12 minute read
Sessions take place on second floor
by The Land
NAFP, from pg. 14
Minnesota Extension Scientist Dan Kaiser and water resources educator Brad Carlson.
This training looks at average climate conditions including soil temperature, soil moisture status, precipitation, and evapotranspiration together with an eye on the calendar date. The implications of deviation from average are discussed with respect to adjusting N management practices based on condition.
The Southern Minnesota Irrigators Association will be holding its annual meeting on Saturday, March 18 from 8:30-10:30 a.m.
This session provides a specific meeting time for active farmer/irrigators from southern Minnesota.
All farmers who are currently irrigating (or have plans to start pumping water soon) are encouraged to attend. The primary focus is organization and management of the Southern Minnesota Irrigators Association.
Wrapping up the 2023 NAFP sessions is “Let’s Talk Cover Crops With The People Doing It,” sponsored by Saddle Butte Ag. From 11 a.m.–1 p.m., Saddle Butte Seed, Inc. Regional Manager TJ Kartes will review cover crop economics, direct marketing, and how to kill cover crops with other herbicide programs. Kartes will be joined by Andy Linder – a farmer from Easton Minn. who will discuss his cover crop experience and how he applies economics to his cover crops. v costs continue to crimp spot margins. This has led to increased dairy cow slaughter.”
“USDA made minor adjustments to domestic corn and soybean balance sheets in the February World Agriculture Supply and Demand Estimates report, although sizable production cuts were noted for Argentina. The corn crop was reduced 5 million tons from January to 47 million while the soybean crop was cut 4.5 million tons to 41 million. Further cuts are expected as the country has been decimated by drought during their growing season. This will significantly reduce global supplies of corn and soybean meal which has kept both markets elevated at historically high levels. Expectations are growing for increased corn acreage in the United States this season given profitability dynamics among competing crops, and the USDA’s Outlook Forum at the end of the month is expected to provide the first set of estimates,” the Margin Watch concluded.
In politics, it appears that so-called “identity politics” is even ruling the dairy industry. The Food and Drug Administration issued a draft guidance this week which allows plant-based beverages to continue using the term ‘milk’ and allows for such beverages to include a “voluntary” nutrient statement on its label.
The draft drew fire from the Wisconsin-based American Dairy Coalition and other dairy groups. Dairy processors had not issued a statement as of our deadline.
The National Milk Producers Federation’s Jim Mulhern said the draft is “A step toward labeling integrity for consumers of dairy products, even as it falls short of ending the decades-old problem of misleading plant-based labeling using dairy terminology. By acknowledging the utter lack of nutritional standards prevalent in plant-based beverages and the confusion over nutritional value that’s prevailed in the marketplace because of the unlawful use of dairy terms, FDA’s proposed guidance will provide greater transparency that’s sorely needed for consumers to make informed choices. The decision to permit such beverages to continue inappropriately using dairy terminology violates FDA’s own standards of identity which clearly define dairy terms as animal-based products,” says NMPF.
Grade A nonfat dry milk closed Feb. 24 at $1.215 per pound, down a half-cent on the week and 64.5 cents below a year ago, with 10 sales put on the board for the week.
Dry whey finished the week at 46.5 cents per pound, up 1.5 cents, but 31.5 cents below a year ago. There were four CME sales reported for the week.
Lee Mielke is a syndicated columnist who resides in Everson, Wash. His weekly column is featured in newspapers across the country and he may be reached at lkmielke@juno.com.
Cat Challenger Track Tractors, JD 2210 Field Cultivator
Cat Challenger 75E, 2169 Hrs, 30” Tracks, 1000 PTO, 10/2 Sp PS, Ex. Condition; Cat Challenger 95E, 7445 Hrs, 30” Tracks, Weights, 1000 PTO, 3 Pt., 10/2 Sp. PS; JD 2210 FC, 50.5’, 2 Bar, Rolling Baskets, Floating Hitch, New Sweeps, One Owner
Planting, Spraying, & Tilling Machinery
Our Annual Pre-Planting Spring Auction Has Some Exceptional Clean Low Hour Farm Machinery Line Ups Auction Location: Maring Auction Lot • Hwy 56 North Kenyon, MN One Half Mile North of Kenyon, MN on Highway 56
Saturday, March 11, 2023 • 9:00 a.m. LIVE AND ONLINE BIDDING AT www.maringauction.com
Case IH MX255, Case IH 1250, 2007 Freightliner Semi
From Devenshire Farms Retirement Pat Devney, 651-210-6298 or 651-210-6304
CIH MX255 MFWD, 9730 Hrs, Weights, 480x80R46, Big & Small 1000/540 PTO, 4 Hyd. Front Suspension, 18 Speed P/S, Trimble EZ Steer, One Owner; ‘12
CIH 1250 Early Riser, 24R30”, Liquid Fert., PTO Pump, Down Pressure, Air Clutch, Hyd. Shut Offs, Center Fill, Trash Cleaners, Corn and Soybean Disc, Under 15,000 Acres; ‘07 Freightliner Day Cab, 60 Series Detroit, 10 Sp., 771,000 Miles
Complete Livestock and Haying Machinery
From Tom Haugen, Zumbrota, MN, Tom: 507-358-5909
JD 560M Round Baler, Net Wrap, Bale Plus, 1060 Bales, Monitor, Bale Kicker, 1000 PTO, Wide Pickup, Bought New; Kuhn FC 3160 TLD Discbine, 10’6”, 540 PTO, Less Than 1000 Acres; Kuhn SR 300 Speed Rake, 10 Wheel, Kicker Wheel; Kuhn GF 5202 Tedder, 4 Basket, 540 PTO; NH 195 Spreader, Double Beater, Slop Gate, Poly Floor, 1000 PTO; Great Plains 1300 Drill, Grass Seed, 13’x7.5”, Press Wheels, Looks New; H&S 6 Bale Round Bale Wagon; JD Custom Bale Hauler, 18’x106”; JD 3 Pt. 7’ Blade; Notch 3 Pt. Bale Carrier; JD 84” Material Bucket ; Tru-Test Digital Livestock Scale; JD 960 Field Cult., 18.5’, 3 Bar; ‘81 Featherlite Aluminum Gooseneck Trailer, 7’x18’
Semis, Grain Trailers, Grain Trucks
‘94 Ford Aero-Max L-9000 Day Cab Semi, 423,100 Miles, 855 Cummins, 9 Sp; ‘81 Wilson Hopper Bottom, 40’x96”x66”, Roll Tarp; ‘74 IHC 1955 Series, Single Axle, 5x2 Sp, 16’ Box and Hoist;
‘59 Tri Axle Low Boy Semi Trailer; ‘87 Timpte Hopper Bottom, 40’x96”x66”, Roll Tarp; ‘02 Chevy 3500HD Truck, 11’ Flatbed, 4x4, 6.0L, 155,000 Miles
JD 1780 Max Emerge 2, 23R15” and 12R30”, Interplant Vacuum Meter, Precision Plant 20/20 Monitor, Markers, 3 Bushel Seed Boxes, Corn and Bean Plates, SN: F665390; JD 510 Ripper, 5 Shanks, Depth Control, Front and Rear Disc; JD 985 Field Cult., 55.5’, 3 Bar Harrow, Depth Control; DMI Tiger Mate II Field Cult., 54.5’, Depth Control; Case IH 4800 Field Cult., 42.5’, 3 Bar Harrow; (2) JD 980 Field Cult., 30.5’ and 21.5’; (3) JD Discs: 225, 220, 210; 24.5’, 20.2’, 16’; (2) JD 7000 Planter, 6R30” Dry Fert., Units Rebuilt, 8R30” Dry Fert.; Sprayer Tender Drop Deck Semi Trailer, 41’x96”, (3) 1650 Gal. Tanks, (2) Inductors, 3” Plumbing; Valmer Air Floor, Model 1620, Hyd. Drive, 16 Outlets, Dry Fert.; Case IH 485 Disc, 24.5’, Hyd. Fold; Rock Pickers; Row Crop Cult.,; Land Rollers; Seed Tenders; Handi Commander 4400 Sprayer, 1200 Gal. Tank, 132’ Booms, JD Rate Controller, Hyd. Suspension & Steering, Foamer
Haying, Livestock & Other Farm Machinery, Good Tractors JD 460M Baler, Net Wrap, 6500 Bales, 1000 PTO, Processor, Kick Bar, 4’x6’, Moisture Test; H&S 14 Wheel Rake, Hyd. Fold & Lift; H&S 9’x18’ Bale Rack; Gehl 100 Mixer Mill, Hyd. Drive; Brent 644 Gravity Box, Front & Rear Brakes; JD 8650 4x4 Tractor, 2000 Hrs on JD Overhaul, 20.8x38, 3 Pt., PTO; Houle 52’ Lagoon Pump, 1000 PTO, Rotating Gun; Houle PA-28 Transfer Pump, 540 PTO; Balzer Doda Transfer Pump, 1000 PTO; Hose Reel, Hydro, 1 Mile Capacity, With 1/2 Mile 6” Drag Hose; (3) Houle 8’ Pumps: 1000/540 PTO; NH H7450 Center Pivot Disc Bine, 13’; Bale Wagons; Hay Bines; Manure Spreaders; AC 200 Dsl, 4092 Hrs, 1000 PTO, 3 Pt.; (6) Grain Augers; 16’ Tandem Axle Livestock Trailer
Area Farmers, Sellers
Live & Online Bidding: www.maringauction.com
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PAYING TOP CA$H FOR MEN’S SPORT WATCHES! Rolex, Breitling, Omega, Patek Philippe, Heuer, Daytona, GMT, Submariner, Speedmaster.. Call: 866-314-9742. (mcn)
Real Estate Wanted
WANTED: Land & farms. I have clients looking for dairy, & cash grain operations, as well as bare land parcels from 40-1000 acres. Both for relocation & investments. If you have even thought about selling contact: Paul Krueger, Farm & Land Specialist, Edina Realty, 138 Main St. W., New Prague, MN 55372. paulkrueger@edinarealty.com (612)328-4506
Agri Business
FOR SALE: PTO generator on wheels with cord, Winpower tested regularly, $2,000. 507274-5249 or cell 507-360-5600
Classified line ads work!
Feed Seed Hay
TOP CA$H PAID FOR OLD GUITARS! 1920-1980 Gibson, Martin, Fender, Gretsch, Epiphone, Guild, Mosrite, Rickenbacker, Prairie State, D’Angelico, Stromberg. And Gibson Mandolins / Banjos. 866-470-1643. (mcn)
Call 507-345-4523 Your
Feed Seed Hay
FOR SALE: Grass Hay 5X5 Rounds, asking $50/per bale. Also 3x3x8 Big Squares, asking $95/each. 507-227-2602
Please recycle this magazine.
Hay for sale: Big Square 3x3x8 Grass/Alfalfa. $100 each 5+$95. 4x5 rounds $90, 5+$85. Mostly 2nd of 3 crops. Stored inside no rain. Delivery available up to semi load. Discounts available. Owatonna. 507-213-0560. Also Certified Seed Potatoes For Sale. Souba Greenhouse
OPEN Pollinated Seed Corn. Produces more high quality silage on less acres than hybrid. $67/bushel plus shipping. High feed value grain. borriesopenpollinatedseedcorn.com 217-857-3377 or 217-343-4962
Fertilizer & Chemical
Glyphosate 5.4 totes, $22.50 w/ free shipping; Gen Liberty totes, $48; Enlist 1 totes, $50.50. We ship most everywhere & all tote prices include Free Delivery to your farm or business. Please call or text for any other chemical needs. Phone 612210-3685
“One man’s junk is another man’s treasure.” Get rid of stuff you don’t need and make some $$$. Call The Land today!
507-345-4523 or 1-800-657-4665
Bins & Buildings
Take-down & clean up
Specializing in silos in congested areas.
FULLY INSURED mobile concrete crushing. 507-236-9446
Stormor Bins & EZ-Drys. 100% financing w/no liens or red tape, call Steve at Fairfax Ag for an appointment.

Farm Equipment
FOR SALE: Fast 40’ 3pt sprayer, $3,000; Century 750 gal tank & chassis w/ oscillating tandem wheels, $2,500; 2012 Brent 744 wagon, fenders, used only at bin site, $22,000. 515-570-3617
Manson, IA.
FOR SALE: NH T4-75 tractor loader, 4x4, CAH, 1000 hrs, $39,900; JD 6430, premium, loaded, $44,900; NH LX665 skid loader, new tires & bucket, $15,900 Best offer or trade. 612-719-6524
Farm Equipment
FOR SALE: Brett 880 grain cart w/ tarp, nice shape, $26,900. Located at C&D Equipment near Edgerton MN. Call Tim at 815-988-2074
FOR SALE: JD BWF 14’ disc; Tye press drill, 15’; JD Cat #3 narrow quick hitch. 320-587-5823
FOR SALE: New Industries America heavy duty 120R 8 way box blade, $7,500. 320293-1432 or 320-260-2213
JD 2210 27.5’ field cult w/ single point depth & 3 bar harrow, $25,750; JD 520 20’ 3pt drill,
10” spacing w/ markers, $4,900; 2012 Unverferth 165 40’ rolling harrow, $11,900; Case IH 183 12x30 vibra tine flat fold cult, $1,950; NH 650
4’x6’ round baler, twine tie, exc cond, $4,900. 320-769-2756 or 320-361-0065 cell.
We buy
Salvage Equipment
Parts Available
Hammell Equip., Inc. (507)867-4910