9 minute read
New grain marketing tool launches
Stewart-Peterson Inc. recently announced the launch of Grain Market Insider, a newly created grain marketing newsletter. This new service will provide grain farmers with a trusted, rules-based approach to market commentary and actionable advice.
Grain Market Insider was created to provide farmers of all sizes with roughly five actionable cash grain recommendations per crop year, to allow even the best producers to improve their marketing decisions. Grain Market Insider will provide transparent, concise recommendations, along with an explanation on why those recommendations are suggested. The service includes easy to interpret signals, market summaries, weather, and more; all while removing the confusion from looking through multiple reports.
The information provided is backed by extensive research and will be delivered three times daily, in both emails and text message alerts. The service will also provide a handful of options recommendations each crop year.
“We are extremely proud of the newly created Grain Market Insider, along with the hard work and research our team has put into this project,” shared Scott Stewart, President and CEO of Stewart-Peterson. “Grain Market Insider is everything farmers need to know and nothing more. The recommendations are easy to understand and are backed by 20 years of historical data.”
“We took the time to survey farmers to understand what they truly want to know, and also what they didn’t want,” explained Stewart. “We hope this to be a resource farmers will truly use and rely on. Grain Market Insider was developed with the farmer in mind throughout the entire process.”
Stewart-Peterson has been a farmerfirst company for over 35 years.
“Stewart-Peterson has a history of providing dependable tools farmers can trust, and Grain Market Insider is a true example of that,” said Brad Peterson, Vice President of Sales and Marketing.
“We believe that most farmers are great producers and do a good job marketing as well,” explained Peterson.
“Our goal with Grain Market Insider is to conquer that final frontier and help even the good marketers become great.”
To learn more about Grain Market Insider, visit www.grainmarketinsider. com
This article was submitted by StewartPeterson Inc. v
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BLUME FARMS & CATTLE is looking for a hard working full time farm hand. General ag and cattle experience recommended. Ability to operate heavy equipment & drive semi if possible. Must be able to feed & check cattle health. This position will have weekend hours, generally every other. Wages will be based off meeting criteria & experience of candidate. This position holds many opportunites for the right person. English speaking is appreciated. Contact Adam today at 507-360-6934
FOR RENT: 20 acre horse pasture w/ creek/trails, barn & house also. Kimball area 320-221-1872
Real Estate Wanted
WANTED: Land & farms. I have clients looking for dairy, & cash grain operations, as well as bare land parcels from 40-1000 acres. Both for relocation & investments. If you have even thought about selling contact: Paul Krueger, Farm & Land Specialist, Edina Realty, 138 Main St. W., New Prague, MN 55372. paulkrueger@edinarealty.com (612)328-4506

We Sell the Earth & Everything On It.
Auction Location: 7821 Guthrie Way, Morristown, MN 55052
Sunday, May 7, 2023 • 4:00 p.m.
COMPLETE DETAILS & BIDDING AT: www.maringauction.com
Friday, May 5, 2023 from 9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
Monday, May 8, 2023 from 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Waterloo Boy 2HP Engine On Truck; Fuller Johnson 3HP Engine On Cart, Battery; (5) Maytag Kick Start Engines, Twin & Single; (4) Briggs & Straton Antique Engines; B&S Engine W/James Mack Pump Jack; Restored Burr Mill; Shop Built Cliton Engine Scale Model; Several Engine Oilers; Webster Tri-Polar Oscillator Magnetos; Cast Iron Seats; Antique Outboard Boat Motor; Old Box Coils, Magnetos; Case VAC Tractor, Restored; Antique Engine Reamers; Walk Behind Cultivator; Ice Saws; Hand Planters; Antique Tools; Rope Machine; 1970’s Schwinn Bike, Free Spirit Gas Engine; Inline 24’ Shaft; Forage; Down & Up Draft Carburetors; Cox Toys Gas Engine
‘02 Chevy S10 LS Pickup, 4 Door, 4x4, V6, 99,312 Miles; ‘84 Alumacraft Trophy 180 Boat, Walk-Thru, New Floor, Evinrude
9 0H P, Roller Tra iler; J D L118 Auto Lawn Tractor, 42”, Bagger; Wheel Horse C-161 Lawn Tractor, Snowblower, Chains, Cab; Yard Machines 21” Mower; Honda TRX 125 AT V, 2x4; Johnson 6HP Motor; 8” Ice Auger; Forks, Shovels, Rakes, Yard Tools; Wheel Barrel; Werner 8’ Step Ladder; 24’ Aluminum Extension Ladder
(2) Nice Patio Tables & Chairs; Foosball Table; 3pc Bedroom Set; Kitchen Table & Chairs; Glass Front China Cabinet; Cedar Chest; Sleeping Bags; Several Tonka Toys; John Deere 20 Series Pedal Tractor; Murry 60’s Pedal Car; Childs Table & Kitchen Cupboard; Lawn Chairs; BBQ Grill
Century Dual Purpose Wire Feed Welder; Lincoln 150-180AMP
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Matt Maring Lic# 25-28
Kevin Maring Lic# 25-70
Adam Engen Lic# 25-93
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Terms: Cash, Check, Credit Cards, 10% Buyers Premium On All Items, All Sales Are Final, Selling AS-IS, Handling Fee On Credit Cards.
Feed Seed Hay
OPEN Pollinated Seed Corn. Produces more high quality silage on less acres than hybrid. $67/bushel plus shipping. High feed value grain. borriesopenpollinatedseedcorn.com 217-857-3377 or 217-343-4962
Fertilizer & Chemical
Glyphosate 5.4 totes, $17.75 Gen Liberty totes, $41.95; Enlist 1 totes, $46.95. Surestart 2 totes, $44.95. We ship most everywhere & all tote prices include Free Delivery to your farm or business. Please call or text for all your chemical needs. Phone 612-210-3685
Bins & Buildings
Take-down & clean up
Specializing in silos in congested areas.
FULLY INSURED mobile concrete crushing. 507-236-9446
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Bins & Buildings
Stormor Bins & EZ-Drys. 100% financing w/no liens or red tape, call Steve at Fairfax Ag for an appointment. 888-830-7757
Farm Equipment
FOR SALE: JD 520 20’ 3pt drill, 10” spacing, w/ hyd markers, $4,500; Case IH 28’ 4800 field cult, 3 bar harrow, $3,750; IH 25’ 4600 field cult, w/ 3 bar harrow, $2,450; JD 1065A running gear, w/ 11Lx15 tires, $875. 320-769-2756 or 320-361-0065
FOR SALE: 2 J&M 385 gravity boxes, boxes have windows, telescoping spring loaded hitch, graphite coated inside, green in color, semi tires, nice condition. $4,500/each. 320-583-0194
FOR SALE: 3 cross augers, 2 are 6” x 32’ and 1 is 8” x 27 1/2’, $1,400ea/OBO. Spray bander, 12R hyd fold, factory built, $200/OBO. Z375R lawn mower, 39 hrs, $3,000/OBO. 507-340-4903
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Farm Equipment
FOR SALE: 2 J&M 385 gravity boxes, telescoping spring load hitch, graphite coated inside, green in color, semi tires, nice condition.
$3,800/each. 320-583-0194
FOR SALE: 2022 Riteway roller, model F3, 42’, brand new, never used, in my shed. It’s a good time to retire.
FOR SALE: 45’ Mandako land roller, 42” diameter 5/8” thick roller, 3” bearings, excellent shape, $32,500.
FOR SALE: AGRI - speed hitch, like new, 28” Caldwell fan and heater, 28” Caldwell fan, like new. 320583-3131
FOR SALE: JD 845 row crop cultivator, 12R30”, rolling shields, low acres, always shedded, excellent condition, $5,500. 507-276-3772
We buy
Salvage Equipment
Parts Available
Hammell Equip., Inc. (507)867-4910
’95 JD 8200 2WD with 18.4R46 rear tires and duals (70%), 7757 hours, front weights, 1000 PTO, 3 hyd. Remotes, quick hitch. Very nice one owner tractor. Asking $54,900. 507-789-6049
FOR SALE: 7080 ALLIS black belly, like new, inside tires, has been overhauled. 507-754-5028
FOR SALE: 8 F12 Farmalls, $300 to $600 each, and one F14 Farmall, $600. 651-686-8247
FOR SALE: 8680 Massey, 2011, 4000 hrs, 320HP, asking $135,000. 320-221-3789
PARTS JD 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 55, 50 Series & newer tractors, AC-all models, Large Inventory, We ship! Mark Heitman Tractor Salvage 715-673-4829
Tillage Equip
FOR SALE: International 30’ vibrashank field cultivator, 3 bar tine harrow, near new 7” sweeps, $2,750. 651-503-5087
Classified line ads work! Call
Spraying Equip
FOR SALE: 2006 Rogator 1074 SP sprayer, 3900 hrs, 1100 gal S/S tank, 80/90’ booms, 3 way nozzles, Raven SCS 4000 monitor, 5 shutoffs, JD ATU, very nice, $45,000. Road Boss 24’ triple axle trailer w/ 2000 gal tank, pump, inductor & chemical tanks. Both always shedded. Must see. Lamberton MN 507-828-1963
FOR SALE: Hardi high wheel sprayer, 80’ hyd fold, 3 way nozzles, 1000 RPM power shaft, got a rinse tank, a wash tank, updated monitor. Retired. 507-822-2188
FOR SALE: 2000 Hardy 500 gallon sprayer, 40-45’ Falcon boom, inductor 90 gallon rinse tank, always shedded. Cologne MN 952-466-2006
Texkota Sheep And Goat Walk Thru Panels
These panels range from 4' to 1 0' in length. Typically we only stock 5'. Any size is available through special order in even foot increments.
The gate is filled with 4"x4" stockade panel 36" tall. The overall height of the gate is 50" and the frame is 7'. The walk through panels weigh approximately 12 lbs./ft This panel is framed with l" pipe and filled with 4"x4" stockade panel, unlike many competitors using concrete reinforcement panels.

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NEW NH T4.75, T4.90, T4.120 w/loader On Order
NEW NH Workmaster 60, 50, 35’s/loaders On Order
NEW NH 25S Workmasters ...…......…. On Order
NEW Massey Tractors ........................... On Order
NEW Massey 4710 w/loader ….......... COMING
NEW NH Boomer 40w/loader ….......… On Hand
3-New Massey GC1725 ……..................... Just In
’16 Massey 4608 rops w/loader …............. $39,900
Massey 1652/cab/loader …….......………. $37,900
’21 NH T7.260 ……….............………… $169,000
’19 NH T8.320 1100 hrs ……..…...…… $189,500
’18 NH T4.75 w/loader .............................. $52,500
’17 NH T4.75 w/loader ……..................… $51,000
’12 NH T9.560 2200hrs ……..........…… $249,000
Sunflower 4610 9-24 …….............…… COMING
DMI Tigermate II 46.5 w/bskt ….....….…. $32,000
DMI Tigermate II 40.5 w/3bar ….…......… $25,900

NEW NH L318/L320/L328 wheeled units ....... On Hand
NEW NH C327/C337/C345 track units .......... On Order
NH L228 low hours ............................................ $44,900
New Disc Mowers - 107,108,109
New Disc Mower Cond. - 10’, 13’
New Wheel Rakes - 10,12,14
New NH Hay Tools - ON HAND
Frontiern WR1010 wheel rake …….............……… $5,950
JD 7200 12-30 w/LF ………........................…… $21,000 ’12 White 8222 w/liq ……..………...…………. $42,500 Taking 2023 New Spring Orders
NEW Geringhoff chopping cornhead Call ’02 Gleaner R62 …...............................……… $53,500 ’02 Gleaner R62 ……………...................……. $35,000 ’94 Gleaner R72 ………….......................…… $27,000 Gleaner R65 ……...............................…….. COMING Geringhoff parts & heads available

NEW Salford RTS Units ........................................ Call NEW Unverferth Seed Tenders .............................. Call NEW Westfield Augers .......................................... Call NEW REM VRX Vacs. .......................................... Call NEW Hardi Sprayers ............................................. Call NEW Riteway Rollers ........................................... Call NEW Lorenz Snowblowers ................................... Call NEW Batco Conveyors ......................................... Call NEW Brent Wagons & Grain Carts ....................... Call NEW E-Z Trail Seed Wagons ................................ Call NEW Rock Buckets & Pallet Forks ...................... Call Pre-Owned Grain