THE LAND ~ September 4, 2020 ~ Southern Edition

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“Since 1976, Where Farm and Family Meet”

© 2020

P.O. Box 3169, Mankato, MN 56002 • (800) 657-4665 •

September 4, 2020 September 11, 2020


Have you herd? Minnesota woman runs training camp for herding dogs See page 12

PLUS: Rice SWCD throws a movie night on the farm Kristin Kveno takes in a virtual dairy forum Bin storage could be an issue with big harvest ... and more!

PAGE 2 — “Where Farm and Family Meet”


Remembering Lefty Norling

P.O. Box 3169 418 South Second St. Mankato, MN 56002 (800) 657-4665 Vol. XLIV ❖ No. 18 32 pages, 1 section plus supplements

Cover photo by Paul Malchow

COLUMNS Opinion Farm and Food File Deep Roots Cooking With Kristin Life on the Farm: Readers’ Photos Mielke Market Weekly From The Fields Marketing Auctions/Classifieds Advertiser Listing Back Roads

2-6 6 7 8 9 14 19 20-21 24-31 31 32


Publisher: Steve Jameson: General Manager: Deb Petterson: Managing Editor: Paul Malchow: Staff Writer: Kristin Kveno: Staff Writer Emeritus: Dick Hagen: Advertising Representatives: Joan Streit: (507) 344-6379, Deb Petterson: Office/Advertising Assistants: Joan Compart: Lyuda Shevtsov: For Customer Service Concerns: (507) 345-4523, (800) 657-4665, Fax: (507) 345-1027 For Editorial Concerns or Story Ideas: (507) 344-6342, (800) 657-4665, Because of the nature of articles appearing in The Land, product or business names may be included to provide clarity. This does not constitute an endorsement of any product or business. Opinions and viewpoints expressed in editorials or by news sources are not necessarily those of the management. The Publisher shall not be liable for slight changes or typographical errors that do not lessen the value of an advertisement. The Publisher’s liability for other errors or omissions in connection with an advertisement is strictly limited to publication of the advertisement in any subsequent issue or the refund of any monies paid for the advertisement. Classified Advertising: $19.99 for seven (7) lines for a private classified, each additional line is $1.40; $24.90 for business classifieds, each additional line is $1.40. Classified ads accepted by mail or by phone with VISA, MasterCard, Discover or American Express. Classified ads can also be sent by e-mail to Mail classified ads to The Land, P.O. Box 3169, Mankato, MN 56002. Please include credit card number, expiration date and your postal address with ads sent on either mail version. Classified ads may also be called into (800) 657-4665. Deadline for classified ads is 5 pm on the Friday prior to publication date, with holiday exceptions. Distributed to farmers in all Minnesota counties and northern Iowa, as well as on The Land’s website. Each classified ad is separately copyrighted by The Land. Reproduction without permission is strictly prohibited. Subscription and Distribution: Free to farmers and agribusinesses in Minnesota and northern Iowa. $29 per year for non-farmers and people outside the service area. The Land (USPS 392470) Copyright © 2019 by The Free Press Media is published biweekly by The Free Press, 418 S 2nd Street, Mankato, MN 56001-3727. Business and Editorial Offices: 418 S. 2nd Street, Mankato, MN 56001-3727, Accounting and Circulation Offices: Steve Jameson, 418 S 2nd Street, Mankato, MN 56001-3727. Call (507) 345-4523 to subscribe. Periodicals postage paid at Mankato, MN. Postmaster and Change of Address: Send address changes to The Land, P.O. Box 3169, Mankato MN 56002-3169 or e-mail to

I wanted to take the opportunity to post hands’ quicker — so that basketball taljust a few words on the life on Vernon ent definitely was a plus.” “Lefty” Norling. Around these parts, Henslin showed me a picture of the two Norling was widely known as an auctionof them — both wearing Western hats, eer and veteran Norling Silo marketer. classy looking head gear. Was cowboy Lefty yielded his final goodbye on Aug. 8. headgear common with auctioneers back He was 84. then? “Yes, I enjoyed wearing a western Living in the Willmar area, this incredihat and don’t know why we quit that ble and highly-respected veteran was style,” he stated. “Lefty was the good LAND MINDS admired for his auctioneering pizzazz dresser. And people respect appearance throughout Minnesota. His long-time … that’s just a given in this professional By Dick Hagen auctioneering cohort, LaDon Henslin world of auctioneering.” of Henslin Auctions Inc. in Bird Island, So with this ‘dynamic duo’ of LaDon Minn. shared this fitting closing homand Lefty, who did the calling? “I age: “We told Lefty … You’ve pulled mostly started the auctions but that the wagon; you’ve pushed the wagon; now it’s your doesn’t mean the calling is most important,” comturn to ride.” mented Henslin. “Getting the bids and directing I had a chance to reminisce with them to the auctioneer is really Henslin about his special auctionwhat makes the business. And eering friend. “I was Lefty’s partner Lefty was a natural. for 18 years,” he recalled. “We first “Lefty did some bid calling too met when I was in my 30s. And we … and he was good. But his were competitors. I was selling strong point was his attention to buildings for Menards’ Agrithe bidders! He could spot them Division. Lefty was selling silos quickly. He was a master at coaxand buildings for Norlings. We’d ing that second repeat bid, and see each other quite often. He another if needed, and then right was just an interesting fellow. He back for a closing bid. Some call found out I had gone to auction this ‘working the crowd’ and Lefty school. He wanted to do the was a natural. same; so he too went to auction “And he had another skill — school at Mason City, Iowa.” important in this competitive auc“I had a couple years auctiontion world. After a sale he’d often eering experience when Lefty tell me, ‘I got two or three leads was ready to make his start. from folks telling me: Lefty, come Because of our competitive past out to see me. They’d say, I’m planexperiences, I knew he could ning a sale pretty soon, or I’m about open some doors for us. He to retire.’ So when your partner is knew everybody. He was respected. Plus he was a recruiting new prospects as we’re calling a sale, good-sized young guy — like about 6’ 2” and a great that’s the best of both worlds.” high-school basketball player too I’m told. He played How many auctions did this two-man team preguard for Willmar. He started with Norling Silo side over the years? “I don’t really know,” Henslin Company; then moved to Hanson Silos. So together, shrugged. “It would be in the thousands since we we built our auction services using some of the good did auctions in a three and four-state region. We ideas used by both Lefty’s former employers.” mainly worked a 150-mile radius of Willmar, Olivia, “’Lefty’ was always his working name,” Henslin Bird Island — plus some Wisconsin auctions. And chuckled. “If I told someone I had lunch last night we traveled to many national auctioneering convenwith Vernon, they wouldn’t know who I was talking tions across the country.” about. In the auction business, size makes a difference. Lefty, because of his height, was better at get- See LAND MINDS, pg. 4 ting bids off the ground. He could spot ‘bidding



10 — Sugar beet processor keeping an eye on the heat 23 — Efficiency is key to getting the most from your corn crop

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THE LAND — SEPTEMBER 4/SEPTEMBER 11, 2020 — “Where Farm and Family Meet”


PAGE 4 — “Where Farm and Family Meet”


Lefty would sometimes do two auctions a day LAND MINDS, from pg. 2 Both Lefty and LaDon were inducted into Minnesota’s Auctioneer Hall of Fame. Lefty’s wife, Ruth Ann reflected, “Lefty and I enjoyed a long and adventure-filled life together. Lefty was often gone, but Lefty loved people. He loved being an auctioneer … this was his second career after his silo selling days.” And Lefty’s demeanor never changed. According to Ruth Ann, “Lefty thought every day was good, every auction was good. He was a happy person — no matter what.” Added LaDon, “Lefty was also good at getting us involved in the National Auctioneer’s Association. You meet people from all over the world and you pick up new ideas too. In this profession, you’re always learning from each other. Often there are special classes — such as how to combine on-line auctions with in-person, live bidding auctions.” Yes, though auctioneering is sometimes referenced as a ‘clan gathering,’ Henslin prefers “an assembly of people with ambition and pride building a professional career.” “It’s a very competitive business,” Henslin explained. “We advise younger people considering this work to first hire on with an established auction firm — simply to get a feel for the auction, the duties, the cooperative nature of working together.” So how important is voice? “A strong voice simply

grows through experience. Even in our 18 years of auctioneering together, we kept learning new things. With PA systems, we don’t work so hard at ‘talking strong.’ Today, my son Allen does three, four, even up to five-hour auctions.” Henslin added selecting auction clients is important also — simply because it’s good sense to work with respected, solid-reputation people. “Calling a sale for a questionable scoundrel just isn’t good judgment,” he said. “Auctions have personalities. Estate auctions are the best. Years back, auctioneers would talk about their upcoming bankruptcy sales, or foreclosure sales, or tax-forfeiture sales — thinking that would motivate a crowd. But not today … that’s negative chatter. I used to do seminars at auctioneering conventions: ‘Trouble Going IN, Trouble Going OUT.’ If you’ve got trouble setting up a sale, chances are you’ll have trouble getting out also.” Henslin recalls he and Lefty sometimes doing two auctions per day — especially if only farm and/or house sales. Estate sales typically involved equipment, buildings and land and are one-day events. Speaking for his firm, Henslin says, “Right now we’re doing extremely well — both with real estate and farm equipment. Farmers are buying good used equipment. This corona pandemic hasn’t hurt our business. However, it definitely has spurred more internet auctions. Yes, we’re still doing live sales, but we advise social distancing. People are fair, people are cooperative. What’s ahead? I don’t know and it seems no one else does either.

“Farm people are wonderful — whether buying or selling, or just looking around. We’ve been blessed over the years. Yes, I sense a religious atmosphere in our rural folks and we’re grateful.” Henslin admits to a bit more work in putting a farm auction together these days … more travel, more services, just more effort. “We never used to wash up machinery. Farmers would have their equipment readied up. Today we often do power washers with soap; and we provide a skid loader to help line up machinery. Years ago all the neighbors helped. Today, fewer neighbors and the kids have gone on to college or other jobs. And now we do cataloging ... a complete listing of all items plus some pedigree info. Now an on-line bidder in Kansas can view the equipment without even being present. That’s the world today and we’re proud to be a part of it.” “Yes, fewer auctions these days because there’s fewer farms. But it’s still fun. I say auctioneers are like boxers; they never know when to get out of the ring. But I’m seeing some of my long-time friends called to their final resting — guys like Guste Blad, Bruce Loftness, Vic Rennecke, also Hall of Fame member Abner Jacobsen — all within the last year. And now my very special friend, Lefty. However, it’s been a good life and still is. Thank the good Lord and God bless America,” summed up Henslin. A public celebration of Lefty’s life is planned for a later date. Dick Hagen is the staff writer emeritus of The Land. He may be reached at v

Update: Some changes, but St. Mary’s School is ready By DICK HAGEN The Land Staff Writer Emeritus BIRD ISLAND, Minn. — In late June The Land reported on St. Mary’s School in Bird Island, Minn. With all of the debate and controversy regarding students returning to in-school learning, I spoke with St. Mary’s Principal Tracey Sigurdson concerning some new changes her students will see this year. Sigurdson said each student gets a 3-second temperature scan across their foreheads; then a quick scanning of their backpack. Called a HamiltonBuhl’s Vray cordless UV-C sanitizer, this back pack scanner sanitizes against human coronavirus and influenza A virus on items such as pens and pencils, scissors, desktop surfaces, books, staplers, iPads, smart phones, rugs, toys and more. Should a scanner detect a virus, the UV light is 99.9 percent effective in killing any detected viruses, noted Sigurdson. St. Mary’s protocol requires some extra chores for custodial staff as well. Doug Olinger, St. Mary’s facility manager (with some help) will be doing daily sanitizing of each of the nine classrooms. Student desks are spaced 6 feet apart in Pre-K; 5-foot spacing in the other classrooms. Also, each

student’s desk now sports a “student splash shield” kept in place with velcro attached to desk tops. Funding through special Covid-19 Federal resources covers costs of these additions. Related Sigurdson, “I could see both State Department of Education and some federal proposals were spelling out what needed to be done. So Carren and I went online, checking what’s cost-effective and do-able for us. We even checked what other schools in other states were doing. Once we had the data, we submitted our plans to our advisory board. They merely responded, ‘You got to do what you got to do’ and here we are”. Sigurdson also noted, ”A new change this year: teachers in 6, 7 and 8th grades will move from class to class rather than students moving. Yes, this too is a recommendation of new state guidance protocols. But this is asking students to sit for a long time — especially after being out of school for five months. So we know we’ll have to implement some break sessions for them too. “If we can do some outdoor teaching, that is strongly encouraged. Fresh air is good for young kids too. And if we continue to be blessed with good weather, then why not enjoy the beautiful scenery provided by

Mother Nature?” St. Mary’s is making a change in food service too. “Instead if each student filling their own tray this year, our cooks will take each tray, put the prescribed food items for that particular day on the tray, and at the end of this preparation line, the tray will be handed to each student,” Sigurdson explained. ”We all need patience through this Covid-19 pandemic. That’s the hardest hurdle because people want answers. Our saving grace is we just need to use common sense keeping safety in mind for both students and staff. We need to be up-front to parents about St. Mary’s School. We can be their ‘safe haven’ so their working life can resume as needed. Sure, it’s a struggle, but through cooperation we can and we will succeed for that brighter, happier day just ahead,” summed up Sigurdson. Eight-year old Bryce Smith isn’t concerned about these changes, “If this is part of this virus protection we’re hearing so much about, so be it. This doesn’t bother me. I like getting back to school again. Our teachers are nice; it’s great seeing friends again. Plus my Grandma works here so I get to see her every day also”. v

THE LAND — SEPTEMBER 4/SEPTEMBER 11, 2020 — “Where Farm and Family Meet”



MULTIPLE SOAs: THE BEST WEED CONTROL OPTION The easiest weeds to control are those that never emerge. Cliché? Maybe. But as weeds continue to adapt, mounting resistance to herbicides builds every year. Sustainable control has become increasingly more challenging to achieve. The over-reliance of a single site of action (SOA) continues to provide new challenges for weed control in soybeans with each growing season. XtendFlex® soybeans will help farmers focus on the basics of a sound weed management system — multiple SOAs and overlapping residuals, all without having to compromise performance and yield. Sustainable weed control is only possible through the incorporation of a herbicide program that utilizes multiple effective SOAs. Beck’s multi-year Practical Farm Research (PFR)® data has demonstrated the impact and importance of utilizing a pre-emerge program with multiple SOAs (Figure 1).

ADVANTAGES OF THE XTENDFLEX ® SYSTEM XtendFlex soybeans feature the benefits of the Roundup Ready® Xtend Crop System with the addition of tolerance to glufosinate. This allows access to multiple effective herbicides to manage each of your fields’ unique weed challenges. Beck’s PFR studies on the effectiveness of combining glufosinate and glyphosate show they are a powerful tool against tough-to-control waterhemp. POWER IN THE PRE™: Controlling weeds early with a pre-emergence application not only reduces the likelihood of developing resistance, but it also

protects soybean yields. The over-reliance on POST programs to control early-emerging weeds is unlikely to provide results and could cause yield losses of up to 2.5% for every growth stage you delay your applications. Put the Power in the Pre™ and let your pre-emergence applications do the heavy lifting. Post-emergence applications can then be used as rescue treatments for weed escapes. POWER OF MULTIPLE SOAs: In-season, Liberty® will provide effective post-emergence control of weeds such as waterhemp, kochia, and giant ragweed. XtendFlex soybeans provide postemergence tolerance to multiple SOAs to control resistant broadleaf weeds. Now farmers can confidently pursue higher yields by making earlyseason herbicide applications and maintain the option of spraying Liberty over-the-top once crops have emerged. POWER OF HIGHYIELDING GERMPLASM: Backed by uncompromising yield potential and outstanding agronomic performance in all maturities, XtendFlex® soybeans are built on the same proven genetic performance of highyielding Roundup Ready 2 Xtend® soybeans, now with the power of Liberty herbicide. While weed control continues to provide new challenges with each growing season, you will have the option to bring the power to your soybean platform in 2021 with XtendFlex soybeans. The EPA is currently reviewing a new registration for XtendiMax® for the 2021 season and beyond.

*No dicamba may be used in-crop with seed in the Roundup Ready® Xtend Crop System, unless and until approved or specifically permitted by the U.S. EPA and the appropriate state agency for such use. As of August 2020, no dicamba formulations are currently registered by the U.S. EPA for in-crop use with seed in the Roundup Ready® Xtend Crop System in the 2021 season. Current stocks of low-volatility dicamba herbicides XtendiMax® herbicide, Engenia® herbicide and FeXapan® herbicide previously approved for in-crop use with seed in the Roundup Ready® Xtend Crop System may not be used after July 31, 2020. Dicamba may harm crops that are not tolerant to dicamba. Contact the U.S. EPA and your state pesticide regulatory agency with any questions about the approval status of dicamba herbicides products for in-crop use with seed in the Roundup Ready® Xtend Crop System. NOTICE: DO NOT APPLY ANY HERBICIDE TO SEED IN THE ROUNDUP READY® XTEND CROP SYSTEM UNLESS IT HAS A PRODUCT LABEL SPECIFICALLY AUTHORIZING THAT USE. TO USE A HERBICIDE IN ANY MANNER INCONSISTENT WITH ITS LABELING IS A VIOLATION OF FEDERAL LAW. REFER TO THE BAYER TECHNOLOGY USE GUIDE FOR DETAILS AND RECOMMENDATIONS ON USING APPROVED ROUNDUP® BRANDED HERBICIDES ON SEED IN THE ROUNDUP READY® XTEND CROP SYSTEM.

FIGURE 1: INFLUENCE OF MULTIPLE SOAs ON WATERHEMP CONTROL (% VISUAL CONTROL) Number of SOAs (Pre-Emerge) Influence on Waterhemp Control from Beck’s Multi-Year Practical Farm Research (PFR) ® data.

97% 89%

60% 3 SOAs

2 SOAs


PAGE 6 — “Where Farm and Family Meet”


‘How much evidence do you need to vaporize a zombie?’ While “zombie ideas” isn’t a phrase you good) resulted in its “trade-wars-areoften see in farm publications, New York easy-to-win” approach to China. Times columnist Paul Krugman has Zombies or not, trade wars aren’t easy popularized it to describe a uniquely to win — especially when the U.S. ag American political condition. economy starts with one foot in the Zombie ideas, the 2008 Nobel winner in grave. economics explained in a 2018 column, In fact, American ag’s near-sacred are “ideas that should have died long ago, belief that it must build export market yet still keep shambling along, eating pol- FARM & FOOD FILE share by shrinking or eliminating the iticians’ brains.” farm bill safety net is itself a zombie By Alan Guebert That column’s title, “Trump and idea, argue Harwood Schaffer and Trade and Zombies,” was a pre-tariff Daryll Ray of APAC, the Agricultural takedown of how deeply-discredited Policy Analysis Center, in the Aug. 7 ideas (like the White House’s belief edition of their ag policy colthat trade deficits were bad and import tariffs were umn, “Policy Pennings.” In it, Schaffer, an adjunct professor at the University of Tennessee, and Ray, an emeritus ag economist at Tennessee, estimate how many “additional acres U.S. farmers would have to put into production to currently maintain the same export market share they had in 1996” for corn, soybeans and wheat. To come up with that estimate, they compared U.S corn, soybean and wheat production and exports for Standard all round 1996 to 1998 with those for the same crops during 30 COLORS 26-29 GAUGE durability the 2016-2018 period. What they discovered was both predictable and astonishing. For example, “U.S. corn accounted for 68.6 percent of world exports in the 1996-1998 period, declining to 35.3 percent in the 2016-2018 period.” In short, American farmers owned two-thirds of the global corn trade in late 1990s but, 20 years later, they clung to a little more than one-third of it. In the same 20-year period, the U.S. share of globStanding seam architecture 30 COLORS 26-29 GAUGE look for half the price al soy complex exports (beans, oil and meal) fell from 37.1 to 26.2 percent while U.S. wheat’s world export market share dropped from 26.9 to 14.6 percent. If the three-year starting point is moved back another 20 years, to the 1976-1978 period, the U.S. export share of the global corn market plummets from 81.6 percent then to 35.3 percent in 2016-2018. Similar, 40-year comparisons reveal that the U.S.



Residential and round

26-29 GAUGE roof applications

Letter: Farming future damaged by Trump To the Editor:



Commercial and wide Perlin applications


share of the global soy market dropped from 64.4 percent in the late 1970s to 26.2 percent today while the wheat share fell from 43.8 to 14.6 percent. What that means, figures the Tennessee team, is that for U.S. farmers to have maintained their respective, late 1970s global market share for corn, soybeans and wheat, they would need to collectively plant 114 million more acres of the three crops today — “a near impossibility.” The larger point, they note, is that American ag policy “has been seeking to maintain the U.S. share of world crop exports for a long time and under various policy instruments. And yet the U.S. share has inexorably declined.” But that reality has yet to alter American farm policy gospel which preaches, “lowering the U.S. price will increase or at least maintain export market share.” That was the goal of “the 1985 farm bill… the 1990 farm bill” and when both failed “… we doubled down and adopted the 1996 farm bill…” None of it worked. The U.S. share of the global corn, wheat and soy markets fell under all those bills. In fact, for 40 years no export-directed ag policy has interrupted our almost constantly shrinking presence in the global corn, soybean and wheat markets. But “Even with these results, many ag economists and politicians continue to repeat the Zombie idea that lower crop prices will … increase the share of U.S. corn, soybean complex, and wheat markets,” write Ray and Schaffer. Which make the Tennesseans wonder, “How much contrary evidence will be required to finally vaporize this Zombie fantasy?” Most TV-zonked zombie hunters know the answer: Evidence doesn’t matter because zombies aren’t real; they’re purely fictional. Like much of today’s U.S. ag trade policy. The Farm and Food File is published weekly through the United States and Canada. Past columns, events and contact information are posted at v

Intelligence Committee, in its final report, says The recent wind event across Iowa was a little multiple Trump campaign members colluded with taste of what’s to come with climate change. Anti- Russia in 2016. Trump’s “no collusion” assertion is just one more of the 20,000 lies and “misstatescience Republicans seem uninterested; and ments.” Russian election interference continues Trump, our anti-science leader, has been killing according to the conclusion of American intellius with his slow Covid response. We’ve seen gence agencies. Trump’s willy-nilly use of tariffs Trump’s attempt to sabotage the Postal Service, his abuse of pardons, his firing of inspectors gen- against friends and foe is a very poor long-term eral, his lack of morals and family values with his strategy. China has learned that we are not a splitting of families and locking children in cages, reliable trading partner. Our farming future has his admitted sexual assaults, and he continues to been damaged. seek an end to insurance coverage for pre-existGreg Rendahl ing conditions. Now, the Republican Senate Ostrander, Minn.

THE LAND — SEPTEMBER 4/SEPTEMBER 11, 2020 — “Where Farm and Family Meet”


Much like our crops, our soul needs quenching too A big event is happening in my corner relax, uncurling, opening themselves up depend on the land just how little control we have of creation this morning. I could tell by to receive the provided moisture. The over outcomes. A steward of the land can put on the number of text messages I received color changes back to a deep, rich, emerendless amounts of fertilizer, have the best weed within a short window of time and I’m ald green. The plants no longer look as if and pest control and map out field prescriptions for guessing that if I would have walked outthey are isolating and keeping to thema bumper crop; but if the soil is lacking moisture, side, I would have heard celebratory selves, but are again in communion none of it matters. Even in the driest years, irrigashouts coming from a five mile radius. It across the shared land — stretching tion isn’t enough. The only real antidote to drought rained! Not just a sprinkle either. It themselves out as if to say a word of is a saturating rain. poured for a good amount of time — folthanks for the long-awaited relief from Not only do I realize how little control I have in DEEP ROOTS lowed by a gentile rain which completely the dry spell. dry seasons, but I am also made aware of the faultisaturated the dry ground. By Whitney Nesse Dry seasons show those of us who ness of my faith. I easily forget what God has The rains this already given me morning came and I look only at unaccompanied. what’s lacking. In There was no hail, my hyperfocus on no strong wind, or what’s lacking, I “The grandkids are pretty excited!” said Paul Hamlin, winner of the Radio Flyer custom wagon given away by The Land magazine on Aug. 14. can question God’s any other threatening phenoms tagfaithfulness. My Hamlin operates the family farm by Le Roy, Minn., renting the acreage ging along. It was from his dad. “We grow 142 acres of corn and 120 acres of soybeans,” he finite world barks simply a longwith my own (and said, “plus some hay acres and pasture.” Hamlin raises Angus cattle: 12 awaited, refreshing others’) shortcommilkers, a bull and a handful of animals to keep the freezer stocked. soak; and it came ings and lack of “Everything is looking real good,” Hamlin said. He was especially right on time. faith to a point that pleased with the hay crop this year and said his small grain yields were I look to God and The area of cengood as well. The corn is at 70 percent moisture, so Hamlin expects to question His ability begin chopping silage soon. tral Minnesota in to remain faithful. which I live has Like many smaller operators these days, Hamlin also works off the been very dry for I have felt much farm — driving semi truck. Last week he hauled feed ingredients to Kenthe last few months. like these dry corn tucky and came back with cotton seed from Tennessee and Missouri. Many times we plants the last cou“One is my side job and the other is my regular job,” Hamlin laughed. have optimistically ple of months. My “You can pick which is which.” watched rain syssoul has felt Hamlin said he has been reading The Land for a number of years and tems on the radar parched. I’ve been really enjoys Kent Thiesse’s “Farm Programs” column. come directly at us See DEEP Pictured with The Land General Manager Deb Pettersen (far left) are and fizzle at the ROOTS, pg. 10 Paul and Cindy Hamlin and grandchildren Adeline and Everett. last minute or take a southbound turn giving our neighbors a mere 10 miles away torrential rains containing enough moisture for an entire season. With each passing dry day, we watched the leaves on the corn plants curl more and more, creating for themselves less leaf area exposed to the dry, stressful environment. The beautiful emerald color of the healthy corn plant turns to a silvery gray in an Minor attempt to protect itself from the scorching sun. Roof Leaks? Then, all at once, a timely, soaking rain falls. You CALL US! can practically watch the leaves on the corn plants

LeRoy farmer wins subscriber drawing

Letters to the editor are always welcome. Send your letters to: Editor, The Land P.O. Box 3169, Mankato, MN 56002 e-mail: All letters must be signed and accompanied by a phone number (not for publication) to verify authenticity.

PAGE 8 — “Where Farm and Family Meet”


No matter how you stuff them, it’s green pepper time! stirring occasionally, until deeply browned. Season Oh 2020 … you definitely know how to with salt, pepper, allspice and minced garlic (or throw a punch or two — or 50! garlic powder). Stir in the chickpeas and cook But there are glimmers of hope and briefly. Add rice etc. and cook. To the same pot, happy surprises too. One of those simple now add the parsley, rice (which had been soaked ones is the abundant supply of beautiful in water and drained), paprika and tomato sauce. green bell peppers which have emerged Stir to combine. Add the water and bring to a high from our garden. They’re as big as a softsimmer until the liquid has reduced by half. Then ball, perfect in shape and tasty to eat. turn the heat to low, cover and cook for 20 minutes COOKING I know that we’re not the only ones this or until the rice is fully cooked and no longer hard WITH KRISTIN year with a bumper pepper crop as I’ve nor too chewy. Taste and adjust seasoning to your heard from many other gardeners. They By Kristin Kveno liking. too have a plethora of gorgeous green While the rice is cooking, heat a grill or indoor griddle or skillet peppers. over medium-high. Grill the bell peppers for 10-15 minutes, covHere’s a way to enjoy the peppers: stuff them. ered, and turning over as needed so that the peppers will soften Since I was a little kid, stuffed peppers have always and gain some color. Remove from heat and set been one of my favorite meals. The traditional reciaside to cool briefly. Preheat the oven to 350 pe with tomato sauce, rice and ground beef stuffed degrees. into peppers has been my go-to meal to make for Assemble the bell peppers open side up decades now. Since we have so many peppers, I’ve in a baking dish filled with 3/4 cup broth or expanded my stuffed pepper recipes and tried some new ones. Here’s a few that will tantalize your taste water. Fill each of the bell peppers with the cooked stuffing mixture of meat, rice and buds and use up some of those delicious peppers. chickpeas. Cover the baking dish with foil I’m a huge fan of Greek food. The spices, the flavors, it’s all so (making sure the foil does not touch the good. When I came across these Greek stuffed peppers, I knew I stuffed peppers) and place the dish on the had to give it a try and it definitely didn’t disappoint. The chickmiddle rack of your heated oven. Bake for peas really give the dish some extra umph. Opa! 20-30 minutes. Remove from the oven and garnish with parsley, if you like, and serve. Greek Stuffed Peppers To serve stuffed peppers as a main dish Greek style, add Tzatziki and Greek salad for sides. Greek extra virgin olive oil 1 small yellow onion, chopped n 1/2 pound ground beef If we’re trying Greek stuffed peppers, then we should try it’s Kosher salt and black pepper neighbor — the Italian stuffed peppers. The tangy marinara, the 1 teaspoon ground allspice cheeses, the beef all combine for a classic Italian dish stuffed in 2 garlic cloves, minced (or 1 tsp garlic powder) a pepper. 1 cup cooked or canned chickpeas, drained and rinsed 1 small bunch fresh parsley, chopped 1 cup white rice, soaked in water for 20 to 30 minutes, then drained 3/4 teaspoon hot or sweet paprika 1/4 cup tomato sauce 2-1/4 cup water 6 bell peppers, any colors, tops removed and cored 3/4 cup chicken broth (or water) Cook the meat and chickpeas. In a medium heavy pot, heat 1 tablespoon of extra virgin oil. Sauté the chopped onions until golden. Now add the meat and cook over medium-high heat,

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Italian Stuffed Peppers 4 bell peppers 1 pound ground beef 1 onion (yellow or red) 1/2 teaspoon red pepper flakes 1/8 teaspoon salt 1 quart marinara sauce 1 cup cooked long-grain rice (or use brown rice or quinoa) 1 cup grated Pecorino Romano 1 cup shredded mozzarella cheese 8 fresh basil leaves Fill a 6-quart pot 2/3 full with hot water. Place over high heat on the stove and cover. Rinse your peppers and pat them dry. Cut out the stems and slice each pepper in half. Scrape out the seeds and membranes and discard them. When your water is boiling, carefully place the pepper halves in the pot. Boil the peppers for three minutes. Carefully drain the peppers in a colander in the sink. Use tongs to turn the peppers so the cut sides face down, allowing the water to drain out of them. Let them sit in the colander as you make your meat filling. Peel your onion and chop it. Preheat your oven to 375 degrees. Grate your Pecorino and shred your mozzarella, if needed. Add your ground beef to a 12-inch skillet on the stove over medium-

high heat. Break up the meat with a wooden spoon. After a minute, stir in the chopped onions, red pepper flakes and salt. Cook, stirring frequently, until the meat is browned and the onions are tender. If you have lots of liquid, drain most of it. Stir in 1 1/2 cups of marinara sauce to the meat mixture. Stir in the rice. Add the Pecorino Romano and stir to combine. Cook the mixture for a couple minutes, or until it›s heated through. Prepare a half sheet pan or a 10x15 baking pan for the peppers. If using a sheet pan, line it with foil and grease it with cooking spray. If using a 10x15 pan, just grease it with spray. Add your drained pepper halves to your baking pan, cut side up. Scoop about three tablespoons of the meat filling into each pepper half. Add more meat as needed, until each pepper half is filled to the surface. Scatter any extra meat filling around the peppers in your pan. Sprinkle each pepper half with two tablespoons of shredded mozzarella. Gently pat the cheese onto the peppers. Bake, uncovered, for 15 minutes at 375 degrees. Then, broil the peppers for two minutes to brown the cheese, if desired. While the peppers are baking, gently rinse your basil leaves and pat them dry. Stack a few leaves, roll them up and slice them into ribbons. When the stuffed peppers are done, sprinkle the basil on top and serve with extra marinara sauce. Refrigerate leftovers for up to four days. n Shrimp in peppers? Yes, please. This is effortless to prepare and tastes amazing.

Shrimp Stuffed Peppers 4 green bell peppers 2 cups cooked white rice 8 ounces cooked shrimp, cut into bite sized pieces 1 cup salsa 1 cup low-fat sour cream 1 cup green onion, chopped 1 teaspoon ground cumin 1 teaspoon salt Preheat oven to 350. Lightly oil a shallow baking dish, about 9x9 inches. Cut the tops off the bell peppers and reserve. Wash peppers and clean out the seeds and membranes. Bring a large saucepan of water to boil and add the bell peppers. Boil for 2 minutes, then remove and drain. Combine rice thru salt. Gently stuff the mixture into the peppers, then stand them in the baking dish. Put the tops back on the peppers. Bake for 40 minutes until tender. No matter how you stuff them, peppers are the perfect way to jazz up your dinner. Grab some peppers from the garden and give these recipes a try tonight! Kristin Kveno scours the internet, pours over old family recipes and searches everywhere in between to find interesting food ideas for feeding your crew. Do you have a recipe you want to share? You can reach Kristin at v


Life on the Farm: Readers’ Photos

Barb Stuedemann of Plato, Minn. says their cat Chester is best of friends with the horses at their Stuedemann Family RiverStone Clydesdales farm. Here Chester finds a perch to go eye-to-eye with one of their Clydesdales, Nora. Barb said they are pretty disappointed that all of the area draft horse shows at county fairs and the state fair were cancelled this summer. “Our summer fun is showing our Clydesdales,” she wrote.

“A hummingbird, a honeybee and a lady beetle walk into a bar...” Al Batt of Hartland, Minn. supplied the caption for this feeder photo. Those with hummingbird feeders know they can attract more than hummingbirds. It’s not unusual to see orioles trying to sneak a snack at our feeders earlier in the spring.

E-mail your Life on the Farm photos to Your photo may be published in an upcoming issue! — “Where Farm and Family Meet”


PAGE 10 — “Where Farm and Family Meet”


The heat is on for sugar beet processor By DICK HAGEN The Land Staff Writer Emeritus Like many crops this season, sugar beets also were off to a quick start. But an early August harvest start slowed considerably when mid-August temps ramped up beyond 90 degrees. Steve Dahm, President and CEO of Southern Minnesota Beet Sugar Cooperative in Renville, Minn., said the high temperatures are too much of a good thing. “Yes, our growers are lifting beets; and our factory is processing at our daily capacity of 16,000 tons per day. However, we’ve had to slow down field harvest simply to limit accumulated tonnage at our various piling sites. Once temps reach 75-80 degrees we don’t want beets on the ground more than five to six days.” And the reason is obvious. These huge vegetative root masses don’t take kindly to just laying in a pile in hot weather. Like most production/management gurus, Dahm hesitates on predicting final production for this 2020 season. “Our guys have done a phenomenal job keeping diseases — especially circospora — under control,” he said. “Yes, we believe the fruits of our labor

will be rewarded; but we’re still at Mother Nature’s behest. She could still trigger some dirty tricks on us. Circospiroa is our number-one leaf disease every year. It burns the leaves taking sugar out of the beets. We’re in the business of producing sugar, so keeping a healthy top on our sugar beet plants is always a top priority.” Dahm wouldn’t comment on the possibility of 30-ton yields; but he did say, “We’ll have a good crop.” Labor challenges? So far so good according to Dahm. “Our HR department has been terrific … every job filled — which is quite remarkable given the job market today.” SMBSC employs over 350 full-time workers and half again that many at the various piling sites. “We’ve been fortunate, Dahm admitted. “We instituted some strict Covid-19 guidelines and not yet a positive case. That’s a testament to our employees. They pay attention. They understand why and they cooperate.” Dahm also noted upwards of 150 contractor employees doing maintenance work this summer getting this huge plant ready for the 2020 startup campaign. “They bought into what we were doing. They wanted

to stay healthy. They appreciated their job and everybody worked together to make it happen!” Come October, everything at this incredibly busy complex cranks up 24/7. And that hectic schedule continues until the processing campaign finally shuts down after slicing upwards of 3.6 million tons of beets. “Normally you want harvesting wrapped by late October/early November,” Dahm explained, “But some rain delays are inevitable. And we know that hard freeze can come any time.” Dahm said unlike corn, soybean and livestock producers, continually pressing for stronger export markets; the sugar beet industry sort of just stays in ‘cruise control.’ There are no sugar exports — neither cane or beet sugar. Which says virtually every pounds of U.S. sugar production is consumed domestically. Dahm did indicate some sugar imports through trade deals agreed to in previous years. And yes, U.S. beet growers and cane growers are partners. “We both grow sugar and there is not a scientific test identifying any difference between refined beet sugar and refined cane sugar,” summed up Dahm. v

Rain will quench the crops, God’s love will quench our spirit DEEP ROOTS, from pg. 7

I’ve been looking to the well-worn story of Noah and the Ark for encouragement lately. God told retracting and disengaging from those closest to me Noah to build an ark because He was sending a in a futile attempt to safeguard my fragile soul. I’ve flood. We aren’t told specifically in Genesis 6-8 how used all of the topical applications for spiritual fullness like prayer, studying the Bible, attending church many years passed between the time God told Noah to build an ark and the start of the rain, but Bible services and the like. I feel as though my faith is being tested. I wonder if God is capable of being who scholars say it took somewhere between 70 and 75 years. Noah chose, in the moment that God asked He has promised to be: faithful, a just judge, a wonsomething of him, to be faithful to God. Noah derful counselor and sovereign over all. I’m finding worked, waited and watched for the sky to open up that my faith is faulty and my soul is dry. and for God to fulfill His promise for 70 YEARS! My pastor reminded me during a recent service I can only imagine that Noah had to, at some point, that when I choose to be “faithful to God (even for a feel much like I am right now — dry and full of moment), He will be faithful to me for a lifetime.” faulty faith. But God, in His perfect timing, sent the When I question God’s promises during dry seasons of my spiritual journey, but I choose — even momentarily — to be faithful to God, He is always faithful to pour out His promises and blessings on me. The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Risk Management Agency reminds Iowa and Minnesota producers that the final date to apply for crop insurance for fall-planted crops (such as cultivated wild rice, forage production, grass seed, mint, rye and wheat) is Sept. 30 for the 2021 crop year. Current policyholders who wish to make changes to their • 6 Year • Lowest Rates existing coverage also have until the Sept. 30 sales Warranty • Quality closing date to do so. • Free Workmanship Federal crop insurance is critical to the farm safeEstimates • Insured ty net. It helps producers and owners manage revenue risks and strengthens the rural economy. CALL Clint 507-528-2243 Producers may select from several coverage options, Specializing in applying ribbed steel to barns, garages and outbuildings. including yield coverage, revenue protection, and area

rains and flooded the earth just like He promised. If Noah hadn’t chosen to be faithful in that moment, the entire human race would have been lost. The rains came for Noah, the rains came to our farming community, and I am choosing to believe that rain will fall and quench my dry spirit too. I am choosing to continue to trust that God will fulfill every good and perfect promise that He has made in His perfect timing. I am also going to head out and check the rain gauge. Whitney Nesse is a sixth-generation livestock farmer who is deeply rooted in her faith and family. She writes from her central Minnesota farm. v

Crop insurance deadline nears


risk policies. Crop insurance is sold and delivered solely through private crop insurance agents. Farmers with crop insurance questions or needs should contact their crop insurance agents. A list of crop insurance agents is available online using the RMA agent locator. Producers can use the RMA cost estimator to get a premium amount estimate of their insurance needs online. Learn more about crop insurance and the modern farm safety net at www.rma. This article was submitted by the U.S. Department of Agriculture. v

THE LAND — SEPTEMBER 4/SEPTEMBER 11, 2020 — “Where Farm and Family Meet”


Drive-in movies cover the subject of cover crops By PAUL MALCHOW Bennett: The Story of The Land Managing Editor America’s Private Land C o n s e r v a t i o n DUNDAS, Minn. — Movement by NRCS; None of the titles were High Clearance Cover Hollywood blockbustCrop Seeder with Andy ers, but a series of Linder by Minnesota short films were shown NRCS; No-Till on Aug. 27 — on the Farming with Corn side of a shed. and Cover Crops in The Rice Soil and S o u t h e a s t e r n Water Conservation Minnesota by District and the Minnesota NRCS; Natural Resources Growing No-Till Corn Conservation Service Silage and Cover Crops teamed up to host a for Dairy in “drive-in” movie night S o u t h e a s t e r n for area farmers. The Minnesota by short films were lackMinnesota NRCS; ing in car chases and and Studying My Soil: explosions, but were A Continuous Photos by Paul Malchow informative on the Education through subjects of conserva- A beautiful summer evening and Larry Conrad’s machine shed served as the backdrop for Rice SWCD’s “Film on the Trial and Error tion tillage and cover Farm” event on Aug. 27. Five films dealing with soil health and cover crops were projected on the shed’s overhead (featuring Rice County crops by producers in door and viewers could catch the audio on their car radios. farmer Dave Legvold) southern Minnesota. by Strip-Till Farmer Honken is also a grower of Kernza. want to do different. We’re learning.” Organizers christened the event, “Film Magazine. on the Farm,” and it took place on the He likes the perennial grain as it Films which were shown during “Film Larry Conrad Farm located a few miles doesn’t require tilling and planting on the Farm” include Hugh Hammond See DRIVE-IN, pg. 13 every year. “You get about two or three from Dundas, Minn. “Normally we would be hosting tradi- years out of it,” he explained. “It’ll keep tional in-person field days or meetings growing after that, but the plant starts on the farm, but we’ve heard mixed putting more into the grass and less feelings from farmers regarding attend- into the grain.” A brewery in Northfield, Minn. has ing events because of the threat of Covid-19,” said Teresa DeMars with made beer out of Honken’s Kernza, but the Rice SWCD. “While some farmers he sells most of the grain for seed. He are comfortable with attending events, said an additional benefit of Kernza is others do not want to expose them- what’s left after the grain is harvested. selves due to their age or health con- ”I get about 2,000 pounds of forage cerns. We decided to think outside the after the grain,” he said, “and about a box and came up with the nostalgic ton per acre for the cattle to graze.” idea of having a “drive-in” movie night. Jack Schwab, who lives about 15 It should be a great opportunity for all miles south of the Conrad farm, is set to get out of the house for an event to seed his first cover crop this year. He while being safely protected inside plans to seed rye in his first year to get their vehicle.” his feet wet. “That’s why I’m here The vehicles ranged from convert- tonight,” he said. “I’m behind a lot of ibles to SUVs to pickup trucks and the these guys and I have a lot to learn. attendees were varied as well. Dan But it’s exciting what I’m hearing and Honken of Faribault is in his sixth year I’m looking forward to it.” of utilizing cover crops. He and his wife Conrad smiled when asked about his Erin came to the Conrad farm to lend involvement with organizing the “Film support for cover crops and the Rice on the Farm” event. “My neighbor volSWCD effort. “I’ve worked with a lot of unteered me!” he said. Conrad in in his these people in the past,” he said. fourth year of a cover crop mix on 600 Honken seeds 300 acres with a graz- acres of corn; but he’s not in it alone. ing mixture featuring winter rye for his “There’s about five or six of us in a 140 head of livetock. “We’re seeing good group,” he said. “The group is all using results,” he said. “After the second year the same mix. We bounce ideas off of you could already tell the soil was bet- each other; what works, what we might ter.”

PAGE 12 — “Where Farm and Family Meet”


A matter of commitment: The finer points of herding By KATE RECHTZIGEL The Land Correspondent CHISAGO CITY, Minn. — Just on the outskirts of Forest Lake, Minn. lies a beautiful farm site in where herding dogs are hard at work learning and training to compete in a variety of events. “It’s rewarding to watch people come and see the dogs learn to do what is instinctive for them,” JoAnna Yund said. Yund runs Training Camp Inc. near Chisago City, Minn. The camp started in 1980 where Yund teaches dogs and

their owners the finer points of herding. Training includes dogs gathering the stock and bringing them to you; and later advancing to driving to a specified point, dividing and holding, catching the injured, loading a trailer, and so much more. Yund grew up in Minneapolis and trained and showed dogs in obedience competitions. However, when she got her border collie, McDuff, she unfortunately didn’t have a place to train for herding. “There was no place I could go to learn how to herd,” Yund said, “and a


LEGAL DESCRIPTION Parcel I: APPROX. 160.00 ACRES-NW¼ OF SECTION 13, TOWNSHIP I 03, RANGE 35, JACKSON COUNTY, MINNESOTA. Exact legal to govern. Parcel ID#: 02.013.0500 Parcel 2: APPROX. 130.13 ACRES - S½ SW¼ EX 7.03 AC IN SE¼ SW¼ & W¾ W½ SE¼ OF SECTION 12, TOWNSHIP 103, RANGE 35, JACKSON COUNTY, MINNESOTA. Exact legal to govern. Parcel ID#: 02.012.0350 TERMS Each parcel shall be sold separately upon the same terms described below: 1. Potential Purchasers shall submit a sealed bid for the entire parcel accompanied by a certified check in the amount of $10,000. The check shall be made payable to Premier Title Services Trust Account and submitted to Stacey R. Edwards Jones, 212 Madison Avenue, Mankato, MN 56001 prior to September 8, 2020. Checks for unsuccessful Bidders shall be returned at the conclusion of the sale. 2. The auction, with a virtual option upon request, shall take place at the Jackson Golf Club, 951 US-71, Jackson, MN 56143, on September 11, 2020, at 10:00 a.m. Potential bidders desiring to attend via phone conference shall dial into (507) 385-1031 at the time of the auction. All persons submitting a written bid will be allowed to raise their bids, in writing after the bids have been opened. 3. The successful Bidder will be required to execute a purchase agreement on completion of the bidding and the initial check received will be applied to earnest money. The entire remaining balance of the purchase price, without interest, will be due and payable on November 15, 2020, or other such time as the parties agree, at which time title will be conveyed by a Trustee’s Deed. 4. Real estate taxes and assessments due and payable in 2020 will be paid pro rata between Purchaser and Seller, and the successful Purchaser will assume responsibility for all taxes and assessments due and payable thereafter. 5. This property is being sold in an “AS IS”condition and the Seller makes no representations as to its acreage, tiling, or condition. The potential Purchaser shall inspect and be familiar with the present condition of the subject property, including but not limited to soil suitability, slope, grade or grades of land, irrigation, flood plain, weed and pest spectrum, habitat areas and the general flow and direction of irrigation waters and drainage. 6. An abstract of title indicating marketable title in Seller shall be furnished. Title shall be transferred by Trustee’s Deed. Possession shall be given to the successful Bidder upon receipt of payment in full. 7. The Seller specifically reserves the right to reject any and all bids and to waive any irregularities in the bidding procedure. Seller reserves the right to establish a minimum starting bid upon commencement of the bidding process. The Auctioneer shall determine when bidding shall cease. Announcements made day of the auction take precedence over written material.

Information concerning this land or viewing this land may be obtained from Stacey R. Edwards Jones, of Premier Title Services, LLC, 212 Madison Avenue, Mankato, MN 56001. 507-385-1031

Photo submitted

When on the farm, dogs have access to individual training where they are able to work sheep, goats, or ducks (when available). city girl couldn’t teach herself.” After multiple searches, Yund came across a retired farmer, Dellas Seaman, who had sheep. “The dog became proficient and I was able to find a competition for him to compete in,” Yund said. Later, Seaman passed and Yund was able to take over sheep and rent land in order to teach others. “I train for competition,” Yund said. “This is more than just practical livestock work.” The farm is set up to train dogs and matches most herding-style arena competitions. “When I started, nobody in this area was willing to take on city people,” Yund said. “Now the sport and clinicals have grown a lot and evolved to allow more people. It’s fun to see.” Yund trains dogs one-on-one with staggering times. “You’re working a learning dog and sheep could be injured,” Yund said. “People can always come watch.” Yund also hosts an introduction to herding a couple times a year. “I see if people can make the commitment to the time and distance; and then we schedule individual lessons,” Yund said. If an individual is interested in coming to watch or participate in a herding lessons, they are encouraged to visit

the website which lists all of the events and scheduled lessons times. “In a normal year we would also have a herding trial at the State Fair,” Yund said. “Hopefully next year we will be able to have another one.” Yund enjoys dogs and loves seeing them form a working partnership with their owners. The dog has to be old and fit enough to train so it can keep up with the livestock. And people have to put in the time and effort. “It takes a different kind of commitment that can’t be practiced at home,” Yund said. As far as Covid-19 goes, Training Camp Inc. has been greatly affected because people can’t gather to watch, there are no herding trials, and people stay at home. “But the dogs in training won’t forget because the training is built on instinct,” Yund said. In the future, Yund hopes to continue to provide a place for people to bring their dog to learn herding techniques in addition to many other activities such as agility, dock diving, obedience, and so much more. “I’ve had many great mentors over the years and met several special people who have become great friends. It’s a very welcoming community,” Yund said. “I’m glad to see everybody make the commitment to their dogs and bring out the most in them.” v

THE LAND — SEPTEMBER 4/SEPTEMBER 11, 2020 — “Where Farm and Family Meet”


Klobuchar renews commitment to ag in Farmfest forum By KRISTIN KVENO The Land Staff Writer Senator Amy Klobuchar spoke as part of the Farmfest virtual “Current State of the Ag Economy” panel on Aug. 4. Presenting from her senate office in Washington D.C., Klobuchar proudly touted that she is one of the most-senior members of the Senate Ag Committee. That being her focus, she explained there’s a concerted effort to get some additional funding for ag in the senate. With the Covid-19 pandemic, testing materials have at times been in short supply as they come from other countries. Klobuchar never wants to see our food supply in the United States be dependent upon other countries. “Congress needs to take action now to ensure the continuity of our country’s food supply,” she said. With that, Klobuchar believes not enough attention has been paid to the needs of rural areas and the vital role they play in sustaining this nation. “It gives us a really strong case to make, about why it’s so important that we have producers and growers in

our own country.” Klobuchar believes it’s not only the farm bill which is critical to our rural areas, but access to high speed internet as well. “Not only do we need a strong farm bill, but expanded broadband coverage. Kids in parts of rural America don’t have access to virtual learning right now due to the lack of high-speed broadband in areas. There’s a story in southern Minnesota of a kid taking her biology exam in a liquor store parking lot because it was the only place she could get that high speed. We’re working really hard to get some added funding in this next package when it comes to broadband,” Klobuchar said. She recently met with Minnesota Representative Collin Peterson on what can be done — not just now for ag, but what needs to be done in the next year for the next farm bill. Klobuchar would like to see the focus on ag trade as well as insuring that the next farm bill is a good fit for farmers. The CARES Act, also known as Coronavirus relief aid, has allocated $23.5 billion for farmers and others impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic. Klobuchar

Rice SWCD has a seeding service for cover crop beginners DRIVE-IN, from pg. 11 The films were projected onto a large machine shed door and the audio for the movies were broadcast to each vehicle using an FM transmitter (87.7 FM on the car radio dial). Bags of popcorn were even handed out as movie-goers drove onto the farmstead. “We were looking for a way to do community out-

reach while at the same time keep people distant,” said Rice SWCD District Manager Steve Pahs. “Events like this are becoming much more popular. We had to buy some equipment, but we’re really happy with the response.” Another piece of equipment at the Rice SWCD’s disposal is an interseeder for cover crops. The seeding service is geared toward farmers who have not previously used cover crops; or land which has not had cover crops on it before. Those who take part in the program must commit to a three-year installation. The rate for the 2020 crop season is $30 per acre for a single species and $35 per acre for multi-species mixes. More information can be obtained from Rice SWCD by calling (507) 332-5408 or stopping at their office at 1810 30th St. NW in Faribault, Minn. The “Film on the Farm” event was made possible by grant funding from the Minnesota Office For Soil Health, Minnesota Board of Soil and Water Resources, Minnesota NRCS, and the Tri-Lakes Sportsman Club. v

Teresa DeMars with the Rice SWCD welcomed guests and gave a brief run-down of the technical aspects of the night at the movies.

explained that 26,000 applications from Minnesota farmers have been approved. There has been $80 million for dairy, $73 million for row crops and $180 million for cattle and hogs. “We also know that there has been some trouble in getting that money out.” Klobuchar claimed she will continue to work to get that funding to farmers. “We’ve seen recently that the (U.S. Department of Agriculture) has declined to exercise their authority to provide assistance to growers of certain classes of wheat, livestock producers who have been impacted, there’s more we should do there.” Klobuchar is adamant in making sure that Minnesota farmers get their fair share. In addition, Klobuchar said she will continue to fight to stop biofuels waivers as well as give voice to the dairy industry. “We know that we’ve lost so many of our small dairy farms and we are going to keep working on that front.” Klobuchar finished her Farmfest talk by acknowledging the vital work those in the ag industry have done and continue to do day after day. “As challenging as all this is, I just get inspired by what I know you are all going through every day, by the work of not just our leaders in the ag area, but also those on the front line that are working hard every single day. We know there’s more to be done. I’m ready to have your back to do it.” v


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MILKER’S MESSAGE — “Where Farm and Family Meet”


Pool qualifications need studying for future federal order fixes

This column was written for the marketing week ending Aug. 28. President Trump announced an additional $1 billion in food aid on Aug. 24 as part of government efforts to lessen hardship of the Covid outbreak and praised the success of the Farmers to News and information for Minnesota and Northern Iowa dairy producers Families Food Box program. In April, when the program was announced, $3 MIELKE MARKET farm produce that was hardest hit due to pricing relationship between Class I and manufacbillion was allotted to food purchases, WEEKLY the Covid-19 shock wave. Cheese and other turing milk will need an in-depth review and that’s with this announcement pushing total dairy products ranked near the top of that just the beginning of the milk price conversations we By Lee Mielke program funding to $4 billion. list.” will need to have in a post-pandemic America.” HighGround Dairy says, “The impact Unfortunately, charged Geiger, “As cheese n on dairy markets leans bullish, but timing of the prices bounded for record price territory, the intendMeanwhile, U.S. cheese stocks fell in July from added funding will be a critical factor in the overall ed financial rewards never fully arrived on the June levels while the nation’s butter supply grew. impact. A previously announced round three begins farm; because many cheese plants de-pooled their The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s latest Cold in September, meaning this additional funding is milk in June and July — via order provisions — not likely to be spent for several months in a future and essentially kept the revenue. As a result, record Storage report pegged the July 31 butter inventory at 372.8 million pounds. This is up 10.3 million round.” cheese prices induced record negative producer pounds or 2.9 percent from June and a hefty 43.2 “The food box program was, in part, responsible for price differentials (PPDs).” million or 13.1 percent above July 2019 — the stimulating cheese demand this summer and pushPPD shortfalls combined for a $1.2 billion impact 13th consecutive month they were above a year ago. ing the block cheese price to a new record high,” says in June and July milk checks, according to Geiger, American-type cheese totaled 785.3 million pounds, HighGround Dairy. “Future rounds of the program with the largest jolt in California (a $327 million down 7.7 million pounds or 1 percent from June, but are unlikely to have as significant of an impact on reduction) followed by the Northeast order at $228 12.1 million or 1.6 percent above a year ago. prices, but will instead provide underlying support million. to cheese markets for the next several months.” The “other” cheese category slipped to 586.8 mil“It will take more than milk price risk tools on lion pounds, down 12.1 million pounds or 2 percent The Covid pandemic gave the dairy industry a the farm to avert this situation,” he argued, from June, but was 26.7 million or 4.8 percent above wild ride, with Chicago Mercantile Exchange block “because price mitigation efforts do not cover basis a year ago. cheese plummeting to $1 per pound on April 15, such as PPDs.” only to soar to a record high $3 three months later. The total cheese inventory slipped to 1.393 billion Geiger said a number of remedies exist; but, “As Unfortunately, most dairy farmers saw little of the pounds. This is down 23.3 million pounds or 1.6 perwe learned in the last farm bill, every adjustment proceeds. cent from June, but 32.1 million pounds or 2.4 perinduces another consequence.” He reported if the cent above July 2019 — the fourth consecutive month Hoards Dairyman Managing Editor Corey Geiger “higher-of” Class III or Class IV pricing provision that total cheese stocks topped prior year levels. talked about it in the Aug. 31 Dairy Radio Now had been in place as it was prior to the 2018 farm broadcast, saying, “As the Covid pandemic appears CME block cheddar climbed to $1.8725 on Aug. 26 bill, the Class III would have boosted July’s Class I in the rearview mirror, there are lessons the dairy (the highest since Aug. 4), but closed the last Friday price over $3 higher. industry has learned from it.” of the month at $1.8275 per pound. This is up 17.75 “As for potential federal order fixes,” Geiger concents on the week, 42.5 cents below where it was on One of them is “creating a more robust supply chain cluded, “Pool qualifications will need significant Aug. 1, and 10.25 cents below a year ago. and bolstering communication channels,” he said. study. That includes the ability to de-pool and re-pool Another is the federal order system, which “wasn’t See MIELKE, pg. 15 milk and the associated financial incentives. The TIONS Please read attached email designed to price milk during a modern-day calamity.” “The original idea behind the Farmers to Families AMES ONwas AD to do THE 3.7461 x ” FoodALREADY Box program as LAND the name implies: provide food to families suffering hardship during the pandemic,” Geiger said. “Along the way, federal The University of Minnesota and Minnesota Beef ing a collaboration between the University of government food purchases would prop up prices for Council are collaborating on an overview study map- Minnesota College of Veterinary Medicine, Minnesota ping the pathways Minnesota beef cattle travel from Beef Council, and University of Minnesota Extension. birth to finish. The research team is being led by Dr. Noelle Noyes The study will provide a foundational overview by with help from Dr. Tim Goldsmith, Dr. Luciano documenting and describing the farm-to-feedlot Caixeta, Dr. Joe Armstrong, and two veterinary stupathways currently being utilized by Minnesota beef dents: Sabina Ponicki and Kaylan Risacher. producers. “Our team needs producer knowledge and The survey is available online and should take proexperience in answering survey questions pertaining ducers approximately 5-10 minutes to finish. Survey to management practices and the movement of cat- results and responses are completely voluntary and tle. We want to gather knowledge from Minnesota confidential. producers so we can better serve them by tailoring The survey is available at specific to Minnesota needs,” said Dr. Joe ways. Armstrong. This article was submitted by University of The survey is the first step in a larger effort involv- Minnesota Extension. v


Beef producers invited to take survey

MILKER’S MESSAGE — “Where Farm and Family Meet”



It’s unlikely export increases will offset domestic butter losses MIELKE, from pg. 14 The barrels finished at $1.43, up a dime on the week, 80.5 cents below their Aug. 1 standing, 30.75 cents below a year ago, and 39.75 cents below the blocks. Twelve cars of block were traded on the week at the CME and 29 of barrel. Dairy Market News reported Midwestern cheese demand varies, from slower to steady to busier. Some cheese producers say they are very busy with orders as markets have buoyed since the large drops earlier in the month. Buyers are active and $2 block cheese is a possibility again, according to Dairy Market News. Others say orders are slowing, inventories are not burdensome, but they are growing. Milk availability is mixed but cheese makers expect milk to be plentiful ahead of the Labor Day holiday weekend. The price spread remains “a looming concern.” Western cheese manufacturers report the barrel supply is “loose,” but block supplies are tighter — resulting in the wide price spread. In either case, end users do not seem to have as much trouble finding cheese as they did a few months ago. Cheese is

moving well, but contacts suggest the market tone Month-over-month gains were modest, but the yearis uneasy. Processors say it has become difficult to ly uptick was notable. Cream availability increased WE BUILD OUR availability STALLS RIGHT! define true demand. Retail orders are above those of slightly this week and they expect to Take a look at previous years but are cooling. Food service sales loosen ahead of Labor Day weekend. Food service are still slow, with fast food establishments doing demand remains in question. our tubing with better than seated service. unequaled corrosion The western butter market is stable. Prices were Exports have improved as U.S. prices converge unchanged from a week ago — even though inventoprotection! with international prices. Contacts are eager to see ries picked up a bit. Not a lot of change happened Freudenthal Tubing has been how the next round of government purchases will on the demand side. Retail salesengineered are stillforstrong, but your specific develop; but it’s not clear how much cheese school not as much as in the past month, and food service requirements where strength lunch programs may need with many schools start- sales remain lower than usual for time of the andthis corrosion resistance are CORROSION Auto Release Head Panel ing virtually this fall. Milk supplies are ample and year. Locks Unrest in Portland and Seattle havefactors. affected a critical design PROTECTION discounted milk is available with most western few high-end restaurants and some were modifying plants running at or near capacity. opening schedules while others have closed tempoCS-60 Comfort Tie Stall rarily. The fires in California are also affecting conn sumer eating habits and trips to restaurants. The Toughest Butter saw its Aug. 28 close at $1.4475. This is Spot Grade A nonfat dry milk closed at $1.02 Stallsper down 6.75 cents on the week, 16 cents below its pound, up 2.25 cents on the week but 2.75 cents Aug. 1 perch, and 74.25 cents below a year ago. on the below a year ago, with 18 sales reported on the Forty-three cars were• Provides sold. superior lunge area market, week. • Muchthe stronger than our Cold Storage data was topic of the week for guaranteed competitors’ beam systems See MIELKE, pg. 15 butter traders, according to Dairy Market News. not to bend • No Stall mounts in the • Entire panel made of H.D. 10 gauge tubing concrete or sand are hot dippedWI galvanized after W. 6322 Cty. O,• Panels Medford, 54451 • Fully adjustable welding inside and out (715) 748-4132 • 1-800-688-0104 • Stall system stays high and Heaviest, • 6’, 8’, 10’, 12’ lengths dry, resulting in longer life Strongest, REMODELING, EXPANSION OR REPLACEMENT • 12’ panel weight 275 lbs. • Installation labor savings Custom Buy Direct From Manufacturer and SAVE! We Can Handle All Your Barn Steel Needs • Head-to-head and single row Cattle Diagonal Feed Thru Panel options available Auto Release Head Locks Panel Gates • Compare the weight of this on the system, heaviest available Elevated Dual Market on the market today



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MILKER’S MESSAGE — “Where Farm and Family Meet”


Presenting dairy forum online was learning experience By KRISTIN KVENO tual forum this year was 400. That goal was sur- try,” Reps said. The Land Staff Writer passed with 425 people registered. Having the forum Utilizing a vendor to help facilitate the online forBecause of Covid-19, everything looks a little dif- online allowed distance to not be a barrier in taking mat was key in putting on the forum. “So far we’ve ferent this year and the third annual Dairy part in the event. “We pulled from across the coun- received very good feedback,” Reps said. The forum Experience Forum held on featured a host, a consumer July 15 was no exception. focus group panel, speakers Hosted by Midwest Dairy, and a chance for small group the purpose of the forum is to discussion. The mix of speakbring together people from ers along with the opportuthe dairy supply chain for nity to interact with fellow discussions on various topics, forum goers was key in creatBy KRISTIN KVENO people from all over the United States with trends and opportunities. ing this online format. The Land Staff Writer varies careers, life experiences and backThe first two forums, in The in-person forum I had the opportunity to virtually attend the grounds. It offered attendees the opportunity to 2018 and 2019, took place in spanned multiple days. With the Twin Cities. In light of Dairy Experience Forum on July 15. Having hear about their experiences with dairy. the change to virtual, Reps After the consumer focus group, virtual the Covid-19 outbreak, never taken part in a virtual conference before, said it was determined that a Theresa Reps, Agricultural I was curious what it would be like. How would attendees could take part in small group discusone-day event was key. “We Affairs Manager with it compare to attending an in-person confer- sions which covered the themes discussed in the had to make some prioritizMidwest Dairy, realized that ence? The forum started at 10 a.m. and went focus group; and how to best use that informaing decisions.” When it was tion in your position in the dairy chain. By clickan in-person forum may not until 3:15 p.m. decided to put the forum be feasible. online, she contacted the Registration online was quick and easy and ing on the small group button on the screen you scheduled speakers to make “We started talking about involved just a few clicks, a little information would then be placed via Zoom in a small group where you could take part in the discussion. sure they felt comfortable it when Covid-19 started and voila, I was registered. speaking virtually. After that there was a lunch break from 11:30 picking up,” Reps said. It was Before the conference started, the Forum had then that the team at a “Frequently Asked Questions” page that offer to noon. Then the presentations continued with Reps noted there are some Midwest Dairy began look- solutions to various tech questions which could the day wrapping up with an illusionist speakthings Midwest Dairy would ing at the possibility of hav- arise. Forum organizers also offered an e-mail er, who was quite interesting. It was a nice way change if they did an online ing this year’s forum con- address where you could send in your question to end my first virtual conference experience. forum next year — such as ducted all online. “We made to be answered by a tech expert. allowing more transition Throughout the day, I was impressed by the the decision the last week in time in between speakers. amount of work that must’ve gone into pivoting The cost to attend the virtual forum was $25 April.” ` Looking ahead to next year, from an in-person three-day conference to a for dairy farmers and $50 for industry (nonReps believes that an in-per“There’s positives and neg- dairy farmers) — compared to the cost of the one-day virtual event. It was simple to follow son forum with the ability to atives to each format,” Reps three-day in-person event in 2019 was $99 for along on the computer and you can go back and also participate online would watch anything that you might have missed or said. While putting the forum dairy farmers and $199 for industry. be a good option. something you may want to watch again. online allows for the opporThe forum began with a host who explained tunity to reach those who What 2021 will bring, no There are advantages of having a virtual conwould not otherwise be at how the day would go, along with some infor- ference, like having the opportunity to take one knows; but now having the forum in person, it mation to make the most of the experience part in a conference that would normally be too successfully moved the Dairy doesn’t allow for as much which included how to be part of the small far to travel to. The networking opportunities Experience Forum online interaction and networking group discussion later that morning. There was and the ability to meet people in great numbers this year provides another between attendees that the a pause button option when viewing the forum just isn’t very feasible in a virtual conference way to get the information (which came in handy for me as I needed a usual in-person format does. out to members now and in setting. I think that for now, the online format quick refill of coffee). the future. v for conferences will be the norm. Will it conThe first year of the forum The first engagement of the forum was a continue after this pandemic is over, is anyone’s attracted 250 people; the v next year it jumped to 400 sumer focus group which featured a handful of guess.

Attending a conference via computer has its advantages

people. The goal for the vir-



Daniel & Terese Hall 40133 - 620th Ave. Butterfield, MN 56120 • Instagram@thelandmagazineonline


MILKER’S MESSAGE — “Where Farm and Family Meet”

China shrinks milk powder buys, whey imports set record MIELKE, from pg. 16 Cash dry whey saw its Aug. 28 closing at 34 cents per pound. This is up a half-cent on the week, but 5 cents below a year ago, with 13 sales reported for the week. StoneX Group warned in its Aug. 24 “Early Morning Update,” “Without the sales that come from schools of all levels across the country, it is likely that we will see an even greater pullback in dairy prices in an attempt to encourage sales. Exports could potentially benefit from a lower price, but the likelihood that any increase in export volume offsets the loss in domestic sales is slim.” n The latest Crop Progress report showed 64 percent of U.S. corn is good to excellent as of the week ending Aug. 23, up from 57 percent a year ago. Eighty-eight percent was in the dough stage, up from 66 percent a year ago and 6 percent ahead of the five-year average. Forty-four percent is dented, up from 24 percent a year ago and 5 percent ahead of the five-year average. The report shows 92 percent of U.S. soybeans are setting pods, up from 76 percent a year ago and 5 percent ahead of the five-year average. Sixtynine percent were rated good to excellent, up from 55 percent a year ago. The cotton crop showed a 46 percent good to excellent rating, up from 43 percent a year ago. Dairy cow slaughter totaled 53,500 head the week ending Aug. 15, up 500 head from the previous week, but 8,100 or 13.1 percent below a year ago. n In politics, there were more calls on lawmakers to enforce the U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement. A bipartisan group of 25 senators sent a letter to the U.S. Trade Representative and the USDA, identifying challenges to implementing USMCA’s dairy-related provisions. “As negotiated, the USMCA will create new export opportunities for America’s dairy industry and creates an equitable playing field for American dairy exports in Mexico and Canada,” the letter stated. “Given the

importance of these provisions to our dairy farmers and to American dairy exports, we ask that you use USMCA’s enforcement measures to hold our trading partners accountable to their trade commitments. It is imperative that Canada and Mexico deliver upon their agreed upon commitments related to dairy products.” In other trade news, China’s July imports of whole milk powder hit 81.8 million pounds, down 11.3 percent from July 2019 and the lowest July volume since 2016, according to HighGround Dairy. It was the second consecutive month of lower whole milk powder imports, but year-to-date imports remain negligibly higher vs. prior year. Whey imports hit 140.4 million pounds, up 63.6 percent — setting a new record high and was the sixth consecutive monthly year-over-year gain. HighGround Dairy says China has ramped up whey imports to take advantage of lower prices and build stocks as its African swine fever crisis slowly wanes. Imports from the United States were up 45 percent, but market share declined from 38 to 34 percent as the EU captured more gains. Butter imports, at 14.3 million, were up 82.6 percent and anhydrous milkfat was up 102.6 percent. Cheese imports totaled 35.5 million pounds, up 99.4 percent from a year ago. Cooperatives Working Together members accepted 12 offers of export assistance this week to help capture sales of 1.118 million pounds of cheese, 496,040 pounds of anhydrous milkfat, and 701,070 pounds of whole milk powder. The product is going to customers in Asia and the Middle East and raised CWT’s 2020 exports to 23.86 million pounds of American-type cheeses, 6.934 million pounds of butter (82 percent milkfat), 3.64 million pounds of anhydrous milkfat, 4.38 million pounds of cream cheese and 35.16 million pounds of whole milk powder. The product is going to 28 countries. Lee Mielke is a syndicated columnist who resides in Everson, Wash. His weekly column is featured in newspapers across the country and he may be reached at v


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½ c. butter 1½ c. sugar 2 eggs 1 c. sour cream 2 tsp. vanilla

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PAGE 18 — “Where Farm and Family Meet”


A few farming issues to consider as we head into fall FOLEY, Minn. — With this growing season coming to a close, it is time to be tying up those loose ends for this year and thinking about next year. While harvest has yet to happen, it is never too early to make sure those weed, disease and insect issues are recorded and available for reference for the next few years. By taking stock of what has happened in fields and recording that information now, prior to harvest, you won’t have to try and remember that information at the end of October. It is especially important that pest issues are properly identified and recorded. There have been reports of top dieback issues in soybeans. Top dieback resembles potassium deficiency and can be caused by soybean cyst nematodes (SCN), soybean aphids, clover root mealybugs, and Diapothae/Phomopsis fungi. Soil samples will need to be collected and submitted. If potassium deficien-

cy is the primary issue, K fertilizer should be applied. If SCN is the issue, consider rotating to a non-host crop, utilize different cultivars with different sources of SCN resistance, and manage weeds, moisture and fertility to reduce stress on plants. Keep in mind soybean aphid populations which were present during R5 still should be scouted into R6 to ensure that populations don’t boom. Soybean aphids can still take yield at R6 stage soybeans in very heavily infested fields. Soybean fields may still respond to a late insecticide application. On another note, the last date for alfalfa cutting is coming up soon. Typically, we think of that early nocut window starting at some point during the first full week of September; with it being riskier the further into September you wait to cut. The goal is to cut early enough so the field accumulates 500 growing degree days (GDD); or cut so late

Seed lawn now for best results HAMPTON, Iowa — Sowing grass seed at the optimal time of year, selection of a high-quality seed mix appropriate for the site, and consistent watering are keys to successfully establishing grass from seed. Mid-August to mid-September is the best time to seed new lawns and overseed existing lawns. Late summer seeding has several advantages over spring seeding. The seeds of cool-season grasses germinate quickly in the warm soil of late summer. The warm days and cool nights of early fall promote rapid turfgrass growth. The growing grass also has less competition from weeds, as few weed seeds germinate in fall. Grass seed can also be sown in April to mid-May. However, spring seeding is often less successful than late-summer seeding. When purchasing grass seed, choose a high-quality seed mix that is best adapted to the site. In sunny areas, Kentucky bluegrass is the best choice. Select a seed mix which contains at least two or three blue-

grass cultivars. Perennial ryegrass is often included in many bluegrass seed mixes because of its ability to germinate and establish quickly. Use a mixture containing Kentucky bluegrass, perennial ryegrass and fine-leaf fescues in areas containing sun and shade. The fine-leaf fescues (creeping red fescue, hard fescue, chewings fescue, etc.) are the best grasses for shady locations. After seeding, keep the upper inch of soil moist with frequent, light applications of water. Two light applications of water per day are usually sufficient. However, it may be necessary to water three or four times on windy, sunny days. The seeds of most turfgrasses should germinate in two to three weeks if the seedbed is kept uniformly moist. Gradually reduce the frequency of watering, but water more deeply, when the grass seedlings reach a height of 1 to 2 inches. This article was submitted by Iowa State University Extension and Outreach. v

there is less than 200 GDDs left prior to a killing frost of 25 degrees. To calculate GDDs for alfalfa, use a base temp of 41 degrees. If cutting later to fit in the 200 GDD window, remember that around four inches of growth helps with overwintering. Also, consideration should be given to the winter-hardiness of the alfalfa variety, soil pH and potassium levels when looking at taking a later cutting. Waiting until the first hard frost to cut the alfalfa is not necessary. Rather, you are waiting for it to get cold enough where regrowth is going to be minimal or not occur at all. Typically, that date for late harvest is at some point in mid-October. This article was submitted by Nathan Drewitz, University of Minnesota Extension. v

Emerging Farmers Group seeks members ST. PAUL — Minnesotans interested in making it easier for new and emerging farmers to create or sustain an agricultural business are encouraged to apply to join a legislatively created Emerging Farmers’ Working Group through the Minnesota Department of Agriculture. Interested people can apply by Oct. 2 to serve on the working group which will have 15-20 members and meet on a regular basis beginning in November, Assistant Commissioner Patrice Bailey said. Anyone is eligible to apply. Priority areas for membership include: women; veterans; persons with a disability/disabilities; American Indian/Alaska Native; ommunities of color; young and/or urban. Forms and more information can be found at This article was submitted by the Minnesota Department of Agriculture. v

THE LAND — SEPTEMBER 4/SEPTEMBER 11, 2020 — “Where Farm and Family Meet”


Growers enthused with the condition of 2020 crops

Andy Pulk — Wannaska, Minn. Aug. 27

“We’re in the middle of oats harvest.” The Land spoke with Andy Pulk on Aug. 27 as he reported the conditions weren’t ideal for harvest as he’s dealing with high humidity. Some oat fields look really good, some were drowned out. Pulk esti- Andy Pulk mates that he has another day left swathing oats. He started on Aug. 24. Unfortunately, rain is expected tomorrow night. “If we get rain it will delay us at least three days.” Pulk explained that the farm seems to be stuck in a bad weather pattern, with rain every few days. It’s been a challenge to get the oats done. With corn, Pulk feels the potential is there; but the crop is about 10 days behind. “We haven’t started denting yet.” Pulk is concerned the corn won’t reach black layer this fall. Depending on how the crop looks at the end of September, Pulk may have to chop it for silage. When frost hits will dictate what Pulk will do with the crop. He’s keeping his fingers crossed that the frost stays away for a long time. “Beans have come a long way. I will have some beans that are above average.” The heat has helped the crops lately. Pulk has gotten all the prevent plant ground tilled as well as the rye grass ground. The crops seemed to have rebounded some from all the rain and Pulk has been able to get in the field and get work done. “I’m glad with the progress we’ve made.”

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Compiled by KRISTIN KVENO – The Land Staff Writer

Colby Deters — Sauk Centre, Minn. Aug. 31

“We got done with fourth crop hay last week.” The Land spoke with Colby Deters on Aug. 31 as he reported the hay was impressive. “Good tonnage, good quality.” In the last week, the Deters farm received one and a half inches of rain. “It’s not causing too much problems yet. It’s not a mud bog; but if it Colby Deters rains much more it will be another muddy silage season.” Speaking of silage, Deters expect to be chopping silage in about a week to 10 days. “From silage, to earlage, from there we’ll do a little baleage and manure hauling.” Deters will then roll right into grain corn. This week Deters is working on getting the all the equipment ready for silage. He’ll also be crossing other items off the to-do list. “Getting our plan lined up and the pile area ready.” The weather looks to be drier with more seasonable temperatures in the next week, perfect silage conditions. “Right now, it looks pretty nice.” Deters said. These next few months will be busy in the field and Deters is looking forward to it as he expects there to be some great yields out there. “We’re all pretty excited.”

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Todd Wentzel — Murdock, Minn. Aug. 28

“It’s soggy right now.” The Land spoke with Todd Wentzel on Aug. 28 as he reported one and a quarter inches of rain fell at the farm last night. “We have an Todd Wentzel abundance of moisture right now.” Three inches has fallen in the last two weeks. “The (soy)beans look good — real good.” While the soybeans are doing well, the black beans are getting closer to harvest. Wentzel expects to be in the field by next week. He’s looking forward to seeing the results from his first black bean harvest. The forecast calls for temperatures in the 70s and 80s, along with little to no chance for precipitation for the next 10 days — ideal harvest conditions. As for the corn, Wentzel is pleased with how the crop is doing. “Most of the corn looks real good.” Wentzel continues to get ready for harvest as well as working with customers. “I’m working on my seed business doing field plans for people.” Even though there have been some rough times this summer with hail and moisture issues, Wentzel is optimistic that harvest will see some solid yields. “It will be a good crop in the area.”

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PAGE 20 — “Where Farm and Family Meet”



Grain Outlook It’s catch-up time in the corn market

Livestock Angles Glut of animals holding down livestock prices

The following marketing As the month of August Normally, they have sold 100 The export market has been analysis is for the week endpercent of the 4 mmt offering. comes to a close, the livestock a bit busier; which has helped ing Aug. 28. prices of beef advance in The price this week was markets appear to be changing their current upward recent weeks. However, with CORN — If you still need just over $7.00 per bushel schools not opening because to make catch-up new crop and the lowest since mid-July. price trends. Fundamental of the Covid virus, the school sales, this week was what Weekly export sales were changes in supplies in all faclunch demand for meat is you’ve been waiting for! very good at 10.6 million ets — for both cattle and hogs likely to drop off to some December corn has rallied 40 bushels, bringing total com- — halted the recent rallies cents off the $3.20 contract mitments to 1.75 billion bush- experienced over the past 30 degree. At this time it doesn’t low which was hit three times PHYLLIS NYSTROM els. The latest U.S. days. appear to be much more than JOE TEALE this month. Drier conditions Department of Agriculture a correction after a couple of CHS Hedging Inc. Broker The supplies beef — and around the Midwest, comprojection is 1.795 billion months of increased prices in St. Paul Great Plains Commodity particularly the supplies of bined with underlying bushels. If everything gets all areas of the trade. Afton, Minn. demand, prompted funds to shipped, we should surpass pork — have cast a negative The hog market appears to cover short positions and push prices to the target. New crop sales were at the shadow over the futures and six-month highs. high end of expectations at 46.5 million cash markets during the last part of have a similar fate as the cattle marthe month of August. Also, the recent ket: lower prices in the weeks ahead. U.S. corn is cheapest through January, bushels. Total new crop commitments supply numbers of either cattle on feed The pork cutout seems to be struggling are 527 million bushels, over double when South American supplies will or the hog inventory reports have indi- at the present time as prices have gone likely replace the United States as the last year’s 218 million-bushel commitcated bigger numbers available for sideways recently. The futures market ments for this date and the second origin of choice. Until then, we’re pretty slaughter for both. Unless we see an suffered a weekly reversal during the highest on record. As of Aug. 20, China much the only game in town. had purchased 252 million bushels of increase in demand for either beef or last full week of August which normalThe market has not yet sorted out 2020-21 U.S. corn — well above their pork, one might conclude that weaker ly signals an end to the trend — which how many bushels were lost due to the import record of U.S. corn of 202.7 mil- prices for both cattle and hogs might be had been up. Therefore, at minimum, derecho across Iowa and northern lion bushels. imminent. there should be a short-term correction Illinois. Hurricane Laura blew into the Weekly ethanol production rose a The cattle market has seen a slow- in both cash and futures over the next Gulf at mid-week a little further west nominal 5,000 barrels per day to down in the movement of beef the past week or so. than originally predicted. At this writ931,000 bpd, but is 10 percent behind several weeks and the futures market If demand for pork remains strong ing, it’s uncertain if moisture will reach into the western dry areas of the corn last year. Stocks rose by 100,000 bar- has reacted with a sell-off in the past during that period it should help keep belt. On the weekly drought monitor, it rels to 20.4 million barrels. Gasoline couple of weeks. The sluggish action in the correction in prices to a minimum. was noted 39.3 percent of the Midwest demand hit a 23-week high, but is still the futures trade and the packers back- The real negative to the market at the was rated abnormally dry compared to down 7.5 percent below a year ago. ing down their bids for live inventory present time is the amount of pork in 28.5 percent the previous week. Iowa Next year’s corn for ethanol usage is seem to have cast a slightly negative cold storage. There will have to be a was rated 96.3 percent abnormally dry. projected to increase by 6.5 percent. attitude as we move into the month of decrease in that cold storage number to September. halt the negative outlook for hog prices The United States and China held a See NYSTROM, pg. 21 and to end the current push toward high-level conversation this week conlower levels. v cerning the Phase 1 trade deal that included United States Trade Representative Robert E. Lighthizer, Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin corn/change* soybeans/change* and Vice Premier Liu He. The talk was Stewartville $3.09 +.27 $9.00 +.40 viewed by both sides as positive. Heavy Edgerton $3.01 +.22 $8.90 +.36 fund buying occurred this week as they Jackson $3.08 +.25 $8.87 +.41 cut their net short position into monthend. Janesville $3.07 +.26 $8.93 +.40 Cannon Falls $3.05 +.18 $9.06 +.34 China blew in this week to buy 45.4 Sleepy Eye $2.99 +.17 $8.85 +.31 million bushels of 2020-21 U.S. corn with Japan taking 3.9 million bushels Average: $3.05 $8.94 and 18.2 million bushels sold to unknown. For the first time since May, Year Ago Average: $3.44 $7.80 China sold only 90 percent of the 4 milGrain prices are effective cash close on Sept. 1. lion metric tons of reserve corn that *Cash grain price change represents a two-week period. was offered in their weekly auction.

Cash Grain Markets

For marketing news between issues ... visit www. TheLand

Information in the above columns is the writer’s opinion. It is no way guaranteed and should not be interpreted as buy/sell advice. Futures trading always involves a certain degree of risk.

THE LAND — SEPTEMBER 4/SEPTEMBER 11, 2020 — “Where Farm and Family Meet”


Soybean acres would like one more finishing rain NYSTROM, from pg. 20 Crop conditions as of Aug. 23 were down 5 percent from the previous week at 64 percent good/excellent. Iowa’s conditions fell 9 percent to 50 percent vs. 72 percent average over the last five years. Illinois was rated 72 percent good/excellent with Minnesota 82 percent good/excellent. Corn in the dough stage was 88 percent vs. 82 percent average. Corn was 44 percent dented vs. 39 percent average and 5 percent was mature — spot on the average. Outlook: Corn harvest is getting pushed to maturity due to the hot, dry conditions. Progress could be close to 2010 when we were 51 percent harvested by Oct. 10. December corn has a downside gap from $3.45.5 to $3.48 with resistance at the 200-day moving average and double top from July at $3.63 per bushel. Funds were heavy buyers all week, covering their short corn position. Will they build a long position just ahead of harvest? Conab’s outlook for Brazilian corn production in 2020-21 is 112.9 mmt — well above the USDA forecast for 107 mmt. This will likely put U.S. corn at a price disadvantage in the first quarter of 2021. Remember, a carry in the market isn’t any good unless you lock it in. There are many tools to do this through your local elevator or in your own account. Weather and demand are the driving forces ahead of the Sept. 11 World Agriculture Supply and Demand Estimate report when we hopefully will get a better picture of Iowa’s derecho losses. For the week, September corn was 19 cents higher at $3.46, December rallied 18.75 cents to $3.59.25, and December 2021 gained 8.25 cents to $3.82.25 per bushel. SOYBEANS — Soybeans soared this week on the same headlines which drove corn: weather, demand and fund buying. November soybeans ran to their highest price since January. Soybeans are expected to benefit the most from moisture, but the market needs to see the rain to believe it. In new announcements this week, China purchased 22.2 million bushels of 2020-21 U.S. soybeans with unknown buying 5.2 million bushels. A Bloomberg article during the week suggested China could buy 1.47 billion bushels of U.S. soybeans in calendar 2020. This would be a 10 percent increase from China’s record U.S. soybean purchases in 2016. Soybeans across the corn belt would like a finishing rain, with reports that the top end of yields has already been cut. We could see a wide range of yield estimates as we get closer to the Sept. 11 WASDE report. Funds added to their net length as the market trended higher and traded to prices not seen in the November contract since January. Weekly export sales were decent for old crop at 2 million bushels. This brings total commitments to 1.75 billion bushels. The USDA is forecasting sales of 1.65 billion bushels. Depending on what gets shipped, we should exceed this year’s forecast. New crop sales were 69 million bushels, bringing commitments to 824 million bushels. This is a record level of new crop

MARKETING sales on the books for this date. Last year on this date we had sold just 206 million bushels for new crop. China has purchased 459.3 million bushels of new crop U.S. soybeans by Aug. 20 compared to just 95.5 million bushels last year on this date. Brazil approved to temporarily halt import tariffs on corn, soybeans and rice to fight inflation; but no effective date has been announced. The plan may have to obtain approval from Mercosur before implementation. Conab is revising their Brazilian soybean numbers over the last seven years. Early reports indicate they underestimated the crop by 14.4 mmt in total. They revised the 2019-20 soybean crop from 120.9 mmt to 124.4 mmt. They will incorporate objective surveys during the growing season going forward to improve their reporting. Conab’s estimate for 2020-21 is 133.4 mmt. The USDA is using 131 mmt. Farmers are estimated to have sold 40 percent of the 2020-21 crop compared to 20 percent sold last year. As of Aug. 23, soybean conditions were 69 percent good/excellent, a 2 percent week-on-week decline. Iowa dropped 6 percent to 56 percent, Illinois was

down 3 percent at 73 percent, and Minnesota was 2 percent lower at 82 percent good/excellent. Ninetytwo percent of the crop was setting pods compared to 87 percent average. Four percent of the crop was dropping leaves — right on the average. Outlook: A limited rain outlook for Iowa in the coming week (although temperatures will be cooler) and good demand kept prices elevated. U.S. yield ideas are declining as we head to the next monthly WASDE report. The Sept. 11 WASDE report will include the first USDA field survey of the year. US soybeans are the source of choice for now; but increases in South American acres and production will make it difficult for us to maintain that role into 2021. Brazil will begin soybean planting in September. Plan accordingly. For the week, November soybeans soared 45.75 cents to $9.50.5 and November 2021 soybeans jumped 22.75 cents to settle at $9.37.75 per bushel. Nystrom’s Notes: Contract changes for the week as of the close on Aug. 28: Chicago December wheat was 13.75 cents higher at $5.48.75, Kansas City surged 15.5 cents to $4.72.25, and Minneapolis was 10.25 cents higher at $5.39.25 per bushel. v

Marie Sporaa inducted into the Iowa 4-H Hall of Fame Franklin County 4-H volunteer Marie Sporaa was recently selected for induction into the Iowa 4-H Hall of Fame. Sporaa joined Franklin County 4-H as a fourth grader. She learned leadership, commitment, dedication, respect and responsibility with her many projects as a member of Lee’s Leading Ladies. During high school, Marie joined the Livestock Queens 4-H club in order to show animals at the county fair. One of her most vivid memories is knocking down the judge while showing her market beef! She used that memory, as well as others, to relate to youth as an adult volunteer. “Everything may not turn out as planned at the fair, which may cause some tears,” Sporaa said, “but it’s always a learning experience!” During the time her own children were involved in 4-H, Sporaa became a club volunteer and a representative on the county fair board. Later she continued helping youth as a garden, poultry and rabbit project leader. Through 4-H, Sporaa learned the importance of giving back to her community. She does this through her volunteer work with a local thrift shop, food pantry, and Christmas donations for less fortunate families. As a poultry Pullorum Typhoid blood tester,

Sporaa takes the time to give youth tips on how to exhibit their birds. She has also taken phone calls from 4-H’ers for help with projects, visited club meetings, and helped with record books. Last year, Sporaa was honored as a 4-H volunteer for the past 35 years. She attributes learning how to set goals and good work ethics to 4-H — which she still uses today at her job as a certified pharmacy technician. As Sporaa looks forward to retirement, she says, “4-H will help me in growth and inspiration. It will help me to take challenges as opportunities and will impact me in how I see myself and the people around me.” Inductees into the Iowa 4-H Hall of Fame represent the many people in Iowa who have contributed countless hours to the 4-H program. They work tirelessly to see that Iowa’s youth have a great learning experience in a safe and fun environment. These adults have modeled volunteerism, community service, integrity, and leadership to Iowa’s youth. Their legacy is the young people they have mentored who will in turn support the continuation of a 4-H program that builds Iowa’s leaders. This article was submitted by Iowa State University Extension and Outreach. v

For more news briefs, visit the “Nuts and Bolts” section at

PAGE 22 — “Where Farm and Family Meet”


Bins are being emptied to make way for 2020 harvest By DICK HAGEN The Land Staff Writer Emeritus With a generous harvest about to unfold, farmers again face the perennial question: will there be enough storage capacity? An early August projection of a 197 bushels per acre state average yield for the 2020 Minnesota corn crop created mountains of “coffee shop” chatter. With combines about ready to crank up, even coffee shop conservatives are chattering, “By gum, that 197 yield is going to happen.” Minnesota Corn Growers Association Board Member Harold Wolle of Cannon Falls, Minn. shared a comment on Aug. 20 which likely fits most Minnesota corn producers: “It certainly looks good at this point.” Wolle points out lots of grain has been moving off farms recently to make ready for the big harvest. “We’ve got all our bins cleaned out. Most of my neighbors have been hauling corn. We should have storage. We’ve built a new bin and receiving system on our own farm. It looks great and should be ready to go. However, our electrical contractor right now has a problem getting some key parts. And like most of us farmers, I’m saying ‘Here we go again!’ Any construction project seems to drag on later than you want it to.” “It looks like an early start — way earlier than last year. On some of our early corn, the husks are turn-

ing brown. And with all this sunshine, plus good rainfall patterns, we’re heading for early maturity and good test weights too. Those corn plants couldn’t ask for better growing conditions this year.” Yes, Wolle, like other corn growers, pays attention to markets — especially export markets. And he’s well-tuned to China’s recent significant purchases of U.S. agricultural products. But his seasoned eye is cautious. “So many of our export potentials come with political issues attached; and that certainly is the case with China. Consider their dominance in the South China Sea; their ongoing issues with Hong Kong. I understand China is rebuilding their hog industry which was the world’s largest. But now they apparently have problems within their own farming sector. I wish my crystal ball was a little clearer — suggesting a continual need for U.S. corn and soybeans to feed their rejuvenated hog industry.” Minnesota corn and soybean farmers are aware of the tremendous storm damage across central Iowa. Wolle acknowledges the derecho might have produced some ‘market bumps’ in Minnesota commodities. But he also cautions, “You know if there’s corn in those fields, those Iowa farmers are going to harvest what they can. It’s going to be a terrible mess for those guys; but they too have lots of resolve. Total field loss remains to be seen … but will it be a major market mover? I don’t think so,” summed up this Watonwan county veteran crop farmer.

Minnesota Corn Growers President Les Anderson, living in Goodhue County, had this to say: “Yes, storage is likely to be tight because we’re harvesting a mighty big crop.” But Anderson also noted that because of strong basis earlier this season, a lot of grain has moved to market. “The river is carrying lots of grain downstream to New Orleans and that’s important for our export market. Rail traffic is strong. China is back in the market and that’s a good sign for America’s farmers too.” Summed up Anderson, “Storage will be tight like always. Yes, farmers and elevators keep expanding their own capacities. This earlier harvest will help. But I think it important to understand that a big crop is always a good problem to have. We producers are known for being flexible. Some of that may be needed such as shed storage in empty machine shed space.” Like all corn producers Anderson hesitates to predict yields on his 600 acres of corn and 500 acres of soybeans. But he’s comfortable about 200-plus bushels per acre on his best corn ground. “Compared with last year, I think most all producers will be okay with their 2020 cropping season. And with China seemingly in a buying mood these days — plus both Mexico and Canada now steady customers, I’m okay about the trend line these days.” v

New program can make grain bin safety more affordable ST. PAUL — Minnesota farmers who want to add safety equipment to their on-farm grain storage facilities can now apply for the Minnesota Department of Agriculture’s new Grain Storage Facility Safety Cost-Share program. The program reimburses up to 75 percent of the cost to buy, ship and install eligible safety equipment for on-farm grain bins or silos. The program will pay up to $400 per bin or silo, with a limit of $2,400 per farm per year. The Minnesota Legislature appropriated $50,000 for this new program earlier this year. “We’ve seen many tragedies in the recent past around grain bin accidents and I can tell you each one is devastating to a family and a whole commu-



nity,” Agriculture Commissioner Thom Petersen said. “We’re thankful to legislators for allowing us to help farmers reduce the cost of reducing risk on the farm.” Examples of eligible equipment include fall protection systems, engineering controls that prevent contact with an auger or other moving parts, dust collection systems that minimize explosion hazards, personal protective equipment that increases the likelihood of surviving a grain-bin-related emergency, grain silo air quality monitoring equipment, and

other grain storage facility safety equipment with prior approval from the MDA. The MDA is accepting applications through June 30, 2021, or until all funds are exhausted. Funds will be awarded on a first-come, first-served basis. For more information and to apply, visit https:// This article was submitted by the Minnesota Department of Agriculture. v

Funds boost livestock processing capacity ST. PAUL — The Minnesota Department of Agriculture has awarded $208,213 to 46 Minnesota livestock processing plants and producers to help them increase capacity for slaughter, processing and storage in the wake of supply chain disruptions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. The grant funding required a 1:1 match and expenses must make immediate impact on the state’s capacity to process or store Minnesota-raised livestock, poultry, milk and eggs. The MDA awarded grants to 21 licensed, customexempt processing plants, 11 state equal-to processing plants, six USDA-inspected processing plants and eight livestock producers with storage needs.

Other MDA efforts to help deal with capacity issues at Minnesota livestock processing plants included making earlier awards of $345,000 in value-added grants to nine Minnesota meat processors to help them increase capacity, working with existing EqualTo processors to expand capacity, and developing an expedited approval process for plants wanting to sell wholesale. For a complete list of the grant recipients, visit This article was submitted by the Minnesota Department of Agriculture. v

THE LAND — SEPTEMBER 4/SEPTEMBER 11, 2020 — “Where Farm and Family Meet”


Freidrich: More than ever, farming efficiency is key By DICK HAGEN The Land Staff Writer Emeritus GIBBON, Minn. — Despite the Covid-19 crisis curtailing attendance at farm events everywhere, perfect weather accompanied the Beck’s Field Day events in Gibbon, Minn. The Aug. 18 and 19 offering produced sizeable turnouts both days. And if you attended with an inquisitive mind, chances are the talented Beck’s team might have answered every query — plus filling you with a barrage of information about new trends in corn production. Visual presentations took place in three large tents. There were also five Practical Farm Research tours each day to view scads of corn and soybean variety plots — often with major competing brand names in adjacent rows. (Plus, that much appreciated wrap up: a delicious BBQ lunch.) I managed to grab a few minutes with David Freidrich, Field Sales Marketing Lead from Beck’s headquarters in Atlanta, Ind. Freidrich was gracious enough to answer a few questions. The Land: Your presentation was titled, “The post-mortem of modern corn production.” That’s an awesome topic. David, what’s your post mortem? Freidrich: (chuckling) Perhaps no surprise, our farming friends keep reminding us efficiency is the key. In simple terms, how can we at Beck’s help each farmer be more productive — while also helping reducing his overall costs per acre of crop production. For us, that means a continual source of information and technology to each farmer competing in this global market. The Land: So where do we start … better nitrogen management? Freidrich: All the inputs; but recognizing that nitrogen is one of the largest inputs in smart management. However, the more we look at this issue, the more additional elements we are identifying that also need strategy. Needless to say these are ongoing strategies. And that’s the substance of our Practical Farm Research program. We do comprehensive, innovative and practical agronomic research testing on hundreds of farms across the Midwest.

Our farmers provide the test grounds; weather histories, etc. We’re examining overall kernel quality measurements our trained agronomic teams do the each product to find out how it works in not up to par. This year, plant health in inspections and evaluations. that particular micro environment. both our corn and soybeans crops is Competition often selects products that good. I really would be surprised if we work across a larger geography. We don’t see a lot of 100-bushel soybeans select in a smaller environment like this year. On corn, highest verified Last year, lots of chalyield in the corn belt was 618 bushels a specifically for southern Minnesota. lenges — starting with couple years back. The Land: Last week, Minnesota simply getting the crop in Going back to your lead question the ground. But we were was predicted to harvest a potential 197 bushels per acre corn crop this about the future of corn production: blessed with good temps year. Believable? simply recognize that information is in August and September power. We have to know every square Friedrich: Some of the Minnesota so were still blessed with growers I’ve met the past three years foot of our fields and manage those good yields; but grain impress me as being some of the smart- inputs each grower puts into his soils quality wasn’t so great. est farmers in the corn belt. And accord- as efficiently as possible. Lighter test weights and Let me wrap up by saying Minnesota ing to our sales team that I met with some overall kernel qual- just this morning, they assured much growers have really been welcoming to ity measurements not up the same on your anticipated yields Beck’s Hybrids. We’ve had multiple to par. This year, plant this year. Simply saying, shaping up as shows here at this Gibbon location for three consecutive years — plus lots of the best year ever. health in both our corn and soybeans crops is Indiana will have an exceptional crop dealer field days. Just the farming good. year also. Last year, lots of challenges public has opened their arms and welcomed us. Since we’re a family-owned — David Freidrich — starting with simply getting the crop company and with many of our employin the ground. But we were blessed ees also farmers as well, we think like The Land: So far, so good David. But with good temps in August and our Minnesota family farmers think. I’m a Renville County corn guy. What September so were still blessed with good yields; but grain quality wasn’t so Seems we’ve got a lot in common and Beck hybrid should I plant in 2021? great. Lighter test weights and some it’s a continuing great experience. v Friedrich: You cut to the core quickly. That must be because you’re also a farm writer. Here’s my answer: For a farmer to put his best foot forward each year he’s better off planting a package of products. Every acre needs to have Honor your friend or loved one with a special the right hybrid on it. And that’s part of “In Memoriam” ad the sorting process. We’ve got what we call our ‘Choice Trial Plots’ which puts Beck’s hybrids In Memoriam next to the number-one and numbertwo hybrids in the industry. We have Sample ad dozens of these plots across southern shown here Minnesota this year. Your local Beck’s is actual Generic dealer can be sharing data this fall size of Mankato, MN art or after harvest for your particular area. photo And always consider that in this 01/01/1901 – 01/01/2020 here Midwest corn/soybean belt each growing season is subject to variations in weather and other crop challenges year A very special grandpa, father, uncle, son. by year. Sadly missed by the Doe family.* The Land: What do you see growers *Up to 2 lines of text. (88 characters & spaces max.) having to do to increase their return on investment? Friedrich: Back to our Choice Trial $44.00 – One Zone** Plots … these are real measures of $60.00 – Both Zones, Full Circulation genetic value. Key here is that we are a **Zones: Land I - Southern MN & Northern IA or Land II – Northern MN regional company and we select products regionally selected for given production areas. I’m talking soil types,

Memorial ads in The Land

John H. Doe


Call at least 2 weeks before the publication date.

PAGE 24 —”Where Farm and Family Meet”



Real Estate


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Feed Seed Hay

Bins & Buildings

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Sealed bids are now being received by Rick Priebe, Katherine Guse and Lorrie Bluhm for the sale of approximately 157 acres of farmland located in Sections 11 and 14 of Otisco Township, Waseca County, Minnesota, and generally described as: PARCEL ONE consisting of approximately 46 acres in the E1/2 of the NW1/4 in Section 11, PARCEL TWO consisting of approximately 51.18 acres in the N1/2 of the NW1/4 in Section 14 and PARCEL THREE consisting of approximately 60 acres in the SE1/4 of the NW1/4 and the N1/2 of the SW1/4 of the NE1/4 in Section 14. These parcels will be offered separately and then collectively. Interested parties are invited to submit a sealed bid in person or by mail with a check for $10,000.00 made to PATTON, HOVERSTEN & BERG, P.A. Real Estate Escrow Account, to the Law Office at 215 Elm Ave. East, P.O. Box 249, Waseca, Minnesota, 56093, for those parcels on which they intend to bid, or present such a bid and check at the meeting room on the morning of the sale and prior to opening the bids. Bids will be opened at 10:00 a.m. on Wednesday, September 16, 2020, at the East Annex Building, 300 North State Street, in Waseca, Minnesota. Only persons submitting a written bid on at least one of the parcels described above, together with a $10,000.00 bid deposit, shall be allowed to be present and may raise their bid in writing after the initial bids have been opened. The individual submitting such a bid and bid deposit shall be entitled to participate in bidding on all offered parcels. The sale shall be for cash. Deposits shall be returned on September 16, 2020, to all unsuccessful bidders. Terms of Sale: Terms will be set out in the information packet and include earnest money of $25,000.00 for each parcel or $50,000.00 for all three parcels, on September 16, 2020, and the balance in cash and without interest on or before December 18, 2020, the date of closing. Buyer shall pay the real estate taxes and assessments, if any, due and payable in the year 2021 and thereafter. The farmland is being sold “AS IS”.




Bins & Buildings

with a classified line ad! Call us today 507-345-4523 or 800-657-4665

FOR SALE: 3 Keho aeration systems for 20’ bins, one fan. 218-731-3296


COMBINES ’15 JD 690, 4x4, 1745/1160 sep hrs, CM, chopper, 650x38 tires & duals ................... $170,000 ’13 JD 660, 892/1180 CM, chopper duals.............. $125,000 ’04 JD 9760, 2268/3460 CM, chopper duals............ $45,000 ’01 JD 9650 STS, 3014/4325 CM, chopper, duals .... $35,000 ’01 JD 9750 STS, 3013/4156 CM, chopper, duals .... $35,000 ’11 Case/IH 8120, 1650/2250 Tracker, Rt, duals ....... $88,500 ’11 Case/IH 7120, 1610/2200 Tracker, Rt, duals ....... $88,500 ‘12 Case/IH 8230 2wd, 2148 engine hours, 1603 separator hrs, rock trap, tracker, chopper, 700 monitor, 372 receiver, 1250x32 tires .......................................................... $108,000

TRACK & 4WD TRACTORS ‘15 NH T9.435, 1706 hrs, power shift, 4 Hyd valves, complete auto guidance system, 710/38 tires & duals ..... $128,000 ’14 Case/IH 370 HD, 7065 hrs, 1000 PTO duals ....... $75,000 ’14 Case 350 Rowtrac, 1865 hrs, 120” 1000 PTO ... $145,000 05 Versatile 2335, 5002 hrs, power shift, PTO ......... $62,000


‘09 JD 7830 MFWD, 6185 hrs, 3PT PTO, 4 hyd, 20 speed auto quad, 48050 tires & duals, autosteer ready ............ $73,000 97 Case IH 8910 MFWD, 6695 hrs, 3PT, 4 hyd, 540/1000 PTO,14.9x46 tires & duals ........................................ $45,000

SMALL EXCAVATORS ’17 Case CX57C, cab & air, 333 hrs........................... $47,000

WHEEL LOADERS ‘16 JD 824KII, 7480 hrs, cab air, ride control, 6 yd bkt $134,500 ’14 JD 724 K, 9587 hrs, third valve, w/ medford forks ... $77,000 ‘14 JD 724K 6980 hrs, 4.75 yd bkt ................................. $95,000 ’13 JD 644 K, 5520 hrs, quick coupler, 4.25 yd bkt .... $105,000 ‘15 Cat 930 M, 6599 hrs, RC, QC & bkt ........................ $85,000 14 Cat 930K, 9588 hrs, QC w/bkt ................................... $69,000 ’16 Komatsu WA 270-7, 8193 hrs, Q.C., 4 yd bkt........... $70,000 ’16 Komatsu WA 320-7, 6936 hrs, Q.C., 3.5 yd bkt........ $75,000 ’14 Kawasaki 70Z7, 7628 hrs, cab air, QC & bkt ............ $69,000 ’10 Kawasaki 65Z V, 6682 hrs, cab air, RC, w/ bkt.......... $51,000 ’16 Case 621G, 7435 hrs, QC w/ 3 yrd bkt, cab air............... $72,000 ‘12 Case/IH 721F, 3254 hrs, cab air, ride control, 13.5 yd pin on bkt ...................................................... $69,000 ‘11 Case/IH 721F 7650 hrs, cab air,QC 3 yd bkt, Aux hyd, 4 new 20.5 Rx25 tires ................................................ $69,000

An information packet including the exact legal description, diagrams of the property, and other material information about the property and terms of the sale is available by calling the offices of PATTON, HOVERSTEN & BERG, P.A., at Waseca, Minnesota, at 507-835-5240.

‘02 Case/IH 2208, Corn head 8 row 30” ................... $10,000 ’09 Drago, 6 row 30” Chopping corn head .............. $16,000 ’06 Drago, 8 row 30” Chopping corn head .............. $12,000 Case/IH 1083, Corn head 8 row 30” ........................... $6,500 ‘09 Case I/H 3412 Corn head 12 row 30” ................. $19,000 ‘13 Case/IH 3162 40’ flex draper ............................. $32,500

The Sellers reserve the right to reject any or all bids, to modify any pre-announced bidding procedures and to waive any irregularities in the bidding proceedings.


’11 JD 290GLC, 3347 hrs, 12'6" stick,42" bkt .......... $110,000

’11 Case 580N, 4x4 cab air 2540 hrs ..........................$39,000

’11 Case CX300C, 2658 hrs, 12' stick, 54" bucket .. $110,000

PATTON, HOVERSTEN & BERG, P.A. William L. Hoversten, Attorney for Sellers 215 Elm Avenue East, Waseca, MN 56093 Telephone: 507-835-5240 Fax: 507-835-1827

EXCAVATORS ’15 Cat 323 FL, 3768 hrs, 40" bkt............................ $110,000

LARSON IMPLEMENTS 5 miles east of Cambridge, MN on Hwy. 95 763-689-1179


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THE LAND — SEPTEMBER 4/SEPTEMBER 11, 2020 Farm Equipment

Farm Equipment — “Where Farm and Family Meet”

Farm Equipment

Farm Equipment

Farm Equipment

PAGE 25 Farm Equipment

1988 Merrit Hopper Bottom, 1991 1660 combine, w/ 1063 2004 Great Plains #3000TT 2017 NH DURATANK 3400S ‘82 JD 4240 cab, air, power ‘99 JD 9510 combine, RWA, 68” x 40’, 24.5 tires - out- cornhead, & 1020 bean 30 Ft Turbo-Till w/ New Roll- spreader, $2,600/OBO; NH shift trans., 7022 hrs., good brown box display, Contour Master, 30.5x32 tires, side aluminum, good land- head w/ trailer; Artsway ing Harrow/Basket Last BR770A round baler, new shape, $21,900. 815-988-2074 $26,900; Speed King 50’ belt ing gear, single speed traps, 240B chopper; Case IH 1999 Year (No Welds) A-One belts, $11,000; (4) 12’ Sioux conveyor w/ 10hp one phase good brakes, tear in roll MX240; Case IH 527B, nice Cond. $29,500/OBO. 1998 feed panels, never used, motor, $3,750; Parker 605 tarp, $7,800. Wanamingo, shape; Case IH 5500 12’ chis- Maurer 38 Ft Flat Bed Trail- $1,000. 507-951-1121 With one phone call, you can place gravity box, w/ 11R22.5 duel plow; Farm King auger, er 20,000# Heavy Duty ModMN. Call David 612-374-1933 your classified line ad in The Land, als, $8,500; JD 2700 5x18 10”x70’ w/ swing hopper & el Very Good (Used Very ‘77 JD 4230 cab, air, 4022 orig3pt plow, $1,450; JD 2800 6 inal hours, 8spd transmisSell your farm equipment auger jogger. 507-236-4788 Little) $7,900/OBO. Farm News and Country Today. with a line ad in The Land. Lewisville MN bottom vari width 3pt plow, sion, sharp original paint, 319-347-6282 or 319-347-6150 Call The Land Get it listed and get it sold! $1,850; White 535 11 shank excellent condition, $21,900 for more information 507-345-4523 disk chisel, $3,900. 320-769firm. 815-988-2074 507-345-4523 • 800-657-4665 2756

One Call Does It All!

Thank You Farmers!


L 46

Wednesday, September 9th (Online Only) and Thursday, September 10th (Live and Online) 2409 Highway 9, Buffalo Center, Iowa Wednesday, September 9th

rys. s or airent.

Online Only Auction for Small Line items. Lots begin closing at 5:00 p.m. Items to include: tools, shop items, woodworking equipment, light trailers, lawn mowers, building materials, and miscellaneous.

Thursday September 10th at 10:00 a.m. Live auction with online simulcast bidding.


LOCATION: W9393 460th Ave., Hager City, WI 54014




PREVIEW: By Appointment / LOADOUT: Wed., Sept. 16 at 8am-5pm, or By Appt. 2004 CASE-IH 8010, APPROX. 3,766 HRS



2006 PETERBILT 357, 509,512 MILES


St e ffes Group, I n c ., 2 4 4 0 0 MN Hwy 2 2 S, L i tc h fi e l d, M N 5 5 3 5 5

HUPPERT TRANSPORTATION | CORY HUPPERT, 715.381.8594 or Brock Skov at Steffes Group, 320.322.2425 or 507.272.4818

Complete terms, lot listings and photos at / Ashley Huhn MN47-002

Tractors and Skidloader: ‘14 JD 8360R (4122 hrs, ILS, IVT, Front & Rear Wgts, Duals), ‘08 JD 5303 w/ 512 loader (524 hrs, SHARP!), Agco GT45A w/ FL 200 loader (880 hrs, MFWD), JD 7810 w/ 725 loader (5438 hrs, 2WD), ‘99 Case IH MX 240 (MFWD, 3657 hrs, Three Remotes, Trimble), JD 4450 w/ 158 loader (PS, Good Rubber, 6675 hrs), ‘81 JD 4440 (8860 hrs, PS, Duals, Out of Estate), JD 4440 (5969 hrs, QR, Front Wgts, Retirement), JD 4430 (9063 hrs, QR, Duals, Out of Estate), Int’l 1066 w/ Westendorf Loader, JD 4020 (8292 hrs, Syncro, WF, Overhauled, Two Remotes), Steiger Panther ST325 (7176 hrs, duals) Case 4890, Allis Chalmers 200, Allis Chalmers 190 XT (Dsl, 5000 hrs, bad head gasket), Farmall H w/ Belly Mower, Allis Chalmers WC, Minneapolis Moline U, Oliver 88, Bobcat 743 (new bucket, overhauled). Tillage and Planting Equipment: DMI Ripper (7 shank), Case Four Bottom Plow, IH 710 Plow (6 bottom, on land), IH 710 Plow (4 bottom), JD F145H Plow (4 bottom), DMI Chisel Plow (11 Shank), IH 55 Chisel Plow (27’), JD 1600 Chisel Plow, JD 100 Chisel Plow, Bush Hog Chisel Plow (12’), Lundell 1700 Disk Chisel, Glencoe SS 7400 Disk Chisel, JD 330 Disk, IH 490 Disk (32’), IH 490 Disk (20’), IH 480 Disk, DMI 4100 Anhydrous Bar, JD 960 Field Cultivator (35’), IH 4700 Field Cultivator, JD 290 Planter, JD 7000 Planter (16R), Concord 1100 Air Cart, 60’ Spray Boom (3pt). Combines, Heads, Wagons, and Grain Handling: ‘97 JD 9500 (3555 Engine Hrs, Well Maintained), Case IH 1680 Combine (4561 hrs), JD 7700 Combine, ‘11 JD 608C Stalkmaster Chopping Head, ‘09 JD 635 Platform, IH 1083 Head, IH 1063 Head, Case IH 1063 (Rebuilt, New Units, Poly), JD 643 Cornhead, Drago Head (8R), Case IH 30’ Platform, JD 925 Platform, Brent 544 Wagon, Crysteel 650 bu Trailer Wagon, (2) Demco 350 Wagons, Parker 4000 Double Door Wagon, (2) Dakon Gravity Wagons, (2) J&M Wagons, (2) Parker 275 bu Wagons, Parker Gravity Box (JD 1065 gear), (3) DMI 330 bu Wagons (Center Dump), Killbros Gravity Box, Walsh Flare Box (JD Gear), Hi-Cap Model 40 Grain Cleaner, New Idea 324 Picker (wide row), Brent 462 Auger Wagon, Peck 10-61 Auger (Swing Hopper), Westfield WR 100-41 Auger, Westfield 8-61 Auger, 8” Sudenga Auger, 14’ and 16’ Augers, 500 bu PTO Batch Dryer, Feterl Drive Over Hopper, more... Choppers, Hay, and Livestock Equipment: ‘10 MC 2408 Stalk Chopper (like new), JD 115 Stalk Chopper (nice), Rhino RC 20 Stalk Chopper, Hiniker 1700 Stalk Chopper (8R), Balzer 8R Stalk Chopper, MC 6R Stalk Chopper, JD 120 Stalk Chopper, Loftness Chopper (6R), Alloway 8R Stalk Chopper, NH 499 Haybine, NH 78 Baler (w/kicker), JD 535 Round Baler, New Hayrack on Gear, 16 Hayrack (metal bed), New Hay Rack Tops, JD Silage Wagon, Farmhand Silage Wagon(14’, Kewanee Gear), H & S Silage Wagon (Westendorf WW 2416 Gear), (2) TeSlaa Bale Feeder Trailers, Wooden Feed Bunks, Trails End Cattle Working Facility (never used), New Six Ton Bulk Bin. Semis, Large Trailers, Small Trailers: ‘13 587 Peterbilt (Cummins, 13spd, 1,033,209 miles), ‘12 Kenworth T700 (455 Paccar Motor, 765,394 miles, 10spd, 1000,000 on new motor), ‘05 Peterbilt 587 (500 HP Cummins, 858,857 miles, 13spd), ‘97 Peterbilt 379 Extended Hood (12.7 Detroit Series 60, 500 HP, Reman 13spd), 48’ Van Trailer (Storage Only), ‘92 Ford L8000 Dump Truck (Cummins, loses water), ‘88 Ford L9000 (198,369 miles, Cummins, Eaton 9Spd), ‘79 Chevrolet Fire Truck (5,6000 miles, 427 gas), ‘72 Chevrolet C60 Grain Truck (366, Allison, Twin Screw, 18’ Aluminum Box), ‘11 Jet RGN (53’ Triple Axle, Hyd Detach), ‘96 Jet Step Deck (53’, Beavertail and Ramps), ‘98 Timpte Grain Trailer (42’x78”x96”), Air Ride, 2Spd, Standard Hoppers, Alum Wheels and Sub Frame), ‘98 Midland Triple Axle Rock Trailer, ‘97 Wilson Grain Trailer (72” Sides), ‘96 Wilson Convertible Floor Trailer (102x46, newer tires and brakes), ‘06 Keifer Built 22’ Bumper Pull (8 bolt, two ramps, nice), DM Head Cart, Homemade Head Carts, 16’ Livestock Trailer, 16’ Car Hauler, 16’ Tandem Axle Trailer. Other: New 10x12 Sheds, 5 yd pull behind scraper, Farm King 740 Snow Blower (never used), Mel Can Rock Picker, Vermeer Three Point Backhoe, Vermeer Model 12 Tiler, JD Snowblower for Lawn Tractor (46”), JD 261 Grooming Mower, Winco 35,000 Watt PTO Generator, Katolight 28 KW PTO Generator, Fimco Three Point Sprayer, JD Pallet Forks, Allied Loader (Oliver Mounts), Hiniker 8100 Console (flow control, meter shut-off), Mousehole Anvil, Mink Cages.

To consign Hallberg Auction 800-373-2255

Taking Drop Offs August 23rd through September 8th. Loader Available Monday-Saturday 9:00-5:00 p.m. excluding Labor Day.

PAGE 26 —”Where Farm and Family Meet”

Steffes Auction Calendar 2020 For more info, call: 1-800-726-8609 or visit our website:

Opening August 31 & Closing September 9 at 1PM Stevens County, MN Real Estate Auction, Morris, MN, Timed Online Auction Opening August 31 & Closing September 9 at 7PM Van Zomeren Massey Harris Collection Auction, Alexandria, MN, Timed Online Auction Opening September 1 & Closing September 8 at 10AM Cliff Wasfaret Retirement Auction, Twin Valley, MN, Timed Online Auction Opening September 1 & Closing September 10 at 7PM Mike Thielen Farm Retirement Auction Steffes Group Facility, Litchfield, MN, Timed Online Auction Opening September 3 & Closing September 10 at 1PM Michelle Schreier Farm Retirement Auction, Currie, MN, Timed Online Auction Opening September 4 & Closing September 8 at 12:30PM Online Hay Auction Quality Tested - Ring 2, Steffes Group Facility, Litchfield, MN, Timed Online Auction Opening September 4 & Closing September 9 Online Steffes Auction - 9/9, Upper Midwest Locations, Timed Online Auction Opening September 7 & Closing September 14 at 1PM Beardsley Area Farmers Inventory Reduction Auction, Beardsley, MN Area, Timed Online Auction Opening September 7 & Closing September 16 at 7PM Kevin Knudson Firearms Auction, Steffes Group Facility, Litchfield, MN, Timed Online Auction Tuesday, September 8, 12PM Live Hay Auction Quality Tested - Ring 1, Steffes Group Facility, Litchfield, MN Opening September 8 & Closing September 9 at 12PM Cavalier County, ND Land Auction - 320± Acres, Munich, ND, Timed Online Auction Opening September 8 & Closing September 14 Maple River Equipment LLC Equipment Auction, Buffalo, ND, Timed Online Auction Opening September 8 & Closing September 15 Huppert Transportation Excess Inventory Auction, Hager City, WI, Timed Online Auction Thursday, September 10 at 10:30AM Kenneth & Rachel Kellogg Farm Retirement Auction, Monango, ND Opening September 10 & Closing September 17 Bruce Gangelhoff Farm Retirement Auction, Finley, ND, Timed Online Auction Tuesday, September 15 at 10AM Dale & Jean Gutenkauf Farm Retirement Auction, Onaka, SD Opening September 15 & Closing September 22 Scott Lankow Farm Retirement Auction, Foxhome, MN, Timed Online Auction Opening September 15 & Closing September 22 at 7PM Eric Larson Farm Auction, Ostego, MN, Timed Online Auction Opening Wednesday, September 16 at 8AM & Closing Wednesday, September 16 at 12PM Griggs County, ND Land Auction - 640± Acres, Binford, ND, Timed Online Auction Thursday, September 17 at 10AM Jim & Jeannine Wilcox Farm Retirement Auction, Buffalo, ND Opening September 17 & Closing September 24 at 12PM Absolute McKenzie County, ND Land Auction - 80± Acres, Watford City, ND, Timed Online Auction Friday, September 18 at 10AM Darrell & Kari Haugen Farm Retirement Auction, Binford, ND Opening September 18 & Closing September 22 at 12:30PM Online Hay Auction Quality Tested - Ring 2, Steffes Group Facility, Litchfield, MN, Timed Online Auction


Stop focusing on how stressed you are and Remember how Blessed you are.

Farm Equipment

Farm Equipment

Case IH 1020 30’ full finger FOR SALE: Loftness 6R30 flex head, $10,900; Case IH stalk chopper, pull type, 1083 8x30 cornhead with w.p. 300 acres on all new knives, bearings, $3,900; Brent 1080 shedded, field ready, road grain cart, 900x32 tires, hyd lights, $8,250/OBO. Westfield or PTO drive, $22,750; Case 6x51 grain auger, electric IH 800 10x18 black spring motor drive, swivel wheel plow with coulters, $7,750; kit, new tires, $1,500/OBO. Parker 605 gravity box w/ 952-467-2314 tarp & fenders; $10,500. 320- FOR SALE: Sunflower #4411 769-2756 9 shank disc ripper; IH #14 FOR SALE: Farmhand 9 shank ripper w/ heavy XL1140 loader, excellent frame; JD #2800 8 bottom condition, heavy duty pallet plow. All in nice shape. Reforks, dirt bucket, quick de- tiring. 507-822-2188 tach, pictures available. 563- FOR SALE: Yamaha Grizzly 920-1122 ATV, 2010, 4x4, approx 3700

Please recycle this magazine.

miles, excellent condition, $4,850. 507-317-3396

Fabulous Car-Shop Tools & Equip.Shotguns-Sporting-Antiques TWO RING AUCTION



Thursday, Sept.10, 2020 12:00 Noon-Sharp! Located: 206 2nd Ave. NW, Arlington, MN (Across from High School) Zelora (Mrs. Austin) Lentz Estate-Owner 2008 Buick Lucerne CXL leather, chrome pkg., fully equipped, and only 6,700 miles! CAR SELLS AT 1:30 p.m.- Guns-Coins-Duck Stamps Outdoor and Sporting Equip.- Shop Tools & Equip.- Lawn & GardenAntiques-Collectibles-Household. View photos and complete list at: or, click on “Pinske” We will be observing Covid 19 regulations. Absentee bidding available-

Contact Bill Pinske (507) 964-2250 or Peter Trocke (507) 382-8092 Trocke-Pinske Auctioneers Clerk: Trocke Auctioneers, LLC St. Peter & Arlington, MN St. Peter & Arlington, MN Lic. #52-19-007 Usual Auction Terms NO Buyer’s Premium

If you’re having a Farm Auction, let other Farmers know it! Upcoming Issues of THE LAND Southern MNNorthern IA September 18, 2020 October 2, 2020 October 16, 2020 October 30, 2020


Northern MN *September 11, 2020 September 25, 2020 October 9, 2020 October 23, 2020 November 6, 2020

Deadline is 8 days prior to publication. Indicates early deadline, 9 days prior to publication.

PO Box 3169 • Mankato, MN 56002 Phone: 507-345-4523 or 800-657-4665 Fax: 507-345-1027 Website: e-mail: Ask Your Auctioneer to Place Your Auction in The Land!

THE LAND — SEPTEMBER 4/SEPTEMBER 11, 2020 Farm Equipment

Farm Equipment

R30FOR SALE: IH 7130 Magnum, ype, 2WD, dual wheels, deluxe ves, cab, A/C, 170hp, 22 weights oad in front, Michelin tires. 507field 753-2846 tric heelFOR SALE: JayLor 5850 feedBO. er wagon, tandem w/ scale, very good condition, $39,000/ OBO. For photos or info, call 4411 507-689-2504 Retirement Sale #14 avyFOR SALE: Mounted tile plow om and IH 7-18 auto re-set plow. Re- 507-427-3561

We buy Salvage Equipment Parts Available Hammell Equip., Inc. (507)867-4910

Gravity Boxes - Brent 644 with zzly fenders; Parker 605 w/tarp; 700 Unverferth 630 w/fender, like ion, new; Unverferth 530 w/tarp, exc; Brent 657, like new; Killbros 1055 with tarp, fenders, like new. Delivery available. Call for details 815-988-2074


Harms Mfg. Land Rollers, Brand New, 12’-$6,800; 14’-$7,000; 16’-$8,000; 24’$14,800; 32’-$17,500; 42’$21,500. Others from 8’-62’ 715-234-1993 JD 9500 2,500 hrs, $18,900; JD 693 cornhead, $8,950; ‘01 JD 925F full finger auger exc cond, $8,950. 815-988-2074 MF 4880 4WD Tractor; JD 8110 MFD; 2 Compartment Parker Gravity Box with Brush Auger; 80/50 KW PTO Generator and others; 10’ Ag Bagger; 20’ Grain Pup trailer. Call 320-760-1634

Your ad could be here!

Retired Selling. 2 Brandt augers, 10x80 & 10x70 w/ auger hoppers; Demco 750 bu gravity box w/ tarp; White plow model 588 7 bottom 20”; Notch model 12TLL box scraper w/ hyd tilt; Rocomatic model HDW5 20’ rock picker; Wil-Rich 25’ stalk chopper; Tebben 3pt ripper, 9-30” shanks; 16’ Hiniker 3pt mounted chisel plow model 816; 5 shank 3pt mounted Year-A-Round subsoiler. All in good cond. 320-630-1777



Like The Land on Facebook

Beautifully restored 1970 Farmall 460 tractor. New paint & tires (15.8x38). good clutch, P/S, 10 forward gears and 2 reverse w/ good torque ampliphier & live pwr PTO. New fenders; steering wheel; chrome exh. pipe. Everything works. $9,500 Firm. WANTED: 4-6’ International tandem pull type disk. Retired. Call Don Michel 507-339-3745 FOR SALE: 2006 JD 7830 FWA/duals, 3913 hrs, excellent condition, w/ 2014 Westendorf loader, 2 buckets & forklift. $82,900. 507-327-6430

Land Specialists

Upcoming Sealed Bid Land Auctions Sept 22 • 155.88 ± Acres • Mansfield Twp, Freeborn Cty Sept 23 • 154.34 ± Acres • Hansonville Twp, Lincoln Cty 40 ± Acres • Fortier Twp, Yellow Medicine Cty Sept 24 • 157.5 ± Acres • Vernon Center Twp, Blue Earth Cty Sept 25 • 68.51 ± Acres • Cambria Twp, Blue Earth Cty Sept 25 • 136 ± Acres • Sterling Twp, Blue Earth Cty Sept 29 • 69.83 ± Acres • Newton Twp, Winnebago Cty, IA Only registered bidders may attend For property brochures call 1-800-730-LAND (5263) or visit www.Wingert Charles Wingert, Broker # 07-53, 1160 S Victory Dr Ste 6, Mankato MN

NH 790 chopper with corn & hay heads like new, Kewanee 500 elevator with hydraulic lift. 608-780-2062 Parker 450 grain cart; Frontier 40’ steel grain trailer; Harms 42’ land roller; JD 9650 STS Combine 630 bean head, 606C cornhead; Westfield 10x61 swing hopper auger; Volvo Semi; JD 4840; White 8202 Planter IH 133 1230 cultivator; DMI 41’ field cultivator, 3 bar harrow; Call: 507-317-6201 — “Where Farm and Family Meet”


5 28.59 ac of Nicollet County Farm Land

Land Auction

Thursday, September 10th ~ 6:00 pm Auction held at: New Ulm Event Center, 301 20th S St, New Ulm, MN

Directions to land: From New Ulm, take Hwy 14/15 North to County Rd 21, head West and after 2 miles, the land will be on both sides of the road. Watch for signs!

ACREAGES 10951 County Rd. 8 SW, Stewartville: $1,030,000: Gorgeous 6BR, 5BA, 10-acre property with 54 x 90 pole shed & 28 x 56 workshop/garage. MLS#5615943 22436 750th Ave., Grand Meadow: $189,900: Country Acreage! 3BR, 2BA manufactured home on approx. 6.5-acres. New oversized 2-stall detached garage/workshop. Additional storage shed with water & electric. MLS #5629501 PENDING!


Mower County: Approx. 48 acres high quality farmland. Pattern tiled. 99.4CPI. Good tenant in place MLS# 564661 Fillmore County: Approx. 165-acres, Spring Valley Twp. MLS# 5486495 PENDING!


NEED FARMLAND LISTINGS - HAVE BUYERS! COMMERCIAL GRAND MEADOW: Great investment. Double digit cap rate and 2 long-term tenants already in place. Lower level currently a post office. Instant return on investment. $99,900. 129 Main St. S. MLS#5619155 RACINE: 10,000 sq. ft. building on 2.12-acres. MLS# 5247299

Need assistance with Rental Rates, Government Programs or Environmental Issues? Call us for your Farm Management needs! Randy Queensland • 507-273-3890 • Ryan Queensland • 507-273-3000 •

Grand Meadow, MN • 507-754-5815 • 800-658-2340

This property will sell as two parcels:

Location of property within Nicollet County: Lafayette Township, Section 8, Range 30 Total of both parcels: 28.59 total acres, approx. 3.24 acres tillable. Productivity Index: 65 Parcel 2: 17.44 total acres, Parcel 1: 11.15 total acres, approx. 3.24 acres tillable, all wood land. Productivity Index: 65 Note: All acres are published based on Nicollet County Online Records and FSA records. There is an utility easement in place along the eastern border of Parcel 1.

Owner: Glenn Fritsche

Listing Auctioneer: Matt Mages, 507-276-7002 Lic 52-20-018 Auctioneers: Lar r y Mages, Lafayette; J oe Maidl, Lafayette; J ohn Goelz, Fr anklin Joe Wersal, Winthrop; Ryan Froehlich, Winthrop; Broker: Mages Land Co. & Auction Ser vice, LLC. Terms: No Buyer’s Premium. Ever ything sold in “AS IS” condition.

PAGE 28 —”Where Farm and Family Meet”

Find what you’re looking for in THE LAND




Planting Equip

Harvesting Equip

Harvesting Equip

NEW AND USED TRACTOR JD 7000 Corn Planter, 2 Row 1990 Case-IH 1660 Combine 2388 combine, 4079 engine, PARTS JD 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 3PT $1,800; Fert. Avail. $350/ Cummins engine, reverser, 3212 separator hours. 20.8-42 rock trap, straw chopper, duals. Mud Hog new in 2016. 55, 50 Series & newer trac- Row. 715-234-1993 spreader, standard rotor, Rebuilt Hydro motor and tors, AC-all models, Large Inventory, We ship! Mark 24.5x32 drives, 14.9x24 steer- pump. Big shop built grain Your ad Heitman Tractor Salvage ing tires, electric fuel pump, tank extension. Tracker. Pro 715-673-4829 radio, heat, a/c, buddy seat, 600 monitor. Long auger. could be here! Ag Leader Edge Yield mon- Extra fuel tank. Chain oiler 507-345-4523 itor with GPS, very good system. 1020 30’ & 2208 8 row Tillage Equip condition on low acres. Hen- 30” available. $50,000/OBO derson, MN. $16,500 OBO (or (or best offer). (507) 380-3410 Hay & Forage best offer) (507) 327-5342 FOR SALE: Alloway 20 stalk FOR SALE: Retired. ‘04 CIH Equipment chopper, field ready, hood 2188 combine, 4653 engine 2388 3092 eng hrs, 2359 sep liner welded in, very good FOR SALE: New Holland 3050 separator hours. 18.4-42 hrs, exc cond, been through condition, knives replaced as 770A big round baler, like duals. 18.4-26 rears. Track- IH shop every year. ‘08 CIH needed, $5,900. 507-621-0191 new condition; (2) big bale er. Cross Flow Fan. Dick’s 2606 6R chopping CH, exc trailers on 4 wheel gear; 310 Welding hopper extension. cond. Killbros 20’ head trailFOR SALE: Wil-Rich Disk H&S manure spreader, like Harness for Ag Leader yield er, Unverferth 630 gravity Ripper 513 Soil Pro, 7 shanks new. 507-276-5330 or 507-227- monitor. 1020 30’ head and wagon, Brent 640 gravity 24” apart, low acres, always 5905 2208 8 row 30” available. wagon, both on 426/65R22.5 shedded. 612-655-1053 $30,000/OBO (or best offer) tires, Farm King 10” x 70’ Sim/Angus bulls. Final AnFOR SALE: Navigator culti(507) 380-3410 auger, swing hopper. 507-947swer breeding. One long vator row finder. 218-731-3296 3859 or 507-381-6576 yearling and one 20 month old. Excellent quality, good Classified Line Ads FOR SALE: 2006 CIH 1020 disposition. Choice, $1,995. grain head, 30’, excellent MID-AMERICAN AUCTION CO. SAUK CENTRE, MN Cokato, MN. 320-286-5805 condition, field ready. 507Gerald Polzin Call 507-345-4523 327-1436 FALL CONSIGNMENT AUCTION


SATURDAY SEPT. 12TH, 2020- 9:00 AM




4 -Aft TRACTORS • BRENT of WAGON DEUTZer 30 years the •conALLIS R-6 COMBINE • FULL LINE OF struction business, GordyFARM has MACHINERY • HOUSEHOLD • OUTDOORS


decided to retire.

SATURDAY, SEPT. 19, 2020 • 9:00 A.M. LOCATION: From New Richland, MN, 6 miles west of State Hwy. 30, then 2 1/2 miles north on 70th St. WATCH FOR AUCTION SIGNS!!! Auctioneer’s Note: A very good farm equipment auction. Most of this equipment has been shedded. Please note: Selling farm machinery at 10 a.m. Tracy Holland

4 - TRACTORS • DEUTZ-ALLIS COMBINE • BRENT 640 GRAVITY WAGON • PLANTER • SEED TENDER HEADS • FARM EQUIPMENT • HOUSEHOLD MISC. • International 1486, 7366 hours, no PTO, 3pt., 20.8-38” tires w axle duals, front weights, SN: 2650138U13021 • Brent gravity wagon, fenders, brakes, light, truck tires • Farmall 460, N.F., gas, SN: 6215 • Farmall M, N.F. w/Paulson loader, SN: 152898 • Deutz-Allis 6-row x 30” corn head, SN: 063009789R8787 • Agco 15’ grain head, SN: 1540728F • 4 - Killbros gravity wagons w/Kasten gears • Kory gravity wagon w/fert. auger, Kory gear • Case 900 Case International 7110 planter, 6-row x 30”, dry fert. • Friesen 220 Deutz-Allis Gleaner R6 Magnum, 4461 hours, bulk seed tender, Honda motor w/7’x18’ tanCombine, 3243 eng. hours, 2WD, power shift, 540/1000 dem-axle trailer • Kewanee 1020 disc, tandem 30.5L-32” tires, PTO, 18.4R-38” tires axle, 20’ • I.H. 710 plow, 5-bottom x 18”, auto SN: R6K010465118686 SN: JJA0018754 reset • J.D. 1100 digger, 3 pt., 20’ w/3-bar harrow • 13-shank 3 pt. anhydrous bar • Lindsay 5-section spring tooth drag on cart • I.H. 50 stalk chopper, 12 1/2’ • Kuker 500-gal. single-axle sprayer, 40’ boom w/pump • 5 1/2’x12’ barge box • Wood flair box • Poulan PP175 riding mower w/42” deck • 1500-gal. poly tank • 2 - 4” augers • Lundell wagon hoist • 25-gal. lawn sprayer • 2 - 300-gal. fuel tanks on stands • 300-gal. diesel tank w/electric pump • Clipper fanning mill • Scrap machine shed steel • Misc. household items • Items too numerous to mention

GARY BARTNESS - ESTATE 25728 70th St., New Richland, MN 56072 Terms: Cash or good check, & Picture ID required. No property removed until fully settled for. Sales staff and Owners Not Responsible for accidents. Any verbal announcement made day of sale takes precedence over print. Lunch & restroom services available on site. Clerk: Holland Auction Co. Auctioneers:


Tracy Holland and Associates Ellendale, MN #7405002 (507) 684-2955 or (507) 456-5128 (cell)

THE LAND — SEPTEMBER 4/SEPTEMBER 11, 2020 Harvesting Equip

Grain Handling Equipment — “Where Farm and Family Meet”

Grain Handling Equipment

ine,FOR SALE: JD 643 cornhead, Corn dryer, FarmFan mod- FOR SALE: 550 Demco grain 8-42 knife rolls, newer drum au- el 320J, CFAB, $6,250/OBO. cart, small 1000 PTO, and 016. ger, low acres, $3,600/OBO. Wet corn holding tank, cone field ready. 612-655-1053 and Brady 1680 chopper, 1000 bottom, 1200 bu, on wheels, ain PTO, 4 wheels, good shape, $650/OBO; 8”x61’ Westfield RETIRING. For Sale: 2 Year Pro $2,750/OBO. Both units al- PTO straight auger, like Round 550 wagons, $3,500/ ger. ways shedded. 507-451-9614 new, $3,200/OBO; 8”x71’ each. 2 Parker wagons modiler Cheyenne PTO straight au- el 2500 & model 2600, $2,500/ rowFOR SALE: 1998 Case IH 2388 ger, older, $750/OBO. 651- each. All in exc cond, always shedded. Call Bill 507-847BO combine, 2885 separator 503-5087 Retiring. 4693 Jackson. Leave Msg. 410 hours, excellent condition, had yearly inspection at Ti- FOR SALE: (2) Superb conRETIRED; FOR SALE: CIH tan Machinery, $45,000/OBO. tinuous flow grain dryers, Parker 739 Grain Cart. Red, sep Call 507-828-3743 Model SA500V, LP gas, adjustable spout, shedded, ugh $4,500/EA or $8,000/pr. Make like new, $20,000. Call Bill at CIHFOR SALE: 2011 JD 612C 12 offer. Pictures available. 507-847-4693. Jackson, MN. row cornhead, 1H0612 CXED exc 507-208-0466 Leave message. ail- SN#0740587, used total 5 yrs, vity 2500 acres, $20,000; JD com- FOR SALE: AB-12B Farm Used GT 14 ft. diameter wet vity bine, 2014, S670, ID# 1H0567 Fan dryer, single phase, corn holding bin, free stand22.5 SKDO 757310. 651-764-1780 works very well, dried 50,000 ing frame, 1750 bushels, has 70’FOR SALE: 2011 Capello 12- bu last fall, asking $3,900. wheels for moving within 947- 22 chopping cornhead, hyd Please call 507-236-4010 the farmyard, $500. SE of Mankato. John 507-381-7097 deck plates, head sight, IH 020 wide feeder house, $22,000. ent 507-644-3244 507-FOR SALE: Alloway 20 stalk


chopper, field ready, hood liner welded in, very good condition, knives replaced as needed, $5,900. 507-621-0191

FOR SALE: Case IH 1083 cornhead, stored inside, recent gathering chains, straight tin, good condition, $6,250. 507-227-3428 FOR SALE: Pickett one step rodder, 8R30” side delivery, model C8030-2-A-E, $6,500. 507-327-6430 FOR SALE: John Deere 920 bean head, excellent shape. 320-248-1360 FOR SALE: Pair of 18.4x38 bell duals, to match up with 30.5. 218-731-3296

Grain Handling Equipment 1981 Mathews Company 665, continuous flow grain dryer, single phase, two 10hp fans & burners, updated ignition boards, dried 20,000 bu. in 2019. Retired from farming. $3,500/OBO. 15 mi. SE of Mankato. John 507-381-7097 2015 Westfield TFX2 100x36 Auger, S/N 273942, PTO drive, new tires when purchased, handy auger, nice cond $4,500. Retired from farming. 15 miles SE of Mankato. John 507-381-7097


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• 5/8” drum roller wall thickness • 42” drum diameter wall thickness • 4”x8” frame tubing 3/8” thick • Auto fold


We pay top dollar for your damaged grain. We are experienced handlers of your wet, dry, burnt and mixed grains. Trucks and vacs available. Immediate response anywhere. CALL FOR A QUOTE TODAY

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GREENWALD FARM CENTER Greenwald, MN • 320-987-3177 14 miles So. of Sauk Centre





NEW NH T4.75, T4.90, T4.120 w/loader.. ...... On Hand NEW NH Workmaster 60, 50, 35’s/loaders ... On Hand NEW NH T9.645 ............................................. On Hand NEW Massey 6713 w/cab and loader ........... On Hand NEW Versatile 610 4WD ................................ On Hand NEW Versatile DT610 Quad........................... On Hand ‘14 Massey 8690 CVT....................................$135,000 ‘12 Buhler 280..................................................$85,000 ‘09 Versatile 435 3000 hrs ............................ $120,000 ‘96 White 6175 FWA....................................... $37,000 ‘96 White 6175 2wd ........................................ $25,500

New NH Hay Tools - ON HAND


NEW NH E26C mini excavator ...................... On Hand NEW NH E37C mini excavator ...................... On Hand NEW NH L318/L320/L328 wheeled units ...... On Hand NEW NH C327/C337/C345 track units .......... On Hand ‘05 Bobcat T300 .............................................. $23,000 ‘17 NH L234 C/H/A.......................................... $32,000 2-’12 NH 225 C/H ...................................... $24-27,000


NEW Fantini chopping cornhead ........................... Call 13’ Gleaner S67 .............................................. Coming ‘12 Gleaner S77 ............................................ $179,000 TILLAGE ‘03 Gleaner R65 .............................................. $72,000 NEW Wilrich 513 9-24 .................................... On Hand ‘98 Gleaner R62 .............................................. $62,000 ‘98 Gleaner R62 .............................................. $59,000 ‘09 Sunflower 4412-07 ................................... On Hand ‘97 Gleaner R62 ........................................ Just traded NH ST775-7 .................................................... On Hand Geringhoff parts & heads available ‘14 Sunflower 4412-05.....................................$30,000

‘15 Wilrich 513 7-24 w/basket ....................... On Hand ‘10 Wilrich QX2 37’ w/basket.......................... $34,500 ‘09 Wilrich QX2 55’5 w/bskt............................ $34,000 ‘05 CIH 730B w/lead ....................................... $16,500 ‘14 Wilrich 513 9-24 ....................................... On Hand JD 512 7-30 blades ............................................$8,500

PLANTERS ‘11 White 8516 CFS, Loaded .......................... $68,000 ‘06 White 8516 cfs .......................................... $39,000 ‘06 White 8186 w/fert ...................................... $28,000 ‘95 White 6722 loaded ....................................... $7,500 ‘96 White 6222 forward fold w/liq ................... $10,500


NEW Salford RTS Units .......................................... Call NEW Salford Plows................................................. Call NEW Unverferth Seed Tenders .............................. Call NEW Westfield Augers ........................................... Call NEW REM VRX Vacs. .............................................. Call NEW Hardi Sprayers............................................... Call NEW Riteway Rollers .............................................. Call NEW Lorenz Snowblowers ..................................... Call NEW Batco Conveyors ........................................... Call NEW Brent Wagons & Grain Carts ......................... Call NEW E-Z Trail Seed Wagons .................................. Call NEW Rock Buckets & Pallet Forks ......................... Call REM 2700, Rental ................................................... Call Pre-Owned Grain Cart ................................... On Hand New Horsch Jokers ....................................... On Hand

Thank You For Your Business! (507) 234-5191 (507) 625-8649 Hwy. 14, 3 miles West of Janesville, MN

Mon.-Fri. 7:30-5:00 • Sat. 7:30-Noon

PAGE 30 —”Where Farm and Family Meet”


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All kinds of New & Used farm equipment - disc chisels, field cults, planters, soil finishers, cornheads, feed mills, discs, balers, haybines, etc. 507438-9782

Old Barn Wanted: It must have vertical siding & be in fair condition. I have references, insurance and experienced crew. Call Mark or send pictures to 507-469-0474. (507) 469-0474 WANTED DAMAGED CORNLIGHT TEST WEIGHT & HIGHER MOISTURE CORN. PAYING COMPETITIVE PRICES DEPENDING QUALITY. ZANE HANSON (507) 459-8653 WANTED TO BUY: Older Cub Cadet side by side, 4Wheel w/ box, in good shape. FOR SALE: Older gasoline EZDO golf cart, in good shape with a top. 218-867-2134 WANTED: Wheatland fenders for John Deere 5020-6030. Lilliston rolling cultivator. FOR SALE: John Deere 6030 with cab & 3pt. Call 507251-2344 WANTED TO BUY: Looking for small 25-50 gal bulk tank with agitator, no cooler system. 320-582-2168

= ______________________________________________________


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FOR SALE: Black Angus bulls also Hamp, York, & Hamp/ Duroc boars & gilts. Alfred Kemen 320-598-3790

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Swine FOR SALE: Yorkshire, Hampshire, Duroc & Hamp/Duroc boars, also gilts. Excellent selection. Raised outside. Exc herd health. No PRSS. Delivery avail. 320-760-0365 Spot, Duroc, Chester White, Boars & Gilts available. Monthly PRRS and PEDV. Delivery available. Steve Resler. 507-456-7746


Trucks & Trailers — “Where Farm and Family Meet”



armDorset & Hampshire rams, FOR SALE: ‘96 IH 9200 tan- For Sale: Ready to frame REINKE IRRIGATION field ewes & yearlings for sale. dem grain truck, aluminum print. Les Kouba’s “Bluebills Sales & Service ers, Lambs, large framed w/fast box, M11 w/ 9 speed, 20’ Visit Indian Point”. Signed & New & Used scs, growth that will put extra lbs Doonan pup. 218-731-3296 numbered 3887/4400. New. For your irrigation needs 507- on your lambs. I can deliver. $20 In Mankato. 507-317-3866 888-830-7757 or 507-276-2073 Gene Sanford (507)645-4989 Recreational FREON WANTED: We pay Vehicles $$$ for cylinders & cans. R12 WANTED TO BUY: Looking February, March Twin Ram R500 R11 R113 R114. Conve- for small 25-50 gal bulk tank Lambs. Suffolk/Hampshire FOR SALE: Yamaha Grizzly nient. Certified Profession- with agitator, no cooler sysand Dorset sired. Rugged ATV, 2010, 4x4, approx 3700 als. Call (312)291-9169 or visit tem. 320-582-2168 and Growthy. Ready to help miles, excellent condition, your flock. LaFayette, MN $4,850. 507-317-3396 Please recycle this magazine. 507-276-7683 PARMA DRAINAGE PUMPS FOR SALE: Suffolk, Suffolk New pumps & parts on hand. Miscellaneous cross rams & Polypay rams, Call Minnesota’s largest disust lots of muscle. Suffolk cross tributor be ewe lambs & speckle faced For Sale: Really nice recliner/ HJ Olson & Company ve ewe lambs. 507-445-3317 lift chair in excellent cond. 320-974-8990 Cell - 320-212-5336 nd (leave message) or 507-822Blue fabric, no stains, tears all 3398 or damage of any kind. New Classified Line Ads to arm covers included. Seat is 474 FOR SALE: Dorset ram, 1 1/2 20” wide x 21.5” deep. $375 yr old, $275. Zimmerman, in Mankato 507-317-3866 INVESTIGATE BEFORE YOU Call 507-345-4523 ED MN 763-442-4390 INVEST! Midwest Free Community ST Paper Association does not ER knowingly accept fraudulent or deceptive advertising. Readers are AYcautioned to thoroughly investigate VE all classifieds and other ads which NG require an investment. (MCN)

Cub heel OR DO with

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WRIGHTZ AUCTION CO. RV, SPORT, REC & GUN CONSIGNMENT SALE, OCTOBER 3, 9 AM. Please Get Gun Permits To Buy, Prior To Sale. Consign By September 18 for Complete Advertising. 641-3982218, Hwy 218, Floyd, IA, www. (MCN) DONATE YOUR CAR TO CHARITY. Receive maximum value of write off for your taxes. Running or not! All conditions accepted. Free pickup. Call for details. 855-752-6680 (MCN) DONATE YOUR CAR, TRUCK TO HERITAGE FOR THE BLIND. Free 3 Day Vacation, Tax Deductible, Free Towing, All Paperwork Taken Care Of. CALL 1-855-977-7030 (MCN) CASH FOR CARS: We Buy Any Condition Vehicle, 2002 and Newer. Competitive Offer! Nationwide FREE Pick Up! Call Now For a Free Quote! 888-3665659(MCN) New Motorcycle pull behind cargo trailer, lined with carpet $1,299.00; 101”X24’ Show Car trailer was $22,999.00 NOW $19,500.00 Extra Nice: 100”X26’ Electric tilt 14,000# with winch; 5X8 & 5X10 6,000# Dump trailers; For prices & info go to: www. 515972-4554. (MCN)

Miscellaneous Winpower Sales & Service Reliable Power Solutions Since 1925 PTO & automatic Emergency Electric Generators. New & Used Rich Opsata-Distributor 800-343-9376

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BEST SATELLITE TV with 2 Year Price Guarantee! $59.99/mo with 190 channels and 3 months free premium movie channels! Free next day installation! Call 855-824-1258. (MCN) Earthlink High Speed Internet. As Low As $14.95/month (for the first 3 months.) Reliable High Speed. Fiber Optic Technology. Stream Videos, Music and More! Call Earthlink Today 1-855-679-7096 (MCN) High-Speed Internet. We instantly compare speed, pricing, availability to find the best service for your needs. Starting at $39.99/month! Quickly compare offers from top providers. Call 1-855-399-9295 (MCN) DISH TV $59.99 For 190 Channels + $14.95 High Speed Internet. Free Installation, Smart HD DVR Included, Free Voice Remote. Some restrictions apply. 1-844-316-8876. (MCN) Stay in your home longer with an American Standard Walk-In Bathtub. Receive up to $1,500 off, including a free toilet, and a lifetime warranty on the tub and installation! Call us at 1-855-372-3080 or visit (MCN) BATHROOM RENOVATIONS. EASY, ONE DAY updates! We specialize in safe bathing. Grab bars, no slip flooring & seated showers. Call for a free in-home consultation: 855-836-2250 (MCN) Portable Oxygen Concentrator May Be Covered by Medicare! Reclaim independence and mobility with the compact design and longlasting battery of Inogen One. Free information kit! Call 844-716-2411. (MCN)



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PAGE 32 — “Where Farm and Family Meet”


This week’s Back Roads is the work of The Land Correspondent Tim King. Photos by Jan King.

A picture (book) worth 1,000 words


ublic libraries have been closed or only partially open all summer due to Covid-19. That’s a problem for thousands of kids who enjoy hanging out at the library — reading, doing craft projects, attending events or using the computers. Librarians have responded to that hole in children’s lives with lots of creative remedies. One of the solutions the librarians at the Great River Regional Library system, headquartered in St. Cloud, created in June is the Story Stroll. “We’ve had Story Strolls in at least 18 of our libraries,” Ryan McCormick of GRRL said. “We’ll continue them as long as the weather permits.” Story Strolls are copies of actual pages from very large format children’s books — mounted on stands like those used for political yard signs. “Libraries have them in parks or in the lawn outside the library,” McCormick explained. “I like the Story Strolls because they involve both adults and children involved in the healthy activity of walking and reading.” In late August, a Story Stroll on the lawn at the Sauk Centre library was “Planting a Rainbow,” by Lois Ehlert. “We put a new one up every week,” Dawn, a Sauk Centre librarian said. “We see a lot of people stopping to read them.”

Long Prairie, Minn.

The Story Stroll for the same week at the Long Prairie library was “Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?” by Bill Martin Jr. and Eric Carle. The “Brown Bear” Story Stroll consists of 17 colorful panels, or pages. In Long Prairie, they are spaced out along the sidewalk in Harmony Park near the elementary school. The spacing allows the children to run or study the baby killdeers. Adults, who are their readers, can enjoy the flowers and a summer breeze as they stroll between panels. Each panel is a discovery — just like a book. What does Brown Bear see? Oh! He sees a Red Bird. Walk or run to the next panel. What does Red Bird see? She sees a Yellow Duck. Walk, run, look at the flowers until the team reaches Yellow Duck. A child of a certain age and a certain adventuresome spirit might just reach the Yellow Duck first. “I see a Blue Horse looking at me,” the girl yells out at the top of her lungs as she practices her reading skills. Or, upon reaching the Blue Horse, you might yell together: “I see a green frog looking at me!” How does this story end? You’ll have stroll over to your library to find out. The list of GRRL libraries is at Call before going to be sure a Story Stroll is on display. v







Solar energy is more than clean energy, it’s financial stability, predictability, and independence. We know the challenges of planning for the future, and we’re here to help you take control of what you can. Blue Horizon Energy works with the best suppliers and partners in the solar industry so you can rest easy knowing that you can trust your solar system to support your family, farm, and business for decades to come.



This farming family has seen their solar energy systems yield 109% to target since January. They’re saving thousands thanks to solar energy, and you can save too. Pictured: 136kW (Site 1 of 6).









DUAL-AXIS TRACKER PROVEN. RELIABLE. PREDICTABLE. Blue Horizon Energy has delivered hundreds of turnkey solar projects across the Midwest and our results are proven by all of these happy customers. Our projects are backed by industry-leading warranties, up to 25 years on key components, to create long-term reliable performance and savings.

REAL RESULTS. Blue Horizon Energy help this farming family design a group of solar energy projects to take out 95-100% of their annual energy usage across six hog confinements. Then we worked together to create a cost effective and tax efficient financing structure to build these solar arrays with minimum risk and maximum long-term value for the farm. We can show you how too.



Our top-shelf technologies yield more power and more savings, delivering up to 40% more energy and a stronger, more predictable return on investment.









DUAL-AXIS TRACKER PROVEN. RELIABLE. PREDICTABLE. Blue Horizon Energy has delivered hundreds of turnkey solar projects across the Midwest and our results are proven by all of these happy customers. Our projects are backed by industry-leading warranties, up to 25 years on key components, to create long-term reliable performance and savings.

REAL RESULTS. Blue Horizon Energy help this farming family design a group of solar energy projects to take out 95-100% of their annual energy usage across six hog confinements. Then we worked together to create a cost effective and tax efficient financing structure to build these solar arrays with minimum risk and maximum long-term value for the farm. We can show you how too.



Our top-shelf technologies yield more power and more savings, delivering up to 40% more energy and a stronger, more predictable return on investment.










Solar energy is more than clean energy, it’s financial stability, predictability, and independence. We know the challenges of planning for the future, and we’re here to help you take control of what you can. Blue Horizon Energy works with the best suppliers and partners in the solar industry so you can rest easy knowing that you can trust your solar system to support your family, farm, and business for decades to come.



This farming family has seen their solar energy systems yield 109% to target since January. They’re saving thousands thanks to solar energy, and you can save too. Pictured: 136kW (Site 1 of 6).




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