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Farm recognition applications available
ST. PAUL — Applications are now open for the Minnesota Farm Bureau Sesquicentennial Farm program, honoring Minnesota families that have owned their farms for at least 150 years. The deadline to apply is March 6.
To qualify, the farm must demonstrate ownership by the applying family for at least 150 years in 2023 according to the abstract of title, land patent, original deed, county land records, court file in registration proceedings or other authentic land records. Please do not send originals or copies of records. “Family” is defined as parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, brothers, sisters, sons, daughters, first cousins and direct in-laws (father, mother, brother, sister, daughter, sonin-law). Continuous residence on farm is not required. Farms must consist of 50 or more acres and currently be involved in agricultural production. Recipients will be announced in April.
Applications are available at www. fbmn.org. For more information, contact Pam Debele at pam.debele@fbmn. org or (651) 768-2111.
Century Farm program applications are also open. Information is available online at mnstatefair.org or fbmn.org; by calling the State Fair at 651-2884417; or at statewide county extension offices. Applications are due by March 6, 2023. Recipients will be announced in the spring. Previously recognized families should not reapply.
This article was submitted by the Minnesota Farm Bureau. v