Materials Hard and Soft at the Greater Denton Arts Council
pg. 8 >>
SHOWERS High 47° Low 43° Weather pg. 2
Texas Woman’s University | Student run since 1914
Wednesday, February 20, 2013 | Vol. 100, No.5
83rd Legislative Session to determine funding for higher education
Shannon Quick Managing Editor
The 83rd Texas Legislative Session is in full swing, and the fate of state funding lies in the hands of Texas legislators. TWU Chancellor and President Dr. Ann Stuart has traipsed to Austin a few times since the beginning of the
session to testify on behalf of TWU and higher education. The mood of the session has been one of apprehension, and funding is not expected to rise as much as requested by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board. The THEBC had originally requested a six percent increase in state funding
,which would have given TWU a state contribution of $5,548,026; under the two bills on the table, TWU would receive less. Under the ruling of the 82nd Legislative Session, TWU received state appropriated funds of $492,467,100. Senate Bill One, the larger of the two
increases, would have TWU receiving an appropriation of $1,088,570 — a mere 1.2 percent increase over the last legislative session. Part of the Chancellor’s testimony in front of the House Appropriations Article III Subcommittee included comments on the elevated enrollment, success-based
admission and graduation rates. The testimony also included information on the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools accreditation and the pending April site visit. The university has also requested funding for a new building, the Science and Technology Learning Center,
which would be dedicated to the students in the health sciences and other science related majors while also contributing to the need for more experiential learning.
Continued pg. 3
Photography by Shannon Quick
Fashion and Textiles student Ellen Girdwood won the First Place People’s Choice Award at the 2013 Go Red for Women Luncheon & Fashion Show with her heart-themed design inspired by the American Heart Association.
Read full story pg. 3
Romance resounds on campus Shelby Baker Features Editor
As far as romantic dinners go, violin by candlelight is hard to beat. So what would happen if the classical was replaced with a hip-hop version? Last Thursday, Svet Radoslavof, also known as Mr. Hip-Hop Violinist or stylized as simply SVET, performed at TWU for a special Valentine’s Day appearance. Born in Eastern Europe, SVET began playing violin at the age of three and won a scholarship from the legendary Eastman School of Music. According to, he has
appeared on TV networks and programs such as ABC, BET, MTV, and NBC’s “America’s Got Talent.” As one of the few hip-hop violinists in the industry, SVET is touring college campuses around the country. “In high school, I experimented with hip-hop,” SVET stated. “I was classically trained; my mom took me to my first violin lesson when I was three. At my senior talent show, I performed a hip-hop violin rap. I was one minute into a classical piece when I walked off. People in the audience wanted me to come back. The beat dropped, and it just hit — I went back out and started playing.” Though there are not many who stray from
classical violin, SVET reaches audiences through both music and stage presence in a unique way. “I like to give my own emotions,” he said. “I feel so energetic and so excited. How people react to my music gets me going. I love meeting new people and entertaining different types of crowds. I want to leave them with inspiration to be who they want to be, do what they want to do and be one of a kind.” And he did exactly that. Between SVET and the Campus Activities Board, dozens of students enjoyed the concert. Courtesy of CAB, rose petals and chocolates adorned each table. Chocolate fountains were set up, as well as
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bouquets of red roses, around the ballroom. Music pulsated throughout the room, all elements combining to create a very romantic, intimate high energy atmosphere. “It was perfect,” CAB Treasurer Jalisa Jackson explained. “Everything from the decorations to the music felt very loving. It was my first time hearing him, but it was breathtaking.” SVET played originals and covers, sometimes singing the lyrics while other times using his violin to express a song’s intent. He was constantly moving on the stage feeding into the
Continued pg. 3
Special Section pg. 5 >>
Politics of the Body Features pg. 4 >>
Faculty Spotlight.................................3
Politics of the Body.............................4
Special Section
Heart Health
Heart Health........................................5
NFCA Leadoff Classic...............6
Black History..............................7
Arts & Entertainment
Best Picture Predictions............8
Questions or comments about The Lasso?
Inside this issue News
pg. 3
Faculty Spotlight: Drs. Jeff Robb and Jake Blosser These sessions are meant to highlight promotion of Interdisciplinary Studies across the university as a whole.
Weather Denton, Dallas and Houston Denton Showers
pg. 6
Pioneers notch third place at NFCA Leadoff Classic After a 4-0 start at the NFCA Leadoff Classic, TWU split two matchups ... Pioneers lose in heartbreaker Last Wednesday, the Pioneer basketball team fell in a hard-fought battle to West Texas A&M, 60-57 ...
High 66˚ Low 39˚ Scattered T-Storms
Thursday High 69˚ Low 41˚ Scattered T-Storms
Houston Scattered T-Storms
Thursday High 72˚ Low 54˚ T-Storms Friday
High 64˚ Low 39˚ Partly Cloudy
pg. 4
Politics of the Body: Amie Dowling Social justice and the performing arts are not categories often thought of as related, but ...
Forecast for Wednesday-Saturday
High 47˚
Low 43˚
High 69˚ Low 49˚ Scattered Showers
High 66˚ Low 41˚ Partly Cloudy Wednesday
Saturday High 65˚ Low 45˚ Mostly Sunny
High 49˚
Low 44˚
Saturday High 67˚ Low 47˚ Mostly Sunny
High 60˚
Low 59˚
Saturday High 73˚ Low 53˚ Scattered Showers
Featured Online Photo of the week
The Daedalian
Photography by Jeni Berry
pg. 7
Black history: a treasure trove of unheralded stories If you believe the official narrative of history books and public schools, as dutifully brought to our collective attention each February ... The Boy Scouts of America discuss lifting ban When I was 18, I was awarded the Eagle Scout rank within the Boy Scouts of America, and after hearing about the controversy recently ...
pg. 8
Best picture predictions Quintin Tarantino brought us a disturbing, exploitative view of Southern slavery in America.
Lasso publication staff Editor-in-Chief Aaron Claycomb • Managing Editor Shannon Quick • Sr. Copy Editor Brianna Casey • Jr. Copy Editor Alexander Ancira • New Media Editor Erin Marissa Russell • News Editor Dennis Barbee • Features Editor Shelby Baker • Arts and Entertainment Editor Stanton Brasher • Opinions Editor Marygail Isobel Lakner • Sports Editor Amanda Clark •
Available online at docs/deadalian_final_01222013. Readers may also access the journal through
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Photo Editor Jeni Berry • Sr. Reporters Ginger Hughes • Stephanie Terrell • Reporters Carlis Lollie • Christa Teller • Laura Hilton • Marlou Macaraeg • Megan Pillow • Photographer Amanda Amaral • Designer Maura Teague • Business Manager Christian Terry • Asst. Business Manager Bethany Wineinger • Business Assistants Allie Beaurline • Germaine Balanon •
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All Rights reserved. The Lasso is a weekly student publication of Texas Woman’s University, written and produced by students and printed at DFW Printing. Editors develop their own editorial and news policies. The presentation of news and editorials and the personal opinions expressed in The Lasso are those of The Lasso staff and writer and do not necessarily reflect the views of the faculty, staff, students, administration, or the Regents of Texas Woman’s University.
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This week’s
issue Vol. 100 No. 5
Letters from Readers The Lasso Stoddard Hall Rm 311
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LETTERS AND VIEWPOINTS We value reader submissions. As a university newspaper we have certain criteria that limit what we will place inside our newspaper. Please limit letters to 300 words. Columns submitted should be no longer than 600 words. Please include your name, address, phone, and email address. Your contact information will not be published. Unsigned submissions will not be published. All submission are also edited for length and clarity. Submissions become property of The Lasso.
Photography by Jeni Berry
The “Nike of Samothrace,” or “Winged Victory,” resides on the back patio of Old Main. While it is a replica of the famous Greek sculpture currently housed in The Louve, this particular work is also a 1982 replacement of the original replica given to the university by the class of 1929.
Corrections: In last week’s issue of The Lasso, we incorrectly stated in “Tuition, fee increases possible for Maymester, beyond” that there were 415 staff members teaching 226,000 credit hours in 2002. There actually were 450 staff members teaching those hours. In “TWU Fashion students ‘Go Red’ for a good cause” Dominique Simmons was listed as The People’s Choice Award winner at the Go Red Luncheon and Fashion Show. Simmons was actually the second place winner of this award. The article also listed only 10 submissions from TWU, when the majority of the 60 entries were from TWU students.
TWU Police Report Medical Emergency A report of a medical emergency was made at The Fitness and Recreation Center, Monday, Feb. 11. Damaged Property A report of damaged property was made at the Dallas Campus, Monday, Feb. 11. Public Intoxicaton A report of public intoxication and an arrest was made at 200 Third St., Tuesday, Feb. 12. Suspicious Person A report and an arrest of a suspicious person was made at the Bent Tree Apts, Wednesday, Feb. 13. Criminal Mischief A report of criminal mischief was made at Lowry Woods Apts, Wednesday, Feb. 13.
Warrant Arrest A report of a warrant arrest was made at 1000 Ruddell St.,Thursday, Feb. 14. Burglary of Vehicle A report of a vehicle burglary was made at the Dallas Campus, Thursday, Feb. 14. Motor Vehicle Accident A report of a motor vehicle accident was made at Stark/ Guinn Hall, Monday, Feb. 18. Suspicious Circumstances/ Marijuana Odor A report of marijuana odor was made at Guinn Hall, Sunday, Feb. 17. It is unclear if an arrest was made. Theft A report of theft was made at Lowry Woods, Monday, Feb. 18
This is a part of the daily activity log produced by the TWU Police Department. To report a criminal incident on campus, please call 940-898-2911
This Day in History For further Lasso historic articles please see pg. 4
1992 1963 World History — The Year in Review 21 years ago
The Daily Lass-O Reports — 50 years ago
President Bush becomes the first U.S. president to address the Australian Parliament. Algeria’s President Chadli announces his resignation. A new constitution providing for freedom to form political parties, is approved by a referendum in Mali. Japan apologizes for forcing Korean women into sexual slavery during World War II. A gas explosion in a coalmine in Zonguldak, Turkey causes hundreds of deaths. President Bush apologizes for raising taxes after he pledged not to. An earthquake registering at 6.8 on the Richter scale, kills over 500 in Erzincan, eastern Turkey. Gas explodes in a sewer, killing 200 in Guadalajara, Mexico.
The ninth annual Traveling English Workshop opens enrollment for summer classes that has the group scheduled to visit cities throughout the U.S. and Canada. The literary study includes lecture tours of Toronto, Ontario, Montreal, Quebec, St. Anne de Beaupre, Boston, New York, Washington, D.C., Baltimore, Salem, and Monticello. Texas U.S. Senator John G. Tower addresses 250 college leaders at the Texas Intercollegiate Student Association.
The Daily Lass-O Reports — 25 years ago In honor of Black History Month, Career Counselor at Career and Employment Services Terry Clay develops a panel of minority businesswomen to speak to students. An editorial calls for making English the official language for the state of Texas. In a letter to the editor, one student shows support for an English Proficiency Exam to strengthen writing skil s.
1938 The Daily Lass-O Reports — 75 years ago
Rev. Perry Gresham, pastor of University Christian Church at Ft. Worth, begins his series of lectures during Religious Emphasis Week. Eight TSCW students dance in Kiwanis Minstrel Minuet. Six seniors move into a “practice cottage” in Pilot Point to secure training in the Home Economics department. The committee on recommendations reports that 33 graduates gained employment since November of 1937. Contributed by Ginger Hughes
Story Idea? The Lasso wants to hear from you
Texas Legislative Session from pg. 1 The new building would service the roughly 46 percent of TWU students who are enrolled in one of the sciencebased colleges. An unknown use of university funds that are not subsidized by the state and which cost the university are
“unfunded mandates.” The chancellor mentioned three of these mandates during her testimony. The first is Hazelwood exemptions, which have increased 95.97 percent from fiscal year 2010 to FY 2012. This exemption stems from the Hazelwood
National News Notes
Major headline news from around the world Child on flight slapped Atlanta, Ga. Feb. 15, 2013
Google to open stores Los Angeles, Calif. Feb. 18, 2013
A crying child on a Delta flight was slapped after a racial slur was allegedly uttered by Joe Hundley of Idaho. He has lost his job, family and is contemplating a lawsuit. Hundley faces federal charges stemming from the incident.
According to industry insiders, Google plans to open retail outlets toward the end of the year — in time for the holiday buying season. There is no word yet on how many or where the outlets will be.
Meteor strikes Russia Chelyabinsk, Russia Feb. 15, 2013
A meteor that scientists in Russia reported had a 10 percent iron core streaked across the sky and exploded, causing damage to buildings and injuring almost 1,000 people, mostly from broken glass and other debris.
Obama to propose “brain-mapping” project Washington, D.C. Feb. 17, 2013
President Barack Obama, who hinted at the project during the State of the Union speech, is preparing to announce details of a decades–long project that will provide a more detailed map of the human brain.
Boeing employees vote on strike Seattle, Wash. Feb. 19, 2013
TWU students and community members ages 18-50 are invited to take part in a study scrutinizing the impact of resistant starches on weight loss. Qualifying individuals should be healthy and not taking any weight loss medication. Those who take part should expect to eat two muffins, which may or may not contain resistant starch, each day for six weeks in addition to their normal diets. Participants will also receive a body fat assessment, free muffins, blood analysis, and $50 to compensate them for their time. Interested readers can contact either Dr. Parakat Vijayagopal, by calling 940898-2709 or sending an email to, or Dr. Shanil Juma, by calling 940-8982704 or emailing sjuma@twu. edu.
Faculty Spotlight: Drs. Robb, Blosser Marygail Isobel Lakner Opinions Editor Dr. Jeff Robb from the History and Government department and Dr. Jake Blosser, Associate Professor of History, will be hosting a Faculty Spotlight discussing the U.S. Supreme Court
waivers, including student who attend under HB 588, also known as the top ten percent law. The last mandate talked about the need for all students to receive a bacterial meningitis vaccination, under the revised existing statutory requirement of
the 82nd Texas Legislature. The associated cost of advertisement, tracking and recordkeeping has also cost the university $50,000 to remain compliant. The chancellor’s testimony ended with a statement about the need to
increase faculty, as noted by SACS. The chancellor feels that the request is modest and the 83rd Legislature may grant some of TWU’s requests.
SVET from pg. 1 Mr. Hip-Hop Violinist
high-energy music, and as a result, the audience returned the same energy with clapping and rapt attention. Throughout the evening, women swooned hearing SVET’s music. One student asked him to be her Valentine. SVET joked, talked about himself and tried to connect with the audience.
“It was a good, fair question,” SVET acknowledged. “I love my fans. True fans stay true to the artist.” After the performance, almost all of the women lined up to have their photos taken with SVET. He conversed with the students while CAB distributed red roses to those leaving.
For more information regarding CAB events, readers can visit http://www.twu. edu/student-development/campus-activitiesboard.asp. For more information regarding SVET, readers may visit, follow him on twitter @Svetmusic or download some of his music from iTunes.
SVET performs several cover tracks on his violin in a high-energy show. CAB passed out roses to students leaving the show.
The Society of Professional Engineering Employees in Aerospace, which represents the 23,000 employees of Boeing, plans to vote on a strike that may begin soon. Boeing has given the union a counteroffer and hopes to avoid the strike, which would come at a bad time for the company.
King Henry IV undergoes facial reconstruction Paris, France Feb. 14, 2013
After 400 years, “Good King Henry IV” was reconstructed and shown to the public. There are questions as to the validities of the skull as that of the monarch and his bloodline.
Briefly at TWU case Brown v. Entertainment Call for Merchant’s Association and participants the contrasting views of the analysis. in body These sessions are meant to highlight the promotion weight study of Interdisciplinary Studies Marygail Isobel Lakner Opinions Editor
Act, which allows those who serve if they give their life in service or their children and /or spouses to attend a college or university in Texas, and pays up to 150 hours of tuition. The second mandate covers exemptions and
across the university as a whole. The next Faculty Spotlight session will be Tuesday, March 9, from Lin Zou and Dr. Yihau Zhao, titled “Does the Entrenched Manager Like Bond?” The session will take place Tuesday, Feb. 26, from 12:2512:55 p.m. in Stoddard Hall, Room 308. Attendees should bring a brown bag lunch. Readers interested in attending the sessions can get more information by emailing JRobb@ or JBlosser@twu. edu. There is no fee for attendance.
Photography courtesy TWU Facebook
Politics of the Body: Amie Dowling Stephanie Terrell Sr. Reporter
Social justice and the performing arts are not categories often thought of as related, but professor Amie Dowling from the University of San Francisco demonstrates how these two areas can be used to emphasize social issues. TWU’s Department of Dance hosted a residency for Dowling in which a select group of students were able to partake in a dance and theater performance workshop in the Collin County Jail from Feb. 12-15. Approximately 10-12 undergraduate and graduate students from the Dance department were able to apply for this opportunity to aid in promoting awareness of issues relating to incarceration. According to an email from Dowling: “The proposed weeklong workshop would
engage inmates and students from TWU in a creative process that will reflect upon their lives and communities, using their ideas and imaginations to develop theater. A myriad of writing exercises, improvisational structures in movement and theater, and storytelling techniques will assist the participants in shaping and determining the themes the group wishes to explore. Once identified, these common themes will be developed into scenes that may include poetry, movement and character work.” The current focus of Dowling’s work is to engage awareness of incarceration and the emphasis of prison institutions’ attention to physical containment, solitude, segregation, and control over the inmates. In Dowling’s most recent dance film,
“Well Contested Sites,” she specifically used performers who had previously been incarcerated. According to its Facebook page, Dowling intentionally asked these performers to use movement to explore the impact of incarceration on an individual and how creativity can continue while imprisoned, even using the infamous site of Alcatraz Island to help viewers further connect to the performers’ experiences. According to Dowling’s website, issues which she specifically emphasizes include the amount of people incarcerated in the U.S. compared to other developed nations, the unequal access to quality legal representation, the underfunded public education system, and inaccessibility to certain facilities or necessities once
released from incarceration such as housing and education. “Without a doubt, this residency made a lasting impact on me,” sophomore Dance major Selina Saenz explained. “In a way it was a reminder to remain thankful because there are so many blessings that we are all given and should never take for granted. “If there is something that I truly took to heart, it was realizing that many times those in jails and prisons are not bad people, but people that made bad decisions.” The performing arts, and more specifically dance, has been utilized for decades to represent political and social views. Whether it was Kurt Jooss’ “The Green Table” depiction of the futile peace negotiations pre-World War II, Neil Greenberg’s “Not-
About-AIDS-Dance” bringing awareness to AIDS/HIV, or Martha Graham’s “Steps in the Street” depicting devastation left by war. Using dance as a medium to represent politics is nothing new, and Dowling continues to utilize movement and dance to convey the importance of social issues. Through the creation of groups such as The Dance Generators and consistent residencies, Dowling educates college students and their communities about social issues and how to make a difference. To learn more about her community research, choreographic research or to view her latest work or more information about Amie Dowling, or visit http://
From TWU archives New sports on the (The Lasso news) block offer variety
As The Lasso reaches its centennial year of publication in the fall, we are looking to the past to reveal the foundations that have made this newspaper one of the oldest continuous publications in the country. We invite you to join us here weekly as we uncover 99 years of TWU and Lass–o history. It will be an interesting look into how much we have grown, not only as a publication, but also as an institution of productive citizens. We will not be editing the following article by today’s standards. Instead, we will maintain history as is. The following selection is from a Lasso article originally published in 1992. Researched by Ginger Hughes Sr. Reporter The influence of the media is overwhelming. The way in which the mass media portrays a group or even a single individual can stereotype an entire race, gender or ethnic group. Advertising, comic strips, television, and newspapers all have the power to label a group with a negative image. The media influences the opinions of a very large percentage of the United States and it is easy for a negative opinion of a minority group to be formed if a negative image is presented to the public. One of the biggest hazards in the media is stereotyping. The Aunt Jemima stereotype is an example of stereotyping in advertising. In the past, Aunt Jemima was portrayed as a big, smiling woman with a red bandana. Now, she is slim and wears a string of pearls instead of a bandana. In the past, comic strips and television alike stereotyped women as being dainty housewives, happy to stay at
home while their husbands went to work and brought home the bacon. Even school textbooks do not equally represent minorities. Minority representation in school books should be improved. African-Americans make up 25 percent of the population of the United States and women make up approximately 54 percent. School children need to see that reflected in both their school books and in the mass media. The media also has the power to portray a positive image of minority groups to Americans. They need to. That way, young minority children can find positive role models and some of the stereotypical molds can be abolished. Homosexuals, AfricanAmericans, women, and other minorities are still stereotyped today in the media. But some progress is being made. After all, Blondie just got a job.
Dennis Barbee News Editor
Intramural sports can be a great way to get out, enjoy an extracurricular activity and meet some new people. TWU intramural sports offer activities all yearlong and anyone can participate regardless of experience in the sports offered. Intramural leagues at TWU cover many sports and a range of activities, designed to get students out and active. According to Assistant Director of The Student Recreation Center Karrie Fletcher: “A lot of people may be intimidated about skill level — just come out and try it. It’s a great way to meet people.”
Fletcher explained: “This semester we have basketball, one-on-one, Ultimate Frisbee, sand volleyball, and Xbox gaming leagues like an NBA2K tournament. We also have glow-in-the-dark badminton,” she continued, “You don’t have to have a team. You simply register. The registration is $5 and then we take care of the rest. Once we have teams established, a captains meeting is held. That is the process.” TWU takes surveys to find sports that students are interested in and builds the schedules from that point on. “We take the information from the surveys and we look at what’s trending and we put sports together.” Fletcher also stated that “I have tried many
things with intramural sports. I try to educate them on different sports, like Ultimate Frisbee.” Fletcher also stated that in the future some of the sports will be played at alternative locations: “The indoor sports are played here and we have an intramural field for our outdoor sports but for softball we will be working with the city to use a field.” With so many sports and activities to choose from, Fletcher said the main student concern is always about the skill level and an individual’s lack of experience. But with an inviting system in place for newer participants, any one student has the ability to come out and play with little reason to be intimidated.
Calendar Feb. 20 - Mar. 1
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VISUAL ARTS: Joyce Elaine Grant Juried Photography Exhibit in the East Gallery
“Building Bifunctionality on the Calixarene Lower Rim” noon-1 p.m. in ASSC 251
• •
Rarely does one see collegiate athletes who put grades before the winloss column. Nevertheless, TWU athletes have broken a department grade point average record last fall by shattering the 3.409 GPA mark with a new department benchmark of 3.487 across all sports teams. As of this semester, the Athletics department can boast of a record 61 consecutive semesters with students’ combined GPA over
3.00. The most academically successful of the teams were the most athletically successful as well, as the volleyball team posting both a 23-8 overall record and the highest GPA of all the groups with a 3.61 average GPA, and the soccer team, who was making their fourth postseason appearance in the Lone Star Conference tournament all while posting the team’s highest GPA with a 3.566 average GPA. Director of Athletics Chalese Connors in an email said on the matter: “The student-athletes and coaches know that education is the
Health Fair & Blood Drive 10 a.m.-2 p.m. “Bon Appetit! Dining Etiquette Do’s and Don’ts” 3:30-5:30 p.m.
CAS Faculty Spotlight Series: “Colonial Parenting, Violent Video Games, and the First Amendment ...” 12:25-12:55 p.m. in Stoddard Hall 308
Scholarship solving headache
Shelby Baker Features Editor
After applying for the TYLENOL® Future Care Scholarship along with 25,000 other applicants pursuing an education in the healthcare industry across the country, Ariane Stoker was one of 40 students to receive the prestigious scholarship. A doctoral candidate in Physical Therapy at the Houston campus, Stoker found the scholarship through a friend on Facebook who had previously applied for the grant. She was not awarded the small fortune her first year, so she greatly looked forward to whether she received the award this year. “This scholarship is a huge privilege for me,”
Stoker stated in an email. “As an out-of-state student from California, my tuition expenses are double that of students from Texas. The extra funds from TYLENOL® are a huge blessing … I’m very grateful to TYLENOL® for the company’s interest in students and healthcare education.” Stoker plans on using the scholarship money to help pay for tuition, books, supplies, housing, and transportation, as both she and her husband pay for graduate level tuitions. In her second year of graduate school, Stoker plans to become a pediatric physical therapist. “I have always enjoyed working with children and helping people,” she elaborated, “and I can’t
imagine a more rewarding career than to help children regain mobility and function to increase their quality of life.” It was that attitude that pushed her into the 40 elite recipients. Applicants were required to write two essays stating their goals and experiences, and were asked about their role models. “I wrote about helping a young mother do physical therapy with her handicapped daughter, and the joy it brought me to see the little girl’s improvements,” Stoker recalled. “I also wrote about my experiences as a volunteer in Ecuador. I served in several orphanages for months and often had the opportunity to work with a physical therapist in treating the children. It was
a very rewarding experience to help make a difference in the life of a child, but in the end, I know that I am the one who benefitted the most.” Those wishing to apply for the TYLENOL® Future Care Scholarship need not look far. Future applicants may visit their Facebook page or page.jhtml?id=tylenol/news/ where videos on the application process and tips are available. “My advice would be to be sincere and not give up,” Stoker recommended. “Be sincere and passionate in the essay. Write about experiences that have shaped you and sparked your desire to help and serve others in healthcare.”
Student-athletes tally record grades Alex Ancira Jr. Copy Editor
Interview Workshop from noon-1 p.m. Résumé & Interview Consulation 9 a.m.-4:30 p.m.
highest priority. This is the message we send from the beginning during recruiting, and in the coaches we employ. Academic excellence is stressed in how we build our programs so that it balances with high-level athletic competition. I am so proud that we live this message day in and day out. The student is first a student-athlete at TWU.” The coaches notably take great pride in their students as well. Head volleyball coach Shelly Barberee spoke of how the students are prepared, as students and as athletes: “I
stress that their education is the one thing that they are here for and the one thing that no one can ever take from them.” Student-athletes may easily forget when preparing for the next big matchup that they are here to learn, but Barberee ensured that students know that “no matter what they are doing, whether it is hitting a ball on the court or taking a history exam, I tell them to do their best each and every time.” TWU has also tied a school-record 21 perfect GPAs from student-athletes, an astonishing 23 percent
of athletes in the program with straight As. Of the 21 students with 4.00 GPAs, six come from the soccer team, six from the gymnastics team, four from the volleyball team, and five from the softball team, including last week’s Player Spotlight, Bailey Vrazel, spoke recently of being a student first, further illustrating the student-athlete mindset at TWU. The continued success of the athletics teams will carry forward into the future, so long as the students continue to be diligent as both students and athletes. Coaches of
sports teams help to instill the high standards the department currently holds, and as a result the teams consistently maintain high GPAs. As Connors stated in a press release: “These outstanding grades are a direct result of hard work and commitment by our studentathletes, the coaches who recruited them and the faculty and staff who challenge them to be the best they can be.” Moving forward, TWU hopes to maintain its success with student-athlete scholarship.
Wednesday, Febuary 20, 2013
Heart Health
Sweet treats bog down moviegoers
Working out for heart health: Fit and Rec takes health risks to heart Amanda Clark Sports Editor For heart health month, TWU’s Fitness and Recreation Center has planned various activities to encourage heart health and general health awareness to the TWU community. In previous weeks, Fit and Rec has hosted a panel discussions and various workout events, such as a paintball trip, wheelchair intramural basketball and the center’s regular classes. Fit and Rec has also offered a coupon to students through the spring semester for a free personal training session when they buy a fitness assessment. Although some students may not have the money or time for a personal trainer, there are various options to choose from.
Personal Trainer Michael McGehee said in an email: “Exercise does not have to be a daunting task. It only takes 30 minutes of cardiovascular exercise (walking, running, cycling, etc.) each day to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. Easy ways to improve your diet are to manage portion sizes and eat slowly. Allow yourself to realize that you’re satisfied before you may have unnecessarily cleaned your plate. We are all guilty from time to time of having eyes that are bigger than our stomachs.” The topic of, and “going red,” for heart health has become an area of focus on the campus of TWU and at the Fit and Rec Center due to the growing number of women who experience heart health issues. McGehee commented:
“To me, heart health means following a healthy and active lifestyle to ensure that the most important muscle — the heart — functions optimally. As a student, you have made an investment in your future through education; it only makes sense that you complement your pursuit of knowledge with an investment in your health.” McGehee hit the point that health and lifestyle are crucial to the success of students in general. Many at TWU’s campuses are devoted to majors in a health field, and maintaining health is important for each student’s personal success and the success of those that student might interact with. Incorporating healthy choices and exercise into a daily routine may seem taxing to a student, but
Marygail Isobel Lakner Opinions Editor
McGehee gave simple steps: “The best advice I can give to improve your overall health is to incorporate cardiovascular exercise into your daily routine, prepare meals at home often and get plenty of sleep.” Today, in Studio One, from 12:20-1 p.m., according to a flyer put out by the Fit and Rec Center, there will be a Lunch and Learn where students can receive a free lunch and nutrition education. Also, tomorrow there will be a bouldering competition at 6 p.m. in the Fit and Rec Center. For more information about the Fit and Rec Center and the opportunities, classes and awareness it offers to students, readers can visit the TWU Website.
Controlling sodium for heart health
Stacy Gage Guest Columnist
How many times have you incorporated salt into your meals either by cooking or on your dinner plate as an automatic impulse? Because sodium is supplemented into chips, popcorn, French fries, and numerous additional common varieties of foods, most of us take in more additional sodium than we ought to, causing some individuals to be at a heightened risk for high blood pressure — a major risk factor for cardiovascular disease. These individuals susceptible to high blood pressure produce additional fluid in their bodies known as edema. For that reason,
it is critical to maintain an adequate intake of sodium without increasing the possibility of additional complications to the cardiovascular system. To help decrease the occurrence of heart disease, nutritional adjustments are the most effective method to help reduce sodium consumption. A few tips to help decrease sodium intake are as follows: •Buy fresh fruits and vegetables. If you cannot buy fresh, frozen and canned options are respectable alternatives. •Decrease the amount of processed foods consumed by preparing your own personal sauces, pizzas and soups. •Attempt to decrease the sodium in recipes by adding
in other spices, or 100 percent juices. For example, lemon or lime juice can be provided as flavor enhancers. •If you do not have time to cook, choose sodiumreduced foods and decrease the amount of salty snacks normally purchased. Try popping your own popcorn (the plain kernels not the microwave bags). •Read food labels to check for the quantity of salt, sea salt, seasoned salts, sodium, and any other foods that include sodium as the first word. •While eating out, request for your food to be prepared without salt and look at the nutritional information on the menu before choosing your meal. So, how much sodium
should one consume is an important question because consumption depends on the person and his or her nutritional status. According to the American Heart Association, “an intake of less than 1,500 mg of sodium per day” is recommended for most people. Eating in moderation can prevent overconsumption of any food, but especially sodium. Anyone wanting more information on nutritional intake of sodium and how much their own body needs should contact a Registered Dietitian for further nutritional advice about eating healthy and reducing personal risks of chronic diseases.
Common courtesy: give a little bit
Laura Hilton Reporter
Long gone are the days when knights in shining armor shamelessly waited to rescue damsels in distress. It may not take rescuing a princess from train tracks to become a hero, but lately I have noticed people are less inclined to do simple, kind tasks for anyone. People have become less friendly and more indifferent toward the lives of others. According to emilypost. com, “common courtesies are the little gestures that we perform out of respect for others.” Using these everyday manners lets others know we are aware of our surroundings. These gestures may include thank-you notes or a simple smile while you are walking to class. I cannot begin to tell you how many times I have passed someone on campus who I may not know, but I give him or her a smile anyways. However, with head down with eyes glued to a phone, they make every effort to ignore me. While ignoring someone who gives you a smile is a
rude but small offense, lately there have been more extreme situations of completely ignoring manners and goodwill. For example, last December in a New York subway, a man was shoved onto the tracks, where a train would soon run him over. Instead of helping him, onlookers simply ignored the man. Even a freelance photographer from The New York Post decided to take pictures instead of helping him. Hearing about this event shocked me and my friends. How could anyone do this? Did anyone even try to help him out? Sometimes when I go back home to Dallas, I have to take the train. One day in November, I got off the A-Train, stepped onto the platform and began crossing the train tracks. That weekend, for some crazy reason, I decided to take my backpack, a suitcase and another small bag. I was struggling to carry it all, and people could probably see that. I began to cross the tracks, but when I put my suitcase down, a wheel got stuck. I panicked,
trying to get it out of the tracks. No one offered to help. They just stared. Fortunately for me, there was no train coming, but I could not help but think of what would have happened if there was one. Would I have noticed in time and gotten out of the way? I am not saying all people are rude and lack manners. I am saying people tend to be indifferent toward those they do not know. Life would be so much simpler if we all just looked out for each other. So, if you are having trouble keeping some of those other New Year’s resolutions, why not try this one? Be kind to people and take it upon yourself to remember common courtesies. Smile at them when you pass them by on your way to that 8 a.m. class and say “good morning”. Hold open the door if you see someone carrying a lot of books, or if you have time, help them carry those 50-pound anatomy textbooks. And to you, the person who closed the elevator door when you saw me trying to hurry: shame on you.
I enjoy going to the movie theater. I also make a concentrated effort to be healthy. This is a bad combination. Staying healthy while going to the movie theater involves breaking the rules and sneaking a baggie of grapes in, and I just don’t want to go down that road. Call me lame, call me a fuddy-duddy, call me a sheep, I don’t care; I don’t want to break those rules. Mostly, this is due to the fact that movie theater tickets are expensive enough, and if theaters aren’t making money from concessions, ticket prices will keep inflating. If Facebook had a dislike button, this is what I would use it on. What I want to know is this: how hard can it be for movie theaters to include healthier snacks at concessions stands? I understand why fresh produce, such as grapes, is a no-go — that would be awkward to store, people would want to inspect the bunch of grapes they received and who knows how often the produce would sell. The food might spoil before being sold, which would be a solid financial loss for a theater. But why not sell nonperishable items? Would a bag of pretzels be so horrible? What about bags of various kinds of trail mix? How about a chocolatey variation, one with more dried fruit or one with a collection of different nuts? There could also be small containers of hummus with some kind of crackers included, such as the kind Dining Services sells in the Garden Room. Now, I don’t want to bash the movie theaters. Theaters
started including bottles of water and Vitamin Water lately. If the bottle of water costs $4, at least it’s a oneliter bottle at the Cinemark instead of a 20-ounce bottle, like at The Rave movie theater. It’s a step forward, and I commend that. I just want them to keep going. It can be frustrating that a large drink can get free refills, but if you get one of those large waters, you can’t refill it. It’s water. It’s not Coke or Sprite. It is natural, abundant water. Why should I have to spend another $4 for more water? I understand that movie theaters have, by tradition, sold sugary snacks, popcorn and soda. Sometimes that’s a nice treat, but some people can’t have those items due to medical or dietary restrictions for weight loss. It would also be nice, if upon ordering a container of popcorn with “light butter,” the cashier behind the counter would actually believe you only wanted a little bit. When I’ve said, “light butter” or “just a little bit,” it seems like they put extra butter on it. I’m not sure why this happens, but it does, nearly every time. Yes, there are ways around this problem that don’t include sneaking snacks into the movie theater. You can eat beforehand or afterward instead and not eat during the movie. This strategy seems pretty reasonable, and it’s a method I employ often. It would be nice to be able to have a snack for those popcorn movies, though, and one that won’t take up half a day’s calorie allowance.
“How hard can it be for movie theaters to include healthier snacks at concessions stands?” - Marygail Isobel Lakner, Opinions Editor
TWU Commencement Extravaganza! Graduating in May or August 2013? Make sure you have taken care of graduation details! WHERE: TWU Denton Bookstore WHEN: Monday and Tuesday, March 4 and 5 TIME: 9 a.m.-7 p.m. Purchase commencement regalia Order graduation announcements, class rings, diploma frames, etc. Have your picture taken in cap and gown — regalia provided Verify diploma information Check at the Alumni table to learn more about your benefits as a new graduate Consult with Career Services about your career searches Information about Financial Aid exit counseling Learn about TWU’s graduate programs and admission requirements Register to attend the Senior Breakfast or Lunch on May 3 Enter to win awesome prizes! For more information, call the Denton Campus Bookstore (940) 898-3103
Pioneers notch third place at NFCA Leadoff Classic Alex Ancira Jr. Copy Editor After a 4-0 start at the NFCA Leadoff Classic, TWU split two matchups in the gold bracket last Sunday, finishing third overall at the tournament. On day one of the Classic, TWU edged Regis (Mass.) 11-10 before defeating New Haven 11-3. Junior shortstop Bailey Vrazel went 5-8 with six RBI between both games, tallying four steals as well. Senior utility player Lizzy Kelly also contributed for the team on Friday, going 3-for-5 with five runs scored. Vrazel notably hit an inside-the-park grand slam down the right field line in the bottom of the first inning. “Bailey’s inside-the-park home run was exciting to watch,” TWU head coach Richie Bruister said. “She found the right field line, and
Calendar February
• • •
Softball at St. Edwards @ 9 a.m. Softball vs. A&MInternational @ 1 p.m. Baketball vs. Angelo State @ 2 p.m.
Sunday • •
Softball vs. A&MInternational @ 11 a.m. Gymnastics vs. Air Force, Centenary & Illinois-Chicago @ 2 p.m. Softball at St. Edwards @ 3 p.m.
Tuesday •
Softball vs. Oklahoma Christian @ 3 & 5 p.m.
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with her speed, she crossed the plate standing up.” On day two, the Pioneers piled on the runs in two more victories against Grand Canyon and Nova Southeastern, improving to a 9-3 record on the season. Pitching on the day held opponents to three runs, two earned, over 14 innings. Junior pitcher Brandie Lander tossed a complete game in the first game of the day, giving up one run and two walks while striking out three. Junior utility player Katie Hines pitched a solid six innings, giving up one run and two walks while striking out three batters as well. Senior pitcher Karissa Hartwig entered in the seventh as relief, earning her first career save. On the pitching staff’s strength, Bruister said: “Our pitchers were outstanding today [Saturday], and we picked up two big wins. Brandie kept Grand Canyon
“I am extremely excited and proud of the girls for representing TWU well at the nation’s top tournament,” - Head softball coach Richie Bruister
off balance the entire game, and our defense played really well behind her. I am really proud of Katie for playing on the field in the first game and pitching six quality innings in the second. Karissa was lights out in the seventh against Nova Southeastern.” Finally, last Sunday, TWU lost in the first game of the day to Southeastern Oklahoma State, defeating Grand Canyon for the third place position later in the day. Junior infielder/outfielder Haley Colwell, sophomore Kathryn Williams and Kelly drove in two runs each on the day, while Lander picked up her second save of the weekend. Bruister voiced pride in the team’s showing at the
Pioneers lose in heartbreaker
Basketball vs. West Texas A&M
Amanda Clark Sports Editor Last Wednesday, the Pioneer basketball team fell in a hard-fought battle to West Texas A&M 60-57. This loss dropped TWU to a 6-15 overall record on the season. According to a press release, sophomore forward Ria Pateraki scored a regular season career-high 21 points, guiding the Pioneers offensively down the stretch. TWU was leading after the first half 25-19 and carried that lead into the second half. The Lady Buffs came back viciously, cutting the deficit to four points, with the score being 54-50. The two teams duked it out, but West Texas A&M finished strong with a 10-point run, winning the game. Head coach Beth Jillson said in the press release: “We are disappointed with the loss, but it’s a step in
Pioneers find silver lining
Pioneer Box Scores Opponent
Score Basketball
Hardin-‐Simmons (Exh) Ouachita Baptist Texas A&M-‐International Central Oklahoma Colorado Christian Northwest Missouri State Texas A&M-‐Commerce Tarleton State St. Mary's Texas A&M-‐Kingsville Incarnate Word West Texas A&M Eastern New Mexico Abilene Christian Angelo State Midwestern State Cameron Tarleton State Texas A&M-‐Commerce Incarnate Word Texas A&M-‐Kingsville
62-‐44 60-‐59 73-‐56 35-‐59 71-‐78 40-‐63 52-‐63 60-‐72 51-‐62 70-‐66 52-‐59 51-‐65 46-‐40 50-‐75 61-‐39 53-‐67 52-‐50 69-‐71 50-‐54 40-‐58 49-‐59
West Texas A&M Eastern New Mexico Abilene Christian
57-‐60 70-‐80 67-‐50
the right direction. We worked so hard, and it’s a tough loss. We executed the offense better and took care of the ball. The second half really hurt us, giving up 41 points and not able to get to the free-throw line. We had some opportunities to put them away but weren’t able to.”
tournament: “I am extremely excited and proud of the girls for representing TWU well at the nation’s top tournament,” he stated. “There were some top teams from around the country at this tournament, and finishing third overall is very good. We got good pitching and good hitting when we needed it the entire weekend. [In] the one loss against Southeastern Oklahoma State, we beat ourselves with wild pitches and passed balls.” The Pioneer softball team is now 10-4 on the season and will go on the road Saturday–Sunday to the St. Edward’s Tournament in Austin, where the women will face both the host, St. Edward’s, and Texas A&M-International twice.
Sports Opinion Column
Alex’s Angle
Alex Ancira Jr. Copy Editor
Pioneer softball prepared for deep run
While the season may still be young, TWU’s softball team is looking absolutely fantastic. Let’s just take a look at the surface for starters. The team is 10-4 on the season, on pace with last year when it stood at the same 10-4 junction. Last year, the team finished off the year with an overall record of 37-17, easily exceeding the .500 win percentage mark. This marked improvement in recent seasons is due to strong pitching and good hitting from many key players. Last season, for example, shortstop Bailey Vrazel hit a strong .414 in 174 plate appearances. Infielder Jordan Readicker absolutely shredded pitchers throughout the 2012 season as well, knocking 14 balls out of the park. The pitching staff, led by then-junior pitcher Larisa Garcia’s earned run average of 2.75, notched a nice 3.35 ERA, compared to the opponent pitching’s 5.92 ERA. Moving forward into
Basketball drops contested bout in overtime
Gymnastics Perfect 10 Challenge TWU vs. Eastern New Mexico Amanda Clark Sports Editor
The Pioneers placed fourth in the Perfect 10 Challenge quad meet in Oklahoma City last Friday with a score of 191.425. Oklahoma took first with 197.450, with Boise State and BYU closing in second and third place respectively. According to a press release, TWU recorded a season-low of 47.725 in its first rotation-floor exercise. On vault, the Pioneers scored a 48.100. In the third
rotation on uneven bars, TWU hauled a season-high 48.325. In the Pioneers’ last rotation on beam, the team scored a 47.275. Head coach Lisa Bowerman said after the meet: “We didn’t have our best performances in all four events. I thought we had some good vaults even though our scores were low. The bars team was better but still has room for improvement.” The Pioneers return to the floor Sunday, as the team hosts a quad meet in Kitty Magee Arena against Air Force, Centenary and Illinois-Chicago at 2 p.m. For more information on the TWU gymnastics team and individual stats from the meet, readers can visit twuathletics. com.
Amanda Clark Sports Editor Last Saturday, the TWU basketball team forced a contest into overtime after a comeback to tie the game up in the last seconds of regulation, but came up short to Eastern New Mexico 80-70. This loss places the Pioneers to 6-16 on the season and 4-12 in the Lone Star Conference. According to a press release, TWU was trailing by five points in the last seconds of the game. Junior guard Rebekah Cluely cut
Photo courtesy of TWU Athletics
Junior pitcher Brandie Lander winds up a pitch against a recent opponent.
this deficit to three points with two free throws, and sophomore forward Ria Pateraki cut it to a one-point difference with a jumper. Sophomore guard Toree Mason tied up the game with a free-throw after being fouled. Head coach Beth Jillson stated: “We gave ourselves a chance to win the game, and the girls executed down the stretch. We did a good job with the press to force turnovers, and Toree put us into overtime. I am proud of her for being aggressive at the end and getting to the free-throw line. Defensively, we gave up too many points and some easy baskets.” The Pioneers fell at Abilene Christian 67–50 last night in another LSC game.
this year, the Pioneers have been a bit of a surprise, currently in third place in the Lone Star Conference in overall wins. While retaining many key players, such as Vrazel, Readicker, Garcia, and utility player Lizzy Kelly, the Pioneers have added new key parts to the team. Transfers to the team include: infielder/ outfielder Haley Colwell, pitcher/outfielder Amanda Ruiz and ace pitcher Brandie Lander. Lander has proven to be an integral part of the team, posting a 2.16 ERA over six decisions so far this season. Vrazel has continued to hit well for the Pioneers in 2013, currently sitting at a .460 batting average while stealing 15 bases to give the offense a boost. Catcher/ third baseman Megan Schoenherr is hitting a team high batting average of .500, while Readicker is still hitting the long ball with three home runs at this point in the season. On both sides of the ball, TWU has continually been competitive in games, even when down in contests like the Newman series. Rarely has the team
had a poor outing, losing only to Lubbock Christian and St. Mary’s by a margin of more than five runs. The team has consistently hit well and pitched many complete games by starting pitchers. This may lead to success down the stretch, as pitching out of the bullpen will be fresh and starters won’t be exhausted from having to relieve other pitchers. This would also not be the first time the Pioneers have been in a playoff atmosphere, with many players having taken a trip in years past. Head coach Richie Bruister has led the team to much success in his five seasons with the team, guiding the Pioneers to 142-87 record under his reins. With the team led by a strong head coach in Bruister and many returning cogs in the machine returning with new talented transfers, I foresee the softball team possibly going far this season and into the postseason. Who knows — maybe there is an LSC title in the team’s future?
March 2: Alumni Gameday Amanda Clark Sports Editor
On March 2, TWU’s basketball team will honor past Pioneers through Alumni Day in Kitty Magee Arena. According to a press release, the first event is scheduled for 11 a.m. and is a game between two teams of alumnae. This game will be followed by a picnic and activities for the alumnae and their guests. All alumnae who attend will also receive
a complimentary fun care package. Also on March 2, the Pioneer basketball team will face off in its last game of the season at 2 p.m. against the Cameron Aggies. The alumnae who stay will receive free admission and will be honored during halftime of the game. Basketball alumnae wishing to participate in the weekend’s events and students interested in learning more can visit the TWU Athletic website, twuathletics. com.
Wednesday, Febuary 20, 2013
Boy Scouts trek to redefine moral values
Editorial Cartoon
Aaron Claycomb Editor-in-Chief
Black history: treasure trove of unheralded stories
Maura Teague Designer
If you believe the official narrative of history books and public schools, as dutifully brought to our attention each February, black history ended with the Civil Rights Movement, slept for 50 years and awoke once again, culminating in the election of President Barack Obama, in 2008. This narrative educates the public about the men and women who had the greatest social impact, but fails to communicate the breadth and depth of black contributions to society, many of which have become so commonplace that we take them for granted. The following stories of lesser-known black contributors give us but a glimpse into a fascinating but underexposed part of our history: Dr. Daniel Hale Williams (1838-1931) performed the first successful open heart surgery in 1893. The son of a barber, Williams began his career by apprenticing with surgeon Dr. Henry Palmer, and later completed his training at Chicago Medical College. In an era with few hospitals willing to take black
patients, Williams closed the gap by caring for patients in their homes, even performing surgeries on kitchen tables. His high surgical success rate in unconventional settings came from great medical understanding and an early adoption of sterile techniques introduced by Louis Pasteur and Joseph Lister. He went on to found the nation’s first integrated hospital, — the Provident Hospital and Training School for Nurses in Chicago. Later, as Chief Surgeon of the Freedman’s Hospital in Washington, D.C., he drastically cut mortality rates by improving sanitation and staffing, introducing better surgical procedures and starting a new ambulance service. Williams’ operating theater became a choice destination for surgeons to learn the most innovative techniques. Because the stillsegregated American Medical Association would not accept black doctors, he founded the National Medical Association to help support other professionals in his field.
Jerry Lawson (1940-2011) created the first console video game system to use interchangeable cartridges and play multiple games, the 1976 Fairchild Channel F console, without which we might never have had Atari,
Nintendo or PlayStation. He was also a member of the Homebrew computer club, a 1970s organization of computer hobbyists that included Apple founders Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak.
Believing that education and credentials should not be requirements for democratic participation or social leadership, civil rights organizer and activist Ella Baker (1930-1986) promoted a pure grassroots democracy, in which men and women were equals, and were responsible for driving change independently rather than relying on charismatic figures to lead them. In spite of being amply qualified to lead, Baker practiced what she preached, and did not seek a position as a public face for change. Taken from the novel “Women in the Civil Rights Movement: Trailblazers and Torchbearers,” Baker famously said: “You didn’t see me on television. You didn’t see news stories about me. The kind of role that I tried to play was to pick up pieces or put together pieces out of which I hoped organization might come. My theory is: strong people don’t need strong leaders.” Nevertheless, she worked tirelessly as a recruiter, bringing strength to the Civil Rights Movement,
with her efforts, focused on rallying young and female activists.
Augusta Savage (1892-1962) had a prodigious talent as a sculptor even in childhood, and is recognized for her realistic, sensitive and expressive style. At Cooper Union Art School in New York City, her talent accelerated her advancement through foundation courses. In 1925, she won a scholarship to the Royal Academy of Fine Arts in Rome. Though the expense of travel and living abroad kept her from attending, her own community in Harlem held fundraisers so she could fulfill her dream of studying abroad. She would go on to study at the prestigious Académie de la Grande Chaumière in Paris, France. In Europe, she exhibited in salons and art displays, going on to win several awards and touring France, Belgium and Germany to study the sculptures in cathedrals and museums. Upon her return from Europe, she opened the Savage Studio of Arts and Crafts, providing instruction to anyone who wished to learn to draw, paint or sculpt. In 1934 Savage became the first black artist elected to the National Association of Women Painters and Sculptors.
General Column Fifth in a multi-part series
Marygail’s Marriage Production:
Shop around, save more than just money Marygail Isobel Lakner Opinions Editor
Planning for a wedding is extremely exciting. I’m not the girl who grew up dreaming of a wedding, so it’s a totally new experience for me. Jon was the same way as a child, though there seems to be less pressure for men to dream of their weddings at a young age. Either way, it’s fresh and exhilarating. So exhilarating that the first time I tried on a dress, I just about wanted to buy it on the spot. Thankfully, it was expensive and I couldn’t afford it. Thus ends the story of how I avoided that disaster. I haven’t picked out my dress yet, but I have noticed that ever since I’ve tried on a couple, my tastes have started to (thankfully) run toward the dresses that cost less. Can you imagine the money and time I would have wasted had I
bought that first, expensive dress, only to have the initial excitement wear off and find that it was actually so gaudy even a Drama major wouldn’t want it? Now, that story isn’t a hard and fast rule to live by. The initial thought Jon and I had for our ceremony venue when we got engaged was a place he and I have volunteered at and spent so much of our time at for years: the historic Campus Theatre on W. Hickory St. We had some second thoughts, so we moved on to look at other venues, including Ashton Gardens, Wildwood Inn and Milestone. After searching several places, we’re now right back to where we started: considering the Campus Theatre. We haven’t put any money down, but it’s back at the top of our list at the moment. It’s also easy to dive right in and pick a menu right away. It’s a good thing we
didn’t. As it turns out, we’re both gluten intolerant. Our previous menu would have definitely included dishes with gluten. This is another reason not to pick things right away. You never know what might happen or come up, especially if you have a long time before you’re getting married. A dietary restriction may come about, you may find that you’ve lost or gained a lot of weight, or you may find that you can’t fit the first choice into your budget. There are any number of things that can come up to alter your plans, so be sure to look around. You may even find something that you really love the more you shop. After all, you didn’t decide to marry the first person you had a crush on, did you? Unless you’re me, that is. Jon was my first kiss.
When I was 18, I was awarded the Eagle Scout rank within the Boy Scouts of America, and after hearing about the controversy recently attached to this organization — dating back to 2000 — I felt moved to write about whether the scouts will forge new trails or continue to suffer in this media onslaught, and as a result, where both the organization and its scouts might end their journeys. After just a few weeks of media frenzy across the nation, the BSA now stand in the cannon fire of serious political debate and media controversy regarding the group’s decision to reconsider its ban preventing gay members from joining its ranks. The BSA is receiving backlash from both anti and pro-homosexual groups, each fighting against the other in a decade-long war regarding homosexual rights, leaving the organization, and more importantly, the scouts, in the middle. From age 11, boys enter the scouts to follow leaders, learn to lead and aim to achieve the Eagle Scout rank by their 18th birthdays. Entirely separate from the Girl Scouts — who currently have no membership restrictions on the basis of sexual orientation — this organization teaches young boys how to become responsible citizens as well as how to develop personal fitness, according to the BSA. On Jan. 28, the BSA issued a press release stating that it was reconsidering “removing the national membership restriction regarding sexual orientation” and would pass that decision along to the local scouting units. A few days later, the BSA postponed the vote for the National Annual meeting in May, according to the release. In May 1,400 members of the national council will vote on the national ban. In years past, the BSA has defended its stance against allowing openly gay members’ involvement in the organization, citing that it does not comply with being “morally straight,” a part of the Boy Scout Law. Despite seeming like an easy decision on the basis of equality and diversity, the BSA’s most recent public reconsideration is a long step forward from its previous notions. Although the BSA is within its rights regarding the ban — the Supreme Court said in 2000, according to The New York Times — its constant public appearance in the media for such a politically sensitive topic is tainting this century-old organization, creating divides within its ranks and leaders, along with outside interests taking up sides for or against the organization. This situation is far more than right versus wrong; for the BSA, its decision to reconsider the ban is based on political survival, in addition to what the BSA said was “an outpouring of feedback.” The New York Times also reported that churches sponsor 70 percent of local scouting units across the nation, which would raise a legitimate concern for the BSA. With the BSA’s hiking bootlaces tangled in political knots (its own sponsors,
largely anti-homosexual), I imagine that the deciding forces in the BSA were left clueless as to which direction the century-old organization should trek toward. I can understand the situation. It’s two difficult questions that these leaders were unable to find a definite answer for: how strong are allegiances between the BSA and its supporting religious institutions? And how much does this ban compromise the organization as a whole? These same questions may very well still be unanswered in May for the 1,400 voting members; or maybe these few months were planned to strategize and play politics in order to secure the organization’s success. It’s a precautionary tactic to remain in the good graces of the organization’s supporters, and the BSA is warranted in its comprise. Unit sponsors would be provided the ability to decide their unit’s own member restrictions — depending on the votes outcome — including on the basis of sexual orientation. But still, the question stands: is this enough to keep these two parties satisfied and cooperating? If only a third of these church sponsors decided to disassociate with the BSA and cut ties, both homosexual and heterosexual scouts would be left without a troop. The BSA’s prime concern is to teach boys to become responsible citizens; its concern should have nothing to do with sexual orientation. But clearly, these outside groups have their own agendas, one of which advocates for a BSA cleansed of homosexuals. Sadly, this leaves the BSA stuck in the middle. Eagle Scout and active member of the BSA Clinton McBride has worked at seven Boy Scout summer camps and isn’t sure where this issue will leave the scouts. Gay members are already an active part of Boy Scouts, he said, but “they just don’t talk about it.” McBride added that “even working at camps, you run across members of staff who are gay,” and to him and others at the camp “it doesn’t matter.” Despite what already appears to be turning a blind eye to enforcing its own rules, the BSA nonetheless stands firm on its public decision. To follow McBride’s sentiments regarding the organization’s survival, May will determine where allegiances align within this organization and dictate the outcome of its political future. The BSA voters are tasked with a hefty decision in just a few months, and sadly, its decision to postpone the vote only weakens this national organization’s image. As for the BSA’s future, that depends on its political prowess, members’ stance on the stated issue and voters. The BSA’s compromise of giving scouting units the ability to chose membership rules for themselves will still create many public relations nightmares for the organization in the future — regardless of the vote’s outcome. This middle ground compromise may or may not lessen the dissention within its ranks and please its political alliances and sponsoring groups. However, where the scouts venture next will be determined in May.
Wednesday, Febuary 20, 2013
Best picture predictions
Which film will win the golden statue and which films have a chance at pulling an Academy Award?
Stanton Brasher A&E Editor
— “Amour” is a tale of a married French couple at the end of their lives. With debilitating physical and mental health, the couple strives to come to terms with their lives, their love and each other. The Academy loves French cinema, but not enough to give the top prize away. Only three foreign films have won the Oscar for Best Picture: “The Godfather Part II,” “The Last Emperor” and “Slumdog Millionaire.” “Amour” will nail the Foreign Language category, but that will be the consolation prize for losing in this category.
glorified the type of violence taken to track down Osama Bin Laden. The film works on many levels, but I, too, was disturbed by the waterboarding. I think too many voters were bothered by it to cast in favor of “Zero.”
Django Unchained
— Quentin Tarantino brought us a disturbing, exploitative view of Southern slavery in America. It ruffled a lot of feathers from the humanbird hybrid community. For people who were able to look past the pretext and enjoy an over-the-top, vengeful actioner, this film achieved greatness for the auteur. The Oscars have been good to QT, but this will not be his year for Best Picture.
Life of Pi — This film
should win best picture. Ang Li has created the most beautiful celluloid world since “Avatar.” Only this film has an actual story. I saw it over the Thanksgiving holiday at a late night showing, and I can proudly say that I did not nod off once. I did, however, feel something very real just from watching this. Out of all the nominees this year, “Pi” was able to make me feel like a child with a nurtured sense of wonder.
Zero Dark Thirty — Katherine Bigelow made the other controversial film in this year’s list. A tale of torture and bureaucracy, a lot of critics felt this film
Soft materials choose the hard way
— This will be Spielberg’s year … again. He is always a favorite among voters, and this story of our 16th president is one of his best in years. I have to admit, I loved this film greatly, and even though “Life of Pi” is my personal pick, I would be more than happy for “Lincoln” to win as well.
watching this film. In a lesser year, it would have gotten my vote. The computergenerated imagery wave, the performances and the story of undying, unconditional family love make this film. The action and the danger
“Playbook” had some truly great moments. I laughed. I cried. I fell in love with Jennifer Lawrence (who has yet to return any of my calls). It is an original story, and the performances are fantastic. Some of the
— Ben Affleck’s greatest film achievement has garnered a lot of support from Hollywood. This movie is a true comeback tale and one that has earned him a lot of new support from voters. I don’t think this historical drama will be the one that wins the top prize, but there definitely could be an upset.
choices David O. Russell made as a writer were weird to me (it takes more than a five-minute conversation to redirect someone’s obsessivecompulsive disorder), but the movie is thoroughly entertaining. This movie could pull an upset, but my money is elsewhere.
Beasts of The Impossible t h e Southern — I have three children S i l ve r L i n i n g s and really understood the Wild — This postterm “gut-wrenching” while Playbook — apocalyptic look at New
Orleans has turned a lot of heads this year. While I found the film to be mediocre, I recognized the achievement in indie filmmaking. “Beasts” will get a lot of votes, but not enough to pull an upset.
Materials in Art: Hard and Soft
Photo Essay by Jeni Berry
“Batman Thwarts Robbers” by Angela Edwards
are a far, far second.
Shannon Quick Managing Editor
Art. Is it hard? Is it soft? What if it is both? To three current TWU students and one alumna, art is both hard and soft, as evidenced by their contributions to the 26th Annual Materials: Hard & Soft National Contemporary Craft Competition and Exhibition on display at the Meadows Gallery in The Center For The Visual Arts in Denton. The competition, which is in its 26th year, accepts art from around the nation and relies on a nationally recognized juror to decide the winners. According to a statement issued by Margaret Chalfant, Executive Director: “568 entries were submitted by 207 artists from 37 states and the District of Columbia.” Out of the 568 submissions, 71 pieces were chosen for display in an outstanding show, Chalfant stated. Worked in mud, wood, acrylic paint and glitter, John Hutson’s “Muertos” is definitely influenced by his time in Taos, N.M. In an email interview, he explained: “‘Muertos’ was
“Muertos” by John Hatson
inspired by the Mexican holiday to honor the dead called “Dia de los Muertos.” Hutson is enjoying the recognition in a national show and reminded budding artists to “never give up, and don’t be afraid to get your work out there. Keep after it and good things will happen.” Earthenware and glaze are used by Elizabeth H. HeadFischer to create her piece, “Mono-Form Series 2.” HeadFisher looks to the complex relationships between patterns and textures to create art and uses this relationship to crate organic patterns which, she stated, “stimulates her imagination.” Shervin Haei uses her Iranian culture to blend the traditional past and the contemporary present. Haei said she finds it challenging to blend the two separate lives, but that is not evident in her art. She manages to respect and reflect who she is through the use of colored clay, stencils and iron oxide. Her piece, “General Electric,” sheds light on her heritage and contemporary lifestyle. The last submission came
from TWU alumna Angela Edwards. Edwards said she found her inspiration in a “marriage of three things: Greek art, nerd culture and mythology.” Her inspiration is clear in terracotta and decals as “Batman Thwarts Robbers” blends all three of her passions in a stunning Greek style. Edwards explained she loves to create art that “makes people smile, giggle or say, ‘Wow, I can’t believe someone actually did that.’” All of the pieces mentioned in the article are for sale through the gallery. “Muertos” $225; “Mono-Form Series 2” $700; “General Electric” $700 and “Batman Thwarts Robbers” $5,000. For more information on the art show or the artists, readers can go to The Denton Arts Council Web site at: http://www.dentonarts. com/subsite2/materialshands. html John Hutson’s web site at: http://www.johnhutsonart. com/, and the TWU Visual Arts department web site at: http://
The entrance to the Materials Hard and Soft exhibit at the Greater Denton Arts Council. The exhibit runs through April 5.
UNT Drama
UNT Drama
UNT Drama
UNT Drama
“ W E L L”
“ W E L L”
“ W E L L”
“ W E L L”
8 p.m. at
4 p.m. at
8 p.m. at
8 p.m. at
the Redbud
the Redbud
the Redbud
the Redbud
T h e a t e r.
T h e a t e r.
T h e a t e r.
T h e a t e r.
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