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Thank You Farmers!
by The Land
NEW AND USED TRACTOR PARTS JD 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 55, 50 Series & newer tractors, AC-all models, Large Inventory, We ship! Mark Heitman Tractor Salvage 715-673-4829
WANTED: Old John Deere 2 Cylinder tractors running or not, and parts. 507-380-4380
Spraying Equip
FOR SALE: Hardi high wheel sprayer, 80’ hyd fold, 3 way nozzles, 1000 RPM power shaft, got a rinse tank, a wash tank, updated monitor. Retired. 507-822-2188
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Hay & Forage Equipment
FOR SALE: 900 NH chopper w/ heads, always shedded, excellent condition, $12,000;
(2) 14’ metal Chopper Boxes, always shedded, 1 is H&S 501, 1 is, Meyers 500, $3,500/ each. 612-508-6171
FOR SALE: New Holland 1034 stack liner, very good condition, always shedded. Make an offer. 507-227-2602
FOR SALE: Snowco bale elevator, 50ft. 507-227-3003
Livestock Equipment
FOR SALE: Common sense wire winder, smooth and barbed wire rollers, like new, used only once, $1,350. 320-304-2418
Livestock Equipment
FOR SALE: Auto head gate, round bale feeder, postswood & steel. 612-380-4005
All kinds of New & Used farm equipment - disc chisels, field cults, planters, soil finishers, cornheads, feed mills, discs, balers, haybines, etc. 507438-9782
WANTED: 38’ or 40’ aluminum Jet grain trailer, will consider Wilson, Timpte or Dakota. 507-276-5733 www.thelandonline.com

ADVERTISING NOTICE: Please check your ad the first week it runs. We make every effort to avoid errors by checking all copy, but sometimes errors are missed. Therefore, we ask that you review your ad for correctness. If you find a mistake, please call (507) 345-4523 immediately so that the error can be corrected. We regret that we cannot be responsible for more than one week’s insertion if the error is not called to our attention. We cannot be liable for an amount greater than the cost of the ad. THE LAND has the right to edit, reject or properly classify any ad. Each classified line ad is separately copyrighted to THE LAND. Reproduction without permission is strictly prohibited.
NEW NH T4.75, T4.90, T4.120 w/loader On Order
NEW NH Workmaster 60, 50, 35’s/loaders On Order
NEW NH 25S Workmasters ...…......…. On Order
NEW Massey Tractors ........................... On Order
NEW Massey 4710 w/loader ….......... COMING
NEW NH Boomer 40w/loader ….......… On Hand
3-New Massey GC1725 ……..................... Just In
’16 Massey 4608 rops w/loader …............. $39,900
Massey 1652/cab/loader …….......………. $37,900
’21 NH T7.260 ……….............………… $169,000
’19 NH T8.320 1100 hrs ……..…...…… $189,500
’18 NH T4.75 w/loader .............................. $52,500
’17 NH T4.75 w/loader ……..................… $51,000
’12 NH T9.560 2200hrs ……..........…… $249,000
Sunflower 4610 9-24 …….............…… COMING
DMI Tigermate II 46.5 w/bskt ….....….…. $32,000
DMI Tigermate II 40.5 w/3bar ….…......… $25,900
NEW NH L318/L320/L328 wheeled units ....... On Hand
NEW NH C327/C337/C345 track units .......... On Order
NH L228 low hours ............................................ $44,900
New Disc Mowers - 107,108,109
New Disc Mower Cond. - 10’, 13’
New Wheel Rakes - 10,12,14
New NH Hay Tools - ON HAND
Frontiern WR1010 wheel rake …….............……… $5,950
JD 7200 12-30 w/LF ………........................…… $21,000 ’12 White 8222 w/liq ……..………...…………. $42,500 Taking 2023 New Spring Orders
NEW Geringhoff chopping cornhead Call ’02 Gleaner R62 …...............................……… $53,500 ’02 Gleaner R62 ……………...................……. $35,000 ’94 Gleaner R72 ………….......................…… $27,000 Gleaner R65 ……...............................…….. COMING Geringhoff parts & heads available
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FOR SALE: Black Angus bulls also Hamp, York, & Hamp/ Duroc boars & gilts. Alfred (Mike) Kemen 320-598-3790
FOR SALE: British White Yearlings, steers and heifers. 507-530-0208
Sell your livestock in The Land with a line ad. 507-345-4523
BULLS, yearlings and 2 year olds, low birth weight, high performance, semen tested and delivery available. Jones Farms, Le Sueur, MN. 507-317-5996
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Registered Polled Hereford yearling bulls for sale. Have had all shots, poured and semen tested. Halter broke and broke to lead. Fantastic growth EPD’s!
Will deliver. Klages Herefords, Ortonville, MN. 320-273-2163(H) 605-8800521(C)
FOR SALE: Yorkshire, Hampshire, Duroc, cross bred boars, and gilts. Top quality.
Excellent herd health. No PRSS. Delivery available. 320-760-0365
Spot, Duroc, Chester White, Boars & Gilts available. Monthly PRRS and PEDV. Delivery available. Steve Resler. 507-456-7746
Farmland Auction
160 Acres +/- of Farmland & Building Site in Westford Twp., Martin Co., MN

Tuesday, May 23, 2023 @ 10:00 AM
Auction to be held at the Knights of Columbus Hall 920 E 10th Street, Fairmont, MN
PROPERTY LOCATION: Building Site Address: 2273 240th Ave, Truman, MN 56088 LEGAL: 160 +/- Deeded Acres: NE 1/4 in Section 14, Township 104 North, Range 30 West, Martin County, Minnesota.
550 ewe lambs from OPP tested negative flock. 605-864-8811 or 605-997-2060
Trucks & Trailers
1975 Ford LN700, 391 V8, recent tune-up, 5x2 speed, 16’ steel box, 6 new rims & tires, mechanical tag axle, nice condition for an older truck, $5,000. John Pemble 507-381-7097
FOR SALE: 1980 F-800 Tandem Twin Screw Ford Grain Truck, 18’ Box and Hoist. Asking $4,500. Call 507-271-0799
FOR SALE: Int’l fast hitch to 3 pt arms with top link; Cub Cadet 782, overhauled motor, hydrostatic w/ semi mounted w/ Agrifac, leaf & grass vacuum; 72-6” cement blocks, used. 507-317-4692
FOR SALE: Olson Irrigator for parts. Motors, gear boxes, pipes. 507-227-2602
New pumps & parts on hand. Call Minnesota’s largest distributor
HJ Olson & Company 320-974-8990 Cell - 320-212-5336

Sales & Service
New & Used
For your irrigation needs 888-830-7757 or 507-276-2073
Farmland Auction

160.63 Acres +/- of Bare Farmland in Pleasant Mound Twp., Blue Earth Co., MN
Thursday, May 25, 2023 @ 10:00 AM
Auction to be held at the Snowbirds Event Center 224 East Main Street, Amboy, MN
PROPERTY LOCATIONS: Parcel #1-NE 1/4 of NW 1/4 & NW 1/4 of NE 1/4 in Section 11, Township 105N, Range 29W, Blue Earth County, MN; Parcel #2-80.63 Deeded Acres in Section 2, Township 105N, Range 29W, Blue Earth County, MN
For full flyer, informational booklet and bidding details, visit www.landservicesunlimited.com!
DUSTYN HARTUNG-507-236-7629 KEVIN KAHLER 507-920-8060
For full flyer, informational booklet and bidding details, visit www.landservicesunlimited.com!
DUSTYN HARTUNG-507-236-7629 KEVIN KAHLER 507-920-8060
Answers for Water Quality Word Search
Live Auction With An Online Bidding Option
Wednesday, June 28, 2023 • 11:00 AM
152.68 Surveyed Acres; 149.71+/- Tillable Acres
SW1/4 except building site in Sec 34, Twp 115, Range 36, Emmet Twp, Renville Co
• CPI=90 7
• This Land Has Tile & An Outlet
• Great Road Access
• This Land Has Been Surveyed
We are pleased to present the Gens Land Trust Farmland for sale by auction This is a rare opportunity to own highly productive farmland located close to Renville, MN. This land has been in the Gens Family for over 100 years You won’t want to miss the rare chance to bid on this top-quality farmland.
Go to FladeboeLand.com for details
Glen Fladeboe 651-208-3262
Glen@FladeboeLand com
Kristine Fladeboe Duininck
Kristine@FladeboeLand com
Kandiyohi Co Farmland Auction

Live Auction With An Online Bidding Option
Tues., June 20th, 2023 at 11 AM
146.93+/- Deeded Acres, 146.31+/- Tillable Acres of High-Quality Farmland Located in Roseland Twp, Kandiyohi Co
154.3 +/- Surveyed Acres,
This land is located in the SW 1/4 of Section 23, Twp 117, Range 35 and has an impressive CPI=92.4. (Excludes the building site.) Survey is in process.
This land has tile and great road access.
Owners: R & D Land Partners, LLP Go to FladeboeLand.com for details
Kristine Fladeboe Duininck 320-212-9379
Dale Fladeboe, Lic. 34-12 Award Winning Auctioneers
MOWER COUNTY: Approx. 240 Acres,Tile, 84.2 CPI, LEROY TWP MLS# 6359889
Full Farm Management Services
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ADOPTION. Southern California couple promises baby warm loving home, secure future. Devoted grandparents, educational opportunities. Generous living expenses paid, relocation possible. Call Katrina and Rob 1 (714)729-3014 or attorney 1(310)663-3467. (mcn)
CASH FOR CARS! We buy all cars! Junk, high-end, totaled – it doesn’t matter! Get free towing and same day cash! NEWER MODELS too! Call 1-877-9782510. (mcn)
DONATE YOUR CAR TO CHARITY. Receive maximum value of write off for your taxes. Running or not! All conditions accepted. Free pickup. Call for details. 855-752-6680 (mcn)
Donating your vehicle? Get more! Free Towing. Tax Deductible. Plus a $200 restaurant voucher and a 2-night/3-day hotel stay at one of 50 locations. Call Heritage for the Blind to donate your vehicle today - 1-855-977-7030. (mcn)
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DISH Network. $64.99 for 190 Channels! Blazing Fast Internet, $19.99/ mo. (where available.) Switch & Get a FREE $100 Visa Gift Card. FREE Voice Remote. FREE HD DVR. FREE Streaming on ALL Devices. Call today! 1-855-434-0020 (mcn)
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Connect to the best wireless home internet with EarthLink. Enjoy speeds from 5G and 4G LTE networks, no contracts, easy installation, and data plans up to 300 GB. Call 844-878-2209. (mcn)
Dish Network: Only from Dish- 3-year TV Price Guarantee! 99% Signal Reliability, backed by guarantee. Includes Multi-Sportbwith NFL Redzone. Switch and Get a FREE $100 Gift Card. Call today! 1-855-434-0020. (mcn)
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The COVID crisis has cost us all something. Many have lost jobs and financial security. Have $10K In Debt? Credit Cards. Medical Bills. Car Loans. Call NATIONAL DEBT RELIEF! We can help! Get a FREE debt relief quote: Call 1-866-552-0649.(mcn)
Portable Oxygen Concentrator May Be Covered by Medicare! Reclaim independence and mobility with the compact design and long-lasting battery of Inogen One. Free information kit! Call 844-716-2411. (mcn)
DENTAL INSURANCE from Physicians Mutual Insurance Company. Coverage for 350 plus procedures. Real dental insurance- NOT just a discount plan. Do not wait! Call now! Get your FREE Dental Information Kit with all the details! 1-855-973-9175 www.dental50plus.com/https://www. dental50plus.com/midwest #6258 (mcn)
Don’t let the stairs limit your mobility! Discover the ideal solution for anyone who struggles on the stairs, is concerned about a fall or wants to regain access to their entire home. Call AmeriGlide today! 1-877-916-2093. (mcn)
Stroke and Cardiovascular disease are leading causes of death, according to the American Heart Association. Screenings can provide peace of mind or early detection! Contact Life Line Screening to schedule your screening. Special offer - 5 screenings for just $149. Call 1-866-7427290. (mcn)
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BATH & SHOWER UPDATES in as little as ONE DAY! Affordable pricesNo payments for 18 months! Lifetime warranty & professional installs. Senior & Military Discounts available. Call 1-866585-7073. (mcn)
LONG DISTANCE MOVING: Call today for a FREE QUOTE from America’s Most Trusted Interstate Movers. Let us take the stress out of moving! Speak to a Relocation Specialist, call 877-327-0795. (mcn)
BATHROOM RENOVATIONS. EASY, ONE DAY updates! We specialize in safe bathing. Grab bars, no slip flooring & seated showers. Call for a free in-home consultation: 855-836-2250. (mcn)
NEED NEW FLOORING? Call Empire Today® to schedule a FREE in-home estimate on Carpeting & Flooring. Call Today! 844-785-0305 (mcn)
Never clean your gutters again! Affordable, professionally installed gutter guards protect your gutters and home from debris and leaves forever! For a FREE Quote call: 877-761-1449 (mcn)
The Generac PWRcell, a solar plus battery storage system. SAVE money, reduce your reliance on the grid, prepare for power outages and power your home. Full installation services available. $0 Down Financing Option. Request a FREE, no obligation, quote today. Call 1-877381-3059. (mcn)
Prepare for power outages today with a GENERAC home standby generator.
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Eliminate gutter cleaning forever! LeafFilter, the most advanced debrisblocking gutter protection. Schedule a FREE LeafFilter estimate today. 20% off Entire Purchase. Plus 10% Senior & Military Discounts. Call 1-855-577-1268. (mcn)
Become a Published Author. We want to Read Your Book! Dorrance PublishingTrusted by Authors Since 1920. Book manuscript submissions currently being reviewed. Comprehensive Services: Consultation, Production, Promotion and Distribution. Call for Your Free Author`s Guide 1-877-516-0706 or visit dorranceinfo.com/Midwest (mcn)
Wesley Financial Group, LLC Timeshare Cancellation Experts. Over $50,000,000 in timeshare debt and fees cancelled in 2019. Get free informational package and learn how to get rid of your timeshare! Free consultations. Over 450 positive reviews. Call 877-326-1608. (mcn)
Trouble hearing your TV? Try TV EARS Voice Clarifying Wireless TV Speaker. Better than a soundbar and/or turning the TV volume way up. Special, limited time $50 off offer. Call TV Ears. Use code MBSP50. Call 1-844-455-0505. (mcn)
Safe Step. North Americas #1 Walk-In Tub. Comprehensive lifetime warranty. Top-of-the-line installation and service. Now featuring our FREE shower package and $1600 Off for a limited time! Call today! Financing available. Call Safe Step 1-844-290-5083. (mcn)
Switch and save up to $250/year on your talk, text and data. No contract and no hidden fees. Unlimited talk and text with flexible data plans. Premium nationwide coverage. 100% U.S. based customer service. For more information, call 1-888909-7338. (mcn)
Are you a pet owner? Do you want to get up to 100% back on Vet Bills? Physicians Mutual Insurance Company has pet coverage that can help! Call 1-888-6803016 to get a free quote or visit mfcp. (mcn)
Spring has sprung and it’s planting season again. This year Nature Hills, America’s largest online plant retailer, has an exclusive offer - French Manicure Panicle Hydrangea. Sale price just $24.60 plus s/h. Call for details and order today. Call Nature Hills Plant Nursery 1-855499-0049 or visit naturehillsdeal.com/ bloom32. (mcn)
Caring for an aging loved one? Wondering about options like seniorliving communities and in-home care? Caring.com’s Family Advisors are here to help take the guesswork out of senior care for you and your family. Call for your FREE, no-obligation consultation: 1-855568-2947. (mcn)
AKC REG. COCKER SPANIEL PUPS. NEW Big Litters! 50% OFF!!! Shots & wormed. 920-563-3410 Mornings. (#268588) (mcn)
PAYING TOP CA$H FOR MEN’S SPORT WATCHES! Rolex, Breitling, Omega, Patek Philippe, Heuer, Daytona, GMT, Submariner, Speedmaster.. Call: 866-314-9742. (mcn)
TOP CA$H PAID FOR OLD GUITARS! 1920-1980 Gibson, Martin, Fender, Gretsch, Epiphone, Guild, Mosrite, Rickenbacker, Prairie State, D’Angelico, Stromberg. And Gibson Mandolins / Banjos. 866-470-1643. (mcn)