can spread 1 to 6 ton/acre in a single pass • We have seven units to minimize wait time • We have twenty five trucks to haul lime For more information on Agricultural Lime delivery, spreading and rates, please email us at: or call 800-388-3320 today!

R & E Enterprises of Mankato, Inc. 1-800-388-3320

THE LAND — NOVEMBER 1/NOVEMBER 8, 2019 — “Where Farm and Family Meet”

• 5/8” drum roller wall thickness • 42” drum diameter wall thickness • 4”x8” frame tubing 3/8” thick • Auto fold



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GREENWALD FARM CENTER Greenwald, MN • 320-987-3177 14 miles So. of Sauk Centre


‘17 JD 680, 4x4, 1370 eng/865 sep hrs, CM, chopper, 2630 monitor, long unloading auger, 520x42 duals ..........$182,000 ‘15 JD 690, 4x4, 1745/1160 sep hrs, CM,chopper, 650x38 tires & duals .....$182,000 ‘14 JD 680, 2211 Eng/1561 sep hrs, CM, chopper, 650x38 duals ...............$110,000 ‘13 JD S660, 892/1180 CM, chopper duals ..................................................$130,000 ‘04 JD 9760, 2268/3460 CM, chopper duals ................................................... $54,000 ‘01 JD 9650 STS, 3014/4325 CM, chopper, duals ..................................... $37,000 ‘00 JD 9650 STS, 2645/3623 chopper, duals .................................................... $37,000 ‘01 JD 9750 STS, 3013/4156 CM, chopper, duals ..................................... $39,000 ‘14 Case/IH 5130, 660/926, Tracker, Rt, chopper .........................................$125,000 ‘11 Case/IH 8120, 1650/2250 Tracker, Rt, chopper, duals ............................... $92,500 ‘11 Case/IH 7120, 1610/2200 Tracker, Rt, chopper, duals ............................... $92,500 ‘10 Case/IH 7120, 1650/2250 Tracker, Rt, chopper, duals ............................... $92,500 ‘09 Case/IH 7088, 1275/1807 Tracker, Rt, chopper, duals ............................... $89,000


‘11 NH T9390, 705 hrs, ps duals ...........$120,000 ‘90 Ford 876, 8523 hrs duals.................... $24,500 ‘15’ Case/lH 370 HD, 895 hrs, 1000 PTO, full guidance, 4850 tires & duals .......$169,000 ‘14 Case/IH 370 HD, 7065 hrs, 1000 PTO duals .................................................... $78,000 ‘08 Case Steiger 435, 2460 hrs, power-shift, complete auto steer system, 800x38 duals.........................$108,000


‘14 Case 350 Rowtrac, 1865 hrs, 120” spacing, 1000 PTO .............................$149,000 ‘15 Challenger MT 765E, 2217 hrs, 3 pt, 1000 PTO, 25” tracks, 72”-88” spacing... ...$110,000 ‘15 Challenger MT 765E, 972 hrs, 3 pt, 1000 PTO, 25” tracks, standard gauge, 72”-88” spacing ..................................$149,000 ‘15 Challenger MT 755E, 965 hrs, 3 pt, 1000 PTO, 25” tracks, standard gauge, 72”-88” spacing ..................................$145,000


‘08 CAT 12M VHP, 3568 hrs, 14’ blade ....$100,000 ‘10 JD 870G, 4533 hrs, 14’ blade, ripper $125,000


‘14 NH T8330, 2140 hrs, MFWD 1000 pts, 3 pt 4 Valves, 380x54 rear tires & duals, 320x42 front tires & duals ........ $97,000 ‘12 JD 8235, 2WD, 1235 hrs, ps, 1000 PTO duals ..................................$109,000 ‘13 Case/IH 290, 1400 hrs, 1000 PTO duals ...................................................$109,000 ‘12 Case/IH 260, 1784 hrs, loaded, 1000 PTO duals ............................................. $98,000 ’11 Versatile 305, 690 hrs, 1000 PTO duals .................................................... $95,000


‘09 Drago 6R, 30” chopping fits JD .......... $19,000 ‘06 Drago 8R, 30” chopping fits Case/IH Flagship ............................................... $14,500 ‘13 Case/IH 3408 8R, 30” for Flagship ..... $19,500 ‘08 Case/IH 2408 8R, 30” fits Flagship ..... $11,500 ‘02 Case/IH 2208 8R, 30” fits 1400-2000 series combines .................................. $11,000 Case/IH 1063 6R, 30” .................................. $7,500 Case/IH 1083 8R, 30” .................................. $7,900


‘10 Kawasaki 65 ZV-2, 6510 hrs with 2.5 yd bucket ....................................... $54,000 ‘12 Volvo 50F, 5785 hrs, QC, 2 yd bucket $65,000 ‘13 Case 821F, 6485 hrs, quick coupler, 4.5 yd bucket, aux. hyd. ...................... $77,000 ‘14 Case 921FXR, 8895 hrs, high lift, quick tach, w/ grapple bucket. ........... $89,000 ‘17 Case 621GXR, 3860 hrs, ride control, quick coupler, 4 yd bucket... ............... $89,000


‘11 JD 290GLC, 3347 hrs, 12’6” stick, 42” bucket ..........................................$120,000 ‘11 Case CX300C, 2658 hrs, 12’ stick, 54” bucket ..........................................$117,000


‘17 Case CX57C, cab & air, 333 hrs rubber tracks ....................................... $50,000 ‘11 Bobcat E45EM, cab & air, 2965 hrs, rubber tracks ....................................... $30,000


JD 310SE, cab, 4x4, approx 2213 hrs, extend-a-hoe ....................................... $32,000 ‘11 Case 580N, 4x4 cab 2540 hrs............. $42,000


Set of steel tracks to fit JD 9600-9660 Combines ........................ $3,500

LARSON IMPLEMENTS 5 miles east of Cambridge, MN on Hwy. 95 763-689-1179

Look at our website for pictures & more listings:

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507-345-4523 • 800-657-4665 PO Box 3169, Mankato, MN 56001

PAGE 32A — “Where Farm and Family Meet”


This week’s Back Roads is the work of The Land Correspondent Richard Siemers.

Bats in Brooten


he World Series brought the 2019 baseball season to a close, but many baseball fans get through winter thinking about next year — signing free agents, trades, or the prospects of their local team. Minnesota is a baseball state. It has more amateur baseball teams than any other state, somewhere over 300. It tops all states in the number of American Legion baseball teams. The Northwoods League is a collegiate summer league where top college players are scouted by the pros. And, of course, the St. Paul Saints and the Minnesota Twins. (We also have some claim to the FargoMoorhead Redhawks.) With that attachment to baseball, should we be surprised Brooten, Minn. is home to MaxBat, which makes 30,000 to 40,000 bats annually? MaxBat was founded by Jim Anderson of Minneapolis, who made bats in his basement as a hobby. Glacial Wood Products of Brooten, the largest wood-turning company in the United States, had experience making bats. Paul Johnson, who operates MaxBat, said they wanted to go into bats as a business. They teamed up with Anderson and a new company was formed. Their bats are used all over the world. The first homerun hit at Target field was by Jason Kubel using a MaxBat. Current major

leaguers swinging MaxBat bats include Wil Myers of the San Diego Padres, and Max Muncy and Joc Pederson of the Los Angeles Dodgers. While having major league customers speaks to the quality of the product, Johnson said that half of their business is amateur ballplayers … which makes Minnesota an excellent place to be located. Their bats are made out of Rock Maple (which is predominant), Yellow Birch, and Northern White Ash. To customize a bat, they need to know what model, length and weight is desired. “Then we have to choose the right species and the correct weight piece of wood,” Johnson said. “We have to weigh all our wood when it comes in and sort it accordingly.” Lengths of wood are stacked like firewood in the manufacturing room. A computeroperated lathe turns out the desired product. Stain is applied in a separate area. Customers have their choice of color combinations.

Brooten, Minn.

The combination of Anderson’s idea and Johnson’s company has been a winning one. And its rural Minnesota location even has an ag connection. Johnson said that all the waste from the bats — the shavings and the dust — goes to a dairy farmer. MaxBat has a showroom for bats and accessories along Highway 55 in Brooten. Contact information and more detail can be found at their website, www. v


November 1, 2019

Veterans Day is Nov. 11

Veterans tell of Vietnam War through local center By RICHARD SIEMERS The heart and soul of the Vietnam The Land Correspondent Memorial and History Center is the area that honors the men from Minneota, or MINNEOTA, Minn. — All three Hettling who had a connection with Minneota, who brothers from Minneota served in the U.S. died in the war. In addition to information military in succession. The oldest, Charles, about their service, families have donated enlisted in the Marine Corps and was in some personal effects, including for three of Vietnam in 1966-1967. Brother Danny was men their last letter home. drafted by the Army and stationed in Germany. The youngest, Royal, also spent a Sgt. Thomas Bradley died 50 years ago. year (1970-1971) in Vietnam as part of his He had written a letter on June 18, 1969 three-year enlistment in the Air Force. which arrived after the family was informed Charles and Royal have established a that he had been killed in action. They Vietnam Memorial and History Center in treasured that letter all these years. With Minneota. his parents now gone, Bradley’s siblings chose to donate the letter to the Center. Over 58,000 members of the U.S. armed Bradley wrote in part: forces died or are missing in Vietnam. Both Charles and Royal returned home; but not “Had a rough time the 15th. Ran into a necessarily to a hero’s welcome — or even a battalion of NVA [North Vietnamese Army]. friendly welcome. It started at 9:00 and ended at 6:00. Killed 56. We had 1 G.I. killed and about 30 “I was called a warmonger, a murderer wounded. They put me in for an army comand a baby killer,” Royal said. He even Photos by Richard Siemers mendation medal. A guy got shot three dated a girl who gave him the cold shoulder Royal Hettling poses with the museum’s sentry team exhibit. Hettling when she heard he had been in Vietnam. worked with a K-9 unit during his time in Vietnam. The dog’s handler would times and got left up front when we pulled back. Me and another guy ran up there and “When I came back, I was stationed in often kneel behind the dog to follow its gaze. got him. If I had to do it again I don’t know Florida for another year of active duty. And the reaction I got — even from people of my own age — they’d pick you out as being related to the military and they would have nothing to do with you. You just felt you weren’t welcome.” Charles was in the infantry and had a similar experience. “I never felt the camaraderie with another man like I did in Vietnam. I come back here and nobody liked you. That year over there was so emotional. Nobody (back home) wanted to talk about it, and I needed to talk about it.” “Talking to people, I felt there was a need for closure, and there was something lacking myself,” Royal said. About that time, the Traveling Vietnam Memorial Wall — known as “The Wall That Heals” — was moving around the country. It was decided to bring it to Minneota. A group of men raised the money and the exhibit came to town in 2006. A local program pre- The memorial area of the museum has pictures and sented with it was a real success. There were some artifacts which tell the stories of Minneota men who funds left over, so a 501(c3) nonprofit organization died in the Vietnam War – including, for some, their last letter home. was started. “We thought the best thing was to do something for the people who did not come home, so they wouldn’t be forgotten,” Royal said. “And we wanted to tell the Etched marble slabs by Vietnamese artist Dong Quang story of what Vietnam was like. Everything grew illustrate incidents from the Vietnam War. from there.”

if I would do it. Could have gotten shot pretty easily. I’m glad it’s all over now….I’ve got 94 days left in this hole. It won’t be long now….Sorry it’s been so long See MUSEUM, pg. 3B

PAGE 2B — “Where Farm and Family Meet”


Geographic Distribution of Northern and Western Corn Rootworm and Variants

Farmers Turn to a New Rootworm Solution














Corn rootworm costs growers more than $1 billion


It thrives on consistency. Inconsistency, then, is the





annually in reduced grain yield and control measures.
















Northern Variant


Western Western Variant

path to successfully controlling this pest. 31.8 million acres are affected by corn rootworm.

Using a variety of control methods in a multi‑year field plan helps delay development of corn rootworm resistance. “Growers tend to find a hybrid with the corn rootworm control method they like, then plant it in the same fields year after year,” Tim O’Brien, Ph.D., explained. “They’re looking for something that gives them the best yield in a field—and too often they stick with what was successful the year before.” “To sustain high corn yields,” O’Brien, who is the Agrisure® traits manager at Syngenta, continued, “We need to get out of the mindset of what was best last year and get into the mindset of how we show corn rootworm something different.”

It uniquely expresses a protein that binds differently in the gut of corn rootworm. It’s always stacked with a second, proven mode of action against corn rootworm, delivering a powerful one‑two punch that uppercuts rootworm and fights resistance. “We can break the cycle by planting hybrids with Duracade,” said Syngenta entomologist Isaac Oyediran. “It brings a different mode of action against corn rootworm for a healthier corn crop and higher yield potential.” For more information about Agrisure Duracade trait stacks visit or talk to your local seed provider.

Rotate trait packages for higher yield potential According to O’Brien, “developing a multi‑year, field‑by‑field corn rootworm plan that rotates control methods over the years” is the best way to delay the resistance of corn rootworm and help harvest the best yields long term. Growers who rotate pesticide modes of action for maximum control and high efficiency must also rotate hybrid trait packages for the same reasons. The Agrisure Duracade® trait was created as the first engineered hybrid insect control protein.

“We need to get out of the mindset of what was best last year and get into the mindset of how we show corn rootworm something different.” —Tim O’Brien, Ph.D.

Sponsored Content

All photos are the property of Syngenta or used with permission. ©2019 Syngenta. Important: Always read and follow label and bag tag instructions; only those labeled as tolerant to glufosinate may be sprayed with glufosinate ammonium based herbicides. Agrisure,® Agrisure Duracade® and the Syngenta logo are trademarks of a Syngenta Group Company. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. More information about Duracade is available at MW 9AGT01525-Advert-1-AG73 09/19

THE LAND — NOVEMBER 1/NOVEMBER 8, 2019 — “Where Farm and Family Meet”


Conflict in Vietnam was similar to American Civil War MUSEUM, from pg. 1B

rare original Viet Cong propaganda posters. A since I’ve written but figure wearing the reprothere just isn’t anything duction of a Viet Cong to write about, and we’ve uniform has an authenbeen pretty busy lately… tic rifle, ammo belt and P.S. Dad, I’m sorry I field radio. didn’t send anything for Charles also met an Father’s Day. I couldn’t artist, Dong Quang, who get in to Cu Chi to get it.” has produced etched Thomas Bradley was marble panels for diskilled the next day on play. One set tells the June 19. story of the interpreter Another native, LCPL Charles has on his visits, Richard Lozenski, had her war experiences three weeks left when while growing from age 8 his tank was hit by a to adulthood. A number rocket and he was killed. This area of the museum features photos and a timeline giving the general history of the United State’s involveof photos and artifacts The last letter he wrote ment in Vietnam. relate the hardships and was to an aunt and uncle. horror of the civilians ing them out,” he said, recalling how villagers were caught in the war, as well as the dangers the The letters are part of the memorial exhibit. forced from their homes. American soldiers faced. Another area of the museum has a general history Through his trips he has come to know those he of the war, including a timeline going back to the The Center does not shy away from the dark reali1940s. Royal likes to ask folks when the United fought against. ties of the war. A second series of etchings relates the States first got involved in Vietnam. They are sur“Some of the former Viet Cong are my best friends story of the massacre at My Lai village that was prised to learn that in the 1940s, the U.S. was smug- now,” he said. “I started picking up artifacts (with ordered by Lt. William Calley, and of the intervention gling in aid for Ho Chi Minh to use in the Vietnamese their help).” by Warrant Officer Hugh Thompson, an Army heliresistance to the Japanese. After World War II we He has brought back numerous artifacts, including See MUSEUM, pg. 5B aided our ally, France, who wanted to re-establish their colonial power in Indochina. With the United States now supporting his enemy, Ho Chi Minh turned to China and Russia for aid. This was when the Cold War had begun, and when France gave up the fight, the divided North and South Vietnam became a place where the United States decided to block the advance of Communism.

“What a lot of people don’t understand,” Royal said, “is that the conflict between the north and south, the Vietnam War, was similar to the American Civil War. The Viet Cong (guerillas in the South who were supported by the North) were fighting for reunification of the country.” What makes the Center different from a museum is that it was not assembled by curators, but grew out of the personal experience and interests of the brothers. Charles Hettling has made 32 trips back to Vietnam, drawn by memories of the camaraderie he felt there and his empathy for the civilians whose suffering he saw first-hand. “The people were so poor, they had absolutely nothing and here we were blowing up the place and mov-

Minor Roof Leaks? CALL US!

PAGE 4B — “Where Farm and Family Meet”


22 million bushels of corn per year is some appetite By DICK HAGEN The Land Staff Writer Emeritus Any time you chat with an ethanol guy you start by chatting numbers. So an October visit with Steve Christensen, CEO of Granite Falls Energy Company (just after he finished leading a group of Middle East and African government officials on a walking tour of his corn plant) my first question: “Steve, we’ve been walking and listening to you for about an hour now. Just how big is the Granite Falls ethanol factory?” Christensen knows he’s answered that question thousands of times. “We’ll buy about 22 million bushels of corn a year — mostly within a 100-mile radius of our plant,” he said. “We get just a little less than three gallons per bushel, so we’ll make somewhere around 65 million gallons of ethanol per year.” A covey of railroad tracks surround the Granite Falls plant, providing rail transport directly into east coast and Houston, Texas shipping terminals. “I don’t know all the destinations of our ethanol; but I do know both Europe and Asian countries have become big buyers of U.S. ethanol. Mexico and Canada are also into our ethanol market,”

Christensen said. Granit Falls Ethanol is now 15 years old. It was the flagship plant for Granite Falls entrepreneur Ron Fagen. During the 15-year explosion of new ethanol plants (1980-1995) across the corn belt, the Fagen name got attached to about 80 percent of these new facilities. “We’re a 24/7 operation with only two four-day shut downs during the year. In essence, we’re on the job 357 days out of the year,” said Christenesen. Yes, any factory with the amazing amount of equipment that makes an ethanol plant do its thing does need to redo a few bottlenecks which creep into the daily buzz of its 24-hour operation. “Basically, it’s the same footprint,” Christensen explained. “We did add two grain bins and increased our cooling capacity. But credit goes to my guys who have just done a great job of ‘debottlenecking’ the bottlenecks that simply happen.” He added, “Right now we’re not looking at any needs, but technologies keep cranking out new ideas.” Corn distillers dried grain is the

other huge product of this facility. “I believe we’re doing about 140,000 tons a year and some of that also gets into foreign markets. Also, into the northwest states where dairy cows abound. Feed markets into Mexico are another market; but the bulk of CDDG gets used by cattle feeders and major dairy operations around the U.S.” This corn distiller dried grain is a power-packed feedstuff too. The label Christensen showed me reads: “Crude Protein, Min 25%; Crude Fat, Min 6.0%; Crude Fiber, Max 9.5%, Ash Max 6%; Sulfur Max 1.0%; Moisture Max 12%.” There’s no such thing as wasted material at a corn ethanol plant. Distillers corn oil and ethanol are the bread and butter. Even water used at the site gets filtered and pumped back into the process for another go-around. So what’s ahead? “Enzyme technology is coming on strong,” Christensen admitted. “The enzyme companies continue to come up with new and better enzymes which might increase our overall efficiency … we won’t need to add as many things to the process.”

So do any corn producers bring organic corn to the plant? “Not that we know of,” replied Christensen, adding “… we buy blended corn direct from elevators and/or farmer producers. So if it was organic corn we wouldn’t know. Plus, I’d guess most organic corns are going to higher-dollar markets that pay that premium price anyway.” It takes only 40 employees to operate this huge facility. And the working crews are on 12-hour shifts (four 12-hour days/week). Plus a daily maintenance crew of six. “We have a really good preventive maintenance program, plus we have a large inventory of parts,” Christensen stated. “We can usually fix whatever happens really quick. Then, twice a year, we shut down for four days to do preventive maintenance that we can’t when the plant is running. Basically, an ethanol plant will run 357 days of the year.” This plant still operates with its 15-year-old original boilers. Natural gas is the energy provider. “Our goal is to do the very best maintenance so we simply don’t have equipment failures that shut us down,” Christensen said.v

World-wide ethanol production for cleaner air By DICK HAGEN The Land Staff Writer Emeritus GRANITE FALLS, Minn. — One of 15 Middle East and African high-level government officials had a two-day tour to Minnesota Oct 16-17 to better understand the U.S. ethanol industry from farm to ethanol plant. During his visit I was able to interview Ramy Taieb, Regional Director of U.S. Grains Council for Middle East and Africa. Taieb lives in Tunisia. His business card reads: “Developing Markets, Enabling Trade, and Improving Lives.” Big ambitions for Taieb. I asked Taieb, “Do you yet have any ethanol plants in your part of Europe?” “Yes,” he said “We have two. But these two ethanol plants don’t use corn. Wheat is the feedstuffs. There is another plant off the Persian Gulf producing MTB and TPD. But quantities of U.S. ethanol are imported into Emirate where they blend it and export to neighboring countries — even into Africa.”

I’m aware Africa grows lots of corn now. Even for ethanol plants? Nope, not yet, said Taieb. The limited amount of ethanol being produced in South Africa so far comes from sugar cane.” So why the reluctance to use corn for ethanol? Basically an economic necessity said Taieb. “Starvation continues a reality in many parts of Africa. The corn they grow is used for human foods. Plus, they raise some cattle, so people have meat. So corn gets used to feed their animals too.” Are ethanol-blended fuels now common in the bigger cities? “Yes, there is a growing demand for these blended fuels in Africa, and also in the Persian Gulf areas,” said Taieb. “Even though

these are oil producing countries, the people are hearing about ethanol fuels as a means of cleaner air; and an opportunity for extra revenue for the marketers of these blended fuels. Taieb and his associates spent four days in Washington D.C. before their flight to Minnesota. The D.C. visit included time with their various country ambassadors, plus some sessions being briefed on world and U.S. energy issues. I asked Taieb if our president volunteered to he and his colleagues the United States is soon to establish 20 percent ethanol in all U.S. fuels? He chuckled just a bit saying, “Yes we became aware of this growing chatter about 20 percent ethanol blended fuels

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across your country. But we also were advised that at this stage, 20 percent ethanol is mostly just coffee shop talk. But I would wish this to happen. We’re much aware your U.S. corn farmers are having some financial struggles. But we are also knowledgeable about the tremendous agriculture of the United States. And we were reminded that your farmers produce the food, fuel and fiber for your entire population and also a good chunk of the rest of the world.” Taieb concluded, “Our ongoing mission of the U.S. Grains Council is to build trade with more countries around the world. And if we can promote the building of ethanol plants in Europe, Africa and elsewhere, then just maybe we can be helpful in providing some of your U.S. corn crop to ethanol plants around the world. This cleaner air issue is big … and getting bigger. Some will argue that growing more and more corn reduces the globe’s carbon content. But cleaner air is what needs attention around the world.” v

THE LAND — NOVEMBER 1/NOVEMBER 8, 2019 — “Where Farm and Family Meet”

Honoring sacrifice, service MUSEUM, from pg. 3B

destroyed or left to the South Vietnamese, who relished dog meat. The Vietnam Memorial and History Center is a way to bring closure to veterans, and also bring understanding to the public which is often misinformed — perhaps uninformed — about what happened in a war that doesn’t always receive much time in history classes, and of which many of us know only what we recall from news broadcasts. Many veterans have chosen not to talk about it, while others have found that some people don’t want to hear about it. While Charles and Royal Hettling aren’t able to tell the whole story of the Vietnam War, their Center provides a perspective on the conflict from two who have been there, and a place to remember those who did not return. “We want to honor the sacrifice and service of those who answered their country’s call,” Royal said.

copter pilot, who stopped the killing. An exhibit which grew out of the experience of Royal tells the little-known story of the K-9 teams. A soldier kneels with a dog on a leash beneath pictures and explanations. Royal Hettling’s name is on the uni- Charles Hettling form, and the shoulder patches he wore in Vietnam are on the sleeve. Royal explained that there were three types of teams: Scout Teams that would look for booby traps and the like, Tracker Teams that tracked the “bad guys,” and Sentry Teams. Royal and his dog, Thunder, were a Sentry Team. These were the most aggressive dogs. Guerillas continually tried to infiltrate military installations, ammunition and bomb depots to sabotage them. Sentry Teams were the first line of defense. Royal was stationed at Cam Ranh Bay and the exhibit’s pose is realistic. Royal said he often knelt behind his dog, following the dog’s gaze. (He is looking for a lifesized German Shepherd to replace the smaller version in the exhibit.) “We were put out from dusk to dawn to guard the perimeters,” Royal said. He told of the night they were patrolling a This exhibit shows a Viet Cong wearing a reproduction bomb depot and he sensed of a VC uniform. The rifle, ammunition belt and field something in the dark- radio are authentic equipment. ness behind them. So did The Vietnam Memorial and History Thunder, who was ready to attack and literally dragged his tall, lanky 19-year- Center does not have regular hours. It old handler back into the trees. The is open during community events or by appointment. Call Royal at (507) 872would-be saboteur was scared off. 6326 or Charles at (507) 872-6574 after “Because of their effectiveness, the 7:00 p.m. to arrange a visit. It is located Viet Cong placed a bounty on the dogs at 114 East 1st Street in Minneota (on and their handlers,” he said. State Highway 68 next to the post An information poster tells that there office and across from Veteran’s Park). were 4,000 dogs used in these K-9 Royal Hettling authored “Ten: Five teams. About 850 were killed in action Five: Chronicles of the 483rd Security or died of disease. What is distressing Police Squadron K-9 Unit in Cam Ranh to Royal is that when the United States Bay, Vietnam, 1970-71”, in which he withdrew from Vietnam, only 240 of and some comrades tell personal stothe dogs were returned home. In the ries. It is available through Amazon or hurry to get out, the rest were declared your local library. v surplus equipment and were either


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THE LAND — NOVEMBER 1/NOVEMBER 8, 2019 — “Where Farm and Family Meet”


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PAGE 8B — “Where Farm and Family Meet”


Meteorologist expects extreme weather events to continue By KRISTIN KVENO The Land Staff Writer ST. PAUL — This spring was a doozy and tested even the most patient of farmers trying to get the crop in the ground. Bryce Anderson’s presentation at the Women in Agribusiness Summit on Sept. 26 focused on what happened with the weather this spring and what the weather outlook is for the future. Anderson is the senior meteorologist with DTN — a subscription-based service for the analysis and delivery of real-time weather, agricultural, energy and commodity market information. “We are in a trend of consistent warming. Greenhouse gas production continues to climb. We are on track to be in the top five years for warmest temperatures,” Anderson said. While the earth is warming, it’s not heating up as fast in all areas of the Earth. “We have disparity on how things are warming compared to average. The high latitudes are warming up

in a rate faster than the south,” Anderson said. This past spring brought above-average precipitation across the Midwest resulting in a delay in getting in the fields and in some cases not being able to get the crop in. “There was record prevent planting this year,” Anderson said. Even good, well-drained ground was affected this spring. “This year it took no prisoners.” “Heavy downpours are increasing.” Anderson explained that for farmers that means an investment in drain tiling may be necessary. “There is climate risk to agriculture,” Anderson continued. “That is evident in nutrient loss due to wet fields and pollination issues in corn because of extreme variability resulting from excess moisture.” Another effect of what we’ve had to deal with is the reduction of growing degree days. There was deficits of 90 to

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150 GDD this year. In the future, Anderson believes that more damaging hail events will occur along with increased humidity. That could lead to greater disease occurrences like white mold. The weed response to climate change outpaces crops and weed control. An example of that according to Anderson is the insurgence of Palmer Amaranth, an aggressive weed that is native to southwestern United States. Par spot in corn is a new disease now in the Midwest, and is normally found in the south. Weeds respond favorably to the increase of greenhouse gases. Examining the raise in temperature has Anderson concerned. “The temperature change rate is outside the range we’ve seen in the past 100 years.” Anderson explained that going forward

there is an up to 1.25 degree (Fahrenheit) increase per decade which is three to four times greater than what we’re seeing right now. “Night-time low temperatures will continue to increase,” Anderson said. When the rain does fall in the summer it will occur in heavier rather than lighter events. That means there’s great chance of erosion and runoff. Anderson’s suggestion for producers is to diversify your crops if you can. Plant as early as you can and utilize regenerative practices such as cover crops. Not everyone believes in climate change, but Anderson is hoping that will change as people are experiencing firsthand the results of it as well as all the scientific data out there. “Please accept the science,” he urged. v

Contact insurance agents for delayed harvest The U.S. Department of Agriculture reminds producers who currently participate in federal crop insurance and are experiencing a delay in harvesting their crop should contact their approved insurance provider to file a notice of loss and request more time to harvest. Producers must file a notice of loss and request more time to harvest before the end of the insurance period, so that federal crop insurance claims are settled based on the amount of harvested production. The end of the insurance period for corn and soybeans is Dec. 10. Insurance providers may allow additional time to harvest on a case-bycase basis when all these conditions are met: The producer gives timely notice of loss to his or her crop insurance agent. The insurance provider determines and documents the delay in harvest was due to an insured cause of loss. The producer demonstrates that harvest was not possible due to insured causes — such as wet conditions preventing access to the field with equipment; or that harvesting under such conditions would damage equipment. The delay in harvest was not because the producer did not have sufficient equipment or manpower to

harvest the crop by the end of the insurance period. When the insurance provider authorizes additional time to harvest, the end of the insurance period is not extended. Rather, the producer is granted additional time to attempt to harvest the crop to settle any loss based on harvested production. Any additional damage to the insured crop during the extension period is covered provided it is due to an insurable cause of loss like excessive moisture. The producer’s crop insurance policy will cover loss of quality (as specified in the crop provisions), reduced yields and revenue losses if revenue coverage was chosen. The cost of drying the harvested crop is not covered. More information on requesting assistance due to delayed harvest is available on the USDA’s Risk Management Agency website (www. This article was submitted by the U.S. Department of Agriculture. v

THE LAND — NOVEMBER 1/NOVEMBER 8, 2019 — “Where Farm and Family Meet”


Power co-ops are working with solar and wind energy By DICK HAGEN The Land Staff Writer Emeritus WILLMAR, Minn. — Serving just over 8,300 consumers in Kandiyohi County and small portions of Chippewa, Stearns and Renville Counties, Kandi Power Cooperative keeps growing despite shrinking farm numbers and a slowly declining total population base. Dan Tepfer, a 20-year employee of Kandiyohi Power, shared some details during a Willmar Lakes Area Chamber of Commerce Ag Tour held on Sept. 30. He said his cooperative is one of more than 1,000 consumer-owned utilities in the United States providing power to over 30 million consumers in 46 Dan Tepfer states. Yes, there is a nationwide network of electrical suppliers. Kandiyohi Power Cooperative is a distribution utility which means it sources power from a wholesaler — in this case, Great River Energy, a cooperative consisting of 28 distribution utilities such as Kandiyohi Power Cooperative. Great River Energy is a generation and transmission cooperative headquartered in Maple Grove, Minn. That means they run the generators to produce power and they own the transmission system to deliver that power to its customers — including Kandiyohi Power Cooperative. Explained Terfer, “Kandiyohi Power has an ‘all power’ requirement contract with Great River Energy with an important exception. Our cooperative is part of WAPA (Western Area Power Administration) which runs the hydro-electric power dams on the Missouri River. WAPA distributes this energy to various power utilities such as Kandiyohi Power; but also other federal agencies and Indian reservations. We get an allotment of energy through the WAPA system. Yes, zero emissions from this system because it’s hydro-sourced. This is also labeled as renewable energy and makes up about 20 percent of Kandiyohi Power total energy needs.” So is that 20 percent allotment a constant? No, it’s shrinking, said Tepfer, saying 20 years ago about 30 percent of Kandiyohi Power needs were supplied by WAPA. So what can Kandiyohi Power do about this shrinking piece of the pie? Little or nothing, said Tepfer, explaining Great River Energy continues to be the primary supplier of electrical power. But Great River Energy sources are changing also. “In 2005, coal was providing about 80 percent of Great River’s energy needs,” Tepfer explained. “Today, that figure is 58 percent. However, the bulk of that shrinkage has been made up by renewable — both wind and solar. In 2005, renewables accounted for only 2 percent of Great River’s needs. In 2018, that figure was up to 25 percent. The state mandate imposed by the Minnesota Public Utilities Commission decreed 25 percent of Minnesota’s electrical power be provided by renewable sources by

2025. Kandiyohi Power through Great River met that goal seven years early! “So where are we going in the future? Our basic mission is affordable, reliable electric energy. Our goal now is 50 percent by 2030. And how will that happen?” Tepfer explained that will happen through purchased power agreements with wind development firms, solar installers and multiple additional sources. What’s growing the most rapidly? Said Tepfer, “Based on what we see at Kandiyohi Power Cooperative, solar is the big gainer right now. This has a lot to do with economies of scale, repairs and maintenance costs. On the local level, where an individual member of our cooperative is looking to generate his own electricity, those installations are predominately solar.” Minnesota has a state 40-kilowatt net metering limit. “This has worked well in Minnesota. The utilities have adopted this limit even though we may not embrace it,” Tepfer cautiously commented. “And that is pure and simple business. Individuals can deduct their home-generated power from their monthly utility bill up to that 40 kW limit. That is why home owners — especially farmers — continue to install their own energy supplements.” So how many Kandiyohi Power customers have gone that route? Obviously, Kandiyohi Power’s business success hinges on monthly kilowatt billings to its 8,100 customers, so Kandiyohi Power is not a big promoter of individual installations. Tepfer commented, “At the 40 kW level, Kandi Power has somewhere in the vicinity of 35 renewable instillations. Not all 35 are farmers. These are individuals desiring to generate their own electricity in an environmentally correct manner.” Economics is driving these individual hookups. And solar providers are good promoters. But Tepfer cautions that the economics aren’t always good. “Yes, there are USDA opportunities with REAP grants; accelerated depreciation schedules for tax credits; and other incentives can make a huge difference in the ‘pay back’ capabilities of these installations … and its different for everybody.” However, Kandiyohi Power is now offering its members an affordable new way to purchase renewable energy. With cooperative’s Community Solar, members can purchase solar power without installing equipment on your property and without worrying about maintaining the system for $1,250 per one full panel output. Tepfer indicated an increasing number of Kandiyohi Power customers ask about the environmental impact of power utilities these days. “I share that 15 years ago coal was the energy source for 80 percent of our power. Today we’re at 58 percent with hydro power, solar and wind constantly increasing energy volumes into our total system. Today, thanks to variety of sources, the electrical energy a Kandiyohi Power cus-

tomer receives is 42 to 43 percent renewable. That 50 percent goal for our state by 2030 should be very attainable and we’re proud to play a role in that achievement.” Based on Tepfer’s Sept. 30 power-point presentation, the latest customer count for Kandiyohi Power Cooperative is 8,316 members. Around 7,300 are residential. This includes small farms too. “Years ago Kandiyohi Power was predominantly an ag utility. Today, some of our biggest commercial accounts are ag related such as Meadow Star Dairy, a 8,500 cow operation just southwest of Willmar. Also, Jennie-O Turkey operations; Willmar Poultry; the Wilmar area Alfalfa Plant; and Hanson Silo just south of Willmar.” So why the goal of 50 percent of Great River Energy’s electrical power being provided by renewable resources? Tepfer said this stems from continued scrutiny of emissions from coal-fired power plants and the associated costs of keeping within emission specifications. Yes, this is an environmental issue, but it is also dollar driven. Is the oncoming popularity of electric cars an issue with Kandiyohi Power? “Yes, this has definitely become a discussion point within our own cooperative and the entire electrical power industry. I attend demand side management sessions hosted by Great River Energy. One of the discussion topics has been where and what are the new demands of electrical power. We all acknowledge that EV charging will increase electrical demand. But when will the big load hit our industry and when/how will we be able to meet this new demand for electrical power? The goal is to have this demand happen at night. We want to be ahead of the curve by offering great incentives to encourage that event. It makes more economic sense for everybody if we can manage that load and the customer sees an economic advantage by recharging their vehicles at night. It’s cheaper and that’s the bottom line.” Current electrical costs through Kandi Power are ll.9 cents per kilowatt hour during June, July and August. During the other nine months, the cost is 9.9 cents/kWH. Why the higher summer time cost? It costs more to generate electricity in the summer said Tepfer. Great River Energy obviously passed their higher costs along to member utilities throughout the system. v

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THE LAND — NOVEMBER 1/NOVEMBER 8, 2019 — “Where Farm and Family Meet”


Soybean drying and storage tips to remember Late planting, due to double cropping, wet fields, or poor fall weather may result in soybeans which are too wet to store. Harvesting early, when soybeans are still wet, reduces field losses, harvest losses, and market weight losses and allows more time for other fall fieldwork. The optimum harvest moisture range is 13 to 15 percent for maximum weight and minimum field losses. Soybeans can generally be harvested any time after the seeds are mature and the foliage is dry. But threshing is difficult and more beans are crushed and bruised when harvested with more than 18 percent moisture. When moisture is less than 13 percent, field losses from lodged plants and open pods may be greater.

Combine shatter losses are high, and can be 10 percent of yield or more. Market weight, and thus value, decreases about 1.15 percent per percentage point below 13 percent. At $6.00 per bushel, this represents about 7 cents per bushel per point; at $2.00 per bushel it’s 14 cents per point. When moisture is less than 10 percent, soybeans themselves are brittle and more likely to split during harvest and handling. Cleaning and handling seed beans at this moisture can reduce germination. When storage moisture is too high, spoilage is likely and germination can be reduced in just a few days. High oil content makes soybeans slightly more susceptible to spoilage than corn, so soybeans need to be about two points drier than corn for the same storage period. For winter storage, store commercial soybeans at 13 percent moisture or less, 12 percent or less for up to one year, and 11 percent or less for more than one year. Soybeans with less than 15 percent moisture can generally be dried with fans sized for routine aeration (0.1-0.2 cfm/bu.). Soybean seed stored one planting season should be 12 percent moisture or less. Store carryover seed at 10 percent moisture or less. You can dry soybeans in several types of high or low-temperature dryers, but be careful. Soybeans are fragile and can be damaged by air that is too hot (over 140 F), as well as by rough handling. Avoid dryers that recirculate or stir grain constantly. Arrange drying systems to minimize drop heights and conveying. Grain spreaders are suitable for commercial soybeans, but not for seed beans. When a spreader isn’t used, withdraw several loads from the bin center during filling to help level grain and remove accumulated fines. This practice is called coring. Because clean soybeans have about 25 percent less airflow resistance than shelled corn, fans sized for corn drying will produce greater airflow through soybeans. Greater airflow means faster drying. Consider cleaning soybeans with a rotary-screen cleaner and 3/16inch square mesh screens to remove weed seeds and fines. They increase airflow resistance, invite mold and insect invasion, and can cause market discounts. On many farms that produce both corn and soybeans, it may be possible to use the same high-temperature drying equipment for both crops. You should reduce heat for soybeans, however. Limit drying air temperature to 130-140 F for commercial beans, and 100-110 F for seed beans. Retention time in the heat section of dryers should be less than 30 minutes. To avoid excessive moisture differentials from top to bottom in batch-in-bin dryers, use shallow batch depths (two to three feet) when drying soybeans. Stir once if the bin has stirring. For seed beans, suggested airflow in batch -in-bin dryings is six to nine cfm/bu. Check moisture frequently. Soybeans dry rapidly. Low-temperature dryers should have a full perforated floor and a fan which can push an airflow of

one to two cfm/bu. up through the grain. A drying front develops near the floor and moves slowly upward. Drying time depends on air flow, weather, and initial moisture content; but will probably be three to six weeks. Most years in Iowa, natural (unheated) air will dry soybeans to 13 percent moisture or less. But in unusually cool, wet falls, supplemental heat may be required. Heating air lowers its relative humidity. As a rule, heating air 20 degrees cuts its relative humidity in half. Prolonged exposure to air drier than 40 percent relative humidity causes excessive soybean cracking. Also, air that is too warm and dry causes overdrying. To avoid overdrying and cracking of soybeans, size heaters on low-temperature bins for no more than 20 degree temperature rise and use an in-plenum humidistat to shut off the heater when relative humidity of the drying air is below 45 percent. Check soybean moisture and condition every day or two. Run the fan continuously until the drying front reaches the top layer of beans or average outdoor temperatures fall below freezing. Resume drying in spring if necessary. If you detect mold, heating, or foul odors during drying, unload the bin and sell; or high-temperature dry the beans. Sharing a low-temperature dryer between corn and soybeans is difficult unless you provide high airflow to speed drying by installing larger-than-normal fans or only filling bins part way; you can wait several weeks between bean and corn harvest; or you sell or move soybeans to other storage immediately after drying. Aerate stored soybeans to maintain grain temperature at 35-40 F in winter and 40-60 F in summer. These temperatures reduce mold and insect activity and moisture movement within the bin. Check stored soybeans for heating or spoilage once a week in warm weather and every two weeks in cold weather. In addition, conduct periodic germination tests to monitor viability of seed beans. Aerate to try to control heating or other early storage problems. If that fails, move, re-dry or sell the beans. In a late year, or when an early frost occurs, there will be “green” beans in harvested grain. It will subside somewhat after several weeks of aerated storage, often to the point where damage discounts can be avoided. The greenness is a problem because it carries into the extracted oil, where it must be refined out at considerable cost. The green and immature yellow (lima) beans are wetter than sound beans in a sample. Electronic moisture meters read green and immature beans drier than they actually are. This is important to know for storage. Protect yourself by mentally adding about 1.5 percentage points of moisture to readings on immature beans mixed with sound beans. This article was submitted by Charles R. Hurburgh, Jr., Iowa State University Extension and Outreach. v

PAGE 11B — “Where Farm and Family Meet”

Life on the farm: Readers’ photos


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8 oz. Cool Whip 2 (15 oz.) cans mandarin oranges, drained

1 (3 oz.) box orange jello 2 (3 oz.) boxes tapioca pudding (cook type) 3 c. water

In medium saucepan, mix together jello, pudding and water, bring to boil and boil for about 2 minutes (will not be real thick). Place in fridge about 1 ½ hours, but not set. Add Cool Whip and most of mandarin oranges to cooled mixture; stir gently. Put into serving container, 9x13 works well, top with remaining oranges. Refrigerate.

Recipes from Kathy Kern from Marion, Iowa sent in these two beauties. On the left is a fiery sky photographed while on a road trip from Anoka, Minn. In September, Kern captured this chipmunk caught in the act of raiding the backyard bird feeder.

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Save the S&H fee by picking up your copy at The Free Press, 418 S. Second St., Mankato during regular business hours or complete the coupon below and have it mailed to you. Speaking of bird feeders, Al Batt of Hartland, Minn. sent in some photos of creatures which may be paying a visit to feeders near you. On the left is a tufted titmouse, while on the right is a junco. Batt also snapped this picture of deer in his yard. The doe had triplets, but the other two fawns were camera shy.

E-mail your Life on the Farm photos to editor@thelandonline. com. Your photo may be published in our next issue!

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THE LAND — NOVEMBER 1/NOVEMBER 8, 2019 — “Where Farm and Family Meet”


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Page 4 - November 1/November 8, 2019

THE LAND, Advertising Supplement

© 2019

Nov. 1/Nov.8, 2019

(800) 657-4665 P.O. Box 3169, Mankato, MN 56002

Page 2 - November 1/November 8, 2019

THE LAND, Advertising Supplement

THE LAND, Advertising Supplement

November 1/November 8, 2019 - Page 3

Page 2 - November 1/November 8, 2019

THE LAND, Advertising Supplement

THE LAND, Advertising Supplement

November 1/November 8, 2019 - Page 3

Page 4 - November 1/November 8, 2019

THE LAND, Advertising Supplement

© 2019

Nov. 1/Nov.8, 2019

(800) 657-4665 P.O. Box 3169, Mankato, MN 56002

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