THE LAND ~ March 27, 2020 ~ Northern Edition

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“Since 1976, Where Farm and Family Meet”


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March 20, 2020 March 27, 2020


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Snow no mo’?

Farmers hoping for an early, dry spring are off to a good start


For fertilizer company, it’s all about growing healthy plants Real Organic Project looks to maintain organic integrity Hemp brokers look to market 1,000 acres in 2020 MSGA’s Bob Worth talks about China

PAGE 2 — “Where Farm and Family Meet”

THE LAND — MARCH 20/MARCH 27, 2020

Disaster dress rehearsal

P.O. Box 3169 418 South Second St. Mankato, MN 56002 (800) 657-4665 Vol. XXXIX ❖ No. 6 28 pages, 1 section plus supplements

Cover photo by Paul Malchow

COLUMNS Opinion Farm and Food File The Back Porch In The Garden The Bookworm Sez: Cooking With Kristin Farm Programs Mielke Market Weekly Marketing Auctions/Classifieds Advertiser Listing Back Roads

2-3 3 6 4 6 5 14 15 18-19 21-27 27 28


Publisher: Steve Jameson: General Manager: Deb Petterson: Managing Editor: Paul Malchow: Staff Writer: Kristin Kveno: Staff Writer Emeritus: Dick Hagen: Advertising Representatives: James McRae: Ryan Landherr: Office/Advertising Assistants: Joan Compart: Lyuda Shevtsov: For Customer Service Concerns: (507) 345-4523, (800) 657-4665, Fax: (507) 345-1027 For Editorial Concerns or Story Ideas: (507) 344-6342, (800) 657-4665, Because of the nature of articles appearing in The Land, product or business names may be included to provide clarity. This does not constitute an endorsement of any product or business. Opinions and viewpoints expressed in editorials or by news sources are not necessarily those of the management. The Publisher shall not be liable for slight changes or typographical errors that do not lessen the value of an advertisement. The Publisher’s liability for other errors or omissions in connection with an advertisement is strictly limited to publication of the advertisement in any subsequent issue or the refund of any monies paid for the advertisement. Classified Advertising: $19.99 for seven (7) lines for a private classified, each additional line is $1.40; $24.90 for business classifieds, each additional line is $1.40. Classified ads accepted by mail or by phone with VISA, MasterCard, Discover or American Express. Classified ads can also be sent by e-mail to Mail classified ads to The Land, P.O. Box 3169, Mankato, MN 56002. Please include credit card number, expiration date and your postal address with ads sent on either mail version. Classified ads may also be called into (800) 657-4665. Deadline for classified ads is 5 pm on the Friday prior to publication date, with holiday exceptions. Distributed to farmers in all Minnesota counties and northern Iowa, as well as on The Land’s website. Each classified ad is separately copyrighted by The Land. Reproduction without permission is strictly prohibited. Subscription and Distribution: Free to farmers and agribusinesses in Minnesota and northern Iowa. $29 per year for non-farmers and people outside the service area. The Land (USPS 392470) Copyright © 2019 by The Free Press Media is published biweekly by The Free Press, 418 S 2nd Street, Mankato, MN 56001-3727. Business and Editorial Offices: 418 S. 2nd Street, Mankato, MN 56001-3727, Accounting and Circulation Offices: Steve Jameson, 418 S 2nd Street, Mankato, MN 56001-3727. Call (507) 345-4523 to subscribe. Periodicals postage paid at Mankato, MN. Postmaster and Change of Address: Send address changes to The Land, P.O. Box 3169, Mankato MN 56002-3169 or e-mail to theland@

I swear I was going to write about I was in first grade when my entire elesomething besides the coronavirus; but mentary school walked through town to the topic seems to invade every waking the high school to get a cube of sugar. A minute these days. On top of that, the preventative serum for polio had been bars are all closed ... on St. Patty’s Day found and everyone received their dose no less. Who’d have thunk it? on a cube of sugar. I was too young to grasp the terror of polio, but I do rememDespite all of the “end of the world” ber the excitement over the polio vaccine. movies I’ve seen where mass hysteria Will caronavirus have the same historical rules and angry mobs take over the significance? It’s a little early to say, but LAND MINDS streets, I’ve held the belief that when COVID-19 is having a major impact on things get tough sanity would prevail By Paul Malchow our daily lives and economy. For the long and folks would work together. Today I term, what we learn and how we react heard a report of people jumping the to the experience will impact us even line at a Costco store (not sure where). more. Names were called, shoppers ramming each other with carts ... maybe not mass hysteria, n but a little too nutty for my comfort level. If we can It is with a bit of a heavy heart The Land bids lose our minds over toilet paper (two ply or not), farewell to two of our columnists. Lenae Bulthuis’ how can we hold it together for serious stuff like “The Back Porch” and Sharon Quale’s “In The potable water and medicine? Garden” are both making their final appearances in Maybe COVID-19 is a dress rehearsal for The this issue. Next Real Big Thing. What we learn from this crisis The earliest “Back Porch” column I was able to should make us better prepared for the next one. locate was March 6, 1998. There are a few gaps in Farmers aren’t supposed to experience another our archives from that period; so she may have 1980s meltdown because we’re smarter now. started sooner. Regardless, it’s been a heck of a run Can improvements be made in the CDC to allow for the Renville, Minn. writer. for quicker response? What happens when all forms Some writers grow into their craft, but Lenae was of public places are closed down and off limits? Can rock solid right from the git-go. Comforting as a cup some businesses function – and even thrive – with of hot cocoa, she could praise without being gushy; the work force no longer traveling to work? Will scold without being self-righteous; and turn everycolleges direct more of their resources to online day occurrences into a lesson on life and love. learning – ending the college campus as we now Quale’s tenure with The Land was a bit shorter — know it? Many of the roads we’re walking right now joining in 2014. It was clear early on she has a love are uncharted. for plants. Sharon knew all of the fancy Latin I think the caronavirus has people looking differnames, but she had the ability to make the complex ently at the health care system in the United States seem simple. I wonder how many “brown thumbs” and that’s a good thing. A health care crisis can found success with plants simply because Sharon befall anyone at any time; but these incidents rarely could make you think, “I can do this!” make the evening news. Suddenly, hospitalization Sharon was crafty too — making hives for bees; and the chance of enormous medical bills are holiday decorations; and in this issue she takes us smacking us in the face on a regular basis. What into the world of May baskets. happens when the doctors and nurses become the patients? Is it realistic to maintain and supply large Both of these women had far better things to do medical facilities “just in case..?.” with their time than craft a monthly column for The Land; but they did it well, they did it with thought, Off-site schooling and home office workers highand they were always on time with their submislight the need for high-speed internet access for sions. I know our readers will miss them, but I will everyone ... and that’s a good thing too. Rural stumiss them more. dents, already pinched by limited resources and aging facilities, are in danger of falling farther Good luck, Lenae and Sharon, on whatever advenbehind because they can’t access lessons online. tures are on your horizon. More noise is finally being made for broadband Paul Malchow is the managing editor of The Land. access and the U.S. Department of Agriculture is He may be reached at v funding more projects. There is still much to do.


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THE LAND — MARCH 20/MARCH 27, 2020 — “Where Farm and Family Meet”


During these times, each day is a gift from God My father wasn’t a stoic. Instead, his was dealing with a recent cancer diagnotemperament was one of acceptance. He sis. “Not good,” Dad said. “He doesn’t simply accepted the fact that he wasn’t in want to see me.” Why? complete control of most things on the “Well,” he said, “I think it’s because he southern Illinois dairy farm of my youth. hasn’t accepted the idea that dying is the Sure, he was boss over everything in cost of living.” Wow, what insight. I asked sight: hundreds of acres, 100 dairy cows, him what he could do. Oh, he said, he’d five farmhand sons, three hired men, and find a reason to go to the friend’s house his unpredictable, iron-bending Uncle FARM & FOOD FILE to talk about the weather or the Honey. But control? Never. And yet, little Cardinals or the peach crop. Just chat, By Alan Guebert ever moved him to anger or anxiety. you know, about things that, when rolled together, make up today and tomorrow. For example, when Jackie, the farm’s principal hired hand, destroyed an “I just want him to know that each Oliver 77 by driving it off the corn day is a gift from God – regardless if it silage pile, Dad’s only question to the still-shaking brings a baptism or a funeral,” he announced. man – who was never known for speed – was how That really was the essence of my father. Life he managed to jump to safety so quickly. ebbed and flowed and he rode it back and forth Years later, while sharing one of our thousand eve- without fear or favor. He never asked for love or loynings in the milking parlor, I asked him why he alty, he didn’t lighten his load by adding to anyone hadn’t even cussed when he saw the mangled 77. else’s, and he was religious but never preachy. Ah, he said with a wave of a wet hand, once he Two almost opposite traits might explain him betsaw Jackie was OK, the tractor didn’t matter. “It ter: he was a very good fisherman and he loved to was old and insured. Jackie was neither.” play cards. Acceptance. Somehow he just knew there was litFishing, he would say, is mostly preparation – the tle he could do to prevent bent cultivator bars right bait, local knowledge, good tackle – and (Uncle Honey), overturned silage wagons (Uncle patience. Neither, however, ensures you’ll catch fish. Honey) and two, plowed-out telephone poles. (Uncle That’s why “It’s called ‘fishing’ and not ‘catching,’” Honey and Uncle Honey.) he’d say on the days we spent fishing more than catching. In fact, I once thought that if our family had a coat of arms, its motto would have read, “I can’t preCard playing, however, is mostly luck. You literally vent it, but I can fix it.” play the cards you’re dealt. Skill in playing them Decades later, in one of our weekly telephone con- also matters, but skill rarely trumps the luck of the draw. versations, I asked my father how his best friend


Letter: Who sets the priorities? To the Editor, We have a governor and attorney general that are suing Juul because of their e-cigarettes, and representatives supporting bike trails. This is just a couple of the many irrelevant issues that seem to get priority every year. This year should be spent on eradicating crime in the state whether it be against people or property. Just by watching the news or reading the papers is enough to make you fearful whether it affects you directly or not. Why have illegal drugs been allowed to expand as they have? It should be considered a capitol offense for those that manufacture or sell illegal drugs, whether it’s heroin, cocaine, marijuana or meth. These people know it’s wrong and that it destroys lives while costing billions in apprehension and incarcerating these criminals, much less the lives that are destroyed in the process. This segment of society just becomes a burden to the rest of society that is forced to deal with it, whether it is in their family or taken out of their taxes (because they work for a living) to pay the expenses associated to deal with it.

You should deal the same way with those that commit murder, rape or child abuse. These people need to forfeit their place in society when they commit these horrendous crimes. We can abort innocent unborn babies, but we are not willing to make it a capitol offense for adults (that know what they are doing) who are still committing these crimes against others. So instead of going after Juul (which I see is just a means to increase state coffers to spend on more government programs), put the emphasis on eliminating crime so that families can live a full life without fear of physical harm on themselves, their families, their property or the monetary expense associated with dealing with these problems. Also, all representatives of the people should have to visit all areas within their district at least twice a year, whether it is a county commissioner, state or federal representative or senator so that they can hear directly from those they serve. Mike Handzus Lakefield, Minn.

My father embodied those near-opposites. He was prepared for whatever luck – fishing or catching – brought. One last memory: I once asked him, a diligent Bible reader (King James Version, please), what his favorite passage was. After reciting his baptism, confirmation, and wedding verses, he settled on one that made perfect sense to him: Matthew 6, verse 26: “Behold the fowls of the air: for they sow not, neither do they reap, nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feedeth them. Are ye not much better than they?” Ye ... we ... are, my father might say, today and tomorrow and everyday. That said, I’m pretty sure he’d still keep one eye fixed on Uncle Honey. The Farm and Food File is published weekly through the United States and Canada. Past columns, events and contact information are posted at v

Seed still available for the 2020 growing season.

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PAGE 4 — “Where Farm and Family Meet”

Featured Recipe from

“Recipes from

FRUIT PIZZA Kathy Connelly Le Sueur, MN

Crust: 1 c. flour ½ c. margarine (I use a stick of Parkay) ¼ c. sugar

First Layer: 8 oz. cream cheese 1 /3 c. sugar Splash of vanilla

Mix crust ingredients and put in greased or sprayed pan and bake at 350° for about 15 min. Mix cream cheese, sugar and vanilla. When crust is cooled, spread on cream cheese mixture. Top with fruit. (Strawberries, kiwi, grapes, whatever you like) This is perfect for a small pizza pan. I usually double the recipe and use a 12 x 16 pan. (A half a sheet cake size)

Recipes from Volume IV Sponsored by




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and order over the phone.

THE LAND — MARCH 20/MARCH 27, 2020

Tradition of May Basket is economical and fun The old custom of giving such as African violets and May baskets to special people geraniums. Pansies are a has nearly vanished. During good choice as they are the 18oo’s giving May basearly bloomers and can tolkets was a common ritual of erate some cold weather. I spring and it often was assoused a purchased small ciated with a full blown celebunch of flowers rearranged bration which included dancto fit the container because ing around a May pole. the blossoms are all ready IN THE GARDEN hardened off and will last The tradition in early longer. To keep the flowers times was of a boy hanging By Sharon Quale fresh wrap the stems in a a basket of flowers on ball of moistened moss the door knob of a young or floral foam and cover lady he fancied, ringing that ball with plastic the door bell and then wrap before placing running away. The them in the basket. young lady recipient was tasked with trying A few years ago our to catch him before he local Girl Scout troop got away. This ritual revived the tradition was usually carried out and gifted numerous at dusk. Later, the givelderly folks living in ing of May baskets our community with included close friends lovely small baskets of and elderly as intended flowers on May 1. The recipients. reactions were of profound surprise and May baskets can be appreciation for this act made from many differof kindness. ent items. I found a small wicker basket at a thrift shop, spray painted it The cause of the end of this old yellow, and added tulips, daffodils and spring tradition could be attributed to baby’s breath. A cone made of heavy a national fall from innocence, the paper with an attached ribbon handle widespread use of social media or the is an inexpensive way to make a basincreased desire for privacy. Giving a ket. A 15-ounce metal vegetable can May-basket would be a loving ritual to also makes a good basket. Clean and revive and would be welcomed by anypunch holes on opposite sides of the one who is lucky enough to be the rim of the can and attach a wire hanrecipient. dle. Decorate the can and the handle Sharon Quale is a master gardener with a raffia or ribbon bow. from central Minnesota. She may be Blossoms to use in the basket reached at (218) 738-6060 or include any blooms from houseplants v

Apply for county fair grants SUN PRAIRIE, Wis. — The Compeer Financial Fund for Rural America, the corporate giving program of Compeer Financial, is offering a total of $180,000 in grants to eligible fairs throughout its 144-county territory. Applications for the county fair facility upgrade grant program are due by March 31. The mission of the program is to support rural areas by funding county fair organizations as they repair fairground 4-H and livestock buildings, livestock

judging arenas and more. Each fair is eligible for $3,000 in funding. Fairs that received the grant in 2019 will not be considered in 2020. For more information and to apply for the Country Fair Facility Upgrade Program, visit This article was submitted by Compeer Financial. v

THE LAND — MARCH 20/MARCH 27, 2020 — “Where Farm and Family Meet”


Sweet? Cheesy? Meaty? There’s a fondue for you! Fondue Broth As I work on this column, the wind is hollowing, and the snow is blowing. It’s a 10-1/2 ounces can condensed beef broth frigid winter day, one that calls for some 2 cups red or white table wine recipes that will warm you up and bring 1 onion, minced a smile to your face. 1 garlic clove 1/2 teaspoon salt You can’t help but be in a good mood 1/2 teaspoon pepper when having fondue. It’s a great way to 1/2 teaspoon thyme cook — especially when you’re entertain1/2 teaspoon tarragon vinegar ing. Everyone gets involved, dunking COOKING WITH KRISTIN 1/2 teaspoon parsley their food in the fondue pot. Here are some of my best fondue recipes. * If you Combine ingredients. Cover and simmer for 15 By Kristin Kveno don’t have a fondue pot, you can use a minutes. Use to cook chicken, beef or shrimp. small slow cooker instead. n When you think of fondue, cheese is usually what comes to Now that the meat is cooked, these dipping sauces are the mind. Here’s a fabulous Swiss fondue that’s creamy, flavorful and perfect addition to the meat masterpieces. oh-so-delicious. Sauce Diable Swiss Fondue 3 garlic cloves, finely chopped 1 clove of garlic 1 medium onion, finely chopped 1 cup dry white wine or chicken broth 1/4 cup corn oil 1 pound Swiss cheese, grated 1 teaspoon cornstarch 2 teaspoons cornstarch 1/4 pickle, chopped black pepper, freshly ground 2 tablespoon white vinegar Rub pot with cut side of garlic and discard. Add wine or broth 1/2 cup ketchup and heat until bubbles begin to rise. Do not boil. Toss cheese 1/4 cup Worcestershire sauce with cornstarch and add to hot liquid, a handful at a time, cook1/2 teaspoon salt ing over low heat until cheese is melted and smooth. Stir con1 teaspoon dry mustard stantly with a wooden spoon. Tabasco sauce, as much as you like Serve with cubes of bread. Sauté garlic and onion in the oil until soft, not brown. Add n cornstarch and cook 1 minute, stirring constantly. Add chopped I still have a lot of sweet corn in our freezer from this summer. pickle, vinegar, ketchup and Worcestershire sauce. Bring to a boil, then add remaining ingredients. This recipe is a great use for sweet corn and has the added spice of Tabasco creating a wonderful, tangy fondue. Spicy Hawaiian Sauce Sweet Corn Fondue 14 ounces crushed pineapple, undrained 2 tablespoons water 1 ounce can tomato sauce 1 pound frozen corn kernels 2 tablespoons vinegar 2 teaspoons corn flour 1 tablespoon soy sauce 3 tablespoons light cream 1 teaspoon prepared mustard salt and pepper 1/8 teaspoon onion salt Tabasco sauce Combine ingredients and simmer for 15-20 minutes, stirring 2 tablespoon butter Put water and corn is saucepan and simmer until tender, a few occasionally. Keep hot. n minutes. Drain and place in food blender until soft but not too smooth. Mix corn flour and cream in second saucepan, blending Time to sweeten up the fondue. Dessert fondue to a great way until smooth. Add corn kernel mixture, cooking over low heat to end a delicious meal. Here’s two fun dessert fondue recipes until smooth. Pour into fondue pot, add spices. Beat in butter. Fresh Lemon Fondue Serve with raw vegetables. 1 cup sugar n 1/2 cup cornstarch Cheese fondue is amazing; but meat fondue is mighty good as 1/2 teaspoon salt well. This fondue is a fun way to cook meat to your liking and the 4 cups water flavor is exquisite. 2 tablespoon grated lemon rind 1/3 cup lemon juice 1/2 cup butter

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In fondue pot, combine sugar, cornstarch and salt. Gradually add water. Set heat at 325 degrees. Stir constantly until mixture thickens and reaches boil. Heat one more minute. Reduce to warm setting. Add lemon rind, juice and butter. Stir until well blended. Serve with brownies, fruit or angel food cake cubes. Butterscotch Fondue 1-1/3 cup light corn syrup 3 cups brown sugar 2/3 cup water 1/2 cup butter 1 teaspoon vanilla 2/3 cup whipping cream In fondue pot, combine syrup, brown sugar and water. Heat at 350 degrees and stir until boiling and reaches consistency of heavy cream, about 15 minutes. Reduce heat to warm. Add butter and stir until melted. Add vanilla and cream. Stir until well blended. Serve with angel food, pound or sponge cake cubes. Serve also with fruit. Whether you’re enjoying sweet or savory fondue, give these divine recipes a try. Happy dipping! Kristin Kveno scours the internet, pours over old family recipes and searches everywhere in between to find interesting food ideas for feeding your crew. Do you have a recipe you want to share? You can reach Kristin at v

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PAGE 6 — “Where Farm and Family Meet”

THE LAND — MARCH 20/MARCH 27, 2020

20 years of writing and the importance of stopping He failed to make a complete stop where Failing to stop is no respecter of age or our gravel road meets the highway. It’s location. The country mouse and the city easy to do for anyone living on the corner mouse can both get caught up in the rat of the sticks and the boonies. Maybe he race. It’s not just the folks with children was lost in thought or maybe thinking under their roof, working long hours, or about nothing at all as teen boys can do. those in rush hour commutes that are Regardless of why he failed to stop, it rolling through stop signs and life. We came at the cost of a pricey traffic ticket. can all have seasons when we are breathless, frazzled, stressed and overwhelmed. We live in a culture that fails to make THE BACK PORCH complete stops not just at stop signs, but One of those fast food, drive-through in everyday life. By Lenae Bulthuis chains says we deserve a break today. Taking a break is bigger than strategic There was a time when people made a marketing and tasty fries – and more than a good complete stop at the end of the day. The sun went idea. Full stops are a necessity. down, candles and kerosene lamps were extinguished, and people went to bed. That changed in In Mark Buchanan’s book, The Holy Wild, he 1879 when Thomas Edison produced the first elecshares a story he heard about a mother trying every tric light. It was a phenomenal achievement that lit available avenue to help her hyperactive, attention up the world and came with a cost. Light broke into deficit son. No matter what recommendation she night and broke the pattern of making a complete pursued, each failed to bring calmness to her child. stop to get some needed rest. Out of sheer desperation, in the midst of one of her son’s outbreaks, she lovingly wrapped her arms There was a time when people made a complete around him, hugged him with a gentle firmness, stop to gather around the table to fuel bodies with whispered and sang words of love and peace, until food and souls with conversation. Then came drivethrough windows and busier-than-ever family sched- he finally gave up the fight and rested in her embrace. Each time he erupts, she holds him until ules. And though it is a huge gift to have someone else prepare dinner at the end of a crazy day, studies she calms him. “I do it long enough,” she says, “for him to remember who he is.” reveal that not regularly making a complete stop to eat together comes at a cost to our health, relationRemembering matters. Full stops help us rememships and children’s grades.

ber who we are and why we’re here. They give us opportunity to look both ways so we can check our heart and check in on our people. They help us to breathe and begin again—picking up where we left off or taking a new route if needed. For over 20 years it has been grace to write “The Back Porch” for The Land. I’ve worked under amazing editors and met incredible readers in person, through postal mail and email, and at speaking events. What a blessing to connect with those who deeply care about faith, family, and farming. You’ve encouraged my heart and I pray that in some small way I’ve strengthened yours over the years. There’s a time for everything. A time for full stops and a time for complete stops. After taking a full stop and looking both ways at my precious family and my work on staff for a global girls’ ministry, it’s time for a complete stop in this space. Friends, I will always thank God for you and this season we’ve shared together. Keep the faith. Remember what matters most, and never roll through a day without looking for God’s grace on the gravel road or the back porch where you call home. Lenae Bulthuis muses about faith, family, and farming from her back porch on her Minnesota grain and livestock farm. Her blog can be found online at and she can be reached via email at v

Author reminds us a ‘job’ might not be in your future Click. seriously.” “A World Without Work: Technology, Automation, And with that quiet little sound, an At first blush, this book may feel and How We Should Respond” email is sent, a door’s unlocked, an alarm more terrifying than a dystopian by Daniel Susskind is engaged, a recipe is downloaded, a novel. Susskind seems to share his machine is launched. Whether you listen information with calm, just-the-facts c.2020, Metropolitan Books for it, or you’re so used to it that you neutrality, and it’s bleak. Close the $28.00 / $38.00 Canada don’t hear it anymore, the fact is that we back cover of “A World Without Work,” 320 pages need that click to happen. In the new though, and let it settle. book “A World Without Work” by Daniel THE BOOKWORM In a way, as Susskind proves, “work” Susskind, you’ll see if it doesn’t need us. SEZ should look at a job’s various tasks as we see it has been in flux for all rather than the overall job itself, Every time there’s new technology, modern employees for generations. By Terri Schlichenmeyer we can see a clearer picture of there’s an accompanying outcry of doom It’s only recently many have viewed technology’s place in that job’s future. to go with it. It happened when automothat constant change with something biles took over for horses. It happened when e-books What we’re seeing now, however, is a approaching dread. This, and the sub“polarization or hollowing out,” says Susskind, were invented. We must presume it’ll happen with sequent essential points that follow here, are in which labor markets are “two-tiered.” There are the Next Big Thing. explained simply and accessibly for readers with plenty of jobs on the high end of the wage scale, and time but without MBAs. Mercifully, for those who “Yet those fears,” says Susskind, “time and again, lots on the low end, but there aren’t many “midmourn the Ghost of Employment Future and who have turned out to be misplaced.” dling-pay” jobs. More education may help maintain a want to reverse time, Susskind leaves hope for you For most of human history, work-for-pay didn’t level of employment, but that will depend on several in the form of surprisingly not-so-new ideas. exist. Our ancient ancestors merely hunted what factors. While this book is not exactly a beach read, it’s they needed. Economics, and the desire for possesUltimately, Susskind says, there won’t be enough filled with things all employees should know. If you sions, are relatively recent ideas, “propelled by worry about your future workday, “A World Without sustained technological progress...” which ultimately jobs available for everyone who wants one, which may lead to a total reassessment of what constitutes Work” should really click. impacts “not only the amount of work, but also the “a job.” The government will need to get involved. It nature of that work.” We aren’t, in other words, The Bookworm is Terri Schlichenmeyer. Terri has replaced by machines; but our work is “complement- might mean a modified universal basic income, and been reading since she was 3 years old and never while it may not affect you, it will certainly affect ed” by them. goes anywhere without a book. She lives in your children. For this reason, says Susskind, we Wisconsin with three dogs and 10,000 books. v Framed like this, and remembering that we must take the issue of a world without work “very

THE LAND — MARCH 20/MARCH 27, 2020 — “Where Farm and Family Meet”


Weather patterns could influence future crop decisions By DICK HAGEN The Land Staff Writer Emeritus RENVILLE, Minn. — Listening to Dr. Jerry Hatfield is a delightful challenge because he stretches your mind into serious thinking about the future of our agricultural landscape — both in the United States and around the world. Hatfield is a retired U.S. Department of Agriculture plant scientist and former director of the National Soil Tilth Laboratory (renamed the Laboratory for Agriculture and the Environment in October 2009). He spoke at the Reduced Tillage and Cover Crop event on Feb. 18. The gathering was hosted by the Renville County Soil and Water Conservation District and the Hawk Creek Watershed Project people. In view of the changing weather scenario, Hatfield said, “Water management is going to be our number-one issue in preserving agriculture across the Midwest.” Hatfield commented that weather extremes are increasing in frequency with more spring rains happening and fewer summer rains when crops are most in need of water. “On a world-wide basis, we really have a limited supply of food right now. In 20 years we’ll have a shrinking land base to grow these crops, which means more productivity per unit of land will be needed. Yet we continue to degrade our land (world wide) making it more susceptible to weather disturbances. So skew these variations of temperature and precipitation over a world land base becoming more vulnerable to weather variations and food production

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will vary more dramatically,” acknowledged Hatfield. He reminded his Renville audience that more capacity for water stress is on the landscape, adding, Jerry Hatfield “Climate determines where we grow a crop; weather determines how much we produce.” Yet our spring growing season is shortening. Hatfield noted that weather scientists of the upper Midwest are saying we now have five less ‘working days’ for getting crops planted in that sixweek, mid-March/April 30 time frame. As many crop farmers are noting, water management is rapidly becoming the ‘how-to’ issue for preserving the future of agriculture. In essence, this means changing farming strategies to accommodate the changing weather seasons. Hatfield says we have more eco-system impact other than just productivity from our soils. “You look at water quality as part of the eco system. You look at pollinator habitat as part of the eco system. You look at the cultural aspects, such as hunting and fishing habitat, as part of the eco system. Recognize that many people value agricultural landscape from an entirely different perspective than we do … but that’s part of the eco system we all live in. And that does prompt different decisions,” said Hatfield. This starts with every farmer establishing long-term goals for his/her farmland and then asking the big question: How do you get there? “I think we

need to ask farmers different questions,” Hatfield suggested. And he’s not concerned whether you are growing corn, or soybeans, or lettuce or grapes, or any crop. All agriculture today is suffering from these problems of the growing intensity of crop production and the continual degradation of soil health. “Farming is working a biological system; yet we think we can manipulate this system to respond exactly the way we would desire,” stated Hatfield. “But all farmers realize there are always bumps and wiggles that we don’t fully understand. Working in some of our environmental chambers, we’ve witnessed doubling of organic content in our soils in 6 to 8 years. So we’re much aware that working with crop rotations, reduced tillage, and cover crops — even involving small grains — we can significantly improve soil health and biological activity. “I’m aware you have very intensive farming in this area. Your SWCD folks are telling me more and more farmers are switching into this ‘farming for the future’ concept. I congratulate them — especially in view of the agricultural economic crunch of the past few years. A drier, warmer spring I’m certain would be welcomed by all. But farming to rebuild your soils is the thinking mode we should all be in — regardless of your weather outlook for this spring,” summed up Hatfield, adding “Ingenuity in agriculture that promotes diversity with a viable crop for the end user is our challenge.” Will the corn and soybeans we grow today be significantly different 20 years from now to better fit this changing

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weather scenario? Hatfield responded, “Today, no one knows the answer. Will both crops continue their movement into the western and northern geographies of the United States? Or will these variable weather patterns become such a risk factor that corn and soybeans become questionable crop choices? Perhaps winter crops will predominate because the variable heat and rainfall starts limiting spring crops.” Hatfield definitely predicts an increasing diversity of crop mix. “With the increasingly schizophrenic weather and climate, we’re looking at higher risk profiles. And that likely will suggest a mixture of spring crops, summer crops, even winter crops to spread risks over a longer season.” Hatfield added he’s not encouraged the U.S. farm bill can rectify what is happening to our landscape. “One would hope that increasing emphasis on conservation practices and crop diversity will continue. But our farm bills really promote monocultures. Yet we know the long-term values of our land resources are not enhanced that way. We really need to promote much more diversity into our rural landscape.” “Who’s to say the current trend of wetter and warmer cycles will continue indefinitely? We’ve had both dry and wet cycles since man started to till the soils. We don’t quite understand these huge phenomena that we call ‘earth weather’ and its total impact on all the variable events within a given year. Even man’s impact is tempered by what these natural earth systems are doing.” v

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PAGE 8 — “Where Farm and Family Meet”

THE LAND — MARCH 20/MARCH 27, 2020

Chinese have modern equipment, behind on technique By DICK HAGEN The Land Staff Writer Emeritus “The farmer is the number-one optimist. We can’t wait ‘till next spring so we can start making plans again. If we didn’t have next year, I don’t know what we’d do.” Those words of wisdom come from a proven, practical, and most pro- Bob Worth found rural philosopher, Bob Worth. A Lake Benton, Minn. farmer and governing board member of the Minnesota Soybean Growers Association, Worth is always a good visit. Catching up with him at the MN Ag Expo in Mankato, Minn. on Jan. 22 was no exception. The Land: You do some traveling on behalf of the soybean growers. What was your last trip? And what did you learn? Worth: Matter of fact, I now haven’t traveled out of the country for some time. But China was always my favorite place to travel. I love going to China. I don’t like the big cities of China. They’re not so very clean and they’re teeming with people. Just too many people. But go to the agricultural regions of China and its beautiful. They really like their soil. The Land: You speak pretty good English. How’s your Chinese tongue? Worth: No good. We need an interpreter all the time. But one thing I’ve noticed when talking with the Chinese people … when you hit a nerve on something they are really excited about, they stand up! If you’re talking to a group of farmers and you hit the right topics, just like that — four or five will stand up. Then the questions come flying at you. We’ve got quick interpreters that can talk the same language almost as fast as the Chinese farmers. It’s just a joy to get involved in these chit-chats. The Land: Why do they like their soil? Worth: It’s more like they love their soil. They take good care of their soil. My last visit they really got into asking questions about how we take care of our soil. They take everything off their soil. They have nothing like a Soil Conservation Service. And we’d caution them about taking so much off their soil. You can’t leave it bare I’d tell them or you lose it. So we’d talk erosion and soon not having any productive soils. So we talked about leaving some stuff in the soil so you don’t have run off, and wind erosion. You need to leave a ‘blanket’ so to speak on the surface. The Land: Do Chinese farmers own their land or is it owned by the government? Worth: They own some, but it’s not very much. Where we were at they were talking about co-op farms where a whole bunch of farmers got together to get a much bigger chunk of land. They all pooled their land, pooled their labor, pooled everything. The Land: So what crops did you see being grown where you were? Worth: Mostly corn. Some soybeans. And modern equipment … oh my … really modern equipment. We

didn’t ask, but we assume this is mostly governmentowned equipment. But this is the latest stuff, just like we have in the United States. I was surprised. But with their huge populations, they need farm equipment that covers their farm ground rapidly. They’re trying hard to be more self-sufficient, but it’s not going to happen. They’re trying to raise a lot of pork, a lot of poultry. The Chinese people are no different … they want to eat better food. When I first traveled to China, they probably had protein once a week. This last trip, they were having protein every day. And now with African swine fever virtually wiping out their pork industry, there is even more of a protein deficiency. China used to be the largest hog production country in the world! And that is why they are now importing pork from America big time. The Land: So how can they afford to buy U.S. pork, or soybeans or other farm produce from America? Worth: They have no choice. They have a huge subsidy over there. Corn is valued at $10 to $12 a bushel; soybeans at $22 a bushel. Because of that huge subsidy the government gives to its people, they can buy imported food products from America and other countries. The Land: Are Chinese farmers up to date on soybean technology? Are they good farmers? Worth: The ‘how to’ knowledge is sadly lacking. They come over here to “borrow” some of our technology. But that’s likely to stop now too with this new Phase 1 trading agreement we now have with China. The Land: Do you feel comfortable when you are there? Any security issues? Worth: I’ve been more comfortable in China than lots of other countries we’ve visited on our soybean trading excursions. I was in the very northern part of China. It’s all agriculture up there. And we saw lots of young farmers — right along with lots of older guys too. Lots of young guns in that part of China. Maybe their entire country now has a younger population. The Land: So is this new NAFTA a better deal than the former? Worth: Yes, it’s a much better deal. For one thing, the dairy part is very much improved with Canada. And I do feel and read that the grain trading Mexico and Canada is much better also. There’s just lot of things in the new USMCA that’s better than NAFTA. The Land: Let’s jump back to China. Is that agreement going to be earth shattering; or does that remain to be seen? Worth: It’s going to be earth shattering. But how do we make certain they are going to do everything that was agreed too? They’re buying $40 billion of U.S. products per year. In 2017, the year before the tariffs were implemented, they bought $24 billion of U.S. goods — mostly American soybeans. The deal now is to make sure they do what they agreed to do. Our ag chief, Secretary Perdue, said he would make certain that happens. And I think he will. He knows China. He’s got sharp people on his staff just like American Soybean Growers have sharp, intelligent people on our staff.

The Land: And how did you get selected for this China trip? Was it your good looks or your stock as one of Minnesota’s best soybean farmers? Worth: None of those. This was back when I was on the Board of the American Soybean Association. And let me assure you, soybean check-off dollars are well spent. These trade missions have been most significant in the expansion of U.S. soybean exports to China in particular; but many other countries — especially in the Asian sector. Twenty years ago, China was exporting soybeans. Yes, that’s hard to believe today. USB and ASA went over there and educated them on how to use the soybeans themselves to raise their own livestock; and feed their pigs too. Guess what? When that happened they rather quickly became importers of soybeans. That’s going to happen in India also. Right now, India is still exporting soybeans. But when their people start demanding more protein to feed their exploding population, they will become an importer of U.S. soybeans. That will be a huge market! The Land: You’re always the most optimistic guy. Is 2020 going to be good crop year for American farmers — even in your part of Minnesota where you guys were setting new records for prevent planting last year? Worth: I’m scared. Why? Because the water content of our soils is still full. And it’s not even February; so more snow, more rain are a virtual certainty. We are sitting at 92 percent of water capacity right now. We got everything harvested last fall because we didn’t have that much to harvest. Like I said earlier, prevent planting ruled the roost last year. We’ve got big snow cover right now. If we get more snow cover — which is most likely — we could be as wet again this spring as we were last year. I’ve never prevent planted in my 49 years of farming, but I did last year and certainly want nothing like that again this year. We farmers always want our profits to come from the crops we grow and the livestock we produced. We don’t want these ‘government facilitation checks’ or whatever that is called. We want the marketplace determine what we grow and what we raise. Farmers want to plant a crop … there’s no ands, ifs or buts about that fact. The Land: What’s all the excitement about food grade soybeans? Worth: I’m hearing lots more; but really don’t know where it’s coming from. Yes, we understand we’re now in a ‘food driven’ economy. And much of our exports to Japan, Thailand, the Philippines — even China and India — are now wanting food grade soybeans because soybeans have become such an important protein source in their food diets, their soya sauce. But those are not raised to any extent as yet in our soybean production areas. Food grade soybeans are usually IP. These are not GMO soybeans based on what I’ve been told. You take a little bit of a yield bite, but make up for that with better prices. We’re talking up to $10 prices; but you’ve got to find that market overseas. I’m really into the GMO soybeans … more flexibility with weed and herbicide issues. v

THE LAND — MARCH 20/MARCH 27, 2020 — “Where Farm and Family Meet”


Association advises farmers in southwest Minnesota By DICK HAGEN The Land Staff Writer Emeritus LAMBERTON, Minn. — “There’s room for beginning young farmers too.” That comment came from Garen Paulson to set the stage for his presentation, “Emerging farm financial and profitability trends for southwest Minnesota.” Paulson is a Garen Paulson Southwest Minnesota Farm Business Association Extension educator and spoke at the Feb. 5 Winter Crops and Soils Day. The event took place at the Southwest Research and Outlook Center in Lamberton, Minn. The Southwest Minnesota Farm Business Management Association is a membership-led organization of farms throughout southwestern Minnesota. After his presentation, Paulson shared some thoughts and information with The Land. “Yes, we know it takes huge amounts of money and savvy, but agriculture depends upon young blood to take that first step into farming. But if they can find a way to be just a little bit better than average, there’s room for young beginners,” said Paulson. He cautioned, “Often they need a part-time job on the side to help get them started. Often they work with a dad or an uncle. Fully a third to nearly half of the farmers in our association have off-farm employment to help financially sustain their farming business.” The Southwest Minnesota Farm Business Association has 120 members. Paulson said the average age of those members is about 50; median farm size is about 1,000 acres. Those with livestock have fewer acres. Paulson feels the current trend towards later marriage and smaller families will continue. “Young people are recognizing that raising kids takes a lot of money. Sure, kids and family living is the real treasure of farm life. It’s just part of this great tradition that makes country life something special. But learning early on the vital importance of understanding the focus of what pays the bills is what sustains the success of your farming career,” said Paulson. So is the trend of fewer but bigger inevitable in American agriculture? Paulson reminded his audience efficiency is more important than volume and size. “I’ve got some very big farmers in the low-profit group and also some very big farmers in the high-profit group. But I also have some small farmers doing very well.” His data shows 2011-12 net farm income nudging just under $400,000; but plunging to about $80,000

for 2018. He doesn’t yet have 2019 data. However, during that same time frame, the ‘high 20-percent group’ averaged nearly $900,000 net farm income in 2011-12 and declining to about $230,000 for 2018. The ‘low 20-percent group’ mustered only about $100,000 in 2011-12 and registered negative net farm income of minus $50,000 for 2018. Paulson explained a lot of his farmers who are very efficient — and maybe have a second job in town — don’t need to be the biggest. “Yes, they don’t ring the top bell, but they don’t get washed out during the financial crises of the past four-to-five years either.” He said the liquidity ratio of farmers in the Association reached a high of 3.3 in 2011 and sits at about 1.8 currently. Current debt-to-asset ratio stands at 23 percent and has been relatively stable during the past five years. One of his first instructions to member farmers is to calculate their real family living expenses and then set budgets accordingly. When talking financial efficiency, Paulson lists four key elements: cost management improvement; as margins tighten, good cost structures are even more important; all farms should improve financial efficiency; and interest costs are rising. I asked Paulson if there is a growing opportunity in niche farming — even hemp? He cut to the quick. “The biggest issue with niche farming is this simple fact: Is there a market? Make sure you know your market before you start growing hemp — despite the high interest it is generating.” Are farmers financially being squeezed because of their own success? Is too much technology, too many inputs creating more production than the market can assimilate? “We’ve developed systems to grow good crops. I think we need to spend just as much time and effort in growing good markets,” Paulson said. “More exports into other countries — especially China and this new trade agreement with Canada and Mexico should help. Yet we need to keep U.S. productivity competitive so we keep up with the agricultural productivity of other countries. We’re in a world economy now, so we need to have trade agreements with other nations. I’m told that once you lose some of these foreign markets, it’s hard to get them back.” Are older farmers tending to retire sooner to protect their own assets? Paulson acknowledged that is happening; but also reminded that a lot of farmers continue well past retirement age simply because they enjoy their farming life — plus today’s machinery enables them to farm with less physical effort.

Nominate schools for STEM grants America’s Farmers Grow Rural Education is partnering with farmers to help strengthen rural public school districts through $15,000 STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) grants. To nominate their local school district for a Grow

Rural Education grant, eligible farmers in Minnesota can visit by April 1 and complete the nomination form. This article was submitted by americasfarmers. com. v

Paulson also said Minnesota farmers have an advantage in profitability. It’s the weather. He explains, “We’ve had relatively stable yields compared with other areas. Yes, 2019 might be the exception, but this stability is why farming in southern Minnesota has been quite profitable over the years. We haven’t seen the variation in yields that some parts of the country have experienced. Yes, the last couple years have been below trend line yields; but year in and year out, we grow pretty good crops here in southern Minnesota.” He also says crop insurance is simply a necessary precaution in farming these days. “It’s impossible to predict whether we will have above trend-line yields or below. Crop insurance is your reliable protector.” And that means checking with local crop insurance agents before March 31. Paulson predicts it is “very likely” farming is going to be profitable in 2020, “…if producers use the risk management tools they have available, they do a good job of marketing, and the weather is with us.” Note the three ‘ifs’ in his response. Paulson has a farming partner. This is his son Zach’s second year of farming with his dad after graduating from South Dakota State University. (The same school his dad attended.) “He’s what makes this job possible,” Paulson admitted. “I work part time for the University directing the Southwest Farm Business Association. My son majored in agronomy and economics. Yes, he has brought things into our farming operation I hadn’t thought of. Yes, higher education works in the farming business too!” The Paulson’s farm occupies approximately 1,000 acres between Jackson and Windom, Minn. on both owned and rented land. Paulson can be reached via email at gpaulson@ His office phone number is (507) 752-5081. v


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PAGE 10 — “Where Farm and Family Meet”

THE LAND — MARCH 20/MARCH 27, 2020

ROP seeks to provide input on organic standards 507-345-4523 • 800-657-4665 email:

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By TIM KING The Land Correspondent FAIRFIELD, Iowa – A nationwide group of organic farmers is deeply disappointed with the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s interpretation of the rules of organic agriculture. So they’ve started a new program called the Real Organic Project which they believe will make up for USDA’s shortcomings. In 2017, the National Organic Standards Board met in Jacksonville, Florida. The NOSB is a 15-member advisory board which makes recommendations to the USDA regarding what is – or isn’t – considered organic. Since organics is a $50 billion dollar industry and NOSB’s advice is usually taken, the Board’s decisions are worth their weight in gold. On the agenda at the Jacksonville meeting was the question as to whether or not hydroponic production could receive the coveted USDA certified organic label. It was a contentious issue. USDA had been certifying soilless hydroponic vegetable and fruit production as organic; but the rules were not clear. There was a vocal group who claimed organic agriculture, by it’s very nature, required soil. They were opposed to certifying hydroponic production. “We drafted a proposal to prohibit organic certification of hydroponic production,” said Francis Thicke, an Iowa dairy farmer who was chair of NOSB’s Crops subcommittee at the time. “We thought our proposal was a compromise because it allowed container production if it had a minimum amount of soil or compost in the pot. We lost the vote.” In addition to losing the vote on hydroponics, Thicke and other farmers had seen the NOSB erode the organic standards for poultry and dairy production. “There were about 50 farmers at that meeting,” Thicke said. “They had come to support our hydroponics resolution. They were very disturbed by the vote and felt they had to do something. So a bunch of them got together and started the Real Organic Project.” The Real Organic Project is an addon to USDA’s certified organic label. It addresses four key issues farmers felt

USDA was compromising on. Farmers who are ROP-certified are certified under the USDA program. Additionally, they agree not to participate in hyproponic production. They also agree to provide all ROP-certified poultry access to the outdoors and to provide livestock ready access to pasture. “The fourth issue is the conversion of livestock,” said Thicke. “It appears that a lot of the big confinement dairies are converting conventionally-raised animals to organic in one year; but to be certified organic, they should be raised as organic from birth. But it seems that there’s a loop hole and that some organic certifiers are allowing them to be organic in one year. I think that’s one of the reasons that organic dairy has gone bust. They’ve converted all these cows from conventional to organic and there’s an oversupply of milk.” After developing a set of certification rules, ROP began certifying organic farms in 2018. Currently, ROP has it’s own team of certifiers; but Thicke says they are working with a few trusted USDA certifiers to also do ROP certification inspections. “The ROP inspection is pretty straightforward and having both inspections done at one time will be really convenient,” said Thicke. As of the end of 2019, several hundred farmers around the country – including 15 in Minnesota and seven in Iowa – had become ROP certified. “The organic label is a trust — an agreement — between organic farmers and consumers that the farmer will produce food according to the organic standards, and the consumer will have confidence that the food they buy is truly organic,” Thicke said. “Unfortunately, because of the erosion of the National Organic Standards in recent years, that trust has broken down and consumers are losing confidence that certified organic food is truly raised in accord with real organic methods.” The break down in the agreement between farmers and consumers has taken place because corporate interests have slowly pushed farmers off the National Organic Standards Board. See ROP, pg. 13

THE LAND — MARCH 20/MARCH 27, 2020 — “Where Farm and Family Meet”


Pedogenisis provides fertilizer options for organic farmers By KRISTIN KEVENO The Land Staff Writer David Nelson has a passion for helping farmers grow the best crops possible. Nelson is the owner of Pedogenesis, Inc. located in Campbell, Minn. Pedogenesis is a company that works with farmers to solve production issues. Nelson David Nelson believes that it all begins in the soil. Nelson grew up in Roseau, Minn. and received an agronomy degree from the University of Minnesota. Opportunities led to Nelson and his wife Vickie to relocate to Colorado and start a chemical and pesticide-free lawn care business. It was during that time in 1991, that Nelson met Neal Kinsey. Kinsey is owner of Kinsey Agricultural Service, Inc. and a proponent of individualized soil and fertility care. He followed the teachings of Prof. William A. Albrecht who was an expert on the connection between the soil fertility and human health. The opportunity to gain insight from Kinsey was instrumental in Nelson’s lawn care business and subsequently in Pedogenesis. Wanting to move back to the Midwest, Nelson sold his lawn care business in 1997 and relocated to the Wahpeton, N.D. area. Nelson started consulting work with farmers and in 2009 took the leap — creating Pedogenesis in Campbell, Minn., which is located just east of the border with North Dakota. “We consult with people.” Nelson works with farmers to help them produce higher yielding crops through Pedogenesis fertilizer, weed control, monitoring crop progress as well as aiding in marketing the crop. “Most of our clients are within 300 miles.” Though Nelson has shipped fertilizer to clients as far away as Maine and Arizona. “Most of our clients have organic acres — yellow corn, blue corn, food-grade

soybeans, wheat, barley and oats,” he said. “We started building a facility to house all the products I talk about.” Nelson can combine custom blend liquid with dry blends for one-pass fertilizer coverage. Besides Nelson and his wife, Pedogenesis employs one salesperson and four people to work in the fertilizer plant. There is 50,000 conventional acres and 130,000 organic acres that Pedogenesis is currently working with. How are his clients feeling with planting just a few months away? “A lot of our clients are fairly positive.” Especially organic farmers. “There’s a lot of big buyers (for organic crops).” “It takes more money to put in an organic crop and take it off,” Nelson said. Though he believes that farmers can make three times more money growing organic than conventional. “We’re trying to make mineral dense food and feed.” That’s the ultimate goal Nelson has for his clients. He doesn’t sell seed, but “I recommend seed companies that I’ve worked with in the past.” Nelson feels the majority of farmers he works with learn best by seeing and doing, which is why he hosts hands-on seminars and field days for his clients. His best piece of advice for farmers is simple. “Apply your fertility when your crop actually needs it.”

Nelson believes that bugs and disease are symptoms of nutrient defiencies. He explains that weeds tell one story, insects tell another. What is the biggest challenge Pedogenesis faces? “Building trust. People don’t know what to believe.” What other farmers say about him has helped him through the years. “We work off of referrals.” Nelson knows that the bottom line is imperative. “We guarantee that we won’t be higher than any other company.” Ideally, Nelson likes to begin working with his clients in the fall. “We really need to start in the fall, so we’re ready for the spring.” He likes to get the issues addressed at that time and get the fields soil sampled then. Nelson works with farmers that utilize a variety of field practices. “We can work with full tillage, all the way up to no-tillage.” “We believe in cover crops.” He’s a proponent of keeping something growing in the field at all growing times. There’s optimism for a better year for farmers and Nelson shares that optimism. Working with farmers on improving soil health — and ultimately their yields — has been something that Nelson continues to be fervent about. “Our work is custom for field, for f a r m .” v


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PAGE 12 — “Where Farm and Family Meet”

THE LAND — MARCH 20/MARCH 27, 2020

Hemp brokers offering grower contracts for 2020 By DICK HAGEN ‘We’ll start this fall building a receiving and han- and the Seehusen crew is a must this first year. Tim The Land Staff Writer Emeritus dling facility here at our Olivia headquarters. We’ve is well known to many area farmers. For the past 23 gathered lots of data on production costs to grow years he owned and operated Square One, a local Olivia, Minnesota’s long-time ‘corn hemp. An $800 cost per acre — which includes land building supply business in Olivia. capital,’ might be facing a new chalcosts — is the figure we’re working with right now. lenge. This Renville County commuSeehusen had previously talked with most farmers We don’t yet have markets lined up, so the question attending this Feb 27 meeting. He estimates most nity of 2,482 people could be sproutis how much risk can we handle? If we do 1,000 acres, growers will be doing at least 20 acres; a potential ing a new title as Minnesota’s hemp we’re sticking our necks out to cover about $800,000 $16,000 start-up investment cost. Tim knows farmcapital! That amazing and exciting information was presented to 42 Tim Seehusen in production costs for our growers. And that’s the ers. “Most have told me ‘I can handle that.’ We have risk we and our growers are facing at this stage. tremendous farmers in this area. They are risk takpotential new hemp farmers on Feb. Essentially this first year we’re asking they grow the ers every year, but their crops always get planted. 27 in Olivia. crop; we’ll process and deliver to the market; we’re Entrepreneurs of this ambitious development are offering 15-cents per pound. It’s like a partnership Each day as we move along, I’ll have more knowledge on our prospective buyers. And that’s why we offer Tim and Paul Seehusen, brothers and sons of Jim agreement: You grow it; we’ll get it sold.” that 15-cent startup contract price. Seehusen who 42 years earlier started up his own So obviously, faith and confidence between growers agricultural business, Pro Equipment Sales. Pro “Our growers know an early start on this new crop Equipment specialized in steel bins for ongets them ahead of the learning curve. Once farm storage of corn and soybeans — mostly this hemp industry kicks into gear, we’ll a new concept to farmers some 40 years ago. have competition. At this stage I’m counting a number of area farmers to get on board.” Tim Seehusen, Chief Operations Officer of prairiePROducers, admits some of his dad’s Already on board is Jon Steinbach of ambition very likely seeped into the veins of Redwood Falls, Minn. He’s familiar with he and his brother Paul. That’s evident in ST. PAUL — Those wanting to grow or process hemp in Minnesota hemp for CBD products and medicinal uses. their marketing tag line, “It’s not the future in 2020 must apply for a license with the Minnesota Department of He’s an indoor grower using a large heated — It’s today! Agriculture by March 31. building with air filtration and LED lighting At this Olivia meeting, Tim commented, This is the fifth year of the state’s Industrial Hemp Program. Last which lets him grow three crops per calen“You bet we’re excited; but we’re also cau- year, 550 people held licenses to grow or process hemp. Over 7,300 dar year. tious — especially in view of the economic acres and 400,000 indoor square feet were planted in Minnesota. What got Steinbach into growing his own squeeze of agriculture these days. We were “We believe in the potential of the developing industry,” said hemp? Sleep apnea. “If you grow the right shooting for 1,000 to 1,250 acres this initial Assistant Agriculture Commissioner Whitney Place. “We want to strain, it will make you feel better. I was growing season. But even starting with 500 ensure that everyone who would like to grow and process hemp in doing medicinal hemp before medicinal was acres will be okay. As everyone knows, the Minnesota is able to do so. They simply need to apply by March 31.” the thing. I started growing my own hemp Industrial hemp program is still in its infanand it certainly cleaned up my problem.” The online application for growers and processors can be found on (This was in the early 1990s he said.) cy. But farmer interest in growing the crop is the MDA website at Along incredible. “Working with the Seehusen team, I’ll be a with the online form, first-time applicants need to submit finger“Our challenge will be to find the buyers. prints and pass a criminal background check. research grower working on industrial hemp Yes, all sorts of talk about the growing mulvarieties for this area. I won’t be doing offiQuestions about the MDA’s Hemp Program should be sent cial testing; that’s the job of the Minnesota titude of new products made from hemp. to; or call (651) 201-6600. And some manufacturers are already on the Department of Agriculture. But I’m just 20 scene in Minnesota and the Fargo/Morehead This article was submitted by the Minnesota Department of miles down the road from Olivia so we can area. So we’re confident markets will be Agriculture. v See HEMP, pg. 13 developing.

Hemp license applications due March 31

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is 50°F. Soils under heavy residue are

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soils in early spring, adding extra cold

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stress and disease pressure.

which is based on the genetic potential

ra t i n g o f h i g h l y s u i ta b l e , s u i ta b l e

for a hybrid to establish stand under

or poorly suited for per formance in

stress conditions (e.g., cold, wet soils

reduced tillage systems.

p l a n t i n g a n d c o n s e r va t i o n t i l l a g e sys te m s h a ve i n c re a se d th e ris k of r e d u c e d a n d u n e v e n s ta n d s a n d subsequent yield loss.

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PIONEER® brand products are provided subject to the terms and conditions of purchase which are part of the labeling and purchase documents. Trademarks and service marks of Dow AgroSciences, DuPont or Pioneer, and their affiliated companies or their respective owners. © 2020 Corteva. 4324


THE LAND — MARCH 20/MARCH 27, 2020 — “Where Farm and Family Meet”


USDA hemp approval spawns many end product users HEMP, from pg. 12 easily connect on some of these projects.” Steinbach is enthusiastic about hemp out here in Prairie Country. “I salute what the Seehusen guys are doing. They’re taking that first big step! I believe this crop can be a new cash crop for smart growers getting on board the ‘hemp train’ now picking up momentum with Minnesota farmers.” A Renville County sugar beet grower at this Feb 27 meeting now has two years’ experience growing hemp. Marketing is the biggest challenge, he said adding, “I think it’s overstated how hard a crop it is to grow. Getting it out of the ground is sort of like sugar beets … you have that nervous moment waiting for the crop to emerge. But once up, it grows fast. It’s not a difficult crop to grow.” He plants in 7-inch rows on irrigated sand soils which he thinks is helpful for this crop. He said on black dirt you can get crusting problems — just like in sugar beets. Is he expanding for 2020? “Maybe … that 15-cent market might convince me. I’m encouraged. I think the Seehusens are on the right track.” And he’s encouraged about the future of hemp. “My son is only 12 and he really wants to farm. By then I think hemp will be in full production. I think hemp will be a rotational crop for a lot of guys here today. Reliable markets are the key.” AURI Project Development Director Harold Stanislawski spoke at this Feb. 27 meeting. AURI’s (Agricultural Utilization Research Institute) mission is to assist new ventures, new products for long-term benefit through value-added agricultural products. Stanislawski brought a piece of hemp wood made from hemp fiber by a Kentucky firm Fiber Ogee. “This is a bio-composite product made into hemp board for flooring, or even higher end products that might go into cabinet doors. Hemp fiber used in these cabinet doors strengthens them considerably. Its heavy stuff … this particular piece could be used in flooring. It could be stained and treated many different ways to give a variety of looks and design. “AURI is pleased to be working with companies

interested in new uses of hemp fiber,” he went on to say. “Even building products such as Hemp Crete blocks for structural walls in homes, commercial buildings, etc. There’s a company in Fargo using hemp resins to make things such as coffee cups, tooth brushes, even eye glass frames, all from hemp. And we soon will be working with some Minnesota packaging companies that have contacted us about the potential of hemp fibers in packaging — anything from cardboard boxes to carpeting. “Obviously, new end-product users are coming along regularly now that industrial hemp is recognized by USDA as a renewed commodity. AURI is committed to working with the hemp industry by providing value-added ag research, laboratory analysis, business and technical services, and a network of science and business professionals. Please connect with us via our website at” Stanislawski mentioned AURI people are also meeting with the Minnesota Department of Transportation. “When new roads are being built, rubber erosion control mats are placed on the ditch banks and surrounding drainage structures. That’s a pretty big market for the Minnesota Department of Transportation. They have told us they would love to switch over to some hemp products — thinking hemp mats would simply last much longer. They’re under mandate from the Erosion Control Agency to move away from rubber-based mats. This potentially could be a huge new market for a hemp-based fiber mat.” “Two Canadian firms have invited us to see their factories making these hemp based erosion control mats and their hemp-crete building blocks. So why re-invent the wheel? If we can learn from our Canadian neighbors, who are already into this manufacturing process, we should bring this knowledge back to potential Minnesota processors. Who knows? Maybe even the Seehusens right here in Olivia.” “Just this morning I got a call from a Minnesota company wanting to get into new packaging materials using hemp as the prime ingredient. Suffice to say, hemp potentially is a rapidly expanding new industry for Minnesota,” said Stanislawski.

Consumers want organic standards ROP, from pg. 10 There are no longer any farmers on the NOSB, according to Thicke. “Some corporations are into organics to collect the premium that you can get with the USDA certified organic label; but they want to get that premium at the lowest possible cost,” he said. “Organics isn’t a philosophy for them, but a question of profit margins.” But organics is a philosophy for the farmers who founded, and are certified by, the Real Organic Project – and they want to partner with like-minded farmers. “I serve on the ROP standards board,” Thicke said.

“We have heard from lots of consumers that say they are unhappy with the USDA’s erosion of the National Organic Standards and that they are very supportive of our efforts to re-establish trust in the organic standards.” Thicke says he, and other ROP farmers, are committed to producing organic food that meets, or exceeds, the organic standards consumers expect – those originally specified in the National Organic Standards. Only by doing so will they regain the agreement of trust between organic farmers and consumers. For more information on the Real Organic Project visit v

He mentioned visiting with Ford Motor Company in Georgia and hearing about the bio-based materials now being used in their automobiles. “I asked her about hemp. She replied, ‘Oh yes, we’ve got lots of uses for hemp products in various components of our vehicles. It’s stronger, lasts longer and doesn’t rust like metallic substances. But she reminded me that it must not be more expensive than the current products they are using” Stanislawski also mentioned a product called grapheme. It is mined from the earth to make super capacitator batteries. Hemp can be the carbon-like graphene source for that usage; and it would be much cheaper than extracting this product from the earth. The AURI offices at Marshall, Crookston and Waseca provide services both to growers and processors. Check the MDA website for a listing of the various hemp seed varieties they have tested; and lists of some of the characteristics of the oils. It’s important to note you must be a grower licensed by the Minnesota Department of Agriculture before crop insurance agencies will write up hemp coverage insurance. March 31 is the license deadline to become a 2020 certified hemp grower in Minnesota. Licensing cost is $400. Your hemp field will be walked and pre-harvest samples are cut 25 to 30 days ahead of harvest. If tested above a 0.3 percent THC level, the field must be destroyed. The 2018 farm bill spells out that industrial hemp (Cannabis sativa L) contains no more than 0.3 percent THC (delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol). For licensing information, contact Margaret Wiatrowski who is the Industrial Hemp Program Coordinator with the Minnesota Department of Agriculture. Her email address is Her phone number is (651) 587-6795. Seed costs are about $6 per pound. At a 40-pound per acre seeding rate, that’s $240. However, with a yield of 8,000 pounds per acre at 15-cents, you have a $1,200 gross revenue expectation and $400 per acre net. A seed source spokesperson reminded you must be a registered and licensed grower to buy hemp seed. “We will have a pre-planting meeting to go through all the agronomics information that you’ll need. And we will also follow that crop through the course of the year to make sure there aren’t any hiccups.” v

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PAGE 14 — “Where Farm and Family Meet”

THE LAND — MARCH 20/MARCH 27, 2020

USDA Ag Outlook Forum projects crop increases for 2020 Each year in late February, the U.S. tion are expected to show more modest Department of Agriculture’s Ag Outlook increases than livestock receipts, likely Forum is held in Washington, DC. The Ag reflecting the lower 2019 crop yields in Outlook Forum is usually the first USDA many areas. Total cash expenses for farm projection for expected crop acreage for production are expected to decrease by the coming growing season, as well as $1.3 billion in 2020, compared to last other current economic conditions in the year. agriculture industry. The latest Forum One concern raised during the Ag projected increases in the level of both Outlook Forum was the rapidly rising U.S. corn and soybean acreage for 2020, as FARM PROGRAMS level of farm debt. Total farm debt in the well as forecasting the continuation modU.S. is expected to increase by 2.3 percent By Kent Thiesse est price levels and tight profit margins in 2020 to $425 billion, which is now for the coming year. approaching the record farm debt level of $440 bilBased on the USDA projections, U.S. farm income lion in 1980. Total farm assets are projected to only levels in 2020 are expected to both increase and increase by 1.3 percent during the current year, decrease — depending on which farm income calcula- which will likely result in an increase in the total tion is being considered. Total net farm income in the U.S. farm debt-to-asset ratio for the sixth straight United States is expected to increase by 3.3 percent year in 2020. The farm-level working capital is proin 2020 to $96.7 billion. This is a $3.1 billion increase jected to decline by another 15 percent in 2020, after from the 2019 income level. The projected 2020 net declining by 12.7 percent in 2019. Many farm operafarm income is well above the lowest annual U.S. net tors have had to refinance debt in recent years, due farm income level in the past decade of $52 billion in to low farm profit levels and inability to fully repay 2016. However, the 2020 income level is still 22 per- annual farm operating loans. One piece of good news cent below the highest level in the past decade in is that farm interest rates are expected to remain 2013. quite low throughout 2020. Net farm income is the year-to-year, accrual-adjustMost agricultural economists point out that the ed farm income which is based on changes in the current farm financial stress has not reached the value of year-end inventories, reflecting total crop levels or magnitude of the 1980’s farm financial production in the year, among other factors. The level crisis. However, they are concerned about the conof grain inventories for farm operators in many areas tinued slow deterioration of the U.S. agricultural are expected to increase by the end of 2020, due to economy. In recent years, there has been an averincreased crop acreage and a return to near trend- age of less than three farm bankruptcies per line crop yields. Year-end inventory adjustments 10,000 farms, which compares to 23 bankruptcies were reduced in 2019 due to the reduced crop yields per 10,000 farms at the height of the 1980’s farm in many areas of the United States — including the crisis. upper Midwest. Following are the projections from the USDA Ag The net cash income on U.S. farms in 2020 is Outlook Forum for U.S. crop acreage, yield, producexpected to decrease to $109.6 billion, which is a tion, and price estimates for the major U.S. crops in decrease of 9 percent from the 2019 cash income level 2020: of $120.4 billion. Net cash income records farm Total U.S. acreage planted to corn, soybeans, wheat income from crop and livestock sales, as well as other and cotton in 2020 is estimated at 236.5 million sources; and farm expenses during the calendar year acres, which is an increase of 11.7 million acres or 5.2 in which they occur. The biggest factor in the pro- percent from last year. This increase in crop acreage jected drop in net cash income in 2020 is the esti- this year largely reflects the record level of prevented mated decline of $8.7 billion in government farm plant crop acres in 2019. program payments. The calculation included only Corn — U.S. corn acreage is estimated at 94 million $3.69 billion in market facilitation program payments in 2020, which represents the third 2019 MFP acres for 2020, which is up from the 2019 planted payment farmers received in February this year. By corn acreage of 89.7 million acres and would be the comparison, cash receipts from MFP payments in highest corn acreage level since 2016. USDA is projecting a trend line national average corn yield of 2019 totaled $14.3 billion. 178.5 bushels per acre in 2020, which would result in Even with the significant decline in MFP pay- an estimated total U.S. corn production of 15.46 bilments, total cash receipts for all U.S. farm com- lion bushels. This compares to U.S. average corn modities is expected to increase by over $10 billion yields of 168 bushels per acre in 2019 and 176.4 in 2020, as compared to a year earlier. Cash receipts bushels per acre in 2018, and total corn production from livestock production are expected to show the levels of 13.7 billion bushels in 2019 and 14.3 billion greatest increase in 2020, with receipts from hog bushels in 2018. USDA estimated the 2020-21 corn production expected to increase by 18.4 percent and ending stocks to increase to 2.637 billion bushels, milk receipts to increase by 5.2 percent, both reflect- with a market-year average price of $3.60 per bushel. ing increased production and higher estimated This compares to the current estimated 2019-20 corn prices during 2020. Cash receipts from crop produc-

ending stocks of 1.9 billion bushels, and a projected average market year average price of $3.80 per bushel. Soybeans — U.S. soybean acreage is also expected to increase in 2020 to 85 million acres, which is up from 76.1 million acres in 2019. However, soybean acreage in 2020 would be well below acreage levels in 2017 and 2018. USDA is estimating the 2018 trend line soybean yield at 49.8 bushels per acre. This compares to a U.S. soybean yield of 47.4 bushels per acre in 2019, but would be below the record U.S. soybean yield of 52 bushels per acre in 2016. Total 2020 U.S. soybean production is projected at nearly 4.2 billion bushels, compared to just under 3.6 billion bushels in 2019. The soybean ending stocks for 2020-21 are estimated expected to decline to 320 million bushels, which compares to 425 million bushels in 2019-20 and a record 909 million bushels in 2018-19. USDA projects an average farm-level market year average soybean price of $8.80 for the 2020-21 marketing year, compared to an estimated market year average price of $8.70 per bushel for the current year and a final market year average price of $8.48 per bushel for 2018-19. Wheat — U.S. wheat acreage in 2020 is projected to be 45 million acres, which is similar to the 45.2 million planted wheat acres in 2019. This reflects a trend of continued lower U.S. wheat acreage compared to 2013-2016 wheat acreage levels. USDA is estimating the 2020 national average wheat yield at 48.2 bushels per acre, with a total production of over 1.83 billion bushels, which compares to a wheat yield of 51.7 bushels per acre and a total production of 1.92 billion bushels in 2019. USDA is projecting an average market year average price of $4.90 per bushel for the 2020-21 marketing year, compared to the current estimate of $4.55 per bushel for the 2019-20 year. Economists at the USDA Forum expect farm land values in most major crop producing areas of the United States to remain fairly stable in the next 12 months. Many ag lenders reported much tighter scrutiny by federal and state bank examiners on agriculture related loans, which could make ag credit more difficult for farm operators facing financial challenges. Economists are wondering what the impact of the recent trade agreements with China, Mexico, Canada and Japan will mean for the financial strength of the agriculture industry going forward. Of course, the attention in recent weeks has now been focused on the economic impacts due to the spreading coronavirus. Most of the agriculture financial experts are expecting the tight margins and farm financial challenges to continue in the next couple of years. However, none of the experts were predicting a repeat of the farm financial crisis of the 1980’s. Kent Thiesse is a government farm programs analyst and a vice president at MinnStar Bank in Lake Crystal, Minn. He may be reached at (507) 726-2137 or v

MILKER’S MESSAGE — “Where Farm and Family Meet”

THE LAND — MARCH 20/MARCH 27, 2020


Report states milk output takes a jump in February This column was written for the marketing week ending March 20. February milk output shot higher, thanks to an increased herd size and favorable weather. The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s preliminary data in its latest Milk Production report shows output at 17.87 billion pounds, up 5.3 percent from February 2019. However, the data is skewed in that February had an extra “Leap Day” of production than 2019, so adjusting for the extra day, output was up 1.7 percent. February output in the top 24 states totaled 17 billion pounds, up 5.6 percent; but after adjusting, it was up 2 percent. Revisions added 40 million pounds to the original 50-state January total, now put at 18.8 billion, up 1.1 percent from January 2019.


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from a year ago or 1.5 percent. in the 50 states are now seven months intowhere the strength herd requirements in February expansion and we’re up 55,000 and corrosion resistance are Adjusting for the Leap Day, Release Head Locks Panel By Lee Mielke totaled 9.37 mil- California was Auto head,” CORROSION and it appears, critical“farmers design factors.are up 84 million pounds PROTECTION lion head, up responding to margins just like they or 2.6 percent from a year ago. Cow 9,000 from January and 18,000 above numbers were down 3,000, but output used to.” CS-60 Comfort Tie Stall a year ago. The 24-state count totaled per cow was up 52 pounds. Wisconsin Dairy cow culling took a drop in 8.84 million head, up 8,000 from was down 0.8 percent on 10,000 fewer February. The USDA’s latest TheLivestock Toughest January and 39,000 more than cows and one pound less per cow. Slaughter report shows an estimated Stalls February 2019. Revisions added Minnesota was up 0.3 percent despite 266,100 head went to slaughter under on the 13,000 cows to the January head asuperior losslunge of 5,000 cows. Output per cow federal inspection. This is down 32,400 • Provides area count, now put at 9.36 million head, market, was up 23 pounds. head or 10.8 percent from January; 7,000 above a year ago. Output per• Much stronger than our guaranteed analysts view the report as beam systems See MIELKE, pg. 16 cow in the 50 states averaged 1,841competitors’Most not to bend • No Stall mounts in the • Entire panel made of H.D. 10 gauge tubing concrete or sand are hot dippedWI galvanized after W. 6322 Cty. O,• Panels Medford, 54451 • Fully adjustable welding inside and out (715) 748-4132 • 1-800-688-0104 • Stall system stays high and Heaviest, • 6’, 8’, 10’, 12’ lengths dry, resulting in longer life Strongest, REMODELING, EXPANSION OR REPLACEMENT • 12’ panel weight 275 lbs. • Installation labor savings Custom Buy Direct From Manufacturer and SAVE! We Can Handle All Your Barn Steel Needs • Head-to-head and single row Cattle Diagonal Feed Thru Panel options available Auto Release Head Locks Panel Gates • Compare the weight of this on the system, heaviest available Elevated Dual Market on the market today WEEKLY



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MILKER’S MESSAGE — “Where Farm and Family Meet”

THE LAND — MARCH 20/MARCH 27, 2020

Retail and grocery demand for dairy remains strong MIELKE, from pg. 15 and 12,800 head or 4.6 percent below February 2019. The two month total shows 564,600 head were retired from the dairy industry so far in 2020, down 12,700 head or 2.2 percent from 2019. Meanwhile, the USDA’s latest Livestock, Dairy and Poultry Outlook reports that the 2020 forecast for the number of milk cows was raised to 9.345 million head, 10,000 higher than last month’s forecast. Milk per cow is now forecast at 23,780 pounds, five pounds lower than the previous forecast. With the higher projection for milk cows more than offsetting the lower projection for milk per cow, the milk production forecast was raised 300 million pounds to 222.3 billion, says USDA. n Powder pulled March 17’s Global Dairy Trade lower, as the world falls to its knees from coronavirus, COVID19. The weighted average of products offered dropped 3.9 percent, following the 1.2 percent drop on March 3, 2.9 percent on Feb. 18, and the 4.7 percent plunge on Feb. 4. Skim milk powder led the declines, down a whopping 8.1 percent, followed by whole milk powder, down 4.2 percent, after declines of 3.2 percent and 0.5 percent respectively March 3. Lactose led the gains, up 4.9 percent, and GDT cheddar was up 2.6 percent, after it dropped 4.7 percent last time. Rennet casein and anhydrous milkfat were both up 1 percent, after the milkfat slipped 1.7 percent. Butter inched

up 0.3 percent, following its 1 percent rise last time. FC Stone equated the GDT 80 percent butterfat butter price to $1.8341 per pound U.S., up 0.6 cents from the last event. Chicago Mercantile Exchange butter closed March 17 at $1.7550. GDT cheddar cheese equated to $1.9950 per pound, up 5.1 cents, and compares to March 17’s CME block cheddar at $1.8375. GDT skim milk powder averaged $1.1462 per pound and compares to $1.2460 last time. Whole milk powder averaged $1.2687, down from $1.3389. CME Grade A nonfat dry milk closed March 20 at 98.75 cents per pound. n In trade news of a brighter note, the Canadian Parliament approved the United States-Mexico-Canada agreement. U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Perdue stated, “USMCA is a great victory for America’s agriculture industry, and I am pleased to see Canada’s Parliament approved the deal. USMCA locks in and expands access to our neighbors to the north and south.” He also pledged to continue to work with both Canada and Mexico in implementing this agreement. n Checking the latest demand data, American-style cheese disappearance in January plummeted to the lowest level of any month since July 2017, according to analysis by HighGround Dairy. “January marked the sharpest year-over-year percentage decline since July 2011,” says HighGround

Dairy. “Butter domestic disappearance was down vs. last year’s record-high January demand, but still marked the highest January domestic demand since 2016, aside from the prior year,” according to HighGround Dairy. Domestic nonfat dry milk disappearance dropped to the lowest January volume on record but “was on trend with the declines also seen in November and December,” says HighGround Dairy. HighGround Dairy’s Lucas Fuess warned in the March 23 Dairy Radio Now broadcast they expect a severe decline in restaurant and food service sales – which are a key driver of dairy demand. However, retail and grocery demand has been exceptionally strong; and in some areas excess milk has been flowing into Midwest fluid plants which, in some cases, are seeing record sales. Demand depends on how long quarantines and social distancing remains in effect, he said, all of which have occurred just as we reached peak spring flush milk volumes. The resulting lower milk prices will hit dairy farmers just as they were starting to get used to profitable prices again, after several years. Fuess says they are closely monitoring trade – especially as things improve in China. “They expect there will be some increase in demand there; but that is dependent on where inventories are overall.” FC Stone echoes those remarks on consumer demand, writing, “while toi-

let tissue and bottled water are flying off retails shelves throughout the country, dairy products are also being swept up. Everything from ice cream to fluid milk seems to be on the short shopping list for consumers and manufacturers are feeling it.” FC Stone’s Dave Kurzawski says, “We estimate about half of the cheese that moves at food service is on pizza. As long as people are comfortable having pizza delivered, some of the blow to food service is going to be buffered. If you combine with to-go services and drive-throughs still open, maybe the dairy hit won’t be as bad as feared,” though “the presumption is demand will drop off significantly.” “Generally, we’d expect the lion’s share of this (excess milk) to get pushed into Class IV markets with spillover into Class III,” he wrote. “However, this is not the Christmas shut down. This is not summer break. This is survival time. We expect some additional fluid milk to slosh around, but we don’t think it will be quite as bad as expected. We’re not comparing this to Christmas in the slightest.” The USDA’s Dairy Outlook also spoke to the situation, stating, “There are two types of potential effects of the coronavirus (COVID-19) on the U.S. dairy industry. First is supply chain disruptions and second is the lower global demand for dairy products resulting from weaker economic conditions.” Since data concerning domestic and See MIELKE, pg. 17

Spring alfalfa stand assessments are important Warmer weather means that soon alfalfa will wake up from its winter dormancy and begin to grow again. For those who were unable to conduct fall alfalfa stand assessments, spring assessments can still be used (although they will give you less time for planning). Regardless, all stands need to be assessed this spring for winter injury. For stand assessments we need to focus on two-parts: stem counts and root and crown health. With stem counts, we usually measure this as stems per square foot. The relationship between stem density and

yield is constant; making this method reliable in estimating yield. Mark off a 2 square-foot section in each area you take a count. Count only those stems which are 2 inches or taller. Divide your count by two and average across all sections. This will get you to the necessary stems per square foot needed to check yields. Typically, stem counts over 55 stems per square foot indicates a good stand. In that condition, you could lose some plants and still produce good yields. Stem densities of 39 stems per square foot or less would be considered

low yields and you may wish to consider replacing. When it comes to visually assessing stands, start from the top down. Looking at the tops of alfalfa plants, look for symmetry of the buds coming from all sides of the crown. Asymmetrically plants indicate winter injury did occur and yield potential may be lower. Also check to see if the root system is up out of the ground. Alfalfa taproots which have been pushed out of the ground by over an inch will most likely be short lived during the spring (provided they don’t

break off). Next, dig up plants from three or four representative locations in the field — including at least the top 6 inches of the taproot to examine. Cut the crown in half and examine the color and rigidity of the inside of the crown. You want to see a firm, off-white interior with little to no signs of rotting. Discolored and spongy crown interiors indicate rotting and a plant that may not live another year. This article was submitted by Nathan Drewitz, University of Minnesota Extension. v

THE LAND — MARCH 20/MARCH 27, 2020

MILKER’S MESSAGE — “Where Farm and Family Meet”


Processors prepare for outbreak among employees MIELKE, from pg. 16

$1.8375, down 3.5 cents on the week, but still 26.75 cents above a year ago. The barrels fell to foreign supply and demand quantities are not yet $1.3875 on March 19, the lowest CME price since available for February or March, the extent of the March 11, 2019 and setting a new record spread of effects on the U.S. dairy industry thus far are 47.5 cents. On March 20 they closed at $1.43, 7 unknown. “Health authorities are highly uncertain cents lower on the week, 13.5 cents below a year of the severity and duration of the epidemic and ago, and 40.75 cents below the blocks. Four cars of macroeconomists are highly uncertain of the poten- block traded hands on the week at the CME and tial impact on the global economy,” the Outlook five of barrel. states. Midwestern cheesemakers saw a variety of The epidemic caused supply chain disruptions for demand responses early week, according to Dairy exports to China. According to a Reuters news Market News. If they were primarily a retail based report, the average wait time for container vessels operation, orders were very active. If their focus is at Zhoushan in southern China spiked to more than on food service and government related buying, they 60 hours in the week of Feb. 11-17. “Due to travel were slow. If they run both, orders were mixed but restrictions for workers returning from the Lunar regardless, they are busy. Milk was at $2 to $6 New Year holiday, several ports in China operated under Class mid-week but some bottlers were beginwith reduced staffing. Since then, the situation at ning to pull from milk supplies, diverting spot milk China’s ports has started to improve as many work- into bottling due to what they call the “toilet paper ers have returned to work.” effect,” wherein alongside toiletry items, grocery The latest Margin Watch from Chicago-based store shelves are being cleared of dietary staples Commodity and Ingredient Hedging stated, “Dairy such as milk, eggs and bread. margins deteriorated further over the first half of Cheese demand in the west was close to that of March as ongoing fallout from the COVID-19 the prior week. While food chain orders are trending global pandemic weighed heavily on the dairy down, retailers’ intakes have increased due to many complex. Social distancing measures enacted by end-users stocking up for later usage. Cheese proboth the federal and local governments to stem cessing continues on an active tone as milk is abunthe spread of the virus are causing significant dant in the west. anxiety as they negatively impact demand. The Butter sunk to $1.67 per pound on March 18, lowClass IV market in particular has come under est CME price since Feb. 26, 2015; but it rallied over extreme pressure with both butter and powder the next two days to close at $1.7550. This is 5.75 prices falling sharply.” cents lower on the week and 51 cents below a year The Margin Watch warned, “There are also supply ago. There were 12 sales on the week. concerns stemming from uncertainty over how milk Butter makers are seeing positives in retail processors may have to handle an outbreak of the demand, says Dairy Market News, but says it’s too virus among employees, with potential plant cloearly to tell whether it is the “toilet paper effect” or sures a distinct possibility.” whether the retail upticks are early spring holiday National Milk Producers Federation president and demand. Dairy Market News says, “Food service CEO Jim Mulhern spoke to assure consumers conaccounts were not granted the luck of the Irish this cerning dairy products, stating, “U.S. dairy farmers week. Schools and universities have no need to are stewards of a product that’s harvested around order for upcoming weeks, with state mandated clothe clock, 365 days a year, and they understand the sures ending no earlier than early April in many importance of steady production as well as steady states. Cream is plentiful. As more milk flows from consumption. The U.S. food-supply chain is more processing to bottling, also due to the grocery shelf than capable of meeting demand, and consumers clearances, more cream is being churned, adding to should be reassured that milk and dairy products an already heavy supply. Contacts are hopeful that will continue to be produced and available in the bakery and ice cream needs lend some help, othercoming weeks and months.” wise dumping is expected.” “Dairy supplies aren’t experiencing production Western butter makers say near-term retail butter interruptions at this time, and dairy farmers and demand is strong and certain retail account orders processors will continue to do what they do best: are several times higher than typical. Consumers produce safe, quality products every day for conhave been stocking up. While the swell of retail sumers in the United States and worldwide. We business has kept butter output active, food service will vigilantly work with all aspects of the dairy accounts are diminishing and butter inventories are supply chain to ensure these products get to every- steady to growing. one who needs them and that, as has always been Spot nonfat dry milk was also pummeled, falling true, dairy will remain something consumers can below $1 per pound for the first time since April 17, count on.” and it closed March 20 at 98.75 cents, down 6.5 n cents on the week and 3 cents below a year ago. Cash cheddar block cheese closed March 20 at Fifty cars traded hands on the week.

Dry whey saw a March 20 close at 33 cents per pound. This is down 1.75 cents on the week and even with a year ago, with seven cars exchanging hands on the week. The April Federal order Class I base milk price is $16.64 per hundredweight, down 82 cents from March; but 88 cents above April 2019 and the highest April Class I since 2014. That put the 2020 Class I average at $17.67, up from $15.54 at this time a year ago and compares to $14.29 in 2018. Lee Mielke is a syndicated columnist who resides in Everson, Wash. His weekly column is featured in newspapers across the country and he may be reached at v

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PAGE 18 — “Where Farm and Family Meet”

THE LAND — MARCH 20/MARCH 27, 2020


Grain Outlook Export rumors cushion corn The following marketing analysis is for the week ending March 20. CORN – If you wanted to experience the definition of whiplash, all you had to do was be a trader this week. Corn began the week with a smothering 11-cent tumble and proceeded to set new contract lows through mid-week. From the recent high in May corn on March 4 at $3.86.75 per bushel, it crashed to new contract low on March 18 at $3.32 per bushel – a whopping 54.75 cent or 14 percent decline. For a lead contract, this is the lowest spot price since July 2018 when corn traded down to $3.29.75 per bushel. Increased fear of a global recession and diving energy markets seemed to be the catapult for PHYLLIS NYSTROM CHS Hedging Inc. the next leg down. St. Paul Crude oil traded down to an 18-year low of $20.06 per barrel – its lowest level since February 2002. Reports of ethanol plants cutting grind rates and/or planning closures due to dismal margins prompted selling in corn. Basis levels plunged up to 25 cents in a day and bids were outright pulled at some locations. According to the University of Illinois, U.S. gasoline consumption could fall 15 to 20 percent in the next few months. This could cut corn for ethanol use by 120 million to 170 million bushels. The March/May carry widened to 7 cents but was back into 6 cents at the end of the week. The price of RBOB futures traded at 30 cents per gallon discount to ethanol futures leaving no incentive to blend any more than mandated. Dried distiller grains and soymeal prices soared on a lower grind rate and lower production of DDGs which could push protein users to soymeal. Rumors surfaced late in the week of Chinese interest in U.S. corn, which is competitive on the world stage. This was confirmed on March 20 with the biggest China purchase of corn since 2013 when the U.S. Department of Agriculture announced the sales of 29.7 million bushels. Funds were massive sellers of corn on the break lower, but were quick to reverse gears when crude oil bounced off the $20 per barrel support. Fundamentals have taken a backseat for weeks to fears of a global recession as pandemic measures closed businesses and essentially locked populations in place. Those factors were still in play this week, but friendly fundamentals began to surface. There were confirmed rumors that China was a buyer of U.S. corn, hard red winter wheat See NYSTROM, pg. 19

Cash Grain Markets

corn/change* soybeans/change* St. Cloud $3.07 -.14 $8.27 +.26 Madison $3.09 -.44 $8.28 +.18 Redwood Falls $3.25 -.37 $7.95 -.31 Fergus Falls $2.71 -.51 $7.87 +.11 Morris $2.87 -.48 $8.12 +.12 Tracy $3.05 -.49 $8.21 +.05

Financial Focus Good credit score vital for farmers

Well, to say the least about the last few weeks in the livestock industries, it has been a complete meltdown as prices have plummeted. Fear is the dominate reason that has created the panic selling — all stemming from the spread of the coronavirus. The fear is based upon the idea that worldwide economic slowdown will occur because of this pandemic which will slow export business worldwide. The futures market has experienced several limit lower moves as selling has overwhelmed the markets as prices have collapsed to weekly or near weekly lows in livestock contracts. At some point, with all the livestock marJOE TEALE Broker kets well oversold, there will be a low established — whether short Great Plains Commodity Afton, Minn. term or long term — as the fear begins to subside. The cattle complex has endured so far the most pressure in the livestock arena. The live cattle futures are near last year’s lows while the feeder futures have new weekly lows and are nearing the 2010 lows. Cash prices have also fallen — reflecting the negative attitudes toward the prospects of increased sales. The interesting thing about this is that beef is actually moving very well and beef cutouts have been improving. This would suggest the possibility of a bottom in this sell off may be nearing in the weeks ahead. One interesting observation: as the equity markets

Most young or beginning farmers have an abundance of energy and a strong commitment to a career in agriculture. What they often lack is the capital necessary to buy livestock, equipment, or to cover a down payment on real estate. In order to get the capital necessary to start farming, a beginning farmer is probably going to have to get a loan. In order to get a loan, he or she is going to need to have a good credit score. A “credit score” is a number assigned to a potential borrower by a credit bureau. Lenders use a credit score as an indication of the borrower’s likelihood of paying their financial obligations on time. The score is based on an PAUL DIETMANN analysis of the person’s credit hisCompeer Senior tory using financial information Lending Officer gathered by the credit bureau. Prairie du Sac, Wis. There are three major credit bureaus in the United States: Experian; TransUnion; and Equifax. The credit bureaus routinely gather payment information for millions of people from lenders, credit card companies, utility companies, court records and other sources. They do not gather income data; only information related to debts. When someone applies for a loan, the lender requests a credit report from one of the credit bureaus. The credit report will list all of the borrower’s financial obligations going back many years, and will show how many times a monthly payment was either missed or paid late. It will also list debts which have been sent to collection or other defaults on an obligation. A complex mathematical formula developed by the Fair Isaac Corporation (FICO) is used to derive a FICO credit score from all of the information on the credit report. FICO credit scores range from 300 to 850. A score above 720 is considered good, and above 800 is very good. A score below 650 is not good. A score below 600 usually indicates there is a serious issue on the credit report such as a loan default, outstanding financial judgment, or other problem. You are entitled to receive a free copy of your credit report each year from each of the three credit bureaus in order to check it for errors. The report contains all of your debt payment history, but does not include your FICO score. To obtain your free report, visit the website; or call (877) 3228228. Some credit card issuers offer free credit moni-

See TEALE, pg. 20

See DIETMANN, pg. 19




Year Ago Average: $3.35 $8.01 Grain prices are effective cash close on March 24. *Cash grain price change represents a two-week period.

Livestock Angles Selling is overwhelming market

Information in the above columns is the writer’s opinion. It is no way guaranteed and should not be interpreted as buy/sell advice. Futures trading always involves a certain degree of risk.

THE LAND — MARCH 20/MARCH 27, 2020 — “Where Farm and Family Meet”


Soymeal rallies to a five-month high during the week NYSTROM, from pg. 18 and U.S. soybeans. Logistical delays at South American ports due to coronavirus protocols, worker issues, and harvest delays popped up as talking points. Weekly export sales were within pre-report estimates at 35.6 million bushels. Total cumulative sales at 1.1 billion bushels are 30 percent behind last year’s pace. We need to average 22 million bushels of weekly sales to hit the USDA 1.725-billion-bushel target. New crop sales were 2.2 million bushels. Total new crop cumulative sales are 65.3 million vs. 72.2 million bushels last year. Weekly ethanol production fell 9,000 barrels per day to1.035 million bpd. Stocks were up 300,000 barrels to 24.6 million barrels. Margins crumbled 13 cents to a negative 25 cents per gallon. Outlook: Have we factored in all the negative news yet? We don’t have any weather premium in this market and we’re coming up on the Prospective Planting report on March 31. Corn will need some help from the energy sector to sustain rallies and we may get that help after crude oil bounced off the $20 area. The weak close into the weekend put that hope in peril. Will the United States step in to help with the Saudi Arabia/Russian crude oil spat? Corn is trying to balance the pickup in export demand with the losses being suffered in the ethanol industry. Moving forward, add in weather swings (a wet U.S. spring is in the forecast) and expect a continued volatile market. For the week, May corn plunged 22 cents to $3.43.75, July lost 19 cents at $3.40.5, and December was only down 9.75 cents at $3.63.25 per bushel. This week saw May corn trade at its lowest level for this time of year since 2006. It was also the biggest weekly drop in seven months. The new contract low in the May contract is $3.32 and $3.55.25 in the December contract. March 31 is the release of the Prospective Planting and Grain Stocks as of March 1 reports. The Chicago Mercantile Exchange, Mgex, and New York Stock

Exchange trading floors have all been closed with all trading being done electronically. SOYBEANS – Soybeans crashed and burned 27 cents lower by the time the closing bell rang on March 16, only to be led higher by meal for the balance of the week. Soymeal rallied to a five-month high on bargain hunting. Both soybeans and soymeal closed higher for four consecutive sessions into the weekend. Older traders have experienced markets where a soybean rally is led by meal and were encourage by this week’s action. U.S. soybeans have become competitive after the recent price decline and despite Brazil’s real trading to record lows vs. the U.S. dollar. There are concerns that South American export shipping could be disrupted by coronavirus protocols, including the possibility of closing export ports and quarantining ships’ crews for up to 14 days. The Buenos Aires Grains Exchange cut their Argentine soybean production forecast 2.5 million metric tons to 52 mmt citing dry conditions. Dry conditions persist across southern Brazil. U.S. soybeans are competitive with Brazilian origin, and combined with loading delays, likely accounted for this week’s rumblings about China buying U.S. soybeans. The USDA announced the sale of 4 million bushels of U.S. soybeans to unknown destinations on March 20. There was a report late afternoon March 19 that the mayor of the Argentine town of Timbues, a major export hub, wanting to suspend grain deliveries at ports and stop the arrival of grain trucks from March 20 through April 2. The mayor doesn’t have the authority to issue the order, but truck deliveries and vessel loadings have reportedly been halted. The federal government of Argentina announced a 10-day lockdown of the entire country, but did exempt the marketing and movement of agricultural products through the export chain from the lockdown. Later reports indicated port workers unions wanted a full shutdown of the ports to protect them from coronavirus. In Brazil, ag groups are asking the government

to keep export operations going. Weekly export sales were in line with estimates at 23.2 million bushels. Total commitments are 16 percent behind last year at 1.3 billion bushels. We need to average 22 million bushels of sales per week to achieve the USDA’s 1.825-billion-bushel outlook. New crop sales added 2.5 million this week to bring total commitments to 15.2 million bushels. This is well below last year when we had 26 million bushels on the books. When will Phase 1 purchases begin? The February National Oilseed Processors Association soybean crush was a record for the month at 166.3 million bushels and above estimates. Soyoil stocks at 1.922 billion pounds, slightly lower than pre-report estimates. Outlook: Declining crop estimates and shipment delays out of South America, increased demand for the soy complex as China returns to work and anticipated lower DDG availability, and possible wet planting conditions in the United States were all factors in this week’s rally. How we play this out in the coming weeks will be influenced by actions as a result of the coronavirus. We’re not out from under its shadow yet as several states declare “shelter in place” orders. The big unknown is what the eventual effect the coronavirus will have on global economies. May soybeans captured a 13.75-cent gain this week to settle at $8.62.5, July rallied 8.75 cents to $8.64.75, while November fell 3.75 cents to $8.60.75 per bushel. New contract low in May soybeans this week at $8.21 per bushel and $8.36.75 in the November contract. Nystrom’s Notes: Contract changes for the week as of the close March 20: Chicago March wheat staged a key reversal higher on the weekly chart. It was up 33.25 cents for the week at $5.39.25 per bushel. Kansas City surged 37.5 cents to $4.69, also posting a weekly key reversal higher. Minneapolis wheat was 13 cents higher at $5.21 per bushel. Crude oil was down $9.48 for the week at $22.63 per barrel. v

Protect credit score like you would your farming reputation DIETMANN, from pg. 18 toring, as do services such as NerdWallet. Here are a few tips for the young person with a limited or blemished credit history who wishes to build a good credit score: Always pay all of your bills on time – including utility, cell phone and medical bills. Payment history is the single biggest factor determining FICO score. It accounts for 35 percent of the score. Use no more than 30 percent of your available revolving credit. In other words, if you have a credit card with a $10,000 limit, don’t carry a balance of more than $3,000 on the card – even if you always pay it off every month. If you find yourself consistently using more than 30 percent of the card’s limit, either request an increased limit or make more than one payment on it each month. How much money you

owe in relation to your available amount of credit accounts (your “credit utilization rate”) accounts for 30 percent of your FICO score. Build long-term credit relationships with a few credit providers. Don’t open and close accounts frequently, or roll credit card balances from one card to another to take advantage of low introductory interest rates. Length of credit history accounts for 15 percent of the FICO score. Use various types of credit and build a history of successfully making all payments on time. Show that you can handle making payments on a credit card, a vehicle loan, and a student loan all at the same time. Credit mix accounts for 10 percent of the FICO score. If you have to carry balances on multiple credit cards, it’s better to have larger balances on a couple of cards than to carry small balances on many cards. Knock off the smallest balances one-by-one until

you’re down to just a few. Be cautious about applying for new credit in the months prior to taking a substantial farm loan. For example, don’t take out a loan to buy a new truck a month before you apply for a farm real estate loan. It’s critically important to start building a positive credit history when you haven’t yet been able to build up a substantial amount of capital. A strong credit score can give a beginning farmer a big boost when applying for farm loans. In essence, your credit score is a measure of your financial reputation. When you’ve established a strong credit score you’ll want to protect it like you would guard your reputation as a good farmer. It’s a building block for a successful farming career. Paul Dietmann is the Senior Lending Specialist for Compeer Financial. For more insights from the Compeer team, check out v

PAGE 20 — “Where Farm and Family Meet”

THE LAND — MARCH 20/MARCH 27, 2020

Goplen: Small grains could be field’s best friend By DICK HAGEN The Land Staff Writer Emeritus GRANITE FALLS, Minn. — Yes, corn and soybean pros rarely consider wheat or oats or even barley in your crop rotation. But if building soil health is still on your agenda, then just maybe squeezing a small grain into that formula Jared Goplen every third year or so would do a favor to both your soils and your pocketbook! That wasn’t the exact message from University of Minnesota Extension Crops Educator Jared Goplen, but when he mentioned upwards of $200 per acre losses when soybean aphids take a huge liking to your soybean fields, Goplen has your attention! He spoke at a small grains workshop in Granite Falls, Minn. on Feb. 20. Said Goplen, “For the corn/soybean guys, there’s little doubt they face more weed and insect issues than farmers who work a small grain into their cropping sequence. And with production costs continuing to escalate in this continual battle of weed free and insect free corn and soybeans, small grains are getting more attention as a ‘fight back’ therapy. Include small grains and you are breaking up some of those weed and insect life cycles which can be very helpful in your management strategies.” He noted $200 per acre losses can and do happen just from incorrect varietal choices when planting soybeans. “Soybean cyst nematodes are the numberone disease limiting pathogen of soybeans. The problem is that it doesn’t always cause above-ground symptoms, so you might be having significant yield losses and you don’t even see it. You can avert this disaster by digging a few soybean plants in early summer; or the recommended strategy of soil sampling to see what your SCN egg counts are and go from there in developing your management program.” So are soybean cyst losses increasing year by year? Goplen hesitated, “We’ve sort of been lucky that past 10 years or so. Resistant varieties have been working well enough; but now we’re seeing these resistant varieties kind of breaking down so soybean cyst nematode is causing some higher yield losses. Seed treatments don’t seem to be the answer, so the only

strategy is to manage with resistant varieties … and crop rotation. And that’s why small grains are getting back into this conversation more and more.” He noted most soybean varieties today have PI 887888 as the cyst nematode resistant factor. However, nematodes are now becoming resistant to the resistance. So switching to varieties with Peking genetics is now a recommended practice, if you can access this breeding. Goplen indicated Peking varieties might be limited access yet this spring. He suggested Bruce Potter, plant pathologist at Southwest Research and Outreach Center in Lamberton, Minn. as the contact guy on availabilities of these new SCN resistant soybeans. “As we get further north into Minnesota and the Dakotas, these soybeans may be more limited.” Goplen also noted soybeans after wheat, or oats, generally produce at least a 7 percent yield bump. Plus that small grain in your corn/soybean cycle gives a break on troubling weed problems. So should the small grain be wheat or oats? “That somewhat depends on your location in the state and if there is a local market. If you’re in the southeast quadrant of Minnesota, oats are the more common choice. Here in the ‘western prairie’ section, wheat is preferred. However, besides grain yield, also consider the value of your straw crop. Weather hazards seriously reduced hay yields last year for many. And that is why upwards of $150 per acre off wheat straw bales are happening this winter.” Barley can work too; but Goplen cautioned it is a bit more challenging crop. But he does advise the early you can get your small grain seeding in the ground the better. “Probably not in advance of St. Patrick’s Day, but if the ground is fit, get it seeded. Small grains are a cool-season crop so give them that advantage. Warm nights are the biggest detriment to healthy, productive small grains, so an early season harvest is best,” he said.

Plus, the positive impact on better weed control in your fields is a real plus for small grains. “More diverse rotations give you a management plus,” Goplen said. “Often with a corn/soybean program, you have these nuisance weeds of ragweed, water hemp, lambsquarter, etc. With small grain, you can harvest before some of these weeds even produce viable seed. That certainly helps decrease the weed bank.” Can cover crops be part of this same strategy in both weed control and reduced disease issues? Very definitely said Goplen. “Crop rotations historically are key to building soil health. Cover crops are gaining interest particularly if you might not have a market for certain small grains. A more diverse rotation gets you a multitude of these soil health benefits and can often reduce your overall costs of crop production without a negative impact on net earnings.” However, he graciously acknowledges when he’s talking to a group of ‘powerhouse’ corn growers, the idea of fitting some small grain into their corn/soybean routine isn’t likely to make many converts. Often it gets to the bare bones of treating every field individually because every field often is different from every other field. “Sure, I recognize that on some fields you’re not going to make more money growing a small grain. It’s difficult to pencil in black ink if you only market the grain. But you need to give some credit to your small grains for a yield bump on either your corn or soybeans after small grains. And, if you have a strong hay market, that can be a deciding financial factor too. If small grains gives you some help in your battles with weeds or certain diseases in your fields, it’s hard to put a dollar value on this. But consider the peace of mind as a significant plus also,” summed up Goplen. v

Demand for pork looks strong TEALE, from pg. 18 go, so goes the livestock markets. This may suggest that a low is closer that we think. Since the futures have not paid attention to the fundamentals in recent days, it might only take a change in the fear factor to change the attitude away from the selling which has occurred. The hog market has suffered a similar sell off as the cattle; however not nearly as severe. The reason has been the cash trade has been improving through the panic hitting all the other markets. This has simply taken the premium of futures over cash and nar-

rowed that basis. Pork cutouts have improved over the past weeks as well as improved product movement indicated good demand for pork. The fear which has driven other markets is the same thing that has pressured the hog futures over the past days. As the pressure from those markets subside, so will it subside for the hogs. The fundamentals will then take control of the futures which are currently fairly positive. This will all depend on whether attitudes do change; and if fear subsides will the hog market return to a premium to the hog index? v

For marketing news between issues ... visit

THE LAND — MARCH 20 /MARCH 27, 2020 — “Where Farm and Family Meet”

Real Estate

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Bins & Buildings

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’16 Komotsu WA 270-7, 8193 hrs, Q.C., 4 yd bkt ........... $72,000

TRACTOR LOADER BACKHOES ’11 Case 580N, 4x4 cab 2540 hrs ............................. $42,000


’16 Komotsu WA 320-7, 6936 hrs, Q.C., 3.5 yd bkt ........ $83,000 ‘12 Komotsu 380-7, 8850 hrs, 4.25 yd bkt ..................... $69,900

EXCAVATORS ’15 Cat 323 FL, 3768 hrs, 40" bkt............................ $119,000

’05 NH TG 230, 3560 hrs, MFWD, 5 40,000 PTO,

’14 Komotsu PC 138US-10, hyd thumb, 36" bkt ........ $80,000

3 PT, 5 hyd valves, 480x46 front tires & duals,

’11 JD 290GLC, 3347 hrs, 12'6" stick,42" bkt .......... $110,000

auto steer system .................................................. $72,500

’11 Case CX300C, 2658 hrs, 12' stick, 54" bucket .. $110,000


LARSON IMPLEMENTS 5 miles east of Cambridge, MN on Hwy. 95

Greenwald, MN • 320-987-3177


14 miles So. of Sauk Centre

Look at our website for pictures & more listings:

PAGE 22 — “Where Farm and Family Meet”

THE LAND — MARCH 20/MARCH 27, 2020 Bins & Buildings

DONATE YOUR CAR, TRUCK OR BOAT TO HERITAGE FOR THE BLIND. Free 3 Day Vacation, Tax Deductible, Free Towing, All Paperwork Taken Care Of. CALL 1-855-977-7030 (MCN) CASH FOR CARS: We Buy Any Condition Vehicle, 2002 and Newer. Competitive Offer! Nationwide FREE Pick Up! Call Now For a Free Quote! 888-366-5659 (MCN) $1,380 WEEKLY or more mailing our sales letters from home. FT/PT No experience needed. All supplies provided. Genuine Opportunity! Free Information 1-888-989-8588. (MCN) TRAIN ONLINE TO DO MEDICAL BILLING! Become a Medical Office Professional online at CTI! Get Trained, Certified & ready to work in months! Call 855-960-0997. (M-F 8am-6pm ET) (MCN) BEST SATELLITE TV with 2 Year Price Guarantee! $59.99/mo with 190 channels and 3 months free premium movie channels! Free next day installation! Call 855-824-1258. (MCN)

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Farm Equipment

Stormor Bins & EZ-Drys. 6122 Agco White 12R30” plant100% financing w/no liens or er w/ liq fert & mon, 540 PTO red tape, call Steve at Fair- hyd pump, very good cond. fax Ag for an appointment. MF 8780 combine w/ 863 6R CH, nice, always shedded; 888-830-7757 MF 9750 25’ BH w/ trailer, WANTED TO BUY: 5,000 to very good. 507-340-1001 10,000 bu cone bottom bins. Also 18’ diameter steel bin, ‘89 Versatile 876 tractor, w/ duin good shape. 507-327-6430 als, new clutch, 280hp, 6,500 hrs; ‘95 7200 MaxEmerge planter, 12R30, precision Farm Equipment corn meters, soybean meters, liq fert & insect, front 1830 Case IH 12R30” cult, fold, Precision 2020 monitor. $3,750; Case IH 5300 grain 612-741-7949 or 612-701-7901 drill, 24’ tandem unit, $7,000; FOR SALE: JD 7100, 12R30” 2870 Case tractor, duals, re- planter, newer opener cent eng OH, $8,500; 3pt fork blades, bearings, seed tube lift, 3 stage, 20’ reach w/ 4x8 guards. In furrow Totally Tuplatform, $2,500; lg horizon- bular fertilizer. Dawn wavy tal fuel tanks, will hold trans- disk combination, finger row port, $2,500. 507-240-0294 cleaners. Full set corn/bean

Sell your farm equipment fast and easy with a line ad in The Land! Call 507-345-4523


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DISH TV $59.99 For 190 Channels + $14.95 High Speed Internet. Free Installation, Smart HD DVR Included, Free Voice Remote. Some restrictions apply. 1-844-316-8876. (MCN)

DENTAL INSURANCE from Physicians Mutual Insurance Company. NOT just a discount plan, REAL coverage for 350 procedures. Call 1-855-973-9175 for details. www. 6118-0219. (MCN)

Eliminate gutter cleaning forever! LeafFilter, the most advanced debrisblocking gutter protection. Schedule a FREE LeafFilter estimate today. 15% off Entire Purchase. 10% Senior & Military Discounts. Call 1-855-5771268. (MCN)

‘14 Sunflower 4412-05.....................................$30,000 ‘10 Wilrich QX2 37’ w/basket.......................... $38,500 ‘09 Wilrich QX 55’5 w/bskt.............................. $37,500 ‘05 CIH 730b cush. w/leads............................ $16,500 JD 512 9-24 blades ......................................... $12,500 JD 512 7-30 blades ............................................$8,500

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FOR SALE: Case IH 1200 planter, 6R30” w/ residue managers, Early Riser tool monitor, good shape and field ready, $14,500. 763-6396583

New NH Hay Tools - ON HAND

SAVE BIG on HOME INSURANCE! Compare 20 A-rated insurances companies. Let us do the shopping & save you time & money. Get a quote within minutes. Average savings of $444/year! Call 855-697-1892. (M-F 8am-8pm Central). (MCN)

FREE CASH That’s right! WE will send you $10 by cash app free right now! Text the words MID CASH to 706-761-1745. (MCN)

FOR SALE: 14’ Dingelman rock rake, excellent cond, $7,500; 5800 Rock-o-Matic rock picker, high lift, excellent cond, $7,500. Call 320277-3783, ask for Eddie.


Stay in your home longer with an American Standard Walk-In Bathtub. Receive up to $1,500 off, including a free toilet, and a lifetime warranty on the tub and installation! Call us at 1-855372-3080 or visit www.walkintubquote. com/midwest (MCN)

Earthlink High Speed Internet. As Low As $14.95/month (for the first 3 months.) Reliable High Speed. Fiber Optic Technology. Stream Videos, Music and More! Call Earthlink Today 1-855-679-7096 (MCN)

FOR SALE: White 5100 8R30” planter, 14’ IH press drill w/ grass seeder; 12’ MM press drill w/ grass seeder & 16’ Brillion P-10 land roller w/ transport. All in good condition. 320-630-1777

FOR SALE: EZ Flo gravity wagon w/ Sudenga brush auger; Melcam fork style rock meter units, insecticide. picker. 507-640-0146 $6,050. Shop built sprayer, 60’ boom, 500 gal tank, hyd FOR SALE: 1000 gal fuel driven pump, truck tires, tank, dual wall w/ pump, like $550. 651-503-5087 new, $2,800. 320-583-3131

NEW NH T4.75, T4.90, T4.120 w/loader.. ...... On Hand NEW NH Workmaster 60, 50, 35’s/loaders ... On Hand NEW NH T9.645 ............................................. On Hand NH TL100 w/cab ................................................22,500 NEW Massey 4710 w/cab and loader ........... On Hand NEW Massey 4710 rops/loader ..................... On Hand NEW Massey 6713 w/cab and loader ........... On Hand Massey 8690 CVT.............................................Coming Massey 1552 w/loader .................................... $21,500 ‘13 NH T8.275, 495 hrs ................................. $133,000 ‘12 Buhler 280..................................................$99,500 ‘09 Versatile 435 3000 hrs ............................ $128,000 ‘08 NH 8010 .................................................... $99,500 ‘08 Agco DT180 CVT...................................... $89,500 ‘07 Massey 1533 ............................................. $11,000 ‘03 Versatile 2310, PS ..................................... $79,500 ‘96 White 6175 FWA....................................... $41,500 ‘96 White 6175 2wd ........................................ $29,500

Get NFL Sunday Ticket FREE w/ DIRECTV Choice All-Included Package. $59.99/month for 12 months. 185 Channels PLUS Thousands of Shows/Movies On Demand. FREE Genie HD DVR Upgrade. Call 1-844245-2232 or MFCP. (MCN)

Farm Equipment



‘12 White 8186, 16-30 w/liq. fert. .................... $53,000 ‘11 White 8516 CFS, Loaded .......................... $70,000 ‘06 White 8516 cfs .......................................... $45,000 ‘06 White 8186 w/fert ....................................... Coming ‘95 White 6722 loaded .................................... $11,500 White 6122 w/bean unit ................................. $12,500 White 8202 12 row .......................................... Coming

CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT NEW NH E26C mini excavator ...................... On Hand NEW NH track & wheeled skidsteers............ On Hand NEW NH L228/L220/L232 wheeled units ...... On Hand NEW NH C227/C237 track units.................... On Hand 17’ NHL234 cab H/A ....................................... $32,000 2-’12 NH 225 C/H ............................................. Coming

COMBINES NEW Fantini chopping cornhead ........................... Call ‘15 Gleaner S88 ............................................ $230,000 ‘12 Gleaner S77 ............................................ $200,000 ‘03 Gleaner R65, CDF ..................................... $85,000 ‘98 Gleaner R62 .............................................. $62,000 ‘98 Gleaner R62 .............................................. $59,000 Geringhoff parts & heads available

MISCELLANEOUS NEW Salford RTS Units .......................................... Call NEW Salford Plows................................................. Call NEW Unverferth Seed Tenders .............................. Call NEW Westfield Augers ........................................... Call NEW REM VRX Vacs. .............................................. Call NEW Hardi Sprayers............................................... Call NEW Riteway Rollers .............................................. Call NEW Lorenz Snowblowers ..................................... Call NEW Batco Conveyors ........................................... Call NEW Brent Wagons & Grain Carts ......................... Call NEW E-Z Trail Seed Wagons .................................. Call NEW Rock Buckets & Pallet Forks ......................... Call REM 2700, Rental ................................................... Call Pre-Owned Grain Cart ................................... On Hand New Horsch Jokers ....................................... On Hand

Thank You For Your Business! (507) 234-5191 (507) 625-8649 Hwy. 14, 3 miles West of Janesville, MN

Mon.-Fri. 7:30-5:00 • Sat. 7:30-Noon

THE LAND — MARCH 20 /MARCH 27, 2020 Farm Equipment

Farm Equipment — “Where Farm and Family Meet”



30”Gravity Wagon 400 bushel JD 8430 MFD IVT, Dual JD 4640 160HP, duals, 134 AC, NEW AND USED TRACTOR w/ with Christianson seed vac 50” tires, auto steer, HID 10400 hrs, eng re-build 2500 PARTS JD 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, ess for filling planter, 2 com- lighting, 5,035 hours, nice, hrs ago, been used as plant- 55, 50 Series & newer trac16’ partments, roll tarp, $2,750/ $79,900. 715-572-1234 er tractor for last 10 yrs, on tors, AC-all models, Large w/ OBO (or best offer). (507) 250 acres, clean, runs great. Inventory, We ship! Mark John Deere 7200 corn plant- Leased out my land, $17,500. ndi- 276-6009 Heitman Tractor Salvage er with vacuum meter and 763-360-6885 Dalbo MN 715-673-4829 Haybuster 2564 bale proces- liquid fertilizer attachment, man sor for wet or dry bales, 8x30 with radar monitor. Alnd, blows 70 plus ft, $16,900; ways shedded in good condiatic New-Demo 2660 full warran- tion. (507) 276-9667 cel- ty, $20,500. Consider trades, We buy 320- B.O. 320-543-3523 Salvage Equipment JD 1760 planter, flex frame, Parts Available 200 3 bu boxes, Yetter floating Hammell Equip., Inc. due trash whippers, precision (507)867-4910 tool corn disk, 250 Mon, $12,450; and JD 2210 44’ field cult w/ rollTractors 639- ing baskets, $26,900; Ogden 12 whl hyd fold rake, like new, $4,900; 2018 NH 258 vity rake w/ rubber teeth, used FOR SALE OR TRADE: 5088 au- once, $5,900; JD 720 2T ldr, IH tractor w/ IH 2355 ldr, ock w/ 30-55 mounts, $4,750. 320- 7’ bucket, also w/ Case IH snowblower, 6292 hrs, good 769-2756 shop recond, good cond, fuelJD 7100 6R30 3pt, 100 monitor $27,000 for all. 507-432-0644 like w/ corn units & JD rotary Fairmont MN bean meters. Also 6R30 RM cultivator, both good shape. FOR SALE: JD 4560 tractor MFD, power shift, 3pt, 1000 $4,800/OBO. 507-220-6810 PTO, 18.4x46 tires w/ duals, JD 7830 MFD IVT, Duals, 4940 hrs, excellent condition, Front Suspension, auto steer, $49,900. 507-383-4916 active seat, higher hours, very clean, $40,900/offer. FOR SALE: John Deere G, 1950, $4,800. 651-463-3248 715-574-4561


Steffes Auction Calendar 2020

For more info, call: 1-800-726-8609 or visit our website: Opening March 6 & Closing April 15 at 7PM RLP Services LLC Online Auction, Steffes Group Facility, Litchfield, MN, Timed Online Auction Opening March 20 & Closing March 30 Ronald J. Oster Estate Farm Equipment Auction, Grenora, ND, Timed Online Auction Opening March 23 & Closing March 30 at 7PM Roger Host Farm Auction, Eagle Bend, MN, Timed Online Auction Opening March 23 & Closing March 31 Manure Pumping & Handling Auction, Upper Midwest Locations, Timed Online Auction Opening March 23 & Closing March 31 at 3PM Swift County, MN Tillable Farmland, Wooded Building Sites & Hunting Ground Auction - Multiple Tracts - 355± Acres, Benson, MN, Timed Online Auction Opening March 23 & Closing 31 at 7PM Ralph & Rita Vogt Farm Retirement Auction, Richmond, MN, Timed Online Auction Opening March 23 & Closing April 1 at 7PM Twin Eagle Dairy Excess Inventory Auction, Clarissa, MN, Timed Online Auction Opening March 23 & Closing April 2 at 7PM Don Engelmann Farm Retirement Auction, Plato, MN, Timed Online Auction Opening March 27 & Closing April 6 Keith & Jody Fischer Farm Retirement Auction, Glyndon, MN, Timed Online Auction Opening March 27 & Closing April 6 at 12PM Kibble Equipment Auction, Steffes Group Facility, Larchwood, IA, Timed Online Auction Opening March 30 & Closing April 7 at 7PM Secured Lender Buildings to be Removed Auction, St. Thomas, ND, Timed Online Auction Opening March 30 & Closing April 9 Jerry Schurman Estate Auction, Sauk Centre, MN, Timed Online Auction Opening March 30 & Closing April 9 at 7PM Ladd Ginsburg Farm Retirement Auction, Steffes Group Facility, Litchfield, MN, Timed Online Auction Opening March 31 and Closing April 7 Sweeney Farms Reduction Auction, Larimore, ND, Timed Online Auction Opening March 24 & Closing April 1 at 10AM Dennis Jones Farm Retirement & J. Jones Farms Inventory Reduction Auction, Bath, SD, Timed Online Auction Opening April 1 & Closing April 8 at 1PM Sioux Falls Regional Multi-Party Farm Consignment Auction, Various locations, Timed Online Auction Closing April 2 at 11AM Jim & Paulette Anderson Farm Retirement Auction, Milan, MN, Timed Online Auction Opening April 2 & Closing April 9 at 7PM Kirk Stockton Retirement Auction, Neche, ND, Timed Online Auction Opening April 3 & Closing April 8 Online Steffes Auction – 4/8, Upper Midwest Locations, Timed Online Auction Closing April 3 at 10:30AM Leo & Linda Bartholomay Farm Retirement Auction, Sheldon, ND, Timed Online Auction Closing April 7 at 12PM Clem & Gail Erickson Farm Retirement Auction, Twin Valley, MN, Timed Online Auction

PAGE 24 — “Where Farm and Family Meet�


Tillage Equip

Planting Equip

THE LAND — MARCH 20/MARCH 27, 2020 Spraying Equip

Grain Handling Equipment


Retiring. For Sale: NH TM165 FOR SALE: 45’ Wil-Rich FOR SALE: JD 7200 air plant- 3pt Top Aire 45’, 20� spacings, FOR SALE: 2020 Neville built WANTED: DAMAGED tractor, 2WD, auto steer, du- Quad 5 field cultivator, 210 er, 12R30, in-row liquid fer- hyd pump, 300 gal, less than aluminum air, seeder special CORN - LIGHT TEST als, wgts, 2074 hrs, planter lb shanks, 9� sweeps, field tilizer, 2 sets of corn plates 1000 acres, 3 shut offs, al- grain trailer, 38.5’, new conWEIGHT & HIGHER & sprayer tractor, always ready. 507-351-0257 and 1 set of bean plates, 250 ways been shedded, hyud dition. For photo and inforMOISTURE CORN. PAYmation call or text 218-791Monitor, always shedded, in fold, like new. $8,450/OBO. shedded, excellent. 507-640ING COMPETITIVE FOR SALE: JD 960 field culti- very good condition. 612-655- 507-220-6810 3400 0146 PRICES DEPENDING vator, 25 1/2’ fully mounted, 1053 QUALITY. ZANE HAN3 bar mulcher, $3,000. 507Classified Line Ads SON (507) 459-8653 Wanted 440-2988 FOR SALE: White 6100 6RN Tillage Equip planter, w/ dry fertilizer, WANTED TO BUY: Case FOR SALE: JD 980 field cul- used on 133 acres, retired. All kinds of New & Used farm IH Magnum 215 tractor or 2006 Great Plains 33 Ft 5� tivator, 30’, always shedded, 507-201-7830 Call 507-345-4523 equipment - disc chisels, field equivalent, Also 8 or 12RN Ser 7 Discovator/Finisher w/ good condition. 612-247-0297 cults, planters, soil finishers, planter, & Farmall 504 tracDisk Blades Hyd Up & Down JD 7200 Max-Emerge 12R30 4710 JD self propelled sprayw/ 5 Bar Hi-Residue Drag Great Plains (2006) 37 Ft 9� planter, LQ fert, 2 tanks, er, 90’ booms, triple nozzles, cornheads, feed mills, discs, tor complete or for parts. balers, haybines, etc. 507- Also, Red Angus bull, serOriginal Disk Blades (19.5�) Series 7 Discovator/ Yetter row cleaners, 2 sets 5 section shut offs, foamer, viceable age. 320-282-4846 low acres Very Good $16,900/ Finisher w/ 5 Bar Hi-Residue of corn plates & 1 set of bean brown box controller, 3800 438-9782 and Buying and selling any gold & OBO. Glencoe 28 Ft #3500 (5 Spike Drag (Dbl Fold) (Long plates, always shedded, 200 hrs, 380/90R46 tires, Real monitor, 4 new tires, Red 650/65R38 floater tires, exc silver items, collector coins, WANTED: JD 336 or 327 balBar) F. Cult Flat F. w/ 4 Bar Tines)(No Welds) er; NH 315 baler; also NH Good, $16,900/OBO. 2015 New Ball pump. 763-360-6885 shape. Will sell floaters sep- diamonds, gold jewelry, silHarrow (New Tines) $5,900/ 479 or 488 haybine; JD 1209 Heavy Duty Pull Type Rock arate. 507-220-5153 OBO. Retiring. 319-347-6282 ver dollars, rare currency. or 1219 haybine. All items Picker (5 Ft Wide Forks) 3 JD 7000 Corn Planter, 2 Row No collection too big. Kuehl’s FOR SALE: White 588 4-18s Way Hyd Over Electric, Was 3PT, $1,800; Fert. Avail. ‘96 Willmar 765 air ride 2387 Coins, Fairmont, Minnesota, any condition. 320-630-8131 hrs, JD engine, Mid tech, semi mount high clearance $18,900 Now $9,500. Retiring $350/Row. 715-234-1993 507-235-3886, 507-399-9982, WANTED: JD 450 or 780 12.4x42 tires, 75’ boom, 20� plow, auto re-set, very good 319-347-6676 manure spreader, good or open 10 a.m. – 6 p.m. Row stingers for 22� or 30� spacing, 600 gallon stainless condition, renting farm out, parts; NH 718 chopper; also Sell your farm equipment steel tank, foam markers, rows, brand new, never been $1,900. Hamburg MN Call JD 7000 4 row planter. 320used w/ 2 ridge tires, $1,200. inductor, winterized. 763-295in The Land with a line ad. 952-467-3996 630-8131 2724 or 763-300-2379 507-220-6810 507-345-4523 WANTED TO BUY: JD 90120 HP tractor, 50-55 Series, MFD, SGC. 1000 gal LP JD 9450 Combine; 920 Bean Head; 643 Corn Head tank. 320-286-5226 2000 JD 9450 Combine 2WD, 800/72R32 MATT MARING Single Tires, Chopper/Spreader, Bin Topper, WANTED: Pair of good useNew Rasp Bars, JD Brown Box Monitor, Custom Farming Acres We able semi oil change ramps. 4,771/3,116 Eng/Sep Hrs, Very Good are a family farm that is 507-840-0483 Jackson MN Combine, SN: 685127; 2000 JD 920F Bean looking to expand our opPlatform, 20’, 3� Cut, Stone Guard, Dual CO. eration with more custom PTO, On Head Trailer; JD 643 Low Tin Corn Head, 6R30�, Low The Rowan Brothers have leased out their farmland, Livestock or rental acres in Blue Acres; John Deere 216 Pickup Head, 5 Belts therefore they will sell all of their good farm Earth and surrounding CIH Planting & Tillage Equipment counties. (507) 420-0490 IHC 510 Grain Drill, 12’ x 6� Spacings, Small Seed Attachment; machinery listed below. FOR SALE: Black Angus bulls CIH 900 Cyclo Planter, 12R30�, Corn & Bean Drums, 1000PTO also Hamp, York, & Hamp/ Auction Location: 30950 Iran Path, Northfield MN 55057 Pump, Monitor, Mounted w/Lift Assist Wheels, SN: 159U01592; Duroc boars & gilts. Alfred Please recycle this magazine. CIH 4900 Field Cultivator, 29.5’, 3 Bar Spike Tooth Harrow; CIH Kemen 320-598-3790 4300 Field Cultivator 26.5’ 3 Bar Spike Tooth Harrow; Glenco Soil Saver Disc Chisel, 11 Shank, 14.5’; Donahue Implement 10:00 A.M. CDT. – Complete Details, Photos & Online Bidding at TIMED ONLINE FARM RETIREMENT Trailer, 28’, All Steel Floor, Tandem Axle; Demco Model HP, 550 Gallon Crop Sprayer, 60’ Booms, Foamer, Quick Fill Valves, 540PTO Pump, Raven 440 Monitor; Many Case IH 800 & 900 Case IH Puma 170 MFWD Planter Parts ‘13 CIH Puma 170 MFWD, 1,509 Act Hrs, Haying Machinery & Livestock Related Equipment OPENS: MONDAY, MARCH 23 / CLOSES: TUESDAY, MARCH 31 | 7PM 480/80R46 Rear Duals 95%, 3Hyd, Case JD 346 Baler w/Kicker, Good Condition; (3) 8’x16’ Metal Bale LOCATION: 25506 223RD AVE., RICHMOND, MN 56368 Drain, 540/1000PTO, LH Reverser, Factory Throw Wagons, 2 = 12 Ton Gear, 1 = 10 Ton Gear; NH 499 From Richmond, MN, 2.8 miles northwest on Cty Rd 23, 1 mile north on 223rd Ave. Cab, Power Mirrors, Beacon, Just Through Haybine, 12’ Rubber Rolls; Farm King 6’, 3pt, Mower; NH 30 CIH Shop With Paperwork, One Owner, SN: Silage Blower, 1000PTO; Brent 420 Grain Cart, 1000PTO, 20.8ZCBS08973 38 Tires; JD 780 Hydro Push Manure Spreader, Tandem Axle, Case IH 4694 4WD; IHC 986; Case 2290 Tractors Slop Gate; Gooseneck Flatbed Trailer, 14’ Bed, 3’ Beavertail, 102� CIH 4694 4WD, 20.8-38 Duals, 1000PTO, Wide Tandem Axle; Weaver SS Power Feed Cart; (2) 46� Free 3pt, 4hyd, 4,574 Act Hrs, Rock Box, 3/4 Standing Fans; WIC Power Bedding Chopper, Honda G300; Patz AUCTIONEER’S NOTE: Ralph’s family has been on the same farm since 1884. All equipment Power Shift, SN: 16258249; IHC 986 2WD, Right Hand Barn Cleaner Chain is shedded and most items purchased new. / PREVIEW: Thursday, March 26 10AM - 3PM or 4 Post ROPS w/Windshield, 5,931 Hrs, By Appointment / LOADOUT: Wednesday, April 1 9AM - 5PM or By Appointment TA Works, 540/1000PTO, 3pt, 2hyd, SN: .O 3MALL )TEMS "E /N 4IME s 6IEWING $ATES !PRIL !- n 0Yetter 3415 rotary hoe, 15’ New Holland 56 roll bar rake TRACTORS 2510189U16285; Case 2290 2WD, 20.8-38, New Holland 310 small square baler 1990 Ford 8630 MFWD, 4,947 hrs. Massey Ferguson row crop 6,125 Hrs, 4x3 Power Shift, 540/1000PTO, 3pt, 2hyd Shop-Built small square thrower rack cultivator, 6x30� 1992 Ford 6640 Powerstar SLE


Farm Machinery Retirement Auction


Sat., April 11, 2020

2000 Sterling L8500 Single Axle Diesel

2000 Sterling L8500 Single Axle Grain Truck, 3126 Dsl. Cat, Auto Trans, 195,532 Miles, 22.5, Air Brakes, 16’ Steel Box & Hoist, Very Sharp

(2) International Grain Trucks

2001 IH 4900 Grain Truck, 6 Speed, 466 Diesel, 257,967 Miles, 22.5, 16’ Steel Box & Hoist; 1982 IH 1824 Single Axle Grain Truck, 404 V8, 5x2 Sp, 181,240 Miles, J-Craft 17’ Steel Box & Hoist

John & Bernie Rowan Owners/Sellers *OHN s "ERNIE


Case 430 Skid Loader

2005 Case 430 Skid Loader, 1,985 Hrs, Cab, Heat, Aux Hyd, Quick Attach, Hand Controls, With Lo-Pro 72� Bucket; Viring 72� Rock Bucket

We Sell the Earth & Everything On It.

MATT MARING AUCTION CO. INC. PO Box 37, Kenyon, MN 55946 507-789-5421 • 800-801-4502

Matt Maring, Lic. #25-28 • 507-951-8354

LIVESTOCK EQUIPMENT Shop-Built small square thrower rack Gehl 1000 pull-type forage harvester Small square bale elevator Small square bale elevator, 24’ New Holland 135 single axle manure spreader DRILL Badger liquid manure pit pump, 9’ McCormick grain drill Kewanee all crop elevator, 42 ATTACHMENTS TILLAGE EQUIPMENT Gehl 99 forage blower Glencoe 3550 ďŹ eld cultivator, 24-1/2’ OTHER FARM EQUIPMENT HAY EQUIPMENT Case-IH 496 disc, 21-1/2’ New Holland 1090 self-propelled White 508 spring reset plow swather Chisel plow MFWD, 3,915 hrs. Allis Chalmers WD open station SCRAPER & BLADE Soil Mover SM500 pull-type scraper Mohawk 150 blade, 7’

Steffes Group, Inc., 24400 MN Hwy 22 S, LitchďŹ eld, MN 55355 | 320.693.9371

RALPH & RITA VOGT | RALPH 320.597.2331

or Randy Kath at Steffes Group, 320.693.9371 or 701.429.8894 Complete terms, lot listings and photos at / Randy Kath MN47-007

THE LAND — MARCH 20 /MARCH 27, 2020 Poultry

ED Young Brown Hens For Sale: ST Ready to Go April 1, $11 Each ER Call or Text 715-828-1829 AYVE Cattle NG NIndianhead Hereford Sale, April 11th, Viewing at 10:30 ase a.m., Sale starts at Noon or Clipping Demo at 9:30 a.m. RN University of River Falls rac- Man Valley Lab Farm No. 2 rts. For Information Call Mark ser- 715-760-2350 6

780 or also 320-

Cleaning out a shed? Make some extra cash by selling your stuff in The Land! Call 507-345-4523 or 1-800-657-4665

ONLINE ONLY! RETIREMENT MACHINERY AUCTION April 8, 2020 with Bidding opening April 6th TRACTORS: Cat 85D & Cat 45 (new tracks) Track Tractors; JD 4440 QR narrow tires BACKHOE: JD 310D Turbo 4x4 EQUIPMENT: ‘09 JD DB44 24-22” Planter, low acres, very nice; DMI Tiger II 53’ Field Cult; DMI NH3 57’ Bar; JD 235 32’ Disk, cushion gang & harrow

SCOTT & AMY SANDERS-Owners 507-317-2724 OTHER CONSIGNED: CIH 7130 MFD, higher hrs setup for 120” centers; AC 7020 5,000 hrs; JD 3710 10 bottom plow, late model; CIH MD 82 6 Disc Mower; IH 720 4-18” Plow; Killbros 350 Seed Wagon & Brush Auger; Notch 10 Bale Wagon; MDS & Westendorf Pallet Forks; Deutz 1400 26’ FC INSPECTION: April 4th 9-Noon & April 6th Noon-5 PM Please look at our website for full details at or for online bidding!

Kevin Kahler 507-920-8060 ● Dustyn Hartung 507-236-7629 507-238-4318

Online Only Land Auction

Bidding Ends: April 7th ~ 6:00 pm Must be registered and approved to bid by 4:00pm the day of the sale. Bidding Open Now!

This property will sell as two parcels: Location of property within Sibley County: Jessenland Twp, Sections 30 & 31, Range 26 Total of farm: 180 acres approx. 168.52 acres tillable. Productivity Index: 89.4

Parcel 1: 80 total acres, approx. 71.57 acres tillable Productivity Index: 91.1

Parcel 2: 100 total acres, approx. 96.95 acres tillable Productivity Index: 88.1

Terms: No Buyers Premium. View all terms online!

Listing Auctioneer: Matt Mages, 507-276-7002 Lic 08-19-001 Broker: Mages Land Co. & Auction Ser vice, LLC.



ulls mp/ red

180 ac of Sibley County Farm Land

Note: All acres are published based on Sibley County Online Records and FSA records.

No Farm = No Food

90ies, LP


Please support the advertisers that you see in The Land.


If you’re having a Farm Auction, let other Farmers know it! Upcoming Issues of THE LAND Southern MNNorthern IA April 3, 2020 April 17, 2020 May 1, 2020 May 15, 2020

....................................... .$59,600

‘05 JD 8220 MFWD .......$49,900 ‘01 JD 7920 MFWD .......$54,600 ‘04 JD 7420 MFWD .......$38,900 ‘08 JD 6430 MFWD w/ 673 loader & grapple ........................$57,500



Northern MN April 10, 2020 April 24, 2020 May 8, 2020 May 22, 2020 June 5, 2020

Deadline is 8 days prior to publication. Indicates early deadline, 9 days prior to publication.

JD 1590 NT Drill............ $$CALL JD 1560 NT Drill............ $$CALL JD 750 NT Drill.............. $$CALL


From Milan, MN, 1.5 miles south on US Hwy 59, 1/2 mile west on 50th St. NW.

Thank You Farmers!

16 spd Power Shift Tranny (recently rebuilt), AUTO TRAC ready, like new 46’s on rear with duals, NEW Firestone 34” fronts, Big Hydraulic Pump, 4 scvs, 1000 PTO. Ready to go to the field - LOOKS AND RUNS GREAT!

‘83 JD 2950 MFWD .......$21,900

LOCATION: 15035 50TH ST. NW, MILAN, MN 56262

PO Box 3169 • Mankato, MN 56002 Phone: 507-345-4523 or 800-657-4665 Fax: 507-345-1027 Website: e-mail: Ask Your Auctioneer to Place Your Auction in The Land!



balNH 209 ems 31 — “Where Farm and Family Meet”

AUCTIONEER’S NOTE: After a lifetime of farming, Jim & Paulette have decided to retire. Equipment is well maintained and shedded.

1993 Unverferth HT30 header TRACTORS PLANTER trailer 1997 John Deere 9200 4WD, 4,712 2007 John Deere 1760 vacuum SPRAYER hrs. planter 2015 Fast 9610 sprayer 2008 John Deere 7930 MFWD, 2,162 hrs. TILLAGE EQUIPMENT AUGERS John Deere 4560 2WD, 7,805 hrs. 2014 John Deere 2700 disc ripper Westfield MK80-61 auger, 61’x8” 2013 Sunflower 5035 field COMBINE & HEADS Westfield W80-31 loadout auger, cultivator, 30’ 2010 John Deere 9570 combine, 1995 Sunflower 1433-25 disc, 25’ 31’x8” 1,201 sep. hrs., 1,740 engine hrs. Unverferth hyd. drill fill auger 2016 John Deere 625F HydraFlex GRAVITY BOXES & flex head, less than 1,000 acres OTHER FARM SUPPORT GRAIN CART 2014 Harvestec 5306C chopping Brent GT740 gravity box EQUIPMENT corn head Glencoe F557B rotary ditcher Brent GT440 heavy duty gravity John Deere pickup head Round bale trailer, 80’ box 2002 Loftness 962H snowblower Brent 472 grain cart GPS EQUIPMENT Fuel barrel, 2,000 gal. (2) John Deere brown box TRUCK & TRAILERS (2)John Deere Starfire 3000 globe 1986 IHCS 1900 F1954 tandem axle DRILL grain truck, 47,485 miles John Deere 455 drill, 25’ 2002 May 5th wheel car trailer, 22’


Or Curt Gillespie at Steffes Group, 320.693.9371 or 320.760.4567

Steffes Group, Inc. 24400 MN Hwy 22 S Litchfield, MN 55355 | 320.693.9371

TERMS: All items sold as is where is. Payment of cash or check must be made sale day before removal of items. Statements made auction day take precedence over all - Ashley Huhn MN47-002


PAGE 26 — “Where Farm and Family Meet”



14303 55th St SE, Sheldon, ND 58068. 2020

FRIDAY, APRIL 3 | 10AM AUCTIONEER’S NOTE: Major equipment begins selling at 10:30 AM. Live online bidding available on major equipment. Registration, terms, & details at

From Enderlin, ND, 8 miles east on ND Hwy. 46, 1 mile south on 143rd Avenue.


INCLUDES: Tractors, GPS Equipment, Harvest Equipment, Grain Cart & Gravity Wagons, Planters, Drills, Tillage Equipment, Row Crop Equipment, Trucks, Trailers, Fertilizer Equipment, Sprayer, Seed Tender, Grain Handling Equipment, Skid Steer Loader, Other Equipment, Van, Shop Equipment, Tanks, Farm Support Items

2008 CASE-IH 2208


1993 CASE-IH 1688

THE LAND — MARCH 20/MARCH 27, 2020 Swine

Steffes Group, Inc., 2000 Main Avenue East, West Fargo, ND


2020 West-Central Wisconsin Belgian qtr horse cross, 3 & 4 PARMA DRAINAGE PUMPS Show Pig Sale, Saturday, yr old brown & white geld- New pumps & parts on hand. March 28, Viewing at noon- ings, broke to drive & ride; Call Minnesota’s largest disSale at 2:00 pm, N35953 also other cross breeds, tributor County Road S, Whitehall, broke to drive & ride. BelHJ Olson & Company gian Sorrel mare, broke to 320-974-8990 Cell - 320-212-5336 WI 54773. Selling 125+ head January & February Cross- drive. B & W draft gelding bred, Duroc, Yorkshire, broke for driving plow. 507REINKE IRRIGATION Berkshire, & Hampshire gilts 521-2560 Sales & Service & barrows. Younger pigs are New & Used available to purchase offFor your irrigation needs Pets & Supplies farm for later shows. For 888-830-7757 or 507-276-2073 availability, please call. Australian Shepherd WANTED FREON R12. We Pig Consigned by: Blue-Merle, Red-Merle, pay CA$H. R12 R500 R11. Jamie Goplin 715-530-0875 Black & Red. First Come, Convenient. Certified profesGrant Giese 715-896-3730 First Pick. 507-390-4619 sionals. 312-291-9169 Dean Wetzel 608-769-5246 Leave Message. FOR SALE: Yorkshire, Hampshire, Duroc & Hamp/Duroc Industrial boars, also gilts. Excellent & Construction selection. Raised outside. Exc herd health. No PRSS. 1996 JD 310D loader/backhoe, Delivery avail. 320-760-0365 heat, radio, Extend-a-hoe, Spot, Duroc, Chester White, Boars & Gilts available. Monthly PRRS and PEDV. Delivery available. Steve Resler. 507-456-7746

Horses & Tack

LEO & LINDA BARTHOLOMAY | 701.882.3451 or 701.820.0055

or Brad Olstad at Steffes Group, 701.237.9173 or 701.238.0240

TERMS: All items sold as is where is. Payment of cash or check must be made sale day before removal of items. Statements made auction day take precedence over all advertising. $35 documentation fee applies to all titled vehicles. Titles will be mailed. Canadian buyers need a bank letter of credit to facilitate border transfer. Brad Olstad ND319



tight pins, good appearance, 3400 one owner hours, w/ 18” and 30” buckets, asking $25,900. 320-894-3303

Your ad could be here! 507-345-4523

Trucks & Trailers

Winpower Sales & Service Reliable Power Solutions Since 1925 PTO & automatic FOR SALE: 40’ End dump Emergency Electric Genertrailer electric tarp, $15,000. ators. New & Used Rich Opsata-Distributor Crysteel 500 bu pup trailer, 800-343-9376 $2,500/OBO. 715-410-5975


Steffes Group Inc. Facility,

1688 Hwy 9, Larchwood, IA, 51241











2018 JOHN DEERE S770



OPENS: Friday, March 27







2017 JOHN DEERE 8370R

2013 JOHN DEERE 8360RT

2015 JOHN DEERE 9570RT

PREVIEW: Friday, March 27 - Monday, April 6, from 8AM – 5PM No weekend preview available. LOADOUT: Monday, April 6 - Friday, April 17, Monday - Friday from 8AM-5PM

2014 KINZE 3600


2016 JOHN DEERE 9570RX


2014 JOHN DEERE 9560R





ALSO INCLUDES: 2016 Brent 1196 Grain Cart, (3) Chopping Corn Heads, (8) Flex Draper & Flex Heads, (3) Field Cultivators, (2) Skid Steer Loaders, (2) Balers, (10) Lawn & Garden Tractors, ATV


FINANCING AVAILABLE ON SELECT EQUIPMENT, contact Dan, 320.226.3772 or Cory, 320.226.6812, for details and pre-approval. Trucking also available. IA Sales Tax Laws apply.


Dan, 320.226.3772, Cory, 320.226.6812

or at Steffes Group, Brad Olstad 701.237.9173 or 701.238.0240, or Tadd Skaurud, 701.237.9173 or 701.729.3644

THE LAND — MARCH 20 /MARCH 27, 2020

S . -


e s c - — “Where Farm and Family Meet”

ADVERTISING NOTICE: Please check your ad the first week it runs. We make every effort to avoid errors by checking all copy, but sometimes errors are missed. Therefore, we ask that you review your ad for correctness. If you find a mistake, please call (507) 345-4523 immediately so that the error can be corrected. We regret that we cannot be responsible for more than one week’s insertion if the error is not called to our attention. We cannot be liable for an amount greater than the cost of the ad. THE LAND has the right to edit, reject or properly classify any ad. Each classified line ad is separately copyrighted to THE LAND. Reproduction without permission is strictly prohibited.

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DEADLINE: Friday at 5:00 p.m. for the following Friday edition. Plus! Look for your classified ad in the e-edition.

ADVERTISER LISTING Anderson Seeds ...................................................................... 3 Asbestos Disease LLC ............................................................ 9 Auctioneer Alley .................................................................. 25 Beck's Hybrids ....................................................................... 1 Courtland Waste Handling .....................................................11 Freudenthal Dairy ................................................................ 15 Greenwald Farm Center ........................................................ 21 Inogen ................................................................................. 20 Larson Brothers Implement .................................................. 21 Mages Auction Service ......................................................... 25






































The ad prices listed are based on a basic classified line ad of 25 words or less. Ads running longer than 25 words will incur an added charge.

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507-345-4523 • 800-657-4665 PO Box 3169, Mankato, MN 56001

ADVERTISING NOTICE: Please check your ad the first week it runs. We make every effort to avoid errors by checking all copy, but sometimes errors are missed. Therefore, we ask that you review your ad for correctness. If you find a mistake, please call (507) 345-4523 immediately so that the error can be corrected. We regret that we cannot be responsible for more than one week’s insertion if the error is not called to our attention. We cannot be liable for an amount greater than the cost of the ad. THE LAND has the right to edit, reject or properly classify any ad. Each classified line ad is separately copyrighted to THE LAND. Reproduction without permission is strictly prohibited.

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PAGE 28 — “Where Farm and Family Meet”

THE LAND — MARCH 20/MARCH 27, 2020

This week’s Back Roads is the work of The Land Correspondent Tim King. Photos by Jan King.

Bringing Back Books


an Robards has a hard time putting a good book down. That is, until he’s done repairing it. Robards Book Binding and Repair operation is housed in a crowded back room at Viking Books, his used book store on Broadway in Alexandria. “I worked for 25 years in commercial printing, he said. “Only about one-percent of that is responded to. The rest is thrown away. I wanted to get into a business where I saved things.”

In the workshop is also a much-used press which looks like it might be for recovering a book’s front and back covers — also known as boards. There’s also a Kwik Print machine which is used to emboss the title of a book onto its cover. The embossing system is called hot foil stamping. “You take lead type and heat it to 300 degrees and press the machine down on the foil,” Robards said.

Robards can save a book which looks pretty hopeless to the untrained eye. For example, he has a pile of old oversized atlases — some dating back to the 19th century — that have their worn covers detached from the frayed and ruined binding. Some are held together with only rubber bands or cord. “I have a contract to repair some of these,” he said. “I like to use as much of the original as possible.” The tools for rebinding and repairing a book are deceptively simple. Around Robard’s shop space (part of which is filled with his granddaughter’s doll house and shelves of books that he sells on-line at ABE Books), are some small knives, scissors, thread, colored paper, many colors of cow and goat leather, and glue. “The glue is pH neutral,” Robards, who points out that older books were made from acidic papers, says. “It won’t cause the paper to discolor.”

The heat and pressure from the Kwik Print machine imprints the gold from the foil onto the cover. It’s sort of like a branding iron and can be done in red, silver and blue, as well as gold. “I love the look of gold lettering on a new leather cover,” Robards said. A lot of books in need of repair are family bibles. The bibles usually have been passed down in families for generations and have stories and sentiment attached to them. That’s also true of old family cookbooks that people bring in to be rebound or repaired. “These old books have stories,” Robards said. “I really enjoy repairing them.” You can reach Robards at (320) 491-8514 or v

Alexandria, Minn.

Page 4 - March 20/March 27, 2020

THE LAND, Advertising Supplement

Over 130 Auction Events

© 2020

March 20/March 27, 2020 (800) 657-4665 P.O. Box 3169, Mankato, MN 56002

Scheduled for Spring 2020 The 2020 Spring Auctions catalog contains 90 pages of auctions and a special market trends update from Scott Steffes, President of Steffes Group, Inc.

Steffes Group, Inc.

Auctions included in the catalog are land, ag equipment, construction equipment, trucks & trailers, hay & forage, firearms, and more. With over 130 auction events scheduled, you’re bound to find that unique item or parcel of land for which you have been searching.

Built on Trust.

Looking to have an auction and would like to be featured in the next auction catalog? Contact a local representative today to discuss the best options for you.


Have a great Spring!

Contact a location near you to receive our next auction catalog or sign up at


Steffes Group, Inc. is a nationally recognized leader in the auction industry.

We perform On-Site & Online Auctions, Large AgIron Events, Farm Real Estate Auctions, Land Brokerage & Auctions, Farm Asset Management, and Equipment Appraisals. West Fargo, ND 701.237.9173

Grand Forks, ND 701.203.8400

Watford City, ND 701.580.2426

Litchfield, MN 320.693.9371

Sioux Falls, SD 712.477.2144

Lexington, NE 308.217.4508

Mt. Pleasant, IA 319.385.2000

Mason City, IA 641.423.1947

Ames, IA 515.432.6000

5,000± acres of land!


Spring Auctions

S T E F F E S G R O U P, I N C. Selling Land & the Equipment to Farm It Since 1960

THE LAND, Advertising Supplement

Page 2 - March 20/March 27, 2020

UPCOMING Timed Online Auctions in Red with Closing Date

March 20/March 27, 2020 - Page 3




Timed Online

Polk County, MN Land Auction - 197± Acres

Live On-Site

CLOSES: Tuesday, March 24 @ 12PM Crookston, MN

Live On-Site

Driscoll & Driscoll Inc. Farm Retirement Auction

Live On-Site

Timber Lane Farms, Inc. Farm Equipment Auction

Thursday, March 26 @ 10AM 18854 417th Ave SW, East Grand Forks, MN

Timed Online

Large Monroe County, IA Land Auction - 1,500± Acres

Monday, March 30 @ 10AM 1603 S Eisenhower Ave, Mason City, IA

Tuesday, March 31 @ 10AM Lovilia, IA

Swift County, MN Tillable Farmland, Wooded Building Sites & Hunting Ground Auction - Multiple Tracts - 355± Acres CLOSES: Tuesday, March 31 @ 3PM Benson, MN

MARCH/APRIL/MAY REAL ESTATE Larson - Des Moines County, IA Land Auction - 14± Acres Maifeld, Inc. - Butler County, IA Land Auction - 83± Acres Polk County, MN Land Auction - 197± Acres Large Monroe County, IA Land Auction - 1,500± Acres LaMoure County, ND Land Auction - 304± Acres Swift County, MN Tillable Farmland, Wooded Building Sites & Hunting Ground Auction - 355± Acres Grant County, WI Land & Acreage Auction 220± Acres Hall - Madison County, Iowa Hog Facility & Land Auction - 26± Acres Ueland & Willcox - Jackson County, IA Real Estate Auction McKee Button Co. - Muscatine, IA Commercial Real Estate Auction Home w/Outbuildings, Hunting Ground, Tillable Auction - 240± Acres Douglas County, MN Gravel Pit/ Farmland Auction - 71± Acres Douglas County, MN Recreational/ Hunting Land & Tillable Ground Auction - 98± Acres

March 20 / 10AM

Sperry, IA

March 23 / 10AM

Dumont, IA

March 24 / 12PM

Crookston, MN

March 31 / 10AM

Lovilia, IA

March 31 / 12PM

LaMoure, ND

March 31 / 3PM

Benson, MN

April 7 / 1PM

Fennimore, WI

April 8 / 4PM

Winterset, IA

April 9 / 1PM

Sabula, IA

May 7 / 1PM

Muscatine, IA

May 12 / 3PM

Henderson, MN Sibley County

May 14 / 10AM

Alexandria, MN

May 19 / 3PM

Osakis, MN

Live On-Site

Live On-Site

Beik Farms Farm Retirement Auction

Jim & Paulette Anderson Farm Retirement Auction

Thursday, April 2 @ 10AM 1705 Douglas Ave, Nichols, IA

Thursday, April 2 @ 11AM 15035 50th St NW, Milan, MN

Timed Online

Don Engelmann Farm Retirement Auction

CLOSES: Thursday, April 2 @ 7PM 2027 122nd St, Plato, MN

Multiple Tracts

Live On-Site

Clem & Gail Erickson Farm Retirement Auction

Tuesday, April 7 @ 10AM 3037 Co Hwy 27, Twin Valley, MN

Live On-Site

Zart - Grant County, WI Land & Acreage Auction - 220± Acres

West Fargo / 701.237.9173 | Grand Forks / 701.203.8400 | Watford City / 701.580.2426

Tuesday, April 7 @ 1PM Fennimore, WI

Litchfield / 320.693.9371

Rock Tap House Liquidation Auction Ag Gaard LLC - Excess Farm Equipment Auction Quality Tested Hay Auction Steffes Truck Auction Online Steffes Auction - 3/25 Slach - Row Crop Retirement Auction Dennis & Kay Werre Farm Retirement Auction William Pic Equipment Auction Ebling - Farm Retirement Auction Driscoll & Driscoll Inc. Farm Retirement Auction Kowalke & Schmidt Farms Inventory Reduction Auction Sanders - Farm Retirement Auction Ronald J. Oster Estate Farm Equipment Auction Timber Lane Farms, Inc. Farm Equipment Auction Roger Host Farm Auction Manure Pumping & Handling Auction Ralph & Rita Vogt Farm Retirement Auction

Multiple Tracts

Timed Online

Sioux Falls Regional Multi-Party Farm Consignment Auction

CLOSES: Wednesday, April 8 @ 1PM Various Locations

Sioux Falls / 712.477.2144

March 20 / 10AM

Minot, ND

March 20 / 1PM

Story City, IA

March 24 / 12PM March 24 / 10AM March 25 / 10AM

Litchfield, MN Mt. Pleasant, IA West Fargo, ND

March 25 / 1PM

West Branch, IA

March 25 / 10AM

Fullerton, ND

March 25 / 2PM March 26 / 10AM March 26 / 10AM

Lankin, ND Dougherty, IA East Grand Forks, MN

March 26 / 7PM

Buffalo, MN

March 27 / 10AM

Vinton, IA

March 30 / 10AM

Grenora, ND

March 30 / 10AM

Mason City, IA

March 30 / 7PM

Eagle Bend, MN

March 31 / 10AM

Litchfield, MN

March 31 / 7PM

Richmond, MN

Dennis Jones Farm Retirement & J. Jones Farms Inventory Reduction Auction Wright Electric LLC Electrical Contractor Auction Twin Eagle Dairy Excess Inventory Auction Beik Farms Farm Retirement Auction Jim & Paulette Anderson Farm Retirement Auction Don Engelmann Farm Retirement Auction Leo & Linda Bartholomay Farm Retirement Auction Keith & Jody Fischer Farm Retirement Auction Sweeney Farms Reduction Auction Clem & Gail Erickson Farm Retirement Auction Online Steffes Auction - 4/8 City Tractor Co. - Pre-Season Inventory Reduction Auction Sioux Falls Regional Multi-Party Farm Consignment Auction Schiltz Brothers Farm Auction Jerry Schurman Estate Auction Brocket Equity Elevator Co. Equipment Auction Kevin Tweed Farm Retirement Auction Larry & Linda Wanous Farm Retirement Auction Ken & Sharon Erickson Farm Retirement Auction Eugene & Delores Undem Farm Retirement Auction Online Steffes Auction - 4/22 Dean's Landscaping & Nursery Inc. Auction

April 1 / 10AM

Bath, SD

April 1 / 5:30PM

Mediapolis, IA

April 1 / 7PM

Clarissa, MN

April 2 / 10AM

Nichols, IA

April 2 / 11AM

Milan, MN

April 2 / 7PM

Plato, MN

April 3 / 10AM

Sheldon, ND

April 6 / 10AM

Glyndon, MN

April 7 / 10AM

Larimore, ND

April 7 / 10AM

Twin Valley, MN

April 8 / 10AM

West Fargo, ND

April 8 / 1PM

North Liberty, IA

April 8 / 1PM

Larchwood, IA

April 8 / 10:30AM April 9 / 10AM

Rosholt, SD Sauk Centre, MN

April 9 / 10AM

Brocket, ND

April 14 / 10AM

Binford, ND

April 14 / 7PM

Cokato, MN

April 17 / 10AM

Cambridge, MN

April 20 / 10AM

Rogers, ND

April 22 / 10AM

West Fargo, ND

April 22 / 10AM

Wahpeton, ND

Timed Online

Sibley County, MN - Home with Outbuildings, Hunting Ground, Tillable Farmland Auction - 240± Acres CLOSES: Tuesday, May 12 @ 3PM 29996 347th Lane, Henderson, MN

Lexington / 308.217.4508

Complete lot listings & photos at Mt. Pleasant / 319.385.2000 | Mason City / 641.4231947 | Ames / 515.432.6000

Page 4 - March 20/March 27, 2020

THE LAND, Advertising Supplement

Over 130 Auction Events

© 2020

March 20/March 27, 2020 (800) 657-4665 P.O. Box 3169, Mankato, MN 56002

Scheduled for Spring 2020 The 2020 Spring Auctions catalog contains 90 pages of auctions and a special market trends update from Scott Steffes, President of Steffes Group, Inc.

Steffes Group, Inc.

Auctions included in the catalog are land, ag equipment, construction equipment, trucks & trailers, hay & forage, firearms, and more. With over 130 auction events scheduled, you’re bound to find that unique item or parcel of land for which you have been searching.

Built on Trust.

Looking to have an auction and would like to be featured in the next auction catalog? Contact a local representative today to discuss the best options for you.


Have a great Spring!

Contact a location near you to receive our next auction catalog or sign up at


Steffes Group, Inc. is a nationally recognized leader in the auction industry.

We perform On-Site & Online Auctions, Large AgIron Events, Farm Real Estate Auctions, Land Brokerage & Auctions, Farm Asset Management, and Equipment Appraisals. West Fargo, ND 701.237.9173

Grand Forks, ND 701.203.8400

Watford City, ND 701.580.2426

Litchfield, MN 320.693.9371

Sioux Falls, SD 712.477.2144

Lexington, NE 308.217.4508

Mt. Pleasant, IA 319.385.2000

Mason City, IA 641.423.1947

Ames, IA 515.432.6000

5,000± acres of land!


Spring Auctions

S T E F F E S G R O U P, I N C. Selling Land & the Equipment to Farm It Since 1960

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