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Minnesota Youth Livestock Expo entries open
by The Land
The fourth annual Minnesota Youth Livestock Expo (MYLE) has been scheduled for Fairmont and Jackson, Minn. The MYLE beef, sheep, meat goat and rabbit shows will be held on June 29 to July 2 at the Martin County Fairgrounds in Fairmont, and the MYLE swine show will be held July 7-9 at the Jackson County Fairgrounds in Jackson.
The MYLE Show is open to all Minnesota youth between the ages of 5-21 years old as of Jan. 1, 2023, including all Minnesota 4-H and FFA members.
The entry deadline for the MYLE Show for all species is May 31, with late entries accepted until June 7 at a higher entry fee. All MYLE entries will take place through an online entry system. The MYLE entry form and other information on the MYLE Show are available on the MYLE website at www.mnyouthlivestockexpo.com
Minnesota 4-H and FFA members, as well as other eligible youth in Minnesota, are eligible and are encouraged to participate in the MYLE Show. Youth