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Find the survey online
SWINE & U, from pg. 11 other aspect of this project, they can notify the team and the information will be destroyed.
The survey was launched in early January, and can be found at https://z. umn.edu/OutdoorSwineSurvey. Incentives are provided for participants: All farmers who raise pigs outdoors continuously or partially during the year in Minnesota, and complete the survey, will receive a $25 Visa gift card. In addition, free disease testing will be provided for participants who want it.
Potential participants can visit with Medrano in person at the University of Minnesota’s booth at the Minnesota Pork Congress in Mankato, Minn. on Feb. 21-22, or contact her by email at medra036@ umn.edu or by phone at (612) 440-5859.
Diane DeWitte is an Extension Educator specializing in swine for the University of Minnesota Extension. Her e-mail address is stouf002@umn.edu v