9 minute read
428.97 ± acres of prime Renville County farmland
Parcel 1: 40± ac. with 35.30 till. ac. and 1± ac. of county ditch buffer enrolled into RIM land. CPI rating of 86.4. Parcel 2: 80± ac. with 79.9 till. ac. CPI rating of 92 1 Parcel 3: 80± ac with 78 9 till ac and 0 5± ac of county ditch buffer enrolled into RIM land CPI rating of 92 6 Parcel 4: 148 97± ac with 134 55± till ac and 3 5± ac of county ditch buffer enrolled into RIM land CPI rating of 89 County & private tile. Combination of Parcels 1-4: 348.97± ac. with 328.65± till. ac. CPI rating of 90. 5 ± acres of county ditch buffer enrolled into RIM. Parcel 5: 80± ac. with 78.5± till. ac., excellent farmability. CPI rating of 92.4.
Private tile
Farm Location: 9 miles southwest of Olivia, MN or 8 miles north of Redwood Falls, MN
Date & Time: Sealed bids due 5pm on Monday, February 27, 2023. Live bidding on Wednesday, March 1, 2023, at 10:00 AM at Max’s Grill in Oliva, MN. Must be registered to attend.
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SPRING CREEK’S CATTLE COMPANY Annual bull sale. February 19th 1 pm at the Fennimore, WI Livestock Exchange, Inc. selling 38 bulls and 19 bred females call 608-553-8070. (mcn)
Portable Oxygen Concentrator May Be Covered by Medicare! Reclaim independence and mobility with the compact design and long-lasting battery of Inogen One. Free information kit! Call 844-716-2411. (mcn)
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Don’t let the stairs limit your mobility! Discover the ideal solution for anyone who struggles on the stairs, is concerned about a fall or wants to regain access to their entire home. Call AmeriGlide today!
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Stroke and Cardiovascular disease are leading causes of death, according to the American Heart Association. Screenings can provide peace of mind or early detection! Contact Life Line Screening to schedule your screening. Special offer - 5 screenings for just $149. Call 1-866-7427290. (mcn)
Safe Step. North Americas #1 Walk-In Tub. Comprehensive lifetime warranty. Top-of-the-line installation and service. Now featuring our FREE shower package and $1600 Off for a limited time! Call today! Financing available. Call Safe Step 1-844-290-5083. (mcn)
LONG DISTANCE MOVING: Call today for a FREE QUOTE from America’s Most Trusted Interstate Movers. Let us take the stress out of moving! Speak to a Relocation Specialist, call 877-327-0795. (mcn)
FREE AUTO INSURANCE QUOTES for uninsured and insured drivers. Let us show you how much you can save! Call 855-995-2382 (mcn)
BATHROOM RENOVATIONS. EASY, ONE DAY updates! We specialize in safe bathing. Grab bars, no slip flooring & seated showers. Call for a free in-home consultation: 855-836-2250. (mcn)
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Remember That Chinese Lab and What Got Loose? These Are Those Rhymes! More Deadly Than Dr. Seuss. Google: Rollin Dehay. (mcn)
Prepare for power outages today with a GENERAC home standby generator. $0 Money Down + Low Monthly Payment Options. Request a FREE Quote. Call now before the next power outage: 1-877-228-5789 (mcn)
Eliminate gutter cleaning forever! LeafFilter, the most advanced debrisblocking gutter protection. Schedule a FREE LeafFilter estimate today. 15% off Entire Purchase. 10% Senior & Military Discounts. Call 1-855-577-1268. Promo Code 285. (mcn)
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The Generac PWRcell, a solar plus battery storage system. SAVE money, reduce your reliance on the grid, prepare for power outages and power your home. Full installation services available. $0 Down Financing Option. Request a FREE, no obligation, quote today. Call 1-877-381-3059. (mcn)
Are you a pet owner? Do you want to get up to 100% back on Vet Bills? Physicians Mutual Insurance Company has pet coverage that can help! Call 1-888-680-3016 to get a free quote or visit mfcp. (mcn)
HOMES FOR RENT! In Your Area. Call Toll Free. 1-833-985-1450. (mcn)
PAYING TOP CA$H FOR MEN’S SPORT WATCHES! Rolex, Breitling, Omega, Patek Philippe, Heuer, Daytona, GMT, Submariner, Speedmaster.. Call: 866-314-9742. (mcn)
TOP CA$H PAID FOR OLD GUITARS! 1920-1980 Gibson, Martin, Fender, Gretsch, Epiphone, Guild, Mosrite, Rickenbacker, Prairie State, D’Angelico, Stromberg. And Gibson Mandolins / Banjos. 866-470-1643. (mcn)
Buying and selling silver bars, silver dollars, rare coins, gold coins, gold jewelry, any gold-silver items, collector coins. Kuehl’s Coins, Fairmont, Minnesota, 507-235-3886. (mcn)
FOR SALE: 1996 JD 8870, 7402 hrs, 1 owner tractor, 71070R-38 tires, 800 hours on tires since new, LED lights, & rock box. Asking $56,000. 320-522-1495
FOR SALE: John Deere 620, new paint, runs good, carburetor redone; John Deere 530, runs good, NF; 3 and 4 bottom plows for sale. 507-380-4380 for reading
New And Used Tractor
PARTS JD 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 55, 50 Series & newer tractors, AC-all models, Large Inventory, We ship! Mark Heitman Tractor Salvage 715-673-4829
Why hang on to stuff you don’t use? Put a line ad in The Land and sell those things for some extra cash. It makes sense. Call The Land at 507-345-4523
Planting Equip
FOR SALE: 2008 John Deere 1750 corn planter, 8R30”, finger pickup, dry fertilizer, row cleaners, John Deere monitor 350, low acres. 320-583-3131
Hay & Forage Equipment
FOR SALE: NH 1034 stack liner, very nice condition, always shedded. asking $12,000/OBO. 507-227-2602
Grain Handling Equipment
DMC air transfer system model 1700, about 300 ft of 5” tubing, 2-10HP motors, single phase, new in 2001, only used once in last 10 yrs, stored inside off -season, current new approx. $34,000. $19,000/OBO (952)451-2315
All kinds of New & Used farm equipment - disc chisels, field cults, planters, soil finishers, cornheads, feed mills, discs, balers, haybines, etc. 507438-9782
Classified line ads work! Call 507-345-4523
March 17, 2023
March 31, 2023
Sullivan Auctioneers and BigIron Auctions are the best choice for online land and equipment auctions. With a combined bidder base of half a million, we bring national exposure to your land and equipment that you can’t get from anyone else.

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Full Farm Management Services
Ensure Asset Preservation, Conservation, Negotiate Leases and Terms to Fit Ever Changing Industry Trends. Call Randy or Ryan today for more details!
MOWER COUNTY: Approx. 160 acres MLS# 6181690 SOLD!

MOWER COUNTY: Approx. 233 acres. MLS# 6175747 SOLD!

OLMSTED COUNTY: Approx. 35 acres. MLS# 6160091 SOLD!
“Need listings! We have qualifed buyers!”
Randy Queensland • 507-273-3890 • randy@Irmrealestate.com
Ryan Queensland • 507-273-3000 • ryan@Irmrealstate.com Grand Meadow, MN • 800-658-2340
February 28
March 10
March 21
Only registered bidders may attend
FOR SALE: 60 farrowing crates with tri-bar and tender foot flooring; also 160 6-stall for sows & drop buckets. 320-583-9877
FOR SALE: Black Angus bulls also Hamp, York, & Hamp/ Duroc boars & gilts. Alfred (Mike) Kemen 320-598-3790
Sell your livestock in The Land with a line ad. 507-345-4523
Looking for something special? Put a line ad in The Land and find it! Call The Land today! 507-345-4523

Did you know... you can place your classified ad online at www.TheLandOnline.com or email theland@TheLandOnline.com
Spot, Duroc, Chester White, Boars & Gilts available. Monthly PRRS and PEDV. Delivery available. Steve Resler. 507-456-7746

20 H.D. Steel Jigs For Sheep & Goats To Make Turning Cradles Sorting & Slide Gates, Corral & Run Panels, Mineral Feeders, Bale Feeders, Etc. PLUS 35 Pieces Of Inventory. RETIRING 319269-4226
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New pumps & parts on hand. Call Minnesota’s largest distributor
HJ Olson & Company
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