THE LAND ~ October 2, 2020 ~ Southern Edition

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October 2, 2020 October 9, 2020


CFAP2 is here

Kent Thiesse gives the details on page 8

PLUS: Small town Porter, Minn. has big-time industry, A treasure trove of Molines, Milker’s Message ... and more!

PAGE 2 — “Where Farm and Family Meet”


Sending a signal P.O. Box 3169 418 South Second St. Mankato, MN 56002 (800) 657-4665 Vol. XLIV ❖ No. 20 24 pages, 1 section plus supplements

Cover photo by Paul Malchow

COLUMNS Opinion Farm and Food File Deep Roots Marketing Farm Programs From The Fields Mielke Market Weekly Auctions/Classifieds Advertiser Listing Back Roads

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It was a nice run while it lasted. wheel, the driver will lift one or sometimes four fingers to fashion a wave. This Do you remember the end of March is a very subtle wave and should not be and beginning of April when the coronaconfused with the other one-finger salute virus was new and mysterious? Oncedrivers will often distribute in lessbusy highways looked like East Montana friendly situations. two-lanes and city sidewalks were vacant with a “where-did-everybody-go” eerie Another vehicle driver wave involves quality. little hand movement at all. It is usually an arm thrust out an open window as the And everybody waved at each other. LAND MINDS vehicle fades down the block. In fact, in On the rare occasion when you would my town, if this action involves vigorous By Paul Malchow see another living soul outside your famiarm movement, something is probably ly, everybody waved. Now, we all know wrong and the driver is trying to get in our circle of acquaintances there are attention — not being necessarily wavers and non-wavers. But even the friendly. non-wavers were waving. It was signal. “Hang in At any rate, I’ve noticed a definite diminishing of there … keep the faith. I’m alive … so are you.” waving — certainly the enthusiastic kind. Are we so Agreed, waving is probably more of a small-town Covid-jaded we’ve gone from, “YES! I’m alive!” to phenomenon. Mankato, “Ugh .. I’m bored.”? Minn. is in the 50,000 We can’t shake hands, population neighborhood let alone hug each other. and you don’t see much It seems at least we can waving. Many times peostill wave. And with ple looked startled if you masks in place, people wave at them; but with a can really wonder, “Am I puzzled look they do supposed to know that often wave back. I supperson?” pose they’re thinking, “Am I supposed to know n that person?” All of this came about I’ve lived in towns as I received an interestwhere you’re considered a ing email last week. To snob if you DON’T wave. enhance communication All forms of waving seem and promote farm safety, to suffice. There are the the American Society of hearty wavers who look Agricultural and like they’re trying to hail Biological Engineers a taxi. These are mostly (ASABE) has developed men. Women have an 11 hand signals. almost-coy way of waving “When working around — always friendly, nothlarge equipment or ing demonstrative. machinery,” the e-mail I like to use the parade stated, “verbal communiwave on occasion. There cation between employare two. In one form the waver moves their hand ees often is not possible. Workers must rely on hand almost horizontally in a figure eight motion. Not signals to communicate. Training workers how to much wrist action, mostly arm movement. The other use hand signals could be especially useful for nonparade wave points the forearm in an upright posiEnglish speaking workers” tion while only the hand moves … pivoting on the Perfect for these socially-distanced times. wrist like you were screwing in a lightbulb. Some of the hand signals looked familiar: “This Then there’s what I call the Hitler wave. To far to go,” “Stop the engine” and “Increase speed.” describe it in a more socially correct manner, this “Stop” is eerily similar to the Hitler wave (but we’ve wave is similar to the response when attendance is already gone there). being taken; or you’re volunteering with the correct While the other seven signals definitely have their answer in class. No hand movement, no real arm place in working situations, they may generate a movement either. But if the hand and fingers are look of bewilderment to the untrained. (Perhaps stretched out enough, it looks like the person is flash cards would be useful to learn them by heart.) saluting the Third Reich … well, you get the idea. “Raise equipment” and “Lower equipment” are logiPeople driving a vehicle will often give the finger cally opposites; but “Come to me” seems a little wave. With their thumb hooked around the steering See LAND MINDS, pg. 7


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THE LAND — OCTOBER 2/OCTOBER 9, 2020 — “Where Farm and Family Meet” S:9.417"



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PAGE 4 — “Where Farm and Family Meet”


Election year crazy, sure; but this is way beyond crazy Just when you think 2020 When added, U.S. farmers can’t possibly get any craziwill pocket $51 billion in er, autumn arrives with a aid, or just $11 billion less carload of crazy in tow. than 2016’s entire net farm income for all farmers. For example, does any farmer or rancher really Equally crazy is that if know what the White anyone in the congressional House’s recently ag hierarchy asks for an announced additional $14 FARM & FOOD FILE accounting of the money, as billion in ag bailout money Ranking Member Debbie By Alan Guebert is intended to address that Stabenow of the Senate Ag the previous $37.2 billion Committee did Sept. 21, didn’t address? they are denounced as “irresponsible.” That’s an honest question because we already know through So, since no one is allowed to ask, the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s let’s simply pause to contemplate recent Farm Income Forecast that where exactly in the Twilight Zone we 2020 net farm income will be an estiare today. mated $102.7 billion, the highest since First, the Dems are worried about 2013. spending. Second, the Repubs are In fact, it’s the highest by far: $40 screaming for billions more in subsibillion over 2016’s net farm income dies. Third, has any farm or commodiand $20 billion more than last year’s. ty group not put its hand out? And that’s before the $14 billion. Gonzo as that all might be, even




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more crazy are much bigger sectors of the U.S. economy which continue to be stiffed — and strangled — by Congress and the White House. For example, American agriculture composes 1 percent of U.S. Gross Domestic Product. By contrast, the restaurant sector is four times bigger, kicking in 4 percent of GDP. To date, restaurants have received pennies in government coronavirus aid while ag has gotten dollars. Still, American leaders don’t have a corner on crazy. Boris Johnson, the United Kingdom’s prime minister (and Europe’s best-known Covid-19 skeptic until he survived a Covid infection last April) does crazy as good as anyone anywhere. To prove it, Johnson, the strawhaired former mayor of London who rode Brexit, the UK’s exit from the European Union, into No. 10 Downing St., recently said he would not hesitate to break the very Brexit agreement he signed with the EU just months ago if it insists he follow its rules.

Crazy, right? I mean, which leader of a nuclear-armed nation negotiates, then signs, an international agreement they say they will break before the deal even takes effect? Crazier still, Prime Minister BoJo says he’s not the crazy one in the deal; the EU is, he proclaims, because it actually believed he would honor the Brexit deal he signed. Johnson’s remark came on the heels of recent questions surrounding a key Brexit sticking point: How do Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland (the former is a part of the UK, the latter a part of the EU) maintain their shared, “open” border after Brexit kicks in Jan. 1. The answer involves more than trade. Leaders on both sides see the open border — unburdened by either EU or UK tariffs — as the key to maintaining the fragile peace between the long-warring sides. UK farmers, who supported both Brexit and Johnson, now find themSee GUEBERT, pg. 11

THE LAND — OCTOBER 2/OCTOBER 9, 2020 — “Where Farm and Family Meet”

Who’d have thought LED lights would be a camping highlight?

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My son Easton celebrated his ninth and could run for any supplies that we birthday recently. He is a one-of-a-kind forgot, which we took full advantage of. kid; he is smart, funny, adventurous, It also helped that some of our best loves chopping wood, and has a grin that friends were smarter than us and rented can quickly get him in to and out of troua room at a resort down the road from ble. our campsite and offered our family a bed if we needed. Like I said, we counted He has never been overly excited about this as a successful camping trip. having birthday parties with the usual cake, balloons, superhero themes, and Our next camping trip was to be the DEEP ROOTS lots of other kids. So, rather than throwbig birthday trip. This time we were By Whitney Nesse camping at Fort Ridgely State Park ing him a party each year, we let him choose something he’d like to do. A few which is a more remote location. The years ago we went on a North Shore adventure; last nearest town larger than a postage stamp is about year we went fishing in the Alexandria Lakes area; 30 minutes away. and this year he asked if we could go camping. The weather forecast was perfect and everyone At this point, if I could insert scary music, I was looking forward to camping. When we arrived would. at our campsite celebrations began. The mosquitoes I am going to let you in on a little secret. My hus- immediately began feasting in droves, reminding band, Karl, and I are very reluctant campers. We’ve me that we forgot to bring bug spray. We decided been married for almost 14 years and the only time that we would survive the mosquitoes as long as we we have camped was the time I set up a tent in the got our tent set up. So Easton and I started setting up the tent as the others finished unpacking our yard and the kids and I slept in it for roughly half van. He and I made quick work getting the tent up of the night. We own camping gear like sleeping bags and an air mattress (used for slumber parties), and the other kids brought their sleeping bags in. hot dog roasting sticks used when we have bonfires, As I began to zip the tent door closed in an and a tent for the kids to set up in the yard that attempt to keep the skeeters out, the zipper broke. provides endless hours of entertainment. Never By this point, all seven of us had become an all-youhave we used all of these things together for an can-eat buffet for the mosquitoes and I was feeling actual camping expedition as a family. a little distraught. This trip was on a very slippery A few weeks before Easton’s birthday we gathered downhill slope. My husband calmly suggested that we get back in the van and head to the nearest all of our camping gear and took a short trip to the Okoboji, Iowa area and camped there for a couple of town that might have tents for sale. nights. This was our pre-birthday camping test trip. We were able to find a big box store a mere 40 The same day we left for our trip, I had picked up miles away and I was able to buy the very last tent big enoughPlease to hold family COPY INSTRUCTIONS read our attached email— and as much bug our oldest daughter, Abby, from BibleAD camp where spray as I could find. Once back at our campsite, we she had just spent a week on an island with no all bathed in bug spray and quickly disassembled modern amenities. She was our camping “expert” CODE AND REP NAMES ALREADY ON ADus aTHE 3.7461 the old tent. The kids built niceLAND fire while Karlx that weekend with campfire meal ideas and all of and I very easily put up the new tent which we disthe basic survival skills. covered was equipped with built-in LED lights. Overall, Okoboji was a fairly successful trip — After an exquisite meal of hot dogs and chips and minus the fact that it was exactly one million a short hike, we were nearly ready to retire to the degrees outside and there was no relief from the heat overnight. We were only minutes from town See DEEP ROOTS, pg. 7

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PAGE 6 — “Where Farm and Family Meet”



Grain Outlook Corn price hits a lull as booming harvest looms

Livestock Angles Demand will tell the story for livestock market’s future

els. This far exceeds the 7 The livestock markets have The following marketing ments than expected. The mmt projection by both the spent most of the year in viranalysis is for the week ending market did open lower the United States and China. tual trading ranges of various Sept. 25. following trading day as China’s domestic corn prices degrees depending on the anticipated; but quickly found CORN — Money and were trading close to $9.00 commodity. All have experibuying in the futures and demand were the watch words this week, lending support to enced a major drop at the closed most contracts higher last week, but this week we their interest in imports. beginning of the year and on the day. turned more to weather and spent the last few months Weekly ethanol production harvest. Corn closed lower for The feeder cattle market was down 20,000 barrels per attempting to recovery to the four consecutive days before has been the more exciting of JOE TEALE staging a small rebound into PHYLLIS NYSTROM day to 906,000 bpd. Ethanol levels at the beginning of the the cattle complex as prices CHS Hedging Inc. Broker stocks were up 199,000 bar- year. The question now is, the weekend. China did return have been rising since the St. Paul rels at 20 million barrels. where do we go from here? Great Plains Commodity sell-off bottomed in early to the arena this week with a Afton, Minn. Margins fell 4 cents to 9 With adequate numbers of all small 5.5 million bushels purApril. The outlook from this livestock, it would appear cents per gallon. Gasoline chase, and unknown bought point may be a bit guarded 12.6 million bushels. Harvest slowly demand, at 8.5 million gallons per day, that the demand for product will be the because of the supply of cattle. If began in a few areas of the corn belt, is down 9 percent from last year on a determining factor in the weeks and domestic or foreign demand increases, months ahead. but most of the focus was on soybean four-week average. this could support prices into the end of As for the cattle market, it would the year. The next few weeks could set harvest. News to drive corn prices USDA Chief Economist Johansson wasn’t abundant, instead seemingly said this week U.S. agricultural exports appear to be the most sluggish of the the tone for which direction the cattle content to follow soybean action. in the first seven months of the calen- group as it has only recovered about prices take into the end of the year. The Grain Stocks as of Sept. 1 report dar year were down 3.5 percent year- two thirds of the loss since the first of September has been a very good was released Sept. 30 and more details on-year, but non-ag exports were down the year. One problem has been the month for the hog market as prices 18 percent. He stated, “it’s hard to tell slow movement in the export arena moved over the $70 level for the first on that report will be coming. which has only just begun to pick up. time since January. The average corn stocks trade esti- whether the tough times are over for farmers or more still lie ahead.” Domestic demand has been fairly mate is 2.250 billion bushels. CHS Good demand for pork both domestic Hedging Research is forecasting 2.574 Secretary Perdue stated it appears constant, but the absence of a brisk and export have been the main catalyst billion bushels. The U.S. Department of China is making an effort to fulfill the export demand seems to be the prob- for this current rally. From a seasonal Agriculture was using 2.253 billion Phase 1 trade agreement and is hope- lem. Another problem has been the point of view, the hog market usually bushels on the September World ful they can reach the $36.5 billion total production of beef due to heavier finds a top and moves lower into the cattle. Agriculture Supply and Demand commitment by February. end of the year. At this juncture, the Outlook: Corn moved into consolidatThe latest U.S. Department of futures market for hogs is in an overEstimates report. The trade is also expecting the 2019 corn production fig- ing type trade this week, giving back Agriculture Cattle on Feed report was bought condition. This would suggest ure to be slightly smaller than what all the previous week’s gain as we move seen as negative because of the greater that market is susceptible to some posnumber on feed as well as higher place- sible corrective action in the days the USDA is currently using. The See NYSTROM, pg. 7 revised number is expected at 13.06 ahead. It may be short-term, or there billion bushels vs. 13.617 billion bushwould be a possibility that it could turn els on the recent WASDE report. The into a longer term downtrend. This International Grain Council this week would suggest that producers should cut their global corn production 6 milcarefully consider some type of protec corn/change* soybeans/change* lion metric tons to 1.15 billion tons. tive or defensive strategy looking for Stewartville $3.17 .00 $9.31 -.04 Brazil’s corn production is expected to ward into the fall months ahead. v Edgerton $3.20 +.07 $9.30 +.07 increase 6 percent year-on-year. Jackson $3.20 +.01 $9.35 +.12 Weekly export sales were better than Janesville $3.19 +.03 $9.37 +.07 expected at 84.2 million bushels. This Cannon Falls $3.26 +.08 $9.30 -.10 brings total commitments to 889.5 mil Sleepy Eye $3.15 +.04 $9.23 +.02 lion bushels — or 38 percent of the total 2.325-billion-bushel forecast. This Average: $3.20 $9.31 is the highest commitment for this Year Ago Average: $3.69 $8.34 time of year on record. Weekly sales to China accounted for 22.3 million bushGrain prices are effective cash close on Sept. 29. els. China’s total commitment for this *Cash grain price change represents a two-week period. year is 9.8 mmt or 385.8 million bush-

Cash Grain Markets

For marketing news between issues ... visit

Information in the above columns is the writer’s opinion. It is no way guaranteed and should not be interpreted as buy/sell advice. Futures trading always involves a certain degree of risk.

THE LAND — OCTOBER 2/OCTOBER 9, 2020 — “Where Farm and Family Meet”


Strong U.S. dollar makes soybeans less competitive NYSTROM, from pg. 6

ing their interest in imports. China’s Golden Week holiday began Oct. 1. It’s anticipated we will see limited business until after the celebrations are concluded. The holiday has added concern about an increase in Covid-19 cases since many travel during the holiday. The average trade guess for the Sept. 1 Stocks report is 576 million bushels. The September WASDE report was at 575 million bushels and CHS Hedging Research is predicting 600 million bushels. The 2019 revised soybean production figure is estimated at 3.575 billion bushels vs. 3.552 billion bushels on the September WASDE report. Weekly export sales were huge — even better than expected — at 117.4 million bushels. This brings total commitments to a record for this time of year at 1.3 billion bushels or 61 percent of the USDA’s 2.125-billion-bushel target. China has purchased 19.2 mmt of U.S. soybeans for the marketing year or 705.5 million bushels This week saw another 45 million bushels of sales. Included in the daily totals were 19.5 million bushels to China, 20.6 million bushels to unknown, and 4.85 million bushels to Pakistan. Dryness in Argentina has led the Buenos Aires Grain Exchange to cut their soybean production to 46.5 mmt from 49.6 mmt last year. The USDA’s outlook is for their soybean crop to increase to 53.5 mmt. The BAGE lowered their corn estimate to 47 mmt

toward harvesting a huge 14.9 billion bushel crop. Managed money doesn’t have much of a position, but are slightly long ahead of a big harvest. The next short-term support level in December corn is the 200-day moving average at $3.60 per bushel. The next support would be a gap in the December contract from $3.45.5 to $3.48 per bushel. Overhead resistance is the recent high at $3.79.25, then the high from March at $3.86.75 per bushel. Watch for further weakness unless China shows an increase in purchases or weather turns very wet. For the week, December corn plunged 13.25 cents to settle at $3.65.25, July dropped 13 cents to $3.82.5, and December 2021 crumbled 9.25 cents to $3.84 per bushel. SOYBEANS — Soybeans closed lower four sessions in a row as they retraced a good portion of the previous week’s rally. A small amount of profit-taking was seen before the weekend. We also saw a 14-day streak of daily soybean export sales announcements broken at mid-week. Chatter has begun to pop up — wondering if China’s pace of purchases can be sustained. There were reports China’s soybean inventories have recovered from a low set in March to its highest level since October 2018. U.S. soybeans are the cheapest into China through January when Brazil’s soybeans take the advantage. China imported 116,400 metric tons of U.S. soybeans in August, down 90 percent from last year. However, they imported 8.15 mmt of Brazilian beans in August, up 22 percent from last year. China’s domestic soybean prices are approximately $18.00 per bushel, support- DEEP ROOTS, from pg. 5 tent for the night. It was already dark outside when I took our six-year-old son Jonny into the tent to help him put his jammies on. Remembering the lights, I turned them on. Much to Jonny’s surprise, he quickly looked around with eyes as big as saucers, stuttered a few noncommunicable syllables, placed his fingers on his temples and yelled, LAND MINDS, from pg. 2 “BOOM! MIND BLOWN!” He could not believe his eyes, the tent had lights! I couldn’t help but chuckle frantic in nature. And does it matter if the hand at his innocent and utter excitement over simple moves clockwise or counter-clockwise when signaling? Is the opposite direction telling people to “Stay LED lights. It was truly delightful. away?” Later on, after everyone was in the tent, we decided to tell stories to help the littlest ones fall asleep. I One signal I didn’t see on the list was one my went first, telling a tall tale of a monkey who gets father often used: Hands clenched in fists to the caught up with some bandits on his way out West temples of his head, simulating pulling out tufts of during the gold rush. It had a very dramatic ending hair. If that hand signal wasn’t clear, the colorful with the monkey getting tied up and placed on the language accompanying the action spoke volumes. railroad tracks — but that’s a story for another time. North Dakota State University Extension has My girls teamed up to tell the next story. created a variety of resources to share these hand signals. Posters featuring the signals can be downCora, our 7 year old daughter, is the most makeloaded, along with a video of Oliver County up-loving, glittery, everything pink and frilly, girly Extension Agent Rick Schmidt demonstrating how girl on the planet. She started on a story where a to properly use hand signals; and what to be aware werewolf was the villain. Cora and Abby tag-teamed of when guiding drivers of tractors, trucks or other their story with each part getting more and more equipment. dramatic. During their story, there was a sudden Paul Malchow is the managing editor of The Land. turn of events and the villainous werewolf barged He may be reached at v in. According to Cora, “the werewolf had SPLIT

from 50 mmt last year. The USDA is at 50 mmt. La Niña is developing which means higher chances of dryness in Argentina, southern Brazil, and the southern plains of the United States; with wetter conditions for the Pacific Northwest. Argentina’s soybean planting runs into November/December, with corn planting from late September through January. Outlook: Harvest is gearing up with favorable weather, China may be stepping aside for a brief time as they celebrate Golden Week, but the upcoming Grain Stocks report may limit the downside. A weak Brazilian real and a strong U.S. dollar has cut into U.S. competitiveness; but we are still the market for China through January. The question is whether China is stepping aside for the time being. Support in November soybeans is psychologically the $10.00 level, then $9.85 - $9.75 per bushel. Resistance runs from $10.46.75 to $10.50 per bushel. For the week, November soybeans plummeted 41 cents to close at $10.02.5, July sank 28.25 cents to $10.02, and November 2021 crashed 28 cents to $9.48.25 per bushel. Nystrom’s Notes: Contract changes for the week as of the close on Sept. 25: Chicago December wheat dropped 30.75 cents to $5.44.25, Kansas City fell 29 cents to $4.75.25, and Minneapolis tumbled 21.5 cents to $5.29.75 per bushel. v

Campsite relocated to the back yard

Hand signals provide safety

ENDS!” To which Abby exclaimed, “Oh no! Not split ends!” We all burst out laughing at the horrifying thought of split ends! Once the girls finished their story, the kids quieted down and drifted off to sleep, all sleeping soundly through the night. Karl and I, on the other hand, proceeded to freeze the entire night. Neither he nor I got much in the way of sleep that night. Early the next morning, the kids woke with the sun. The mosquitoes were still incessant and began driving us completely mad. A cold night with little sleep plus mosquitoes make very lousy parents out of Karl and I. We decided to cut the trip short, pack up, and go home. So as to not disappoint our birthday boy, the tent was again erected in the yard where the kids spent the night with Mom and Dad only a few short steps away in the house. I do not foresee our family becoming hard core campers. I very much enjoy warm running water, my own bed, and modern things like microwaves and flushing toilets. Although our birthday camping trip was a bit of a flop, we came home with funny memories that will not soon be forgotten … and BOOM! A mind-blowing light-up tent. Whitney Nesse is a sixth-generation livestock farmer who is deeply rooted in her faith and family. She writes from her central Minnesota farm. v

PAGE 8 — “Where Farm and Family Meet”


USDA announces of second round of CFAP payments The U.S. Department of Agriculture has upland cotton. recently announced details for enrollment Flat-rate row crops — Alfalfa, amafor the second round of payments for the ranth grain ,buckwheat, canola, ELS cotCoronavirus Food Assistance Program ton, crambe (colewort), einkorn, emmer, (CFAP2). This program will authorize up flax, guar, hemp, indigo, industrial rice, to $14 billion in direct payments to farmkenaf, khorasan, millet ,mustard, oats, ers and ranchers to partially help offset peanut, quinoa, rapeseed, rice, sweet rice, the financial impacts that U.S. farmers wild rice, safflower, sesame, speltz, sugar and ranchers have incurred as a result of beets, sugarcane, teff and triticale. FARM PROGRAMS the Covid-19 pandemic. Livestock — Cattle, hogs, sheep, dairy The CFAP2 aid package is in addition By Kent Thiesse (milk), broilers, turkeys, goats, bison, bufto the CFAP1 payments which many profalo, wool and eggs. ducers have already received for Specialty crops — Sweet corn, crops, livestock and specialty crops. peas, fruits, vegetables, nuts, aquaSign-up for the CFAP program culture and other specialty crops. began on Sept. 21 and will continue through Dec. 11 (For a complete list and payment details, go to www. at local Farm Service Agency offices. Currently, some FSA offices are open for business by phone Commodities not covered — Non-alfalfa hay, cloappointment only. Once FSA has verified CFAP eliver, grass, cover crops, forage sorghum, and home gibility, producers may be able to complete the vegetable and flower gardens. application on-line. The CFAP application tool and forms are be available at Field crop payment rates The final CFAP2 payment rate for a given crop is For producers who normally enroll in farm probased on the price decline from mid-January until grams or utilize other FSA services, the FSA offices late July, 2020. This figure is multiplied by 80 perlikely already have most of the background information needed to apply for CFAP payments. For produc- cent, which is then multiplied by the percentage of ers new to utilizing FSA programs and services, they the 2020 crop expected to be marketed by year-end. will need to supply the FSA office with name, address Following are the approximate final payment rates and personal information — as well as business for common crops: corn, 23 cents per bushel; soystructure, adjusted gross income verification, direct beans, 31 cents per bushel; wheat, 40 cents per bushdeposit information, and conservation compliance. el; barley, 34 cents per bushel; sorghum, 31 cents per bushel; and sunflowers, 0.9 cents per pound. Covered Commodities Row crops with price triggers — Corn, soybeans, Payments for field crops will be based on the 2020 wheat (all classes), sorghum, barley, sunflowers and crop acres which were certified at FSA offices.


Crop yields will be the “weighted” average actual production history yield for all farms included in a FSA farm unit. Farms without actual production history yield data will use the County ARC-CO benchmark yield multiplied by 85 percent. The minimum payment rate for all field crops, including all flat rate crops, is $15 per acre. For 500 acres of corn with an actual production history of 180 bushels per acre, at a payment rate of 23 cents per bushel, the estimated CFAP2 crop payment would be $20,700. For 500 acres of soybeans with an actual production history of 50 bushels per acre, at a payment rate of 31 cents per bushel, the estimated CFAP2 crop payment would be $7,750. Livestock payment rates and calculations A 5,000-head inventory of hogs at $23 per head would generate an estimated CFAP2 payment of $115,000. A 500-head inventory of cattle at $55 per head would generate an estimated CFAP2 payment of $27,500. An 800-head inventory of sheep at $27 per head would generate an estimated CFAP2 payment of $21,600. The livestock count eligible for CFAP2 payments for all species is the number of eligible head in inventory on a specific date selected by the producers between April 16 and Aug. 31, 2020. Breeding stock is not eligible for CFAP2 payments. Dairy payment rates and calculations The dairy CFAP2 payments will be calculated in two parts, which will be added together. Part one is the actual certified milk production from April 1 through Aug. 31, 2020 times $1.20 per hundredweight. Part two is the estimated milk production from Sept. 1 through Dec. 31, 2020, based on the daily average production from April 1 to Aug. 31, 2020, multiplied by 1.22. This number is then multiplied by a payment rate of $1.20 per hundredweight. Example: 1 million pounds of milk was marketed from April 1 to Aug. 31, 2020. Multiplying that number by 1.22 produces an estimated figure of 1.22 million pounds of milk production from Sept. 1 See THIESSE, pg. 11



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THE LAND — OCTOBER 2/OCTOBER 9, 2020 — “Where Farm and Family Meet”

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PAGE 10 — “Where Farm and Family Meet”


Smiles all around as harvest progesses nicely

Andy Pulk — Wannaska, Minn. Sept. 24

“The oats are all done, most are hauled in.” The Land spoke with Andy Pulk on Sept. 24 as he reported that the quality was good for the most part, though some oats were not great due to sitting Andy Pulk in moisture out in the field. It will be a while before Pulk’s soybeans will be ready to harvest. “They were green when they froze.” Pulk estimates that it will be another week to 10 days before harvest. With the early freeze, Pulk believes that beans will be below average. Fall can bring surprises, and this one is a good one. “Corn has actually come around pretty stinking good. The test weight is good — better than I expected. Corn is going to be my best crop.” The yields will be close to Pulk’s average. Though the crop froze before it black layered. Pulk still thinks that it will be a spring harvest. He pointed out that could change if the weather continued to cooperate. Only time will tell. “We’ve had a beautiful fall up here. All the field work is getting accomplished.” Pulk is looking ahead to the 10-day forecast and likes what he sees. While the early frost was a disappointment, the rest of fall has been pretty spectacular.

Creep Feeder On Wheels $3,279 Steer Feeder $3,199

  


Wentzel —  Todd Murdock, Minn. Sept. 24


Soybean harvest is in full swing on the Wentzel farm. The Land spoke with Todd Wentzel on Sept. 24 as he reported he started combining beans on Sept. 17. “It’s pretty fair, I’m happy with Todd Wentzel the bean yields.”


Compiled by KRISTIN KVENO – The Land Staff Writer

Deters — Sauk Centre, Minn.  Colby Sept. 25 “Corn silage finished up really well.” The Land spoke with Colby Deters on Sept. 25 as he was pleased with the silage results. “It’s almost a record-breaking crop.” Deters wrapped up corn silage on Sept. 15 and started earlage two days later. “We got done a few days ago. Happy with the yield, the quality and moisture.” Deters wasn’t just thrilled about the crops, he was thrilled that everyone on his crew has remained safe during the long Colby Deters days and nights of harvest. He is now working on getting all of the equipment switched over and ready for the rest of fall’s work. That includes grain corn harvest, baling corn stalks, spreading manure and doing tillage. The rest of the fall harvest is important; but with having a dairy, it’s the baling that is huge for the dairy side of the operation. Deters hopes to start grain corn harvest by next weekend. “It’s earlier than normal.” He planted mid to shorter day corn hybrids this year. “We’re expecting it to be really solid.” The forecast continues to be kind this harvest. “It looks really nice. We got a sprinkle of rain yesterday.” That was just enough to settle the dust. “It didn’t hurt anything.” Fall continues to roll on at the Deters farm, with conditions being so pleasant, it has made for a nice harvest. “We’re really thankful when it comes to the weather.”

Spanier Welding and Metal Fabrication Paynesville, MN 320-243-7552


Wentzel has been able to stay in the field getting the beans done thanks to the pleasant conditions. “The weather has been ideal.” With the forecast calling for more dry weather, the end is in sight for bean harvest. “By Wednesday or so I’m hoping we’ll be wrapped up.” While Wentzel hasn’t started on corn yet, he’s seeing some corn being picked in the area. Last week corn was between 23 and 25 percent moisture. “It’s drying down quickly.” Wentzel expects to begin combining corn in about 10 days. That would be a little earlier than usual. With the weather remaining cooperative this fall, that’s allowed Wentzel to remain in the field and get the crops in. “It’s wide open harvest.” “I’m happy with the crop. There isn’t much to complain about.” While harvest has been going well, the rally in the markets made Wentzel smile as well. He hopes that both will continue in that same direction for a long time to come.

Portable Working Tub $11,499

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THE LAND — OCTOBER 2/OCTOBER 9, 2020 — “Where Farm and Family Meet”


Applications for CFAP payments accepted through Dec. your local FSA office. THIESSE, from pg. 8 Information on CFAP2 through Dec. 31, 2020. Background Information: program applications, A total of 22,200 huneligible acres, and APH CFAP2 payments for row crops are based on the price decline in 2020 by comparing the average Chicago Board of Trade futures price dredweight of producyield calculations are for a given crop from Jan. 13-17 to the average price from July 27-31. tion times $1.20 per available at local FSA The CFAP2 payment rate is based on 80 percent of the calculated price decline during that period. hundredweight creoffices. Producers The “Marketing Percentage” is the expected amount of the 2020 crop production to be sold this year. ates a CFAP2 payshould call their FSA ment of $26,640. The actual payment rate per bushel accounts for the “Marketing Percentage” referenced earlier. office for details on the CFAP2 payments are the “weighted” average of the various actual production history yields for a crop on a FSA farm unit. Payment limits application process in There is a $250,000 their area. For normal The final CFAP2 payment per acre for a crop is the “weighted” actual production history yield times the actual payment rate. payment limit per field crops, they may be The minimum CFAP2 payment rate for any crop is $15 per eligible crop acre. individual or entity able to accomplish much CFAP2 Crop Payment Rates and Estimates for all commodities. A of the CFAP application Adjusted Marketing Estimated Farm Level Estimated corporation or partprocess via a phone call Price Decline Payment Rate Percentage Final Payment APH Yield CFAP2 Payment nership may have with FSA, followed by a Commodity (January to July) (Times 80 Percent) (CFAP Adjusted) (Per Bushel) (Weighted Average) Per Acre payment limits for up Corn 73 cents per bushel 58 cents per bushel 40 Percent 23 cents per bushel 200 $46.00 per acre subsequent digital sigto three individuals Corn 73 cents per bushel 58 cents per bushel 40 Percent 23 cents per bushel 175 $40.25 per acre nature. (for a total of Kent Thiesse is a gov Corn 73 cents per bushel 58 cents per bushel 40 Percent 23 cents per bushel 150 $34.50 per acre $750,000) provided ernment farm programs Soybeans 72 cents per bushel 58 cents per bushel 54 Percent 31 cents per bushel 60 $18.60 per acre analyst and a vice presithey meet eligibility requirements. A per- Soybeans 72 cents per bushel 58 cents per bushel 54 Percent 31 cents per bushel 50 $15.50 per acre dent at MinnStar Bank son must have an Soybeans 72 cents per bushel 58 cents per bushel 54 Percent 31 cents per bushel 40 $15.00 per acre in Lake Crystal, Minn. adjusted gross income 73 Percent 40 cents per bushel 55 $22.00 per acre He may be reached at of less than $900,000 Wheat 68 cents per bushel 54 cents per bushel (507) 726-2137 or kent. Wheat 68 cents per bushel 54 cents per bushel 73 Percent 40 cents per bushel 45 $18.00 per acre to be eligible. thiesse@minnstarbank. Wheat 68 cents per bushel 54 cents per bushel 73 Percent 40 cents per bushel 35 $15.00 per acre com. Potential CFAP2 v payment eligibility will Table developed by Kent Thiesse not be impacted by previous payments for CFAP1 or any other government assistance payments previously received in 2020 — including any potential 2019 or 2020 farm proAmerican farmers and ranchers Either way, would you trust Johnson GUEBERT, from pg. 4 gram payments. Payments through to uphold his end of any deal? CFAP are direct payments to producers selves tangled in the fight. If Johnson have an interest in this distant fight. Johnson and President Donald J. of crops, livestock and specialty crops rejects the agreement but pulls the Of course not; you’re not crazy. and do not have to be repaid. UK from the European Union, the EU Trump want to strike a free trade deal The Farm and Food File is published says it will shut its door to all UK food as swiftly as possible — partly to keep weekly through the United States and For more details regarding CFAP2 trade lines open between America and and farm exports. That would be a enrollment and payments, visit the the soon-to-be alone UK and partly to Canada. Past columns, events and condevastating cut to UK farmers and USDA CFAP2 website at www.farmtact information are posted at www. give Johnson a life jacket in case his one Johnson has no bandage (such as; call the USDA CFAP2 v Brexit bilge swamps him. American-level subsidies) to offer. helpline at (877) 508-8364; or visit

CFAP2 Crop Payment Examples

UK still having issues with Brexit strategy

PAGE 12 — “Where Farm and Family Meet”


There’s nothing small about SMI and Hydraulics By DICK HAGEN The Land Staff Writer Emeritus PORTER, Minn. — I popped into the tiny Yellow Medicine County hamlet of Porter, Minn. at about 10:45 a.m. on Sept 15 and didn’t leave until about 2 p.m. I was expecting a much shorter visit. My brother-in-law, now a seven-year resident of the town, had earlier told me, “Come see us … and when you get here, visit SMI and Hydraulics. I think you will be surprised!” The battered sign on the outskirts of town reads, In a town this size it didn’t take long to find SMI “Porter, Population 183.” This spunky little domain sits about 28 miles from South Dakota border. Canby, and Hydraulics. I could quickly see this was a busy Minn. is about 18 miles to the northwest, Marshall outfit. about 35 miles southeast. SMI and Hydraulics, Inc. originated as a start-up hydraulic repair service in 1995. The business and services grew to include metal fabrication which led to a relationship with Uni-Systems — a Minneapolis firm specializing in large-scale, mechanized building features such as retractable roofs, maintenance platforms and En-Fold retractable awnings. SMI’s leadership continues to expand the business in innovative directions. A new venture has put the company into the world of wind tower manufacturing; plus developing patenting, marketing, and manufacturing products which assist with tower manufacturing bottlenecks. More recently, SMI added grain bin erection equipment and specialty trailer manufacturing to their portfolio. So indeed things are happening in Porter, Minn. “We started in 1995,” said Dave Schrunk, vice president of engineering and operations. “It’s primarily a family company of brothers that came back and built this cluster of buildings. Today, two members of the Stoks family are primary owners with others having key functions within the organization.” Dave Schrunk Schrunk, 36, is a South Dakota State University engineering graduate and a keen mind for the innovative growth of American agriculture — plus the fortitude and ambitions of American farmers. “Our food and our lives are beholden onto them,” he said. “They understand the competitive nature of their industry and so do we here at SMI.” So how important is agriculture to your overall operation? “Important yes, but we’re doing other things too. However, agriculture is a key component — either directly or indirectly. We do a lot of work in the structuring and grain bin erection business.” Has the economic covid-19 crunch slowed SMI operations? “We’ve noted the lift-jack and bin erection business is somewhat seasonal. Some guys plan ahead; some leave it till ‘crunch time’ which we understand so we adjust accordingly.” “Relating to our lift jacks, that market extends across America, into Canada and Germany. No, we don’t have sales people in these several markets. We

do a lot of our work for support businesses that work directly with farmers and country elevators.” Perhaps because of living and working in Porter, Schrunk is much aware of what’s driving the bin market these days. “Much like everything else in farming, bigger and bigger bins are continuing — both on farms and commercial locations. So more capacity in our lift-jack systems is happening also. We’re working with both erectors and builders on a continual basis. Bins up to 60 feet in diameter were the norm; then 90-foot-wide bins; and now 105-foot structures really need some special equipment.”

Schrunk mentioned a customer last year that lifted a 1 million-pound bin; and a client right now starting on a 1.6 million-pound bin needing some lift jacks. And how many lift jacks are involved in bins of that size? Get this: “It depends on bin capacities,” he said, “but anywhere from 130 to 140.” SMI also offers unified pumping skids so jacks can be preloaded to optimum pressures. Bins stay in balance, so to speak, when being raised — regardless of wind conditions during construction, or climb-ladder weights fastened to the bin. Do farmers purchase bin jacks for their own use? Not likely, said Schrunk, unless they do bin erections as an additional business. Center poles — especially on higher bin constructions and anchor tie-offs — are two other areas of growing importance in large bin complexes. Suffice to say, if a contractor needs special equipment for bin erections or other modular constructions SMI is ready to listen. And that explains why sales and total revenue streams for this unique company continue to increase. I also had a chance to chat with SMI President Gary Stoks who gave a little rundown on the family history. “We were raised on a farm, dairy cows, cattle and some hogs,” Stoks said. “Yep, big family … 16 kids and I was the number-six boy of nine boys. Folks moved into town eventually and Dad got a job working at a concrete batch mixing and delivery outfit … and became manager until his passing.” “I went to work in the Cities (Twin Cities that would be) for fluid power firm, Cylinder Cities. My wife just didn’t want to raise her kids growing up in the Cities so we moved back here. Buying the Dairy See PORTER, pg. 14

THE LAND — OCTOBER 2/OCTOBER 9, 2020 — “Where Farm and Family Meet”


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® Trademarks of Corteva Agriscience and its affiliated companies. The Enlist weed control system is owned by Dow AgroSciences LLC. The transgenic soybean event in Enlist E3® soybeans is jointly developed and owned by Dow AgroSciences LLC and M.S. Technologies L.L.C. Enlist Duo and Enlist One herbicides are not registered for sale or use in all states or counties. Contact your state pesticide regulatory agency to determine if a product is registered for sale or use in your area. Enlist Duo and Enlist One herbicides are the only 2,4-D products authorized for use with Enlist crops. Consult Enlist herbicide labels for weed species controlled. Always read and follow label directions. © 2020 Corteva.


MILKER’S MESSAGE — “Where Farm and Family Meet”


Product stocks are up, but so it consumption This column was written for the marketing week ending Sept. 25. Dairy product stocks remain above year ago levels. The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s latest Cold Storage report shows Aug. 31 butter stocks at 371.7 million pounds. This is up 253,000 News and information for Minnesota and Northern Iowa dairy producers pounds from July and a hefty 67.4 million pounds or 22.1 percent above to come in a hair lower than last month, so Stevenson said U.S. cheese consumption is at 38 MIELKE MARKET August 2019 — the 14th consecutive we take this report as a big surprise.” pounds per person — up 17 percent since 2010 WEEKLY month they were above a year ago. On a brighter note, the Daily Dairy Report alone. He added there is still a lot of upside potenBy Lee Mielke tial when you consider per capital consumption in American-type cheese totaled 790.1 stated, “Since the April 30 peak, cheese countries such as France, Germany and Greece is as million pounds, up 4.5 million pounds inventories have decreased an impressive high as 50 pounds per capita. or 0.6 percent from July, and 22.7 million or 3 per100 million pounds.” cent above a year ago. Geiger admitted that in the 1960s, when Lynden There was more good news in the USDA’s Johnson was president, the champion in per capita The “other” cheese inventory fell to 567.8 million Economic Research Service latest data which dairy consumption was fluid milk. That has fallen pounds. This is down 17.8 million pounds or 3 pershowed a 60-year record high for U.S. per capita over the years, he said, but butter has made a big cent from July, and 2.4 million pounds or 0.4 perconsumption of dairy products on a milk-fat milkrebound and “Without the checkoff, the rebound for cent below a year ago. equivalent basis. butter and the cheese growth wouldn’t have taken The total cheese inventory stood at 1.378 billion Unfortunately, fluid milk consumption is not conplace.” pounds. This is down 13.3 million pounds or 1 pertributing much to the increase. We talked about it When asked if the industry should give up on fluid cent from July; but 13.5 million pounds or 1 percent in the Sept. 28 Dairy Radio Now broadcast with milk in its promotion effort, Geiger replied, “I don’t above August 2019 — the fifth consecutive month Hoards Dairyman Managing Editor Corey Geiger. think we can — especially when it comes to children.” total cheese stocks topped prior year levels. Hoard’s “DairyLivestream” addressed the topic, It’s an important way to deliver calcium and vitamin StoneX Dairy says the main headline was butter. Geiger said, and when asked if the dairy checkoff D, he explained, and because of that we need to keep “Seasonally, we expect to begin drawing down stocks was still profiting farmers, he replied, “Yes, but pushing forward in getting the Dietary Guidelines to of butter in August. This year, however, butter we’re riding a cheese horse,” according to the reflect the latest findings exonerating dairy fat. stocks were basically flat from July and up a whop- University of Wisconsin’s Dr. Mark Stevenson. StoneX Dairy points out that this consumption ping 22 percent from a year ago. We expected butter data is on a milk-fat milk-equivalent basis “so butter, cream and ice-cream help to push this up. 2020 will be an interesting year to see what total consumption looks like, as restaurants use of cream and butter have slowed due to the impacts of Covid-19.” n According to Godden, bedding is an important NEW PRAGUE, Minn. — National Mastitis Speaking of fluid milk, the USDA announced the Council’s next webinar features “Improving Udder source of teat end exposure to environmental masti- October Federal order Class I base milk price at Health through Better Bedding Management.” This tis pathogens. Multiple studies have reported that $15.20 per hundredweight. This is down $3.24 from elevated bedding bacteria counts (BBC) are associ- September, $2.64 below October 2019, and the lowfree, one-hour offering starts at 2 p.m. on Nov. 19. Sandra Godden, a past NMC president and ated with impaired measures of udder health at the est October Class I since 2009. It equates to $1.31 per gallon, down from $1.53 a year ago. The University of Minnesota College of Veterinary quarter level, cow level and herd level. During this webinar, Godden will discuss impor- 10-month average stands at $16.50, down from Medicine professor, will discuss years of research regarding bedding management and its influence on tant pathogen groups and guidelines for monitoring $16.64 a year ago and compares to $14.75 in 2018. udder health. She will share the differences which bedding hygiene. Additionally, she’ll share manageDairy cow culling fell in August. The USDA’s latexist among commonly used bedding materials — ment strategies and processing techniques associat- est Livestock Slaughter report shows an estimated including sand, recycled manure solids and shavings. ed with reduced BBC in unused (ready-to-use) bed- 225,300 head were sent to slaughter under federal ding, with an emphasis on processing techniques and inspection. This is down 8,400 head or 3.6 percent the importance of bedding characteristics such as dry from July, and 41,300 or 15.5 percent below August matter and organic matter levels. Godden will con- 2019. A total of 2.05 million head have been culled Tillable and Hunting Land clude by reviewing recommendations for reducing in the first eight months of 2020, down 109,800 BBC after fresh bedding has been placed in stalls. head or 5.1 percent from 2019. for Sale off of Hwy 13 To register for this webinar, go to In the week ending Sept. 12, 54,700 dairy cows were NMCnov19webinar and follow the prompts. As the sent to slaughter, down 500 from the week before and 315 deeded acres, 265 acres tillable. Has two wind webinar approaches, registrants will receive an 9,100 head or 14.3 percent below a year ago. turbines and two buildable lots are available. e-mail with information on how to log in to participate. Cash dairy prices seemed confused the first week NMC members may access the webinar at nmconline. Located in Manchester township of autumn. Block cheddar shot up to $2.6475 per org, after Nov. 30. in Freeborn County, sections 11 and 12 pound on Sept. 21, the highest Chicago Mercantile This article was submitted by the National Mastitis Troy • 507-381-1657 • Council. v See MIELKE, pg. 16

Webinar focuses on udder health, bedding management


SMI facility is 100,000 square feet PORTER, from pg. 12 Queen in Canby was our first business. But I told my wife, ‘within five years I want to start my own hydraulic place.’ That was May of ‘95. I brought a couple of my brothers in a year or so later and its sort of been steady growth pretty much ever since.” What was your first work in your own shop? “A lot was repair and rebuilding of hydraulic pumps and cylinders for area farmers,” Stoks recalled. “Then we got into work for Magnetic Trucking out of Dodge Center and into welding fabrication. Some guy from the Cities stopped by; he was an engineer out of Uni-Systems. He wanted to know if we could build a few things for his outfit. We started with Gary Stoks some small items, then went to stainless steel paint gantries for Boeing. (Paint gantries position technicians inside a paint booth. Each carriage ergonomically and safely positions technicians around the aircraft parts.) We then became involved in some stadium and maintenance dock systems. We had a good working relationship with them and it pretty much seems ‘word of mouth’ kept generating more work for us.” “A lot of our work is usually warranted for a year,” Stoks went on to say. “Today a lot of outfits cover their work for 30 days. But when we do big things with Uni-Systems and others — even these huge new grain bin complexes — if there’s a problem they call us and we go out and fix it.” “Today we function out of our 100,000 square foot facility. Our team works with a full range of fabrication tools ranging from plasma/torch tables, break presses, punches, shears, sub-arc and wire feed welders, roller and paint booths. Our engineers provide complete services from design to project management. Each project is monitored by SMI’s quality control staff to ensure manufacturing to perfection.” After my visit with Schrunk and Stoks, I ambled across the street to The Porter Café and Grocery, “The People’s Place.” And so it is. “The menu is always good,” both men told me and I learned early to listen to the locals about where to eat. A grilled cheese sandwich, scrumptious tater tots, freshly-baked pie and (of course) freshly brewed coffee was my choice. The food was served by Jodi — a cheery waitress sporting pink hair tips! Lunchtime social gatherings abound at our country coffee shops and much the same at The People’s Place. Soon about 12 or 13 of us were enriching the chatter and enjoying our tasty chow. When leaving I asked Jodi for my lunch ticket. She said, “Your lunch is already paid by the folks at your adjoining table!” Yep, Porter, Minn. is indeed a friendly place and The People’s Place tops my list. v — “Where Farm and Family Meet”


MILKER’S MESSAGE — “Where Farm and Family Meet”



Government purchases cloud actual product demand MIELKE, from pg. 14 Exchange price since July 21. But cheddar reversed direction the next day and fell to $2.54 on Sept. 23. It regained 1.50 cents on Sept. 25 to close at $2.5550 (still down 7.25 cents on the week) after pole vaulting 46.25 cents higher the previous week. The price is still 60 cents above a year ago. The cheddar barrels closed Sept. 25 at $1.66, up 2.50 cents on the week and a half-cent above a year ago. The spread widened to an unbelievable record high $1.0125 on Sept. 21 but stood at 89.50 cents on Sept. 25. There were five cars of block that traded hands on the week at the CME and only one of barrel. n With the exception of plants undergoing scheduled maintenance, cheese was running at full schedule in the Midwest, according to Dairy Market News. Pizza cheesemakers say retail orders, at least from particular customers, were increasing week-by-week as Covid-19 restrictions have done little to impede retail and, in some cases, restaurant pizza sales. Milk is plentiful, although mid-week spot milk prices were closer to Class than the previous week. Barrel supplies have been a little more available in recent weeks, says Dairy Market News. “ However, the few loads here and there do not equate to what many contacts are perplexed by: a $1 chasm between CME block and barrel prices. Historically, a large price gap does not reflect positively on near term bullishness; and the $1, or thereabouts, gap is not expected to maintain for long.” Western cheese plants are running at full capacity and, while a few contacts suggest manufacturers may not be fortifying as heavily, others say they could sell more cheese if they had it. Inventories are mixed; tight for American blocks and loose for barrel cheese. Mozzarella stocks are moving well but contacts say cheese demand has been hard to predict. “In general, retail demand is strong, and food service demand is weak,” says Dairy Market News. “However, contacts report each market segment will have waves of increased activity as end users try to find the right inventory balance. In addition, government purchases, cleaning out some stocks of cheese, have added some supply challenges. Market participants have a wide range of comfort in work-

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ing with the government contracts. While most in the industry like to see the increased demand, the eventual end of the purchases creates some need for caution. Cheese futures prices are below cash market prices, and end users and manufacturers do not want to be holding large supplies of cheese if program purchases come to an abrupt conclusion.” StoneX echoed that caution in its Sept. 25 Early Morning Update stating, “Unprecedented demand driven by government purchases has been burning through the market shoving cheese prices up in buyers faces. But as we draw nearer to the end of the food box program, the market has started to question future demand.” n Cash butter, after gaining almost 12 cents the previous week, climbed to $1.62 per pound on Sept. 22 (the highest since July 28); but the afternoon’s August Cold Storage report didn’t have good news and traders took the butter down 10 cents the next day. It closed the week at $1.5025, 9.50 cents lower on the week and 64.50 cents below a year ago. Sales totaled 14 loads for the week. StoneX says, “Cheese and butter markets are not driven by supply these days. It’s all about demand. Butter doesn’t necessarily have the demand story block cheese has seen, but there is good underpinning support for this market as buyers have loaded up around $1.50 over the past month.” Butter was showing signs of strength until Sept. 23’s price plunge, triggered by the Cold Storage data. But Dairy Market News warned, “The 22 percent increase in stocks from last August could present some hurdles for butter actors in the region.” Retail butter demand has increased week over week ahead of the busy fall season and food service has continued its slog higher, but still lacks compared to previous years, says Dairy Market News. Cream is available and butter output remains steady. Western butter production remains active as processors prepare to cover demands for the baking season and year-end festivities. Cream availability

increased but some contacts report being able to sell it and not churn butter. Butter stocks are heavy, but industry players are not too concerned, says Dairy Market News. A few processors say their stocks have been dropping in recent days. Butter demand is stable for retail and food service, “However the Covid-19 pandemic, social unrest and wildfires in some parts of the West are all creating more market uncertainties, as well as affecting consumers’ buying habits.” Grade A nonfat dry milk did the best of all, closing at $1.10 per pound. This is the highest since March 6, up 3 cents on the week and the seventh consecutive week of gain; but was still a penny below a year ago. Fifteen cars traded hands on the week. StoneX credited developing global demand for the strength in powder. CME dry whey climbed to 38.50 cents per pound on Sept. 23 (the highest since May 15) but finished two days later at 37.75 cents per pound. This is up 2.25 cents on the week and 3 cents above a year ago, with seven sales reported for the week at the CME. n The Crop Progress report showed 59 percent of the corn crop at the mature stage as of the week ending Sept. 20. This is up from 26 percent a year ago and 10 percent ahead of the five-year average. Sixty-one percent was rated good to excellent, up from 57 percent a year ago. Eight percent is harvested, up 2 percent from a year ago, but 2 percent behind the five-year average. The report shows 59 percent of U.S. soybeans are dropping leaves, up from 29 percent a year ago, and 9 percent ahead of the five-year average. Sixty-three percent were rated good to excellent, up from 54 percent a year ago, with 6 percent harvested, up from 2 percent a year ago, and mirrored the fiveyear average. The cotton crop has a 45 percent good to excellent rating, up from 39 percent a year ago, with 11 percent harvested.

Dairy producers have a new way of receiving information, thanks to the I-29 Moo University dairy consortium. Extension dairy specialists from each state develop each podcast for the twice monthly podcast. Podcasts are published every two weeks and feature commentary by I-29 Moo University Extension dairy specialists in conversation with other dairy industry experts. The podcast is geared toward dairy producers of all sizes from 20 cows to 10,000 cows. Each episode is under 30 minutes and is available on the I-29 Moo University website as well as on each state’s dairy Extension website. Producers can also subscribe to the “I-29 Moo U Dairy Podcast” on iTunes, Spotify or any

podcast player platform. Past episodes are archived, so listeners can tune in whenever they choose. The first podcast was released on May 26 and featured information on the Coronavirus Food Assistance Program. Other podcast topics already available include heat stress, forage preservation and sampling, feeding strategies, animal activism, silage safety, risk management tools and reproduction. For more information about the I-29 Moo University Collaboration and programs visit https://dairy.unl. edu/i-29-moo-university. This article was submitted by Jim Salfer, University of Minnesota Extension. v

See MIELKE, pg. 17

Moo University delivers timely topics

MILKER’S MESSAGE — “Where Farm and Family Meet”



Milk produced April through August eligible for CFAP payment MIELKE, from pg. 16 U.S. feed prices have strengthened and dairy producers are keeping a sharp eye on them. Part of the reason for the rise in prices is China, according to the Sept. 21 Daily Dairy Report. “China remains deficit in meat and dairy production,” the Daily Dairy Report stated, “and both industries rely heavily on imported feed — including corn and soybeans.” “Demand for these products has recently picked up, as China has used up domestic stocks. Between Sept. 3 and Sept. 17, China purchased 2.6 million metric tons of U.S. soybeans after agreeing to buy 9.9 million metric tons between September 2020 and August 2021 as part of phase one trade commitments. These and large purchases of corn have boosted U.S. feed prices in recent weeks,” says the Daily Dairy Report. n As I reported last week, the USDA has announced additional assistance for farmers through the sec-

ond round of the Coronavirus Food Assistance Democrats have crafted a new $2.4 trillion Covid-19 Program. Dairy farmers can sign up for direct paystimulus plan. WE BUILD OUR STALLS RIGHT! ments through their local Farm Service Agency Cooperatives Working Together member cooperaTake a look at office; but sign-ups end Dec. 11. tives accepted 19 offers of export assistance from tubing Milk produced in the months of April through CWT this week that helped captureour sales for with 354,944 corrosion August will be eligible to receive $1.20 per hundred- pounds of cheddar, and Montereyunequaled Jack cheese, weight. Expected milk production for September 503,756 pounds of butter, 875,235 pounds of cream protection! through December is also eligible. Contact your cheese, and 374,786 pounds of whole milk powder. Freudenthal Tubing has been local FSA office for complete details. The product is going to customers in Asia, engineered for yourthe specific The National Milk Producers Federation has creMiddle East, and South Americarequirements throughwhere March strength and corrosion resistance are ated a resource guide to help farmers understand 2021 Locks and raised 2020 exports to 25.92 milCORROSION Auto Release Head Panel CWT’s critical design factors. and apply for the USDA’s Covid disaster assistance lion pounds of American-type million PROTECTIONcheeses, 7.75 program. It includes a breakdown of what the latest pounds of butter (82 percent milkfat), 1.98 million Coronavirus Food Assistance Program includes for pounds of anhydrous milkfat, 5.898 million pounds CS-60 Comfort Tie Stall dairy, as well as a link to relevant application of cream cheese, and 37.06 million pounds of whole resources. milk powder. The product will ship to 29 The countries Toughest and are the equivalent of 784.2 million pounds Stallsof In politics, the House passed a Continuing Resolution 359 to 57 on Sept. 22 to keep the govern- milk on a milkfat basis, according to the CWT. on the • Provides lunge area an Oct. 1 ment running until Dec. 11 superior — avoiding Lee Mielke is a syndicated columnist whomarket, resides shutdown. The Senate was expected in Everson, Wash. His weekly column is featured in • Much stronger than our to approve it guaranteed and the President willcompetitors’ sign it.beam Meanwhile, House newspapers across the country and he may be systems not to bend v at • No Stall mounts in the • Entire panel made reached of H.D. 10 gauge tubing concrete or sand are hot dippedWI galvanized after W. 6322 Cty. O,• Panels Medford, 54451 • Fully adjustable welding inside and out (715) 748-4132 • 1-800-688-0104 • Stall system stays high and Heaviest, • 6’, 8’, 10’, 12’ lengths dry, resulting in longer life Strongest, REMODELING, EXPANSION OR REPLACEMENT • 12’ panel weight 275 lbs. • Installation labor savings Custom Buy Direct From Manufacturer and SAVE! We Can Handle All Your Barn Steel Needs • Head-to-head and single row Cattle Diagonal Feed Thru Panel options available Auto Release Head Locks Panel Gates • Compare the weight of this on the system, heaviest available Elevated Dual Market on the market today



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PAGE 18 —”Where Farm and Family Meet”

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Looking for a person to as- WANTED: Land & farms. I FOR SALE: 1949-77 Oliver 300 bu Unverferth gravity Harms Mfg. Land Rollers, sist me in home care. Let’s have clients looking for tractor, excellent condition. box, $600; IH 715 combine, Brand New, 12’-$6,800; work together to get the job dairy, & cash grain opera- Brownton MN 320-864-3282 843 CH, 820 beanhead, $1,000 14’-$7,000; 16’-$8,000; 24’done. Can earn extra dollars tions, as well as bare land JD 2800 plow, 4 bttm, $1,100; $14,800; 32’-$17,500; 42’so you can go shopping. 507- parcels from 40-1000 acres. 7000 JD 8RN planter, dry $21,500. Others from 8’-62’ Feed Seed Hay Both for relocation & investfert, JD monitor, $4,000; JD 715-234-1993 625-4181 ments. If you have even 57’ 520, $1,200. 320-587-4544 JD 893 8x30 cornhead w/ hyd thought about selling con- ALFALFA, mixed hay, grass Real Estate tact: Paul Krueger, Farm & hay & wheat straw, medi- Stormor Bins & EZ-Drys. FOR SALE: New 18.4x26 tires deck plates, $8,900; JD 120 on 10 bolt mud hog wheels 20’ stalk chopper w/ excelLand Specialist, Edina Reum square or round bales, 100% financing w/no liens or off 2388 IH, 10 ply w/ flulent knives, $4,450; Brent alty, 138 Main St. W., New delivery available. Sell your land or real estate in red tape, call Steve at Fair- id. 24.5x32 diamond tires & 1080 grain cart w/ hyd & Thief River Falls, MN. Call 30 days for 0% commission. Prague, MN 55372. fax Ag for an appointment. wheels off grain cart, 10bolt PTO drives, $22,500; Parker or text LeRoy Ose: Call Ray 507-339-1272 888-830-7757 13” center, will fit numerous 605 gravity box w/ roll tarp (612)328-4506 218-689-6675 applications, excellent tires, & fenders, $10,500; Demco Cleaning out a shed? always inside. 320-808-5723 650 or Parker 605 gravity boxes, $7,900/ea; IH 720 6x18 Make some extra cash USED TRACTORS HAY TOOLS FOR SALE: IH 720 4-18 plow. auto re-set 3pt onland plow, by selling your stuff in New NH Hay Tools - ON HAND NEW NH T4.75, T4.90, T4.120 w/loader.. ...... On Hand 507-383-8213 $1,850; IH 720 6x18 auto THE LAND! NEW NH Workmaster 60, 50, 35’s/loaders ... On Hand CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT re-set 3pt in-furrow plow, Call 507-345-4523 or NEW NH T9.645 ............................................. On Hand NEW NH E26C mini excavator ...................... On Hand FOR SALE: John Deere 640 $1,250. 320-769-2756 1-800-657-4665 side rake, 507-427-3561 ‘14 NH T8 410 SMARTRAC. ..............................Just in NEW NH E37C mini excavator ...................... On Hand NEW Massey 6713 w/cab and loader ........... On Hand NEW Versatile 610 4WD ................................ On Hand NEW Versatile DT610 Quad........................... On Hand ‘12 Buhler 280..................................................$85,000 ‘09 Versatile 435 3000 hrs ............................ $120,000 ‘96 White 6175 FWA....................................... $37,000 ‘96 White 6175 2wd ........................................ $25,500 Farmall 340 wf w/mower.................... ................$4,250 ‘07 Massey GC2300 w/loader........ ................ .$13,900

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COMBINES ’15 JD 690, 4x4, 1745/1160 sep hrs, CM, chopper, 650x38 tires & duals ......................................................... $169,000 ’13 JD 660, 892/1180 CM, chopper duals................. $123,000 ’01 JD 9650 STS, 3014/4325 CM, chopper, duals ....... $35,000 ’01 JD 9750 STS, 3013/4156 CM, chopper, duals ....... $32,500 ‘14 JD 690 4WD, 640 hrs, 1026 Sep. hrs, 5 spd feederhouse, CM, Power bin Ext., 650x38 tires & duals .............................. $147,000 ’11 Case/IH 8120, 1650/2250 Tracker, Rt, duals .......... $85,000 ’11 Case/IH 7120, 1610/2200 Tracker, Rt, duals .......... $85,000 ‘12 Case/IH 8230 2wd, 2148 engine hours, 1603 separator hrs, rock trap, tracker, chopper, 700 monitor, 372 receiver, 1250x32 tires ........................................................ $100,000

TRACK & 4WD TRACTORS ‘06 Challenger MT755B 3995 hrs, 3PT, PTO,120” base, 16” belt .....$80,000 ‘15 NH T9.435, 1706 hrs, power shift, 4 Hyd valves, complete auto guidance system, 710/38 tires & duals ....... $128,000 ’14 Case/IH 370 HD, 7065 hrs, 1000 PTO duals........... $75,000 ‘05 Versatile 2335, 5002 hrs, power shift, PTO ........... $62,000

COMBINE HEADS ‘02 Case/IH 2208, Corn head 8 row 30” ...................... $10,000 ’06 Drago, 8 row 30” Chopping corn head ................. $12,000 Case/IH 1083, Corn head 8 row 30” .............................. $6,500 ‘09 Case I/H 3412 Corn head 12 row 30” .................... $19,000 ‘13 Case/IH 3162 40’ flex draper................................. $30,000 ‘13 Case I/H 3020 35 ft. flex head, 3” sickle................ $18,000

‘09 JD 7830 MFWD, 6185 hrs, 3PT PTO, 4 hyd, 20 speed auto quad, 48050 tires & duals, autosteer ready ............. $73,000 ‘97 Case IH 8910 MFWD, 6695 hrs, 3PT, 4 hyd, 540/1000 PTO,14.9x46 tires & duals ........................................ $45,000


‘08 Brent 1194 w/tarp, 1100 bushel, 520x42” walking tandems .................................................................... $29,000 Brent 410 bushel grain cart, 1,000 PTO ........................ $4,100 ‘13 Brent 557, 550 bushel, 4 wheel brake, fenders, tarp (2) ...$13,250 Killbros 375, 375 bushel on JD 1075 running gear ....... $2,250


‘16 JD 824KII, 7480 hrs, cab air, ride control, 6 yd bkt ... $134,500 ’14 JD 724 K, 9587 hrs, third valve, w/ medford forks ....... $77,000 ‘14 JD 724K 6980 hrs, 4.75 yd bkt ..................................... $95,000 ’13 JD 644 K, 5520 hrs, quick coupler, 4.25 yd bkt ........ $105,000 ‘15 Cat 930 M, 6599 hrs, RC, QC & bkt ............................ $85,000 ‘14 Cat 930K, 9588 hrs, QC w/bkt ..................................... $69,000 ’16 Komatsu WA 270-7, 8193 hrs, Q.C., 4 yd bkt .............. $70,000 ’16 Komatsu WA 320-7, 6936 hrs, Q.C., 3.5 yd bkt ........... $75,000 ’14 Kawasaki 70Z7, 7628 hrs, cab air, QC & bkt ................ $69,000 ’16 Case 621G, 7435 hrs, QC w/ 3 yrd bkt, cab air .................. $72,000 ‘12 Case/IH 721F, 3254 hrs, cab air, ride control, 13.5 yd pin on bkt ................................................................................... $69,000 ‘11 Case/IH 721F 7650 hrs, cab air,QC 3 yd bkt, Aux hyd, 4 new 20.5 Rx25 tires ................................................................ $69,000


’15 Cat 323 FL, 3768 hrs, 40" bkt ............................... $105,000 ’11 JD 290GLC, 3347 hrs, 12'6" stick,42" bkt.............. $105,000 ’11 Case 580N, 4x4 cab air 2540 hrs .............................$39,000 ’11 Case CX300C, 2658 hrs, 12' stick, 54" bucket ...... $105,000


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THE LAND — OCTOBER 2/OCTOBER 9, 2020 Farm Equipment — “Where Farm and Family Meet”

Harvesting Equip

Harvesting Equip

JD 714 9 shank disc chisel, 1990 John Deere Combine 9400 FOR SALE: JD 6620 side hill $4,750; Late model Case IH Includes JD Cornhead 643 and combine, hydrostatic w/ rear 800 10x18 plow w/ coulters, 2001 JD Flexhead 920F. wheel assist, also JD 920 $7,450; Brent 450 gravity box 3,584 engine hours, bean head on head hauler w/ 425x22.5 tires, $3,900; JD 2,343 separator hours. wagon, complete $20,500; 443 4x30 cornhead, $1,250; Good condition, field ready. 3-gravity flow boxes, (1)150 Case IH 1083 8x30 corn- $21,000. (507) 995-0184 bu w/ 8 ton wagon, (2) 275 bu head, late model, $3,900; JD FOR SALE: Kelderman down w/ 10 ton wagon, (3) 300 bu 2700x18 spring re-set plow w/ corn reels, 8RW, $3,250. w/ 12 ton wagon. Very good coulters, $1,450. 320-769-2756 12RN, $3,750. 2-JD 3300 com- flotation tires all around. $3,000/all three. 507-330-2808 JD 925F, nice shape, $7,950; bines, 244 heads, make offer. 507-450-4982 JD 930F, nice shape, $4,950;

both with full finger augers. Delivery available. 815-988ers, 2074 00; 24’-JD 9500, 2400 hrs, $18,900; JD 42’- 920 Flex, nice shape, $4,500; -62’ JD 693, like new knife rolls, $11,900. 815-988-2074

Retired Selling. 2 Brandt auhyd gers, 10x80 & 10x70 w/ au120 ger hoppers; Demco 750 bu celgravity box w/ tarp; White ent plow model 588 7 bottom 20”; & Rocomatic model HDW5 20’ ker rock picker; Wil-Rich 25’ arp stalk chopper; Tebben 3pt mco ripper, 9-30” shanks; 5 shank vity 3pt mounted Year-A-Round x18 subsoiler; 2-180 White tracow, tor w/ 20.8 tires & duals. All uto in good cond. 320-630-1777 ow, We buy Salvage Equipment Parts Available Hammell Equip., Inc. (507)867-4910

Tractors 1996 IH 806D Turbo Westendorf, quick detach loader, snow bucket, pallet fork, bale spear, 18.4-38 bolt-on duals, orig paint, good condition, $9,500. (507) 951-2766 FOR SALE: 1997 65D Cat Challenger, 5830 hrs, excellent condition, field ready, $42,500. 507-822-1280 or 507822-5714 FOR SALE: Co-op Agri tractor tire, size 16.9x38, 40% tread, weather checked but sound, $150. 320-760-1395 Graceville NEW AND USED TRACTOR PARTS JD 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 55, 50 Series & newer tractors, AC-all models, Large Inventory, We ship! Mark Heitman Tractor Salvage 715-673-4829

Planting Equip JD 7000 Corn Planter, 2 Row 3PT $1,800; Fert. Avail. $350/ Row. 715-234-1993

“America’s Best Brokerages”


“Top Auction Houses”

- The Land Report, the magazine of the American Landowner

Visit our website to view upcoming auctions & available properties


Charles Wingert, Broker #07-53



S-I Feeders:

• All Steel Shelters for Livestock & Other Uses • • • • • • • • • •

• Mid-Size and Full-Size Bunks • One-Sided Juniors and Adult Bunks • Arrow Front 4-Wheel Feeders, 12’-36‘

JBM Equipment:

Feeder Wagons - Several Models Self-locking Head Gates • HD Feeder Panels Self-locking Bunk Feeders Tombstone Horse & Horned Cattle Feeders Skid Feeders • Bunk Feeders Bale Wagons • Bale Thrower Racks Flat Racks for big sq. bales Self-locking Feeder Wagons Fenceline Feeders Several Types of Bale Feeders

W/W Werk Weld: • • • •

Bale Feeders • Calf Shelters Wind Breaks • Creep Feeders Feed Bunks • Fence Line Bunks Bottomless Bunks • Towable Handy Hoppers

• • • Mar-Weld Sheep & Goat Equipment: • • Lambing Pens • Crowd Tub • Grain Feeders • Scale • • Round & Square Bale Feeders • • Sheep Head Locks • Spin Trim Chute • Creep Feeders •

“Farm Built” Hay Feeders w/roof Poly “Hay Huts” (Saves Hay)

Sioux Equipment:

• • • •

Gates • Calving Pens • Haymax Bale Feeders Cattle & Feeder Panels • Head Gates Loading Chute • Hog Feeders Squeeze Chutes & Tubs • Calf Warmer

• • • • •

Rock Buckets • Grapple Forks • Manure Forks Bale Spears • Hi-Volume Buckets & Pallet Forks Bale Transports & Feeder Wagons, 16’-34’ Adult & Young Stock Feeders & Bale Feeders Land Levelers

• • • • •

Notch Equipment:

For-Most Livestock Equipment:

Squeeze Chutes - Head Gates Large & Small Animal Tip Chutes Open Bar Corral Tub Round & Square Calving Pens Tub & Alley Chutes • Crowding Tubs

• • • • • • • • • •

Bergman Cattle Feeders Smidley Steer Stuffers & Waterers

Smidley Hog Feeders & Huts Ritchie Live Stock Waterers Easy Way Cattle Care Oilers & Scratchers DR® Power Equipment: GT (Tox-O-Wik) Grain Dryers, 350-800 bu. 150 Bu. Steel Calf Creep w/wheels Bohlman Concrete Waterers Calftel Hutches & Animal Barns R&C Poly Bale Feeders Ameriag Poly Mineral Feeders Miniature Donkey & Fainting Goats Conestoga Compact Manure Spreaders

3pt PTO or Skid Steer Snowblowers

~ USED EQUIPMENT ~ • 570 GT(Tox-O-Wik) PTO Grain Dryer w/Ring Burner (Re-Conditioned) • 300 bushel EZ flow box & wagon WANTED TO BUY: • Good Used Manure Spreader • Crowd Tub & Other Cattle Equip.

320-587-2162, Ask for Larry

Local company serving Minnesota & Iowa landowners since 1976



We Sell the Earth & Everything On It.

Collector Tractors; Tractor Parts; Scale Steam Tractor & Water Wagon; Hit & Miss Gas Engines; Old Farm Primitives; 90+ Cast Iron Seats; Old Toys; Pedal Tractors; Power & Hand Tools Viewing Date: Friday, October 16 ~ 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Viewing, Auction & Pick Up Location: 775 Highway 60 Boulevard, Kenyon, MN 55946

Begins October 10, 2020 8:00 a.m. CDT • Bidding Starts Ending on

Sunday, October 18, 2020 3:00 P.M. More Photos & Online Biding at:

Collector Farm Tractors & Implements; Antique Gas Hit & Miss Engines

JD GP Tractor, Fenders, New 12.4x24 Restored, Runs Perfect; 1949 Custom Model B Tractor, N/F, Fenders, Runs, Restored; Allis Chalmers WC Tractor, Front & Rear Round Spokes, 13.6x24, Front & Rear Weights, Restored, Runs Good; Several JD Tractor Parts; JD 314 Steel Wheel Plow, Restored; JD 216 Plow Restored, Rubber Tire; JD #40 Old Style 214 Plow, Restored; JD 212 Plow Steel Wheels; Emerson Horsedrawn Sulkey Plow; JD 1 1/2hp Hit & Miss Gas Engine On Truck; 1937 IHC 1 ½ Hit & Miss Engine On Truck; IHC 1 ½ - 2 ½ LA Gas Engine; Maytag Kickstart Engine; MM 10’ Grain Drill

From The Ervin Born Estate Collection, 90+ Antique Cast Iron Tractor & Implement Seats, Most Have Names, Vintage Sparkplugs Power & Hand Tools

Lincoln Welder; Duracraft Drill Press, Floor Model; Stihl MS70 Gas Chain Saw; Fimco Lawn Sprayer; Scythes; Garden Tools; Sears Electronic Radial Arm Saw; Skat Blast Sandblasting Cabinet, 110Volt; Gas Torch; Chop Saw; Grinder; 10’ Rolling Ladder; Hand Tools

Lot - Hwy. 7 E

Office Location - 305 Adams Street NE Hutchinson, MN 55350

Scale Model Steam Engine Tractor & Water Wagon; Spark Plug Collection; Pedal Tractors; Farm Primitives; Advertising Items

Custom Built, Quarter Scale Steam Tractor, Briggs 2hp Engine; Custom Built Water Wagon Steel Wheels With Pump; Jensen Mfg Co Toy Steam Engine; 200 Spark Plugs On Display Board; Farmall 806 Pedal Tractor; JD 1950s Pedal Tractor; Jeep Pedal Car; AMF Pedal Cars; Pedal Tractor Trailer Wagon; (2) Custom Pedal Tractors; 1970 Tonka Toys, Other Toys; Antique Tricycle; 12+ Kerosene Lanterns; Wooden Pulleys; BB Gun Collection; Paddle Lock Collection; Old Traps; Allis Chalmers Thermometer; Tin DeKalb Sign – Other Tin Signs; License Plates; Large Assortment Of Antique Wrenches; Wooden Nail Kegs; Milk Cans; Cream Separator; Barn Lanterns; Hand Planters; Several Steel Wheels; Cast Iron Wood Burning Stove; Lawn Windmills; JD Banana Seat Bike; 1970s Starcraft Escort 440 Snowmobile, One Owner Motor Is Free; Jeep Trailer, Single Axle With 10 Jerry Cans

Pick Up Dates: Monday October 19 ~ 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Tuesday, October 20 ~ 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Terms: Cash, Check, Credit Cards. All Sales Final. 10% Buyers Fee Applies.

Vern & Esther Buscho, Sellers Ervin Born, Seller • Waseca, MN "The Born Tractor Seat Collection" MATT MARING

MATT MARING AUCTION CO. INC. CO. PO Box 37, Kenyon, MN 55946 507-789-5421 • 800-801-4502 We Sell the Earth & Everything On It. Matt Maring, Lic. #25-28 • 507-951-8354

PAGE 20 —”Where Farm and Family Meet”


Steffes Auction Calendar 2020

Harvesting Equip

For more info, call: 1-800-726-8609 or visit our website:

Opening September 23 & Closing October 2 Warren Medina Estate Auction, Sauk Rapids, MN, Timed Online Auction Opening September 25 & Closing October 2 at 11AM Frederick L. Elbert Estate Farm Equipment Auction, Hills, MN, Timed Online Auction Opening October 1 & Closing October 8 at 7PM Secured Lender Farm Equipment Auction, Maddock, ND, Timed Online Auction Opening October 2 & Closing October 7 at 7PM Richard Sonsteby Farm Retirement Auction, Dalbo, MN, Timed Online Auction Opening October 2 & Closing October 7 Online Steffes Auction - 10/7, Upper Midwest Locations, Timed Online Auction Saturday, October 3 at 10AM Dan Baker Estate Auction, McKenzie County Fairgrounds, Watford City, ND Opening October 5 & Closing October 13 at 1 PM Grant County, WI, Land Auction - 200± Acres, Five Points Road, Lancaster, WI, Timed Online Auction Opening October 5 & Closing October 15 at 1 PM Meeker County, MN, Lakeshore Auction - 2± Acres, Dassel, MN, Timed Online Auction Opening October 7 & Closing October 15 NBT Enterprise (Nickleback) Retirement Auction, Watford City, ND, Timed Online Auction Opening October 9 & Closing October 13 at 12:30PM Online Hay Auction Quality Tested - Ring 2, Steffes Group Facility, Litchfield, MN, Timed Online Auction Opening October 12 & Closing October 21 at 1PM Lender Owned Commercial, Residential & Recreational Land Auction 9 Tracts, Numerous Counties in MN, Timed Online Auction Opening October 13 at 12PM Live Hay Auction Quality Tested - Ring 1, Steffes Group, Litchfield, MN Wednesday, October 14 at 10AM MDT Silas & Martha Kanning Farm Retirement Auction, Plentywood, MT Opening October 19 & Closing October 28 at 1PM Lender Owned Barron County, WI, Multi-Tract Real Estate Auction 266± Acres, New Auburn, WI, Timed Online Auction Wednesday, October 21 at 11AM McLean County, ND, Land Auction - 1,456± Acres, Turtle Lake, ND Opening October 21 & Closing October 28 Rodney Schiermeister Farm Equipment Auction, Hazelton, ND, Timed Online Auction Opening October 22 & Closing October 29 Howard Tommerdahl Inventory Reduction Auction, Hendrum, MN, Timed Online Auction Opening October 22 & Closing October 29 Popham Brothers Farm Retirement Auction, Florence, SD, Timed Online Auction Opening October 23 & Closing October 27 at 12:30PM Online Hay Auction Quality Tested - Ring 2, Steffes Group Facility, Litchfield, MN, Timed Online Auction Opening October 26 & Closing November 2 Dale & Brian Klein Farm Auction, Rugby, ND, Timed Online Auction Tuesday, October 27 at 12PM Live Hay Auction Quality Tested - Ring 1, Steffes Group Facility, Litchfield, MN Tuesday, October 27 at 10AM MDT Gordon Stoner Farm Retirement Auction, Outlook, MT Opening October 28 & Closing November 4 at 7PM Jarrold Paul Estate Auction, Blooming Prairie, MN, Timed Online Auction

Thursday, October 15, 2020 - 10:00 a.m. Auction Location: Courtland Community Center 300 Railroad St. Courtland, MN 56021


5 Acres M/L • Parcel # 03-013-0800 • 2020 RE Taxes $94.00 Land has not been surveyed. • Access is not Guaranteed Property is sold AS IS with no guarantees whatsoever.








FOR SALE: Harvesting Massey 550 combine with 1144 cornhead, low hours, AC, gear drive, diesel, $4,000. Case IH stalk chopper #50, good condition, $3,000. Feterl 10X66 auger, hydraulic winch, good condition, $2,800. Parker 2000 gravity boxes, 300 bushel, $1,600-$2,000. Retiring. Young America, MN (952) 412-7731 FOR SALE: 2011 JD 612C 12 row cornhead, 1H0612 CXED SN#0740587, used total 5 yrs, 2500 acres, $20,000; JD combine, 2014, S670, ID# 1H0567 SKDO 757310. 651-764-1780



FOR SALE: Westfield aucgers, 8”x51’ $1,400/OBO; 8”x61’ $1,000/OBO. In Mankato MN area. 507-317-0629 Sudenga unloading angle auger, 6” inlet, 6’ length with 3 HP motor, good condition, $1,500. 320-328-5794


If you’re having a Farm Auction, let other Farmers know it!



Corn dryer, FarmFan model 320J, CFAB, $6,250/OBO. Wet corn holding tank, cone bottom, 1200 bu, on wheels, $650/OBO; 8”x61’ Westfield PTO straight auger, like new, $3,200/OBO 651-5035087 Retiring.

FOR SALE: Case IH 1083 All kinds of New & Used farm cornhead, stored inside, equipment - disc chisels, field recent gathering chains, cults, planters, soil finishers, straight tin, good condition, cornheads, feed mills, discs, $5,000, trailer available. 507balers, haybines, etc. 507227-3428 438-9782 FOR SALE: JD 6620 combine, DAMAGED 444 head, field ready, $8,500. WANTED CORN - LIGHT TEST JD 6600 sidehill combine, 444 WEIGHT & HIGHER head, does not run. 507-498MOISTURE CORN. PAY5471 (days) or 507-498-5491 ING COMPETITIVE evenings PRICES DEPENDING QUALITY. ZANE HANFOR SALE: JD 6600 combine SON (507) 459-8653 w/ chopper, gas, 4480 hours, good condition, $1,200. 507WANTED TO BUY: Stanhoist 854-3528 and Bushhog steel barge JD 9500 combine, well main- boxes. Also, Gehl and Lotained, nice appearance, rentz grinder/mixers. JD $18,900. JD 920, 920F, grain 720 front mount cultivators. heads. Both nice shape, PLUS all types of farm ma$8,500/choice. 815-988-2074 chinery. 507-251-2685


4300 W/28’ CARGO BODY; ‘89 FORD MUSTANG; ‘86 DODGE 1/2 TON

Grain Handling Equipment

Upcoming Issues of THE LAND Southern MNNorthern IA October 16, 2020 October 30, 2020 November 13, 2020 *November 27, 2020


Northern MN October 9, 2020 October 23, 2020 November 6, 2020 November 20, 2020 *December 4, 2020

Deadline is 8 days prior to publication. Indicates early deadline, 9 days prior to publication.




PO Box 3169 • Mankato, MN 56002 Phone: 507-345-4523 or 800-657-4665 Fax: 507-345-1027 Website: e-mail: Ask Your Auctioneer to Place Your Auction in The Land!

THE LAND — OCTOBER 2/OCTOBER 9, 2020 Wanted — “Where Farm and Family Meet”

Trucks & Trailers



od-WANTED: DeLux 10’ con- FOR SALE: 2003 Internation- FREON WANTED: We pay PARMA DRAINAGE PUMPS BO. tinous flow grain dryer, al 4300, tandem axle, 20’ box $$$ for cylinders & cans. R12 New pumps & parts on hand. one 1-phase LP in excellent con- & hoist, rear controls, new R500 R11 R113 R114. Conve- Call Minnesota’s largest disels, dition. Please call 507-842- drive tires. 507-273-5668 nient. Certified Profession- tributor field 5462, Leave message with HJ Olson & Company als. Call (312)291-9169 or visit FOR SALE: Peterbilt 1990 like return phone number. 320-974-8990 Cell - 320-212-5336 grain truck w/ 20’ steel box 503WANTED TO BUY: Looking & hoist, $18,000. 507-427-3561 Please recycle this magazine. for small 5-10 gal bulk tank auc- with agitator, no cooler sysBO; tem. 320-582-2168 kaWANTED: Corn & soybean harvesting wanted, trucks au- available, Gleaner or JD • 5/8” drum roller with combine. Paul 320-221-1872 wall thickness ion,

Like The Land on Facebook • 42” drum diameter wall thickness • 4”x8” frame tubing 3/8” thick • Auto fold


ED FOR SALE: Yorkshire, HampST shire, Duroc & Hamp/Duroc ER boars, also gilts. Excellent AY- selection. Raised outside. VE Exc herd health. No PRSS. NG Delivery avail. 320-760-0365 NFOR SALE: Duroc boars born January 2020, excellent herd oist health, delivery available, rge 218-770-7916

Lo-Spot, Duroc, Chester White, JD Boars & Gilts available. ors. Monthly PRRS and PEDV. ma- Delivery available. Steve Resler. 507-456-7746

Sheep February, March Twin Ram Lambs. Suffolk/Hampshire and Dorset sired. Rugged and Growthy. Ready to help your flock. LaFayette, MN 507-276-7683 FOR SALE: 20 head Polypay ewe lambs, flushed and ready for your breeding schedule. 320-522-2389 FOR SALE: Dorset & Suffolk rams and ewes. Arndt Acres Call evenings 952-466-5876 FOR SALE: 3 year old Columbia ram, $300. 507-461-2873

Pets & Supplies PUPPIES FOR SALE: Border Collie/Blue Heeler cross, born 8/3/20, have shots and dewormed, $200/each. 507383-6701




Grand Meadow: $269,900 3BR 2BA updated 2 story on 7.5 acres. Newer 36x48 finished shop. Move In & enjoy! MLS #5660698 NEW LISTING! Grand Meadow: $299,995 APPROVED FOR HORSES! Great setting! 6.29 acre property on the edge of town within city limits. 3BR 2.5 BA rambler home, detached garage, 48 x 48 storage shed/barn with 6 stalls. Large pasture area. MLS #5564994 PRICE REDUCED! Stewartville: $995,000: Gorgeous 6BR, 5BA, 10-acre property with 54 x 90 pole shed & 28 x 56 workshop/ garage. Gourmet kitchen, custom built-ins, great entertaining spaces. MLS#5615943 PRICE REDUCED!


Mower County: Approx. 48 acres high quality farmland. Pattern tiled. 99.4CPI. Good tenant MLS# 5646661 Fillmore County: Approx. 165-acres, Spring Valley Twp. MLS# 5486495 PENDING!

NEED FARMLAND LISTINGS - HAVE BUYERS! COMMERCIAL GRAND MEADOW: Great investment. Double digit cap rate and 2 long-term tenants already in place. Lower level currently a post office. Instant return on investment. $99,900. MLS#5619155 RACINE: 10,000 sq. ft. building on 2.12-acres. MLS# 5247299

Need assistance with Rental Rates, Government Programs or Environmental Issues? Call us for your Farm Management needs! Randy Queensland • 507-273-3890 • Ryan Queensland • 507-273-3000 •

Grand Meadow, MN • 431847-1 507-754-5815 • 800-658-2340

GREENWALD FARM CENTER Greenwald, MN • 320-987-3177


14 miles So. of Sauk Centre


We Sell the Earth & Everything On It.




LOCATION: 28603 State Hwy 55, Paynesville, MN 56362 OPENS: MONDAY, OCTOBER 5



FOR SALE: Black Angus bulls also Hamp, York, & Hamp/ arm Duroc boars & gilts. Alfred field Kemen 320-598-3790 ers, scs, 507Swine




LAND LOCATION: From Lancaster, WI, 5 miles west on WI-35/ WI-81, 2.5 miles south on Five Points Rd. Land is located on the west side of the road.

AUCTIONEER’S NOTE: Not too often do properties as unique as this grace the marketplace. The land consists of 117± acres of tillable farm ground and 80± acres wooded/pasture along with 2 grain bins, 5,000± bu. & 7,500± bu., and a 20’x30’ shed. An outdoorsman’s dream property includes prime hunting and fishing with Grant River frontage. Improved gravel road meandering through the land. Beautiful spot to build your dream home or weekend getaway. Complete with a large rock waterfall. Must see to believe all the opportunity this auction has to offer!

24400 MN Hwy 22 South, Litchfield, MN 55355 | 320.693.9371

For a detailed Buyer’s Prospectus with complete terms and conditions, contact Steffes Group, 320.693.9371, Randy Kath 701.429.8894 or Shelly Weinzetl 763.300.5055 Ten percent down upon signing purchase agreement, payable by cash or check. Balance due at closing within 30 days. This is a 5% buyer’s fee auction. Registered Wisconsin Auctioneer Steffes Group, Inc. 457-53, 938382-91 Ashley Huhn WI-2788-52, RE-WI-8583 | Randy Kath WI-2789-52 | Michelle (Shelly) Weinzetl RE-WI-58566-90

From the Estate of “Steam Engine Joe” Joseph T. Rynda Viewing Date: Thursday, October 8 ~ 9:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. Pick Up & Payment: Monday, October 12, 2020 ~ 9 a.m. – 6 p.m. at 7480 Jackson Ave., Lonsdale, MN 55046.

Begins October 2, 2020 8:00 a.m. CDT • Bidding Starts Ending

Sunday, October 11, 2020 3:00 P.M. CDT For More Photos & Online Bidding go to:

*** 500+ Old Literature Brochures, Moline Plow Co., Buckeye Engine, Nichols and Shepard, Port Huron, New Huber, Russell & Co., IHC, Ford, Oldsmobile, Aultman & Taylor, Buffalo Pits, Avery, Case, Most In Very Good Condition *** (3) Nice Old School House Cradle Bells *** 20+ Brass Steam Whistles *** 20+ Steam Governors *** 50+ Political Buttons *** (4) Nice Political License Plate Brackets *** Montgomery, New Prague, Faribault, New Ulm Advertising Items *** King Mill 5 and 24 ½ lb Flour Bags *** NRA 1933 Poster *** August Schell Brewing License Plate Bracket *** Many Old Tools *** 200+ Old Books *** Old Barn Lanterns *** Tabletop Coffee Wheel Grinder *** Case Steam Engine Doors, Case Eagle Steam Engine Door *** 25+ Steam Gauges, Large & Small *** 25+ Full Sheets of Early US Postal Stamps *** Red Wing Shoe Les Kouba Poster *** 700 Lots of Very Interesting Old Items From 1840-1950

Joseph Josepth T. T. Rynda Rynda Estate Estate

"Steam Engine Joe" M AT T M A R I N G CO.

We Sell the Earth & Everything On It.

MATT MARING AUCTION CO. INC. PO Box 37, Kenyon, MN 55946 507-789-5421 • 800-801-4502

Matt Maring, Lic. #25-28 • 507-951-8354

PAGE 22 —”Where Farm and Family Meet”

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Livestock, Machinery, Farmland... you name it! People will buy it when they see it in The Land! To submit your classified ad use one of the following options: Phone: 507-345-4523 or 1-800-657-4665 Mail to: The Land Classifieds, P.O. Box 3169, Mankato, MN 56002 Fax to: 507-345-1027 Email: Online at: DEADLINE: Friday at 5:00 p.m. for the following Friday edition. Plus! Look for your classified ad in the e-edition.

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We pay top dollar for your damaged grain. We are experienced handlers of your wet, dry, burnt and mixed grains. Trucks and vacs available. Immediate response anywhere. CALL FOR A QUOTE TODAY






































The ad prices listed are based on a basic classified line ad of 25 words or less. Ads running longer than 25 words will incur an added charge.  Antiques & Collectibles  Harvesting Equipment  Goats CHECK ONE:  Announcements  Lawn & Garden  Grain Handling Equipment  Horses & Tack  Employment  Feed Seed Hay  Livestock Equipment  Exotic Animals  Real Estate  Fertilizer & Chemicals  Wanted  Pets & Supplies  Real Estate Wanted  Bins & Buildings  Free & Give Away  Cars & Pickups  Farm Rentals  Farm Equipment  Livestock  Industrial & Construction  Auctions  Tractors  Poultry  Trucks & Trailers  Agri Business  Tillage Equipment  Dairy  Recreational Vehicles  Farm Services  Planting Equipment  Cattle  Miscellaneous  Sales & Services  Spraying Equipment  Swine NOTE: Ad will be placed in the  Merchandise  Hay & Forage Equipment  Sheep appropriate category if not marked.

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FARM EQUIPMENT FOR SALE 2014 John Deere S680 combine, 4WD, 520/85R42 duals, 2093 engine hours, 1404 sep. hours, power fold tank ext. .......................$117500

2013 John Deere 7215R, IVT transmission, 380/90R54 rear duals, 380/80R38 single fronts, 540/1000 PTO, 59 GPM hyd. pump, 4 remotes, 3340 hours ................................................. $85000 1993 John Deere 4560 2WD, powershift, 18.4R42 duals, 3 remotes, 2 owner tractor with only 2832 hours ........................................................... $46000 1987 John Deere 4850 MFWD, 18.4R46 duals, 6750 hours .................................................. $37000 2013 John Deere 569 Premium round baler, net wrap, 1000 PTO, 14000 bales .................... $17500 2016 Case 580SN WT tractor loader backhoe, 4WD, extendahoe, cab with heat and air, pilot controls, ride control, 3250 hours .............. $47500 2015 Case 621F XT tool carrier wheel loader, 20.5-25 tires, JRB coupler, 3.0 cu. Yd. bucket, ride control, 1820 hours ..................................... $82500

AgDirect financing available, rates as low as 2.99% fixed. Please call before coming to look at equipment.

Phone ________________________________________________________# of times __________________________ Card # ________________________________________________________Exp. Date __________________________



CHECK We do not issue refunds.

ADVERTISING NOTICE: Please check your ad the first week it runs. We make every effort to avoid errors by checking all copy, but sometimes errors are missed. Therefore, we ask that you review your ad for correctness. If you find a mistake, please call (507) 345-4523 immediately so that the error can be corrected. We regret that we cannot be responsible for more than one week’s insertion if the error is not called to our attention. We cannot be liable for an amount greater than the cost of the ad. THE LAND has the right to edit, reject or properly classify any ad. Each classified line ad is separately copyrighted to THE LAND. Reproduction without permission is strictly prohibited.

Keith Bode

70786 510th St. • Fairfax, MN 55332 507-381-1291 •

THE LAND — OCTOBER 2/OCTOBER 9, 2020 — “Where Farm and Family Meet”

Miscellaneous REINKE IRRIGATION Sales & Service New & Used For your irrigation needs 888-830-7757 or 507-276-2073 WANTED TO BUY: Looking for small 5-10 gal bulk tank with agitator, no cooler system. 320-582-2168 Winpower Sales & Service Reliable Power Solutions Since 1925 PTO & automatic Emergency Electric Generators. New & Used Rich Opsata-Distributor 800-343-9376


ADVERTISING NOTICE: Please check your ad the first week it runs. We make every effort to avoid errors by checking all copy, but sometimes errors are missed. Therefore, we ask that you review your ad for correctness. If you find a mistake, please call (507) 345-4523 immediately so that the error can be corrected. We regret that we cannot be responsible for more than one week’s insertion if the error is not called to our attention. We cannot be liable for an amount greater than the cost of the ad. THE LAND has the right to edit, reject or properly classify any ad. Each classified line ad is separately copyrighted to THE LAND. Reproduction without permission is strictly prohibited.

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PAGE 24 — “Where Farm and Family Meet”


This week’s Back Roads is the work of The Land Correspondent Tim King. Photos by Jan King.

Holy Moline!


t the end of the summer every year around Labor Day, Gene Loxterkamp, Tom Seifermenn and Steve Korf display their collection of tractors for a week or so. This is not your average collection of a few interesting but random tractors. These modest gentlemen have spent about three and a half decades gathering together more than 60 tractors and other wheeled implements manufactured by the Minneapolis Moline Company — as well as its predecessors and ancestors. Most of the time most of the collection is under the roofs of buildings at the implement dealership they were partners in, located in Elrosa, Minn. “It takes about three days to get them all out,” Korf says. “You’ve go to pump up the tires and put a battery on a lot of them.” He points out that many of the tractors are started with a hand crank. Others run mostly on kerosene with a gasoline jump start. “It’s good to run them once a year,” Loxterkamp says. The trio even start and bring out their magnificent green, red, yellow and gray Minneapolis Thrasher which was built by The Minneapolis Thrashing Machine Company, founded in Hopkins, Minn. in 1889. The three men purchased The Minneapolis near Bellingham, in southwestern Minnesota, and painstakingly restored it at the shop in Elrosa.

Elrosa, Minn.

“They used it for farm work and road construction,” Korf, whose father Elmer started the Elrosa Minneapolis Moline dealership in 1940, said. Minneapolis Moline’s history, which the three men know well, mirrors the history of the manufacturing of farm implements in America. It’s a history of continuous corporate mergers and concentration. Minneapolis Moline was a 1929 merger of three companies: Minneapolis Steel and Machinery (known for its Minneapolis Tractors and bad labor relations), Minneapolis Threshing Machine Company, and the Moline Plow Company. In 1951 Minneapolis-Moline acquired the Avery farm equipment company and in that same year White Motor Company acquired Minneapolis Moline. AGCO purchased White, which had purchased New Idea in 1991. Much of the early mechanical history of the company is exhibited at Elrosa. You can see, for example, a really sharp 69-horsepower Minneapolis Moline Model M5 manufactured between 1960 and 1963 and sold new for $4,900. There’s also a very nice red, white and blue White-Minneapolis Moline G1050 that sold for $11,800 in 1971. There’s lots of other rare and fascinating equipment on display and what was there in 2020 will be there in 2021 since the trio doesn’t trade what they’ve collected. v







Solar energy is more than clean energy, it’s financial stability, predictability, and independence. We know the challenges of planning for the future, and we’re here to help you take control of what you can. Blue Horizon Energy works with the best suppliers and partners in the solar industry so you can rest easy knowing that you can trust your solar system to support your family, farm, and business for decades to come.



This farming family has seen their solar energy systems yield 109% to target since January. They’re saving thousands thanks to solar energy, and you can save too. Pictured: 136kW (Site 1 of 6).









DUAL-AXIS TRACKER PROVEN. RELIABLE. PREDICTABLE. Blue Horizon Energy has delivered hundreds of turnkey solar projects across the Midwest and our results are proven by all of these happy customers. Our projects are backed by industry-leading warranties, up to 25 years on key components, to create long-term reliable performance and savings.

REAL RESULTS. Blue Horizon Energy help this farming family design a group of solar energy projects to take out 95-100% of their annual energy usage across six hog confinements. Then we worked together to create a cost effective and tax efficient financing structure to build these solar arrays with minimum risk and maximum long-term value for the farm. We can show you how too.



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REAL RESULTS. Blue Horizon Energy help this farming family design a group of solar energy projects to take out 95-100% of their annual energy usage across six hog confinements. Then we worked together to create a cost effective and tax efficient financing structure to build these solar arrays with minimum risk and maximum long-term value for the farm. We can show you how too.



Our top-shelf technologies yield more power and more savings, delivering up to 40% more energy and a stronger, more predictable return on investment.










Solar energy is more than clean energy, it’s financial stability, predictability, and independence. We know the challenges of planning for the future, and we’re here to help you take control of what you can. Blue Horizon Energy works with the best suppliers and partners in the solar industry so you can rest easy knowing that you can trust your solar system to support your family, farm, and business for decades to come.



This farming family has seen their solar energy systems yield 109% to target since January. They’re saving thousands thanks to solar energy, and you can save too. Pictured: 136kW (Site 1 of 6).




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