REMEMBER, HE CREATED YOU FOR THIS. Don’t be afraid. Just Believe. Mark 5:36 418 South Second St., Mankato, MN 56001 • (800) 657-4665 • September 16, 2022 “Since 1976, Where Farm and Family Meet” © 2022 Rose and David Becker have spent a quarter of a century developing their herd. INSIDE THIS ISSUE: Diane DeWitte reports on swine biosecurity in the Dominican Republic and Kent Thiesse relates the ag aspects of the IRA Bill The art of the Angus

PAGE 2 — “Where Farm and Family Meet” THE LAND — SEPTEMBER 16, 2022 THERE’S EVEN MORE ONLINE... @ • “Calendar of Events” • “E-Edition” — Archives of past issues of The Land 418 South Second St. Mankato, MN 56001 (800) 657-4665 Vol. XLVI ❖ No. 19 28 pages, 1 section plus supplementsCover photo submitted COLUMNS Opinion 2-4 Farm and Food File 4 From My Farmhouse Kitchen 5 Table Talk 6 The Bookworm Sez 7 Calendar of Events 7 Marketing 8 Farm Programs 9
& U 10
17 Auctions/Classifieds 20-27

Roads 28
Publisher: Steve Jameson:
Staff Writer Emeritus: Dick Hagen:
Postmaster and Change of Address: Send ad dress changes to The Land, 418 South Second St., Mankato MN 56001-3727 or e-mail to theland@

I’ll always be a Land lover
The year was 2005. I was still getting my bearings as a new resident of south ern Minnesota, relocating there from North Dakota for my husband’s job. An opportunity became available at The Land magazine for a copy editor. I quick ly mailed (remember, it was 2005) my resume and hoped for the best. I had a delightful interview with then-editor Kevin Schulz and was subsequently offered the position.
Fax: (507) 345-1027
Born and raised in the Twin Cities, my knowledge of agriculture was limited when I joined The Land and grew with each person I interviewed, and every story I wrote. Interviewing “From the Fields” pro ducers, former FFA state officers, and so many oth ers in the ag sector have been a privilege. It is the people that make the ag community so great.
While I’m excited about this new chap ter in my work career, closing The Land chapter is bittersweet. I started working here as a newly married young person, and now I have a plethora of gray hair and four wonderful children who are quickly growing up.
After 17-plus years at The Land, it’s time for me to move on to another adventure. I will be working
The Wilhelms said crops are looking very good this year with over 20 inches of rain. They planted corn and soybean test plots for Federated Coops and conducted a plot day at their farm.Up until 1988 the Wilhelms kept a herd of registered black angus.“We enjoy reading The Land,” Sharon said, “especially the producers’ reports.”
Larry and Sharon Wilhelm had their names drawn on Aug. 5 as winners of The Land’s sub scription sweepstakes. Regis tered subscribers to The Land were eligible to win $250 in the random drawing.
in community engagement, an area I’m thrilled to dive into.
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Managing Editor: Paul Malchow:
By Kristin Kveno OPINION
General Manager: Deb Petterson:
Because of the nature of articles appearing in The Land, product or business names may be included to provide clarity. This does not constitute an endorse ment of any product or business. Opinions and viewpoints expressed in editori als or by news sources are not necessarily those of the management. The Publisher shall not be liable for slight changes or typographical errors that do not lessen the value of an advertisement. The Publisher’s liability for other errors or omissions in connection with an advertisement is strictly limited to publication of the advertisement in any subsequent issue or the refund of any monies paid for the advertisement.
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It is not goodbye … but instead, see you later. Thank you, Land readers, for allowing me to share stories about our agricultural landscape. It has been a true honor. ❖
Since then, I have had the pleasure of working with an array of excellent writers, editors, sales gurus and office staff. The Land is special to me for many reasons, one being the amazing people I have worked along side for all these years. Being a copy editor, staff writer, and columnist allowed me to interview such fascinating people on various topics.
For Editorial Concerns or Story Ideas: (507) 344-6342, (800) 657-4665,

The Wilhelms reside in Prince ton, Minn. “We have operated our farm for 56 years,” Sharon said. “We raise corn and soy beans on 400 acres.”

For Customer Service Concerns: (507) 345-4523, (800) 657-4665,
The Land General Manager Deb Petterson (left) recently presented Sharon and Larry Wilhelm with their check for $250.

Staff Writer: Kristin Kveno:

Deb Petterson: Office/Advertising Assistants: Joan Compart: Lyuda Shevtsov:
Market Weekly 16
Wilhelms are our winners!
Dick Hagen has been a constant since I began here; his love of writing and his unending quest to seek out a story is awe-inspiring. Thank you to office/advertising assistants Joan Compart and Lyuda Shevtsov for always providing laughter, levity when needed, and a smile. Dan McCargar has given the sales position gusto, and his enthusiasm for his role is infectious. Our fearless leader, Deb Petterson, works diligently to make sure The Land is the best it can be and continues to seek opportu nities to enhance the publication.
From The Fields
Advertising Representatives: Dan McCargar: (507) 344-6379,
I want to thank my office mate and boss, Paul Malchow, for his kindness and positivity. Working with him these past three and a half years has been a joy.
Subscription and Distribution: Free to farmers and agribusinesses in Minne sota and northern Iowa. $49 per year for non-farmers and people outside the service area. The Land (USPS 392470) Copyright © 2022 by The Free Press Media is published biweekly by The Free Press, 418 S 2nd Street, Mankato, MN 56001-3727. Business and Editorial Offices: 418 S. 2nd Street, Mankato, MN 56001-3727, Accounting and Circulation Offices: Steve Jameson, 418 S 2nd Street, Mankato, MN 56001-3727. Call (507) 345-4523 to subscribe. Peri odicals postage paid at Mankato, MN.
Introducing Pioneer® brand A-Series Enlist E3® soybeans. Featuring Pioneer’s exclusive high-performance genetics. Like no other. Product performance is variable and depends on many factors such as moisture and heat stress, soil type, management practices and environmental stress as well as disease and pest pressures. Individual results may vary. The transgenic soybean event in Enlist E3® soybeans is jointly developed and owned by Corteva Agriscience and M.S. Technologies L.L.C. Pioneer ® brand products are provided subject to the terms and conditions of purchase which are part of the labeling and purchase documents. ® Trademarks of Corteva Agriscience and its affiliated companies. © 2022 Corteva. WE BEGAN WITH AN ENLIST E3 ® SOYBEAN THEN WE STEPPED ON THE G S .. S:9.417"THE LAND — SEPTEMBER 16, 2022 — “Where Farm and Family Meet” PAGE 3

For example, Hill told the three University of Iowa professors, if Congress raised the required fuel stan dard nationwide by a miniscule one-half mile per
Its chief goal is to beat down any fact or idea that threatens today’s dominant ag policies.
That stark reality should push policymakers to begin to move toward the inevitable no-ethanol day.
Contact todayfor no-cost,customized consulting

Most of the podcast’s myth-made moments were provided by Jason Hill, a professor of bioproducts and biosystems engineering at the University of Minnesota, who has examined ethanol since 2005.
gallon, the environmental benefit delivered by the tiny boost would offset any environmental benefit from ethanol from “all the corn we produce in Iowa today.”That
But that’s exactly what the co-hosts of the Iowa-based podcast, “We All Want Clean Water,” offered in the first episode of their second season. It was a 47-minute
The global fuel market, however, is rushing away from “liquid fuels” like gasoline and ethanol and toward either less liquid fuel or non-liquid fuels like electricity. By itself, that realignment will change today’s transportation system dramatically and quickly, suggests Hill.

That’s one renewable everyone wants.
Are afood and agriculture business
The question then won’t be what fuel will we use, he reckons; instead it will be “How are we going to get people from Point A to Point B safely because there will be many more ways to accomplish that” other than with today’s fuels.
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It’s rare to find one Midwestern aca demic publicly questioning the economic and environmental impacts of ethanol.
That will have severe consequences for ethanol, he continues. “Today, we use all the land dedicated to corn production in both Minnesota and Iowa com bined for ethanol… and it gets us enough fuel to off set six to seven percent of our gasoline… That’s not a Inlot.”fact, if federally mandated miles-per-gallon standards are raised just two more miles per gallon, Hill calculates, all the ethanol-making corn land in production today would be redundant. It simply wouldn’t be needed.
And even more ethanol-driven landscape reengi neering is now in the works across the Midwest. Highly controversial carbon pipelines, backed by biofuel oligarchs like Archer Daniels Midland and Iowa political kingmaker Bruce Rastetter, will reenergize two “very much aligned” industries, etha nol and petroleum, says Hill.
The Farm and Food File is published weekly through the United States and Canada. Past col umns, events and contact information are posted at
“just blows my mind,” remarked podcast cohost Cwiertny, “because that’s an achievable stan dard in terms of fuel efficiency. Instead we’ve chosen to completely re-engineer our landscape here” for corn and ethanol.
seminar on how best to put the most sacred of American ag policy cows out to pasture.Andit featured several “cropaganda” moments, a clever invention of the pod cast’s three co-hosts: Silvia Secchi, a University of Iowa professor of geograph ical and sustainability studies; Iowa col league Christopher Jones, a research engineer and expert on Iowa water quali ty; and David Cwiertny, director of the University of Iowa’s Center for Health Effects of Contamination.Environmental
They will be paid an estimated $600 to $700 an acre in federal subsidies — today’s “societal cost to grow corn used for ethanol” — to grow other “proven” carbon-friendly crops that “give us the benefit of a renewed ecosystem,” explained Hill.
According to the three, cropaganda marries old fashioned farm mythmaking to modern farm advo cacy in Big Ag’s effort to maintain the status quo.
looking to expand in Southern Minnesota?

A no-ethanol future doesn’t mean a no-profit future

His “systems” assessment of ethanol — a “big pic ture” of how science now views it — is that “ethanol is not the direction we should be going.”
But that’s far easier said than done, noted podcast co-host Jones. Iowa’s corn acres devoted to ethanol alone are equal to 20 of the state’s 99 counties, he said. What are farmers going to do in those counties if ethanol goes away?
FARM & FOOD FILE By Alan Guebert
In fact, Hill notes, a “more sustainable transporta tion future” would feature “better options that give us greater benefits at less cost… (and) get us closer to a more sustainable transportation future.”
It’s even rarer to find four academics (one from a corn state land grant univer sity, three from a leading university in the leading corn-producing state) raising objections to the biofuel and its byprod ucts that will use one out of every three bushels of corn grown in the United States this year.

The Jewel Tea Company was started by the son of an Iowan grocer. Frank Skiff called his business Jewel Tea, because anything at that time which
Yes, I have to chuckle here a bit. This shopping from home is nothing new under the sun. People have been doing it for quite some time … centu ries, in fact.
Why, when I was growing up in the previous century, there was the Watkins man, the Rawleigh man, and the Schwan’s Ice Cream man. It was a real treat to have the last one come — especially during the summer. Ice
All these companies sold similar items that busy housewives would need. I suspect very few farms were without the salves that both Rawleigh and Watkins sold. Rawleigh had a fly killer that was definitely needed in the barn. I still prefer Watkin’s black pepper and their real vanilla in my

The Avon lady was. She was special, but rarely callingcameunless it was to companiesfarm-to-farmReemtsma.LouisemyAvonBecausevisit.ourladywasGrandmaManyofthese

The company partnered with Hall China to manufacture dinnerware just for them. Its “Autumn Leaf” design was a popular one. While this compa ny is no longer in business, it won’t be lost to history because there are col lectors who seek out Jewel Tea items.
cream bars, orange sherbet popups and vanilla ice cream for our pop floats. (I have to say pop, as my brothers and sisters were quite adventurous, we didn’t just stick with root beer. Almost any flavor of pop would do.) Despite all that yum, the Schwan’s man wasn’t necessarily the favorite though.
began in the horse and buggy days. The W.T. Rawleigh Company had its start in 1889 by a man whose educa tion was only rural schools. William Thomas Rawleigh had been born on a farm in Wisconsin.
In recent years, one might say I have finally arrived as my visits to the malls have become more frequent. There are some perks at this hands-on shopping. If a new outfit isn’t quite right, back on the rack it goes — immediately. Occasionally there are items which are acceptable; but most often not, mirrors don’t lie. If my farmer who shops with me doesn’t like something, all he has to do is say, “That makes you look old and/or fat.” At which time all speed records are broken on the trip back to the dressing room to quickly dispose of the offending clothing article.
After his marriage to Mary Ellen Herberling from Ohio, he and his bride settled in Plainview, Minn. The obliging wife let him experiment in the kitchen in the development of a liniment which was used to soothe sore muscles. Once success was achieved, he established the J. R. Watkins Medical Company and took to the streets — going door to door to make a living.
Shop from home — A new fad or an old method revived?
When I was in high school, all the really cool girls went off to the big town to shop at the mall for their clothes. My mom ordered mine through the mail-order cata log. While I will admit it was easy to dream as I turned the pages of the catalogs, it still wasn’t quite the same as seeing all the dress es for, it would be a very exciting day when the package arrived in the mailbox — because you knew those new clothes would surely come with a bit of the model’s charm.
The idea of owning his own business had developed at a young age. While still a youth, he convinced his father to let him work for someone else for $20 a month. After several months, his wealth amounted to $120. He gave his parents $100 of that sum.
By Renae B. Vander Schaaf
company started about the time Rawleigh was born. Although born and educated in Ohio, Joseph Ray Watkins moved at the age of 21 to Stearns County in Minnesota with his parents Benjamin and Sophronia Watkins.
was superior was called a ‘jewel.’ In Chicago, with $700 in his pocket, Skiff took his horse and wagon and went door to door with a baking powder he manufactured, teas he packaged, spic es and extracts. He roasted coffee beans once a week to sell on his route.
This liniment which gave Watkins his start is still in use today. Watkins products can be purchased at stores or online.Wisconsin and Minnesota can be proud of these two men and Schwans. But what about Iowa? Well, several people have recently told me of Jewel Tea. This one is new to me, but it cer tainly would have been a favorite. Hot tea is my beverage of choice.
THE LAND — SEPTEMBER 16, 2022 — “Where Farm and Family Meet” PAGE 5
As this husband-and-wife business grew, the special sales buggy made for him in St. Cloud, Minn. became a fleet of buggies scattered throughout the region. The business was moved to Winona, Minn. (You know, I think it is time to plan a road trip as Plainview and Winona both have historical sites and museums with Watkins history.)
At which time he left the farm to pursue an independent sales career with a horse borrowed from his dad, who wasn’t too keen on his son’s notion. Although he still had $15 to his name, it didn’t really belong to him. The buggy he filled with four types of “Good Health Products” was mortgaged, so basically he didn’t have a penny to his name. He was all of 18 years old. In those days, he wasn’t even old enough to vote.
But wouldn’t you know it, now that I have made it, the really cool girls I graduated with are probably ordering from the modern mail-order system: the online stores.
Yet when the new arrived,outfitit sadly didn’t have the same look on me as it did in the catalog. It just didn’t appear as glamourous … (gulp) or was it me?
Something as simple as vanilla flavor ing aided these door-to-door salesmen. I don’t know if it was because vanilla was one of the top items cooks were fastidi ous about, or if it was because the vanilla industry was manipulate. It is also a difficult crop to grow — which contributes to its availability.
Rawleigh spent considerable money to obtain vanilla for his customers. In 1924 the company began curing vanilla in Mexico, West Indies and France. He bought plantations in Madagascar. He didn’t completely manage to resolve the vanilla problem thoroughly, as there still appears to be a monopoly on it.
Today Rawleighs is still delivering items to their customers’ homes via their website. I hope there has been a biography written of his life, as it will probably be an interesting read.
It is quite possible that Mr. Rawleigh’s business idea came because their farm might have been visited by a salesperson from the Watkins Incorporated Company. This

He expected to be lectured about being responsible and paying attention to what he was doing — with a few expletives tossed in there for staying power. Instead, he was greeted with what appeared to be understanding.Itwaslikewe didn’t even know this man who had stood in front of us.
And all at the same time, no less.
Until it wasn’t.
From time to time, as I see and drive that pickup, its war wounds take me back to the time when our children were young and just beginning to be pretty good help around the farm. TALK
That truck went on to become the source of anoth er tale involving our two sons who drove (as farm kids do) at a very young age, but that’s a story for later.Amother
And with all those feet involved, I’m guessing it wouldn’t smell as good as spa ghetti.When
Who can figure Father? ‘The first one hurts the worst’
Whatever the case, our son was given a stay of judgment, and he escaped punishment like a kid who had just stolen from a candy store.
He looked at me with fright on his face; I won dered how much gas was in the truck.
Not long ago, as I parked myself behind the wheel of our 1995 Chevrolet pickup, it took me back to the days when our three children all fit in the back seat.
The Land wants to hear from you! Letters to the editor are always welcome. Send your letters to: Editor, The Land 418 South Second St. Mankato, MN 56001 e-mail: All letters must be signed and accompanied by a phone number (not for publication) to verify authenticity.
Karen Schwaller brings “Table Talk” to The Land from her home near Milford, Iowa. She can be reached at v

Then, in an unexpected move, he just walked away.Ilooked at our son, and he stood there looking at me as if some miracle had just occurred. Because the truth was, it was as miraculous as no blue jeans to resuscitate on mending day.
They had baled one day, and that night the full racks were all home and a couple of them had been unloaded into the barn. That meant empty racks were in the yard and needing to be moved out of the way; so my husband asked one of our sons to hook them onto the four- wheeler and move them. They had done this before, so it was a simple task.
We hung around a bit, and when my husband made his way over to us, we showed him the dent. And to our surprise, he said simply, “Well, the first one hurts the worst.”
PAGE 6 — “Where Farm and Family Meet” THE LAND — SEPTEMBER 16, 2022
Answers located in Classified Section
We stopped and he let go of my hand when we got to this said red pickup, and pointed to the dent that was now in the door.
Those days are long gone. Oh, the chil dren might still fit back there; but their legs would look like human spaghetti as they searched for a place to bunk for the duration of a ride.
By Karen Schwaller
Perhaps the heat and length of the day, with its hot and heavy activities, lent my husband to just not care at the moment — at least not until he had consumed a hop-based beverage.
Well … that was a disappointing answer.
I think of that pickup, I’m reminded of the time we were all coming home from a very late night of animal preparation for the sheep show at our county fair the next morning. There became a smell in the truck so powerful. With the kids (and us) exhausted — yet still carrying on, I asked my husband, “What reeks in here?”
He answered tiredly, “I think it’s us.”
He told me what happened: somehow the hay rack had come unhooked and ran into the side of the truck.“Isuppose we better tell Dad about this, huh?” I asked. He nodded, but with that same constipated look I had when Dad figured out it was me who put
It was just so inviting.
the hole from the cigarette lighter into the seat of his brand new Oliver 1750 — the only tractor he ever bought new.
can take only so much trauma at a time.
It was dark out by now and I was in the machine shed doing whatever it is moms do when it’s summer time, dark outside, and no one has eaten supper yet. Suddenly, one of our sons came running into the shed, said nothing, but grabbed my hand and started running.
On the day of the violent coup attempt, Trump urged the crowd to the Capital and watched the violent attack on Capital police on TV for hours without lifting a finger.
An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer 30676 County Rd 24 Sleepy Eye, MN. office@mathiowetzconst.comwww.mathiowetzconst.com56085 – Aggregates – Building Pads – Demolition – Ditch Cleaning – Farm Drainage In All We Do, We Do It Right! CONSTRUCTIONMATHIOWETZFarmFriendlySince1924 507-794-6953 – Grove Removal – Hauling – Site Grading – Terraces – Equipment Sales & Service THE LAND — SEPTEMBER 16, 2022 — “Where Farm and Family Meet” PAGE 7 OPINION

if, as in the new novel “Fox Creek” by William Kent Krueger, the footsteps aren’t following? What if they’re chas ing?Cork

Letter: Democracy will endure

Farmers too busy to shop
He didn’t like this stranger. Morriseau claimed his wife, Delores, was with Henry — and he wanted her to come home. But O’Connor knew Morriseau was wrong on two points: Henry was a Mide, a healer in the Anishinaabe community, and he must’ve been at least a hundred years
Mide and bring back that woman.
She said that a day or two before she disappeared into the north woods, along with Cork’s wife, Rainy, and HenryCallingMeloux...himself LeLoup — or, “The Wolf” — a man quietly paddled to the lakeside and hid his kayak. Kimball, an ex-soldier he’d known since Iraq, hired him to do a job and LeLoup would see it through — one way or another. He’d find this Delores woman who was trekking around in the north woods and he’d return her to Kimball, who never said why he wanted her. If she was with Henry, finding her wouldn’t be hard. LeLoup had spent
Get ready for another chiller from William Kent Krueger
his whole life in the woods and he could read them just as well as the old man he was trailing.Aslong as he could stay one step ahead of the men who were trailing him, wouldLeLoupfindthe
whipped cream.
To the Editor,

By Terri Schlichenmeyer
Greg Rendahl Ostrander, Minn.
The Bookworm is Terri Schlichenmeyer. Terri has been reading since she was 3 years old and never goes anywhere without a book. She lives in Wisconsin with three dogs and 10,000 books. v
Even though these companies had their start in the 1800’s, they were by no means the beginning of home sales and routes. Grocery stores had been doing it for some time.
As what is old becomes vogue again, wouldn’t it be great if families started to go church again. My farmer and I were watching a movie from the 1940/1950’s era that was produced by Hollywood. The movie opened with a bird’s eye view of the town and the main character speaking. “That’s my town. It’s Sunday morning and most everyone is on their way to church.” Because we all do need that reminder from Romans 6:23 — “For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eter nal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.”
If it’s not a dark and stormy night and you’re not alone, that’s probably okay. You might even anticipate it if you’re leading a group, strolling with a friend, or walking in public. Most times, you probably don’t notice the soft sound of footfalls.Butwhat
“Fox Creek: A Novel” by William Kent Krueger c.2022, Atria 400$28.00pages

Even if he had to kill to do it.
Author William Kent Krueger takes a normal Boundary Waters cat-andmouse tale and throws in a rat of a
Biden and the Democratic Party will see that truth, freedom for all, and democracy will endure.
Trump has always seen the rule of law as something to twist and manip ulate. For instance, his public attacks on the Mueller investigation and indi viduals involved along with dangling potential pardons for those who would refuse to testify were clearly obstruc tions of justice.
O’Connor was used to people asking him for help. Born in Tamarack County, Minnesota, he’d been sheriff there once, and he knew everybody. So when a man he didn’t know — Lou Morriseau — asked about Henry Meloux, it raised Cork’s eyebrows.
old. He was no meddler or wife-stealer. And later, when Cork showed Delores a picture he’d quietly taken of Morriseau, she said he wasn’t her husband. She’d never seen the guy before.
different sort in a gasping plot twist: Krueger’s most gentle, beloved recur ring character, Henry Meloux, has finally met his match. While this launches a tale that literally walks readers all around northern Minnesota, it too serves double-duty. Krueger uses the land he loves, the trees and waters, rocks, and lichens as backdrop to a storyendthebutlurksterroration,sometimes-new-ageysometimes-spiritual,life-or-deathsituafinewhodunit,andareal-lifethatKruegerultimatelysaysbetweenhislines.Findoutmoreintheauthor’snote,don’treaditearlyoryou’llspoilnovelforyourself.Keepitfortheof“FoxCreek”andfirstenjoyathat’llkeepyouonyourtoes.
Trump stole top secret documents and lied about it. This criminal act involved thousands of stolen records. There were 46 empty folders that had contained classified documents. These are not the actions of a decent sane per son. Were the missing papers lost, destroyed, hidden, or sold? Now he vilifies the FBI and DOJ.
You hear footsteps.
Renae B. Vander Schaaf is an inde pendent writer, author and speaker. Contact her at (605) 530-0017 or v

it’s more than just Trump. The Republican Party decided that the coup attempt was of no importance. Now they criminalize girls, women and doctors with government forced birth ing laws. They make voting more diffi cult, ban books, and make second class citizens out of most everyone except straight white males. Their war on sci ence threatens the future of our planet with climate related catastrophes.
You know the screamy feeling you get when you breathlessly wake up, shocked from one of those chase dreams? Well, buckle up for the same — double-time inside “Fox Creek.”
By the time of the coup attempt
many top government officials were Trump appointees or loyalists. After the January 6 insurrection the phones of top government officials at the Secret Service, Defense Department, and the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement were wiped
The grocery store in Newkirk, Iowa (as did many other groceries) ran a peddle wagon through the country as farmers were just too busy to take off to go to town to purchase the few items they couldn’t grow themselves. This delivery route continued through many subsequent owners of the store. There are days when we are too busy to go to town, too; so I can see how farm fami lies benefited from this service.
The 1.217 billion bushel ending stocks would be a 10-year low. 2022-23 world ending corn stocks are forecast at 302.29 million metric tons. Conab this
The USDA announced they will update four weeks’ worth of export data on Sept. 15 after technical prob lems prohibited the release of the weekly export report since Aug. 25. Data for Aug. 18 and 25 will be on one report and data from Sept. 1 and 8 on another report.
The National Mediation Board has ordered rail roads and unions back to the bargaining table to avoid a possible Sept. 16 strike. Only seven of the 12 unions have reached voluntary agreements with the railroads. With harvest upon us, added disruptions to rail movement are not what we need or want.
Year Ago Average: $5.27 $12.38
In late harvesting years (and it looks like we’ll be in that category this year) the December/March corn carry tends to trade its widest level in early September. If it does trade wider in October, it’s by just a couple of cents. If you intend to carry hedged corn, you may want to consider moving your short hedges to the March between 6 and 8 cents. The U.S. Climate Prediction Center is giving the chance of La Niña to persist through January-March at 54 per cent. This could set up a less-than-ideal growing season for South America.
Corn market keeps inching higher
Grain prices are effective cash close on Sept. 13.
Outlook: Corn closed higher for the third consecu tive week. The December contract closed the week at its highest level since June. It was up 19.25 cents for the week at $6.85 and the March corn gained 18 cents this week at $6.89.25 per bushel. We’ll have to wait and see if the USDA sends us any curveballs on the 12th. Outside macro markets, U.S. harvest, and South American planting weather will be the focus moving forward; but with lots of empty storage to fill and shrinking ending stocks, the downside may be limited.TheChicago
And to add to the push for Argentine farmers to sell, their central bank announced farmers of a cer tain size who hold more than 5 percent of their production will be subject to higher financing costs of 120 percent of the latest Monetary Policy rate. The current rate is 69.3 percent, so the penalty rate would start at 83.4 percent. Both programs are aimed at increasing government revenues through the collection of export taxes.
Fergus Falls $6.82 -.14 $14.44 +.57
Morris $6.83 +.01 $14.49 +.52
The average trade estimates for the 2022-23 bal ance sheet include 51.5 bu./acre, 4.496 billion bushels of production, and harvested acres at 87.288 million acres. The U.S. ending stocks for 2021-22 are esti mated at 236 million bushels and 247 million bushels for 2022-23. World ending stocks are pegged at
The weekly ethanol report showed production up 19,000 barrels per day to 989,000 bpd and 7 percent higher than a year ago. Stocks were down 400,000 barrels at 23.1 million barrels and the largest oneweek decline since June. Net margins fell by 15 cents to 6 cents per gallon.
The following marketing analysis is for the week ending Sept. 9.
has halted natural gas supplies through the Nord Stream pipeline to the EU until the West eases Russian sanctions and/or repairs are made to a leak that Gazprom says Siemens Energy must fix. For whatever reason, Europe’s energy costs are sky rocketing, and consumers are trying to navigate how to absorb the extreme costs.
CORN — News was thin for traders when they returned from the Labor Day holiday. The U.S. dollar soared to fresh 20-year highs, the soy complex tanked, and corn and wheat struggled to hold early gains.Corn
Cash Grain Markets
Sleepy Eye $7.23 -.04 $14.79 +.57
St. Cloud $6.53 -.34 $14.24 -.74
corn continued to tease its 100-day MA technical resistance throughout the week before posting a strong technical close into the weekend.
The U.S. Department of Agriculture announced it will include an acreage review for corn, soybean, and other crops in the September report. Any updates are usually held for the October World Agriculture Supply and Demand Estimates report; but this year the USDA said they have data that is “sufficiently complete” to update the numbers in September. The September WASDE report is the first objective yield sample of the year for corn and soybeans.Theaverage trade estimates for the Sept. 12 WASDE report include: yield 172.5 bushels per acre, produc tion at 14.088 billion bushels, and harvested acres at 81.686 million acres. 2021-22 U.S. ending stocks are expected to be 1.547 billion bushels and for 2022-23 ending stocks are estimated at 1.217 billion bushels.
extended gains into Sept. 6 after Russian President Putin announced he wants to renegoti ate the safe corridor deal for grain to ship through the Black Sea. He feels Russia was misled on where the grain would go. Russia says the grain is not headed to the “poorest” coun tries for which the deal was intended to supply to avoid star vation. President Putin also said sanctions are impeding its grain and fertilizer exports. The state ment propelled wheat and corn prices higher with soybeans following. President Putin and the President of Turkey are scheduled to meet face to face in the coming week to discuss the situation. This puts the continuation of the safe corridor in doubt, but it may be used by Russia to push for sanction cuts imposed on it when they invaded
Jackson $6.58 -1.24 $14.30 +.21
corn/change* soybeans/change*
Cannon Falls $6.94 -.02 $14.89 +.19
Information in the above columns is the writer’s opinion. It is no way guaranteed and should not be interpreted as buy/sell advice. Futures trading always involves a certain degree of risk.
week cut its Brazilian corn production estimate to 113.3 mmt from 114.7 mmt and vs. the USDA’s August estimate of 116 mmt. The September USDA corn yield hasn’t been below the trade estimate since 2011.Rising
Stewartville $6.96 .00 $15.18 +.52
Hope $7.28 .09 $14.73 +.47
Redwood Falls $7.33 +.09 $14.78 +.40
Tracy $7.30 +.03 $14.31 +.24
SOYBEANS — The big news in the soy complex to begin the holiday-shortened week was the new “soy bean dollar” exchange rate in Argentina. In its effort to raise hard currency reserves, farmers will be offered an exchange rate of $AR200 through Sept. 30 vs. the official rate of $AR140. This is intended to make soybean sales more attractive to growers. Through August, Argentina farmers were estimated to have sold only 52 percent of this year’s soybean production. The new rate did what it was intended to do. Argentine farmers sold a reported 114 million bushels of soybeans in the first three days after the announcement which was about five times the sales of the previous week. China was there to collect the windfall, buying soybeans at a supposedly 45-cent discount to U.S. soybeans.
Grain Outlook
Mercantile Exchange is changing the trading hours for mini contracts beginning Oct. 2. The mini contract’s new closing time will be 1:20 p.m. (central time) vs. the current 1:45 p.m. closing time.
*Cash grain price change represents a two-week period.
Average: $7.07 $14.59
PAGE 8 — “Where Farm and Family Meet” THE LAND — SEPTEMBER 16, 2022
fertilizer prices in the United States should help support deferred corn prices. Soaring natural gas prices have cut Europe’s ammonia production by two-thirds. Despite the higher fertilizer prices, Brazil’s corn production this coming year is expected to climb 13 percent to its highest in seven years, and soybean production to increase 24 percent to nearly 154Gazprommmt.
Madison $7.13 -.12 $14.44 +.41

Edgerton $7.83 +.31 $14.44 +.31
• $4.95 billion for the Regional Conservation Partnership Program (RCCP). RCCP involves NRCS partnering with landowners and private entities on larger conservation projects.
The IRA legislation also included $10 million for new grants to support advanced biofuels and $5 million for the Environmental Protection Agency to
An additional $5.3 billion in farm debt relief will go to “distressed” borrowers who hold direct or guar anteed Farm Service Agency loans — including $2.2 billion targeted toward farmers who had expe rienced discrimination when applying for or during the administration of USDA farm loan programs. These payments would be capped at $500,000 per producer. Some of these program provisions were previously passed under the American Rescue Plan in 2021, which has been held up in court proceed ings.
• $3.25 billion for the Conservation Stewardship Program (CSP). CSP provides farm operators 5-year incentive payments to implement new conservation practices.
The Inflation Reduction Act has been quite con troversial and politically divisive, due to some of the provisions contained in the legislation and the rath er large price tag of the legislation. We are in the very early stages of the implementation process for the IRA legislation. However, it does appear there will be funding for climate related energy and con servation projects and programs, as well as health care initiatives, which could impact farm operators and rural residents.
The IRA legislation is a $740 billion tax, climate and health care reconciliation package, including over $370 billion targeted toward climate-smart projects and renewable energy spending over the next ten years (2022-2031). Based on early analysis, there would be nearly $44 billion in the IRA legisla tion to fund agricultural conservation, rural devel opment and forestry programs.
Kent Thiesse is a government farm programs ana lyst and a vice president at MinnStar Bank in Lake Crystal, Minn. He may be reached at (507) 726-2137 or v

It may take some time for USDA and the other Federal agencies to roll out the full implementation of these programs — some of which will be an expansion to existing programs and others may be new programs. On the surface, it does not appear there will be a large tax impact on most rural resi dents. However, we do not know what effect that the increased IRS audits and potential future taxes may have on farmers and other small businesses in rural areas.
complete data collection on greenhouse gas emissions through the Renewable Fuels Standards program.
The IRA legislation includes several provisions to enhance the production and promote the use of elec tric vehicles, including EV tax credits.
Some ag provisions included in the Inflation Reduction Act
The IRA legislation calls for greenhouse-gas emis sions to be reduced to 44 percent below 2005 levels by 2030, which was enhanced from a 35 percent reduction under previous federal policy.
The legislation contains $500 million in new fund ing to add blender pumps and other biofuels infra structure; and extends the $1.00 per gallon blenders tax credit for biomass-based diesel fuel through 2024 and would then replace that tax credit with a new tax credit based on the biofuel’s carbon rating.
Conservation funding and provisions in the IRA legislation
There were also several agriculture-related rural energy and biofuel provisions in the IRA legislation.
By Kent Thiesse
It provides $9.7 billion specifically targeted toward rural cooperatives for assistance with rural electric systems to purchase renewable energy, to upgrade renewable energy and zero emissions sys tems, to improve storage systems, and to enhance carbon capture, as well as other initiatives.
The Land
Approximately $19.7 billion, or about 45 percent of the total IRA funding allocated toward agriculture and rural devel opment programs is targeted toward existing conservation programs on work ing farmland. All of these conservation programs are currently included under the Conservation Title (Title II) of the Farm Bill. The current Farm Bill is set to expire in 2023, so it is not known how this new conservation funding will dovetail into the exist ing conservation funding when the next Farm Bill is written. It should be noted that the IRA legislation did not provide any additional funding related to the popular Conservation Reserve Program.
There is considerable disagreement on whether the IRA legislation will actually meet the goal of reducing the Federal deficit and controlling infla tion. However, analysts do project the IRA will gen erate approximately $700 billion in new revenue over the next ten years (2022-2031). The revenue enhancement will come via a 15 percent minimum corporate tax for large corporations, a 1 percent excise tax on the value of stock buy backs and increased Internal Revenue Service enforcement efforts. The 15 percent minimum tax would be on the income that large corporations (over $1 billion in profits) report to their shareholders. It is esti mated this change will only affect about 150 corpo rations in the United States. The IRS will receive $80 million through the IRA legislation to boost tax audit capacity by adding up to 87,000 IRS employ ees, which is projected to generate over $200 billion in added income taxes which are legally owed.
In late August, President Biden signed the “Inflation Reduction Act of 2022” (IRA) into law. The IRA was previously passed by the U.S. Senate by a slim mar gin and later approved by the U.S. House of Representatives. In both Houses of Congress, the IRA Bill passed along party lines with support from Democratic members of Congress and opposition from Republican members of Congress. The opposition was largely due to the rather large cost of the legislation and questions as to whether the legisla tion could accomplish all the goals and objectives that were set forth in promoting the bill.
THE LAND — SEPTEMBER 16, 2022 — “Where Farm and Family Meet” PAGE 9

• $8.45 billion over 10 years for the Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP). EQIP provides farm operators and ranchers incen tive payments to enhance conservation efforts.
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• $1.4 billion for the Agricultural Conservation Easement Program (ACEP). ACEP involves working with NRCS on specific long-term conservation efforts on working farmland.
The IRA legislation extends through the 2031 fed eral fiscal year. However, most of the expenditures for the conservation-related initiatives are sched uled to occur from 2023 to 2026. So, any additional funding for these conservation programs beyond 2026 may need to come through the Farm Bill or otherTherelegislation.areother provisions in the IRA Bill which could impact residents in rural America. $5 billion has been allocated for wildfire prevention and cli mate resiliency projects on public and private lands.
Th bill allocates approximately $3 billion for the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s “Rural Energy for America Program” (REAP) to fund programs that improve the technology and efficiency of producing, storing and delivering electrical energy resources in rural areas.
The bill also creates a temporary $1.25 per gallon tax credit for the production of sustainable aviation fuel to serve as a bridge until the new clean fuels tax credit is in place in 2025, which will be an incentive for SAF production through 2027.
The IRA Bill allows Medicare to negotiate the costs for some prescription drugs with the manufac turers and would cap the out-of-pocket drug costs for some seniors enrolled in Medicare.
At the time of my visit, ASF was confirmed in 29 of the 32 provinces in the Dominican Republic. I learned that many of the piggybank farmers didn’t think ASF was really anything different than a usual sickness which caused their pigs to die. Veterinarians shared stories of entire villages losing their pigs, farm-by-farm because of a shared boar who spread ASF.
on a Rave 2 stair lift!
The Dominican government has worked directly with USDA and APHIS to address steps to take to eradicate ASF in the country. Dominican Republic’s Ministry of Agriculture provides veterinary techni cians to take samples and help confirm cases. The General Directorate for Livestock employs veteri narians who work directly with pig farmers across the country.
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Back home Drs. Culhane and Corzo assisted my development of information about alternative liveli hoods. Pig farmers in Eastern Europe and Africa who lost their herds were able to grow chickens, rabbits, goats or fish, so within the groups I met, we discussed the possibilities. We also plotted the pros and cons of a type of “cooperative” in a village where pig farmers would repopulate but specialize; set up sows and boars only on one farm and provide grow ing pigs to the other farmers. All of these sugges tions have potential, but the details need to be worked out and then financially incentivized — most likely by the government.
ers.PROGANA provided a simultaneous translation service for the entire project. Two translators and a tech guy set us up with ear buds daily. One transla tor spoke English into my earbud and the other translated my words into Spanish for the group. My high school Spanish skills were quickly revived and I relished the chance to (try to!) communicate with them in Español.
In many cases, the 20 percent of Dominican pig farmers who raise the majority of the country’s pork are vertically integrated with a company slaughter plant. They feed their pigs balanced rations and practice exclusion-type biosecurity, use artificial insemination, and have made significant invest ments in their operations.
That is worried about risking a fall
Governmental support
Because I was going to a place where ASF was active, I planned a wardrobe which would not return to the United States. Two of my colleagues, Dr. Marie Culhane and Dr. Cesar Corzo, helped me prepare for the project. Both had international pig experience and shared with me what to expect.
By April my work had morphed into a “Train-theTrainer” project wherein I would work with veteri narians and other agency personnel who would then take the message to the small pig farmers across the country. For me, it was a relief that I wouldn’t visit ASF-infected farms and pigs; but also a disap pointment I wouldn’t interact directly with those smallholder farmers.

The Dominican Republic has a population of about 10 million people and 1.9 million pigs. In the Dominican swine industry, roughly 20 percent of the pig farmers raise 80 percent of the pigs in U.S.-style “modern” facilities. Conversely, 80 percent of the pig
Those smallholder pig farm ers (80 percent of all pig farmers) are termed “Piggybank Farmers” because their pig operations provide a liquid funding source for their needs. If they have to pay school fees for their children, they sell a pig. If they need vehicle repairs, or to pay medical bills, they sell a pig. In many cases, these piggybank farmers’ pigs roam freely, and often there is a “vil lage boar” who is shared from herd to herd for breeding purposes. These farmers commonly feed their pigs garbage, and they obtain the garbage from Dominican hotels. The ASF outbreak has affected these pig farms the most.
I did meet some farmers out in the countryside at neutral locations. We traveled to Moca, in the
Reflections on a whirlwind Dominican Republic experience

Much of my Extension swine work since 2018 has included and revolved around biosecurity education and foreign animal disease preparedness. 2018 was the year when, in August, the swine world learned of the outbreak of African swine fever in China.

Dressed up in biohazzard gear, I spoke to veterinarians and swine technicians. The headphones I’m wearing helped with my limited Spanish skills.
I spent my first days teaching a large group of DIGEGA veterinarians and technicians. For three days we covered the basics of ASF, biosecurity, methods of teaching adults, and possible alternative livelihoods. The information was familiar to them, but they typically did not formally teach groups. My mission was to prepare them to take the message throughout the country to their provinces’ pig farm
The AmeriGlide Rave 2 stair lift is the ideal solution for anyone:

By Diane DeWitte

farmers raise 20 percent of the pigs on small farm or in backyard settings.
PAGE 10 — “Where Farm and Family Meet” THE LAND — SEPTEMBER 16, 2022 See SWINE & U, pg. 13
In late July 2021, ASF was confirmed in the northwest part of the Dominican Republic. A month later, it was positively identified in pigs in Haiti. The border between Haiti and the Dominican Republic is highly porous. Suddenly we were facing ASF in our hemisphere. The U. S. Department of Agriculture and its Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service already had a working arrange ment with the Dominican Republic to provide dis ease testing and assistance with their Classical Swine Fever outbreak. At the request of the Dominican Republic government and health offi cials, USDA and APHIS began to assist with the issues surrounding the new ASF outbreak.
UniversityofMinnesota EXTENSION

With my Farmer to Farmer and PROGANA hosts, I toured the national laboratory, LaVeCen, where the USDA has assisted expansion of the lab which tests for ASF. I met Dominican and U.S. technicians who process 600 samples per day with the capabili ty of handling 2,000 daily in a 24-hour turnaround time. We also visited JAD (Junta Agroempresarial Dominicana), the 40-year-old ag production coopera tive and trade organization where one of their team members is currently developing a livestock biose curity certification program for Dominican farmers.
Piggyback farmers
Fast forward to mid-March 2022. Farmer to Farmer, a US-AID funded program at Partners of the Americas, was seeking a volunteer to work in the Dominican Republic for 15 days in April. The project focused on teaching smallholder pig farmers about ASF and biosecurity. I submitted my applica tion and learned they wanted me in the Dominican Republic in mid-April.
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throughout his college years,” Dave said. “Becker Angus became more of a generational family operation about decade ago when his family moved back to the area.”
However, Dave and the rest of the family thought the 2022 sale was a suc cess and they received a lot of compli ments on the quality of their animals. As a result they are planning a 2023 sale.“At next year›s sale, people can expect there will be more potential calving ease sires with performance that they can keep their heifers to build their herd around,” Dave says of the sale scheduled for the second weekend of March of 2023.
“It is all a balancing act,” he says. “As a rule, if the cow milks too much she won›t hold condition and has a less of a chance to breed back in your breeding time frame. If she doesn’t milk enough she gets too fat and the calf does not grow as big as his contemporary group.”
Dave, who showed livestock when he was in 4-H, had some Angus cows when he was in high school. His dad also had some registered Angus cows. But he didn’t get serious about the breed until the late 1990s.
“I always wanted to have a produc tion sale, but just did not have enough cows at the time,” Dave said. “In March of this year we had our first annual production sale. It was definitely a learning experience and a lot of work.”
calves hit the ground up and sucking in no time with lots of vigor I had forgot ten how nice that was like back when I was 15 or 16.”
That calving experience caused Dave (who says he has nothing against Simentals) to return to his Angus roots.
They have also been doing embryo implants for the last nine years, Dave says.Another trait Dave and Rose selected for was docility. That allowed their chil dren and grandchildren to show their cattle with confidence.
ASKOV, Minn. — When Dave Becker’s grandchildren won a passel of ribbons at the Pine County fair in early August, he was understandably beam ing with grandfatherly pride. What grandfather wouldn’t be?
While the children were growing up, Dave worked for the Minnesota Department of Transportation. During that time, the Beckers had 40 regis tered cow/calf pairs. When he retired, after 32 years, he begin expanding the herd. Around that time, Brian and his family joined the operation.
With that initial purchase, Dave aimed to build a top-quality herd of registered Angus cattle. As he and Rose carefully built up that herd, they were looking for certain characteristics in their cows.

Photos submitted
Developing a registered Angus herd is ‘a balancing act’
“My 11-year-old granddaughter, Natalie, won reserve overall in 4-H and in open class with her registered Angus yearling heifer and grand champion for junior showmanship,” he said.
By TIM KING The Land Correspondent
“I sold about three commercial cows to buy one registered Angus,” he said. “For me it is always about quality over quantity. My Dad always said it costs the same amount of feed to raise a good one as does a bad one!”
“I kept a Simental heifer that I showed in 1977 in 4-H,” he said. “She was the matron dam of my commercial herd up until 1998. In 1996 I used a registered Angus bull on my mostly Simental cross herd. He was an AAR New Trend son. When his first set of
Looking to the future, the Beckers would like to add 25 more cows sometime soon; and they are building more fencing and improved paddocks to accommodate their growing rotational ly-grazed herd. They have additional plans now that the second generation has joined the enterprise.
But the success of Becker’s grandchil dren (including grandsons Jonathan and Matthew) in the 4-H show ring goes beyond ordinary and justifiable grandpa pride. That’s because Dave and his wife Rose started building the herd of ribbon-winning registered Black Angus cattle a quarter of a cen tury ago. Seeing his grandchildren enjoying the results of a thoughtful breeding program brings Dave and Rose a lot of pride.
“It seems to split to the north and south of us this year,” he said.
The Beckers are feeding some hay again this year and the cattle are in good condition; but Dave says things are not much better than last year as the rain dissipates before it reaches their farm in east central Minnesota.
Eleven year old Natalie Becker (back right) is shown with her prize winning Becker Angus calf, Jasmine; and nine year old Jonathan Becker with his calf Honey.
“For an example, if you use a bull with extreme calving ease you will have a tiny calf born that has no perfor mance. Or if you choose a bull with calves that have a weaning weight that is extremely high, you will generally have a very big calf at birth.”
“Now my wife and I — along with Brian and his wife Rebecca — run about 100 registered Angus cow/calf pairs,” Dave said. “We own 240 acres and rent about the same amount. Our herd is a maternal herd with perfor mance. I was very pleased with their ability to keep flesh on with the drought that we had last year.”
Dave and Rose Becker run about 100 cow/calf pairs of registered Angus on their farm near Askov, Minn.
“Brian has always been a part of the farm since a very young age and even
Dave says he expects Brian and Rebecca to take over complete manage ment of Beckers Angus sometime in the not-too-distant future. Meanwhile, he’s happy to talk Angus genetics, and the ins and outs of the cattle business, with anybody interested in getting started raising cattle. Becker Angus’ website is v
The Beckers have used artificial insemination for the last two decades as they continue to work to improve their Becker Angus herd. Dave says they look closely at Expected Progeny Differences, or EPDs. He says they work to avoid extremes.
“At first I was looking for confirma tion, structural correctness, and perfor mance,” he said. “Then as time went by, we worked on maternal characteristics, functionality, and calving ease with performance.”Becker’sgoal has always been cows with good mothering ability and ade
quate milk — with calves that are vig orous and good sized at weaning. He also has been selecting for cattle with feet and legs that are able to cover ground and move smoothly.
Educational and financial assistance to the piggy bank farmers can help them get through the ASF disasterEducation
Improvement in transport biosecurity is needed
Contact Nick Schiltz •
SWINE & U, from pg. 10
THE LAND — SEPTEMBER 16, 2022 — “Where Farm and Family Meet” PAGE 13 NYSTROM, from pg. 8

Heat treatment of garbage fed to pigs is an impor tant management step
of this will be simple or quick. Currently, Farmer to Farmer and US-AID are working to put together additional Extension education-type proj ects to assist piggybank farmers and to work with cooperatives.WhileInever
We build the foundation for tomorrow’s farmers, business professionals, economists, scientiests, technicians, agronomists, analysts, and more.
A member of Minnesota State.
price changes in December wheat for the week ended Sept. 9: Chicago wheat up 58.5 cents at $8.69.5, Kansas City up 51.5 cents at $9.29.25, and Minneapolis up 37.5 cents at $9.27.5 per bushel. v
Here’s the winner of one of the door prizes I brought with me from Minnesota.
made it to a sunny Dominican beach, I spent two fantastic weeks working with wonderful Dominican people who care about pig farming as much as I do!
the two-week project I delivered the message, tailored to the specific audience of the day, including a Zoom call with an association of large modern-style pig farmers, AGROGRANJA. In total I made contact with 173 different producers, veteri narians and technicians.
Development of an ASF vaccine may be a key in eradicating ASF in the Dominican Republic and HaitiNone
Trucks sanitation and truck driver biosecurity education is crucial
DIGEGA veterinarians are ready and willing to spread the message to their pig farmers
of young students will set the stage for avoiding an outbreak in another 40 years
Outlook: If we are headed to a record soybean crop for the second year in a row and negative sea sonals for late September, rallies may be limited in the near term. For the week, November soybeans were down 8.25 cents at $14.12.25 and the January contract fell 7.75 cents at $14.17.5 per bushel. The September WASDE report will provide short-term direction, but the harvest will come quickly, and we’ll see if U.S. growers are inclined to sell. South American weather will gain in importance with Brazilian soybean planting allowed to begin on Sept.

Later that same week we traveled east to La Romana to present the message to a group of pro ducers and slaughterhouse personnel from the ver tically integrated company AGROCARNE. Their company veterinarian brought everyone to the meeting, including the truck driver. In every meet ing, it was mightily apparent that truck cleanliness and biosecurity is a chink in the armor which needs to be Throughoutfixed.
Throughout the project these important elements reappeared:
Establishment of a livestock census in the DR will help the government know exactly how many ani mals it is dealing with
The cost of shipping soybeans from Iowa or Mato Grosso, Brazil to China is now about equal, according to the USDA. Brazil’s investment in its infrastruc ture is paying off. This, combined with a strong U.S. dollar, hinders our competitive edge even through harvest.!
Espaillat province, which hosts the highest popula tion of pigs in the country, nearly 250,000. When I visited, they had already eliminated 10 percent of their pigs because of the ASF outbreak. The farm ers at the meeting were mid-sized producers who understood the importance of biosecurity practices and were open to the idea of sow farm cooperatives.
The Future of Agriculture Begins Here.
Diane DeWitte is an Extension Educator specializ ing in swine for the University of Minnesota Extension. Her e-mail address is v

101.19 mmt. Conab increased its estimate for Brazil’s soybean crop from 124 mmt to 125.6 mmt and vs. USDA at 126 mmt.
Chinese Covid lockdowns curtail soy buys
Reflections and results
More Covid lockdowns in China have called demand into question. After the Labor Day weekend, it was estimated that 65 cities in China covering 300 mil lion people were either in partial or full lockdown. China’s soybean imports from January through August were 67.1 mmt, down 8.6 percent from the same time frame last year.
Remuneration for pig farmers is critical
RE MEM BER , HE CREATED YO U FO RT HI S. Don’t be afraid. Just believe. Mark 5:36 PAGE 14 — “Where Farm and Family Meet” THE LAND — SEPTEMBER 16, 2022 THE LAND — SEPTEMBER 16, 2022 — “Where Farm and Family Meet” PAGE 15

Cash U.S. butter set a new record high in the Labor Day holiday shortened week, with one Sept. 9 sale soaring to $3.1825 per pound. It closed at $3.17, up 7 cents on the week, besting the Sept. 25, 2015 record by 3.5 cents, and is $1.385 above that week a year ago. There were 17 sales reported on the week at the Chicago Mercantile Exchange.
StoneX reminds us the 2015 record lasted for just one day. Three days later the price had dropped by 51 cents, to $2.625. That obviously didn’t happen this week, but their warning remains: “Big prices can result in big price swings.”
Western retail cheese demand was unchanged in domestic markets. Food service is trending higher, with increased mozzarella sales to pizza makers.
Mexico remained the top destination and saw the largest year-over-year gain of any country, up 17 percent with a 31 percent market share, according to HighGround Dairy. South Korea was the secondlargest destination, followed by Japan. Cheese imports were down 14.1 percent from July 2021.
The CME cheddar blocks closed Sept. 9 at $1.9175 per pound. This is up 15.25 cents on the week (the highest since July 27) and 12.75 cents above a year ago. The barrel’s Sept. 9 finish was at $1.9325,
Dry whey exports were up for the second month in a row, totaling 43.3 million pounds, up 11.6 percent — though year-to-date they are down 13.9 percent.
By Lee Mielke
Domestically produced cheese is competitively priced for international markets, and contacts say this is contributing to strong demand. Cheese mak ers are running near capacity, though some plants reported lighter output due to continuing labor shortages and delayed deliveries of production sup plies.Grade
To no one’s surprise, nonfat dry milk shipments were down, coming in at 142.8 million pounds. This is down 9.7 percent from last year’s impressive sum, according to Fuess, and was the weakest of any month since February. Mexico remained the top powder destination, but showed the largest yearover-year decline, down 14 percent. Some of the loss
Meanwhile, July U.S. dairy exports continued to impress. HighGround Dairy’s Lucas Fuess reported details in the Sept. 12 “Dairy Radio Now” broadcast.
implemented yet another zero-Covid lockdown, this time in Chengdu, another of the country’s biggest cities, putting future dairy pur chases in limbo.
whey closed the week at 45.75 cents per pound, three-quarter cents lower and 7.25 cents below a year ago, with nine sales reported on the week at the CME.
Butter manufacturers tell Dairy Market News most things at the operational level are unchanged — despite the record high prices. Butter demand is steady. “Customers are hesitant, but markets have shown few signs of backsliding coming into the busiest butter season of the year.”
Global values of butter are notably lower than domestic values, but are starting to pivot upward as well. Questions remain as to large-scale end users looking at freight availability and cost differentials of bringing in butter from New Zealand.
This column was written for the market ing week ending Sept. 9.

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This week’s Global Dairy Trade auction reversed five consecutive drops in its weighted average, jumping 4.9 percent. This is the highest gain since March 1, a period which saw 10 sessions of loss to only three gains. Traders brought 59.8 million pounds of product to market, down from 66.9 mil lion on Aug. 16. The average metric ton price climbed to $4,007 U.S. per metric ton, up from $3,768.Theascent was led by anhydrous milkfat, up 13.9 percent after leading the declines last time with a 9.8 percent drop. Butter was up 3.3 percent following a 0.2 percent gain. Whole milk powder was up 5.1 percent after dropping 3.5 percent in the last GDT and its average was up $195 per metric ton from the last Pulse event. Skim milk powder was up 1.5 percent after inching 0.1 per cent higher. Cheddar was up 1 percent following a 4.2 percent rise. Buttermilk powder was the only decline, down 5.1 percent. It did not trade in the lastStoneXevent.Dairy
totaled 82.2 million pounds, up 1.6 percent, but topped those of a year ago for the 13th consecutive month and the strongest July on record, says HighGround Dairy.
July butter imports grew to a record 12 million pounds, up 51 percent from a year ago, with year-todate up 10.9 percent, as the high U.S. price acts as a magnet for imports that may bring prices back down; but those imports be needed to satisfy domes tic
Butter exports saw the biggest gain, up 77.7 per cent from July 2021. Volume only totaled 13.4 mil lion pounds, small compared to domestic usage, Fuess said, but impressive nonetheless. The July total was the highest since March and the largest July shipments since 2013. Top destinations includ ed Canada, Bahrain, and South Korea. Butter exports are up 31.7 percent year-to-date.
Group says the GDT 80 percent but terfat butter price equates to $2.3760 per pound U.S., up 7.3 cents from the last event, and compares to CME butter which closed Sept. 9 at what is likely
three-quarter cents higher on the week, 45.5 cents above a year ago, and just 1.5 cents above the blocks. Sales totaled three cars of Midwesterneach.cheesemakers reported
A nonfat dry milk closed at $1.575 per pound Sept. 9, up 5.5 cents on the week and 21.75 cents above a year ago. There were 34 sales on the week.Dry
a world-high $3.17 per pound. GDT cheddar, at $2.2889, was up 1.9 cents, and compares to Sept. 9’s CME block cheddar at a bargain $1.9175. GDT skim milk powder averaged $1.6215 per pound, up from $1.5984, and whole milk powder averaged $1.6374 per pound, up from $1.55. CME Grade A nonfat closed Sept. 9 at $1.575 per pound.
“off-kilter buying” due to the price inver sion as barrels hold a premium to the blocks. Most cheesemakers say business is steady or picking up. Some continue to be behind on orders and are limiting them. Milk availability at mid-week was somewhat different than other holiday shortened weeks, as spot milk dis counts were not being offered, says Dairy Market News.
U.S. dairy exports continue to look healthy
North Asia’s market share was “abysmal” in this event, reported StoneX, and the lowest value since March of 2020, falling well below both the last event and year-ago levels, thanks primarily to China. Southeast Asia, Middle East, and Europe picked up purchases, bringing their market share levels higher than year-ago levels as well as the lastChinaevent.has
High temperatures in the west are lowering farm milk production and component content. Demand for cream is steady to lighter, as some Class II pro ducers are running lighter schedules. Cream inven tories remain tight, though some contacts reported increased availability this week. Butter churns are active. Some plant managers say limited tanker availability and labor shortages are preventing them from increasing output. Demand for butter is unchanged in retail and food service markets. Bulk sales are strong and inventories remain tight. Some contacts are limiting deliveries to customers to help fulfill near-term commitments.
“We’re dry again.” The Land spoke with Matt Erickson on Sept. 8 as he reported the last rain was 10 days ago when an inch of rain fell. “The crops are starting to mature.”
Silage harvest is just starting in the area. “The silage crop is average.”

“Beans are starting to turn colors.” The Land spoke with Scott Winslow on Sept. 9 as he reported he plans to start harvesting soybeans in a couple of weeks. “The (May) corn is looking good.” Winslow
Johnson may combine corn first this year, depending on when the beans are to go. It’s starting to feel like fall with temperatures in the 60s next week. “I’m ok with not getting the heat; we don’t need to bake to the finish line. If we could get some rain, that would really help.”
expects to combine that corn in three to four weeks. “The June corn is coming along really good.” He is a little concerned the corn ran out of nitrogen due to all the rain over the summer.
The corn is doing well. Erickson plans to start chopping silage corn in a couple of weeks; the grain corn harvest won’t be for a while. “We still need the month of September.” He expects to combinesoybean in October. That would be the average harvest date for both corn and beans.
“The corn looks excellent.” Roelofs expects to combine corn in the second or third week of

Johnson’s field corn is showing some of the effects of the lack of moisture.
Sept. 8
to have the bins fixed and ready to go in time for harvest in a few weeks.
Fall temperatures have made an appearance. “A few cold days, some rain com ing this weekend.” The farm received 2.3 inches of rain the last weekend of August.
On the livestock side, he sold a semi-load of pigs this week. He will sell two more semi-loads next week. “It’s going to be a busy one to two weeks.”

Harvest is right around the corner, and Johnson is ready to see what the crops have been up to. “I still feel optimistic. There’s a lot more variability seen from the air than just walk ing the field.” v
Bob GardenRoelofsCity, Minn.

Harvest is almost here, and Winslow isn’t as confident in the crops as he once was. “I don’t think we’ll have the yields the farmers were expecting.” v
themselves. The hillsides are showing signs of washing. “Where it’s good, it’s really good. We are managing our expectations.”
“This heat has sped things up for sure.” The Land spoke with Bob Roelofs on Sept. 8 as he reported the crops were turning fast. There are 30 acres of soybeans that are ready to be harvested. With a chance of rain tomorrow, Roelofs isn’t sure that he’ll be able to get the beans off in the next few days. The later variety soybeans won’t be ready for another two and a half weeks.
Cooler temps have farmers thinking harvest
2013 VANGUARD 38 ft x 102 in 104” tall, Air Suspension, Air Brakes 65%, Drums 70%, Front & Rear tires 50%, Roll up rear door, curb side door, wood floor, aluminum roof, lined walls, 2 row etracking, small access door along bottom of side walls, Helland lift gate, 3 aluminum boxes under body on each side, 68,000lb For Sale Price $11,000 2004 INTERNATIONAL 9400 Clean frame, decent paint, interior good condition, dash intact not busted, jake, cruise, heated mirrors, air ride seats, steers 40%, all drives 90% except for back right (50%) For Sale Price $21,500 2004 WABASH VAN Dr y Van Trailers Steel rims, original tires, air brakes 80%, drums 80%, exterior condition good, some scratches outside name is painted over, doors ok, interior condition good, tires on left side 90%, back right axle 90%, front right 60%, oak floor, translucent roof lined walls, e-tracking Call For Price 2012 GREAT DANE REEFER Steel rims, Front & Rear Tires 50%, brakes good, some scrapes & scratches, not much rust clean underneath, deck in good condition, Carrier unit 2,100A, ribbed floor, very good shape inside, SS rear door frame CALL FOR PRICE 2004 INTERNATIONAL 9400 Conventional Truck w/ Sleeper Clean frame, decent paint, interior good condition, dash intact not busted, jake, cruise heated mirrors, air ride seats, steers 40%, all drives 90% except for back right (50%) Price:USD $21,500 1999 TIMPTE STANDARD HOPPER Hopper / Grain Trailers Just in, standard hoppers, virgin rubber, electric tarp, 2 spd openers, load gauge and dump valve, newer tarp Price:USD $15,000 THE LAND — SEPTEMBER 16, 2022 — “Where Farm and Family Meet” PAGE 17 FROMFIELDSTHECompiledbyKRISTIN KVENO, The LandStaffWriter 2022

Erickson has been busy making hay. “It’s a slow process.” The Sorghumsudangrass planted in July is now thigh-high. Erickson is happy with how far the cover crop has come — even with the lack of significant moisture for most of the summer.
The temperatures are starting to dip, with days in the 60s this past week. There is a chance of rain tonight; otherwise, no other moisture is in the forecast. Erickson is hoping that the weather cooperates, allowing no freezing temps at night. This has been a growing season full of dry conditions, but it won’t be known until harvest what the lack of rain means for yields this year. v
Scott Sept.Fountain,WinslowMinn.9
Johnson is still tracking white mold in some of her bean fields. “The beans are short, but there’s a lot of pods. It’s hard to know what there is out there for bushels.”
to getting equipment ready for harvest, Roelofs has been attending Farm Bureau meetings this week all over the state.
there’s rain in the forecast, there hasn’t been much moisture in the last two weeks; there has been no real, measurable rain on the Roelofs farm. With the rain earlier in the sum mer, though, Roelofs is not concerned about the recent lack of moisture. “We’re sitting fine for
With leaves already changing on the farm, beans turning and meetings abound, it definitely is starting to feel like fall on the farm. v
Leah Sept.Evansville,JohnsonMinn.8Sept.Fertile,EricksonMinn.8
Winslow is gearing up for harvest by checking the equipment and taking one last look at crops for any signs of disease. There is plenty of tar spot showing up late in the area. Winslow doesn’t expect the yields to take a hit because of it, but it could hurt the test weight. He has seen pockets of sudden death syndrome in one field of beans; the yield will be down there.
“We just got a lot of variabilities.” Some of the corn plants are cannibalizing
“Things are going well.” The Land spoke with Leah Johnson on Sept. 8 as she reported the bins damaged in a storm earlier this sum mer are getting new roofs. Johnson is relieved

Nonfatago.dry milk output slipped to 165.7 million pounds, down 3.6 million pounds or 2.1 percent from June, but was up a hefty 27.9 million pounds or 20.2 percent from a year ago. Year-todate, powder was at 1.3 billion pounds, down 4.4 percent.
Mozzarella output jumped to 393.3 million pounds, up 5 percent from a year ago, with year-to-date at 2.7 bil
Cheese output is up, but butter, yogurt, dry milk down
July cheese output totaled 1.158 bil lion pounds, up 0.5 percent from the June total which was revised down 5 million pounds, but was up 1.1 percent from July 2021. Output year-to-date stands at 8.1 billion pounds, up 2.2 percent from a year ago.
Exports continue through the Cooperatives Working Together. Member cooperatives accepted four offers of export assistance this week that helped them capture sales of 3.2 million pounds of American-type cheese. The product is going to cus tomers in Asia, Middle East-North Africa and Oceania, through February.
Year-to-date, Italian stands at 3.4 bil lion pounds, up 3.3 percent.
”overtly bearish.” n StoneX reported on Sept. 8 that Russian President Putin proposed adding limits to the Ukraine grain export deal, threatening to halt all energy supplies to Europe as well. The export agreement is up for renewal in late November and Turkey’s president, who helped orchestrate the deal, echoed Putin’s grain export complaint, looking for Ukraine grain to go to “richer” countries and wanting to facilitate additional Russian exports, according to StoneX.
Make Check payable to The Land Mail to: The Land • 418 South Second Street • Mankato, MN 56001 To pay with a credit card call 507-345-4523 I’ll pick up my order $5.00. Pick up order at The Free Press, 418 S. Second Street, Mankato Quantity:_____x $5.00 = $_________total Ship my order to me $5.00 and $2.00 shipping & handling per calendar. Order will be shipped to the address below. Quantity:_____x $7.00 = $_________total StateCityAddressName Zip Phone Select option:an Buy your 2023 Almanac Calendar! Complete coupon below and enclose with check. Only $500+$2S&H PAGE 18 — “Where Farm and Family Meet” THE LAND — SEPTEMBER 16, 2022 MIELKE, from pg. 16
Italian cheese output totaled 491.5 million pounds, up 1.9 percent from June and 2.3 percent above a year ago.
powder output hit 50.8 million pounds, up 5.6 million pounds or 12.4 percent from June, but was down 13.6 million or 21.1 percent from a year ago. Year-to-date, skim milk powder was at 276.2 million pounds, down 24.9 percent from 2021. StoneX called the Dairy Products report
Wisconsin remains the biggest cheese producer, followed by California, then Idaho, New Mexico, New York, Minnesota, Pennsylvania, Iowa, Ohio, and Vermont.
By all accounts, in July, New Zealand’s milk production dropped a massive 5.5 percent on volume basis, says Dairy Market News, compared to the same period the previous year. As such, the New Zealand 2022-23 milk production forecast at the moment has been downgraded from up 0.4 percent to minus 2.2 percent compared to the last season.
Dairy Products report shows where that milk went.
The strong cheese production meant plenty of whey. Dry whey output climbed to 85.7 million pounds, up 5.5 million pounds or 6.9 percent from June, and 4.7 million or 5.8 percent above a year ago. Year-to-date, whey is at 566.8 million pounds, up 3.1 per cent.Dry
Rain-soaked pastures have thus far accompanied New Zealand’s new sea son, supporting declines in the avail able dairy commodities. Very wet conditions occurred in the North Island throughout July. Milk collections were down 3.5 percent. South Island rain fall has been heavy, but July milk col lections were up 9.7 percent.
You’ll recall preliminary U.S. Department of Agriculture data showed July milk production was up 0.2 percent from July 2021. The July

Stocks climbed to 336.7 million pounds, up 19.4 million pounds or 6.1 percent from June and were up 22.9 million pounds or 7.3 percent above a year
Keep in mind, butter stocks in July were down over 82 million pounds or 20.1 percent from a year ago. There’s a reason butter prices are where they are.Yogurt output totaled 377.2 million pounds, down 6 percent from a year ago, with year-to-date output at 2.7 billion pounds, down 3.2 percent.
American-type cheese totaled 467.9 million pounds, up 1.5 percent from June and 0.1 percent above a year ago.
Lee Mielke is a syndicated columnist who resides in Everson, Wash. His weekly column is featured in newspa pers across the country and he may be reached at v
CWT’s 2022 sales now total 70.1 million pounds of American-type cheeses, 459,000 pounds of butter, 29.8 million pounds of whole milk powder and 7.1 million pounds of cream cheese. The products were shipped to 18 countries and are the equivalent of 930 million pounds of milk on a milkfat basis.
July butter totaled 151.7 million pounds, down 8.5 million pounds or 5.3 percent from June, but up 4.6 mil lion or 3.1 percent from a year ago. Year-to-date, butter output is at 1.25 billion pounds, down 2.2 percent from a year ago.
was offset by gains to Southeast Asia, according to Fuess, including the Philippines and Indonesia.
Speaking of Ukraine, preliminary estimates from dairy officials within the country suggest dairy has dimin ished by about 15 percent, according to Dairy Market News. Milk output is seasonally trending lower in all of Eastern Europe, though some of the countries are ahead of last year’s out put, with war-torn Ukraine the excep tion.The Australian forecast indicates flat to moderate growth for the new season, as milk collections began by posting posted a 2.7 percent decrease compared to July a year ago. Dairy output has fallen every month in the 2021-22 period. Sources suggest that with continued low production and supply shortfalls expected in Australia, the competition between processors has picked up.
whey stocks totaled 69.4 million pounds, down 300,000 pounds or 0.4 percent from June; but were 2.3 million pounds or 3.4 percent above those a year
lion pounds, up 4.3 percent. Cheddar production, the cheese trad ed at the CME, slipped to 331.6 mil lion pounds, down 5 million pounds or 1.5 percent from the June total, which was revised up 3.1 million. It was also up 6.6 million pounds or 2 percent from July 2021. Year-to-date, cheddar is at 2.3 billion pounds, down 1.7 percent from a year ago.
Year-to-date output, at 3.3 billion pounds is down 0.1 percent.
As part of its “Stepping Up” promo tional effort, Blue Earth County Corn and Soybean Growers donated 70 pairs of Skechers soy-based GO shoes to workers at the Mankato Clinic. The shoes were distributed on Aug. 31.
“The campaign brings to light the importance of our frontline health care workers,” said Travis Stewart who serves as chair of the Blue Earth County Corn and Soybean Growers. “It is our way to say ‘thank you’ for all they do to support our community.”
Three hundred employees entered a drawing to win one of the 70 pairs of shoes.The Stepping Up campaign runs throughout the summer. The state wide effort strives to inform both farm ing and non-farming public on soy’s environmental advantages and the myriad uses of soybean oil. County leaders also want to show their appre ciation to health care workers in their community.
“Discovering ways to make product more sustainable is top of mind for Skechers,” said Kurt Stockbridge, Skechers vice president of Product Development and Innovation. “Though we were aware of the sustainable qual ities of soybean oil, we were surprised to learn what the oil could do to improve our outsole rubber performance.”
Minnesota farmers donate soy-based shoes to Mankato Clinic workers
“Mankato Clinic is honored to be chosen to receive a donation of Skechers soy-based shoes. We thank our local farmers for recognizing our staff who go the distance every day to care for our patients and community,” Keith Bauer, Mankato Clinic Human Resources director, said. “When we received news of the donation, we invit ed employees to enter a drawing to win a free pair of Skechers.”

“We know how much health care workers sacrifice for others in commu nities throughout Minnesota, especial ly in the past couple of years. I’ve seen it firsthand,” said Council Chair Joe Serbus, whose wife, Doreen, has worked in health care for more than 40 years. “This campaign is an investment in both value-added soybean products and in the selfless health care profes sionals who keep us safe and healthy.”
THE LAND — SEPTEMBER 16, 2022 — “Where Farm and Family Meet” PAGE 19
Subscribe to The Land! 2022 Subscription Form Please complete the form below. Sign and date, include your check and put it in the mail. I own or operate 80+ acres of Minnesota and/or Northern Iowa ag cropland, raise 25+ head of livestock or am actively involved in Fullagribusiness.YearVoluntary Subscription: $49 Other I do not qualify but would like a one-year subscription. Full Year Subscription: $49 Mail to: THE LAND 418 South Second Street • Mankato, MN 56001 Important – Please check all boxes that best match your farming operation. Acres 1-99 100-249 250-499 500-999 1000+ Corn Soybeans Alfalfa Wheat Sugar Beets TOTAL ACRES Livestock Head Data will NOT be sold. Hogs marketed 1-99 100-249 250-499 500-999 1000+ Sheep raised 1-99 100-249 250-499 500-999 1000+ Beef Cattle marketed 1-99 100-249 250-499 500-999 1000+ Dairy Cattle milked 1-50 51-99 100-199 200+ MailingName Address City, State, Zip Phone # E-mail SignatureAddress Date This form MUST BE signed and dated to meet postal regulations.
Blue Earth County is affiliated with the Minnesota Soybean Research and Promotion Council, a 15-person, farm er-led board that oversees the invest ment of checkoff dollars on behalf of the nearly 28,000 soybean farmers in Minnesota. The Council is governed by the rules of a federally mandated checkoff program requiring all soybean producers to pay a fee on the soybeans they sell. This money is used to pro mote, educate and develop market opportunities for soybeans. v
PAGE 20 —”Where Farm and Family Meet” THE LAND — SEPTEMBER 16, 2022 Phone 507-251-1103 Email - Website - AUCTION LAND AND BUILDING SITE HUTSON TRUST • MONICA & MAURICE HUTSON 10600 CTY RD. 17 SW • BYRON, MN 55920 158.55-Acres Productivity Index 79.3 141-Acres Tillable Average with Approx. Salem Township 60-Acres Greater than 90 P.I. Olmsted County, MN Building Site Parcel# 2670 Sq. Ft. Main Floor Walk-out Ranch Lower level unfinished Machine shed 60x40 1st Round Bids due by 11 a.m. Property Brokers of MN Sept. 20th, 2022 John Kronebusch Top 3 Bids will be invited to 12286 Whitewater Dr participate in 2nd round Altura, MN 55910 Bidding Closed at 11 a.m. 2518 Superior Dr. NW, Suite 103 Sept. 23rd, 2022 Rochester, MN 55901 License# 85-21-22

Alfalfa, mixed hay grass hay & wheat straw. Medium squares or round bales. Delivery available.
THE LAND — SEPTEMBER 16, 2022 — “Where Farm and Family Meet” PAGE 21 GO TO KERKHOFFAUCTION.COM TO VIEW FULL LISTINGS LandProz Real Estate LLC / 111 East Clark Street, Albert Lea, MN 56007 / 1-844-464-7769 Licensed in MN, IA, MO, SD, WI, IL, KS, OH, IN Broker Brian Haugen – MN, SD, IA, WI, IL, KS / Broker Greg Jensen – MN, IA / Broker Amy Willett – MO Broker Tim Young – OH / Broker Andrew Fansler – IN | LandProz Country Living Broker Amy Willett – MN, IA, MO, WI ONLINE BIDDING @SEPT 27 10:00 AM AUCTION LOCATION: MOOSE LODGE 1623 WEST MAIN STREET, ALBERT LEA, MN 56007 TRACT 1 • 150.03 +/- Deeded acres • 139.66 +/- Tillable acres • CPI of 93.6 • Completely pattern tiled • 1/2 of Wind Tower rights and payment TRACT 2 • 55.14 +/- Deeded acres • 50.18 +/- Tillable acres • CPI of 93.8 • Pattern tiled • Annual CRP payment of $740 [exp. 2025] • 1/2 of Wind Tower rights and payment FREEBORN COUNTY, MN LIVE LAND AUCTION 205.17 ACRES +/GREG JENSEN MN, IA LANDPROZ BRO KER / gregjensen@landproz.com507-383-1067AUCTIONEER SEC 28 & 33 IN HARTLAND TWP See Website for Terms - AUCTION #2376 MCGILL FARM SONNY JENSEN MN sonnyjensen@landproz.com507-402-9445AUCTIONEERLANDPROZ24-01 LandProz Real Estate LLC / 111 East Clark Street, Albert Lea, MN 56007 / 1-844-464-7769 Licensed in MN, IA, MO, SD, WI, IL, KS, OH, IN Broker Brian Haugen – MN, SD, IA, WI, IL, KS / Broker Greg Jensen – MN, IA / Broker Amy Willett – MO Broker Tim Young – OH / Broker Andrew Fansler – IN | LandProz Country Living Broker Amy Willett – MN, IA, MO, WI ONLINE BIDDING @SEPT 28 10:00 AM AUCTION LOCATION: AVERAGE JO’S BAR & GRILL 115 EAST 6TH STREET, BLUE EARTH, MN 56013 • 60 +/- Deeded acres • 56.42 +/- Tillable acres • CPI of 91.3 • Real Estate taxes $2,366 • Corn base: 25.96 / Yield: 169 • Bean base: 21.44 / Yield: 46 FARIBAULT COUNTY, MN LIVE LAND AUCTION 60 ACRES +/GREG JENSEN MN, IA gregjensen@landproz.com507-383-1067BROKERLANDPROZ/AUCTIONEER SEC 13 IN WINNEBAGO TWP See Website for Terms - AUCTION #2334 HALVERSON FARM SONNY JENSEN MN AU C T I O N S & F O R S A L E Only registered bidders may attend For property brochures, contact Hertz at 507-345-LAND (5263) WWW.HERTZ.AG 151 St. Andrews Court #1310, Mankato MN 56001
FOR SALE: Sukup 8” up right (vertical) auger, w/ 5 & 7 1/2hp electric motors, $3,000; Cushion box 8”, $400. 8”x54’ spouting, $800. All like new. 5 years old, come from the same bin, approximately 50k bushels run through. 507-327-6430

Interested parties should send a resume and writing sample to:
WANTED: Land & farms. I have clients looking for dairy, & cash grain opera tions, as well as bare land parcels from 40-1000 acres. Both for relocation & invest ments. If you have even thought about selling con tact: Paul Krueger, Farm & Land Specialist, Edina Re alty, 138 Main St. W., New Prague, MN (612)328-4506paulkrueger@edinarealty.com55372.

Paul Malchow, Managing Editor, THE LAND 418 South Second St., Mankato, MN 56001
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Farm Equipment

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Opening September 22 & Closing September 27 at 10AM
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OLMSTED COUNTY: Approx. 35 acres. MLS# 6160091
Steffes Auction Calendar 2022 For more info, call: 1-800-726-8609 or visit our website:
Jeff Luepke Farm and Hog Equipment Auction, Echo, MN, Timed Online Auction
Peyton Family Farm Estate Auction, Long Prairie, MN
Online Steffes Auction 9/21, Upper and Central Midwest Locations, Timed Online Auction
Online Hay Auction – Quality Tested, Litchfield, MN, Timed Online Auction
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Online Steffes Auction 10/12, Upper & Central Midwest Locations, Timed Online Auction
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Online Hay Auction – Quality Tested, Litchfield, MN, Timed Online Auction
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Online Hay Auction – Quality Tested, Litchfield, MN, Timed Online Auction
Opening September 14 & Closing September 21 12PM
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MOWER COUNTY: Approx. 233 acres. MLS# 6175747
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Opening October 21 & Closing October 25 at 12PM
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Opening September 20 & Closing September 27 at 10AM
Opening September 21 & Closing September 28 at 10AM
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FOR SALE: EZ trail model 500 grain cart, 18.4x26, 1000 PTO; JD 610 chisel plow, 11 shank; DMI 530B disk rip per, lead shanks, 5 augers.
Opening October 27 & Closing November 3 at 10AM
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Opening September 14 & Closing September 21 at 7PM
Opening September 16 & Closing September 21
Friday, October 7 at 10AM
Opening October 7 & Closing October 12 at 10AM
Transcan Motorsports Group Equipment Auction, West Fargo, ND, Timed Online Auction
Farm Equipment Estate Auction, Cosmos, MN, Timed Online Auction

MOWER COUNTY: Approx. 160 acres MLS# 6181690
2006 275 Case Magnum, 1 owner, 2700 act hrs; 2388 Case combine, 2800 sep hrs, 0 hrs on 30k rebuild; ‘08 bean & cornheads on trailers. 320-808-5723

Opening October 21 & Closing October 26 at 10AM
FOR SALE: 4 Westfield au gers, 3 electric; 1 Lowry holding bin w/ roof; Super B dryer; IH 1460 combine with 863 cornhead. Retired. 952-873-6483
Call The Land 507-345-4523at
Redwood County, MN Land Auction - 160± Acres, Morgan, MN, Timed Online Auction
Why hang on to stuff you don’t use? Put a line ad in The Land and sell those things for some extra cash. It makes sense.
Opening September 23 & Closing September 27 at 12PM
Opening September 14 & Closing September 22 at 7PM
Tractors: ‘49 JD D, fenders, straight tin, SN: 182281; ‘38 JD G, spoke rims, SN: G 3675; JD 420, gas, WF, lights, 3pt, 540 PTO, sng hyd, SN: 115156; JD MT, NF, 3pt; ‘35 JD A, open fan shaft, sold from Lafayette dealer, 1 owner, SN: 419646; ‘50 JD B, Roll o matic NF, lights, one owner, SN: 75096; ‘50 JD B, Roll o matic NF, lights, SN: 187587; ‘41 JD B, NF, elect. start, SN: 187587; ‘38 JD B, PTO, spoke rims, SN: 570 2; JD 50, Roll o matic NF, Behlen pwr steering, SN: 5017006; ‘46 JD LA, SN: 12087; JD H, NF, not running, SN: H10844; IH Farmall 856 tractor, 5700 hrs, diesel, WF, one owner, All Seasons cab, rock box, dual hyd, lights, 12 V system; ‘61 Farmall 560 tractor, 5053 hrs, NF w/ Dual loader, diesel, fenders, many new parts, 5 speed trans, fast hitch; Minneapolis Moline UTI Standard Industrial, WF, gas, SN: 6455296; Antique Sign, Engines & Implements: John Deere Farm Implements single sided porcelain sign, 3 legged deer, came out of the Lafayette dealer; JD LUC power unit 2 cyl engine off of a 12A combine; The Root & VanDervoort Co. Triumph Line 4 HP engine, 400 rpm, for JD Plow Co, in parts; McCormick Deering 2.5 HP gas engine, SN: AA325; ‘27 JD 3.5 HP gas engine, newer muffler, on cart; Briggs & Stratton 1 cyl engine; Maytag 2 cyl washing machine engine; ‘34 JD 1.5 HP gas engine, newer muffler, on cart, SN: 328254; Minneapolis Moline model E corn sheller w/ drag line, SN: 38500035; Van Brunt horse drawn 40” drill; IH #6, 2 horse hay mower, like new; horse drawn single bt plow; The Hayes planter box; #366 walk behind garden tiller; walk behind buster plow; steel wheel wagon gear; 15’ sng disk; Machinery & Equipment: 24 industrial skid steer, gas, WI engine, additional hyd hook up w/ utility bucket; Farm King Y 9600 double auger snow blower, 8’, hyd shoot, 540 PTO, one owner; JD 3x16 pt plow w/ coulters, hyd lift; Bush Hog 5’ brush mower, 3pt, 540 PTO; 1000 gal LP tank on gear; 180 gal LP tank; JD 3pt quick hitch Cat 2; 3pt post hole digger, 8”; JD 80A 3pt blade; 3pt bail fork; IH 2pt hitch; loader brackets for IH tractor; barge box on Oliver gear w/ hyd lift; flare box on New Ulm gear; Gehl auger box w/ roof; 500 gal fuel barrel w/ Gas Boy pump; 5’ x 7’ utility trailer; Lifetime 6’ x 14’ hyd lift hog mover w/ gates; hog feeders; many JD parts; new Chief cyl 4” x 24”; 1/16 Farmall 560 toy tractor; Grain Bins: 2 20,000 bu Butler grain bins; 2 20,000 bu Behlen grain bins; 12,000 bu Coop bin; 6,500 bu Lindsay grain bin; 4,200 bu Lindsay grain bin; 4,700 bu Butler holding overhead tank; 2.5 ton bulk bin; 90’ York grain leg; 80’ Clay grain leg, double booted; Kansun dryer w/ 2 15 HP motors; 15’ x 6” transfer auger on wheels w/ 3HP motor & hopper; Shop, Tools & Antiques: White LT 11 riding mower, collector, 32” deck, 11 HP, lights, bagger, cruise matic; Husqvarna 625E walk behind trimmer; weight box for JD lawn mower; Lincoln 320 amp welder; Jiffy & Strike Master 8” & 10” ice augers; Wagner paint sprayer on cart; Shop Master drill press; Siebring pressure washer; 200 gal bulk oil dispenser, 4 stations, elect pump; Agri fab lawn fert cart; Knipco heater; B&S 5 HP transfer pump w/ hose; shop press; cherry picker; JD 10 speed bike, black; barn cupula; Clipper fanning mill; buggy seat; crocks; Maytag ringer washer machine; wash boards; And Much More! Winthrop; Joe Maidl, Lafayette; John Goelz, Franklin; Ryan Froehlich, Winthrop;
Productivity Index: 83.1
FOR SALE: CIH 7130 2WD, 18.4x42 axle mount duals, 3 remotes, dual PTO, rock box, 6,235 hrs, always shed ded, VG 952-649-8604condition.
FOR SALE: (7) - F12 tractors, $300-$600. 651-686-8247
NEW AND USED TRACTOR PARTS JD 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 55, 50 Series & newer trac tors, AC-all models, Large Inventory, We ship! Mark Heitman Tractor Salvage 715-673-4829
Thursday, September 29th 11:00 am Auction held at: Courtland Community Center, 300 Railroad St, Courtland, MN
This land has an abundance of flexibility and opportunity. Currently zoned as agricultural, could potentially be zoned as industrial in the future for development. You do not want to miss this auction!
*Note: All acres are published based on Nicollet County Online Records and FSA records.

Auctioneers: Matt Mages, Larry Mages, Joe Wersal, Joe Maidl, John Goelz, & Ryan Froehlich
Owners: Duane & Melva Eckberg Listing Auctioneers: Joe Maidl ~ 507-276-7749 & Ryan Froehlich ~ 507-380-9256 Auctioneers: Matt Mages, New Ulm Lic 52 22 018; Larry Mages, Lafayette; Joe Wersal,
Total of farm: 62.43 total acres, approx. 50.30 acres tillable.
Land Auction
Copy is 5.16” x 5”
Taking Consignment I nformation For: Fall Consignment Aucti on Bidding ends: Saturday, October 22nd 55780 St Hwy 19, Winthrop, MN Advertising deadline is September 23rd Auctioneer, Matt Mages: 507-276-7002
Marketing Manager, Tom Polich: 507-766-1874 507-647-3800

Tuesday, September 27th - 10:00 am 52725 360th St, Lafayette, MN
Sell your farm equipment in The Land with a line ad. 507-345-4523
Clerk: Mages Land Co. & Auction Service, LLC. Terms: No Buyer ’s Premium.
Listing Auctioneer: Matt Mages, 507 -276-7002, Lic 52 21 018

No Buyer’s Premium! For complete terms or viewing, contact Matt Mages ~ 507-276-7002
FOR SALE: 1994 JD 7600, 5800 hrs, 125HP, 2WD, pow er quad shift, new batteries, new tires 1 yr ago, new cab kit 3 yrs ago, mint condition, zero issues. Ready to work. Retiring. 320-808-8808
Location of property within Nicollet County: City of Courtland, Section 06, Range 29
Productivity Index: 49.6
Retired. FOR SALE: Sharp 51G JD, power steering & new rubber; also Sharp 1951A JD, new rubber & live hyds; also 1951B JD w/ good rubber, no fluid in any of the tires. Sell separate or $10,000 for all three. 507-831-1308
THE LAND — SEPTEMBER 16, 2022 — “Where Farm and Family Meet” PAGE 23
This is a live & online simulcast auction. For more information & pictures go to:

Current PID: 14.006.0600
Broker/ Clerk: Mages Land Co. & Auction Service, LLC. Not responsible for accidents. Everything sold “AS IS”. Everything to be settled immediately after the auction. For all full terms and bidding go to
Parcel #1: 11.49 total acres, approx. 8.35 acres tillable.
Will have an access point onto “Old Hwy 14” when it becomes a city street during construction of the new highway. City utilities are currently running south of this parcel, across the roadway.
Will have an access point on the NE corner of the parcel onto Co Rd 12 after the new highway construction is completed.
Parcel #2: 50.94 total acres, approx. 41.95 acres tillable.
Estate Auction WANTED CALL FOR A QUOTE TODAY 1-800-828-6642 We pay top dollar for your damaged grain. We are experienced handlers of your wet, dry, burnt and mixed grains. Trucks and vacs available. Immediate response anywhere. DAMAGED PRUESSSTATEWIDEGRAINELEV.,INC.
Note: All buyers of large equipment bring a letter of approval from your bank.
JD 693 6x30 CH $8,900; J&M 525 grain cart w/ tarp & scale, like new tires, $8,900; JD 520 20’ stalk chopper, exc cond, $8,450; JD 610 19’ flat fold chisel plow, true depth shank, $7,900; Westfield 13x81’ plus swing hopper au ger, $11,900. 320-769-2756 or 320-361-0065We
Farm Equipment
Salvage Equipment Parts HammellAvailableEquip.,Inc.(507)867-4910
This property will sell as two parcels:

TERMS: Terms of sale include but not limited to buyer(s) being responsible to perform their own due diligence regarding all aspects of the purchase. Tony Montgomery Realty & Auction Company (TMRA) is representing the seller exclusively on all aspects of the sale of both parcels of land. There will be no contingencies allowed at this auction including, but not limited to financing. Upon the conclusion of the auction Buyer(s) shall enter into a standard MN purchase agreement and shall deposit $100,000 down on Parcel #1 and $10,000 down on Parcel #2 in form of non-refundable earnest money with the balance due and payable at closing on December 9th, 2022. If both parcels are sold to the same buyer, there shall only be on purchase agreement on the entire property

MN Lic. #79-06 Wi. Lic. #639-052

FOR SALE: ‘97 JD 9400 com bine, 10 Series updates, 2738 eng, 1947 sep hrs, 30.5x32, Greenstar yield & moisture monitor, DAS, DAM topper, JD 920F beanhead, for aft & pipe reel, JD 693 CH, poly all shedded. VG condition.
LOCATION: 19660 County Road 20 Lewiston, MN 55952.
NOTE: The Rupprecht family has decided to sell their farm and let everyone have an opportunity to purchase all or part of this Centennial Farm tha has been in the family since 1890. This 4th generational family owned 250-acre farm will be offered at public 10-day online auction through TMRA. This online auction service will give everyone the opportunity to participate in purchasing this farm and building site!
PARCEL #2 Building site and Home Consisting of a building site comprised of 6.25+/- acres located in section 34 of Norton TWP Winona County The building site offers an older 4-bedroom farm style house along with a good barn and other outbuildings. The large barn has been all redone and has all new steel on the exterior This building site has a hard surfaced drive and located on a blacktop county road.
GEHL 2480 Round Baler. Very good condition, $4,800. 715-317-0645
FOR SALE: 15’ John Deere 210 disc, $2,500; 28’ John Deere 960 field cultivator with 3 bar harrow, extra shovels & harrow teeth, $4,500. Gibbon MN 320-583-5010
Tillage Equip
Hay & EquipmentForage
OPEN HOUSE DATES: Friday Sept. 30, 10AM Noon; Saturday Oct. 15, 10AM Noon; Saturday, Oct. 29, 1 3PM Or By Appointment.
No split nor survey will be required and only one earnest money check of $100,000 will be required. A 3% buyer’s fee will be added on to final bid price to achieve full contract purchase price on each parcel. Buyer(s) shall have all financing, secured before bidding on this auction as there will be no buyer contingencies accepted within this auction. Real Estate taxes due and payable in the year of 2022 are $8,666.00 and will be paid by seller See website for all details. Seller, TMRA and all representatives of before mentioned are making no warranties or guarantees other than tha stipulated in the warranty deed.
PAGE 24 —”Where Farm and Family Meet” THE LAND — SEPTEMBER 16, 2022 Your Classifieds!ChoiceFirstfor Place Your Ad Today! Livestock, Machinery, Farmland... you name it! People will buy it when they see it in The Land! ADVERTISING NOTICE: Please check your ad the first week it runs. We make every effort to avoid errors by checking all copy, but sometimes errors are missed. Therefore, we ask that you review your ad for correctness. If you find a mistake, please call (507) 345-4523 immediately so that the error can be corrected. We regret that we cannot be responsible for more than one week’s insertion if the error is not called to our attention. We cannot be liable for an amount greater than the cost of the ad. THE LAND has the right to edit, reject or properly classify any ad. Each classified line ad is separately copyrighted to THE LAND. Reproduction without permission is strictly prohibited. To submit your classified ad use one of the following options: Phone: 507-345-4523 or 1-800-657-4665 Mail to: The Land Classifieds, 418 South Second St., Mankato, MN 56001 Fax to: 507-345-1027 Email: Online at: www.thelandonline.comDEADLINE:7days prior to publication. Plus! Look for your classified ad in the e-edition. THE FREE PRESS South Minnesota’sCentralDailyNewsSource • Reach 150,000overreaders • Start your ad in The Land • Add insertionsmore • Get more coverage Now... add a photo to your classified line ad for only $10.00!! 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 The ad prices listed are based on a basic classified line ad of 25 words or less. Ads running longer than 25 words will incur an added charge.* CHECK ONE: Announcements Employment Real Estate Real Estate Wanted Farm Rentals Auctions Agri Business Farm Services Sales & Services Merchandise Antiques & Collectibles Lawn & Garden Feed Seed Hay Fertilizer & Chemicals Bins & Buildings Farm Equipment Tractors Tillage Equipment Planting Equipment Spraying Equipment Hay & Forage Equipment Harvesting Equipment Grain Handling Equipment Livestock Equipment Wanted Free & Give Away Livestock Poultry Dairy Cattle Swine Sheep Goats Horses & Tack Exotic Animals Pets & Supplies Cars & Pickups Industrial & Construction Trucks & Trailers Recreational Vehicles Miscellaneous NOTE: Ad will be placed in the appropriate category if not marked. CityAddressName State_________ Zip__________ Phone Card # Exp. SignatureDate CHECK SORRY! We do not issue refunds. 1 edition @ $21.99 = 2 editions @ $38.99 = 3 editions @ $48.99 = Each additional line (over 7) + $1.40 per line per issue = EXTENDED COVERAGE must run the same number of times as The Land PAPER(S) ADDED FN CT FP (circle all options you want): $7.70 X _____ each edition X _____ publications = STANDOUT OPTIONS (THE LAND only) $2.00 per run: = * Photo Border (The Land only) $10.00 each, per edition. = TOTAL =This is NOT for businesses. Please call The Land to place line ads. EXTENDED COVERAGEFARM NEWS (FN) - Serving farmers in Northwest Iowa, 8,400 circ. THE COUNTRY TODAY (CT)Serving farmers in Wisconsin, 7,902 circ. THE FREE PRESS (FP)Serving south central Minnesota, 11,157 circ. STANDOUT OPTIONS Bold Italic Underline Web/E-mail links GREAT 250 ACRE FARM! “Experience with Integrity For Your Auction” Auction Starts Closing at 6 PM! Saturday October 22 –Tuesday, November 1, 2022 10-DAY ONLINE REAL ESTATE AUCTION Tony Montgomery Realty & Auction Co. Tony: 507-259-7502 • Brad: 507-421-0232 • John: 507-932-4656 Visit For Registration & Photos
6.25 +/- Acre Building site & 243.75 +/- Bare Land Call For Brochure!

FOR SALE: IH 285 disc, 20’ heavy duty, 507-276-8345$1,200.
REGISTRATION: All interested bidders will be required to pre-register with TMRA at to bid on this auction. Parcel 1 (243.75+/- acres) will be offered and sold first. After parcel 1 closes, parcel 2 will be given an additional 20 minutes before closing parcel 2 (6.25 +/- acre bldg. site). Rupprecht Heritage Farm L.L.P Owner
FOR SALE: Super B 115 bu automatic batch dryer, sin gle phase, LP, 3985 hrs, shedded in off season, excel lent, $1,850. 952-466-5802
Harvesting Equip
FOR952-649-8604SALE: 1979 JD 4400 combine, 329 dsl, C/H/A, always shedded, excellent shape, w/ JD 915 bean head, $3,500. 320-327-2711
FOR SALE: Glencoe soil saver, 7 shank, field ready, $3,500/OBO. Call Carl FOR320-552-1175SALE:CLAAS Domina tor, 4850-15, (2009), $15,500/ OBO. 612-749-9314
PARCEL #1 LAND Consisting of 243.75+/- acres located in sections 34 & 35 of Norton TWP Winona County MN including part of parcel 090003090 and parcel 090003310. There are 200+/- acres considered tillable on this parcel. This parcel of land lies all contiguous along County Road 20, a blacktop road. Seaton and Mt. Carroll are the predominant tillable soils with 71 to 90 CPI. The balance of land is pastured and wooded. This well-located farm will give someone a great opportunity to purchase land in the heart of southeastern Minnesota!
Joe Maidl, Lafayette; John Goelz, Franklin; Ryan Froehlich, Winthrop; Clerk: Mages Land Co. & Auction Service, LLC. Terms: No Buyer ’s Premium. Note: All buyers of large equipment bring a letter of approval from your bank. GrainEquipmentHandling

Thursday, September 22nd - 10:00 am
sell it fast with an ad in Classifieds work! 507-345-4523 • 800-657-4665 Do you have extra stuff sitting in a shed? !

FOR 8”x60’ grain auger w/ hydraulic swing hopper, runs great, $1,300. 507-327-6430 kinds of New & Used farm equipment - disc chisels, field cults, planters, soil finishers, cornheads, feed mills, discs, balers, haybines, etc. 507438-9782
Wanted All
THE LAND — SEPTEMBER 16, 2022 — “Where Farm and Family Meet” PAGE 25

Machinery & Equipment: Harms Mfg 32’ roller; JD 7000 planter, 6 row x 30” w/monitor; Loftness 962BTS 2 stage snow blower, double auger, PTO, 8’; New Holland 615 disk mower, 7’; JD 1000 field cultivator w/ 3 bar harrow; JD 1610 chisel plow, 16’; Ford 152, 5 bt plow; Oliver 565 4 bt plow; Gehl 100 feed mill; New Idea 205 manure spreader; New Holland 270 Hayliner square baler; Kewaunee conveyor; New Holland 717 Silage chopper; 2 Glencoe 6 rw cultivators; JD stalk chopper, 14’; J&M 250 7 gravity box on MN Jumbo 10 gear; Parker 2500 gravity box on MN Jumbo 10 gear; Parker 2000 gravity box on MN Jumbo 10 gear; Parker gravity box on MN Jumbo 10 gear; J&M 250 7 gravity box on MN rugged 8 gear; Electric Wheel Co 5003 running gear; Top Air 30’ seed conveyor system w/ elect motor; Feterl 40’ auger w/ hopper; Feterl 6” x 30’ auger; Snow Co 81 211 auger; Minneapolis Moline drill w/ grass seeder, 10’; Winco Maxi Watt generator on cart; New Holland 404 Crusher hay conditioner; Hiniker 3pt hitch; New Holland sickle mower, pull type; Road Patrol grader, 8’ on steel wheels; horse drawn McCormick Deering #7 sickle mower; steel wheel horse drawn dbl box trailer; Butler fuel barrel on stand; 8 1/2’ round bale feeder;
Tractors: JD 4440 3695 hrs, Quad Range, diesel, one owner, fenders, dual hyd w/ aux, 3 pt, PTO, quick hitch, hub duals, rock box, tool box; JD 4440, 4242 hrs, diesel, one owner, dual hyd, 3pt, PTO, quick hitch, hub duals, rock box, tool box; Belarus 9345 Turbo, 1957 mi, FWA, one owner, PTO, quad hyd; JD 8640, 11088 hrs, diesel, 4WD, triple hyd, 3pt, PTO; JD Turbo 6620 combine, 2516 hrs, diesel, hydrostatic; JD 216 bean head; head mover on Electric Wheel Co gear; JD 643 6 row corn head; Minneapolis Moline M5 tractor, gas, dual hyd, pto; Minneapolis Moline 283 E 4, gas, WF (not running); JD B, nf, PTO (not running);
Estate Auction
Trucks, Shop & Tools: ‘07 Chevy Silverado Z71, 80779 mi, 4x4, new tires; skid steer trailer 6’ x 14’; Century 100 arc welder; Schumacher battery charger; Hydra storm pressure washer, 2HP, 2 gpm; Shopmaster CP 100 30 ton press; Chicago Power Tools DP 558 2 drill press; 2 ton floor jack; assortment of hand tools & yard tools; sheet metal; scrap iron; lumber; firewood; Antiques, Furniture & Household: Besson sousaphone, made in England, 50 medals of honor stamped; King by HN White tuba, made in Cleveland, OH; Bb bass horn mute; 3 metal Pioneer Seeds signs; Pioneer Seed items include: hats, sweatshirts, coats, water cooler jugs, mugs, glassware; dresser; bed frames; end tables; chairs; ottoman; folding tables; folding picnic table; tv stand; lamps; office desk; baby bassinet; Pick Wick chicken plucker; Challenge Co well hand pump; Winthrop;
Preview: Saturday, September 17th, 9:00 11:00 am, as well as 1 hour prior to the auction. This is a live & online simulcast auction. For more information & pictures go to:

26389 State Hwy 15, Winthrop, MN

Sell your livestock in The Land with a line ad. 507-345-4523Call 507-345-4523
Looking for something special? Put a line ad in The Land and find it!
Like The Land
Otto Gutknecht Estate Auctioneer: Matt Mages, 507-276-7002 Auctioneers: Matt Mages, New Ulm Lic 52 22 018; Larry Mages, Lafayette; Joe Wersal,
FOR SALE: Black Angus bulls also Hamp, York, & Hamp/ Duroc boars & gilts. Alfred (Mike) Kemen 320-598-3790 on
Wesley Financial Group, LLC Timeshare Cancellation Experts. Over $50,000,000 in timeshare debt and fees cancelled in 2019. Get free informational package and learn how to get rid of your timeshare! Free consultations. Over 450 positive reviews. Call 877-326-1608. (mcn)
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Prepare for power outages today with a GENERAC home standby generator. $0 Money Down + Low Monthly Payment Options. Request a FREE Quote. Call now before the next power outage: 1-877-228-5789 (mcn)
Trouble hearing your TV? Try TV EARS Voice Clarifying Wireless TV Speaker. Better than a soundbar and/or turning the TV volume way up. Special, limited time $50 off offer. Call TV Ears. Use code MBSP50. Call 1-844-4550505. (mcn)
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10 Beck's Hybrids ............................................................................... 1, 14, 15 Blue Horizon Energy Cover Wrap Dan Pike Clerking .................................................................................... 22 Eric Cooling ............................................................................................ 27 Fladeboe Land 20 Greenwald Farm Center ............................................................................ 27 Hertz Farm Management 21 Jensen Auctions ....................................................................................... 25 Kannegiesser Truck 17 Kerkhoff Auction 21 Land Resource Management ..................................................................... 22 21 Leaf Filter ............................................................................................... 16 Mages Auction Service 23, 25 Mathiowetz Construction Co. 7 MSU Strategic Partnership Center .............................................................. 4 Northland Buildings 9 Pioneer ............................................................................................... 3, 11 Property Brokers 20 Pruess Elevator, Inc. 23 Riverland Community College .................................................................. 13 Rush River Steel & Trim 4 Schweiss Doors ........................................................................................ 22 Smiths Mill Implement, Inc. 27 Snirt Stoppers, LLC 12 Sorensen's Sale & Rentals ........................................................................ 27 Steffes Group 22 Tony Montgomery Realty & Auctions Co. ................................................. 24 Wealth Enhancement Group 5 ADVERTISER LISTING 507-345-4523 • 800-657-4665 418 South Second Street, Mankato, MN 56001 • 418 S. Second Street • Mankato, MN 56001 Phone: 507-345-4523 or 800-657-4665 Fax: 507-345-1027 • e-mail: Deadline is 8 days prior to publication. * I ndicates early deadline, 9 days prior to publication. Ask Your Auctioneer to Place Your Auction in The Land! Upcoming Issues of THE LAND September 30, 2022 October 14, 2022 October 28, 2022 November 11, 2022 November 25, 2022 Watch for the Corn Seed Guide Coming Soon in The Land! Ask AuctioneerYour to Place Your Auction in The Land!
PAGE 26 —”Where Farm and Family Meet” THE LAND — SEPTEMBER 16, 2022

LONG DISTANCE MOVING: Call today for a FREE QUOTE from America’s Most Trusted Interstate Movers. Let us take the stress out of moving! Speak to a Relocation Specialist, call 877-327-0795. (mcn)
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PARMA DRAINAGE PUMPS New pumps & parts on hand. Call Minnesota’s largest dis tributorHJOlson & Company 320-974-8990 CellREINKEMiscellaneous320-212-5336IRRIGATION
Cars & Pickups
Dorset & Hampshire rams, ewes & yearlings for sale. Lambs, large framed w/fast growth that will put extra lbs on your lambs. I can deliver. Gene Sanford (507)645-4989
THE LAND — SEPTEMBER 16, 2022 — “Where Farm and Family Meet” PAGE 27 TRACTORS NEW NH T4.75, T4.90, T4.120 w/loader On Order NEW NH Workmaster 60, 50, 35’s/loaders On Order NEW NH 25S Workmasters ...…......…. On Order NEW Massey Tractors ........................... On Order NEW Massey 4710 w/loader ….......... COMING New NH Boomer 40w/loader ….......… On Hand 3-New Massey GC1725 ……..................... Just In Massey GC2400w/loader …..................….. $8,700 ’16 Massey 4608 rops w/loader …............. $43,900 ’17 NH T4.75 w/loader ……..................… $53,000 ’18 NH T4.75 w/loader .............................. $54,000 TILLAGE ’06 CIH MRX 690 ...................................... $16,500 DMI 527 …………………......……………… Sold Wilrich 657 11sh w/leveler …..........……. $19,500 CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT NEW NH L318/L320/L328 wheeled units ....... On Hand NEW NH C327/C337/C345 track units .......... On Order NH L228 low hours ............................................ $44,900 NH L234 LOADED ............................................. $45,500 HAY TOOLS New Disc Mowers - 107,108,109 New Disc Mower Cond. - 10’, 13’ New Wheel Rakes - 10,12,14 New NH Hay Tools - ON HAND FrontiernWR1010 wheel rake …….............……… $5,950 ’15 NH DB313 ………………...............………… $29,000 ’13 NH BR7090 ……………….........…………… $25,900 PLANTERS JD 1770 12-30 DF Gen 2 …….......……………. $29,500 White 6186 16-30 w/liq …....…...................……. $18,000 Taking 2023 New Spring Orders COMBINES NEW Geringhoff chopping cornhead .................... Call ’94 Gleaner R72 …………..............................…… $27,000 ’15 Gleaner S78 ….................………………. Just In ’14 Gleaner S68 ………..............…………… Just In ’02 Gleaner R62 …...............................……… $53,500 JD 9500 ……………...................................…. $22,500 Geringhoff parts & heads MISCELLANEOUSavailable NEW Salford RTS Units ........................................ Call NEW Unverferth Seed Tenders .............................. Call NEW Westfield Augers .......................................... Call NEW REM VRX Vacs. .......................................... Call NEW Hardi Sprayers ............................................. Call NEW Riteway Rollers ........................................... Call NEW Lorenz Snowblowers ................................... Call NEW Batco Conveyors ......................................... Call NEW Brent Wagons & Grain Carts ....................... Call NEW E-Z Trail Seed Wagons ................................ Call NEW Rock Buckets & Pallet Forks ...................... Call Pre-Owned Grain Cart .................................. On Hand New Horsch Jokers ................................................ Call Thank You For Your Business! (507) 234-5191 (507) 625-8649 Hwy. 14, 3 miles West of Janesville, MN Mon.-Fri. 7:30-5:00 • Sat. 7:30-Noon NOW HIRING SERVICE TECHS Lot -Hwy.7E Office Location -305 Adams Street NE Hutchinson, MN sorensenssalesandrentals.com55350 Port-A-Hut Shelters: •All Steel Shelters for Livestock &Other Uses JBM Equipment: •Feeder Wagons -Several Models •Self-locking Head Gates •HDFeeder Panels •Self-locking Bunk Feeders •Tombstone Horse&Horned Cattle Feeders •Skid Feeders •Bunk Feeders •Bale Wagons •Bale Thrower Racks •Flat Racks for big sq. bales •Self-locking Feeder Wagons •Fenceline Feeders •Several Types of Bale Feeders Mar-Weld Sheep &Goat Equipment: •Lambing Pens •Crowd Tub •Grain Feeders •Scale •Round &Square Bale Feeders •Sheep Head Locks •Spin Trim Chute •Creep Feeders For-Most Livestock Equipment: •Squeeze Chutes -Head Gates •Large &Small Animal TipChutes •Open Bar Corral Tub•Round &Square Calving Pens •Tub &Alley Chutes •Crowding Tubs Notch Equipment: •Rock Buckets •Grapple Forks •Manure Forks •Bale Spears •Hi-Volume Buckets &Pallet Forks •Bale Transports &Feeder Wagons, 16’-34’ •Adult &YoungStock Feeders &Bale Feeders •Land Levelers S-IFeeders: •Mid-Size and Full-Size Bunks •One-Sided Juniors and Adult Bunks •Arrow Front 4-Wheel Feeders, 12’-36‘ W/W Werk Weld: •Bale Feeders •Calf Shelters •Wind Breaks •Creep Feeders •Feed Bunks •Fence Line Bunks •Bottomless Bunks •TowableHandy Hoppers 3Brands of Cattle &Calf Feeders: •Smidley Steer Stuffers, Waterers, Hog Feeders &Huts •Bergman Tongue &Groove wood and One Piece Roof •W/W All Steel Cattle &Calf Feeders Sioux Equipment: •Gates •Calving Pens •Haymax Bale Feeders •Cattle &Feeder Panels •Head Gates •Loading Chute •Hog Feeders •Squeeze Chutes &Tubs •Calf Warmer • “Farm Built” Hay Feeders w/roof • Poly “Hay Huts” (Saves Hay) • Ritchie Live Stock Waterers • Easy Way Cattle Care Oilers &Scratchers •DR® Power Equipment: •Sunfire Radiant Heaters •Bohlman Concrete Waterers •Calftel Hutches &Animal Barns •R&C Poly Bale Feeders •Ameriag Poly Mineral Feeders •Miniature Donkey &Fainting Goats •3pt PTO or Skid Steer Snowblowers • New and some used GT (Tox-O-Wik) Grain Dryer Parts Wanted to Buy: Good Used Manure Spreader,Crowding Tubs, Steer Stuf fers, Feed bunks, Squeeze Chutes, Sheep &Goat Equipment, Misc. Livestock Equipment ~LARGE INVENTORY IN STOCK ~ 320-587-2162, Ask for Larr y Wanted to Buy: Good Used Manure Spreader,Crowding Tubs, Steer Stuffers, Feed Bunks, Squeeze Chutes, Sheep &Goat Equipment, Misc. Livestock Equipment • “Farm Built” Hay Feeders w/roof • Poly “Hay Huts” (Saves Hay) • Ritchie Live Stock Waterers • Easy Way Cattle Care Oilers &Scratchers • Menzels Bale Feeders w/Steel Roof &Installed Nets for Large Round Bales &Big or Small Squares •DR® Power Equipment: •Sunfire Radiant Heaters •Bohlman Concrete Waterers •Calftel Hutches &Animal Barns •R&C Poly Bale Feeders •Ameriag Poly Mineral Feeders •3pt PTO or Skid Steer Snowblowers •New and some used GT (Tox-O-Wik) Grain Dr yer Parts •2 used 500 Bushel GT PTO Dryers W/W Werk Weld: • Bale Feeders • Calf Shelters • Wind Breaks • Creep Feeders • Feed Bunks • Fence Line Bunks • Bottomless Bunks • Towable Handy Hoppers 3 Brands of Cattle & Calf Feeders: • Smidley Steer Stuf fers, Waterers, Hog Feeders & Huts • Bergman Tongue & Groove wood and One Piece Roof • W/W All Steel Cattle & Calf Creep Feeders Sioux Equipment: • Gates • Calving Pens • Haymax Bale Feeders • Cattle & Feeder Panels • Head Gates • Loading Chute • Hog Feeders • Squeeze Chutes & Tubs • Calf Warmer • “Farm Built” Hay Feeders w/roof • Poly “Hay Huts” (Saves Hay) • Ritchie Livestock Waterers • Easy Way Cattle Care Oilers & Scratchers • Menzels Bale Feeders w/Steel Roof & Installed Nets for Large Round Bales & Big or Small Squares • DR® Power Equipment: • Sunfire Radiant Heaters • Bohlman Concrete Waterers • R&C Poly Bale Feeders • Ameriag Poly Mineral Feeders and Bunks • Texkota-Sheep & Goat Panels, Gates & Pens USED EQUIP FOR SALE: • GT #570 PTO (Tox-o-wick) Grain Dr yer 1979 with new ring burner • “Liftall” Outside Forklift (Gas Powered) Wanted to Buy: Good Used Manure Spreader, CrowdingTubs, Steer Stuffers, Feed Bunks, Misc. Livestock Equipment GREENWALD FARM CENTER Greenwald, MN • 320-987-3177 14 miles So. of Sauk Centre FOR THE BEST DEAL ORDER NOW!12’-60’ LONG ROLLERS MANDAKO • 5/8” drum roller wall thickness • 42” drum diameter wall thickness • 4”x8” frame tubing 3/8” thick • Auto fold DAMAGED CORN We pay TOP dollar for damaged corn in any condition. We have trucks & vacs available. Call or Text David 507-327-8851 Eric 507-317-5227 ADVERTISING NOTICE: Please check your ad the first week it runs. We make every effort to avoid errors by check ing all copy, but sometimes errors are missed. Therefore, we ask that you review your ad for correctness. If you find a mistake, please call (507) 345-4523 immediately so that the error can be corrected. We regret that we cannot be responsible for more than one week’s insertion if the error is not called to our attention. We cannot be liable for an amount greater than the cost of the ad. THE LAND has the right to edit, reject or properly classify any ad. Each classified line ad is separately copyrighted to THE LAND. Reproduction without permission is strictly prohibited. Swine
Pets & Supplies

Spot,320-760-0365Duroc, Chester White, Boars & Gilts available. Monthly PRRS and PEDV. Delivery available. Steve Resler. 507-456-7746
FOR SALE: Yorkshire, Hamp shire, Duroc, cross bred boars, and gilts. Top quality. Excellent herd health. No PRSS. Delivery available.
Tree trimming, cutting and removal. Boom Truck & Insured. Call or Text Josh 507-995-7081Linder
Sales & Service New & Used For your irrigation needs 888-830-7757 or 507-276-2073

Ford 390 engine w/ transmis sion, 2 barrel carb, took out of ‘69 Ford LTD, on pallet upper barn, excellent origi nal condition, 90,000 miles, $1,175. David 612-374-1933

FOR SALE: Sheep for sale, Polypay ewe and ram lambs, and Suffolk rams. 507-445-3317 Leave message. 507-822-3398
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Judy Klatt, an enthusiastic history lover who was determined this historic building (added to the National Register in 1982) would not die, went to work on the interior with two other volunteers in 2019. She now spearheads a group of

While Lynd natives can reminisce with school items, photos of community picnics, police and fire department arti facts, and local history, every visitor can reminisce on life in small town America in this 1871 hotel building.

For special tours, contact Judy Klatt at (507) 865-4667. The ground floor is handicap accessible. v
One hundred and fifty years after the Kiel and Morgan Hotel was built in Lynd, Minn. it is again open to the public — but as an historic site rather than a hotel.
The four upstairs hotel rooms are the last to be restored. Two of the rooms are original. Across the hall, the floor shows where a previous owner had removed a wall to make one large room.

The hotel sat empty and vandalized until the Lynd Community Awareness group went to work. They raised the building and put in a new foundation, removed the lean-to, and rebuilt the bal cony. That was as far as they got before the group dissolved, and again the build ing sat empty and was vandalized.
seven volunteers still working to com plete the project. The building opened to the public in July 2020. It is not just as a historic building, but also serves as the Lynd History Center.
Around 1900, the building became a private residence and continued as such for 90 years. Ray and Eva Schrunk purchased it in 1936. During their years, a lean-to was added in the back for a laundry room, and the front bal cony removed. Aware that the building was of historic significance to the town, they donated it to the city of Lynd when they moved out in 1990.
The parlor, with its piano and record player, still has the carpet the Schrunks received as a wedding present. One downstairs room is dedicated to memo rabilia of Lynd’s high school, which closed in 1980. While plaster has been replaced by drywall, a portion of the original wall in the adjoining room with the cook stove was left undisturbed.

Two enterprising citizens, Levi Kiel and Allen Morgan, built the hotel in 1871. The second story had four hotel rooms. The ground floor had rooms and served as the village post office. The first few meetings of the Lyon County Commissioners convened in one of the rooms, so briefly it could claim to be the county courthouse, but its larger neigh bor to the northeast, Marshall, Minn., became the county seat.
Hotel now home to history
If Kiel and Morgan intended it to be a center for the community, that’s the role it plays now. It has hosted a wed ding and a graduation reception, along with visits from reunions, and is a place to research local history.
PAGE 28 — “Where Farm and Family Meet” THE LAND — SEPTEMBER 16, 2022 This week’s Back Roads is the work of The Land Correspondent Richard Siemers.
The Kiel and Morgan Hotel, owned by the city of Lynd, is located where River St. dead ends at County Road 72 on the west side of town. It is open Memorial Day through Labor Day on Saturday and Sunday from 1-5 p.m.