418 South Second St.
Mankato, MN 56001 (800) 657-4665 Vol. XLVI ❖ No. 23 36 pages, 2 sections
418 South Second St.
Mankato, MN 56001 (800) 657-4665 Vol. XLVI ❖ No. 23 36 pages, 2 sections
www.TheLandOnline.com facebook.com/TheLandOnline twitter.com/TheLandOnline
Opinion 2A-3A
Farm and Food File 3A Table Talk 4A
From My Farmhouse Kitchen 6A
Readers’ Photos: Life on the Farm 7A
The Bookworm Sez 8A
Calendar of Events 9A Healthcare Focus 9A
Auctions/Classifieds 14A-23A
Advertiser Listing 23A
Back Roads 24A
From The Fields 1B
Mielke Market Weekly 4B
Marketing 5B
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A beginning is always a necessary part of any thing. Maybe not the most important, but necessary.
It’s my hope that my first article writ ten as The Land’s newest staff writer is deemed worthy, and that the articles to follow will provide quality information and entertainment.
First things first — an introduction.
LAND MINDSI’ve lived in Minnesota all of my life, spending the first half in the south west corner in Lyon County. Many of my happiest childhood memories came an hour’s drive from my hometown of Marshall on my grandma’s farm, just outside of Jasper, Minn. and a few hops over the Minnesota/ South Dakota border.
By Laura ColeOn family trips, my dad always drove. My mom, a preschool teacher, was always in the front seat cutting out shapes and hole-punching papers for her next week’s lessons. My oldest brother and sister shared the back seat, listening to their walkmans to drown out my dad’s polka cassette tapes. And I was usually crammed between my other two brothers in the middle seat, taking on “accidental” elbowings for the entirety of the drive.
As soon as our van left Jasper’s city limits, all five of the kids would peer out the windows (maximum elbowing for this part), with desperate hopes to be the first one to glimpse my grandma’s white farmhouse and sing out in repetitive and unmelodic chanting, “I see grandma’s house.”
On those lucky Saturday mornings, after cartoons and pancakes, my four siblings and I would pile into our hideous brown van and wait impatiently for my parents. My dad would stand by the door (he was always ready — even before we were) waiting for my mom. She always had those last minute to-dos. Once the to-dos were to-done, she’d hand my dad a bag or three at the door, so she could hurry back for the last few drops of her coffee. When she emerged, and for good, he’d lock up and we were off.
I’m not sure if our van could be considered to have a best seat, but as the youngest, I never got it. Our mode of transportation was a monstrosity on wheels that only served its most basic purpose: to move. I’m not sure where the van came from; I can hardly believe it would have been at any dealership. I have a vague memory of the van coming with only the front two seats. I don’t remember where my dad found one of the bench seats, but I do remember waiting in the van at a sanitation facility while my dad picked up the second (maybe from a worker?) A deal he found off of the HyVee trader and this was the meeting point? “Don’t open the windows,” he had warned me before stepping out and “Hold your breath,” when he opened the doors to install it.
My grandma’s faithful dogs, Shep and Max, would greet us at the mailbox and run alongside the van as we made our way down the gravel driveway. We’d hurry out as wildly as we had climbed in and take off to whatever part of the farm interested us the most: The barn to climb into the hay loft, the chick en coop to collect eggs, the rooms upstairs to play with all the vintage toys from my dad’s childhood.
As years went by, my older siblings didn’t always come out to the farm due to their part-time jobs or other plans with friends. One by one, they stopped their participation in the contest to spy Grandma’s house first until it was only me mumbling the words out of some stirring determination to not let such a happy tradition fall by the wayside.
With time, Shep and Max slowed down, still smil ing as big as ever, but they could no longer keep up with the van. Another year or so later, they began to wait at the porch, tails still wagging. They were there to welcome us until they were not.
My grandma lived at the farm with my Uncle Bill until her late eighties. I don’t like knowing that I took her presence for granted as a kid, but I think I
See LAND MINDS, pg. 4A
Late on Friday, May 7, the day before the running of the 2022 Kentucky Derby, a chestnut-colored colt named Rich Strike made the race’s lineup after, liter ally, another horse withdrew from the competition at the last minute.
The next day, May 8, Rich Strike struck it rich: The ridiculously long, 80-1 long shot won the Derby, the world’s premier thoroughbred horse race. The horse, bought for $30,000 the previous September, won a knee-buckling $1.86 million.
Was the win a stray bolt of lightning or a massive error by the oddsmakers?
Similarly, the odds now strongly suggest the Biden Administration will not allow two grocery-selling giants, Kroger and Albertsons, to complete their recently announced $24.6 billion merger. Don’t bet against it just yet, though.
Politics aside — and the Federal Trade Commission will make the call on the deal, less so the White House — Kroger and Albertsons have several strong market arguments to favor their marriage. Moreover, each is positioning itself to lengthen their favorable odds.
Foremost is the key issue the deal’s detractors point to: competition. Both Kroger and Albertsons correctly note that the nation’s biggest grocery sell ers are not grocery stores but Big Box retailers and wholesalers. The nation’s biggest grocery seller, Walmart, is a retailer, and the second largest is Amazon, an online retailer.
Moreover, Walmart owns Sam’s — a huge food wholesaler; Amazon owns grocer Whole Foods; and the #3 on the list is another Big Box Boy, Costco. All outsell #4 Kroger and #5 Albertsons in grocer ies and none are “supermarkets” like the betrothed
two. If the merger occurs, they argue, they will sell about 13 percent of all U.S. groceries while Walmart, by itself, will still sell 25 percent of all U.S. groceries.
If anything, they continue, the govern ment should approve the merger as one of the last best market checks on the almost unchecked growth of Walmart (or Costo or Amazon) left in grocery retail ing. That’s a powerful, effective sales pitch.
To strengthen it even more, Albertsons has promised to “divest” of as many as 375 stores should the deal be approved and Kroger, throwing Congressional Dems a tasty labor bone, adds that its stores will be “a compelling alternative to large, non-union com petitors.”
All-in-all, writes Ryan Young for the National Review, “A combined Kroger-Albertsons would not reduce people’s options for groceries or give those stores the market power to raise prices.”
In fact, he continues, the merger will likely add competition to a still-changing grocery-selling scene, one with more online ordering, less in-person shop ping, and more and bigger costly infrastructure to warehouse, fill, and deliver at-home food orders.
This evolution to a “scale-intensive hybrid busi ness model,” Young explains, is “just the latest stage in a century-long evolution to the grocery market.”
The merger, “if it happens, would be part of that ongoing process” from a clerk putting your grocery order together to post-war supermarkets and “fro
zen foods aisles” to Walmart bottling its own milk and Costco contract-growing its own “broiler” chick ens.
Perhaps the most salient point to remember, he adds, is that the merger “has no guarantee of suc cess, given both intense competition and the long history of failed mergers.”
Other competition experts agree. Scale — today’s badly-needed size to get into the Big Boy grocery game with Walmart, Amazon and Costco — is at the heart of the merger. “Scale is necessary to deliver the prices and investments that consumers demand,” Neil Saunders, an official at GlobalData Retail, told Reuters recently.
“From a broader national perspective,” he added, “a combined Kroger and Albertsons does not pose any major threat to the competitive dynamics of the market.”
That judgment could also be applied to us: The “competitive dynamics of the market” is, like it or not, what we have become in today’s dollar-centered “broader national perspective.”
Worse, almost nothing poses “any major threat” to this deeply entrenched view of either our markets or our government — which often appear to be operating from the same office.
Another reason that betting against the Kroger/ Albertsons deal is a Derby-sized longshot.
The Farm and Food File is published weekly through the United States and Canada. Past col umns, events and contact information are posted at www.farmandfoodfile.com. v
I met up once with a retired farmer who takes great pride in his lifetime of memories. As our conversation continued, he displayed a sense of wonder while he talked about the way technology in farm ing has been as helpful — as much as (he feels) it has taken away.
He said to me, “It seems like we’re losing touch with nature,” and backed it up with his own examples. He said farmers used to smell the soil as it was turned over behind them, and they were incensed with the sweet smell of freshcut hay throughout the summer. “They’re two of the best smells in the whole world,” he said. “Now we sit inside our cabs with air condition ing, wearing shorts and sandals, and we don’t get to enjoy those smells in the same way we used to.”
For that same man, technology upkeep and implementation has been forwarded on to his son, whom he said understands it much better. For that man, he said it’s frustrating to have to pass the job of pre paring the planter on to his son, when he did it all of his life.
“That man told me he also doesn’t know how to fix what goes wrong with some of this technology,” said my friend, adding that his friend had spent his farming career fixing and adjusting his own equip ment.
I hadn’t thought before about how difficult it must be for some of our older farmers to try to keep up with today’s technology. And yet, there seem to be more older farmers than younger ones.
larger because they have to be able to go down the roads; but that emptying out “on the go” can increase the capacity of a combine by 30 percent.
“When I was growing up, my dad and I watched a neighbor who bought a big four-row planter, and we wondered who would buy something so big it couldn’t get through the gate,” he said, adding that, in retrospect, that man was a progressive farmer in his day.
I’m not sure my friend is 100 percent sold on this larger, precision-based way of farming. He just watches it all unfold now, and carries with him memories of a different kind of hands-on experience of farming — a vocation rich with meaning and sig nificance the way he lived it.
Yet even today, wherever there is farming, there are joys to be found and unmatched life lessons to be learned behind machinery steering wheels, in hay fields, in farm shops, machine sheds, and live stock barns … and sometimes, even out behind the tool shed.
Then he asked the big question: “Where’s the joy in farming?”
This man obviously knows — or at least once knew — the joy of farming the way he did it all of his life. His thoughts caught me off-guard. I had not imagined the way that generation might think about today’s farming practices — which have become as necessary as the changes that happened in all the years he had farmed.
Technological changes have reflected the reality of today — “We farm by the seed, not by the acre.” Auto-steer has helped farmers become more effi cient by not overlapping passes across the field and saving time, money in fuel and wear-and-tear on equipment, and the life of the soil. Row shut-offs and variable speed planting have changed the play ing field, also saving time, money and resources.
And yet, for as valuable as all of that technology is, this man scratched his head and told me the story of another man’s experiences.
“That guy told he had farmed all of his life, and now he said doesn’t know how to plant corn,” he said.
Technology and machinery size both seem to be expanding. Our local Iowa State University Extension crop specialist told a group of people touring the farm machinery area at the Clay County Fairgrounds that combines can’t be made
“Let us relish life as we live it, and find joy in the journey.” (—Thomas S. Monson)
Karen Schwaller brings “Table Talk” to The Land from her home near Milford, Iowa. She can be reached at kschwaller@evertek.net. v
LAND MINDS, from pg. 2A
did. She wasn’t the first place I ran to upon arrival at the farm … maybe because I thought her hugs would always be there. Time and the absence of a loved one can certainly change a mindset, can’t it?
I am happy to report, however, that not all change for me has been bad or melancholy change. When our hideous brown van broke down for the final time, our family became the proud owners of a classy blue GMC van. It had curtains, carpeted floors and reclining seats! I am a sentimental being, but I can say with full honesty, I have never missed that brown van with its unknown year, make, and model.
After high school, I attended college in Mankato.
As young newlyweds, my husband and I didn’t nec essarily have a plan, but found ourselves not leav ing the area. I had always loved the idea of country living, and my husband, also a city kid, had a simi lar experience as me — loving his own visits to his grandparents’ farm outside of Canby, Minn. It was a dream come true for both of us to move to our own country home outside of Mankato in 2008.
Over the years, we’ve made some improvements to the property while also designating a section of the land to simply allow nature to let her hair down. That section of land began its growth the same time our daughter was born, and the mom in me finds it pretty special to walk among the trees with her.
Besides having a dog and a few cats, we added the adventure of chicken raising in 2016. While I’m no longer making mad dashes to collect eggs like I once did, their presence certainly brings back a lot of good memories for me.
I have a lifelong love for writing and couldn’t be happier to be a part of The Land. I look forward to reporting on agriculture, sharing stories from the community, and learning more about the farming industry.
Laura Cole is the staff writer of The Land. She may be reached at lcole@TheLandOnline.com. v
I hadn’t thought before about how difficult it must be for some of our older farmers to try to keep up with today’s technology. And yet, there seem to be more older farmers than younger ones.
Museums are collections of many differ ent life stories. Some stories are told in more detail, others are just a glimpse into a life once lived. Or they may center on a certain time or theme in history.
Nowhere is this more true than at the Annex of the Dutch American Museum in Orange City, Iowa. This building, located on the corner of Third St. SW and Arizona Ave. SW was constructed in 1903. It served as the F.M. Slagle Lumber store until 1963.
Since then it had been the home for many different businesses. In recent years it has been part of the museum com plex. A ribbon cutting was held in August of this year to highlight the Annex’s new purpose, of honoring the men and women who have served in the military.
Arlo Van Beek has been on the museum’s board of directors for 12 years. He presently serves as the president.
“We realized there are many stories of the men and women who served that were not being told and are in danger of being forgotten,” said President Van Beek. “We want to preserve and tell of these stories and sacrifices.”
“Remodeling during 2019 we worked hard and fast to be ready for Tulip Festival,” said President Van Beek. “But realized that Covid would delay the open ing.”
Orange City’s Tulip Festival was can celled in 2020 which proved to be a good thing for the Annex.
“We further realized that this would give us the opportunity to put forth the extra effort to best present the displays and narratives that these items and sto ries deserve,” said Van Beek.
and was twice wounded, once at the Battle of Shiloh and again at the Battle of Atlanta. He served until the war ended.
After the war, he returned to Pella, married and became a merchant. In 1882, he moved to Orange City, where he was in the clothing business with his brother-in-law John Pas.
When Marinus departed from this life at the age of 90, it was believed he was the oldest Civil War veteran in this area.
The tulips were up and growing when the United States officially entered WWI in April of 1917.
Tall, slender and with brown eyes, John C. Pressman spent his days working as a carpenter for Jacob Ypema. I wonder if he trembled when he heard the news that President Woodrow Wilson had signed the Selective Services Act on May 18, 1917. This meant that all men between the ages of 21 and 30 had to register with the newly-created selective service system. Pressman was 21 years old.
Beginning in 2019, the soundly-built building was remodeled both inside and out. In keeping with the town’s Dutch heritage theme, it now resembles the architecture from Marken, a fishing village in The Netherlands.
The displays depict Sioux County men and women who have served in the military — begin ning with the Civil War. Orange City was settled in 1870, just a few short years after the Civil War ended. Several of the early pioneers were vet erans from this war between the states.
for November 25
Display ads Friday, Nov. 15th at noon. Classified line ads Monday, Nov. 21st at noon.
Due to the Thanksgiving holiday THE LAND office will be closed on Thursday, Nov. 24th & Friday, Nov. 25th.
Marinus Rhynsburger was one of the Civil War veterans. I wonder if the tulips were blooming in the Netherlands when he was born there in May of 1843. He came to the United States in 1854 with his parents where they became part of the Dutch colony in Pella, Iowa.
With his father, Dirk Rhynsburger, and his broth er, John Rhynsburger, Marinus enlisted in the Union army in 1862 as a member of Co. B, 15th Iowa Infantry. He participated in several battles
A year later, he entered the service in February. He was sent to Camp Dodge where he was assigned to an engineer regiment. Pressman was killed in action in 1818 near Fismes in France.
For several reasons, his funeral didn’t take place until 1921. Soldier Pressman’s service was held at the United Presbyterian Church in Keokuk where there is a national military cemetery. It really is bittersweet, for on his coffin were flowers from the John C. Pressman Post 329, American Legion; which was so named in his honor. He was the first sol dier from Orange City to die in WWI.
The Reverend Robert A. Foster officiated at the ceremony. Among the many words he said were these, “I wish to express my appreciation that we citizens of Iowa owe to the soldiers and especially those whose sacred remains rest here for a few moments. I do not feel that I can ever repay the debt, because it can never be
Our friend Rose Wurtz berger of New Ulm, Minn. sent in pictures of the aftermath of a fire which occurred on Oct. 21 in the Searles/ New Ulm area. Many rural community fire departments were kept busy this fall as condi tions were ripe for sparking a flame.
Paul Golden of Danvers, Minn. took time from a busy harvest to share a couple of autumn photos. At left is the brilliant red leaves on dogwood trees facing a morning sunrise. For all of the North Dakota State University alumni, Paul sent this photo taken during Navy bean harvest “with an NDSU bison in the sky.”
E-mail your Life on the Farm photos to editor@thelandonline.com.
Not everybody has to like you.
That’s a lesson you learned the hard way — probably in grade school. Try as you might, you were going to have enemies and detractors along the way and there wasn’t much you could do about it. Not everybody has to like you; but, as in the new novel “Bad Day Breaking” by John Galligan, they aren’t allowed to kill you.
By Terri SchlichenmeyerMany years ago, Sheriff Heidi Kick was the kind of girl she’d arrest now.
Back then, she and her best friend, Missy, were into drugs, guns and petty theft. They both dated Roman Vanderhoof and the three of them par tied constantly until things got out of hand. That was when “Mighty” Heidi went to the sheriff’s office and con fessed to everything she knew about drugs and theft. Missy went to rehab, Hoof went to prison in Boscobel, and Heidi kicked her addictions, enrolled
in college, got married, paid her dues, and became Sheriff of Bad Axe County, Wisconsin.
Now those days were in the rearview mirror and she hadn’t heard from Missy in a while — until she got a text the day before Thanksgiving.
“Want to drink ketchup?” it said, Missy’s code for getting drunk.
Despite that Heidi had been sober for years, her answer was “yes.”
It had been a long week already in Bad Axe County, and it would get even longer. One of her officers was using a department computer to email prison ers, and the courts wouldn’t let Heidi investigate. Another officer had
assaulted the leader of a new religious group in town, and city council members were about to appoint her deputy sheriff.
And that reli gious community? Folks in Bad Axe didn’t want a cult around, although Heidi wasn’t sure the community qualified as a “cult.” The two groups were protesting across the road from one another, things were heating up, and allegations of abuse and animal cruelty floated around town.
Then Sheriff Kick learned that Hoof was out of prison. And she knew he wouldn’t stop unless he got his revenge...
You know that thing you do when you see something scary, so you put your hands over your eyes and peek between your fingers because you can’t not see? That’s exactly what
you’ll want to do with “Bad Day Breaking.”
Long before its prologue is anywhere near done, this book turns dark and cold as the snowstorm that hits the background of the story. Slush and ice lay the ground; then, for everything that author John Galligan can pack into an unhappily-long holiday week end, made more wretched by the kind of small-town embroilments which hap pen when everybody knows everybody else’s business. Add a headline-ripping current-events possibility and gun deer season in Wisconsin, and … oh, yeah, you’ll want to see what happens.
Galligan fans will appreciate know ing that “Bad Day Breaking” contains an ending that’ll make you shriek and perch yourself at the bookstore to await the next Bad Axe County novel. As for this book, though, you just have to like it.
The Bookworm is Terri Schlichenmeyer. Terri has been reading since she was 3 years old and never goes anywhere without a book. She lives in Wisconsin with three dogs and 10,000 books. v
“Some Red River Valley photos of the soybean har vest in Scandia Township of Polk County, Minn. during the week of Oct. 26,” writes farmer Sean Kveno of rural Bejou, Minn. (pic tured left ... yes, that’s snow). “The snow was fall ing on Oct. 13 in Bear Park Township of Norman County, Minn. as the soy bean stubble was being tilled.”
Our U.S. healthcare situation is unsat isfactory. We spend about twice as much for our healthcare compared to other modern, economically successful coun tries (see footnote) but our results are subpar. The CIA World Factbook reports U.S. life expectancy to be 46th in the world! 46th! As one would expect from that number, many of our healthcare sta tistics are worse than other modern coun tries. The (unfortunately) bad statistics include maternal mortality (women who die related to pregnancy and childbirth) and infant mortality. We have a healthcare situation where we are paying a super premium price and
getting an inferior product.
It is also true the United States has some of the best doctors and healthcare facilities in the world.
Minnesota has the good fortune to be the home of the Mayo Clinic, which is one of the most effective clinic/hospital opera tions in the world.
Why do these contradictions exist?
Health and healthcare are complicated topics. Having a solid understanding of the situation is necessary to applying the correct repair and I think we all agree repair is required.
Nov. 16 — Land Rent Meeting — Little Falls, Minn. — Topics covered will include local historic and projected farmland rental rate trends, current farm land values and sales, and a worksheet that will help determine a fair rental agreement. Contact Dana Adams at adam1744@umn.edu or (320) 255-6169 ext. 3.
Nov. 16 — What is a Fair Farm Rental Agreement — Olivia, Minn. — Attendees will receive several informative worksheets and factsheets that will help to determine what a fair 2023 farmland rental rate is. For more information, please visit https://z.umn.edu/ landrentworkshops.
Nov. 16 —Willmar, Minn.
Nov. 17 — Cologne, Minn.
Nov. 17 — Jordan, Minn.
Nov. 28 — Owatonna, Minn.
Nov. 28 — Faribault, Minn.
Nov. 29 — Gaylord, Minn.
Nov. 29 — Hutchinson, Minn.
Dec. 2 — Preston, Minn.
Dec. 2 — Caledonia, Minn.
Dec. 7 — Litchfield, Minn.
Dec. 7 — Buffalo, Minn.
Dec. 8 — Blooming Prairie, Minn.
Dec. 8 — Elko New Market, Minn.
Dec. 15 —Willmar, Minn.
Jan. 12 and Jan. 26, 2023 — Online
Nov. 30, Dec. 1 — Integrated Crop Management Conference — Ames, Iowa — Workshops will provide crop production professionals with information and research updates on the past growing season and the tools to prepare for 2023. Contact ANR Program Services at anr@iastate.edu or (515) 294-6429.
Dec. 1 — Annual Dairy Discussions Seminar — Orange City, Iowa — This year’s focus is on cybersecurity issues for food producers including farmers, manufacturers, and processors. Contact Fred Hall at fredhall@iastate.edu or (712) 737-4230.
Dec. 10 — Dairy Goat Management Seminar — Orange City, Iowa — This year’s focus is on goat health, feeding, and milk marketing. Contact Fred Hall at (712) 737-4230 or fredhall@iastate.edu.
Dec. 15-16 — Soil Management Summit — St. Cloud, Minn. — Learn how heavier, colder soils aren’t necessarily the challenge they’re made out to be. Hear from long-time, reduced tillage and cover crop farmers as they share their experiences. Contact Jodi DeJong-Hughes at dejon003@umn.edu or (320) 235-0726 ext. 2006.
Jan. 10, 17, 24, 31, Feb. 7 and 14, 2023 — Annie’s Project — Owatonna, Minn. — Course topics will include financial reporting, human resources, legal, market risk and production metrics. Contact Claire LaCanne at lacanne@umn.edu or (507) 444-7691.
Jan. 18-19, 2023 — MN Ag Expo — Mankato, Minn. — Learn what researchers are discovering about new uses for corn. The Expo will also include learning sessions focused on carbon credits, nitro gen, state regulations, and the 2023 farm bill. Contact MN Ag Expohttp://mnagexpo.com
Jan. 26, Feb. 2, 9, 16, 23, and March 2, 2023 — Annie’s Project - Education for Farm Women — St. Cloud, Minn. — Course topics will include financial reporting, human resources, legal, market risk, and production metrics. Contact Anthony A. or Dana Adams at (320) 255-6169.
Before diving into the complexities of healthcare, I think it will be helpful for you to know a bit about me. My family, on my dad’s side, came to the United States from Norway and homesteaded in the Red River Valley in 1884. We continue to farm that land a little southwest of Fargo. My dad owned and oper ated a hardware store. I attended medical school, specialized in family medicine and cared for patients in Coon Rapids, Minn. for 41 years. During the time I was practicing medicine I served on the boards of directors of two Health Maintenance Organizations — as well as participating in the management of our clinic and later serving on some Allina committees. I have been spending much of my time in retirement working to improve health care for Minnesotans through a nonprofit foundation: Health Care for All Minnesota (HCA-MN.org).
In this monthly column I hope to address topics such as why U.S. drug prices are double those of other modern nations. What should be done to sup port excellent healthcare in greater Minnesota? Why is illness the main reason for personal bank ruptcy in the United States? Should health insur ance restrict you to a network or allow you to see any doctor? What is a public option? How merg ers and acquisitions have caused healthcare costs to rise. v
We build the foundation for tomorrow’s farmers, business professionals, economists, scientiests, technicians, agronomists, analysts, and more.
Contact Nick Schiltz • 507-402-6175 nick.schiltz@riverland.edu riverland.edu/ag
Shelly Woods, veteran and farmer, served our coun try during the 1980’s finishing up her time in the military just prior to Desert Storm. Upon returning to civilian life, Woods was longing for community. “I didn’t ever feel like I fit in a lot of the veterans groups, I was either too young or a woman,” Shelly recalled. She then found the Farmer Veteran Coalition. “This has been the first veterans group for myself that I have ever really felt like I found my people.”
What started as a hobby for Woods has quickly become a passion. Shelly Woods is now the president of the Minnesota chapter of the Farmer Veteran Coalition, a non-profit organization that assists those who have served our country’s military in developing competitive and meaningful careers with in agriculture. Woods acknowledged many of our service men and women return with wounds — visi ble and invisible. “Many have found a way to heal and a way to give back to their communities again. Their [veterans] lives have been about service in the military. [Agriculture] gives veterans a chance to serve their country again, by feeding them.”
The Farmer Veteran Coalition (FVC) began in California in 2007 and has become a national organi zation which includes state chapters. Woods said that she, along with Nathan Hanel, have been work
ing for the better part of two years to get the Minnesota chapter up and running. “We’re still very new. We want to serve the veterans and farm ers in Minnesota by helping them with resources, network ing, and giving us a forum to talk and gain knowledge from each other. We want to be a voice for veteran farmers in the state,” Woods noted.
One of the goals of the Minnesota chapter of the FVC is to provide those who have served our country with handson experience for each individ ual’s areas of interest. Woods said they want to take veter ans who maybe don’t know what they want to do in agri culture and bring them on to working farms — be it dairy, crop, beef or otherwise, and really show them what it is like to run a successful busi ness in agriculture. “We also want to help them find farm ing resources in Minnesota
Shelly Woods and Nathan Hanel were at Farmfest this past summer. Hanel is with Southern Agricul tural Center of Excellence.
specifically, like the grants that are available from the Minnesota Department of Ag and others,” said Woods.
She also said that they want to provide assistance to veter ans when it comes to navigat ing some of the more difficult tasks on the paperwork side of farming. “We want to have peo ple that can help [veterans] walk through the processes a little more clearly,” she said.
Because the Minnesota chap ter is still very new, Woods said there are a lot of things that are still a work in progress.
“Right now we’re still collecting names of veterans who are open to having people out [to their farms],” stated Woods. She also mentioned that the Minnesota chapter is gearing up for their first state event that will be held in Buffalo. The event will offer veterans an opportunity to gather, network and see what the FVC is all about.
Non-veterans who would like to give back to those who have served our country have the opportunity to do so as well. “Anybody can join the Farmer Veteran Coalition. If you are not a veteran you can join as an associate member,” Woods shared.
More information about the Farmer Veteran Coalition can be found at www.farmvetco.org and on Facebook at Farmer Veteran Coalition of Minnesota. v
The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Natural Resources Conservation Service in Minnesota announced the cut-off date to apply for fiscal year 2023 funds through the Environmental Quality Incentives Program is Nov. 18. Applications are being taken at all USDA Service Centers in Minnesota.
EQIP is the primary program available to farmers and landowners for farm, ranch, and woodland con servation work, offering payments for more than 100 conservation practices.
NRCS accepts applications for EQIP on a continu ous basis, but an application must be filed by Nov. 18 to be eligible for the first round of funding in 2023.
For more information, visit nrcs.usda.gov/mn.
This article was submitted by the U.S. Department of Agriculture.
repaid…. Today we learn again the significance and value of the flag. There was a time when the red in the flag merely meant red. Now we know that her stripes are colored with the precious blood of heroes.”
Sadly the great war to end all wars did not accomplish its pur pose. With this war still vivid in memories, the United States entered WWII on Dec. 7, 1941 while the tulip bulbs laid hid den and forgotten in the frozen soil.
Ring Kleinhesselink was born as World War I was ending on a farm in the middle of the sec tion near Newkirk. He enlisted in the army as he knew he would be drafted.
The sturdy well-built Iowa farm boy proved to be a dependable soldier, eventually rising to the ranks of Captain. He served in both the South Pacific and European theatres.
At Guadacanal he served in the Gun Battalian at Henderson Field. While there, he kept a journal of his experi ences which he later entitled “The Truth About The Guadacanal.” I hope to read this sometime.
He married Anna Beth Vander Schaaf (now that’s rather interesting). Besides that, my farmer and I pur chased our farm from a Kleinhesslink. Both were different clans, so I never met Mr. or Mrs. Ring Kleinhesselink.
After the war, Ring came back to the farm. There his attention to clean fields, creativity when it came to something as mundane as building a pig feed bunk was amazing, and that cornball sense of humor kept people on their toes.
For instance, he enjoyed standing in his field and telling his children or whoever else happened to be there. “Yes, I am a farmer out standing in my field.”
This man continued to serve his country by being active on the school board for 21 years, instrumental in bringing electricity to the area and was a member of the Newkirk Reformed Church.
He may be written down in the his tory books as the man who shot down the first V-1’s over Antwerp; but I sus
pect there are some of his fellow sol diers who remember him as one sol dier who practiced his biblical beliefs by refusing to go to Paris and other points of entertainment — as he didn’t want to be tempted.
es from everyone.
The tulips were blooming when Spec. 4 Reinking was sent to serve with Company C, 1st Battalion, 46th Infantry, 198th Infantry Brigade, America Division near Chu Lai, Vietnam, as an infantryman in May of 1969.
This past August we visited Mr. Reinking just a month before he passed away in the nursing home he had just entered. His tall, always slender body still gave evidence of the star athlete he was in high school. His smile was the same. His gentle, graceful spirit will always be remem bered by me.
sense of humor was a great source of warmth to his fellow winter dwellers.
Military service and a talented artist sure seems like an odd combination. Soldiers are real people.
The Annex has just a few items from the more recent wars on display. President Van Beek expects their col lections to grow in due time.
No, I didn’t forget the Korean War, even though it is sometimes referred to as the “forgotten war.”
Fifty-four thousand soldiers gave the ultimate sacrifice before the armistic es was signed July 27, 1953 to end the Korean War.
Wars are never pleasant affairs. The Vietnam War especially evoked many different emotions amongst Americans. It still does. Yet many people we know or have read their memorial folders spent years of their lives protecting freedom in the Vietnam War.
I have to admit, until I read Carl Reinking’s obituary, his military ser vice was unknown to me. This man and his wife have been acquaintances of the family for many years which developed into a deeper fellowship as they are special friends of my sister and her husband.
Because of this, we have shared many Sunday meals together. So I should have known he was farm boy who was adept at catching and hold ing baby pigs that needed vaccina tions. But I didn’t. All I knew him as was Carl, a good man.
I didn’t know he was a member of the National Guard. Two weeks before their first baby was due to arrive in 1968, Carl was called to active duty with the Army National Guard, sta tioned at Fort Carson in Colorado. He was away in basic training when his son, Daniel, was born.
This had to bring back vivid memo ries to his wife’s parents, the Hollingas. Lambert Hollinga was the first married man with two children from Sioux County to be drafted into WWII. His wife, Olva, not only had to care for their two young children; but she was also pregnant with Nan at the time. Wars definitely demand sacrific
These military people were all older than me. Now all the sub sequent wars and conflicts involve people my age and younger.
I knew Daniel Landegent slightly. He and his wife Nancy were a great musical duo — especially when it came to singing together or playing hymn duets on the piano.
Daniel could play many different instruments. While alive, he pleased the crowds with accordion music when the tulips were blooming during Orange City’s tulip festivals. His tal ent for design and painting was often used for the festival’s night show.
He served during the Cold War years. He was commissioned as a United States Air Force officer. He spent four years as a commander in the 321 Strategic Missile Wing in cold Grand Forks, N.D. In other words, he went deep into the earth, manning one of those missile silos.
No doubt Officer Landegent’s wry
Cornelius Siebersma, who most of us know as J.R., received his letter from the Selective Service in 1951.
A short year later he was deployed to Korea. On the plaque with his photo at the Annex, he wrote these words that are true of his life yet today.
“I got to thinking, you are going into a war zone, you may not get back, you better get your life straightened away. So, I recommitted my life to Christ, on Nov. 6, 1952, in the middle of the Pacific Ocean.”
So many conflicts and troubles since then. Even now as I am planting tulips for next year’s spring, I wonder what changes will occur in this world as the bulbs hibernate underground.
I don’t know if I will be living when these tulips bloom next spring. Are you sure you will? Perhaps we should take heed of those words Mr. Siebersma wrote.
Renae B. Vander Schaaf is an inde pendent writer, author and speaker. Contact her at (605) 530-0017 or agripen@live.com. v
WANTED: Land & farms. I have clients looking for dairy, & cash grain opera tions, as well as bare land parcels from 40-1000 acres. Both for relocation & invest ments. If you have even thought about selling con tact: Paul Krueger, Farm & Land Specialist, Edina Re alty, 138 Main St. W., New Prague, MN 55372. paulkrueger@edinarealty.com (612)328-4506
Stormor Bins & EZ-Drys. 100% financing w/no liens or red tape, call Steve at Fair fax Ag for an appointment. 888-830-7757
Alfalfa, mixed hay grass hay & wheat straw. Medium squares or round bales. Delivery available. Call or text LeRoy Ose 218-689-6675
Bourgault #5200 2 compart ment Air Cart; 30’ B&H Folding Bar w/ 12 Ausher man Dry Fertilizer Coulters; 20’ Rigid Bar w/ 8 Ausher man Dry Fertilizer Coulters; Ag Leader Direct Command Monitor. 507-456-1164
Case IH RMX370 34’ cushion gang disk w/ hyd leveling & Case IH 3 bar harrow, $24,900; Case IH model 14 7 shank V ripper, w/ 3pt & pull type hitch, $4,500; Red Devil 8’ 2 auger snowblower w/ like new 540 PTO, $1,650; Allied-Farm King 74” 3pt snowblower, like new, $1,900; (2) JD 1065A running gears w/ good 12.5x15 ties, $950 ea. 320-769-2756 or 320-361-0065
FOR SALE: Farmall B trac tor, 2 new large tires & tubes, electrical switch, $2,500; Super M IH hood and radiator cover, $150/ea; JD metal wheel rake, $200. All shedded. 320-693-8405
FOR SALE: TEBBEN 9 shank 30” mounted deep till w/ cov er boards, works great in dry hard ground. Wil-Rich 25’ flail stalk chopper. Both in very good condition. 320-630-1777
FOR SALE: MF 1359 discbine, 9’, $15,000; JD 1209 9’ hay bine, $2,000; Parker grain box, JD 1065A gear, $2,000; Hub Spacer 8 bolt. 320-286-5931
For Sale: John Deere 7210 2 Wheel Drive Tractor, like new condition, 1907 hours. $79,500. (320)282-4340
White 2-105, Oliver 1950T MFWD, 1850, (2) 770 Tractors
We Sell the Earth & Everything On It.
Auction Location: Auction Location: 25464 340th Street, Le Center, MN 56057. Directions: From Le Center, MN Go North On Co. Rd 11 To 360th Street, West On 360th Street To 241st Ave., Turn North On 241st Ave., To Lexington Road, West On Lexington Road, To 245th Ave., North On 245th Ave. To 340th Street, West Of 340th Street, Watch For Auction Signs.
November 19, 2022 • 9:30 a.m. COMPLETE DETAILS & ONLINE BIDDING AT
November 13 - 19 from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., No Exceptions
CIH 7240 MFWA, 7633 Hrs, 20.8x42 Duals, 90% Inside, 3 Hyd, 3pt., 1000PTO, Very Good Tractor; (18) CIH Suitcase Weights & Bracket, Magnum Series; IH Wheel Weights
JD 2950 MFWD, Buhler/Allied Hyd. Loader 96” Bucket, 6697 Hrs, 18.4x38, 540/1000PTO, 2 Hyd, Clean; AC 7050 2WD, 5066 Hrs, 20.8x38, 3pt., 3 Hyd, 1000PTO, Cab; AC 6070 Dsl, 6771 Hrs, ROPS, Fenders, 18.4x34, 3pt., 540PTO, 2 Hyd; (10) JD Suitcase Weights; JD Front Fenders; 3pt. Quick Hitch
Versatile 160 Bi-Directional, Case 530 Backhoe
Versatile 160 Bi-Directional Tractor, Cab, 14.9x24, 3.9 Cummins, Front PTO, Hyd. & 3pt., 84” Bucket, Universal Skid Loader Plate; Bradco 16980 Silage Defacer, Skid Loader Plate; Case 520 Gas Backhoe/Loader, 72” Loader Bucket, 23” Hoe Bucket, 14.9x24; Tebben TFL-2500-94 3pt. Forklift
CIH 4800 FC, 31.5’, Harrow, Excellent Condition; DMI EcoloTiger 527 Ripper, 5 Shank, Double Disc, Rear Hyd. Levelers; White 5100, 6R30”, Liquid Fert., Row Cleaners, Hyd Pump, Corn & Bean Plates, Monitor, Clean; Hiniker 5000 Econ-O-Till 3pt. Cultivator, 6R30”; Bush Hog 21.5’ Tandem Disc, Hyd. Fold; Loftness Stalk Chopper, 15’, 1000PTO, Looks New; DMI Coulter Champ II 9 Shank Chisel Plow; DMI 10 Shank Applicator Bar; Noble Lilliston Schultz 3pt. 6R30” Cultivator; Stanhoist 12 Shank Chisel Plow; Century 500 Gal Crop Sprayer, Tandem Axle, 45’, Hyd Drive; 1300 Gal Water Tender, B&S Pump; EZ Flow 275 Gravity Wagon, JM 15 Ton Gear, Hyd. Auger, Tarp; Tyee 20’ Drill, 3pt., 6” Spacings; Pacer 150 GPM Transfer Pump
Gehl 1260 Forage Harvester, 1000PTO, Hyd. Tongue, Tandem, Elec. Controls; Gehl 3R30” Corn Head; Hesston BP20 Bale Grinder; Knight Reel Auggie 3575 TMR, LH Discharge, Single Axle, 540PTO; JD
White 2-105, Cab, 4397 Hrs, 18.4x38 Duals, 3pt., 540 PTO, 2 Hyd, Clean; Oliver 1950T MFWD, 6128 Hrs, 18.4x38, 3pt., 2 Hyd, PTO, Hiniker Cab, Clean, SN: 218386-653; Oliver 1850 2WD, 6709 Hrs, Open Station, WF, Fenders, 3pt., 2 Hyd, PTO, 18.4x34; Oliver 770 Gas, Open Station, 547 Hrs, Flat Fenders, 13.6x38, PTO, 1 Hyd; Oliver 770 Dsl, Koyker Hyd. Loader, WF, 3pt., PTO, 1 Hyd, Wheel Weights, New 16.9x38; Oliver Front Weights & Wheel Weights; Oliver 77 Parts Tractor
Notch Pull Type 10’ Box Blade, Hyd. Angle, Like New; Allied Snowblower, 3pt., 96”, Hyd. Spout; J&M 350 Gravity Wagon; Steinbach Post Hole Auger, 10” Bit; Bog Ox 96” Rear Blade, 3pt.; Wood Cadet 84” Rotary Mower, 3pt.; 550 Gal Fuel Tank, Elec/ Pump; (2) 300 Gal Fuel Tanks, (1) 12v pump, (1) On Stand; Poly Round Bale Feeder; 300’ Guard Rail Fencing; Richardson Hyd. High Dump Cart, 15 Ton Gear; JD 318, 48” Deck, 1328 Hrs; Grasshopper 721 Zero Turn, Dsl, 62” Deck, 1597 Hrs; Windpower 12/20 PT2 PTO Generator; Large Amount Of Scrap Iron
‘11 Ford F150 XLT, 4x4, Crew Cab, V8, Auto, 6’ Box, 59,500 Miles; ‘04 Wilson Gooseneck Livestock Trl, 6’x20’, Gate, Ex. Condition; ‘12 May Gooseneck Flatbed Trailer, 20’ Bed, 5’ Dove Tail, Flip Up Ramps, Tandem Axle; ‘96 Ford F250, 7.3L Power Stroke, 5 Sp., 2WD, Ext. Cab, 239,075 Miles
‘78 IH 1854 Loadstar, 466 Dsl, 5x2 Sp., Single Axle, 18’ Steel Box & Hoist, 547,664 Miles; ‘75 IH 1800 Loadstar, Twin Screw, V8 Gas, Allison Auto, 18’ Crysteel Box & Hoist, 122,141 Miles
Gleaner Combines, Heads, Augers, Grain Dryer & Bin
Gleaner L3 Dsl Combine, Engine Hrs 496, 294 Separator Hrs, Chopper, Good Machine; Gleaner L2 Diesel Combine, 963 Separator Hrs, 1778 Engine Hrs, Chopper; Deutz Allis 20’, 3” Cut, Orange Stripe; Gleaner 6R30” Corn Head; JD Implement Trailer, Tandem Sliding Axle, 28’; JD 400 Grain Cart, Front Auger, 1000PTO; Farm Fans AB-8B Grain Dryer, Transport, 4621 Hrs, Single Phase; Lowery 1000 Bushel Holding Bin; Westfield MK10061 Swing Hopper Auger, Hyd. Lift, PTO; Westfield W80-51 Auger, 7.5HP; Westfield W80-56 Auger, PTO
Honda ATV, Tools, Farm Primitives, Stoneware, Antiques Honda Rancher ES ATV, 4148 Miles; Aladdin Hot Water Pressure Washer; Schumacher Battery Charger; 16 Speed Floor Drill Press; Craftsman 230/180 AC/DC Welder; Champion 2000lb Winch; Lincoln Power Greaser; Ryobi 14” Cutoff Saw; Gas Cutting Torch; Wrench & Socket Sets; Craftsman Tool Box; Bench Grinder; Rolling Welding Table; Large Amount Of Shop Supplies; Machinery Parts & Filters; Handled Garden & Farm Tools; Oak Commode With Towel Bar ;Oak Highboy Dresser; Copper Boiler; Cheese Boxes; Milk Cans; Fruit Boxes; Red Wing 25 Gallon, 4 Gallon Rib Cage & Target Salt Glaze, 5 Gallon Crocks; Plus Much More
MATT MARING AUCTION CO. INC. • PO Box 37, Kenyon, MN 55946 507-789-5421 • 800-801-4502 Matt Maring, Lic. #25-28 • 507-951-8354 Kevin Maring Lic 25-70 & Adam Engen Lic# 25-93
Sealed bids are now being received by PATTON, HOVERSTEN & BERG, P.A. Law Office on behalf of the Delores E. Murphy Revocable Trust for the sale of approximately 52.7 acres of farmland located in Sections 21 and 22 in Alton Township, Waseca County, Minnesota, and generally described as:
The South 2 acres of the N ½ of NW ¼ , AND the West ½ of the SW ¼ of the NW ¼ all in Section 22-107-24, containing 22 acres, AND Government Lot 1 in Section 21-107-24 containing 30.7 acres.
Interested parties are invited to submit a sealed bid in person or by mail with a check for $5,000.00 made to PHB Real Estate Escrow Account at 216 Main Street N, PO Box M, Janesville, MN 56048 or at 215 E. Elm Avenue, PO Box 249, Waseca, MN 56093 or present such a bid and check at the meeting room on the afternoon of the sale and prior to opening the bids. Bids will be opened at the Public Meeting Room at the Janesville City Hall, 101 N. Mott Street, Janes ville, MN on Thursday, November 17, 2022, at 2:00 p.m. Only persons submitting a written bid together with a $5,000.00 bid deposit shall be allowed to be present and may raise their bid in writing after the initial bids have been opened. Deposits shall be returned on November 17, 2022, to all unsuccessful bidders. The successful bidder will be able to use the $5,000.00 bid deposit toward the earnest money obligation.
Terms of Sale: Terms will be set out in the information packet and include earnest money of $50,000.00 payable on November 17, 2022, and the balance due on or before December 20, 2022, the date of closing.
An information packet including the exact legal description, diagrams of the property, and other information about the property and terms of the sale is available by calling the offices of PATTON, HOVERSTEN, & BERG, P.A. at Waseca, MN, at 507-835-5240.
The Sellers reserve the right to reject any or all bids, to modify any pre-announced bidding procedures, and to waive any irregularities in the bidding proceedings.
PATTON, HOVERSTEN & BERG, P.A. William L. Hoversten, Attorney for Seller 215 E. Elm Avenue
w/bucket, snow bucket, grapple fork, 1858 hrs; '05 Kawasaki Prairie Twin 700 ATV, 2020 miles; 10’ Box scraper w/wgt box; 6-18 IH 710 Plow; 18’ flat rack & gear & 16’ flat rack & gear w/remov able sides; 2 generators: Wind Charger 25 Amps PTO on cart; 25 KW Agpro PTO on cart; 30’ JD flat fold rotary hoe, new bearings & whls; 3 pt. heavy duty Ford backhoe, 24” bucket. PICTURES ON
FOR SALE: 1957 John Deere 820, looks good and runs fine. $9,500. 651-380-2738 NEW AND USED TRACTOR PARTS JD 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 55, 50 Series & newer trac tors, AC-all models, Large Inventory, We ship! Mark Heitman Tractor Salvage 715-673-4829
2014 JOHN DEERE 640FD 40 ft Flex Draper, Dual Knife Drive, Flip Over Reel $55,000 (320) 510-0468
FOR SALE: 1250 Case IH grinder, mechanical drive and unload, scale works, one owner. 507-276-0124
FOR SALE: 1350 Case IH grinder, hydraulic drive and unload, has scale. 507-276-0124
WANTED: 365 to 750 bushel gravity boxes. JD 115 stalk chopper. All good condition. 320-266-6878
Opening November 8 & Closing November 15 at 1PM
Spurley Dairy Farm Retirement Cattle Auction – Part 2, Linden, WI, Timed Online Auction
Opening November 8 & Closing November 16 at 1PM
Mcleod County, MN Land Auction - 44± Acres, Silver Lake, MN, Timed Online Auction
Opening November 15 & Closing November 23 at 1PM
Mcleod County, MN Land Auction – 366+/- Acres, Hutchinson, MN, Timed Online Auction
Thursday, November 17 at 10AM
Des Moines River Farm LLC Land Auction – 520± Acres, Avoca, MN
Opening November 18 & Closing November 22 at 12PM
Online Hay Auction – Quality Tested, Litchfield, MN, Timed Online Auction
Opening November 18 & Closing November 23 at 10AM
Online Steffes Auction 11/23, Upper & Central Midwest Locations, Timed Online Auction
Opening November 21 & Closing November 30 at 12PM
Kevin & Candace Lunde Farm Retirement Auction, Lake Park, MN, Timed Online Auction
Opening November 21 & Closing November 30 at 1PM
BRR Farm Equipment Auction, Olivia, MN, Timed Online Auction
Opening November 21 & Closing November 30 at 7PM
Mike & Cindy Portner Farm Retirement Auction, New Ulm, MN, Timed Online Auction
Opening November 22 & Closing November 29 at 1PM
Spurley Dairy Farm Retirement Equipment Auction, Linden, WI, Timed Online Auction
Opening November 22 & Closing November 29 at 7PM
Adrian Farms Equipment Auction, Mountain Lake, MN, Timed Online Auction
Opening November 22 & Closing December 1 at 1PM
Les Rolfson Farm Retirement Auction, Pine Island, MN, Timed Online Auction
Opening November 23 & Closing November 30 at 11AM
Richard & Wendy Jones Parts & Inventory Auction, Brownsdale, MN, Timed Online Auction
Opening November 23 & Closing November 30 at 7PM
John & Lynn Labat Farm Equipment Retirement Auction, Milroy, MN, Timed Online Auction
Opening November 25 & Closing December 5 at 12PM
Kibble Equipment Auction, Steffes Group Facility – Sioux Falls, SD, Timed Online Auction
Opening November 26 & Closing December 1 at 7PM
Loren & Susan Kohls Farm Retirement Auction, Delano, MN, Timed Online Auction
Opening November 28 & Closing December 5 at 10AM
Bidne Family Trust Retirement Auction, Kiester MN, Timed Online Auction
Opening November 28 & Closing December 8 at 1PM
Arnold Companies Inc – St. Cloud Location, St. Cloud, Timed Online Auction
Opening November 28 & Closing December 13 at 7PM
Princeton Area Grain Handling Equipment Auction, Princeton, MN, Timed Online Auction
Opening November 30 & Closing December 7 at 7PM
Stan Barklow Equipment Auction, Jeffers, MN, Timed Online Auction
Thursday, December 1 at 10AM
Hagen Brothers Partners Farm Retirement Auction, Sacred Heart, MN
Friday, December 2 at 11AM
Richard & Wendy Jones Farm Retirement Auction, Brownsdale, MN
Phone: 320-815-0460
77.5 +/- Acres Of Bare Crop Land In Section 1, Walcott Township, Rice County, MN
*** Address: 61XX 220th Street East, Faribault, MN
*** PID#: 15.01.325.001, Taxes
For 2022 $1,198.00, Zoned 2A Ag Homestead
*** Area: 77.5+/- Acres, Building Site Will Be Surveyed Off At Selling At Auction
*** Tillable Acres: 58+/- Acres
*** CPI: 92.6 Average
*** To Be Sold By The Acre
2.25 Acre Older Building Site In Section 1, Walcott Township, Rice County, MN
120+/- Acres Bare Crop Land In Section 23, Walcott Township, Rice County, MN
*** Address: 58XX 250th Street East, Faribault, MN
*** Area: 120+/- Acres Of Bare Crop Land
*** Tillable Acres: Approx 95+/Acres
*** Former PID#:, Taxes For 2022 Based On 160 Acres Are $1,596.40
*** The Southeast Quarter Will Be Split Off Of This Farm
*** CPI: 76.1 Average
*** CRP Contract: There Are 11.31+/- Acres Under Contract Until September 2027, Per Acre Rate, $231.49. Rice Co. FSA Will Determine Exact CRP Acres In Parcel After Auction And Land Is Split
*** Remaining Balance Of Bare Land CRP Contract Expires September 2022.
*** This Will Make A Great Addition To Any Farming Operation For The 2023 Growing Season
*** To Be Sold By The Acre
Terms: $20,000 down on Parcels 1, 2 & 4 and $10,000 down on Parcel 3 the day of the auction, this earnest monies is non-fundable if buyer fails to close on said real estate. The balance is due and payable in full to the seller on or before December 29, 2022; at which time the buyer(s) shall receive clear and marketable title and possession. All real estate sells in as-is condition with no warranties or guarantees expressed or implied by the seller or any of their agents. There are no contingencies whatsoever. The buyer(s) of parcel 1 & 4 shall honor all USDA CRP Contracts to the expiration dates. All real estate taxes shall be pro-rated to date of closing. All bidders and buyers must have their finances in order prior to auction day. Broker: Maring Auction & Realty Inc., Lic# 40241191
*** To Be Sold By The Gross Dollar
*** Address: 6136 220th Street East, Faribault, MN
*** Area: 2.25 Acres Surveyed
*** Building Site: Older 2 Story Home, Older Shed, NonConforming Septic System, Unknow Well Condition, House Is In Poor Condition Selling AS-IS
80 Acres Of Bare Crop Land In Section 12, Walcott Township, Rice County, MN
*** Address: 61XX 220th Street East, Faribault, MN
*** Area: 80 Deeded Acres, Taxes For 2022 $1,464.00, Zoned 2A Ag Homestead
*** Tillable Acres: 74.15 Total, 19.78 Acres Under Plow
*** CPI: 88.3 Average
*** CRP Acres: 54.37 Acres To Expire In September Of 2027
*** 48.28 CRP Acres At A Rate Of $203.89 Per Acre For Yearly Payment Of $9,843.80
*** 6.09 CRP Acres At A Rate Of $190.72 Per Acre For Yearly Payment Of $1,161.00
*** To Be Sold By The Acre
HIGHLIGHTS: 2001 Case-IH STX440 4wd tractor, 4,279 hours; 2008 Case-IH Mag num 305 MFWD tractor, 2,887 hours; 2004 Case-IH MX285 MFWD tractor, 4,956 hours; 1995 Case-IH 7250 MFWD tractor, 5,370 hours; 1979 International 1586 2wd tractor, showing 5,260 hours; 1976 International 1066 “Black Stripe” 2wd tractor, showing 7,812 hours; 2005 JD 9660 STS 2wd combine, 3,122 eng./2,060 sep. hours; 2010 JD 608C Stalk Master 8 row 30” chopping corn head; 2005 JD 635F Hydra Flex 35’ platform; Horst 35’ all wheel steer head cart; Case-IH 1200 16/31 planter; Concord 1102 air cart; Convey-All BTS 290 seed tender; Sprayer Specialties XLRD 1,500 gal. pull-type sprayer; Brent 1082 grain cart; Brent 744 gravity wagon; Demco 650 gravity wagon; J&M gravity wagon on J&M run ning gear; Westfield MK130-71 10”x71’ swing away auger; Westfield W130-61 13”x61’ truck auger; Westfield J208-36 8”x36’ truck auger; Wheatheart 10” au ger; 2005 Case-IH Tiger Mate II 45.5’ field cultivator; Case-IH 730B 7-shank disc ripper; JD 1610 39’ chisel plow; Krause 27’ disk; International 183 16 row 30” 3-pt. cultivator; Yetter 3546 45’ 3-pt. rotary hoe; Harms 45’ land roller; Summer 700 rock picker; IHC 700 7 bottom 18” pull type plow; 1990 International 8200 semi, 515,443 miles; 2001 Dodge 2500 4wd pickup, 111,975 miles; 1991 Timpte 42’ hopper bottom trailer; 1978 Freuhauf 40’ tender van trailer; Case-IH Pro 700 dis play; Ag Leader Integra display w/ harness; Miller M12 loader; Westendorf run ning gear; Allied 8’ 3-pt. snowblower; Many farm support & shop items! Please see website for grain handling equipment & grain bin removal information!
HIGHLIGHTS: 1988 Grove TM250 crane, showing 61,595 miles; Crane out riggers; Crane out rigger pads; Adjustable spreader bar; Bin lifting ring; Misc. rigging; 1999 International 8100 day cab semi, 278,158 miles; 2002 Ford F-250 4wd pickup, 260,692 miles; 1997 Ford F-250 4wd pickup, 161,232 miles; 2004 Delta 32’ flatbed trailer; Shop built 40’ bin moving trailer; Shop built 32’ bin moving trailer; 23’ to 35’ bridge timbers; Gravel packer; Aluminum ext. ladder; 8’ ladder rack for pickup; Log chains; Come-alongs; DeWalt cordless impacts; Milwaukee drill; Assorted concrete tools; Plus more!!
NOVEMBER 22, 2022 AT 11:30 AMCT
NOVEMBER 22, 2022 AT 10:00 AMCT
The Sicheneder farm is located in northern Renville county approx. 7 miles northeast of Bird Island, MN. The farm is further described as being located in Section 16, T116N - R33W, Osceola Township, Renville County, MN. Both tracts represent productive, tillable farmland which sells free & clear for the 2023 crop year.
Representing Attorney: Kristal R. Dahlager Anderson Larson Saunders Klaassen Dahlager & Leitch PLLP 331 S.W. Third Street | Willmar, MN 56201 | (320) 235-4313
Auction Managers: Allen Henslin (320) 979-1808 & LaDon Henslin (320) 894-5959
The Wallenta land is located southeast of Lake Lillian, MN. The farm is further described as being located in Sections 28, T117N - R33W of East Lake Lillian Township, in Kandiyohi County. Prime Patterned Tile Class A Farm Land. High C.P.I. Rating, 95.8!!
Representing Attorney: Brad Schmidt Johnson, Moody, Schmidt, Kleinhuizen & Zumwalt P.A. 320 1st St. South #3304 | Willmar, MN 56201 | (320) 235-2000
Auction Manager: Allen Henslin (320) 979-1808
Talk to your auctioneer or call our friendly staff at 507-345-4523 or 800-657-4665 to place your auction in The Land. theland@thelandonline.com or www.thelandonline.com
FOR SALE: Black Angus bulls also Hamp, York, & Hamp/ Duroc boars & gilts. Alfred (Mike) Kemen 320-598-3790
Sell your livestock in The Land with a line ad. 507-345-4523
FOR SALE: Yorkshire, Hamp shire, Duroc, cross bred boars, and gilts. Top quality. Excellent herd health. No PRSS. Delivery available. 320-760-0365
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3 Reg. Arabian mares: bay straight Egyptian - bred to black straight Egyptian. A chestnut & black- both open. Asking $3,000 each. 608-297-2021 leave message
FOR SALE: Golden Retriev er puppies. Born Sept 27th. AKC registered. Family raised & loved. Mother hunts pheasants. Makes wonderful farm dogs. Males $750; Fe males $850. 507-421-5136
Wooden nut crackers may not actually come to life (as in the ballet) or be able to take over a whole town, but they have a lively grip on Luverne, Minn.
The focal point of this take over is the Rock County History Center, which has a collection of over 4,800 nut cracker items — most of which are figurines. As with most collections, it started with a single nutcracker.
Betty Mann tells how she lost her husband and oldest daughter in 2000, which made it a “tough Christmas.”
In January 2001, when Christmas items were halfprice, she purchased a belated Christmas present for herself: a wooden nut cracker. Almost miraculous ly, it began to multiply, through her own purchases and gifts from her large family and from friends. The collection grew to over 2,500 pieces.
Mann, who retired in 2022 after 27 years as presi dent of the Rock County Historical Society, donated her collection to the History Center in 2016. It was the beginning of the collection which has surpassed 4,800 pieces … and there are no duplicates.
It’s amazing how many variations there can be on a nutcracker. Nutcrackers in the collection are paint ed to represent nationalities, occupations, or what ever strikes the creator’s fancy. In addition to the typical Christmas nutcrackers, they have cabinets
designated for policemen, pirates, gnomes, snowmen, military and sports. One cabinet is all dedicated to The Nutcracker ballet. There are even crystal ones. If it is a nutcracker, it is welcome — even if you can’t crack a nut in its mouth.
When a consultant told the city of Luverne they needed a hook to draw visitors, he said Betty’s nut crackers would do very well. That’s how nutcrackers have taken over the town. Driving down Main Street you spot a few flat, eight-foot tall nutcrackers attached to buildings. This past summer, the Chamber
of Commerce began install ing seven-foot fiberglass nutcrackers painted by local artists.
But it is early December when things really get “cracking.” The town’s annual Winterfest cele brates a nutcracker theme.
Betty said that last year there were over 130 dis played on buildings and at homes. The city park has a lighted drive lined with nutcrackers.
Year-round the huge col lection is on display at the History Center. By the way, nutcrackers aren’t the only thing to see in the museum.
Housed in a former Ford dealership, the showroom displays a 1909 Luverne roadster, one of two still known to be in existence.
The Luverne Automobile Company built a little over 600 cars before it switched to trucks and eventually fire engines (the museum has one of those, too).
The Rock County History Center is located at 312 East Main St. in Luverne. It is open Monday through Saturday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
More information can be found online at rockcoun tyhistorical.com; phone (507) 283-2122; or email at rcmuseum@gmail.com.
Find the Winterfest schedule at www. LuverneChamber.com or www.LuverneEvents.com.
Matt Erickson
Fertile, Minn.
Nov. 3
Harvest is complete for Matt Erickson this year. “The yields were good, even though we got really dry here. We finished corn the middle of last week and beans before that.”
Matt did not see much rain this season. Located near the Red River Valley, he’s had about an inch and a half of rain since July 1. July and August combined saw less than an inch.
With harvest wrapped, Matt still has projects to keep him busy. “We’re working on getting things buttoned up for the season.” He reported his cattle are doing well and he’s been able to get some of their tasks completed which can get neglected during harvest. “We’re weaning calves. The cows are home from pasture and are grazing on corn stalks.”
“It’s been a nice fall to get things done. We could use a little moisture, but it might be in white form now.” v
We extend a grateful thank you to our four producers for their informative updates this year!
“From the Fields” will resume next spring and The Land is looking for producers throughout Minnesota and northern Iowa to be our reporters. If you are interested in providing updates of your planting through harvest process, please contact Laura Cole at lcole@thelandonline.com.
“Corn yields were awesome and beans were good,” Bob Roelofs reports of his harvest results. This year was Bob’s first foray into working with no-till beans and the outcome was better than he expected. “Next year we’ll be heavy on the corn side — three-fourths corn, one-fourth beans.”
“We’re finishing tillage and trying to clear things up.” Bob is tiling, as well. “It’s very dry, which is concerning for next year. We could really use some rains before
See ROELOFS, pg. 3B
“We were able to finish corn harvest on Saturday and should be done with tillage today,” Leah Johnson reported. “The ground is
dry and the ground is hard. My back feels like I’m 51, not 31 years old.”
Leah reports being super happy with their corn on corn planting. “We knew there was still nitrogen in the soil,” but they weren’t expecting such great yields.
With a successful harvest — despite the lack of rain this year — Leah shared her brother’s running joke: “We only need 8 inches to make a crop?” She stated the beginning conditions proved very beneficial. “We had some moisture when we planted and that really saved us.”
Moving forward, Leah still has a good amount on her plate. Besides selling Pioneer seed, dirt work is begin ning for a big shed/shop. “That’s been on the wish list for many years. We’re really excited for the storage options and for a more workable area.” v
Winslow Fountain, Minn. Nov. 3
Scott Winslow’s farm received .85 inches of rainfall on Oct. 24. “I stayed out of the fields until the following Saturday. We finished up till
age and manure. We did some soil testing, spread some lime and are spreading fertilizer.”
Scott is located in Fillmore County and is part of the Karst Region. “Because
See WINSLOW, pg. 3B
Wayne Capistran is a Red River Valley seedsman, whose family grew 2,600 acres of rye, barley, wheat, soybeans, sugar beets, corn and sunflowers. Last sea son, Capistran was the recipient of the Minnesota Crop Improvement Association’s Achievement in Crop Improvement Award for 2022. The organization, which offers a wide array of seed certification and quality assurance services, says the Achievement in Crop Improvement Award is its high est honor. It has been presented annually by the organization for half a century.
“This award is directed at an individual’s involve ment and history in seed production,” MCIA’s foun dation seed manager said. “That said, good farming practices lead to high quality seed — so they do go hand in hand. But some past recipients were not farmers, but owners of a seed business, or those who contributed in a significant way to variety improve ment and the seed industry. In the case of Wayne we have someone who has a long history of seed produc tion and strives to provide high quality seed to his customers.”
Capistran, whose son Kevin oversees day-to-day farming activity, operates the family’s seed condition ing plant, Capistran Seed Company, in Crookston. “I was very surprised and felt humble to receive this award since it is selected by one’s peers,” Capistran, who built the plant in 1992, said. “I’ve been an MCIA member for at least 35 years. They have been great to work with. They have always been helpful when you have questions and have been good to update you with all the changes that have come about in that time.”
One area of seed work that caused MCIA to grant Capistran the award was his work with foundation seed.
“Foundation seed is the highest class in the certifi cation system,” MCIA’s Wippler said. “The classes are Foundation, Registered
and Certified. Foundation seed standards are higher than the other two classes and require extra attention to maintain a high level of purity. Wayne’s rep utation as a quality seed produc er makes him a good candidate to grow Foundation seed, not only for MCIA and but also other seed companies.”
Wippler says that foundation seed is the first generation in the certification system and is pro duced from the breeder seed that is under the control of the plant breeder.
“We’ve grown foundation seed for more than 30 years,” Wayne said. “We’ve grown wheat and barley for foundation and soybeans for private com panies. One of the challenges with foundation seed is keeping the seeds genetic purity. But we also face flooding, wind erosion, seeding by airplane, and other types of contamination that can be big headaches as well. Seed production is similar on all types of crops and includes lots of cleaning and vacuuming of plant ers, trucks, combines, augers, conveyors, bins, and the cleaning plant itself.”
When MCIA chooses a farmer to grow Foundation seed, they look for the right combination of experi ence, land, facilities and cooperation.
“Foundation seed is a vital link between breeder
seed and certified seed produced by the certified seed grower,” Wippler said.
Another area of the seed business where Wayne Capistran stands out is the annual variety test plots and field days that he and his family have run on their farm.
“The test plots of wheat and soybeans have become a staple on the Capistran Farm,” the MCIA press release announcing Capistran’s award, said. “They include varieties from many companies and their tours draw a nice crowd. In addition to the plot tour, they also come to enjoy the good meal prepared by Wayne’s wife, Nancy.”
The Red River Valley started out too wet this grow ing season and planting started late; so harvest and plot data collection wasn’t finished until Oct. 30, Wayne says. By then, things were extremely dry and rain was very much in need.
“This year we had wheat plots, soybean plots, corn plots, and sunflower plots,” Wayne said. “These were all variety trials to compare current and new variet ies. We also do seeding-rate, seed treatment, and biologicals trials. We are trying to find what works best in our location and soil types.”
Kevin Capistran takes care of the plots and collect ing all the data, Wayne explained.
“Kevin is a Certified Crop Advisor so answers many grower and customer questions,” Wayne said. I take care of the sales and operation, contracting other production, and managing employees. We clean and process all our own seed production and contract production from other farmers. We also do contract production for private com panies.”
“I am delighted to get this award,” Wayne said when he received the award. “Thank you to everybody and thanks to my family. This is a real family operation, and it wouldn’t be what it is with out them.”
Both Wayne’s son Kevin and his daughter-in-law Lori are actively involved in the family’s farming and seed business — thus assur ing the Capistran family will be growing and process ing high quality seed for years to come. v
The Free Press, Mankato, Minn.
MANKATO, Minn. — The area of extreme drought grew across a large swath of southern Minnesota as did areas in severe drought, according to the new Drought Monitor map.
All of Sibley County, much of Brown County and the northwestern corner of Nicollet County are in severe drought.
Blue Earth County and counties to the east and south of it are faring bet ter, staying in a moderate drought.
Drought conditions now cover just over half of Minnesota. Only the coun ties along the North Shore are in nor mal moisture conditions.
Extreme drought expanded from 4.2 to 6.5 percent of the state.
After hitting record or near-record high temperatures on Nov. 2, it will be more seasonable in the days ahead.
There were chances for rain in the Mankato region through Nov. 5, but totals are not predicted to be much. South-central Minnesota will likely see just a tenth to half inch of rain.
Temperatures in the Mankato region will be in the 50s to 60s, before falling to highs of freezing beginning Nov. 11, with some chances for snow showers.
Nationally, the deepening drought has pushed large chunks of the central United States into severe and extreme
Reports from the Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship data collected from Oct. 31 through Nov. 6.
Unseasonably warm temperatures blanketed the state with a statewide average temperature of 51.0 degrees, 8.3 degrees above normal.
Daytime temperatures reached into the mid 60s in western and southern Iowa with upper 50s in the northeast. A wide range of overnight lows spanned the state with mid 20s in the northwest to low 50s southeast. Winds out of the west and sunny skies held afternoon temperatures in the mid to upper 60s as high pressure dominated the Midwest. Winds shifted to a southerly direction into Nov. 1 with unseasonably warm temperatures in the mid to upper 70s statewide under clear skies. Overnight conditions were cloudless as temperatures held in the upper 40s and low 50s with southerly winds becoming blustery on Nov. 2. Daytime highs pushed into the 70s for a second day as sustained winds held in the 20 to 30-mph range in northwestern Iowa; the statewide average high was 74 degrees, 21 degrees above normal.
Cloud cover increased west to east into the morning of Nov. 3 as a low pressure system approached Iowa from the west. Gusty southerly winds con tinued, pumping moisture into the Midwest as highs ranged from the upper 60s north to mid 70s south. Showers began forming in western Iowa after sunset as the low pressure
center pushed across Iowa. Widespread showers and some thunderstorms con tinued overnight and through Nov. 4 leaving behind beneficial totals over much of Iowa. Dreary conditions were observed throughout the day as rain continued and highs hovered in the upper 30s and low 40s. The system held on in eastern Iowa through the afternoon of Nov. 5 as sunshine broke out in western Iowa.
Most Iowa stations reported measur able totals from the event with nearly 100 stations measuring at least an inch. More than 50 stations observed two or more inches with stations in south-central Iowa reporting the high est totals. As clouds dissipated, tem peratures rebounded into the 50s west while mid 40s were present in eastern Iowa. Winds shifted to a southerly direction late in the night before swing ing back around the west by sunrise on Nov. 6. Morning lows were warmer than average with mid to upper 40s over northern Iowa with warmer condi tions farther south.
Weekly rain totals ranged from 0.01 inch at Estherville Municipal Airport (Emmet County) to 4.30 inches in Osceola. The statewide weekly average rainfall was 1.47 inches; the normal is 0.54 inches.
Four-inch soil temperatures were in the mid 40s north to low 50s south as of Sunday. v
drought. The area from Iowa down to the Gulf Coast and states to the east and southeast are in somewhat better shape, with many in moderate drought.
Well over half the country is in a drought zone with more than a third in severe or extreme drought.
The drought across the Mississippi
River basin has the river at record or near-record lows.
That has backed up barge traffic that uses the river to move grain, road salt and a variety of other materials from as far as the barge docks on the Minnesota River at Savage to the Gulf of Mexico.
Thousands of barges are stalled along the river and those that are moving are carrying about half their normal loads.
ROELOFS, from pg. 1B
it freezes.”
Bob also raises hogs at three sites, and has completed manure. He sells soil fertilizer and again has repeat cus tomers who are satisfied with the suc cess they’ve had with the product.
The Free Press and The Land are sis ter publications owned by The Free Press Media. v
WINSLOW, from pg. 1B
of our topography, we’re unable to lay nitrogen in the fall, so that will happen in the spring.”
Scott noted the new pigs are “staying nice and healthy.”
Coming up, Bob will be keeping an eye out to upgrade some of his equipment. With an addition of farm property this year and the duties that come with serving as his district’s director for the Minnesota Farm Bureau, Bob has plenty to fill his days. v
After a storm damaged several build ings last December, Scott is hoping to have the last of the rebuild projects done in the next week. A fifth genera tion farmer on property his family has occupied since 1854, he reflected he has much to be grateful for as no per son or animal was injured from the storm. Once the electrical work is fin ished in the machine shed, Scott will store the equipment for spring. “And we start all over again.” v
This column was written for the market ing week ending Nov. 4.
The October Federal order Class III benchmark milk price was announced at $21.81 per hundredweight, up $1.99 from September, $3.98 above Oct. 2021, and the highest October Class III since 2014.
The 10-month average stands at $22.20, up from $16.86 a year ago, $17.89 in 2020, and $16.37 in 2019.
Class III futures announced on Nov. 4 portended a November price at $20.69 and December at $20.19 per hun dredweight.
cents weaker on the month.
Sales for Halloween Week totaled three cars of block, with 18 for the month of October, down from 21 in September. Barrel sales totaled seven for the week and 43 for the month, up from 35 in September.
pound, up 3.75 cents on the week but 19.25 cents below a year ago, and unchanged from Oct. 3. Sales totaled three for the week and six for the month of October, down from 18 in September. n
MIELKE MARKET WEEKLY By Lee MielkeThe October Class IV price is $24.96, up 33 cents from September, $7.92 above a year ago, and the highest October Class IV ever. The 10-month average is at $24.82, up from $15.44 a year ago, $13.52 in 2020, and $16.23 in 2019.
Cash butter suffered a Halloween Day meltdown, plunging a ghostly 19.5 cents — the first time below $3 per pound since Aug. 19. It plunged a whopping 24.5 cents Nov. 1, the largest single day fall since Dec. 10, 2015 when it lost 49 cents. Another 9 cents got whacked off the next day, with 15 loads being sold, and fell to $2.61 per pound, a low not seen since May 10.
Buyers grabbed the falling knife on Nov. 3 and three sales took the price back up 5.75 cents. It added 10.5 cents Nov. 4 to close at $2.7725, down 36.75 cents on the week, lowest since May 17, but still 83.75 cents above a year ago, as traders antici pated the afternoon’s September Dairy Products report. Sales totaled 27 for the week and 58 for the month of October, down from 87 in September. n
Butter makers continue to report “normal condi tions,” according to Dairy Market News. Cream is readily available. Churning has picked up in recent weeks and demand is “steady-to-busy in the final pushes of the holiday ordering season.”
Cream volumes continue to increase in the West. Demand for cream is steady for both Class II and butter production, though some churning is limited by labor shortages. Food service butter demand is steady but retail grocers have filled stocks in prepa ration for the holiday season and are reducing their butter orders.
Block cheddar, after falling almost a dime the pre vious week, closed the first Friday of November at $2.01 per pound, up 5 cents on the week and 42.5 cents above a year ago. It closed October 4 cents lower than it began the month.
The barrels, after plunging 16.5 cents the previous week, finished Nov. 4 at $1.975, also up 5 cents on the week, 47.25 cents above a year ago, and 3.5 cents below the blocks. They closed October 26.75
Dairy Market News says central cheese market tones were under some of the same bearish pressure that have impact ed all dairy commodities in recent weeks. Contacts say “There are two potential sil ver linings: lower prices prompting more sales and a closure of the block/barrel price spread.” Most cheese processors have been reporting somewhat strong sales. Milk availability is slightly tighter and offers were quiet this week but Class III producers are actively seeking milk. Cheese inventories are generally balanced.
September’s gain in the incomeover-feed calculation broke a three-month run of declines,” says Brooks. “Income over feed costs were above the $8 per cwt. level needed for steady to increasing milk production for the 12th month running. Feed costs were the highest ever for the month of September and the third highest all time. The All-Milk price stayed just outside of the top ten at the 13th highest recorded.
— Bill Brooks, Stoneheart ConsultingDemand for cheese in the West is steady in food service markets, though retail demand is softening and below some previously forecasted levels. Export demand is strong as domestically produced loads are being sold at a discount to international suppli ers. Cheese prices started heading south the week of Oct. 24 but saw some recovery Halloween week. Some attributed the lower prices to increased spot availability for both barrels and blocks in recent weeks. Milk is available for cheesemakers to run steady schedules, says Dairy Market News, though some continue to battle labor shortages and delayed deliveries of production supplies.
Grade A nonfat dry milk fell to $1.37 per pound on Nov. 2 (the lowest since Sept. 28, 2021), but ral lied to a Nov. 4 close at $1.40. This is down 3 cents on the week, 17 cents below a year ago, and down 11.75 cents on the month. There were eight cars sold on the week and 29 in October, down from 78 in September.
Dry whey finished Nov. 4 at 46.75 cents per
Dairy farm profitability crept out of the red a lit tle in September. The month’s milk feed price ratio inched higher, ending seven consecutive months of decline. The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s latest Ag Prices report shows the September ratio at 1.74, up from 1.70 in August, and compares to 1.66 in Sept. 2021.
The index is based on the current milk price in relationship to feed prices for a ration consisting of 51 percent corn, 8 percent soybeans and 41 percent alfalfa hay. In other words, one pound of milk would purchase 1.74 pounds of dairy feed of that blend.
The All Milk Price average crept up to $24.40 per hundredweight, up a dime from August, after drop ping $1.40 the previous month, and is $6.10 above September 2021.
California’s All Milk Price fell to $25.10 per cwt., down a dime from August but $7.10 above a year ago. Wisconsin’s, at $22.10, was unchanged from August, but $3.70 above a year ago.
The September national average corn price was $7.09 per bushel, down 15 cents from August, but is $1.62 per bushel above September 2021.
Soybeans fell to $14.10 per bushel, down $1.20 from August, after falling 20 cents last month, but are still $1.90 per bushel above September 2021.
Alfalfa hay, gained $2, averaging $277 per ton, a record high, and $63 per ton above a year ago.
The cull price for beef and dairy combined aver aged $91.20 per cwt., up $1.10 from August, $18.30 above September 2021 and $19.60 above the 2011 base.
The “recovery” will be short-lived, however, as but ter and cheese prices have fallen. October will be “decent,” says dairy economist Bill Brooks, of Stoneheart Consulting in Dearborn, Mo. Speaking in the Nov. 7 “Dairy Radio Now” broadcast, Brooks warned things will head south from there.
“September’s gain in the income-over-feed calcula tion broke a three-month run of declines,” says Brooks. “Income over feed costs were above the $8 per cwt. level needed for steady to increasing milk production for the 12th month running.”
“Feed costs were the highest ever for the month of September and the third highest all time. The AllMilk price stayed just outside of the top ten at the 13th highest recorded,” according to Brooks.
He adds, “Dairy producer profitability for 2022, milk income over feed costs (using Oct. 31 Chicago Mercantile Exchange settling futures prices for milk, corn and soybeans — plus the Stoneheart
The following marketing analysis is for the week ending Nov. 4.
CORN — The grain markets saw fireworks on Sunday night to begin the week after Russian President Putin on Oct. 29 suspended its participa tion in the Black Sea grain corridor agreement. He stated they could no longer participate after drones attacked their ships near the Crimean city of Sevastopol. Russian attacks on Ukrainian infrastructure, including power and water, increased in response. Grain shipments did continue to move through the corridor unhin dered.
Corn and wheat markets sky rocketed on Oct. 30 and dragged soybeans along for the ride. The price honeymoon didn’t last long as by Wednesday Russia reversed its decision and said they will continue to participate in the agreement, but they do want an investigation into the recent drone attack. Russia reportedly received written assurances from Ukraine, through the United Nations and Turkey, that the safe grain corridor would not be used for military purposes against Russia. Lloyd’s of London insurer Ascot resumed quoting insurance rates for cargoes when the resumption was announced. The UN-brokered grain agreement is set to end on Nov. 19. Russia will reportedly decide whether to extend the agreement by Nov. 18.
Corn inspections (what is actually shipped) were the lowest of the crop year so far at a measly 16.6 million bushels when we need them to be 41 million bushels. Traders will be looking for a cut to exports on the Nov. 9 World Agriculture Supply and Demand Estimates report.
The September National Agricultural Statistics Service Grain Crush report showed 383 million bush els of corn were crushed for ethanol. This was the lowest number in 19 months and lower than the 394 million bushel expectation.
China updated its list of approved corn facilities in Brazil it can import from. This list included 136 facilities and moved another step closer to China importing Brazilian corn. There were rumors that China bought Brazilian corn this week, but nothing has been confirmed.
This may become a bigger factor next summer for U.S. corn exports. Argentina continues to struggle
corn/change* soybeans/change*
Stewartville $6.28 -.13 $14.00 +.84
Edgerton $6.88 -.03 $14.60 +.78
Jackson $6.67 -.03 $14.40 +.97
Hope $6.46 .20 $14.28 +1.06
Cannon Falls $6.28 -.04 $14.03 +.96
Sleepy Eye $6.71 +.05 $14.35 +.78
St. Cloud $6.41 -.10 $14.30 +.83
Madison $6.58 -.08 $14.40 +.92
Redwood Falls $6.66 .00 $13.40 -.22
Fergus Falls $6.50 -.01 $13.47 +.05
Morris $6.56 -.02 $14.50 +.98
Tracy $6.71 -.05 $14.40 +.73
Average: $6.56 $14.18
Year Ago Average: $5.46 $12.08
Grain prices are effective cash close on Nov. 7. *Cash grain price change represents a two-week period.
with drought areas. The Buenos Aires Grain Exchange puts the corn planting at 23 percent com plete vs. 35 percent last year.
Weekly export sales were within expectations but were disappointing. Sales were 14.7 million bush els. Total export commitments stand at 569.6 mil lion bushels and are consistently 53 percent behind last year. We need to average 35 million bushels of sales per week to hit the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s 2.15 billion bushel export target. This is another reason many expect the USDA to lower exports on the November WASDE report. China has purchased 137.8 million bushels of U.S. corn this year compared to 468.5 million bought by this date last year.
Weekly ethanol production was up 7,000 barrels per day to 1.04 million bpd and 6.1 percent below last year. Stocks fell 59,000 barrels to 22.2 million barrels. Net ethanol margins improved 2 cents to 36 cents per gallon. Gasoline demand was down 270,000 barrels at 8.66 million barrels which is averaging 6.6 percent behind last year.
The Federal Reserve raised interest rates 75 basis points to 3.75 percent, which was as expected this week. This was the fourth 75-point increase in the last five months to the highest since 2008. The U.S. dollar index soared higher in response. The Federal Reserve wants to return to 2 percent inflation over time and signaled more monetary tightening is com ing. Chairman Powell said it was “very premature” to think about pausing rate hikes.
The average trade estimates for the Nov. 9 World Agriculture Supply and Demand Estimates report: U.S. corn yield unchanged at 171.9 bushels per acre. Production is anticipated at 13.887 billion bushels, down slightly from October’s 13.895 billion bushels. Ending stocks are estimated at 1.207 billion bush
els, up 35 million bushels from October’s 1.172 bil lion bushels. World ending stocks are forecasted at 300.63 million metric tons vs. 301.19 mmt last month.
Outlook: Despite the volatility of trading this week, December corn remains in its recent trading range of $6.70 to $7.00 per bushel. It did close below its 50-day moving average support line for the first time since Aug, 22.
Day-to-day headlines are pushing prices in fairly wide daily ranges.
U.S. corn harvest was 76 percent complete as of Oct. 30 and well ahead of the 64 percent average.
December corn hit $7.00 per bushel on the initial Black Sea news, but couldn’t exceed that level. And, along with the volatile U.S. dollar, corn continues to consolidate. The downside has been stymied by domestic demand, limited grower selling, and dry conditions in Argentina; but the upside is limited by cheaper supplies offered from the Black Sea and South America and the upcoming WASDE report.
For the week, December corn managed to eke out a quarter-cent increase to $6.81, July was 1.5 cents higher at $6.82, and December 2023 up 4.5 cents at $6.25.5 per bushel.
In five of the last seven November crop reports, corn production was above the average trade esti mate. Price action around Thanksgiving shows March corn has only moved a dime in either direction once since 2011. In seven of the last 11 years, March corn has moved in the opposite direction the day after Thanksgiving vs. the day before.
The daily trading limits went into effect Nov. 1: corn 45 cents, soybeans $1.00, Chicago and Kansas City wheat 65 cents, and Minneapolis wheat 60 cents.
SOYBEANS — Soybeans enjoyed the spillover buying from the Black Sea events over the weekend; but unlike corn, their honeymoon was extended on a rallying soyoil market. Soybeans are affected by the Black Sea agreement largely through sunflower oil exports. If the agreement is in jeopardy, it puts sun flower oil exports at risk. Lower crude oil inventories spurred additional support to soy oil markets.
Adding to optimism for the soy complex were indi cations out of China that they may begin easing their zero tolerance Covid policy despite an increase in cases. If true, it supports the idea that demand for almost everything would increase. Soyoil and energy rallied on the news. At the same time, the U.S. dollar plummeted into the weekend which also lent sup port.
Political events in Brazil have also provided uncertainty on the soybean movement out of their country. Current President Bolsonaro lost to challenger Lula in the Oct. 30 election, but Bolsonaro has not con
Information in the above columns is the writer’s opinion. It is no way guaranteed and should not be interpreted as buy/sell advice. Futures trading always involves a certain degree of risk.
ST. CLOUD, Minn. — Having both quality and quantity of ventilation for your calves is crucial for overall health and the prevention of respiratory dis ease. With winter on its way, it’s a good idea to review your ventilation status now so you can avoid problems down the road.
A component of ventilation some times overlooked is the stocking densi ty of your calf pens. All too frequently farmers see every calf as the next cow star in their herd, leading to overstock ing and a reduction in overall pens performance. Just like cows, calves of all ages have space requirements which need to be met to keep them both com fortable and healthy. Measure the dimensions of your pens, calculate total square footage, then divide by the num ber of animals in the pen.
Young calves aged 0-4 months need a minimum of 30 square feet per animal. Heifers aged 4-8 months require 40 square feet of space per head, and heif ers aged 8-12 months require 50 square feet. Those square footage measure ments are for a bedded pen or pack
Another important component of ven area, not including feeding area. For weaned calves (2-4 months), feeding area requirements are 18 inches with slant bar dividers. For 4-8 month-old heifers, it’s 15 inches per animal and for 8-12 month-old heifers it is 17
tilation is ventilating rates. Ventilating rates change based on the age of the animal and the current weather condi tions. The following rates are given in CFMs (cubic feet per minute), measur ing the velocity of airflow in positive pressure duct nursery barns. For baby calves aged 0-2 months, the CFM requirements per calf are 15 in cold weather, 30 in mild weather, 65 in warm weather, and 100 in hot weather.
If you have 15 calves in your barn at this age during cold weather, they will require 225 CFM (15 calves times 15 CFM). For calves and heifers aged 2-12 months, CFM requirements are 20 in cold weather, 40 in mild weather, 90 in warm weather, and 130 in hot weather.
So, if you have 15 older calves in hot weather, their CFM requirement is 1,950 CFM.
This article was submitted by Emily Wilmes, University of Minnesota Extension. v inches per animal.
The horse’s hair coat insulates by trapping and warming air. However, wet or muddy hair can reduce its insu lating value and increase heat loss. As little as 0.1 inch of rain can cause cold stress by matting the hair and reduc ing its insulating value.
A horse will continue to develop a natural winter coat until Dec. 22 (win ter solstice), as the daylight become shorter. Horses begin to lose their win ter coat (and start forming their sum mer coat) as the daylight become lon ger starting on Dec. 23. Therefore, blanketing before Dec. 22 will decrease a horse’s natural winter coat.
Although blanketing tends to be a personal decision, blanketing a horse is necessary to reduce the effects of cold or inclement weather. Blankets should be considered when no shelter is avail able during turnout periods and the
temperatures or wind chill drop below 5 F. A blanket may be used when there is a chance the horse will become wet from rain, ice, and/or freezing rain. Becoming wet is usually not a problem with snow. Also, think about using a blanket when the horse has had its winter coat clipped, the horse is very young or very old, the horse isn’t accli mated to the cold or the horse has a body condition score of three or less.
If blanketing a horse, make sure the blanket fits properly. Poorly fitted blan kets can cause sores and rub marks along the straps. Remove the blanket daily, inspect it for damage, and reposi tion it. Make sure the blanket stays dry and never put a blanket on a wet horse.
This article was submitted by University of Minnesota Extension. v
MIELKE, from pg. 4B
forecast for alfalfa hay) are expected to be $11.77 per cwt., a loss of 11 cents per cwt. vs. the previous month’s estimate. 2022 income over feed would be above the level needed to maintain or grow milk production and $3.98 per cwt above the 2021 level,” Brooks stat ed.
“Looking at 2023, milk income-overfeed costs (using Oct. 31 CME settling futures prices for milk, corn, and soy beans plus the Stoneheart forecast for alfalfa hay) are expected to be $8.41 per cwt., a loss of 69 cents per cwt. vs. last month’s estimate. 2023 income over feed would be above the level needed to maintain or grow milk pro duction, but down $3.36 per cwt. from 2022’s estimate.”
Brooks urges producers to look at all of their risk management opportunities, get signed up for the Dairy Margin Coverage program, and look for opportunities on the feed side to “get those costs locked in if you can.”
Meanwhile, the latest Margin Watch from Chicago-based Commodity and Ingredient Hedging LLC., says “Dairy margins deteriorated further over the second half of October on a continued decline in milk prices while feed input costs held steady.”
The Margin Watch warned, “Both corn and soybean meal prices held steady over the past two weeks but are showing renewed strength on news that Russia will be pulling out of the Black Sea grain deal.”
Speaking of feed, the U.S. corn har vest was 76 percent completed, accord ing to USDA’s latest Crop Progress report, as of the week ending Oct. 30. That’s up from 61 percent the previ ous week, 3 percent ahead of a year ago, and 12 percent ahead of the fiveyear average. The soybean harvest was at 88 percent, up from 80 percent the previous week, 10 percent ahead of a year ago, and 10 percent ahead of the five-year average. n
International dairy markets remain weak. The Nov. 1 Global Dairy Trade weighted average dropped 3.9 percent following the 4.6 percent decline on Oct. 18, and 3.5 percent on Oct.4. Traders brought 63.6 million pounds of product to market, down from 64.8
million on Oct. 18. The average metric ton price fell to $3,537 U.S., down from $3,723 last time and the lowest aver age since Jan. 5, 2021.
Powders led the declines, starting with buttermilk powder down 11.4 percent. Skim milk powder was down 8.5 percent after leading the Oct. 18 declines with a 6.9 percent drop. Whole milk powder was down 3.4 per cent following a 4.4 percent drop. Lactose was off 1 percent. Anhydrous milkfat was down 1.7 percent after dropping 2.7 percent, but butter inched up 0.2 percent following a 2.6 percent decline last time. GDT ched dar inched 0.9 percent higher after dropping 3.9 percent on Oct. 18.
StoneX Dairy Group says the GDT 80% butterfat butter price equates to $2.1468 per pound U.S., down 5.8 cents after dropping 16.5 cents in the last event, and compares to CME but ter which closed Nov. 4 at $2.7725. GDT cheddar, at $2.1632, was down 9 cents after losing 8.2 cents, and com pares to Nov. 4’s CME block cheddar at $2.01. GDT skim milk powder aver aged $1.4744 per pound, down from $1.5864 (11 cents), and whole milk powder averaged $1.5519, down from $1.6208 (7 cents). CME Grade A non fat dry milk closed Nov. 4 at $1.40.
The Dairy and Food Market Analyst reports European dairy prices remain under pressure. European 82 percent fat butter sold for around $2.62 per pound the last week of October (down 28 cents) and cheddar cheese changed hands for between $2.33 and $2.40, down 7 cents. Dry whey traded around 41 cents the previous week, down 2 cents, and skim milk powder around $1.35 per pound, down 13 cents.
The Analyst adds, “Milk production in Europe is showing sustained growth. Output is above prior-year levels in each of the big-three milk producing regions of Germany, France, and the United Kingdom, up 1.1 per cent, according to latest weekly data.”
Looking down under, New Zealand September output was down 3.8 per cent, which followed a 4.9 percent decrease in August, according to the Analyst.
The export market remained a huge
factor of support, according to September data. Dry whey exports totaled 49.7 million pounds, up 22.4 percent from September 2021. Growth into China was the largest for whey product and lactose, according to HighGround Dairy, with dry whey exports the strongest since March 2021.
Nonfat dry milk/skim milk powder totaled 142.8 million pounds, down 7.1 percent, but dairy exports to Mexico reached a 15-month high driven by skim milk powder.
Butter totaled 10.7 million pounds, up 49.2 percent, with growth to Canada third largest.
Exports of cheese were up for the 15th consecutive month, hitting 78.8 million pounds, up 5.1 percent. Cheddar made up 13.8 million of that total, up 51.9 percent. Exports were strong to Mexico, South Korea and Japan, and grew to United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia, according to HighGround Dairy. Year-to-date, cheese exports are up 12.5 percent with cheddar exports up 68.8 percent.
The Nov. 3 Daily Dairy Report stat ed, “Compared to the already strong trade reported a year ago, aggregate U.S. dairy exports were up 20.3 per cent in value and 7.7 percent in vol ume,” and suggested “Foreign buyers likely booked most of the September business earlier this year, when the dollar was weaker and U.S. cheese and butter prices were lower than they are today.” The Daily Dairy Report warned, “recovery in European milk output and waning global demand could stiffen competition for market share in 2023.”
Down on the farm, culling in the week ending Oct. 22 totaled 60,900 dairy cows, up 1,500 from the previous
week and 100 head or 0.2 percent above a year ago.
“Slaughter of dairy cows staying strong continues to limit the ability of growth in the dairy herd,” says StoneX, “which will impact how fast milk volume in the United States will be able to expand from current levels.” n
In politics, Green Bay-based Edge Dairy Farmer Cooperative reported on a Mid-October industry-wide effort to “build consensus on milk pricing reforms.”
The American Farm Bureau Federation hosted farmers and indus try groups in Kansas City to “discuss meaningful changes to the U.S. dairy pricing system,” according to an Edge press release.
Tim Trotter, Edge CEO, stated, “Edge is grateful for the opportunity to join other dairy groups in this col laborative forum to share ideas on the future of our milk pricing system. Discussion highlighted an interest in collaboration and laid a strong founda tion for the dairy community to move towards the expectation of consensus laid forth by Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack.”
“Edge is committed to building a more transparent pricing system that allows dairy farmers and their proces sor-partners to thrive. It is with mean ingful and comprehensive reform that we can accomplish these goals and forge stronger farmer-processor rela tionships, built upon a foundation of trust and transparency,” according to Trotter.
Lee Mielke is a syndicated columnist who resides in Everson, Wash. His weekly column is featured in newspa pers across the country and he may be reached at lkmielke@juno.com. v
FARIBAULT, Minn. — A new self-guided tour is highlighting farmers in southeast Minnesota who are pursuing conservation practices on their opera tions. The goal is to showcase the benefits of these practices and encourage other farmers to seek out more information.
Large signs along the edges of the nine farmers’ fields highlight practices — such as conservation till age, grazing livestock, and planting cover crops — that they implement to reduce erosion and improve the health of their soil.
Accompanying flyers available at the tour stops and an interactive website provide more detail about each farmer’s experiences. Visitors can connect with local Soil Water and Conservation District offices to learn about available resources and email participat ing farmers to ask questions about their experiences.
Adopting practices that improve the health of the soil is an important way to increase productivity and
conserve this vital resource. Despite the benefits, the number of farmers using conservation practices is still small, with only 5 percent of farmers planting cover crops in 2017, according to the USDA.
“Highlighting producers who have improved their soil health and profitability because of these prac tices can help us reach farmers who may be hesitant to change their operations,” said Teresa DeMars, public relations and information specialist for Rice Soil Water and Conservation District. “We are trying to get farmers curious about these practices and then point them in the direction of people who have expe rience and technical knowledge.”
Information about the tour, including the interac tive map of the farm locations, can be found at www. soilhealthfarmtour.org and at local Soil Water and Conservation District offices.
This article was submitted by the Rice Soil and Water Conservation District. v
ceded the election. Bolsonaro has said he would abide by the election results and begin the transition pro cess. His backers staged protests blocking up to 300 highways at its peak — including the “soy highway BR-164.” But Bolsonaro called for them not to block roads or destroy property. He stopped short of asking them to halt protests. Lula vowed to “fight for zero deforestation.” By the end of the week, roads were mostly open, and traffic was flowing, easing concerns of delayed grain shipments to the ports or blockages at the ports. Brazil’s outgoing energy minister has proposed raising the biodiesel mandate from 10 to 14 percent beginning Jan. 1, then to 15 percent begin ning March 1. The new Lula administration would need to approve the change before it would become law.
While dredging efforts continue along the U.S. waterway system, recent rains have improved water levels. Barge drafts were being raised in some areas, but forecasted rain is needed.
The possibility of a railroad strike lingers with union voting continuing. Two unions have rejected
the contract, six have approved it, and four are still voting. We should know if a railroad strike will hap pen in the middle of the month.
The September National Agricultural Statistics Service Crush report came in at 167.6 million bush els — exactly as expected. Soyoil stocks were in line with estimates at a 23-month low of 2 billion pounds.
Weekly export sales were poor at 30.5 million bush els. Total commitments of 1.19 billion bushels are now just 1 percent ahead of last year when last week we were 4 percent ahead of last year. We need to average 20.4 million bushels of sales to reach the USDA’s 2.045 billion bushel export forecast. China has purchased 679.8 million bushels of U.S. soybeans vs. 635.7 million bushels last year by this date.
Argentina’s struggles with drought are known, but Brazil’s chances for La Niña effects in December/ January should also be monitored. Brazil’s crop is off to a good start, but it’s a long way to the finish line. Brazil’s soybean planting is 47 percent complete vs. 41 percent on average. Argentina’s soybean planting has not yet started compared to 9 percent complete on average by this date.
The average trade estimates for the November WASDE report: U.S. soybean yield is unchanged at 49.8 bu./acre. Production is expected to be 4.315 bil lion bushels vs. 4.313 billion bushels last month. Ending stocks are forecasted to increase from 200 million bushels to 212 million bushels. World ending stocks are estimated at 100.61 mmt compared to 100.52 mmt in October.
Outlook: There were no daily export sales flashes for anything this week. Seasonally soybeans tend to uptrend higher from mid-November through the end of the year. U.S. soybean harvest is winding down with harvest 88 percent complete as of Oct. 30 and ahead of the 78 percent average.
The focus on South American weather will increase in importance with Argentina needing rain and Brazil being watched closely as some dry areas may be developing.
Soybeans have posted a higher weekly close for three of the last four weeks. With this week’s jump higher, January soybeans have reconfigured their trading range to $14.00 to $15.00 per bushel. For the week, January soybeans rallied 62 cents to $14.62.25, July 58.75 cents higher at $14.78.25, and November 2023 jumped 40.25 cents to $13.99.75 per bushel.
March soybean price action around the Thanksgiving holiday is a mixed bag. In four of the last five years, prices have moved in the opposite direction the day after the holiday vs. the day before.
Weekly price changes in December wheat for the week ended Nov. 4: Chicago wheat up 18.5 cents at $8.47.75, Kansas City up 28.25 cents at $9.53.25, and Minneapolis 9.5 cents higher at $9.54.5 per bushel.
Letcher Farm Supply Inc (507) 549-3168
CARVER CO. Dave Richter, DSM (320) 248-1794
DODGE CO. Aaron Laumann (507) 251-7221
DOUGLAS CO. Bruce Wussow (320) 766-8548
FREEBORN CO. Nielsen Seed (507) 473-0108
GRANT CO. Bruce Wussow (320) 766-8548
HOUSTON CO. Irv Schansberg (507) 724-2445 (507) 450-9463
JACKSON CO. Ackermann Farms, Jacob (507) 840-0112
LE SUEUR CO. Howie Mack Whitewater Creek Grain & Feed Inc (507) 362-4777 Tye Scott, DSM (605) 824-0559
LINCOLN CO. Enemark Seeds (507) 828-3695
LYON CO. Enemark Seeds (507) 828-3695
MARSHALL CO. Northland Ag (218) 779-2711
MOWER CO. Aaron Laumann (507) 251-7221 Nielsen Seed (507) 473-0108
NICOLLET CO. Mark Legare (507) 276-8115
Voges Seeds (507) 766-0202
Zimmerman Seeds (507) 217-7066
OLMSTED CO. Aaron Laumann (507) 251-7221
OTTER TAIL CO. Bruce Wussow (320) 766-8548
POLK CO. Northland Ag (218) 779-2711
REDWOOD CO. Hoffman Seed (320) 579-0936
Kirk Engen, DSM (507) 240-0034
Swanson Seed Center (507) 828-0698
RENVILLE CO. Dale Filzen (320) 894-7480
Hoffman Seed (320) 579-0936
RICE CO. Howie Mack Whitewater Creek Grain & Feed Inc (507) 362-4777
SIBLEY CO. Mark Legare (507) 276-8115 Merlin Schwecke (507) 276-6900
STEELE CO. Karl Steckelberg, DSM (507) 475-0365
TODD CO. Bruce Wussow (320) 766-8548
TRAVERSE CO. Chad Birchem, DSM (320) 815-8980
WASECA CO. Howie Mack Whitewater Creek Grain & Feed Inc (507) 362-4777
WILKIN CO. Minn-kota Ag Products (218) 643-6130
WRIGHT CO. Austin Benzing, DSM (763) 312-0743
MEDICINE CO. Hoffman Seed (320) 579-0936
MN AG EXPO is a jointly hosted event between the Minnesota Soybean Growers Association and the Minnesota Corn Growers Association. The event is home to both the MSGA and MCGA annual meetings and resolution session, bringing in farmers from all over Minnesota to vote on the resolutions that shape their respective organizations’ policies.
Along with annual meetings, MN AG EXPO is also comprised of a two-day trade show, networking opportunities, dynmatic speakers and educational breakout sessions.