2017 Report of Giving

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REPORT OF GIVING FOR which highlights the generous support of Lawrenceville alumni, parents and friends during the 2016-2017 fiscal year. The Alumni and Development Office has elected to eliminate paper publications as much as possible in an effort to help Big Red go green, particularly for communications routinely sent to all constituents – a number that approaches 15,000. This report has been formatted to enable viewing on a smartphone or tablet. If you have questions, comments or ideas to share, or to request a print copy, please email the editor at: bhorn@lawrenceville.org And as always, thank you for your exceptional support. For more information: Mary Kate Barnes H’59 ’77 P’11 ’13 ’19 Assistant Head Master and Director of Advancement mbarnes@lawrenceville.org Erin Graham Director of Capital Programs egraham@lawrenceville.org John E. Gore, Jr. H’61 ’64 Director of Alumni Relations and The Lawrenceville Fund jgore@lawrenceville.org


We are pleased to present this electronic Report of Giving,

From the Head Master................................................................................... 4 Reflections on Giving..................................................................................... 6 Funding Excellence........................................................................................ 8 Lawrenceville Receives Its Largest Gift Ever................................................... 10 Mastering the Strategic Plan.......................................................................... 12 Farewell, Mr. Brooks ... Hello, Mr Hammond................................................... 16 Strategic Staffing = Changes at the Top......................................................... 18 125 Seasons of Football “in da House” ......................................................... 20 International Recognition for Advancement.................................................... 22 Corrente Walk Transforms the Crescent.......................................................... 23 Anticipating Abbott, Rebuilding the Bowl, Cooling the Crescent ... and Woods Mem Steps Up............................................................................. 24 Faculty Focus: Master Awards, Coach Kane Celebrates Silver......................... 26 The Lawrenceville Fund................................................................................. 28 • Gifts by Class .......................................................................... 30 • The Lawrenceville Fund Prizes................................................. 32 • ’67 Leads the Way, ’87 Follows, ’17 Starts Strong.................... 33 • Big Red Giving Day.................................................................. 34 • Class Agents............................................................................ 36 • Thank You to Our Alumni Volunteers......................................... 38 • The Lawrenceville Parents Fund............................................... 39 • A Message from the Parents Fund Co-Chairs........................... 40

• Parents Fund Volunteers.......................................................... 41

Alumni and Parent Events in 2016-2017........................................................ 42 50th Reunion: Celebrating the Class of 1967 ................................................. 46 25th Reunion: The Class of 1992 Rings in a New Tradition ............................ 48 Planned Giving • Planned Gifts Received and New Planned Gifts........................ 50 • Planned Giving Chairs.............................................................. 51 Our Donors

• Major Gifts............................................................................... 53 • Gifts from Alumni..................................................................... 54 • Gifts from Parents.................................................................... 82 • Gifts from Friends of the School............................................... 91 • Corporate and Foundation Gifts................................................ 94 • New Endowed Funds............................................................... 96 • John Cleve Green Society Members......................................... 97

Board of Trustees 2016-2017........................................................................ 102

• Trustees Emeriti....................................................................... 102

• Lawrenceville Welcomes New Trustees ................................... 104 • Trustee Tribute ........................................................................ 106

Development Committee ............................................................................... 108 Major Gifts Committee................................................................................... 108 Asia Council................................................................................................... 108



HEAD MASTER While I would like to think that every action taken last year in the service of “Lawrenceville 20/20,” the strategic plan we introduced in fall 2016, was equally important, I am enough of a realist to know better. What did become apparent – and even more so as we digested the events of this past summer – was the enduring rightness and timely wisdom of the new mission statement we adopted last fall following months of thoughtful discourse: “Through House and Harkness, Lawrenceville challenges a diverse community of promising young people to lead lives of learning, integrity, and high purpose. Our mission is to inspire the best in each to seek the best for all.” My own thinking about Lawrenceville’s future was influenced by this mission even before it was articulated, based on hundreds of conversations I’d had with alumni, parents, faculty, staff and students. The strategic priorities laid out in “Lawrenceville 20/20,” and in the campus master plan to complement our endeavors, reflect the ideals expressed so succinctly yet so eloquently in these two sentences. Our vision for the future and the capital projects to deliver on that vision – building community with a new field house and dining center, “pedestrianizing” our central campus and wrapping it in an environmentally-conscious ring – are grounded in our core beliefs and enduring purpose.

Why continue to improve our campus? Why build a field house that draws us together as a community? Because what we do here is important. Because the lessons we teach here, the values our students take from what they learn in and out of class, will shape the future of our nation and our world. Because what we do here matters. In his poem “Mending Wall,” first published in 1914, at the halfway point in Lawrenceville’s nearly 208-year history, Robert Frost slyly addresses the broader significance of a mundane pile of rocks. His protagonists, neighboring New England farmers, are rebuilding the stone wall that runs along their shared property line. “Good fences make good neighbors,” says one – a line you may have heard more than once. The other, acting as narrator, speculates,

“Why do they make good neighbors? … Before I built a wall I’d ask to know What I was walling in or walling out, And to whom I was like to give offense.” Lawrentians arrived on campus this fall holding passports from 39 countries. We have a roughly equal number of boys and girls, and the rich diversity of our student body reflects a national demographic that classifies nearly half of all school-age children as people of color. But for much of our history, we were not a school that opened its doors widely or embraced difference consistently. We lived behind a wall of our own making. It was only 30 years ago that the first girls arrived, and only 53 years since two black students helped us tear down the racial barrier. Lawrenceville has flourished in the decades since – and continues to grow stronger. If we wish our students to live a life of integrity and high purpose, as our mission states, if we seek to bring out the best in each and expect each to seek the best for all, it is incumbent on us to create an environment in which trust and kinship thrive – across boundaries,

in the absence of walls. There is a place for fences in the world, and sometimes clear boundaries help people live side-by-side as good neighbors, but we must teach our students to carefully consider what they are walling in or walling out. And so creating a community where each individual is respected, included, and feels an obligation to the greater good is vitally important: Because if they see it work here, our students will believe it is worth going out into the world to try to make it work there. And that’s an enduring purpose, a higher purpose, that’s worth believing in, worth investing in, and worthy of our support. Thank you for your investment in our School and our students. Warmly,

Stephen S. Murray H’55 ’65 ’16 P’16 ’21 The Shelby Cullom Davis ’26 Head Master


Reflections on

GIVING To call 2016-2017 a banner year for Lawrenceville fundraising would be vastly understating

our success and our gratitude for your support. The extraordinary generosity of our alumni,

parents and friends, including the largest gift in Lawrenceville’s 207-year history, contributed a total of $130.4 million in new gifts and pledges to benefit our students, their teachers, and the mission of this remarkable school. Lawrenceville continues to produce leaders in all facets of society because of your support. At the beginning of the summer we were excited to share the news of an historic gift from Joe Tsai ’82 and his wife, Clara, through the Joe and Clara Tsai Foundation. Inspired by the strategic plan introduced last fall by Head Master Steve Murray H’55 ’65 ’16 P’16 ’21, “Lawrenceville 20/20,” Joe and Clara’s gift signified a major vote of confidence in the plan and its priorities. In addition to providing the lead gift for construction of a new field house and dining complex, the Tsais directed the remainder of their gift to unrestricted endowment, helping to advance our goals for long-term financial sustainability. Several alumni and parent donors have already stepped forward to join Joe and Clara with significant gifts to the field house/dining complex, and we are in discussions with other key supporters.

Perhaps because so many of you had a voice in the development of Steve’s strategic plan for Lawrenceville’s future, we have seen tremendous initial support for many of the plan’s initiatives. We are moving ahead with the design of a comprehensive maker space in the Gruss Center of Visual Arts, and we are expanding experiential learning opportunities across multiple disciplines. At the same time, we were able to accelerate a program to bring the retirement benefit for nonexempt staff in line with the benefit we provide to faculty and administrators. Fundraising in support of the strategic plan continues, as we seek to introduce programming in entrepreneurship, expand professional development opportunities for faculty and staff, build additional faculty housing, fulfill our aspirations for a dedicated Alumni Center on campus, and grow our endowment. Last year also saw the culmination and beginning of vitally important capital projects. The new Kirby Math and Science Center opened last fall to great fanfare from both students and faculty, followed soon after by the adjacent Flagpole Green and the impressively refurbished tennis courts. The renovation of Abbott Dining Hall continued throughout the year, and the result promises to be spectacular. In the spring we dedicated Corrente Walk, which transformed the Crescent by replacing the Crescent Road with a landscaped pedestrian path, and as soon as School ended, we began the deconstruction and reconstruction of the Bowl, with completion scheduled in time for this year’s graduation. Every one of these projects owes it success to overwhelming support from Lawrenceville parents and alumni. Your support of annual giving was similarly outstanding. The Lawrenceville Fund/Lawrenceville Parents Fund raised $6,228,327, easily exceeding its $6 million goal. We rely on the Fund for 10-12% of our annual operating budget, making it a critical piece in our fundraising efforts. In 2016-2017, 3,390 (35%) alumni gave $4,269,045, and 651 (54%) current and past parents and grandparents made gifts totaling $1,910,619. Friends of the School added $48,663. Once again, our 50th Reunion class, this year the Class of 1967, led the way with $296,666 in gifts to the annual fund from 56% of the class. Not far behind was the Class of 1987, celebrating its 30th Reunion, with gifts totaling $255,660 from 51% of its members. Of course, as always, none of this happens without countless hours of effort by our dedicated alumni and parent volunteers. I know I speak for our entire community in thanking the co-chairs of The Lawrenceville Fund, John Wellemeyer ’55 P’18, Greg Melconian ’87, Fritz Thomas ’83 P’18 ’19, Cahill Zoeller ’00 and Ray Strecker ’00, and the Parents Fund

co-chairs, Erin Enright P’13 ’16 ’18, Danielle Bentsen Sieler P’17 ’20 ’21, and John Wellemeyer (again), for their extraordinary efforts and exceptional results. Special thanks go to our 50th Reunion Committee for the Class of 1967: Fred Ball P’05 ’07, Tom Carroll, Hugh Cregg, Bill Ehret P’94 ’98, Joe Fitzgerald P’99 ’03, Paul Fitzgerald P’03, Tom Gallagher P’07 ’12, Allan Mayer, Ernesto Mejer P’04 ’10, Burk Murchison P’94, Rolf Reinalda, Alex Swistel P’12, Spencer Tandy, Tom Urban, Tim Wade, Will Wauters P’01, and Ned Weihman. Our volunteers are supported in their efforts by a stellar team in the Alumni and Development Office, consisting of fundraisers, other advancement professionals, and administrative personnel. We were very fortunate to add alumnus Scott Aland ’07 to our ranks late in the year to help us expand our programming and fundraising activities for young alumni, and we look forward to working with Caroline Kelly, who joins us from Princeton University, as Assistant Director of Alumni Programming and Donor Engagement. We also welcome David Bernhardt, who brings 20 years of alumni and development experience to the position of Major Gifts Officer, and Devon Richardson, whose expertise in event planning and management is sure to serve us well in her role as Director of Advancement Events. Sadly, we said goodbye at year-end to two members of our office family who left to pursue other opportunities – Heather Moore P’16 after 13 years, who as Director of Advancement Events coordinated more than 100 events for us each year, and Alyssa Totoro, a 20-year veteran of our office who filled a variety of roles during her tenure, most recently as Director of Information Management with responsibility for managing our alumni and parent database. We hope you will view this Report of Giving as more than an annual update of events and activities at Lawrenceville. We hope you will take advantage of the insights it offers into the people and places that make our School truly exceptional – from our alumni and parent donors to our students, faculty and staff; from the buildings and landscapes that inspire excellence to the generosity that makes even the most challenging goals achievable. And we hope you know how grateful we are for your continuing support. With sincere appreciation,

Mary Kate Barnes H’59 ’77 P’11 ’13 ’19 Assistant Head Master Director of Advancement


FUNDING EXCELLENCE What does it take to run Lawrenceville and where does the money come from? We’ll be distributing a more detailed financial report with audited figures later in the fiscal year, but here’s a quick look at our revenues and expenses for fiscal 2016-2017. (Preliminary and unaudited summary of financial results for fiscal year ended June 30, 2017) Revenue Type


Tuition & Fees



Endowment Draw



The Lawrenceville Fund $


Unrestricted Gifts



Other Revenue



Total Revenue

$ 64,316,000

54% 27% 9% 1% 9%


Expense Type Non-Operating

Amount $


Summer/Other Programs $








Food & Related



Employee Benefits

$ 12,133,000

Information Technology



Admission/Development $


Energy & Utilities






Physical & Plant Repairs



Student Support



Academic Instruction & Administration



Total Expenses

$ 62,567,000

4% 4% 4%

1% 3% 19% 3% 7% 3% 9% 17% 7% 19%



Lawrenceville Receives Its

Largest Gift Ever On June 22, Lawrenceville announced that it had received the largest single gift in the School’s 207-year history. The gift from Joe Tsai, Class of 1982 and executive vice chairman of global e-commerce company Alibaba Group, and his wife Clara, through the Joe & Clara Tsai Foundation, is a powerful endorsement of the School’s Strategic Plan, A Vision for the Future: Lawrenceville 20/20.

In expressing his gratitude to the Tsais, Head Master Steve Murray H’55 ’65 ’16 P’16 ’21 said, “This offers us an opportunity to accelerate implementation of key elements of our Strategic Plan and brings us that much closer to achieving some critically important, far-reaching initiatives.” In addition to supporting long-term financial sustainability through endowment, the gift will provide the lead funding for the field house/dining complex. Lawrenceville 20/20 envisions a new, world-class athletic center with an exceptional, new dining facility as a way to further promote and strengthen community. The School hopes to break ground on the project within two years and a part of the Tsai gift will support the planning and construction of the new facilities. The site for the new complex has not yet been determined; however, Steve has said that having it “centrally located” on campus is a priority. “Far more than simply meeting a pressing facilities need, this gift allows us to give every member of the community multiple reasons to convene – to forge friendships when breaking bread together, to elevate School spirit and pride when supporting our teams, and to reinforce the social fabric of the School through teamwork, healthy competition, and a sense of togetherness in all that we do.” Following the June announcement, the School received several seven-figure commitments from alumni and parent donors to continue to move the field house project forward. With this measure of assurance, Steve and the Board of Trustees reached out to five blue-chip architectural firms with extensive experience in designing recreational and dining facilities for independent secondary and/or

higher educational institutions. Proposals were presented to the School administration and the Board in late August, and following the Board meetings in October, it was announced that ARC/Cambridge would be leading the design of the new facility. “While Joe and Clara’s gift allowed us to proceed with confidence,” Steve added, “it marks the beginning rather than the culmination of this project and other aspirational objectives and endeavors. The new field house complex is an ambitious undertaking, and along with the other initiatives contained in Lawrenceville 20/20, it will require community-wide participation and support.” The School has already begun to lay the groundwork for a major capital campaign to launch within the next several years. The field house complex will be a centerpiece of the campaign, along with fundraising for both restricted and unrestricted endowments.


Last fall, as he unveiled his strategic plan for Lawrenceville’s future, “Lawrenceville 20/20,” Head Master Steve Murray H’55 ’65 ’16 P’16 ’21 emphasized the integration of the strategic plan with a comprehensive master plan for the Lawrenceville campus. “Lawrenceville 20/20” outlined four strategic priorities to be addressed in the run-up to 2020 and beyond:

1) Celebrate and Reinforce Community; 2) Energize Academic Culture; 3) Further Promote the Professional Community; and 4) Strengthen Our Financial Foundations.



Sasaki Associates, the firm charged with developing a campus master plan, was tasked with studying the human ecosystem and physical infrastructure of the campus, to include analyzing traffic patterns, how we manage our green spaces and ecological assets, and how we use our buildings. Progress on both the strategic and master planning fronts has been steady. Following is a summary of what was accomplished during 2016-2017 under the banner of each strategic priority and the master plan. Celebrate and Reinforce Community Potential initiatives under this priority included the design and construction of an “architecturally compelling field house” that would “dynamically draw the community together” and reinforce Lawrenceville’s commitment to School spirit and tradition; an approach to II-IV Form dining that would build community through mealtimes; addressing the “grinding pace of life” to create new opportunities for student engagement and a more measured existence for faculty; and recruiting more faculty of color to support an increasingly diverse student population. Progress thus far: • A major gift from Joe Tsai ’82 and his wife, Clara, plus additional generous gifts from alumni and parent donors, have provided significant funding toward the construction of a new field house and dining complex. ARC/Architectural Resources Cambridge has been hired to develop a design for the new facility. • A Task Force on Pace and Quality of Life, chaired by Assistant Head Master and Dean of Faculty Chris Cunningham P’14 ’18, has spent the last year studying the issue, examining the varying demands on housemasters, coaches, and faculty in

different disciplines; gathering information on the expectations, anxieties and concerns of students; and considering both the positive and negative impacts of technology. • Twenty percent of new faculty hires for fall 2017 are persons of color.

Energize Academic Culture With the goal of extending the spirit of inquiry fostered around the Harkness table and expanding opportunities for problem-solving and creative exploration, the plan proposed greater exposure to experiential education through initiatives that would expand existing real-world research programs to additional academic disciplines; create a design center and makerspace in the Gruss Center of Visual Arts; deepen our commitments to the School Camp and Big Red Farm; and establish a School-wide entrepreneurship program. Progress thus far: • Science Master John Hughes assumed the mantle of Director of Experiential Education on the Aldo Leopold Chair in Environmental Sustainability. • The Hutchins Scholars Program for advanced scientific research expanded to include a program in collaboration with the Royal Botanic Gardens in Edinburgh, Scotland. • A new experiential option, the Leopold Scholars, was introduced to sponsor real-world research in environmental studies. • A new course, “Projects in Engineering,” debuted in the spring.

STRATEGY • Faculty are currently serving on steering committees/task forces for critical projects and priorities, including the field house/dining complex, makerspace, and pace of life.

Strengthen our Financial Foundations • Faculty submitted proposals for academic courses with a significant experiential component, including “Experiment in Living: The Shakers,” “The Canoe: Form, Function, Geography and Culture,” and a course that will combine creative writing with virtual reality to teach the ins and outs of storytelling, literary criticism, and character education. • Plans are in development to expand the Gruss Center of Visual Arts to accommodate a creative design center and maker space. • The scope of the Big Red Farm is growing under the direction of Science Master Steve Laubach, who holds a Ph.D. in the teaching of environmental studies, with new hands-on opportunities for students.

With the goal of achieving long-term financial sustainability in the face of potential economic storms, the plan proposed these initiatives: reduce the pace of tuition growth by increasing endowment; continue to grow the Unrestricted Reserve; complete the planned renovations of our capital assets, i.e. the field house, II-IV Form dining, and the aging facilities complex; invest in faculty housing to decrease the reliance on off-campus rentals; attach fundraising for maintenance endowments to new construction projects; increase the School’s retirement contribution for non-exempt staff to equal the contribution for faculty; and create a transition fund that would allow us to apply the annual fund to the following year as a hedge against economic volatility.

• Development of a basic framework for an entrepreneurship program is underway.

Further Promote the Professional Community Recognizing the overwhelming influence of faculty and staff on the quality of the student experience, the plan proposed the following initiatives under this heading: revamp the employee evaluation system with clear performance standards; develop a plan for professional growth supported by professional development funds; further empower faculty through committee representation; utilize surveys, including Gallup Q12 polling, to better understand professional life at Lawrenceville, make improvements, and measure employee engagement over time; and implement a standards-based management framework with 360-degree feedback mechanism. Progress thus far: • Steve Murray has led the distribution of several employee surveys seeking feedback on the overall faculty and staff experience, introducing the Gallup Q12 module to measure and track employee engagement over time. The Gallup Q12 survey will be administered yearly to gauge the progressive impact of employee programs. • Murray also served as the beta test for 360-degree feedback through a “Head Master 360” survey of all employees, sharing the results with the Board in May and with faculty at their end-of-year meetings. • Human Resources held seminar sessions for all supervisors to introduce a new employee evaluation system with specific assessment criteria.

Progress thus far: • Significant funds have been raised toward the construction of a new field house/dining complex. • Gifts to endowment and unrestricted reserve since the plan’s inception total more than $41 million. • As of July 1, 2017, the School’s retirement contribution for nonexempt employees rose from 5% to 12.5%, a full year ahead of the anticipated effective date.





Mr. Brooks... HELLO

Mr. Hammond

After 11 years as Lawrenceville’s Chief Financial Officer (CFO) and a decade doubling as Chief Operating Officer (COO), Wes Brooks ’71 H’09 P’03 ’05 retired from those roles this past spring, leaving a legacy of achievement and growth that will carry Lawrenceville well into the future. Committed to innovating the School’s facilities to keep them ahead of the educational curve, Brooks oversaw the maintenance and care of Lawrenceville’s 120 buildings and 700 acres. Perhaps most significantly, his tenure included the re-opening and renovation of the Head Master’s residence, Foundation House, as well as the reimagining of the Bath House into a new café and campus center, sitting at the junction of the Circle and Crescent.

Under his watch, the addition of the math wing to the F. M. Kirby Math & Science Center brought innovative architecture and room for new flexible classrooms to this dynamic building, and a fifth Crescent House, Carter House, fulfilled the promise of full coeducation. The top-to-bottom renovation of Pop Hall preserved its storied past while creating new, light-filled spaces in its former basement and a park-like plaza where it faces Woods Memorial Hall. Most recently, Brooks also oversaw the temporary closing of Abbott Dining Hall, which will soon reopen to the Fifth Form with an interior that celebrates School history, student achievement and campus character. Brooks joined The Lawrenceville School in 2006 after three decades with JPMorgan & Company and assignments in New York, Hong Kong, Australia and Washington, D.C. A member of Lawrenceville’s Class of 1971 and a 1975 graduate of Middlebury College, Brooks served on Lawrenceville’s Alumni Executive Committee for three years and as class agent, president of the Lawrenceville Club of D.C. and Alumni Selector. He and his wife, Kate, are the parents of three children, including two Lawrentians, Charlie ’03 and Sarah ’05. He also is the recipient of the National Business Officers Association 2012 Will J. Hancock Unsung Hero Award. With Brooks’ retirement came the arrival of Ben Hammond as CFO. Hammond most recently served as Vice President for Finance and Administration and Treasurer at Wellesley College, preceded by a similar role at Mount Holyoke College. He previously served as a senior administrator in various roles at Princeton University, including as Executive Director of Finance and Administrative Services for the Facilities division. He is a graduate of

the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School, where he earned an M.B.A., and Harvard College, where he earned a bachelor’s degree in history and literature, magna cum laude. As Lawrenceville’s CFO, Hammond will have primary responsibility for the School’s financial management, endowment operations, risk management, legal affairs, auxiliary business management and development, and town-gown relations. He will also be an officer of the School, serving as Secretary to Lawrenceville’s Board of Trustees and as the administration’s liaison to the Board’s Finance, Investment, Legal, Trustees, and Audit and Risk committees. “Ben displays real intellectual depth, having both a humanities and finance background, and he has had a significant tenure understanding and managing the financial model of private educational institutions,” said Lawrenceville Head Master Steve Murray H’55 ’65 ’16 P’16 ’21. “He has had specific experience in a broad array of areas, including strengthening financial sustainability and transparency, re-affirming a commitment to need-blind financial aid, building strong relations with faculty, and improving operations and service.” “Joining Lawrenceville as its next CFO is a dream job for me,” said Hammond. “The School’s mission and intentional approach to education – through House and Harkness – have never been more fundamental. I grew up on the campus of a peer institution (Phillips Exeter Academy), and Harkness teaching has had a profound influence on me. The Lawrenceville School is remarkable and everyone has been so welcoming. My family and I are delighted to be joining the community.”


Strategic Staffing=

Changes at the Top Lawrenceville’s strategic plan, “Lawrenceville 20/20,” adopted last fall, presents a series of strategic initiatives under the broader headings of “Celebrate and Reinforce Community,” “Energize Academic Culture,” “Further Promote the Professional Community,” and “Strengthen Our Financial Foundations.” With these objectives in mind, Head Master Steve Murray H’55 ’65 ’16 P’16 ’21 has made a number of strategic staffing decisions to support the plan’s implementation. Shortly before the end of the 2016-2017 school year, he announced several new administrative appointments that relate directly to major priorities outlined in the plan. Mary Kate Barnes H’59 ’77 P’11 ’13 ’19, the School’s Director of Advancement, and Chris Cunningham P’14 ’18, Dean of Faculty, have each taken on the additional role of Assistant Head Master. History Masters Alison Easterling P’20 and Emilie Kosoff H’96 ’00 P’19 will assume two new School positions, Assistant Dean of Faculty and Assistant Dean of Students, respectively. Both Easterling and Kosoff will continue to teach and coach. Earlier in the year, Pete DeVine joined Lawrenceville’s Senior Staff as Chief Operations Officer, and in June 2017, Ben Hammond succeeded Wes Brooks ’71 H’09 P’03 ’05 as Chief Financial Officer upon Brooks’s retirement. Prior to DeVine’s appointment, the operations and finance functions had been combined. Separating them was a strategic move in anticipation of capital projects and financial initiatives associated with Lawrenceville 20/20, including the construction of a new field house and dining center complex. With these changes and additions, Murray has created a ranking administrator in four major areas of School administration: Finance (Ben Hammond), Operations (Pete DeVine), Academics (Chris Cunningham) and Advancement (Mary Kate Barnes). Barnes will offer her leadership and expertise as the School prepares for an historic capital campaign. She came to Lawrenceville as a capital gifts officer in August 1991 and was promoted to Director of Alumni and Development in 1997. Under her direction, the Alumni and Development team has raised well north of $700 million for projects including endowment funds, such as financial aid, teaching chairs, faculty support and international travel; capital projects, such as the Al-Rashid Health and Wellness Center, Carter House, the Getz Turf Field Complex, and House restorations; and the renovations of Pop Hall, Foundation House, the Bath House, F. M. Kirby Math and Science Center, and Abbott Dining Center. Her team also oversees The

Lawrenceville Fund, Lawrenceville’s annual giving program, which brings in more than $6 million each year to support the operating budget. In addition to her work at Lawrenceville, Barnes serves as Vice Chair on the Cape Eleuthera Foundation Board of Trustees. Cunningham, who joined the School in 2003 as an English Master, will assist Murray as the School addresses strategic initiatives on professional growth and evaluation and pace and quality of life. Named Dean of Faculty in 2012, Cunningham had served as Acting Chair of the English Department, Chair of the Discipline Committee, and Housemaster of McPherson. His efforts as head coach of the Big Red girls’ varsity cross country team earned him Coach of the Year awards from the The Times of Trenton, Trentonian, and Star-Ledger newspapers in 2011. Under Chris’ leadership as Dean of Faculty, the School has expanded its commitment to Harkness teaching and learning, faculty evaluation and feedback, and hiring a diverse, triple-threat faculty body. A widely published poet and literary critic, Cunningham holds an A.B.in modern thought and literature, Phi Beta Kappa, from Stanford University and Ph.D. in literature from Duke University. Easterling will work closely with Cunningham on faculty recruitment and support, feedback, and evaluation, and will seek to further faculty and campus community. She most recently served as Chair of the History Department, was the Stanley Assistant Housemaster for three years and the McPherson Housemaster for six years, and has been assistant coach for both girls’ cross country and track since 2005. Kosoff will collaborate with Dean of Students Blake Eldridge ’96 H’12 on a range of student and residential issues, including the disciplinary

system, residential curriculum, and student activities and leadership, and will work with the faculty to ensure that all students receive appropriate support and recognition. She served as History Department Chair from 2008-12 and most recently was the Crescent Level Director. Former Housemaster of McClellan and Davidson Houses, Kosoff is assistant coach of varsity girls’ lacrosse. Both Easterling and Kosoff have served on a number of Lawrenceville strategic planning committees: for Easterling, academics, athletics and employee benefits; for Kosoff, sustaining excellence, ethics, and the School mission statement. Pete DeVine came to Lawrenceville from the University School in Shaker Heights and Hunting Valley, Ohio, where he was Director of Plant Services. In that position, he had charge of all facilities operations and construction projects for a 230-acre, two-campus school of 875 students, including oversight of a three-phase, $43 million construction and renovation project. In addition, he served simultaneously as Director of Information Technology and Academic Computing, a role that resulted from his success at leading a complete rebuild of the school’s full array of servers. He also coached seventh grade basketball, finishing his final year with a perfect record and the league championship. (See separate article welcoming Ben Hammond in the position of Chief Financial Officer.) “With our leadership team in place, we are in excellent shape to move forward,” commented Murray.


125 Seasons “in da House” Dating back to 1892, Lawrenceville’s House Football League is the oldest active football league in the United States. It has spawned historic campus rivalries – the Crutch Game between Kennedy and Hamill, Woodhull and Griswold’s battle for the Muffler, and the contest for Pride of the Circle that pits Cleve against Dickinson – and it has been featured on ESPN. It even figured prominently in The Happy Years, a major Hollywood film based on the Lawrenceville Stories of Owen Johnson, Class of 1895. Lawrenceville celebrated 125 seasons of House Football last fall with a video tribute to this uniquely Lawrenceville tradition; a virtual event that was live-streamed around the world; commemorative jerseys for the 2016 House teams; and a series of receptions during Parents Weekend. For the ultimate immersion in House Football lore, and interviews with coaches and players going back to 1956, be sure to check out the video tribute on Lawrenceville’s YouTube channel. If you’ve ever wondered, “Why House Football?” you’ll find the answer here. History buffs might also want to visit the digital House Football exhibit compiled by the staff of the Stephan Archives.

After a period of declining participation, fans of House Football will be pleased to know that students seem to have rediscovered the thrill of the House Football tradition, as well as the excitement of its traditional rivalries. The Crutch Game continues to draw a raucous crowd of students, faculty and staff to Green Field, and the Parents Weekend triple-header is still the day’s hot ticket. As former House Football coach and retired History Master Fred Gerstell H’77 said of the sport, “I was … struck by the pageantry, the passion, the excellence of play.” At 125, House Football still has plenty of life left in it.



FOR ADVANCEMENT Lawrenceville’s advancement office, officially known as Alumni and Development, received international recognition in 20162017 when Director of Advancement Mary Kate Barnes H’59 ’77 P’11 ’13 ’19 received the 2016 Robert Bell Crow Memorial Award from the Council for Advancement and Support of Education (CASE), the premier professional organization for fundraising professionals in universities and independent schools around the globe. The Robert Bell Crow Memorial Award “recognizes independent school advancement professionals for distinguished service to their profession, their school and CASE.” The award was presented during the CASE-NAIS Independent Schools Conference in Austin, Texas, in January 2017. Barnes’ selection came as the result of multiple nominations from her independent school peers. Under her leadership, the Alumni and Development team has raised well north of $700 million, including the two largest gifts in Lawrenceville’s 207-year history, a $66 million bequest from the estate of Henry ’40 H’59 ’62 and Janie H’40 Woods and the recent gift from Joe ’82 and Clara Tsai through the Joe and Clara Tsai Foundation. (See related story, “Lawrenceville Receives Its Largest Gift Ever.”)

Her team also oversees The Lawrenceville Fund, Lawrenceville’s annual giving program, which brings in $6 million each year to support the School’s operating budget. Barnes came to Lawrenceville as a capital gifts officer in August 1991 and was promoted to Director of Alumni and Development in 1997. She assumed the title of Director of Advancement in 2011, and this past June was named one of two Assistant Head Masters under Head Master Steve Murray H’55 ’65 ’16 P’16 ’21. (See “Strategic Staffing” in this report for more details on Barnes and other recent appointments.)


TRANSFORMS THE CRESCENT Nearly three decades after transforming the campus map by providing a counterpoint to Lawrenceville’s fabled Circle Houses, the Crescent and its landscape continues to evolve in harmony with the rest of the School’s distinctive layout. The latest progress was formalized on May 4 during Alumni Weekend with the ribbon-cutting dedication of Corrente Walk, a gift from longtime Lawrenceville trustee Judith-Ann Corrente H’01 P’98 ’01 and her daughter, Corrie Schankler ’98. Corrente retired from the Lawrenceville Board in June following 20 years of service. The new pedestrian walkway, lined with pavers along its length, replaces the former Crescent Road, creating a tranquil, park-like plaza that incorporates the Bath House Café and the expansive green space behind Bunn Library. “I know that we as a group don’t normally think of transformational gifts in terms of landscaping, but this is indeed a beautiful and significant transformation, and a really lovely legacy,” said Corrente at the

dedication, expressing her gratitude for the project. “I am deeply honored to have it named ‘Corrente.’” Schankler, who lived in Stanley House before graduating in 1998, acknowledged her mother’s dedication to making the Crescent an integral part of campus life. “My mom has worked tirelessly to make Lawrenceville the best place it can be for a new generation of students,” she said. “Corrente Walk is just the physical manifestation of the work that she had done.” Head Master Stephen Murray H’55 ’65 ’16 P’16 ‘21 paid tribute to both Judith and Corrie. “Looking back on the history of their involvement with the School, I see a degree of dedication that extends far beyond financial support and volunteer work for coeducation initiatives . . . They feel this cause deeply, and I believe it’s because of that, because they understand on such an essential level the often sharp divide between ‘that’s just the way things are’ and the way they should be, that they have been so influential in helping us reach this point of full equality, if you will, for the Crescent.”


ANTICIPATING ABBOTT, REBUILDING THE BOWL, COOLING THE CRESCENT... AND WOODS MEM STEPS UP Lawrenceville is always improving – renovating buildings, making repairs, and generally addressing a variety of capital needs – thanks to the support we receive from generous alumni and parent donors. During 2016-2017, new projects included the much-anticipated renovation of Abbott Dining Hall, rebuilding the Bowl to address structural issues, adding air conditioning to the original Crescent Houses, and painstakingly restoring the 132-year-old steps outside Woods Memorial Hall. (See separate article on conversion of Crescent Road to Corrente Walk.) With the exception of the Crescent air conditioners, the following photos illustrate these projects in various stages of progress.






BRIGGS & WILDER Last March, at a ceremony in Clark Music Center, Benjamin F. Briggs H’61 (English Master) and Harold B. “Hal” Wilder III H’77 ’89 ’15 P’97 (Mathematics Master) joined the ranks of 44 faculty colleagues who have been honored with a Masters Award since the award’s inception in 1996. The Masters Awards recognize “masters who are retired or have in the past distinguished themselves as teachers for a prolonged and sustained period of service” and who have left behind a legacy of “remarkable and exceptional classroom teaching and mentoring.” Over the years, the awards ceremony has become a paean to the art of teaching itself, and in particular, the distinctive art of teaching at Lawrenceville. The award was inspired by former English Master James T. “Jim” Adams ’65 H’82 ’96 ’01 P’93, who passed away in 2002 and received it posthumously in 2004; Jansen “Jay” Noyes III ’65; and John F. Kelsey III ’65. This year’s honorees’ combined Lawrenceville tenure spanned the period from 1952 to 2015, representing 63 years of teaching and learning for generations of Lawrentians. One of those Lawrentians, Blake Eldridge ’96 H’12, now Lawrenceville’s Dean of Students, put the significance of the award in perspective. “To have the Alumni Association take time each year to honor select faculty sends a strong, affirmative message to the entire faculty,” he told the guests who crowded the Behr Recital Hall in Clark Music Center. “None of us is perfect … But to have those bad days overlooked and our collective interest in our students recognized reminds us all of the transformative power of Lawrenceville.”

The testimonials on behalf of the new award recipients were by turns humorous and heartfelt. English Master Champ Atlee ’62 H’74 ’75 ’79 ’83 ’84 ’87 ’06 P’92 credited Ben Briggs with “the happiness of my career” and with changing his life by hiring him to teach. Mathematics Master Miguel Bayona P’12 ’18 said of Hal Wilder, “He was the kind of teacher we all strive to be. In Hal’s last class, his students wrote him poems, sang songs, and wrote mathematical code in his honor.” For the first time, the Alumni Office, which sponsors the event with the Lawrenceville Alumni Association, employed Skype to include an honoree who could not be present for the ceremony. The guests were delighted to greet Ben Briggs via Skype from his home in Florida, and even more delighted by the first virtual presentation of the replica Harkness table that signifies the award. The transfer was seamless as Jennifer Ridley Staikos ’91, then president of the Alumni Association, extended her hand toward Briggs and he received his award on the other end.


CELEBRATES SILVER What better way to celebrate Coach Ron Kane’s 25th anniversary as head coach of the boys’ varsity basketball team than with an alumni basketball game. Held on a Saturday afternoon last January, about three dozen “Basketball Alumni” gathered in the Lawrenceville field house to honor their former coach and, of course, to play. Lawrentians from the classes of ’93 to ’11 suited up in red or white t-shirts emblazoned with “Lawrenceville Alumni” on the front and “The older we get, the better we were” on the back. Several of the School’s athletic trainers were on hand just in case. In a close game with plenty of ups and downs, the White Team emerged victorious at the final buzzer, 111-109. At a reception following the game, Steve Brown ’96, who organized the event with Joe Bucci ’96, read off a list of statistical highlights of Coach Kane’s career, from his athletic achievements as a Lawrentian to his playing days at Franklin & Marshall College, from his three MAPL and Prep A championships to his three Mercer County titles. Kane has been named “Coach of the Year” three times by The Times of Trenton, and was named “Coach of the Decade” in 2010 and “Prep Coach of the Year” in 2011. He’s coached five Division III All-Americans; sent

players to the Big Ten, ACC, SEC, Conference USA, CAA, Ivy and Patriot Leagues; and saw a player become an NBA All-Star. Five of his former players have gone on to coach NCAA Division I teams. Kane was humbled by the outpouring of good feelings and the presence of so many family members of his former players. “I want to thank everyone who made this wonderful day possible,” he said, “especially Joe and Steve. I also want to thank my wife Maureen – our team Mom – and my assistant coaches, who I view as co-coaches. Of course I’d like to thank my parents, who sent me to Lawrenceville.” In honor of Kane’s anniversary, the Basketball Alumni made gifts to Lawrenceville in memory of his parents, who were a frequent presence at Ron’s games during his playing days and later when he returned as Big Red coach.




Each year, The Lawrenceville Fund (TLF), which incorporates The Lawrenceville Parents Fund,

supplements the School’s operating budget to provide the margin of excellence

that distinguishes a Lawrenceville education. Including the Parents Fund, TLF provides

approximately 10 percent of the annual budget, making it a critical piece in the School’s finances and vital to the Lawrenceville experience.



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$12,599 $1,290 $24,114 $203 $1,510 $6,533 $1,473 $4,760 $4,141 $3,242 $1,473 $3,242 $8,272 $100 $4,199 $7,310 $17,188 $10,705 $3,712 $18,153 $8,922 $38,476 $3,814 $7,385 $4,460 $54,916 $20,038 $26,117 $48,465 $34,097 $22,230 $83,895 $49,210 $73,466 $46,878 $139,386 $102,114 $42,775 $177,516 $78,083 $39,072 $172,976 $152,592 $297,066 $138,808 $13,150 $67,560

$17,000 $45,018 $16,667 $227,450 $272,718 $52,000 $3,200 $2,215 $5,131 $50 $25 $45,500 $21,673 $89,756 $28,197 $1,776,025 $161,756 $3,000 $1,299,095 $1,670,942 $34,000 $46,720 $107,084 $323,423 $95,887 $175 $164,827

$17,000 $12,599 $1,290 $24,114 $203 $1,510 $6,533 $1,472 $4,760 $4,141 $3,242 $1,472 $3,242 $53,290 $100 $4,199 $7,310 $33,855 $238,155 $3,712 $290,871 $8,922 $90,476 $3,814 $10,585 $4,460 $57,131 $25,169 $26,167 $48,490 $34,097 $22,230 $129,395 $70,883 $163,222 $75,075 $1,915,411 $263,870 $45,775 $1,476,611 $1,749,025 $73,072 $219,696 $259,676 $620,489 $234,695 $13,325 $232,387


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$62,776 $57,902 $69,388 $76,111 $108,581 $94,001 $58,289 $23,247 $24,701 $33,505 $32,040 $169,104 $91,646 $21,563 $40,235 $224,942 $255,660 $36,010 $35,806 $38,850 $43,604 $90,524 $21,418 $50,261 $21,477 $46,836 $25,900 $36,409 $31,339 $14,392 $21,362 $28,801 $25,550 $12,883 $18,562 $6,965 $30,082 $12,797 $5,270 $9,302 $6,071 $5,729 $6,851 $5,872 $5,374 $6,199 $675

$32,935 $102,975 $976,050 $452,500 $535,440 $60,100 $102,479 $6,840 $37,209 $200,460 $381,028 $32,875 $100 $82,895 $52,525 $226,750 $515,097 $83,180 $100,265 $600 $200 $23,350 $2,500 $100 $60,500 $900 $125 $125 $0 $0 $10 $5 $25 $1,717

$95,711 $57,902 $172,363 $1,052,161 $561,081 $629,441 $118,389 $125,726 $31,541 $70,714 $232,500 $550,132 $124,521 $21,663 $123,130 $277,467 $482,410 $551,107 $118,986 $139,115 $43,604 $91,124 $21,618 $73,611 $23,977 $46,936 $25,900 $36,409 $31,339 $14,392 $81,862 $29,701 $25,550 $12,883 $18,562 $6,965 $30,082 $12,797 $5,395 $9,302 $6,196 $5,729 $6,851 $5,882 $5,379 $6,224 $2,392




To the class giving the most dollars to The Lawrenceville Fund: The Class of 1967, with $297,066 in gifts to The Lawrenceville Fund.

Class of 1940 Cup To the class having the highest number of contributions to The Lawrenceville Fund: The Class of 2007 with 89 donors.

The Fred A. Eichelberger Award


Class of 1925 Award

To the class with 15 or more, but fewer than 100 members, having the highest percentage of participation in The Lawrenceville Fund: The Class of 1955 with 88% participation.

The Bruce and Mary Elizabeth McClellan Award To the class with 100 or more members having the highest participation in The Lawrenceville Fund: The Class of 1967 with 57% participation.

Class of 1965 Award

To the class that most significantly furthered enthusiasm for and support of the School: The Classes of 1967 and 1987.

’67 Leads the way, ’87Follows, ’17 Starts Strong As one might expect, the 50th Reunion Class of 1967 led this year’s alumni campaign for The Lawrenceville Fund with 57% participation and $297,066 in gifts, easily winning the Class of 1925 Award for the class raising the most dollars for the annual fund. Fortunately for Lawrenceville, it isn’t always lonely at the top. The Class of 1987, celebrating its 30th Reunion, raised $255,660 for The Lawrenceville Fund from 51% of the class. We can’t wait to see what this last all-male class of Lawrentians does for its 50th. Finally, the Class of 2017, Lawrenceville’s newest alumni, got off to a strong start with 90% participation in class giving. Granted, 2017’s dollar goal was modest – $2,017 – but it was easily and enthusiastically reached. The Class of 2017 met its other goals as well: the gift of a bench and tree outside the newly renovated Abbott Dining Hall, and of great importance to the class, a new, larger enclosure for Soap the turtle, a much-loved resident of Kirby Math and Science Center.




Lawrentians once again demonstrated their capacity to rise to – and surpass – any challenge last November 3, when Lawrenceville alumni, parents and friends made 1,207 gifts and pledges totaling $1,113,193 on the fourth annual Big Red Giving Day, setting a new one-day record for support of The Lawrenceville Fund/Parents Fund. Lawrentians easily surpassed a generous Trustee Challenge, which promised $50,000 for each 200 gifts or pledges, up to $200,000 for 800 gifts, with a bonus of an additional $100,000 if the number of gifts exceeded 1,000. This brought the total dollar amount for the day to an outstanding $1,413,193. “We set an incredibly ambitious goal of 1,000 new gifts and pledges again this year, and, once again, our alumni and parents did not disappoint,” said John Gore, Director of Alumni Relations and The Lawrenceville Fund. Throughout the day and across the globe, alumni and parent volunteers and Alumni Office staffers manned the phones, posted tweets, and sent emails using the hashtag #BigRedGivingDay, while members of the School’s Communications Office posted status updates on the Lawrenceville website and social media channels. A special “Big Red Giving Day” Web page, accessible from the Lawrenceville School home page, featured a video of current students cheering on the global effort. Big Red Giving Day is quickly becoming a Lawrenceville tradition with an immediate impact. We are enormously grateful to all the volunteers who helped to make last year’s event another great success, the trustees who led the way, and Lawrentians across the globe who gave so generously. GO BIG RED!


CLASS AGENTS Mr. Paul B. Mott, Jr. ’47 P’76 ’85 GP’18 ’20

Mr. David A. Goldberg ’72

Mr. Kirk D. Rule ’86 P’15 ’20

Mr. Frederick T. Lawrence III ’49

Mr. Mark M. Larsen ’72 P’01 ’04 ’06

Mr. J. Harley Walsh, Jr. ’86

Mr. Peter A. Dow ’50

Mr. Stephen P. Carson ’73

Mr. Leonard J. Accardi ’87

Mr. George B. Prince, Jr. ’52 P’87

Dr. Martin P. Nevitt ’74

Mr. Matthew J. Giller ’87

Mr. Stephen H. Ackerman ’53

Mr. Hyman J. Brody ’75 P’07 ’08 ’11

Mr. Philip G. Groves ’87 P’15 ’18

Mr. Gerald L. Savitz ’54 P’87

Mr. Peter M. Sharpe ’76 P’10

Mr. Noel W. Johnson ’87

Mr. Charles D. Broll ’55

Mr. J. Scott Masters ’77

Mr. David L. Marin ’87

Mr. Bert A. Getz ’55 H’56 P’85 GP’18 ’20

Mr. Jeffrey T. Growney ’78

Mr. Gregory G. Melconian ’87

Mr. T. Michael Graf ’55

Mr. Kenneth E. Growney ’78

Mr. John R.P. Moore-Jones ’87

Mr. J. Robert Hillier ’55 P’11

Mr. George W. Arnett ’79 P’16

Mr. Robert J. Paci, Jr. ’87

Mr. Laurence F. McGivney ’55

Mr. Juan A. Pujadas ’79

Mr. Jonathan F. Pingle ’87

Mr. John C. Wellemeyer ’55 P’18

Mr. Brockett Muir III ’80

Ms. Catherine E. Bramhall ’88

Mr. Richard P. Whitney ’55 P’88

Mr. William B. Scatchard III ’80

Mr. Josiah Bunting IV ’88

Mr. Charles I. Wrubel ’55

Mr. Francis H. Dyckman III ’81 P’17 ’20

Ms. Michel Hurley Faliero ’88

Mr. Robert N. Lettieri ’56 P’81

Mr. Greg W. Hausler ’81

Mr. Samuel H. Kosoff ’88 H’96 P’19

Mr. Charles Rippin ’57

Mr. Donaldson Mott Ross ’82 P’11

Ms. Alexandra MacDowell ’88

Mrs. Alexander F. Wojciechowicz H’57 P’78 GP’06 ’10 ’12

Mr. Paul T. Sweeney ’82

Mr. David C. Preaus ’88

T. Robert Zochowski, Jr., Esquire ’82 P’13

Mr. Philip F. Romanelli ’88

Mr. Jeffrey G. Dishner ’83 P’15

Mr. Daniel I. Rose ’88

Mr. Joseph P. Flynn ’83

Mr. Peter C. Rubincam ’88

Michael J. McLaughlin, MD ’83 P’12 ’16 ’20

Mrs. Jennifer Rose Savino ’88

Mr. Michael P. O’Callaghan ’83

Mrs. Jeannie Ringo Tarkenton ’88

Mr. Brendan T. O’Reilly ’83 P’16

Mr. Michael S. Waldron ’88

Mr. Patrick J. Schwarz ’83 P’20

Rachel Shore Farrington, M.D. ’89

Mr. Frederic W. Thomas, Jr. ’83 P’18 ’19

Mr. H. Scott Nevin ’89

Mr. Theodore Golfinopoulos ’84

Mr. Jeffrey C. Walker ’89

A. Carter Mills IV ’84

Mr. Robert C. Poitras ’90

Mr. David E. Silverstein ’84

Ms. Colleen A. Smith ’90

Mr. Bert A. Getz, Jr. ’85 P’18 ’20

Mrs. Susan Clerke Gustofson ’91

Mr. Kendall M. Hamilton ’85

Dr. Victor W. Hsu ’91

Mr. Andrew T. Mott ’85 P’18

Ms. Michelle Moller Barman ’92

Mr. Philip H. Schluter ’85

Mrs. Amanda Gordon Fletcher ’92

Dr. Charles M. Dickson ’58 Mr. Ralph C. Smith ’59 Mr. Paul F. Balser ’60 Mr. W. Barry Rank ’61 P’97 ’00 Mr. Edwin L. Adriance ’62 Mr. Raymond G. Viault ’63 P’96 Mr. George H. D. Schulz ’64 Mr. Matthew Dominy, PE, BCEE, PWLF ’65 Mr. Richard C. Dougherty ’66 Mr. Joseph M. Fitzgerald III ’67 P’99 ’03 Mr. Paul E. Fitzgerald ’67 P’03 Mr. John L. Fagelson ’68 P’05 ’09 Mr. Rocky Barber ’69 P’08 Mr. Earl M. Bennett ’69 P’04 ’06 ’13 Mr. R. Douglas Ezzell ’70 Mr. Mark R. Cleary ’71 P’05 ’08 Mr. John Fedors, Jr. ’71

Ms. Xiomara R. Hall ’92 Mr. Mark D. Marin ’92

Ms. Jennifer T. Adams ’93

Ms. Nina M. Kumar ’02

Mr. William B. Meyer ’10

Dr. Maria K. Bell ’93

Mr. Neil Mehta ’02

Mr. Timothy J. Moore ’10

Mrs. Amy Rosenfeld Berry ’93

Mrs. Elizabeth Greenberg Wilkinson ’02

Mr. Dylan L. Orenstein ’10

Ms. Anne M. C. Bunn ’93

Mrs. Mary Coleman Farrell ’03

Ms. Emma K. Barnes ’11

Mr. Stephen D. Cook ’93

Ms. Elizabeth M. Gough ’03

Mr. Nathaniel S. Brody ’11

Mr. Alexander H. Kenney ’93

Mr. Michael Maselli ’03

Ms. Alexandra M. Frumkin ’11

Mrs. Shannon Halleran McIntosh ’93

Mr. Robert A. Ng ’03

Mr. Kyle S. Webster ’11

Mr. Clarence E. Mevs ’93

Mr. Christopher W. Roswold ’03

Ms. Briana C. Ehret ’12

Mr. Conrad A. Plimpton II ’93

Ms. Nina Cheng ’04

Ms. Joanna Kuang ’12

Mr. William M. Rue, Jr. ’93

Mr. Alexander L. Iannaccone ’04

Ms. Catherine F. Wilson ’12

Mrs. Rachel Weinstein White ’93

Mr. Jason W. Arias ’05

Mr. Matthew T. Wojciechowicz ’12

Mrs. Celeste Mellet Brown ’94

Mr. Samuel L. Fagelson ’05

Mr. Alistair H. Berven ’13

Mrs. Robin Wood Sailer ’94

Mr. Kevin H. Huang ’05

Mr. Joshua D. Claxton ’13

Mr. Charles C. Keller ’95

Ms. Emily M. Wilson ’05

Ms. Samantha E. Essig ’13

Mr. Ian S. Rice ’95

Mr. Yoonmo Yang ’05

Mr. Nicholas Fenton ’13

Mr. Matthew R. Rothman ’96

Ms. Morgan Dever ’06

Ms. Kelly C. Zochowski ’13

Mr. Russell G. Viault ’96

Mrs. Deirdre Ehret Hague ’06

Mr. Hector J. Coronado ’14

Mr. Michael A. Kasper ’97

Ms. Molly Mihalcik ’06

Ms. Mary H. Larkin ’14

Mrs. Billie Goldman Buck ’98

Mr. Devin B. Kennedy ’07

Mr. Joseph F. Malle ’14

Mrs. Milano Graves Buckley ’98

Mr. Charleton A. Lamb ’07

Mr. Colin M. Mummert ’14

Ms. Jane Lynch Crain ’99

Mr. Stephen B. Preefer ’07

Ms. Madison E. Ochs ’14

Ms. Laura D. Kornhauser ’99

Mr. William C. Brody ’08

Mr. Mark D. Scerbo ’14

Mr. Joseph Konzelmann ’00

Ms. Haley M. Carstensen ’08

Mr. Sameer M. Bhatia ’15

Mr. Jonathan B. Rank ’00

Mr. Matthew J. Miller ’08

Ms. Ashley R. Cukier ’15

Mr. Raymond M. Strecker ’00

Mr. Alexander B. Urquhart ’08

Mr. Eliott S. Kim ’15

Miss Cahill Zoeller ’00

Mr. Luke N. Armour ’09

Ms. Carlyn M. Zuckert ’15

Mrs. Patricia Gadsden Hill ’01

Ms. Helen Bao ’09

Mr. Brandon De Otaduy Nam ’16

Mr. Simon K. Hong ’01

Ms. Soojeong S. Chi ’09

Mr. McKinley S. Johnson ’16

Ms. Rebekka C. Levy ’01

Ms. Jamie Joseph ’09

Ms. Bridget M. O’Reilly ’16

Mr. Christopher T. Luise ’01

Mr. Matthew D. Schorr ’09

Mr. John Peter Hazenberg ’02

Mr. Andrew K. Boszhardt ’10 Ms. Johanne Soeun Chu ’10 Ms. Caitlin E. Jokubaitis ’10 Ms. Cassandra H. McClellan ’10



ALUMNI VOLUNTEERS Thank you to the Class Agents, Class Secretaries, Reunion Chairs, Club Presidents, committee members and others who helped to make last year another resounding success for The Lawrenceville Fund! It does indeed take a village, and this one is populated by some of the most loyal alumni anywhere. Through your efforts, The Lawrenceville Fund raised over $6.2 million in 2016-2017, with gifts from 35% of alumni. Bravo! Well over one-third of classes, nearly 37%, reset the bar for all of us with a participation rate of 50% or more, eleven classes raised over $100,000 each, and three classes exceeded $200,000. This remarkable response was matched only by the dedicated, behind-the-scenes work that we know went into producing these kinds of results.

To all of you who made phone calls, wrote letters, sent emails, and met classmates over coffee or other libations, you are the backbone of our annual fund campaign, and we salute you. Your success is what keeps Lawrenceville delivering on its promise of excellence year after year. All Lawrentians are grateful. With sincere appreciation, John Wellemeyer ’55 P’18 Fritz Thomas ’83 P’18 ’19 Greg Melconian ’87 Ray Strecker ’00 Cahill Zoeller ’00 Co-Chairs, The Lawrenceville Fund




Lawrenceville is grateful to the parents whose extraordinary support is a testament to their deep appreciation for quality independent education. The Lawrenceville Parents Fund contributed $1,910,619 to the more than $6.2 million raised in 20162017 through annual giving. An impressive 54 percent of parents and grandparents participated in the fund, including 295 past parents, confirming the lasting impact of a Lawrenceville education.



PARENTS FUND CO-CHAIRS It becomes more challenging each year to find new ways to say thank you for your overwhelming support of the priorities and programs that help to make our children’s education second to none. In the last year, current parents, grandparents and parents of alumni contributed to an impressive upgrade of our tennis facilities, the conversion of the Crescent Road into Corrente Walk, reconstruction of the Bowl, and the welcome installation of air conditioning in student Houses still without it. At the same time, we celebrated the products of parent giving, including the Kirby Math and Science Center. Several of you made significant commitments to the upcoming construction of a new field house and dining center complex. As always, a highlight of your support over the last year was your response to The Lawrenceville Parents Fund. In the 2016-2017 school year, 651 current and past parents and grandparents, or 54% of you, made gifts totaling more than $1.9 million. The impact of annual giving is felt every time our children enter a classroom, take the field, ascend a stage, or access the library’s collection of research databases. Every one of your gifts makes a difference in what the students experience every day. For many of you, your

support extends to the volunteer hours you contribute. Whether up close or from a distance, behind-the-scenes or front-and-center, these too make a world of difference. The Lawrenceville experience is second to none in large part because our Lawrenceville parents, grandparents, and parents of alumni are second to none in appreciation and support for the School and its needs. We thank you on behalf of the faculty, staff and, most of all, the students, for the vital part you play in their achievements and the vitality of your participation in their continuing success. With deepest gratitude, Erin Enright P’13 ’16 ’18 Danielle Bentsen Sieler P’17 ’20 ’21 John Wellemeyer ’55 P’18 Co-Chairs, The Lawrenceville Parents Fund

PARENT VOLUNTEERS The following parents devoted countless hours and seemingly boundless energy to making phone calls, hosting receptions, and generally supporting the goals of The Lawrenceville Parents Fund: Danielle Bentsen Sieler and Shawn Sieler P’17 ’20 ’21 Kay and Michael Brody P’19 Dan and Harper Collins P’18 ’20 Carrie and Francis Dyckman P’17 ’20 Beth and Robert Enck P’19 Erin Enright and Stuart Essig P’13 ’16 ’18 Florence A. Francis P’04 ’07 ’10 ’11 Matthew and Kathy Galvin P’17 Judy Gao and Lichang Zhou P’20 Gail and Rohan Jones P’19 Linda and Isaac Kim P’14 ’16 ’19 Nancy and David King P’20 Joon Mo Kwon and Hae Sun Hwang P’15 ’19 Michele and Michael Koch P’20 Vicky Lee and Wai Keung Tang P’17 Alison and Thomas Maloney P’16 ’18 Eva Mantell P’17 Robert H’65 and Linda McClellan P’10 Alec and Ann Monaghan P’12 ’13 ’20 Susan Morth and Thomas McGrath P’19 Joseph Park and Sangwook Min P’17 Amanda Rose and David Campbell P’17 Jim and Denise Weinberg P’13 John ’55 and Louise Wellemeyer P’18 Elizabeth and Philip Wey P’15’18 Fidelma and William Woodley P’13 ’14 ’20


ALUMNI AND PARENT EVENTS IN 2016-2017 Alumni Office events cater to a wide range of interests, and we are always open to new ideas and unique venues. If you would like to host a future event in your home city, please contact us at alumni@lawrenceville.org. JULY




Annual Summer Happy Hour

Pier A Harbor House - New York, NY


Alumni & Parent Dinner

Alcazar - Paris, France





Multi School Event in Hong Kong

Hong Kong Golf & Tennis Academy - Hong Kong


Parent Volunteer Welcome Breakfast

Bunting Room - The Lawrenceville School


Alumni & Parent Reception

Farmington CC - Charlottesville, VA


Aldo Leopold Award Ceremony

Campus - Lawrenceville, NJ


Alumni & Parent Cocktail Reception

Home of Mel Mummert ’75 - Munich, Germany





Schottenhamel Tent - Munich, Germany


Fall Kickoff Weekend (50th Reunion)

KAC and Alumni Study


Class of 1982 Dinner

Sidecar at P.J. Clarke’s - New York, NY


Lawrenceville Club of No. New Jersey Dinner & Theater

Basilico Restaurante & Paper Mill Playhouse Millburn, NJ


125th Anniversary Season of House Football

Campus - Lawrenceville, NJ

Parents Red & Black Reception

Campus - Lawrenceville, NJ


Alumni Current Parent Reception

Campus - Lawrenceville, NJ


Parents Weekend

Campus - Lawrenceville, NJ


Legends Lunch

Campus - Lawrenceville, NJ


Alumni & Parent Reception

Schroeder’s - San Francisco, CA


Alumni and Parent Dinner with the Head Master

Fairmont Peace Hotel - Shanghai


Alumni and Parent Dinner with the Head Master

The Hong Kong Country Club - Hong Kong


Legends Lunch

Merion Cricket Club - Philadelphia, PA




Class of 1958 Gathering

New Orleans, LA


Alumni and Parent Dinner with the Head Master

The Grand InterContinental Hotel - Seoul, Korea





Current Parent Reception

Bedens Brook Club - Princeton, NJ


Big Red Giving Day

Campus - Lawrenceville, NJ

4 Alumni & Parent Dinner

Madison Restaurant Anantara Siam Lumphini, Bangkok


Hill Weekend

Campus - Lawrenceville, NJ


Head Master Reception for Alumni & Parents

The Union League of Philadelphia - Philadelphia, PA


Alumni & Parent Dinner

Revolution Restaurant - Durham, NC





Lawrenceville Club of Lawrenceville Holiday Party

Kirby Arts Center - Lawrenceville, NJ


London Holiday Event

The Surprise - London, UK


Lawrenceville Club of New York Holiday Party with the Head Master

Harvard Club of New York - New York, NY


Seoul Alumni & Parent Holiday Dinner

Seoul, Korea




Lawrenceville Club of Minneapolis/St. Paul Inaugural Dinner

Butcher & The Boar - Minneapolis, MN


Celebrating Ron Kane ’83 P’20 25 Years of Coaching Basketball

Campus - Lawrenceville, NJ


Multi School Family Day at The Rose Bowl

Rose Bowl - Pasadena, CA


Alumni & Parent Reception with the Head Master

The Autodesk Gallery - San Francisco, CA


Archives Lecture - “The Original Campus Master Plan”

Heely Room, Woods Memorial Hall - Lawrenceville, NJ


Archives Campus Tour - “The Original Campus Master Plan” Campus - Lawrenceville, NJ





Winter Gathering

Campus - Lawrenceville, NJ


Parent Phonathon

Campus - Lawrenceville, NJ


Young Alumni College Dinner

Andreas Restaurant - Providence, RI


Alumni & Parent Reception with the Head Master

Home of Dara and Tom Miles ’90 P’18 ’21


LBAA & Student Reception

Campus - Lawrenceville, NJ





Masters Awards

Campus - Lawrenceville, NJ


Hong Kong Hike

Parkview on HK Island to The American Club in Tai Tam


Hong Kong Presentation & Dinner

Hong Kong Golf Club


Alumni & Parent Luncheon

John’s Island Club - Vero Beach, FL


Alumni & Parent Reception

The Colony Palm Beach - Palm Beach, FL


Alumni & Parent Luncheon

Kaluz Restaurant - Ft. Lauderdale, FL


Alumni & Parent Dinner

Campiello Ristorante & Bar - Naples, FL


Alumni & Parent Luncheon

Bijou Café - Sarasota, FL


Class of 2007 10th Reunion Kickoff

Bbar & Grill - New York, NY


Philadelphia Flower Show and Happy Hour

Philadelphia Convention Center - Philadelphia, PA


Parent Phonathon

Campus - Lawrenceville, NJ


Class of 2012 D.C. 5th Reunion Kickoff

Duke’s Kitchen - Washington, D.C.


Class of 1987 Happy Hour

Annie Moore’s - New York, NY


Flyers vs. Islanders Game

Wells Fargo Center - Philadelphia, PA


Class of 2002 15th Reunion Kickoff

The Three Monkeys - New York, NY


Lawrenceville & Choate Wine Tasting Networking Event

Metta - Hong Kong





Weeden Lecture

Campus - Lawrenceville, NJ


Class of 1958 Luncheon

Princeton Club of New York - New York, NYY


Class of 1965 Luncheon

Campus - Lawrenceville, NJ


Class of 2012 NYC 5th Reunion Kickoff

Off the Wagon - New York, NY





Fifth Form Dinner

Campus - Lawrenceville, NJ


Alumni Weekend

Campus - Lawrenceville, NJ


Alumni & Parent Dinner

Bar Rosso at Hotel Sorella - Kansas City, MO


Class of 1949 Mini Reunion

Kansas City, MO


Parent Phonathon

Campus - Lawrenceville, NJ


Parent Volunteer Dinner

Campus - Lawrenceville, NJ





Class Giving Day/Parent Phonathon

Campus - Lawrenceville, NJ


Shanghai Alumni & Parent Dinner

Shanghai, China


Hong Kong Alumni & Parent Dinner

The Hong Kong Club - Hong Kong




Class of ’67 To say the great Class of 1967 rocked the house at its 50th Reunion is more pun than hyperbole. The only Lawrenceville class to boast a genuine rock star, it’s likely ’67 would have made an impression regardless. A Thursday night pizza party at Conte’s in Princeton drew about 30 members of the class plus spouses and significant others, and a photo booth at the Saturday night dinner had classmates hamming it up for the camera. Cole Caruthers, an artist whose work was on display in the Gruss Center throughout the weekend, got plenty of support at an opening reception Friday afternoon. And stories abounded wherever classmates gathered, from Thursday evening to Sunday brunch. In all, 71 members of the class returned, including Charlie Gates from Turkey and Lindsay Lloyd, accompanied by his wife, from New Zealand. Lindsay may have summed up the 50th Reunion experience best when he wrote afterwards, “It is amazing how one picks up with people after a fifty year gap.” The class also showed its mettle when it came to fundraising. Sixty-four members of the class, or 57%, supported Lawrenceville in honor of their 50th Reunion, raising $297,066 for The Lawrenceville Fund, the School’s annual giving vehicle, and $1,128,920 for the total class gift. Of these generous classmates, five designated planned gifts to Lawrenceville, thereby joining the elite ranks of the John Cleve Green Society. The School is grateful to all the members of the class, but especially the 50th Reunion Committee: Chair Joe Fitzgerald, Reunion Olla Pod editor and Participation Chair Rolf Reinalda, Planned Giving Chair Burk Murchison, Fred Ball (rugby shirts), Tom Carroll (Olla Pod), Hugh Cregg, Bill Ehret, Paul Fitzgerald, Tom Gallagher, Larry Jones, Allan Mayer, Ernesto Mejer, Alex Swistel, Spencer Tandy (Olla Pod), Tom Urban, Will Wauters (Olla Pod), and Ned Weihman (Olla Pod).

Serious business during the weekend included the induction of six new honorary members: Jo Brewster Devlin H’56 ’58 ’60 ’66 P’71, Edith Baird Eglin H’52 ’65 ’66 GP’19, R. Jack Garver H’71, Edward J. Poreda H’61 ’63 ’69 ’70 ’89 P’77 GP’07 ’08, John J. Reydel H’60 ’62 ’65 ’68, and James C. Waugh H’74 ’85 ’88 P’68 ’70 ’72 ’74 ’76 GP’12 ’14 ’16. Sadly, memorials were offered on both Friday and Saturday nights for Ed Poreda. This tribute to the 50th Reunion class wouldn’t be complete without a mention of Head Master Steve Murray’s remarks at the Class Dinner on Saturday. Straightforward at the beginning, recognizing the Reunion Committee and noting various distinctions and achievements among members of the class, he followed with a brief update on Lawrenceville today, managing to weave in multiple references to some of the most popular songs performed by classmate Hugh Cregg, aka rocker Huey Lewis. In closing, Steve said, “Thank you for the role you continue to play in the life of your School. The heart of rock and roll depends on it. Enjoy the rest of the weekend, and I hope to see you back here for your 55th. As for me, I’ll be taking a couple days off.”




RINGS IN A NEW TRADITION Since 2012, Lawrentians celebrating their 50th Reunion have had the opportunity to spread their major reunion gifts, both capital gifts and gifts to the annual fund, over five years, while receiving full credit during their 50th Reunion year. The program, which also incorporates planned gifts in the class total, has been so popular with the 50th Reunion classes that, for the first time, a variation was extended to the 25th Reunion Class, the Class of 1992.

Beginning in 2016-2017, classes celebrating their 25th Reunion were able to make a pledge during their 25th Reunion year, have it count as a 25th Reunion gift, and pay it over the next five years. The response from the Class of 1992 was enthusiastic, with many members of the class electing to spread their gifts over 3-5 years. As an added bonus, payments on pledges to The Lawrenceville Fund, the School’s annual giving vehicle, will count as annual fund gifts in the year the pledge payment is made. The same enthusiasm was reflected in the reunion turnout with a third of the class returning, eager to introduce partners and children to Lawrenceville. Highlights of the weekend included a Friday night after-party at the home of Meghan Smith Harrison and the induction of

Catherine Boczkowski P’89 ’91 H’80 ’11 (posthumously) as an honorary classmate during Saturday’s class dinner, with Tricia ’91 and Tony Boczowski ’89 in attendance as guests of the class. Special thanks go to the volunteers who served on the 1992 Reunion Committee for rallying classmates to return to campus and support the School: Michelle Moller Barman, Elliot Broadfoot, Lee Brown, Hugh Campbell, Bob Casey, Anne Citrin, Amanda Gordon Fletcher, Charles Girard, Xiomara Hall, Matt Harris, Meghan Smith Harrison, Courtney Phillips Hyder, Mark Marin, Katherine McDowell, Kathleen McMahon, Blakely Page, Laura Lubin Rossi, Morgan Russo, Cici Jackson Seth, William Warrick, and Leslie Powell Wickham.


Bequests Received

The Lawrenceville legacy was enhanced by distributions from estates and terminated trusts in fiscal year 2016-2017 totaling $2,199,302. New Planned Gifts

$2,289,082 John Cleve Green Society Members




Planned Giving Chairs Peter Lawson-Johnston ’45 GP’95 ’98 ’15 ’18 Paul B. Mott, Jr. ’47 P’76 ’85 GP’18 Lawrence W. Leighton ’52 GP’16 W. Grant Hellar III ’54 P’87 J. Robert Hillier ’55 P’11 Robert N. Lettieri ’56 P’81 William G. Bardel ’57 P’93 David E. Reese ’58 Robert Spofford ’59 Richard C. Greenleaf ’60 William F. Hofmann III ’61 J. Gregg Miller ’62 Raymond G. Viault ’63 P’96 Howard D. Kelsey ’64 William H.B. Hamill ’65 P’96 ’99 Robert M. White ’66 Burk C. Murchison ’67 P’94 Michael Tiernan ’68 P’01 ’05 ’09 Rocky Barber ’69 P’08 The Rev. Brenton H. Carey ’71 R. Michael Kasperzak, Jr. ’72 Peter J. Neuwirth ’74 Amanda Gordon Fletcher ’92 Megan Dubbs Leddy ’93 Thomas S. Tesauro, Jr. ’08


Lawrenceville is enormously grateful to all the alumni, parents, grandparents, faculty, staff, friends, and corporate and foundation sponsors who supported the School during the 2016-2017 fiscal year. Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the lists that follow. Please address any questions to the editor at: bhorn@lawrenceville.org.



MAJOR GIFTS ($50,000 and over) Anonymous

Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence D. Howell II ’71 P’11 ’13

Rollins-Luetkemeyer Foundation

Mr. Richard J. Barrett ’67

Hutchins Family Foundation

Mr. Robert L. Rosner ’77

Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Bernstein P’17

Mr. and Mrs. Glenn H. Hutchins ’73

Mr. J. Anderton Schwartzburg H’76 *

Mr. and Mrs. Roberto Bonetti ’60 P’93

Dr. and Mrs. Granger G. Hwa ’81 P’14 ’17

Ms. Vanessa C. Scurci ’01

Mr. and Mrs. Frederic Brace P’09 ’12 ’14

Ms. Hua Tang and Mr. Jinzhi Jiang P’15 ’19

The John S. Scurci Foundation

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Carter, Jr. ’70 P’01 ’05

Ms. Janet Johnson P’03

Mr. and Mrs. Truman T. Semans ’45 P’87

Mr. and Mrs. Brad Cerepak P’10 ’13

Karakin Foundation

Mr. Chiu Hung Shum and Mrs. Yiping Li P’19

The Cerimon Fund

Ms. Sarah Ketterer P’12 ’17

Mr. Edmund A. Stanley, Jr. ’43 *

Mr. Michael S. Chae ’86

Mr. and Mrs. Jefferson W. Kirby ’80 P’11 ’12 ’15 ’18

Mrs. Edmund A. Stanley, Jr.

Mr. Arthur R. Clark, Jr. ’62 Contempo Charity Foundation Limited Ms. Judith-Ann Corrente H’01 and Mr. Willem Kooyker P’98 ’01 Mr. and Mrs. B. Walter Crain III ’68 P’99 The Crain Foundation Shelby Cullom Davis Charitable Fund Inc. Ms. Debra A. Blair and Mr. J. Richard deBart, Jr. ’68 P’09 ’11 Mrs. Christina Seix Dow and Mr. Robert Dow P’08 Mr. Patrick F. Elliott H’59 * Ms. Jean S. Fang ’90 Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund Fournier Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Alan Fournier P’18

The F. M. Kirby Foundation, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Korn P’18 ’19 Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Kuenne ’80 P’13 ’17 Ms. Hae Sun Hwang and Mr. Joon Mo Kwon P’15 ’19 Mr. and Mrs. Tommy S. Lee ’85 P’16 ’18 Mr. and Mrs. Kevin K. Leung P’19 Ms. Hui Ni and Mr. Zhong Yuan Li P’12 ’17 ’19 Stephen K. Liu, MD ’81 Ms. Chiu Kit Hung and Mr. Siu Yu Lo P’19 Mr. Craig M. Lucas ’81 Mr. John A. Luetkemeyer, Jr. ’59 Mr. and Mrs. Jeremy K. Mario ’88 P’16 ’20 The Mario Family Foundation Mr. David F. Marquardt ’67

Mrs. Jeongye Friedland Jee and Mr. David Friedland P’17 ’20

Mr. Joseph B. Matthews ’62

Ms. Debra Mayer and Mr. Joseph B. Frumkin ’76 P’11

Monteforte Foundation, Inc.

Prof. John J. Stephan ’59 Elbridge and Debra Stuart Family Foundation Mr. Elbridge H. Stuart III ’66 Mr. and Mrs. Daniel M. Tapiero ’86 P’20 Joe and Clara Tsai Foundation Mr. Joseph C. Tsai ’82 Mr. Kevin W. Tse ’97 Mr. and Mrs. Raymond G. Viault ’63 P’96 Mr. John E. Waldron ’87 Mr. Seth H. Waugh ’76 Waugh Family Foundation Mr. Edward A. Weihman ’67 Mr. Jonathan G. Weiss ’75 Mr. and Mrs. John C. Wellemeyer ’55 P’18 Mr. Michael T. ’78 and Mrs. Carolyn H’78 Wojciechowicz P’06 ’10 ’12 Mr. Samuel S. Yu ’89

Mr. Robert W. Maynard ’41 *

Mr. and Mrs. Mortimer B. Fuller III ’60 P’89 ’01

Mr. Burk C. Murchison ’67

Mr. and Mrs. Goodwin Gaw ’87 P’21

Dr. and Mrs. Charles E. Murphy ’66 P’90 ’95

Mr. Kenneth Gaw ’88

Mr. and Mrs. David B. Ottaway ’57 P’86 ’91

H7 Foundation

Mr. William U. Parfet ’65

Drs. Molly and Robert Hardie P’17

Mrs. Lawrence K. Pomeroy P’60 ’66 *

* indicates deceased






Mrs. Conway W. Dickson *

Mr. Robert O. Berger, Jr. *

Mr. George W. Gray *

Mr. John P. Belli *


Mr. E. Huntington Ethridge *

Mr. Day Lee *

Mr. Ross H. Claiborne

Mr. George S. Harrington *

Mrs. John W. Hubbard, Jr. *

Mr. Robert D. Cole, Jr.

Dr. Benjamin F. Howell, Jr.

Mr. Robert W. Maynard *

Mr. Gray D. Creighton

Mr. Lewis W. Mustard III *

Walter J. Minton, Esquire

Mr. John F. Garber

Mr. Donald K. Richards *

Mr. Dudley B. Priester *

Mr. Richard Hollerith, Jr.


Mr. John W. Starbuck, Jr. *

W. Howard Stovall, Jr. *

Mr. David E. Kuizenga

Mr. Seymour S. Preston, Jr. *

Mr. Martin T. Tiernan *


Mr. Warren W. Mitchell



Mr. Ralph N. Del Deo

Mr. Richard H. Robinson *

Mr. George F. Mohr

Mr. Edward S. Frohling



Mrs. Marcye M. Gough

Dr. Ogden B. Carter, Jr. *

Mr. Brewster Macfadden


Dr. William H. Coleman

Mr. Russell L. Pellett

Peter A. Adams, Esquire

Mrs. Henry C. Woods *

1921 Mr. Douglas D.B. Harding *

Mr. Henry A. Breed *


Mr. Richard B. Neiley, Jr. Mr. Robert E. Pearson * Mr. Robert N. Standish, Jr. *

Mr. John D. Farrington, Jr. *

Mr. Theodore S. L. Perlman

Mr. Rodney Armstrong

Mrs. Mortimer B. Fuller, Jr. *

Mr. Robert P. O’R. Fortune *

Dr. Peter M. Schultheiss

Mr. Paul A. Clement III

Dr. James H. Semans *

Mr. Joseph S. Grover *

Mr. Frank M. Thompson *

Senator William T. Doyle


Mr. William N. Vaughan *

Mr. Charles B. Webb, Jr. *

Mr. Sidney W. Farnsworth, Jr.

Mr. Joseph R. Euans *


Mr. John P. Young

Mrs. Marcye M. Gough


Mr. Edmund N. Carpenter II *


Dr. Lloyd A. Hamilton, Jr.

Mr. Alexander W. Keer *

Mr. Roger S. Hurd

The Reverend Frederick Buechner

Mrs. Lawrence Pomeroy *

Mr. Malcolm R. Lovell, Jr.

Mr. David P. Clarendon

Mr. Robert P. Serles *

Mr. George H. Lowden

Ms. Elizabeth A. Duffy

Mr. John K. Meiners *

Mr. L. Woodward Franzheim, Jr. *

Mr. Robert M. Mustard *

Dr. Thomas M. Gallie, Jr.

Mr. Lincoln L. Stevenson *

Mr. Crawford T. Johnson *

Dr. Henry S.M. Uhl *

Mr. Charles R. Macauley

Mr. Stephen C. Voorhees *

Mr. James Merrill *


Mr. George H. Pearson

1931 Mr. George F. Horton * Mr. G. Ross McKee, Jr. * Mr. Richard R. Zundel *

1932 Mr. Campbell C. Groel, Jr. * Mr. Harry McCall, Jr. *


Kenneth D. Alexander, Jr. * Mr. Richard Baker * Mr. Charlton H. Lyons, Jr.

Mr. Nils Anderson, Jr. 1934

Mr. Braman Pomeroy *

Mr. George R. Bunn *

William R. Soons, Esquire *

Mr. Arthur G. Hailand, Jr. *

Mr. Henry C. Woods, Jr. * Mrs. Henry C. Woods, Jr. *

Mr. Jose M. Soriano

Mr. Charles C. Highley, Jr. Mr. Peter Lawson-Johnston Mr. Roland B. McIntosh Mr. James H. Prentiss III * Mr. Truman T. Semans Mr. Thomas O. Stanley Mr. Robert L. Stern Mr. George A. Vaughn III Mr. Alfred Vogel Dr. Jerome H. Zins

Mr. Edmund A. Stanley, Jr. *


Mrs. Edmund A. Stanley, Jr.

Mr. John S. Alvord

Mr. Willis H. Stephens


Mrs. Laurence H. Tilhonen *

Dr. Alfred P. Doyle Mr. John J. Evans III Mr. Wallace F. Forbes

Mr. Arthur D. Foster


Mr. William G.B. Gardner


Mr. A. Whitaker Franzheim

Mr. David B. Albrecht

Mr. Robert J. Gellert

The Honorable John E. Backenstoe

Mr. Paul H. Hensley

Dr. Richard T. Bennett

Mr. Jackson O. Hall *

Mr. Edwin S. Baldwin

Mr. Linwood L. Lee, Jr.

Mr. Anthony W. Bryant

Mr. William J. Harman

Mr. Edward G. Bamford

Mr. Laurence C. Leeds, Jr.

Mr. Charles E. Cane, Jr.

Ms. Joanna Harmonosky

Mr. William L. Bernhard

Mr. Linton S. Marshall, Jr.

Dr. Charles C. J. Carpenter

Mr. Cowles W. Herr

Mr. Thomas A. Campbell

Mr. William B. Purdy *

Dr. Irvin Cohen, Jr.

Mr. Lambert Heyniger

Mr. Creswell C. Cole

Mr. Henry D. M. Sherrerd, Jr.

Mr. John S. Copland

Mr. Philip W. Hummer

Dr. J. Calvin Davis III *

Mr. James S. Smith

Mr. Peter Cowles

Mrs. Zorela Jimenez

Mr. C. Williamson Day

Mr. John D. Titman, Jr.

Mr. Don A. Davis, Jr.

Mr. J. Regan Kerney

Mr. Noel H. C. De Jongh


Mr. George S. Delafield, Jr.

Dr. Donald B. Lathrop

Mr. Peter A. Dow

Mr. Roger J. Evans, Jr. *

Mr. Frederick T. Lawrence III

Mr. Robert M. Dubow

Mr. John Graham

Mr. Alan R. Marsh

D. Blair Favrot

Mr. Charles E. Henry

Mrs. Mary McLaughlin

Mr. Gordon Fisher III

Mr. Clyde L. Herring

Mr. Frank W. Millard

Mr. Earle P. Groper

Mr. James W. Hodges

Cdr. Harvey N. Monroe, USN RET

Mr. Nathaniel W. Horton

Mr. George H. Deyo *

Dr. Wilson W. Leake

Charles I. Olin, MD

Mr. Lee W. Hummel

The Reverend Dr. Wendell S. Dietrich *

Mr. David A. Quaid

Mr. John M. Otter III

Dr. Philip H. Jordan, Jr.

Mr. Warren A. Schneider

Mr. Robert R. Piper

Mr. Artemis A.W. Joukowsky

Mr. George C. Gaines

Ms. Andrea G. Schweidel

Mr. Charles C. Ringwalt, Jr.

Mr. Elias N. Kulukundis

Mr. George G. Hawke

Mr. T. Warren Thompson

Mr. Roy G. Sheldon

Mr. John B. Levert, Jr.

Mr. Victor Holden, Jr.

Mr. Thomas J. Tucker

Mr. Robert Sobel

Mr. Richard H. Mayer

Mr. Bruce W. Hotchkiss

Mr. Christopher G. Tyson

Mr. Erik S. Taylor

Mrs. Mary Elizabeth McClellan

Mr. Christopher Keith *

Mr. James W. Vaughn

Mr. William R. Thomas IV

Mr. Henry D. Mercer, Jr.

Mr. W. Scott McLucas II

Mr. A. Richard Webster

Mr. William T. Tobin

Mr. David A. Oestreich

Mr. Frank R. Morris, Jr.


Mr. David G. Townsend

Mr. Peter H. Plamondon

Louis M. Waddell III

Dr. Paul M. Roediger

Mr. John C. Walker

Mr. Carl B. E. Shedd

Professor Don Wallace, Jr.

Mr. David Sloan

Mr. Monte J. Wallace

Dr. Benjamin V. Smith, Jr.

The Reverend Frederick S. Wandall

Mr. Paul E. Wittreich

Mr. William W. Allen Mr. Edwin P. Alyea, Jr. Colonel Broadus Bailey, Jr. Mr. David A. Bardes Mr. Michael S. Cary

Mr. Paul B. Mott, Jr. H. Stanton Orser Mr. Henry P. Palmer, Jr. A. Gerald Renthal, MD Mr. David E. Schaffer Mr. James M. Umstattd Mr. John C. Woods Mr. Richard G. Woolworth Mr. Wesley Wright, Jr.

Mr. William W. Abbott Mr. Dunbar Abston, Jr. Mr. V. James Andretta, Jr. Mr. Joseph T. Breneman II Mr. William M. Davis Mr. Raymond A. Dietz Mr. Woodbridge A. D’Oench Mr. Bryden M. Dow Mr. H. Mitchell Dunn, Jr. Mr. Henry P. Erwin, Jr. Mr. Carl Espy III

Mr. Charles R. Wood II



Mr. Woodson K. Woods III

Mr. Michael H. Schirmer

Lawrence C. Heilman

Robert W. Bartlett II, Esquire *

Mr. Edward W. Zimmerman

Mr. Arthur R. Schonheiter

Mr. Richard R. Hepner

J. Peter Broomhead, Esquire


Mr. Lee R. Schuster

Mr. Jay R. Inglis

Mr. George H. Scragg, Jr.

Mr. Yves A. Istel

Mr. John D. Shankle

Mr. Robert E. Keiter

Mr. James F. Skinner III

Mr. Donald M. Laws

Mr. Richey Smith

Mr. George T. Lee, Jr.

Mr. E. Kenneth Snedeker, Jr.

Mr. Vernon R. Loucks, Jr.

Mr. Robert W. Spaeth

Mr. Arthur Marcus

Mr. Peter L. Todd

Mr. Joseph A. Mark

Furman T. Updike, Jr., M.D.

Mr. Raymond A. Marks

Mr. Gerald J. Donohue


Mr. C. Stevens Marshall

Mr. Peter S. Dubow

Mr. Stephen H. Ackerman

Edith Baird Eglin

Mr. Robert E. Armstrong III

Reeder R. Fox, Esquire

Mr. Jason Bacon

Mr. William C. Goodlett

Mr. Peter A. Balbach

Mr. Tad D. Hammond

Mr. Lawrence G. Bell

Mr. James A. Harris

Mr. John H. Benisch

Mrs. Thomas C. Jamieson, Jr.

Mr. Charles A. Bernheim

Mr. C. Burton Kellogg II

Mr. Claude P. Brancart

Professor Robert E. Kelly

Mr. James L. Britton III

David S. Kelsey, Colonel USAF (Ret)

Mr. Donald L. Buckard

Mr. J. Kimball King

Mr. Siesel E. Canaday, Jr.

Dr. John F. Kustrup, Jr.

Mr. Charles H. Carpenter, Jr.

Dr. William J. Kustrup

Mr. Roderick W. Correll

Mr. Lawrence W. Leighton

Mr. Hartley D. Cravens

Mr. Powell S. Lindsay

Mr. Asher B. Dann

Mr. C. James McCarthy III

Mr. James S. Davis

Mrs. Mary Elizabeth McClellan

Mr. William F. Dohrmann III

Mr. Stuart J. Michaels

Mr. Maurice A. Ferre

Mr. Joel Montague

Mr. Alan C. Fitts

Mr. E. Rust Muirhead

Mr. Bradford B. Green

Mr. F. R. Carver Nixon

Mr. Kenneth L. Greene

Mr. Wallace C. Palmer, Jr.

Mr. Peter L. Groves

Mr. Seymour S. Preston III

Mr. Howard R. Hayes

Dr. James Ward Brown The Reverend Douglas M. Carpenter Mr. Pierre Casimir-Lambert Mr. Gerald D. Coffey Dr. G. William Cole Mr. Donald Cruse, Jr. Mr. Clinton J. Curtis II Mr. Louis F. D’Almeida Mr. John B. M. Frohling Mr. A. Bertram Guthrie III Mr. Garvie Hall Professor Louis N. Hand Mr. Robert H. Healy Mr. Frank M. Henry Mr. Alan C. Kay Mr. James D. Klau Mr. Douglas D. Monroe, Jr. Mr. Anthony Montag Dr. Stephen R. Murray Mr. Phillip B. Newman III Mr. Carl R. Pope Dr. Monroe Pray, Jr. Mr. James C. Rainer III Edward D. Rossmann Mr. George J. Schmitt Mr. Robert M. Shoemaker The Reverend Dennett C. Slemp Mr. William L. Strong III Mr. Richard W. Taylor Mr. Frederic W. Thomas Mr. Jeffrey W. Traenkle Mr. Neil W. Wallace Mr. Robert S. Warth

Mr. Edward L. Barlow Mr. Jon S. Barrett Mr. Emanuel V. Benjamin III Mr. Cornelius C. Bond, Jr. Mr. Merrill B. Callen * Mrs. Jane D. Cary Mr. John P. Chivers Mr. M. Allan Clark

Mr. George B. Prince, Jr. Mr. Axel E. Rosenblad

Dr. Acisclo M. Marxuach Mr. Adolph Mueller II Mr. Robert H. O’Grady Mr. Richard C. Otter Mr. Scott M. Papenfus Mr. Stuart L. Phelps Mr. Norman S. Powell Mr. Townes G. Pressler Mr. Robert B. Ritter, Jr. Mr. A. Donald Rohlfing Mr. Paul R. Rubincam, Jr. Mr. Jose A. Sainz de Vicuna Mr. James G. Seely, Jr., Esquire Mr. Herman E. Simpson Mr. Charles I. Skipsey, Jr. Mr. W. Cordes Snyder III Mr. James R. Stockton, Jr. Mr. John J. B. Stoetzer, Jr. Mr. Harry J. Theodoracopulos Mr. Colin R. Thompson Mr. Richard W. Tompkins Mr. Edward M. Twohy Dr. Henry S. Urbaniak, Jr. Mr. Mahlon B. Wallace III Mr. William C. Wallace

Mr. Stephen H. Wedgwood

Mr. Edmund G. Langhorne

Mr. Michael J. Crowley

Mr. Harry N. Schaible

Mr. George White, Jr.

Hon. Paul G. Levy

Ms. Elizabeth A. Duffy

Mr. E. Fred Schrader

Mr. David M. Whorf

Mr. James W. Maurer

Mr. David A. Fankhauser

Michael J. Senter, OBE

Hon. Peter H. Wolf

Mr. W. B. McCullough III

Mr. Robert A. Fenimore

Mr. William H. Sharp, Jr.

Mr. Theodore V. Wood, Jr.

Mr. Ludlow Miller

Mr. Andrew S. Fine

Mr. T. Leslie Shear, Jr.


Mr. Samuel E. Monroe II

Dr. John I. Fishburne, Jr.

Mr. Lawther O. Smith

Mr. James L. Montag

Dr. Robert R. Foster

Mr. Irving G. Snyder, Jr.

Mr. Joseph L. Muscarelle, Jr.

Mr. David H. Friedrichs

Dr. H. Randolph Tatem III

Mr. Albert C. Muse

Mr. Bert A. Getz

Mr. Jay R. Tunney

Mr. Clinton J. Najarian

Mr. Francis B. Gilbert, Jr.

Mr. John C. Wellemeyer

Dr. Anthony R. Oberschall

Mr. T. Michael Graf

Mr. Richard P. Whitney

Mr. G. Frederick Perkins, Jr. *

Mr. Philip H. Graham

Mr. William W. Widdowson, Jr.

Mr. Stephen Riker

Mr. Quartus P. Graves, Jr.

Mr. Kenelm E. Winslow, Jr.

Mr. Richard L. Rose

Mr. Loring K. Green

Mr. Charles I. Wrubel

Mr. Gerald L. Savitz

Mr. William E. L. Grossman

Mr. Michael B. Schoettle

Mr. Paul N. Guthrie, Jr.


Mr. Richard S. Skewes

Mr. Anthony W. Haley

Mr. Frederic U. Smith

Mr. Henry R. Hamman

Dr. James E. Wheeler

Mr. J. Robert Hillier

Mr. Jeffrey L. Wiese

Mr. Hurd Hutchins, Jr.

Mr. Adrian V. Woodhouse

Mr. John P. Keyser

Mr. Peter G. Wright

Mr. John Kriendler

Dr. Hsiu Kwang Wu

Mr. Junius M. Lemmon, Jr.

Mr. David H. Grubb


Mr. Allan J. Lenzner

The Honorable William J. Cabaniss, Jr.

Mr. John P. Harkrader, Jr.


Mr. Mangan M. Letts

Mr. James A. Carney, Jr.

Mr. W. Grant Hellar III

Dr. Michael F. Appel

Mr. David B. Lockton

Mr. Richard B. Cawthorne

Mr. Samuel J. Henry

Benjamin T. Benedum, Esquire

Mr. Robert E. Lorton

Dr. P. Kay Champion, Jr.

Mr. George B. Hess

Mr. Victor L. Brizel

Mr. Laurence F. McGivney

Mr. Thomas M. Churchill

Mr. Hepburn Ingham

Mr. Charles D. Broll

Dr. E. Bruce Mewborne, Jr.

Dr. L. Theodore Chylack, Jr.

Mrs. Lynn D. Johnston

Mr. William D. Byrne, Jr.

Mr. Robert E. Milward

Dr. Walter Dick

Mr. Robert F. Johnston

Mr. Peter W. Candy

Mr. Stephen S. Murray

Mr. Peter Dickinson

Dr. Irwin S. Kasser

Dr. Salvatore R. Casella

Mr. Edward M. O’Donnell, Jr.

Peter A. Dietrich, M.D.

Mr. Alexander G. Kelley

Mr. Thomas N. Cochran

Mr. John R. Page, Jr.

Mr. George M. Dix

Dr. Lawrence A. Plumlee

Mr. C. Patrick Durkin, Jr.

Mr. Thomas G. Aikenhead Mr. Jacob Barlow II Mr. John P. Bergan, Jr. Mr. F. Warren Breig, Jr. Mr. R. Bruce Brougham Mr. William D. Cannon Mr. Gary T. Capen Robert D. Carlson, M.D. Mr. C. Eugene Coker Mr. Peter Colwell Mr. Jeremy W. Coon Mr. William V. Cox Mr. Shelby M. C. Davis Mr. Paul Euwer, Jr. Mr. Adolfo L. Garcia Mr. Edward D. Gooderham Mr. H. William Gorgas

Mr. Chauncey G. Cozine III Mr. Francis H. Crockard, Jr.

Dr. Alexander G. Reeves Mr. Terence S. Roche Mr. Henrique Salas-Romer

Mr. Brent Dugan Baird Mr. Richard F. Baruch * Mr. John R. Bates Mr. James M. Beardsley Dr. John E. Beebe III Mr. William B. Blundin Mr. Walter W. Buckley, Jr.


GIFTS FROM ALUMNI Mr. R. Peter Fichter

Dr. Paul M. Brickman

Mrs. Linda Hlavacek Silver

Mr. Robert L. Kearns

Mr. Robert L. Froelich

Mr. H. Boyce Budd

Mr. Austin P. Sullivan, Jr.

Mr. Harry B. Kelleher, Jr.

Mr. A. Frederick Gerstell

Mr. James W. Crawford, Jr.

Dr. Robert B. Thompson

Mr. Frederick D. Kessler, Jr.

Mr. Bert A. Getz

Mr. Otis M. Cummins III

Mr. John C. Vaughey

Mr. James T. Koch *

Mr. Ralph Goldman

Mr. Richard M. Davis

Paul B. Visconti, MD

Mr. John F. Kraft III

Mr. Garner F. Hill II

Mr. Robert F. Dodds

Mr. W. Lukens Ward

Dr. Robert L. Leff

Mr. George E. Hill

Mr. James P. Evans III

Mr. Robert J. Wibbelsman

Mr. William H. Linkroum III

Mr. Hugo G. Huettig III

Mr. Charles C. Fenno

Mr. Joseph T. Wilson III

Mr. Stephen H. Lockton

Mr. Garrett B. Hunter *

Mr. Newell Flather

Mrs. Alexander F. Wojciechowicz

Mr. John L. Ludwig

Mr. Scott A. Kleiner

Mr. J. William Gimbel III

Mr. Christopher B. Martin

Mr. Robert N. Lettieri

Mr. Robert B. Gimbel


Dr. C. Douglas Lewis, Jr.

Mr. Jon L. Greenawalt, Sr., C.M.C.

Mr. Lewis L. Lloyd

Mr. William C. Haddad

Mr. Eric R. Miller

Mr. Thomas R. H. Havens

Mr. James M. Newcomer

Mr. William E. Haynsworth

Mr. Donald M. Norbury

William G. Hengst, Ph.D

Mr. Roy H. Park, Jr.

Mr. Thomas P. Johnson, Jr.

Mr. Howard M. Picking III

Mr. Theodore A. Kurz

Mr. William C. Roberts

Edward V. Lane, Jr., Esquire

Mr. Richard B. Romig

Stephan R. Leone, Esquire

Mr. Richard M. Ross

Mr. Robert J. Marks

Mr. John Silver

Mrs. Mary Elizabeth McClellan

Mr. Peter J. Solomon

Mr. John J. McGowan

Mr. John B. Stevens, Jr.

Mr. William C. McIntyre

Mr. William E. Sweet III

Mr. Donald D. Mills

Mr. John L. Vette III

Mr. James H. Moore, Jr.

Mr. K. Gary Voorhees, Jr.

Mr. Tenison W. L. Newsom, Jr

Mr. Bradford A. Warner, Jr.

Mr. David B. Ottaway


Mr. Christopher L. Perry

Anonymous Mr. William G. Bardel Mr. David H. Barnes Mr. Robert T. Bayley Mr. Kenneth S. Beall, Jr.

Mr. John A. Pintard Mr. Charles Rippin Mr. Franklin D. Roosevelt III Mr. Howard P. Serrell, Jr. Mr. John Silver

Dr. Alexander M. Ackley, Jr. Mr. Robert J. Aresty Dr. Richard Baldwin, Jr. Mr. William S. Ballenger III Mr. Stuart Brown Mr. Robert J. Burkhardt, Jr. Mr. Ross M. Burkhardt Mr. Samuel M. Busselle Mr. Scott F. Calder Mr. L. Russell Cartwright Mr. Brackett David Clark Mr. David S. Dickenson II Dr. Charles M. Dickson Mr. F. William Doolittle III Mr. Ralph H. Edson, Jr. Mr. Hyland B. Erickson Mr. Henry H. Fuller, Jr. Mr. Edmund R. Groff Mr. William G. Gross IV Mr. John L. Hall II Mr. Michael Hornblow Mr. John C. Hubbard, Jr. Mr. William C. Hudgins, Jr. Dr. J. Pearce Hurley Mr. L. Brewster Jackson II Mr. Rupert H. Johnson, Jr.

Mr. Jeffrey B. Mershon Mr. Warren P. Miller Dr. John B. Nesbitt Mr. Henry Z. Norton Mr. Porter R. Parris Mr. A. John Peck, Jr. Mr. John S. Pettibone, Jr. Mr. William W. Porter Mr. Lawrence W. Prince Mr. Rodolfo Salas Mr. Allen K. Shenk, Jr. Dr. Richard Cecil Smith Mr. Dennis C. Snyder Mr. Roger W. Squire Mr. Edward G. Thurber Rear Admiral Paul E. Tobin, Jr. Mr. William H. Warrick, Jr. Mr. John W. Whiteley III Mr. Edward I. Wight Mr. Jerome A. Yurow


Dr. J. Dean Pierson

Mr. Allyn C. Ford

Mr. Richard L. Rotnem

Mr. David Barbour III

Mr. John A. Pirovano

Mr. Mortimer B. Fuller III

Mr. Arthur L. Shearer

Ms. Mary Kate Barnes

Mr. G. Forrest Pragoff

Mr. Laurens W. Goff

Mr. John L. Sills

Mr. Christopher T. Barrow

Mr. Charles M. Price, Jr.

Mr. Richard B. Gordinier

Mr. Scott M. Skinner

Mr. E. Benjamin Beairsto, Jr.

Mr. J. Michael Rediker

Mr. Dan N. J. Gronich

Mr. Vinson P. Stouck

Mr. Lewis W. Bernard

Mr. James O. Rodgers III

Mr. Martin D. Gruss

Mr. J. Camp Van Dyke

Mr. Thomas D. Bond

Mr. Joseph Schrade II

Mr. Mike D. Hannas

Mr. Miner H. Warner

Mr. Robert W. Bradshaw

Mr. W. Prescott Seckel

Mr. Daniel C. Harris

Mr. W. Nels Westman

Mr. Geoffrey Brown

Mr. John Silver

Dr. W. Andrew Harris

Dr. Richard N. Winickoff

Mr. George R. Bunn, Jr.

Mrs. Linda Hlavacek Silver

Mr. Thomas S. Hay

Mr. David W. Campagna

Mr. Ralph C. Smith

Mr. John G. Hazard


Mrs. Marshall H. Chambers

Mr. Robert H. Spofford

Mr. Herbert J. Heisel

Mr. Patrick F. Elliott *

Prof. John J. Stephan

Mr. Thomas M. Hennessey, Jr.

Mr. Peter B. Fleming

Mr. John C. Tower

Mr. Eugene A. Hildreth III

Mr. Michael S. Force

Mr. O. Mallory Walker, Jr.

Leighton Y. Huey, M.D.

Mr. B. Russell Formidoni

Mr. Henley R. Webb

Mr. Walter H. Jones III

Mr. M. Kennith Frank III

Dr. David B. Weinstein

Mr. Paul R. Kartzke

Mr. Russell I. Fries

Dr. Gordon C. Weir

Mr. Willard C. Korn, Jr.

Mr. Myron E. Goldblatt, Jr.

Mr. Robert A. Young III

Mr. Butler W. Lampson


Mr. Harry Landsiedel II

Mr. Douglas M. Graybill Mr. G. Gardiner Green, Jr. Mr. Marshall Haywood III Mr. William C. Howland Mr. Arthur L. Hoyle Mr. Robert A. Hurwich Mr. James P. Jordan Mr. David W. Keller Mr. F. Gordon Kraft Mr. Michael A. Lang Mr. Laurence M. Lasater Mr. John A. Luetkemeyer, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Clark F. MacKenzie Mrs. Mary Elizabeth McClellan Mr. Martinus H. Nickerson Mr. James J. Parker

Mr. F. Scott Andrews Mr. John Warrington Bailey Mr. Paul F. Balser Robert F. Bedford, M.D. Mr. Roberto Bonetti Dr. Arthur E. Broadus Mr. Norman L. Cantor Mrs. Marshall H. Chambers Mr. John S. Clifford, Jr. D. Allen Crossett, Ph.D. Mr. Richard Devens III Mr. Michael D. Eisner Mr. Thomas K. Fawcett Mr. R. Tucker Fitz-Hugh

Dr. John S. Langdon Mr. Charles E. Larsen Dr. Peter B. Leff Mr. Ernest D. Levering Dr. Philip B. Linker Dr. Lawrence J. Lippert Mr. James A. Long Mr. Douglas S. Luke Mr. John C. Lundy Mr. John E. Nathan Mr. Peter D. Nichols Mr. Hugh M. Oechler Robert G. Petix, Ph.D Mr. Lawrence K. Pomeroy Mr. Donald H. Regan

Dr. Frank A. Petito, Jr.

Mr. Philip J. Ringo

Mr. James Pickman

Mr. Mark L. Rose

Mr. Michael L. Alcivar Dr. E. Wyllys Andrews V Mr. Edward S. Barclay, Jr. Mr. Peter M. Barnet Mr. John B. Caddell II Mrs. Marshall H. Chambers Mr. James D. Chapman Dr. Hal S. Chase Mr. John C. Clark III Mr. Roger T. Colehower Mr. Edward B. Collins Mr. J. Donald Dial, Jr. Mr. Richard P. Dulaney Mr. Russell S. Edmonds, Jr. Mr. Frederick H. Etherington, Jr. Mr. Henry E. Gaillard, Jr. Mr. John R. Gardner Mr. Daniel R. Gattis Mr. John E. Gore, Jr. Mr. Robert C. Greenstein Mr. Peter L. Griswold Mr. Theodore C. Hale, Jr. Mr. Peter T. Haverkampf Joseph G. Hodges, Jr., Esquire


GIFTS FROM ALUMNI Mr. William F. Hofmann III


Mr. Richard Johnston


Mr. John C. Hover II

Mr. Edwin L. Adriance

Thornton F. Jordan, PhD

HRH Prince Turki Al-Faisal

Dr. Philip H. Jordan, Jr.

Mr. Thomas J. Anathan

Mr. Peter D. Kamenstein

Mr. Daniel A. Bailey

Mr. Robert E. Jump


Mr. Eric M. Kampmann

Mr. Bruce A. Barnet

Mr. Philip H. Krauthoff

Mr. Benjamin C. Atlee

Mr. David R. Kenerson, Jr.

Mr. Edward C. Bermant

Mr. Richard R. Kreitler

Mr. Robert D. Barclay

Mr. John A. Lenhart

Mr. Robert P. Casey

Mr. Lee A. Kuntz

Mr. Donald C. Barnum, Jr.

Mr. James C. Linville

Mr. Grenville Clark III

Mr. Phillip C. Long

Mr. Bruce S. Bennett

Mr. Henry S. Lynn, Jr.

Mr. William W. Collins, Jr.

Mr. Richard M. Marshall III

Eric H. Berger, M.D.

Mr. Henry T. Lyons, Jr.

Mr. Robert M. Dix, Jr.

Dr. Glenn M. Mason

Mr. Bertram F. Bonner, Jr.

Mr. William Magee

Mr. Robert W. Ehret

James P. McCashin II, Esquire

Mr. Robert A. Bower

Mr. Joseph B. Matthews

Mr. Russell L. Etherington

Mr. Robert S. Mettler

Mr. G. Thomas Bowers

Mr. Lucius Bolles Evans II

Mr. Evan L. Noyes, Jr.

Mr. Richard N. Boyd

The Reverend Bartlett A. McCarthy

Mr. David C. O’Brien

Mr. James J. Brooks

Mr. Henry C. Osborn III

Mr. Willard Bunn III

Mr. David R. Pohndorf

Mrs. Marshall H. Chambers

Mr. David J. Preefer

Mr. Arthur R. Clark, Jr.

Mr. W. Barry Rank

Mr. Tilden Cummings, Jr.

Mr. James A. Schloss

Mr. Richard H. Daesener

Mr. Frank C. Schroeder III

Mr. Michael A. Del Balso

Mr. Frederick H. Shuart, Jr.

Mr. Paul R. Dry

Mr. David A. Shults

Mr. J. Patrik Engellau

Mrs. Linda Hlavacek Silver

Mr. Burton H. Etherington III

Mr. Donald H. Singley

Mr. Morris Evans

Mr. David A. Smith

Mr. Howell L. Ferguson

Dr. W. Lamar Smith, Jr. Mr. Thor Solberg

LTC Lowell K. Flickinger, US Army, Retired

Dr. Alan C. Tucker

Dr. Donald M. Friedman

Mr. Trafton Tredick, Jr.

Mr. Kenneth E. Wagner

Mr. Keith Glickenhaus

James Tustin, M.D.

Mr. George V. Waldron

Dr. John W. Haeger

Mr. George H. Viles II

Mr. Allan T. Walsh

Mr. Dane F. Hahn, Jr.

Mr. John M. Vine

Mr. B. Franklin Williams IV

John B. Hannum, Jr., Esquire

Donald S. Weiss, Esquire

Mr. Richard C. Woodbridge

Richard P. S. Hannum, Esquire

Mr. P. Craig Welch, Jr.

Mr. John C. Yost

Mr. William J. Harrison, Jr.

Mr. W. Bradford Willauer

Mr. Bouldin S. Hitchcock Mr. Douglas S. Jardine Mr. Keith S. Jennings

Mr. Arthur E. McLean J. Gregg Miller, Esquire Dr. James H. Muchmore Mr. Edward R. Murray Mr. Thomas O. Niederer Dr. Charles M. Oman Dr. Steven D. Reich Mr. Gene S. Rosen Dr. David Schlossberg Mr. Thomas W. Scott Mr. Richard S. Sellett Mrs. Linda Hlavacek Silver Mr. George N. J. Sommer III Mr. John M. Tassie

Mr. Roger C. Fagan Dr. F. Edward Gallagher Mr. William R. Gamble II Mr. Timothy C. Griswold Mr. John K. Hager Mr. Mark C. Haley Mr. Charles S. Hall Mr. M. Lawrence Hicks, Jr. Mr. Richard K. Hoffmaster Mr. Jason C. Hubbard Mr. Albert H. Hunker, Jr. Dr. Edward C. Kern, Jr. Nelson P. Lande, PhD Mr. Peter D. Lee Mr. Richard G. LeSchander Mr. John T. Marquez Lawrence C. Marsh, Ph.D. Mr. Robert R. McGrath, Jr. Mr. Robert A. Moore Mr. Thaddeus T. Moore Dr. David D. Mullens Dr. John C. Nelson Mr. Richard M. Quintal Dr. Robert Redfield Mr. James Reed, Jr.

Ronald S. Rolfe, Esquire Mr. Robert Foote Shannon Mrs. Linda Hlavacek Silver Mr. Charles E. Smith II Mr. L. Daniel Snyder Mr. M. Lonsway Sullivan Mr. Charles W. Tiernan, Jr. Mr. Joshua Tobin, Jr. Mr. Raymond G. Viault Dr. Hugh S. Vine Mr. Thomas C. Viviano Mr. James K. Wade Mr. Richard N. Weller David B. Whitehill, Esquire Dr. Richard W. Whitten George Wilgus III, Esquire The Honorable J. Harvie Wilkinson III

The Honorable Christopher Graham Mr. Bruce C. Hoffman Mr. Jeffrey S. Hollis Mr. Thomas W. Howard Mr. Walter E. Hussman, Jr. Mr. Jonathan C. Jones Mr. Howard D. Kelsey Mr. Donald B. Kimelman Mr. Jeffrey C. Lovelace Mr. George G. Lynn Mr. William D. Machold Mr. J. Roderick Manning Mr. Joseph T. Manning Mr. Mark G. McGrath II Mr. John K. McNeel Mr. James A. McNett Mr. Edmund R. Megna, Jr.

Mr. Peter T. Worthen *

Mr. Richard A. Merwin


Mr. Kenneth H. Miller

Joseph F. Abate, Esquire Mr. Ward R. Anderson Mr. Peter M. Bach Mr. Jeffrey G. Bell Mr. John R. Benson Mr. Peter N. Berns Mr. William G. Childs Mr. E. Gray Currier Mr. Barry A. Edwards Mr. Joseph J. Felcone II Dr. Frederick L. Ferris III Dr. Vincent A. Gaudiani III Mr. John E. Gore, Jr. Mr. Robert D. Gottlieb

Mr. Wallace G. Murfit Henry J. Oechler, Jr., Esquire Mr. H. Winfield Padgett, Jr. Mr. Tomas A. Paxton, Jr. Mr. Addison L. Piper Mr. Lewis H. Raker Mr. Joseph B. Riker Mr. Philip Riker III Mr. Robert P. Ryan Dr. Ronald N. Schnur Mr. George H. D. Schulz Mr. Tully Shelley III Mr. Allan Shivers, Jr.

Mr. Richard R. Sills

Mr. Robert R. Kirby

Mrs. Linda Hlavacek Silver

Mr. Andrew R. Laidlaw

Mr. Thomas Smidt II

Mr. Leigh W. Lockwood

Mr. Andrew M. Smulian

Mr. David Hill Lord

Mr. Edward S. Stein

Mr. Richard G. Marcus

Mr. Bruce M. Swenson

Mr. Stephen S. Mathews

Mr. Lawrence C. Tondel

Mr. Bruce E. McCashin

Mr. W. Woodward Webb

Ms. Ann McClellan

Mr. Hugh N. Westwater

Mrs. Mary Elizabeth McClellan

Mr. Charles E. Whitehead

Mr. Robert N. McClellan


Mr. Clinton W. Murchison III

Mr. Adam T. Adams Mr. James P. Alampi Mr. Bruce C. Badeau Mr. Richard L. Baker Mr. Scott A. Belair Mr. Walter W. Blood III Mr. John H. Boddington Mr. James A. Brady III Mr. John A. Burrell Mr. Matthew Dominy, PE, BCEE, PWLF

Mr. Stephen S. Murray Mr. Howard Carl Myers Mr. Jansen Noyes III Mr. Nicholas S. Noyes Dr. David J. Okerson Mr. William U. Parfet Dr. George W. Paschal III Mrs. Joanne Rafferty Mr. Frederick T. Richards, Jr. Mr. John A. Richards, Jr. Mr. James Paul Rodell

Mr. Lawrence B. Dorman

Robert J. Saner II, Esquire

Mr. Reynolds du Pont, Jr.

Mr. Frank A. Sherer, Jr.

Edith Baird Eglin

Dr. Douglas Skinner

Mr. Karl E. Ennenga

Mr. Andrew Stanhope

Mr. William W. Espy

Mr. Charles C. Stewart IV

Mr. George H. Fetterolf

Mr. Arthur P. Thompson

Mr. Robert A. Fishman

Dr. Robert Lee Wagner, Jr.

Mr. Frank B. Freyer III

Mr. John H. Welborne

Mr. Theodore K. Graham

Mr. William B. Wickwire

Mrs. Leita V. Hamill

Mr. Richard R. Woods

Mr. William H. B. Hamill Mr. Timothy M. Hartman Thore Hoglund, M.D. Mr. Erik W. Houser Mr. John F. Kelsey III



Mr. John M. Metzger


Mr. William R. Maier, Jr.

Mr. James C. Adamson

Mr. Norman E. Mitchell III

Mr. Edward W. Andrews, Jr.

Mr. David F. Marquardt

Mr. John T. Bakhaus

Mr. Pedro Mitro


Mr. Allan C. Mayer, Jr.

Mr. Eric K. Behrens

Dr. Charles E. Murphy III

Dr. Clifford K. Ayers

Mr. Alexander McNaughton

Dr. Frederick O. Buckley, Jr.

Mr. Charles C. O’Brien

Mr. David C. Barclay

Mr. Richard A. Merkt

Mr. David C. Butterfield *

Mr. Bryan M. Oliphant

Mr. Richard J. Barrett

Mr. Steven Michaan

Mrs. Marshall H. Chambers

Mr. Robert J. Osten, Jr.

Mr. H. Lyals Battle

Mr. John R. Moffat

Mr. Michael A. Chamish

Mr. Robert W. Pettee

Professor Brookes D. Billman, Jr.

Mr. Burk C. Murchison

Mr. Theodore B. Conklin III

Mr. David J. Pollak

Mr. David P. Cameron

Mr. Robert E. Murdoch

Mrs. William C. Crooks

Erik G. Ponten, M.D.

Mr. T. Andrew Candor

Mr. Andrew J. Naporano, Jr.

Mr. Richard C. Dougherty

Mr. Jeffrey J. Preefer

Mr. Cole Carothers

Mr. Robert G. Nathan

Mr. Thomas L. du Pont

Mr. John J. Preefer

Mr. Thomas D. Carroll

Mr. Miguel G. Nunez-Lawton

Mr. Bruce C. Edmonds

Mr. Douglas W. Reid

Mr. Jeffrey R. Clark

Mr. Arturo M. Ottolenghi

Edith Baird Eglin

Mr. G. Jeffrey Reynolds

Mr. Charles W. Combs

Mr. Michael M. Platt

Mr. Fred W. Ehrhardt

Mr. Peter T. Ridgely

Mr. Hugh A. Cregg III

Robert M. Pu, Esquire

Pablo Gomery, M.D.

Robert N. Ridolfi, Esquire

Mr. P. Coleman du Pont

Dr. Paul G. Ramsey

Mr. Theodore K. Graham

Mr. Grant A. Ritter

Mr. Fletcher M. Durbin

Mr. Robert Raymond

Mr. John M. Gray

Mr. Page Roos

Edith Baird Eglin

Mr. Rolf S. Reinalda

Mr. Maurice C. Hakim

Mr. James A. Rowan, Jr.

Mr. William C. Ehret III

Mr. William T. Schriber

Mr. Jacob G. Hannas

Mr. William H. Schwarzschild III

Mr. Joseph M. Fitzgerald III

Dr. Charles M. Scott

Dr. Ralph Vail Harder

Mr. Henry P. Scott IV

Mr. Paul E. Fitzgerald

Mr. Kenneth A. Seaman

Mr. Stephen H. Harrison

Mr. J. William Sinnott

Mr. Frederick W. Gaertner

Mr. Howard N. Skinner

Mr. Douglas P. Hirsh

W. Bertrand Spencer, MD

Mr. R. Jack Garver

Mr. Christopher D. Stifel

Mr. William H. Husted, Jr.

Mr. Edward C. Stokes III

Mr. Charles W. Gates, III

Dr. Alexander J. Swistel

Dr. R. Brooke Jeffrey, Jr.

Mr. Elbridge H. Stuart III

Mr. Bruce T. Godfrey

Mr. Spencer A. Tandy

Mr. James B. Kilgore

Paul A. Tomar, Esquire

Mr. Richard B. Tomlinson

Dr. Alfred R. Kraemer

Mr. Richard A. Tuggle

The Reverend Dr. Lawrence A. Jones

Mr. William A. Krusen, Jr.

Mr. Robert M. White

Kenneth L. Kraft, Ph.D.

Mr. Thomas J. Urban

Michael M. Ledyard, Esquire

Mr. Jared Wickware

Mr. Peter M. Leeb

Mr. Dominicus R. Valiunas

Mr. Peter D. Lips

Mr. Loyal W. Wilson

Mr. James C. Lindsay

Mr. James C. Waugh

Mr. Lindsay W. Lloyd

Rev. J. William Wauters, Jr. TSSF

Mr. Donald S. Lovelace

Mr. Robert T. Whittaker

Mr. Jonathan S. Lynn

Mr. Charles P. Williams

Mr. Charlton H. Lyons III Mr. Theodore L. McCaugherty Mr. Robert A. McEwan Mr. James A. Meriwether

Mr. J. Fraser MacLeod Mr. M. Stuart Madden, Jr.

Mr. Peter L. Tompkins


Mr. Ronald D. Mangravite

Mr. William R. Brion


Dr. Anthony P. Andrews

William D. McEachern, Esquire

Alan Jason Coe, M. D.

John M. Begovich, Ph.D., P.E.


Mr. Hollis S. McLoughlin

Mr. Alan A. Danser

Mr. Thomas J. Berger

Mr. John H. Barclay

Mr. Thomas K. McNeil

Dr. Richard D. De Veaux

Mr. Duncan L. Bethune

Mr. Eugene F. Brissie, Jr.

Mr. John K. Meiners, Jr.

Mr. Timothy C. Doyle

The Reverend Charles W. Bowman

Mr. Robert H. Bunn

Mr. Bernhard E. Metzger

Howard L. Frey, MD

Mr. Kirk B. Broaddus

Mr. Vincent J. Cahill, Jr.

Mr. Jay D. Miller

Gary H. Friday, M.D.

Mr. Barrett G. Bunnell

Mr. Frederick E. Cammerzell III

Mr. Stephen W. Miller

Mr. Stefan W. Goff

Christopher W. Burdick, Esquire

Mr. Andrew F. Coburn

Mr. Ernest E. Norris III

Mr. W. Scott Hall

Mr. Thomas L. Carter, Jr.

Mr. Ronald L. Cohen

Mr. Mark H. O’Donoghue

Mr. M. Maynard Holcombe, Jr.

Dr. Monford D. Custer III

Mr. B. Walter Crain III

Mr. Robert W. Owen

Mr. Walter H. Hoppe

Mr. Bruce S. Dole

Mr. J. Richard deBart, Jr.

Mr. John F. Rawley

Mr. Jeffrey K. Kerr

Mr. R. Douglas Ezzell

Mr. Philip L. DeMuth

Dr. Michael F. Reed

Mr. C. Tomlinson Kline III

Mr. Christopher F. Foard

Mr. Peter G. D’Oench

Mr. Robert S. Rehr

Mr. Andre C. Loh

Jeffress B. Hailand, Esquire

Mr. John J. Etherington

Mr. Steven C. Ruhle

Mr. Allen P. Lovejoy

Mr. Henry Harnischfeger, Jr.

Mr. John L. Fagelson

Mr. J. Cotter Smith

Mr. Timothy C. Maguire

Mr. Kit Henningsen

Kenneth H. Fischbeck, M.D.

Mr. Andrew C. Stickney

Mr. Harry A. Mirach

Mr. Daggett H. Howard, Jr.

Mr. Darrell A. Fitzgerald

Mr. Arthur C. Sze

Mr. Douglas M. Montgomery

Mr. Harrison Hutchinson

Mr. Dod A. Fraser

Mr. Michael W. Tiernan

Mr. Robert W. Nagle

Mr. John G. Irvin, Jr.

Mr. S. Gary Gilpin

Mr. Alexander W. Vietor

Mr. R. Scott Neely

Mr. C. Tandy Jones, Jr.

Mr. Henry R. Glenn, Jr.

Mr. Edward L. Vine

Mr. John A. Peterson, Jr.

Mr. Ross A. Kimball

Mr. Ross C. Gordon

Mr. James I. Warren

Mrs. Paul D. Porter

Mr. Robert Y. McCarter

Mr. Theodore K. Graham

Mr. Nicholas C. Waugh

Mr. James A. Rawley, Jr.

Mr. Robert L. McTiernan

Mr. Richard J. Hadley

Mr. James D. Wharton

Mr. Henry B. Robertson

Christopher C. North, Esquire

Dr. Rousei Hamada

Mr. Nicholas R. Whitcraft

Mr. James S. Schrade

Dr. Peter A. Oldziey

Mr. George A. Hamid III

Mr. Eric R. Winter

Mr. Hugh A.S. Shields

Mr. David M. Perry

Mr. Frank E. Herczeg, Jr. *


Mr. Charles W. Terry

Mr. Brian M. Shivers

Dr. Henry M. West

David J. Simmons, M.D.

Mr. Alexander K. Wiggin II

Mr. William B. Thompson

Mr. Paul E. Zebrowski

Dr. Benjamin H. Whitten

Robert J. Zullo, Jr., Esq.

Mr. Lawrence E. Wieman

Mr. Ronald F. Horvath Mr. Charles B. Hughes III Mr. Robert A. Koenig Mr. Silas W. Kopf Mr. Kenneth T. MacDermotRoe Mr. Paul L. Maddock, Jr. Dr. Robert T. Maguire

Abraham Abraham Mr. W. Dillaway Ayres, Jr. Mr. Scott M. Bamford Mr. Rocky Barber Mr. William P. Barker Mr. Bertrand C. Barrois Mr. Earl M. Bennett Mr. Steven S. Berizzi

Mr. James D. Wilson Dr. William R. Woodward




Mr. George W. Varn, Jr.

Mr. David W. Magill

Mr. Hugh T. Ashley

Mr. Charles P. Andersen

Mr. Peter M. Wagner

Mr. Paul A. Magnin

Mr. Charles F. Baird, Jr.


Mr. James B. Walburg

Mr. Ford McBeth

Mr. Henry F. Bannister, Jr.

Mr. Dudley R. Bahlman

Mr. Douglas B. Watkins

Mr. Henry D. Mercer III

Mr. Noel G. Belli

Mr. Roy J. Bamford

Dr. Thomas H. Whitten

Mr. Harold L. Meyer

Mr. Wesley R. Brooks

Mr. Robert J. Barker

Mr. Hessel E. Yntema III

Mr. Donald M. Missey

Mr. Albert D. Brown

Mr. Richard H. Brody

Mr. Lee A. Odden

The Rev. Brenton H. Carey

Steele R. Chadwell, Esquire


Mr. Mark R. Cleary

Mr. Henry C. Clifford III

Mr. Rogers L. Crain

Mr. Lee A. Dinstman

Mr. Donald R. Devitt

Mrs. Maureen Ehret

Mr. Jonathan C. Dickey

Mr. Steven H. Fahl

Mr. Jeffrey H. Ehret

Mr. John G. Fenwick

Mr. John Fedors, Jr.

Mr. Michael L. Fitzgerald

Mr. R. Jack Garver

Charles F. Forer, Esquire

Dr. Roy G. Geronemus

Mr. S. Baker Fullerton III

Mr. John R. O. Gery

Mr. Michael S. Gibson

Mr. Alton G. Goodspeed

Mr. David A. Goldberg

Mr. Luther T. Griffith

Mr. Theodore K. Graham

Mr. Stephen A. Hayes

Mr. Bruce L. Hager

Mr. Andrew T. Holcombe

Mr. Edward A. Harrington

Mr. Lawrence D. Howell II

Mr. Elton M. Hyder III

Mr. Kevin E. McCarthy

Mr. John N. Irwin III

Mr. William T. Paish

Mr. Roland S. Jones, Jr.

Mr. Donald R. Parfet

Dr. Christopher H. Joy

David M. Roda, D.O.

Mr. R. Michael Kasperzak, Jr.

Dr. William E. Schreiber

Mr. J. Kevin Koplin

Mr. Clifford S. Sutter, Jr.

Mr. Mark M. Larsen

Mr. Richard M. Sword

Mr. John F. Mann

Mr. John Shackelford Toms

Mr. DeWitt A. Nunn, Jr.

Mr. Bruce N. Vinik

Mr. William R. Padnos

The Reverend Randolph L. C. Weber

Dr. William T. Patten, Jr.

Mr. Elliott P. Woolley Mr. Mark J. Young

Mr. William L. Phipps Mr. Scott W. Reid Mr. Brian M. Smyth Mr. Edward W. Strong Mr. Robert C. Y. Tse

Mr. Paul L. Anderson Mr. Thomas S. Buechner III Dr. D. Paul Buhrer, Jr. Mr. Bruce G. Carchidi Mr. Stephen P. Carson Dr. Milton E. Coll John G. Connor Mr. Allen J. Danzig Mr. Edward J. Dougherty, Jr. Mr. J. Scott Dyer Mr. Corson Ellis Mr. J. Allen Fitzpatrick

Mr. John S. Pappas Mr. Christopher S. Petito Mr. Alan H. Plough Mr. Bruce K. Quackenbush Mr. Scott M. Quackenbush Mr. Christopher F. Robertshaw Mr. Richard C. Rolle Mr. Richard C. Seltzer Mr. Samuel A. Stein Mr. Sam Stovall Mr. E. Scott Swanezy Mr. Jonathan P. Trupin

Mr. Howard B. Foltz


Mr. John N. Garner


Mr. Richard R. Grassey, Jr.

Mr. Benjamin C. Atlee

Werner R. Haag, Ph.D.

David J. Ballard, M.D., Ph.D.

Mr. Bernard M. Hodges

Mr. David N. Bennett

Mr. Phillip R. Hughes

Mr. William M. Blair

Mr. Glenn H. Hutchins

Mr. William W. Burchfield

COL Jonathan H. Jaffin, M.D., USA

James A. W. D. Chan, Esquire

Mr. William A. Jump III

Mr. George Y. Chen

Mr. Michael A. Kaskiw

Dr. James J. Corcoran, Jr.

Mr. Bruce C. Kelsey

Mr. Stewart M. Dansby

Mr. J. Lionel P. Kennedy

Ms. Constance Carpenter Deans

Mr. Robert R. Klotz

Mr. Michael B. du Pont

Mr. John A. Magee

Mr. Samuel C. Finnell III Mr. Mark J. Gabrielson Dr. Leslie A. Hayling, Jr. Mr. Louis V. Lauricella Mr. Noah R. Levy

Mr. Thomas A. Long

Mr. Robert W. Gadsden

Mr. Thomas G. Fowler

Mr. Jeffrey B. Hoisington

Mr. Andrew Mainardi III

Mr. George R. Gagliardi

Mr. Joseph B. Frumkin

Mr. Martin Horner

Mr. Max A. Maxwell

Mr. Wallace B. Greene

Mr. Gary A. Granfield

Mr. Arthur P. Hui

Dr. Martin P. Nevitt

Mr. George W. Hain III

Mr. Lucius T. Hill III

Mr. William P. Manieri

Mr. C. Reynolds Parsons

Mr. William J. Heffern

Dr. Steven C. Isaacson

Mr. J. Scott Masters

Jeffrey S. Posta, Esquire

Mr. Michael O. Hill

Dr. Richard D. Kimmel

Mr. Frederick J. Maxted III

Mr. Peter M. Reed

Mr. C. Michael Kamm

Mr. Jeff Lyle

Mr. Daniel L. Menichella, Jr.

Mr. William F. Rommel

Anatole S. Kim, M.D.

Mr. Martin K. Matsui

Mr. Rustin A. Miller *

Mr. Robert J. Rosenstein

Bruce H. Kraut, M.D., Ph.D

Mr. E. Anthony McAuliffe

Mr. Matthew F. Minno

Mr. Thomas K. Scardino

Mr. Arthur H. Kravitz

Mr. Christopher M. Nawn

Mr. Donald B. Scott, Jr.

Mr. Robert A. McKenry

LTC Gilbert H. Pearsall, Jr., USA, RET

Mr. Paul A. Simon

Mr. David L. McKissock, Jr.

Bruce H. Stern, Esquire

Mr. Thomas V. McMahon, Jr.

Mr. Eric M. Tucker

Mr. Melville D. Mummert

Mr. James C. Waugh

Mr. Daniel J. Reagan

Mr. A. Davis Whitesell

Mr. Preston R. Sargent

Mr. Craig E. Willis

Mr. Ori V. Schwartzburg


Mr. J. Ward Sener III

Michael D. Achey, M.D. Mr. Garth R. Ancier

Mr. Vernon L. Shetley Mr. William A. Siegele, Jr.

Mr. Todd R. Quackenbush Mr. Jeffrey H. Sands Mr. J. Anderton Schwartzburg * Mr. Peter M. Sharpe Mr. Neil W. L. Volant Mr. Peter G. Voorhees Mr. Seth H. Waugh Mr. Paul D. Wieman Mr. Forwood C. Wiser III

Mr. Robert M. Reardon, Jr. Bruce E. Rosenthal, Esquire Mr. Robert L. Rosner Mr. Jonathan D. Silverman Col. William L. Sparrow, USAF Mr. Ames Stevens III Mr. Garrett M. Tuttle Mr. John R. Van De Water Mr. Joseph P. G. Von Meister Mr. Darryl S. Waskow

Mr. Robert G. Silverman


Mr. Bradley S. Weeden

Mr. Ralph W. Spooner

Mr. Michael M. Bailey

Mr. Harold B. Wilder III

Mr. David A. Taft

Mr. David H. Barnes

Mr. Andrew W. Wyckoff

Mr. Curtis McGraw Webster

Ms. Mary Kate Barnes

Mr. Jonathan G. Weiss

Mr. Geoffrey S. Berman


Dr. Thomas Y. Yeh

Mr. Matthew M. Chambers

Mr. Hyman J. Brody


Arnold Chen, M.D.

Mr. Clinton R. Brown


Mr. George R. Brown III

Mr. David T. Austin

Mr. William F. Clinger III

Mr. Robert G. Beller

Mr. Warren H. Dean

Mr. Michael J. Caron

Mr. Andrew T. Dickson

Mr. Richard M. Chambers

Mr. Jeffrey E. Friedman

Mr. Jonathan C. De Witt

Mr. Benjamin C. Atlee Mr. John S. Bacon Mr. Harry D. Barnett Mr. Gary R. Bedford Mr. Paul J. Bennett, Jr. William G. Broad, M.D.

Mr. John F. Ehret Mr. Patrick M. Ehret

Mr. W. Graham Cole, Jr. Mr. Richard S. Coomber Mr. Gerard G. Corcoran, Sr. Mr. Walter D. Cruickshank Mr. Anthony DiStefano, Jr. Paul Georgiadis, Esquire Mr. J. Wilson Henley Mr. Matthew B. Hill

Mr. C. Kirk Baird Mr. Robert J. Castelo Mr. Stebbins B. Chandor, Jr. Jerome H. Chin, M.D. Mr. John M. Cromwell Mr. Andrew M. Danzig Mr. Calisle S. Dean Mr. Dirk M. DiGiorgio-Haag Mr. Edward L. Gibson, Jr. Mr. Francis B. (Skip) Gilbert III Mr. Peter Gould

Mr. Peter Jay Elkind

Mr. Jeffrey T. Growney

Mr. Charles M. Fleischman

Mr. Kenneth E. Growney



Dr. Steven E. Ciabattoni

Mrs. Marshall H. Chambers


Mr. A. Maximilian Holmes

Mr. Thomas B. Curbishley

Mr. Stephen P. Chung

Dr. Robert S. Bahadori

Mr. John P. Lamberton

Mr. Timothy C. Doyle

Mr. W. Graham Cole, Jr.

Mr. Daniel S. Berman

Mr. Lawrence E. Leibowitz

Ms. Elizabeth A. Duffy

Mr. Terence J. Cryan

Mr. Buck Blessing

Dr. Marc E. Magod

Mr. Jeffrey R. Eaton

Mr. Bruce M. Cummins

Eric Broadway, Esquire

Mr. Robert G. Neville

Peter J. Ellis, M.D.

Mr. Matthew M. Davies

Mr. Alan H. Brown

Mr. Louis M. Phillips

Mr. Steven J. Embersits

Mr. Paul C. Dewey, Jr.

Mr. Francis H. Dyckman III

Mr. Steven R. Porter

Mr. John W. Filoon III

Mr. Arthur K. Fullerton

Mr. Steven M. Friedman

Mr. Gregg W. Rosner

Mr. Henry F. Fischer

Mr. Richard C. Galiardo

Mr. Stephen M. Garner *

Mr. Ross G. Satterwhite

Mr. Jonathan A. Foltz

Mr. Philip C. Haughey, Jr.

Mr. Earl N. Garrett IV

Mr. John P. Scardino

Mr. Robert E. Franke

Mr. Dallas Hetherington

Mr. Russell E. Gibson II

Mr. Peter L. Schluter

Dr. Steven N. Graff

Mr. Kenneth T. Howarth

Mr. David R. Goldberg

Dr. Erik A. Schwarzkopf

Mr. John A. D. Gutman

Mr. Mark D. Jacobs

Mr. A. Mark Goodman

Mr. John P. Servis

Mr. Lawrence S. Herold

Mr. Jefferson W. Kirby

Mr. Todd E. Hamilton

Mr. David B. Stephens

Mr. Michael S. Immordino

Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Kuenne

Mr. Greg W. Hausler

Mr. J. Douglas Summa

Mr. Crawford Jamieson III

Mr. Max A. Maxwell

Mr. David M. Hayden

Mr. John A. Topping

Mrs. Mary Elizabeth McClellan

Mr. David H. Mills

Dr. Eliot C. Heher

Mr. W. Breck Weigel

Mr. Matthew B. McCormick

Mr. Brockett Muir III

Mr. Joel F. Holmes III

Mr. Hubert T. Wen

Mr. Adam J. Mervis

Mr. Richard S. Nixon

Dr. Granger G. Hwa

Mr. Gregory A. Williamson

Mr. Michael P. Nictakis

Patrick B. Noone, M.D.

Mr. Richard E. Kraemer

Mr. Elliott W. Wislar

Mr. John W. Partridge

Mr. Charles H. Olin

Mr. Peter Krawchuk III

Mrs. Carolyn Wojciechowicz

Mr. Lucius E. Reese

Mr. Roland V. Pearson, Jr.

Mr. Jon M. Krieg

Mr. Michael T. Wojciechowicz

Mr. Paul C. Reilly

Mr. Shawn R. Pender

Mr. Jean-Claude E. Kyrillos


Mr. Matthew A. Sabisky

Mr. Robert J. C. Rediker

Mr. Peter J. Lakers

Mr. A. G. Mikael Sodersten

Mr. William B. Scatchard III

Mr. Barry J. Lass

Mr. Edward R. Stehle

Mr. Thomas E Schorr

Mr. Steven M. Lee

Mr. Joseph W. Versfelt

Mr. Kurt I. Schwarzkopf

Jeffrey C. Levy, Esquire

Mr. Miles B. Bingham, P.E.


Mr. Alexander T. Sidon

Stephen K. Liu, MD

Mr. Richard R. Blake, Jr.


Mr. Norman P. Silvester, Jr.

Mr. Drew W. Loboda

Mr. John J. Bowe

Mr. James T. Beck, Jr.

Mr. Stuart L. Singer

Mr. Craig M. Lucas

The Honorable Frank Bryant III

Mr. Andrew Blau

Mr. Henry B. D. Smith

Dr. Mammen P. Mammen, Jr.

Mr. Peter M. Casper, Jr.

Mr. J. Scott Breig

Mr. Patrick H. Swearingen III

Mr. Nelson E. Matthews, Jr.

Mr. Youngsuk Chi

Mr. James E. Buck II

Mr. Jonathan B. Teplitz

Mr. Max A. Maxwell

Dr. Hunter B. Wessells

Mr. Bradley G. Miller

Mr. Christopher T. Wilde

Mr. George C. Moore, Jr.

Mr. D. Lee Wyckoff

Mr. Sherwood W. Newell

Mr. George W. Arnett III Mr. Benjamin C. Atlee Mr. Frederic L. Atwood, Jr.

Mr. Mark D. Caplan James C. Carl, Ph.D.

Mrs. Joanne Rafferty

Daniel L. Sambursky, MD

Mr. George C. Y. Koo

Mr. Lloyd W. Cheu

Mr. Brendan T. O’Reilly

Mr. Stephen A. Shields

David S. Lee, M.D.

Dr. Andrew B. Chun

Mr. Henson J. Orser

Mr. T. Neil Smith

Mr. Steve W. Lin

Mr. Michael P. Clifford

Mr. Philip C. Porter

Dr. Hernando A. Trujillo

Mr. M. Brooke Loening

Mr. William E. Coble

Dr. Adrian W. B. Randolph

Mr. Gareth N. Turner

Charles Lu, M.D.

Mr. W. Graham Cole, Jr.

Mr. Philip J. Santora III

Mr. Robert M. Ultan

Mr. James V. Maneri

Mr. David A. Cox

Mr. Patrick J. Schwarz

Mr. Evan E. Unger

William P. Marsan, Esquire

Mr. Steven O. Cummins

Mr. Jeffrey E. Smith

Dr. Raymond R. Wagner, Jr.

Mr. Peter J. Maruca

Mr. Robert M. Danzig

Mr. Jeffrey Spano

Mr. Samuel G. Washington, Jr.

Dr. Jeffrey B. Mulholland

Mr. David P. Dickerson

Mr. Frederic W. Thomas, Jr.

Mr. Carl W. Wegner

Mr. Edward R. Najarian

Mr. Jeffrey G. Dishner

Mr. William J. Venizelos

Mr. Robert L. Zullinger III

Mr. Christopher P. Niblock

Mr. Christopher A. Duffy

Mr. Christopher R. Wesnofske


Mr. Joseph L. Platzner

Mr. Joseph P. Flynn

Mr. Bruce A. Williamson

Stephen R.B. Powell, Esquire

Mr. Barton H. George

Major Joseph S. Zaren, USAF

Mr. W. Douglas Robertson

Mr. Andrew T. Goodyear, Jr.

Mr. Donaldson Mott Ross

Mr. J. Cale Graham


Dr. Lawrence R. Rubin

Kenneth R. Hallows, M.D., Ph.D.

Mr. Jeffrey L. Schlegel

Mr. Thomas J. Heitzman

Mr. Paul T. Sweeney

Mr. Charles C. Henneman

Mr. Joseph C. Tsai

Mr. James O. Houssels

Mr. William M. Ultan

Mr. David J. Hovsepian

Mr. Gregory H. Van Horn

Theodore H. Jobes, Esquire

Mr. Andrew S. Weinberg

Mr. Ronald J. Kane, Jr.

Mr. James H. White

Eugene D. Kim, MD

Mr. Robert M. Wieman

Dr. Jung-Tack Kim

Mr. Clifton G. York

Mr. Jeffrey P. Lavine

T. Robert Zochowski, Jr., Esquire

Mr. John P. McCarthy

Mr. William R. Hartman, Jr.


Michael J. McLaughlin, MD

Mr. James R. Henderson

Mr. Philip P. Adams

Mr. Steven F. Hipple

Mr. David F. A. Allen

Lee M. Hollis, Esq.

Mr. Benjamin C. Atlee

Eli J. Hurowitz

Mr. Laurence D. Banner

Frederick M. Ivey, Ph.D.

Mr. Joseph A. Bellissimo

Dr. Noah D. Kauff

Mr. Charles B. Bernicker

Mr. Sey-Hyo Lee

Dr. Sigurd H. Berven

Mr. George E. Long, Jr.

Mr. Warren W. Brown

Mr. Timothy J. Mark

Mr. Christopher J. Caputo

Mr. Richard T. McDonough

Mr. Christopher M. Carter

Mr. James S. Merritt III

Anonymous Mr. George K. Atwood Mr. Jonathan M. Baum Mr. Walter L. Bellingham Mr. Bernard E. Berlinger III Mr. Elliott C. Cheu Mr. David Y. Chua Mr. James H. Cohen Mr. Christian T. S. Crumlish Mr. John M. Doggett, Jr. Mr. John K. Easton III Mr. Daniel J. Ellard Mr. Stephen W. Frey Mr. James M. Gidicsin

Mr. Kenneth W. Muller Mr. John McD. Muscarelle Mr. Sami Y. Nawas Mr. Conrad B. Nelson Mr. Gordon D. Newell

Mr. Benjamin C. Atlee Mr. Anjan Bose Dr. Timothy B. Brown Mr. William E. B. Davlin Mr. Allan L. Flowers Mr. Takehiro Fukuda Mr. Andrew D. Garrett Mr. Richard L. Goldberg Mr. Theodore Golfinopoulos Mr. Michael E. Grier Mr. Peter J. Holmes Mr. Edward J. Hudson Mr. Walter R. Kalmar Dr. Razib Khaund Takao Kurihara, Ph.D. Mr. Kristofer P. Langholz Mr. Roderick J. Lavallee Mr. Richard T. LeBuhn



Mr. Douglas T. Hirai


Mr. Daniel B. Newberg

A. Carter Mills IV

Mr. Donald Lee Jacobs

Mr. Adam D. Bennett

Mr. Timothy L. Nichols

Mr. Peter A. Najarian

Mr. Philip H. Jordan III

Mr. Robert James Bergman

Mr. Brian A. O’Callaghan

Mr. Andrew J. B. Naumann

Mr. Steven S. Kim

Mr. Daniel G. Berrien

Mr. Brian J. O’Reilly

Mr. Steven F. Robins

Mr. Fritz-Alan Korth, Jr.

Dr. Robert P. Bonacci

Mr. Eric B. Ottaway

Mr. John H. Ruddy

Mr. Alexander K. Lee

Mr. Norman L. Brown, Jr.

Mr. Richard M. Phelan

Mr. Michael C. Sapnar

Mr. David M. S. Lee

Mr. Geoffrey H. Buchan

Mr. Thomas H. Quinn, Jr.

Dr. Todd M. Schaefer

Mr. Tommy S. Lee

Mr. Charles H. Casimir-Lambert

Dr. Michael W. Riben

Mr. David E. Silverstein

Mr. Marcus B. Mabry

Mr. Michael S. Chae

Mr. William L. Robbins

Mr. David B. Sloan

Mr. Oommen P. Mammen

Joseph H. Chou, MD, PhD

Mr. Kirk D. Rule

Mr. Stephen W. Staunton

Ms. Lisa A. Marin

Mr. Robert E. Cockburn

Mr. Carl A. Smith, Jr.

Mr. Ralph M. Trieschmann, Jr.

Mr. Alexander C. Marks

Mr. Keith E. Coleman *

Mr. David W. Sumner

Dr. James F. Verrees

Mr. John W. Morris

Mr. John F. Collins, Jr.

Mr. Daniel M. Tapiero

Mr. Andrew V. Wagner

Mr. Andrew T. Mott

Mr. Stephen C. Davidson

Mr. Peter B. Thauer

Mr. James O. White

Major R. Lyle Muir, Jr. USMCR

Mr. John M. Doggett, Jr.

Mr. Alan L. S. Tung


Mr. Nicholas M. Roegner

Mr. Christopher P. Donnelly

Mr. R. Lee Underwood III

Mr. Robert B. Rosenstein

Mr. Michael J. Duffy

Mr. Parker E. Vaughey

Mr. Philip H. Schluter

Mr. David L. Eigen

Mr. L. Kendrick Wakeman

Mr. Gary W. Schotland

Mr. Peter E. Farrell

Mr. J. Harley Walsh, Jr.

Mr. Thomas A. M. Smallhorn

Mr. Craig S. Forester

Mr. Kirk A. Wright

Mr. Joseph R. Sola

Mr. Manish S. Gautam

Mr. William P. Zeiss *

Mr. James H. Strader IV

Mr. Andrew S. Glikbarg

Mr. Paul E. Zorlas

Mr. James P. Sullivan

William A. Haumann, Esq.

Kevin G. Volpp, M.D., Ph.D.

Mr. John C. Keeler


Mr. Roland M. Wagner

Mr. Peter C. H. Koo

Mr. James C. Waugh

Mr. Randall H. Krongard

Mr. Eric K. S. Wertz

Mr. R. Christian Kuser

Mr. Charles P. Williams

Dr. Douglas M. Lee

Mr. Samuel B. Williams

Mr. John A. Lee

Mr. Stephen T. C. Wong

Mr. W. A. Fitzhugh Lee

Mr. Rodney F. Yap

Mr. John Hsu Lin

Mr. John P. Zahner

Mr. John Don Liu

Mr. Jonathan H. Zitzman

Mr. Mark A. Lorenzo

Mr. Johannes R.E. Adams Mr. William W. Allen Mr. Matthew N. Bernstein Mr. James B. Brown Mr. Timothy P. Cabot Dr. Robert Y. M. Chang Mr. Philip L. Chen Mr. W. Graham Cole, Jr. Mr. John G. Devine Mr. Mark E. Dingle Mr. Peter Jay DuBois Mr. James G. Duffy, Jr. Dr. Stephen L. Farris Mr. J. Allen Fitzpatrick Mrs. J. Allen Fitzpatrick Mr. Bert A. Getz, Jr. Mr. John Gigliotti Mr. Charles D. Gold Mr. Andrea Goren Mr. Walter J. Hajduk III Mr. Kendall M. Hamilton

Mr. Henry T. Lyons III Mr. David S. Mao Mr. Kenneth S. Mills Mr. Samuel D. Moon, Jr.

Mr. Leonard J. Accardi Anonymous Mr. Robert M. Aris Mr. Benjamin C. Atlee Mr. Peter G. Barlow William Y. Chua, Esquire Mr. W. Graham Cole, Jr. Mr. Steven P. Courtiss Mr. Benjamin H. J. Cummings Mr. John M. Doggett, Jr. Mr. Thomas P. Dutchyshyn Mr. R. Andy Eichfeld Dr. A. James Fessler III Mr. David R. Gammons

Mr. Goodwin Gaw

Mr. Joseph E. Tillman

Mr. Charles C. LeBourgeois, Jr.


Mr. Matthew J. Giller

Mr. Andreas H. Victor

Mr. Timothy J. Levy

Mr. Wolfram D. Arendt

Mr. Christopher J. Goddard

Mr. Adam A. Violich

Ms. Elizabeth M. Lundy

Mr. John S. Atherton

Mr. Philip G. Groves

Mr. John E. Waldron

Ms. Lucretia C. Lyons

Mrs. Sara Stowe Ayres

Mr. Timothy P. Hartshorn

Mr. Alexander C. Walton

Ms. Alexandra MacDowell

Mr. Lawrence T. Baldwin

Mr. David R. Hausmann

Mr. Jared C. Weeden

Mr. Dean R. Manuel

Mr. Scott L. Barbee

Darwin K. Hayes, DDS, FAGD

Mr. Peter J. Witonsky

Mr. Jeremy K. Mario

Mr. Robyn B. Battaile

Mr. Scott W. Hellar


Mr. Sean T. McDermott

Mrs. Catherine Wilson Bazant

Mr. Philip A. Melconian

Mr. Hal Bouma

Mr. David S. Miller

Mr. Andrew S. Bullock

Mr. George Lee Newcomb

Mrs. Marshall H. Chambers

Mr. John C. Newsom

Mr. Scott T. Coleman *

Mrs. Marilyn Huang Park

Mr. Charles W. Crowther

Mr. Christopher J. Perkins

Mrs. Elizabeth Q. Davis

Mr. Joseph W. Pitt, Jr.

Mr. Daniel M. DiCarlo III

Mr. David C. Preaus

Mr. Robert T. Ehret

Mr. Rowland Richards

Rachel Shore Farrington, M.D.

Mr. Philip F. Romanelli Mr. Daniel I. Rose

Mrs. Dominique McLerran Feldesman

Mr. Peter C. Rubincam

Mr. Jared P. Fischer

Mr. and Mrs. Stephen I. Savino

Mr. J. Allen Fitzpatrick

Ms. Nicole Lassiter Schaufele

Mr. Alexander D. Goldfarb

Mr. J. David Schuster

Mr. Douglas E. Jones

Mr. John L. Seitz

Mr. Thomas E. Kelly

Ms. Lauren J. Shipley

Ms. Amanda G. Kessler

Mr. J. Goodwin Smith

Mr. Samuel Y. Kim

Mr. Alexander Y. Suh

Mrs. Denise A. Kitchel

Mrs. Annie Hannan Sullivan

Mr. C. Andrew Konia

Mr. Christian D. Toft

Mr. James A. Kuser *

Gregory P. Tsai, M. D.

Mr. Jean-Paul M. Kyrillos

Christine M. Villoch, M.D.

Mr. Richard S. LeSchander

Mr. Matthias Wagner

Ms. Renee R. Mack

Mr. Michael S. Waldron

Mr. H. Cabell Maddux IV

Mr. Simon D. Wasserberger

Ms. Francesca Broadfoot Maines

Mr. Paul W. Jamieson Mr. Noel W. Johnson Mr. James B. Kresberg Mr. W. Bradley Lawliss Mr. Christopher J. Lugossy Mr. J. Michael Madero Mr. David L. Marin Mr. Christopher J. McCabe Mr. Gregory G. Melconian Mr. Marcus S. Montenecourt Mr. John R.P. Moore-Jones Mr. Geoffrey S. Morrell Mr. Cornelius Olcott V Mr. Robert J. Paci, Jr. Mr. Arthur F. Parent III Mr. John Dick Pearce Mr. Frank K. Peeples, Jr. Mr. Jonathan F. Pingle Mr. James E. Raved Mr. David C. Rieveschl Mr. David H. Savitz Mr. Douglas R. Schotland Mr. Paul S. Self Mr. William M. Semans Dr. Arun Singh Mr. John W. Sullivan, Jr. Mr. J. Scott Swartz

Mr. John C. Abbott Mr. Matthew D. Anderson Ms. Catherine E. Bramhall Mr. Andre P. Callen Mr. Constantine J. Chigounis Mr. Orson R. N. Cummings Christopher A. D’Arcy, MD Mr. J. Marcell Davis, RA Mr. John M. Doggett, Jr. Mr. Alexander D. Durst Mr. Jay D. Dykhouse Mr. Alexander N. H. Eaton Ms. Michel Hurley Faliero Mr. Daniel F. Fee Mr. Kenneth Gaw Mr. Richard B. Griffin III Mr. Timothy R. Hall Mrs. Leita V. Hamill Mr. John B. Hannum III Mr. Herbert J. Heilmann IV Mr. David L. Hocher Dr. Peter S. Hodder Mr. W. Wingate Hopkins Mr. Eugene Huang Ms. Victoria Voccola Kearns Dr. Thomas J. Kim Mr. Samuel H. Kosoff Mr. Stephen K. Kozachok Mr. Peter A. Kraft

Mr. James C. Waugh Mr. James J. Zimmerman


GIFTS FROM ALUMNI Mr. John C. C. McIlwaine

Mr. and Mrs. Edman L. Gray

Mr. Jonathan A.C. Wise

Mr. Curt W. Lemkau, Jr.

Mr. Andrew J. Milisits

Mr. Robert D. Halk

Mr. Guy U. Yalif

Mrs. Irene Lin-Schmidt

Mr. Jerome T. Moore III

Mr. Michael S. Hanewald

Mr. James J. Zimmerman

Mr. John D. Lumpkin

Mr. Brooks R. Nelson

Mrs. Reuwai Mount Hanewald

Mr. Max A. Maxwell

Mr. H. Scott Nevin

Ms. Carol Haverty


Seth L. Newman, M.D.

Mr. Christopher C. Henry

Mr. Peter M. Phelan

Mr. Jesse H. Hertzberg

Mr. Jason A. Pirozzolo

Mrs. Darnell P. Heywood

Mr. Benjamin B. Ripley

Mr. Paul C. Kalac

Mrs. Nancy Martin Roberts

Mr. David S. Kern

Mr. Charles A. Robinson

Mr. Justin E. Lee

Mr. Michael C. Russell

Mr. George H. Lin

Mr. Joseph M. Savarino

Mr. Richard K. Lin

Mrs. Eliza Tobias Sharp

Mr. C. Marco Madero

Mr. William B. Sheehan

Mr. Thomas L. McMahon

Mr. David A. Sheronas

Mrs. Dara Williams Miles

Mrs. Deirdre Lally Simonds

Mr. Thomas M. Miles

Dr. Julie K. Taitsman

Mr. Michael J. Paci

Mr. Charles S. Vaughan

Ms. Lauren Jones Painter

Mr. Jeffrey C. Walker

Mr. Robert C. Poitras

Ms. Nancy L. Werner

Mr. Brad J. Poprik

Mr. Harold B. Wilder III

Mr. Andrew B. Quinn

Mr. P. Thacher Worthen, Jr.

Mr. William F. Shumadine III

Mr. Samuel S. Yu

Ms. Colleen A. Smith


Mr. Sherwin S. Soo

Anonymous Ms. Catherine C. Bauer Mrs. Tara Warrick Cameron Jennifer H. Crow, M. D. Mrs. Meghan Hall Donaldson Ms. Jean S. Fang Mrs. Wendy Prior Fentress Mr. Roger S. Froehlich Mrs. Laura Windatt Galante Mr. David A. Geer IV

Mrs. Lindsey Spindle Mr. Ian C. Stevens Ms. Sarah A. Stewart Mr. David G. Tanenbaum Dr. Darren M. Traub Dr. Kuhn-Shen Tsai Mr. David R. Urbach Mrs. Julia Cuddihy Van Nice Mr. Gregory L. Vinson Mr. Benjamin J. Webb Ms. Heather C. Williams Ms. Raissa Wilson

Ms. Emily Abernathy-Jones Anonymous Mrs. Katherine Berry Langmaid Mrs. Cynthia Stencel Betz Mrs. Samara Pfohl Bilden Mrs. Whitney Hailand Brown Mr. W. Christian Bullitt, Jr. Mrs. Oakley Dominick Cobb Mr. David E. Cooper Mrs. Denise Crowley De Angelis Dr. Alison C. Edge Mr. Ryan Y. Fong Dr. Megan Holloway Fort Dr. Jennifer Foley Foster Ms. Alicia L. Fox Mr. Thomas J. Frangione Mrs. Kelly Prout Glauberman Mr. Christopher R. Gordon Mrs. Susan Clerke Gustofson Mr. Jonathan S. Hardt Dr. Marion C. W. Henry Mrs. Jacqueline Strasser Higgins Mrs. Heather Elliott Hoover Mr. Patrick W. Hsu Mrs. Irene Shu Iannuzzi

Mrs. Margaret Hover McCooey Mr. Brett A. McGonegal Mrs. Angier Johnston Miller Mr. Eric R. Mintz Mrs. Elizabeth Ebel Naumann Mr. James H. Newsom Mr. Spencer P. Olmsted Mr. Robin H. Ottaway Mrs. Kimberly Shaw Owen Mr. W. Bosier Parsons Dr. Joanna Weinstein Partridge Mr. Robert W. Phelan Dr. Amrit R. Ponnambalam Mrs. Heather Woods Rodbell Mr. Peter J. Savalli II Mrs. Elizabeth Slocum LTC Jenness F. Steele, USA Mrs. Katy Dubbs Terry Mr. Daniel S. Valen Mr. Jon R. Vojta Ms. Victoria Von Hessert Mr. Robert J. Waldner Mr. Fred W. Wang Mr. Robert E. White, Jr. Dr. Hanna M. Zafar

Mr. J. Phillips L. Johnston


Mr. Blair L. Kaplan

Mr. Waseem Akhtar

Mr. John P. Z. Kent, Jr.

Mr. William S. Ballenger V

Mr. Jeffrey T. Krauss

Ms. Michelle Moller Barman

Mr. Curtis M. Lando

Mr. Elliot C. Broadfoot Mr. Gregory M. Brooks Mr. Claude L. Brown Ms. Sophia R. Caronello

Mr. Robert F. Casey

Dr. Eon K. Shin

Mr. Erich C. Holmsten

Mr. Jonathan R. Franklin

Mr. Conrad E. Chen

Mr. Frederick H. Shuart III

Mr. Robert C. Howard

Ms. Colleen J. Fung

Tzu-Yi Chen, PH.D.

Mr. Matthew E. Tocks

Mr. C. Dupre Jones IV

Mr. Jason W. Gefaell

Mrs. Anne J. Citrin

Mrs. Katherine M. Trupin

Mr. Alexander H. Kenney

Mr. William R. Goldman

Raul A. Cortes, M.D.

Mr. Patrick B. Tsai

Mr. Kurt D. Knuppel

Mr. Anthony W. Greenberg

Mr. Brian T. Costello

Ms. Regina M. Veloso

Mr. Colin B. Kovas

Dr. James K. Guest

Mrs. Linda LeFever Costello

Mr. William H. Warrick III

Mrs. Farley Taylor Lansing

Ms. Katherine E. Hacker

Mr. John M. Doggett, Jr.

Mr. Christopher J. Watkin

Mrs. Megan Dubbs Leddy

Ms. Carrie E. Haight

Mrs. Amanda Gordon Fletcher

Ilana Braun Weiss, M. D.

Mr. Terence R. Leddy

Dr. Avery Willis Hoffman

Mr. Jonathan R. Fletcher

Mr. Jason A. Whitt

Katrine M. Lofberg, M.D.

Mr. Henry W. Hsu

Mr. Charles J. Girard

Mrs. Leslie Powell Wickham

Mr. Frederick R. McCord, Jr.

Mr. Bradford D. Johnston

Mrs. Mae Lee Hacking


Mrs. Shannon Halleran McIntosh

Mr. Thomas Fisher Key

Mr. Robert A. Miles

Mr. Matthew E. Krebs

Dr. Nicole M. Orr

Dr. Michael A. LaMantia, MD, MPH

Mr. Drew C. Payne

Ms. Jennifer Y. Lee

Ms. Chaffee Pham

Mr. Jonathan S. Lee

Mr. Oliver H. Quinn

Mr. Atul K. Mallik

Mr. Michael R. Ragsdale, Jr.

Ryan P. McCormack, M.D.

Mr. A. Clarke Remmey

Ms. Sarah E. McDaniel

Ms. Laura Y. Roberts

Ms. Molly R. McKay

Andreas K. A. Sahar, Esq.

Ms. Tannwen E. Mount

Henry K. Tsai, M.D.

Mr. Andrew J. Orekar

Mrs. Beth Packman Weinman

Mr. Lincoln Pan

Mrs. Cynthia Carlson Williams

Mr. Henrik Petren

Mr. J. Becket Wolf

Mrs. Robin Wood Sailer

Mr. Alexander K. Woo

Mrs. Megan Lynch Schatz

Mr. Joseph J. Zona III

Mr. Albert N. Spangler

Mr. Stephen D. Cook


Ms. Ashley E. Temple

Ms. Elizabeth Ann Dixon

Mrs. Melissa Lumpkin Baez

Ms. Margaret E. Driscoll

Mr. Simeon H. Bayles

Mr. G. Stephen Fletcher, Jr.

Mr. Jeremy W. Brewer

Mr. James W. Hagerty

Mrs. Celeste Mellet Brown

Mr. Herman E. Hill III

Mr. Sean Brown

Mr. John K. Hollan, Jr.

Mr. Joshua C. Carrick

Ms. Xiomara R. Hall Mr. Matthew Carter Harris Ms. Meghan Smith Harrison Mr. Scott A. Hassell Dr. David F. Hemsey Mr. Christian G. Henry Mrs. Amy Collins Hogan Mrs. Courtney Phillips Hyder Mrs. Thea Rozman Kendler Jason B. Litten, M.D. Mr. Stoddard C. Manikin Mr. Mark D. Marin Mr. Andrew N. McCreary Ms. Katharine M. McDowell Ms. Kathleen W. McMahon Ms. Tracy G. Monk Mr. Damian E. Monteiro Ms. Riley S. O’Neil Mr. Blakely C. Page Mr. Clement D. Pappas Mr. Frederick P. Parker IV Mr. Eugene H. Rhie Mr. Nathaniel B. Riley Mrs. Laura Lubin Rossi Natalee Campbell Sansone, M.D.

Ms. Jennifer T. Adams Mr. Brayton B. Alley Mr. Gregg A. Baillie Mr. Julian A. D. Baring Mrs. Christine Hewitt Belin Mr. V. David Bernardino Mrs. Amy Rosenfeld Berry Mr. Roberto Bonetti Mr. Cameron W. Brown Mr. Jack R. Brown Ms. Anne M. C. Bunn Mrs. Elizabeth MacAlpine Carter Mr. Rajib Chanda Mr. Indra Chandra Mr. Brownell K. Combs

Mr. Grant T. Cleghorn Mrs. Noelle Seaman Crowell Mr. Michael G. Ehret

Mr. Michael J. Weinstein Mrs. Nandini Ramnath Wilcke Ms. Christina P. Williams Dr. James V. Worthen Ms. Frances W. Wu



Mr. Christopher E. Kulina


Mrs. Blakely Reuben Sivel

Mrs. Katherine Minton Aisner

Mr. Chris W. LaCamera

Mr. Isaac O. Adegbile

Mr. Moritz B. Suerdieck

Ms. Elizabeth B. Anathan

Mrs. Martha Alexander LeVeen

Mr. Reeves D. Ambrecht

Mrs. Amalia Pyne Sykes

Ms. Sarah B. Andress

Mr. Benjamin E. Liston

Mr. James H. Baird III

Mr. Robert C. Trout

Mr. David Gamble Baruch

Mr. Christopher B. Maxey

Mr. Anthony P. Bonan

Mr. Russell G. Viault

Ms. Emi Berger

Mr. Thomas K. McNeil, Jr.

Mr. Craig R. Bradley

Mrs. Alexandra Buckley Voris

Ms. Abby S. Bilanin

Mr. Oliver G. Mellet, Jr.

Mr. Steven James Brown

Mr. Tyler F. Wean

Mrs. Whitney Kreb Brantley

Mr. P. Alexander Mitchell

Mr. Joseph L. Bucci

Ms. Sue Yang

Mr. Andrew J. L. Brown

Ms. Katherine A. Moore

Mr. Eugene Patrick Campbell

Nancy Bunn Brown, M.D.

Mrs. Tina Rafii O’Callaghan

Mr. Stephen A. Card


Mr. William J. Cadigan

Mrs. Sahoko Okabayashi

Mr. Jeremy B. Cloud

Mr. Brian Suhyon Chang

Mr. Saisuke F. Okabayashi

Mr. Charles S. Cooper

Mr. Robin S. Chhabra

Mr. Frederick O. Porter

Mr. G. Blake Eldridge, Jr.

Ms. Tyler V. Cornell

Ms. Mary Green Radtke

Samuel K. Evans, MD

Mr. Theodore A. Daunno

Mr. Ian S. Rice

Ms. Mariam Fedai

Mr. Nicholas F. Dealy

Mr. Adam C. Robison

Mrs. Sophie Lippincott Ferrer

Mrs. Kristen Kimsey Deweese

Mr. Christopher M. Rosoff

Ms. Margaret C. George

Mr. David C. Drucker

Ms. Helaine W. Rutkow

Mr. Brian P. Gillespie

Ms. Linn M. Edstrom

Mr. Clayton J. Schloss

Mr. Curt E. Goldman

Mrs. Cindy M. Ehret

Mr. Daniel Shafer

Mr. Ikenna P. Ibe

Mr. Michael Tucker Farman

Mrs. Lara Hourie Shortz

Dr. Philip H. Jordan, Jr.

Mr. Cyrus Bijan Farzad

Dr. Aimee D. Shu

Mr. Parker B. Kelsey

Mr. Gary L. Ford, Jr.

Mr. Christian A. Simonds

Ms. Aparna H. Kesarwala

Ms. Jienna E. Foster

Mr. Brian A. Smith

Mrs. Emilie Davis Kosoff

Mr. James E. Franklin III

Mrs. Karen Welt Steeves

Mr. Samuel H. Kosoff

Mrs. Anne McCord Goss

Ms. Julia A. Taylor

Mrs. Carolyn Levine Lanzetta

Mrs. Kimberly Lubin Green

Ms. Catherine A. Waligunda

Mr. Jeffrey S. Lebovitz

Rebecca Lintner Griffith, M.D.

Mr. David P. Willett

Mr. M. Morgan LeConey

Mr. Steven M. Grossman

Mr. Noriharu Yoshida

Mr. Jason C. Lee

Mr. George S. Haight IV

Ms. Monica Helena Yunus

Mrs. Marjory Randall McKeon

Mr. John K. M. Henry

Mrs. Adrienne Lee Morgan

Mr. Michael K. Hickey

Mrs. Alison Frost Osiecki

Mr. Charles C. Keller

Mr. Christopher S. Pryor

Mr. J. Regan Kerney

Mr. Charles P. Rigler

Mrs. Susan Oliver Kerridge

Mr. Michael J. Santini

Carter D. Kiesau, M.D.

Mr. Sujohn Sarkar

Mr. William A. Krusen III

Mrs. Anita Tsai Simison

Mr. Brian Joseph Andrews Mr. Tyler J. Baret Mr. Vlad C. Branzoi Mr. Paul R. Brown Mrs. Kristy Overman Bryce Mr. Stephen A. Crocker Mr. Alexander M. Cynamon Mrs. Jessica Rank Divine Mr. Nicholas P. Everdell Mrs. Kelly Hutchinson Johnson Ms. Catherine M. Jones Ms. Zanada T. Joyner Mr. Michael A. Kasper Mr. Jonathan Spells Krause Mr. Aarup A. Kubal Mr. Eric J. Levine Mr. Seton G. Marshall Mr. George Ashby McElveen IV Mrs. Jennifer Lynch Menichillo Mr. Matthew J. Mikulski Mr. Blair R. Poole Ms. Anne E. Richards Mrs. Jennie Robles Mr. Noah D. Rozman COL David E. Schorr, (USA Ret.) Mrs. Rebecca LaMantia Seibert

Ms. Kristen J. Silvi

Ms. Corrente A. Schankler

Mr. D. Justin Massimo

Mr. Joseph Konzelmann

Ms. Maureen E. Singer

Mr. Alexander D. S. Sugarman

Ms. Catherine A. McManus

Mrs. Emilie Davis Kosoff

Mr. Kevin W. Tse

Mr. Bruce H. Swenson

Mrs. Marland Packard Meringer

Yeamie Sheref Kousari, M.D.

Mrs. Christina Del Vecchio Tuller

Mr. Gregory S. Thomas

Mr. Caleb R. Oberst

Ms. Arielle S. Krause

Mr. William J. Vollmer

Mr. Jack Du Tsai

Ms. Martha A. Richmond

Mr. Roy Jacob Lehman III

Mr. John C. Whittaker

Mr. Charles P. Williams

Ms. Holly Shaffer

Mr. Donald K. Lin

Mr. Erik A. Wright

Ms. Colleen Mochong Yu

Mrs. Gillian Hearst Simonds

Mr. George K. Livadas



Mr. Che Fung So

Ms. Katharine M. MacGregor

Ms. Shaifali Aggarwal

Mrs. Lamar Clarkson Anderson

Mrs. Laura Davis Stifel

Mr. Kevin R. Maguire

Ms. Sonali Aggarwal


Mrs. Jennifer Christenson Stout

Lt John P. Malone, USMC


Mr. Brian C. Baumann

Mr. Timothy C. Sullivan

Mrs. Hillary Monroe Mamis

Mrs. Talene Tavit Baroyan

Mr. Mark D. Boucher

Ms. Angela Z. Tsai

Mr. Barry McErlean

Dr. Katherine Saltstein Bentley

Mrs. Katharine Gau Brigham

Mr. Robert W. Tunnell III

Mr. Matthew J. McKenna

Mr. Jess E. Bolkcom

Mr. Robert E. F. Buckley

Mr. Hovig Ralph Vartan

Mr. Lawrence G. Mentz

Mrs. Milano Graves Buckley

Mr. Andrew H. Chun

Mr. J. Michael Walsh

Mr. Christopher W. Michaels

Ms. Yvonne Chau

Ms. Jane Lynch Crain

Mr. John C. Walsh

Ms. Jennifer Munoz

Mr. Christopher L. Chin

Mr. Frederick A. Duff

Ms. Anne C. Whittaker

Mr. Claude B. Nielsen, Jr.

Mr. David A. Cook

Ms. Alice G. Engel

Mr. Goreleigh F. Willis

Mr. Philip Lucien Pleasants

Mrs. Carolyn Badertscher Davidson

Ms. Kate W. Fitzpatrick


Mr. Vikas Raj

Mr. John C. Gerbron

Mrs. Jill Penney Bouquard

Mrs. Andrea DeMuth Griswold

Ms. Ashley Marie Branca

Mr. Benjamin H. Griswold

Ms. Ashley S. Brennan

Mrs. Megan R. Hall

Mr. William K. Brothers

Mrs. Leita V. Hamill

Mr. Vamsee K. Chaguturu

Mr. Phillip B. Hitchcock

Mr. David A. Curtiss

Mrs. Sally Francis Houlihan

Ms. Virginia T. Denton

Mrs. Catharine Clarke Ingersoll

Patrick M. Doggett, M.D.

Mr. Crawford J. Jones

Mr. Adam G. Dole

Ms. Jennifer K. Kim

Mr. Michael H. Fanjul

Mr. Michael H. Kim

Mr. Andre Fernandes

Ms. Katherine Kornhauser

Mrs. Megan Drucker Genkin

Ms. Laura D. Kornhauser

Mr. Christopher J. Gill

Ms. Karina Ku

Mr. Kurt D. Gillespie

Mr. Walter H. Lippincott

Mrs. Lucinda Blumenfeld Halpern

Mr. John M. Doggett, Jr. Dr. Cynthia L. Drakeman Mr. Peter M. Fishman Mrs. Candace Fisch Hewit Mr. Tommy Jim Mrs. Ilene M. Kalter-Lieberman Mrs. Laura Stevens Kent Mr. J. Regan Kerney Ms. Livia Kusa Mrs. Taleen Vartan Nakashian Ms. Tanya M. Nichols Mr. Jean-Hubert C. Pouleur Mr. Andrew S. Robertson

Mrs. Tessa Marmion Hessmiller

Mr. Jonathan B. Rank Mr. Tyler Aaron Rosen Mr. Daniel Rottenberg Mr. Alexander T. Ryan Ms. Margaret Susan Schoelwer Mr. Christopher M. Sciolla Ms. Anna Sedney Abdullah A. Shaikh Mr. Paul I. Sheaffer III Mr. Bruce Mackenzie Small Mr. Raymond M. Strecker Mr. Robert Sullivan III Mr. Taylor S. Wallick Mr. Tat Hin D. Wong Mr. Brian K. Yoo Miss Cahill Zoeller



Ms. Archana Pasupuleti

Mrs. Micaela Concool Gold

COL David E. Schorr, (USA Ret.)

Mr. Christopher R. Barnhill

Mr. Douglas M. Porter

Ms. Margaret C. Graham

Mrs. Nicole Urken Sinclair

LT Anne McShane Besser

Mrs. Whitney Tiernan Ranson

Ms. Lacey E. Gray

Mr. Caleb R. Spaulding

Mr. Brandon L. Blattner

Mrs. Lauren Fisch Reed

Mr. Richard S. Griffith III

Mrs. Molly Frances Stewart

Ms. Maude Bunn

Mr. Jack A. Richer

Mr. Kyle S. Hammerschmidt

Ms. Amanda M. Thompson

Mr. Edward S. Byun

Mr. Ethan Brandon Rodan

Mr. John Peter Hazenberg

Mrs. Julia Clarke Van Arsdell

Mr. Marshall P. Carroll

Mr. David L. Root

Mr. Robert S. Hillas, Jr.

Mr. William H. Wagenseil

Mr. Michael S. Cary

Mr. Patrick R. Salemme

Mrs. Diana Kelly Holdtman

Mrs. Erin Smith Wallach

Mr. William D. Cary

Mr. Roger W. Schmitz

Mr. Alexander Hufty-Griswold

Mr. Robert D. Webb III

Mr. James Cameron Chen

Ms. Vanessa C. Scurci

Mrs. Alexandra Ragazas Hunt

Mr. Matthew A. Weber

Ms. Lisa A. Collins

Ms. Amy L. Shearer

Mr. Edward H. Kabay

Mrs. Caroline Murphy Cook

Mr. William C. Tamm

Ms. Elizabeth G. Keller

Mrs. Elizabeth Greenberg Wilkinson

Ms. Judith-Ann Corrente

Dr. Anne R. Tanner

Mr. Alexander A. Kerr

Timothy J. Curlett, M.D. CTP, MC

Mr. John A. Tate IV

Mrs. Kinsey Cruice Kornack

Mrs. Julie Gravener Davis

Ms. Devon E. Wilson-Hill

Mr. Christopher D. La Vine


Mr. Anthony S. DeLisi

Ms. Amanda R. V. Wright

Ms. Anne Ledyard

Ms. Kome Ajegbo

Ms. Katharine C. du Pont


Mr. Brian J. Lee

Kristen L. Aland, M.D.

Ian C. Lee, M.D.

Mr. Stephen A. Bansak III

Mr. Nicolas Letendre

Mrs. Brett DeVries Moody Bodnar

Mr. Samuel Letendre

Ms. Margot Bunn

Mr. Alexander P. Livadas

Mrs. Sophie Fitzgerald Burke

Mr. Ryan S. Lockwood

Mrs. Sarah McCue Callaghan

Mr. Timon F. Lorenzo

Mr. Michael S. Cary

Ms. Lauren M. McDermott

Mrs. Ashley Albahary Christensen

Mr. Neil Mehta

Mr. James W. Coker

Mr. Patrick E. Murphy

Mr. Michael T. Cosulich

Mr. Adam S. Mussell

Mr. Stephen A. Crump

Mrs. Emma Pinder Nash

Mr. Michael L. DiNapoli

Mr. Nicholas B. Ogden

Mrs. Stacylyn Dewey Doore

Mr. Rohit S. Padmanabhan

Mr. James C. du Pont

Mr. Gregory C. Paige

Ms. Sarah A. Eastburn

Mr. Daniel L. Phillips

Ms. Lindsey Edwards

Mrs. Christina Offutt Rowley

Mrs. Mary Coleman Farrell

Mr. William J. Schoelwer

Mr. Matthew C. Gluck

Ms. Victoria A. Edwards Mr. Emanuel E. Ekstrom Mrs. Katherine Carter Files Dr. Cassidy M. Foley Brian M. Frezza, Ph.D. Mr. Jeremy S. Guest Mr. Charles R. Hapgood Mrs. Arielle Cahill Hassid Mrs. Patricia Gadsden Hill Mr. Simon K. Hong Ms. Ashley E. Hughes Mr. Terence R. Kooyker Ms. Rebekka C. Levy Mr. Christopher T. Luise Mr. Craig D. Minerva Mr. John B. Murphy, Jr. Mr. Robert F. Ottaway, Jr.

Ms. Dina Altshuler Mr. Townsend A. Ambrecht Anonymous Mrs. Cydney Chase Bartell Rabbi Adena Kemper Blum Ms. Mercedes C. Borberg Mr. Joseph A. Brazzi Mr. Christopher W. Carey Mr. John-Michael B. Chadonic Mr. Sean Chan Mrs. Mary Brittain Cheatham Mr. Liang-Yeu M. Chern Christopher M. W. de Haydu, M.D. Ms. Elizabeth M. Denny Mr. Kemper P. Diehl Dr. Joanna Budd Ekstrom Ms. Melissa M. Farr Mr. John Henry Flood IV Mr. Ross B. Gabrielson Mr. Matthew M. Geraci

Ms. Jacqueline W. Woo Dr. Adare Blumenfeld Yanagihara

Mr. Samuel W. Gogolak Ms. Elizabeth M. Gough

Mr. Wilson Handler


Mr. Nicholas H. Tenev

Mr. Kevin H. Huang

Mr. Paul E. Haviland

Mrs. Lindsey Hoffman Amery

Miss Jacqueline Thomas

Ms. Sarah E. Keithley

Mr. Augustin Hedberg


Mr. Teddy J. Tu

Mr. Edward B. Keller

Mr. Bowie D. Helm

Nancy C. Ballantyne, M.D.

Mr. Jack L. Waldman

Ms. Sarah C. Kirk

Mr. Thomas Hennessy

Ms. Margaret M. Bender

Ms. Kalifa Z. Waugh

Mrs. Emily Doyle Koch

Mr. Derek L. Hsu

Ms. Jennifer E. Brown

Mr. Eric C. Wu

Mrs. Sara Bartolino Krachman

Mr. Thomas L. James

Dr. Timothy B. Brown

Mr. Joonhak James Lee

Ms. Sarah T. Johnson

Ms. Alexandra L. Cavin


Mr. J. Regan Kerney

Ms. Nina Cheng

Ms. Tiffany R. Kuehner

Ms. Katherine A. DeGorter

Ms. Jennie K. Lamensdorf

Mr. Andrew G. Donner

Mr. Jeremiah H. Liao

Mr. Dwight J. Draughon, Jr.

Ms. Amanda J. Lilleston

Ms. Kimberly E. Dutch

Mrs. Kelly Fitzgerald Lorenzo

Mr. James M. Faraci

Mr. Gordon MacGill

Mrs. Elizabeth Ruddle Gabrielson

Ms. Anne S. Mainardi

Ms. Carly Grabowski

Mr. Michael Maselli

Mr. Ted Griffith, Jr.

Mr. Jason A. Miller

Mr. Tyler W. Harden

Mrs. Sarah Kwak Nangle

Mr. Alexander L. Iannaccone

Mr. Robert A. Ng

Mrs. Anne Kabay

Mr. Justin T. Persuitti

Ms. Sarah B. Kabay

Mrs. Joanne Rafferty

Mr. Matthew A. Kelsey

Mr. Charles L. Rayner

Mrs. Elizabeth Riley Lanham

Mr. Christopher M. F. Rommel

Mr. Constantine D. Mavroudis

Mr. Ross J. Rosenstein

Mr. Timothy C. McCall

Mr. Christopher W. Roswold

LT Caitlin C. McGilley

Mr. Jeffrey B. Rudner

Mr. Leo L. Mensah

Mr. Alex P. Russo

Mr. Scott L. Mohr

Mr. Daniel L. Ryan

Mrs. Nora Pangburn

Capt Brandon D. Shields

Ms. Tess Peppers

Ms. Natalya N. Shulga

Mr. Jarett W. Poll

Mrs. Lindsay Sword

ENS Michael S. Proctor

Mr. Richard M. Sword, Jr.

Ms. Sarah A. Sakson

Mr. Brian G. Thomasch

Mrs. Theresa Collins Simon

Ms. Whitney N. West

Ms. Selina G. Stanfield

Mr. Richard R. Woodhull

Mrs. Holly Cardoso Sutterlin

Mr. Richard J. Zullo

Mr. Mark A. Sutterlin

Mr. John M. Aland Ms. Lauren R. Alfaro Ms. Marjorie W. Atwater Mr. Charles E. Bakke Ms. Kathleen L. Benner Mr. James R. Brennan Ms. Elizabeth A. Brunn Mr. Nicholas P. Bunn Mr. Logan K. Burgess Mr. James Byun Mrs. Erica Gonzalez Castillo Mrs. Alison Hoffman Ceglarski Mr. June Whan Choi Ms. Noelle C. Clarke Mr. William R. Cleary Dr. Ryan M. Coyle Ms. Caitlin vanVoorhees Crump Mrs. Sarah Brooks Delp Mr. Porter W. Diehl Mr. Andrew P. DiLoreto, Jr. Mr. Hesham F. El Halaby Mr. Ataefiok Isaiah Etukeren Mr. Samuel L. Fagelson Ms. Kaitlyn Fischer Mr. Daniel E. Hayes-Patterson

Mr. Hugh H. Manahan Mr. Thomas B. McElwee Mrs. Logan Morris McIntosh Ms. Brookes W. Moody Mr. Grant H. Morrow Mrs. Sarah Harwood Morrow Ms. Elissa J. Niemiera Ms. Devangi A. Nishar Mr. Liam C. O’Rourke Mrs. Sybil Bunn Pool Mr. Arthur G. Prystowsky Mr. Douglas B. Rendall, Jr. Mr. Patrick R. Staub Mr. Gordon B. Stewart IV Ms. Bayless H. Sword Ms. Margaret Tiernan Mrs. Julia Merriman Traggorth Mr. Jeffrey G. Van Siclen Mr. Neil K. Vangala Mr. John L. Walker Mrs. Amanda Hoes Walters Mr. Grant B. Wentworth Ms. Emily M. Wilson Ms. Shengyang Xue



Mr. Robert C. Murdoch

Ms. Alexandra P. Dalglish

Ms. Anne A. Meriwether

Mr. Davis A. Allsop

Mr. John F. Murphy

Ms. Paulina L. Dean

Ms. Madison B. Meyer

Mr. Benjamin C. Atlee

Mr. Elderidge A. Nichols

Mr. Sean P. Delaney

Mr. John P. Milko

Mrs. Gillian Antell Balanoff

Mr. Jeremy M. Perlman

Mr. Jack J. Droppa

Ms. Janelle S. Morris

Mr. Kenneth B. Botsford

Mr. Zachary D. Preefer

Ms. Kimberly M. Eng

Ms. Caroline F. Nype

Mr. Ethan P. Buchsbaum

Mr. Wade M. Stephens

Mr. Luis A. Fernandez

Mr. Calvin B. Otis

Ms. Hillary H. Bunn

Mr. Nicholas J. Sutton III

Mr. Samuel G. T. Fisher

Mrs. Hilary Hursh Partner

Mrs. Jennifer Choe Bush

Ms. Melissa L. Weicker

Ms. Anna E. Fountaine

Ms. Jamie Isabel Penaloza

Ms. Lajhem H. Cambridge

Mr. Bartlett J. Witherspoon V

Mr. Andrew M. Friedman

Ms. Shannon M. Pincus

Mr. Matthew J. Chin

Ms. Kristyn E. Wojciechowicz

Mr. Phillip G. Gallagher

Mr. Matthew M. Poss

Mr. Mun Gyu Choi

Mr. James L. Wyckoff

Mr. Arun K. Gollakota

Mr. Stephen B. Preefer

Mr. Zachary B. Colander


Ms. Lisa F. Gonzalez-Turner

Mr. William E. Pritchard

Mr. Michael S. Gordon

Mr. Christopher Pronchik

Ms. Dina Guenther

Mr. Isaac A. Reyes

Mr. Sean M. Haywood

Mr. James W. Roper

Mr. Alexander B. Hermance

Ms. Anna H. Ruddle

Ms. Perry E. O. Hodgkins

Ms. Alyse K. Ruff

Mr. Zachary B. Hoisington

Mr. Samuel D. Schmader

Ms. Emery C. Holton

Ms. Alexandra W. Smith

Ms. Marina I. Irgon

Mr. Victor C. B. Smith

Ms. Lauren L. Izard

Ms. Charlotte D. Stewart

Ms. Anita Joseph

Mr. Dae Keun Suh

Mr. Ian C. Kerr

Mr. Christopher William Thomas

Mr. Min Joon Kim

Mr. Travis N. Tillman

Ms. Samantha M. Klug

Mr. Nevin S. Vangala

Mr. William A. Kolbe

Ms. Elizabeth D. Walker

Mr. Charleton A. Lamb

Ms. Hannah C. R. Wilentz

Mr. Martin G. LeBoutillier

Ms. Kia I. Williams

Mr. Leon Q. Lin


The Rev. Alice Hodgkins Courtright Mr. Steven J. Daroci Ms. Morgan Dever Mr. Jonathan B. Dill Mr. Patrick G. DiLoreto Ms. Krystyn A. Elek Ms. Grace R. Erdmann Mr. Imanibom I. Etukeren Ms. Caroline F. Friedman Mrs. Deirdre Ehret Hague Mr. Steven Handwerker Ms. Jordan Q. Hartley Mr. Phillip H. Holme Ms. Amanda E. Huey Mrs. Jiwon Boo Hughes Mr. John C. Hughes Mr. Han Seok Ko Mrs. Willoughby Bain Laycock Ms. Anne Lindseth Ms. Madison C. Linville Ms. Emily T. Lurie Mr. Ross T. McCormack

Mr. Nitin Agarwal Mr. Scott C. Aland Mr. Zachary W. Ali Mr. John R. Anderson III Anonymous Mr. Michael O. Atunrase, Jr. Ms. Ryan A. Ball Ms. Anjali M. Bhatt Mr. Robert M. Boyle Mr. Porter Braswell Ms. Samantha L. Brody Ms. Rebecca A. Brown Ms. Grace W. Bunn Mr. William M. Burchfield Ms. Eileen Burkhardt Ms. Martha A. Byrd Ms. Emily E. Chase Ms. Eunjeong K. Chi Ms. Meghan Cicchi Mr. Mark D. Clark Ms. Ellen S. Clarke Ms. Loretta C. Cremmins

Mr. Christopher M. Livadas Mr. Erin T. Loeb Ms. Fiona E. Maguire Mr. Matthew L. Marchisotto Mr. William G. Martin Ms. Brittney M. Maxey

Mr. Ryan M. McDonnell

Ms. Sarah P. McDonough

Mr. Raaj S. Mehta

Ms. Margaret R. Mealy

Mr. Anthony B. Adler Mr. Vincent J. Andretta IV Anonymous Mr. Winston J. Aw Ms. Christina L. Barber Mr. William C. Brody Ms. Annabelle A. Bunn Ms. Camilla J. Burchfield

Ms. Haley M. Carstensen

Mr. Jaime P. Moraza

Ms. Caroline E. Dittrich

Ms. Dorothy L. Sprague

Mr. Robert J. Castelo

Mr. Alexander M. Newton

Ms. Emily C. Doll

Ms. Emily A. Stern

Mr. Marc W. Chalfant

Ms. Adrienne S. Penaloza

Mr. Jeffrey L. Fan

Mr. Robert H. Stewardson

Ms. Shilpita Chattopadhyay

Mr. Nicholas H. Platt

Mr. Matthew A. Frakes

Ms. Elizabeth U. Stewart

Mr. James A. Cleary

Mr. Matthew P. Restaino

Mr. Tian Shan Gong

Ms. Jennifer R. Sung

Mr. Michael W. Cuskley

Ms. Katherine E. Riker

Ms. Gretchen H. Heinel

Mr. Christopher H. Tenev

Mr. Gabriel A. Debenedetti

Mr. Curtis R. Schickner

Mr. Timothy H. Hillas

Mr. Maximilian Van Bourgondien

Mr. Thomas H. Dethlefs

Mr. Amir A. Sharif-Emami

Ms. Sheronda Jarrett

Mr. Zachary H. Williamson

Ms. Karinna Esqueda Diaz

Ms. Anna M. Shifflet

Ms. Jamie Joseph

Mr. Elliott W. Wislar, Jr.

Ms. Kara J. Dreher

Mr. Christian D. Smith

Ms. Elizabeth A. Kane

Mr. Samuel J. Zantzinger

Mr. Kevin M. Dunne

Mr. Robert C. Smith

Mr. Taylor J. Lee

Mr. Edward H. Zheng

Mr. Marc C. Eder

Mr. Edward R. Stehle

Mr. Darrell A. Li

Mr. Andrew T. Fitzpatrick

Ms. Kelsey E. Sullivan

Ms. Claire M. Mahoney


Ms. Meghan M. Graham

Ms. Elizabeth P. Sword

Mr. Henry S. Mancuso

Mrs. Emily Rowley Guest

Mr. Thomas S. Tesauro, Jr.

Ms. Mary Katherine McNeill

Mr. Karl E. Hefele

Mr. Brandon C. Thompson

Mr. Daniel M. Mena

Ms. Laura K. Hennemuth

Mr. Alexander B. Urquhart

Mr. John Mishu

Ms. Sarah P. Herr

Ms. Mary M. Van Meter

Ms. Charlotte L. Mitchell

Mr. Chase B. Horine

Ms. Agnes G. von Meister

Ms. Yuliya Mykhaylovska

Ms. Mythili K. Iyer

Ms. Meiyi Zheng

Mr. Christopher D. Novick

Mr. Taliaferro T. Krusen

Mr. Jaime A. Zobel de Ayala

Mr. John A. Ogden


Ms. Kirsten H. Parratt

Ms. Yoo Bin Kwak Mr. Melvis N. Langyintuo Mr. Paul B. Lanius Ms. Somin Lee Mr. Man Hong Li Ms. Tess R. Liegeois Ms. Emily V. Liggett Ms. Caroline H. Lindseth Mr. Jared D. Madison Ms. Shamsa Mangalji Ms. Rebecca Mantell Ms. Jillian M. Martynec Mr. Thomas W. Mattsson Mrs. Lisa Gabrielson McCurdy Mr. Matthew J. Miller Ms. Kelsey F. Moody

Ms. Mary Hopkins Allison Ms. Lindsay S. Becker Ms. Taylor K. Bloom Mr. Frederic F. Brace Mr. Wesley R. Brooks Mr. John H. Cantlay Ms. Cynthia L. Chadwell Ms. Soojeong S. Chi Mr. Brendan M. Cicchi Mr. Taylor C. Coles

Mr. John G. Pinney Mr. Michael C. Reed Mr. Paul C. Reilly, Jr. Mr. August O. Remien Ms. Mary T. Ruf Mr. Matthew A. Schroth Ms. Katharine J. Sharpstone Mr. William Q. Shelton III Ms. Rebecca L. Smith Ms. Samantha T. Spiga

Ms. Ivy A. Alphonse-Leja Ms. Forrest Stephanie Barnhart Mr. Mark R. Blumenfeld Mr. Ian S. Boldt Mr. Andrew O. Broderick Mr. Theodore Buchsbaum Mr. Michael Cerepak Ms. Yvonne Y. Chan Ms. Amanda C. Chen Ms. Johanne Soeun Chu Ms. Isabelle R. Clarke Mr. Christian A. Clay Mr. Michael D. Coleman Mr. Dale C. Critz Mr. Rahim A. Damji Ms. Gabriella R. Figueroa Mr. Nicholas J. Gadsden Mr. Brenden E. Gallinek Mr. Andrew P. Gelston Ms. Cameron L. Giberson

Ms. Lucy Dean

Ms. Jasmine I. Gilmore

Mr. J.R. deBart

Mr. D’Shai L. Hendricks Ms. Courtney Hodock Mr. Douglas W. Hopkins Mr. Lucas C. Iannaccone


GIFTS FROM ALUMNI Mr. Nicholas J. Jasset


Mr. Stuart Robertson

Mr. Brian M. Kellogg

Ms. Caitlin E. Jokubaitis

Mr. Prateek Agarwal

Mr. Jonah T. Robinson

Ms. Haley K. Ketterer

Ms. Catherine M. King

Mr. Edgar E. Baldridge IV

Mr. Mingjia Tang

Ms. Joanna Kuang

Mr. Owen R. Knights

Ms. Nicole K. Banton

Mr. Xiaotong Wang

Mr. Daniel J. Lee

Mr. Daniel S. Kolbe

Ms. Emma K. Barnes

Mr. Jonathan J. Willoughby

Mr. Pedro P. Madero

Ms. Alexandra M. Lesenskyj

Mr. Nathaniel S. Brody

Mr. Dennis A. Wong

Ms. Megan L. McLaughlin

Mr. Stephen Mashaal

Mr. Brendan T. Byrne

Ms. Michelle Mui

Mr. Andrew J. McCall

Ms. Sanibel C. Chai


Ms. Cassandra H. McClellan

Mr. Michael M. Cordrey

Ms. Kate A. McClellan

Mr. W. Blair deBart

Mr. Thomas M. McDonough

Mr. Nicholas A. Diamantoni

Mr. Timothy J. Moore

Ms. Kathleen M. Donatiello

Mr. Evan M. Nazareth

Ms. Katherine J. Droppa

Mr. Matthew J. Netta

Ms. Tess B. Fitzpatrick

Ms. Jill J. Ni

Mr. Brett T. Gage

Ms. Mari K. Nitta

Mr. Gary Giberson

Ms. Ashley P. O’Connor

Mr. John C. Giordano

Mr. Dylan L. Orenstein

Ms. Schuyler H. Giordano

Ms. Allison L. Otis

Ms. Carmen C. Hargis-Villanueva

Ms. Ashley F. Perritt

Mr. Lamar W. Hayes

Ms. Camille A. Richardson

Mr. Jonathan D. Hennessy

Mr. John C. Riker

Ms. Heather B. Hoffman

Ms. Jennifer A. Ross

Mr. Jin Hoon Huh

Mr. Andrew L. Rubenstein

Mr. Brandon A. Karpf

Mr. Eric M. Shoykhet

Mr. J. Regan Kerney

Ms. Rebecca L. Simpson

Mr. Morgan Kirby

Ms. Perri N. Smith

Mr. Luke B. Kortepeter

Mr. Marvin W. So

Ms. Arielle B. Lehman

Ms. Kathleen A. Stahl

Ms. Elizabeth Lian

Ms. Amogha Tadimety

Mr. Adam E. Lopez

Mr. Adam E. Tomar

Mr. Thabet G. Mahayni

Mr. Hung Tan Tran

Mr. Hunter M. Main

Mr. Timothy A. Wall

Ms. Ngozi M. Max-Macarthy

Ms. Rebecca Wojciechowicz

Mr. Michael C. McDavid

Mr. James R. Wright

Ms. Jillian V. Ojeda

Ms. Clara R. Engst

Mr. Petar G. Yanev

Ms. Amrita Rao

Ms. Sophie D. Epstein

Ms. Catherine E. Read

Ms. Samantha E. Essig

Mr. Eric W. Adler Ms. Leah B. Annitto Anonymous Mr. Barrett D. Baldridge Ms. Elizabeth A. Becker Mr. David S. Blackman Ms. Heather-Ashley Boyer Mr. Jaime Brias Ms. Christine Brittain Ms. Sarah E. Bryant Ms. Anna B. Chamby Ms. Minjung Chi Mr. Jake L. Cooper Ms. Dina S. Debenedetti Ms. Briana C. Ehret Ms. Sharim Estevez Mr. Charles B. Gallagher Ms. Ashley R. Gerrard Ms. Amanda M. Golub Mr. Steffen Gratch Mr. John-Nicholas D. Greer Mr. Steven Grune, Jr. Mr. James E. Hetherington Mr. Christopher L. Huston Mr. Bradford E. Jokubaitis Ms. Liza I. Keller

Mr. Patrick S. Ogden Mr. Nicolas Sabharwal de Bessenyey Mr. Matthew C. Santucci Ms. Lillian C. Savage Ms. Audrey C. Shen Mr. Oluwapelumi Shoyoye Ms. Joanna Sobolewska Mr. Lawrence C. Stevenson Mr. Gregory D. Swistel Mr. Michael F. Temple Ms. Emma W. Waugh Ms. Chanel B. Williams Ms. Catherine F. Wilson Mr. Jonathan Zhao

2013 Ms. Amanda J. Abdi Ms. Celia S. Aidinoff Mr. Nicholas Bailey Ms. Kelley Barnes Mr. Gustavo E. Berrizbeitia Mr. Alistair H. Berven Mr. Edgar B. Blake Mr. Shubham Chattopadhyay Ms. Priyanka R. Chodhari Mr. Joshua D. Claxton Mr. Christopher D. Cook

Mr. Nicholas Fenton

Mr. Matthew A. Weinberg

Ms. Megan E. Norris

Ms. Katherine A. Grossman

Mr. Paul J. Finley, Jr.

Ms. Xin Weng

Ms. Madison E. Ochs

Mr. Fernando M. Guerrero

Ms. Olivia H. Fleming

Ms. Jessica Wisniewski

Ms. Galen M. Ogg

Ms. Annie Guo

Ms. Tiffani A. Hanson

Mr. William B. Woodley

Mr. Richard F. Pedersen

Mr. Bryan Chi-Hao Ho

Ms. Carolyn C. Ho

Ms. Rachel H. Xu

Ms. Morgan J. Pothast

Ms. Whitney H. Huang

Mr. Nicolas M.R. Hollis

Ms. Callahan E. Zacks

Ms. Megan M. Reilly

Mr. Liam J. Hunt

Ms. Miranda F. Jensen

Ms. Kelly C. Zochowski

Mr. Ben C. Sacco

Mr. Stephen G. Zhi Xing Hwa

Ms. Francisca J. Johanek


Mr. Mark D. Scerbo

Ms. Julia L. Hyman

Ms. Carrie G. Shaw

Ms. Darleen C. Ibe

Mr. Peter H. Steinberg

Ms. Yining Jiang

Ms. Isabel C. Steiner

Mr. Nicholas John

Ms. Ashley E. Suan

Mr. Dylan M. Jones

Mr. Andreas C. Vandris

Mr. Grant B. Keller

Ms. Margaret Wislar

Mr. Eliott S. Kim

Mr. James S. Woodley

Ms. Kelly Kong

Mr. Lysk E. Wyckoff

Ms. Hailey E. Kruger

Ms. Adia J. Davis


Mr. Sahil K. Kumar

Ms. Amanni S. Fernandez


Mr. Brendan Y. Fish

Ms. Elizabeth H. Beckman

Mr. Alan Gao

Mr. William J. Bernicke

Ms. Kathryn A. Gulbrandsen

Mr. Alexander M. Blackwood

Ms. Nikki Zhi En Hwa

Ms. Emily M. Bramhall

Ms. Madison C. Jones

Mr. Andrew R. Carstensen

Ms. Tresa J. Joseph

Ms. Sarah A. Cartwright

Mr. Isaac E. Kim

Mr. Eric J. Chen

Ms. Ashlyn P. Lackey

Ms. Anjelica E. Claxton

Ms. Harriet M. Lighte

Mr. Sean P. Cuskley

Ms. Yasmeen Mahayni

Ms. Jennie I. Daisak

Mr. Joseph F. Malle

Ms. Sophia D. Danzig

Mr. Griffin E. Mario

Ms. Genevieve S. Davis

Mr. Cameron M. Mason

Ms. Katharine A. Dishner

Ms. Amanda C. Miller

Ms. Dominique A. Doonquah

Mr. Stephen C. Nociti

Mr. Dennis J. Duan

Mr. Sunghyun Kim Ms. Christine A. Leonhardt Mr. Jordan M. Lerner Mr. Max R. Lupin Mr. Andrew P. Lux Mr. Logan M. Main Mr. Alexander McLaughlin Mr. Clayton Meyer Ms. Julia W. Minnetian Ms. Flora D. Morgan Mr. William E. Niblock Ms. Heeyoung Park Ms. Emily K. Partner Ms. Gaelle Pierre-Louis Mr. Frederick W. Prominski Ms. Saranya Ranganathan Ms. Alexa Rangecroft Ms. Eliza H. Rockefeller Mr. Nicholas B. Rommel Ms. Alexandra I. Romney Mr. John C. Sackson Mr. Jordan H. Shamir Mr. Sachin L. Smart Ms. Delaina N. Smith Mr. Vincent P. Song Mr. Bradford R. Taylor Mr. Tejan Walcott Ms. Alison M. Wall Ms. Megan E. Wall

Ms. Amber Boykins Ms. Jessica N. Castelo Ms. Aiko B. Chamby Mr. William M. T. Christoffersen Mr. Stephen F. Clarke Ms. Julia M. Conley Mr. Nathan S. Cornblatt Mr. Hector J. Coronado

Ms. Elizabeth A. Duffy Mr. Callen R. Fullerton Ms. Kyler M. Fullerton Mr. Kennard E. Fung

Mr. Gerald L. Kwok Mr. George R. Lankas Mr. Daniel S. Leckie Ms. Katelyn P. Long Ms. Anna T. Madarasz Ms. Anna K. Marsh Mr. William L. McGuirk Mr. Daric B. McKinney Mr. Derek B. Medina Mr. Charles Minnetian Mr. David A. Paasche Mr. Matthew D. Porcelli Ms. Cameron M. Rangecroft Mr. Kilian F.G. Rentrup Ms. Josephine Rubin Ms. Emily E. Rule Ms. Egan T. Sachs-Hecht


GIFTS FROM ALUMNI Ms. Lauren Schaffer

Mr. Ian A. Frost

Mr. Louis Rivest

Mr. William Cabrera

Ms. Megan Hoi-Kiu Shum

Ms. Kaleigh T. Gillen

Mr. Arthur J. Ryan

Ms. Sophia M. Cai

Ms. Alexa J. Sledge

Ms. Robin Grathwohl

Ms. Sarah C. Schmid

Ms. Alexandra R. Campbell

Mr. Jared N. Solomon

Ms. Charlotte P. Habib

Mr. William B. Shaw

Mr. Frederic A. Carroll

Ms. Claire D. Stout

Ms. Abigail M. Heher

Mr. Simon L. Shore

Ms. Cynthia Chen

Mr. Kyle B. Taylor

Ms. Sophie Hollis

Mr. Nicholas J. Shupin

Ms. Nicole Cheng

Ms. Emma H. Wilcox

Mr. Eric L. Hyson

Mr. Nicholas E. Silber

Mr. Jasper H. Chew

Mr. Harold B. Wilder III

Ms. Elyse A. Kochman

Mr. Frederick S. Smith

Ms. Amarachi J. Chidom

Mr. Christopher Zhang

Mr. Russell J. Kraus

Mr. James S. Stevenson

Mr. Daniel J. Chivers

Mr. Jason Zhang

Ms. Samantha R. Kunkel

Ms. Mariel Tang

Mr. Shrey Chowdhary

Ms. Karen M. Zhang

Ms. Clarice H. Lee

Mr. Griffin Thompson

Ms. Jasmine S. Chu

Ms. Mingxin Zhu

Ms. Elsa M. Mahle

Ms. Sarah B. Walker

Ms. Julia Chung

Ms. Carlyn M. Zuckert

Mr. Carter A. Main

Mr. Richard P. Wang

Ms. Ariel E. Claxton


Mr. Olivier C. Malle


Mr. Paul C. Codjoe

Mr. Neel M. Ajjarapu Ms. Caroline V. C. Allen Ms. Lillian E. Andersson Mr. Cyrus Bahadori Mr. Jackson P. Baker Ms. Chloe E. Bausano Ms. Krysta L. Bennia Ms. Eva S. Blake Mr. Andrew D. Brewer Mr. Apolinaire J. Brown Ms. Christina D. Brown Mr. Henry S. Chen Mr. Joshua Chery Mr. Min Keun Chey Mr. Jonathan D. Coffey Mr. Lawrence B. Cummings

Mr. Edward W. Maloney Ms. Gretchen M. Mario Ms. Christina McGinnis Ms. Amelia A. McLaughlin Mr. Nicolas Mendoza Ms. Ciana I. Montero Ms. Faith D. Moore Ms. Sophia D. Moore Ms. Meriwether L. Morris Mr. Stephen S. Murray Ms. Jordan A. Naidrich Ms. Morgan L. Nicolao Ms. Elizabeth I. Paasche Ms. Leeann M. Passaro Ms. Shelby M. Patrick Mr. Spencer E. Patten

Ms. Grace E. Aaronson Mr. Robert B. Ahl Mr. Williams Ahl Ms. Bailey E. Applebaum Mr. Raj Bagaria Mr. Arjun Balaraman Mr. Ben T. Baranker Mr. Harrison J. Bardwell Ms. Melissa G. Batz Mr. Samuel L. Beer Ms. Claudia K. Beller Mr. Arthur Benson Mr. Peter A. Bernard Ms. Maia L. Bernstein Mr. Bryce G. Blackwell

Mr. Andre B. Cole Mr. Marcos A. Coronado Mr. Christian P. Corvisiero Ms. Janean Cuffee Mr. Thomas R. Cummins Ms. Kristina H. Daisak Ms. Shahin Damji Ms. Kaja Darien Ms. Maitreyee Dasgupta Mr. Eugeniu David Ms. Allison E. Demas Mr. Alexander G. Domb Ms. Amy H. Dyckman Mr. Abraham Eafa Mr. Brendan R. Egan Ms. Balvenie S. Emma

Mr. Jake R. Pothast

Mr. Natthawut Boonsiriphatthanajaroen

Ms. Kathleen M. Quackenbush

Ms. Olivia Brandon

Mr. Carlin M. Fernandez

Mr. Charles D. Reimers

Mr. Steven A. Bray

Ms. Sydney J. Finkelstein

Mr. Connor J. Duwan

Ms. Alexandrea F. Browne

Ms. Reilly C. Fletcher

Mr. Alexander M. Essig

Mr. Tobin M. Burgdorf

Ms. Joelle F. Floyd

Mr. Ethan Z. Fellows

Mr. Frank K. Bynum III

Mr. Jay M. Figurelli-Reid

Mr. Samuel M. Cabot

Mr. Gareth J. Wehle Cunniff Ms. Genevieve de Vicq de Cumptich

Mr. Ebube E. Ezeagwula-Ebube

Mr. Jesus G. Fobes Mora

Mr. David J. Kim

Mr. Samuel W. Noden

Ms. Emma C. Sweeney

Ms. Madeline E. Fouts

Ms. Jiwoo Kim

Ms. Haruka Noishiki

Mr. Ezra M. Swell

Ms. Sydney N. Friedland

Mr. Matthew J. Kim

Mr. John D. O’Connor

Ms. Alexandra Syunkova

Mr. Theodore B. Friedman

Mr. Michael D. Knowles

Ms. Maren A. Ogg

Mr. Tiger Tang

Ms. Vivienne W. Gao

Ms. Eliza P. Koren

Mr. Michael P. O’Hare

Mr. Patrick A. Taylor

Ms. Sarah I. Garcia

Ms. Megan E. Kucker

Mr. Jake R. Ortega

Ms. Helena A. Thomas

Mr. Campbell Garrett

Mr. William R. Kuenne

Ms. Nicole O. Pallat

Mr. Michael B. Troup

Mr. Gregory J. Gidicsin

Ms. Divya Kumar

Ms. Charlotte B. Palmer

Mr. Daiki Tsunoda

Mr. Philip R. Giordano

Mr. Tyler Kwok

Mr. Timothy J. Park

Ms. Zoe D. van den Bol

Ms. Alice K. Gooding

Mr. John A. Larkin

Ms. Lily L. Parker

Ms. Emily A. VandenBerg

Mr. Philip R. Gow, Jr.

Mr. John Lavin

Mr. Aryaman S. Pathania

Mr. Ioannis Vandris IV

Ms. Abigail P. Graham

Mr. Matthew S. Lazarus

Mr. Bryce M. Perritt

Mr. Panayiotis Vandris

Mr. Benjamin R. Griffith

Ms. Caroline H. Lee

Ms. Katharina S. Petermann

Mr. Nicholas R. Vasiliu

Ms. Alexandra T. Grossman

Mr. Brandon J. Leibman

Mr. Quinn A. Petras

Ms. Anna Vinitsky

Mr. Kobe A. Guilford

Mr. Albert Li

Ms. Emma L. Pinto

Mr. Jacob S. Vore

Ms. Margaret C. Habib

Mr. Brian Li

Ms. Emma S. Polaski

Ms. Emily H. Walther

Mr. Jack R. Hardie II

Mr. Michael MacLean

Ms. Taylor M. Pothast

Mr. Samuel K. Wamakima

Ms. Amanda L. Hernandez

Mr. Patricio M. Madero

Mr. Adonis Pujols

Mr. Daniel Wang

Ms. Katherine Hillman

Mr. Michael Zobel Man

Ms. Xuan Qin

Ms. Olivia F. Ward

Ms. Allison Huang

Ms. Sandra M. Martinovic

Mr. Amrit Ramesh

Mr. Quincy Washington

Mr. Christian Z. Hwa

Mr. Matthias Z. Matsui

Mr. Uttam Rao

Ms. Dorothy K. Waskow

Ms. Hannah Alexandra Z. Hwa

Ms. Vivian V. Mayr

Ms. Lee M. Reardon

Ms. Sierra C. Watkins

Ms. Elizabeth A. Hyman

Mr. Conor McDonough

Ms. Nicole N. Recto

Ms. Adia G. Weaver

Mr. Chibueze U. Ihuoma

Ms. Eva J. Melendes

Mr. Matthew L. Rednor

Ms. Rachel A. West

Ms. Chisom S. Ilogu

Mr. Wilhelm C. Michaelsen

Mr. Ryan R. Reep

Mr. John G. Whiting

Mr. Hans W. Imhof

Mr. Gianluca F. Minardi

Mr. Peter J. Regan

Mr. Ricky D. Williams

Ms. Cindy Jin

Mr. Henry P. Mockridge

Ms. Katherine K. Santamaria

Ms. Alexandria K. Winchester

Ms. Maia W. Johngren

Mr. Cesar E. Montemayor

Ms. Virginia L. Schaus

Mr. Edward I. Wingfield

Ms. Cameron P. Johnson

Mr. Satchel M. Moore

Ms. Kelly P. Schorr

Mr. Brant J. Wolff

Mr. Everett H. Johnson

Mr. Injil Muhammad, Jr.

Ms. Sophia A. Sells

Ms. Cathy Wu

Ms. Chloe A. Jones

Mr. Albert J. Neeb

Mr. Daniel A. Shorten

Ms. Jessica V. Zhao

Ms. Pravika K. Joshi

Mr. Scott R. Newman

Mr. Darren Hiu Kei Shum

Ms. Madison E. Zook

Ms. Raynooka Kabir

Ms. Hien T. Nguyen

Ms. Julia S. Simkus

Mr. Andrew W. Kapell

Ms. Crystal L. Nieves Garcia

Ms. Julia J. Simon

Mr. Kepookalani J. Katz

Ms. Olivia M. Nisbet

Mr. Matthew S. Stein

Ms. Katherine Keller

Mr. Christopher T. Suarez

Mr. Brendon H. Kim

Ms. Sidney J. Swearingen

*Indicates deceased


GIFTS FROM PARENTS Susan Stewart and Robert Abramowitz P’98

Mr. William S. Ballenger III ’58 P’92

Dr. and Mrs. Sigurd H. Berven ’83 P’13 ’19

Mr. and Mrs. Dunbar Abston, Jr. ’49 P’79

Mr. Edward G. Bamford ’50 P’76

Mr. and Ms. Michael Bianco P’19 ’20

Mr. and Mrs. Peter A. Adams, Esquire ’45 P’78 ’83

Mr. and Mrs. Scott M. Bamford ’69 P’96

Mrs. Christine Bird P’15 ’19

Ms. Katrina Cary and Mr. Manu Bammi P’20

Mr. and Mrs. Len Blackwell P’16 ’17 ’19

Ms. Zhen Wang and Mr. Jianmin Bao P’19

Mr. and Mrs. David Blake P’13 ’16

Mr. Rocky Barber ’69 P’08

Mr. Buck Blessing ’81 P’10

Mr. and Mrs. William G. Bardel ’57 P’93

Mr. and Mrs. Roberto Bonetti ’60 P’93

Mr. David A. Bardes ’47 P’81

Mr. Melvin Boone P’10

Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Barker ’72 P’08

Dr. and Mrs. Ashoke K. Bose P’84

Mr. David H. Barnes ’77 P’11 ’13 ’19

Mr. Andrew Boszhardt, Jr. P’10

Ms. Mary Kate Barnes H’59 ’77 P’11 ’13 ’19

Mr. and Mrs. Frederic Brace P’09 ’12 ’14

Mr. and Mrs. Bruce A. Barnet ’63 P’92

Mr. Andrew Brady P’20

Mr. and Mrs. James H. Barr P’89

Mr. and Mrs. John Braniff P’19

Mr. Richard F. Baruch ’56 P’86 ’95 *

Mr. and Ms. Thomas Breen P’19

Mr. and Mrs. Mark Angelo P’19

Mrs. Laura Vazquez and Mr. Julio Batz P’17

Mr. E. Thomas Brennan, Jr. P’96

Drs. Padmaja and Ravinder Annamaneni P’16 ’20

Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth S. Beall, Jr. ’57 P’94 ’96

Mr. and Mrs. Paul Brewer P’18 ’20

Mr. James M. Beardsley ’56 P’88

Mrs. Connie Brewington P’18


Dr. and Mrs. James Beer P’14 ’17

Mr. and Mrs. Gunther Bright P’18

Drs. Elizabeth and Darrick Antell P’06 ’08 ’12 ’16 ’18

Mr. and Mrs. Scott A. Belair ’65 P’08 ’09

Mr. Joseph C. Briley P’00

Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence G. Bell ’53 P’76 ’82

Mr. and Mrs. Eugene F. Brissie, Jr. ’68 P’13

Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Beller ’76 P’17

Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Broderick P’10 ’12

Mr. John P. Belli ’44 P’70 ’71 ’74 GP’06 *

Mr. and Mrs. Hyman J. Brody ’75 P’07 ’08 ’11

Mr. George W. Arnett III ’79 P’16

Mrs. John P. Belli ’44 P’70 ’71 ’74 GP’06

Dr. and Mrs. Michael Brody P’19

Mr. Benjamin C. Atlee ’62 H’74 ’75 ’79 ’83 ’84 ’87 ’06 P’92

Mr. and Mrs. Emanuel V. Benjamin III ’52 P’77

Mr. James J. Brooks ’62 P’89 ’92

Mr. George K. Atwood ’82 P’12 ’18

Ms. Mary Lyons and Mr. Earl M. Bennett ’69 P’04 ’06 ’13

Mr. and Mrs. Wesley R. Brooks ’71 H’09 P’03 ’05

Ms. Lilian Wong and Mr. George Au P’19

Ms. Sylvia Bennett P’08

Mr. and Mrs. James B. Brown ’85 P’14 ’16 ’19

Mr. and Mrs. Reed Auerbach P’13

Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Bennia P’16

Dr. and Mrs. James Ward Brown ’51 P’84

Dr. and Ms. James Avery II P’18

Dr. and Mrs. Mark Benson P’17 ’19

Mr. and Mrs. Norman L. Brown, Jr. ’86 P’20

Dr. and Mrs. Samuel Bae P’20

Mr. Robert O. Berger, Jr. ’35 P’70 GP’95 *

Mr. and Mrs. Paul R. Brown H’97 P’96 ’00

Mr. and Mrs. Sunil Bagaria P’17 ’19

Mr. and Mrs. Geoffrey S. Berman ’77 P’14

Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Baginski P’18

Mr. and Ms. Andrew Bernard P’17

Ms. Barbara M. Elkins and Dr. Timothy B. Brown H’84 ’04 P’04 ’08

Dr. and Mrs. Robert S. Bahadori ’81 P’16

Mr. Peter N. Berns ’64 P’06

Mr. and Mrs. Erik Baker P’16 ’19

Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Bernstein P’17

Mr. and Mrs. Dhruv Agarwala P’20 Dr. Lily and Mr. Gopal M. Aggarwal P’94 ’98 ’98 HRH Princess Nouf bint Fahd and HRH Prince Turki Al-Faisal ’63 P’94 ’07 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Anathan ’62 P’95 Mr. Nils Anderson, Jr. ’33 P’64 * Mr. V. James Andretta, Jr. ’49 P’79 GP’08 Dr. Anthony P. Andrews ’68 P’00 Dr. and Mrs. E. Wyllys Andrews ’61 P’94 Mr. and Mrs. Edward W. Andrews, Jr. ’67 P’97 ’99 ’03

Dr. and Mrs. M. Darryl Antonacci P’20 Ms. Chioma Ugorji and Mr. Celestine Aririguzoh P’20

Mrs. Anu Paul and Mr. Murali Balaraman P’17 Dr. Richard Baldwin, Jr. ’58 P’89 ’90

Mr. and Dr. Reginald Browne P’17 Mr. and Mrs. Anthony W. Bryant ’48 P’91 Mr. and Mrs. Jan A. Buck P’95 ’97 ’05

Mr. and Mrs. Walter W. Buckley, Jr. ’56 P’96 ’99 GP’09 Mr. and Mrs. Willard T. Bullock III P’89 Mr. George R. Bunn ’34 P’59 ’79 GP’85 ’91 ’93 ’95 ’97 ’99 ’04 ’05 ’06 ’08 ’14 ’16 ’19 * Mr. and Mrs. George R. Bunn, Jr. ’59 P’97 ’99 ’05 Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Bunn ’68 P’05 ’08 Mr. and Mrs. Willard Bunn III ’62 P’93 ’01 ’03 ’07

Mr. and Mrs. Brad Cerepak P’10 ’13

Mr. and Mrs. Roy M. Cockburn P’86 ’89

Mr. and Mrs. Steele R. Chadwell ’72 P’09

Mr. and Mrs. C. Eugene Coker ’54 P’81

Mrs. Marshall H. Chambers H’60 ’59 ’61 ’62 ’66 ’80 ’89 P’77

Mr. and Mrs. John Colavita P’18

Mr. James H. Chandler P’94

Mr. and Mrs. W. Graham Cole, Jr. H’77 ’80 ’83 ’85 ’87 P’91 ’95

Dr. and Mrs. Hal S. Chase ’61 P’91

Mr. and Mrs. Roger T. Colehower ’61 P’87 ’91

Dr. and Mrs. Arnold Chen ’77 P’07 ’10

Mr. Edward Coll P’02

Mrs. Xiao Shao and Mr. Qing Chen P’16 ’19

Mr. and Mrs. Brian Cooleen P’15 ’16 ’20

Dr. Xiaoya Ding and Dr. Shuanglin Chen P’15 ’20

Mr. and Mrs. Marland Copeland P’18

Mr. and Ms. Zhi Chen P’19

Ms. Judith-Ann Corrente H’01 and Mr. Willem Kooyker P’98 ’01

Ms. Elizabeth Halas and Mr. Robert J. Burkhardt, Jr. ’58 P’07 ’09

Mrs. Xin Yu and Mr. Ping Cheng P’19 ’21

Mr. and Mrs. Peter Cowles ’48 P’87

Mrs. Yamin Cheng P’18

Mr. and Mrs. B. Walter Crain III ’68 P’99

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bynum P’17

Mr. and Mrs. Youngsuk Chi ’79 P’07 ’09

Mr. and Mrs. Rogers L. Crain ’71 P’07

Mr. and Mrs. Timothy P. Cabot ’85 P’17

Dr. and Mrs. Jerome H. Chin ’78 P’06 ’08

Mr. Armando Crescenzi P’14

Mr. and Mrs. Vincent J. Cahill, Jr. ’68 P’09

Mrs. Vani Pendyala and Mr. Ramakrishna Chintamaneni P’18

Mrs. Nola-rae Cronan and Dr. Ara Brown P’19

Mr. and Mrs. William W. Burchfield ’74 P’07 ’08 ’10

Ms. Xiaohong Shang and Mr. Quan Cai P’17 ’19 Ms. Christine Tu and Mr. Weicheng Cai P’20

Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell Chipin P’08

Mr. Frederick E. Cammerzell III ’68 P’18

Joseph H. Chou, MD, PhD and Ms. Jean Chang ’86 P’20

Dr. Amanda Rose and Dr. David Campbell P’17

Dr. Lin and Prof. Stephen Chou P’19

Ms. Maureen Campbell P’15

Mr. and Mrs. Winston Chow P’18

Mr. and Mrs. Wesley R. Card P’96

Drs. Lisa and Edward Chun P’19 ’21

Mr. James A. Carney, Jr. ’56 P’83 ’88

Mr. and Mrs. Louis J. Ciabattoni P’79 GP’17 ’20

Mr. Edmund N. Carpenter II ’39 P’71 * Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Carroll P’17 Mr. and Ms. Michael Carroll P’20 Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Carstensen P’08 ’15 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Carter, Jr. ’70 P’01 ’05 Mrs. Jane D. Cary H’52 P’01 Mr. Michael S. Cary H ’01 ’03 ’47 P’01 Ms. Isela Lopez and Mr. Jorge Casero Gordon P’18

Mr. and Mrs. William Cisneros P’18 Mr. David P. Clarendon ’43 P’72 Mr. Brackett David Clark ’58 P’83 Mr. and Mrs. John C. Clark III ’61 P’97 ’98 Dr. and Mrs. John Clark P’20 Mr. and Mrs. Garry E. Clarke P’99 Mr. and Mrs. John Clarke P’02 ’05 ’07 ’10 Mr. and Mrs. Jose Claxton P’13 ’15 ’17

Ms. Elizabeth C. Casey P’21

Jenifer Cleary P’05 ’08

Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Casey ’63 P’92

Mr. Mark R. Cleary ’71 P’05 ’08

Mr. Pierre Casimir-Lambert ’51 P’86

Mr. and Mrs. Charles V. Clerke P’91

Mr. Robert J. Castelo ’78 P’08 ’10 ’14

Ms. Lisa M. Cloughen P’18

Mrs. William C. Crooks H’66 P’04 ’05 Mrs. Duncan B. Crowther P’89 Mrs. Monica Perez and Mr. Damian Cruz P’18 Ms. Barbara Culbreath P’18 Mr. and Mrs. Michael Culhane P’13 Mr. and Mrs. Bruce M. Cummins ’80 P’17 Mr. and Mrs. Otis M. Cummins III ’57 P’80 ’83 GP’17 Ms. Hilary Cunniff P’16 Dr. and Mrs. J. Christopher Cunningham P’14 ’18 The Rev. and Mrs. Geoffrey B. Curtiss P’00 ’06 Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Daisak P’15 ’17 Mr. and Mrs. Andrew M. Danzig ’78 P’15 Ms. Suzette Darien P’17 Mr. and Mrs. Stephen C. Davidson ’86 P’18 Mr. Christopher C. Davis P’06 ’07 ’18 Mr. and Mrs. Egbert L. Davis P’19 Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Davis ’57 P’84 ’88 Ms. Sharon Davis P’06 ’07 ’18 Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Davis P’14 Ms. Alice T. Davison P’12


GIFTS FROM PARENTS Dr. Richard D. De Veaux and Ms. Sylvia Logan ’69 P’11 Mr. and Mrs. Roberto de Vicq de Cumptich P’16 Dr. Tanya De Witt and Mr. Jonathan De Witt ’76 P’11 Mr. and Mrs. Warren H. Dean ’75 P’07 ’09 ’10 Ms. Debra A. Blair and Mr. J. Richard deBart, Jr. ’68 P’09 ’11 Mr. and Mrs. Christopher DeCresce Esq. P’18 Mr. and Mrs. David Demas P’17 ’19 Mr. and Ms. Derek Deskey P’20 ’21 Mrs. Diana Hayes Dethlefs P’08 Mr. and Ms. Harold Dichter P’18 Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey G. Dishner ’83 P’15 Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Dix, Jr. ’63 P’90 Mr. and Mrs. John M. Doggett, Jr. H’82 ’86 ’87 ’88 ’92 ’98 P’00 Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Doll, Jr. P’09 ’11 ’14 Ms. Joanna Ng and Mr. Evan Dong P’20 Ms. Leydy Dotel P’20 Mrs. Christina Seix Dow and Mr. Robert Dow P’08 Ms. Julie Dowden P’18 Mr. and Mrs. Timothy C. Doyle ’69 H’79 P’99 Senator and Mrs. William T. Doyle ’45 P’84 Mr. Donald and Dr. Lisa Drakeman P’98 Mr. and Mrs. Roger Dreher P’04 ’08 Mr. and Ms. Darryl Dreyer P’18 Mr. Sergei Drojjin P’17 Mr. and Ms. Larry Droppa P’07 ’11 Mr. and Mrs. Errol D’Souza P’14 ’19 Mr. and Mrs. P. Coleman du Pont ’67 P’03 Ms. Almudena Becher and Mr. Joaquin Duato P’18 Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Dubay P’16 ’19 Mr. and Mrs. Ronald N. Dubin P’02

Ms. Elizabeth A. Duffy H’43 ’55 ’79 ’15 P’19 ’20

Drs. Prabhavathi and Michael Fernandes P’99

Ms. Anita McGlynn and Mr. Sean Duffy P’19

Dr. and Mrs. A. James Fessler III ’87 P’19

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Duke P’13

Ms. Annabelle Reid and Mr. Jeffrey Figurelli P’16

Ms. Dina Duncan Haines and Mr. John Haines P’18

Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Finkelstein P’12 ’15 ’17

Mr. and Ms. Ram Duraiswamy P’20

Ms. Ellen Fisher P’99 ’03

Mrs. Marjorie Dwyer P’89

Mr. and Mrs. William Fisher P’07

Mr. and Mrs. Francis H. Dyckman III ’81 P’17 ’20

Ms. Laura Fording and Mr. Thomas Fiske P’19

Ms. Adriana Echavarria-Eisenhower P’16

Mr. and Mrs. Alan C. Fitts ’53 P’ 85

Mr. and Mrs. Russell S. Edmonds, Jr. ’61 P’02

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Fitzgerald III ’67 P’99 ’03

Mr. Ralph H. Edson, Jr. ’58 P’89

Mr. and Mrs. Paul E. Fitzgerald ’67 P’03

Mr. and Mrs. Jay Egami P’19

Mr. J. Allen Fitzpatrick ’73 H’85 ’89 P’99 ’04

Mr. and Mrs. John F. Ehret ’76 P’06 ’12

Mrs. J. Allen Fitzpatrick H’85 P’99 ’04

Mrs. Maureen Ehret H’72 P’06 ’12

Mrs. Jami Floyd and Mr. Kurt Flehinger P’17 ’20

Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Ehret ’89 P’19 Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Ehret ’63 P’89 GP’11 ’13 ’19 ’20 Mr. and Mrs. William C. Ehret III ’67 P’94 ’98 Mr. and Mrs. Francisco Elizalde P’13 ’16 ’18 Mr. and Ms. John Ellis P’19 Mr. and Mrs. Ethan Emma P’17 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Enck P’19 Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth Eng P’07 Ms. Kimberly England P’05 Mr. and Mrs. William E. Epifanio P’18 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Erceg P’87 Ms. Erin Enright and Mr. Stuart Essig P’13 ’16 ’18 Ms. Heather Evans P’14 ’16 Mr. and Mrs. James P. Evans III ’57 P’87 Mr. and Mrs. John J. Evans III ’46 P’74 Ms. Shannon Evenstad P’18 Mr. and Mrs. John L. Fagelson ’68 P’05 ’09 Mr. and Ms. Jeffrey Feinberg P’19 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Felcone II ’64 P’93 ’96 Mr. and Mrs. Howell L. Ferguson ’62 P’88 ’90

Dr. Alexander Fobes P’17 Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan A. Foltz ’79 P ’12 ’15 ’19 ’20 Ms. Gwendolyn Drayton-Forbes and Mr. Donald Forbes P’20 Mr. and Mrs. Charles Foster P’19 ’21 Mr. and Mrs. Alan Fournier P’18 Mr. and Mrs. Jon Fouts P’17 Mr. and Mrs. Reeder R. Fox ’52 P’81 Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Fram P’12 ’14 ’16 Florence A. Francis P’04 ’07 ’10 ’11 Mr. Charles W. Francolini P’19 Ms. Norie Francolini P’19 Mr. and Mrs. L. Woodward Franzheim, Jr. ’43 P’71 ’73 Mr. and Mrs. Dod A. Fraser ’68 P’98 ’01 Mr. William R. Freitas P’19 Dr. and Mrs. Gary H. Friday ’69 P’10 ’16 ’18 Mrs. Jeongye Friedland Jee and Mr. David Friedland P’17 ’20

Dr. and Mrs. Eric Friedman P’17 ’19 ’21

Mr. and Mrs. Keith Glickenhaus ’62 P’90 ’94

Mr. and Mrs. Bruce W. Guest P’89 ’91 ’94 ’01

Mr. Robert L. Froelich ’56 P’92

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gogolak P’03

Mr. Peder L. Gulbrandsen P’19

Mr. Edward S. Frohling ’42 P’ 83

Mr. and Mrs. Abbey R. Goldberg P’81 ’84

Mr. and Mrs. A. Bertram Guthrie III ’51 P’82

Mr. and Mrs. John B. M. Frohling ’51 P’83

Mr. and Mrs. Jim Goldman P’15 18

Mr. and Mrs. James R. Guthrie P’91

Mrs. Stephanie Frost P’16

Dr. and Mrs. Richard H. Goldman P’88

Mr. John A. D. Gutman ’79 P’19 ’20

Ms. Debra Mayer and Mr. Joseph B. Frumkin ’76 P’11

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Golub P’12 ’18

Mrs. Ki Joo You and Mr. Seok Won Ha P’12 ’19

Mr. Javier Gonzalez P’11 ’14

Dr. Beth and Mr. James Haessig P’18

Mr. and Mrs. Woodrow Gooding P’17

Mr. Arthur G. Hailand, Jr. H’34 P’69 ’70 GP’91 *

Mr. and Mrs. William H. Goodwin, Jr. GP’17

Mrs. Frank W. Haines, Jr. P’76

Dr. and Mrs. Srihari Gopal P’18

Dr. and Mrs. William N. Hait P’19

Ms. Priya Gopal P’17

Mrs. Joan F. Hall P’88 ’90 ’93 *

Dr. and Mrs. Lawrence Gordon P’07

Mr. and Mrs. Raymond L. Hallows P’83

Mrs. Marcye M. Gough H’42 ’45 P’03 ’06

Mrs. Leita V. Hamill H’65 ’88 ’99 P’96 ’99

Mrs. Nora Doyle and Mr. Peter Gould ’78 P’18

Mr. William H. B. Hamill ’65 P’96 ’99

The Honorable and Mrs. Christopher Graham ’64 P’02

Mr. and Ms. Tad D. Hammond ’52 P’16

Mr. and Mrs. Mortimer B. Fuller III ’60 P’89 ’01 Mrs. Mortimer B. Fuller, Jr. P’60 GP’89 * Mr. and Mrs. Reginald Funderburk P’20 Ms. Jesiana Tendean and Mr. Edi Fung P’15 Mr. and Mrs. Gavin Furtado P’19 Mr. and Mrs. Mark J. Gabrielson ’74 P’02 ’08 Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Gadsden ’75 P’10 Mr. and Mrs. George C. Gaines ’47 P’72 Dr. and Mrs. F. Edward Gallagher ’63 P’93 Mr. and Mrs. W. Eric Gallinek P’10 ’12 Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Galvin P’17 Ms. Xiaohong Lin and Dr. Hong-Guang Gao P’14

Mr. and Mrs. Theodore K. Graham H’65 ’66 ’68 ’72 P’85 Dr. and Mrs. Michael J. Gratch P’12

Ms. Debbie Cooper and Mr. Kevin Handwerker P’06 Mr. and Mrs. John B. Hannum, Jr. ’62 P’88 ’94

Mr. Charles Gray P’19

Dr. Lorena Riveroll-Hannush and Dr. Sadeer Hannush P’11

Ms. Carmen Garcia and Mr. Eze Ebube P’17

Mr. and Mrs. Edman L. Gray H’90 P’90

Mr. and Mrs. John Hanson P’99 ’01

Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Garrett P’15 ’18

Lee Ann H. Gray-Perle P’02

Drs. Molly and Robert Hardie P’17

Mr. Daniel Gatti P’12 ’13

Mr. and Mrs. Bradford B. Green ’53 P’81

Mr. and Mrs. William M. Hardt III P’91 ’94

Mr. Daniel R. Gattis ’61 P’88

Mr. and Mrs. G. Gardiner Green, Jr. ’59 P’95

Mr. George S. Harrington ’35 P’72 *

Mr. and Mrs. Goodwin Gaw ’87 P’21

Mr. and Mrs. Jon L. Greenawalt, Sr., C.M.C. ’57 P’87

Ms. Valerie Hartman P’20

Drs. Vickie and Norman Ge P’18 ’21 Dr. and Mrs. Philip George P’96 Mr. and Mrs. Bert A. Getz, Jr. ’85 P’18 ’20 Mr. and Mrs. Bert A. Getz ’55 H’56 P’85 GP’18 ’20 Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Giannos P’13 Mr. and Mrs. Gary Giberson H’11 P’10 Mr. and Mrs. James M. Gidicsin ’82 P’17 Ms. Elizabeth Cooper Gilbert P’11 Mr. Francis B. Gilbert, Jr. ’55 P’78 Mr. and Mrs. John Giordano P’11 ’18 Mr. Ian Glenday P’01

The Honorable and The Honorable William S. Greenberg P’94 ’02 Mr. Benjamin Griffith II P’17 Mr. and Mrs. Luther T. Griffith ’71 P’04 Mr. and Mrs. Earl Grossman P’15 ’17 Mr. Philip G. Groves ’87 P’15 ’18 Mr. Matthew Gruber P’15 ’18 Ms. Shiyin Zhao and Dr. Zi-Qiang Gu P’18 Mr. and Mrs. Anil Guchait P’10

Ms. Sarah Ahmed and Mr. Zahid Hasan P’20 Mr. and Ms. William A. Haumann ’86 P’18 Mr. and Mrs. George Haviland P’17 Mr. and Mrs. George G. Hawke ’47 P’74 Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Hay P’18 Dr. Stuart F. Hayes P’80 ’87 GP’05 Mrs. Haiyan Wang and Mr. Guangliang He P’18 Mr. and Ms. Brian Healy P’20 Ms. Nan Sachs and Mr. Michael Hecht P’15 Mr. Augustin Hedberg H’03 P’96 ’00


GIFTS FROM PARENTS Dr. Eliot C. Heher ’81 P’16

Mr. and Mrs. Dean Huang P’17 ’19

Mrs. Lynn D. Johnston H’54 P’92 ’94

Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence C. Heilman ’53 P’85

Mr. and Mrs. James Huang P’05

Mr. Robert F. Johnston ’54 P’92 ’94

Mr. and Mrs. Herbert J. Heisel ’60 P’92

Ms. Rebecca Cai and Mr. Shawn Huang P’20

Mr. and Mrs. W. Grant Hellar III ’54 P’87

Mr. and Mrs. Hugo G. Huettig III ’56 P’80 ’82

Ms. Cynthia Granata and Dr. Leonard Jokubaitis P’10 ’12

Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Hennessy P’03 ’06 ’11 ’18

Mrs. Elizabeth Taylor-Huey and Leighton Y. Huey, M.D. ’60 P’06

Dr. and Ms. Alonzo Henry P’18

Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Hughes P’06

Dr. Philip H. Jordan, Jr. ’50 H’61’96 P’85 ’90

Mr. Frank M. Henry ’51 P’75

Mrs. Sally Baek and Mr. Arthur P. Hui ’77 P’14

Mrs. Sheila G. Jordan, Jr. H’66 P’85 ’90

Mr. and Mrs. Samuel J. Henry ’54 P’81

Mr. and Mrs. Albert H. Hunker, Jr. ’63 P’96

Mr. and Mrs. Biji Joseph P’18

Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hensler P’19

Ms. Barbara Brizzee and Dr. John Hunt P’13 ’15

Mr. and Mrs. Jose Joseph P’07 ’09 ’14

Mr. and Mrs. Danilo A. Hernandez P’19

Mr. Garrett B. Hunter ’56 P’83 *

Dr. and Mrs. David Hertzog P’08

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Husic P’18 ’19

Dr. Martha and Mr. Artemis Joukowsky ’50 P’80

Mr. and Mrs. Dallas Hetherington ’80 P’12

Mr. and Mrs. Walter E. Hussman, Jr. ’64 P’02

Mr. and Mrs. Garner F. Hill II ’56 P’94

Mr. and Mrs. John J. Huston, Jr. P’06 ’07 ’09 ’10 ’12

Mr. and Mrs. J. Robert Hillier ’55 P’11

Mr. and Mrs. Christopher M. Jones P’20 Mr. and Mrs. Nelson D. Jones P’86

Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Kabay H’04 P’02 ’04 Mr. and Mrs. Ronald J. Kane, Jr. ’83 P’20 Mr. and Mrs. William Kapell P’17

Mr. Harrison Hutchinson ’70 P’97 ’99

Ms. Nina Andrews and Mr. David Karohl P’18

Dr. and Mrs. Granger G. Hwa ’81 P’14 ’17

Mr. and Mrs. David Karr P’18 ’20

Mr. Bouldin S. Hitchcock ’62 P’96 ’99

Ms. JooYeon Hwa and Dr. SeokHyun Yoon P’19

Dr. Julie Fieschko and Dr. James Keller P’02 ’05

Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ho P’16

Ms. Min Joong Lee and Mr. In Joon Hwang P’19

Mr. and Mrs. Christopher S. Keller P ’17 ’19

Ms. Kristin McCarthy and Mr. William Hillman P’13 ’15 ’17 ’19

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Hocher P’88 Mrs. Katharine T. Hoff P’83 Mrs. Harper Hoff-Collins and Mr. Daniel Collins P’18 ’20 Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Hoffman P’04 ’05 ’09 ’11 Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey B. Hoisington ’77 P’07 Mrs. Kyung-Soon Hong and Mr. Hao-Lin Chu P’10 ’17 Mr. and Ms. Christopher Hood P’20 Mr. and Mrs. Timothy B. Hoover ’91 P’20 Mrs. Trina Horine P’08 Mr. John C. Hover II ’61 P’91 Mr. and Mrs. Daggett H. Howard, Jr. ’70 P’06 Mr. and Mrs. David Howe P’19 Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence D. Howell II ’71 P’11 ’13 Mrs. Jingmei Xu and Mr. Ming Hu P’20 Dr. Ann Huang P’15

Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Iannaccone P’04 ’10 Ms. Margarita Campuzano and Mr. Lucio Ibarra P’20 Dr. and Mrs. Noel Ilogu P’15 ’17 ’19 Mr. and Mrs. C. Bradford Irvine P’19 Mr. and Mrs. Ganesh S. Iyer P’19 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. James P’03 ’07 Mr. and Mrs. Crawford Jamieson III ’79 P’13 ’15 ’17 Mrs. Thomas C. Jamieson, Jr. H’52 P’79 ’81 ’87 GP’13 ’15 ’17

Ms. Susan L. Kelly P’98 Ms. Tracy-Ann A. Kelly P’19 Mr. James L. Kerr P’04 Ms. Margery L. Kerr P’89 Ms. Maureen Kerrigan and Mr. Steven Wrappe P’18 ’20 Mr. and Mrs. Frederick D. Kessler, Jr. ’58 P’ 89 Mr. Robert Ketterer P’12 ’17 Ms. Sarah Ketterer P’12 ’17 Mr. and Mrs. Sunil Khanna P’18 Mr. and Mrs. Trevor F. Kienzle P’19

Mr. and Mrs. Keith S. Jennings ’62 P’94

Mr. and Ms. Hyuntae Kim P’20

Mr. and Mrs. Larry D. Jensen P’99

Dr. and Mrs. Isaac Kim P’14 ’16 ’19

Ms. Hua Tang and Mr. Jinzhi Jiang P’15 ’19

Ms. Ashley Lyu and Mr. John Kim P’13 ’17

Ms. Xiaqian Zhang and Mr. Yongpeng Jin P’17

Mrs. Seungmi Chang and Mr. Peter Kim P’17

Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Johnson P’17 ’19 Ms. Janet Johnson P’03 Mr. and Mrs. Jotham Johnson P’03

Dr. Hyejin Lee and Dr. Taehyung Kim P’13 ’17

Dr. Archana and Mr. Michael Lackey P’14

Hon. and Mrs. Paul G. Levy ’54 P’81 ’88 GP’20

Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Kinder P’18 ’20

Mr. and Mrs. Andrew R. Laidlaw ’65 P’92

Mrs. Liping Zhang and Mr. Danxi Li P’19

Mr. and Ms. David King P’20

Dr. and Mrs. Anthony P. LaMantia P’94 ’96 ’97

Mrs. Carol Chiang-Li and Dr. Ronald Li P’16

Mrs. Gwendolyn W. King P’81

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lamb P’07

Dr. Lin Huang and Mr. Tony Li P’11 ’16 ’17

Mr. and Mrs. Jefferson W. Kirby ’80 P’11 ’12 ’15 ’18

Mr. and Mrs. Butler W. Lampson ’60 P’90

Ms. Xiaoyan Li and Mr. Kai Xiong P’18 ’19

Mr. and Mrs. John A. Larkin P’11 ’14 ’17

Ms. Yan Li P’20

Mr. and Mrs. Mark M. Larsen ’72 P’01 ’04 ’06

Ms. Lin Wang and Mr. Zhen Min Li P’17

Ms. Mamie Chiang and Mr. Gordon Lau P’19

Ms. Hui Ni and Mr. Zhong Yuan Li P’12 ’17 ’19

Drs. Elizabeth and David Laws P’21

Mr. Garrison duPont Lickle P’99 ’00

Mr. and Mrs. John V. Leahy P’19

Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Liggett, Jr. P’08 ’09

Mr. and Mrs. Todd Leckie P’15

Dr. and Mrs. Sungtae Lim P’18

Ms. Courtney Lederer and Mr. Mark Thierfelder P’19

Dr. and Mrs. Philip B. Linker ’60 P’95

Mr. and Ms. Scott Klein P’18 Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Knowles P’17 ’18 Mr. and Mrs. Michael Koch P’20 Dr. Mary Melton and Dr. Michael Kochman P’16 Mr. and Mrs. George C. Y. Koo ’82 P’14 Mr. and Mrs. Pieter B. Kooistra P’19 Ms. Peyton Howell-Koren and Mr. Paul Koren P’18 Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Korn P’18 ’19 Ms. Katherine Kornhauser H’99 P’96 ’99 Dr. Svetlana Korshunova and Prof. Ilya Vinitsky P’17 Mrs. Emilie Davis Kosoff H’96 ’00 P’19 Mr. Samuel H. Kosoff ’88 H’96 P’19 Ms. Elizabeth Uhl and Stephen Kowal P’20 Mr. and Mrs. Ronald E. Kraemer P’81 Mr. and Mrs. John F. Kraft III ’58 P’87 ’88 Dr. and Mrs. Bruce H. Kraut ’75 P’20 Barbara Kreisler GP’19 Mr. and Mrs. William A. Krusen, Jr. ’66 P’95 ’08 Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Kuenne ’80 P’13 ’17 Dr. and Mrs. Rajan Kumar P’15 ’18 Mr. and Mrs. Senthil Kumar P’17

Mr. and Mrs. Michael M. Ledyard, Esquire ’66 P’99 ’02 ’03 ’12 Dr. Maryann Park and David S. Lee, M.D. ’82 P’16

Mr. and Mrs. Alan Livadas P’03 ’05 ’07 Ms. Chiu Kit Hung and Mr. Siu Yu Lo P’19 Mr. and Mrs. Stephen H. Lockton ’58 P’84 ’87 Mr. and Mrs. Leigh W. Lockwood ’65 P’97 ’02

Dr. and Mrs. Douglas M. Lee ’86 P’19 ’21

Mr. and Mrs. George E. Long, Jr. ’84 P’15 ’18

Mr. and Mrs. George T. Lee, Jr. ’53 P’79

Mrs. Nancy Lorenz and Mr. Douglas Schwalbe P’18

Mr. and Mrs. Peter D. Lee ’63 P’86 ’90 Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Lee, Jr. P’96 Mr. and Mrs. Tommy S. Lee ’85 P’16 ’18

Mr. and Mrs. Vernon R. Loucks, Jr. ’53 P’84 ’93 GP’12 ’18

Dr. Margo and Mr. W. A. Fitzhugh Lee ’86 P’17

Ms. Jessica Lowrey and Mr. Jeffrey Habib P’16 ’17

Mrs. Ellen Lehman P’11

Ms. Hong Lu P’17

Dr. and Mrs. Roy J. Lehman P’95 ’98 ’00

Mr. John C. Lundy ’60 P’88

Mr. and Dr. Alan Leibman P’17

Ms. Patricia Lurie P’06 ’07

Mr. Lawrence E. Leibowitz ’78 P’09 ’11

Mary Lutz, M.D. and Richard Reutter, M.D. P’18

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lerner P’13 Mrs. Leslie A. Lerner P’77 ’78 ’81 GP’13

Mr. and Mrs. Michael T. Lynch P’94 ’97 Mr. and Mrs. Henry T. Lyons, Jr. ’62 P’86

Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Kuser, Jr. P’86 ’89

Mr. and Mrs. Richard G. LeSchander ’63 P’89 ’92

Dr. and Ms. Kevin Kwok P’17

Mr. and Mrs. Robert N. Lettieri ’56 P’ 81

Mrs. Nora Macdonald P’96

Ms. Hae Sun Hwang and Mr. Joon Mo Kwon P’15 ’19

Mr. and Mrs. Kevin K. Leung P’19

Mr. and Mrs. J. Hugh Macdonnell P’19 ’21

Dr. Mara Leveson and Mr. Joseph Smith P’18

Mr. and Mrs. Clark F. MacKenzie ’59 P’81

Ms. Elizabeth Lapidus and Jeffrey C. Levy, Esquire ’81 P’20

Mr. and Mrs. Daniel MacLean P’17

Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth N. La Vine, Jr. P’95 ’02 Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Labadie P’08 ’11

Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Lytle P’12

Mr. Paul L. Maddock, Jr. ’68 P’94


GIFTS FROM PARENTS Mrs. Mercedes Medina de Madero and Mr. Pedro Madero P’12 ’17 Ms. Janet Madison P’08 Dr. and Mrs. William J. Madonia P’18 Dr. and Mrs. Robert T. Maguire ’68 P’96 ’00 Mr. and Mrs. Steve Mahle P’16 ’19 Ms. Kathleen Meriwether and Mr. Thomas Mahoney P’09 Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Mainardi III ’74 P’03 Ms. Francesca Broadfoot Maines ’89 P’19 Dr. and Mrs. Juan Maldacena P’19 ’21 Mr. and Mrs. Sachit Malhotra P’19 Drs. Joyce and Thomas Man P’17 Dr. Julie Caucino and Mr. Timothy Manahan P’05 ’20

Mr. and Mrs. Paul McDonough P’17

Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Mockridge IV P’17

Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. McDonough P’07 ’10

Mr. and Mrs. P. Alec Monaghan P’12 ’13 ’20

Mr. and Mrs. Richard T. McDonough ’84 P’15

Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Monfre P’18

Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. McEwan ’66 P’97

Mr. and Mrs. Douglas D. Monroe, Jr. ’51 P’74

Ms. Susan C. Morth and Mr. Thomas M. McGrath P’19

Mr. and Mrs. Samuel E. Monroe II ’54 P’77

Mr. and Mrs. Bryan McGuirk P’15 Mr. and Ms. Donald McKenna P’20 Mr. and Ms. James McKeon P’18 Mr. Angus McKinnon and Ms. Kimiko Hosaka P’18 Dr. and Mrs. Michael J. McLaughlin ’83 P’12 ’16 ’20 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas K. McNeil ’68 P’95 ’98 Mr. and Ms. Theodore McNulty P’19

Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Mancuso P’09 ’20

Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence McRae P’18

Mrs. Sandra M. Gonzalez and Mr. Ronald D. Mangravite ’68 P’18

Mr. and Mrs. Derek Medina P’15 ’19 ’21

Mrs. Eva Mantell P’17 Ms. Lisa A. Marin H’85 P’11 ’13 ’16 Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Mario P’14 ’20 Mr. and Mrs. Jeremy K. Mario ’88 P’16 ’20 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Mark ’53 P’82 ’84 ’89 Ms. Tatyana Markaryan P’17 Mr. and Mrs. Raymond A. Marks ’53 P’87 Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Marom P’18 Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Marsh P’15 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Marshall, Jr. P’97 Mr. and Mrs. Ross Martinson P’18 Dr. and Mrs. Glenn M. Mason ’61 P’90 ’92 Ms. Christine Van and Mr. Martin K. Matsui ’76 P’12 ’14 ’17 Mr. and Ms. Toshihiro Matsuo P’20 Mr. and Mrs. Christopher B. Maxey H’95 P’07 ’09 ’13 ’14

Mr. John K. Meiners ’39 P’68 * Mr. and Ms. Christopher Mellon P’19 Mr. and Mrs. Joakim Mellqvist P’18 Mr. and Mrs. Henry D. Mercer, Jr. ’50 P’73 Mr. and Mrs. James A. Meriwether ’66 P’07 Dr. and Mrs. E. Bruce Mewborne, Jr. ’55 P’82 Dr. Asima Arslan and Mr. Arslan Mian P’19 ’21 Mr. and Mrs. Zenard W. Mikulski, Jr. P’95 ’97 Mr. and Mrs. Joe Milby P’16 ’18 Mrs. Dara Williams Miles ’90 P’18 ’21 Mr. Thomas M. Miles ’90 P’18 ’21 Mr. and Mrs. Edward Miller, Jr. P’03 ’06 Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth H. Miller ’64 P’91 Mr. and Mrs. Gregory V. Miller P’19

Dr. Shahnaz and Mr. Joel Montague ’52 P’87 Mrs. Laura B. Cantu and Mr. Cesar Montemayor P’17 ’20 Mr. and Mrs. George C. Moore, Jr. ’81 P’16 Ms. Evelyn Morgan P’13 Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Morris P’16 Mr. and Mrs. Andrew T. Mott ’85 P’18 ’20 Mr. and Mrs. Paul B. Mott, Jr. ’47 P’76 ’85 GP’18 Mr. and Mrs. Igor Mrotchek P’16 Ms. Jennifer Muller P’20 Mr. Kenneth W. Muller ’83 P’20 Mrs. Jeanne Muller-Johngren and Mr. Michael Johngren P’17 Mr. and Mrs. Melville D. Mummert ’75 P’14 ’16 ’21 Mr. Burk C. Murchison ’67 P’94 Mr. Clinton W. Murchison III ’65 P’96 Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Murdoch ’67 P’06 Dr. and Mrs. Charles E. Murphy ’66 P’90 ’95 Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Murphy, Jr. P’66 ’70 GP’90 ’95* Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Murphy P’79 GP’18 Mr. and Mrs. John Murphy P’14 ’20 Dr. Stephen R. Murray ’51 P’85

Mr. and Mrs. Jake Miller P’17

Mr. and Mrs. Stephen S. Murray H’55 ’65 ’16 P’16 ’21

Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth S. Mills H’86 P’05

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Murray, Jr. P’83

Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Milward ’55 P’87

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph L. Muscarelle, Jr. ’54 P’82 ’83

Mr. and Mrs. Charles McCall P’04

Mr. and Mrs. Matthew F. Minno ’77 P’12 ’13

Mr. and Mrs. Matthew McChesney P’19

Mr. and Mrs. Walter J. Minton, Esquire ’41 P’95

Mr. and Mrs. Robert N. McClellan H’65 P’10

Mr. Wilbur F. Monroe P’00

Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Mussell P’02

Dr. and Mrs. Charles I. Olin ’49 P’80 ’81

Mr. and Mrs. Scott Perritt P’10 ’13 ’17

Mr. and Mrs. Howard Carl Myers ’65 P’10

Mr. and Mrs. Sulayman Oloritun P’18

Mr. and Mrs. Helge Petermann P’17

Mrs. Ting Shen and Mr. Robert Naccarella P’13

Mr. and Mrs. Jon Olstein P’18

Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Petito P’73

Mr. and Dr. Takashi Nagao P’18

Dr. and Mrs. Charles M. Oman ’62 P’01

Robert G. Petix, Ph.D ’60 P’81

Mr. Clinton J. Najarian ’54 P’79 ’82 ’84

Ms. Willa Onley P’19

Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Petras P’17

Mr. and Mrs. Andrew J. Naporano, Jr. ’67 P’97

Mr. and Mrs. Brendan T. O’Reilly ’83 P’16

Mrs. Debra Picard P’15

Ms. Natalie Reed and Mr. Alwyn Nartey P’20

H. Stanton Orser ’47 P’76 ’83 GP’15 ’19

Mr. and Mrs. Edward Piccinich P’18

Dr. Anthony Natale P’20

Mr. and Mrs. Henson J. Orser ’83 P’15 ’19

Dr. and Mrs. Albert Nazareth P’10

Mr. and Mrs. Jorge Ortega P’17

Mr. and Mrs. Howard M. Picking III ’56 P’84 ’91

Ms. Susan Glimcher and Mr. Alexander Nehamas P’07

Mr. and Mrs. David B. Ottaway ’57 P’86 ’91

Dr. Elizabeth Neiva and Dr. Joao Neiva de Figueiredo P’15 ’16 Mr. and Mrs. Foster Nelson P’96 Mr. Mikhail Nesterenko P’20 Mr. and Ms. Thomas Newberry P’20 Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Newhouse III P’99 Mr. Jerrold Newman P’17 Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ng P’98 ’03 Mr. and Mrs. Daniel K. Nguyen P’18 Ms. Xun Xu and Dr. Hong Ni P’19 Mrs. Yunhee Kim and Mr. Christopher P. Niblock ’82 P’13 Mr. Michael P. Nictakis ’79 P’09 Ms. Lesy Garcia and Mr. Emmy Nieves P’17 Mr. and Mrs. James A. Nixon P’80 Mr. and Mrs. Keishi Noishiki P’17 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Nolan P’11 ’20 Mr. and Mrs. Charles C. O’Brien ’66 P’02 Mr. and Mrs. Daniel O’Connor P’17 Mr. and Mrs. Walter Oden P’19 Mr. and Mrs. Edward M. O’Donnell, Jr. ’55 P’82 Mr. and Mrs. Henry J. Oechler, Jr., Esquire ’64 P’01 Mr. and Mrs. Michael O’Hare P’17

Mr. and Ms. George Oulundsen III P’19 Ms. Beth Owen P’17 Mr. and Ms. Yaw Owusu P’20 Mr. and Mrs. Michael Paasche P’15 ’16 Ms. Vijaya Padiyar and Mr. Milind Joshi P’18 Mr. and Mrs. James Pagos P’04 Mr. and Mrs. Peter Paine P’12 ’20 Mr. and Mrs. John Pallat P’14 ’17 Mr. and Mrs. Henry P. Palmer, Jr. ’47 P’71 Mr. and Mrs. Wallace C. Palmer, Jr. ’52 P’76 Mr. and Mrs. Arthur F. Parent P’87 GP’16 ’18 Mr. and Ms. Jay Park P’20 Mrs. Sangwook Min and Mr. Joseph J. Park P’17 Ms. Ginny Maeng and Mr. Kyung Woo Park P’19 Ms. Michelle Ulmer-Parker and Mr. Charles Parker P’17 Mr. Lukas Clayton and Dr. Joanna Weinstein Partridge ’91 P’20 Mr. and Mrs. Matthew R. Paul P’18

Ms. Kelly Pierre P’20 Mr. John J. Pinto P’17 Mr. and Mrs. Addison L. Piper ’64 P’90 Mr. and Mrs. John A. Pirovano ’59 P’93 Mr. and Mrs. John Pomeroy P’07 Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence K. Pomeroy ’60 P’85 Mrs. Lawrence K. Pomeroy P’60 ’66 * Ms. Kathryn Hadley and Mr. Malcolm Ponder P’09 Mrs. Paul D. Porter H’69 P’76 ’78 Mr. and Mrs. William W. Porter ’58 P’95 Mr. Grant Pothast P’14 ’16 ’17 Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey J. Preefer ’66 P’06 Mr. and Mrs. John J. Preefer ’66 P’07 Mr. Seymour S. Preston, Jr. ’25 P’52 * Mr. and Ms. Corbett Price P’18 Mr. Dudley B. Priester ’41 P’66 ’68 ’69 * Mr. and Mrs. George B. Prince, Jr. ’52 P’87 Ms. Daoyuan Guo and Mr. Hong Qiu P’19 Mr. and Mrs. Bruce K. Quackenbush ’73 P’16 ’18

Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Peart P’16

Mr. and Mrs. Scott M. Quackenbush ’73 P’13 ’16

Mrs. Lixian Peng and Mr. Pingshan Guo P’19

Mrs. Joanne Rafferty H’65 ’81 ’03 P’93

Ms. Chia-Hui Chao and Mr. Shou-Ling Peng P’19

Ms. Laurel Hester and Mr. Robert Raguso P’20 Mr. and Mrs. Felix Rajan P’19

Ms. Mavis Ohene-Adu P’19

Ms. Beth Burrough and Mr. David Ramsay P’17

Mr. and Mrs. Michio Okabayashi H’95 P’92 ’95

Bhagya Sastri, M.D. and Mr. Hari Ramsubramani P’18 ’20


GIFTS FROM PARENTS Mr. and Mrs. W. Barry Rank ’61 P’97 ’00 Mr. and Mrs. James E. Raved ’87 P’18 Mrs. James A. Rawley P’68 ’69 Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Reardon, Jr. ’77 P’17 Drs. Gesina and Allan Recto P’17 ’20 Ms. Mary E. Javorski and Dr. Robert Redfield ’63 P’04 ’06 Mr. and Mrs. J. Michael Rediker ’59 P’99 Mr. and Mrs. Lucius E. Reese ’79 P’10 ’12 Ms. Denise Reid P’12 Mr. and Mrs. Paul C. Reilly ’79 P’09 ’11 Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Reinhard P’19 Mrs. Alice Zeng and Mr. Kenny Ren P’19 Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Rendall P’05 Dr. and Mrs. Konrad Rentrup P’15 ’18 Mr. and Mrs. Paul Restaino P’08 Mr. Eladio Reyes P’04 ’07 ’10 ’11 Mr. and Mrs. G. Jeffrey Reynolds ’66 P’95 Mrs. Marianne Reynolds P’03 Ms. Aleta Ricciardi P’14 ’17

Ms. Sandra MacDonald and Mr. William F. Rommel ’74 P’03 ’13

Mr. and Mrs. Arthur R. Schonheiter ’52 P’90 GP’01 ’03

Dr. Kim and Mr. Robert Rosenstein ’74 P’03

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E Schorr ’80 P’09 ’12 ’17

Mr. and Mrs. Donaldson Mott Ross ’82 P’11 Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Ross ’56 P’81 Mrs. Nanci Ross-Weaver and Mr. Christopher Weaver P’12 Mr. and Mrs. John Routh P’09 ’11 ’13 Mr. and Ms. David Rubenstein P’19 Mrs. Susan Rubin P’15 Mr. and Mrs. Paul R. Rubincam, Jr. ’53 P’88 Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Rudner P’03 ’05 Mrs. Gabriella Ruf P’07 ’09 ’10 Mr. and Mrs. Kirk D. Rule ’86 P’15 ’20 Ms. Deborah Hodges and Mr. William Rustico P’19 ’21 Dr. and Mrs. Ira M. Rutkow P’95 ’98 Mr. and Ms. Adam Safir P’20 Mr. and Mrs. Raj Sahrawat P’14 ’16 ’19 Mr. and Mrs. Jack Salemi P’06 ’13

Mr. and Ms. Bradley Rice P’18

Ms. Lisa Salomon-Geraci and Mr. James E. Geraci P’18

Mr. and Ms. James Richards P’99

Mrs. Marcia Sandground P’78 ’80

Mr. and Mrs. John A. Richards, Jr. ’65 P’96 ’00

Dr. and Mrs. John Santamaria P’17 ’18

Ms. Martha A. Richmond H’99 P’99 ’00

Mr. and Ms. Eloy Santos P’19

Mr. and Mrs. Philip Riker III ’64 P’90

Mr. and Mrs. Paul Santucci P’12

Mr. Philip J. Ringo ’60 P’88

Mr. and Ms. Jean-Andre Sassine P’19

Mr. and Mrs. Michael Rizzuto P’18

Mr. Gerald L. Savitz ’54 P’87

Ms. Marlene Roberts P’85

Mr. and Mrs. Albert Scerbo P’14

Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Robertson P’18

Mr. and Mrs. Michael Schaus P’17 ’20

Mr. and Mrs. Lee R. Robins P’84 ’87

Ms. Margaret Schell P’14 ’16 ’17

Ms. Anne Robinson P’02

Mr. and Ms. Jeff Schlegel P’20

Mrs. Assegedech Lemma and Mr. Eafa Roby P’17

Mr. and Mrs. James A. Schloss ’61 P’95

Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Roche P’15 ’18 Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Rogerson P’18 ’20

Mr. and Mrs. William E. Schluter P’78 ’85 Ms. Margaret Sung and Mr. Michael Schmidtberger P’18 Mr. George J. Schmitt ’51 P’75 ’99

Elana Schrader, M.D. and Dr. Michael Koren P’17 Mr. Frank C. Schroeder III ’61 P’93 Mr. and Ms. Eduardo Schur P’18 ’20 Mr. and Mrs. Lee R. Schuster ’52 P’82 ’88 GP15 Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Schwarz ’83 P’19 ’20 Mr. and Mrs. Lyall Schwarzkopf P’78 ’80 Mr. William H. Schwarzschild III ’66 P’96 Dr. and Mrs. Charles M. Scott ’67 P’07 Mrs. Patricia S. Scott P’83 ’84 Ms. Sondra Scott and Mr. Marco Sacchi P’18 Mr. and Mrs. David Sedney P’00 Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Seglem P’01 Dr. Eileen Mullady and Dr. Michael Seidel P’97 ’99 Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Selder P’93 ’95 Ms. Ann Sells P’17 Mr. and Mrs. Truman T. Semans ’45 P’87 Mr. and Mrs. Ottavio Serena di Lapigio P’19 Dr. Banu Mahalingam and Mr. Prasad Seshadri P’12 ’17 Mr. and Ms. Mani Sethi P’20 Mr. and Mrs. Ankoor Shah P’18 Mr. Robert Foote Shannon ’63 P’82 Mr. Howard Shao P’19 Mr. Peter M. Sharpe ’76 P’10 Mr. Arthur L. Shearer ’60 P’01 Mr. and Mrs. David Sherr P’18 Drs. Bharti and Kedar Shetye P’19 ’20 Mrs. Erin Shih and Dr. Gen Li P’18 Dr. and Mrs. Eon K. Shin ’92 P’21

Mr. and Mrs. Dermot Shorten P’17

Ms. Anne L. Stone P’95

Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Shoykhet P’10

Mrs. Mindy Strelitz and Mr. Andrew Cornblatt P’14

Mr. Frederick H. Shuart, Jr. ’61 P’92 Mr. Chiu Hung Shum and Mrs. Yiping Li P’19 Mr. and Mrs. Michael Shupin P’16 Danielle Bentsen, M.D. and Shawn Sieler, M.D. P’17 ’20 ’21 Drs. Ann and David Simmons ’70 P’00 Drs. Chetna and Arun Singh ’87 P’15 ’20 Mr. and Mrs. J. William Sinnott ’66 P’94 Mr. and Mrs. Charles I. Skipsey, Jr. ’53 P’90 ’92 Mr. and Mrs. David Sloan ’50 P’84 Mr. and Mrs. Frederick S. Smith P’06 ’09 ’13 ’16

Mr. Frank M. Thompson ’42 P’72 *

Mr. Austin P. Sullivan, Jr. ’57 P’96

Ms. Holli P. Thompson P’18

Mrs. Angela Fan and Mr. Victor Sun P’19

Mr. Daniel E. Thoren P’88

Mr. and Mrs. David Sung P’07 ’09

Mr. Martin T. Tiernan ’35 P’75 *

Dr. Bani Sarma Suri and Mr. Prabodh Pinto Suri P’16 ’18 ’21

Mr. and Mrs. Michael W. Tiernan ’68 P’01 ’05 ’09

Mrs. Susan Bryant Sutter P’12

Mrs. Penelope E. Tillman P’87

Mr. and Mrs. E. Scott Swanezy ’73 P’07

Ms. Karen Latzko and Mr. John Tokarski P’20

Mr. and Mrs. Patrick H. Swearingen III ’80 P’17

Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Tomar Esquire ’66 P’10

Mr. and Mrs. Patrick H. Swearingen P’80 GP’17

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Tompkins P’09

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sweeney P’17 ’20 Mr. and Mrs. Michael Swell P’17

Mr. and Mrs. Lawther O. Smith ’55 P’ 80

Mr. and Mrs. Bruce M. Swenson ’64 P’98

Mr. and Mrs. Milford K. Smith, Jr. P’01

Dr. Patricia Myskowski and Dr. Alexander J. Swistel ’67 P’12

Mr. and Mrs. George N. J. Sommer III ’62 P’96 Ms. Mary Spiga P’09 Mr. Steven Spolansky P’15 ’16 ’19 Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Stach P’20 Mr. and Mrs. Aleksandar Stajkovic, Ph.D P’15 Mr. Thomas O. Stanley ’45 P’72 Mr. and Mrs. Stephen W. Staunton ’84 P’16 Ms. Clayton Steele and Mr. Ralph Scholtz P’19 ’20 Mr. and Mrs. Edward S. Stein ’64 P’95 Mr. Douglas Steiner P’14 Mr. and Mrs. David B. Stephens ’78 P’06 Mr. and Mrs. Bruce H. Stern Esquire ’74 P’06 ’09 Mrs. Paul L. Stevens P’98 Mrs. Joan B. Stewart P’75 Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Stiger P’18

Ms. Sindhu J. Thomas P’18

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Suarez P’17

Mr. James S. Smith ’46 P’70

Mr. and Mrs. Mark Solomon P’15

Mr. and Mrs. Frederic W. Thomas ’51 P’83 GP’18 ’19

Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Sword ’71 P’03 ’05 ’08 Ms. Deanna Tahan P’00 Dr. and Mrs. Manoj Tandon P’10 ’18 Ms. Vicky Lee and Mr. Wai Keung Tang P’17 Mr. and Mrs. Rajan Tanga P’18 Mrs. Hongbing Liu and Mr. Qihai Tao P’12 ’20 Mr. and Mrs. Daniel M. Tapiero ’86 P’20 Drs. Marietta and Cezar Tapnio P’03 Mr. and Mrs. John Tate III P’01 Mrs. Lisa M. Skeete Tatum and Mr. Mark A. Tatum P’19 ’21 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Taylor, Jr. P’17 Mr. and Ms. Sergei Tchetvertnykh P’19 Ms. Nancy Hingston and Mr. Jovi Tenev P’04 ’09 ’14

Mr. and Mrs. Peter L. Tompkins ’67 P’02 Ms. Anh Tran and Dr. Xiang Gao P’17 Ms. Nga T. Tran-Pedretti and Mr. Mark G. Pedretti P’19 Mr. and Mrs. Garfield Trenfield P’17 Mrs. Peter B. Trinkle P’90 Mr. and Mrs. Brian Troup P’14 ’17 Mr. and Ms. John Trousdale P’18 Dr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Tsai P’88 ’88 ’99 Dr. and Mrs. York Tsuo P’13 Mr. and Mrs. Alan L. S. Tung ’86 P’14 ’16 ’21 Mr. and Mrs. James Ughetta P’12 Mrs. L. Barry Ultan P’81 ’82 Mr. and Mrs. David R. Urbach ’90 P’19 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas VandenBerg P’17 Mr. John C. Vaughey ’57 P’86 Mr. and Mrs. William J. Venizelos ’83 P’18 Mr. and Ms. Anthony Verducci P’17 Mr. and Mrs. John L. Vette III ’56 P’93 Mr. and Mrs. Raymond G. Viault ’63 P’96

Mr. and Mrs. Pierre Thiam P’18

Mr. and Mrs. Alexander W. Vietor ’68 P’94

Mr. and Mrs. Brian Thomas P’17

Mrs. Anita Vogel GP’18 ’20

Mr. and Mrs. Frederic W. Thomas, Jr. ’83 P’18 ’19

Ms. Rebecca Vogel P’07 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Vogel, Jr. P’18 ’20


GIFTS FROM PARENTS Mr. and Mrs. William L. Vollmer P’97 ’00

Ms. Diane Whiting P’17

Mr. and Mrs. Richard R. Woods ’65 P’95

Mr. Stephen C. Voorhees ’39 P’76 *

Mr. Mark Whiting P’17

Dr. and Mrs. William R. Woodward ’70 P’02

Mr. and Mrs. James Vore P’17 ’18 ’19

Mr. Richard P. Whitney ’55 P’88

Mr. Peter T. Worthen ’63 P’89 ’94 *

Mr. Peter M. Wagner ’72 P’15

Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Whittaker ’67 P’00

Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Wright P’10 ’21

Dr. and Mrs. George Wakefield P’09 ’12

Dr. Benjamin H. Whitten ’70 P’01

Mr. and Mrs. Baowei Wu P’17

Mr. L. Kendrick Wakeman ’86 P’10

Mr. and Mrs. Alexander K. Wiggin II ’69 P’04 ’05

Mrs. Shiyi Shan and Mr. Wei Xiao P’19

Mr. and Mrs. George Walker P’16

Mr. and Mrs. John D. Wik P’96 ’09

Mr. Gang Xu P’20

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Walker, Jr. P’97 ’99

Mrs. Annie Wilcox P’15 ’18 ’19

Ms. Jianfen Ruan and Mr. Geoffrey Xu P’18

Mr. and Mrs. William L. Wallace P’96

Mr. and Mrs. Harold B. Wilder III H’77 ’89 ’15 P’97

Mrs. Juan Chen and Mr. Li Xue P’05

Mr. and Mrs. Paul Walther P’02 Mr. and Mrs. James Walton, Jr. P’18 Mr. and Mrs. James Wang P’20 Ms. Ying Gao and Mr. Qingrui Wang P’19 Mr. and Mrs. William H. Warrick, Jr. ’58 P’90 ’92 Ms. Susan Washburn P’13 Ms. Lamarra George and Mr. Samuel G. Washington, Jr. ’81 P’14 ’17 Mr. and Mrs. Darryl S. Waskow ’77 P’13 ’17 Mr. and Mrs. James Watkins P’17 Mr. and Mrs. James C. Waugh H’74 ’85 ’88 P’68 ’70 ’72 ’74 ’76 GP’12 ’14 ’16

Mr. and Mrs. Gordon W. Wilkie P’93 Ms. Judith Wilkinson P’99 Mr. and Mrs. Charles P. Williams ’67 H’85’98 P’94 ’97 Mr. and Mrs. Darrell R. Williams P’90 GP’18 Mr. and Mrs. Gregory A. Williamson ’78 P’09 Mr. and Mrs. Clark Williard P’19 Mr. and Mrs. Loyal W. Wilson ’66 P’05 ’12 Mrs. Valerie Winchester P’17 Dr. and Mrs. Edward A. Wingfield P’17 Mr. and Mrs. Eric R. Winter ’68 P’04

Dr. and Dr. Kishore Yalamanchili P’17 Dr. Holly Lu and Dr. Keyi Yang P’15 ’18 Ms. Xiao Fang and Mr. Lijun Yin P’19 Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Young III ’59 P’96 Dr. Robin Liao Yue P’19 Mrs. Betty Zhang and Mr. Bryan Lin P’18 Ms. Helen Zhang and Mr. Kai Wang P’19 Ms. Jennifer Cai and Mr. Jie Zhang P’20 Mr. and Mrs. Xuefeng Zhang P’19 Ms. Ruozhen Chen and Mr. John Zhao P’17 Ms. Annie Fang and Mr. Jun-Fei Zheng P’19 Ms. Cindy Wang and Mr. Jiesong Zhu P’20

Rev. and Mrs. J. William Wauters, Jr. TSSF ’67 P’01

Mrs. Katherine Adams and Mr. Forwood C. Wiser III ’76 P’16 ’19

Mr. and Mrs. Mark Weber P’02

Mr. and Mrs. Elliott W. Wislar ’78 P’09 ’10 ’14

Mr. and Mrs. Todd V. Zimmerman P’95

Mr. Jonathan Wehle P’16

Mrs. Alexander F. Wojciechowicz H’57 P’78 GP’06 ’10 ’12

Mr. and Mrs. T. Robert Zochowski, Jr., Esquire ’82 P’13

Mr. Michael T. ’78 and Mrs. Carolyn H’78 Wojciechowicz P’06 ’10 ’12

Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Zook P’17

Mr. and Mrs. James Wolff P’17

Mr. and Mrs. Seymour Zubkoff P’82

Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth K. Wong P’18 ’20

Robert J. Zullo, Jr., Esq. ’69 P’01 ’03

Mr. and Mrs. James Weinberg P’13 Mr. and Ms. Guntram Weissenberger P’19 Mr. and Mrs. James O. Welch, Jr. P’91 Mr. and Mrs. John C. Wellemeyer ’55 P’18 Mrs. Hong Lu and Mr. Shan Wen P’09 Mr. and Mrs. Donald Wenzel P’18 Dr. and Mrs. Philip Wey P’15 ’18 Ms. Jennifer Greenman and Mr. Christopher White P’19 Mr. and Ms. Walker White P’17 Mr. and Mrs. John W. Whiteley III ’58 P ’80 ’84

Mr. and Mrs. Xiaodong Zhu P’19

Ms. Jianghong Ma and Mr. Ciyong Zou P’20

Mr. and Mrs. Albert K. Woo P’93 ’97 Ms. Hyesoo Woo and Mr. Seok Woo Lim P’18 Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Woodbridge ’61 P’93 Mr. and Mrs. William Woodley P’13’ 14 ’20 Mrs. Henry C. Woods P’40 *

*Indicates deceased

GIFTS FROM FRIENDS OF THE SCHOOL Ms. Elizabeth Stewart Amoruso

Mr. and Mrs. Gary Homsey

Mr. Sean Ramsden


Mrs. Barbara Horn

Joseph J. Rhoades

Lilian Armstrong

Mrs. Andrew W. Imbrie

Mr. Joseph B. Rhodes

James Baker

Drew Inzer

Gary and Kelly Robertson

Clyde Beffa, Jr.

James H. Everest Family Trust

Mr. Kevin Roche

E.W. Blankenship

Linda James

Mr. Steve Saunders

Gale Bollinger

WM O Johnstone

Mr. and Mrs. Stephen A. Schluter

Dwight A. Brannon

Judy S. Jordan

Carl B. and Elizabeth K. Schmidt

Clifford M. Bernstein and Elizabeth J. Brunoski, Ph.D.

Mr. Ronald A. Joyce

Mrs. George C. Shafer, Jr.

Mr. William J. Kearns

Mr. and Mrs. W. Scott Simmons

Mrs. Gary Keller

Amy Spears

Jane A. King

Emily Steiger

Rosemary Murphy Kitts

Mrs. William S. Straight

Mrs. Katherine Kuser Birkenstock

Cary W. Sully

Dr. Patricia H. Labalme *

Ms. Susan B. Tillier

Jonathan M. Large

Robert and Phyllis Trujillo

Jim and Linda Lasley

Philip Vecere

Caroline Lind Michele A. Lombard

Meera Viswanathan, Ph.D. and Eric Widmer, Ph.D.

William R. Long

Mr. Richard C. Walker

Miss Stephanie Mardesich

Yajun Wang

Mr. and Mrs. Donald F. Maurer

Mr. and Mrs. Jack Werts, Jr.

Mark and Marta McCubbin

Mrs. Marie G. Whitbeck

Mrs. R.B. McCubbin

Charles and Renate Wiggin

Rebecca L. McCubbin

Leslie Meek Wileman

Mr. Tim C. McDougald

Suzanne H. Williams

Mr. Gregory G. Burns Greg and Danielle Carter Mr. Stephen M. Cushmore Jeffery W. and Elisabeth M. Descombes Mrs. Conway W. Dickson * Carole, Ramsey and Susan Drake Family Theodore M. Elam Richard F. Ellis Eureka Water Company John and Susan Frank John and Helena Frost Abigail Field Gerry Lisa Gillard Joan Gilmore Ms. Jan Gosselin Anita L. Grashof Gary M. Gray Mrs. Diane Guvenis Mr. and Mrs. Samuel McC. Hamill, Jr. Mr. Ben C. Hammond Mr. and Mrs. Royce M. Hammons Ms. Marilyn Hansen Mrs. Norris S. Haselton * Sarah and Dan Hogan

Mrs. Laura McMillan George W and Karen K Mechem Mrs. Julie Mellor David H. Moreton and B. Diane Moreton Sarah L. Morgan Mr. Joseph J. Morsman, III Lauren L. Parish Reid Prichett, Ph.D.

* indicates deceased


CORPORATE AND FOUNDATION GIFTS Albert & Nan Gray Monk Foundation

Community Foundation of Greater Memphis

Globe Foundation

American Century Investments Foundation

Community Foundation of New Jersey

The Gold Family Charitable Foundation

American Express Foundation

Contempo Charity Foundation Limited

Goldman, Sachs & Company

Amgen Foundation

The Crain Foundation

Google Inc.

Andretta Foundation

Malcolm Cravens Foundation

The David Graham Foundation

Edward H. Andrews Foundation

Sharon Davis Foundation

Mary and Thomas Grasselli Foundation

Apache Corporation

Shelby Cullom Davis Charitable Fund Inc.

Greystone Foundation

The Aresty Foundation

Dean Foundation, Inc.

Luther & Claire Griffith Foundation

AXA Foundation

Dearhaven Fund of the Community Foundation of New Jersey

Audrey and Martin Gruss Foundation

AYCO Charitable Foundation Paul Del Nunzio Balser and Paul F. Balser Sr. Family Foundation

Dell Direct Giving Campaign Geraldine R. Dodge Foundation

The Harry Frank Guggenheim Foundation H7 Foundation Leita and William Hamill Family Foundation

Bank of America

Doll Family Foundation

Barber Family Foundation


Barclays Capital

Dorrance Family Foundation

The Bardes Fund

The Double Eagle Foundation

Daniel and Karen Berman Foundation

The Dry Family Foundation

Bernheim Foundation, Inc.

Dunn Foundation


Eagle Rock Charitable Foundation, Inc.

The Boston Foundation

The Eisner Foundation

Bristol-Myers Squibb Foundation, Inc.

Essig Enright Family Foundation

H. J. Brody Foundation

Richard & Rebecca Evans Foundation

The Capital Group Companies, Inc.

Exelon Corporation

Crawford and Stewart Jones Fund of the Community Foundation of Greater Birmingham

Capital One

Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund

Joukowsky Family Foundation

Margaret A. Cargill Foundation

Fidelity Foundation

Karakin Foundation

The Cerimon Fund

Fifth Third Founndation

Harry & Susan Kelleher Fund

Charles Schwab Charitable Fund

Florida First Foundation

Kent Family Fund

Charlotte Mecklenburg Community Foundation

FNZ Foundation

Key Foundation

Chevron Corporation

Fournier Family Foundation

Kiebach Foundation

Chi Family Foundation

Friborg Family Foundation

Henry L. Kimelman Family Foundation

Clifford/Levy Family Fund of Communities Foundation of Texas

Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

The Coca-Cola Company George E. Coleman Jr. Foundation The Commonwealth Foundations

General Electric Foundation Genesee & Wyoming Inc. Glaxosmithkline Foundation

Heart of Oak Foundation John C. and Susan K. Hubbard Foundation Hussman Family Foundation Hutchins Family Foundation Intel Foundation J.M. Huber Corp Jerlyn Foundation Rupert H. Johnson Jr. Foundation The Johnson Family Foundation

Edward A. & Lucille Kimmel Foundation

Pfizer, Inc.

Van Nice Foundation

The F. M. Kirby Foundation, Inc.

PPG Industries Foundation

Vanguard Charitable Endowment Program

Kirkland & Ellis Foundation

Princeton Area Community Foundation

The Vanguard Group, Inc.

Charles J. & Elizabeth R. Koch Foundation

Profund Advisors LLC

Varadero Capital LP

Leeds Family Foundation

Prudential Insurance Company


Lincoln Financial Foundation

Raymond Family Foundation Trust, Inc.

The Violich Family Foundation

Linkedin Matching Gifts Program

Raynier Institute & Foundation

Visa, Inc.

Linville Family Foundation

Raytheon Company

Warrington Foundation

The Mario Family Foundation

Reardon Family Foundation

Waugh Family Foundation

Marsh & McLennan Companies

The Rodman Foundation

James & Virginia Welch Foundation

Mathis-Pfohl Foundation

Rollins-Luetkemeyer Foundation

Wells Family Foundation, Inc.

Robert E. McConnell Foundation

Rubenstein Foundation

Wells Fargo & Co.

Curtis W. McGraw Foundation

S&G Foundation

Whitehall Foundation, Inc.

Merwin Foundation

Salesforce.com Foundation

William B. Reily & Co., Inc.

Microsoft Corporation

Sanofi Foundation for North America

Suzanne and Frank Millard Foundation

The Savannah Community Foundation Inc.

John A. Miller Family Foundation

The John S. Scurci Foundation

William C. Perry & Paul A. Nelson Charitable Fund of the Community Foundation of North Texas

Marion W. Minton and Walter J. Minton Foundation

Seitz Family Partnership

Monsanto Fund The Montag Family Foundation

Shell Companies Foundation, Inc. Peter and Susan Solomon Family Foundation

Monteforte Foundation, Inc.

Soros Fund Charitable Foundation Matching Gifts Fund

Morgan Stanley & Co., Inc.

Standish Family Foundation

Muse Foundation

State Street Corporation

New York Community Trust

Elbridge and Debra Stuart Family Foundation

New York Life Foundation

Susan R. and John W. Sullivan Foundation

Norfolk Southern Foundation

Peter and Nancy Thauer Family Charitable Foundation

Novo Nordisk Charles and Richard Oestreich Foundation Oshkosh Area Community Foundation The Richard Laurence Parish Foundation Park Family Foundation Partner Reinsurance Co. of US The William Penn Foundation

Thornedge Foundation Triad Foundation Joe and Clara Tsai Foundation United Technologies Corporation

Woodward Family Foundation Yaverland Foundation Your Cause, LLC Trustee for MUFG Union Bank H. Evan Zeiger, Jr. & Margaret Zeiger Charitable Foundation


We are grateful to our donors who endowed the following funds* during fiscal year 2016-2017:

Barnet Fund for China and Chinese Studies Ketterer Family Scholarship Fund Mellet/Brown ’94/’95 Scholarship Fund Robert W. Maynard ’41 Scholarship Fund The Stephan ’59 Endowed Fund for the Decorative Arts Curator William C. Ehret Family Scholarship Fund Viault Family International Fund

* This list represents only those new funds that were fully endowed during the fiscal year.



JOHN CLEVE GREEN SOCIETY The John Cleve Green Society recognizes and honors those who have included Lawrenceville in their estate plans through bequest intentions, life-income gifts, and other forms of deferred gifts. We are deeply grateful to the members of the Society for their foresight and generosity. Alumni 1891 William Adams Delano* 1898 Sherman H. Burbank* 1912 Robert Dechert*

1927 Elizabeth Herrick*

William J. Metzler* Quin Morton, II*

1937 John Barker*

John L. Herrick*

Raoul H. Nehr*

George F. Mohr

James Mann* Nancy Stephenson Mann

1933 Nils Anderson, Jr. *

Harris F. Smith*

1929 W. Richard P. Delano*

J. Louis Bauer*

John A. Will, Jr.*

Gordon H. Ewen*


Burton H. Etherington, Jr.*

John N. Irwin II, Esquire*

Alvin V. Baird, Jr.*

1915 Elms T. Knowlson*

Garwood W. Ferguson* Benjamin S. Herrick*

1921 Douglass D. B. Harding*

1934 George R. Bunn*

William R. Morris, Jr.*

Guido G. Frova*

1930 Alexander W. Keer*

Arthur G. Hailand, Jr.*

1923 O. B. Andrews, Jr.*

Aloyise Pomeroy*

Richard F. McCarthy*

1924 Stanley R. Anderson*

William L. Taylor, Jr.*

Robert J. B. Mahon*

John Selby*

Robert P. Serles*

William J. Hoffmann, Jr.* 1935 Robert M. Backes*

Ogden Carter* Burtis W. Horner, Esquire* John V. Mohn* Omar H. Simonds* William N. Vaughan* Warren C. Wachs 1939 John E. Bolton, Jr.* Edmund N. Carpenter II*

Robert O. Berger, Jr.*

Arnold Bisbee*

1931 Benjamin Baldwin*

Sydney Lazarus*

Frederick Etherington*

E. Huntington Ethridge*

1925 John C. Hubbard*

Frances Etherington

Robert F. Goheen*

William L. Fortune*

George S. Harrington*

Mary Preston

Samuel H. Fredericks, Jr.*

William F. Hofmann, Jr.*

Seymour Preston*

G. Ross McKee, Jr.*

William G. Luke, Jr.*

George H. Schulz*

Frederick T. Richards*

Gilbert C Norton, M.D.*

Clay Seipp*

John W. Starbuck, Jr.*

1940 Kenneth D. Alexander, Jr.*

Jesse E. White*

Martin T. Tiernan*

Richard Baker*

The Hon. Shelby Cullom Davis*

Richard R. Zundel*

Vincent West*

William Flemer III*

Waldo W. Greene* Edgar W. Sherry*

1932 Charles H. Clark*

1936 Donald Gregg*

Elsie Jo Trawick

Arthur A. Frank, Jr.*

Robert A. Wieman*

Stovall W. Trawick*

Campbell C. Groel, Jr.*

Henry C. Woods, Jr.*

Harry McCall, Jr.*

Janie Woods*

1926 John A. Curtis*

William G. Berlinger*

Irving S. Fellner* William A. Klopman* Cornelius F. Moses* Linton F. Murdock* Frederick H. Remington* Stephen Voorhees*

Braman Pomeroy* Raleigh Warner*



1944 John P. Belli*

1949 Dunbar Abston, Jr.

1952 Edward L. Barlow

Henry M. Lamberton*

Ross H. Claiborne

John L. Arrington, Jr.

Cornelius C. Bond, Jr.

Robert W. Maynard*

R. George Kuser, Jr.*

Joseph T. Breneman II

Peter C. Du Bois*

Rolland B. Peacock, Jr.*

Robert D. McDougal III*

William M. Davis

James A. Harris

Charles H. G. Rees*

Edward C. Mendler*

Carl Espy III

Samuel E. Hunter III*

Harold C. Spear, MD*

Richard B. Neiley, Jr.

William B. Gardner

Lawrence W. Leighton (Chair)

1942 Lyell B. Clay*

Robert N. Standish, Jr.*

Jackson O. Hall*

Mitchell May III*


Cowles W. Herr

Ray T. Mentzer, Jr.

Paul S. Cutter, Jr.*

Edward N. Marshman*

Harold A. O’Callaghan, Jr.

John Fitzpatrick*

1945 Peter Lawson-Johnston (Chair)

Norman F. McGowin, Jr.*

Seymour S. Preston III

Henry G. Hood, Jr.*

Truman T. Semans

Michael A. Orlando*

Richey Smith

Gordon B. Hurlbut, Jr.*

Philo Smith*

Robert L. Patterson*

John K. Webster*

William G. Nixon *

George A. Vaughn III

W. Russell Pickering*

Arnold Simon*

William J. Young*

Joseph J. Schroeder, Jr.*

1953 Robert E. Armstrong III

Frank M. Thompson*

William R. Thomas IV

Henry Hulshizer*

William H. Todd*

1946 A. Stephen Clug

David K. Hyatt*

Edward L. Winpenny, Jr.*

J. Simpson Dean, Jr*

1950 Joseph C. Bennett

1943 Salisbury Adams*

William B. Purdy*

J. Calvin Davis III*

Robert B. Ritter, Jr.

Stuart Robinowitz

Artemis A.W. Joukowsky

W. Cordes Snyder

The Rev. Frederick Buechner

Norman T. Rogers*

Martha Joukowsky

Colin R. Thompson

David Clarendon

David E. Wagoner*

Anne Levert

David C. Titus

Huyler C. Held, Esquire*

Richard H. Williams*

John B. Levert

George White, Jr. .

Albert Palmer Loening

Edwin W. Wislar

George A. Shutt* Carol Tanenbaum

1954 Gary T. Capen

Robert Tanenbaum*

Earl G. L. Cilley


Benjamin E. Cooper* William V. Cox

Rene C. McPherson*

Raymond A. Marks

Alfred I. Miranda*

1947 Robert M. Arnold*

George H. Pearson

Nolen Bailey*

John A. Robertshaw, Jr.*

David A. Bardes

Edwin P. Short, Jr.*

Ray Brown, Esquire*

1951 Robert W. Bartlett II, Esquire*

Edmund A. Stanley*

W. Scott McLucas II

James H. Coker*

Hepburn Ingham

Jennifer Stanley

Paul B. Mott, Jr. (Chair)

Lewis F. Fargo

Lynn Johnston

Jerome A. Johnson

Robert F. Johnston

Stephen R. Murray

Clinton J. Najarian

George J. Schmitt

Samuel V. Schoonmaker III*

William L. Strong, III

Jeffrey Wiese

Robert L. Stovall*

William Wilson III*

F. Pace Woods II*

1948 Anthony W. Bryant David A. Quaid Robert S. Robe, Jr., Ph.D.* James W. Vaughn

W. Grant Hellar III (Chair)

1955 J. Robert Hillier (Chair)

1959 Mary Kate Barnes

Frank Schroeder Michael Slater*

1965 James P. Alampi

1956 James M. Beardsley

Patrick F. Elliott*

David Solosko

John Boddington

Doug Graybill

Richard C. Woodbridge

Matthew Dominy

William B. Blundin

Gardiner G. Green, Jr.

Walter W. Buckley, Jr.

John M. Lucas

1962 Edwin Adriance

L. Theodore Chylack, Jr.

Ann MacKenzie

Thomas J. Anathan

Leita V. Hamill

C. Howard N. Fisher*

Clark F. MacKenzie

William H. B. Hamill (Chair)

A. Frederick Gerstell

Edwin B. Nyquist

Bertram F. Bonner Jr.

John F. Kelsey III

J. Ken Hamill

Verne Nyquist

Brian H. Breuel* Shirley Breuel

Pamela Kelsey

Robert N. Lettieri (Chair))

David M. Raddock

Willard Bunn III

Leigh Lockwood

J. Michael Rediker

Arthur R. Clark, Jr.

Bruce E. McCashin

Ralph C. Smith

Charles Dewey

George W. Paschal III

Robert Spofford (Chair)

John B. (Jock) Hannum, Jr.

Frederick T. Richards, Jr.

Prof. John J. Stephan

Henry T. Lyons, Jr.

John A. Richards, Jr.

Ernest C. Whitbeck III*

William F. Magee

James Paul Rodell

Jules Noel Wright*

Joseph B. Matthews


Reverend Bartlett A. McCarthy

1966 David Butterfield*

1960 Paul F. Balser

J. Gregg Miller (Chair)

Norma Butterfield

James F. Tustin

Darwin W. Heath, Jr.

Mortimer B. Fuller III

Wilson Van Alst III*

William A. Krusen, Jr.

1957 William G. Bardel (Chair) Susan Chase William G. Chase* Richard L. Doege Bonnie Gross Gary F. Gross William E. Haynsworth John C. Vaughey 1958 Alexander Ackley, Jr.

Richard C. Greenleaf (Chair)

William W. Espy George Fetterolf

Robert M. Lester

Robert S. Holcombe*

1963 John K. Hager

Douglas S. Luke

Ronald S. Rolfe, Esq.

Norman E. Mitchell

David R. Morcom

William S. Straight*

Bryan Oliphant

Richard N. Winickoff

Charles W. Tiernan, Jr.

John J. Preefer

Raymond G. Viault (Chair)

Grant A. Ritter

James T. Koch*

1961 Edward S. Barclay, Jr.

James K. Wade

James A. Rowan, Jr.

Stephen H. Lockton

Douglas Barden*


Edwin B. Struve

Jeffrey B. Mershon

Benjamin F. Briggs

Henry Z. Norton

Edward B. Collins

1964 Howard D. Kelsey (Chair)

William W. Porter

John R. Gardner

George H. D. Schulz

David E. Reese (Chair)

Peter T. Haverkampf

Allan Shivers, Jr.

Allen K. Shenk, Jr.

Joseph G. Hodges, Jr.

William H. Warrick, Jr.

William F. Hofmann III (Chair)


John C. Hover II

John B. Baldwin Richard L. Berger* Brackett David Clark Stuart Dow Harry B. Kelleher, Jr.

James A. Schloss

Theodore L. McCaugherty

Richard A. Tuggle Robert M. White (Chair) Loyal W. Wilson Richard O. Wood



1973 Richard C. Rolle

1983 Lloyd W. Cheu

1993 Rob Ragsdale

Thomas D. Carroll

Richard Seltzer

Michael J. McLaughlin, MD

Megan Leddy

Joseph M. Fitzgerald III

Patrick J. Schwarz

Mr. James C. Lindsay

1974 David J. Ballard, M.D., Ph.D.

1994 Sean Brown

Mr. Burk C. Murchison (Chair)

Michael Crimi Stewart M. Dansby

1984 Peter Holmes

Anthony Wolf Greenberg

Dr. Alexander J. Swistel Spencer Adams Tandy

Peter J. Neuwirth (Chair)

1968 Frederick E. Cammerzell III

1976 Thomas J. R. McDowell

1985 Joseph R. Lawver

1995 Thomas K. McNeil, Jr.

Robert B. Rosenstein

Richard C. Frank*

Victoria McDowell

Paul Maddock, Jr.

Robert D. Michael

Jay D. Miller

1986 Christopher P. Donnelly

1996 Jeremy Cloud

Eric Schumann*

Michael Tiernan (Chair)

Fitz Lee

Douglas S. Simon

Timothy Nichols

1969 Rocky Barber (Chair)

George M. Spencer

Eric B. Ottaway

Seth Waugh

R. Lee Underwood III

Stefan W. Goff


William Zeiss*

1970 John M. Barnes


Thomas L. Carter, Jr.

1977 David H. Barnes

Kit Henningsen

Alexander M. Hunter

1971 Wes Brooks

1978 Robert G. Neville

Rev. Brenton H. Carey

William J. Nictakis

James S. H. Cruice, Jr.

John P. Servis

Luther T. Griffith

Hubert T. Wen

1972 Robert J. Barker

1979 Young-Suk Chi

Charles Forer

Luke Reese

David Goldberg Bruce L. Hager

1981 Buck Blessing

Dean L. Harden

Greg W. Hausler

Elton M. Hyder III

William Tredway*

R. Michael Kasperzak, Jr. (Chair)

Christopher R. Wesnofske

1987 Mr. Philip G. Groves 1988 Mr. Jeremy Mario Philip F. Romanelli 1988 Jeremy Mario Philip F. Romanelli 1989 Mr. Jeffrey C. Walker 1991 William Adams Delano* Victoria Von Hessert 1992 William S. Ballenger V Amanda Gordon Fletcher (Chair) Matthew Harris

Keiko I. Greenberg

2000 Joseph Konzelmann 2001 Simon K. Hong 2002 James R. Connors 2003 Bowie Duncan Helm Christopher Roswold Karen Roswold 2005 Kevin H. Huang 2008 Thomas S. Tesauro, Jr. (Chair)

Parents, Grandparents and Friends Mary Jane Albrecht*

Elaine Lerner

Adrienne Auerbach

Leslie A. Lerner*

Reed Auerbach

Doris Licht*

Herbert Berger, M.D.*

Robert Henry Life*

Charles D. Brown, Jr.

Diana Danielle Lucas*

Robert Calvert, Jr.*

Elise Magnuson

Janey Cheu*

Mary Elizabeth McClellan

Richard A. Cheu

Mary Miller*

Ruth H. Close

Morgan Miller

Bettina Curtis

Jerry Muntz

Stephen M. Cushmore

Anne Murphy *

Maxine T. Denham*

Charles E. Murphy, Jr.*

Jo Brewster Devlin

William R. Niblock

Susan Dubin

Eric B. Peterson

Elizabeth A. Duffy

Donald A. Pickering*

Patrick F. Elliott*

Grant Pothast

Edith Eglin

Marcia G. Sandground

Mrs. Helen Fagelson*

J. Anderton Schwartzburg*

Ruth Gibbs Faris*

Elisabeth M. Scott*

Nancy B. Foltz

Linda Hlavacek Silver

Frances Fuller*

Betty Smith*

John E. Gore, Jr.

Harriett Apgar Prall Smith

Marcye Gough

Gregory L. Stein

Cynthia Granata

Patricia Stein

Norris S. Haselton*

Darrell R. Williams

Marjorie S. Heagy*

Diane Williams

Robert S. Howard

Anonymous (4)

Rosanna Jaffin Janet Johnson

* indicates deceased

Adam Kazalski Diane Kazalski The Rev. Patricia. Kitchen Dr. Patricia H. Labalme* Dr. Roy J. Lehman Valerie Lehman

(Bold indicates new member in fiscal year 2016-2017)


BOARD OF TRUSTEES Board of Trustees 2017-2018

Marcus B. Mabry ’85 New York, New York

Stephen S. Murray H’55 ’65 ’16 P’16 ’21 Lawrenceville, New Jersey Head Master

Jeremy K. Mario ’88 P’16 ’20 Durham, North Carolina

Michael S. Chae ’86 New York, New York President Whitney Hailand Brown ’91 Bedford, New York Vice President Sandra C. Allen P’14 ’16 ’17 Princeton, New Jersey Hyman J. Brody ’75 P’07 ’08 ’11 Greenville, North Carolina Celeste Mellet Brown ’94 Washington, District of Columbia Arthur H. Bunn ’74 P’04 ’06 ’08 Springfield, Illinois Leslie Doll P’09 ’11 ’14 Princeton, New Jersey Joseph B. Frumkin ’76 P’11 New York, New York Goodwin Gaw ’87 P’21 Hong Kong Bert A. Getz, Jr. ’85 P’18 ’20 Northfield, Illinois Lawrence D. Howell II ’71 P’11 ’13 Kusnacht, Switzerland Leigh W. Lockwood ’65 P’97 ’02 Doylestown, Pennsylvania Craig M. Lucas ’81 New York, New York

Heather Woods Rodbell ’91 Atlanta, Georgia Sheridan G. Snyder ’54 West Palm Beach, Florida Daniel M. Tapiero ’86 P’20 Greenwich, Connecticut Joseph C. Tsai ’82 Hong Kong Meera S. Viswanathan, Ph.D Wakefield, Rhode Island Alexandra Buckley Voris ’96 New York, New York John E. Waldron ’87 New York, New York Jonathan G. Weiss ’75 New York, New York Michael T. Wojciechowicz ’78 P’06 ’10 ’12 Princeton Junction, New Jersey Benjamin C. Hammond Lawrenceville, New Jersey Secretary & Treasurer

Trustees Emeriti Dunbar Abston, Jr. ’49 P’79 Memphis, Tennessee William G. Bardel ’57 P’93 Washington Depot, Connecticut Thomas L. Carter, Jr. ’70 P’01 ’05 Houston, Texas Melanie C. Clarke P’02 ’05 ’07 ’10 Princeton, New Jersey Judith-Ann Corrente H’01 P’98 ’01 New York, New York Peter A. Dow ’50 Grosse Pointe Farms, Michigan Edith Baird Eglin H’52 ’65 ’66 ’67 GP’19 Palm Beach, Florida Darrell A. Fitzgerald ’68 Atlanta, Georgia Mortimer B. Fuller III ’60 P’89 ’01 Rye, New York A. Frederick Gerstell ’56 Santa Barbara, California Bert A. Getz ’55 H’56 P’85 GP’18 ’20 Paradise Valley, Arizona Luther T. Griffith ’71 P’04 Atlanta, Georgia Martin D. Gruss ’60 Palm Beach, Florida Leita Voss Hamill H’65 ’88 ’99 P’96 ’99 Princeton, New Jersey Glenn H. Hutchins ’73 Rye, New York Lynn D. Johnston H’54 P’92 ’94 Princeton, New Jersey

John A. Pirovano ’59 P’93 Pound Ridge, New York

Artemis A. W. Joukowsky ’50 P’80 Providence, Rhode Island

Seymour S. Preston III ’52 West Chester, Pennsylvania

Peter Lawson-Johnston ’45 Hobe Sound, Florida

Ronald S. Rolfe ’63 New York, New York

Vernon R. Loucks, Jr. ’53 P’84 ’93 Lake Forest, Illinois

Christina Seix Dow P’08 Lawrenceville, New Jersey

John A. Luetkemeyer, Jr. ’59 Baltimore, Maryland

Truman T. Semans ’45 P’87 Brooklandville, Maryland

Clark F. MacKenzie ’59 P’81 Cockeysville, Maryland

Sidney A. Staunton ’49 P’84 Ridgefield, Connecticut

Paul B. Mott, Jr. ’47 P’76 ’85 GP’18 ’20 Lawrenceville, New Jersey

Raymond G. Viault ’63 P’96 Jupiter, Florida

Charles E. Murphy III ’66 P’90 ’95 Berkeley, California

Seth H. Waugh ’76 New York, New York

Harold A. O’Callaghan, Jr. ’52 P’83 ’86 ’90 ’03 Rye, New York

John C. Wellemeyer ’55 P’18 Princeton, New Jersey

David B. Ottaway ’57 P’86 ’91 Washington, District of Columbia


Philip H. Jordan, Jr. ’50 H’61 ’96 P’85 ’90 Chebeague Island, Maine



Hyman Brody ’75 P’07 ’08 ’11

Goodwin Gaw ’87 P’21

Hyman entered Lawrenceville as a Third Former in 1972 and resided in Cleve House and The Lodge. He participated in Periwig and ran cross-country. Hyman went on to earn a bachelor’s degree in economics from the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School in 1979.

Goodwin came to Lawrenceville in 1985 and resided in Cleve House. He participated in the Asian Students Organization, Math Team, Archives Club, Olla Podrida, The Lit, and The Lawrence. He earned a bachelor’s degree in civil engineering from the University of Pennsylvania; a bachelor’s degree in finance from Penn’s Wharton School; and a master’s degree in construction management from Stanford University. As a Lawrenceville alumnus, Goodwin has been involved in the Asia Council.

As a Lawrenceville alumnus, Hyman has served as Alumni Trustee (2011-2015) and member of the Major Gifts Committee, Class Agent, and Bicentennial National Campaign Committee volunteer. A member of his 40th Reunion Committee, Hyman received the Alumni Association’s Meritorious Service Award for 2014-2015. Hyman is CEO and President of BrodyCo., Inc., a real estate development and investment company based in Greenville, North Carolina. BrodyCo develops mixed use commercial properties in the Carolinas with a focus on retail shopping centers. Hyman is married to Stacy Copeland Brody. Their three children – Samantha ’07, William ’08, and Nathan ’11 – are all Lawrentians. Nathan served as School President his Fifth Form year.

Goodwin founded Downtown Properties in 1996 and serves as Managing Principal. Notable projects under his leadership include the renovation of the iconic Hollywood Roosevelt Hotel and conversion of over 456,000 square feet of empty historical buildings into residential lofts in downtown Los Angeles. Goodwin co-founded Gaw Capital Partners in 2005 with his brother, Kenny ’88, and remains a Managing Principal. Gaw Capital is a real estate private equity fund management company focusing on greater China and selected markets globally. The firm is ranked as one of the top 20 real estate private equity firms in the world. Goodwin and his wife, Yama, have twin sons, Gabriel ’21 and Matthew.

Sheridan “Sherry” Snyder ’54

Heather Woods Rodbell ’91

Sherry entered Lawrenceville in 1949 as a First Former from Sea Cliff, Long Island. Vice President of Perry Ross and President of Dickinson, he played soccer, basketball, golf, baseball, and tennis. He received the Lawrenceville Medal, also known as the Aldo Leopold Award, in January 2016 for “brilliant, life-long work in a significant field of endeavor.”

Heather was chosen by her fellow Lawrentians to serve a four-year rotating term as Alumni Trustee. She came to Lawrenceville from New York City in September 1988 as a Third Former and lived in Reynolds and Stephens Houses. She earned a bachelor’s degree from the University of Pennsylvania in 1995. Co-Chair of the Lawrenceville Club of Atlanta and former Class Secretary for 1991, she served on the committees for her 20th and 25th Reunions. Heather has been an active member of The Crescent, Lawrenceville’s affinity group for alumnae, and a key volunteer for the School’s celebration of 25 years of coeducation.

Sherry earned a bachelor’s degree in French and romance languages from the University of Virginia in 1958. He is an entrepreneur with more than 40 years experience and a major figure in the biotechnology industry. In 1971, he founded Instapak, the trade name for a “foamin-place packaging” now owned by Sealed Air Corporation. Genzyme, another company he founded, rose to become the third largest biotech company in the world before being sold in 2011. Currently, Sherry is Chairman of the Board of MolecularMD and a principal in Biocatalyst International, which provides expertise and seed capital to help move scientific innovations to market. Together with Arthur Ashe, Sherry developed the National Junior Tennis League (NJTL), an inner-city novice program for boys/girls aged 8-16, and in 2008 received the Intercollegiate Tennis Association Achievement Award for achievements outside the game of tennis. NJTL is now a program serving 325,000 youths in over 180 cities/communities. Among other U.S. and international honors, Sherry was awarded the OBE (Order of the British Empire) in 2005 by Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom.

Heather founded and served as president of Phoebe & Harry, a retailer of custom photo albums and tote bags. The company’s products were featured on The Oprah Winfrey Show, ABC’s The View and in several high-profile magazines. Previously, she was marketing communications director at Velant, Inc. and Vice President at the New York-based strategic communications firm Robinson Lerer & Montgomery. She is an active volunteer with the Atlanta Humane Society and The Westminster Schools. Heather and her husband, Jonathan, live in Atlanta and are the proud parents of two boys, Harrison and Max.



Carter, Fitzgerald & Corrente

After a combined 56 years serving the Board of Trustees of The Lawrenceville School, Trustees Thomas L. Carter, Jr. ’70 P’01 ’05, Darrell Fitzgerald ’68 and Judith-Ann Corrente H’01 P’98 ’01 stepped down from their leadership roles at the end of the 2016-2017 academic year. Together they helped see Lawrenceville through times of tremendous growth and change, both on campus and in the world. From guiding us through the aftermath of 9/11 and the global financial crisis of 2007-2008, to taking us through the celebration of Lawrenceville’s bicentennial and the successful $218 million Bicentennial Campaign, Carter, Fitzgerald and Corrente have been instrumental to Lawrenceville’s development over the last two decades. Lawrenceville is grateful for their service and indebted to them for their commitment to the School and its mission. This past June, as the three prepared to retire from active Board service, their fellow Board members paid tribute to them in two separate events. Below are excerpts from remarks made on behalf of these valued Lawrentians. Tom Carter and Darrell Fitzgerald “Their shared tenure on the Board has been highlighted by four new campus buildings; a new turf field complex; at least eight major renovation projects; the largest fundraising campaign in School history, the Bicentennial Campaign, conducted during the worst economic downturn since the 1930s; and the residencies of three Head Masters … Tom and Darrell, we are here tonight to recognize you for your many contributions to the Board and to Lawrenceville, and to thank you for your service to our school.” – Trustee Emeritus Truman Semans ’45 P’87 “We’ve had an ambitious agenda over the last two years, but I can’t recall when I’ve enjoyed my work more. (Tom and Darrell) You have inspired me and guided me as I settled into the Lawrenceville community and culture, as no doubt you’ve inspired your Board colleagues with your friendship and guided them with your thoughtful approach to the School’s governance.” –Head Master Steve Murray H’55 ’65 ’16 P’16 ’21 “Tom wasn’t only a Trustee during the Bicentennial Campaign, he was Vice President of the Board and Co-chair of the Campaign. Each of these roles carried a different set of demands, and Tom, as they say, exceeded expectations … As with most things Tom does, he led by example. His support of Campaign priorities inspired other members of the Board to come forward with their own gifts. As a result, many of the programs that we now think of as part of the Lawrenceville culture were funded and implemented under his watch.” – Trustee Emeritus Jack Luetkemeyer, Jr. ’59 Judith Corrente “Judith, as you know, has been instrumental in elevating the position of girls and women at Lawrenceville over the last two decades, and she has enabled us to make international travel a cornerstone of the Lawrenceville experience for students and faculty alike. With her encouragement and support, we have developed strong and productive relationships with our alumni and parents in Asia. Again, (like the conversion of the Crescent Road into Corrente Walk, a landscaped pedestrian path) transformational. Judith, we are so incredibly grateful for your insights, your friendship, and especially your leadership.” – Steve Murray


COMMITTEES & ASIA COUNCIL Development Committee

Major Gifts Committee

Asia Council

Jonathan G. Weiss ’75 Chair

Greg W. Hausler ’81 Chair

Hong Kong William Y. Chua ’87

Joseph B. Frumkin ’76 P’11 Vice Chair

Richard J. Barrett ’67

Jean S. Fang ’90

Sandra C. Allen P’14 ’16 ’17

Hyman J. Brody ’75 P’07 ’08 ’11

William G. Bardel ’57 P’93

Whitney Hailand Brown ’91

Hyman J. Brody ’75 P’07 ’08 ’11 Arthur H. Bunn ’74 P’04 ’06 ’08 Leslie Doll P’09 ’11 ’14

Ryan Y. Fong ’91 Goodwin Gaw ’87 Kenneth Gaw ’88

Arthur H. Bunn ’74 P’04 ’06 ’08

Granger G. Hwa ’81 P’14 ’17

Thomas L. Carter, Jr. ’70 P’01 ’05, Advisor

Peter C.H. Koo ’86 Tommy S. Lee ’85 P’16 ’18

Goodwin Gaw ’87 P’21

W. Graham Cole, Jr. H’77 ’80 ’83 ’85

Leigh W. Lockwood ’65 P’97 ’02

’87 P’91 ’95

Marcus B. Mabry ’85

Jefferson W. Kirby ’80 P’11 ’12 ’15 ’18

Joseph C. Tsai ’82, Co-chair

Jeremy Mario ’88 P’16

Kevin W. Tse ’97

John A. Pirovano ’59 P’93 Heather Woods Rodbell ’91 Truman T. Semans ’45 P’87

Grant Pothast P’14 ’16 ’17

Sheridan G. Snyder ’54

Truman T. Semans ’45 P’87

Martin K. Matsui ’76 P’12 ’14 ’17 Brett A. McGonegal ’91

Alan L.S. Tung ’86 P’14 ’16 Colleen Yu ’98

Frederic W. Thomas, Jr. ’83 P’18

Seoul Joon Mo Kwon P’15 ’19, Co-chair

John C. Wellemeyer ’55 P’18

Joseph C. Tsai ’82, Advisor

Joseph J. Park P’17

Faculty Liaison: Mary Kate Barnes H’59 ’77 P’11 ’13 ’19 Assistant Head Master Director of Advancement

Raymond G. Viault ’63 P’96

Shanghai Yvonne Chau ’98

Daniel M. Tapiero ’86 P’20 Alexandra Buckley Voris ’96

Alexandra Buckley Voris ’96 John E. Waldron ’87, Advisor John C. Wellemeyer ’55 P’18 Faculty/Staff Liaison: Erin Graham, Director of Capital Programs

John Paul Ho ’77 George Jiang P’15 ’19 Lincoln Pan ’94 Singapore John Hsu Lin ’86 Thailand Korawad Chearavanont ’12 Robert B. Rosenstein ’85 United States Judith-Ann Corrente H’01 P’98 ’01 Faculty/Staff Liaison: Greg Carter, Director of Major Gifts and Asia Programs

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