THE LAND ~ January 3, 2020 ~ Northern Edition

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“Since 1976, Where Farm and Family Meet”

© 2019

P.O. Box 3169, Mankato, MN 56002 • (800) 657-4665 •

December 27, 2019 Januar y 3, 2020

Handled with care A hobby farm with ‘a few’ animals is now a home for rescued creatures

PLUS: Dick Hagen talks with MCGA’s Kirby Hettver and Kent Thiesse gives the lowdown on 2019 and 2020 farm programs

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PAGE 2 — “Where Farm and Family Meet”

THE LAND — DECEMBER 27, 2019/JANUARY 3, 2020

Pass the word P.O. Box 3169 418 South Second St. Mankato, MN 56002 (800) 657-4665 Vol. XXXVIII ❖ No. 26 24 pages, 1 section plus supplements

Cover photo by Richard Siemers

COLUMNS Opinion Farm and Food File The Back Porch Cooking With Kristin Farm Programs In The Garden Calendar of Events Marketing Auctions/Classifieds Advertiser Listing Back Roads

2-4 4 5 5 11 15 16 17-18 20-23 23 24


Publisher: Steve Jameson: General Manager: Deb Petterson: Managing Editor: Paul Malchow: Staff Writer: Kristin Kveno: Staff Writer Emeritus: Dick Hagen: Advertising Representatives: James McRae: Ryan Landherr: Office/Advertising Assistants: Joan Compart: Lyuda Shevtsov: For Customer Service Concerns: (507) 345-4523, (800) 657-4665, Fax: (507) 345-1027 For Editorial Concerns or Story Ideas: (507) 344-6342, (800) 657-4665, Because of the nature of articles appearing in The Land, product or business names may be included to provide clarity. This does not constitute an endorsement of any product or business. Opinions and viewpoints expressed in editorials or by news sources are not necessarily those of the management. The Publisher shall not be liable for slight changes or typographical errors that do not lessen the value of an advertisement. The Publisher’s liability for other errors or omissions in connection with an advertisement is strictly limited to publication of the advertisement in any subsequent issue or the refund of any monies paid for the advertisement. Classified Advertising: $19.99 for seven (7) lines for a private classified, each additional line is $1.40; $24.90 for business classifieds, each additional line is $1.40. Classified ads accepted by mail or by phone with VISA, MasterCard, Discover or American Express. Classified ads can also be sent by e-mail to Mail classified ads to The Land, P.O. Box 3169, Mankato, MN 56002. Please include credit card number, expiration date and your postal address with ads sent on either mail version. Classified ads may also be called into (800) 657-4665. Deadline for classified ads is 5 pm on the Friday prior to publication date, with holiday exceptions. Distributed to farmers in all Minnesota counties and northern Iowa, as well as on The Land’s website. Each classified ad is separately copyrighted by The Land. Reproduction without permission is strictly prohibited. Subscription and Distribution: Free to farmers and agribusinesses in Minnesota and northern Iowa. $29 per year for non-farmers and people outside the service area. The Land (USPS 392470) Copyright © 2019 by The Free Press Media is published biweekly by The Free Press, 418 S 2nd Street, Mankato, MN 56001-3727. Business and Editorial Offices: 418 S. 2nd Street, Mankato, MN 56001-3727, Accounting and Circulation Offices: Steve Jameson, 418 S 2nd Street, Mankato, MN 56001-3727. Call (507) 345-4523 to subscribe. Periodicals postage paid at Mankato, MN. Postmaster and Change of Address: Send address changes to The Land, P.O. Box 3169, Mankato MN 56002-3169 or e-mail to

Allen Ludden never had it this crazy. “princess” was not far behind and “ashLudden was the host of the game show ley” was not far behind princess. I’m not “Password” (showing my age again). On making any judgements, just stating the show, two teams – each composed of facts. “charlie” was the first boys’ name to a celebrity player and a contestant – appear on the list at number 34. attempt to convey mystery words to each “michael” was not far behind. From there other using only single-word clues, in the names are predominantly female: order to win cash prizes. Ludden sup“nicole,” “jessica,” “hannah,” “michelle” plied the words, made sure the rules of and “maggie” are all in the top 50. LAND MINDS the game were followed, and chipped in In a nod to our distant relatives, “monwitty quips. key” is the 30th most common password. By Paul Malchow Of course, “Password” in the 1960s “soccer,” at 33, far out-distanced both and early ‘70s was pre-home computer. “football” and “baseball.” “softball Today, anyone who logs in to a website appeared at number 134 and “hockey” or computer software looks at “password” in a comweighed in at 161. “superman” logged in at 59. “batpletely different light. man” was 125. Ouch. The lone profanity appearing When passwords first came on the computer scene on the list came in at 66. “summer” was number 61. Winter did not make the list. to access e-mail accounts, it was kind of cool. Choosing the right password was a creative endeavThere were lots and lots of names. One out of or and seemed more of a formality than a security every four passwords on the list was someone’s first measure. name. “paul” was not one of them. “jesus” did not appear until number 151. But that was then and this is now. I recently received a release from NordPass listing the 200 It was nice to see “chocolate” at 48; “cookie” was most commonly used passwords. NordPass is a sub- 74; and “chicken” at 135. That was about it for food scription security service which remembers and items. Pork, beef, dairy, wheat, soybeans or corn did autosaves all your complex passwords, autofills not make the list. online forms, and assists with generating strong Experts in the field suggest using a variety of long passwords. The release states independent anonypasswords with capital letters, numbers and symbol mous researchers shared the most popular passkeys. Some passwords look like Sgt. Snorkel chewwords that were leaked in data breaches in just this ing out Beetle Bailey in the comics. Experts also say past year. The list was compiled from a database of to change your passwords regularly – especially if 500 million passwords. you suspect your account has been tampered with. The most commonly-used password, at 2,812,220, Because passwords are so complex and so many in was “12345” — closely following at 2,485,216 was number, I keep a secret code book listing all of my “123456.” Over a million users went farther across passwords, log-in names and answers to the account the number keys with “123456789.” Just over half a verification questions. million users dropped the 9 for their password. Only Yes, Allen Ludden, one-word clues no longer suf329,341 added the zero. fice in today’s world. Those more letter-bound (359,520 of them) liked You don’t need a secret password to receive The the four keys: “asdf.” Just behind in 10th place was Land, but we do need your signature. In this issue “qwerty.” There were two passwords listed in the top you will find an easy subscription form. In order to 10 which didn’t make sense to me: “zinch” (483,443 keep receiving The Land in 2020, you must send in users) and “g_czechout” (372,278). If anyone knows, the form – with your signature. Make it a new drop me a line. year’s resolution. In five minutes time you’ll be good The password “password” came in at 830,846. for the whole year. We appreciate our subscribers’ Nearly one million users preferred the password loyalty and look forward to a great 2020. “test1.” “test2” did not make the list, but “passOr maybe that should be !2oTWentee$. word1” did at 92,009. Paul Malchow is the managing editor of The Land. Many of the top 20 passwords were variations of He may be reached at v numbers and/or letters; but farther down the list the entries become more personal. For the romantics, “iloveyou” was number 14 with 141,657 users.



8 — Plans are already underway for 2020 corn crop

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THE LAND — DECEMBER 27, 2019/JANUARY 3, 2020 — “Where Farm and Family Meet”


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PAGE 4 — “Where Farm and Family Meet”

THE LAND — DECEMBER 27, 2019/JANUARY 3, 2020

Readers have spoken: ‘Get rid of this guy’ When readers of this time other than writing. weekly effort take the time Take Joe from Ohio who to write me a letter or was so steamed about a email, it’s a safe bet they mid-July column on climate want to have the final word change that he wrote (in all on whatever riled them to capital letters) “…we totally write. I’m fine with that. reject your columns because In fact, because of their of your evil hatred of remarkable diligence, I FARM & FOOD FILE President Trump!! If we turn this space over to were the editor (of this By Alan Guebert reading writers every newspaper) we would June and December so kick you out the first everyone might enjoy minute.” some of the more colorful Five months later, ways people think I should spend my another email arrived from Ohio. This


one didn’t include a name, only an email address — equally steaming: “These are not news articles, but paragraphs of Trump- and Republicanbashing. Get rid of this guy.” A similar, but much longer, email from Bill arrived in October to (correctly as it turns out) note that my column isn’t a “news article” at all. In fact, wrote Bill, “Funny how I can tell your political affiliation from the content of the article and the slant of your opinions. This would not have been tolerated 40 or 50 years ago…” In fact, Bill, it would have been tolerated because the Farm and Food File began as an opinion column 26 years ago and remains an opinion column. It wouldn’t be much of an opinion column if it didn’t include an opinion — like yours just now. Several emailers thought columns that dissected the White House’s trade policies weren’t just wrong, they were downright unpatriotic. In attempting to make that argument, however, Norm from Indiana gave me more credit than I either possess or deserve. “AG, if you spend just a little time explaining how the Chinese Commies have been ripping off the USA instead of attacking the President, perhaps they would be more willing to come to a trade agreement.” Well, Norm, I can certainly give it the old US of A try. I wouldn’t count on the “Commies” changing soon because of me and my musings, though. John from New York wrote to make a similar point; but he got lost in the ongoing tariff tangle that is U.S. trade policy. “Trump is the FIRST PRESIDENT that has acted to end these tariffs. See what our President

is fighting for?” Not really, John, but then again I’m focused on converting communists into socialists right now. Not all correspondence contained suggestions on when, where, and how to fire me. Most, in fact, contained warm praise and good wishes. David, for example, emailed on July 18 to say, “I’m sure you get lots of negative feedback, so I want to say I always enjoy your columns.” Joe, from Florida, seconded Dave’s motion with more enthusiasm. “You are one of the top five writers in the U.S.! You get the message out through the lines!” Thanks, Joe! Another emailer, Roy from Nebraska, was nearly as effusive: “First, I love your column. Next, I don’t know how you do it… You are spot-on in my opinion…” What’s more, adds Roy, “Since when is the definition of a good Lutheran farm boy one that covers his eyes and sticks his head in the ground?” Amen, Roy. There’s enough of that going around already and, in 2020, we don’t need more sand in our eyes, ears, and gears. We will, however, need more cards, letters, and emails because, honestly, the June “letters” column that you’ll need to write is just around the corner. So, Happy New Year and happy writing! Yes, even to my fiery friends in Ohio. The Farm and Food File is published weekly through the United States and Canada. Past columns, events and contact information are posted at www. v

Letters to the Editor are welcome Let us know what you think! Send your letters to: Editor, The Land P.O. Box 3169, Mankato, MN 56002 e-mail:

All letters must be signed and accompanied with a phone number (not for publication) to verify authenticity.

THE LAND — DECEMBER 27, 2019/JANUARY 3, 2020 — “Where Farm and Family Meet”


Everyone can find strength in a ‘stone of help’ If you need a fun and easy only moments away from game for all ages, this the bong of midnight that might be it: Zip Bong. begins a New Year. Everyone sits in a circle and Though we can’t turn uses their lips to cover their back time or hold it in our teeth, pretending to be hands, it is possible to live elderly. If you’re elderly, you it with more stick and less have a clear advantage ‒ no zip. It’s a stick that gives acting for you. roots to moments instead of THE BACK PORCH them flying into days and Someone begins the game by saying, “Zip!” If it sounds By Lenae Bulthuis years like bees’ wings at funny, you’re doing it right! harvest. Play continues around the circle to the Research suggests that marking right, “Zip . . . Zip . . . Zip,” until some- moments makes life feel as if it slows one chooses to say “Bong!” in a loud down. Remembering gives life more voice, which reverses play in the oppo- meaning. site direction. If players mess up and It’s what God said from the very say “Zip” when it’s not their turn, or if beginning! And He gave it a name: they don’t say “Zip” after a “Bong” Ebenezer. changes the direction, or if they show their teeth, they’re out. Now, I don’t mean the “Bah, humbug!” Ebenezer Scrooge in Charles While the Zip Bong game brings Dickens’ A Christmas Carol. Instead, laughs, it’s anything but laughable when the name of the game describes it’s the Ebenezer you may have sung about in the hymn written by Robert your life. How is it that we zipped Robinson in 1758, “Come Thou Fount from January to December? Am I the of Every Blessing.” only one who feels as if the year has slipped by, and somehow, we’re now “Here I raise my Ebenezer;

Here by Thy great help I’ve come; And I hope, by Thy good pleasure, Safely to arrive at home.” It’s the Ebenezer that causes little children to pull on their parents’ coat sleeves for a modern translation, “How do I raise my Ebenezer?” The answer is as simple as a box of rocks. Ebenezer means “stone of help.” In the first half of the Bible, it was a stone. It was a memory rock that helped people remember that God helped them in the past, and He would be there for them in the future as well. People still use Ebenezer reminders today. I read about an older woman who keeps an old suitcase by her front door to remind her that this world is not her home; she’s living in heaven one day. I have a stuffed bunny near my computer where I write. It’s ratty and worn after 46 years. It was a gift from my dad when I was five years old and very sick in the hospital. During my nine-day hospitalization, that bunny stayed by my side. Today it’s an

Ebenezer that daily reminds me of my dad’s love and my Heavenly Father’s healing. Best-selling author Ann Voskamp encourages readers to use Ebenezers for their efforts. “Mark little milestones! Celebrate! The little things! A treat at the end of the day, end of the week, end of the project, end of the term. Take a happy, thumbs up picture to mark your progress! Make an album of a year, of the process, of the overcoming.” We raise our Ebenezer every time we mark moments and remember. Whether we use memory rocks, milestones, take pictures, or stick pen to paper and write one sentence of gratitude a day, it is the stick that slows the zip as we savor the life gifted to you and me. Lenae Bulthuis muses about faith, family, and farming from her back porch on her Minnesota grain and livestock farm. Her blog can be found online at and she can be reached via email at v

Try these favorite drink recipes to toast the new year milk, cinnamon, nutmeg and vanilThe holidays are here, la and slowly bring mixture to a you’re busy preparing low boil. Meanwhile, in a large menus, baking cookies and bowl, whisk egg yolks with sugar getting ready for merriuntil yolks are pale in color. Slowly ment-a-plenty. Don’t overadd hot milk mixture to egg yolks look one big item though — in batches to temper the eggs and the beverages. A good bevwhisk until combined. Return mixerage can elevate your holiture to saucepan and cook over day gathering to the next COOKING medium heat until slightly thick level. Here’s some traditionWITH KRISTIN (and coats the back of a spoon) al and unique holiday By Kristin Kveno but does not boil. (If using a candy drinks that will put a smile thermometer, mixture should reach on everyone’s face! 160 degrees.) Remove from heat and stir in The classic eggnog; it seems that people heavy cream and, if using, booze. Refrigerate either love it or hate it. At my house, everyone until chilled. When ready to serve, garnish with loves this thick, rich, taste treat; we just can’t whipped cream and cinnamon. get enough of it. Here’s a delicious recipe for n homemade eggnog. Classic Eggnog a50609/classic-eggnog-recipe/ 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract 6 large egg yolks 1/2 cup granulated sugar 1 cup heavy cream 1/3 cup bourbon or rum (optional) whipped cream, for serving In a small saucepan over low heat, combine

A light slightly bubbly drink featuring apple and cranberry is perfect accompaniment to any holiday meal. It’s also a hit with kids and adults alike. The sprig of rosemary on top gives the drink the perfect adornment. Apple Cranberry Spritzer g3122/christmas-mocktail-recipes/ apple juice cranberry juice

Sprite cranberries rosemary In a glass mix equal parts apple juice and cranberry juice. Add a dash of Sprite. Garnish with cranberries and a sprig of rosemary. n Bellinis are yummy with that delectable peach flavor and some bubbles. This drink features the same taste but without the alcohol so the whole family can enjoy this fun beverage. A Baby Bellini would be the perfect drink for a fun brunch. Baby Bellini

sweet like milk chocolate but rather a dark chocolate taste. It’s rich, it’s decadent and it’s delicious. Thick and Rich Drinking Chocolate 2-1/4 cups nonfat milk 1/2 cup unsweetened cocoa powder 1/4 cup sugar 1-1/2 tablespoons cornstarch Combine milk, cocoa, sugar and corn starch in a large saucepan. Cook over medium heat, whisking often until steaming. Continue to cook, whisking constantly until it comes to a boil, then remove from heat. This time of the year calls for the perfect beverage to accompany a table 2 ounces peach nectar or juice full of wonderful food. Don’t forget to 2 ounces sparkling cider or ginger ale (or more add one of these tasty drinks to your to fill glass) menu this holiday season. They prooptional garnish: peace slice vide just the right amount of pizazz to Pour the peach nectar into a champagne flute. any gathering. Slowly add the sparkling cider. Garnish with a Kristin Kveno scours the internet, peach slice, if available. pours over old family recipes and n searches everywhere in between to find If drinking your dessert is wrong, then I don’t interesting food ideas for feeding your want to be right. This isn’t regular hot chocolate, crew. You can reach Kristin at v this is thick chocolate that you drink. It’s not

PAGE 6 — “Where Farm and Family Meet”

THE LAND — DECEMBER 27, 2019/JANUARY 3, 2020

AURI decorticator will aid Minnesota hemp growers By DICK HAGEN The Land Staff Writer Emeritus MINNEAPOLIS — At the Nov. 6 AURI Conference, “Building an Industrial Hemp Industry in Minnesota,” in Minneapolis, conversations varied on the future of the hemp industry in Minnesota. By 1943, prompted by WW II demands for rope, Minnesota had 11 hemp plants located across its farming landscape. All those Minnesota hemp processing plants of World War II shut down quickly after the war. There suddenly was no military demand, and U.S. products — especially cotton, rapidly launched. So what’s happening now? Why the intense interest in hemp farming today? Is it driven by the food industry? By the medical world? By other uses? That’s a good question for Harold Stanislawski, AURI spokesperson who has willingly become a key answer man for many pondering what’s driving the hemp industry.

Said Stanislawski in a brief visit with The Land at the hemp conference, “The food side is a big one. Industrial hemp for food oil and hemp hearts is on the market and going great. But what we’re talking about here today is the future of hemp in the expanding CBD introduction into foods. It does not have FDA approval, but this was big talk here at this conference. So we need to be very careful about not overstepping their bounds.” So isn’t hemp’s value as a ‘health tonic’ now a major driver? “Yes, there are a lot of people into CBD for pain relief. I know a lot of people personally that get some benefit from that. A life with less pain is good, right?” Stanislawski even admits the Minnesota brewers using hemp to add flavor to the Minnesota brew are making progress also. But the Nov. 6 event focused on the many rules and regulations which both entice and discourage Minnesota farmers wanting to take a serious look at adding hemp into their crop rotations. So what’s ahead?

Stanislawski answered carefully, “I think it’s figuring out all these rules and regulations and trying to set a platform that could be a regulatory environment for hemp long term. But it’s also Harold for farmers wanting to Stanislawski diversify their income by putting a new crop into their landscape. That’s a noble cause, potentially economically rewarding, and we should do everything we can to support that ambition.” But is the State of Minnesota so concerned about having the right rules in place that farmers who want to be entrepreneurs with this new crop are getting turned off? Yes, Stanislawski admits to hearing some of those comments. “But I think the State of Minnesota has a good idea and understanding of what can be done. The Department of Ag has done a good job of explaining and informing people what can be done here in our state. So I do believe we have a good platform for grower success. But federally, there are still questions to be answered.”

Remarking to his slide presentation earlier, which noted 46 states are working with hemp production programs, Stanislawski added, “I would expect crowds like we have here today are showing up at all the other states now launching their own industrial hemp programs. I was at a North Dakota event last week which had 200 people attending.” So can MDA keep up with the applications to become a licensed hemp grower? “I think they have ways of working that through,” Stanislawski thought. “I have all the confidence our Commissioner and his staff will get the job done.working with local units of government if they have to. They’ll figure it out.” AURI now has a decorticator machine coming to its Waseca lab. The decorticator is a machine that separates the hemp stem from the inner core. By breaking these stems apart, you can get to the usable fibers of that stalk, explained Stanislawski. “That machine now at Waseca will let us do this process for area hemp growers so they have a more knowledge of the value of their product which eventually will end up in an end-user market.” v

Everyone seemed to dig the 2019 Ploughing Championship By TIM KING The Land Correspondent,

Mitchell of Scotland, and secondplace winner Eamonn Tracey of Ireland. Editor’s note: Back in January, Tim King spoke with “My dad finished second in both Gene and Hailey Gruber who grass and stubble ground, taking were preparing for the 2019 third over all,” Hailey said. World Ploughing Championship Hailey, who took sixth place last which was taking place in year when the contest was held in Minnesota. King recently checked Hofgut Einsiedel Germany, did in with the Grubers to hear their not compete. Hailey, who is now tournament experiences. seventeen, was happy to be a RICHMOND, Minn. — The member of the host country 2019 World Plowing contest was team that worked in the backheld Aug. 30-31 near Baudette, ground to make sure that Minn. on the Lake of the Woods things went smoothly. which spans both the Canadian “I helped organize the competition Province of Ontario and the State of along with other members of the United States Minnesota. Gene Gruber, from Ploughing Organization,” she said. “We were in Richmond, Minn., and his daughter Hailey both parcharge of making sure all of the ploughmen, coaches ticipated in the event which was attended by around and other out-of-country people had what they need2,000 people from across the globe. ed. We were also in charge of having all the land Gene Gruber, who won the plowing contest in 2017 ready to be ploughed.” when it was held in Kenya, took third in the contest The efforts of the hosts paid off. International visi— finishing behind first place winner Andrew B. tors seem to have been happy with the event.

“The weather was super for all of the event,” Anna Marie McHugh, General Secretary of the World Plowing Organization in County Kildare, Republic of Ireland, said. “There was dew in the morning, but then it was perfect. I would suspect that all the visitors had a superb experience at Lake of the Woods. It was quite a unique and remarkable place and the soil was beautiful for ploughing too.” Following the international competition, the U.S. Ploughing Organization held its annual national competition. Jacob Loehr, of Belgrade, Minn. took first place in Senior Open Class and Lyle Grimm, of North English, Iowa, took first place in Senior Antique Class. “My father and I did not compete in Nationals due to the fact that we were very busy helping the other countries pack up their tractors and ploughs into the containers and trailers,” Hailey said. The 2020 World Plowing Contest will be held in St. Petersburg, Russia. Hailey isn’t going to that competition. “I am aiming to make it to the contest in Ireland in 2021,” she said. v

THE LAND — DECEMBER 27, 2019/JANUARY 3, 2020 — “Where Farm and Family Meet”


Sjostrom: Dairy profit margins are hard to find By Tim King The Land Correspondent Editor’s note: In June, The Land interviewed Lucas Sjostrom, the executive director of Minnesota Milk Producers Association. Much has happened in the dairy industry since then and Sjostrom agreed to update readers on some of the questions we asked in mid-year. The Land: When we talked last, the Minnesota Legislature had just passed MMPA-supported legislation to help small and medium sized dairies sign up for the Dairy Market Coverage Program under the new farm bill. Have farmers been taking advantage of that? How has the state rebate program been working out? How about the federal Market Coverage program? Sjostrom: Minnesota farmers did take advantage of the state DAIRI program, and the federal Dairy Margin Coverage program. With final payments coming in November, the DAIRI program should end up returning about $40 per cow to Minnesota’s dairy farmers with less than 700 or so cows, which enticed them to pay $225 per cow over five years into the federal Dairy Margin Coverage program. That new federal insurance program (DMC – Dairy Margin Coverage) has also paid dairy farmers back who enrolled at the highest levels this year. Hopefully, it won’t need to be used again over the next four years, but about 1,800 of Minnesota’s 2,500 dairy farms have enrolled in both programs to my knowledge. The Land: In June we talked about MMPA’s interest in supporting all dairies — large, medium, and small. When Secretary Perdue spoke at the World Dairy Expo he seemed to be saying dairy operators should get big or get out of the business. Do you continue to believe there is still a place in the industry

for small and medium sized operators? Why or why not? Sjostrom: From the additional information I read, including people who were there, I don’t think Secretary Perdue’s wording was used in context. We do think it is true that this is the fastest-changing time in the dairy industry in a long time; maybe ever. Dairy farmers are stretching their minds and checkbooks to figure out how to stay in business, or figuring out how to exit, unfortunately. There are many ways to make a margin in the dairy business, but increasingly that secret formula is difficult to find. For some it might be changing the size of their dairy and acreage; for others it might be doing custom work or finding non-dairy income; and for some it might simply be doing things a little bit better in the way they are already doing it. Minnesota Milk wants to provide risk management tools to help dairy farmers succeed through whatever way they think is best, but we do not believe you can categorize a dairy farm into size categories. What dairy farms have for cow numbers, labor, machines/technology, young stock, steers, cooperative equity, acreage, and trucking varies so greatly that we cannot just imagine that every “100-cow dairy” — or fill in the blank at any size — is the same as the next one. The Land: Are you still hopeful for a new NAFTA? Labor seems opposed to the new deal. Why can’t agriculture and labor get on the same page? Sjostrom: We have been following the new NAFTA/ USMCA very closely. It feels like there should be a positive vote if the vote were taken today, but unfortunately that hasn’t happened yet. Labor and agriculture have different interests. I do not think we are on opposing sides, but we definitely look at trade

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Lucas Sjostrom

agreements differently when it comes to what any trade deal might do to potential sales, economic activity, wages, tax revenue, and jobs in our specific sectors. This tension is pretty natural, and I think there is room for agreement as things keep working. The Land: What are MMPA’s legislative priorities for the next

year or two? Sjostrom: Minnesota Milk will finalize our 2020 legislative priorities at our annual meeting, exposition and convention at Treasure Island Resort and Casino on Dec. 4. However, besides continuing efforts to enhance U.S. dairy trade and make dairy labor more available, at the state level we are hopeful that we have better Minnesota tax conformity on Sections 179 and 199A — the Domestic Production Activities Deduction — as well as more credit within state and federal conservation programs for the alfalfa that cattle farmers grow. Our Clean Water Fund in Minnesota produces about $220 million per biennium, and we believe if more of that was returned to farmers we would be enhancing our land and water even faster. The Land: In June you said Minnesota’s dairy farmers were struggling, in part, because it was difficult to find financing. Has the overall outlook for the dairy industry changed since June? If so, are things better or worse? Sjostrom: The 2019 outlook for dairy farming improved significantly in October and early November as cheese prices saw a swift uptick. However, this gets most farms just above breakeven, and has not started to account for the years of extended loans of lines of credit for many farmers. So unfortunately, some farms may show an on-paper profit this year while actually being deeper in debt; and that is causing concern among lenders. Again, each farm is in a different situation in terms of animals and acres, but also where their debt situation stands. v

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PAGE 8 — “Where Farm and Family Meet”

THE LAND — DECEMBER 27, 2019/JANUARY 3, 2020

Plans already being made for next year’s corn crop By DICK HAGEN The Land Staff Writer Emeritus WILLMAR, Minn. —Hemp is creating big chatter with Minnesota farmers these days. But not yet for Kirby Hettver, a DeGraff, Minn. farmer and past president of the Minnesota Corn Growers Association. 2019 was not a good year for any crop in most Minnesota farming area and that includes hemp. Interviewed at the MCGA PreResolution’s Meeting in Willmar, Minn. on Dec. 4, Hettver said, “We looked at (hemp) for our operation; but at this stage, too many risks which we can’t mitigate. Not only growing the crop, but processing, delivery and most important, revenue. Marketing appears the issue. But I’ll admit the potential for the crop with all its many uses does make it intriguing. Big thing now is CBD oil. Looking at industrial options down the road might make hemp a more scalable crop. There needs to be a lot of settling within the industry. There’s no doubt we can figure out how to grow the crop. The struggles are harvesting and where is the market place?” But Hettver is always ready to talk corn. So this question for starters: What’s the breakeven for corn going to

be in 2020 — especially if you struggle with wet fields again next spring? “We farmers are an optimistic bunch,” Hettver replied. “As we make plans for 2020, we have to Kirby Hettver assume we’ll get our crop planted. So at this stage we’re proceeding with the usual plans of getting our crops in the ground. But I am worried some of the prevent plant acres from this year will be repeated for next year. Too many guys I talk with who did prevent plant last year, and tried for a hay crop or a cover crop for better soil health, couldn’t even get their prevent plant ground worked this fall. Still too wet. There’s a realistic shot we could be facing the same challenge next spring.” How do you read the mood of farmers these days? Are some reconsidering an earlier departure from farming because of continuing market uncertainties? “That’s obviously an individual decision, but we’re starting to see what I think will be a big transition in the next few years,” Hettver said. “Lots of guys out there who have done a phenomenal job building their farm over the years.

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MDA seeks candidates As winter rolls in and outdoor work gives way to paper work and year-end books, how about taking a few minutes to become a candidate for election to the Minnesota Soybean Research & Promotion Council ? It’s that time of year again, and the Minnesota Department of Agriculture (MDA) is seeking candidates for commodity council elections. There are five Council seats up for election in 2020. Interested participants must fill out a candidate certification form and a candidate biography form. Benefits of becoming a MSR&PC director include: The chance to make an impact and assist in the future of Minnesota soybean farmers; input into

the investment of Minnesota soybean checkoff dollars; an opportunity to be recognized as a leader in the field of soybean agriculture; the ability to attend one national USB board meeting per year; and the opportunity to develop and enrich your strategic business management skills. Interested candidates can download the necessary forms at msrpc (scroll down to the bottom of the page). All biographical and candidate certification forms are due to the Minnesota Soybean office by Jan. 27, 2020. This article was submitted by the Minnesota Soybean Growers Association. v

But if they don’t have a transition plan, like a child ready to take over, they’re beginning to think this isn’t fun anymore. What are my options?” Hettver is already underway with transition planning. “We’re just completing that with the generation before my brother and I. So hopefully we’ll get that paperwork done in the next 6 to 9 months. Hopefully I’ve got 20 years left, but it’s time now to start developing for that next transition.” How does Hettver look at the 2020 crop year? “It’s too easy to second-guess yourself,” he admitted. “Some years forward pricing worked good; some years it didn’t. We’re trying to maintain some consistency in how much we preprice. We use our crop insurance as a gauge. When we see the market giving us opportunity we’ll make sales up to that point. Hopefully the over-production above our APH will let us play a little bit more with those bushels. But the bottom line for us: consistency in our marketings.” The Hettvers do not own shares in an ethanol plant, so pre-determined corn deliveries aren’t in their play book. “But we deliver a lot of our corn to end users,” he said. “We have the benefit of selling some of our corn crop directly as forage to some of the nearby dairies. We also have a haylage market with these operations. So what doesn’t get fed to livestock, a large part of our yearly production goes to the ethanol market.” There’s an added benefit of selling to a big dairy operation. A lot of the manure from that dairy farm gets back to Hettver farmland. “We do our best to work with the dairies to match our needs up with theirs. That means coming up with a plan each year that works for both of us. We try to be flexible. And that can mean flexing in alfalfa acres, silage acres to best meet their needs as well.” Are cover crops included in this overall strategy? Yes, indeed. Hettver simply said, “We’re committed to improving the overall health of our soils and cover crops are part of that process. On our prevent plant acres this year we used cover crops. In fact they are still out there. We will strip till those fields in the spring when or if the fields are fit. Then we will plant corn. But we’re looking at some of the research, the innovation grant stuff that Minnesota

Corn Growers is funding, specifically to see how we can do in-season seeding of cover crops.” “I’ve had the good fortune of sitting in on some committees with cover crop experts. That simply helps. There’s not much of that being done in our area. But being able to talk with someone who has done it already and who is willing to share the strategies to make it work is very important to me.” Yes, biofuels, ethanol and ongoing controversies over the oil industry not fulfilling their obligations are predictable chatter at any meeting of corn growers. And now electric cars and their impact on future ethanol sales are included. So I asked Hettver, Is your wife going to talk you into buying an electric car for her? He chuckled, “She’s much more into biofuels because she understands how much that product impacts us and our commitment and 24,000 Minnesota corn farmers to the Minnesota corn industry producing food, feed and fuel.” In fact, Hettver had some issues discussing the ramifications of electric power for America’s auto industry. “I think the day that happens is when my wife and I decide retirement is where we’re at and we may not be located in a rural area — such as a metro area — where our annual mileage isn’t what it is out here in rural Minnesota.” So will electric cars never be in the Hettver lifestyle? “Never say never,” he cautioned, “but it’s not likely until/if we move to a city.” How will the wanna-be younger folks find a way into production agriculture? “It’s going to be tough,” replied Hettver. “I touched on the big transition likely to happen with older farmers getting out of agriculture. The capital costs of getting into farming for some of these younger people will be the biggest roadblock. It’s prohibitive to a lot of younger people who might want to enter into farming.” Is niche-farming going to be a bigger factor? Are small farming operations just producing some meats, or eggs and vegetables for local families more likely? “The market is there because the demand is in place, and likely to be growing,” Hettver acknowledged. “But we’re going to let the consumer decide if that niche needs to grow or not.” v

THE LAND — DECEMBER 27, 2019/JANUARY 3, 2020 — “Where Farm and Family Meet”

Stromwall animals live out their days in comfort

By RICHARD SIEMERS The Land Correspondent EDEN VALLEY, Minn. — You won’t find an animal at Broken Roads Ranch that doesn’t have a name. The livestock currently includes 12 goats, three miniature donkeys, two pigs, eight roosters, one duck, two dogs, and enough cats that any mouse headed in that direction should consider an alternate route.

Charlene and Jeff Stromwall

Photos by Richard Siemers

Jeff and Charlene Stromwall operate Broken Roads Ranch as a rescue and sanctuary for farm animals whose owners no longer want them or are no longer able to care for them. They moved to their Eden Valley farm site in 2015 and filled to capacity quicker than they anticipated. “It was meant to start slow,” Jeff said. The plan was to get built up and ready to run at full throttle when he retired from the road as a trucker. In preparation, they researched sanctuaries and got their 501(c)3 status from the Internal Revenue Service. Charlene set up a web page and published it. They weren’t expecting the response. “It went crazy — exploded,” Charlene said, “call after call.” They knew when they moved to the farm that they wanted animals, maybe “a hobby farm with a couple animals,” Charlene said. Jeff grew up with horses and always wanted a donkey. He credits Charlene with making the suggestion that if they were going to have animals, why not provide a home for farm animals that someone else no longer wanted or could not care for. See STROMWALL, pg. 10



PAGE 10 — “Where Farm and Family Meet”

THE LAND — DECEMBER 27, 2019/JANUARY 3, 2020

Proper veterinary care is a big expense for the ranch STROMWALLS, from pg. 1B “Everyone wants a cute animal,” Jeff said, but eventually the animal grows up and no longer fits in the family. Their menagerie arrived under varying circumstances. Jeff did not want the first animal they received to find itself alone in the barn, so they purchased two goats — Willy and Waylon — to be “ambassadors” to the rescued animals and to give Charlene experience at caring for livestock. The first rescue was Popsicle, a Muscovy duck, found half-frozen by a freeway with an injured leg. Next came a quartet of goats (which they named after the Golden Girls: Blanche, Sophia, Dorothy and Rose; and say they have personalities to match) from a woman who had cancer and did not want them sold for slaughter. Others followed. A miniature donkey and two other goats from a couple who ON THE COVER: Charlene tends to a miniature donkey who had already been rescued by one party who had grown too old to properly care for the animal.

initially rescued them from a farmer who was going to dispose of them, but had grown too old to care for the animals and wanted to find a “forever home” for them. Two more miniature donkeys that had been used as pack animals on trail rides. A miniature pig that was rooting up its owner’s backyard. (Each of their animals comes with a story, some of which are told at their website: When the Stromwalls first started their enterprise, some folks looked suspiciously at them as animal activists. The Stromwalls emphasize they don’t support the activities of such organizations, and Jeff said he isn’t even a vegetarian. They just want animals to be treated well, and they are dedicated to providing for animals that others no longer want. The animals at Broken Roads Ranch are not worked or used to make money.





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(The one exception would be bagging and selling donkey manure, if Jeff can find a system to dry it.) Nor are they a petting zoo, though they will welcome visitors by appointment. They like to educate visitors about animals. Jeff and Charlene find working with the animals to be therapeutic. After being out in the “rude world” of trucking, Jeff likes to take a cup of coffee and sit with the animals to regain a sense of normality. There is one person with a traumatic past who will come to sit and pet the goats “for therapy.” Charlene is contemplating events for senior citizens and nursing home residents — many of whom have a farm background. For the Stromwalls, this is all about the animals, and seeing that they are able to live out their lives in a peaceful environment. They consider Broken Roads Ranch as being a retirement home for the animals. And like a retirement home, it can be expensive. One of their largest expenses, along with feed costs and electricity, is veterinary bills. “The minute I even think an animal has something wrong, it’s a vet call,” said Charlene. These are not typical calls for local veterinarians. Goats are not a common animal in the area. Even more, most vets are not accustomed to treating elderly animals. “Treating goats that are two to three years old, they usually don’t make it that long,” Jeff said. Nor do pigs — like their 500-pound sow, Wilma. The Stromwalls are impressed how their local veterinarians have risen to the challenge. They’ve gone on the internet to tap the experience of other vets. One now carries a book on goats in her truck. The numerous calls and all of this time and effort is expensive. That is why they are set up as a nonprofit, so they can receive tax-deductible contributions. They are grateful that a post on Facebook about some expense will bring a donation from someone they do not know. They have one annual fundraising event, a Lemonade Social, which includes a garage sale and bake sale. Many people

dropped off donations for the garage sale. “We’re not a national organization,” Jeff said, “just a little farm in Eden Valley, Minn. and these people come from everywhere and give us money because they love what we’re doing.” The Stromwalls also love what they are doing — even if it means less material benefits for them. Charlene said, “We decided when we started this we could either live a moderate life, or be poor. When you are a real rescuer, you are financially poor. We don’t have money, but we’re rich in a whole different way.” As for the name, Broken Roads Ranch, that was inspired by a country song, “Bless the Broken Road,” which includes the words: “This much I know is true, that God blessed the broken road that led me straight to you.” Jeff explained, “The reason it’s called Broken Roads Ranch is because of her and I, the broken roads we came from. Our two broken roads brought us together … broken roads led us to each other which led us to do this.” “And every animal here came from a broken road,” Charlene added. How much of a difference can one couple on a small acreage in central Minnesota make? There are many animals out there and only a limited number of farm animal sanctuaries, so you have to stay focused on what you can do. “We can’t save them all,” Jeff said, “but if you go talk to Baxter (a miniature donkey), it makes a difference to him. He has a good life. It made a difference to Sage (an Appaloosa mare) for the last year of her life.” Jeff and Charlene Stromwall are dedicated to what they can do because they know it is making a difference to each animal to whom they are giving a home to live out its life. And if the animals are happy, they’re happy. Their website is brokenroadsranch. org. Visitors are welcome if they have scheduled ahead of time. Please don’t just drop in. Email is Follow the Stromwalls on Facebook at facebook. com/brokenroadsranch. To find organizations in Iowa and Minnesota involved in similar work, go to and click on the state. v

THE LAND — DECEMBER 27, 2019/JANUARY 3, 2020 — “Where Farm and Family Meet”


Analyzing 2019 and 2020 farm program decisions The farm program choices which are culated at the county-level, will now be part of the 2018 farm bill have been disused for determining ARC-CO benchmark cussed for a long time, and the time to and actual county yields for ARC-CO paymake the initial farm program decisions ments. The National Ag Statistics Service for 2019 and 2020 has now arrived. yields, which were the primary yield source in the last farm bill, will now be Important details regarding 2019 and used as a secondary yield data source. The 2020 Farm Program sign-up RMA yields will include “trend-adjusted” Enrollment for the 2019 and 2020 farm yields for county calculations. program is from now until March 15 at FARM PROGRAMS local U.S. Department of Agriculture Farm ARC-CO payments will be based on the Service Agency offices. Producers have county where an FSA farm unit is located, By Kent Thiesse until June 30 to sign-up for the 2020 rather than the county of the FSA program. Farm program sign-up for administrative office of the producer the 2021-2023 crop years will be from (as existed in the last farm bill). For October (the previous year) through producers with FSA administrative March 15 (program year). farm units in multiple counties, ARC-CO revenues Eligible crops include corn, soybeans, wheat, oats, will be “weighted” according to the base acres that barley, grain sorghum, long grain rice, medium/short are physically located in a county. grain rice, temperate japonica rice, seed cotton, dry Calculations for county benchmark prices and peas, lentils, large and small chickpeas, peanuts, yields will no longer include the data from the previsunflower seed, canola, flaxseed, mustard seed, rape- ous year, due to the annual farm program choice. For seed, safflower, crambe, and sesame seed. example: 2019 benchmark prices and yields are Eligible producers will be able to choose between based on the “olympic average” (drop the high and the price-only Price Loss Coverage (PLC) and reve- low) for 2013-2017. nue-based Ag Risk Coverage (ARC) program choices The reference prices for PLC and ARC-CO profor the 2019 and 2020 crop production years. grams will be established at the greater of the miniBeginning with the 2021 crop year, producers will be mum (current) reference prices or 85 percent of the able to make an annual election between the ARC market year average price for the most recent five and PLC program choices. The ARC program choice years, excluding the high and low year. The reference includes both the county-yield based ARC-CO pro- price can not exceed 115 percent of the minimum gram choice and the ARC-IC program, which is reference price. Due to lower market year average based on farm-level yields. price levels in recent years, the 2019 and 2020 referThe farm program choice between the PLC and ence prices for corn, soybeans, and wheat will be at ARC-CO farm program choices will be specific to the minimum levels, which are: corn, $3.70/bushel; each eligible crop, and the choice can vary from farm soybeans, $8.40/bushel; and wheat, $5.50/bushel. unit to farm unit for the same crop. The ARC-IC proCalculation formulas, etc. for the PLC, ARC-CO gram must be applied to all covered commodities on and ARC-IC programs will remain similar to the a given farm unit, and all farm units in a State that farm programs in the last farm bill. PLC payments are enrolled in ARC-IC must be considered together are made when the final market year average price in one calculation. falls below the reference price for a crop. ARC-CO Crop base acres will remain at current levels for all payments are made when the final county revenue crops on most farms. The only adjustments in base (county yield times market year average price) falls acres will be for crop acres that were added via land below the benchmark revenue for a given crop. purchases or land rental agreements, for unassigned Calculations for the ARC-IC program are the same generic base acres from the last farm bill, or for acres as for ARC-CO, except ARC-IC uses farm-level yield that are no longer eligible for farm program pay- data and considers all crops on a farm unit together. PLC and ARC-CO payments are paid on 85 percent ments. of crop base acres, and ARC-IC payments are paid on Producers will have the opportunity to update 65 percent of base acres. their FSA farm program payment yields beginning Calculation formulas for the PLC and ARC-CO prowith the 2020 crop year. Yield updates will be based grams are as follows: on the average farm yields for the 2013 to 2017 crop years on planted acres for eligible crops, which will PLC payment per crop base acre equals (reference be factored down to 81 percent for corn and soybeans, price minus market year average price) times FSA and 90 percent for wheat. If the updated yields are program yield multiplied by 85 percent. (If the final lower than current levels, producers can choose to market year average price is higher than the referkeep their current FSA program yields. The farm ence price, there is no PLC payment.) program yields are used to calculate PLC payments ARC-CO benchmark revenue guarantee per acre on individual FSA farm units. equals county benchmark yield times benchmark Risk Management Agency yields that are used for price multiplied by 86 percent. Final ARC-CO revecrop insurance yield calculations, which will be cal- nue per acre equals final county yield multiplied by


final market year average price. ARC-CO payment per base acre equals (benchmark revenue guarantee minus final revenue) multiplied by 85 percent. (If the final revenue is higher than the benchmark revenue, there is no ARC-CO payment.) Key points to remember about the 2019 and 2020 farm program decision Producers will have more flexibility by being able to make an initial farm program choice is for 2019 and 2020, followed by making an annual choice from 2021-2023. Producers can change the farm program choice on different FSA farm units for the same crop. Producers can make a different fam program choice for each crop on a FSA farm unit, if they choose either the PLC or ARC-CO program choice. If ARC-IC is chosen on a FSA farm unit, the benchmark and actual revenue for all crops raised during that year on that farm unit are considered in calculations. If multiple FSA farm units are enrolled in ARC-IC, all farm units in a state are considered in ARC-IC calculations. Farm units with 100 percent prevent plant acres in 2019 are likely to receive the maximum ARC-IC payment. The expected ARC-CO and ARC-IC benchmark prices for 2019 and 2020 are: corn, $3.70/bushel (2019), $3.70/bushel (2020); soybeans, $9.63/bushel (2019), $9.25/bushel (2020); wheat, $5.66/bushel (2019), $5.50/bushel (2020). ARC-CO benchmark yields in counties for 2019 may vary significantly from the previous benchmark yields (2018) in some crops, due to the switch to using RMA yield data, rather than NASS yield data. In addition, RMA “trend adjustments” will be used for county benchmark yield calculations. Please refer to the 2019 and 2020 Farm Program Cheat Sheet table developed by Kent Thiesse to help analyze farm program decisions. See THIESSE, pg. 14

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PAGE 12 — “Where Farm and Family Meet”

THE LAND — DECEMBER 27, 2019/JANUARY 3, 2020

THE LAND — DECEMBER 27, 2019/JANUARY 3, 2020 — “Where Farm and Family Meet”


Family tradition got you here. Hope for the future will keep you going. You were made for this.


PAGE 14 — “Where Farm and Family Meet”

THE LAND — DECEMBER 27, 2019/JANUARY 3, 2020

Producers have more program flexibility in 2019 and 2020 THIESSE, from pg. 11 For more information on the PLC and ARC programs, and other details, go to the FSA farm program website at arcplc_program/index.

Firm dries hemp with radio waves

By DICK HAGEN The Land Staff Writer Emeritus ST. CLOUD — Excitement was stirring the air at the Minnesota Hemp Association’s Hemp Expo on Dec. 3. The event took place at the River’s Edge Convention Center in St. Cloud. Both morning and afternoon breakout sessions featured panel presenters touching base on virtually everything underway in the almost-booming Minnesota hemp industry. There was also a covey of exhibitors ramping up additional interest about seeds, harvesting procedures, processing and marketing. Joe Radinovich, executive director of the Minnesota Hemp Association, provided the opening welcome. ”It is with great pride MHA says ‘hello’ to the 300-plus attendees from across the industry and state,” he said. “This conference is a testament to not only the rapid growth of our state’s hemp industry but also its increasing maturation. Since its establishment in May of this year by a small but dedicated group of leaders from across the industry, MHA has grown to over 150 members and a central vision that includes three priorities: mitigating risk in the hemp industry; expanding markets for hemp; and developing processing capacity in Minnesota to drive future growth.” “Putting together a conference of this magnitude is no small feat,” Radinovich went on to say. “Thus I thank the speakers for their time and expertise; the exhibitors and sponsoring organizations for their generous financial support; and our events teams for their hours of work. Most importantly, however, I thank all you conference attendees since you are the foundation for our industry’s success.” A good example of the diversity of exhibitors at this See DryMAX, pg. 19





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Here are some good farm program web-based decision tools to assist producers: North Dakota State University ( farm-bill); Kansas State University (; Texas A & M Calculator (; and University of Illinois FarmDoc website (

agricultural-policy/farm-bill). Kent Thiesse is a government farm programs analyst and a vice president at MinnStar Bank in Lake Crystal, Minn. He may be reached at (507) 726-2137 or v

2019 and 20-20 Farm Program Decision Cheat Sheet

A guide to aid in farm program decisions for the 2019 and 2020 crop years Reasons to Choose Reasons to Choose CROP PRICE LOSS COVERAGE (PLC) AG RISK COVERAGE (ARC-CO) (Price only) (Yield and Price using County Yields) Think that the final market year average corn price Feel that final county average yields in 2019 and 2020 will be below $3.70 per bushel in 2019 or 2020. will be 15 percent or more below county benchmark yields. 2019 USDA market year average estimate = A yield reduction of 25 percent or more $3.85/bushel. will likely result in a maximum ARC-CO payment. Corn Early USDA projection for the 2020 market Think that the final market year average corn price will be year average price is $3.40/bushel. above $3.70/bushel in 2019 and 2020. Price protection from $3.70 to $2.20 Final market year average price was $3.70/bushel or lower per bushel (higher maximum payment). from 2014 to 2018. Feel that final county average yields in 2019 and 2020 will be less than 15 percent below county benchmark yields. Think that the final market year average Feel that final county average yields in 2019 and 2020 will be will be below $8.40/bushel in 2019 and 2020. slightly below county benchmark yields (3 to 5 bushels/acre) 2019 USDA market year average estimate = A yield reduction of 15 percent or more will $4.85/bushel likely result in maximum ARC-CO payment. Soybeans Early USDA projection for the 2020 market year Think that the final market year average soybean price average price is $8.85/bushel. will be above $8.40/bushel in 2019 and 2020. Want price protection from $8.40 to Final market year average price was above $6.20/bushel (higher maximum payment) $8.40/bushel from 2014 to 2018. Feel that final county average yields in 2019 and 2020 will be near or above county benchmark yields Think that the final market year average wheat Feel that final county average yields in 2019 and 2020 will be price will be below $5.50/bushel in 2019 or 2020. 15 percent or more below county benchmark yields. 2019 USDA market year average estimate = A yield reduction of 25 percent or more $4.55/bushel. will likely result in a maximum ARC-CO payment. Wheat Early USDA projection for the 2020 market year Think that the final market year average wheat price will be average price is $4.80/bushel. above $5.50/bushel in 2019 and 2020. Want price protection from $5.50 to $3.38/bushel Final market year average price was $5.50/bushel (higher maximum payment). or lower from 2015 to 2018. Feel that final county average yields in 2019 and 2020 will be less than 15 percent below county benchmark yields. Reasons to choose ARC-IC (Yield & Price using Farm Yields) ... • Separate FSA farm units with 100 percent prevent plant acres in 2019 are likely to receive the max. ARC-IC payment. • FSA farm units with a single crop that had very low yields in 2019. • FSA farm units with low yields in 2019 in a county not likely to receive 2019 ARC-CO payments. Remember ... All crops raised on an individual FSA farm unit are factored together for ARC-IC revenue calculations. All FSA farm units in a State are calculated together for IRC-IC determination. Table developed by Kent Thiesse.

THE LAND — DECEMBER 27, 2019/JANUARY 3, 2020 — “Where Farm and Family Meet”


Christmas cacti remain beautiful for many years Gifts of flowering plants are welcomed by everyone. The bright blossoms give a cheerful lift to any room. I get many questions about caring for specialty plants after the holidays and the blossoms have faded. In previous columns I have written about caring for poinIN THE GARDEN settias, amaryllis and orchids. Another popular flowering gift By Sharon Quale plant is the Christmas cactus. Schlumbergera bridgesii is the botanical name for Christmas cactus. The long green arms of the plant are attractive — even when it is not in bloom. Red and pink are the most common blossom colors, but newer cultivars come in a rainbow of colors. These plants can live for many years if well cared for and frequently are passed down from generation to generation. Thanksgiving cactus (Schlumbergera truncata), and Easter cactus (Rhipsalidopsis gaertneri) are two more popular houseplants, and differ from the Christmas cactus mainly in their time of bloom and in the shape of their leaves.

Annie’s Project to be in St. Cloud

ST. CLOUD, Minn. — University of Minnesota Extension and Compeer Financial are committed to supporting women in agriculture and the unique opportunities and challenges they face. Their collaboration with Annie’s Project brings these women together to gain valuable insights into important matters affecting their lives — all while building a network of supportive peers. Annie’s Project covers five specific risk management topics and facilitate discussions relevant to their farm business and community. Course topics will include financial reporting, human resources, legal, market risk, and production metrics. Each class of the course will be held one day per week for six weeks. Registrants should plan to attend all six sessions. Classes are Tuesday evenings from 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. with a meal served at 5:30 p.m. Dates for the classes are Jan. 21 and 28, Feb. 4, 11, 18 and 25. All classes will be held at the UMN Extension Regional Office in St. Cloud, located at 3601 18th St. S #113. The course fee is $50 and includes all meals and materials. To register, visit or call (844) 426-6733. Register as early as possible as space is limited. If you have questions about the course, contact Emily Wilmes or Katie Drewitz at 320-255-6169. This article was submitted by Emily Wilmes, University of Minnesota Extension. v

People often complain about the lack of flower blooms on a Christmas cactus. The need for high humidity, bright but filtered light, and soil kept relatively moist most of the year sets these plants apart from the majority of cacti and succulents. In order for the flower buds to set, Christmas cacti need 14 hours or more of continuous darkness per day. Keep them in a room where the lights are not on at night. After the flower buds have set, the plants can withstand light at night. Over-watering will kill Christmas cacti, but they like to be misted on a daily basis. Watering is recommend only when the soil is dry to the touch. Mist the leaves daily to maintain humidity around the plant. Too much or too little water and dramatic temperature swings can cause flower buds to drop. Maximize your specimen›s blooming period by paying attention to these factors: Soil: Use a quality potting soil rich in humus and other nutrients. Temperature: Maintain an optimal climate of 65 degrees. Light: Place the cactus in an east-facing window for moderate light and some direct sun. Fertilization: Apply a high potassium fertilizer every two weeks once buds form.

Transplantation: Re-pot your cactus each year after flowering. Holiday cacti can be very long-lived. It is possible for these plants live over 50 years. Propagating new plants is relatively easy. Take a four-inch cutting from the mother plant after it has finished blooming and put the cuttings in moist potting soil. Cover loosely with plastic wrap and let the new roots develop for a few weeks. Plant in a small planter filled with cactus potting soil. Share the new plants with friends and family to begin a new tradition. Sharon Quale is a master gardener from central Minnesota. She may be reached at (218) 738-6060 or v the Design, Installation and Sales of


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PAGE 16 — “Where Farm and Family Meet”

Featured Recipe from

“Recipes from


2 c. flour 1 or 2 drops of oil or wintergreen or other flavoring, if desired

3 c. water 3 Tbsp. alum 3 Tbsp. vegetable oil Food Coloring 1 c. salt

Boil first 4 ingredients together for 5 minutes. Remove from heat and add remaining ingredients. Should be mushy. Knead in enough flour to take stickiness away. Keep in covered container.

Recipes from Volume IV Sponsored by




THE LAND — DECEMBER 27, 2019/JANUARY 3, 2020

Calendar of Events Visit to view our complete calendar and enter your own events, or send an e-mail with your event’s details to Jan. 9-10 — Minnesota Organic Conference — St. Cloud, Minn. — Breakout session topics include marketing; organic seed; growing asparagus; animal welfare; weed control; grazing; pest control; cover crops; hemp cultivation; and food safety. Also features trade show exhibits. — Contact Cassie Dahl at Cassie.Dahl@state. or (651) 201-6134. Jan. 9 — Farm Bill Crops Education Meeting — Browerville, Minn. — Meeting will help crop producers understand decisions regarding the 2018 farm bill reauthorization of ARC and PLC programs. — Contact Katie Carr at or (612) 625-1964. Jan. 9 — Farm Crisis Community Forum — Granite Falls, Minn. — Panelists will provide information and advice for farm families who are making important short and long-term decisions. — Contact Scott DeMuth at or (320) 269-2105. Jan. 13 — Farm Bill Crops Education Meeting — Maynard, Minn. — Contact Katie Carr at or (612) 625-1964.

Jan. 15 — Produce Safety Rule Training — St. Cloud, Minn. — Topics include produce safety regulatory requirements; best practices related to worker health and hygiene; crop inputs and soil amendments; domestic and wild animals; water use and testing. Training is required for farms covered by the FSMA produce safety rule. — Contact U of M Extension at (651) 5393648. Jan. 23 — Women in Dairy: Celebrating Women in Agriculture — Hutchinson, Minn. — This session is about speaking up and sharing the real story of agriculture while celebrating strong women. — Contact Karen Johnson at or (320) 484-4303. Jan. 24-25 — Emerging Farmers Conference — St. Paul, Minn. — Conference connects farmers with advocates, educators and experts to lead healthy food access, education and economic opportunity. Topics include soil fertility, finding land to farm, USDA programs and resources, record keeping and goat/sheep husbandry. — Contact Mhonpaj Lee at (651) 433-3676.

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THE LAND — DECEMBER 27, 2019/JANUARY 3, 2020 — “Where Farm and Family Meet”



Grain Outlook Holidays see little market movement

Cash Grain Markets

corn/change* soybeans/change* St. Cloud $3.50 .00 $8.60 +.01 Madison $3.50 .00 $8.66 +.05 Redwood Falls $3.75 .00 $8.74 .00 Fergus Falls $3.32 +.07 $8.42 +.08 The following marketing analysis is for the week Morris $3.35 +.02 $8.58 +.09 ending Dec. 27. Tracy $3.81 .00 $8.75 +.04 CORN — The holiday-shortened week saw corn Average: $3.54 $8.63 continue to consolidate between $3.85 and $3.90.5 per bushel basis the March contract. It has traded Year Ago Average: $3.23 $7.87 this range since Dec. 17. The 100-day moving average Grain prices are effective cash close on Dec. 27. provided stiff resistance to the March corn on a clos*Cash grain price change represents a two-week period. ing basis until post-Christmas trading. The day after Christmas, March corn closed spot on the 100-day moving average. Very little fresh news was available to drive the trade in either direction during the week with many traders out of the office. Funds remained net short the corn PHYLLIS NYSTROM market and may cover a portion The past several weeks in the livestock markets in CHS Hedging Inc. of their position ahead of month/ the futures markets have relatively quiet. Cash marSt. Paul quarter/year-end. kets were fairly active for the most part. The interesting thing about it was that the cash market was Weekly export sales were at the low end of estimates at 24.6 million bushels, going opposite the futures market. For example, the bringing total commitments to 701.7 million bushels. cash cattle market was moving higher through the We are 43 percent behind last year’s export pace. The aforementioned period, while the U.S. Department of Agriculture is anticipating just a futures were drifting lower. 10 percent year-on-year decline in exports. We need The opposite was happening in to average 30.1 million bushels of sales per week to the hogs. Cash was slipping attain the USDA’s forecast of 1.85 billion bushels. lower while the futures were Currently, Argentine corn is 10-15 cents per bushel moving higher. The anticipation cheaper than U.S. origin into Asia. of upcoming U.S. Department of Weekly ethanol production surged to its highest Agriculture reports for both — level in 28 weeks, increasing 19,000 barrels per day plus the continued talk regardJOE TEALE to 1.083 million bpd. Ethanol stocks fell 329,000 bar- ing the Chinese potential buying Broker of U.S. ag products has kept rels to 21.5 million barrels. Margins improved 2 Great Plains Commodity these markets on edge. cents to 5 cents per gallon. Afton, Minn. The cash market for cattle has The cattle on feed may lend support for the January World Agricultural Supply and Demand Estimates been on a strong move higher report when placements were up 5 percent vs. last finally breaking through the $120 level just before year and well above the 0.9 percent average trade the USDA Cattle on Feed report which was released on Dec. 20. The results were a little negative as the guess increase. placements were a tad higher than expected. This China is warning against a possible spread of fall likely going to affect the deferred contracts in the armyworms into their high-producing northeastern live cattle futures the feeder futures prices. corn region in 2020. Last year, they infected 1.13 milAt this time, with the Christmas holiday and the lion hectares. There is no treatment for the insect that feeds on leaves and stems of corn, sorghum, New Years holiday in the middle of the next several weeks, interest by the packers is likely going to be wheat and sugarcane. light as they appear to have surrounded themselves Argentina’s corn planting is 75 percent complete, with plenty of live inventory. The futures market is slightly ahead of last year and compared to 69.6 per- more than likely to follow in a fairly quiet trade until cent on average. The dry areas of Argentina are get- after the first of the new year. It is very possible that ting smaller after recent rainfall with more rain in See NYSTROM, pg. 18 See TEALE, pg. 19

Livestock Angles Livestock futures quiet thru holidays

Grain Angles Setting goals for the year ahead As we inch closer to a new decade and close out the 2010s, it seems like the perfect time to reflect back on the past decade and recognize all the changes that have taken place. At the top of that list is the tremendous changes in the commodity markets and technology. From the technology in the equipment we drive, the seeds we plant, and the way we conduct business, there is little doubt about the amount of change that has taken place. Remember in 2010 when the top-rated cell phones were the iPhone 4, Motorola Droid X, and the BlackBerry Pearl? What does that have to do with operating your business? It has a tremendous impact on how you plan where your business is headed. If AHNNA COMPART Compeer Senior we look in the rearview mirror Credit Officer we can see the change that has Mankato, Minn. happened. From there we can look forward and anticipate the rapid amount of change will continue and perhaps even happen at a faster pace. In the next ten years, if you don’t make any changes, what will your operation look like? Is it larger or smaller; more or less diversified from where it is today; have the owners remained the same or has it been transferred to the next generation? Year-end and certainly the end of a decade is a great time to reflect on past years; but also a time look forward to set goals and make plans. Before beginning the goal setting process, it’s important to have the right people in the room: husband, wife, son, daughter, brother, owners, key employees, etc. should all be considered. When setting goals for the year(s) ahead here are some steps to follow: Step One. Reflection — Reflect on where you’ve been in the past and perform a Strength, Weakness, Opportunity, and Threat (SWOT) analysis. Write down the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of your business. During this time, I also would encourage you to reflect on previous decisions you have made and the ‘why’ behind them. Knowing what you do now, would you make that same decision today or is it time to make some changes. Asking these questions can help you shape where you are going. Remember it’s okay to change a past See COMPART, pg. 19

Information in the above columns is the writer’s opinion. It is no way guaranteed and should not be interpreted as buy/sell advice. Futures trading always involves a certain degree of risk.

PAGE 18 — “Where Farm and Family Meet”

THE LAND — DECEMBER 27, 2019/JANUARY 3, 2020

China trade news keeps soybean market optimistic NYSTROM, from pg. 17 the forecast. According to the Buenos Aires Grain Exchange, Argentina’s corn is rated 32.3 percent good/excellent vs. 37.2 percent last week. Outlook: Corn finally punched through the 100day moving average resistance heading into the weekend. It may stay in a higher consolidation mode into the Jan. 10 WASDE and Grain Stocks as of Dec. 1 reports. The day after Christmas, trading volume in corn was the lowest since Dec. 24, 2015! Fund short covering could be expected to support prices ahead of the uncertainty of the reports. Corn still standing in the field as of Dec. 1 is supposed to be included in on-farm stocks; however, how low test weight and high moisture will affect yield estimates is unclear. I would expect to see a wide range of estimates leading into the reports. For the week, March corn gained 2.25 cents to $3.90, July was 3.25 cents higher at $4.02.75, and December rose 1.75 cents to $4.03.5 per bushel. SOYBEANS — Optimism over concluding a trade deal with China spilled over into the short trading week. March soybeans closed higher in eight out of the last 10 trading sessions through Dec. 26. Friday saw a higher start, making a new high for the rally at $9.50.5 per bushel before profit taking showed up and March soybeans closed lower for just the fifth time this month. The final details of the trade agreement have not been announced, but many believe the deal will be signed in the first half of January at the White House. No date or location have been announced. Support also came from a surging soyoil market. Palm oil hit three-year highs this week on concerns of declining supplies and increasing demand. Indonesia is imposing a $50 per ton export tax to protect domestic prices after issuing a higher biodiesel mandate from 20 to 30 percent that takes effect Jan. 1.

MARKETING Here’s what we believe the agreement has in it for China: the proposed Dec. 15 tariff increase was cancelled and the United States slashed tariffs on $120 billion worth of Chinese products from 15 to 7.5 percent that were increased in September. Still in place is the 25 percent tariff on $250 billion of Chinese goods. According to news reports, the new deal provides an “out” that would reduce proposed Chinese purchases of U.S. agricultural goods if there is a drought or some other issue that significantly raised commodity prices. China this week announced plans to cut import tariffs on frozen pork, pharmaceuticals and some high-tech components beginning Jan. 1. Soybeans did not make the list, with China instead preferring to issue tariff free quotas. China is sensitive to not violating international trading rules that prohibit managed trade. In November, China imported 8.3 million metric tons of soybeans, up 54 percent from a year ago. Of the total, 2.56 mmt came from the United States. This was the biggest monthly U.S. soybean import figure since March 2018. For November, China sourced 47 percent of their soybean imports from Brazil, 31 percent from the United States, and 17 percent from Argentina. China imported 13.85 mmt of U.S. soybeans from January through November, down 13 percent from last year’s 16.41 mmt. From January through November, they imported 52.8 mmt of Brazilian soybeans, down from 61.6 mmt last year. During this time frame, China imported a total of 79.1 mmt of soybeans from all origins vs. 82.3 mmt last year. Lending support to the soy complex this week was palm oil hitting a three-year high on ideas of lower production and stocks. The Malaysian Palm Oil

Association is predicting December production down 16 percent and the Southern Peninsular Palm Oil Millers Association forecasting a 27 percent decline. The average trade estimate was for a 13-15 percent cut. On the continuous soyoil chart, prices hit their highest level since November 2017! Weekly export sales were at the bottom of expectations at 27.1 million bushels. With total commitments of 1.07 billion bushels, we are now 3 percent behind a year ago on total commitments. We need to average 20 million bushels of exports per week to hit the USDA’s target of 1.775 billion bushels. Argentina is reportedly considering lower export taxes on commodities grown at greater distances from export ports to lessen transportation differences. Export taxes on soybeans are currently 33 percent and 15 percent on corn and wheat. Argentina soybeans are 79 percent planted vs. 83 percent last year. The BAGE rates the soybean crop at 62 percent good/ excellent compared to 53 percent last week. Outlook: Soybeans may experience some setbacks after the strong rally since Dec. 12, but the uptrend is still in place on optimism for future Chinese business and soyoil strength. Improving weather in Argentina, but possible expanding dry areas in Brazil, seem to offset each other, but should be monitored. Argentina’s crop conditions improved this week and Brazil is likely to produce a record crop. For the week, March soybeans were 3.25 cents higher at $9.41.5, July gained 4.25 cents at $9.66.75, and November was 3.5 cents higher at $9.69.75 per bushel. Nystrom’s Notes: Contract changes as of the close Dec. 27: Chicago March wheat rallied 14 cents to $5.56.25, Kansas City jumped 17.5 cents to $4.79.75 and Minneapolis surged 16.75 cents to $5.53.5 per bushel. v

Concerns are common and many at MFU Convention By DICK HAGEN The Land Staff Writer Emeritus “Yes, we’ve still got the trade issues; the small refinery exemptions from ethanol. But this year more so than past years, health issues are generating lots of conversations. Struggling to make cash flow in our farming ventures was exasperated with extreme weather conditions the entire season — plus commodity prices that just aren’t working for most farmers. I think there will be the majority of us farmers who will shrug our shoulders and say, ‘glad to see this year behind us.’ Yes, 2019 was indeed a challenge.” Those comments came courtesy of Minnesota Farmers Union President Gary Wertish during the MFU convention in Minneapolis. The annual event took place Nov. 22-24. Wertish also noted the need for infrastructure spending to get broad-band internet service developed state wide; or more spending to fix roads and

bridges. “There’s always a lot of issues. We have to always be looking to the future. We can’t just ask ‘what can you do for me now?’ But for us farmers, something of immediate concern is simply getting some commodity prices that are dependable and above break-even categories. “As a farmer, we can’t really look to the future if there’s no opportunity in today’s markets. It gets down to the bottom line and that’s simply that we need a price to make a living!” Policy direction initiated during voting sessions at both county and state meetings gets directed to the National Farmers Union headquarters in Washington D. C. “Whatever we advocate today at our state convention becomes guiding factors in the policies being discussed in D.C. And from there we get our marching orders which guide us and influence our actions back here in Minnesota. Every voice counts. We’re a strong national organization with a strong voice in

Congress, in treaty negotiations, and in social and mental health issues to help relieve issues at the farm family table,” said Wertish. Also attending the MFU convention was Minnesota’s Commissioner of Agriculture Thom Petersen. “I think this ag crisis is worse than people think and I’m concerned,” he said. Petersen added he takes several calls each day from farmers struggling to make ends meet. “They’re asking me what can we do about financial aid, programs around suicide prevention, even legislation that would help them buy a few bales of hay.” “I have a big heart and want to help everybody,” Petersen went on to say. “It’s hard to hear these troubles. I just feel like I can’t always help people.” But the Minnesota Department of Agriculture now has two state-contracted rural mental health counselors who said they’ve heard from hundreds of farmers, family members, friends and others calling to learn more about resources for stress and anxiety. v

THE LAND — DECEMBER 27, 2019/JANUARY 3, 2020 — “Where Farm and Family Meet”


Think of the big picture when establishing goals COMPART, from pg. 17 decision. It’s important to be agile in an industry that is under constant transformation. Step Two. Think big picture to create your goals — When creating goals it can be helpful to start with the end result in mind. What is the big picture of where you want to be headed? After looking back on the journey that brought you to where you are today, you may have a clearer picture of where you want to be in the future. Think of step one as the starting point on your road map and this second step as your ending point the main goal. Next, identify some pit stops. Develop a mission statement to help guide you to the big picture and use objectives as your pit stops to take a moment and evaluate where you’re at periodically. Step Three. Create objectives — Objectives are general statements which give direction on areas to focus on in the pursuit of achieving the goal. They are an important part of the goal-setting process, and can be viewed as smaller steps to track and manage your progress.

Many have heard of SMART goals: specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and time-based. However, I like to have SMART objectives and broad goals. You can also outline the objectives by when, who, will do what, by how much. Step Four. Prioritize goals and objectives — After you’ve created your list of goals and objectives, you need to prioritize them. This can be done by asking yourself questions like: Which of these goals are most important to my family or farm? Do any of these goals conflict with my personal goals? Are any of these goals incompatible with other goals? Are any of these goals so important they should be implemented even if they prevent me from reaching other goals? Answering these questions may help you reassess and refine your original goals or objectives. Let’s look at some examples: Goal: To obtain profitability to sufficiently cover our family living costs and bring our son into the operation as an employee within 24 months.

Cutout prices keep lid on hog market TEALE, from pg. 17

The USDA Hogs and Pigs report will be released Dec. 23 and expectations are that there will be a 3 percent increase in the hog herd. Also expected kept for breeding an increase of 2 percent while the kept for marketing is anticipated at a 2 percent increase. All things considered, with the large premiums in the hog futures, they would appear vulnerable if these numbers are correct. The premiums have been built in anticipation of further China’s buying of pork. But if no sales appear in the next few weeks, the hog market is once again vulnerable because of that premium.

On a monthly basis, husband and wife will monitor family living expenses and work to reduce unnecessary costs. Focus on ‘day-one’ piglet care to decrease prewean mortality from 15 to 10 percent over the next 12 months, review on a weekly basis. Explore the option of raising non-GMO soybeans, food-grade soybeans, or organic soybeans for 10-15 percent of acres in 2020 and potential increase in 2021. In the next six months, owner will create job description for position which will be offered to son to outline expectations of his return to the farm. Goal: To increase communication amongst owners and key employees to reduce the amount of confusion and follow-up needed. Key employees or owners will email weekly reports to outline production, financials and important decisions made in the last week. Risk management will be assessed on a weekly basis outlining market trends, as compared to the risk management plan (open orders, filled orders, bushels to sell, etc.) Owners to meet on the second Tuesday of every month from 1-2 p.m. Agenda will be set prior to the meeting. Step Five. Share your goals — Share your goals with those who will hold you accountable. Not only does it level set the entire team working to achieve the goals, but also provides an opportunity for conversation and check points. Step Six. Review your goals — Finally, it’s important to review your goals on a regular basis and revise them as needed. The new year shouldn’t be the only time of year you look at and work on goal setting, but rather it should be done with more frequency. Those in agriculture never seem to stop moving. But I encourage you to take some time to yourself and focus on the positives. Take time this holiday season to celebrate all that has been accomplished over the last year, and the last decade.

the cattle market will be quiet in all aspects during the period. The futures will be possibly the more active in response to the cattle on feed report — especially in the deferred contracts. Producers should monitor the market and protect inventories as needed. The hog market is beginning to act very sluggish as pork cutout prices have slipped in the past few weeks. The cash prices have been relatively steady, but if the pork cutout continues to weaken, expect cash to follow to lower levels. Producers are urged to pay close attention to the Ahnna Compart is a Senior Credit Officer with The futures are carrying a fairly large premium to Hogs and Pigs report and the Chinese interest in the Compeer Financial. For additional insights from the cash at the current time and appear vulnerable to narrowing the gap unless packers become more pork market and act accordingly to protect invento- Compart and the Compeer team, visit ries. v aggressive in acquiring inventories.

Eichhorn: ‘High heat destroys the oils in hemp’ DRYMAX, from pg. 14 hemp conference was DryMAX with the intriguing tax line “Disruptive Drying Systems.” DryMAX dries hemp with radio waves! DryMAX founder Kevin Eichhorn shared a few minutes with The Land. Obviously, my first question was, what’s the advantage of drying with radio waves? Eichhorn responded, “Heat dries from the outside in. High heat can damage product … cracked corn is a common signature. High heat destroys the oils in hemp.” “Radio waves are a low cost, low energy, very gentle solution. We can push water out faster than heat — and with no damage. We’re simply turning liquid water into water vapor; separating the molecules. I

think of it as the reverse of using a magnet which attracts particles. With radio waves we’re pushing them apart.” Is radio wave drying cost competitive? Much cheaper was Eichhorn’s reply. “We’re not using much energy. And it’s all electric energy which is cheaper than propane or natural gas.” Plus, you might even avoid the financial pain of having to buy your own dryer. Eichhorn is considering custom drying directly on the farm. Mounted on flatbed trailers, his rigs can run directly to your farm. He’s much aware that drying hemp can be a challenge. “So we’re doing mobile units that can set up for three days, or a week if needed, and eliminate the

drying hassle of hemp farmers. We’ve been doing this with corn and soybean farmers. This was our first year to go commercial with hemp.” And what do your hemp farmers have to say? “They’ve loved it so far,” Eichhorn admitted. “We’ve dried in Minnesota and Colorado. We’ve dried good stuff that’s been clipped; also stuff that’s got all the stalks still attached. We’ve even dried bale stuff, but I wouldn’t encourage that process. Bales are simply that much harder to dry.” For more information, visit the website; e-mail Eichhorn at; or call (612) 770-4189. DryMAX is located at 7674 Washington Ave. S, Eden Prairie. MN 55344. v

PAGE 20 — “Where Farm and Family Meet”

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Steffes Auction Calendar 2020

For more info, call: 1-800-726-8609 or visit our website: Opening January 3 & Closing January 8, 2020 Online Steffes Auction - 1/8, Upper Midwest Locations, Timed Online Auction Opening January 17 & Closing January 22, 2020 Online Steffes Auction - 1/22, Upper Midwest Locations, Timed Online Auction Tuesday, January 28 at 12PM Quality Tested Hay Auction, Steffes Group Facility, Litchfield, MN Opening February 3 & Closing February 12, 2020 at 7PM Multi-Party Ammo & Accessories Consignment Auction, Steffes Group Facility Litchfield, MN, Timed Online Auction Opening February 3 & Closing February 13, 2020 at 7PM Multi-Party Firearm Consignment Auction, Steffes Group Facility Litchfield, MN, Timed Online Auction Opening February 10 & Closing February 19, 2020 Traverse County, MN Farmland Auction, 302± Acres, Wheaton, MN, Timed Online Auction Tuesday, February 11 at 12PM Quality Tested Hay Auction, Steffes Group Facility, Litchfield, MN Opening February 18 & Closing February 25, 2020 Russell Trust Farm Retirement Auction, Palmer, NE, Timed Online Auction Opening February 18 & Closing February 25, 2020 at 7PM Randy & Mary Wilson Farm Retirement Auction, Round Lake, MN, Timed Online Auction Opening February 25 & Closing March 5, 2020 at 7PM Byro Farms Retirement Auction, Winthrop, MN, Timed Online Auction Tuesday, February 25 at 12PM Quality Tested Hay Auction, Steffes Group Facility, Litchfield, MN Opening February 26 & Closing March 4, 2020 at 4PM Anoka County, MN Rural Residential Development Land/Investment Opportunity Auction 98± Acres, Elk River, MN, Timed Online Auction Tuesday, March 10 at 12PM Quality Tested Hay Auction, Steffes Group Facility, Litchfield, MN Opening March 20 & Closing March 30, 2020 Eugene & Delores Undem Farm Retirement Auction, Rogers, ND, Timed Online Auction Opening March 20 & Closing March 30, 2020 Ronald J. Oster Estate Farm Equipment Auction, Grenora, ND. Timed Online Auction




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ass FOR SALE: Haybuster 2100 Tillage Equip t balebuster, in good condi- 2010 JD 6330 PREMIUM or tion, w/ extra set of flail MFWD tractor-LOADED 1997 DMI Tigermate II-hammers, no longer need, with options! 3450 hrs, 24spd 36 1/2 Ft Field Cult w/ Harsold cattle. 320-630-1777 Power Quad W/LH reverser, row, Real Good. 2015 Great all front suspension, Auto Trac MF 8780 combine w/ 863 6R Ready, RH door, extra light Plains #5109--9 Shank Turbo CH, nice, $35,000; MF 9750 pkg. Very nice all around. Chisel w/ Leveler, Rental Unit 400 Acres New Cond. 25’ BH w/ trailer, very good, Retiring 319-347-6150 LM. ED $6,850; 6122 Agco White $46,900 Call 507-789-6049 SIT 12R30” planter w/ liq fert & FOR SALE: Oliver tractor Sell your farm equipment for monitor, 540 PTO hyd pump, used parts, for most models with a line ad in The Land. ate very good cond. 507-340-1001 & years. Call 218-639-0315 naOR R A HAY TOOLS USED TRACTORS E!” NEW NH T4.75, T4.90, T4.120 w/loader.. ...... On Hand New NH Hay Tools - ON HAND

ors 15’ tion 651-

NEW NH Workmaster 60, 50, 35’s/loaders ... On Hand NEW NH T9.645 ............................................. On Hand NEW Massey 4710 w/cab and loader ........... On Hand NEW Massey 4710 rops/loader..................... On Hand NEW Massey 6713 w/cab and loader ........... On Hand NEW Massey 1735 w/cab and loader ........... On Hand NEW Versatile 570DT trac .................................Just In ‘13 NH T8.275, 495 hrs ................................. $145,000 ‘12 Buhler 280..................................................$99,500 ‘09 Versatile 435 3000 hrs ............................ $128,000 ‘08 NH 8010 .................................................. $110,000 ‘08 Agco RT 155A ........................................... $83,500 ‘03 Versatile 2310, PS ..................................... $79,500 ‘96 White 6175 FWA....................................... $41,500 White 2-135 ..................................................... $13,900

TILLAGE ‘14 Sunflower 4412-05.....................................$30,000 ‘13 Wilrich QX2 60’FC w/Bskt......................... $47,500 ‘10 Wilrich QX2 37’ w/basket.......................... $38,500 ‘09 Wilrich QX 55’5 w/bskt.............................. $37,500 ‘05 CIH 730b cush. w/leads............................ $16,500 ‘03 NH ST250 40’FC w/Bskt ........................... $30,500 ‘95 JD 726, 30’ ................................................ $19,500 JD 512 9-24 blades ......................................... $12,500 JD 512 7-30 blades ............................................$8,500

PLANTERS ‘15 White 9816FS 16-30 w/Agleader .............. $83,500 ‘12 White 8186, 16-30 w/liq. fert. .................... $53,000 ‘11 White 8516 CFS, Loaded .......................... $75,000 ‘06 White 8516 cfs .......................................... $54,000 White 6122 w/bean unit ................................. $12,500


CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT NEW NH E26C mini excavator ...................... On Hand NEW NH track & wheeled skidsteers............ On Hand NEW NH L228/L220/L232 wheeled units ...... On Hand NEW NH C227/C237 track units.................... On Hand ‘06 JD 332 trac/cab h/a................................... $24,500

COMBINES NEW Fantini chopping cornhead ........................... Call ‘15 Gleaner S88 ............................................ $230,000 ‘12 Gleaner S77 ............................................ $200,000 ‘03 Gleaner R65, CDF ..................................... $85,000 ‘98 Gleaner R62 .............................................. $62,000 ‘98 Gleaner R62 .............................................. $59,000 Gleaner 3308 chopping corn heads ...................... Call Geringhoff parts & heads available

MISCELLANEOUS NEW Salford RTS Units .......................................... Call NEW Salford Plows................................................. Call NEW Unverferth Seed Tenders .............................. Call NEW Westfield Augers ........................................... Call NEW REM VRX Vacs. .............................................. Call NEW Hardi Sprayers............................................... Call NEW Riteway Rollers .............................................. Call NEW Lorenz Snowblowers ..................................... Call NEW Batco Conveyors ........................................... Call NEW Brent Wagons & Grain Carts ......................... Call NEW E-Z Trail Seed Wagons .................................. Call NEW Rock Buckets & Pallet Forks ......................... Call REM 2700, Rental ................................................... Call Pre-Owned Grain Cart ................................... On Hand New Horsch Jokers ....................................... On Hand

Thank You For Your Business! (507) 234-5191 (507) 625-8649 Hwy. 14, 3 miles West of Janesville, MN

Mon.-Fri. 7:30-5:00 • Sat. 7:30-Noon

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PAGE 22 — “Where Farm and Family Meet”

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Tillage Equip


GREAT PLAINS (2006) 36 Ft Spot, Duroc, Chester White, Series 7 Discovator/Finish- Boars & Gilts available. er w/ New Rolling Basket Monthly PRRS and PEDV. Real Good. 1992 Glencoe 28’ Delivery available. Steve FC3500 Flat Fold Field Cult Resler. 507-456-7746 (5 Bar Frame) w/ Harrow (Long Tines) Real Good. $5,900. Retiring. 319-347-6282 Sheep

Planting Equip John Deere 1760 planter, ‘08 John Deere planter, 3 bu boxes, cable drive, trash whippers, 350 monitor, planted about 400 acres a year. $29,900/OBO (or best offer) (507) 276-2387

Grain Handling Equipment FOR SALE: 2020 Neville built aluminum grain trailers, 38.5’, new condition. For photo and information call or text 218-791-3400

FOR SALE: Purebred Katahdin rams, approximately 100 lbs, 6 months old, good health, $120/each. 507-2363099

Industrial & Construction FOR SALE: ‘09 Cat H90CS breaker attachment, have spike and compactor pad, $21,500. Offers considered. 320-894-3303


PARMA DRAINAGE PUMPS New pumps & parts on hand. Call Minnesota’s largest disWanted tributor HJ Olson & Company All kinds of New & Used farm equipment - disc chisels, field 320-974-8990 Cell - 320-212-5336 cults, planters, soil finishers, cornheads, feed mills, discs, REINKE IRRIGATION balers, haybines, etc. 507Sales & Service 438-9782 New & Used For your irrigation needs WANTED TO BUY: Older diesel utility tractor w/ 3pt & 888-830-7757 or 507-276-2073 power steering in good condition. 507-236-3099 WE BUY R12 - R500 - R11 WANTED: JD 856 16x30 culti- Cert. Professionals pay $$$ for your FREON + FREE vator, also want large DMC SHIPPING or Sukup grain screener. 312-697-1976 320-894-3303 WANTED: Patz counter clockwise chain, must be in Winpower Sales & Service good shape. 320-309-4609 Reliable Power Solutions Since 1925 PTO & automatic Emergency Electric GenerLivestock ators. New & Used Rich Opsata-Distributor FOR SALE: Black Angus 800-343-9376 bulls also Hamp, York, & Hamp/Duroc boars & gilts. 320-598-3790

This is NOT for businesses. Please call The Land to place line ads.

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Cattle FOR SALE: Fresh Holstein heifers. Genetics. Free stall broke. 715-897-1544

Swine FOR SALE: Yorkshire, Hampshire, Duroc & Hamp/Duroc boars, also gilts. Excellent selection. Raised outside. Exc herd health. No PRSS. Delivery avail. 320-760-0365

Having an

AUCTION? Advertise it in The Land Call 507-345-4523


• 5/8” drum roller wall thickness • 42” drum diameter wall thickness • 4”x8” frame tubing 3/8” thick • Auto fold

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s 73 — “Where Farm and Family Meet”



ADVERTISING NOTICE: Please check your ad the first week it runs. We make every effort to avoid errors by checking all copy, but sometimes errors are missed. Therefore, we ask that you review your ad for correctness. If you find a mistake, please call (507) 345-4523 immediately so that the error can be corrected. We regret that we cannot be responsible for more than one week’s insertion if the error is not called to our attention. We cannot be liable for an amount greater than the cost of the ad. THE LAND has the right to edit, reject or properly classify any ad. Each classified line ad is separately copyrighted to THE LAND. Reproduction without permission is strictly prohibited.


GREENWALD FARM CENTER Greenwald, MN • 320-987-3177 14 miles So. of Sauk Centre



‘15 JD 690, 4x4, 1745/1160 sep hrs, CM, chopper, 650x38 tires & duals ................... $179,000 ‘14 JD 680, 2211 Eng/1561 sep hrs, CM, chopper, 650x38 duals ............................... $109,000 ‘13 JD 660, 892/1180 CM, chopper duals.............. $129,000 ‘04 JD 9760, 2268/3460 CM, chopper duals............ $50,000 ‘01 JD 9650 STS, 3014/4325 CM, chopper, duals .... $37,000 ‘00 JD 9650 STS, 2645/3623 chopper, duals ............ $37,000 ‘01 JD 9750 STS, 3013/4156 CM, chopper, duals .... $39,000 ‘14 Case/IH 5130, 660/926, Tracker, Rt, chopper ... $125,000 ‘11 Case/IH 8120, 1650/2250 Tracker, Rt, chopper, duals ................................................ $89,500 ‘11 Case/IH 7120, 1610/2200 Tracker, Rt, chopper, duals ................................................ $89,500 ‘10 Case/IH 7120, 1650/2250 Tracker, Rt, chopper, duals ................................................ $89,500 ‘09 Case/IH 7088, 1275/1807 Tracker, Rt, chopper, duals ................................................ $87,000

4WD TRACTORS ‘90 Ford 876, 8523 hrs duals .................................... $24,500 ‘15’ Case/lH 370 HD, 895 hrs, 1000 PTO, 480x50 tires & duals .......................................... $169,000 ‘14 Case/IH 370 HD, 7065 hrs, 1000 PTO duals ....... $75,000 ‘08 Case Steiger 435, 2460 hrs, power-shift, complete auto steer system, 800x38 duals... .................... $108,000


vice ‘14 Case 350 Rowtrac, 1865 hrs, 120” ons spacing, 1000 PTO ............................................ $149,000 atic ner- ‘15 Challenger MT 765E, 972 hrs, 3 pt, 1000 PTO, 25” tracks, standard gauge, 72”-88” spacing ................................................. $149,000 ‘15 Challenger MT 755E, 965 hrs, 3 pt, 1000 PTO, 25” tracks, standard gauge, 72”-88” spacing ................................................. $145,000

MOTORGRADERS ‘08 CAT 12M VHP, 3568 hrs, 14’ blade .................... $100,000


‘11 Case 580N, 4x4 cab 2540 hrs ............................. $42,000

TILLAGE JD 512, 5 shank disc ripper ........................................ $8,500 ‘10 Wishek 862NT-30, disc 30’ rock flex, good blades .......................................................... $24,000

‘14 NH T8330, 2140 hrs, MFWD 1000 pts, 3 pt 4 Valves, 380x54 rear tires & duals, 320x42 front tires & duals ..................................... $95,000 ‘13 Case/IH 290, 1400 hrs, 1000 PTO duals ........... $109,000 ‘12 Case/IH 260, 1784 hrs, loaded, 1000 PTO front duals ..................................................... $98,000 ’11 Versatile 305, 690 hrs, 1000 PTO duals ............. $95,000

CORN HEADERS ‘09 Drago 6R, 30” chopping fits JD .......................... $17,500 ‘06 Drago 8R, 30” chopping fits Case/IH Flagship ................................................................ $14,500 ‘13 Case/IH 3408 8R, 30” for Flagship ...................... $19,500 ‘02 Case/IH 2208 8R, 30” fits 1400-2000 series combines ................................................... $11,000 Case/IH 1083 8R, 30”................................................... $7,900


‘15 JD 644K, 3410 hrs, quick coupler & bkt ........... $125,000 ‘15 Volvo 90G, 4927 hrs, quick coupler & bkt .......... $85,000

ADVERTISER LISTING Agri Systems Inc ............................................................. 10 Anderson Seeds ................................................................ 16 Beck's Hybrids ........................................................ 1, 12, 13 Courtland Waste Handling ................................................ 15 Dairyland Seed Co Inc ....................................................... 3 Greenwald Farm Center .................................................... 23 Larson Brothers Implement .............................................. 23 Peterson Farms Seed........................................................... 9

‘12 Volvo 50F, 5785 hrs, QC, 2 yd bucket ................ $65,000 ‘13 Case 821F, 6485 hrs, quick coupler,

Pruess Elevator Inc .......................................................... 20

4.5 yd bucket, aux. hyd. ...................................... $79,000 ‘12 Cat 938K, 6854 hrs, quick coupler & bkt ........... $89,000 ‘09 Cat 938H, 7174 hrs, quick coupler & bkt ........... $64,000


‘15 Cat 323 FL, 3768 hrs, 40” bkt wired for grade control ...................................................... $125,000 ‘14 Komotsu PC 138US-10, 1881 hrs, quick coupler, 42” bkt, hyd thumb ..................................................... $89,000 ‘11 JD 290GLC, 3347 hrs, 12’6” stick, 42” bucket .......................................................... $110,000 ‘11 Case CX300C, 2658 hrs, 12’ stick, 54” bucket .. $110,000

SMALL EXCAVATORS ‘17 Case CX57C, cab & air, 333 hrs rubber tracks ........................................................ $50,000 ‘11 Bobcat E45EM, cab & air, 2965 hrs, rubber tracks ........................................................ $30,000

LARSON IMPLEMENTS 5 miles east of Cambridge, MN on Hwy. 95 763-689-1179

Look at our website for pictures & more listings:

Schweiss Door ................................................................. 20 Smiths Mill Implement Inc ............................................... 21 Spanier Welding ................................................................. 7 Steffes Group ................................................................... 20 U.S. Elevator & Feed Mill .................................................. 4 YMT-Vacations ................................................................ 14

507-345-4523 • 800-657-4665 PO Box 3169, Mankato, MN 56001

PAGE 24 — “Where Farm and Family Meet”

THE LAND — DECEMBER 27, 2019/JANUARY 3, 2020

This week’s Back Roads is the work of The Land Correspondent Richard Siemers.

Something to crow about


h o e v e r thought a crow could be so handsome. Even though some folks may not admire crows (though we should, the crow being one of the smartest creatures on earth), it would be hard not to like the 18-foot high black bird that reigns high above Belgrade Centennial Park. After Belgrade’s centennial celebration in 1988, the Centennial Committee wanted a lasting tribute to the people who built the community and those who continue to work that it may prosper. The park was the outcome. The crow will grab the attention of travelers, but the open expanse with a semicircular memorial wall and flags flying everywhere give more reason for people to stop — and for those with a local connection to return more than once. The crow stands closest to the highway, perched on a 31-foot long branch, all atop a 24-foot pedestal. The pedestal houses a small museum with a guestbook. Swinging around behind the crow is the wall with thousands of bricks engraved with the names of past and present residents. The

Belgrade, Minn.

wall was made large enough for future generations to continue adding their personalized bricks. Stretching away from the wall is an avenue of flags, with every state in the union represented. There are seven concrete picnic tables beneath the flags of the nations represented by early settlers in the Belgrade area: Denmark, Germany, Ireland, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland and Sweden. Many have wondered, Why a giant statue of a crow? A brochure suggests that the crow, an adaptable bird that has survived, even thrived, in the company of humans, is a symbol of the settlers who adapted and survived. Others suggest it is fitting when Belgrade is situated among “crow” named geographical features like Crow River and Crow Lake. Whatever the reason, the crow is an impressive welcome to whomever wishes to picnic, search for names on the wall, or just walk around and relax. B e l g r a d e Centennial Park is located on the west side of Highway 71 across from the southwest corner of Belgrade. v

Page 4 - December 27, 2019/January 3, 2020

THE LAND, Advertising Supplement

© 2019

Dec. 27, 2019/Jan. 3, 2020

(800) 657-4665 P.O. Box 3169, Mankato, MN 56002

MN AG EXPO is FREE to attend Register today at

FOOD FOR THOUGHT KEYNOTE SPEAKER Dr. Cindra Kamphoff is a keynote speaker, marathoner, and professor who is a high performance coach for leaders, businesses and championship teams. She helps them master their mindset so they can gain the high performance edge. She has a Ph.D. in performance psychology. She has spoken for some of the largest companies including Target, Wal-Mart, and Verizon Wireless. Cindra also works with the Minnesota Vikings, where she works individually with the players to help them train their mind. Cindra published her first book in September titled ‘Beyond Grit: Ten Powerful Practices to Gain the High Performing Edge,’ which is an Amazon Bestseller. Join us on Thursday, January 23 for lunch to hear Dr. Cindra Kamphoff’s keynote “Beyond Grit.”

YOUR MN AG EXPO PARTNERS Minnesota Corn Growers Association works closely with the Minnesota Corn Research & Promotion Council. MCGA identifies and promotes opportunities for Minnesota’s 24,000 corn farmers while building connections with the non-farming public. Find out more at The Minnesota Soybean Growers Association (MSGA) monitors government policies to improve the profitability of soybean farmers throughout the state. Simply put, MSGA looks out for the best interest of soybean farmers in St. Paul and Washington, D.C. Visit for more information.

January 22-23, 2020

Mankato Civic Center

Register at

Mankato, Minn.

Driving Innovation

Page 2 - December 27, 2019/January 3, 2020

THE LAND, Advertising Supplement

2020 EXHIBITOR LIST Adrian Seed Co. Ag Focus Ag Solutions, LLC Ag Spray Equipment AGI SureTrack Agnition AgXplore Archer Daniels Midland Company AURI Azgard Solar Inc. Beck’s Hybrids Blethen Berens Blue Horizon Energy Brushvale Seed, Inc. Calyxt CHS CFS Corteva Agriscience Country Financial Country Enterprises Croptomize DEKALB ASGROW - Bayer Ellingson Water Management Environmental Tillage Systems

Evo Roof Technologies Global Ag Risk Solutions Gold Country Seed Grain Millers, Inc Green Energy Products Green Shield Overspray Barrier Heads Up Plant Protectants Inc. Hefty Seed Houston Engineering ISG LandProz Linder Farm Network Litzau Farm Drainage Minnesota Agriculture in the Classroom Minnesota Agriculture & Rural Leadership (MARL) Minnesota Agriculture Water Quality Certification Program MAWRC MNDOT Minnesota Farm Bureau Minnesota Farmers Union, Farmers Union Insurance Minnesota FFA Foundation MN Corn Growers Association Minnesota Propane Association

MN Soybean Growers Association MN Soybean Research & Promotion Council MN State Southern Agricultural Center of Excellence Mycogen Seeds Novel Energy Solutions Pheasants Forever Pipeline Foods Precision Ag Reviews Prinsco Profinium Renk Seed Co Rinke Noonan Attorneys at Law SB&B Foods Specialty Soya and Grains Alliance Steffes Group The ARC Group The LAND University of MN Extension U.S. Meat Export Federation Ziegler CAT 40 Square Cooperative Solutions

THE LAND, Advertising Supplement

Wednesday Schedule 8AM 9AM 10AM 10AM NOON 12:30PM 1:45PM 3:00PM 4PM 5:15PM 7PM

Featuring speaker sessions from: Farm Babe Dr. Cindra Kamphoff Dr. David Kohl and Davis Michaelsen

MN AG EXPO is FREE to attend.

Thursday Schedule 7AM 7:30AM 8AM 8:15AM 9AM 10AM 11AM 12:30

Register today at

Registration Open MSGA Delegate Session & Annual Meeting Opening Keynote - “Farm Babe” Michelle Miller sponsored by FMC and American Soybean Association Trade Show Open Buffet Lunch sponsored by Profinium Beck’s Hybrids Learning Session - Making Small Adjustments to your Agronomic Strategy Can Lead to Increased ROI Blue Horizon Solar Energy Panel Profinium Learning Session - Top 10 Things You Need to Know About Protecting your Family Farm MCGA Reception & Silent Auction Dinner featuring Davis Michaelsen of Pro Farmer sponsored by MCGA and MN Pork MSGA Carnival

December 27, 2019/January 3, 2020 - Page 3

Registration Open MCGA PAC Breakfast Trade Show Open Positioning for Success in the Economic Reset with Dr. David Kohl sponsored by MSR&PC MCGA Delegate Session & Annual Meeting Gislason & Hunter Learning Session with Attorney Kaitlin Pals Houston Engineering Learning Session - Impaired Waters: What Does It Mean & How Do You Engage? Lunch keynote Dr. Cindra Kamphoff sponsored by Houston Engineering

All attendees must register at Badge is required to enter the trade show.

Page 2 - December 27, 2019/January 3, 2020

THE LAND, Advertising Supplement

2020 EXHIBITOR LIST Adrian Seed Co. Ag Focus Ag Solutions, LLC Ag Spray Equipment AGI SureTrack Agnition AgXplore Archer Daniels Midland Company AURI Azgard Solar Inc. Beck’s Hybrids Blethen Berens Blue Horizon Energy Brushvale Seed, Inc. Calyxt CHS CFS Corteva Agriscience Country Financial Country Enterprises Croptomize DEKALB ASGROW - Bayer Ellingson Water Management Environmental Tillage Systems

Evo Roof Technologies Global Ag Risk Solutions Gold Country Seed Grain Millers, Inc Green Energy Products Green Shield Overspray Barrier Heads Up Plant Protectants Inc. Hefty Seed Houston Engineering ISG LandProz Linder Farm Network Litzau Farm Drainage Minnesota Agriculture in the Classroom Minnesota Agriculture & Rural Leadership (MARL) Minnesota Agriculture Water Quality Certification Program MAWRC MNDOT Minnesota Farm Bureau Minnesota Farmers Union, Farmers Union Insurance Minnesota FFA Foundation MN Corn Growers Association Minnesota Propane Association

MN Soybean Growers Association MN Soybean Research & Promotion Council MN State Southern Agricultural Center of Excellence Mycogen Seeds Novel Energy Solutions Pheasants Forever Pipeline Foods Precision Ag Reviews Prinsco Profinium Renk Seed Co Rinke Noonan Attorneys at Law SB&B Foods Specialty Soya and Grains Alliance Steffes Group The ARC Group The LAND University of MN Extension U.S. Meat Export Federation Ziegler CAT 40 Square Cooperative Solutions

THE LAND, Advertising Supplement

Wednesday Schedule 8AM 9AM 10AM 10AM NOON 12:30PM 1:45PM 3:00PM 4PM 5:15PM 7PM

Featuring speaker sessions from: Farm Babe Dr. Cindra Kamphoff Dr. David Kohl and Davis Michaelsen

MN AG EXPO is FREE to attend.

Thursday Schedule 7AM 7:30AM 8AM 8:15AM 9AM 10AM 11AM 12:30

Register today at

Registration Open MSGA Delegate Session & Annual Meeting Opening Keynote - “Farm Babe” Michelle Miller sponsored by FMC and American Soybean Association Trade Show Open Buffet Lunch sponsored by Profinium Beck’s Hybrids Learning Session - Making Small Adjustments to your Agronomic Strategy Can Lead to Increased ROI Blue Horizon Solar Energy Panel Profinium Learning Session - Top 10 Things You Need to Know About Protecting your Family Farm MCGA Reception & Silent Auction Dinner featuring Davis Michaelsen of Pro Farmer sponsored by MCGA and MN Pork MSGA Carnival

December 27, 2019/January 3, 2020 - Page 3

Registration Open MCGA PAC Breakfast Trade Show Open Positioning for Success in the Economic Reset with Dr. David Kohl sponsored by MSR&PC MCGA Delegate Session & Annual Meeting Gislason & Hunter Learning Session with Attorney Kaitlin Pals Houston Engineering Learning Session - Impaired Waters: What Does It Mean & How Do You Engage? Lunch keynote Dr. Cindra Kamphoff sponsored by Houston Engineering

All attendees must register at Badge is required to enter the trade show.

Page 4 - December 27, 2019/January 3, 2020

THE LAND, Advertising Supplement

© 2019

Dec. 27, 2019/Jan. 3, 2020

(800) 657-4665 P.O. Box 3169, Mankato, MN 56002

MN AG EXPO is FREE to attend Register today at

FOOD FOR THOUGHT KEYNOTE SPEAKER Dr. Cindra Kamphoff is a keynote speaker, marathoner, and professor who is a high performance coach for leaders, businesses and championship teams. She helps them master their mindset so they can gain the high performance edge. She has a Ph.D. in performance psychology. She has spoken for some of the largest companies including Target, Wal-Mart, and Verizon Wireless. Cindra also works with the Minnesota Vikings, where she works individually with the players to help them train their mind. Cindra published her first book in September titled ‘Beyond Grit: Ten Powerful Practices to Gain the High Performing Edge,’ which is an Amazon Bestseller. Join us on Thursday, January 23 for lunch to hear Dr. Cindra Kamphoff’s keynote “Beyond Grit.”

YOUR MN AG EXPO PARTNERS Minnesota Corn Growers Association works closely with the Minnesota Corn Research & Promotion Council. MCGA identifies and promotes opportunities for Minnesota’s 24,000 corn farmers while building connections with the non-farming public. Find out more at The Minnesota Soybean Growers Association (MSGA) monitors government policies to improve the profitability of soybean farmers throughout the state. Simply put, MSGA looks out for the best interest of soybean farmers in St. Paul and Washington, D.C. Visit for more information.

January 22-23, 2020

Mankato Civic Center

Register at

Mankato, Minn.

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