1 minute read
PHBA ‘a great group of people’
by The Land
Hunter Under Saddle PHBA/NSBA. (NSBA is National Snaffle Bit Association, of which they are also members.)
Dave Remus has always enjoyed horses — riding, training, showing, breeding. He takes his breeding seriously, but also likes to have fun. Being members of Palomino Horse Breeders of America makes both possible.
“We want to produce a quality horse, and yet be able to go and have some fun,” Remus said, “which is what PHBA does. It’s a great group of people.”
If you have questions about his breeding or training, or PHBA, you can contact David Remus by email at remusqh@hotmail.com or by phone at (507) 2474466. The PHBA website is palominohba.com.
The regional organizations: Minnesota Palomino Horse Exhibitors are at mnpalominohorse.com or on Facebook. Iowa Palomino Exhibitors Association has contact information at palominohba.com/affiliates or its Facebook page.
Saw fly larva, wheat head armyworm, and cut worms are all look-a-likes to true armyworms. While scouting ensure that you know the key identifying factors of armyworms. If you are unsure if what you found is a true armyworm, submit photos to your local Extension office.
Additional information about armyworms can be found at www.extension.umn.edu by searching the page for armyworms.
This article was submitted by Katie Drewitz, University of Minnesota Extension. v