WHO’S WHO OF TWU Q: Do you plan on voting in the 2016 presidential election?
James Lim
Junior Nursing Plano, TX
“I do plan on voting. I actually just registered last week. I think it’s important, you know. We’re blessed to be in this country, we’re blessed to be able to vote. I think my vote does count. I think it does matter, so I’d like to exercise my right.”
Semra Zamurad
Sophomore Psychology Frisco, TX
“No, just because there are no really good choices this time around, and I don’t want to be responsible for Armageddon.”
Jessica Frayre
Sophomore Biology Ponder, TX
“Yes. It’s mandatory in my family to [vote], so that’s why.”
Lillian Barnes
First-year Fashion Merchandising and Mgmt. Dallas, TX
“No, I don’t think. [I] would change my mind if I was kind of more into politics because…it’s never really peaked my interest.”
Briana Duirden
Sophomore Nursing Killeen, TX
“Yes, because I want someone who’s actually going to be for the people, instead of someone who just wants to shoo everyone away.”