26 minute read
Located: 2¼ miles S of Vincent, IA on P71 & 1½ miles E on 160th to the corner of Xavier & 160th
Saturday November 21, 2020 • 10 A.M. Blizzard date: Monday Nov. 23, 2020 10 A.M.
‘97 JD 8100 2WD powershift, 18.4-42 duals, 3258 hrs.: ‘90 JD4455 2WD, quad, 18.4-42 duals, 5278 hrs.; ‘71 JD 4020 dal, side console synchro, 6838 hrs, Sold w/ JD 148 loader w/quick tach snow bucket, double hay spear & pallet forks separate; ‘54 Formal Super MTA; ‘83 7720 JD, 3410 hrs.; 6-30 643 JD corn hd.; 20’ JD 22) flex hd.; 10’ NH 7230 disc bine crimper, low acres; NH 144 hay inverter; Notch 10 bale trailer 32,000 lb rating; Vermeer VR 1022 10-wheel hay rake; NH 3pt. 451 mower 7’ bar; (6) 16’ flat racks, 5 are very heavy late model plank floor w/gears; (2) 500 2 door Killbros w/truck tires; 24’ JD 960 3pt. fld cult.; 7 shk JD 3pt. 915 V ripper; 6 bottom 710 IH plow; 12-30 JD 7100 3pt planter, lift assist; 12-30 JD 85 FF cult.
Announcements day of sale take precedence over printed material
OWNER Larry Dencklau Estate For info call Larry Carlson 515-570-2011
AUCTIONEERS: Office: 515-448-3079 Eugene & Michael Ryerson Eagle Grove, IA Gene’s Cell: 515-689-3719 www.ryersonauctionrealtyltd.com
Farm Retirement
1/2 mile east of Bonesteel on Hwy 18, Bonesteel, SD 57317


Upcoming Sealed Bid Land Auctions Nov 13 • 160 ± Acres • Nashville Twp, Martin Cty Nov 17 • 156.12 ± Acres • Lincoln Twp, Blue Earth Cty Nov 18 • 193.06 ± Acres • St. James Twp, Watonwan Cty Dec 3 • 226.44 ± Acres • Judson Twp, Blue Earth Cty 568.11 ± Acres • Garden City Twp, Blue Earth Cty Dec 4 • 152.31 ± Acres • Galena Twp, Martin Cty Only registered bidders may attend
For property brochures call 1-800-730-LAND (5263), visit www.WingertRealty.com, or find us on Facebook

Charles Wingert, Broker # 07-53, 1160 S Victory Dr Ste 6, Mankato MN Real Estate
Sell your land or real estate in 30 days for 0% commission.
Call Ray 507-339-1272
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2009 JOHN DEERE 9770 STS

2013 JOHN DEERE 8360R 2008 JOHN DEERE 7330

PREVIEW: November 17 – 30, 8AM – 4:30PM. No preview Thanksgiving Day.
LOADOUT: December 1 after 5PM, December 2-4, 8AM – 4:30PM, after December 4 by appointment only.
Loadout must be completed by December 10th. | AUCTIONEERS NOTE: After 50 years the Selle Family farm has decided to sell their farm machinery. Please contact Jim for any questions or more details.
INCLUDES: MFWD & 2WD Tractors & Loader, GPS Equipment, Harvest Equipment, Planter, Seed Tender, Grain Cart & Gravity Box, Hopper Bottom & Step Deck Trailers, Livestock Trailers, Tillage Equipment, Sprayer & Chemical Equipment, Hay Equipment, Forage & Feed Equipment, Calf Shelters, Livestock Handling Equipment, Panels & Gates, Feeders, Livestock Support Items, Grain Handling & Aeration
Equipment, Road Grader & Roller, ATV & ATV Sprayer, Other Equipment, Shop Equipment, Tanks, Tires & SteffesGroup.com com Rims, Parts, Farm Support & Misc. Items
Steffes Group, Inc., 1688 Hwy 9, Larchwood, IA 51241 SELLE FARMS INC. | Jim & Rose Selle, 605.830.9680 or at Steffes Group; Rex Dummer, 605.610.7989 or Ben Hochgraber, 701.425.3391

WANTED: Land & farms. I ALFALFA, mixed hay, grass FOR SALE: Alfalfa, mixed Barn and Quonset Roofing have clients looking for hay & wheat straw, medi- hay, grass hay, straw and in- and Straightening. Kelling dairy, & cash grain opera- um square or round bales, dividually wrapped baleage. Silo. 1-800-355-2598 tions, as well as bare land delivery available. Medium or large square parcels from 40-1000 acres. Both for relocation & investThief River Falls, MN. Call or text LeRoy Ose: bales. Delivery available. Zumbrota, MN. Call or text SILO ments. If you have even thought about selling contact: Paul Krueger, Farm & 218-689-6675 Alfalfa Hay - Dairy or stock Ray Leffingwell 763-286-2504 Wheat Straw for Sale REMOVAL Land Specialist, Edina Realty, 138 Main St. W., New cow quality. Big square bales. Delivered from South -Round bales or square bales (3x3x8). (507) 794- 507-236-9446 Prague, MN 55372. Dakato. John Haensel 605- 8901 paulkrueger@edinarealty.com 351-5760 Sell your land or real estate in (612)328-4506 Please recycle this magazine. Thank You Farmers! Please support our advertisers. Tell them you saw their ad in THE LAND. 30 days for 0% commission.
LeRoy: $159,900 1 BR 1.5 BA on 6 acres with 36’ x 80’ pole shed MLS #5650834 Grand Meadow: $259,900 3 BR 2.5 BA on 6.29 acres MLS #5564994 PENDING! Grand Meadow: $269,900 3 BR 2 BA on 7.5 acres MLS #5660698 SOLD! Stewartville: $995,000: 6BR 5BA on 10 acres MLS#5615943 PENDING!
Mower County: Approx. 48 acres, Pattern tiled. 99.4 CPI. MLS# 5646661 PENDING!

RACINE: 10,000 sq. ft. building on 2.12-acres. Multiple uses! MLS# 5247299 GRAND MEADOW: Great investment. . MLS#5619155 SOLD!
Full Farm Management Services
including Rental Rates, Government Programs, & Environmental Issues
Steffes Auction Calendar 2020 For more info, call: 1-800-726-8609 or visit our website: SteffesGroup.com
Opening November 6 & Closing November 13
Leon & Janell Vandeberg Farm Retirement Auction, Epping, ND,
Timed Online Auction
Opening November 6 & Closing November 17 at 10AM MDT
C. Berk Bowman Farm & Ranch Retirement Auction, Rhame, ND,
Timed Online Auction
Opening November 6 & Closing November 18 at 11AM
Tim & Mary Zink Farm Retirement Auction, Carrington, ND,
Timed Online Auction
Opening November 9 & Closing November 17 at 1PM
Court Ordered Columbia, Dodge, and Racine County, WI, Multi-Tract Dairy
Operations, Land and Hobby Farm Auction, Numerous Counties in WI,
Timed Online Auction
Opening November 9 & Closing November 19 at 1PM
Dairy Cattle - Court Ordered Auction, Fox Lake, WI,
Timed Online Auction
Opening November 10 & Closing November 17
Don Zimbleman Farm Retirement Auction, Fullerton, ND,
Timed Online Auction
Opening November 11 & Closing November 18 at 12PM
Premier C. Berk Bowman Farm & Ranch Retirement Land Auction - 4,137± Acres, Rhame, ND, Timed Online Auction
Opening November 11 & Closing November 20 at 10AM
Wright County, MN, Farmland, Hobby Farm/Building Site, and Grain Bin
Facility Auction, Jellison Ave. SW, Howard Lake, MN, Timed Online Auction
Opening November 11 & Closing November 20 at 1PM
Greg & Judy Chock Farm Retirement Auction, Howard Lake, MN,
Timed Online Auction
Opening November 12 & Closing November 19
Duane Peterson Farm Equipment Auction, Fullerton, ND,
Timed Online Auction
Opening November 12 & Closing November 19 at 12PM
John Dullea Estate Farm & Construction Equipment Auction, Halstad, MN,
Timed Online Auction
Opening November 16 & Closing November 23 at 1PM
Dave Moe Collectibles Auction, Steffes Group Facility, West Fargo, ND,
Timed Online Auction
Opening November 18 & Closing November 30 at 1PM
Watonwan County, MN, Commercial Real Estate Auction, St. James, MN,
Timed Online Auction
Opening November 20 & Closing November 25
Online Steffes Auction - 11/25, Upper Midwest Location,
Timed Online Auction
Opening November 20 & Closing November 30
Erickson Farms Equipment Auction, Ada, MN, Timed Online Auction
Opening November 20 & Closing November 24 at 12:30PM
Online Hay Auction Quality Tested - Ring 2, Steffes Group Facility,
Litchfield, MN, Timed Online Auction
Opening November 20 & Closing November 30 at 7PM
Farm Equipment - Court Ordered Auction, Fox Lake, WI,
Timed Online Auction
Opening November 23 & Closing November 30 at 1PM
Dave & Jodi Wensing Farm Retirement Auction, Florence, SD,
Timed Online Auction
Opening November 23 & Closing December 1
Traverse County, MN, Tillable Farmland Auction - 156± Acres, East of
Wheaton, MN, Timed Online Auction
Opening November 23 & Closing December 1 at 10:30AM
Jim & Rose Selle Farm Retirement Auction, Bonesteel, SD,
Timed Online Auction
Opening November 23 & Closing December 2
UFC Farm Supply (Judson Equipment) Auction, Lake Crystal, MN,
Timed Online Auction
Opening November 23 & Closing December 2 at 7PM
Leon Schlitz Farm Retirement Auction, Glenville, MN, Timed Online Auction
Opening November 23 & Closing December 3 at 7PM
Richard Gabrielson Estate Farm Equipment Auction, Darwin, MN,
Timed Online Auction
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Stormor Bins & EZ-Drys. Harms Mfg. Land Rollers, JD 7000 Corn Planter, 2 Row, FOR SALE: 1964 John Deere 100% financing w/no liens or Brand New, 12’-$6,800; 3PT, $1,800; Fert. Avail. 3020 diesel, wide front, red tape, call Steve at Fair- 14’-$7,000; 16’-$8,000; 24’- $350/ Row. 715-234-1993 Farmhand loader, 3316 origfax Ag for an appointment. $14,800; 32’-$17,500; 42’- inal hours, new tires, rock 888-830-7757 $21,500; Others from 8’-62’ We buy box, fast hitch, no rust, ex715-234-1993 Salvage Equipment cellent condition. Renville
Farm Equipment JD 4255 2WD tractor, 2R, Parts Available Hammell Equip., Inc. MN 712-541-4540 14.9x46 tires, 3 hyds, new (507)867-4910 NEW AND USED TRACTOR 2015 Hvy Duty Rock Picker (5 Ft Wide Forks) Never Used Elec Over Hyd Heavier Tines Or Teeth, NEW! Never Used Half Priced. 2015 Mandako 40 Ft Land Roller Steerable Whls 9000 Acres, $26,500?? Retiring. 319-3476676 or 319-269-4226 style step, 505 hrs showing, $29,750; Farm King 1080 9’ snowblower, w/ 1000 PTO, $4,500; JD 720 QT ldr, w/ 7’ QT bkt; was on JD 4230 tractor, $4,500; JD 1075 & Westendorf 12T running gears, $1,150/choice. 320-769-2756 JD 8110 MFD with new rubber, Retired Selling. 2-180 White tractor w/ 20.8 tires & duals; OMC round baler model 595; Demco 750 bu gravity box w/ tarp; White plow model 588 7 bottom 20”; Wil-Rich 25’ Looking for something special? Put a line ad in The Land and find it! Call 507-345-4523 PARTS JD 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 55, 50 Series & newer tractors, AC-all models, Large Inventory, We ship! Mark Heitman Tractor Salvage 715-673-4829 One Call Does It All! With one phone call, you can place Sell your farm equipment in The Land with a line ad. 507-345-4523 very nice 10’ Ag baggers; 20’ grain pup trailer; 2 compartment Parker gravity box & J&M box with brush augers. stalk chopper; Tebben 3pt ripper, 9-30” shanks; 5 shank 3pt mounted Year-A-Round subsoiler; All in good cond. Call The Land for more information your classified line ad in The Land, Farm News and Country Today. www.thelandonline.com 320-760-1634 320-630-1777 507-345-4523 • 800-657-4665

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AUCTIONEER’S NOTE: After a lifetime of farming, Leon has decided to retire and sell this clean line of equipment at auction. PREVIEW: By Appointment / LOADOUT: By Appointment TRACTOR TILLAGE EQUIPMENT TRAILERS 2000 John Deere 9400T track tractor, Case-IH 730C disc ripper, 7x30” 2013 Timpte hopper bottom trailer, 6,168 hrs. John Deere 3710 auto reset plow, 9x18” 42’x96”x66”
COMBINE & HEADS TRUCKS 1980 Wilson hopper bottom trailer, 40’ 2001 John Deere 9650 STS combine, 2002 IHC 9200i factory day cab semi, Unverferth header trailer, 30’ 2WD, 2,862 sep. hrs., 3,582 engine hrs. 793,820 miles OTHER FARM EQUIPMENT
2010 John Deere 608C chopping corn 1996 Freightliner FL120 day cab semi, Parker Seed Chariot 2620 seed tender
head 648,855 miles Brent 880 grain cart
2010 John Deere 630F fl ex head John Deere brown box w/SF1 card
Steffes Group, Inc., 24400 MN Hwy 22 S, Litchfi eld, MN 55355 | 320.693.9371
LEON SCHILTZ | 507.402.5449 or Eric Gabrielson at Steffes Group, 320.693.9371 or 701.238.2570
ADVERTISING NOTICE: Please check your ad the first week it runs. We make every effort to avoid errors by checking all copy, but sometimes errors are missed. Therefore, we ask that you review your ad for correctness. If you find a mistake, please call (507) 345-4523 immediately so that the error can be corrected. We regret that we cannot be responsible for more than one week’s insertion if the error is not called to our attention. We cannot be liable for an amount greater than the cost of the ad. THE LAND has the right to edit, reject or properly classify any ad. Each classified line ad is separately copyrighted to THE LAND. Reproduction without permission is strictly prohibited.
INVESTIGATE BEFORE YOU INVEST! Midwest Free Community Paper Association does not knowingly accept fraudulent or deceptive advertising. Readers are cautioned to thoroughly investigate all classifieds and other ads which require an investment. (MCN)
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’14 JD 690 4WD, 1640 Eng hrs, 1026 sep. hrs, 5 spd feederhouse, ’14 Cat TH407C, 7250 hrs, cab air, 8,000# lift cap, 24’ lift hgt, 48” forks, aux hyd..................................................... $39,000
CM, power bin ext., 650x38 tires & duals....................... $147,000 ’13 Gehl RS5-19, 1972 hrs, cab heat, 5500# lift, 19’ lift hgt, 48” ’13 JD 660, 892/1180 CM, chopper duals................. $123,000 forks. ......................................................................... $38,000 ’13 JLG G12-55A, 6694 hrs, cab air, 12,000# lift cap, 55’ lift hgt, ’01 JD 9750 STS, 3013/4156 CM, chopper, duals ....... $32,500 outriggers, 60” forks................................................. $52,000
’06 Challenger MT755B 3995 hrs, 3PT, PTO,120” base, 16” belt.....$80,000 ’02 Case IH 2208, corn head 8 row 30”....................... $10,000 ’04 JD 630F, 30’ flex head, high dam............................$7,000 ’14 Case IH 370 HD, 7065 hrs, 1000 PTO duals........... $72,000 ’06 Drago, 8 row 30” chopping corn head .................. $12,000 ’05 Versatile 2335, 5002 hrs, power shift, PTO ........... $62,000 ’09 Case IH 3412 corn head 12 row 30”...................... $19,000 ’95 Cat CH35, 5528 hrs, 3PT 1000 PTO, 16” track, 88” on ’13 Case IH 3162 40’ flex draper................................. $30,000 ’13 Case IH 3020 35’ flex head, 3” sickle.................... $18,000 center ..................................................................... $35,000 Case IH 1083, 8 row, 30” corn head w/ tracker drives, changed over to poly........ $5,900
’09 JD 7830 MFWD, 6185 hrs, 3PT PTO, 4 hyd, 20 speed auto ’16 JD 824KII, 7480 hrs, RC, 6 yd bkt.............................. $134,500 quad, 48050 tires & duals, autosteer ready............. $73,000 ’15 JD 544K, 4177 hrs, 3yd pin on bkt, RC........................ $92,000 ’97 Case IH 8910 MFWD, 6695 hrs, 3PT, 4 hyd, 540/1000 ’14 JD 724K 6980 hrs, 4.75 yd pin on bkt, RC .................. $95,000
PTO,14.9x46 tires & duals........................................ $45,000 ’13 JD 644 K, 5520 hrs, quick coupler, 4.25 yd bkt ........ $105,000 GRAIN CARTS & GRAVITY WAGONS ’15 Cat 950M, 7205 hrs, RC, 4.5 yd pin on bkt................. $115,000 ’15 Cat 930 M, 6599 hrs, RC, QC & bkt ............................ $85,000 ’08 Brent 1194 w/tarp, 1100 bushel, 520x42” walking ’14 Cat 938M, 8416 hrs, 3.5 yd pin on bkt, RC................. $82,000 tandems.................................................................... $29,000 ’13 Brent 557, 550 bushel, 4 wheel brake, fenders, tarp ........$13,250 ’14 Cat 930K, 9588 hrs, QC w/bkt ..................................... ’16 Komatsu WA 270-7, 8193 hrs, Q.C., 4 yd bkt .............. ’16 Komatsu WA 320-7, 6936 hrs, Q.C., 3.5 yd bkt ........... $69,000 $70,000 $75,000 EXCAVATORS ’14 Kawasaki 70Z7, 7628 hrs, QC & bkt ............................ ’16 Case 621G, 7435 hrs, QC w/ 3 yrd bkt ............................. $69,000 $72,000 ’15 Cat 323 FL, 3768 hrs, 40" bkt............................... $105,000 ’12 Case IH 721F, 3254 hrs, RC, 3.5 yd pin on bkt ................ $69,000 ’11 JD 290GLC, 3347 hrs, 12'6" stick,42" bkt.............. $105,000 ’11 Case IH 721F 7650 hrs, QC 3 yd bkt, Aux hyd, 4 new 20.5 Rx25 ’11 Case CX300C, 2658 hrs, 12' stick, 54" bucket...... $105,000 tires ................................................................................. $69,000
LARSON IMPLEMENTS 5 miles east of Cambridge, MN, on Hwy. 95 763-689-1179
Look at our website for pictures & more listings: www.larsonimplements.com


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LOCATION: From Howard Lake, MN, 1/2 mile west on US Hwy 12, 1 mile south on Keats Ave. SW, 1/4 mile east on 70th St. SW. 9882 70th St. SW, Howard Lake, MN 55349 / LOADOUT: Monday, November 23 from 9am - 4pm TRACTORS PLANTER 2009 Felling tandem axle 1997 John Deere 9400, pre-harvest hrs. 3,040 2002 John Deere 1780 conservation planter bumper hitch dump trailer Stud King 38 2012 John Deere 8235R, 8,665 TILLAGE EQUIPMENT Maurer header trailer pre-harvest hrs. 2005 John Deere 512 disc ripper TRUCK ATTACHMENTS
(2) Allis Chalmers WD 2002 John Deere 980 fi eld Chevrolet tonneau cover for
COMBINE & HEADS cultivator 6.5 box 2007 John Deere 9760 combine, TRUCKS & TRAILERS Northern Tool toolbox, 2’x4’, 1,427 pre-harvest sep. hrs., 2,160 2004 Freightliner Columbia day aluminum diamond plate pre-harvest engine hrs. cab, 136,883 miles GRAIN CART
2009 John Deere 630F fl ex head 2011 Wilson Pacesetter DWH- 2010 Unverferth 1015 Xtreme 2009 John Deere 608C chopping 500 hopper bottom trailer grain cart corn head 2016 Alcom tandem axle v-nose enclosed trailer
2016 GSI 1112 grain dryer 2016 Westfi eld WR80-71 auger 2016 Westfi eld MKX130-64 auger 2016 Westfi eld WR100-31 auger
Steffes Group, Inc., 24400 MN Hwy 22 S, Litchfi eld, MN 55355 | 320.693.9371
GREG & JUDY CHOCK | GREG 612.327.8972 Steffes Group, Inc. 24400 MN Hwy 22 S Litchfield, MN 55355 | 320.693.9371 or Randy Kath at Steffes Group, 320.693.9371 or 701.429.8894
Complete terms, lot listings and photos at SteffesGroup.com / Randy Kath MN47-007
FOR SALE: JD 7000 6R30” JD7720 Combine, $8,500; All kinds of New & Used farm WANTED TO BUY: Stanhoist WANTED: 1909-1940 Ford FOR SALE: Black Angus bulls planter, liq fert w/ squeeze JD643 Cornhead, $3,500; equipment - disc chisels, field and Bushhog steel barge Cars & Parts, Old Tin, Por- also Hamp, York, & Hamp/ pump, Yetter row cleaners, JD920 Bean Head with trail- cults, planters, soil finishers, boxes. Also, Gehl and Lo- celain & Neon Signs, Old Gas Duroc boars & gilts. Alfred precision meters w/ insect er, $8,250; JD27 Stalk Chop- cornheads, feed mills, discs, rentz grinder/mixers. JD Pumps & Globes, Old Oil Kemen 320-598-3790 boxes, also JD monitor, al- per, new hood, $2,000; JD balers, haybines, etc. 507- 720 front mount cultivators. Cans & Bottles, Other Old ways shedded, $8,000/OBO. Chisel Plow, $500; Interna- 438-9782 PLUS all types of farm ma- Car Related Items. Please Sell your livestock in The Land
WANTED TO BUY: 1760 JD tional 6200 Grain Drill, 14 ft. chinery. 507-251-2685 Call 507-665-6893 with a line ad. 507-345-4523 planter, 12R30” w/ liq fert, in - 7” spacing, $1,200; JD960 Classified Line Ads good shape, always shedded. 952-292-2019 27.5’ Field Cultivato Call 507-220-0487 r, $4,500. WORK! Call 507-345-4523
2983 233rd St, Ada, MN 56510



MERIDAN DUAL WALL FUEL TANKS PREVIEW: Friday, November 20 – Monday, November 30 from 8AM-5PM LOADOUT: All items to be removed within two weeks of auction closing by appointment. Contact Blaine, 218.474.0002
INCLUDES: Planting, Tillage Equipment, Row Crop Equipment, Trucks, Trailers, Pickups, Sprayer, Grain Handling Equipment, Scraper, Fuel Tanks, Farm Support Items SteffesGroup.com com
Steffes Group, Inc., 2000 Main Ave East, West Fargo, ND
ERICKSON FARMS | Blaine, 218.474.0002 or Tadd Skaurud at Steffes Group, 701.237.9173 or 701.729.3644
All items sold as is where is. Payment of cash or check must be made sale day before removal of items. Statements made auction day take precedence over all advertising. $35 documentation fee applies to all titled vehicles. Titles will be mailed. Canadian buyers need a bank letter of credit to facilitate border transfer. Scott Steffes MN14-51


110+/- ACRE JACKSON COUNTY, MN. FARMLAND AUCTION Thursday, November 19, 2020 @ 10:00 A.M. (Snow/Blizzard backup date 11/20/20, at the same time.) Check our web site www.danpikeauction.com for updates. SALE LOCATION: Lakefield Legion Hall at 413 Main Street in Lakefield, MN.
Rost Township
PROPERTY LOCATION From the I-90 exit at Lakefield, Minnesota 1-1/2 miles south to Jackson County #34, then 2-1/2 miles west on #34. Watch for auction sign. PROPERTY LEGAL DESCRIPTION Northwest Quarter except West 50 Acres in Section Twenty Five (25), Township One Hundred Two (102) North (Rost Township), Range Thirty-Seven (37) West Jackson County, Minnesota. Jackson County Parcel #15.025.0300. PROPERTY INFORMATION Deeded Acres: 110+/- Acres Cropland Acres: 101.81 +/- Acres Crop Productivity Index Rating: 87.1 Estimated by Agra Data Mapping SPECIAL NOTE: Since we will be inside the Legion Hall for the sale, Covid-19 rules will apply. Also social distancing rules will apply. Those attending are asked to wear masks.
FOR MORE DETAILS GO TO WWW.DANPIKEAUCTION.COM OWNER - William & Ardene Post MN Real Estate Trust Catherine Hohensteen & Douglas Anderson - Trustees Closing Attorney for the Sellers Patrick K. Costello - Costello, Carlson, Butzon & Schmit Law Firm Lakefield, MN. Phone #507-662-6621 SALE CONDUCTED BY

410 Springfield Parkway Jackson, MN 56143 507-847-3468 www.danpikeauction.com
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Southern MN- Northern MN
Northern IA November 20, 2020 *November 27, 2020 *December 4, 2020 December 11, 2020 December 18, 2020 *December 25, 2020 *January 1, 2021 *January 8, 2021 January 15, 2021
Deadline is 8 days prior to publication. *Indicates early deadline, 9 days prior to publication.

PO Box 3287 • Mankato, MN 56002 Phone: 507-345-4523 or 800-657-4665 Fax: 507-345-1027 Website: www.TheLandOnline.com e-mail: theland@TheLandOnline.com Ask Your Auctioneer to Place Your Auction in The Land!
FOR SALE: Yorkshire, Hampshire, Duroc & Hamp/Duroc boars, also gilts. Excellent selection. Raised outside. Exc herd health. No PRSS. Delivery avail. 320-760-0365
Spot, Duroc, Chester White,
Boars & Gilts available.
Monthly PRRS and PEDV.
Delivery available. Steve
Resler. 507-456-7746
Thank you for reading The Land. We appreciate it!
Pets & Supplies
Shepherd puppies. Imported
Schutzhund breeding. Excellent dispositions. Healthy.
Holloway, MN Call Suzette
Riches. 320-394-2189
FOR SALE: Australian cattle dog Heeler puppies. 4 red males available. 3 1/2 months old. Farm raised.
Parents are papered. Call for info 651-214-8510
Aerial Map LAND AUCTION Timed Online

Clifton Township LAND LOCATION: From Wheaton, MN, 5 miles east on Hwy 27, 1.5 miles north on 720th Ave. Land is located on the east side of the road.

AUCTIONEER’S NOTE: Mark has purchased another property closer to home and is offering this parcel at auction. This turnkey, productive, investment quality agricultural land is pattern tiled on 40’ centers. Please join Steffes Group for this online only opportunity to increase your farm acres or investment portfolio.
660th St 78
For a detailed Buyer’s Prospectus with complete terms & conditions, Mark 320.808.3492 or Scott Gillespie at Steffes Group, 320.760.3066 or 320.693.9371