11 minute read
Help for organic dairy producers
by The Land
The U.S. Department of Agriculture recently announced assistance for dairy producers with the new Organic Dairy Marketing Assistance Program. ODMAP is established to help mitigate market volatility, higher input and transportation costs, and unstable feed supply and prices that have created unique hardships in the organic dairy industry.
FSA is accepting applications July 24. To apply, producers should contact FSA at their local USDA Service Center. To complete the ODMAP application, producers must certify to pounds of 2022 milk production, show documentation of their organic certification, and submit a completed application form.
Eligible producers include certified organic dairy operations that produce milk from cows, goats and sheep.
For more information, go to https://www.fsa.usda. gov/.
This article was submitted by the U.S. Department of Agriculture. v
BLUME FARMS & CATTLE is looking for a hard working full time farm hand. General ag and cattle experience recommended. Ability to operate heavy equipment & drive semi if possible. Must be able to feed & check cattle health. This position will have weekend hours, generally every other. Wages will be based off meeting criteria & experience of candidate. This position holds many opportunites for the right person. English speaking is appreciated. Contact Adam today at 507-360-6934
Real Estate Wanted
WANTED: Land & farms. I have clients looking for dairy, & cash grain operations, as well as bare land parcels from 40-1000 acres. Both for relocation & investments. If you have even thought about selling contact: Paul Krueger, Farm & Land Specialist, Edina Realty, 138 Main St. W., New Prague, MN 55372. paulkrueger@edinarealty.com (612)328-4506

Feed Seed Hay
OPEN Pollinated Seed Corn. Produces more high quality silage on less acres than hybrid. $67/bushel plus shipping. High feed value grain. borriesopenpollinatedseedcorn.com 217-857-3377 or 217-343-4962
Fertilizer & Chemical
Glyphosate 5.4 totes, $16.95 Gen Liberty totes, $34.70; Enlist 1 totes, $46.95. Surestart 2 totes, $44.95. We ship most everywhere & all tote prices include Free Delivery to your farm or business. Please call or text for all your chemical needs. Phone 612-210-3685
NEW NH T4.75, T4.90, T4.120 w/loader On Order
NEW NH Workmaster 60, 50, 35’s/loaders On Order
NEW NH 25S Workmasters ...…......…. On Order
NEW Massey Tractors ........................... On Order
NEW Massey 4710 w/loader ….......... COMING
NEW NH Boomer 40w/loader ….......… On Hand
3-New Massey GC1725 ……..................... Just In
’21 Massey 4707 w/loader …................…. $59,500
’16 Massey 4608 rops w/loader …............. $39,900
Massey 1652/cab/loader …….......………. $37,900
’21 NH T7.260 ……….............………… $169,000
’19 NH T8.320 1100 hrs ……..…...…… $189,500
’18 NH T4.75 w/loader .............................. $52,500
’17 NH T4.75 w/loader ……..................… $51,000
’12 NH T9.560 2200hrs ……..........…… $249,000

Sunflower 4610 9-24 …….............…… COMING
DMI Tigermate II 40.5 w/3bar ….…......… $25,900
NEW NH L318/L320/L328 wheeled units ....... On Hand
NEW NH C327/C337/C345 track units .......... On Order
NH L228 low hours ............................................ $44,900
New Disc Mowers - 107,108,109
New Disc Mower Cond. - 10’, 13’
New Wheel Rakes - 10,12,14
New NH Hay Tools - ON HAND
Frontiern WR1010 wheel rake …….............……… $5,950
JD 7200 12-30 w/LF ………........................…… $21,000

Taking 2023 New Spring Orders
NEW Geringhoff chopping cornhead Call ’02 Gleaner R62 …...............................……… $53,500 ’02 Gleaner R62 ……………...................……. $35,000 ’94 Gleaner R72 ………….......................…… $27,000 Gleaner R65 ……...............................…….. COMING Geringhoff parts & heads available

MISCELLANEOUS NEW Salford RTS Units ........................................ Call NEW Unverferth Seed Tenders .............................. Call NEW

At BigIron, we pride ourselves on our commitment to customer service, transparency, and trust. With the acquisition of Sullivan Auctioneers and Henslin Auctions, we are excited to continue to uphold these values and build even stronger relationships with our customers.
With our combined expertise, we offer a vast network of resources and a team of experienced professionals that are dedicated to delivering exceptional results for all your auction needs. If you’re looking to buy or sell, we have the tools and the knowledge to help you achieve your goals.
Whether you’re a seasoned auction participant or new to the game, we invite you to explore what our partnership can do for you.
Together, we are better.
Bins & Buildings
Take-down & clean up Specializing in silos in congested areas.
FULLY INSURED mobile concrete crushing. 507-236-9446
Stormor Bins & EZ-Drys. 100% financing w/no liens or red tape, call Steve at Fairfax Ag for an appointment. 888-830-7757
Farm Equipment

FOR SALE: NH 455 7’ wide trailer type mower; Cunningham hay conditioner; 1960 630 JD tractor, factory 3pt hitch; 1993 Ditch Witch trencher, 4’ digging depth, leveling blade on front to dig trench, brand new chain on trencher part. 952-594-9936
FOR SALE: H&H 16”, PTO drainage pump, 20’ long on wheels. (3) cross augers, 2 are 6”x32’ and one is 8”x27.5’, $200/ea or Offer on cross augers. 507-340-4903
FOR SALE: 1000 gallon ($1,200) and 500 gallon ($850) S/S tanks on trailers. 320-894-4489
FOR SALE: Blue Jet 28% side dresser, 12R30”, wheel driven pump. Hector MN. 320-212-4462
We buy
Salvage Equipment Parts Available Hammell Equip., Inc. (507)867-4910
FOR SALE: 1949 A John Deere; Allis Chalmers WC w/ WD motor. 651-565-3479 Leave message.
FOR SALE: JD 70 diesel with pony start, SN 7024331, and a JD 80 diesel SN 800053. 320-905-2536
NEW AND USED TRACTOR PARTS JD 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 55, 50 Series & newer tractors, AC-all models, Large Inventory, We ship! Mark Heitman Tractor Salvage 715-673-4829

WANTED: Old John Deere 2 Cylinder tractors running or not, and parts. 507-380-4380
Hay & Forage Equipment
FOR SALE: New Holland 1034 stack liner, very good condition, always shedded. Make an offer. 507-227-2602
All kinds of New & Used farm equipment - disc chisels, field cults, planters, soil finishers, cornheads, feed mills, discs, balers, haybines, etc. 507438-9782

WANTED: 38’ or 40’ aluminum Jet grain trailer, will consider Wilson, Timpte or Dakota. 507-276-5733
FOR SALE: Black Angus bulls also Hamp, York, & Hamp/ Duroc boars & gilts. Alfred (Mike) Kemen 320-598-3790
FOR SALE: British White Yearlings, steers and heifers. 507-530-0208
POLLED HEREFORD BULLS, yearlings and 2 year olds, low birth weight, high performance, semen tested and delivery available. Jones Farms, Le Sueur, MN. 507-317-5996
Retirement Auction
Tuesday, June 13th - 9:00 am
18394 20th St, Brownton, MN
This is a live & online simulcast auction. For more information & pictures go to: magesland.com
Registered Polled Hereford yearling bulls for sale. Have had all shots, poured and semen tested. Halter broke and broke to lead. Fantastic growth EPD’s! Will deliver. Klages Herefords, Ortonville, MN. 320-273-2163(H) 605-8800521(C)
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ADVERTISING NOTICE: Please check your ad the first week it runs. We make every effort to avoid errors by checking all copy, but sometimes errors are missed. Therefore, we ask that you review your ad for correctness. If you find a mistake, please call (507) 345-4523 immediately so that the error can be corrected. We regret that we cannot be responsible for more than one week’s insertion if the error is not called to our attention. We cannot be liable for an amount greater than the cost of the ad. THE LAND has the right to edit, reject or properly classify any ad. Each classified line ad is separately copyrighted to THE LAND. Reproduction without permission is strictly prohibited.
5.16” x 7”
Combine & Tractors: JD 9400 combine, 3797 eng hrs, 2274 sep hrs; JD 693 corn hd; JD 920 bean hd; hm head trailer; 3pt hd mover; JD 7810 tractor, 4332 hrs, MFWD; JD 7320 tractor, 2085 hrs, MFWD; JD 5085M tractor w/ 563 loader & joystick, 1419 hrs, MFWD; JD rock box; JD pallet forks; Farmall H, gas; Easy Guide system;
Machinery & Equipment: White 8100 Twin Row planter, 8 x 30” w/ splitter unit; JD grain drill BD1113; Wilrich 3400 field cult, 26.5’; JD field cult 1100, 21’; JD rock disc, 20’ 9”; IH 183 row cult, 8 x 30”; Brillion land roller, 21’; JD plow 2800, 4 bt; DMI 2500 ripper, 4 shank, 3pt; Case IH 6500 Conser-till, 9 shank; Brent 444 gravity box, roll tarp; Brent 440 gravity box; EZ Flow gravity box, 300 bu; Sudenga grain auger, 8” x 61’, swing hopper; Sundega grain auger, 8” x 36’; Hayrack; J & M unloading hyd auger; EZ Trail 1074 running gear w/ wood bed & 1100 gal poly tank; Land Manager field sprayer w/ 1000 gal tank, 60’ boom; Kuker 500 gal sprayer w/ 60’ boom; 1200 gal poly tank w/ transfer pump; Alloway stock chopper, 16’; New Holland Hayliner 273 square baler; New Holland 5 disc mower H6730; Allied snowblower 9620, 8’; Minnesota manure spreader 135 Spread All; 5-sec drag on transport; Frontier grader blade, 8’, 3pt; More House rock picker; 3 pt tire track scratcher; rear dual mounting tool; 300 gal fuel barrel w/ overhead stand; 250 gal LP tank; 200 gal Demco saddle tanks w/ brackets; Walsch Flair box on running gear with hoist; single disk, 8’; 18.4x38 tire chains; Ideal hog feeders; Portable bale conveyor; Enclosed Trailer & Shop Items: Stealth Mustang enclosed trailer, 6’ x 10’; JD lawn mower X320, 487 hrs; Bach Told weed mower; 21” White lawn mower; Chris Cut lawn mower w/ trail cart; Die Hard battery charger; David Bradly chainsaw, 18”; hyd water pump; Craftsman air compressor; Craftsman Shopvac; full inventory bolt bin;
Household & Miscellaneous Items: Warnock Hersey corn or pellet stove; Nordic Track treadmill; foldable pin pong table; antique daybed; antique hardwood bed; antique drapery rods; Howard upright cabinet piano, stamped w/ Cincinnati-Chicago piano; wagon wheel coffee table; wooden table chairs; chain link dog kennel; asst of dimensional lumber;
Viewing Date: Friday, June 9th 1:00 pm - 4:00 PM
Owners: George & Ny la Stoller
Listing Auctioneers: Joe Wersal ~ 507-220-5561 & Joe Maidl ~ 507-276-7749
Auctioneers: Matt Mages, New Ulm Lic 52-22-018; Larry Mages, Lafayette; Joe Wersal, Winthrop; Joe Maidl, Lafayette; John Goelz, Franklin; Ryan Froehlich, Winthrop; Clerk: Mages Land Co. & Auction Service, LLC. Terms: No Buyer’s Premium on live bidding
Note: All buyers of large equipment bring a letter of approval from your bank. magesland.com
Classified line ads work!
FOR SALE: Yorkshire, Hampshire, Duroc, cross bred boars, and gilts. Top quality. Excellent herd health. No
PRSS. Delivery available. 320-760-0365
Check out THE LAND online www.thelandonline.com
We Sell the Earth & Everything On It.
Maring Auction Lot, Highway 56 North, Kenyon, MN 55946
Saturday, June 10, 2023 • 9:00 a.m.
Bring Items to Maring Auction Lot
June 1, 2 & 3 from 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. and/or June 5, 6 & 7 from 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. NO Sundays, Gates Closed
Semis, Hopper Trailers, Gooseneck Trailers
‘16 Freightliner Coronado Day Cab, Detroit, 10 Sp; ‘14 Freightliner 113 DC
Day Cab, Detroit, 10 Sp; ‘13 Peterbilt
TK Day Cab, Paccar Dsl; ‘12 Mack CXN
613 Day Cab, Mack Dsl, 10 Sp; ‘07 Mack
CXN 600 Day Cab, Mack Dsl, 10 Sp; ’07 & ‘06 Freightliner Columbia 112 Day Cad, Mercedes Dsl, 10 Sp; ‘19 Wilson DWH-650B Hopper Bottom Tlr, Tri Axle, 445/50R22.5, 49’x96”x78”, Tarp; ‘18 Wilson DWH-600 Hopper Bottom Tlr, Tri Axle, 11R22.5, 47’x66”x96”, Power Tarp & Traps; ‘86 Timpte Hopper Tlr, 40’x96”x66”, Spring, Tarp; ‘03 IH 4200 Straight Truck, 14’ Flatbed, 1300 Gal Tank, VT365 Dsl, Auto, 324,183 Miles; ‘20 Big Tex 22-GN-35BKT5MR, 35’x102”, Duals, 48” Spread Axle, Mega Ramps; ‘99 PJ Gooseneck Tlr, Duals, Ramps, 38’, 10,000 Lb. Axles; ‘79 Wilson AGH-500 Tlr, 42’x66”x96”, Spring, Tarp; ‘92 KW Semi, Day Cab, 24.5, 60 Series Detroit, 10 Sp
From Chris Hokanson Farm
‘12 NH BR7070 Baler, Net & Twine, 540 PTO, 7500 Bales; Bush Hog DM-80 3 Pt. Discbine; ‘79 GMC 7000 Single Axle, V8 Gas, 5x2 Speed, 16’ Box & Hoist; JD 643 Corn Head, Poly; Brillion SS12 Seeder/Cultipacker; Gehl 1065 Chopper, Tandem, 1000PTO, Metal Stop; Gehl TR3038 2R30” Corn Head; JD 148 Loader, 40 Series Brackets; NH 56 Hay Rake; Mills 12’ Creep Feeder; JD 721 Hyd. Loader, 7’, off JD 7000 Series; Land Pride SG2660 Skid, Rotary Cutter; H&S Hi-Cap 6F 12C Wheel Rake; Farm Fans AB8B 4 Column Grain Dryer, Single Ph., 5500 Hrs, 230 V; Unverferth HT25 25’ Head Trailer; Shop Built Single Axle Hyd. Dump Trailer, 8’ Box; Metal & Poly Bunks; Gravity Boxes; AC WC, NF, New Tires
Machinery from Hildebrandt Farms
JD 3970 Forage Harvester, Hyd. Tongue, 1000 PTO; JD 7’ Hay Head; (3) JD 716A Forage Boxes, JD 1275; NH 352 Mill, 540 PTO; Farm King 8”x31’ Auger, 5hp; Demuth 28’x12” Conveyor; Apache 15’ Tandem Axle Creep Feeder, 300 Bu; (2) Gehl 1580 Forage Blowers; Loyal 20’x13” Conveyor, Plastic Liner, 1/2hp; JD 425, 54” Deck, All Wheel Steer; Raven 440 SCS Monitor With Super Cooler
Good Tractors & Skid Loader, Attachments, JD Loader
JD 4020 Dsl, PS, 8325 Hrs, 16.9x38, 2 Hyd., 540/1000PTO; IHC 966 Dsl, 7806 Hrs, 3 Pt., 540/1000 PTO; JD 430T NF, 13.6x28, 3 Pt.; JD R Dsl, Pony Start, 2 Hyd., Wheel Weights; Farmall 856 Dsl, WF, Fenders, 18.4x38, 3 Pt., 7444 Hrs; Farmall Super MTA, WF, Fast Hitch, 13.6x38, Noise in Trans; JD 40, NF, Gas; Farmall
Super A, WF, Weights, Woods Mower; JD 6675 Skid Loader, 66”
Bucket, Aux. Hyd.; Skid Loader Attachments: Post Augers, Grapple & Rock Buckets, Land Planes, Tree Shears, Booms, Mowers; JD
644-A Wheel Loader, 20.5x25, 2 Yard Bucket, 9823 Hrs
Spot, Duroc, Chester White, Boars & Gilts available. Monthly PRRS and PEDV. Delivery available. Steve Resler. 507-456-7746
Sell your livestock in The Land with a line ad. 507-345-4523
550 ewe lambs from OPP tested negative flock. 605-864-8811 or 605-997-2060
Your ad could be here!
Pets & Supplies
FOR SALE: Golden Retriever AKC registered puppies. Family raised pups, get handled every day. $950 - females, $850 - males. Call 507-421-5136 for pictures, information & questions.
Trucks & Trailers
1975 Ford LN700, 391 V8, recent tune-up, 5x2 speed, 16’ steel box, 6 new rims & tires, mechanical tag axle, nice condition for an older truck, $5,000. John Pemble 507-381-7097
Dryer, Grain Bins, Freisen Bulk Bins & Grain Leg at 66304 180th Ave, Dodge Center, MN.
Up to One Year to Remove, Questions, Darrin: (507) 259-4945
Grain Handler GH1612 Continuous Flow Dryer, 3 Ph., Natural Gas; Sioux 24’ 20,000 Bu Full Floor Wet Holding Bin; (2) Freisen 90 Ton Cone Bottom Bulk Bins; Butler 40,000 Bu Bin, 42’, Full Floor; RS 110’ Grain Leg, 3500 Bu/Hr.; 8000 Bu Wet Holding Bin
Planting, Spraying & Haying Machinery, Livestock Machinery & Equipment
Top Air TA-1200 Sprayer, 1200 Gal, 80’ Booms, Hyd. Drive, R46, 440 Monitor; CIH 955 Planter, 12R30”, Liquid Fert., Corn & Bean, 3 Pt., Row Shut Offs, Monitor; CIH 183 Row Crop Cult, 12R30”; Hardi NAV1000 Sprayer, Hyd. Pump, 60’ Booms, Foamer, Raven 440; Bush Hog 3815 & CR15F Bat Wing Mowers; JD 603 , LX6 & 506 Rotary Mowers; Schulte Rock Picker, Hyd. Reel & Dump; Gehl 860 Chopper, 2R30” Corn Head, 5’ Hay Head, Electric Controls; MF 1756 Round Baler, 540 PTO, Monitor, Kicker; H&S 9 Wheel In-Line Rake; NI 400 5 Bar Rake; OMC 229 Haybine, 9’, Rubber Rolls; Fimco 500 Gal Sprayer, 3 Pt., PTO, 30’ Booms; IHC 710 Plow, 4x16’s; NH 270 Baler; JD 567 Baler, Mega Wide, 8500 Bales; JD RG 6R30” Cult.; JD 400 Rotary Hoe, 15’; Meyers 350 Manure Spreader; Clay 2250 Manure Tank, Tandem, 3 Injectors, Hyd. Drive; Power Guard 60KW Stand by Generator, Natural Gas, Auto Transfer Switch; Portable Loading Chute, Hyd. Lift, Right, Left and Center Load; (2) Poly Dome 3 & 4 Ton Bins, Feed Line; (3) GSI Hog Stat Holding Bins, Feed Line: 5 & 6 Ton; 20’ Enclosed Chute; JD 40 Manure Spreader, 540 PTO Motor Homes, RV’s, UTV’s, Pickups, Storage Container, (9) Mini Mod Go Carts
‘03 Ford Sea Breeze 1341 Motor Home, V10 Gas, 31,000 Miles, 2 Slide Outs, 35’, Roof Air, Generator, Hyd. Leveling, Camera; ‘02 Coachman Apex Travel Tlr, 2 Slide Outs, Roof Air; ‘74 Honda 90 Minibike; JD X485 Mower, All Wheel Steer, Deck, 1426 Hrs; ‘79 Lund 18’ Fishing Boat, 35hp Johnson, Trailer; ‘00 Chevy 1500 Pickup, 4x4, 157,015 Miles; ‘98 Chevy 2500 Pickup, 4x4, Reg. Cab, 182,000 Miles; 550 Gal Fuel Tank; Multi Door 40’x8’ Storage Container; (2) Storage Containers: 8’x8’, 10’x8’; Several Hoop Buildings; ‘17 Mahindra 750XTU UTV, 515 Miles, Dump Box, 4x4; Military 5 Ton 6x6 Drive, Cummins Dsl, 5x2 Transmission ** (4) Mini Mods, Outlaw Racing Seats, Fuel Cell, 500-700cc Motor; (5) Go Karts, B&S, Fiberglass Body, Rub Rails
Antique & Horse Drawn Machinery
Deere/Weber Hi Wheel Triple Box, End Gate Seeder; JD Sulky Plow; Wooden Wheel Double Box from Lonsdale, MN; Steel Wheel Wagon, Double Box; Deere/Weber Fanning Mill; Horse Drawn Breaking Plow; JD 2 Row Horse Planter, Restored; IHC Steel Wheeled Grain Binder; Steel Wheel Railroad Baggage Cart; Wooden Wheel Goat Cart; Spring Buggy Seat