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September 4, 2020 September 11, 2020
Have you herd? Minnesota woman runs training camp for herding dogs See page 14
PLUS: Rice SWCD throws a movie night on the farm Kristin Kveno takes in a virtual dairy forum Bin storage could be an issue with big harvest ... and more!
www.thelandonline.com — “Where Farm and Family Meet”
Remembering Lefty Norling
P.O. Box 3169 418 South Second St. Mankato, MN 56002 (800) 657-4665 Vol. XXXIX ❖ No. 18 28 pages, 1 section plus supplements
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Cover photo by Paul Malchow
COLUMNS Opinion Farm and Food File Deep Roots Cooking With Kristin From The Fields Marketing Mielke Market Weekly Auctions/Classifieds Advertiser Listing Back Roads
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Publisher: Steve Jameson: sjameson@mankatofreepress.com General Manager: Deb Petterson: dpetterson@TheLandOnline.com Managing Editor: Paul Malchow: editor@TheLandOnline.com Staff Writer: Kristin Kveno: kkveno@thelandonline.com Staff Writer Emeritus: Dick Hagen: rdhagen35@gmail.com Advertising Representatives: Joan Streit: (507) 344-6379, jstreit@thelandonline.com Deb Petterson: dpetterson@TheLandOnline.com Office/Advertising Assistants: Joan Compart: theland@TheLandOnline.com Lyuda Shevtsov: auctions@thelandonline.com For Customer Service Concerns: (507) 345-4523, (800) 657-4665, theland@TheLandOnline.com Fax: (507) 345-1027 For Editorial Concerns or Story Ideas: (507) 344-6342, (800) 657-4665, editor@TheLandOnline.com Because of the nature of articles appearing in The Land, product or business names may be included to provide clarity. This does not constitute an endorsement of any product or business. Opinions and viewpoints expressed in editorials or by news sources are not necessarily those of the management. The Publisher shall not be liable for slight changes or typographical errors that do not lessen the value of an advertisement. The Publisher’s liability for other errors or omissions in connection with an advertisement is strictly limited to publication of the advertisement in any subsequent issue or the refund of any monies paid for the advertisement. Classified Advertising: $19.99 for seven (7) lines for a private classified, each additional line is $1.40; $24.90 for business classifieds, each additional line is $1.40. Classified ads accepted by mail or by phone with VISA, MasterCard, Discover or American Express. Classified ads can also be sent by e-mail to theland@TheLandOnline.com. Mail classified ads to The Land, P.O. Box 3169, Mankato, MN 56002. Please include credit card number, expiration date and your postal address with ads sent on either mail version. Classified ads may also be called into (800) 657-4665. Deadline for classified ads is 5 pm on the Friday prior to publication date, with holiday exceptions. Distributed to farmers in all Minnesota counties and northern Iowa, as well as on The Land’s website. Each classified ad is separately copyrighted by The Land. Reproduction without permission is strictly prohibited. Subscription and Distribution: Free to farmers and agribusinesses in Minnesota and northern Iowa. $29 per year for non-farmers and people outside the service area. The Land (USPS 392470) Copyright © 2019 by The Free Press Media is published biweekly by The Free Press, 418 S 2nd Street, Mankato, MN 56001-3727. Business and Editorial Offices: 418 S. 2nd Street, Mankato, MN 56001-3727, Accounting and Circulation Offices: Steve Jameson, 418 S 2nd Street, Mankato, MN 56001-3727. Call (507) 345-4523 to subscribe. Periodicals postage paid at Mankato, MN. Postmaster and Change of Address: Send address changes to The Land, P.O. Box 3169, Mankato MN 56002-3169 or e-mail to theland@TheLandOnline. com.
I wanted to take the opportunity to post “Lefty did some bid calling too … and just a few words on the life on Vernon he was good. But his strong point was his “Lefty” Norling. Around these parts, attention to the bidders! He could spot Norling was widely known as an auctionthem quickly. He was a master at coaxeer and veteran Norling Silo marketer. ing that second repeat bid, and another if Lefty yielded his final goodbye on Aug. 8. needed, and then right back for a closing He was 84. bid. Some call this ‘working the crowd’ and Lefty was a natural. Living in the Willmar area, this incredible and highly-respected veteran was “And he had another skill — important admired for his auctioneering pizzazz in this competitive auction world. After a LAND MINDS throughout Minnesota. His long-time sale he’d often tell me, ‘I got two or three By Dick Hagen auctioneering cohort, LaDon Henslin of leads from folks telling me: Lefty, come Henslin Auctions Inc. in Bird Island, out to see me. They’d say, I’m planning Minn. shared this fitting closing homa sale pretty soon, or I’m about to age: “We told Lefty … You’ve pulled retire.’ So when your partner is the wagon; you’ve pushed the wagon; recruiting new prospects as we’re callnow it’s your turn to ride.” ing a sale, that’s the best of both worlds.” I had a chance to reminisce with Henslin about his special auctioneering How many auctions did this two-man friend. “I was Lefty’s partner for 18 team preside over the years? “I don’t years,” he recalled. “We first met when I really know,” Henslin shrugged. “It was in my 30s. And we were competiwould be in the thousands since we did tors. I was selling buildings for auctions in a three and four-state region. Menards’ Agri-Division. Lefty was sellWe mainly worked a 150-mile radius of ing silos and buildings for Norlings. Willmar, Olivia, Bird Island — plus some We’d see each other quite often. He was Wisconsin auctions. And we traveled to just an interesting fellow. He found out many national auctioneering conventions I had gone to auction school. He wantacross the country.” ed to do the same; so he too went to Both Lefty and LaDon were inducted auction school at Mason City, Iowa.” into Minnesota’s Auctioneer Hall of Fame. “I had a couple years auctioneering experience Lefty’s wife, Ruth Ann reflected, “Lefty and I when Lefty was ready to make his start. Because of enjoyed a long and adventure-filled life together. our competitive past experiences, I knew he could Lefty was often gone, but Lefty loved people. He open some doors for us. He knew everybody. He was loved being an auctioneer … this was his second respected. Plus he was a good-sized young guy — career after his silo selling days.” like about 6’ 2” and a great high-school basketball And Lefty’s demeanor never changed. According to player too I’m told. He played guard for Willmar. He Ruth Ann, “Lefty thought every day was good, every started with Norling Silo Company; then moved to auction was good. He was a happy person — no Hanson Silos. So together, we built our auction sermatter what.” vices using some of the good ideas used by both Lefty’s former employers.” Added LaDon, “Lefty was also good at getting us involved in the National Auctioneer’s Association. “’Lefty’ was always his working name,” Henslin You meet people from all over the world and you chuckled. “If I told someone I had lunch last night with Vernon, they wouldn’t know who I was talking pick up new ideas too. In this profession, you’re always learning from each other. Often there are about. In the auction business, size makes a difference. Lefty, because of his height, was better at get- special classes — such as how to combine on-line auctions with in-person, live bidding auctions.” ting bids off the ground. He could spot ‘bidding hands’ quicker — so that basketball talent definiteYes, though auctioneering is sometimes referenced ly was a plus.” as a ‘clan gathering,’ Henslin prefers “an assembly Henslin showed me a picture of the two of them — of people with ambition and pride building a professional career.” both wearing Western hats, classy looking head gear. Was cowboy headgear common with auction“It’s a very competitive business,” Henslin eers back then? “Yes, I enjoyed wearing a western explained. “We advise younger people considering hat and don’t know why we quit that style,” he stat- this work to first hire on with an established auced. “Lefty was the good dresser. And people respect tion firm — simply to get a feel for the auction, the appearance … that’s just a given in this profession- duties, the cooperative nature of working together.” al world of auctioneering.” So how important is voice? “A strong voice simply So with this ‘dynamic duo’ of LaDon and Lefty, grows through experience. Even in our 18 years of who did the calling? “I mostly started the auctions auctioneering together, we kept learning new but that doesn’t mean the calling is most importhings. With PA systems, we don’t work so hard at tant,” commented Henslin. “Getting the bids and ‘talking strong.’ Today, my son Allen does three, directing them to the auctioneer is really what four, even up to five-hour auctions.” makes the business. And Lefty was a natural. See LAND MINDS, pg. 3
Lefty would at times do two auctions a day LAND MINDS, from pg. 2 Henslin added selecting auction clients is important also — simply because it’s good sense to work with respected, solid-reputation people. “Calling a sale for a questionable scoundrel just isn’t good judgment,” he said. “Auctions have personalities. Estate auctions are the best. Years back, auctioneers would talk about their upcoming bankruptcy sales, or foreclosure sales, or tax-forfeiture sales — thinking that would motivate a crowd. But not today … that’s negative chatter. I used to do seminars at auctioneering conventions: ‘Trouble Going IN, Trouble Going OUT.’ If you’ve got trouble setting up a sale, chances are you’ll have trouble getting out also.” Henslin recalls he and Lefty sometimes doing two auctions per day — especially if only farm and/or house sales. Estate sales typically involved equipment, buildings and land and are one-day events. Speaking for his firm, Henslin says, “Right now we’re doing extremely well — both with real estate and farm equipment. Farmers are buying good used equipment. This corona pandemic hasn’t hurt our business. However, it definitely has spurred more internet auctions. Yes, we’re still doing live sales, but we advise social distancing. People are fair, people are cooperative. What’s ahead? I don’t know and it seems no one else does either. “Farm people are wonderful — whether buying or selling, or just looking around. We’ve been blessed over the years. Yes, I sense a religious atmosphere in our rural folks and we’re grateful.” Henslin admits to a bit more work in putting a farm auction together these days … more travel, more services, just more effort. “We never used to wash up machinery. Farmers would have their equipment readied up. Today we often do power washers with soap; and we provide a skid loader to help line up machinery. Years ago all the neighbors helped. Today, fewer neighbors and the kids have gone on to college or other jobs. And now we do cataloging ... a complete listing of all items plus some pedigree info. Now an on-line bidder in Kansas can view the equipment without even being present. That’s the world today and we’re proud to be a part of it.” “Yes, fewer auctions these days because there’s fewer farms. But it’s still fun. I say auctioneers are like boxers; they never know when to get out of the ring. But I’m seeing some of my long-time friends called to their final resting — guys like Guste Blad, Bruce Loftness, Vic Rennecke, also Hall of Fame member Abner Jacobsen — all within the last year. And now my very special friend, Lefty. However, it’s been a good life and still is. Thank the good Lord and God bless America,” summed up Henslin. A public celebration of Lefty’s life is planned for a later date. Dick Hagen is the staff writer emeritus of The Land. He may be reached at rdhagen35@gmail.com. v
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www.thelandonline.com — “Where Farm and Family Meet”
Sixty days until the farm and food world shakes In March 1919, American journalist Nov. 3. Its results — whomever wins — John Reed published Ten Days that will shake the nation and world as much Shook the World, his eyewitness book on and for as long as what Reed recorded a one of the new century’s most defining century ago. events: the Russian Revolution. This is especially so for rural Eighty years later, Reed’s groundbreakAmericans because their communities, ing work was still shaking the world. farms and ranches sit on the precipice of New York University ranked it seventh enormous change. Many of the forces on its list of the 20th century’s 100 most FARM & FOOD FILE driving these changes, like climate, consequential works. The reason for its require global coordination. Others, like By Alan Guebert high position, the university noted, was tariff wars and biofuel policy, are nation“the magnitude of the event being al issues which demand swift overreported on…” haul. A few, like property taxes, must be addressed quickly and locally. In 60 or so days, American voters face an event of similar magnitude: Election Day, All, however, require public action built on political consensus if U.S. farmers and ranchers are to have anywhere near as bright futures as their forebears dreamed of and drove towards. Where to start? At the beginning, notes Todd Hultman in the September issue of Progressive Farmer, by openly acknowledging “those in agriculture” (that’s you and me) “know something is deeply wrong.” We know this because, he points out, it’s as obviStandard all round 30 COLORS 26-29 GAUGE durability ous as the nose on our face. “If we go by USDA’s national estimates … in 2020-21, corn will lose $89 an acre, and soybeans will lose $41 an acre.” A lead market analyst for DTN, Hultman also said livestock producers “who purchased 560-pound feeder steers to finish … lost $144.67 per head” from Oct. 2019 to June 2020 while farrow-to-finish hog producers “lost $23.20 a head…” over a similar period. So “Instead of passing the hat” (bellying up to the federal trough for ever-bigger bailout schemes) “and Standing seam architecture 30 COLORS 26-29 GAUGE look for half the price pretending everything is fine, maybe it’s time we had a larger conversation about the financial participation of others in the food supply chain.” Great idea — let’s begin with who these “others in the food supply chain” are and what we might say to them in a “larger conversation.” Obvious “others” would be the first and last links in the international food supply chain: the swagger-
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ing, loosely-regulated giants in seed, crop protection, fertilizer, meatpacking, grain merchandising, and food manufacturing that carve up, then capture, government and markets alike. Other “others” would be U.S. government agencies charged with food safety and market antitrust — like the Department of Justice, the Food and Drug Administration, and the Department of Agriculture — that could do more to level the farm and food playing field for every participant large or small instead of clearing the way for the powerful. Additional “others” must include American farm and commodity groups — as well as long past-theirdue-date commodity checkoffs — that continue to advocate 1970s “we feed the world” U.S. farm policies despite 50 years of trade deals that have made almost every nation a competitor and almost every American farmer and rancher a sitting duck. And, surely, “others” would include American consumers who have never paid the real cost of food because of industry-designed, government-enforced policies which shelter large parts of the food chain (like sugar, ethanol, and confined livestock and poultry production) from global markets through tariffs, mandated usage, and weak environmental policies. All of these “others” — from the biggest corporation to the smallest farm — must be heard as farmers, ranchers, agribusiness and Congress move to write a new farm bill in the coming four years. That new law either can acknowledge the profound changes American farmers and ranchers face and act as a springboard to new crops, new farms and new markets; or it can tighten its grip on the past and its monocultures and feedlots that will require ever-bigger taxpayer bailouts. Either way, change is coming. World-shaking change. The Farm and Food File is published weekly through the United States and Canada. Past columns, events and contact information are posted at www.farmandfoodfile.com. v
Intelligence Committee, in its final report, says The recent wind event across Iowa was a little multiple Trump campaign members colluded with taste of what’s to come with climate change. Anti- Russia in 2016. Trump’s “no collusion” assertion is just one more of the 20,000 lies and “misstatescience Republicans seem uninterested; and ments.” Russian election interference continues Trump, our anti-science leader, has been killing according to the conclusion of American intellius with his slow Covid response. We’ve seen gence agencies. Trump’s willy-nilly use of tariffs Trump’s attempt to sabotage the Postal Service, his abuse of pardons, his firing of inspectors gen- against friends and foe is a very poor long-term eral, his lack of morals and family values with his strategy. China has learned that we are not a splitting of families and locking children in cages, reliable trading partner. Our farming future has his admitted sexual assaults, and he continues to been damaged. seek an end to insurance coverage for pre-existGreg Rendahl ing conditions. Now, the Republican Senate Ostrander, Minn.
www.thelandonline.com — “Where Farm and Family Meet”
Much like our crops, our soul needs quenching too A big event is happening none of it matters. Even in what’s lacking, I can question God’s in my corner of creation the driest years, irrigation faithfulness. My finite world barks this morning. I could tell by isn’t enough. The only real with my own (and others’) shortcomthe number of text messagantidote to drought is a sat- ings and lack of faith to a point that I es I received within a short urating rain. look to God and question His ability to window of time and I’m remain faithful. Not only do I realize how guessing that if I would little control I have in dry I have felt much like these dry corn have walked outside, I seasons, but I am also made plants the last couple of months. My would have heard celebraaware of the faultiness of soul has felt parched. I’ve been DEEP ROOTS tory shouts coming from a my faith. I easily forget retracting and disengaging from those five mile radius. It rained! By Whitney Nesse what God has already given closest to me in a futile attempt to Not just a sprinkle either. It me and I look only at safeguard my fragile soul. I’ve used all poured for a good amount of time — what’s lacking. In my hyperfocus on of the topical applications for spiritual followed by a gentile rain which completely saturated the dry ground. The rains this morning came unaccompanied. There was no hail, no strong wind, or any other threatening phenoms tagging along. It was simply a long-awaited, refreshing soak; and it came right on time. “The grandkids are pretty excited!” said Paul Hamlin, The area of central Minnesota in winner of the Radio Flyer which I live has been very dry for the custom wagon given away last few months. Many times we have by The Land magazine on optimistically watched rain systems Aug. 14. on the radar come directly at us and Hamlin operates the fizzle at the last minute or take a family farm by Le Roy, southbound turn giving our neighbors Minn., renting the acreage a mere 10 miles away torrential rains from his dad. “We grow containing enough moisture for an 142 acres of corn and 120 entire season. acres of soybeans,” he With each passing dry day, we said, “plus some hay acres watched the leaves on the corn plants and pasture.” Hamlin curl more and more, creating for them- raises Angus cattle: 12 milkers, a bull and a handselves less leaf area exposed to the dry, stressful environment. The beauti- ful of animals to keep the freezer stocked. ful emerald color of the healthy corn plant turns to a silvery gray in an “Everything is looking attempt to protect itself from the real good,” Hamlin said. He scorching sun. was especially pleased with the hay crop this year Then, all at once, a timely, soaking and said his small grain yields were good as well. The corn is at 70 percent moisrain falls. You can practically watch ture, so Hamlin expects to begin chopping silage soon. the leaves on the corn plants relax, Like many smaller operators these days, Hamlin also works off the farm — uncurling, opening themselves up to driving semi truck. Last week he hauled feed ingredients to Kentucky and came receive the provided moisture. The back with cotton seed from Tennessee and Missouri. “One is my side job and the color changes back to a deep, rich, other is my regular job,” Hamlin laughed. “You can pick which is which.” emerald green. The plants no longer look as if they are isolating and keepHamlin said he has been reading The Land for a number of years and really ing to themselves, but are again in enjoys Kent Thiesse’s “Farm Programs” column. communion across the shared land — Pictured with The Land General Manager Deb Petterson (far left) are Paul and stretching themselves out as if to say Cindy Hamlin and grandchildren Adeline and Everett. a word of thanks for the long-awaited relief from the dry spell. Dry seasons show those of us who depend on the land just how little conSend your letters to: Editor, The Land trol we have over outcomes. A steward of the land can put on endless P.O. Box 3169, Mankato, MN 56002 amounts of fertilizer, have the best e-mail: editor@thelandonline.com weed and pest control and map out All letters must be signed and accompanied with a phone number (not for publication) field prescriptions for a bumper crop; but if the soil is lacking moisture,
LeRoy farmer wins The Land subscriber drawing
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fullness like prayer, studying the Bible, attending church services and the like. I feel as though my faith is being tested. I wonder if God is capable of being who He has promised to be: faithful, a just judge, a wonderful counselor and sovereign over all. I’m finding that my faith is faulty and my soul is dry. My pastor reminded me during a recent service that when I choose to be “faithful to God (even for a moment), He will be faithful to me for a lifetime.” When I question God’s promises during dry seasons of my spiritual journey, but I choose — even momentarily — to be faithful to God, He is always faithful to pour out His promises and blessings on me. I’ve been looking to the well-worn story of Noah and the Ark for encouragement lately. God told Noah to build an ark because He was sending a flood. We aren’t told specifically in Genesis 6-8 how many years passed between the time God told Noah to build an ark and the start of the rain, but Bible scholars say it took somewhere between 70 and 75 years. Noah chose, in the moment that God asked something of him, to be faithful to God. Noah worked, waited and watched for the sky to open up and for God to fulfill His promise for 70 YEARS! I can only imagine that Noah had to, at some point, feel much like I am right now — dry and full of faulty faith. But God, in His perfect timing, sent the rains and flooded the earth just like He promised. If Noah hadn’t chosen to be faithful in that moment, the entire human race would have been lost. The rains came for Noah, the rains came to our farming community, and I am choosing to believe that rain will fall and quench my dry spirit too. I am choosing to continue to trust that God will fulfill every good and perfect promise that He has made in His perfect timing. I am also going to head out and check the rain gauge. Whitney Nesse is a sixth-generation livestock farmer who is deeply rooted in her faith and family. She writes from her central Minnesota farm. v
www.thelandonline.com — “Where Farm and Family Meet”
No matter how you stuff them, it’s green pepper time! 3/4 cup chicken broth (or water) Oh 2020 … you definitely know how to throw a punch or two — or 50! Cook the meat and chickpeas. In a medium heavy pot, heat 1 tablespoon of extra virgin oil. Sauté the But there are glimmers of hope and chopped onions until golden. Now add the meat and happy surprises too. One of those simple cook over medium-high heat, stirring occasionally, ones is the abundant supply of beautiful until deeply browned. Season with salt, pepper, allgreen bell peppers which have emerged spice and minced garlic (or garlic powder). Stir in the from our garden. They’re as big as a softchickpeas and cook briefly. Add rice etc. and cook. To ball, perfect in shape and tasty to eat. the same pot, now add the parsley, rice (which had COOKING I know that we’re not the only ones this been soaked in water and drained), paprika and tomaWITH KRISTIN year with a bumper pepper crop as I’ve to sauce. Stir to combine. Add the water and bring to a heard from many other gardeners. They By Kristin Kveno high simmer until the liquid has reduced by half. Then too have a plethora of gorgeous green turn the heat to low, cover and cook for 20 minutes or peppers. until the rice is fully cooked and no longer hard nor too chewy. Taste Here’s a way to enjoy the peppers: stuff them. and adjust seasoning to your liking. Since I was a little kid, stuffed peppers have always While the rice is cooking, heat a grill or indoor griddle or skillet been one of my favorite meals. The traditional reciover medium-high. Grill the bell peppers for 10-15 minutes, covered, pe with tomato sauce, rice and ground beef stuffed and turning over as needed so that the peppers will soften and gain into peppers has been my go-to meal to make for some color. Remove from heat and set aside to cool briefly. Preheat decades now. Since we have so many peppers, I’ve expanded my stuffed pepper recipes and tried some the oven to 350 degrees. Assemble the bell peppers open side up in a baking dish filled new ones. Here’s a few that will tantalize your taste with 3/4 cup broth or water. Fill each of the bell peppers with the buds and use up some of those delicious peppers. I’m a huge fan of Greek food. The spices, the flavors, it’s all so good. When I came across these Greek stuffed peppers, I knew I had to give it a try and it definitely didn’t disappoint. The chickpeas really give the dish some extra umph. Opa!
Greek Stuffed Peppers
https://www.themediterraneandish.com/stuffed-peppers-recipe/ Greek extra virgin olive oil 1 small yellow onion, chopped 1/2 pound ground beef Kosher salt and black pepper 1 teaspoon ground allspice 2 garlic cloves, minced (or 1 tsp garlic powder) 1 cup cooked or canned chickpeas, drained and rinsed 1 small bunch fresh parsley, chopped 1 cup white rice, soaked in water for 20 to 30 minutes, then drained 3/4 teaspoon hot or sweet paprika 1/4 cup tomato sauce 2-1/4 cup water 6 bell peppers, any colors, tops removed and cored
cooked stuffing mixture of meat, rice and chickpeas. Cover the baking dish with foil (making sure the foil does not touch the stuffed peppers) and place the dish on the middle rack of your heated oven. Bake for 20-30 minutes. Remove from the oven and garnish with parsley, if you like, and serve. To serve stuffed peppers as a main dish Greek style, add Tzatziki and Greek salad for sides.
n If we’re trying Greek stuffed peppers, then we should try it’s neighbor — the Italian stuffed peppers. The tangy marinara, the cheeses, the beef all combine for a classic Italian dish stuffed in a pepper.
Italian Stuffed Peppers
https://cookingwithmammac.com/italian-stuffed-peppers/ 4 bell peppers 1 pound ground beef 1 onion (yellow or red) 1/2 teaspoon red pepper flakes
1/8 teaspoon salt 1 quart marinara sauce 1 cup cooked long-grain rice (or use brown rice or quinoa) 1 cup grated Pecorino Romano 1 cup shredded mozzarella cheese 8 fresh basil leaves Fill a 6-quart pot 2/3 full with hot water. Place over high heat on the stove and cover. Rinse your peppers and pat them dry. Cut out the stems and slice each pepper in half. Scrape out the seeds and membranes and discard them. When your water is boiling, carefully place the pepper halves in the pot. Boil the peppers for three minutes. Carefully drain the peppers in a colander in the sink. Use tongs to turn the peppers so the cut sides face down, allowing the water to drain out of them. Let them sit in the colander as you make your meat filling. Peel your onion and chop it. Preheat your oven to 375 degrees. Grate your Pecorino and shred your mozzarella, if needed. Add your ground beef to a 12-inch skillet on the stove over medium-high heat. Break up the meat with a wooden spoon. After a minute, stir in the chopped onions, red pepper flakes and salt. Cook, stirring frequently, until the meat is browned and the onions are tender. If you have lots of liquid, drain most of it. Stir in 1 1/2 cups of marinara sauce to the meat mixture. Stir in the rice. Add the Pecorino Romano and stir to combine. Cook the mixture for a couple minutes, or until it›s heated through. Prepare a half sheet pan or a 10x15 baking pan for the peppers. If using a sheet pan, line it with foil and grease it with cooking spray. If using a 10x15 pan, just grease it with spray. Add your drained pepper halves to your baking pan, cut side up. Scoop about three tablespoons of the meat filling into each pepper half. Add more meat as needed, until each pepper half is filled to the surface. Scatter any extra meat filling around the peppers in your pan. Sprinkle each pepper half with two tablespoons of shredded mozzarella. Gently pat the cheese onto the peppers. Bake, uncovered, for 15 minutes at 375 degrees. Then, broil the peppers for two minutes to brown the cheese, if desired. While the peppers are baking, gently rinse your basil leaves and pat them dry. Stack a few leaves, roll them up and slice them into ribbons. When the stuffed peppers are done, sprinkle the basil on top and serve with extra marinara sauce. Refrigerate leftovers for up to four days.
www.thelandonline.com — “Where Farm and Family Meet”
Growers enthused with the condition of 2020 crops
Andy Pulk — Wannaska, Minn. Aug. 27
“We’re in the middle of oats harvest.” The Land spoke with Andy Pulk on Aug. 27 as he reported the conditions weren’t ideal for harvest as he’s dealing with high humidity. Some oat fields look really good, some were drowned out. Pulk esti- Andy Pulk mates that he has another day left swathing oats. He started on Aug. 24. Unfortunately, rain is expected tomorrow night. “If we get rain it will delay us at least three days.” Pulk explained that the farm seems to be stuck in a bad weather pattern, with rain every few days. It’s been a challenge to get the oats done. With corn, Pulk feels the potential is there; but the crop is about 10 days behind. “We haven’t started denting yet.” Pulk is concerned the corn won’t reach black layer this fall. Depending on how the crop looks at the end of September, Pulk may have to chop it for silage. When frost hits will dictate what Pulk will do with the crop. He’s keeping his fingers crossed that the frost stays away for a long time. “Beans have come a long way. I will have some beans that are above average.” The heat has helped the crops lately. Pulk has gotten all the prevent plant ground tilled as well as the rye grass ground. The crops seemed to have rebounded some from all the rain and Pulk has been able to get in the field and get work done. “I’m glad with the progress we’ve made.”
Creep Feeder On Wheels $3,279 Steer Feeder $3,199
Compiled by KRISTIN KVENO – The Land Staff Writer
Deters — Sauk Centre, Minn. Colby Aug. 31 “We got done with fourth crop hay last week.” The Land spoke with Colby Deters on Aug. 31 as he reported the hay was impressive. “Good tonnage, good quality.” In the last week, the Deters farm received one and a half inches of rain. “It’s not causing too much problems yet. It’s not a mud bog; but if it Colby Deters rains much more it will be another muddy silage season.” Speaking of silage, Deters expect to be chopping silage in about a week to 10 days. “From silage, to earlage, from there we’ll do a little baleage and manure hauling.” Deters will then roll right into grain corn. This week Deters is working on getting the all the equipment ready for silage. He’ll also be crossing other items off the to-do list. “Getting our plan lined up and the pile area ready.” The weather looks to be drier with more seasonable temperatures in the next week, perfect silage conditions. “Right now, it looks pretty nice.” Deters said. These next few months will be busy in the field and Deters is looking forward to it as he expects there to be some great yields out there. “We’re all pretty excited.”
Spanier Welding and Metal Fabrication Paynesville, MN 320-243-7552 www.spanierwelding.com
Todd Wentzel — Murdock, Minn. Aug. 28
“It’s soggy right now.” The Land spoke with Todd Wentzel on Aug. 28 as he reported one and a quarter inches of rain fell at the farm last night. “We have an Todd Wentzel abundance of moisture right now.” Three inches has fallen in the last two weeks. “The (soy)beans look good — real good.” While the soybeans are doing well, the black beans are getting closer to harvest. Wentzel expects to be in the field by next week. He’s looking forward to seeing the results from his first black bean harvest. The forecast calls for temperatures in the 70s and 80s, along with little to no chance for precipitation for the next 10 days — ideal harvest conditions. As for the corn, Wentzel is pleased with how the crop is doing. “Most of the corn looks real good.” Wentzel continues to get ready for harvest as well as working with customers. “I’m working on my seed business doing field plans for people.” Even though there have been some rough times this summer with hail and moisture issues, Wentzel is optimistic that harvest will see some solid yields. “It will be a good crop in the area.”
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Grain Outlook Corn sale to China boosts price, but it didn’t last
Livestock Angles Glut of animals holding down livestock prices
The following marketing weekly 4 mmt offered at aucAs the month of August The export market has been analysis is for the week endtion was not fully subscribed. comes to a close, the livestock a bit busier; which has helped ing Sept. 3. Only one-third of the amount markets appear to be changprices of beef advance in was sold, but this may be ing their current upward recent weeks. However, with CORN — An exciting start because no cheaper 2015 corn price trends. Fundamental schools not opening because to the week as we closed out was included. Higher priced changes in supplies in all facof the Covid virus, the school August; and December corn 2016-2018 corn was in the ets — for both cattle and hogs lunch demand for meat is soared to take out the July auction. China has sold 56.8 — halted the recent rallies likely to drop off to some double top at $3.63 and surmmt of reserve corn this year experienced over the past 30 degree. At this time it doesn’t passed the 200-day moving appear to be much more than JOE TEALE average for the first time PHYLLIS NYSTROM compared to 21.1 mmt last days. year by this time. a correction after a couple of CHS H edging Inc. Broker since October. December ran The supplies beef — and months of increased prices in S t. Paul Great Plains Commodity to a high of $3.64.25 — its Weather talk has already particularly the supplies of all areas of the trade. Afton, Minn. highest since March. begun to turn toward frost pork — have cast a negative Disappointing weekend rain prospects. Current forecasts shadow over the futures and The hog market appears to inspired the jump which was then for Sept. 8-12 suggest the potential for a cash markets during the last part of have a similar fate as the cattle maraided by a 23.5 million bushel corn sale hard frost in parts of Minnesota, North the month of August. Also, the recent ket: lower prices in the weeks ahead. to China. However, the surge didn’t Dakota and western Nebraska (subject supply numbers of either cattle on feed The pork cutout seems to be struggling last, and we closed near the day’s low. to change). Along with the cold front or the hog inventory reports have indi- at the present time as prices have gone Sept. 1 brought an identical sale to will come higher chances for rain, that cated bigger numbers available for sideways recently. The futures market China, but even that wasn’t enough to may delay harvest starts in Nebraska. slaughter for both. Unless we see an suffered a weekly reversal during the bring buyers into the market. Through At this point, additional rainfall will be increase in demand for either beef or last full week of August which normalpork, one might conclude that weaker ly signals an end to the trend — which Sept. 3, China has purchased approxi- of small use to maturing crops. mately 343.7 million bushels for the Brazil did not renew their zero-tariff prices for both cattle and hogs might be had been up. Therefore, at minimum, there should be a short-term correction 2020-21 crop year and is likely higher quota for ethanol imports. The 198 mil- imminent. depending on how many sales to lion gallon zero-tariff quota was used The cattle market has seen a slow- in both cash and futures over the next unknown will eventually end up being nearly exclusively for U.S. ethanol down in the movement of beef the past week or so. to China. imports. They are considering re-imple- several weeks and the futures market If demand for pork remains strong menting the zero-tariff quota for three has reacted with a sell-off in the past during that period it should help keep Is China facing a corn shortage? A months, but all U.S. ethanol imports are couple of weeks. The sluggish action in the correction in prices to a minimum. Reuters survey of analysts feels China could experience a corn deficit in the currently subject to a 20 percent tariff. the futures trade and the packers back- The real negative to the market at the coming year of up to 30 million metric Brazil reportedly is wanting to renego- ing down their bids for live inventory present time is the amount of pork in tons (1.18 billion bushels). China’s low- tiate trade terms with the United States seem to have cast a slightly negative cold storage. There will have to be a attitude as we move into the month of decrease in that cold storage number to tariff quota for corn is 7.2 mmt (283.5 on imports of Brazilian sugar. September. halt the negative outlook for hog prices million bushels) but is expected to be See NYSTROM, pg. 9 and to end the current push toward exceeded for the first time. There are lower levels. v estimates China could import up to 15 mmt of U.S. corn (590 million) with 9 to 10 mmt already on the books to either China or unknown destinations. corn/change* soybeans/change* St. Cloud $3.06 +.11 $8.98 +.48 Food inflation is the highest in the 10 Madison $3.07 +.14 $9.01 +.53 years and state reserve stocks are Redwood Falls $3.08 -.01 $9.04 +.54 believed to be minimal as corn prices in China’s breadbasket hit five-year highs Fergus Falls $2.92 +.09 $8.93 +.53 in late August. China’s agriculture min Morris $2.97 +.10 $8.97 +.52 ister projects 2020-21 corn production Tracy $3.05 +.14 $8.99 +.53 of 266.5 mmt with ending stocks at a Average: $3.03 $8.99 negative 16.7 mmt. Other grains could fill part of any feed shortfall, including Year Ago Average: $3.27 $7.64 barley, sorghum or feed wheat. China is Grain prices are effective cash close on Sept. 8. urging citizens to limit food waste. *Cash grain price change represents a two-week period. For only the second time ever, China’s
Cash Grain Markets
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Information in the above columns is the writer’s opinion. It is no way guaranteed and should not be interpreted as buy/sell advice. Futures trading always involves a certain degree of risk.
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Recent swing in soybean price may not last to harvest NYSTROM, from pg. 8 Ukraine’s corn crop estimates are shrinking with APK-Informa cutting their corn production estimate from 38.2 mmt to 35.2 mmt. Their export sales estimates were lowered 3 percent from last year to 28.5 mmt. The Ukrainian economic ministry early in the week had lowered their Ukrainian corn export forecast 4 mmt to 29 mmt. The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s latest forecast is 39.5 mmt with exports at 33.5 mmt. A few private crop estimates for next week’s World Agricultural Supply and Demand Estimates report are surfacing. Early yield numbers range from 174.8 bushels per acre to 179.6 bu./acre. Crop size ranges from 14.68 billion to 15.085 billion bushels compared to USDA’s August 181.8 bu./acre yield and production at 15.278 billion bushels. Weekly export sales were 3.8 million for old crop and 94.1 million bushels for new crop (45.47 million to China). Both numbers were at the high end of expectations. Total commitments for old crop are 1.755 billion bushels vs. WASDE’s 1.795 billion fore-
cast. New crop commitments are 621 million bushels vs. WASDE outlook for 2.225 billion bushels and last year at this time at 234.5 million bushels. We have a record book on for new crop for this week of the year. Weekly ethanol production fell 9,000 barrels per day to 922,000 bpd. Ethanol stocks increased 473,000 barrels to 20.9 million barrels. Net margins declined 2 cents to 13 cents/gallon. Weekly gasoline demand at 8.8 million bpd is down nearly 9 percent from last year. Corn conditions as of Aug. 30 fell 2 percent to 62 percent good/excellent vs. calls for a 2-3 percent decline. The crop was 63 percent dented vs. 56 percent average; 12 percent was mature vs. 10 percent average. Outlook: Funds have dramatically cut their short position in corn and it would go against history for them to build a long as we head into harvest. As of Aug. 25, funds held their smallest net short position since January. The demand side and uncertainty lingering over what the U.S. crop size will be has provided good support to the market. Have we factored in the bullish news for now? Basis levels have firmed to encourage bushels into the market before new crop supplies are available, leading some to question where the 201920 2.2-billion-bushel carryout is and what it will take COOKING WITH KRISTIN, from pg. 6 to move it. n December has a gap below the market at $3.45.5 to Shrimp in peppers? Yes, please. This is effortless to prepare $3.48 that may act as short-term support with resisand tastes amazing. tance at this week’s $3.64.25 high as short-term resistance. This range may bracket prices before the Shrimp Stuffed Peppers Sept. 11 WASDE report. The USDA is resurveying https://www.food.com/recipe/shrimp-stuffed-green-peppersIowa farmers for harvested acres and will reflect any 370076?photo=212090 change in the September WASDE report. 4 green bell peppers For the month of August, December corn rallied 2 cups cooked white rice 30.75 cents. For the week ended Sept. 3, December 8 ounces cooked shrimp, cut into bite sized pieces corn was down 5.5 cents at $3.53.75 and the December 1 cup salsa 2021 contract was just a quarter-cent lower at $3.82 1 cup low-fat sour cream per bushel. 1 cup green onion, chopped 1 teaspoon ground cumin SOYBEANS — Soybeans followed a similar path 1 teaspoon salt as corn to start the week, trading to prices not seen since January! China reappeared in the soybean Preheat oven to 350. Lightly oil a shallow baking dish, about market with an early week announcement of 4.85 9x9 inches. Cut the tops off the bell peppers and reserve. Wash million bushels, with another 4.85 million to China peppers and clean out the seeds and membranes. Bring a large and 11.7 million bushels to unknown destinations saucepan of water to boil and add the bell peppers. Boil for 2 later in the week. The high for the recent rally in minutes, then remove and drain. Combine rice thru salt. Gently stuff the mixture into the peppers, then stand them in the baking November beans as of Sept. 3 was $9.68.25 per bushdish. Put the tops back on the peppers. Bake for 40 minutes until el. There were spots around the Midwest that paid $9.00 per bushel for new crop delivery, allowing for tender. growers to add to sales. No matter how you stuff them, peppers are the Weekly soybean conditions didn’t decline quite as perfect way to jazz up your dinner. Grab some pepmuch as anticipated — down 3 percent at 66 percent pers from the garden and give these recipes a try good/excellent as of Aug. 30 vs. expectations for a 3-4 tonight! percent decrease. There was 8 percent dropping Kristin Kveno scours the internet, pours over old leaves, spot-on the average. family recipes and searches everywhere in between Private crop estimates have begun to show up with to find interesting food ideas for feeding your crew. early ranges from 51 bu./acre to 53 bu.’acre compared Do you have a recipe you want to share? You can reach Kristin at kkveno@thelandonline.com. v to the August USDA figure of 53.3 bu./acre. Crop sizes are ranging from 4.23 to 4.39 billion bushels vs.
Stuffed peppers
USDA’s August outlook for 4.425 billion bushels. Weekly export sales were 3.2 million bushels for old crop, bringing total commitments to 1.745 billion bushels. The USDA’s target was 1.65 billion bushels. New crop sales were 64.8 million bushels (36.7 million bushels to China), bringing total commitments to 888.7 million bushels. This is a record for new crop sales at this time of year. The USDA’s current projection is 2.125 billion bushels. We are well ahead of last year’s new crop sales of 235.3 million bushels. In their daily announcements, the USDA reported 4.85 million bushels of soybeans were sold to China, and 11.68 million bushels sold to unknown destinations in the first four days of the week ending Aug. 3. Prices had rallied on pre-announcement rumors and were factored into prices before the announcements. The July National Agriculture Statistics Service Oilseed Crush report showed 184.5 million bushels were crushed compared to 183 million estimated. This was a new monthly record. Soyoil stocks were 2.124 billion pounds vs. 2.131 billion pounds expected. Outlook: As of Aug. 25, funds held their largest net long in soybeans since May 2018. Will they continue to add as harvest approaches? The market has provided the opportunity for growers to make catch-up sales on both old and new crop. Great demand from China and funds adding to their net length has prompted the upswing. Whether this can last into harvest, which is just around the corner, is questionable. However, it does look like China will be around the U.S. market until South American supplies once again become available. U.S. harvest weather, early yield reports, and South American planting weather will be the next market movers. The bulls need to be fed every day. If new export sales announcements dry up, so could the buying. For the month of August, November soybeans soared 61 cents. For the week ended Sept. 3, November soybeans rallied 15.5 cents to $9.66 and the November 2021 contract was 11.25 cents higher at $9.49 per bushel. Nystrom’s Notes: Contract changes for the week as of the close on Sept. 3: Chicago December wheat was up 4.5 cents at $5.53.25, Kansas City up 3.5 cents at $4.75.75, and Minneapolis wheat 8 cents higher at $5.47.25 per bushel. v
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Bins are being emptied to make way for 2020 harvest By DICK HAGEN The Land Staff Writer Emeritus With a generous harvest about to unfold, farmers again face the perennial question: will there be enough storage capacity? An early August projection of a 197 bushels per acre state average yield for the 2020 Minnesota corn crop created mountains of “coffee shop” chatter. With combines about ready to crank up, even coffee shop conservatives are chattering, “By gum, that 197 yield is going to happen.” Minnesota Corn Growers Association Board Member Harold Wolle of Cannon Falls, Minn. shared a comment on Aug. 20 which likely fits most Minnesota corn producers: “It certainly looks good at this point.” Wolle points out lots of grain has been moving off farms recently to make ready for the big harvest. “We’ve got all our bins cleaned out. Most of my neighbors have been hauling corn. We should have storage. We’ve built a new bin and receiving system on our own farm. It looks great and should be ready to go. However, our electrical contractor right now has a problem getting some key parts. And like most of us farmers, I’m saying ‘Here we go again!’ Any construction project seems to drag on later than you want it to.” “It looks like an early start — way earlier than last year. On some of our early corn, the husks are turn-
ing brown. And with all this sunshine, plus good rainfall patterns, we’re heading for early maturity and good test weights too. Those corn plants couldn’t ask for better growing conditions this year.” Yes, Wolle, like other corn growers, pays attention to markets — especially export markets. And he’s well-tuned to China’s recent significant purchases of U.S. agricultural products. But his seasoned eye is cautious. “So many of our export potentials come with political issues attached; and that certainly is the case with China. Consider their dominance in the South China Sea; their ongoing issues with Hong Kong. I understand China is rebuilding their hog industry which was the world’s largest. But now they apparently have problems within their own farming sector. I wish my crystal ball was a little clearer — suggesting a continual need for U.S. corn and soybeans to feed their rejuvenated hog industry.” Minnesota corn and soybean farmers are aware of the tremendous storm damage across central Iowa. Wolle acknowledges the derecho might have produced some ‘market bumps’ in Minnesota commodities. But he also cautions, “You know if there’s corn in those fields, those Iowa farmers are going to harvest what they can. It’s going to be a terrible mess for those guys; but they too have lots of resolve. Total field loss remains to be seen … but will it be a major market mover? I don’t think so,” summed up this Watonwan county veteran crop farmer.
Minnesota Corn Growers President Les Anderson, living in Goodhue County, had this to say: “Yes, storage is likely to be tight because we’re harvesting a mighty big crop.” But Anderson also noted that because of strong basis earlier this season, a lot of grain has moved to market. “The river is carrying lots of grain downstream to New Orleans and that’s important for our export market. Rail traffic is strong. China is back in the market and that’s a good sign for America’s farmers too.” Summed up Anderson, “Storage will be tight like always. Yes, farmers and elevators keep expanding their own capacities. This earlier harvest will help. But I think it important to understand that a big crop is always a good problem to have. We producers are known for being flexible. Some of that may be needed such as shed storage in empty machine shed space.” Like all corn producers Anderson hesitates to predict yields on his 600 acres of corn and 500 acres of soybeans. But he’s comfortable about 200-plus bushels per acre on his best corn ground. “Compared with last year, I think most all producers will be okay with their 2020 cropping season. And with China seemingly in a buying mood these days — plus both Mexico and Canada now steady customers, I’m okay about the trend line these days.” v
New program can make grain bin safety more affordable ST. PAUL — Minnesota farmers who want to add safety equipment to their on-farm grain storage facilities can now apply for the Minnesota Department of Agriculture’s new Grain Storage Facility Safety Cost-Share program. The program reimburses up to 75 percent of the cost to buy, ship and install eligible safety equipment for on-farm grain bins or silos. The program will pay up to $400 per bin or silo, with a limit of $2,400 per farm per year. The Minnesota Legislature appropriated $50,000 for this new program earlier this year. “We’ve seen many tragedies in the recent past around grain bin accidents and I can tell you each one is devastating to a family and a whole community,” Agriculture Commissioner Thom Petersen said. “We’re thankful to legislators for allowing us to help farmers reduce the cost of reducing risk on the farm.”
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Examples of eligible equipment include fall protection systems, engineering controls that prevent contact with an auger or other moving parts, dust collection systems that minimize explosion hazards, personal protective equipment that increases the likelihood of surviving a grain-bin-related emergency, grain silo air quality monitoring equipment, and other grain storage facility safety equipment with prior approval from the MDA.
The MDA is accepting applications through June 30, 2021, or until all funds are exhausted. Funds will be awarded on a first-come, first-served basis. For more information and to apply, visit https:// www.mda.state.mn.us/grainstoragesafetycostshare This article was submitted by the Minnesota Department of Agriculture. v
Funds boost livestock processing capacity ST. PAUL — The Minnesota Department of Agriculture has awarded $208,213 to 46 Minnesota livestock processing plants and producers to help them increase capacity for slaughter, processing and storage in the wake of supply chain disruptions caused by the Covid-19 pandemic. The MDA Agricultural Growth, Research, and Innovation (AGRI) offered up to $5,000 to offset the cost of expenses such as adding coolers, refrigeration units, slaughter and processing equipment. The grant funding required a 1:1 match and expenses must make immediate impact on the state’s capacity to process or store Minnesota-raised livestock, poultry, milk and eggs. The MDA awarded grants to 21 licensed, customexempt processing plants, 11 state equal-to process-
ing plants, six USDA-inspected processing plants and eight livestock producers with storage needs. Other MDA efforts to help deal with capacity issues at Minnesota livestock processing plants included making earlier awards of $345,000 in valueadded grants to nine Minnesota meat processors to help them increase capacity, working with existing Equal-To processors to expand capacity, and developing an expedited approval process for plants wanting to sell wholesale. For a complete list of the grant recipients, visit https://www.mda.state.mn.us/agri-livestock-processing-rapid-response-mini-grant This article was submitted by the Minnesota Department of Agriculture. v
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Drive-in movies cover the subject of cover crops By PAUL MALCHOW but he’s not in it alone. “There’s The Land Managing Editor about five or six of us in a group,” he said. “The group is all using DUNDAS, Minn. — None of the same mix. We bounce ideas the titles were Hollywood blockoff of each other; what works, busters, but a series of short what we might want to do differfilms were shown on Aug. 27 — ent. We’re learning.” on the side of a shed. Films which were shown durThe Rice Soil and Water ing “Film on the Conservation District and the Farm” include Hugh Hammond Natural Resources Conservation Bennett: The Story of America’s Service teamed up to host a Private Land Conservation “drive-in” movie night for area Movement by NRCS; High farmers. The short films were Clearance Cover Crop Seeder lacking in car chases and explowith Andy Linder by Minnesota sions, but were informative on NRCS; No-Till Farming with the subjects of conservation tillCorn and Cover Crops in age and cover crops by producers Photos by Paul Malchow Southeastern Minnesota by in southern Minnesota. A beautiful summer evening and Larry Conrad’s machine shed served as the backdrop for Rice Organizers christened the SWCD’s “Film on the Farm” event on Aug. 27. Five films dealing with soil health and cover crops Minnesota NRCS; Growing No-Till Corn Silage and Cover event, “Film on the Farm,” and it were projected on the shed’s overhead door and viewers could catch the audio on their car Crops for Dairy in Southeastern took place on the Larry Conrad radios. Minnesota by Minnesota NRCS; Farm located a few miles from the grain is harvested. ”I get about 2,000 pounds of and Studying My Soil: A Dundas, Minn. forage after the grain,” he said, “and about a ton per Continuous Education through Trial and Error “Normally we would be hosting traditional in- acre for the cattle to graze.” (featuring Rice County farmer Dave Legvold) by person field days or meetings on the farm, but we’ve Strip-Till Farmer Magazine. Jack Schwab, who lives about 15 miles south of the heard mixed feelings from farmers regarding attendThe films were projected onto a large machine shed ing events because of the threat of Covid-19,” said Conrad farm, is set to seed his first cover crop this year. He plans to seed rye in his first year to get his door and the audio for the movies were broadcast to Teresa DeMars with the Rice SWCD. “While some farmers are comfortable with attending events, oth- feet wet. “That’s why I’m here tonight,” he said. “I’m each vehicle using an FM transmitter (87.7 FM on ers do not want to expose themselves due to their behind a lot of these guys and I have a lot to learn. the car radio dial). Bags of popcorn were even handed age or health concerns. We decided to think outside But it’s exciting what I’m hearing and I’m looking out as movie-goers drove onto the farmstead. the box and came up with the nostalgic idea of hav- forward to it.” “We were looking for a way to do community outing a “drive-in” movie night. It should be a great Conrad smiled when asked about his involvement reach while at the same time keep people distant,” opportunity for all to get out of the house for an with organizing the “Film on the Farm” event. “My said Rice SWCD District Manager Steve Pahs. event while being safely protected inside their neighbor volunteered me!” he said. Conrad in in his “Events like this are becoming much more popular. vehicle.” fourth year of a cover crop mix on 600 acres of corn; We had to buy some equipment, but we’re really happy with the response.” The vehicles ranged from convertibles to SUVs to pickup trucks and the attendees Another piece of equipment at the Rice were varied as well. Dan Honken of Faribault SWCD’s disposal is an interseeder for cover is in his sixth year of utilizing cover crops. He crops. The seeding service is geared toward and his wife Erin came to the Conrad farm to farmers who have not previously used cover lend support for cover crops and the Rice crops; or land which has not had cover crops SWCD effort. “I’ve worked with a lot of these on it before. Those who take part in the propeople in the past,” he said. gram must commit to a three-year installation. The rate for the 2020 crop season is $30 Honken seeds 300 acres with a grazing per acre for a single species and $35 per acre mixture featuring winter rye for his 140 head for multi-species mixes. of livetock. “We’re seeing good results,” he said. “After the second year you could already More information can be obtained from tell the soil was better.” Rice SWCD by calling (507) 332-5408 or stopping at their office at 1810 30th St. NW in Honken is also a grower of Kernza. He likes Faribault, Minn. the perennial grain as it doesn’t require tilling and planting every year. “You get about The “Film on the Farm” event was made two or three years out of it,” he explained. possible by grant funding from the Minnesota “It’ll keep growing after that, but the plant Office For Soil Health, Minnesota Board of starts putting more into the grass and less Soil and Water Resources, Minnesota NRCS, into the grain.” and the Tri-Lakes Sportsman Club. v A brewery in Northfield, Minn. has made beer out of Honken’s Kernza, but he sells most of the grain for seed. He said an addi- Teresa DeMars with the Rice SWCD welcomed guests and gave a brief run-down of the technical aspects of the night at the movies. tional benefit of Kernza is what’s left after
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Freidrich: More than ever, farming efficiency is key By DICK HAGEN The Land Staff Writer Emeritus GIBBON, Minn. — Despite the Covid-19 crisis curtailing attendance at farm events everywhere, perfect weather accompanied the Beck’s Field Day events in Gibbon, Minn. The Aug. 18 and 19 offering produced sizeable turnouts both days. And if you attended with an inquisitive mind, chances are the talented Beck’s team might have answered every query — plus filling you with a barrage of information about new trends in corn production. Visual presentations took place in three large tents. There were also five Practical Farm Research tours each day to view scads of corn and soybean variety plots — often with major competing brand names in adjacent rows. (Plus, that much appreciated wrap up: a delicious BBQ lunch.) I managed to grab a few minutes with David Freidrich, Field Sales Marketing Lead from Beck’s headquarters in Atlanta, Ind. Freidrich was gracious enough to answer a few questions. The Land: Your presentation was titled, “The postmortem of modern corn production.” That’s an awesome topic. David, what’s your post mortem? Freidrich: (chuckling) Perhaps no surprise, our farming friends keep reminding us efficiency is the key. In simple terms, how can we at Beck’s help each farmer be more productive — while also helping reducing his overall costs per acre of crop production. For us, that means a continual source of information and technology to each farmer competing in this global market. The Land: So where do we start … better nitrogen management? Freidrich: All the inputs; but recognizing that nitrogen is one of the largest inputs in smart management. However, the more we look at this issue, the more additional elements we are identifying that also need strategy. Needless to say these are ongoing strategies. And that’s the substance of our Practical Farm Research program. We do comprehensive, innovative and practical agronomic research testing on hundreds of farms across the Midwest. Our farmers provide the test grounds; our trained agronomic teams do the inspections and evaluations. The Land: So far, so good David. But I’m a Renville County corn guy. What Beck hybrid should I plant in 2021? Friedrich: You cut to the core quickly. That must be because you’re also a farm writer. Here’s my answer: For a farmer to put his best foot forward each year he’s better off planting a package of products. Every acre needs to have the right hybrid on it. And that’s part of the sorting process. We’ve got what we call our ‘Choice Trial Plots’ which puts Beck’s hybrids next to the number-one and number-two hybrids in the industry. We have dozens of these plots across southern Minnesota this year. Your local Beck’s dealer can be sharing data
this fall after harvest for your particular area. And always consider that in this Midwest corn/soybean belt each growing season is subject to variations in weather and other crop challenges year by year. The Land: What do you see growers having to do to increase their return on investment? Friedrich: Back to our Choice Trial Plots … these are real measures of genetic value. Key here is that we are a regional company and we select products regionally selected for given production areas. I’m talking soil types, weather histories, etc. We’re examining each product to find out how it works in that particular micro environment. Competition often selects products that work across a larger geography. We select in a smaller environment like specifically for southern Minnesota. The Land: Last week, Minnesota was predicted to harvest a potential 197 bushels per acre corn crop this year. Believable? Friedrich: Some of the Minnesota growers I’ve met the past three years impress me as being some of the smartest farmers in the corn belt. And according to our sales team that I met with just this morning, they assured much the same on your anticipated yields this year. Simply saying, shaping up as the best year ever.
Indiana will have an exceptional crop year also. Last year, lots of challenges — starting with simply getting the crop in the ground. But we were blessed with good temps in August and September so were still blessed with good yields; but grain quality wasn’t so great. Lighter test weights and some overall kernel quality measurements not up to par. This year, plant health in both our corn and soybeans crops is good. I really would be surprised if we don’t see a lot of 100-bushel soybeans this year. On corn, highest verified yield in the corn belt was 618 bushels a couple years back. Going back to your lead question about the future of corn production: simply recognize that information is power. We have to know every square foot of our fields and manage those inputs each grower puts into his soils as efficiently as possible. Let me wrap up by saying Minnesota growers have really been welcoming to Beck’s Hybrids. We’ve had multiple shows here at this Gibbon location for three consecutive years — plus lots of dealer field days. Just the farming public has opened their arms and welcomed us. Since we’re a family-owned company and with many of our employees also farmers as well, we think like our Minnesota family farmers think. Seems we’ve got a lot in common and it’s a continuing great experience. v
Fall farming issues to consider FOLEY, Minn. — With this growing season coming to a close, it is time to be tying up those loose ends for this year and thinking about next year. While harvest has yet to happen, it is never too early to make sure those weed, disease and insect issues are recorded and available for reference for the next few years. By taking stock of what has happened in fields and recording that information now, prior to harvest, you won’t have to try and remember that information at the end of October. It is especially important that pest issues are properly identified and recorded. There have been reports of top dieback issues in soybeans. Top dieback resembles potassium deficiency and can be caused by soybean cyst nematodes (SCN), soybean aphids, clover root mealybugs, and Diapothae/Phomopsis fungi. Soil samples will need to be collected and submitted. If potassium deficiency is the primary issue, K fertilizer should be applied. If SCN is the issue, consider rotating to a non-host crop, utilize different cultivars with different sources of SCN resistance, and manage weeds, moisture and fertility to reduce stress on plants. Keep in mind soybean aphid populations which were present during R5 still should be scouted into R6 to ensure that populations don’t boom. Soybean
aphids can still take yield at R6 stage soybeans in very heavily infested fields. Soybean fields may still respond to a late insecticide application. On another note, the last date for alfalfa cutting is coming up soon. Typically, we think of that early nocut window starting at some point during the first full week of September; with it being riskier the further into September you wait to cut. The goal is to cut early enough so the field accumulates 500 growing degree days (GDD); or cut so late there is less than 200 GDDs left prior to a killing frost of 25 degrees. To calculate GDDs for alfalfa, use a base temp of 41 degrees. If cutting later to fit in the 200 GDD window, remember that around four inches of growth helps with overwintering. Also, consideration should be given to the winter-hardiness of the alfalfa variety, soil pH and potassium levels when looking at taking a later cutting. Waiting until the first hard frost to cut the alfalfa is not necessary. Rather, you are waiting for it to get cold enough where regrowth is going to be minimal or not occur at all. Typically, that date for late harvest is at some point in mid-October. This article was submitted by Nathan Drewitz, University of Minnesota Extension. v
www.thelandonline.com — “Where Farm and Family Meet”
A matter of commitment: The finer points of herding By KATE RECHTZIGEL Yund also hosts an introduction to herdThe Land Correspondent ing a couple times a year. CHISAGO CITY, Minn. — Just on the “I see if people can make the commitoutskirts of Forest Lake, Minn. lies a beaument to the time and distance; and then tiful farm site in where herding dogs are we schedule individual lessons,” Yund said. hard at work learning and training to comIf an individual is interested in coming to pete in a variety of events. watch or participate in a herding lessons, “It’s rewarding to watch people come and they are encouraged to visit the website see the dogs learn to do what is instinctive trainingcampinc.com. which lists all of the for them,” JoAnna Yund said. events and scheduled lessons times. Yund runs Training Camp Inc. near “In a normal year we would also have a Chisago City, Minn. The camp started in herding trial at the State Fair,” Yund said. 1980 where Yund teaches dogs and their “Hopefully next year we will be able to owners the finer points of herding. Training have another one.” includes dogs gathering the stock and Yund enjoys dogs and loves seeing them bringing them to you; and later advancing form a working partnership with their to driving to a specified point, dividing and owners. The dog has to be old and fit holding, catching the injured, loading a enough to train so it can keep up with the trailer, and so much more. Photo submitted livestock. And people have to put in the Yund grew up in Minneapolis and trained When on the farm, dogs have access to individual training where they are time and effort. and showed dogs in obedience competi- able to work sheep, goats, or ducks (when available). “It takes a different kind of commitment tions. However, when she got her border that can’t be practiced at home,” Yund said. After multiple searches, Yund came across a retired collie, McDuff, she unfortunately didn’t have a place farmer, Dellas Seaman, who had sheep. As far as Covid-19 goes, Training Camp Inc. has to train for herding. been greatly affected because people can’t gather to “The dog became proficient and I was able to find a “There was no place I could go to learn how to watch, there are no herding trials, and people stay at herd,” Yund said, “and a city girl couldn’t teach her- competition for him to compete in,” Yund said. home. self.” Later, Seaman passed and Yund was able to take “But the dogs in training won’t forget because the over sheep and rent land in order to teach others. training is built on instinct,” Yund said. “I train for competition,” Yund said. “This is more In the future, Yund hopes to continue to provide a than just practical livestock work.” place for people to bring their dog to learn herding The farm is set up to train dogs and matches most techniques in addition to many other activities such herding-style arena competitions. as agility, dock diving, obedience, and so much more. “When I started, nobody in this area was willing to “I’ve had many great mentors over the years and take on city people,” Yund said. “Now the sport and met several special people who have become great clinicals have grown a lot and evolved to allow more friends. It’s a very welcoming community,” Yund said. Precision Aerial Application people. It’s fun to see.” “I’m glad to see everybody make the commitment to with GPS guidance. v Yund trains dogs one-on-one with staggering times. their dogs and bring out the most in them.”
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“You’re working a learning dog and sheep could be injured,” Yund said. “People can always come watch.”
Beef producers invited to take survey The University of Minnesota and Minnesota Beef Council are collaborating on an overview study mapping the pathways Minnesota beef cattle travel from birth to finish. The study will provide a foundational overview by documenting and describing the farm-to-feedlot pathways currently being utilized by Minnesota beef producers. “Our team needs producer knowledge and experience in answering survey questions pertaining to management practices and the movement of cattle. We want to gather knowledge from Minnesota producers so we can better serve them by tailoring research specific to Minnesota needs,” said Dr. Joe Armstrong. The survey is the first step in a larger effort involv-
ing a collaboration between the University of Minnesota College of Veterinary Medicine, Minnesota Beef Council, and University of Minnesota Extension. The research team is being led by Dr. Noelle Noyes with help from Dr. Tim Goldsmith, Dr. Luciano Caixeta, Dr. Joe Armstrong, and two veterinary students: Sabina Ponicki and Kaylan Risacher. The survey is available online and should take producers approximately 5-10 minutes to finish. Survey results and responses are completely voluntary and confidential. The survey is available at z.umn.edu/beefpathways. This article was submitted by University of Minnesota Extension. v
www.thelandonline.com — “Where Farm and Family Meet”
MULTIPLE SOAs: THE BEST WEED CONTROL OPTION The easiest weeds to control are those that never emerge. Cliché? Maybe. But as weeds continue to adapt, mounting resistance to herbicides builds every year. Sustainable control has become increasingly more challenging to achieve. The over-reliance of a single site of action (SOA) continues to provide new challenges for weed control in soybeans with each growing season. XtendFlex® soybeans will help farmers focus on the basics of a sound weed management system — multiple SOAs and overlapping residuals, all without having to compromise performance and yield. Sustainable weed control is only possible through the incorporation of a herbicide program that utilizes multiple effective SOAs. Beck’s multi-year Practical Farm Research (PFR)® data has demonstrated the impact and importance of utilizing a pre-emerge program with multiple SOAs (Figure 1).
ADVANTAGES OF THE XTENDFLEX ® SYSTEM XtendFlex soybeans feature the benefits of the Roundup Ready® Xtend Crop System with the addition of tolerance to glufosinate. This allows access to multiple effective herbicides to manage each of your fields’ unique weed challenges. Beck’s PFR studies on the effectiveness of combining glufosinate and glyphosate show they are a powerful tool against tough-to-control waterhemp. POWER IN THE PRE™: Controlling weeds early with a pre-emergence application not only reduces the likelihood of developing resistance, but it also
protects soybean yields. The over-reliance on POST programs to control early-emerging weeds is unlikely to provide results and could cause yield losses of up to 2.5% for every growth stage you delay your applications. Put the Power in the Pre™ and let your pre-emergence applications do the heavy lifting. Post-emergence applications can then be used as rescue treatments for weed escapes. POWER OF MULTIPLE SOAs: In-season, Liberty® will provide effective post-emergence control of weeds such as waterhemp, kochia, and giant ragweed. XtendFlex soybeans provide postemergence tolerance to multiple SOAs to control resistant broadleaf weeds. Now farmers can confidently pursue higher yields by making earlyseason herbicide applications and maintain the option of spraying Liberty over-the-top once crops have emerged. POWER OF HIGHYIELDING GERMPLASM: Backed by uncompromising yield potential and outstanding agronomic performance in all maturities, XtendFlex® soybeans are built on the same proven genetic performance of highyielding Roundup Ready 2 Xtend® soybeans, now with the power of Liberty herbicide. While weed control continues to provide new challenges with each growing season, you will have the option to bring the power to your soybean platform in 2021 with XtendFlex soybeans. The EPA is currently reviewing a new registration for XtendiMax® for the 2021 season and beyond.
*No dicamba may be used in-crop with seed in the Roundup Ready® Xtend Crop System, unless and until approved or specifically permitted by the U.S. EPA and the appropriate state agency for such use. As of August 2020, no dicamba formulations are currently registered by the U.S. EPA for in-crop use with seed in the Roundup Ready® Xtend Crop System in the 2021 season. Current stocks of low-volatility dicamba herbicides XtendiMax® herbicide, Engenia® herbicide and FeXapan® herbicide previously approved for in-crop use with seed in the Roundup Ready® Xtend Crop System may not be used after July 31, 2020. Dicamba may harm crops that are not tolerant to dicamba. Contact the U.S. EPA and your state pesticide regulatory agency with any questions about the approval status of dicamba herbicides products for in-crop use with seed in the Roundup Ready® Xtend Crop System. NOTICE: DO NOT APPLY ANY HERBICIDE TO SEED IN THE ROUNDUP READY® XTEND CROP SYSTEM UNLESS IT HAS A PRODUCT LABEL SPECIFICALLY AUTHORIZING THAT USE. TO USE A HERBICIDE IN ANY MANNER INCONSISTENT WITH ITS LABELING IS A VIOLATION OF FEDERAL LAW. REFER TO THE BAYER TECHNOLOGY USE GUIDE FOR DETAILS AND RECOMMENDATIONS ON USING APPROVED ROUNDUP® BRANDED HERBICIDES ON SEED IN THE ROUNDUP READY® XTEND CROP SYSTEM.
FIGURE 1: INFLUENCE OF MULTIPLE SOAs ON WATERHEMP CONTROL (% VISUAL CONTROL) Number of SOAs (Pre-Emerge) Influence on Waterhemp Control from Beck’s Multi-Year Practical Farm Research (PFR) ® data.
97% 89%
60% 3 SOAs
2 SOAs
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Klobuchar renews commitment to ag in Farmfest forum By KRISTIN KVENO The Land Staff Writer Senator Amy Klobuchar spoke as part of the Farmfest virtual “Current State of the Ag Economy” panel on Aug. 4. Presenting from her senate office in Washington D.C., Klobuchar proudly touted that she is one of the most-senior members of the Senate Ag Committee. That being her focus, she explained there’s a concerted effort to get some additional funding for ag in the senate. With the Covid-19 pandemic, testing materials have at times been in short supply as they come from other countries. Klobuchar never wants to see our food supply in the United States be dependent upon other countries. “Congress needs to take action now to ensure the continuity of our country’s food supply,” she said. With that, Klobuchar believes not enough attention has been paid to the needs of rural areas and the vital role they play in sustaining this nation. “It gives
us a really strong case to make, about why it’s so important that we have producers and growers in our own country.” Klobuchar believes it’s not only the farm bill which is critical to our rural areas, but access to high speed internet as well. “Not only do we need a strong farm bill, but expanded broadband coverage. Kids in parts of rural America don’t have access to virtual learning right now due to the lack of high-speed broadband in areas. There’s a story in southern Minnesota of a kid taking her biology exam in a liquor store parking lot because it was the only place she could get that high speed. We’re working really hard to get some added funding in this next package when it comes to broadband,” Klobuchar said. She recently met with Minnesota Representative Collin Peterson on what can be done — not just now for ag, but what needs to be done in the next year for the next farm bill. Klobuchar would like to see the focus on ag trade as well as insuring that the next
Crop insurance deadline nears The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Risk Management Agency reminds Iowa and Minnesota producers that the final date to apply for crop insurance for fall-planted crops (such as cultivated wild rice, forage production, grass seed, mint, rye and wheat) is Sept. 30 for the 2021 crop year. Current policyholders who wish to make changes to their existing coverage also have until the Sept. 30 sales closing date to do so.
Crop insurance is sold and delivered solely through private crop insurance agents. Farmers with crop insurance questions or needs should contact their crop insurance agents. A list of crop insurance agents is available online using the RMA agent locator. Learn more about crop insurance and the modern farm safety net at www.rma.usda.gov. This article was submitted by the U.S. Department of Agriculture. v
farm bill is a good fit for farmers. The CARES Act, also known as Coronavirus relief aid, has allocated $23.5 billion for farmers and others impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic. Klobuchar explained that 26,000 applications from Minnesota farmers have been approved. There has been $80 million for dairy, $73 million for row crops and $180 million for cattle and hogs. “We also know that there has been some trouble in getting that money out.” Klobuchar claimed she will continue to work to get that funding to farmers. “We’ve seen recently that the (U.S. Department of Agriculture) has declined to exercise their authority to provide assistance to growers of certain classes of wheat, livestock producers who have been impacted, there’s more we should do there.” Klobuchar is adamant in making sure that Minnesota farmers get their fair share. In addition, Klobuchar said she will continue to fight to stop biofuels waivers as well as give voice to the dairy industry. “We know that we’ve lost so many of our small dairy farms and we are going to keep working on that front.” Klobuchar finished her Farmfest talk by acknowledging the vital work those in the ag industry have done and continue to do day after day. “As challenging as all this is, I just get inspired by what I know you are all going through every day, by the work of not just our leaders in the ag area, but also those on the front line that are working hard every single day. We know there’s more to be done. I’m ready to have your back to do it.” v
The heat is on for sugar beet processor By DICK HAGEN The Land Staff Writer Emeritus Like many crops this season, sugar beets also were off to a quick start. But an early August harvest start slowed considerably when mid-August temps ramped up beyond 90 degrees. Steve Dahm, President and CEO of Southern Minnesota Beet Sugar Cooperative in Renville, Minn., said the high temperatures are too much of a good thing. “Yes, our growers are lifting beets; and our factory is processing at our daily capacity of 16,000 tons per day. However, we’ve had to slow down field harvest simply to limit accumulated tonnage at our various piling sites. Once temps reach 75-80 degrees we don’t want beets on the ground more than five to six days.” And the reason is obvious. These huge vegetative root masses don’t take kindly to just laying in a pile in hot weather. Like most production/management gurus, Dahm hesitates on predicting final production for this 2020 season. “Our guys have done a phenomenal job keeping diseases — especially circospora — under control,” he said. “Yes, we believe the fruits of our labor
will be rewarded; but we’re still at Mother Nature’s behest. She could still trigger some dirty tricks on us. Circospiroa is our number-one leaf disease every year. It burns the leaves taking sugar out of the beets. We’re in the business of producing sugar, so keeping a healthy top on our sugar beet plants is always a top priority.” Dahm wouldn’t comment on the possibility of 30-ton yields; but he did say, “We’ll have a good crop.” Labor challenges? So far so good according to Dahm. “Our HR department has been terrific … every job filled — which is quite remarkable given the job market today.” SMBSC employs over 350 full-time workers and half again that many at the various piling sites. “We’ve been fortunate, Dahm admitted. “We instituted some strict Covid-19 guidelines and not yet a positive case. That’s a testament to our employees. They pay attention. They understand why and they cooperate.” Dahm also noted upwards of 150 contractor employees doing maintenance work this summer getting this huge plant ready for the 2020 startup campaign. “They bought into what we were doing. They wanted
to stay healthy. They appreciated their job and everybody worked together to make it happen!” Come October, everything at this incredibly busy complex cranks up 24/7. And that hectic schedule continues until the processing campaign finally shuts down after slicing upwards of 3.6 million tons of beets. “Normally you want harvesting wrapped by late October/early November,” Dahm explained, “But some rain delays are inevitable. And we know that hard freeze can come any time.” Dahm said unlike corn, soybean and livestock producers, continually pressing for stronger export markets; the sugar beet industry sort of just stays in ‘cruise control.’ There are no sugar exports — neither cane or beet sugar. Which says virtually every pounds of U.S. sugar production is consumed domestically. Dahm did indicate some sugar imports through trade deals agreed to in previous years. And yes, U.S. beet growers and cane growers are partners. “We both grow sugar and there is not a scientific test identifying any difference between refined beet sugar and refined cane sugar,” summed up Dahm. v
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USDA indicates Class IV price lowest since 2009 This column was written for the marketing week ending Sept. 4. The U.S. Department of Agriculture recently announced the August Federal order Class III benchmark milk price at $19.77 per hundredweight. This is down $4.77 from July, but still $2.17 above August 2019 and the highest August Class III since 2014. The 2020 Class III average sits at $17.61, up from $15.83 a year ago and $14.44 in 2018. As of late morning Sept. 4, Class III futures showed September at $16.99; October, $18.73; November, $17.47; and December at $16.69. The August Class IV price is $12.53 per cwt., down $1.23 from July, $4.21 below a year ago, and the lowest August Class IV since 2009. Its 2020 average is at $13.62, down from
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Featured Recipe from
“Recipes from
½ c. butter 1½ c. sugar 2 eggs 1 c. sour cream 2 tsp. vanilla
2 c. flour 1 tsp. baking soda ½ tsp. salt ½ c. chopped nuts (optional) 1½ c. mashed bananas (about 3 lg.)
Preheat oven to 350°. In large bowl, cream butter and sugar until light and fluffy. Add eggs; beat well. Add sour cream, vanilla and bananas; mix well. Combine flour, baking soda and salt; add to creamed mixture; Beat well. Stir in nuts, if desired. Spread batter into greased and floured 15 x 10 x 1 pan. Bake at 350° for 20 - 25 minutes, until light brown or inserted toothpick comes out clean. Frost.
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2019 fluid milk sales down 828 million pounds from 2018 MIELKE, from pg. 17 billion pounds, down 0.4 percent from a revised June total of 1.111 billion, but was 1.8 percent above July 2019. Year-to-date production stood at 7.65 billion pounds, up 0.8 percent from a year ago. Wisconsin produced 288.6 million pounds of the total, down 0.6 percent from June, but 1.2 percent above a year ago. California output, at 202.5 million pounds, was down 0.6 percent from June and 3.8 percent below a year ago. Idaho vats contributed 89.2 million pounds, up 2.2 percent from June and 2.4 percent above a year ago. Italian type cheese totaled 457.1 million pounds, down 4.2 percent from June and 1.5 percent below a year ago. Year-to-date, Italian output was at 3.3 billion pounds, down 0.2 percent. American type cheese jumped to 451.7 million pounds, up 3.5 percent from June and 4 percent above a year ago. Year-to-date, American was at 3.1 billion pounds, up 1.8 percent. Mozzarella output slipped to 368.8 million pounds, down 3.5 percent from June but 0.2 percent above a year ago, with year-to-date at 2.6 billion pounds, unchanged from 2019. Cheddar, the cheese traded at the Chicago Mercantile Exchange, climbed to 321.2 million pounds. This is up 12.2 million pounds or 3.9 percent from June and 15.3 million or 5 percent above July 2019. Year-to-date, cheddar stood at 2.2 billion pounds, up 1.7 percent from a year ago. Butter production hit 151.8 million pounds. This is up 1.6 million pounds or 1.1 percent from June and 1.1 million pounds or 0.7 percent above a year ago. Year-to-date butter output was at 1.27 billion pounds, up 6.2 percent from 2019. Dry whey totaled 84.5 million pounds, down 0.3 percent from June but 1.9 percent above a year ago, with year-to-date whey at 576.6 million pounds, up 3.7 percent. Dry whey stocks totaled 84.5 million pounds, down 0.1 percent from June but 24.9 percent above a year ago. Nonfat dry milk totaled 163.4 million pounds, up 16.3 million pounds or
11.1 percent from June, but 8.9 million or 5.2 percent below a year ago. Yearto-date powder sits at 1.17 billion pounds, up 0.7 percent from 2019. Stocks climbed to 309.6 million pounds, up a bearish 20.6 million or 7.1 percent from June and 17.5 million or 6 percent above 2019. Skim milk powder output fell to 51.2 million pounds, down 10.1 million pounds or 16.4 percent from June but 4.5 million pounds or 9.7 percent above a year ago. Year-to-date skim milk powder hit 319.3 million pounds, up 10.1 percent from a year ago. n The USDA finalized 2019 fluid milk data, reporting that sales for the year totaled 46.4 billion pounds. This is down 828 million pounds or 1.8 percent from 2018. Whole milk sales totaled 16.1 billion pounds, up 218 million pounds or 1.4 percent from 2019; and made up 34.7 percent of the year’s total beverage milk sales, up from 33.7 percent in 2019. Skim sales totaled 3.5 billion pounds, down 424 million pounds or 10.7 percent from 2019 and made up 7.6 percent of total milk sales, down from 8.4 percent in 2019. Dairy and Food Market Analyst editor Matt Gould informs us that 2019 was the sixth consecutive year whole milk sales topped the previous year, and the sixth consecutive year that skim sales dropped by double digits. n The Sept. 1 Global Dairy Trade auction saw a 1 percent decline in its weighted average, which followed the 1.7 percent decline on Aug. 18. Sellers brought 78.6 million pounds of product to market, up from 69.1 million on Aug. 18, and the highest total since Dec. 17, 2019. The declines were led by whole milk powder, down 2 percent after dipping 2.2 percent on Aug. 18. Butter was down 1.2 percent following a 2 percent slip, and anhydrous milkfat was off 0.5 percent following a 2.9 percent drop. GDT cheddar was down 0.4 percent after dropping 3.6 percent in the last event. Buttermilk powder was up 3.9 perSee MIELKE, pg. 19
MILKER’S MESSAGE www.thelandonline.com — “Where Farm and Family Meet”
Presenting dairy forum online was learning experience By KRISTIN KVENO tual forum this year was 400. That goal was sur- try,” Reps said. The Land Staff Writer passed with 425 people registered. Having the forum Utilizing a vendor to help facilitate the online forBecause of Covid-19, everything looks a little dif- online allowed distance to not be a barrier in taking mat was key in putting on the forum. “So far we’ve ferent this year and the third annual Dairy part in the event. “We pulled from across the coun- received very good feedback,” Reps said. The forum Experience Forum held on featured a host, a consumer July 15 was no exception. focus group panel, speakers Hosted by Midwest Dairy, and a chance for small group the purpose of the forum is to discussion. The mix of speakbring together people from ers along with the opportuthe dairy supply chain for nity to interact with fellow discussions on various topics, forum goers was key in creatBy KRISTIN KVENO people from all over the United States with trends and opportunities. ing this online format. The Land Staff Writer varies careers, life experiences and backThe first two forums, in The in-person forum I had the opportunity to virtually attend the grounds. It offered attendees the opportunity to 2018 and 2019, took place in spanned multiple days. With the Twin Cities. In light of Dairy Experience Forum on July 15. Having hear about their experiences with dairy. the change to virtual, Reps After the consumer focus group, virtual the Covid-19 outbreak, never taken part in a virtual conference before, said it was determined that a Theresa Reps, Agricultural I was curious what it would be like. How would attendees could take part in small group discusone-day event was key. “We Affairs Manager with it compare to attending an in-person confer- sions which covered the themes discussed in the had to make some prioritizMidwest Dairy, realized that ence? The forum started at 10 a.m. and went focus group; and how to best use that informaing decisions.” When it was tion in your position in the dairy chain. By clickan in-person forum may not until 3:15 p.m. decided to put the forum ing on the small group button on the screen you be feasible. online, she contacted the Registration online was quick and easy and would then be placed via Zoom in a small group scheduled speakers to make involved just a few clicks, a little information “We started talking about where you could take part in the discussion. sure they felt comfortable it when Covid-19 started and voila, I was registered. speaking virtually. After that there was a lunch break from 11:30 picking up,” Reps said. It was Before the conference started, the Forum had then that the team at a “Frequently Asked Questions” page that offer to noon. Then the presentations continued with Reps noted there are some Midwest Dairy began look- solutions to various tech questions which could the day wrapping up with an illusionist speakthings Midwest Dairy would ing at the possibility of hav- arise. Forum organizers also offered an e-mail er, who was quite interesting. It was a nice way change if they did an online ing this year’s forum con- address where you could send in your question to end my first virtual conference experience. forum next year — such as ducted all online. “We made to be answered by a tech expert. allowing more transition Throughout the day, I was impressed by the the decision the last week in time in between speakers. The cost to attend the virtual forum was $25 amount of work that must’ve gone into pivoting April.” ` Looking ahead to next year, from an in-person three-day conference to a for dairy farmers and $50 for industry (nonReps believes that an in-per“There’s positives and neg- dairy farmers) — compared to the cost of the one-day virtual event. It was simple to follow son forum with the ability to atives to each format,” Reps three-day in-person event in 2019 was $99 for along on the computer and you can go back and also participate online would watch anything that you might have missed or said. While putting the forum dairy farmers and $199 for industry. be a good option. something you may want to watch again. online allows for the opporThe forum began with a host who explained tunity to reach those who What 2021 will bring, no There are advantages of having a virtual conwould not otherwise be at how the day would go, along with some infor- ference, like having the opportunity to take one knows; but now having the forum in person, it mation to make the most of the experience part in a conference that would normally be too successfully moved the Dairy doesn’t allow for as much which included how to be part of the small far to travel to. The networking opportunities Experience Forum online interaction and networking group discussion later that morning. There was and the ability to meet people in great numbers this year provides another between attendees that the a pause button option when viewing the forum just isn’t very feasible in a virtual conference way to get the information (which came in handy for me as I needed a usual in-person format does. out to members now and in setting. I think that for now, the online format quick refill of coffee). the future. v for conferences will be the norm. Will it conThe first year of the forum The first engagement of the forum was a con- tinue after this pandemic is over, is anyone’s attracted 250 people; the v next year it jumped to 400 sumer focus group which featured a handful of guess. people. The goal for the vir-
Attending a conference via computer has its advantages
July dairy exports topped year-ago levels on most all products MIELKE, from pg. 18 cent. It did not trade last time. Skim milk powder was up 1.8 percent after a 1.1 percent rise, and lactose was up 0.8 percent after falling 3.3 percent last time. StoneX equated the GDT 80 percent butterfat butter price to $1.4753 per pound U.S., down 1.6 cents from the last event. CME butter closed Sept. 4
at $1.4925. GDT cheddar cheese equated to $1.5551 per pound, down 6.3 cents after losing 5.7 cents in the last event, and compares to Sept. 4’s CME block cheddar at $2.1250. GDT skim milk powder averaged $1.2080 per pound, up from $1.1831, and whole milk powder averaged $1.3080, down from $1.3317. CME Grade A nonfat dry milk closed Sept. 4 at $1.03 per pound. n
July U.S. dairy exports topped yearago levels on almost all products. Nonfat dry milk exports were the highest for the month on record, according to HighGround Dairy. Yearto-date exports are the strongest on record, says HighGround Dairy, with 2020 poised to be a record export year as global skim milk powder demand persists.
Cheese exports dropped seasonally from the record June high but were up 5.4 percent from a year ago. Exports to Mexico were down, but South Korea took up the slack According to HighGround Dairy, whey exports were up 65.1 percent — the strongest volume for the month since 2013 with volumes to China up See MIELKE, pg. 20
MILKER’S MESSAGE www.thelandonline.com — “Where Farm and Family Meet”
Higher milk prices negating higher feed costs MIELKE, from pg. 19 14.3 million pounds from 2019. CME block cheddar topped $2 per pound ahead of the Dairy Products report and the Labor Day weekend and closed Sept. 4 at $2.1250. This is up 29.75 cents on the week, the highest since July 31, and 12.75 cents above a year ago. The barrels closed at $1.70, 27 cents higher on the week, 4.25 cents below a year ago, and 42.50 cents below the blocks. Seventeen cars of block sold on the week and 14 of barrel. n As I reported last week, Uncle Sam chipped in another $1 billion in food aid due to the COVID pandemic. StoneX says, “Round 2 of the food box program has been very positive; but the total program is expected to conclude soon, as the bid deadline for Round 3 is Sept. 30 and deliveries must be completed within 30 days after that. If this program is to continue, Congress will have to allocate funding for the next fiscal year.” “The main point,” says StoneX, “is
that the U.S. government will be buying cheese in September and that, along with what we expect will be some additional ‘value’ buying from commercial interests.” Dairy broker Dave Kurzawski stated in the Sept. 7 Dairy Radio Now broadcast that there’s plenty of uncertainty in the markets. When asked about the significance of many schools not returning to the classroom, Kurzawski said he believes it will be significant. “We also have to consider the impact of holiday parties and gatherings not occurring because of Covid. Plus, the weather right now is great and people are eating outside at restaurants. But what is that going to look like in Boston, Chicago, New York and others Nov. 1st?” n Midwest cheese output remains busy, according to Dairy Market News, and orders have been robust on the retail side. Continued governmental assistance has spurred customers to get ahead of potential price increases; but the wide spread between blocks and barrels is viewed as a sign of
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A very special grandpa, father, uncle, son. Sadly missed by the Doe family.* *Up to 2 lines of text. (88 characters & spaces max.)
$44.00 – One Zone** $60.00 – Both Zones, Full Circulation **Zones: Land I - Southern MN & Northern IA or Land II – Northern MN
Call at least 2 weeks before the publication date.
uncertainty, says Dairy Market News. Anything less than 10 cents is indicative of “healthier market tones.” “The western market is volatile and impacted by the effects of Covid. USDA’s additional Food Box purchases has some contacts believing this will continue to help clear cheese while others fear it might bring more volatility to the market. Retail cheese sales are strong, but orders from the food service are still down. International sales are active with the lower prices. Some manufacturers are preparing for the expected growth in year-end holiday demand but difficulties finding qualified staff at a few plants has disrupted output,” says Dairy Market News. n Cash butter closed the week at $1.4925 per pound, up 4.5 cents but 68 cents below a year ago, with 58 sales reported at the CME. Bulk butter is reportedly available in and outside the Midwest — though, for most of the summer, cream has been up and down. Unsurprisingly, as the holiday weekend approached, cream was more available; though some suggest it may lighten near term because less cream will be spun off from bottlers due to lighter school demand. Dairy Market News says, “Butter market tones are trying, but struggling, to find any bullish notes.” Western butter makers were preparing for a surge of cream over the weekend. Ice cream production is slowing. Some schools have reopened or are planning to soon, engaging school milk bottling so that is adding more cream. Butter stocks are heavy. Retail orders have cooled, but manufacturers expect more demand closer to the holiday baking season. Dairy Market News says it’s difficult to assess what impacts the mix of virtual, hybrid and in-person classrooms will have on near-term butter needs for food service, baking and at-home family meal preparations. “Regional dining out is improving, but food service demand is still languishing.” n Grade A nonfat dry milk finished Sept. 4 at $1.03 per pound, a penny higher on the week, but 1.75 cents below a year ago, on 13 sales for the week.
StoneX says U.S. powder holds a steep discount to world prices and with EU prices generally higher demand for U.S. product should be keen. CME dry whey closed Sept. 4 at 33.25 cents per pound, down 0.75 cents on the week and 6.25 cents below a year ago, with four carloads finding new homes. A higher All Milk price more than offset higher feed prices and shot the July milk feed price ratio higher for the second month in a row, reaching the highest level so far this year. The USDA’s latest Ag Prices report put the ratio at 2.69, up from 2.36 in May, and compares to 2.16 in July 2019. The index is based on the current milk price in relationship to feed prices for a dairy ration consisting of 51 percent corn, 8 percent soybeans and 41 percent alfalfa hay. One pound of milk could purchase 2.69 pounds of dairy feed of that blend in July. The U.S. All-Milk price averaged $20.50 per hundredweight. This is up $2.40 from June and $1.80 above July 2019. California’s All Milk price jumped to $20.90, up $2.20 from June and $2.30 above a year ago. Wisconsin’s, at $22.30, was up $2.80 from June and $3.50 above a year ago. Feed prices crept higher. The national average corn price averaged $3.21 per bushel. This is up 5 cents per bushel from June but 95 cents per bushel below July 2019. Soybeans averaged $8.51 per bushel, up 17 cents from June and 13 cents per bushel above a year ago. Alfalfa hay averaged $174 per ton, down $5 from June and $9 per ton below a year ago. Looking at the cow side of the ledger, the July cull price for beef and dairy combined averaged $70.50 per cwt., down 50 cents from June, $3.50 above July 2019, but was $1.10 below the 2011 base average of $71.60 per cwt. U.S. dairy cow slaughter for the week ending Aug. 22 totaled 54,600 head. This is up 1,100 head or 2.1 percent from the previous week, but 5,400 or 9 percent below a year ago. Lee Mielke is a syndicated columnist who resides in Everson, Wash. His weekly column is featured in newspapers across the country and he may be reached at lkmielke@juno.com. v
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Farm Equipment
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Farm Equipment
Farm Equipment
Sell your land or real estate in FOR SALE: 3 grain bins, 1991 1660 combine, w/ 1063 Case IH 1020 30’ flex head w/ FOR SALE: 4 grain augers, FOR SALE: JayLor 5850 feed30 days for 0% commission. 18x14, $500/each OR $1,200 cornhead, & 1020 bean full finger auger, $10,500; 3 electric & 1 take off PTO, er wagon, tandem w/ scale, Call Ray 507-339-1272 all 3. 48’ hay conveyor, no head w/ trailer; Artsway Case IH 1083 8x30 corn- 7”x51’, 8”x34’, 10’x34” (elec- very good condition, $39,000/ transport, $100. Call 651-380- 240B chopper; Case IH 1999 head, late model, exc cond, tric) and 8”x52’ PTO. 507- OBO. For photos or info, call 507-689-2504 Retirement Sale MX240; Case IH 527B, nice $3,900; Late model Case IH 493-5836 7843 Lake City, MN. Real Estate shape; Case IH 5500 12’ chis- 800 10x18 plow w/ coulters, FOR SALE: Yamaha Grizzly Wanted el plow; Farm King auger, $7,750; Brent 1080 grain cart FOR SALE: IH 7130 Magnum, ATV, 2010, 4x4, approx 3700 2WD, dual wheels, deluxe w/ hyd & PTO drive, $21,900; 10”x70’ w/ swing hopper & WANTED: Land & farms. I miles, excellent condition, auger jogger. 507-236-4788 Case IH RMX 370 cushion cab, A/C, 170hp, 22 weights $4,850. 507-317-3396 have clients looking for gang 26’ disk w/ mulcher in front, Michelin tires. 507Lewisville MN dairy, & cash grain operaFOR SALE: 5 bottom Glencoe $19,500; Ford 675E loader/ 753-2846 tions, as well as bare land 2017 NH DURATANK 3400S backhoe, 4x4, w/ cab/heat 7400 soil saver chisel plow. parcels from 40-1000 acres. spreader, $2,600/OBO; NH extend-a-boom, 4100 hrs, 24” Please recycle this magazine. 715-669-3331 Both for relocation & investBR770A round baler, new ments. If you have even Stormor Bins & EZ-Drys. belts, $11,000; (4) 12’ Sioux bucket, $19,750. 320-769-2756 thought about selling con- 100% financing w/no liens or feed panels, never used, FOR SALE: New 18.4x26 tires tact: Paul Krueger, Farm & red tape, call Steve at Fair- $1,000. 507-951-1121 on 10 bolt mud hog wheels 8680 CO. RD. 50 • ROCKFORD, MN LIVE Land Specialist, Edina Re- fax Ag for an appointment. off 2388 IH, 10 ply w/ fluAUCTIO 1 mi south and west of Rockford on alty, 138 Main St. W., New 888-830-7757 NS id. 24.5x32 diamond tires & Classified Line Ads Co. Rd. 50 from intersection of Hwy 55 Prague, MN 55372. wheels off grain cart, 10bolt paulkrueger@edinarealty.com 13” center, will fit numerous (612)328-4506 Farm Equipment applications, excellent tires, Call 507-345-4523 (7) Bale throw racks (some steel and wood, always inside. 320-808-5723 TRACTORS MN 7 ton gear, some flotation tires) ‘99 JD 9510 combine, RWA, 1988 Merrit Hopper Bottom, JD 896A hay rake Feed Seed Hay FOR SALE: Farmhand brown box display, ConBale spear, 3pt 68” x 40’, 24.5 tires - outXL1140 loader, excellent Allied 15’ bale conveyor w/elect motor side aluminum, good land- tour Master, 30.5x32 tires, condition, heavy duty pallet JD 200, 25’ bale conveyor w/elect motor ALFALFA, mixed hay, grass ing gear, single speed traps, $26,900; Speed King 50’ belt forks, dirt bucket, quick de20’ Bale conveyor w/elect motor hay & wheat straw, mediconveyor w/ 10hp one phase good brakes, tear in roll tach, pictures available. 563um square or round bales, motor, $3,750; Parker 605 tarp, $7,800. Wanamingo, HORSE RELATED 920-1122 Oliver 1600 diesel, wide front, 3pt, rear delivery available. gravity box, w/ 11R22.5 duMN. Call David 612-374-1933 ITEMS hydraulics, good rubber runs Thief River Falls, MN. Call als, $8,500; JD 2700 5x18 FOR SALE: Sunflower #4411 (6) Western saddles Oliver 880 gas, wide front, rear hydraulics, or text LeRoy Ose: 3pt plow, $1,450; JD 2800 6 9 shank disc ripper; IH #14 (2) 12x12’ portable stalls good rubber - runs (10) Wood stall doors 218-689-6675 Minneapolis Moline M5 wide front, gas, high bottom vari width 3pt plow, 9 shank ripper w/ heavy Wood and steel stall doors low, rear hydraulics sn 17103947 runs $1,850; White 535 11 shank frame; JD #2800 8 bottom Stall doors and track Ferguson 30 gas, wide front, 3pt, pto, side Please support the advertisers you see here. disk chisel, $3,900. 320-769- plow. All in nice shape. ReLots of Bridles, harnesses, leather, stirrups, vacuum valve - runs Tell them you saw their ad in The Land! tack, chaps, reins, blankets 2756 IH M narrow front, gas, good rubber - runs tiring. 507-822-2188
SILO REMOVAL 507-236-9446
Thank you for reading The Land. We appreciate it!
Case VAC narrow front, gas, new tires - runs
JD 12 Wheel carrier disc Ferguson 3pt, 7’ cultivator 6.5’ Disc, 3pt 4 section drag w/3pt transport JD 8, 7’ sickle mower Winder S60 3pt, 60” rotary mower (2) Back blades, 3pt Farm King 3pt, 7’, pto, two stage snowblower MN 110 manure spreader w/trip gate MN manure spreader, 90bu Old JD manure spreader New Holland manure spreader IH 3pt mount Slush bucket 6.5 x 10’ Two wheel trailer Farmhand self unloading wagon 6x12’ wagon w/new deck and hoist 500 gal water tank on wagon 4”x12’ grain auger
Feed bins, feed pails (20) Horse standards (12) 5’ Planter boxes (2) Wishing wells (20) 12’ white poles Elect fencers, fencing supplies (I0) 36 and 42” barn fans Box Fans (40) Jump cups Large variety of horse equipment and supplies
(400) Hay bales (this yrs hay)
See full auction listing online at www.LampiAuction.com Over 90 pictures online
New Holland Hayliner 273 square baler w/ ejector Hesston PT-10 9’ haybine JD Hay conditioner
320-274-5393 Annandale, MN
www.thelandonline.com — “Where Farm and Family Meet”
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Dennis & Adele Mahlstedt
Friday September 25 @ 10:00 AM th
From Cokato: Take Co Rd 3 South then East on 30 From Howard Lake: Take Hwy 12 West then South on Co Rd 5, West on 30
12725 Country Road 30 SW, Cokato, MN 55321
Dennis & Adele have lived on the family farm for 50 years and are retiring from farming. We are so thankful to help the Mahlstedt’s with their auction. The majority of these items have been stored indoors and seen the best of care and maintenance. Please check back for inspection dates and information. No buyer’s premium. Please join us on September 25th! COMBINE & SWATHER: JD 4400 dsl combine, rotary screen, 3607 hrs, 24Lx26 tires, stored indoors since new, this combine was purchased brand new by Denny & Adele & is a 1 owner machine. Always cared for & serviced. If you or anyone you know is looking for a clean field ready combine this is the one. JD 4 belt pickup; JD 213 13’ flex head; JD 443 4R30” cornhead; JD 215 Swather w/ 12’ head #215-2231. TRACTORS: JD 4020 dsl, WF, power shift, side console, factory cab, 3pt, dual remotes #252836R. Clean late model 4020 w/ side console. JD #48 factory loader mounted to the 4020, will be sold separate. Case 1030 dsl, WF, 3pt, excellent 18.4x34 rear tires, 5,132 hrs# 8317670; Case 1470 w/ 3pt, 7,587 hrs, dual hyd. 28L x 26 tires, needs engine work# 9812483; JD 620 narrow front w/ 3pt; JD B, NF, serial number 285239; Ford 8N w/ front blade & hyd. Backhoe. TRUCKS: ‘69 F-600 w/ 15.5’ grain box, 73,105 miles on meter, 8.25x20 tires, stored indoors, running working truck; ‘68 Ford F-700 w/ 15.5’ grain box, 98,000 miles on meter, tag axle, 9.00-20 tires, stored indoors, running working truck. EQUIPMENT: JD model 7000 8R30” planter RG83OF complete set of fert. Attachments; JD #400 21’ 3pt rotary hoe; JD 15’ AW disc; JD 3pt 15’ cultivator; Antique JD 114A feed mill #7167; Hesston PT-10 7’ haybine; Hesston 5600 round baler 5x6; Hesston stack mover; Winningham hay conditioner; H&S tandem spreader; Dakan 5 shank 3 point deep tiller; IHC # 550 5-14 semi-mount plow; Melroe 900 5-18 auto reset w/ coulters; (2) Melroe 30’ multi-weeders w/ spray attachment; Sunmaster 14’ stalk chopper; Wil-Rich 28’ cultivator; Mohawk 12 shank chisel plow; Snowco 7x52 auger; Snowco screener 24”; Bale conveyors 24’ & 34’; Westco corn cultivators 8 & 10 row; Van Brunt 10’ grain drill with grass seeder on steel 6” spacing; (2) 14’ 4” augers; Flare box 125 bushel; Bale throw rack w/ 650 Electric Wheel wagon; JD running gear; MN Barge box wagon w/ sides; Walsh 500 gal sprayer w/ 30’ booms; Walsh 200 gal 3pt sprayer; 3pt round bale carrier; Dearborn 7’ 3pt cultivator; 3pt 6’ back blade; 3pt 5’ Landscape rake; 3pt post auger. MORE FARM ITEMS: Palco head chute w/ 3pt carrier; 28Lx26 10 ply tires; 15.5x38 hub duals; 18.4x34 band duals; Schwartz WF for 2 cyl JD; 300 gal overhead tank; Small lick tank; Calf heater hut; Gates & fencing equipment; Bail spear bucket mount; Many operators & parts manuals; Fertilizer auger for truck; 1500 gal water tank; Misc. block & tile; Misc. tires 13, 14 & 15”; 9 rolls of barb wire; Sweep auger 10’; Misc. salvage machinery; Bin fans; Auger flighting; Tractor buzz saw; Bin aeration fans & bin spreaders; 2 Rolls of plastic tubing; Vintage fanning mill HT Ferrell & Co; Hesston, Melroe, Wil-Rich & Mohawk parts; Misc. farm parts; New bearings; 60’ endless flat belt; Barrels & barrel pumps; Loading auger 10’ x 5”. ROUND BALES: (24) 5x6 round corn stalk bales stored inside. SEMI TRAILER: 40’ semi-trailer to be removed by purchaser. 3 WHEELER / MOWERS / TRAILER: Honda 3 wheeler; 3Pt hyd. log splitter; Husqvarna YTH1848 mower w/ 18HP & 48” cut; Husqvarna YT H2454 mower w/ 24HP & 54” cut; Garden tractor snowblower; Garden tractor RotaTiller; 4x6 utility trailer. TOOLS & SHOP ITEMS: Torch kit; Forney 275 electric welder; Craftsman table saw; McCulloch 61 O chain saw; Mac 1 O chain saw; 2 man saw; Old garden tiller; Cement mixer w/ electric motor; Misc. tools; Small dumpster; Jig saw; Tool bench; Shelving, bins, & large parts bins; Forks, shovels & handle tools; Log chains. ANTIQUES & OTHER ITEMS: Wooden chairs; Toy box; Dr. Pepper sign; Pioneer sign; Many bicycles. More collectibles to be discovered as we setup the auction.
• 5/8” drum roller wall thickness • 42” drum diameter wall thickness • 4”x8” frame tubing 3/8” thick • Auto fold
GREENWALD FARM CENTER Greenwald, MN • 320-987-3177 14 miles So. of Sauk Centre
Raise your words not your voice. It is rain that grows flowers not thunder. ~ Rumi 4 -Aft TRACTORS • BRENT of WAGON DEUTZer 30 years the •conALLIS R-6 COMBINE • FULL LINE OF struction business, GordyFARM has MACHINERY • HOUSEHOLD • OUTDOORS
decided to retire.
SATURDAY, SEPT. 19, 2020 • 9:00 A.M. LOCATION: From New Richland, MN, 6 miles west of State Hwy. 30, then 2 1/2 miles north on 70th St. WATCH FOR AUCTION SIGNS!!! Auctioneer’s Note: A very good farm equipment auction. Most of this equipment has been shedded. Please note: Selling farm machinery at 10 a.m. Tracy Holland
4 - TRACTORS • DEUTZ-ALLIS COMBINE • BRENT 640 GRAVITY WAGON • PLANTER • SEED TENDER HEADS • FARM EQUIPMENT • HOUSEHOLD MISC. • International 1486, 7366 hours, no PTO, 3pt., 20.8-38” tires w axle duals, front weights, SN: 2650138U13021 • Brent gravity wagon, fenders, brakes, light, truck tires • Farmall 460, N.F., gas, SN: 6215 • Farmall M, N.F. w/Paulson loader, SN: 152898 • Deutz-Allis 6-row x 30” corn head, SN: 063009789R8787 • Agco 15’ grain head, SN: 1540728F • 4 - Killbros gravity wagons w/Kasten gears • Kory gravity wagon w/fert. auger, Kory gear • Case 900 Case International 7110 planter, 6-row x 30”, dry fert. • Friesen 220 Deutz-Allis Gleaner R6 Magnum, 4461 hours, bulk seed tender, Honda motor w/7’x18’ tanCombine, 3243 eng. hours, 2WD, power shift, 540/1000 dem-axle trailer • Kewanee 1020 disc, tandem 30.5L-32” tires, PTO, 18.4R-38” tires axle, 20’ • I.H. 710 plow, 5-bottom x 18”, auto SN: R6K010465118686 SN: JJA0018754 reset • J.D. 1100 digger, 3 pt., 20’ w/3-bar harrow • 13-shank 3 pt. anhydrous bar • Lindsay 5-section spring tooth drag on cart • I.H. 50 stalk chopper, 12 1/2’ • Kuker 500-gal. single-axle sprayer, 40’ boom w/pump • 5 1/2’x12’ barge box • Wood flair box • Poulan PP175 riding mower w/42” deck • 1500-gal. poly tank • 2 - 4” augers • Lundell wagon hoist • 25-gal. lawn sprayer • 2 - 300-gal. fuel tanks on stands • 300-gal. diesel tank w/electric pump • Clipper fanning mill • Scrap machine shed steel • Misc. household items • Items too numerous to mention
GARY BARTNESS - ESTATE 25728 70th St., New Richland, MN 56072 Terms: Cash or good check, & Picture ID required. No property removed until fully settled for. Sales staff and Owners Not Responsible for accidents. Any verbal announcement made day of sale takes precedence over print. Lunch & restroom services available on site. Clerk: Holland Auction Co. Auctioneers:
HOLLAND AUCTION & REAL ESTATE (507) 684-2955 FOR FULL COLOR PICTURES & LISTING Visit Our Website www.hollandauction.com
Tracy Holland and Associates Ellendale, MN #7405002 (507) 684-2955 or (507) 456-5128 (cell)
THE LAND — SEPTEMBER 4 /SEPTEMBER 11, 2020 Farm Equipment
Planting Equip
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Harvesting Equip
PAGE 23 Harvesting Equip
FOR SALE: Mounted tile plow JD 7000 Corn Planter, 2 Row 1990 Case-IH 1660 Combine 2388 combine, 4079 engine, FOR SALE: Retired. ‘04 CIH FOR SALE: IH 1460 combine, and IH 7-18 auto re-set plow. 3PT $1,800; Fert. Avail. $350/ Cummins engine, reverser, 3212 separator hours. 20.8-42 2388 3092 eng hrs, 2359 sep 3400 hrs, chopper, 24.5x32 507-427-3561 Row. 715-234-1993 rock trap, straw chopper, duals. Mud Hog new in 2016. hrs, exc cond, been through tires and 16.5x16 tires, IH 820 spreader, standard rotor, Rebuilt Hydro motor and IH shop every year. ‘08 CIH 20’ bean head, both in very Harms Mfg. Land Rollers, 24.5x32 drives, 14.9x24 steer- pump. Big shop built grain 2606 6R chopping CH, exc good condition, $14,500. 2016 Hay & Forage Brand New, 12’-$6,800; ing tires, electric fuel pump, tank extension. Tracker. Pro cond. Killbros 20’ head trail- Maxum 150 tractor, FWA, Equipment 14’-$7,000; 16’-$8,000; 24’radio, heat, a/c, buddy seat, 600 monitor. Long auger. er, Unverferth 630 gravity 400 hrs. 612-875-6195 $14,800; 32’-$17,500; 42’Ag Leader Edge Yield mon- Extra fuel tank. Chain oiler wagon, Brent 640 gravity FOR SALE: New Holland $21,500. Others from 8’-62’ FOR SALE: 2011 Capello 12770A big round baler, like itor with GPS, very good system. 1020 30’ & 2208 8 row wagon, both on 426/65R22.5 22 chopping cornhead, hyd 715-234-1993 30” available. $50,000/OBO tires, Farm King 10” x 70’ condition on low acres. Hennew condition; (2) big bale deck plates, head sight, IH Retired Selling. 2 Brandt au- trailers on 4 wheel gear; 310 derson, MN. $16,500 OBO (or (or best offer). (507) 380-3410 auger, swing hopper. 507-947- wide feeder house, $22,000. 3859 or 507-381-6576 best offer) (507) 327-5342 gers, 10x80 & 10x70 w/ au- H&S manure spreader, like 507-644-3244 www.thelandonline.com ger hoppers; Demco 750 bu new. 507-276-5330 or 507-2272188 combine, 4653 engine gravity box w/ tarp; White 5905 3050 separator hours. 18.4-42 plow model 588 7 bottom duals. 18.4-26 rears. Track20”; Notch model 12TLL box er. Cross Flow Fan. Dick’s Harvesting Equip scraper w/ hyd tilt; RocoWelding hopper extension. matic model HDW5 20’ rock Harness for Ag Leader yield picker; Wil-Rich 25’ stalk 1979 John Deere diesel 4400 monitor. 1020 30’ head and chopper; Tebben 3pt ripper, combine with chopper and 2208 8 row 30” available. 9-30” shanks; 16’ Hiniker 3pt spreader. Good engine. $30,000/OBO (or best offer) mounted chisel plow model Good combine. 4,100 hours. (507) 380-3410 816; 5 shank 3pt mounted $2,250. 507-653-4340 Year-A-Round subsoiler. All in good cond. 320-630-1777 We buy Salvage Equipment Parts Available Hammell Equip., Inc. (507)867-4910
Tractors Beautifully restored 1970 Farmall 460 tractor. New paint & tires (15.8x38). good clutch, P/S, 10 forward gears and 2 reverse w/ good torque ampliphier & live pwr PTO. New fenders; steering wheel; chrome exh. pipe. Everything works. $9,500 Firm. WANTED: 4-6’ International tandem pull type disk. Retired. Call Don Michel 507-339-3745 Farmall 450, gas, fast hitch, NF, P/S, $2,800; Farmall B, $1,200; Farmall 200, fast hitch, wide front, new paint,$2,800. Silver Lake Call 320-327-2507 or 320-583-7062 NEW AND USED TRACTOR PARTS JD 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 55, 50 Series & newer tractors, AC-all models, Large Inventory, We ship! Mark Heitman Tractor Salvage 715-673-4829
Tillage Equip FOR SALE: Alloway 20 stalk chopper, field ready, hood liner welded in, very good condition, knives replaced as needed, $5,900. 507-621-0191
“Where Farm and Family Meet” THE LAND...since 1976
We pay top dollar for your damaged grain. We are experienced handlers of your wet, dry, burnt and mixed grains. Trucks and vacs available. Immediate response anywhere. CALL FOR A QUOTE TODAY
PRUESS ELEV., INC. 1-800-828-6642
www.thelandonline.com — “Where Farm and Family Meet”
Mark ZIEMER New London, MN (320) 979-4044 Auctioneer
NEW NH T4.75, T4.90, T4.120 w/loader.. ...... On Hand NEW NH Workmaster 60, 50, 35’s/loaders ... On Hand NEW NH T9.645 ............................................. On Hand NEW Massey 6713 w/cab and loader ........... On Hand NEW Versatile 610 4WD ................................ On Hand NEW Versatile DT610 Quad........................... On Hand ‘14 Massey 8690 CVT....................................$135,000 ‘12 Buhler 280..................................................$85,000 ‘09 Versatile 435 3000 hrs ............................ $120,000 ‘96 White 6175 FWA....................................... $37,000 ‘96 White 6175 2wd ........................................ $25,500
New NH Hay Tools - ON HAND
NEW NH E26C mini excavator ...................... On Hand NEW NH E37C mini excavator ...................... On Hand NEW NH L318/L320/L328 wheeled units ...... On Hand NEW NH C327/C337/C345 track units .......... On Hand ‘05 Bobcat T300 .............................................. $23,000 ‘17 NH L234 C/H/A.......................................... $32,000 2-’12 NH 225 C/H ...................................... $24-27,000
NEW Fantini chopping cornhead ........................... Call 13’ Gleaner S67 .............................................. Coming ‘12 Gleaner S77 ............................................ $179,000 TILLAGE ‘03 Gleaner R65 .............................................. $72,000 NEW Wilrich 513 9-24 .................................... On Hand ‘98 Gleaner R62 .............................................. $62,000 ‘98 Gleaner R62 .............................................. $59,000 ‘09 Sunflower 4412-07 ................................... On Hand ‘97 Gleaner R62 ........................................ Just traded NH ST775-7 .................................................... On Hand Geringhoff parts & heads available ‘14 Sunflower 4412-05.....................................$30,000
‘15 Wilrich 513 7-24 w/basket ....................... On Hand ‘10 Wilrich QX2 37’ w/basket.......................... $34,500 ‘09 Wilrich QX2 55’5 w/bskt............................ $34,000 ‘05 CIH 730B w/lead ....................................... $16,500 ‘14 Wilrich 513 9-24 ....................................... On Hand JD 512 7-30 blades ............................................$8,500
PLANTERS ‘11 White 8516 CFS, Loaded .......................... $68,000 ‘06 White 8516 cfs .......................................... $39,000 ‘06 White 8186 w/fert ...................................... $28,000 ‘95 White 6722 loaded ....................................... $7,500 ‘96 White 6222 forward fold w/liq ................... $10,500
THE LAND — SEPTEMBER 4/SEPTEMBER 11, 2020 Brian ZIEMER New London, MN (320) 979-4044 Auctioneer
Online A
Online A
Register & Bid At www.ziemerhillbrandsonlineauctions.com
Sime Estate & Others Online Only Farm Auction Ends Monday September 14th First Item Ends At 5:00 PM TRACTORS
NEW Salford RTS Units .......................................... Call NEW Salford Plows................................................. Call NEW Unverferth Seed Tenders .............................. Call NEW Westfield Augers ........................................... Call NEW REM VRX Vacs. .............................................. Call NEW Hardi Sprayers............................................... Call NEW Riteway Rollers .............................................. Call NEW Lorenz Snowblowers ..................................... Call NEW Batco Conveyors ........................................... Call NEW Brent Wagons & Grain Carts ......................... Call NEW E-Z Trail Seed Wagons .................................. Call NEW Rock Buckets & Pallet Forks ......................... Call REM 2700, Rental ................................................... Call Pre-Owned Grain Cart ................................... On Hand New Horsch Jokers ....................................... On Hand
JD 9600 Combine, JD 930F Bean Head, JD 643 8 Row 30 Corn Head
Items Located In Revillo
Thank You For Your Business! (507) 234-5191 (507) 625-8649
SD & Central Minnesota
Usual Auction Terms
Mark Ziemer, Lic. 34-46, New London, 320-354-4312 Cell: 320-979-4044 Brian Ziemer, New London 320-354-5308 Terry Hilbrands, 239-777-3120 JEFF ENQUIST REAL ESTATE & AUCTIONEERING Stockholm SD 605-880-2476
Hwy. 14, 3 miles West of Janesville, MN
Mon.-Fri. 7:30-5:00 • Sat. 7:30-Noon
Place Your Line Ad Today!
JD 8310T 16” Track Narrow Stance Timpte 42’ Hopper Bottom, Gravity Mc 101275 9’9” Wide X 61’ Tall 2009 7000 Hours, JD 8760 3 Pt, 20.8-38 Wagons, Nuero Grain Vac, Feterl Augers, Mc 10’ Vacuum Cool Tower Dryer Used Firestone Tires, Quad, Quick Hitch, 2 Spd Alloway Stalk Chopper 22’, JD 3710 Approximately 5years. Dryer Capacity Has Been Repaired, 7248 Hours, Ser. Onland Plow 6-18, Case IH 7500 Onland 1275 Bushels Per Hour Damaged By Fire RW337308001746, JD 4430 Diesel, Plow 6-18 Vary Width, Tebben 7 Shank Fall 2019 In Need Of Repair. All Controls Quad Range, Dual Hyd, 3 PT, Duals, Ripper With Disk Levelers 3 Pt, 2015 Fast Touch Screen Monitor 75 HP Fan Motor 6297 Hours On Tach, JD 4020, JD Gator, 9613 Sprayer 88’ Boom, 1000 Gallon JD 112 LP Tank
DEADLINE: Friday at 5:00 p.m. for the following Friday edition.
To submit your classified ad use one of the following options: Phone: 507-345-4523 or 1-800-657-4665 Mail to: The Land Classifieds P.O. Box 3169, Mankato, MN 56002 Fax to: 507-345-1027 Email: theland@TheLandOnline.com Online at: www.thelandonline.com
Not responsible for accidents (Cash or Approved Check Day of Sale). No Items Removed Until Settled For. Number system used Everything Sold As Is. www.ziemerauctions.com or midwestauctions.com, click on Ziemer Hilbrands Auctions Clerk Follow Ziemer Auctioneers on Facebook! 239-777-3120
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THE LAND — SEPTEMBER 4 /SEPTEMBER 11, 2020 Harvesting Equip
Harvesting Equip
FOR SALE: Harvesting Massey 550 combine with 1144 cornhead, low hours, AC, gear drive, diesel, $4,000. Case IH stalk chopper #50, good condition, $3,000. Feterl 10X66 auger, hydraulic winch, good condition, $2,800. Parker 2000 gravity boxes, 300 bushel, $1,600-$2,000. Retiring. Young America, MN (952) 412-7731
FOR SALE: John Deere cornhead, #553, five row, $1,500. Phone 507-227-1103. Leave message
www.thelandonline.com — “Where Farm and Family Meet”
68094 Common St. Hutchinson, MN 55350
JD 9500 combine, well maintained, nice appearance, $18,900. JD 920, 920F, grain heads. Both nice shape, $8,500/choice. 815-988-2074
Farmall 806 rebuilt
Good selection of IH farm equipment
Plows, disc, planter, drill, tillage, hay equip1976 International 4wd ment & more. pickup 345 V8 with Large selection of IH automatic parts & collectibles 1972 GMC 1500 4wd 3 Point & fast hitch equipment TRAILERS Super M & 400
Grain Handling Equipment
bine, 2014, S670, ID# 1H0567 FOR SALE: (2) Superb conSKDO 757310. 651-764-1780 tinuous flow grain dryers, FOR SALE: Alloway 20 stalk Model SA500V, LP gas, chopper, field ready, hood $4,500/EA or $8,000/pr. Make liner welded in, very good offer. Pictures available. condition, knives replaced as 507-208-0466 needed, $5,900. 507-621-0191 FOR SALE: AB-12B Farm FOR SALE: 2006 CIH 1020 Fan dryer, single phase, grain head, 30’, excellent works very well, dried 50,000 condition, field ready. 507- bu last fall, asking $3,900. 327-1436 Please call 507-236-4010
2000 Delta 8T 26’ gooseneck trailer with pop-up rear
Tools & shop items
Farm misc. & more!
Semi trailer / van body Mowers & outdoor
Auctioneer - Derek Lundeen #86-86 (612)280-1725 No buyer’s premium.
Successful auctions start in The Land!
13927 56th St SE, ENDERLIN, ND
TRACTORS Farmall 706 rebuilt
FOR SALE: 1998 Case IH 2388 Corn dryer, FarmFan modcombine, 2885 separator el 320J, CFAB, $6,250/OBO. hours, excellent condition, Wet corn holding tank, cone had yearly inspection at Ti- bottom, 1200 bu, on wheels, tan Machinery, $45,000/OBO. $650/OBO; 8”x61’ Westfield Call 507-828-3743 PTO straight auger, like FOR SALE: 2011 JD 612C 12 new, $3,200/OBO; 8”x71’ row cornhead, 1H0612 CXED Cheyenne PTO straight auSN#0740587, used total 5 yrs, ger, older, $750/OBO. 6512500 acres, $20,000; JD com- 503-5087 Retiring.
Preview & Loadout by Appointment
COMBINES ’15 JD 690, 4x4, 1745/1160 sep hrs, CM, chopper, 650x38 tires & duals ......................................................... $170,000 ’13 JD 660, 892/1180 CM, chopper duals................. $125,000 ’01 JD 9650 STS, 3014/4325 CM, chopper, duals ....... $35,000 ’01 JD 9750 STS, 3013/4156 CM, chopper, duals ....... $32,500 ‘13 JD 660 4WD, 1876 hrs, 1375 Sep. hrs,CM, Chopper, 520x42 duals ............................................................................. $110,000 ‘14 JD 690 4WD, 640 hrs, 1026 Sep. hrs, 5 spd feederhouse, CM, Power bin Ext., 650x38 tires & duals .............................. $149,000 ’11 Case/IH 8120, 1650/2250 Tracker, Rt, duals .......... $85,000 ’11 Case/IH 7120, 1610/2200 Tracker, Rt, duals .......... $85,000 ‘12 Case/IH 8230 2wd, 2148 engine hours, 1603 separator hrs, rock trap, tracker, chopper, 700 monitor, 372 receiver, 1250x32 tires ........................................................ $105,000
TRACK & 4WD TRACTORS ‘12 Challenger 765D, 2325 hrs, 120” stance, 24” belt, 1000 PTO.........$110,000 ‘15 NH T9.435, 1706 hrs, power shift, 4 Hyd valves, complete auto guidance system, 710/38 tires & duals ....... $128,000 ’14 Case/IH 370 HD, 7065 hrs, 1000 PTO duals........... $75,000 ’14 Case 350 Rowtrac, 1865 hrs, 120” 1000 PTO ...... $143,000 05 Versatile 2335, 5002 hrs, power shift, PTO ............ $62,000
COMBINE HEADS INCLUDES: MFWD Tractors & Loaders, 2WD Tractors & Loaders, Loader & Attachments, Drill, Tillage Equipment, Trucks, Pickups, Vehicles, Trailers, Sprayers & Chemical/Fertilizer Equipment, Skid Steer Loaders & Attachments, Hay & Livestock Equipment, Scraper & Blades, Forklift, Other Equipment, Generators, Lawn & Garden Equipment, Recreation, Tanks, Parts & Farm Support Items
Steffes Group, Inc., 2000 Main Ave E, West Fargo, ND 58078 | 701.237.9173
‘02 Case/IH 2208, Corn head 8 row 30” ...................... $10,000 ’06 Drago, 8 row 30” Chopping corn head ................. $12,000 Case/IH 1083, Corn head 8 row 30” .............................. $6,500 ‘09 Case I/H 3412 Corn head 12 row 30” .................... $19,000 ‘13 Case/IH 3162 40’ flex draper................................. $32,500 ‘13 Case I/H 3020 35 ft. flex head, 3” sickle................ $18,000
‘09 JD 7830 MFWD, 6185 hrs, 3PT PTO, 4 hyd, 20 speed auto quad, 48050 tires & duals, autosteer ready ............. $73,000 97 Case IH 8910 MFWD, 6695 hrs, 3PT, 4 hyd, 540/1000 PTO,14.9x46 tires & duals ........................................ $45,000
‘08 Brent 1194 w/tarp, 1100 bushel, 520x42” walking tandems .................................................................... $29,000 Brent 410 bushel grain cart, 1,000 PTO ........................ $4,100
‘16 JD 824KII, 7480 hrs, cab air, ride control, 6 yd bkt ... $134,500 ’14 JD 724 K, 9587 hrs, third valve, w/ medford forks ....... $77,000 ‘14 JD 724K 6980 hrs, 4.75 yd bkt ..................................... $95,000 ’13 JD 644 K, 5520 hrs, quick coupler, 4.25 yd bkt ........ $105,000 ‘15 Cat 930 M, 6599 hrs, RC, QC & bkt ............................ $85,000 14 Cat 930K, 9588 hrs, QC w/bkt ...................................... $69,000 ’16 Komatsu WA 270-7, 8193 hrs, Q.C., 4 yd bkt .............. $70,000 ’16 Komatsu WA 320-7, 6936 hrs, Q.C., 3.5 yd bkt ........... $75,000 ’14 Kawasaki 70Z7, 7628 hrs, cab air, QC & bkt ................ $69,000 ’10 Kawasaki 65Z V, 6682 hrs, cab air, RC, w/ bkt ............. $51,000 ’16 Case 621G, 7435 hrs, QC w/ 3 yrd bkt, cab air .................. $72,000 ‘12 Case/IH 721F, 3254 hrs, cab air, ride control, 13.5 yd pin on bkt ................................................................................... $69,000 ‘11 Case/IH 721F 7650 hrs, cab air,QC 3 yd bkt, Aux hyd, 4 new 20.5 Rx25 tires ................................................................ $69,000
’15 Cat 323 FL, 3768 hrs, 40" bkt ............................... $110,000 ’11 JD 290GLC, 3347 hrs, 12'6" stick,42" bkt.............. $110,000 ’11 Case 580N, 4x4 cab air 2540 hrs .............................$39,000 ’11 Case CX300C, 2658 hrs, 12' stick, 54" bucket ...... $110,000
LARSON IMPLEMENTS 5 miles east of Cambridge, MN on Hwy. 95
Contact Rodney Steffes at Steffes Group, 701.237.9173 or 701.238.1865
TERMS: All items sold as is where is. Payment of cash or check must be made sale day before removal of items. Statements made auction day take precedence over all advertising. $35 documentation fee applies to all titled vehicles. Titles will be mailed. Canadian buyers need a bank letter of credit to facilitate border transfer. Scott Steffes ND81
Look at our website for pictures & more listings: www.larsonimplements.com
www.thelandonline.com — “Where Farm and Family Meet”
Steffes Auction Calendar 2020 For more info, call: 1-800-726-8609 or visit our website: SteffesGroup.com
Opening September 7 & Closing September 14 at 1PM Beardsley Area Farmers Inventory Reduction Auction, Beardsley, MN Area, Timed Online Auction Opening September 7 & Closing September 16 at 7PM Kevin Knudson Firearms Auction, Steffes Group Facility, Litchfield, MN, Timed Online Auction Opening September 8 & Closing September 14 Maple River Equipment LLC Equipment Auction, Buffalo, ND, Timed Online Auction Opening September 8 & Closing September 15 Huppert Transportation Excess Inventory Auction, Hager City, WI, Timed Online Auction Opening September 10 & Closing September 17 Bruce Gangelhoff Farm Retirement Auction, Finley, ND, Timed Online Auction Tuesday, September 15 at 10AM Dale & Jean Gutenkauf Farm Retirement Auction, Onaka, SD Opening September 15 & Closing September 22 Scott Lankow Farm Retirement Auction, Foxhome, MN, Timed Online Auction Opening September 15 & Closing September 22 at 7PM Eric Larson Farm Auction, Ostego, MN, Timed Online Auction Opening Wednesday, September 16 at 8AM & Closing Wednesday, September 16 at 12PM Griggs County, ND Land Auction - 640± Acres, Binford, ND, Timed Online Auction Thursday, September 17 at 10AM Jim & Jeannine Wilcox Farm Retirement Auction, Buffalo, ND Opening September 17 & Closing September 24 at 12PM Absolute McKenzie County, ND Land Auction - 80± Acres, Watford City, ND, Timed Online Auction Friday, September 18 at 10AM Darrell & Kari Haugen Farm Retirement Auction, Binford, ND Opening September 18 & Closing September 22 at 12:30PM Online Hay Auction Quality Tested - Ring 2, Steffes Group Facility, Litchfield, MN, Timed Online Auction Opening September 18 & Closing September 29 at 1PM Lender Owned Stearns County, MN Real Estate Auction,Paynesville, MN, Timed Online Auction Saturday, September 19 at 10AM Shorty Johnson Estate Auction, McKenzie County Fairgrounds, Watford City, ND Opening September 21 & Closing September 29 at 7PM Lender Owned Restaurant Equipment Auction, Paynesville, MN, Timed Online Auction Opening September 21 & Closing September 30 at 7PM J&N Application Online Retirement Auction, Loomis, NE, Timed Online Auction Tuesday, September 22, 12PM Live Hay Auction Quality Tested - Ring 1, Steffes Group Facility, Litchfield MN Opening September 22 & Closing September 24 at 2PM Absolute Sargent County, ND Grain Facility Auction, Crete, ND, Timed Online Auction Opening September 23 & Closing October 2 Warren Medina Estate Auction, Sauk Rapids, MN, Timed Online Auction Opening September 25 & Closing September 30 Beryl Froemke Estate Auction, Enderlin, ND, Timed Estate Auction Opening September 25 & Closing October 2 at 11AM Frederick L. Elbert Estate Farm Equipment Auction, Hills, MN, Timed Online Auction Opening September 30 at 8AM & Closing September 30 at 12PM Norman County, MN Land Auction - 389± Acres, Borup, MN, Timed Online Auction
One Call Does It All!
With one phone call, you can place your classified line ad in The Land, Farm News & Country Today. Call The Land at 507-345-4523
THE LAND — SEPTEMBER 4/SEPTEMBER 11, 2020 Grain Handling Equipment
Upcoming Issues of THE LAND
FOR SALE: Westfield auc- FOR SALE: Farm Fans gers, 8”x51’ $1,400/OBO; CMS420J grain dryer, LP, 8”x61’ $1,000/OBO. In Manka- DC drive, on transports, 6288 hrs, good condition, $16,750. to MN area. 507-317-0629 320-894-3303
If you’re having a Farm Auction, let other Farmers know it! Southern MNNorthern IA September 18, 2020 October 2, 2020 October 16, 2020 October 30, 2020
Grain Handling Equipment
Northern MN September 25, 2020 October 9, 2020 October 23, 2020 November 6, 2020 November 20, 2020
Deadline is 8 days prior to publication. Indicates early deadline, 9 days prior to publication.
PO Box 3169 • Mankato, MN 56002 Phone: 507-345-4523 or 800-657-4665 Fax: 507-345-1027 Website: www.TheLandOnline.com e-mail: theland@TheLandOnline.com
RETIRED; FOR SALE: Parker 739 Grain Cart. Red, adjustable spout, shedded, like new, $20,000. Call Bill at 507-847-4693. Jackson, MN. Leave message.
Wanted All kinds of New & Used farm equipment - disc chisels, field cults, planters, soil finishers, cornheads, feed mills, discs, balers, haybines, etc. 507438-9782
Your ad could be here! 507-345-4523
Ask Your Auctioneer to Place Your Auction in The Land!
Estate Farm Equipment
Old Barn Wanted: It must have vertical siding & be in fair condition. I have references, insurance and experienced crew. Call Mark or send pictures to 507-469-0474. (507) 469-0474
WANTED: DeLux 10’ continous flow grain dryer, 1-phase LP in excellent condition. Please call 507-8425462, Leave message with return phone number.
319 41st St., HILLS, MN
FOR SALE: Black Angus bulls also Hamp, York, & Hamp/ Duroc boars & gilts. Alfred Kemen 320-598-3790
Swine OPENS SEPT. 25
PREVIEW: By appointment from 10AM – 4PM on September 21-25 and September 28-29. Contact Rex LOADOUT: By appointment only from 10AM – 4PM on October 5-8, unless other arrangements are made. Contact Rex
FOR SALE: Yorkshire, Hampshire, Duroc & Hamp/Duroc boars, also gilts. Excellent selection. Raised outside. Exc herd health. No PRSS. Delivery avail. 320-760-0365 FOR SALE: Duroc boars born January 2020, excellent herd health, delivery available, 218-770-7916
INCLUDES: Tractors, Harvest Equipment, GPS Equipment, Grain Cart & Gravity Wagons, Drill, Planters, Tillage Equipment, Sprayers & NH3 Equipment, Semi Tractor & Box Trucks, Hopper Bottom & Other Trailers, Grain Handling Equipment, Forage, Hay & Livestock Equipment, Tanks & Farm Support Items
Steffes Group, Inc., 2000 Main Ave E, West Fargo, ND 58078 | 701.237.9173
FREDERICK L. ELBERT ESTATE Dolores Elbert PR | Dennis Shelton, 605.471.9706 or contact Rex Dummer at Steffes Group, 605.610.7989
TERMS: All items sold as is where is. Payment of cash or check must be made sale day before removal of items. Statements made auction day take precedence over all advertising. $35 documentation fee applies to all titled vehicles. Titles will be mailed. Canadian buyers need a bank letter of credit to facilitate border transfer. Scott Steffes MN14-51
Spot, Duroc, Chester White, Boars & Gilts available. Monthly PRRS and PEDV. Delivery available. Steve Resler. 507-456-7746
Sheep 20 Heavy Duty Steel Jigs For Sheep/Goats To Make Turning Cradles Sliding & Sorting Gates, Run & Corral Panels, Mineral Feeders, Bale Feeders, Etc. PLUS 40 Pieces Of Inventory. $7,500/OBO. Retiring. 319-347-6282
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Trucks & Trailers
www.thelandonline.com — “Where Farm and Family Meet”
Dorset & Hampshire rams, Ford 7.3 Power Stroke diesel For Sale: Ready to frame Winpower Sales & Service ewes & yearlings for sale. used engines & trans, tested print. Les Kouba’s “Bluebills Reliable Power Solutions Lambs, large framed w/fast & guaranteed, parts & ser- Visit Indian Point”. Signed & Since 1925 PTO & automatic numbered 3887/4400. New. Emergency Electric Genergrowth that will put extra lbs vice also. 320-583-0881 $20 In Mankato. 507-317-3866 ators. New & Used on your lambs. I can deliver. Rich Opsata-Distributor Gene Sanford (507)645-4989 Recreational FREON WANTED: We pay 800-343-9376 Vehicles $$$ for cylinders & cans. R12 February, March Twin Ram R500 R11 R113 R114. ConveLambs. Suffolk/Hampshire FOR SALE: Yamaha Grizzly nient. Certified Professionand Dorset sired. Rugged ATV, 2010, 4x4, approx 3700 als. Call (312)291-9169 or visit Classified line ads work! and Growthy. Ready to help miles, excellent condition, RefrigerantFinders.com Call 507-345-4523 your flock. LaFayette, MN $4,850. 507-317-3396 507-276-7683 PARMA DRAINAGE PUMPS
ust be ve nd all New pumps & parts on hand. to FOR SALE: Suffolk, Suffolk Miscellaneous Call Minnesota’s largest dis474 cross rams & Polypay rams, tributor lots of muscle. Suffolk cross HJ Olson & Company ED ewe lambs & speckle faced For Sale: Really nice recliner/ 320-974-8990 Cell - 320-212-5336 ST ewe lambs. 507-445-3317 lift chair in excellent cond. ER (leave message) or 507-822- Blue fabric, no stains, tears REINKE IRRIGATION AY- 3398 or damage of any kind. New Sales & Service VE arm covers included. Seat is New & Used NG Sell your livestock in The Land 20” wide x 21.5” deep. $375 For your irrigation needs in Mankato 507-317-3866 with a line ad. 507-345-4523 888-830-7757 or 507-276-2073
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ADM Animal Nutrition .................................................... 3 American Standard .......................................................... 9 Beck's Hybrids .................................................... 1, 11, 15 Fladeboe Land .............................................................. 23 Freudenthal Dairy ......................................................... 17 Greenwald Farm Center ................................................. 22 Henslin Auctions, Inc .............................................. 21, 25 Holland Auction Co....................................................... 22 Jason's Helicopter Services, LLC ............................. 14, 27 Lampi Auctions & Appraisers ........................................ 21 Larson Brothers Implement ........................................... 25 Lundeen Auctions ................................................... 22, 25 Pioneer ........................................................................... 6 Pruess Elevator, Inc ...................................................... 23 Rush River Steel & Trim ................................................. 4 Schweiss Doors ............................................................. 23 Smiths Mill Implement, Inc ........................................... 24 Spanier Welding .............................................................. 7 Steffes Group .......................................................... 25, 26 Ziemer Auction ............................................................. 24 507-345-4523 • 800-657-4665 PO Box 3169, Mankato, MN 56001 www.thelandonline.com
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www.thelandonline.com — “Where Farm and Family Meet”
This week’s Back Roads is the work of The Land Correspondent Tim King. Photos by Jan King.
A picture (book) worth 1,000 words
ublic libraries have been closed or only partially open all summer due to Covid-19. That’s a problem for thousands of kids who enjoy hanging out at the library — reading, doing craft projects, attending events or using the computers. Librarians have responded to that hole in children’s lives with lots of creative remedies. One of the solutions the librarians at the Great River Regional Library system, headquartered in St. Cloud, created in June is the Story Stroll. “We’ve had Story Strolls in at least 18 of our libraries,” Ryan McCormick of GRRL said. “We’ll continue them as long as the weather permits.” Story Strolls are copies of actual pages from very large format children’s books — mounted on stands like those used for political yard signs. “Libraries have them in parks or in the lawn outside the library,” McCormick explained. “I like the Story Strolls because they involve both adults and children involved in the healthy activity of walking and reading.” In late August, a Story Stroll on the lawn at the Sauk Centre library was “Planting a Rainbow,” by Lois Ehlert. “We put a new one up every week,” Dawn, a Sauk Centre librarian said. “We see a lot of people stopping to read them.”
Long Prairie, Minn.
The Story Stroll for the same week at the Long Prairie library was “Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?” by Bill Martin Jr. and Eric Carle. The “Brown Bear” Story Stroll consists of 17 colorful panels, or pages. In Long Prairie, they are spaced out along the sidewalk in Harmony Park near the elementary school. The spacing allows the children to run or study the baby killdeers. Adults, who are their readers, can enjoy the flowers and a summer breeze as they stroll between panels. Each panel is a discovery — just like a book. What does Brown Bear see? Oh! He sees a Red Bird. Walk or run to the next panel. What does Red Bird see? She sees a Yellow Duck. Walk, run, look at the flowers until the team reaches Yellow Duck. A child of a certain age and a certain adventuresome spirit might just reach the Yellow Duck first. “I see a Blue Horse looking at me,” the girl yells out at the top of her lungs as she practices her reading skills. Or, upon reaching the Blue Horse, you might yell together: “I see a green frog looking at me!” How does this story end? You’ll have stroll over to your library to find out. The list of GRRL libraries is at griver.org. Call before going to be sure a Story Stroll is on display. v
Solar energy is more than clean energy, it’s financial stability, predictability, and independence. We know the challenges of planning for the future, and we’re here to help you take control of what you can. Blue Horizon Energy works with the best suppliers and partners in the solar industry so you can rest easy knowing that you can trust your solar system to support your family, farm, and business for decades to come.
This farming family has seen their solar energy systems yield 109% to target since January. They’re saving thousands thanks to solar energy, and you can save too. Pictured: 136kW (Site 1 of 6).
DUAL-AXIS TRACKER PROVEN. RELIABLE. PREDICTABLE. Blue Horizon Energy has delivered hundreds of turnkey solar projects across the Midwest and our results are proven by all of these happy customers. Our projects are backed by industry-leading warranties, up to 25 years on key components, to create long-term reliable performance and savings.
REAL RESULTS. Blue Horizon Energy help this farming family design a group of solar energy projects to take out 95-100% of their annual energy usage across six hog confinements. Then we worked together to create a cost effective and tax efficient financing structure to build these solar arrays with minimum risk and maximum long-term value for the farm. We can show you how too.
Our top-shelf technologies yield more power and more savings, delivering up to 40% more energy and a stronger, more predictable return on investment.
DUAL-AXIS TRACKER PROVEN. RELIABLE. PREDICTABLE. Blue Horizon Energy has delivered hundreds of turnkey solar projects across the Midwest and our results are proven by all of these happy customers. Our projects are backed by industry-leading warranties, up to 25 years on key components, to create long-term reliable performance and savings.
REAL RESULTS. Blue Horizon Energy help this farming family design a group of solar energy projects to take out 95-100% of their annual energy usage across six hog confinements. Then we worked together to create a cost effective and tax efficient financing structure to build these solar arrays with minimum risk and maximum long-term value for the farm. We can show you how too.
Our top-shelf technologies yield more power and more savings, delivering up to 40% more energy and a stronger, more predictable return on investment.
Solar energy is more than clean energy, it’s financial stability, predictability, and independence. We know the challenges of planning for the future, and we’re here to help you take control of what you can. Blue Horizon Energy works with the best suppliers and partners in the solar industry so you can rest easy knowing that you can trust your solar system to support your family, farm, and business for decades to come.
This farming family has seen their solar energy systems yield 109% to target since January. They’re saving thousands thanks to solar energy, and you can save too. Pictured: 136kW (Site 1 of 6).