“Since 1976, Where Farm and Family Meet”
418 South Second St., Mankato, MN 56001 • (800) 657-4665 www.TheLandOnline.com • theland@TheLandOnline.com
May 28, 2021 June 4, 2021
Small town, big sale... Dick Hagen hunts for bargains in Porter, Minn. PLUS: Karen Schwaller on Memorial Day Renae Vander Schaaf on letter writing Kent Thiesse on CRP ... and more!
www.thelandonline.com — “Where Farm and Family Meet”
THE LAND — MAY 28/JUNE 4, 2021
How long do we have? 418 South Second St. Mankato, MN 56001 (800) 657-4665 Vol. XLV ❖ No. 11 24 pages, 1 section plus supplements
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Cover photo by Dick Hagen
COLUMNS Opinion The Bookworm Sez Farm and Food File Table Talk From My Farmhouse Kitchen Farm Programs Mielke Market Weekly Marketing Auctions/Classifieds Advertiser Listing Back Roads
2-4 3 4 5 6 14 15 16-17 19-23 23 24
Publisher: Steve Jameson: sjameson@mankatofreepress.com General Manager: Deb Petterson: dpetterson@TheLandOnline.com Managing Editor: Paul Malchow: editor@TheLandOnline.com Staff Writer: Kristin Kveno: kkveno@thelandonline.com Staff Writer Emeritus: Dick Hagen: rdhagen35@gmail.com Advertising Representatives: Joan Streit: (507) 344-6379, jstreit@thelandonline.com Deb Petterson: dpetterson@TheLandOnline.com Office/Advertising Assistants: Joan Compart: theland@TheLandOnline.com Lyuda Shevtsov: auctions@thelandonline.com For Customer Service Concerns: (507) 345-4523, (800) 657-4665, theland@TheLandOnline.com Fax: (507) 345-1027 For Editorial Concerns or Story Ideas: (507) 344-6342, (800) 657-4665, editor@TheLandOnline.com Because of the nature of articles appearing in The Land, product or business names may be included to provide clarity. This does not constitute an endorsement of any product or business. Opinions and viewpoints expressed in editorials or by news sources are not necessarily those of the management. The Publisher shall not be liable for slight changes or typographical errors that do not lessen the value of an advertisement. The Publisher’s liability for other errors or omissions in connection with an advertisement is strictly limited to publication of the advertisement in any subsequent issue or the refund of any monies paid for the advertisement. Classified Advertising: $19.99 for seven (7) lines for a private classified, each additional line is $1.40; $24.90 for business classifieds, each additional line is $1.40. Classified ads accepted by mail or by phone with VISA, MasterCard, Discover or American Express. Classified ads can also be sent by e-mail to theland@TheLandOnline.com. Mail classified ads to The Land, 418 South Second St., Mankato, MN 56001. Please include credit card number, expiration date and your postal address with ads sent on either mail version. Classified ads may also be called into (800) 657-4665. Deadline for classified ads is 5 pm on the Friday prior to publication date, with holiday exceptions. Distributed to farmers in all Minnesota counties and northern Iowa, as well as on The Land’s website. Each classified ad is separately copyrighted by The Land. Reproduction without permission is strictly prohibited. Subscription and Distribution: Free to farmers and agribusinesses in Minnesota and northern Iowa. $49 per year for non-farmers and people outside the service area. The Land (USPS 392470) Copyright © 2021 by The Free Press Media is published biweekly by The Free Press, 418 S 2nd Street, Mankato, MN 56001-3727. Business and Editorial Offices: 418 S. 2nd Street, Mankato, MN 56001-3727, Accounting and Circulation Offices: Steve Jameson, 418 S 2nd Street, Mankato, MN 56001-3727. Call (507) 345-4523 to subscribe. Periodicals postage paid at Mankato, MN. Postmaster and Change of Address: Send address changes to The Land, 418 South Second St., Mankato MN 56001-3727 or e-mail to theland@TheLandOnline.com.
As ‘staff writer emeritus’ of The Land, I them; the more there will be. No, I don’t have the opportunity to indulge on most call it hopeless; but a slowdown certainly any topic and the freedom to seek any is in order.” relevant source of information. As you With that common round table sense, I regular readers of The Land already decided to borrow more wisdom from know, a frequent info source for me is cofAlexander Tyler, a Scottish history profee at the ‘round table’ at the Chatterbox fessor at the University of Edinburg. In Café in Olivia, Minn. Yes, virtually every 1787, Tyler said this: “A democracy is rural community, Minnesota and elsealways temporary in nature; it simply where, has its own intelligence center LAND MINDS cannot exist as a permanent form of govwhere ‘selected seniors’ gather to solve ernment.” By Dick Hagen world problems. At the Chatterbox, we’re So then what, I wondered? His comdubbed the “Intelligence Center of ment back in 1787: “A democracy will Renville County” … and who am I to exist until voters discover they can dispute such a title? vote themselves generous gifts from the public treaSo referring to the amazing diversity in America’s sury. From that moment on, the majority vote for current political environment, I’ve asked my round the candidates who promise the most benefits from table crew, “How long can we survive?” Bingo, the public treasury — with the result that every heads start shaking; hands start thumping the table democracy will finally collapse due to loose fiscal top — simply because each of the six to eight of us policy, which is always followed by a dictatorship.” certainly has an opinion. You’ve heard this before: Professor Tyler contends, Without sharing last names, here’s retired farmer “The average age of the world’s greatest civilizations Jim: “This spending spree simply can’t survive. I’m from the beginning of history has been about 200 embarrassed the debt we’re hanging on our grandyears. During those 200 years, those nations prochildren. Already I’m feeling the squeeze on my gressed through the following sequence: 1, From own assets and now concerned about my son who is bondage to spiritual faith; 2, From spiritual faith to now farming.” great courage; 3, From courage to liberty; 4, From libRetired banker Tom comments, “I’ve seen farmers erty to abundance; 5, From abundance to complacenstruggle over the years getting ready for retirement. cy; 6, From complacency to apathy; 7, From apathy to But today some simply shake their heads and ask dependence; 8, From dependence back to bondage.” me ‘is it worth the effort?’ Today I hesitate attemptI took this assessment back to the round table. ing my own answer.” They pretty much agree this professor was on target Successful farmer Bob adds, “Over the years I’ve concerning the future of America’s democracy. I was built up quite a few acres. Yes, a few slide backs too, pleased to hear agreement on spiritual faith to great but the past couple of years some real strength in courage is most needed right now. But my guys this farm income situation. And I think a pretty totally agree with stage 5: From abundance to comsolid financial future for my son now running the placency is steering America right now. And so do I. show. However, without family takeovers, who’s To me, ‘too-much government’ is America’s dilemma going to be able to call the shots in the future?” right now. After nearly 60 years working in America’s John, a retired school teacher, candidly admits the agricultural industry, I’m pretty much history. Yes, teachers’ union — especially here in Minnesota — I’m an Army veteran and a 14-year U.S. Army reservcontinues to be “pretty good” in political efforts for ist; proud to be parent of a West Point Military retiring educators. “You call it a spending spree, but Academy graduate; and now have a grandson who is look at the revenue being pumped into America’s also a student at West Point. So yes, I’m very conrevenue streams also. Besides, I’m not ignoring you cerned about the political future of America. Yes, I’m farm guys … I read and hear about the various counting on the 2022 U.S. political election to restore farm program subsidies rolled out to you guys. And political balance for America; and the 2024 election that’s why I jokingly comment when you come to to put a Republican back in the White House. the round table complaining about these likely new So how long do we have? You be the judge. tax consequences. I say, there must be a farm proThe views expressed in this column are not necesgram covering that too!” sarily the opinion or policy of The Land. Dick Hagen Long-time semi truck driver Lenny shrugs, is the staff writer emeritus of The Land. He may be “Nothing unusual about the climbing cost of govern- reached at rdhagen35@gmail.com. v ment these days. And the more we keep on feeding
Letters to the editor are always welcome.
Send your letters to: Editor, The Land, 418 South Second St., Mankato, MN 56001 e-mail: editor@thelandonline.com All letters must be signed and accompanied by a phone number (not for publication) to verify authenticity.
THE LAND — MAY 28/JUNE 4, 2021
www.thelandonline.com — “Where Farm and Family Meet”
Don’t wait for the dog days of summer to enjoy these books Your pooch is a first-class mess maker. Another lost dog, a “A Dog’s Courage” “Dogwinks” wee Westie, makes But what are you gonna do? A clean his way thirty blocks by W. Bruce Cameron by SQuire Rushnell and Louise DuArt house won’t love you, play ball, snuggle in downtown New c.2021, Forge Books c.2020, Howard Books / Atria on the sofa, or take you for a walk. You York City, a miracle can’t teach a clean house cool new tricks $26.99 / $36.50 Canada $19.99 / $26.99 Canada inside “a bilingual and it can’t teach you, either. So this 288 pages 285 pages dogwink!” summer, ignore the mess, and grab one of these great books about dogs... You know how you accept this new burden; or find the peoTHE BOOKWORM sometimes feel pressed for time during the summer, If you’ve ever loved a pup who had an ple she’s come to love. SEZ and a book seems like a big committment? unknown past, you know how much she “Dogwinks” is what you need. Each of the stories Before we get to the second book here, appreciates her new home. When Bella By Terri Schlichenmeyer inside this book are short; most are a few pages long there’s something you need to know first. becomes lost in the wilderness and is resand quick to read. Best of all, they’re uplifting, cued and adopted by Lucas and Olivia, “Godwinks” are what author SQuire Rushnell and inspirational, and appropriate for dog lovers ages she’s very relieved and happy. But in “A Dog’s Louise DuArt calls those positive nudges and may12-to-adult. Courage” by W. Bruce Cameron, a dog like Bella be-not-so-coincidental little “messages” of encournever forgets her past. If these books don’t seem like a good fit for you, agement that we humans sometimes get from Even so, she surely enjoyed her new people though beyond. With that in mind, Rushnell asks if it’s pos- then ask your favorite librarian or bookseller. sible that God uses dogs to send those messages. In They’ll have suggestions for you because, when it she sometimes couldn’t understand the words they comes to books about dogs, there’s a mess of good his new book, “Dogwinks,” he offers stories to conwere using. Camping with them was different than ones out there. vince you... being in the wild alone, but Bella was getting used to that, too. And then one weekend, while on such a Look for the reviewed book at a bookstore or a When Ruby, half of an awesome K-9 team, finds a trip, the brush near their campsite exploded in library near you. You may also find the book at little boy, her save is a Godwink to her handler, the flames, there was so much confusion, and Bella was boy, and the child’s family. As Liz says goodbye to online book retailers. separated from her people, as she was once before. her beloved Ginger, the dog she’s had for much of The Bookworm is Terri Schlichenmeyer. Terri has her life, there’s a knock on the door and she’s hand- been reading since she was 3 years old and never Desperately wanting to return to Lucas and ed a Godwink that comforts her. A dog lost becomes goes anywhere without a book. She lives in Olivia, Bella begins to search for them when she a dog found at the worst of times, a Godwink to the Wisconsin with three dogs and 10,000 books. finds a friend from her past, who leaves Bella with v a responsibility. This gives her two options: stay, and children in his family when they need it most.
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www.thelandonline.com — “Where Farm and Family Meet”
THE LAND — MAY 28/JUNE 4, 2021
Ag groups make a call on meatpackers to play nice On May 17, six farm groups joined voicagenda on what to do, then an entire es to call on the U.S. Department of week to agree on what to say in the brief Agriculture, Congress, and the press release, shows just how far a reach Department of Justice to ensure a “more it was for some of these leaders to even financially sustainable situation for catshake hands. tle feeders and cow-calf producers.” The six groups represented at the That’s make-nice farm talk for meeting were the always first-among“Meatpackers are skinning U.S. cattleequals, the American Farm Bureau men so badly now that we six, not-usual- FARM & FOOD FILE Federation; its political and policy counly-friendly groups ask the federal governterweight, the National Farmers Union; By Alan Guebert ment — swamp or no swamp — to do the big hats of the National Cattlemen’s something fast to save what’s left of Beef Association; its archrival critic, our well-tanned hides.” R-CALF USA; the milder, smaller U.S. Cattlemen’s Association; and the meetThe fact that it took the farm group ing convener, the Livestock Marketing Association. officials a whole day to hammer out a very modest The fact that American cattle growers can choose any one or all three national cattle groups to represent them is a well-marbled hint as to just how fractured the Beef Gang remains on farm policy, meatpackers, and market integrity. Packers, in turn, have exploited those fractures to expand their power in the live animal, wholesale, and retail meat markets. For example, NCBA has openly lobbied against mandatory Country of Origin Labeling (COOL) on imported beef. R-CALF, however, not only supports COOL, it has gone to federal court numerous times 30 COLORS 26-29 GAUGE Standard all around to try to have labeling imposed on U.S. meatpackers durability and retailers. Likewise, the big farm groups, AFBF and NFU, have the same standoff: AFBF, after first endorsing mandatory COOL, now believes in voluntary labeling — something no major meatpacker has ever done nor ever will. NFU, like many ranchers, strongly (and hopelessly) supports mandatory COOL. Longstanding splits like mandatory COOL aren’t 30 COLORS 26-29 GAUGE Standing seam architecture bridged in one meeting where smiles are mandatory. look for half the price In fact, despite being “committed to the ultimate goal of achieving a fair and transparent finished cattle marketing system,” COOL was not an agreedupon “action item” by the group leaders. Instead, they “agreed to take to their respective
26-29 GAUGE Residential and round roof applications
Larson is the lucky drawing winner Keith Larson (right) of Amboy, Minn. was the lucky winner of The Land’s subscriber giveaway prize of $400. All subscribers of The Land who submitted a completed subscription form for 2021 by March 5 were eligible for the prize. Presenting Larson with his prize is The Land General Manager Deb Petterson Larson and his wife Debi have been married for 38 years and grow corn and soybeans. His parents still live on the family farm.
Commercial and Perlin applications
organizations” three far less controversial, less impactful ideas: “Expedite the renewal of USDA’s Livestock Mandatory Reporting” rule that requires meatpackers to make public the prices paid for cattle secured outside of public markets; “Demand the DOJ issue a public investigation status report and as warranted, conduct joint DOJ and USDA oversight of packer activity;” and “Encourage investment in … new independent, local, and regional packers.” While the first item, renewal of the Livestock Mandatory Reporting rule, is important, it was likely to be done with or without a public call from six farm groups. “Demand,” however, is a curious word to use when asking anyone, let alone DOJ, to do you a favor. It’s an even odder construction when paired with the softer request that DOJ and USDA should, “as warranted, conduct joint oversight of packer activity...” Which begs the question: When is oversight warranted? Would it be “warranted” now when, as reported by DTN May 17, packers are pocketing a record $128 per hundredweight — or more than $800 — per slaughtered steer than what they paid cowboys for the live animal? Yes — absolutely, in fact. So why didn’t the groups agree to make that a key “demand” in their manifesto? The final idea, invest in new, independent local packers, is rock-solid; but it also depends on heavy involvement by government for fast, effective implementation — a two-step that Congress rarely executes well. Despite these modest actions, ranchers, cattle feeders and meat buyers will continue to get kicked in the teeth by packers until real reforms (like COOL and a diligent antitrust investigation of packers) are implemented. Everyone in that meeting knows this. Some, however, still can’t say it out loud. v
“The crops are in, everything went great,” Larson exclaimed. “But it’s very dry.” In addition to farming, Larson works for Rural Community Insurance Services. He and Debi have two sons and a daughter and three grandchildren. One son helps on the farm.
THE LAND — MAY 28/JUNE 4, 2021
www.thelandonline.com — “Where Farm and Family Meet”
In memory: ‘On behalf of a grateful nation…’ There isn’t a person I this, and he still found time know who relishes the to attend the activities of thought of facing a military his grandchildren. representative, receiving a His grandchildren were folded flag, and hearing the sitting in the front of the words, “…on behalf of a church — some of whom grateful nation…” would carry him to his final We are so busy living our resting place. It’s tough to lives that we don’t often sit at grandpa’s funeral. TABLE TALK take time to reflect on those The memories, while comwho spent some of their By Karen Schwaller forting, are also painful. lives making sure we could Those same memories do that, and do it without would, in time, become a thinking about it. true healing balm. But we should think about it. The pastor at the man’s funeral made quite a link between the man’s The father of one of my good friends work and what God does for all of us: was laid to rest in on a cold day in serving us and repairing/healing our February. I learned a lot about him wounds. It was quite an illuminating that day. I didn’t know he served his country — our country — and that he connection comparison between God was a member of the American Legion. and man. When the funeral was over, it was He was a busy father of six children, time to take him a few miles to his then lost a daughter when she was final resting place. The escort was led only three years old. It’s a parent’s priand followed by three sheriff’s vehicles vate and very personal brand of hell — a tribute to that man who had on earth. given so much of his life to public serAnd yet, he went to work every day vice; and to his son, who also worked at his service and repair station, fixing for that sheriff’s department. The everyone else’s problems. He was bonds of friendship ran deep among active in his church, his community’s the city elders. fire department and ambulance crew, At the cemetery corner, a community and was a past city councilman. All of
fire truck stopped traffic — another tribute to a man who gave so much of his time to such important volunteer work. Waiting at the cemetery on that cold day were a group of men wearing American Legion jackets — his comrades in arms, waiting there to pay tribute to a man who understood the human cost of serving his country. There aren’t many members of that group of elites who don’t have snow on the roof. And yet they stood respectfully, waiting in the sub-zero temperatures to give this man the respect he earned and deserved as their brother in arms. The pastor leaned before the man’s wife and children and spoke the words he had spoken so many times before: “May your faith comfort you until you see him in heaven.” And then the presentation of the folded flag. “…on behalf of a grateful nation….” The 21-gun salute snapped everyone into the reality of knowing what it means to have men and women risk their lives to serve and protect our country. Then, “Taps.” There isn’t a more
haunting and melancholy melody. It’s only eight notes, but they bring more emotion than any other song I know. A song of honor, integrity and respect, it helps us really feel the loneliness and the true cost of protecting our country. “Day is done; gone the sun … from the lake, from the hill, from the sky; All is well, safely rest; God is nigh.” As we watched him being lowered into the ground, I couldn’t help but think of a seed being planted; a seed must die before it sprouts new life, and so it is with our humanity. “Her husband is prominent at the city gates as he sits with the elders of the land.” (Proverbs 31:23) The elders of his land were there at the city gates for him at the end of this life, and he would soon meet the elders of the land in the next life. The worries of this life were over, and it was time for him to rest peacefully. At 85, he lived a long and good life, though still too short. But as for him, the song spoke truth. All is well … safely rest. God is nigh. Karen Schwaller brings “Table Talk” to The Land from her home near Milford, Iowa. She can be reached at kschwaller@evertek.net. v
Summer field day at ISU research center planned for June 23 KANAWHA, Iowa – Micronutrients for soybean production, soybean cyst nematode management and white mold of soybean will highlight the summer field day at the Iowa State University Northern Research and Demonstration Farm near Kanawha. The field day will take place June 23 at the farm’s north location. The event address is 310 S. Main St. in Kanawha, immediately south of town. Registration and refreshments will start at 8:45 a.m. and the field day will begin at 9 a.m. Lunch will be served at noon and the field day will conclude at 12:45 p.m. Greg Guenther, president of the North Central Iowa Research Association, will announce the goals of the NCIRA. Daniel J. Robison, endowed dean’s chair of the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences at Iowa State, will also
discuss the needs of NCIRA and the need for research and extension facilities at the Iowa State outlying farms. Antonio Mallarino, professor in agronomy and extension specialist at Iowa State, will discuss micronutrient needs of soybean production in north central Iowa. Greg Tylka, professor in plant pathology and microbiology at Iowa State and extension specialist in soybean cyst nematodes, will discuss current research and recommendations for the management of soybean cyst nematode. Daren Mueller, associate professor in plant pathology and microbiology and extension plant pathologist, will discuss the management of white mold in soybean production. A panel on crop production research needs will discuss future needs for north central Iowa and the research
farm. Topics and speakers include Erin Hodgson, professor in entomology and extension specialist in entomology at Iowa State (insect pest management); Ryan Bergman, program coordinator with ISU Extension and Outreach (precision agriculture); Mark Licht, assistant professor in agronomy and cropping systems specialist with ISU
Extension and Outreach (crop management); and Matt Helmers, professor in agricultural and bioystems engineering and extension agricultural engineering specialist at Iowa State (ag drainage and water quality needs). This article was submitted by Iowa State University Extension and Outreach. v
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www.thelandonline.com — “Where Farm and Family Meet”
THE LAND — MAY 28/JUNE 4, 2021
Letters are for reading (maybe more than once) There are some people who prefer to receive a check through the mail. There are others who get more excited over a handwritten letter or a card in the mail. I know which one puts a smile on my face. Well, to be honest, they both do. Real letters from actual people are scarce. Thankfully, my birthday and Christmas happen in two different FROM MY months so I receive letters at different FARMHOUSE times of the year. Since a letter is rarer KITCHEN than a check, therefore it obviously has By Renae B. more value. Vander Schaaf It seems to me, when my children were younger, I wrote more letters through the year. Maybe it was the need to challenge my mind to think about something else besides dolls and tractors. And there was no lack of subject matter. Not bragging here by any means, but my children were so cute and smart — they take after their father, of course! For whatever reasons, my letter writing was dwindling down to where our stamps were becoming outdated (that is, until they came out with the Forever stamp). It was a struggle trying to remember how many pennies, or two cent stamps we needed to use up the random stamps which showed up in the odd- involving
est places. Or even to remember the legal rate for mailing a letter. By the way, what is the current postage for a letter? But last winter I was inspired by a friend who told me she writes a letter every day because there are lonely people out there — especially when everyone was scared to leave their home. That prompted me to come up with a list of people who probably could use a letter. Because if I get excited over one, maybe they would too. My letter writing never reached my goal, but it did get me a few telephone calls from people who were happy to get a letter. And I liked talking with them. It was nice to know my letter was read. Sometimes my letters were a page or two long, written on notebook paper, or it was a short note sent in a fun hello card (there are many cute ones of those). Other times, a birthday card, get well card or a heartfelt sympathy card was sent. This week I will be sending sympathy cards to a bereaved husband, his two young sons and his wife’s parents. A young woman was killed on her Nebraska ranch in one of those tragic accidents a UTV. She had attended college here and
we got to know her because she came to our church and joined us for many Sunday dinners. She was a sweet girl who excelled in all she undertook, actually inducted into the college Hall of Fame six years after graduation. When she was in the third grade she was given a letter to read by her teacher. All the students were told to read and make notes. My young friend did, and it changed her life. She now lived to glorify God; because, you see, the letter she was given was the New Testament. The Bible is God’s love letter to us. In it He reminds us that before we were even born, He knew us. He pays so much attention to us that even the very hairs on our heads are numbered. God sees all that we do. When we ask, He will forgive us our sins and give us eternal life. He watches over us, even holding us in the palm of His hands. We can trust Him because He will never forsake us. She didn’t know she was only going to live 32 years before she would be called to her eternal home. I am so glad she read and mediated on the words in this letter from God. The Bible was her guide to living a life that pleased God. Psalm 119:105 “Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.” Renae B. Vander Schaaf is an independent writer, author and speaker. Contact her at (605) 530-0017 or agripen@live.com. v
Dairy goat webinar continues with a look at disbudding AMES, Iowa – The Iowa State University Extension and Outreach dairy team has scheduled a dairy goat webinar focusing on “Disbudding Management” June 2 from noon to 1:15 p.m. The Iowa State University dairy goat welfare team has performed a series of kid disbudding projects to evaluate alternate approaches to traditional heat disbudding and pain mitigation. Paul Plummer and Jan Shearer, both professors
with the Iowa State University College of Veterinary Medicine and ISU Extension and Outreach, will provide an overview of practical approaches producers can consider implementing in their disbudding and pain mitigation program. During the webinar, Natalie Urie, veterinary epidemiologist with the United States Department of Agriculture’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service Veterinary Services National Animal Health Monitoring System, will review the 2019 NAHMS
Goat Study, highlighting kidding and disbudding management on U.S. goat operations. There is no fee to attend the program; however, registration is required. Register at https://iastate.zoom. us/meeting/register/disbuddingmanagement or contact Jennifer Bentley at jbentley@iastate.edu, (563) 3822949. Registrants will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting. This article was submitted by Iowa State University Extension and Outreach. v
Training for home-based food operators HAMPTON, Iowa — Iowa State University Extension and Outreach offers online training in food safety, food preparation and Iowa regulations designed specifically for cottage food producers. Modules are available online 24/7 and will address Iowa regulations and licensing and food safety procedures from preparation to the point of sale. The courses cover Iowa policies and regulations, food safety basics, foodborne pathogens, foods that do
and do not require temperature control, and safe production and preparation practices. Interested food operators may register online at http://bit.ly/hbf15209. The training cost is $35.00. For more information, contact Shannon Coleman at scoleman@iastate.edu or (515) 294-9011. This article was submitted by Iowa State University Extension and Outreach. v
THE LAND — MAY 28/JUNE 4, 2021
www.thelandonline.com — “Where Farm and Family Meet”
Chuck Wingert honored by peers as company enters merger
By PAUL MALCHOW age systems. “By 1985 were spending so The Land Managing Editor much time with farmers’ tiling and erosion control needs, we started doing land sales,” “Oh, give me land, lots of land under he recalled. “Today, four times the land is starry skies above being operated than in 1980. There is simDon’t fence me in.” ply not enough land to satisfy the demand.” — Cole Porter In recognition for Wingert’s dedication MANKATO, Minn. — No matter how to his profession, he recently received the you look at it, 6,500 acres is a lot of land national 2020 Land Realtor of America — fences or not. In 2020, Wingert Realty award at the Realtor’s Land Institute & Land Services, Inc. found buyers for 60 national land conference. “I haven’t seen different parcels of land totaling in the the hardware yet,” Wingert laughed. “The neighborhood of 6,500 acres. And as most conference was all virtual. I was very people will attest to, 2020 was not a great pleased to be chosen. In our industry, this year. Wingert Realty will typically handle is a big deal.” 75 to 95 transactions in a year. Wingert served as president of the “Covid-19 impacted every aspect of sociRealtor’s Land Institute in 2013. ety in 2020, and the market for land was Wingert recently had other big news to no exception,” said broker Charles “Chuck” share: On May 1, Wingert Realty & Land Wingert. “Purchasers were active in early Services merged with Hertz Farm spring, but took a wait-and-see approach Management, Inc. as the year wore on. Even high-quality Founded in 1946, Hertz Farm farms struggled to find buyers. Sellers Management specializes in professional also decided to hold back until the negaPhoto by Paul Malchow farm management, farm real estate sales, tivity in the marketplace subsided.” Files on Charles “Chuck” Wingert’s desk testify to the interest in land in 2021. Low interfarmland auctions (live and online), land Wingert Realty’s sales figures show est rates and rebounding grain markets create more competition for available parcels. acquisitions, and farm appraisals. With 15 nearly half of 2020 transactions took offices throughout the Midwest, Hertz manages over Wingert added land values stayed primarily flat place by April; only seven were closed from May 2,800 farms consisting of more than 625,000 acres. through August. But Wingert said properties which from 2019. Top-quality tiled land sold in the $8,000 Wingert’s Mankato office will expand services to had been in limbo during the summer were quickly to $9,000 per acre range with the majority of acreage include farmland sales and auctions, valuations, landing in the $6,000 to $8,000 range. Parcels with sold. “Expansion farmers and investors aggressively creeks, marshland and/or wooded acreage garnered a appraisals, and farm management while continuing came back into the market,” Wingert said. wide range of prices; most falling in the $3,000 to to serve landowners across Minnesota and the northIt is interesting to note that only about two-thirds $5,000 per acre range. ern region of the Corn Belt. Along with Chuck, of Wingert’s 2020 sales went to established farmers Wingert credits online land auctions with boosting Wingert’s staff includes Darrell Hylen, Rick Hauge, looking to expand while the other third were acquired Geoff Mead, Adam Knewtson, Nick Meixell, Sara by investors. “The internet really opens up the mar- land prices 10 to 30 percent above seller expectations Strande, and Andrea Thomas. ket to land investors,” explained Wingert. “It’s a safe or appraisal. “Expansion farmers cite a profitable “Wingert’s strong reputation and philosophy of proinvestment, although with a lower return. Low inter- 2020, low interest rates and the opportunity to lock viding knowledgeable, personalized service to farmin profitable prices for 2021 as their motivation to est rates have allowed developers to sell their past perfectly with the Hertz phiAD COPY INSTRUCTIONS Please readdovetails attached email desire to repo- land owners, inventory of lots and are now acquiring farmland expand,” he said. “Investors cite their sition stock market profits into land and purchase losophy of caring for and serving farmland owners,” near many cities for housing development.” land ahead of the inflationary cycle they feel is just said Doug Hensley, President of Hertz Real Estate Nearly all of Wingert Realty’s 2020 sales were around the corner.” CODE AND REP NAMES ALREADY ON ADexcited THEtoLAND andChuck FREEand PR Services. “We are very welcome under 200 acres in size, and half of the year’s sales Chuck Wingert has seen many ups and downs in land his team into our Hertz family, and we look forward were parcels under 100 acres. “In our area especially, to the new opportunities it provides for everyone ravines really cut up the lots,” said Wingert. “Plus, realty during his career. Wingert Realty opened its involved, including staff members, as well as current doors in 1976 as a surveying company designing drainpeople with 1,000 to 2,000 acres aren’t selling.” and future clients.” v
Funds for compost, food waste reduction
ST. PAUL — The U.S. Department of Agriculture recently announced the availability of up to $2 million for local governments to host Community Compost and Food Waste Reduction pilot projects for fiscal year 2021. USDA’s Office of Urban Agriculture and Innovative Production (Office) will accept applications on Grants. gov until 11:59 p.m. on July 16. Projects should span two years with a start date of Sept. 25 and completion date of Sept. 25, 2023.
A pre-recorded webinar will provide an overview of the cooperative agreements’ purpose, project types, eligibility and basic requirements for submitting an application. The webinar will be posted at farmers. gov/urban. Questions about this cooperative agreement opportunity can be sent to UrbanAgriculture@usda.gov. This article was submitted by the U.S. Department of Agriculture. v
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THE LAND — MAY 28/JUNE 4, 2021
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C&S Supply in Mankato carries a wide selection of farm equipment… n farm gates n transfer pumps n feeders n tools n waterers n Banjo fittings n fence posts n 3-point hitch parts n hardware n hydraulic hoses n electric fencing equipment n workwear n livestock feed n footwear n sprayers n power equipment They also cut roller chain and drainage tile, and so much more!
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THE LAND — MAY 28/JUNE 4, 2021
www.thelandonline.com — “Where Farm and Family Meet”
Fields are planted, but rain remains scarce Mark Wettergren, Blair Hoseth, St. Peter, Minn. FROM THE Mahnomen, Minn. — — May 21 May 20
“We had not had rain in six weeks.” The Land spoke to Blair Hoseth on May 20 as he reported the farm finally got a quarter of an inch of rain that morning with even more rain in the forecast. Hoseth finished planting soybeans on May 8. The crop went in the ground well. “The wheat is coming up and looks pretty good. It needs moisture.” The corn crop was done being planted on May 15 with Hoseth also putting in a test plot the same day. He started corn on May 6. In the next 10 days Hoseth will begin spraying wheat. He will also be getting the cows out to pasture and finish with calving. With the lack of moisture, it will be two more weeks until the first cutting of hay. “The pasture and hay look way too short. Hay at best is a foot high.” “Our biggest concern is getting enough moisture.” Hoseth is grateful to have gotten all the crops in the ground in a timely fashion. Now if there could be some nice rains to move the crops along, that would be ideal for Hoseth and his neighbors in the Mahnomen, Minn. area. He hopes the forecast is accurate and additional rain is indeed on its way. v
Compiled by KRISTIN KVENO, The Land Staff Writer
Wertish, Olivia, Minn. — Steve May 20 Rain has been elusive on the Wertish farm so far this spring. The Land caught up with Steve Wertish on May 20 as he reported just two-tenths of an inch of rain fell the night before while other places in the area received considerably more moisture in that event. “Nowhere around here got much rain.” The sugar beets in general are looking good. “There are some decent looking fields,” Wertish said. While most corn fields are doing well, Wertish noted that he did spot some fairly poor stand in places. “A lot of the soybeans aren’t up, the same with the sweet corn.” “Next week we’ll start spraying some corn.” The beets have a cover crop of wheat and oats, Wertish will kill that off next week as well. On the seed business side, Wertish will continue with organizing boxes and pallets as well as handling seed returns. He also plans on dealing with some field issues. “We’ll work on the tile lines; we noticed a few problems.” “A little rain would be very welcome.” Wertish overall feels extremely fortunate the crops went in the ground so smoothly this spring. “In general, I’m feeling good about the year so far.” Now just bring on the rain! v
1999 Fruehauf Van 2007 KENTWORTH T600
2013 Kentworth T660
overhauled @ 614,740 miles, 475HP, spd, very clean, 28Cummins foot, 2- 1600 gal. tanks, 2” electric hose reel,13 2 inductors, 3” fill, steers 80%, drives brakes drums, jake, 2” out, 2” pump, wired50-60%, for 12Vnew pumps and&lights, roll up cruise, alum. door
Paccar, 455 HP, Just in, very clean, steers are half, drives at 80%, Jake, Cruise, Air Slide 5th, load gauge, 675,105 miles
PW, PL, PM, air ride, air slide, load gauge, 918,064 miles.
Call For Price
1996 Case IH 9380 Quadtrac
400 HP, Cummins, N14, Powershift, 8,453 hrs, just serviced and field ready, 4 Hyd remotes, front & rear diff locks, 12 spd, AC, 2 new tracks
For Sale Price $62,500
For Sale $10,900 CallPrice: For Price
23774 380th Ave. Hancock, MN 56244 P: (320) 795-2827 F: (320) 795-2892 www.kannegiessertrucksales.com
2007 Freightliner Business Class M2 106 2007 STERLING ACTERRA
250HP C-7 Caterpillar, 6 speed manual, 9”steers, frame, 4” 14L Detroit 515HP, 10 speed, air ride, clean, just in,23’ 60% 40%18’ drives, C-A, drivesand @ drums, 70%, brakes andPL, drums 50%, miles 80% brakes cruise, PW, PM, air@slide 5th,180,893 351,099 miles
For $9,500 ForSale Sale Price: Price $20,000
The Land caught up with Mark Wettergren on May 21 as he was thrilled to report one and a quarter inches of rain fell at the farm on May 20. “It was really what we needed, that was perfect, ideal.” Wettergren finished planting corn on April 30 and started on soybeans that day. “It’s very even stand; the corn came up really even.” The beans were planted in moisture. He finished putting beans on May 7. Wettergren’s brother, Richard, was done rolling them that same day. “The beans came up really nice.” Wettergren has gotten the sprayer out and ready to go. He expects to be spraying this Monday or Tuesday if the weather allows. “We should be wrapped up in three days.” He’s also working on servicing some of the equipment. After spraying is complete, Wettergren hopes to head south to Tennessee to spend some quality time with his grandkids for a few days. With everything looking good in the field, and the nice timely rain that fell, taking a break to hang out the grandkids is icing on a great spring so far for Wettergren. v
2003 2012Volvo VOLVOVNL62T630 VNL62T630
Just in,10465 HP,425HP, 10 speed manual, D13, speed, Clean, just in, VED brakes12, andEaton drums Fuller, 50%, Cruise, jake, Jake,cruise, Air Ride, 60”693,000 Mid Roof air ride, milesSleeper
For Sale $8,500 Call Price: For Price
2008 Volvo VNL64T300 1987 GREAT DANE
Just in, Cummins 450HP ISX 10 speed Manual, Cruise, PW, 48 foot by 102 wide, tires at 90%, brakes and drums at 40%, air ride PW, PL, Air Ride, Air Slide, 758,706 miles
Call Price For SaleFor Price $3,250
www.thelandonline.com — “Where Farm and Family Meet”
THE LAND — MAY 28/JUNE 4, 2021
Street sale offers plenty of variety for bargain hunters By DICK HAGEN My next stop was to visit with The Land Staff Writer Emeritus Harold Kruckman. Harold was sitting with his wife on a cozy-looking Seeing is believing. Those words sofa. Much to my surprise, The Land never truer until you attend the was ‘old hat’ to Harold. “Back in annual Porter, Minn. Street Sale about 2001 I was featured talking (which my wife and I did on April 17). about a feeder-house dust convertor Yes indeed, this small Minnesota for a John Deere combine,” he said. I community (population about 240) asked if he was buying the sofa they swells to overflowing as hundreds were perched upon. “No, we just flock to Porter for the event. (Porter parked here for awhile,” Harold conis located in Yellow Medicine County, fessed. “I’ve been to maybe about 25 about 26 miles northwest of of these Porter Street Sales over the Marshall.) years. Don’t always buy something, “We call it our National Holiday,” but this year my wife Diane (still says Charley Anderson, innocuous just a two-year rookie) came along Porter Street Sale Manager. His ‘real also. And she spotted that rusty, life’ job is administrative assistant at four-foot tall metal rooster which she Sanford Home Health in nearby decided would make a great ornaCanby. I asked Charley if he knew ment alongside our little chicken how this ‘national holiday’ came into house. My wife is the chicken lady in being? “I don’t really know,” he admitour house.” ted. “I remember my Dad talking Diane added, “I’ve always like about this when I was just a kid … chickens. They are like pets. And this and that was some 30 years ago.” metal rooster will be a lawn ornaWhat’s the big attraction? Two ment. We let our chickens out each words explain its continued success: day; gather them back into their Photos by Dick Hagen Street Sale. And apparently, there are house each night.” no restrictions on items for sale. In addition to yard and garage sales galore, a large auction dominates the festivities at the Porter Street Sale — dubbed the town’s “National Holiday.” “We’ve a little 3-acre site just outStreets filled with everything imaginside Montevideo,” Harold explained. able. At a quick glance it seems quite With two auctioneering rigs made up of pickups “We’re retired farmers, so this is just our miniature obvious area farmers use the Porter Street Sale as with PA systems, the auction chanting began at 9 farmstead with a few chickens. And now this big their opportunity to clean out machine sheds of anything/everything no longer needed. Much the same a.m. Eugene Lorenzen Auctioneering Services of rooster too.” for area residents. The sale features an incredible Gary, S.D. was conducting the sale. When we left at My next visit was with Stan Kruckman, Harold’s amount of household furniture, kitchen equipment, about 3 p.m. there was still scads left to be sold. The 32-year-old son who designs, welds and fabricates kids toys — even lawn and garden stuff … your final shutdown was 7 p.m. and I haven’t any idea of whatever his customers have in mind. Today he how many items were sold. Anderson didn’t know choice of lawnmowers too. was just a buyer, but with his metal skills he could either; but did say it would be three or four days until So what to do? Just start meandering, looking, buyers had picked up all their newly-acquired pos- be a seller too. “We sell basically word of mouth. chatting, even catching a coffee and burger if hungry. sessions. Five auctioneers called this 10-hour event. And this pandemic hasn’t slowed us down one bit,” I noted three enterprising food and beverage coun- Yes, like any street auction of this magnitude, there said Stan. ters with gas-fired grills in action. Plus, Porter has a were some unsold items. These ‘left overs’ are donatA bit further down the street I could hear the aucgreat coffee/pastry shop too. For me, this Porter ed to a local charity. tioneer calling for bids on a typewriter. I was Street Sale is a bonanza. So with intrigued because a typewriter cell phone camera and Sony was my working stock when a recorder I set forth. The temperayounger farm writer (that goes ture was in mid 40’s; weather was back a few years too). Bill Clark cool, cloudy; about perfect for my from Tyler, Minn. was the winsafari. ning bidder. “I have a collection, 10 or 12 as I recall,” Clark said. My first stop was a young guy “My oldest is probably 100 years with two feather-filled containers old. I’ve had Remington’s, IBM’s, on the ground beside him. His Electric 2’s — which was a swanky name is Kory Tebben and in those one.” two cages at his feet were six guinea hens. He raises about 100 I asked Clark what brought him each season for sale, much like to the Porter Street Sale? “Just broilers for tasty food servings. hanging out,” he nonchalantly His asking price was $15 each for replied. “I’ve been here a couple a six-pound bird. We didn’t see times before. It’s fun because you anyone else offering guineas for never have any idea; but you sale. Diane and Harold Kruckman are veterans of the Porter sale. Diane’s big score this year was this rooster See STREET SALE, pg. 11 which will keep the Kruckmans’ chickens company.
THE LAND — MAY 28/JUNE 4, 2021
www.thelandonline.com — “Where Farm and Family Meet”
Street Sale rebounded nicely after taking 2020 off for Covid-19 STREET SALE, from pg. 10 always know there just might be something that catches your eye.” And Clark knows about the newspaper business too. He started the Tyler newspaper. “I’ve worked in newspapers in Le Sueur and St. Peter, Minn.; and Sibley, Iowa, so I’ve been around.” Street sales might be his hobby too. “I was at a street auction in Ceylon, Ex-newspaper publisher Bill Clark of Tyler, Minn. found this typewriter to add Minn. last week to his collection at home. and it was much bigger than this Porter sale … lots more machinery. They started at sunrise and they were still selling at dusk I’m told.” Still moseying down the street, an Arctic Cat 800 snowmobile was being called. The auctioneer started with a $500 call, but no takers, so he quickly back-
peddled down to $200. The winning bid was $250. I had a brief visit with auctioneer Kory Bork. This was his first call. He learned the trade through online studies at Missouri Auctioneering School. “We started at about 9:30 over at the equipment area,” Bork said. “We’ve got five auctioneers here today — three in this ring and two at the other ring. Don’t know what time we’ll wrap up, but we’ll keep calling as long as we have buyers.” “At a deal like today, if you’re not calling the bidding, you’re working the ring so it’s very much a team effort,” Bork went on to say. “Like about 30 minutes doing the actual calling, then working the ring, picking up bids for the caller. It’s too much for just one auctioneer. Inside the rig is our clerk who really works hard and fast — recording each final bid number and the dollar amount of that final bid. Yes indeed, a genuine team effort is what makes this Kory Bork just finished auctioneer work.” school and was practicing his new It was about time craft as one of five callers at the Porfor me to close down ter sale.
Today’s lumber prices provided added value to these utility spools and other scrap lumber up for sale.
also; but hearing lumber prices are skyrocketing, I had just walked up to an assortment of barn sidings and 2-inch thick wood cable wraps with 8-foot circumference — only $5 for the pile. But there were also some 20-foot 2 x 4’s and the new market price was evident: $90 a pile, 10 per pile. “Attendance varies from year to year,” Anderson admitted earlier. “Last year, because of Covid, we didn’t have a sale. We wondered if that threat might still be a factor. We were down somewhat from previous years, but lots of good reports I’m hearing this year again.” v
Dicamba must not be applied to soybeans after June 30 ST. PAUL — The Minnesota Department of Agriculture urges pesticide applicators to take special care while applying dicamba products this growing season. To prevent off-target movement, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has made substantial changes to the 2021 dicamba labels specifically related to application cutoff date, buffer distances, and record keeping requirements. The MDA is reminding users the label is the law. For the 2021 growing season, applicators may use the three dicamba products, XtendiMax, Engenia, and Tavium, on dicamba tolerant soybeans until June 30. The federal label prohibits applications of these three dicamba products after June 30 to dicamba-tolerant soybeans. Regardless of cutoff date, applications are prohibited after V4 growth stage for Tavium and after R1 stage for XtendiMax. Additionally, the labels require a 240-foot downwind buffer and prohibits applications if the wind is blowing towards an adjacent sensitive crop. Sensitive crops include, but are not limited to, non-dicamba-tolerant soybeans, sugar beets, tomatoes, fruiting vegetables, fruit trees, cucurbits, grapes, beans, flowers, ornamentals, peas, potatoes, sunflower, and other broadleaf plant crops.
Only certified applicators can legally purchase and use these formulations of dicamba because they are classified as “Restricted Use Pesticides.” The label has extensive and detailed requirements for recordkeeping, and the applicator must create these records within 72 hours of the application. The MDA expects all users of these dicamba products to have fully completed records in accordance with the federal label requirements. Enforcement will be taken for any violations of the product label. The following guidelines and resources can help applicators prevent off-target movement while applying dicamba: Do not apply XtendiMax, Engenia, or Tavium on soybeans if you have not attended the auxin/dicamba mandatory training offered by dicamba registrants Bayer, BASF or Syngenta. To help applicators, the MDA has developed a video presentation as part of the mandatory dicamba training. This video is not a substitute for the required training. Applicators must consult applicable sensitive crop registries, such as DriftWatch, to identify any commercial specialty or certified organic crops which may be located near the application site. Applicators
are also required to survey the site for neighboring non-target sensitive crops before spraying. Be sure to consult with your neighbors before spraying dicamba products. If the wind is blowing in the direction of a sensitive crop, do not spray until the wind has changed direction. Spraying is forbidden in these circumstances — even with a buffer. Do not spray during a temperature inversion. Only spray between one hour after sunrise and two hours before sunset. Finally, remember that avoiding spray drift at the application site is the responsibility of the applicator. The spray system and weather-related factors determine the potential for spray drift. The applicator is responsible for considering these factors when making application decisions to avoid spray drift onto non-target areas. Frequently asked questions about dicamba can be found on the MDA website, https://www.mda.state. mn.us. This article was submitted by the Minnesota Department of Agriculture. v
www.thelandonline.com — “Where Farm and Family Meet”
THE LAND — MAY 28, 2021
THE LAND — MAY 28, 2021
www.thelandonline.com — “Where Farm and Family Meet”
Hybrid SuperTree™️
“I bought about 20 or so of your willows just a few years ago. I wanted some privacy from the street at our home. I will say I am very happy with the willows. First off, they all survived and they are looking great. We live in Michigan and winters can be tough but these willows are doing fine. These pictures are from summer of 2019. Glad I found your trees.” – Christopher E
Makes a Perfect Windbreak
• Creates a windbreak in just two or three years • Strong trees not subject to broken branches like a weeping willow • Disease and insect free • Can be planted with a tree planter or easily by hand • Plants come 12-24” and have a root ball about the size of a soda can
“The SuperTree Hybrid Willows we purchased last spring are already providing us with a privacy screen and shade. Our neighbors are amazed that we have gotten nearly 12 feet of growth already since we planted them.” – Mike L. - Sioux Falls, SD
• Spacing is 6’ for a single row and 10’ on a double row • Hybrid SuperTree™️ grow 6-10’ a year • Max height 45’
“These hybrids were the only trees in this area that survived the derecho unscathed, while most other trees were leveled.” – Crystal J. - West of Cedar Rapids, IA
We have 100 other species in addition to the Hybrid SuperTree™️
Discounts for Larger Quantity Orders
Easily buy online at
www.KarstenNursery.com or call 651-470-2096
“Every single one of the 250 SuperTrees I purchased last spring made it through the winter and are still growing like weeds. It won’t be long now until we cannot see our neighbor’s ugly backyard.” – John W. - Sibley, IA
www.thelandonline.com — “Where Farm and Family Meet”
THE LAND — MAY 28/JUNE 4, 2021
Expanding CRP acres for carbon sequestration “Carbon sequestration” is a common fairly steady ranging from just under topic these days in the halls of Congress, $1.8 billion in 2002 to a high of just over at the U.S. Department of Agriculture, in $1.9 billion in 2018. The total cost of the farm organizations, and among farmers CRP program for the current fiscal year and ranchers. One federal conservation is estimated at about $1.8 billion, which program which has been around for over is a small percentage of total federal 35 years and has assisted with carbon spending authorized by the 2018 Farm sequestration is the Conservation Bill. Reserve Program. CRP was established in Current CRP enrollment FARM PROGRAMS December of 1985 as part of the 1985 As of March 31, 2021, there were a Farm Bill. total of 564,021 CRP contracts in place, By Kent Thiesse The initial goal of CRP was to with just under 20.8 million acres reduce soil erosion on highly erodenrolled in the CRP program. This is ible cropland and to help curb the over 4 million acres below the maxiover-production of farm commodities. mum of 25 million acres for 2021 Secondary objectives of CRP included improving that was allowed as part of the last Farm Bill. Of water quality, fostering wildlife habitat, and provid- the total CRP acres, approximately 11.3 million ing income support to farmers, and as time passed acres are enrolled under a general CRP contract, enhancing carbon sequestration. just over 6.3 million acres enrolled in continuous CRP, just under 1.9 million acres are enrolled in the The history of CRP grassland program, and the balance of the CRP USDA began enrolling crop acres into the CRP acres in the CREP program, wetlands programs and program in 1986. CRP has been the largest and most important conservation program in the United other special CRP initiatives. Forty-six percent of the continuous CRP and CREP acres are enrolled in States since that time, making major contributions to national efforts to improve water and air quality, the Clean Lakes, Estuaries and Rivers (CLEAR) prevent soil erosion, protect environmentally sensi- program. tive land, and enhance wildlife populations. The There are eight states which have over 1 million CRP program offers landowners 10 or 15-year conacres currently enrolled in CRP as of March, 2021 tracts to take farm land out of production. Following — mainly in the Upper Midwest and Plains regions. initiation of the program, CRP acreage quickly rose CRP acres enrolled in these states include: Texas to over 30 million acres by 1990; then increased (2.4 million), Kansas (1.8 million), Iowa (1.7 mileven more, to around 35 million acres by 1993-1995; lion), Colorado (1.6 million), South Dakota (1.4 milbefore dropping off slightly following the 1996 lion), Nebraska (1.3 million), North Dakota (1.2 mil“Freedom-to-Farm” Farm Bill. CRP acres then lion), and Minnesota (just over 1 million acres). CRP began to increase again in the late 1990’s, reaching acreage in most of these states has declined consida peak of 36.8 million acres in 2007. erably in recent years. During a 15-year period from 2007 to 2021, CRP The U.S. average CRP rental rate is $83 per acre, acreage has declined by nearly 16 million acres or including an average of $54 per acre for land 43 percent. There is approximately 20.8 million enrolled under general CRP contracts, $137 per acres currently enrolled in CRP, which is at the low- acres for continuous CRP land, and $180 per acre est level since 1988. The reduction in CRP acres has for land enrolled in CREP. In Minnesota, the averbeen due to high crop prices, strong farm income age CRP rental rate is $140 per acre, which includes levels, and mandated reductions in maximum CRP $88 per acre for general CRP contracts and $163 acreage by federal legislation. per acre for continuous CRP acres. Iowa has an overall CRP rental average of $229 per acre, with The 2007 Farm Bill reduced the maximum CRP $166 per acre for general CRP and $254 per acre for acreage from 37 million acres down to 32 million continuous CRP. Average CRP rental rates in other acres, which was followed by the 2014 Farm Bill which reduced the maximum CRP acreage even fur- states include Illinois at $202 per acre, Indiana at $192 per acre, Wisconsin at $159 per acre, South ther, down to a maximum level of 24 million acres. Dakota at $75 per acre, Nebraska at $58 per acre, The 2018 Farm Bill established a gradual increase North Dakota at $52 per acre, and Montana at $29 in maximum CRP acres up to 25 million acres in per acre. 2021, 25.5 million acres in 2022 and 27 million acres in 2023. Given the current challenge to get more acres enrolled into the CRP program, one concern is the Approximately 70 percent of the CRP acres are currently seeded to native grasses, 11 percent of the rather large number of CRP contract acres that will be expiring in the next few years. CRP contracts acres are in wetland restoration, 7 percent are will expire on about 3 million acres in the United planted to trees, 7 percent are in riparian buffers, States on Sept. 30, along with approximately 4 miland 5 percent of the acres have other conservation practices installed. Since 2002, the total annual fed- lion acres on Sept. 30, 2022 and 2 million acres on Sept. 30, 2023. A total of 9 million acres, or 43 pereral outlay to fund the CRP program has stayed cent of the current total CRP acres, will have con-
tracts expiring in the next three years. Keeping those acres in CRP could be a challenge if farm profitability stays strong and traditional land rental rates increase. USDA announces new CRP initiatives In mid-April, in order to address the declining CRP enrollment rate in recent years and to more fully utilize CRP as a tool to enhance carbon sequestration, USDA announced new CRP initiatives, with higher payment rates, new incentives, and a more targeted focus. The 2018 Farm Bill which was passed by Congress limited maximum CRP annual rental rates to 85 percent of established county average rental rates for a given county for land signed up under a general CRP contract and to 90 percent of the average rate for land signed up under a continuous CRP contract. One way that USDA can circumvent the reduced CRP rental rates is to offer sign-up incentives to implement certain practices and to cover CRP establishment expenses. Following are some of the new CRP initiatives announced by the USDA: Overall CRP initiatives — Increase technical assistance capacity through the Natural Resource Conservation Service; and increase collaboration with other USDA agencies and external partners to monitor and measure the environmental performance and climate benefits of CRP. General CRP initiatives — New “climate-smart” incentives to encourage practices to sequester carbon and reduce emissions; additional one-time 10 percent inflationary adjustment for the life of the CRP contract to encourage greater CRP enrollment; and further upward or downward adjustments of county CRP rental rates, up to 50 to 150 percent of county average CRP rental rates, based on the soil productivity index. Continuous CRP initiatives — Increase the incentive from 10 percent to 20 percent for adding water quality enhancement practices; move State Acres for Wildlife Enhancement (SAFE) from general CRP to continuous CRP sign-up; make the Highly Erodible Land Initiative (HELI) available in both continuous and general CRP. (Also implement the same three initiatives as for general CRP.) Grassland CRP initiatives — Establish a minimum CRP Grassland rental rate of $15 per acre (1,347 counties are currently lower); and establish National Grassland Priority Zones to increase CRP enrollment in sensitive areas. “Pilot” CRP initiatives — Hold a second sign-up of the Soil Health and Income Protection Program (SHIPP) (see below); and expand the Clean Lakes, Estuaries, and Rivers 30-year contract (CLEAR30) to be nationwide. In mid-May, USDA Secretary Tom Vilsack announced agriculture producers in the “Prairie See THIESSE, pg. 15
THE LAND — MAY 28/JUNE 4, 2021
www.thelandonline.com — “Where Farm and Family Meet”
Milk cow population will keep increasing despite feed costs This column was written for the marketor 4.1 percent from a year ago, thanks to ing week ending May 21. an 85-pound gain per cow, but 1,000 fewer cows. Wisconsin was up 117 milU.S. milk production grew for the 11th lion pounds, or 4.6 percent, on a consecutive month in April and saw the 70-pound gain per cow and 14,000 more biggest spike since November, thanks to cows. increased cow numbers and increased milk per cow. The U.S. Department of Idaho was up 1 percent on 5,000 more Agriculture’s preliminary data shows outcows and five pounds more per cow. put at a bearish 19.3 billion pounds, up Michigan was up 4.5 percent on 15,000 MIELKE MARKET 3.3 percent from April 2020. Output in the more cows and a 20-pound gain per cow. WEEKLY top 24 states, at 18.4 billion, was up 3.5 Minnesota was up 6.9 percent on a By Lee Mielke percent. 55-pound gain per cow and 17,000 more cows. New Mexico was up 2.9 perRevisions added 30 million pounds cent, thanks to a 40-pound gain per to the March 50-state estimate, now cow and 3,000 more cows. put at 19.78 billion pounds, up 1.9 percent from a year ago. Keep in New York saw a 2.2 percent rise on mind, a year ago some regions had co-op mandated a 45-pound gain per cow, but cow numbers were supply management programs in place. unchanged. Oregon inched 0.9 percent higher on 1,000 more cows, but output per cow was April cow numbers were up for the 15th consecuunchanged. Pennsylvania was down 1 percent on a tive month, totaling 9.49 million head in the 50 states, up 16,000 head from the March count, which drop of 10,000 cows, although output per cow was up 20 pounds. was revised up 6,000 head, and is up a whopping 113,000 head from April 2020. South Dakota showed the biggest gain again, up 13.4 percent, on 18,000 more cows outweighing a April output per cow averaged 2,033 pounds, up five-pound drop per cow. Indiana was up 11.4 per40 pounds or 2 percent from a year ago. cent, thanks to 19,000 more cows milked and a California milk was up a hefty 144 million pounds 10-pound-per-cow gain.
Give better incentives for CRP participation THIESSE, from pg. 14
cial incentives. Increasing CRP annual rental rates back to comPothole” region can now enroll in the Soil Health and Income Protection Program (SHIPP), which is a parable farm land rental rates in a given area is pilot program being offered under the CRP program. likely to face kickback by some members of Congress and by farm organizations. The reduction The SHIPP program is a short-term CRP option to plant cover vegetation on less productive agricultur- factors in the maximum CRP rental rates which al lands, while improving soil health and enhancing were put in place in the last Farm Bill were due to CRP competing with farmers who were trying to carbon sequestration. The SHIPP program takes rent farm land for crop production — especially farm land out of crop production, while still allowing livestock producers to utilize the land for haying younger beginning farm operators. This CRP rental rate reduction had bipartisan support in Congress and grazing. States eligible for the SHIPP program during the development of the 2018 Farm Bill. include Minnesota, Iowa, Montana, North and South Dakota. The current SHIPP enrollment peri- Hopefully, USDA and Congress kind find a workable solution to the CRP rental rate situation, as od continues through July 16. the CRP program does seem to be a sensible Summary The CRP program has a long and successful histo- approach toward further enhancement of carbon ry of preventing soil erosion, improving water quali- sequestration efforts in many areas of the United States. ty, enhancing wildlife habitat, and aiding in carbon For more information on the current CRP enrollsequestration. While it may seem quite logical to ment, expiring CRP acres, rental rates, etc., contact utilize expansion of the CRP program to reach furthe local USDA Farm Service Agency office or refer ther goals related to carbon sequestration, there to the USDA CRP web site at http://www.fsa.usda. could be some obstacles in accomplishing those gov/crp goals. Commodity prices for corn and soybeans are their highest levels in eight or nine years. Farm Kent Thiesse is a government farm programs anaprofit levels have improved considerably in the past lyst and a vice president at MinnStar Bank in Lake couple of years, which is also resulting in higher Crystal, Minn. He may be reached at (507) 726-2137 land rental rates in many areas. This may make it or kent.thiesse@minnstarbank.com. v difficult to convince farmers and landowners to take farm land out of production in order to enroll in the CRP program, unless there are some added finan-
Texas output was up 7.7 percent on 29,000 more cows and a 55-pound gain per cow. Vermont was down 2.7 percent on 5,000 fewer cows, but output per cow was up 25 pounds. Washington State was down 1.4 percent on 3,000 fewer cows and a 10-pound drop per cow. Rising milk prices spurred April milk output, but also resulted in a drop in dairy cow culling from the previous month and year. The USDA’s latest Livestock Slaughter report shows an estimated 257,500 head were sent to slaughter under federal inspection, down 44,700 head from March and 21,900 or 7.8 percent below April 2020. Culling in the first four months of 2021 totaled 1.1 million head, down 29,700 or 2.6 percent from the same period a year ago. In the week ending May 8, 56,800 dairy cows were sent to slaughter, up 1,100 from the previous week and (pardon the pun) dead even with a year ago. n The May 18 Livestock, Dairy, and Poultry Outlook mirrored milk price and production projections in the May 12 World Agricultural Supply and Demand Estimates report; but it projected the U.S. milking herd will average 9.47 million head in 2021, 10,000 head higher than last month’s forecast. “The number of milk cows is expected to trend upward through third quarter and then decline in fourth quarter due to relatively high feed prices,” the Outlook stated, and the milk per cow forecast was 24,070 pounds — unchanged from last month’s estimate. See MIELKE, pg. 17
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THE LAND — MAY 28/JUNE 4, 2021
Grain Outlook New crop corn sales largest of the year
Cash Grain Markets
corn/change* soybeans/change* Stewartville $6.15 -.97 $14.77 -1.15 Edgerton $6.32 -.97 $14.81 -1.54 Jackson $6.23 -1.12 $14.73 -1.58 Janesville $6.26 -1.11 $14.74 -1.38 $14.87 -1.18 The following marketing analysis is for States alone, they have bought 41.3 percent Cannon Falls $6.20 -1.02 $6.30 -1.02 $14.97 -1.28 the week ending May 21. of their forecasted corn imports for 2021-22. Sleepy Eye Either China’s corn import prediction is too CORN — Despite the spectacular sell-off $6.24 $14.82 low, or the USDA needs to bump up the U.S. Average: last week in corn, July corn this week number. Year Ago Average: $2.78 $7.97 dropped to its lowest point since April 28 and December since April 20 on improved For old crop, China has 397 million Grain prices are effective cash close on May 25. weather forecasts and sharp losses in the unshipped bushels remaining on the books *Cash grain price change represents a two-week period. soybean and wheat markets. However, corn as of May 18. A portion of this may still be was able to recover and close higher on the canceled or rolled forward. None of these N-S. Soybeans did not suffer the same sell-off as week thanks to huge new crop export sales PHYLLIS NYSTROM numbers include any portion of sales that corn in the previous week. Remember in the week CHS Hedging Inc. announcements to China totaling 222.3 may eventually move from unknown to ended May 14, July soybeans were only down 3.5 St. Paul million bushels, and corn planting that was China. cents and July corn crashed 88.5 cents lower. This not as far along as expected. Corn planting Weekly ethanol production was the high- week it was the soy complex which experienced as of May 16 was 80 percent complete comest since March 2020 at 1.03 million barrels per day. extreme ranges. Soybeans fell to their lowest price pared to estimates for 85 percent, and the 68 percent This was a 53,000 bpd increase week-on-week and since May 4. A disappointing April National Oilseed average for this date. Corn emergence was 41 per- the biggest one-week jump in 10 weeks. Ethanol Processors Association Crush Report and improving cent, slightly ahead of the 35 percent average. stocks rose 40,000 barrels to 19.4 million barrels. Midwest weather were catalysts for profit taking. Brazil’s safrinha corn crop continued to fade with Gasoline demand increased 880,000 bpd to 9.22 milWorld vegetable oil markets were also on the Agro Consult publishing a 91.1 million metric ton lion bpd and a 61-week high. Compared to 2019 (pre- defensive. Nearby basis levels at processors jumped total corn crop vs. U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Covid) gasoline demand is down just 2.2 percent. Net lower, suggesting they are covered at least into June. 102 mmt number this month. Rain was on its way for ethanol margins surged 32 cents to 57 cents per gal- The April NOPA Crush was 160.3 million bushels their safrinha corn crop, but it may only help 40 per- lon! compared to expectations for 168.7 million bushels. cent of the safrinha crop from suffering further yield Argentina’s corn harvest was 27.6 percent complete Increasing cases of Covid-19 in Asian countries, loss. as of May 20, according to the Buenos Aires Grain which are our largest customers, put a scare into the Weekly export sales for the week ending May Exchange. The Ag Ministry is higher at 40 percent market at mid-week. 13 were huge with new crop sales the largest of the complete. The BAGE is projecting its corn crop at 46 We had our first announced soybean sale this marketing year and combined sales the second-larg- mmt while the Rosario Grain Exchange is at 50 mmt, month with 5 million bushels for new crop sold to est of the year. Old crop sales were 10.9 million bush- and the USDA at 47 mmt. Mexico. Planting progress as of May 16 at 61 percent els to bring total commitments to 2.677 billion bushOutlook: Tight stocks this year, skyrocketing new complete was right what the trade was anticipating els. The USDA is estimating this year’s exports at crop sales, favorable weather for crop development and well ahead of the 37 percent average. Soybean 2.775 billion bushels, so we need just a couple of (but we’re just getting started), and inflation fears emergence was 20 percent vs. 12 percent average. million in sales per week to ring the bell. New crop will keep us on our toes until we begin to see more Soyoil set another new contract high this week, but sales were a staggering 159.9 million bushels for the acreage estimates leading up to the June 30 report. then retraced gains to the 20-day moving average week that ended May 13. Total new crop commit- It would be unusual for us to see December highs set technical support line. ments stand at 351.8 million bushels which is 14.4 in May, but this has been a strange year so I’m not Weekly export sales were neutral this week with percent of the USDA’s 2.45 billion bushel 2021-22 sure anything would surprise me. We have a long export forecast. Adding new crop sales announce- way to go before this crop is put to bed and it may old sales of 3.1 million bushels and new crop sales of ments since May 13, total new crop commitments to take a weather scare to give us another leg up. I 3.5 million bushels. Total commitments for 2020-21 all buyers of 627.6 million bushels equates to 25.6 would continue to manage risk using a variety of rose to 2.258 billion bushels vs. the USDA target of percent of the USDA forecast. This is a very high available marketing tools. Looking out to your 2022 2.28 billion bushels. China has 26 million bushels of unshipped old crop bushels on the books. Total U.S. percentage for this time of year. crop may also work into your marketing plan. These 2021-22 commitments are 258 million bushels vs. China’s new crop U.S. corn purchases since the cut- markets are not for the faint of heart, so tread care- just 78.2 million last year and the USDA’s 2.075 biloff for the weekly export report were 275.8 million fully. lion bushel forecast. China has purchased 113.9 milbushels. It’s estimated they have bought 423 million For the week, July corn traded a range from $6.33 lion bushels of U.S. new crop soybeans or 44 percent bushels of U.S. corn for the 2021-22 crop year as of to $6.71.25, closing 15.75 cents higher at $6.59.5 per of the total U.S. new crop sales on the books. May 20. The USDA’s latest estimate for U.S. 2021-22 bushel. The December contract traded from $5.20.75 Argentina’s port workers staged a 72-hour strike exports is 2.45 billion bushels. This calculates to to $5.55.75, settling 3.75 cents higher for the week at to protest the lack of vaccine availability. There is China being responsible for a minimum of 17.2 per- $5.46.5 per bushel. the possibility of another strike in the coming week cent of our projected exports, so far. It’s estimated SOYBEANS — We’re spelling volatility a different if they are not satisfied with the government’s progChina will import a total of 26 mmt (1.023 billion way this week. This week it’s spelled S-O-Y-B-E-Abushels) of corn in 2021-22. From just the United See NYSTROM, pg. 17 Information in the above columns is the writer’s opinion. It is no way guaranteed and should not be interpreted as buy/sell advice. Futures trading always involves a certain degree of risk.
THE LAND — MAY 28/JUNE 4, 2021
www.thelandonline.com — “Where Farm and Family Meet”
Sharp sell-off in feed markets strengthen dairy margins MIELKE, from pg. 15
remained firm to kick off the year opposite record production.” The 2022 herd is projected to average 9.465 milButter disappearance bested that of a year ago for lion head, 5,000 less than the 2021 projection, as “Some contraction is expected due to relatively high the fifth consecutive month and marked the strongest March disappearance on record, according to feed prices and weaker milk prices,” explained the HighGround Dairy. USDA. Milk per cow was projected to average Total nonfat dry milk disappearance “surged into 24,335 per head, a year-over-year increase of 1.1 March and marked a new record high for the percent. month,” says HighGround Dairy, and “In a similar The USDA’s latest Crop Progress report shows 80 trend seen in other dairy products, both domestic percent of the U.S. corn crop is planted, as of the and export disappearance were up versus prior week ending May 16, up from 67 percent the previyear.” ous week, 2 percent ahead of a year ago, and 12 pern cent ahead of the five-year average. Forty-one perDown on the farm, “Dairy margins strengthened cent is emerged, 1 percent ahead of a year ago, and over the first half of May as there was a sharp sell6 percent ahead of the five-year average. off in the feed markets that more than offset slightSoybean plantings are at 61 percent, up from 42 percent the week before, 10 percent ahead of a year ly weaker milk prices,” according to the latest Margin Watch from Chicago-based Commodity & ago, and 24 percent ahead of the five-year average. Ingredient Hedging LLC. The Margin Watch says, Twenty percent are emerged, 4 percent ahead of a “The milk market remains supported by very strong year ago and 8 percent ahead of the five-year average. Thirty-eight percent of the cotton crop is plant- dairy product exports that are boosting their prices.” “Feed expenses however remain a headwind to ed, 4 percent behind a year ago, and 2 percent below dairy operations,” the Margin Watch warned, “parthe five-year average. ticularly those who are more exposed to variable n cost increases in the spot market as well as those Cheese prices are under close scrutiny. Uncle who are more exposed to Class IV pricing and negaSam’s Food Box program ends May 31 and cheese tive PPDs in their milk checks. This may begin to production is increasing from spring flush abundant slow down or even reverse the ongoing growth in milk supplies and increased cheese processing the dairy herd as high prices are expected to capacities. Food service cheese demand from restau- increase through the upcoming marketing year rants is very strong, offsetting drops in retail sales. Last year we shorted the cheese market some, according to StoneX Dairy’s Dave Kurzawski in the May 24 “Dairy Radio Now” broadcast. That was due to the wild price swings we saw and manufacturers NYSTROM, from pg. 16 didn’t want to produce any more than they had to at ress. The strike halted shipping as the country con$2 per pound, he said. “We’ve had this Goldilocks tinues to battle low river levels. According to the cheese price for the last several months of $1.70BAGE, Argentina’s soybean harvest was 85.5 percent $1.80 and now we’re in the $1.60s.” He said there’s complete as of May 20. The Ag Ministry is slightly plenty of milk now and plenty of incentive to make less at 81 percent complete. The BAGE is carrying cheese; so there’s excess out there, but the lower Argentina’s soybean crop at 43 mmt, the Rosario prices should open more export potential. Grain Exchange is at 45 mmt, and the USDA is at 47 mmt. The May 14 Dairy and Food Market Analyst warns, “It is looking increasingly likely that governArgentina announced they will limit exports of beef ment will not favor cheese in its remaining interfor 30 days to try and contain inflation which is ventions. approaching 50 percent annually. Brazil’s oilseed association Abiove raised its soybean estimate to a USDA released its first post-Food Box program solicitation, which totaled just 1.7 million pounds of record 137.5 mmt with record exports of 85.6 mmt. The USDA is using a crop estimate of 136 mmt with cheese for delivery July thru September. For perexports at 86.9 mmt. spective: at its peak, the government was buying more than 30 million pounds of cheese per month China’s cabinet this week stated they will strengththru the Food Box program. Instead, USDA is mov- en the management of commodity markets to stabiing to favor butter and released a solicitation to buy lize “unreasonable” increases in commodity prices 13 million pounds for delivery July thru September,” and prevent pass-through to consumers. How this the Analyst stated. plays out in the marketplace is uncertain. Remember in late April the government closed a private firm Thankfully, third quarter U.S. dairy demand was which provided oilseed data to foreign customers. solid, based on USDA’s latest data. Cheese disappearance topped that of a year ago for the third con- China’s largest hog producer said meal made up only 9.8 percent of their feed mix in 2020 compared to the secutive month and set a new first quarter record industry average of 18%. High prices have moved high, according to HighGround Dairy, “as demand
according to USDA.” The Margin Watch reported corn prices have moderated significantly, down over $1.00 per bushel in nearby futures while soybean meal prices likewise declined about $40 per ton recently. The June Federal order Class I base milk price was announced at $18.29 per hundredweight, up $1.19 from May, $6.87 above June 2020, and the highest Class I price since December 2020. The sixmonth average stands at $16.13, up from $15.84 at this time a year ago and $15.94 in 2019. It equates to $1.57 per gallon, up from 98 cents per gallon a year ago. n The bearish Milk Production data and plenty of product coming to the Chicago Mercantile Exchange added pressure on prices. Block cheddar closed the third Friday of May at $1.57 per pound, down 15.5 cents on the week, third week in a row of decline, and 36.75 cents below a year ago when it jumped almost 16 cents to $1.9375. The barrels saw their May 21 close at $1.6075, down 12.25 cents on the week and 28.25 cents below a year ago when they gained 17 cents. Thirty-three sales of block were reported on the week at the CME and 46 of barrel. Dairy Market News says milk remains available See MIELKE, pg. 18
Low export news drops soybean price feeders to use alternative ingredients. Outlook: Broad trading ranges will likely be with us until the June 20 Prospective Planting and Grain Stocks reports. This week it was soybeans turn to take one for the team. Improving weather and a lack of export news, in combination with a weaker global vegetable oil market, prompted fund selling which pushed July contract prices to their lowest for the month. The tight stocks issue hasn’t been settled but retreating basis levels this week suggest the nearby panic has subsided. As in corn, keep your seatbelts buckled. The ride has not come to a complete stop. For the week, July soybeans traded a range from $15.12.25 to $16.04.75, closing 60 cents lower at $15.26.25 per bushel. The November contract traded from $13.51 to $14.13, settling 40.25 cents lower for the week at $13.60.5 per bushel. Nystrom’s notes: Contract changes for the week as of the close on May 21 (July contracts): Chicago wheat dropped 33 cents to 46.74.25, Kansas City tumbled 33.75 cents to $6.24, and Minneapolis fell 40.25 cents to close at $7.00.5 per bushel. The Wheat Quality Tour put Kansas hard red wheat yield at a tour-record 58.1 bushels per acre vs. the tour’s five-year average of 43.1 bu./acre. v
www.thelandonline.com — “Where Farm and Family Meet”
THE LAND — MAY 28/JUNE 4, 2021
Buying in China is supporting dairy prices MIELKE, from pg. 17
CME dry whey finished May 21 at 64.5 cents per pound, up a half-cent on the week and 28.25 cents for central cheese production; but some contacts above a year ago, with five sales reported on the expect potential tightness as spring flush milk week. yields recede. Cheese producers are taking advann tage of discounts, though they are smaller than a few weeks ago. Cheese demand varies, depending on Dairy fat — particularly butter — again weighed the variety, but pizza cheesemakers continue to down this week’s Global Dairy Trade. The weighted report steady sales. average was down for the third session in a row, Retail cheese demand held steady in the West this slipping 0.2 percent following a 0.7 percent decline on May 4 and 0.1 percent on April 20. week but food service demand slowed slightly. Cheese producers continue to run full schedules, Butter dropped 2.2 percent after plunging 12.1 with the available milk in the region. CME prices percent on May 4. Anhydrous milkfat was down 0.1 have weakened. However, some contacts are optipercent following a 4.2 percent drop. Whole milk mistic that recent changes to Center for Disease powder was off 0.2 percent after inching up 0.7 perControl recommendations regarding Covid-19 and cent last time; but skim milk powder was up 0.7 vaccinated individuals may contribute to higher percent after gaining 2 percent. The gains were led food service sales in the coming weeks as people by lactose, up 1.6 percent after a 2 percent drop last resume pre-pandemic activities, says Dairy Market time, and GDT cheddar was up 1 percent after dropNews. ping 4.5 percent last time. n StoneX Group says the GDT 80 percent butterfat Butter closed at $1.87 per pound, down a half-cent butter price equates to $2.1814 per pound U.S., down 4.7 cents, and compares to CME butter which on the week, after gaining 10.5 cents the previous week, but 27.75 cents above a year ago, on 15 sales. closed on May 21 at a bargain $1.87. GDT cheddar, at $1.96, was up 2.1 cents, and compares to May Central butter producers say cream is available if 21’s CME block cheddar at $1.57. GDT skim milk they look West or South. Churning for fall demand powder averaged $1.5634 per pound, up from is ongoing. Food service demand reports are still $1.5572, and whole milk powder averaged $1.87 per improved from last year when markets were in a pound. CME Grade A nonfat dry milk closed May 21 chaotic situation, but were fluctuating in the down- at $1.2975 per pound. ward direction this week, according to some. Retail n sales are meeting expectations, but the bar is set seasonally low. Contacts say there is market uncerBuying by China is supporting prices on powder tainty as to the potentiality of future governmental especially, according to HighGround Dairy, and the bids. latest import data shows that. April whole milk Cream is steady in the West with much of it going powder imports totaled 144.8 million pounds, up 3.2 percent from April 2020, highest for the month since to ice cream and other Class II manufacturing; but 2014, with 89 percent coming from New Zealand. butter makers are receiving adequate volumes. Butter inventories are stable. Retail orders are flat Skim milk powder imports totaled 78.8 million to lower. Depending on the locale, restaurant dine-in pounds, up 43.1 percent — a record high for the restrictions vary from unrestricted, full capacity, to month, says HighGround Dairy, and market share a 25 percent cap. shifted as China sought new suppliers after excess Grade A nonfat dry milk marched to $1.3125 per pound on May 18, but closed May 21 at $1.2975. This is a quarter-cent lower on the week, but 28.5 cents above a year ago when the powder jumped A new study shows that including wheat once every 7.75 cents. Thirteen cars were sold on the week. four years in rotations with corn and soybean can
Fonterra product was limited. New Zealand remained the top supplier but the EU, Australia, United States and Belarus helped fill the gap. Whey imports remain strong as China maintains its rebuilt hog herd. Imports totaled 146.5 million pounds, up 69.7percent from a year ago and the highest April volume on record. The United States was their top supplier, followed by the EU, Belarus, Turkey, and Argentina. Cooperatives Working Together member cooperatives accepted 15 offers of export assistance this week on sales of 507,063 pounds of cheese, 476,199 pounds of whole milk powder, and 440,925 pounds of cream cheese. The product is going to customers in Asia and South America through September. Leaders of the American Farm Bureau Federation, National Cattlemen’s Beef Association, National Farmers Union, R-CALF USA, and the U.S. Cattlemen’s Association met May 10 in Phoenix at the invitation of the Livestock Marketing Association to discuss challenges involved in the marketing of finished cattle “with the ultimate goal of bringing about a more financially sustainable situation for cattle feeders and cow-calf producers.” Topics included packer concentration, price transparency and discovery, packer oversight, packers and Stockyards Act enforcement, the level of captive supply, and packer capacity, according to a joint press release. Good to see these organizations discuss issues together, but they need to proactively address the increasing claims made by some regarding climate change caused by the cattle and dairy industries and develop a science based answer to the plantbased product competition they will increasingly see ahead. Lee Mielke is a syndicated columnist who resides in Everson, Wash. His weekly column is featured in newspapers across the country and he may be reached at lkmielke@juno.com. v
Wheat benefits corn-soybean rotations
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have many benefits. The research was recently published in Agronomy Journal. “Corn and soybean yields were higher when crop rotations included wheat,” said Ken Janovicek, member of the American Society of Agronomy and lead author of the new study. For the study, researchers grew winter wheat once every three or four years with corn and soybean. They found that longer-term corn-soybean rotations that contain winter wheat can be more profitable. “The greatest yield increases occurred in rotations that included winter wheat once in four years,” said Janovicek.
Rotating wheat with corn and soybean crops also has other benefits. Soils tend to be healthier and have better structure when crop rotations include small grains or forages in addition to corn and soybean. The researchers observed continued increase in soybean yields over time when winter wheat was included in rotations throughout the trial. However, the largest yield increase was recorded in the past two years. Janovicek and colleagues are exploring more ways farmers can benefit economically from wheat crops. “When markets exist, straw sales can increase revenue associated with wheat,” says Janovicek. This article was submitted by the American Society of Agronomy. v
THE LAND — MAY 28/JUNE 4, 2021
Real Estate Wanted WANTED: Land & farms. I have clients looking for dairy, & cash grain operations, as well as bare land parcels from 40-1000 acres. Both for relocation & investments. If you have even thought about selling contact: Paul Krueger, Farm & Land Specialist, Edina Realty, 138 Main St. W., New Prague, MN 55372. paulkrueger@edinarealty.com (612)328-4506
www.thelandonline.com — “Where Farm and Family Meet”
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Accepting items: Fri., June 4 - Wed., June 9, 8am-5pm
Call for details... Jim: 507-351-1885 • Erika: 952-201-0874 Pat: 952-855-6607• Jeff: 612-490-2387 • Sam: 612-598-7775
The Land 2x2
• 5/8” drum roller wall thickness • 42” drum diameter wall thickness • 4”x8” frame tubing 3/8” thick • Auto fold
GREENWALD FARM CENTER Greenwald, MN • 320-987-3177 14 miles So. of Sauk Centre
USED TRACTORS NEW NH T4.75, T4.90, T4.120 w/loader........... On Hand NEW NH Workmaster 60, 50, 35’s/loaders........ On Hand ’14 NH T8.350 ................................................... $152,000 ’13 NH T9.610 .........................................................SOLD ’13 NH T8.390 .................................................... $169,500 ’84 JD 4850 FWA .....................................................SOLD ’83 JD 4450PS W/148 LOADER .............................SOLD Farmall 340 wf w/mower .........................................$3,000 New Massey Tractors ......................................... On Hand ’07 Massey GC2300 w/loader.................................. SOLD White 6195 FWA....................................................$45,000
TILLAGE ’11 Sunflower 4412-07...........................................$28,000 ’13 CIH 870 9-24 ................................................. $38,500 ’13 Wilrich 513 5-30 ............................................ $31,500 ’02 DMI TMII 34’ 4bar.............................................SOLD
PLANTERS ’11 White 8831 31-15...................................... $78,000 ’09 White 8816 cfs .......................................... $58,000 ’05 White 8186 DF......................... avail. after season Taking 2022 New Spring Orders COMBINES NEW Geringhoff chopping cornhead ....................Call ’12 Gleaner S77 ..............................................$179,000 ’03 Gleaner R65 .............................................. $72,000 ’95 Gleaner R52 w/cummins ........................... $32,500 ’89 Gleaner R60 w/both heads ........................ $15,500 Geringhoff parts & heads available
NEW Salford RTS Units ........................................ Call NEW Unverferth Seed Tenders .............................. Call NEW Westfield Augers .......................................... Call NEW REM VRX Vacs. .......................................... Call NEW Hardi Sprayers ............................................. Call CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT NEW Riteway Rollers ........................................... Call NEW NH L318/L320/L328 wheeled units ........ On Hand NEW Lorenz Snowblowers ................................... Call NEW NH C327/C337/C345 track units ............. On Hand NEW Batco Conveyors ......................................... Call ’13 L225 EH 937hrs.............................................. $33,500 NEW Brent Wagons & Grain Carts ....................... Call NEW E-Z Trail Seed Wagons ................................ Call HAY TOOLS NEW Rock Buckets & Pallet Forks ...................... Call New Disc Mowers - 107,108,109 REM 2700, Rental ................................................. Call New Disc Mower Cond. - 10’, 13’ Pre-Owned Grain Cart .................................. On Hand New Wheel Rakes - 10,12,14 New Horsch Jokers ...................................... ......... Call New NH Hay Tools - ON HAND
Thank You For Your Business! (507) 234-5191 (507) 625-8649 Hwy. 14, 3 miles West of Janesville, MN
Mon.-Fri. 7:30-5:00 • Sat. 7:30-Noon
www.thelandonline.com —”Where Farm and Family Meet”
Steffes Auction Calendar 2021 For more info, call: 1-800-726-8609 or visit our website: SteffesGroup.com
Opening May 28 & Closing June 3 Myron & Paulette Bosch Farm Retirement Auction, Devils Lake, ND, Timed Online Auction
ADVERTISING NOTICE: Please check your ad the first week it runs. We make every effort to avoid errors by checking all copy, but sometimes errors are missed. Therefore, we ask that you review your ad for correctness. If you find a mistake, please call (507) 345-4523 immediately so that the error can be corrected. We regret that we cannot be responsible for more than one week’s insertion if the error is not called to our attention. We cannot be liable for an amount greater than the cost of the ad. THE LAND has the right to edit, reject or properly classify any ad. Each classified line ad is separately copyrighted to The Land. Reproduction without permission is strictly prohibited.
Opening May 28 & Closing June 7 at 12PM Gene & Mavis Haugom Farm Retirement Auction, McIntosh, MN, Timed Online Auction
THE LAND — MAY 28/JUNE 4, 2021 Bins & Buildings 5000 bu Butler grain bin, 21 dia 18’ high to the eave, drying floor, 12” for stands, unload tube & gates, inside/outside ladder, owner will take down if requested, $2,000 for everything listed w/ takedown. 320-587-9409
Bins & Buildings
SILO REMOVAL 507-236-9446
Opening May 31 & Closing June 8 at 7PM Aho Brothers Inventory Reduction Auction, Frazee, MN, Timed Online Auction GRAND MEADOW $600,000 Beautiful turn-key acreage with 4 BR 3BA
Opening June 1 & Closing June 8 at 1PM rambler, 5 sheds, abundant fencing and pasture on approx. 18.7 ac. Davidson Farm Grain Retirement Auction, Creston, IL, Timed Online MLS#5718863 NEW LISTING! Auction STEWARTVILLE: $499,900 location 44 BR 22 BA picturesque rambler on STEWARTVILLE: $549,900 Great locationturn-key BRrambler BA picturesque rambler STEWARTVILLE: $575,000. Great location 4 BRGreat 2 BABeautiful picturesque GRAND MEADOW $600,000 acreage with 4 BR 3BA on
24 2acres. acres. Oversized stall garage with storagesheds shedsjust justminutes minutes on approx. 24 acres.approx. Oversized stall garage with222stall storage sheds just approx. 24 Oversized garage with 22storage to
rambler, 5 sheds, abundant fencing and pasture on approx. 18.7 ac. Opening June 1 & Closing June 8 at 7PM to Rochester! MLS# 5716983 PRICE REDUCED! minutes to Rochester! MLS# 5716953 LISTING! Rochester! MLS# 5716983 PRICE REDUCED! MLS#5718863 NEW LISTING! Andrew & Barb Schiltz Moving Auction, Rosholt, SD, Timed Online GRAND MEADOW $600,000 Beautiful turn-key acreage 4picturesque BR43BR BA3BA rambler on STEWARTVILLE: $575,000. Great location 4 BR 2 BA with rambler GRAND MEADOW $600,000 Beautiful turn-key acreage rambler RACINE: $299,000. 3BR, 1BA, on 10-acres. MLS# 5701169 PENDING Auction
18.7 with 5 sheds MLS# 5718863 PENDING! on ac. approx. 24 acres. Oversized 2 stall with 2 storage 5 sheds, abundant fencing and pasture ongarage approx. 18.7 ac. sheds just MOWER COUNTY: Approx. 193-acres. MLS# 5695397 PENDING RACINE: $299,000. 3BR, 1BA, on 10-acres. MLS# 5701169 SOLD minutes to Rochester! MLS# 5716953 NEW LISTING! MLS# 5718863 PENDING! MOWER COUNTY: Approx. 120-acres. MLS# 5705409 SOLD “Need listings! have qualified buyers!” RACINE: $299,000. 3BR, 1BA, onWe 10-acres. MLS# 5701169 PENDING RACINE: $299,000. 3BR, 1BA, onSOLD 10-acres. MLS# 5701169 PENDING MOWER COUNTY: Approx. 108-acres. MLS# 5705429 MOWER COUNTY: Approx. 193-acres. MLS# 5695397 PENDING RACINE: 10,000 sq.MOWER ft. building on “Need 2.12-acres. Multiple uses! MLS#5695397 5247299SOLD listings! We MLS# have qualified buyers!” COUNTY: Approx. 193-acres. MOWER COUNTY: Approx. 120-acres. MLS# 5705409 SOLD Opening June 2 & Closing June 10 at 1PM MOWER COUNTY: Approx. 120-acres. MLS# 5705409 SOLD MOWER COUNTY: Approx. 193-acres. MLS# 5695397 PENDING MOWER COUNTY: Approx. 108-acres. MLS# 5705429 SOLD Edward Karel Estate Firearm Auction 2 of 3, Gun Smithing and Full Farm Management Services MOWER COUNTY: Approx. 108-acres. MLS# 5705429 SOLD Barrel, Litchfield, MN, Timed Online Auction MOWER COUNTY: Approx. 120-acres. MLS# 5705409 RACINE: 10,000 sq. building 2.12-acres. MultipleSOLD uses! MLS#5247299 MLS# 5247299 including Rental Rates, Government & Environmental Issues RACINE: 10,000 sq.Programs ft. ft. building onon2.12-acres. Multiple uses! MOWER COUNTY: Approx.Turnkey 108-acres. MLS# 5705429 SOLDproperty, 2 com BROWNSDALE: $134,900 remodeled commercial Opening June 2 & Closing June 10 at 6PM Randy Queensland • 507-273-3890 • randy@lrmrealestate.com RACINE: 10,000 ft. building ongreat 2.12-acres. uses! MLS#5247299 Fullsq.Farm Management Services mercial office/retail spaces with highwayMultiple frontage. Great investment Edward Karel Estate Firearm Auction 3 of 3, Litchfield, MN, Ryan Queensland •including 507-273-3000 • ryan@lrmrealestate.com Rental Rates, Government Programs & Environmental opportunity! MLS#5751160 NEW LISTING! Ammunition, Timed Online Auction Full Farm Management Services Issues Grand Meadow, MN • 800-658-2340 including Rental Programs & Environmental Issues Full Rates, Farm Management Services Randy Queensland •Government 507-273-3890 • randy@lrmrealestate.com Opening June 3 & Closing June 8 at 12PM including Rental Rates, Government Programs & Environmental Issues Randy Queensland • 507-273-3890 • randy@Irmrealestate.com Ryan Queensland • 507-273-3000 • ryan@lrmrealestate.com Mahnomen County, MN Recreational & Hunting Land Auction – Ryan Queensland 507-273-3000 ryan@Irmrealstate.com 776.4± Acres, Mahnomen, MN, Timed Online Auction Randy • 507-273-3890 Grand Meadow, MN •• randy@Irmrealestate.com 800-658-2340 Grand Meadow, MN • 800-658-2340 Ryan Queensland • 507-273-3000 • ryan@Irmrealstate.com Grand Meadow, MN • 800-658-2340 Opening June 3 & Closing June 9 at 2PM
Opening June 2 & Closing June 9 at 6PM Edward Karel Estate Firearm Auction 1 of 3, Firearms, Litchfield, MN, Timed Online Auction
Norman County, MN Recreational Land Auction, Fertile, MN, Timed Online Auction Opening June 4 & Closing June 9 at 10AM Online Steffes Auction – 6/9, Upper Midwest Locations & Mt. Pleasant IA, Timed Online Auction
Opening June 7 & Closing June 9 at 12PM Griggs County, ND Land Auction - 160± Acres, Binford, ND, Timed Online Auction Opening June 7 & Closing June 17 EnRec Solutions Excess Equipment Auction, Chippewa Falls, WI, Timed Online Auction Opening June 8 & Closing June 15 at 1PM Steffes Truck & Transportation Auction, Mt. Pleasant, IA, Timed Online Auction Opening June 8 & Closing June 15 at 7PM Mike Beltz Farm Retirement Auction, Hillsboro, ND, Timed Online Auction Opening June 8 & Closing June 16 at 7PM Litchfield Farm Equipment Auction, Litchfield, MN, Timed Online Auction Opening June 9 & Closing June 16 at 12PM Larry & Veronica Christenson Retirement Auction, Kramer, ND, Timed Online Auction Opening June 9 & Closing June 16 at 1PM G-Style Transportation Auction, Williston, ND, Timed Online Auction Opening June 10 & Closing June 15 Duane & Karen Hanson Farm Retirement Auction, Crookston, MN, Timed Online Auction Opening June 10 & Closing June 15 at 12PM Norman County, MN Land Auction - 320± Acres, Borup, MN, Timed Online Auction Opening June 10 & Closing June 16 Bruce Pueppke Farm Retirement Auction, Mitchell, SD, Timed Online Auction
150 ACRES+/-
10:00 AM
#2041 Ravenhorst Family Farm Auction Location: Geneva Community Center, Geneva, MN TRACT 1: 50 Acres+/- in the SW part of the NW 1/4 of section 1 of Riceland twp in Freeborn Co, MN. The CPI soil rating is 85.2. There are 42.04 tillable acres. TRACT 2: 100 Acres+/- in the N part of section 12 in Riceland twp in Freeborn Co, MN. There are 93.78 tillable acres and the CPI soil rating is 73.6. TERMS: $25,000 earnest money down on each tract the day of auction. Balance due at closing on or before July 15, 2021. Buyer will receive 2021 crop rent. There will be a 2% buyer premium. Any statement made the day of the auction takes precedence over previous material.
LANDPROZ BROKER /AUCTIONEER – 24-21 • Minnesota and Iowa 507-383-1067 • gregjensen@landproz.com Broker Beau Jensen - MN, IA / Broker Brian Haugen - MN, SD, IA, WI, IL, KS / Broker Amy Willett - MO LandProz Real Estate, LLC. 111 East Clark Street, Albert Lea, MN 56007
THE LAND — MAY 28/JUNE 4, 2021 Bins & Buildings
www.thelandonline.com — “Where Farm and Family Meet”
Farm Equipment
Farm Equipment
Farm Equipment
Stormor Bins & EZ-Drys. FOR SALE: Donahue 28’ FOR SALE: New Holland 311 JD 4255 2WD tractor, QR, 3 100% financing w/no liens or trailer, $1,500; Hesston 30A baler, excellent condition, hyds, 14.9x46 tires w/ duals, good condition, $31,900; Wilred tape, call Steve at Fair- stacker for parts or fix up, $4,500. 612-619-4003 Rich 1230 flat fold cultivator, fax Ag for an appointment. $1,200; Kuhn 12 bale ac888-830-7757 cumulator & grabber, like Harms Mfg. Land Rollers, $2,450; JD 856 6x30 cultivaNew, 12’-$8,325; tor, $2,450; IH 133 16x22 foldnew, $9,000; Miller Supreme Brand silage wagon, good shape, 14’-$8,825; 16’-$9,350; 24’- ing cultivator, $1,750; JD 346 32’-$22,450; 42’- baler w/ bale chute, $4,750. Farm Equipment heavy running gear, $500; $18,700; Lilliston 8R30” cultivator, $26,000; Others from 8’-62’. JD 40 bale thrower, all com715-234-1993 plete, $950. 320-769-2756 FOR SALE: Brandt model $1,000. 507-317-7529 5200EX grain vac; Brandt FOR SALE: Case IH #60 10x70 grain auger w/ swing stalk shredder, re-built with Have you renewed your subscription to The Land? hopper; Demco 750 bu grav- hoods, knives & pins, $3,500. ity box w/ tarp; New Idea Top Aire 500 gal sprayer, hyd round baler, model 4865, x-fold, 60’ boom, Raven contwine & net wrap; Tebben troller, $5,000/OBO. Will sep3pt 9 shank, 30” spacing arate. 507-276-5733 w/ cover boards; OMC 595 round baler w/ twine tie; (2) FOR SALE: JD 643 CH, like Hiniker 8R30” cultivators, 1 new, combined less than 20 black 1 gray. All in good con- acres per yr; also, Farmall dition. Retiring. 320-630-1777 original White Cub w/ clipper mower; 240 utility tractor, FOR SALE: Case IH 8860 14’ Super MTA D; Wanted Brent haybine, cab, air, 815 hrs gravity box. 320-282-4845 in excellent condition; (2) 8R30” Hiniker cultivators, FOR SALE: New Holland one grey, one black; 70’ hyd 269 baler with Pro Quality Herman culti-harrow w/ new hay basket, holds about 100 tines; 50’ Wil-Rich field cult bales, good shape, ties good, CALL FOR A QUOTE TODAY w/ 3 bar harrow; Rock-O- $1,950. 507-456-7614 Matic reel type rock pickers, PTO driven. All in Good con- FOR SALE: H&S MX170 feed mill, full hydraulics, 7’ foldditon. Retiring. 320-630-1777 ing extension, excellent condition, $18,250. 507-217-7815 Please recycle this magazine.
Are you ready to sell some
used farm equipment? Place an ad in The Land classifieds!
Wingert Realty & Land Services, Inc. is now Hertz Farm Management, Inc.
We pay top dollar for your damaged grain. We are experienced handlers of your wet, dry, burnt and mixed grains. Trucks and vacs available. Immediate response anywhere.
PRUESS ELEV., INC. 1-800-828-6642
Opens: June 3, 8AM
From the Jct. of US Hwy. 59 & Co. Hwy. 11, 2 miles south of Mahnomen, east 10 miles on Co. Hwy 11
AUCTIONEER’S NOTE: Public opportunity to purchase a slice of prime hunting land! This auction includes over 750 heavily wooded acres which will be sold in 5 tracts ranging in size from 80 acres to 260 acres. This land is split by a county road and is only 2-1/2 miles from a hard surfaced road. This land is located on the forest transition line and boasts some of the best hunting opportunities in the region. Enrolled in SFIA program, providing direct incentive payments to encourage sustainable use of forest lands. SFIA payments are transferrable to buyer and have historically offset about 75% of property taxes. Detailed maps and Forest Management Plan available. Some timber has been harvested to improve forest health. Take advantage of this opportunity to purchase hunting land that has been in the Viker family for decades. La Garde Township - Sections 15, 22 & 23 Total Acres: 776.4± • Tract 1 (260±) - E2 NW4 SE4; E2 SE4; NE4 Section 15-144-40 • Tract 2 (196.4±) - LOT 1; NE4 SW4; SW4 NE4; NW4 SE4; SE4 NW4 Section 22-144-40 • Tract 3 (160±) - E2 NE4; E2 SE4 Section 22-144-40 • Tract 4 (80±) - S2 NW4 Section 23-144-40 • Tract 5 (80±) - E2 NE4 Section 23-144-40
SteffesGroup.com Steffes Group, Inc., 2000 Main Ave E, West Fargo, ND
Viker Enterprises Inc. Contact Max Steffes at Steffes Group, 701.237.9173 or 701.212.2849 or visit at SteffesGroup.com Max Steffes MN14-031, Scott Steffes MN14-51, Brad Olstad MN14-70. TERMS: 10% down upon signing purchase agreement with balance due at closing in 45 days. This is a 5% buyer’s premium auction.
151 St. Andrews Drive #1310, Mankato MN 56001 #07-53
To be sold in 5 tracts!
Hertz Farm Management, Inc. is proud to announce that Charles “Chuck” Wingert is merging his business, Wingert Realty & Land Services, Inc., located in Mankato, Minnesota, with Hertz effective May 1, 2021. Chuck and the farmland professionals at the new Hertz Mankato office will expand their services to offer farm management, valuations, appraisals, farmland sales and auctions while continuing to serve landowners across Minnesota and the northern region of the Corn Belt.
Tract 2 - 5± Acres
Tract 3 - 3± Acres
Tract 1: 1± Acres Tract 1 – Straight River Township - Grain Bin Site 268,000± bu. AUCTIONEER’S NOTE: Grain site with feed mill Storage Capacity & Feed Mill and two hog barns sold in three separate tracts. Tract 2 – Todd Township - Hog Finishing Barn & 5± Acres Tract 3 – Straight River Township - 1997 Hog Finishing Barn & 2.5± Acres
24400 MN Hwy 22 South, Litchfield, MN 55355 | 320.693.9371 For a detailed Buyer’s Prospectus with complete terms and conditions, contact Eric Gabrielson at Steffes Group, 320.693.9371 or 701.238.2570 TERMS: Ten percent down upon signing purchase agreement, payable by cash or check. Balance due at closing within 30 days. This is a 5% buyer’s premium auction. Eric Gabrielson MN47-006, Scott Steffes MN14-51
www.thelandonline.com —”Where Farm and Family Meet”
Farm Equipment We buy Salvage Equipment Parts Available Hammell Equip., Inc. (507)867-4910
Tractors NEW AND USED TRACTOR PARTS JD 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 55, 50 Series & newer tractors, AC-all models, Large Inventory, We ship! Mark Heitman Tractor Salvage 715-673-4829 Please support the advertisers you see here. Tell them you saw their ad in The Land!
Planting Equip
Harvesting Equip
THE LAND — MAY 28/JUNE 4, 2021 Wanted
JD 7000 6R30” planter with FOR SALE: John Deere 7720 All kinds of New & Used farm WANTED: 1909-1940 Ford Kinze bean cups, dry fertiliz- combine, Maurer hopper equipment - disc chisels, field Cars & Parts, Old Tin, Porer and Dickey John monitor. extension, 643 John Deere cults, planters, soil finishers, celain & Neon Signs, Old Gas Good shape, field ready. Al- cornhead. 507-220-0487 cornheads, feed mills, discs, Pumps & Globes, Old Oil ways shedded. 952-353-2414, balers, haybines, etc. 507- Cans & Bottles, Other Old Leave message. 438-9782 Car Related Items. Please Grain Handling Call 507-665-6893 Equipment Wanted to Buy: JD 725 6, 8 & 12 row - front mount cultivaSpraying Equip FOR SALE: MC model CF720 tors; Stanhoist and Bushhog Livestock grain dryer, 3 phase, with steel barge boxes; Gehl and FOR SALE: Hardi high wheel 2240 hours, $18,000; (3) 6” Lorentz grinder/mixers; plus sprayer, 80’ boom, 950 gallon augers with 3 phase motors, FOR SALE: Black Angus bulls all types of farm machinery. tank, rinse tank, hand wash $2,500/all 3. 507-456-3136 also Hamp, York, & Hamp/ Wanted: also JD 4430 1975 or tank, field ready, 3 way nozDuroc boars & gilts. Alfred newer. 507-251-2685 zles. Retiring. 507-822-2188 Kemen 320-598-3790 Classified Line Ads FOR SALE: 45’ Top Aire sprayer, 500 gallon tank, with controller, $3,000. 612619-4003
Call 507-345-4523
WANTED TO BUY: 1960 John Deere 730 diesel, pony start. 507-831-1308
Sell your livestock in The Land with a line ad. 507-345-4523
Registered Hereford yearling bulls for sale. Have had all shots, semen tested, poured and fly tags. Halter broke and broke to lead. Fantastic growth E.P.D.’s. Delivery available. Klages Herefords, Ortonville, MN 320-2732163(H) 605-880-0521(C)
Since 1947, Lester Buildings has grown from its modest beginnings to an industry leader– due to our employee’s dedication and drive to innovate.
Full-time Construction Crew Member Opportunities in Le Sueur, MN and Waseca, MN
Responsibilities: • Perform basic framing to exterior finish work. • Responsible for constructing a quality building including but not limited to: installing footings, framing, installing build-ing accessories, and sheathing of structure. • May require occasional travel with per diem included for overnight stays. Qualifications • Ideal candidates would have previous carpentry experience or the strong desire to learn. • Knowledge and experience using hand tools, power tools and various construction equipment preferred. • Experience in post-frame construction is a plus. • The ability to work effectively as a team member. • Willingness to comply with all company safety policies and procedures. • Ability to lift up to 50 lbs., with occasional lifting up to 75 lbs. • Ability to work at various heights. • Ability to bend, stoop, and pickup product from various elevations. • Ability to work in various types of weather conditions. Benefits: We offer a competitive pay rate starting at $18.00/hour based on experience, a full benefits package (Medical, Dental, Vision, Life Insurance, PTO and Holiday Pay, Incentive Bonus Plans, 401k Savings Plan, Short and Long Term Disability, and Tuition Reimbursement). Opportunities for advancement!
The choice is yours!
***** $1,500 Sign-on Bonus Potential ***** Apply online at: www.lesterbuildings.com under the Construction Crew Member Le Sueur, MN and Waseca, MN posting. EEOC/AA Employer
Contact us!
HAVE AN UPCOMING AUCTION? For the best results place your auction ad in The Land! Talk to your auctioneer or our friendly staff. 507-345-4523 or email: theland@thelandonline.com
THE LAND — MAY 28/JUNE 4, 2021 Swine
Pets & Supplies
FOR SALE: Yorkshire, PUPPIES FOR SALE: BorHampshire, Duroc, cross der Collie/Blue Heeler cross, bred boars, gilts & 4-H pigs. born 4/01/21, first shots and Top quality. Excellent herd dewormed, $200/each. 507health. No PRSS. Delivery 383-6701 available. 320-760-0365
www.thelandonline.com — “Where Farm and Family Meet”
Miscellaneous REINKE IRRIGATION Sales & Service New & Used For your irrigation needs 888-830-7757 or 507-276-2073
Spot, Duroc, Chester White, Winpower Sales & Service Miscellaneous Boars & Gilts available. Reliable Power Solutions Monthly PRRS and PEDV. Since 1925 PTO & automatic Delivery available. Steve FREON WANTED: We pay Emergency Electric Gener$$$ for cylinders and cans ators. New & Used Resler. 507-456-7746 of R12 R500 R11 R113 R114. Rich Opsata-Distributor Convenient. Certified Profes800-343-9376 Sheep sionals. Call (312)291-9169 or visit 20 Heavy Duty Steel Jigs For RefrigerantFinders.com
One Call Does It All!
Sheep & Goats To Make PARMA DRAINAGE PUMPS Turning Cradles Sorting & New pumps & parts on hand. Slide Gates, Corral & Run Call Minnesota’s largest disPanels, Mineral Feeders, tributor Bale Feeders, Etc. PLUS HJ Olson & Company Approx 40 Pieces Of Invento320-974-8990 Cell - 320-212-5336 ry. $7,500/OBO. RETIRING. 319-347-6282 or 319-269-4226
If you’re having a Farm Auction, let other Farmers know it! Upcoming Issues of THE LAND
Southern MN/Northern IA June 11, 2021 June 25, 2021 *July 9, 2021 July 23, 2021
Northern MN *June 4, 2021 June 18, 2021 July 2, 2021 July 16, 2021
Deadline is 8 days prior to publication. *Indicates early deadline, 9 days prior to publication. 418 S. Second Street • Mankato, MN 56001 Phone: 507-345-4523 or 800-657-4665 Fax: 507-345-1027 Ask Your Auctioneer to Place Your Auction in The Land!
With one phone call, you can place your classified line ad in The Land, Farm News and Country Today.
Call The Land for more information 507-345-4523 • 800-657-4665
Beck's Hybrids ....................................................................... 1 Dahl Farm Supply ................................................................ 15 Dan Pike Clerking ................................................................ 19 Ediger Auctions ................................................................... 19 Generac ............................................................................... 18 Greenwald Farm Center ........................................................ 19 Hertz Farm Management ...................................................... 21 K & S Millwrights, Inc........................................................... 3 Kannegiesser Truck ................................................................ 9 Karsten Nursery ..............................................................12, 13 Land Resource Management ................................................. 20 LandProz.com ...................................................................... 20 Lester Buildings ................................................................... 22 Mathiowetz Construction Co. ................................................. 5 Mid American Auction ......................................................... 20 Northland Buildings ............................................................... 7 Pruess Elevator, Inc. ............................................................ 21 Rush River Steel & Trim ........................................................ 4 Schweiss Doors .................................................................... 20 Scott Buboltz ......................................................................... 6 Smiths Mill Implement, Inc. ................................................. 19 Steffes Group ..................................................................20, 21 Volk Transfer ....................................................................... 22 507-345-4523 • 800-657-4665 418 South Second Street, Mankato, MN 56001 www.thelandonline.com
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Wesley Financial Group, LLC Timeshare Cancellation Experts. Over $50,000,000 in timeshare debt and fees cancelled in 2019. Get free informational package and learn how to get rid of your timeshare! Free consultations. Over 450 positive reviews. Call 877-326-1608. (MCN)
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www.thelandonline.com — “Where Farm and Family Meet”
THE LAND — MAY 28/JUNE 4, 2021
This week’s Back Roads is the work of The Land Correspondent Richard Siemers.
House celebrates Slayton’s history
hristopher and Flora Dinehart moved from Chicago to Slayton in 1882, the year the town was platted, because they thought it was a good place to open a bank. Nine years later they hired Minnesota architect Frank Thayer to design a house for them. The result — a mixture of Queen Anne and Stick style architecture — was placed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1982. Today it is owned by Murray County and managed for the public’s use by the Murray County Historical Society. Rose Schmit, Site Coordinator and Collections Manager, said there are three reasons it is on the Register. Two are the house itself, its architectural style and the fact that self-taught Minnesota architect Frank Thayer designed it. However, most of the historical significance comes from its connection to the Dineharts. Christopher and Flora Dinehart were instrumental in building Slayton with the bank and other investments. They were also very invested in the education and social welfare of the town, Schmit said. They made it the center of Murray County.
Slayton, Minn.
Christopher invested in agriculture as well, owning farmland privately and through the Murray County Land Company, raising Morgan horses, and cultivating wheat that won an award at the World’s Columbia Exposition in Chicago in 1893. The Dinehart’s son, Clarence, died of appendicitis at age 33 while serving as Minnesota’s State Treasurer. Their daughter, Florence, married Harvey Holt and raised their three sons in the house. The middle son, Judge John Holt, was the last family resident. On his death in 1993, the house and its furnishings were sold at an estate sale, but when the house was again for sale in 2007, Murray County purchased it. While the family’s possessions were lost through the sale, the Historical Society has furnished the house with period furniture from their collection, and many features remain from the Dinehart days. A diamond frame in the family parlor displays a portion of that room’s original wallpaper, which the Society came
close to matching. The dining room walls and ceiling have colorful pressed tin, and there is a built-in sideboard decorated with wood carvings. The bathroom has the original pink marble sink. Stainedglass windows in memory of Clarence grace the foyer and stairway. In these pandemic times, the Dinehart-Holt House has not been open to the public. But as restrictions ease, that may change. For updates on opening, as well as information on events and tours, visit www.murraycountyhistoricalsociety.org, or facebook.com/murraycountymuseum. In normal times, the Historical Society has programs at the house throughout the year, continuing the hospitality for which the Dinehart and Holt families were known. Tours are available at other times. Slayton has moved on since the time of the Dinehart and Holt families, but their significance to the community is remembered and celebrated through the Dinehart-Holt house. v
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