Albert Lea Seedhouse/Viking
D71-01RL RM: 101 days — SmartStax RIB hybrid Highly suitable for high-yield environments and corn-on-corn. Impressive roots with favorable stalks and moderate plant height. Above-average tolerance to Goss’ and gray leaf spot. Refuge-in-a-Bag.
74-94N RM: 94 days — Conventional hybrid Good top-end yield potential at high populations. Excellent stalk strength and good root strength. Excellent test weight and grain quality. Mediumheight hybrid with good overall plant health. As the yields go higher, it gets further ahead. Broadly adapted across North Dakota, South Dakota and Minnesota.
Y64-04RL RM: 104 days — 3111 VIP hybrid Superior yield with above average drydown. First place in our replicated testing in 2011. Good allaround health package. Excellent stalk strength. Responds favorably to high populations.
VS96-596 RM: 96 days — Biotech hybrid Excellent root strength, good fall stalk strength.
61-04N RM: 104 days — Conventional hybrid Best adapted to higher management fields where you are seeking to maximize yield. Good stalk strength. Responds favorably to high plant densities. C78-05R RM: 105 days — VT3 Pro hybrid
Dahlman R41-28 RM: 80-82 days — VT2RIB hybrid Flowers early and has good early vigor. A slender eared, open husk style allows for rapid drydown. An early dent hybrid that is broadly adapted along the U.S. Highway 2 corridor from North Dakota into Wisconsin. R45-30 RM: 89-91 days — VT3P hybrid Position on most soil types including stress-prone soils. Above average Goss’ wilt tolerance with strong roots and stalks. A medium height corn well suited for corn-on-corn acres. R47-35 RM: 93-95 days — VT3P hybrid Outstanding root and stalk strength and good Goss’ wilt tolerance. This medium height plant handles stress-prone soils and is recommended for corn-oncorn acres. Good late season intactness. R48-30 RM: 94-96 days — VT3P hybrid Prefers higher populations and good soils but will perform on variable soils. Good season-long plant health, test weight and grain quality. Can move north of adapted RM. R48-32VT3P RM: 96-98 days For many acres that can move north and south, east and west. Agronomically it is a strong hybrid with great grain and test weight. Consistent performance across different environments. R49-310 RM: 98-100 days — SSRIB hybrid Widely adapted. It is a tall plant with excellent fall intactness and grain quality. Best positioned on average to better soils and planted at higher populations.
“Where Farm and Family Meet”
D54-95RL RM: 95 days — SmartStax RIB hybrid More yield potential than any hybrid we have seen in its zone of adaptation. Good stalk strength. Good drought stress tolerance. Best performance at higher populations. Exceptional performance across the northern half of South Dakota and north of Highway 14 in Minnesota and I-90 in Wisconsin.
U97-04L RM: 104 days — Agrisure CB/LL/RW hybrid Superior yield with above average drydown. First place in our replicated testing in 2011. Good allaround health package and staygreen. Excellent stalk strength.
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U87-94L RM: 94 days — Agrisure CB/RW hybrid Outstanding top-end yield. In-plant rootworm and corn borer control. Strong stalks and roots. Good late-season intactness and staygreen. Above-average drought tolerance.
This hybrid had the best yield/moisture in our replicated testing in 2011. Medium height with good root and stalk strength. Excellent emergence, good choice for high-residue fields and early planting.
Good tolerance to Goss’ wilt. Good test weight and late-season health. Medium-height plant reduces residue management concerns. Widely adapted VS81-481 across South Dakota, Minnesota and Wisconsin. RM: 81 days — Biotech hybrid Consistently good yield performance for three years. Best performance at higher populations. Good fall stalk strength and intactness for ease of D57-98RL harvest. Good grain quality. Open husks, good drydown. Best performance at higher populations in RM: 98 days — SmartStax RIB hybrid Good stalk strength and late-season intactness. 80- to 85-day corn country. Good drought stress tolerance. Proven performance in western Iowa. Healthy plant with above average VS91-591 tolerance to Goss’ wilt. Refuge-in-a-Bag. RM: 91 days — Genuity VT2 Pro hybrid Excellent yield performance. Excellent root strength, VS99-599 good fall stalk strength. Widely adapted across RM: 99 days — SmartStax RIB hybrid North Dakota, South Dakota, Minnesota and Good yield potential. A taller hybrid with good stalk Wisconsin. Good performance under different strength. Widely adapted across South Dakota, planting populations and management systems. Minnesota and Wisconsin. VS94-594 51-00N RM: 94 days — SmartStax RIB hybrid RM: 100 days — Conventional hybrid Excellent yield potential and good stalk strength. Best performance at higher populations. Exceptional Strong yield performance over a wide range of management systems and conditions. Medium-tall performance across the northern half of South Dakota and north of Highway 14 in Minnesota and with excellent root strength and good stalk strength. Good overall plant health. I-90 in Wisconsin.
October 26, 2012