Partnering with You to Enhance our Communities At Community Bank, we’re proud to be part of these communities. As neighbors who live and work here, we want to do what we can to help support and improve our area.
Benefits Ripple Throughout the Community Through our lending programs, we have: ❖ Helped support young families buy their first homes and allowed growing families to move into larger ones. ❖ Supported the start of new businesses and helped others expand.
Through our savings programs we have: ❖ Provided a safe way for area residents to set aside money so they can enjoy a secure retirement. ❖ Helped generations of youngsters develop good money management habits and learn the joys of saving.
Mike Ogaard
Greg Urevig
Quentin Beadell
Mike King
Spirit of Cooperation We use many avenues to promote the well-being of our communities, but we couldn’t do it without the help of others. We work in partnership with area residents and civic and business leaders to help determine what roles we can fulfill in advancing the communities’ interest. Most important is the part you play. We couldn’t do any of this without the loyalty and support of our customers. We strive each day to continue earning your trust and your business by providing top-of-the- line products and exceptional service. Thanks for making these communities a better place to work and live.
Money Matters.
Mankato (507) 385-4444 Mankato (507) 625-1551 Vernon Center (507) 549-3679
Amboy (507) 674-3300
Pre-Register online at
01. Competition for premiums is open to all residents of Blue Earth County and surrounding counties. 02. The Society will not assume any responsibility for (disease, sickness, injury,) loss or damage to exhibits contracted during the fair. 03. No person will be permitted to distribute advertising matter on the grounds except from their place of business or exhibit. The tacking or posting of any advertisements, or distribution of bills, cards, flyers, etc. except within the area occupied by the exhibitor is prohibited. Anyone violating this rule will be liable to fine and expulsion from the grounds as the Board of Directors may elect. 04. If for any reason whatsoever the general receipts of the Society are reduced or diminished, then the Society does not guarantee full payment of premiums listed in this book. 05. The management will not be responsible for typographical errors in this book, but should any occur, they will be interpreted by Board of Directors. 06. The Board of Directors reserves the final and absolute right to interpret these Rules and regulations. 07. Any person knowingly violating any of the rules of this Society will thereby forfeit all rights to any premiums that may be awarded to them.
01. Open class will begin Thursday morning, except flowers and gardening which will be started Wednesday. 02. Awards shall be designated by ribbons or cards as follows: championship - purple; first - blue; second red; third - white. 03. Judges will report to the Secretary for instruction prior to beginning their work. 04. The superintendent or assistant of a division shall assist the awarding judges as clerk and shall make a written entry on the record of award made. This record when completed shall be signed by the judges and returned to the secretary. 05. The superintendent of each division shall check to see that each article entered on the record book is present and properly arranged before the judges proceed to place the entries. If an article cannot be found, the judges shall be so informed. 06. Should any article be entered in the wrong lot and the error be discovered before the judging, the superintendent may make proper correction in the entry. 07. Any interference by the exhibitor to influence or dictate the decision of the judges will be sufficient cause for excluding his or her entry from competition and must be reported to the Secretary by the superintendent of the division. 08. The superintendent of a division may request the judge in his division to state the reason for awards if such a request is made by an exhibitor or spectator. 09. The decision of the judges shall be final in all cases except where mistakes, fraud or misrepresentation not discovered at the time the award is made, is apparent. In such cases the Board of Directors decision is final. 10. An exhibitor may make a written protest of a decision of a judge to the superintendent of the division within three hours after the time the award was made. 11. AII protests shall be settled by the Board of Directors at a meeting when all parties concerned will be notified to appear. 12. No former prize winnings are to be displayed before judging in the class is completed. 13. It is the policy of the Blue Earth County Fair to award ribbons to all entries, except those disqualified.
01. All entries must be made on or before the first day of the fair. ALL ENTRIES MUST BE MADE AND EXHIBITS IN PLACE BY 6:00 P.M. ON THE FIRST DAY OF THE FAIR AND MAY NOT BE REMOVED UNTIL 6:00 P.M. OF THE LAST DAY OF THE FAIR. DO NOT REMOVE ANY EXHIBIT UNLESS YOU HAVE CHECKED WITH THE SUPERINTENDENT OF THAT DEPARTMENT. (Special rules cover 4-H department). Monday - after fair office open 9 a.m.-11 a.m. to pick up leftover items. 02. The Society reserves the right to limit the number of entries if space is unavailable. The management will endeavor to arrange for space for all qualified exhibitors. However, if present accommodations are exhausted, the management reserves the right to close entries at any time. 03. Stock and articles must be entered in the name of the bonafide owners. 04. No person shall enter an article that has heretofore been exhibited and a premium paid thereon in the same lot except in certain designated classes. 05. All articles exhibited must be the property of the exhibitor and except in the designated classes must be made, manufactured, or raised during the past 12 months by the exhibitor. 06. Not more than one entry can be made in the same lot by any exhibitor, exception in Homemaking class. When more than one entry is made by the same family, proof of ownership must be shown to the superintendent of that division. 07. No article or livestock shall compete for more than one premium. This rule does not bar sweepstake or special award competition. 08. No article will be allowed to compete for cash premiums that is not named and numbered in the premium list. Articles not listed may be displayed upon approval of the division superintendent. A request can be made to the Board of Directors to make provisions for additional classes or lots in succeeding years. 09. Exhibitors will be furnished with cards containing exhibitor number, division, class and lot designation and description of the articles. Such cards must be attached to or be in close contact with the article to which they belong. 10. All stock must be purebred except market poultry or recognized hybrids. In the case of hybrids, proof of the breeding must be furnished to the division superintendent. 11. Minnesota Livestock Sanitary Board rules and regulations governing exhibition of livestock and poultry in Minnesota, will apply to livestock and poultry exhibited at the Fair. For information regarding these rules see your veterinarian. 12. Each person exhibiting livestock must present to the official veterinarian a certificate of health before the entry is accepted. 13. Only varieties recommended by the Minnesota Crop Improvement Association of the Agriculture Extension Service shall compete for premiums. 14. All roots shall be cleaned and trimmed for exhibition. 15. No former prize winnings are to be displayed before judging in the class is completed. 16. It is the policy of the Blue Earth County Fair to award ribbons to all entries, except those disqualified.
BANTAM CLASSES Class 08 - Game Bantams, all varieties, Modern Games, Old English Games. Class 09 - Single comb clean legged, all varieties, Anconas Andalusians, Australorps, Campines, Catalanas, Delawares, Dorkings, Dutch, Frizzles, Hollands, Japanese, Javas, Jersey Giants, Lakenvelders, Lamonas, Leghorns, Minorcas, Naked Necks, New Hampshires, Orpingtons, Phoenix, Plymouth Rocks, Rhode Island Reds, Spanish, Sussex. Class 10 - Rose comb clean legged, all varieties; Anconas, Antwerp Belgians, Dominiques, Dorkings, Hamburgs, Leghorns, Minorcas, Redcaps, Rhode Island Reds, Rhode Island Whites, Rosecombs, Sebrights, Wyandones. Class 11 - All other combs clean legged, all varieties; Ameraucana, Araucanas, Buckeyes, Chanticleers, Cornish, Crevecoeurs, Cubulayas, Houdans, La Fleche, Malays, Polish, Shamos, Bunercups’ Sumatras, Yokohamas. Class 12 - Feather legged, all varieties, Booted, Brahmas Cochins, Faverolles, Frizzles, Langshans, Silkies, Sultans.
Class Class Premiums will be paid when entries are picked up on Class Class the last day of the Fair. Class Premiums will not be paid on articles (or animals) removed from exhibition before designated time on the last day of the Fair. Class Class Where there is no competition, first premium may Class be awarded but money paid will be based Class on recommendations of the judge relative to the merit of the exhibit. No award will be made if the exhibit does not merit an award. Premiums will not be awarded for articles Class (or animals) of inferior merit, although there is no Class competition. Class
Class 01 - Asiatic, all varieties, Cochins, Brahmas, Langshans. Class 02 - American, all varieties; Plymouth Rocks, Dominiques, Wyandotes, Javas, Rhode Island Reds, Rhodes Island Whites, Buckeyes, Chanticleers, Jersey Giants, Lamonas, New Hampshires, Hollands, Delawares. Class 03 - Mediterranean, all varieties; Leghorns, Minorcas, Spanish, Andalusians, Anconas, Buttercups, Catalanas. Class 04 - English, all varieties; Dorkings, Orpingtons, Redcaps, Cornish, Sussex, Australorps. Class 05 - Continental, all varieties; Hamburgs, Bamevelders, Campines, Lakenvelders, Welsummers, Polish, Houdana, Crevecoeurs, La Fleche, Faverolles. Class 06 - All other standard breeds, all varieties, Modem Games, Old English Games, Sumatras, Malays, Shamos, Cubalayas, Phoenix, Yokohamas, Aseels, Sultans Frizzles, Naked Necks, Araucanas, Ameraucanas. Class 07 - Hybrids, all varieties; Cornish Rock, Indian River.
DIVISION D POULTRY Notice the changes - read thoroughly!
13- Pekings 14- Rouens 15- Muscovy 16 - Buff 17 - Cavuga
18 19 20 21
Runner Call Duck East India Any Other Duck
26 27 28 29
Pomeranian American Buff Chinese Any Other Goose
GEESE 22 23 24 25
Toulouse Emuden African Sebastopol
Class Class Class Class
TURKEYS 30 - Bronze 31 - White Holland 32 - Bourbon Red
Class 33 - Royal Palm Class 34 - Any Other Turkey
PIGEONS Class 35 - Fantails Class 36 - Kings Class 37 - Trumpeters
All Poultry must be entered Wednesday evening from 6~10 p.m. following the 4-H judging schedule. Open Class Poultry entries must be postmarked by July 15th. Late entries will not be accepted! Mail entries, fees, phone number and health papers to Owen Dickey, 10945 550th Ave., Amboy, MN 56010, 507-674-3452. Entry fee - 4-H’ers is $.25 per bird. All others $1.00. All chickens and turkeys must be officially tested for typhoid and pullorum disease and found negative within 90 days prior to the fair or originate from parent stock within 12 months of the fair as U.S. pullorum-typhoid clean. A statement on official forms showing test results as conducted by an approved testing agent or certification of origin, together with identification of each bird by band number will be required. All entries of chickens, geese, ducks, turkeys and pigeons must be made singly and identified as cock, cockerel, hen, pullet, young trio or old trio. Premiums will be paid on all varieties recognized by the American Standard of Perfection, considered worthy of premium by our judge. The society will not be responsible for any loss or accident. Band your birds for your own protection. The entries will be carefully tended and every possible precaution will be taken to prevent damage or loss. All exhibitors will be responsible for the feeding and watering of their own exhibits. Any exhibit found to be poorly maintained will forfeit all premium money. Any sick bird will be removed from the show at the discretion of the superintendents.
Class Class Class Class
Class 38 - Tumblers Class 39 - Rollers Class 40 - Any Other Pigeon
DIVISION E GRAIN & CORN 01. Only one entry will be permitted in any lot by one exhibitor. 02. All grain and seed samples must be two quarts in a one gallon glass jar. All corn samples ten ears. 03. Must be grown in 2010 season.
CLASS 1 - CORN E01001 - Shelled corn (2 quarts) E01002 - Corn (10 ears) E01003 - Any corn not listed (10 ears)
Alfalfa (seed) Barley (malting) Barley (feed) Clover, medium red E02008 - Clover, sweet
E02009 E02010 E02011 E02012
Flax Oats Soybeans Wheet, winter E02013 - Wheat, Spring
2011 FRIENDS OF THE FAIR SUPPORTERS 2011 The Blue Earth County Agricultural Society/Fairboard would like to thank these area businesses, organizations and individuals for their support and sponsorship of the Blue Earth County Fair and the Fairgrounds. Platinum Business Sponsorship: $2,500 and up Blue Earth County Gold Business Sponsorship: $1000 - $2499 Blue Earth County Corn & Soybean Growers, Crystal Vallley Coop, Land O Lakes, Voyegeur Web, Watonwan Farm Service Silver Business Sponsorship: $500 - $999 City of Lake Crystal, Jerry's Body Shop, Tow Distributing, Wellcome Trust, Lyra Township, B & R Auto Salvage Bronze Business Sponsorship: $250 - $499 Abdo, Eick & Meyers, Boening Construction, Crop Insurance Services, Davis Comfort Systems, Inc, First National Bank Minnesota, Industrial Fabrication Services, Malchow Insurance, Medo Township, Protein Source Milling, Syngenta Seed, Vernon Center Township, Pioneer Bank, Fleming Pioneer Seed, Jones Seed, Land Services, MinnStar Bank, Wingert Realty Copper Business Sponsorship: $100 - $249 Boesch Insurance Agency, Cambria Township, McPherson Crop Management, Pioneer Hi-bred, Amboy Lions Club, Beauford Township, Garden City Rod and Gun Club, Judson Implement, Lime Township, Mankato Spray Center, Midtown Auto, Smiths Mill, Snell Motors, Ziegler Cat
Business Sponsorship: $0-$99 Butternut Valley Township, Gregor Tiling Co. Product and/or Service Sponsors: Blue Earth County Sheriffs Dept., Blue Valley Sod, Busters Bar & Grill, J.O. Announcing, River Valley Offroaders, The Free Press, Arnolds of Mankato, Mankato Implement, Carlson Craft, Arnie Lillo, Pfeffer Tree Service, Vetter Sale & Service, Letcher Farm Supply, LeRay Township Copper Friends of the Fair: $100 - $249 Calvin & Sue Baarts, David & Barbara Eberhart, Richard & Geraldine Schulz, Veril & Doris Conrad, Pat & Neil Doyen Additional Supporters: Darleen Lund, Delphin & Doris Kietzer, Gloria Schuett, Mary Duncanson, Merlin & Lorraone Zarn, Ron & Myra Jongbloedt, Steve & Cindy Young, Jerry Phillips, Kelly & Jake Fleisner, Erica & Dave Ellerbusch, Robert & Karen Schull, Winnis Buesing, Benny & Nona Pederson
Together --- Success for another 152 years.
Pre-Register online at
For guidance in preparing exhibits see “Vegetable Gardening”, Extension 4-H Bulletin 63, University of Minnesota Agricultural Extension Service. Only one entry will be permitted in any one lot by one exhibitor.
CLASS 1 - VEGETABLES F01000 F01001 F01002 F01003 F01004 F01005 F01006 F01007 F01008 F01009 F01010 F01011 F01012 F01013 F01014 F01015 F01016 F01017 F01018 F01019 F01020 F01021 F01022 F01023 F01024 F01025 F01026 F01027 F01028 F01029 F01030 F01031 F01032 F01033 F01034 F01035 F01036 F01037 F01038 F01039 F01040
Beans, purple (16) Beans, green (16) Beans, wax (16) Beets (6 specimens) Broccoli (1 specimen) Brussel sprouts (6 specimens) Cabbage, pointed, green, any variety (1 specimen) - Cabbage, round, green, any variety (1 specimen) - Cabbage, red, any variety (1 specimen) - Cabbage, flat, any variety (1 specimen) - Carrots, for table use (6 specimens) - Cauliflower (1 specimen) - Cucumbers, pickling (1 dozen specimens) - Cucumbers, table use (6 specimens) - Eggplant (1 specimen) - Gooseberry (1/2 pint) - Gourds, best collection (6 different kinds) - Groundcherries (1 pint) - (shucked) - Kohlrabi (6 specimens) - Melon, musk (1 specimen) - Melon, water, round (1 specimen) - Melon, water, long (1 specimen) - Onions, yellow (3 specimens) - Onions, white (3 specimens) - Onions, red (3 specimens) - Pumpkin, pie (1 specimen) - Parsnips (6 specimens) - Peas, in pod (1 pint) - Peppers, green (3 specimens) - Peppers, red hot (6 specimens) - Radishes (6 specimens) - Rhubarb (6 stalks) - Rutabagas (3 specimens) - Shallots (1 pint) - Squash, winter (1 specimen) - Squash, summer (1 specimen) - Swiss chard (1 plant) - Sweet Potatoes (2 specimens) - Sweet corn, best exhibit (3 ears) - Best Collection of 8 different kinds of vegetables - Other vegetable not listed
CLASS 2 - HEAVIEST VEGETABLES F02041 F02042 F02043 F02044 F02045 F02046 F02047
Heaviest Cabbage Heaviest Potatoe Heaviest Pumpkin Heaviest Squash Heaviest Tomato Heaviest Watermelon Heaviest, any not listed
CLASS 3 - POTATOES washed but not scrubbed 10 specimens F03048 F03049 F03050 F03051
Yukon Gold Kennebec Norland Red Pontiac
F03052 F03053 F03054 F03055
Russet Burbank Norgold Blue Any others not listed
Big Gain Inc. Box 308 Mankato, MN 56002
OPEN CLASS • EXHIBIT HALL B • NoOPEN CLASS POULTRY entries can be removed until 6:00 p.m. Sunday, July 31. All entries
Please send entry forms prior to registration day, Wednesday, July 27 for Open Class to: Wendy Weingartz, 1629 South Bend Ave., Mankato, MN 56001 and Open Class Poultry to: Owen Dickey, 10945 550th Ave., Amboy, MN 56010. If you have questions on Open Class, call 625-2778 or Poultry call 674-3452. All 4-H and Open class Poultry must be entered Wednesday evening from 6-10 p.m. All entries accepted between 8:00 a.m. & 6:00 p.m. Wednesday, July 27. All Open Class Divisions will be judged Thursday, July 28, beginning at 8:30 a.m., except flowers and gardening on Wednesday evening. Poultry entries MUST be postmarked by July 15, 2011. Judging will be Thursday, July 28 following the 4-H judging schedule. (Please see Poultry section for fees and rules.)
must be picked up no later than 8:00 p.m. Sunday. All Open Class entries EXCEPT poultry not picked up by this time must be picked up from 9-11 a.m. Monday, August 1, at the Fair Office. Poultry MUST be picked up Sunday evening. Open Class (except poultry) entry fees are: .75 cents on entry day or .50 cents if preregistered by July 27. (Maximum $10.00) There is no charge for Nursing Home residents.
H01001 H01002 H01003 01. A plate of apples or pears must consist of exactly H01004 5 specimens; grapes, 2 bunches, crabs and hybrids, H01005 8 specimens; plums, 6 specimens. Stems should H01006 remain on fruit, but leaves should be removed. H01007 02. Single entries will not be permitted to appear as part H01008 H01009 of collection. H01010 03. Nurseries are not allowed to compete for premiums. H01011 04. Only one entry will be permitted in any lot by one H01012 exhibitor except any not listed. H01013 H01014 CLASS 1 - APPLES H01015 G01001 - Beacon G01015 - Macintosh H01016 G01002 - Connell Red G01016 - Melba H01017 G01003 - Cortland G01017 - Minjon H01018 G01004 - Delicious G01018 - Northwestern H01019 G01005 - Duchess Greening H01020 G01006 - Fireside G01019 - Prairie Spy H01021 G01007 - Golden Delicious G01020 - Red Baron H01022 G01008 - Haralson G01021 - Redwell H01023 G01009 - Honey gold G01022 - Regent H01024 G01010 - Jonathan G01023 - Spartan H01025 G01011 - Keepsake G01024 - State Fair H01026 G01012 - Lakeland G01025 - Sweet Sixteen H01027 G01013 - Oriole G01026 - Wealthy H01028 G01014 - Mantet G01027 - Any not listed H01029 H01030 H01031 1 CLASS 2 - BERRIES ( ⁄2 Pint) H01032 G02028 - Raspberries G02030 - Any not listed H01033 G02029 - Strawberries H01034 H01035 CLASS 3 - CRAB APPLES (8 Specimens) H01036 G03031 - Centennial G03036 - Trail H01037 G03032 - Chestnut G03037 - Virginia H01038 G03033 - Dolga Crab G03038 - Whitney Crab H01039 G03034 - Hyslop G03039 - Any not listed H01040 G03035 - Rescue (specify) H01041 H01042 CLASS 4 - PLUMS (6 Specimens) H01043 G04040 - Cherry G04043 - Medium Red H01044 G04041 - Purple G04044 - Yellow H01045 G04042 - Large Red G04045 - Any not listed H01046 (specify) H01047 H01048 CLASS 5 - GRAPES (2 Bunches) H01049 G05046 - Beta G05048 - Delaware H01050 G05047 - Concord G05049 - Any not listed H01051 (specify) H01052 H01053 CLASS 6 - PEARS (5 Specimens) H01054 G06050 - Parker G06052 - Any not listed H01055 G06051 - Panen (specify) H01056 H01057 CLASS 7 - Tomatoes H01058 GO7053 - Tomatoes, yellow (6 specimens) H01059 GO7054 - Tomatoes, cherry, yellow (1 pint) H01060 GO7055 - Tomatoes, red (3 specimens) H01061 GO7056 - Tomatoes, cherry, red (1 pint) H01062 H01063 H01064 H01065 H01066 H01067 H01068 01. Flowers must be entered in the name of the H01069 bonafide owners. H01070 02. Exhibitors are asked to show flowers in clear H01071 glass jars or bottles. H01072 03. All arrangements must contain live material unless H01073 otherwise specified. H01074 04. No awards will be made unless exhibits are considered sufficiently meritorious by the judges. 05. Exhibitors are cautioned to show exact number of blooms called for under each class. 06. Only one entry will be permitted in any lot by one exhibitor except any not listed. Master Gardeners will be available throughout fair to answer questions.
Ageratum (3 stems) Alyssum (3 stems) Asters, annual (3 stems) Asters, perennial (3 stems) Astilbe (2 stems) Baby Breath, annual (3 stems) Baby Breath, perennial (3 stems) Bachelor Buttons, annual (3 stems) Bachelor Buttons, perennial (3 stems) Balsam (3 stems) Begonia (1 spike) Calendulas (3 blooms) Campenella (3 stems) Canna (1 spike) Canterbury Bells (3 stems) Carnation (5 blooms) Cleome (3 stems) Chrysanthemums, small (3 stems) Chrysanthemums, large (3 stems) Cone flowers (3 stems) Coral Bells (3 stems) Coreopsis (3 stems) Cosmos (3 stems) Coxcomb, crested (3 stems) Coxcomb, plumed (3 stems) Daisy (3 blooms) Daisy, Black Eyed Susan (3 stems) Daisy, Shasta (3 stems) Delphinium (1 stem) Dianthus (5 stems) Everlastings (3 stems) Fever few (3 stems) Flowering Kale (1 stem) Foxglove (1 stem) Galardia (3 stems) Gold Cosmos (3 stems) Hydrangea (1 stem) Lantana (3 stems) Larkspur (3 stems) Liatris (3 stems) Lupin (1 stem) Marigold, French single (3 blooms) Marigold, French double (3 blooms) Marigold, Dwarf (3 blooms) Marigold, large (3 blooms) Monadra (Bee Balm 3 blooms) Nasturtium, single (3 blooms) Nasturtium, double (3 blooms) Nicotiana (3 stems) Nigella (5 stems) Pansy (3 stems) Pentas (3 stems) Petunias, single (3 stems) Petunias, double (3 stems) Petunias, ruffled (3 stems) Phlox (1 stem) Rose Mallow (1 stem) Rudbeckia (3 blooms) Russian Sage (3 stems) Salvia, annual (3 stems) Salvia, perennial (3 stems) Snapdragons (3 stems) Statice (3 stems) Strawflower (3 stems) Sunflower (1 stem) Sweetpeas, annual (3 stems) Sweetpeas, perennial (3 stems) Sweet William (3 stems) Tansy (3 stems) Verbena (3 stems) Viola (3 stems) Wild Flowers/Prairie Flowers (3 stems) Yarrow (3 stems) Any not listed (3 stems or blooms)
Urban Oil Inc. Amboy • 507-674-3047 Winnebago • 507-893-3540 SUPERVISORS
Grain Vegetables & Fruit - Veril Conrad, 549-3243 Flowers - Rose Suserud, 278-3123 Culinary - Shelley Leenhouts, 546-3532 Canned Foods - Grace Schreyer, 387-7758 Homemaking - Doris Conrad, 549-3243 Fine Arts - LCWM Senior Honor Society Poultry - Owen Dickey, 674-3452
Homemaking - Sally Geary Culinary - Robin Johnson & Anni Like Canned Foods - Keith Hofbauer Flowers - Keith Hofbauer Vegetables & Potatoes - Keith Hofbauer Fruits - Keith Hofbauer Corn & Grain - Keith Hofbauer Fine Arts - Denice Woller
OPEN CLASS PREMIUMS Blue - $1.50 Red - $1.00 White - $.50 Pre-registrations can be made on our website:
Mailing Address
Please use separate sheet if more room is needed.
Graf’s Home Furnishings, Wal-Mart, Community Bank, Vernon Center Lumber Co., Kober’s Nursery, Syngenta Seeds, Boesch Insurance, Frame It! Gallery, Blue Earth County Ag. Society, Jarden Home Brands, Drummer’s Garden Center, Edenvale Nursery, Green Thumb Garden Center, Wendlandts Greenhouse, Plaid Piper, Blue Earth County ADA, Cub Foods, Hy-Vee Stores, Dietz Foods, Tractor Supply Co., Red Barn Retreats, Becky's Floral, Inspired Portrait Photography
Pre-Register online at
Dwarf up to 11⁄2” (5 blooms) Large (3 stems) Giant (3 stems) Cactus (3 stems) Green (3 stems) Finged (3 stems) Any not listed (3 stems)
H03082 H03083 H03084 H03085 H03086 H03087 H03088
Two toned (3 blooms) Pompon, 2” or under (3 blooms) Miniature, 3”-4” (3 blooms) Medium, 5”-8” (1 bloom) Large, 9” and over (1 bloom) Cactus (1 bloom) Any not listed (1 bloom)
H13148 H13149 H13150 H13151 H13152 H13153 H13154 H13155 H13156 H13157 H13158 H13159 H13160 H13161 H13162
H04089 H04090 H04091 H04092 H04093 H04094 H04095
Arrangement of wild flowers/prairie flowers Arrangement predominantly yellows, orange or gold Arrangement predominantly shades of green Arrangement predominantly shades of pink Arrangement predominantly assorted bright colors Arrangement predominantly white Arrangement predominantly blue or lavender Arrangement of roses Arrangement in a basket Arrangement of dried materials Arrangement for church Corsage Miniature arrangement under 3” Arrangement of gladiolus Open class any other arrangement
(Florets more than 21⁄2” across)
(Professional-anyone who sells flowers or works for hire)
White (1 spike) Yellow (1 spike) Orange (1 spike) Cream (1 spike) Pink (1 spike) Rose (1 spike) Red (1 spike)
H04096 H04097 H04098 H04099 H04100 H04101 H04102
Deep Red (1 spike) Salmon (1 spike) Purple (1 spike) Lavender (1 spike) Green (1 spike) Bi-Color (1 spike) Any other color (1 spike)
H14163 - Arrangement predominantly yellows, orange or gold H14164 - Arrangement predominantly shades of green H14165 - Arrangement predominantly shades of pink H14166 - Arrangement predominantly assorted bright colors H14167 - Arrangement predominantly white H14168 - Arrangement predominantly blue or lavender H14169 - Arrangement of roses CLASS 5 - GLADIOLUS MINIATURE H14170 - Arrangement of gladiolus (Florets 21⁄2” or smaller) H05103 - White (1 spike) H05110 - Deep Red (1 spike) H14171 - Arrangement in a basket H14172 - Arrangement of dried materials H05104 - Yellow (1 spike) H05111 - Salmon (1 spike) H14173 - Arrangement for church H05105 - Orange (1 spike) H05112 - Purple (1 spike) H05106 - Cream (1 spike) H05113 - Lavender (1 spike) H14174 - Corsage H14175 - Miniature arrangement under 3” H05107 - Pink (1 spike) H05114 - Green (1 spike) H14176 - Open class any other arrangement H05108 - Rose (1 spike) H05115 - Bi-Color (1 spike) H05109 - Red (1 spike) H05116 - Any other color CLASS 15 - JUNIOR CLASS (1 spike)
(Must be raised by child under 17)
CLASS 6 - LILIES H06117 H06118 H06119 H06120
Cala (1 spike) Asiatic (1 spike) Day (1 stem) Oriental (1 stem)
H06121 - Tiger (1 stem) H06122 - Trumpet (1 stem) H06123 - Any not listed (1 stem)
H15177 H15178 H15179 H15180 H15181 H15182 H15183
H07124 - Tea (1 stem) H07127 - Shrub (1 stem) H07125 - Floribunda (1 stem) H07128 - Any other H07126 - Miniature (1 stem) not listed -
Arrangement for table Arrangement in a basket Potted Plant Seedem - not in bloom Foliage (3 stems) Miniature Bouquet Any other not listed plant or arrangement done by a child
CLASS 9 - HOSTA (3 Dwarf leaves 1⁄2”- 3⁄4” wide) H09135 - Variegated H09136 - Green H09137 - Blue
(3 Leaves 3⁄4” - 11⁄4” wide) H10138 - Variegated H10139 - Green H10140 - Blue
CLASS 11 - HOSTA-MEDIUM (2 Leaves 11⁄4” - 3” wide) H11141 - Variegated H11142 - Green
H11143 - Blue
CLASS 12 - HOSTA-LARGE (1 Leaf 3 1⁄2” or more) H12144 - Variegated H12145 - Green
H12146 - Blue H12147 - Rippled
Marigold (3 stems) Petunia (3 stems) Coxcomb (3 stems) Blackeyed Susan (3 stems) Sunflowers (1 stem) Corn Flowers (3 stems) Cosmos (3 stems) Daisy, Shasta (3 stems) Any not listed (3 stems)
s ’ e n y Wa Auto Body
Garlic Chives Onion Chives Parsley Oregano
H18224 H18225 H18226 H18227
CLASS 2 - YEAST ROLLS (3 on 6” plate, plastic bag) -
White Oat Graham Cinnamon
I02015 - Coffee cake I02016 - Tea ring I02017 - Any not listed
Date Nut Coffee Banana Corn Muffins Baking powder
I03025 I03026 I03027 I03028 I03029 I03030
Cream puffs Pumpkin Cranberry Rhubarb Zucchini Any not listed
CLASS 4 - CAKES (Cut from center, 4” square, no frosting, on 6” plate in plastic bag) No cake mixes to be used, no frosting
- Pumpernickel bread - Rye - Cinnamon - Any not listed
(1⁄2 loaf in plastic bag)
H17193 - African Violet (single) H17209 - Pathos H17194 - African Violet (double) under 12” diameter H17195 - Begonia, wax H17210 - Snake Plant or fibrous H17211 - Schefflera H17196 - Begonia, any other H17212 - Wandering Jew H17197 - Cactus H17213 - Small Planter H17198 - Coleus under 12” diameter H17199 - Dieffenbachia H17214 - Large Planter, H17200 - Fern, Asparagus over 12” diameter H17201 - Fern, Boston H17215 - Terrarium H17202 - Geranium H17216 - Dish Garden H17203 - Impatiens H17217 - Any not listed H17204 - Ivy blooming plant H17205 - Ivy, Geranium H17218 - Any not listed H17206 - Jade Plant green growing plant H17207 - Arrow Head H17219 - Any not H17208 - Philodendron listed plant H18220 H18221 H18222 H18223
(1⁄3 loaf in plastic bag) I01001 - White bread I01006 I01002 - Whole wheat/graham graham I01007 I01003 - French bread I01008 I01004 - Oatmeal bread I01010 I01005 - Batter bread
I03018 I03019 I03020 I03021 I03022 I03023 I03024
(Must be raised by child under 17) H16184 H16185 H16186 H16187 H16188 H16189 H16190 H16191 H16192
Dusty Miller (1 stem) Grasses (6 stems) Sedum, not in flower (3 stems) Coleus (3 stems) Bells of Ireland (3 stems) Any others not listed
01. All articles exhibited MUST BE THE PRODUCT OF THE EXHIBITOR. 02. An exhibitor may make only one entry in each lot. 03. Baked products not to be displayed in container in which they were baked. 04. Exhibits must be displayed as specified in each class or will be disqualified. 05. Judges will not award premiums on exhibits that are not deemed worthy of placing even though there is but one exhibit in the lot. 06. Exhibits will be judged according to score sheets for each class. 07. No mixes can be used in Class 1 through 11, or 13. Mixes can only be used in Modern Baking Class 12 08. All foods are to be exhibited in a clear plastic bag on a small paper plate. 09. Any item needing refrigeration will be disqualified. 10. No frosting can be used on any entry except Class 6 Decorations. 11. Items may only be entered into one lot. NOTE: An exhibitor may not win more than one special award prize in each class.
I02011 I02012 I02013 I02014
CLASS 8 - FOLIAGE H08129 H08130 H08131 H08132 H08133 H08134
H02075 H02076 H02077 H02078 H02079 H02080 H02081
Marjoram Thyme Lemon Grass Basil
Quality Body Work & Painting “Since 1965” We Meet By Accident
I04031 I04032 I04033 I04034 I04035
Angel food Chiffon Devils food Jelly roll Spice
I04036 I04037 I04038 I04039 I04040
White Sponge Bundt Cupcakes Any not listed
CLASS 5 - DOUGHNUTS (3 on 6” Plate covered with plastic bag) I05041 - Raised I05042 - Cake
I05043 - Any not listed
CLASS 6 - DECORATIONS (Decorations only judged) I06044 I06045 I06046 I06047 I06048
Wedding/anniversary cake Birthday or special occasion cake Novelty cake Decorated cupcakes (3) Decorated cookies (3)
CLASS 7 - COOKIES (3 on 6” Plate covered with plastic bag) I07049 I07050 I07051 I07052 I07053 I07054 I07055 I07056 I07057
Butter Coconut Chocolate Chip Filled Gingersnaps Ice box Oatmeal Sugar No bake
I07058 I07059 I07060 I07061 I07062 I07063 I07064 I07065 I07066
Peanut Butter Macaroons Molasses Pumpkin Butterscotch Oatmeal Raisin Chocolate Monster Any not listed
388-8233 1118 Center Street • North Mankato (2 Blocks West of Best Western) “V. Bergemann”
Adults Children Under 12 - $5 5 & Under - FREE
Pit Gate
All Events $15 No one under 16 yrs. in pit
4 event Hopper pass info: (4 events for price of3 at $30) Sat is 2 events for $15 • Kids pass is 4 for $15 Kids Sat pass 2 events is $8 Hopper pass and 2 event Sat is not good for pit passes
North Mankato Family Dentistry
507-243-3660 1400 Lookout Drive North Mankato
4:00-6:00 pm FRIDAY
700 Luther Drive Mankato
McPherson Minn Lake Mutual Insurance Co. 105 E. Main Street St. Clair, MN
Nelson Cabinet Gary Nelson 507-625-7117 20337 State Hwy. 83, Mankato, MN 56001
1680 Commerce Dr. North Mankato 345-1680 1856 Madison Ave. Mankato 344-1554
We perform concrete and masonry work for all residential and commercial applications.
Quality Tree Service • Expert Trimming • Tree Removal • Stump Removal • Licensed/Insured Call Barry Rosenau Today
507-345-8786 507-317-2821 Complete Service Since 1989
Bill Webb Agent 242 Hwy 60, Box 417 Lake Crystal, MN 56055-0417 Like a good neighbor, State Farm is there.®
DEMO DERBY 7:00 pm Trophies sponsored by B & R Auto Salvage Sponsored by: B & R AUTO SALVAGE
1020 3rd Street, Nicollet, MN 56074 507-225-3401 “Big or Small We Care for All!”
410 Riverfront Drive Mankato
507.625.1107 2010 Adams Street Mankato
507-345-8084 241 St. Andrews Drive Mankato, MN Heat & Glo • Heatilator • Quadra-Fire
1839 Adams Street Mankato 388.1559
40 Good Counsel Drive Mankato MN 56001 507-625-4606
514 N. Riverfront Drive Mankato 507-387-5541
The Free Press MEDIA
I08067 I08068 I08069 I08070 I08071 I08072 I08073 I08074
(3 on 6” Plate covered with plastic bag)
(Pint or quart)
Brownies Coconut Date Oatmeal Pineapple Apricot Lemon Rice Krispie
I08075 I08076 I08077 I08078 I08079 I08080 I08081 I08082
No bake AppIesauce Chocolate Chip Dream Carrot Zucchini Pumpkin Any not listed
J01001 J01002 J01003 J01004 J01005 J01006 J01007 J01008 J01008 J01009 J01010 J01011 J01012
CLASS 9 - PIES (1 Slice of pie on 6” plate in plastic bag, Cream pies not accepted) I09083 I09084 I09085 I09086
Apple Berry Cherry Mince
I09087 - Peach I09088 - Rhubarb I09089 - Any not listed
Fudge I10097 Peanut Brittle I10198 Almond Bark I10199 Dipped Candies I10100 Divinity I10101 Fondant I10102 Peanut Butter Fudge
Penuche White fudge Mints Caramel Peanut Clusters Any not listed
CLASS 11 - FOREIGN BAKING Displayed as other like exhibits I11103 I11104 I11105 I11106 I11107 I11108 I11109 I11110
Berlinerkranse I11111 Cookies I11112 Kolackys I11113 Krumkaka I11114 Scandinavian Lefse I11115 Stollen I11116 Bara Brith Welsh Other varieties of Bread
Fatigman Kringler Kuchen Rosettes Oriental Any not listed
CLASS 12 - MODERN BAKING Displayed as other like exhibits I12117 I12118 I12119 I12120 I12121 I12122 I12123
J01013 J01014 J01015 J01016 J01017 J01018 J01019
J01020 J01021 J01022 J01023 -
Pineapple Imitation Pineapple Plums Raspberries, black Raspberries, red Rhubarb Rhubarb & Pineapple Rhubarb & Mixed Fruit Strawberries Mixed Fruit Any not listed
(Pint or quart)
(3 on 6” Plate covered with plastic bag) -
Apples Apple Sauce Apples for pie Apricots Blueberries Cherries, Bing Cherries, red Grapes, white Grapes, white Ground cherries Huckleberries Peaches Pears
CLASS 10 - HOMEMADE CANDIES I10090 I10091 I10092 I10093 I10094 I10095 I10096
Cake Coffee Cake Quick Bread Mix Hot Roll Mix Frozen Bread Microwave Cooking Frozen Bread Rolls
I12124 I12125 I12126 I12127 l12128 I12129 I12130
Cookies Mix Muffin Mix Sweet Roll Mix Bars Bread Machine Banana Cake Any not listed
I13134 - Quick Breads I13135 - Any not listed
DIVISION J CANNED & PRESERVED FOODS 01. All canned goods should be entered in clear glass pint jars (colored glass distorts food color) in sizes indicated, sealed properly with two-piece lid and screw band (no wax - leave band on jar) 02. An exhibitor may make only one entry in each lot, except “Any Not Listed”. 03. Each entry should contain 1 (one) jar of product. 04. All non-acid vegetables and meat must be processed in pressure canner. 05. ENTRIES MUST BE LABELED with product name, date of preparation, processing method (e.g. Boiling Water Bath, Pressure Canner), and length of processing time. Products must be prepared within a one-year period prior to judging. DO NOT PUT YOUR NAME ON PRODUCT. 06. Judging criteria include neatness of jars, pack (arrangement and uniformity), color, firmness, and syrup or liquid. 07. BALL® FreshPreserving™ Award: Jarden home Brands, makers of Ball® and Kerr® FreshPreserving™ Products, recognizes adult canning enthusiasts with First and Second Place awards, and youth who excel in the art of canning with First Place awards, in each of four categories: Fruit, Vegetable, Pickle, and Soft Spread. To qualify for these awards, entries must be canned in Ball jars with Ball® lids and brands, or in Kerr® jars with Kerr® or Ball® Collection Elite® lids and bands. Soft spreads entries (jellies, jams and preserves) must use Ball® Pectin (Original, No Sugar Needed, or Liquid)-please attache UPC symbol cut from package as proof of purchase. Entires must follow guidelines and processing times given in the Ball® Blue Book. NOTE: An exhibitor may not win more than one (1) Ball® FreshPreserving™ award.
J03053 J03054 J03055 J03056 J03057 J03058 J03059 J03060 J03061 J03062 J03063
J04075 J04076 J04077 J04078 J04079 J04080 J04081 J04082 J04083 J04084 J04085 J04086
Apple Apple butter Apricot Blueberry Cherry Currant Grape, tame Grape, wild Gooseberry Nectarine Peach Pear
J04087 J04088 J04089 J04090 J04091 J04092 J04093 J04094 J04095 J04096 J04097
Pineapple Plum Rhubarb Rhubarb, mixed Raspberry, mixed Raspberry, black Raspberry, red Raspberry, wild Strawberry Zucchini Any not listed
CLASS 5 - PRESERVES OR CONSERVES (Pint or halfpint) J05098 J05099 J05100 J05101 J05102 J05103
Apple Cherry Cranberry Gooseberry Grape Peach
J05104 J05105 J05106 J05107 J05108 J05109
Pear Pineapple Plum Rhubarb Strawberry Any not listed
CLASS 6 - PICKLES (Pint or quart) J06110 J06111 J06112 J06113 J06114 J06115 J06116 J06117
Apple Bean, yellow Bean, green Beet Bread and butter Chunk sour Chunk sweet Cucumbers, sweet, whole J06118 - Cucumbers, sweet, sliced J06119 - Cucumbers, ripe J06120 - Dill
J06121 J06122 J06123 J06124 J06125 J06126 J06127 J06128 J06129 J06130 J06131 J06132
Jalapeno Kosher Mixed vegetable Onion Peach Pear Green peppers Red peppers Tomato Watermelon Zucchini Any not listed
CLASS 7 - RELISH (halfpint, pint or quart) J07133 J07134 J07135 J07136
Beet Chow Chow Corn Cucumber
J07137 J07138 J07139 J07140
Indian Pepper Zucchini Any not listed
CLASS 8 - MISCELLANEOUS (Halfpint, pint or quart) J08141 J08142 J08143 J08144 J08145 J08146 J08147 J08148 J08149 J08150 J08151
J08163 - Homemade Soap (3 bars) J08164 - Any not listed
CLASS 9 - HOMEMADE WINES (Clear wine bottles) Contestant must be of age. Contestant may submit one entry per lot. All entries must be homemade. One year vintage. All bottles must be securely corked or capped. Each bottle must be labeled with description of contents. NOTE: A LICENSE FOR MAKING WINE IS NOT NECESSARY UNLESS YOU MAKE MORE THAN 200 GALLONS. J09165 - Apple J09178 - Grapefruit J09166 - Apricot J09179 - Mint J09167 - Banana J09180 - Mixed fruit J09168 - Beet J09181 - Mulberry J09169 - Carrot J09182 - Pear J09170 - Cherry J09183 - Pineapple J09171 - Dandelion J09184 - Potato J09172 - Date J09185 - Prune J09173 - Elderberry J09186 - Raspberry J09174 - Grape, dry red J09187 - Rhubarb J09175 - Grape, dry white J09188 - Strawberry J09176 - Grape, sweet red J09189 - Wheat J09177 - Grape, sweet white J09190 - Any not listed
CLASS 10 - DEHYDRATED OR DRIED FOODS (Put in unsealed pint or half pint clear jars)
J10191- Apples J10206 - Cucumbers J10192 - Apricots J10207 - Mushrooms J10193 - Bananas J10208 - Onions J10194 - Nectarines J10209 - Peas J10195 - Peaches J10210 - Peppers, green CLASS 3 - JELLIES J10196 - Pear J10211 - Peppers, hot (Pint or halfpint) J10197 - Raisins J10212 - Peppers, jalapeno Apple J03064 - Mint J10198 - Strawberries J10213 - Peppers, red Blueberry J03065 - Plum J10199 - Any other fruits J10214 - Summer Squash Cherry J03066 - Red Raspberry J10200 - Any fruit roll-ups J10215 - Tomato Chokecherry J03067 - Black Raspberry J10201 - Beans, green J10216 - Sweet Corn Crab apple J03068 - Wild Black Raspberry J10202 - Beans, yellow J10217 - Any other Currant J03069 - Peach J10203 - Jerky vegetable not Elderberry J03070 - Pear J10204 - Cabbage listed J10205 - Carrots Gooseberry J03071 - Pineapple Grape & Apple J03072 - Strawberry CLASS 11 - DRIED HERBS Grape Tame J03073 - Strawberry & Apple (Put in unsealed pint or half pint jars) Grape Wild J03074 - Any not listed
(Pint or halfpint)
Attention all baking exhibitors: Thanks to the Blue Earth County American Dairy Association, there are 3 prizes in this class 1st Place $20, 2nd Place $15 and 3rd Place $10. Each place includes a dairy gift basket. I cup or more of dairy ingredent must be used and include the recipe on a card.
J02032 J02033 J02034 J02035 J02036 J02037 J02038
- Asparagus J02039 - Peas - Beans, green J02040 - Pea Pods - Beans, lima J02041 - Pimento - Beans, yellow J02042 - Potatoes - Beets J02043 - Pumpkins - Cabbage J02044 - Mushrooms - Carrots J02045 - Salad Mixture J02031 - Cauliflower Veggies - Corn J02046 - Sauerkraut - Corn, cream style J02047 - Squash - Greens, swiss chard J02048 - Tomatoes - Greens, spinach J02049 - Turnips - Kohlrabi J02050 - Zucchini - Okra J02051 - Mixed Vegetables - Onions J02052 - Any not listed
I13131 - Cakes I13132 - Cookies I13133 - Rolls
J02024 J02025 J02026 J02027 J02028 J02029 J02030
J08152 - Canned Beef, 1 qt J08153 - Canned Chicken, 1 qt J08154 - Canned Chicken, 1 qt
Barbeque Sauce Chili Sauce Picanti Sauce Pizza Sauce Salsa Sauce Spaghetti Sauce Tomato Sauce Apple Juice Grape Juice Tomato Juice Tomato Catsup
J08155 - Canned Pork, 1 qt J08156 - Homemade Sorgum J08157 - Honey J08158 - Honey in Comb (1 lb.) J08159 - Maple Syrup J08160 - Home Rendered
Herbs should be exhibited in leaf form. J11218 J11219 J11220 J11221 J11232 J11223 J11224 J11225 J11226
Basil Chamomile Chives Coriander Cumin Fennel Lavender Marjoram Oregano
J11227 J11228 J11229 J11230 J11231 J11232 J11233 J11234
Parsley Peppermint Potpourri Sage Spearmint Summer Savory Thyme Any other not listed
CLASS 12 - SPECIAL DIET This class is for recipies with accommodations for special diets. Label entry to indicate accomodations. ( low/no sugar, no salt etc.) more than one entry per lot is allowed. J12235 J12236 J12237 J12238
Jam, any Jelly, any Preserves, any Fruit, any
J12239 - Pickles, any J12240 - Vegetables, any J12241 - Any not listed
DIVISION K HOMEMAKING CRAFTS Senior - 19 years and older Junior - 12-18 years of age Children - 0-11 years of age
(Juniors & children Please list age on entry form) 01. All articles exhibited in this department must be the handwork of the exhibitor and must have been completed within the year. 02. More than one exhibit in each class will be allowed in Homemaking Craft only. But, only one exhibit from an exhibitor in each class will be eligible for Champion, Res. Champion or special awards. If you have two exhibits in a class, please ad (-1) or (-2) behind class number for each exhibit. Example: K01001-1, and K01001-2. 03. Judges will not award premiums on articles which are not deemed worthy of placing even though there is but one article in the lot. 04. Items will be judged on: Workmanship, value of article in relation to work done, general appearance (cleanliness and neatness), design and color (beauty of design and color combination). 05. Special ribbon awards will be given in various classes on the basis of merit as awarded by the judge. 06. All hangings must have wire on back to hang on wall. 07. An exhibitor may not win more than one prize in each class.
Lard, 1 qt.
J08161 - Mincemeat J08162 - Vegetable Soup
Visit with us at the Blue Earth County Fair! ATV, Snowmobile and Safety Programs
Safe & Sober Enforcement
Brad Peterson Sheriff
Working for Farmers’ Success . . . It’s not just a phrase, it’s our PROMISE. As your local full service cooperative, WFS knows that farming takes a lot of hard work and dedication to be successful. That’s why we pride our business on having knowledgeable, hardworking employees, dedicated to your success. Let WFS work with you to make your farming goals a reality. Serving these Minnesota and Iowa communities: Amboy Blue Earth Bricelyn Clarks Grove Delavan Dolliver, IA Easton Freeborn Granada Lewisville Mapleton Minnesota Lake New Richland Northrop St. James Truman Welcome Wells Winnebago General Office: 233 West Ciro, Truman, MN 56088 507-776-2831
ernon enter umber
101 East Main St. P.O. Box 217 • Vernon Center, MN 56090
Calvin Baarts • Ph: (507) 549-3676 • Fax: (507) 549-3946
MN Buildings & Equipment 12076 590th Ave. Hwy 22 S. • PO Box 407 Mapleton, MN 56065
Office (507) 524-3400 Warehouse (507) 524-3867 Fax (507) 524-4290
CLASS 1 - SENIOR DIVISION ADULT CLOTHING K01001 K01002 K01003 K01004 K01005 K01006
Coat, woman’s K01007 - Sport coat Dress K01008 - Suit, man’s Shirt/Blouse K01009 - Decorated Suit, woman’s sweat shirt Pant suit (2 or 3 pcs) K01010 - Any other Slacks not listed
CLASS 2 - SENIOR DIVISION INFANT & CHILDREN’S GARMENTS K02011 - Child’s coat K02012 - Child’s dress K02013 - Pajamas, gown shirt or robe
K02014 K02015 K02016 K02017
Play outfit 2 or 3 pc. outfit Decorated sweat Any other not listed
Bell Pull Clothing item Doily Place Mats (2) Sweatshirt
K03023 K03024 K03025 K03026
Tablecloth Towel Wall Hanging Any not listed
CLASS 4 - JUNIOR DIVISION INFANT & CHILDREN’S GARMENTS K04027 - Child’s coat K04028 - Child’s dress K04029 - Pajamas, gown shirt or robe
K04030 K04031 K04032 K04033
Play outfit 2 or 3 pc. outfit Decorated sweat Any other not listed
Bell Pull Clothing item Doily Place Mats (2) Sweatshirt
K05039 K05040 K05041 K05042
Tablecloth Towel Wall Hanging Any other not listed
ALL AGES CLASS 12 - CROCHETED K12092 K12093 K12094 K12095 K12096 K12097 K12098
ALL AGES CLASS 13 - KNITTED K13106 K13107 K13108 K13109 K13110
Child’s coat Child’s dress Pajamas, gown Play outfit
K06047 - 2 or 3 pc. outfit K06048 - Decorated sweat shirt or robe K06049 - Any not listed
Bell Pull Clothing item Doily Place Mats (2) Sweatshirt
K07055 K07056 K07057 K07058
Tablecloth Towel Wall Hanging Any not listed
ALL AGES CLASS 8 - EMBROIDERY K08059 K08060 K08061 K08062 K08063
(From 0-12 please indicate age) Apron K08064 - Place Mats (2) Clothing K08065 - Tablecloth Dish Towels (2) K08066 - Towel Doily K08067 - Wall Hanging Pillowcases (2) K08068 - Any not listed
ALL AGES - CLASS 9 HARDANGER/NORWEGIAN STITCHERY (From 0-12 please indicate age) K09069 K09070 K09071 K09072
Bell Pull Doily Place Mats (2) Scarf
K09073 K09074 K09075 K09076
Sun Catcher Tablecloth Wall Hanging Any not listed
ALL AGES CLASS 10 - NEEDLEPOINT (From 0-12 please indicate age) K10077 - Bell Pull K10078 - Wall Hanging
K10079 - Any not listed
(From 0-12 please indicate age) Baby Afghan K13111 - Potholders (2) Baby Set K13112 - Slippers Booties K13113 - Sweater, Adult’s Cape, Shawl K13114 - Sweater, Machine Gloves/Mittens K13115 - Sweater, Child’s or Scarf K13116 - Any not listed
ALL AGES CLASS 14 - RUGS K14117 - Braided K14118 - Crocheted K14119 - Hooked
K14120 - Woven K14121 - Any not listed
ALL AGES CLASS 15 - QUILTING K15122 K15123 K15124 K15125 K15126 K15127 K15128 K15129 K15130
- Machine pieced and quilted - Hand pieced and qulted - Hand appliquéd - Machine appliquéd - Wholecloth machine quilted - Wholecloth machine quilted - Hand or machine pieced and tied - Memory quilt - Any not listed
(From 0-12 please indicate age) Bedspread K12099 - Hat, Beret or Cap Booties K12100 - Pillow Case (trim) Dish Cloth K12101 - Place Mats (2) Doily K12102 - Potholders (2) Doll Dress K12103 - Slippers Gloves/Mittens K12104 - Sweater Handkerchief (edge) K12105 - Any not listed
Junior - 12-18 years of age Children - 0-11 years of age (Juniors & children Please list age on entry form) 01. Children’s Division entrants must be 11 years old and younger. 02. Junior Division entrants must be between the ages of 12 & 18. 03. Senior Division entrants must be 19 years old & over. 04. ALL entries must have been completed within the last year. 05. Not more than one entry will be permitted in any one lot by one exhibitor except under: Any not listed. 06. All entries must be ready to hang, or provide a way to be displayed. ALL HANGING ENTRIES MUST BE SECURELY FASTENED WITH HANGING WIRE OR STRING
SENIOR DIVISION - CLASSES 1-6 CLASS 1 - PAINTING + TWO DIMENSIONAL L01001 L01002 L01003 L01004 L01005 L01006 L01007 L01008 L01009
(Crocheted or knitted) K16131 - Broomstick K16132 - Granny
K16133- Ripple K16134 - Any not listed
CLASS 17 - Senior Craftsmen SKILLS & CRAFTS
K17135 K17136 K17137 K17138 K17139 K17140 K17141 K17142
Centerpiece K17143 - Refrigerator Ceramics Ornament Christmas Item K17144 - Silk Flowers Clock (not wood) K17145 - String Work Crocheted Flowers Leather Craft or Tool K17146 - Stuffed Animal Macramé or Doll Plastic Canvas K17147- Weaving K17148 - Any not listed
CLASS 18 - SENIOR CRAFTSMEN HOMEMAKING ARTS (62 years and over) K18149 - Afghan, K18160 Crocheted K18150 - Afghan, Knitted K18161 K18151 - Afghan, Hairpin K18162 K18152 - Apron or K18163 Slippers, Knitted K18164 K18153 - Bedspread, K18165 Crocheted K18166 K18154 - Caps, Mittens, Socks Lace or Slippers, K18167 Crocheted K18168 K18155 - Caps, Mittens, K18169 Socks K18156 - Crewel Work K18157 - Dish Cloth K18170 K18158 - Dish Towels (4) K18159 - Doily
- Lace, Tatted or Crocheted - Needlepoint Item - Pillow - Place Mats (2) - Potholders (2) - Quilt, Applique - Quilt, Patchwork, Pieced - Quilt, Tied - Rug - Shawl or Sweater Knitted or Crocheted - Any not listed
Candlewicking K11086 - Needlepoint Counted Cross Stitch K11087 - Patchwork Crocheted K11088 - Quilted Embroidered K11089 - Smocked Knitted K11090 - Stenciled Machine/Applique K11091 - Any not listed
Abstract in oil or acrylic Animal in oil or acrylic Cityscape in oil or acrylic Figures in oil or acrylic Floral in oil or acrylic Landscape in oil or acrylic Marine in oil or acrylic Portrait in oil or acrylic Still Life in oil or acrylic
CLASS 3 - TEXTILES NO KITS L03020 L03021 L03022 L03023 L03024 L03025
Original Creative Stitchery/Weaving Original Latch Hook Original Macramé Original Punch Needle Original Textiles Any other not listed
CLASS 4 - PHOTOGRAPHY CAN BE UNDER GLASS L04026 L04027 L04028 L04029 L04030
Abstract Animal Cityscape Figures Floral
1951 N. Riverfront Dr. Mankato, MN
387-1171 BRANDS YOU KNOW... Backed by service you know you can depend on... ALLIS WHITE GLEANER NEW IDEA
SMITHS MILL IMPL., INC. Hwy. 14 West, Janesville, MN Ph. Janesville 234-5191 or Mankato 625-8649
Landscape Marine Portrait Still Life
“Proud Supporter of the Blue Earth County Fair”
Greater Mankato Area Culver’s
Mankato 344-1554
Home Owned & Operated Since 1957
L04031 L04032 L04033 L04034
L05035 - Artificial Centerpiece/ L05052 - Corn Husk Dolls Corsage L05053 - Dressed Dolls L05036 - Basket weaving L05054 - Handmade Doll L05037 - Birdhouse L05055 - Other Handmade L05038 - Caning Toy L05039 - Decorated Wood L05056 - Hooked Rug Kit L05040 - Decoupage L05057 - Holiday L05041 - Homemade Centerpiece Artificial Flowers L05058 - Holiday Wall L05042 - Jewelry Hanging L05043 - Leathercraft/Tooling L05059 - Holiday Tablecloth L05044 - Macrame tree skirt L05045 - Memory Box L05060 - Holiday Ornaments L05046 - Metal Craft L05061 - Mosaics L05047 - Molded Ceramics L05062 - Stuffed Toy L05048 - Molded Plaster L05063 - Crewel Item L05049 - Rosemaling/Tole L05064 - Stenciling L05050 - Wall Hanging L05065 - Any other L05051 - Woodcraft Kit not listed L05051 - Woodcraft Kit
CRYSTAL VALLEY COOPERATIVE 507-726-6455 Congratulations to all 4-H’ers on a job well done. Good luck at the fair.
L01010 - Charcoal L01011 - Mixed Media L01012 - Pastel L01013 - Pencil Drawings L01014 - Prints L01015 - Watercolor L01016 - Any not listed
L02017 - Original Ceramics L02018 - Original Sculpture L02019 - Any other not listed
(62 years and over)
(From 0-12 please indicate age) K11080 K11081 K11082 K11083 K11084 K11085
DIVISION L FINE ARTS Senior - 19 years and older
North Mankato 345-1680
Skarpohl Pressure Washer Sales Phone (507) 625-2844 OR 1-800-743-6310 114 W. Ruby Mankato, MN 56001 Hot & Cold High Pressure Washers SALES & SERVICE CLEANING SYSTEMS
Letcher Farm Supply, LLC Minnesota’s Low Priced Ag Chemical Dealer Ag Chemicals - Fertilizers - Seeds - Supplies Serving Minnesota Farmers for Over 60 years 15135 515th Avenue, Garden City, MN 56034 (507) 549-3168 or (507) 549-3692
CLASS 6 - WOODWORK NO KITS L06066 L06067 L06068 L06069 L06070 L06071 L06072 L06073 L06074 L06075 L06076
Cabinetry, Handmade Furniture Inlaid Refinished Chair/Rocker Refinished sm. Cabinet/Table Refinished Trunk Refinished Picture Frame Woodburning (lathe) Carving Carving, Animal Carving, Christmas Item Any other not listed
CLASS 7 - PAINTING + TWO DIMENSIONAL L07077 L07078 L07079 L07080 L07081 L07082
L13152 L13153 L13154 L13155 L13156 L13157 L13158 L13159 L13160 L13161 L13162 L13163 L13164 L13165 L13166 L13167
Abstract in oil, acrylic or crayon Animal in oil, acrylic or crayon Cityscape in oil, acrylic or crayon Figures in oil, acrylic or crayon Floral in oil, acrylic or crayon Landscape in oil, acrylic or crayon Marine in oil, acrylic or crayon Portrait in oil, acrylic or crayon Still Life in oil, acrylic or crayon Charcoal Mixed Media Pastel Pencil Drawings Prints Watercolor Any not listed
Abstract in oil or acrylic L07085 - Charcoal Animal in oil or acrylic L07086 - Still Life in oil Cityscape in oil or acrylic or acrylic Figures in oil or acrylic L07087 - Mixed Media Floral in oil or acrylic L07088 - Pastel CLASS 14 - THREE DIMENSIONAL Landscape in oil L07089 - Pencil Drawing L14168 - Original Ceramics or acrylic L07090 - Print L14169 - Original Sculpture L07082 - Landscape in oil or acrylic L07091 - Watercolor L14170 - Any other not listed L07083 - Marine in oil or acrylic L07092 - Any not listed L07084 - Portrait in oil or acrylic CLASS 15 - TEXTILES L15171 - Orig. Creative Stitchery/Weaving CLASS 8 - THREE DIMENSIONAL L15172 - Orig. Latch Hook L08093 - Original Ceramics L15173 - Orig. Macramé L08094 - Original Sculpture L15174 - Orig. Punch Needle L08095 - Any other not listed L15175 - Orig. Textiles L15176 - Any other not listed
L09096 L09097 L09098 L09099 L09100 L09101
Orig. Creative Stitchery/Weaving Orig. Latch Hook Orig. Macramé Orig. Punch Needle Orig. Textiles Any other not listed
CLASS 10 - PHOTOGRAPHY All photos should be mounted on tagboard. No glass frames L10102 L10103 L10104 L10105 L10106
L11111 L11112 L11113 L11114 L11115 L11116 L11117
L11118 L11119 L11120 L11121 L11122 L11123 L11124 L11125 L11126
L12141 L12142 L12143 L12144 L12145 L12146 L12147 L12148 L12149 L12150 L12151
Abstract Animal Cityscape Figures Floral
L10107 L10108 L10109 L10110
Landscape Marine Portrait Still Life
CLASS 16 - PHOTOGRAPHY All photos should be mounted on tagboard. No glass frames L16177 L16178 L16179 L16180 L16181
Abstract Animal Cityscape Figures Landscape
L16182 L16183 L16184 L16185
Marine Portrait Still Life Floral
507-278-3335 Good Thunder, Minnesota
White-Massey-Ferguson Hiniker - Gehl Agco-Allis - White-New Idea Wil-Rich - Rem Grain Vac Buhler Versatile
(Children & Juniors, put your age on your entry.) M01001 M01002 M01003 M01004 M01005 M01006 M01007 M01008 M01009
01. Children’s Division entrants must be 11 years old and younger. 02. Junior Division entrants must be between the ages of 12 and 18. 03. Senior Division entrants must be 19 years old and over. 04. All entries must have been completed within the last year. 05. Not more than one entry will be permitted in any one lot by one exhibitor. (except any not listed)
MANKATO 307 Raintree Road
507-388-2944 • 800-657-4676
Abstract in oil or acrylic M01010 - Charcoal Animal in oil or acrylic M01011 - Mixed Media Cityscape in oil or acrylic M01012 - Pastel Figures in oil or acrylic M01013 - Pencil Floral in oil or acrylic Drawing Landscape in oil or acrylic M01014 - Print Marine in oil or acrylic M01015 - Watercolor Portrait in oil or acrylic M01016 - Any not Still Life in oil or acrylic listed
CLASS 2 - THREE DIMENSIONAL (Children & Juniors, put your age on your entry.) M02017 - Original Ceramics M02018 - Original Sculpture M02019 - Any other not listed
CLASS 3 - TEXTILES (Children & Juniors, put your age on your entry.) M03020 M03021 M03022 M03023 M03024 M03025
Orig. or kit Creative Stitchery/Weaving Orig. or kit Latch Hook Orig. or kit Macramé Orig. or kit Punch Needle Orig. or kit Textiles Any other not listed
CLASS 4 - PHOTOGRAPHY (Children & Juniors, put your age on your entry.) All photos should be mounted on tagboard. No glass frames M04026 - Abstract M04027 - Animal M04028 - Cityscape M04029 - Figures M04030 - Floral
M04031 M04032 M04033 M04034
Landscape Marine Portrait Still Life
CLASS 5- HOBBYCRAFT (Children & Juniors, put your age on your entry.)
Can be a kit
DIVISION M FINE ARTS (People with special needs)
Hauling Live Stock in Blue Earth County Since 1942
L17186 - Artificial Centerpiece L17204 - String Work /Corsage L17205 - Woodcraft Kit L17187 - Wall Hanging L17206 - Corn Husk Dolls L17188 - Basket weaving L17207 - Dressed Dolls L17189 - Birdhouse L17208 - Handmade Doll CLASS 11 HOBBYCRAFT L17190 - Caning L17209 - Other Handmade Artificial Centerpiece L11127 - Woodcraft Kit L17191 - Decorated Wood Toy /Corsage L11128 - Corn Husk Doll L17192 - Decoupage L17210 - Latchhook Kit L17193 - Homemade L17211 - Holiday Basket weaving L11129 - Dressed Doll Artificial Flowers Centerpiece Birdhouse L11130 - Handmade Doll L17194 - Jewelry L17212 - Holiday Wall Caning L11131 - Other Handmade L17195 - Leathercraft/Tooling Hanging Decorated Wood Toy L17196 - Macrame L17213 - Holiday Tablecloth/ Decoupage L11132 - Hooked Rug Kit L17197 - Memory Box Tree Skirt Homemade L11133 - Holiday L17198 - Metal Craft L17214 - Holiday Ornament Artificial Flowers Centerpiece L17199 - Molded Ceramics L17215 - Mosaics Jewelry L11134 - Holiday Wall L17200 - Molded Plaster L17216 - Stuffed Toy Leathercraft/ Hanging L17217 - Crewel Item Macrame L11135 - Holiday Tablecloth/ L17201 - Rosemaling/Tole L17202 - Stenciling L17218 - Any other not listed Memory Box tree skirt Metal Craft L11136 - Holiday Ornament L17203 - Stained Glass Molded Ceramics L11137 - Mosaics Molded Plaster L11138 - Stuffed Toy CLASS 18 WOODWORK Rosemaling/Tole L11139 - Crewel Item No Kits Wall Hanging L11140 - Any other not listed L18219 - Cabinetry, Handmade Furniture L18220 - Inlaid CLASS 12 WOODWORK L18221 - Refinished Chair/Rocker NO KITS L18222 - Refinished sm. Cabinet/Table Cabinetry, Handmade Furniture L18223 - Refinished Trunk Inlaid L18224 - Refinished Picture Frame Refinished Chair/Rocker L18225 - Woodburning (lathe) Refinished sm. Cabinet/Table L18226 - Carving, Animal Refinished Trunk L18227 - Carving, Christmas Item Refinished Picture Frame L18228 - Carving, other Woodburning (lathe) L18229 - Any other not listed Carving, Animal Carving, Holiday Item Carving, other Any other not listed
Arnold Anderson Trucking Inc.
M05035 - Artificial Centerpiece M05059 - Holiday /Corsage Centerpiece/ M05036 - Basket weaving Wall Hanging M05037 - Birdhouse M05060 - Holiday M05038 - Caning Tablecloth/ M05039 - Decorated Wood Tree Skirt M05040 - Decoupage M05061 - Holiday M05041 - Homemade Artificial Ornament Flowers M05062 - Metal Craft M05042 - Jewelry M05063 - Mosaics M05043 - Leathercraft/Tooling M05064 - Stuffed Toy M05044 - Macrame M05065 - Crewel Item M05045 - Memory Box M05066 - Recycled Item M05046 - Molded Ceramics M05067 - Scrapbooking M05047 - Molded Plaster M05068 - Any Centerpiece M05048 - Rosemaling/Tole M05069 - Painting Kit M05049 - Stenciling M05070 - Refrigerator M05050 - Stained Glass M05071 - Wreath M05051 - String Work M05072 - Picture Frame M05052 - Wall Hanging M05073 - Beading M05053 - Hooked Rug Kit M05074 - Decorative Box M05054 - Woodcraft Kit M05075 - Coloring Kit M05055 - Corn Husk Doll M05076 - Any not listed M05056 - Dressed Doll M05057 - Handmade Doll M05058 - Other Handmade Toy
CLASS 6 - HOMEMAKING ARTS (Children & Juniors, put your age on your entry.) M06077 - Crocheted item M06085 M06078 - Knitted item M06086 M06079 - Embroidered item decorative M06087 ` (non-original) M06080 - Latch hook M06088 M06081 - Quilt M06089 M06082 - Pillow M06090 M06083 - Placemats (2) M06091 M06084 - Potholders (2)
- Rug - Ready made clothing, - Clothing item, sewn - Cross Stitch - Decorated Linens - Any not listed - Blanket
CLASS 7 - WOODWORK (Children & Juniors, put your age on your entry.) M07092 M07093 M07094 M07095 M07096 M07097 M07098 M07099 M07100 M07101 M07102
Cabinetry, Handmade Furniture Inlaid Refinished Chair/Rocker Refinished sm. Cabinet/Table Refinished Trunk Refinished Picture Frame Woodburning (lathe) Carving, Animal Carving, Holiday Item Carving, other Any other not listed
DIVISION W WEEDS W01007 - Ugliest W01009 - Tallest W01008 - Prettiest
507-931-4070 • 800-657-4802
Judson Impl. Inc.
110 Judson Fort Rd West Lake Crystal, MN 56055 • 947-3644
Blue Earth County Fair Tractorcade Route Saturday, July 30, 2011
Must be Pre-Registered Registration begins at 8:00 am Tractorcade departs at 8:30 am Any further questions, please call Sheryl Dobie at 507-340-8767 or visit Sponsored by Blue Earth County Corn and Soybean Growers
Richard L. Putrah 16928 542 LN Good Thunder, MN 56037
Pre-Register online at