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TEXAS WOMAN’S UNIVERSITY FINANCE AND AUDIT COMMITTEE MEETING Board of Regents’ Conference Room AdministraCon Conference Tower (ACT), 16th Floor 304 AdministraCon Drive, Denton, Texas Thursday, February 16, 2017, at 9:00 AM

The Texas Woman’s University Board of Regents’ Finance and Audit Commi=ee and Academic Affairs Commi=ee will meet on Thursday, February 16, 2017, starHng at 9:00 AM. MeeHngs and Agenda items are scheduled to follow each other consecuHvely. *MeeHngs are scheduled to follow each other consecuHvely and may start earlier or later than the posted Hme depending on the length of the discussions and the reports of previous meeHngs. AcHon Items are scheduled to follow each other consecuHvely but may be taken out of order. The order of meeHngs are as follows: Finance and Audit MeeHng, Academic Affairs and the Regular Full Board MeeHng. The Board will break for lunch at the end of the Academic Affairs Commi=ee meeHng prior to the Regular MeeHng of the Full Board. During the Finance and Audit Commi=ee MeeHng a majority of the Board of Regents may be present. The Finance and Audit Commi=ee reserves the right to go into execuHve closed session for ma=ers allowed under V.T.C.A., Government Code Chapter 551 at any Hme for any item listed on the respecHve Agenda. The wri=en agenda and related supplemental wri=en materials will be posted on the TWU Board of Regents website at prior to the meeHng. Finance and Audit Commi2ee: Regents Farias (Chair), Gibson (Vice Chair), Schrader, McGinity, Perez & Wilson (Ex-­‐Officio) Regents Farias (Chair), Gibson (Vice Chair), Schrader, McGinity, Perez & Wilson (Ex-­‐Officio) I. Call MeeHng to Order II. Consider Approval of the Minutes of the Commi=ee MeeHng of November 10, 2016 III. ConsideraHon of Public TesHmony on Agenda Items, If Any IV. Adjourn to ExecuHve Closed Session: Real Estate, LiHgaHon, Personnel Ma=ers, including promoHon, tenure, and emeritus status or any other agenda item allowed under Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code. V. Reconvene into Open Session and Take Any Possible AcHon Regarding Ma=ers Discussed in ExecuHve Closed Session VI. Agenda A. Report on TWU’s Housing Update 2017 Presenter: Ms. B. J. Crain, Interim Vice President for Finance and AdministraHon and Dr. Monica Mendez-­‐Grant, Vice President for Student Life B. TWU Fundraising Report Presenter: Ms. Heidi Tracy, Vice President of University Advancement C. Consider Recommending Acceptance of Grant Presenter: Ms. B. J. Crain, Interim Vice President for Finance and AdministraHon D. Report on Student Service Fee RecommendaHons for FY 2018 Presenter: Ms. B. J. Crain, Interim Vice President for Finance and AdministraHon and Dr. Monica Mendez-­‐Grant, Vice President for Student Life E. Consider Recommending Approval for DifferenHal TuiHon for Graduate Social Work Courses for FY 2018 Presenter: Ms. B. J. Crain, Interim Vice President for Finance and AdministraHon F. Consider Recommending Approval for Educator PreparaHon Program Technology Fee for FY 2018 Presenter: Ms. B. J. Crain, Interim Vice President for Finance and AdministraHon G. Report on Major ConstrucHon Projects on TWU’s Campuses Presenter: Ms. B. J. Crain, Interim Vice President for Finance and AdministraHon H. Report on TWU FaciliHes Presenter: Ms. B. J. Crain, Interim Vice President for Finance and AdministraHon and Mr. Joe Standridge PE, Associate Vice President for FaciliHes Management and ConstrucHon I. Consider Recommending Approval for the TWU Energy Savings Project Presenter: Ms. B. J. Crain, Interim Vice President for Finance and AdministraHon J. Quarterly Status Report of the Office of Internal Audits Presenter: Mrs. Maria Marroquin, Senior Auditor VII. Future Business VIII. Regents' Remarks IX. Adjourn TEXAS WOMAN’S UNIVERSITY ACADEMIC AFFAIRS COMMITTEE MEETING Board of Regents’ Conference Room AdministraCon Conference Tower (ACT), 16th Floor 304 AdministraCon Drive, Denton, Texas Thursday, February 16, 2017, at 9:00 AM The Texas Woman’s University Board of Regents’ Finance and Audit Commi=ee and Academic Affairs Commi=ee will meet on Thursday, February 16, 2017, starHng at 9:00 AM. MeeHngs and Agenda items are scheduled to follow each other consecuHvely. *MeeHngs are scheduled to follow each other consecuHvely and may start earlier or later than the posted Hme depending on the length of the discussions and the reports of previous meeHngs. AcHon Items are scheduled to follow each other consecuHvely but may be taken out of order. The order of meeHngs are as follows: Finance and Audit MeeHng, Academic Affairs and the Regular Full Board MeeHng. The Board will break for lunch at the end of the Academic Affairs Commi=ee meeHng prior to the Regular MeeHng of the Full Board. During the Academic Affairs Commi=ee MeeHng a majority of the Board of Regents may be present. The Academic Affairs Commi=ee reserves the right to go into execuHve closed session for ma=ers allowed under V.T.C.A., Government Code Chapter 551 at any Hme for any item listed on the respecHve Agenda.

The wri=en agenda and related supplemental wri=en materials will be posted on the TWU Board of Regents website at prior to the meeHng. Academic Affairs Regents Paup (Chair), Tonn (Vice Chair), McGinity, Gibson, Mathis (Non-­‐VoNng) & Wilson (ExOfficio) I. Call MeeHng to Order II. Consider Approval of the Minutes of the Commi=ee MeeHng of November 10, 2016 III. ConsideraHon of Public TesHmony on Agenda Items, If Any IV. Adjourn to ExecuHve Closed Session: Real Estate, LiHgaHon, Personnel Ma=ers, including promoHon, tenure, and emeritus status or any other agenda item allowed under Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code. V. Reconvene into Open Session and Take Any Possible AcHon Regarding Ma=ers Discussed in ExecuHve Closed Session VI. Agenda A. Report on Texas Woman’s University Counseling and Psychological Services Presenter: Dr. Monica Mendez-­‐Grant, Vice President for Student Life and Dr. Denise Lucero-­‐Miller, Director; Dr. Carmen Cruz, Associate Director B. Report on U.S. Department of EducaHon Grants for TWU Bilingual/ ESL EducaHon Projects Presenter: Drs. Holly Hansen Thomas, Professor of Teacher EducaHon and Interim Dean of the Graduate School, and Dr. Mandy Stewart, Assistant Professor of Teacher EducaHon C. Report on U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Grant for CulHvaHng Safe College Campuses Presenter: Dr. Donna Sco= Tilley, Assistant Provost for PromoHon of Research and Sponsored Programs D. Report on Technology Presenter: Dr. Robert Placido, Associate Provost for Technology and CIO E. Consider Recommending Approval of Faculty Development Leaves for 2017-­‐2018 Presenter: Dr. Jennifer MarHn, Interim Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs F. Report from the TWU Faculty Senate Presenter: Dr. Jeff Robb, Faculty Senate Speaker VII. PresentaHons and Awards VIII. Future Business IX. Regents' Remarks X. Adjourn AGENDA TEXAS WOMAN’S UNIVERSITY BOARD OF REGENTS MEETING FULL BOARD Board of Regents’ Conference Room AdministraCon Conference Tower (ACT), 16th Floor 304 AdministraCon Drive, Denton, Texas Thursday, February 16, 2017, at 12:30 PM The Texas Woman’s University Board of Regents will meet on Thursday, February 16, 2017, starHng at 12:30 PM. Agenda items are scheduled to follow each other consecuHvely. *MeeHngs are scheduled to follow each other consecuHvely and may start earlier or later than the posted Hme depending on the length of the discussions and the reports of previous meeHngs. AcHon Items are scheduled to follow each other consecuHvely but may be taken out of order. The order of meeHngs are as follows: Finance and Audit MeeHng, Academic Affairs and the Regular Full Board MeeHng. The Board will break for lunch at the end of the Academic Affairs Commi=ee meeHng prior to the Regular MeeHng of the Full Board. The Board reserves the right to go into execuHve closed session for ma=ers allowed under V.T.C.A., Government Code Chapter 551 at any Hme for any item listed on the respecHve Agenda. The wri=en agenda and related supplemental wri=en materials will be posted on the TWU Board of Regents website at prior to the meeHng. . Full Board Mee6ng: Regents Wilson (Chair), Farias (Vice Chair), Gibson, Mathis (Non-­‐VoNng), Paup, Perez, Scanlon McGinity, Schrader & Tonn I. Call MeeHng to Order II. Consider Approval of the Minutes of the Full Board MeeHng of November 10, 2016 III. ConsideraHon of Public TesHmony on Full Board Agenda Items, If Any IV. Adjourn to ExecuHve Closed Session: Real Estate, LiHgaHon, Personnel Ma=ers, including promoHon, tenure, and emeritus status or any other agenda item allowed under Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code. V. Reconvene into Open Session and Take Any Possible AcHon Regarding Ma=ers Discussed in ExecuHve Closed Session VI. Full Board Agenda A. TWU Visual IdenHty Update Presenter: Ms. Cindy Pollard, AVP for MarkeHng and CommunicaHons B. Report on Texas Woman’s University Enrollment Presenter: Dr. Barbara Lerner,Interim Vice President for Enrollment Services C. Report on the LegislaHve Session Presenter: Mr. Kevin Cruser, Director of LegislaHve Affairs VII. Consent Agenda A. Consider Acceptance of Grants Presenter: Ms. B. J. Crain, Interim Vice President for Finance and AdministraHon B. Consider Approval for DifferenHal TuiHon for Graduate Social Work Courses for FY 2018 Presenter: Ms. B. J. Crain, Interim Vice President for Finance and AdministraHon C. Consider Approval for Educator PreparaHon Program Technology Fee for FY 2018 Presenter: Ms. B. J. Crain, Interim Vice President for Finance and AdministraHon D. Consider Approval for the TWU Energy Savings Project Presenter: Ms. B. J. Crain, Interim Vice President for Finance and AdministraHon E. Consider Approval of Faculty Development Leaves for 2017-­‐2018 Presenter: Dr. Jennifer MarHn, Interim Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs VIII. TWU Board of Regent's Officer ElecHons 2017-­‐2019 IX. Chancellor and President's Report X. PresentaHons and Awards XI. Regents' Remarks XII. Future Business XIII. Adjourn

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