4 minute read
Soybeans see slight turnaround
by The Land
compared to 95 percent on the threeyear average.
China approved Argentina as an origin for corn imports, joining Brazil which was approved in the last several months. Industry association group Airlines for America expects U.S. air travel to serve a record number of passengers this summer which would increase demand for jet fuel and oil. They estimate 257 million passengers will fly from June through August.
Outlook: A technical reversal higher in the soyoil this week lent general support to soybeans. July soybeans traded to their lowest since January 2022 before bouncing late in the week. November soybeans traded to their lowest since August 2021 before the turnaround into the weekend. Into the weekend, November soybeans managed to string together two higher closes for the first time in a month.
OPEC+ will meet on June 4 and the latest talk is they could cut production by another 1 million bpd. If they would, it could provide short-term support to the energy markets and could spill over to ag commodities.
For the week, July soybeans rallied 15.25 cents to $13.52.5, and November soybeans fell 5.75 cents to $11.83.75 per bushel. July soyoil was 68 ticks higher at $49.50 and July meal was $4.40 lower at $397.80.
Weekly price changes in July wheat for the week ended June 2: Chicago wheat eked out a 3-cent gain to $6.19, Kansas City fell 7 cents to $8.12.25, and Minneapolis dropped 10.25 cents to $8.07.75 per bushel. v
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Farm Equipment
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FOR SALE: 500 gallon ($950) S/S tank on trailer. 320-894-4489
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Hay & Forage Equipment

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Livestock Equipment
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