Strategic Directions II A Balanced Approach to the Future
January 2014
Executive Summary In April 2007, the Board of Trustees adopted Strategic Directions I, a five-year plan to build on Lawrenceville’s core strengths and ensure that we prepare students to become responsible leaders in the 21st century. Thanks to the support of trustees, the leadership of senior staff, the hard work of faculty and staff, and the generosity of alumni and parents, we completed that plan. In so doing, we solidified Lawrenceville’s reputation as a preeminent boarding school and developed a reputation for being a school that educates students well by balancing many dichotomies – most notably, we’re both large and small, both challenging and supportive, and both traditional and modern. With the imminent completion of Strategic Directions I, during the winter and spring of 2012 we launched a new strategic planning process, an extension of Strategic Directions I that we appropriately called Strategic Directions II, since it is not a significant departure from our current priorities and goals. Indeed, the guiding question that governed Strategic Directions I also guided this strategic planning process: How do we continue to build on our core strengths and preserve our traditions while responding to emerging trends and new opportunities? Our process began with a review and re-adoption of our Mission Statement (see back cover) and with a so-called SWOT analysis: Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats. Strengths and weaknesses represent the internal features of Lawrenceville, those aspects of the School we can control and manage. Opportunities and threats are external trends that affect the School. We can’t control them, but we must decide how to respond to them in ways that make the most sense for Lawrenceville, given our past history and traditions, our current strengths, and our future aspirations. Through the SWOT analysis, we reaffirmed the core strengths that we identified in Strategic Directions I. Those features include our unique House system, our collaborative Harkness approach to teaching and learning, our abundant co-curricular programs and many opportunities for student leadership, our multicultural community, ongoing faculty and staff professional development, strong financial discipline, and our educational and environmental leadership at the local and national level. With the SWOT analysis, we also identified five key external trends that will require our considered and intentional response in the coming years: R R R R R
Globalization Specialization Information technology (especially the ubiquity of mobile technology) Financial uncertainty Economic inequality and political polarization
Below are brief summaries of the overall approach that trustees, faculty and other School constituents have advocated we take in responding to each trend. It is striking that the recommended responses balance key dichotomies, just as Strategic Directions I did:
✔ We aspire to prepare Lawrenceville students for the increasingly global world in which they will live and work, while at the same time reaffirming our identity as a multicultural, American boarding school.
✔ We are committed to maintaining at our core a generalist philosophy, a strong sense of community, and students’ broad engagement in school life, while at the same time continuing to accommodate the increased desire of students to specialize.
✔ We aim to harness the power and ubiquity of information technology to strengthen Harkness teaching, while minimizing the downsides of technology by educating students, faculty and staff to be responsible consumers and creators of digital content.
✔ In order to ensure our long-term financial health and fulfill our responsibility to be good stewards of all the School’s resources, we must maintain our financial discipline, extend our fundraising capacity, continue to attract outstanding students, and balance our personnel, facility and programmatic priorities, as well as our current and future needs.
✔ We seek to broaden and deepen the engagement of students, faculty and staff in the community in order to cultivate positive, mutually beneficial community relationships; inspire and prepare Lawrenceville students to be responsible leaders; strengthen our brand; and increase our institutional impact. Given the uncertainty and rapid pace of change that characterizes modern life, we’re encouraged that Strategic Directions II, which was unanimously approved by the Board of Trustees in January 2014, represents a balanced approach to the future. We remain committed to attracting a first-rate faculty and staff to Lawrenceville by providing them with adequate feedback and professional support to continue to learn and grow and by fostering a strong sense of community on campus.
Globalization Lawrenceville Lawrenceville hashas been been a global a global boarding boarding school school since since nearnearly our ly our inception. inception. TheThe firstfirst international international student, student, whowho waswas from from England, England, enrolled enrolled in 1819, in 1819, followed followed in subsequent in subsequent de-decades cades by by students students from from Cuba, Cuba, Canada, Canada, Brazil, Brazil, Argentina, Argentina, India, India, Turkey Turkey andand Japan. Japan. Given Given thethe difficulty difficulty andand expense expense th of travel of travel andand communication communication during during the 19 the century, 19th century, the ef-the forts efforts thosethose first first international international students students made made to attend to attend LawLawrenceville renceville were were considerable. considerable. Lawrenceville Lawrenceville waswas alsoalso among among thethe firstfirst schools schools to introduce to introduce modern modern foreign foreign languages languages in in thethe 1820s, 1820s, andand some some of the of the core core features features of the of the School School areare modeled modeled after after European European practices, practices, including including Forms, Forms, ourour emphasis emphasis on on physical physical fitness, fitness, andand thethe House House system. system. The The 20th 20th century century sawsaw increased increased interest interest in world in world affairs affairs andand additional additional students students from from overseas, overseas, even even through through twotwo World World Wars Wars andand thethe global global influenza influenza pandemic. pandemic. By By thethe latelate 1950s, 1950s, about about 6%6% of of thethe students students in each in each graduating graduating class class were were international, international, with with most most coming coming from from Canada, Canada, WestWesternern Europe Europe or South or South America. America. That That global global foundation foundation hashas served served us well, us well, as second as second andand third third generation generation Lawrentians Lawrentians areare nownow applying applying to to Lawrenceville Lawrenceville from from overseas overseas andand as as thethe pool pool of full-pay of full-pay students students hashas declined declined nationally. nationally. Today, Today, about about 15% 15% of of ourour students students come come from from abroad, abroad, andand nearly nearly three three dozen dozen countries countries areare represented represented among among thethe student student body, body, with with thethe heaviest heaviest concentration concentration from from Asia. Asia. Our Our challenge challenge going going forward forward is toisprepare to prepare all our all our students students – both – both domestic domestic andand international international – to– become to become leaders leaders in in
thethe interconnected, interconnected, global global world world in in which which theythey willwill livelive andand work, work, while while at the at the same same time time reaffirming reaffirming ourour identity identity as an as an American American boarding boarding school, school, so we so we continue continue to attract to attract outstanding outstanding students students from from across across thethe country country andand around around thethe world. world. Our Our identity identity as an as an American American boarding boarding school school requires requires notnot only only thatthat we we ensure ensure all students all students receive receive a strong a strong foundation foundation in American in American history, history, culture culture andand literature, literature, butbut alsoalso thatthat we we provide provide students students a well-rounded a well-rounded education education andand promote promote American American values, values, such such as as freedom, freedom, democracy, democracy, equality, equality, individualism, individualism, multiculturalism, multiculturalism, competition competition andand freefree enterprise. enterprise. Through Through Strategic StrategicDirections DirectionsI,I, we succeeded succeededininexpandexpanding ing student student international international experiences experiences andand made made good good progprogress ress ininmodifying modifying thethe curriculum curriculum to reflect to reflect ourour more more global global world. world. Overall, Overall, overover the past the past decade, decade, the School the School has moved has moved fromfrom a basic a basic “awareness” “awareness” of other of other cultures cultures to more to involved more involved “exposure” “exposure” to the global to theworld global (seeworld the Global (see the Rubric Global on the Rubric next on page). the following Ten yearsspread). from now, Ten we years aspire fromtonow, havewegreater aspire“engagement” to have greaterin“engagement” the global world in the withglobal moreworld formal with globmore al partnerships, formal global slightly partnerships, more slightly international more internationstudents from al students currentlyfrom underrepresented currently underrepresented regions of the regions world,of greater the world, involvement greater involvement by our international by our alumni, international and a deeper alumni,unandderstanding a deeper understanding and appreciation and among appreciation students, among faculty stu-and dents, stafffaculty for theand many staff cultures for therepresented many cultures on campus. represented on campus.
Our aim is to enable students
“Our challenge going forward
to pursue their passions to
is to prepare all our students
the highest level of excellence A Multicultural, A Multicultural, American American Boarding Boarding School School Engaged Engaged in the in the Global Global World World WeWe aspire to prepare Lawrenceville students for for the the increasaspire to prepare Lawrenceville students increasingly global world in which they will live and work, while at ingly global world in which they will live and work, while the same time reaffirming our identity as a multicultural, at the same time reaffirming our identity as a multicultural, American boarding school. R R R R
American boarding school.
Increase global awareness and engagement R Increase global awareness and engagement Underscore our American boarding school identity
R Underscore our American boarding school identity Continue to foster a multicultural community on campus R Continue to foster a multicultural community on campus Diversify key constituencies
R Diversify key constituencies Global curriculum with strong American core A Global curriculum with strong American core Faculty international travel program A Faculty international travel program Strategic international partnership(s) A Strategic international partnership(s) “Sustaining Excellence” reaccreditation A “Sustaining Excellence” reaccreditation
A S Austained dialogue andand cross-cultural Sustained dialogue cross-cultural A
competencies training competencies training Diverse, world-class, “triple-play” faculty A Diverse, world-class, “triple-play” faculty
A Increased socioeconomic diversity Increased socioeconomic diversity A utstanding Outstanding student body from across country O student body from across the the country and around the world and around the world
A Engaged international alumni and parents Engaged international alumni and parents
to become leaders in the
without compromising our
interconnected, global world,
generalist orientation.
while at the same time reaffirming our identity as an American boarding school.”
American/NJ Focus
Required American & European courses with limited other international electives; European languages
Some required global courses, additional global electives; Asian and European languages
Global foundational courses/curriculum in major disciplines; global electives in all departments; Asian, European and Middle Eastern languages at advanced level
Global focus across the curriculum; use of immersive and online opportunities to broaden language offerings; global distribution requirement
Composition of Student Body
All American
Few international students (< 5%); limited/ passive recruitment; no institutional financial aid; limited program aid
Moderate, concentrated international enrollments (10-15%); targeted recruitment in major markets; limited institutional & program financial aid
More extensive international enrollments from around the world (15-20%); strategic international recruitment; program and endowed international financial aid
Geography-blind admissions and financial aid
Student International Experiences
No school-sponsored
Limited international travel opportuniites
Embedded international travel opportunities; online curricular interactions
Most students have immersive overseas experiences from 3 weeks to a trimester
Every student studies abroad for a year
Student Policies and Services
No consideration or special support
Exemptions to policies as requested (e.g. arrival times); periodic celebrations of different cultures
Anticipated exemptions to policies; international student orientation and travel support
Consideration of global student body in crafting policies and procedures; ongoing support for international students; program offerings that reflect global student body
Policies, programs and services that reflect global student body and faculty; global center
Institutional International Partnerships
Limited international travel opportunities for students and faculty
Embedded international travel opportunities; online curricular interactions
Sustained parternships with international schools/ NGOs
Lawrenceville franchises; International campus(es)
Composition of Faculty
All American
Few international faculty (<5%); most are native speakers for foreign language classes
Moderate numbers of international faculty (510%); international faculty in many departments
Greater number of international faculty
Strategic global hiring to reflect student body and world in which students will live and work
Faculty Development
None related to globalization
Limited, faculty-initiated, summer projects and funds
School-initiated & supported summer projects and funds
More extensive summer opportunities and termtime faculty exchanges
Extensive faculty exchanges, expectation that most faculty will spend time overseas
“You’re in America.”
“You’re different.”
“You’re different. We’re curious.”
“We’re all different…and similar.”
“’We’ includes all of us.”
All American
Few international board members (<5%), mostly “ex-pats” living overseas; passive recruitment
Moderate number of board members (~10%) either from or living overseas; intentional recruitment
Greater number of overseas board members (15+%), from a variety of countries; active recruitment; occasional international board meetings
Strategic recruitment of board to reflect alumni/parent population and world in which students will live and work; regular international board meetings
Specialization WeWeremain remaincommitted committedto toproviding providingstudents studentswith witha a well-rounded well-rounded education, education, butbut we we want want to to ensure ensure thatthat we we continue continue to attract to attract andand support support outstanding outstanding students, students, many many of whom of whom nownow specialize specialize at earlier at earlier andand earlier earlier ages, ages, in athletin athletics,ics, artsarts andand even even academics. academics. To To thatthat end, end, over over thethe pastpast fewfew years, years, we we as aasSchool a School have have moved moved from from being being” “purely purely genergeneralist” alist” to being to being “philosophically “philosophically generalist,” generalist,” by by thoughtfully thoughtfully accommodating accommodating thethe trend trend toward toward specialization. specialization. Through Through various various initiatives initiatives launched launched as part as part of of StrateStrategic gic Directions Directions I, we I, we have have taken taken small small steps steps to respond to respond to to students’ students’ increased increased desire desire to to specialize. specialize. TheThe curriculum curriculum redesign redesign we we launched launched in 2006 in 2006 established established a foundational a foundational academic academic program program thatthat allows allows for for more more elective elective choice choice in in
thethe IV IV andand V Forms, V Forms, andand ourour newnew co-curricular co-curricular options options let let students students explore explore a variety a variety of of specialized specialized interests interests andand tal-talents, ents, as do as do spring spring senior senior projects projects andand an an increased increased number number of of independent independent studies. studies. Our Our revised revised athletic athletic requirements requirements permit permit a one-term a one-term “outside “outside sport” sport” exemption exemption to accommoto accommodate date athletes athletes whowho aspire aspire to compete to compete at the at the collegiate collegiate level level andand need need to train to train year-round year-round in order in order to be to be recruited, recruited, andand ourour advanced advanced science science research research program program allows allows students students passionate passionate about about research research to pursue to pursue thatthat interest. interest. Over Over thethe next nextdecade, decade,through throughStrategic Strategic Directions II, II, we we will will continue continue to to negotiate negotiatethe thebalance balancebetween betweenour ourgeneralgeneralist ist philosophy philosophyand andthe thepressures pressurestotospecialize. specialize.Our Ouraim aimis to is to enable enable students students to pursue to pursue their their passions passions to the to the highest highlevel est of level excellence of excellence without without compromising compromising our generalist our generalorienist tation. orientation. As one As faculty one faculty member member said, said, we want we want students stu- to dents graduate to graduate from Lawrenceville from Lawrenceville “jacks “jacks of all trades of all and trades masandters masters of one…or of one…or two.” Both two.” trustees Both trustees and faculty and faculty acknowlacknowledge edge the trend the toward trend toward specialization specialization and support and support additional additional accommodations accommodations as needed as so needed we continue so we continue to attracttooutattract standing outstanding students. students. At the At same thetime, sameour time, generalist our generalphilosist philosophy ophy promotes promotes students’ students’ broadbroad engagement engagement in the in life the of lifethe of the School, School, encourages encourages students students to to trytry new newactivities, activities,and andfosters fostersa aculture cultureofofmutual mutualsupport supportasasstudents studentscome cometotoapappreciate preciate each each other’s talents and contributions. contributions. Because Because we we recognize recognize that thatfor formany manyofof today’s today’sstudents studentshigh highschool schoolwill willbebethe thelast lastopportunity opportunityforfor a broad, a broad, liberal liberal artsarts education, education, we remain committed to providing a well-rounded
Our aim is students to enable “...we want to students to pursuefrom their passions to graduate Lawrenceville, we education remain committed to all Lawrenceville to providing students. a well-rounded Strikingly, educain this age tionoftospecialization, all Lawrenceville suchstudents. a broad Strikingly, foundationinisthis arguably age of the specialization, best preparation such aforbroad our rapidly foundation changing is arguably world. the best preparation for our rapidly changing world. Inspiring & Educating Responsible Leaders: A Generalist Inspiring & Educating Responsible Leaders: A Generalist Philosophy that Accommodates Specialization Philosophy that Accommodates Specialization WeWe areare committed ourcore corea generalist a general-phicommittedtoto maintaining maintaining at our ist philosophy, a strong of community, and students’ losophy, a strong sensesense of community, and students’ broad enbroad engagement in school life, while at the same time to gagement in school life, while at the same time continuing continuing to respond to the increased desire of students to respond to the increased desire of students to specialize. specialize. R Strengthen student leadership initiatives R Strengthen student leadership initiatives R Increase opportunities for students to pursue R Increase opportunities for students to pursue their passions their passions R Maintain School spirit and enhance community R Maintain School spirit and enhance community cohesion cohesion R Increase opportunities/reduce barriers for students R Increase opportunities/reduce barriers for students to try new activities to try new activities A Institutionalized student leadership training for A Institutionalized student leadership training for all students all students A Signature leadership program A Signature leadership program A Expanded Heely Scholars program for archival research A Expanded Heely Scholars program for archival research A New student center in renovated Bath House A New student center in renovated Bath House A Enhanced Circle & Crescent interactions A Enhanced Circle & Crescent interactions A Vibrant House system A Vibrant House system A Expanded senior projects opportunities A Expanded senior projects opportunities
the highest level ofand excellence ‘jacks of all trades masters without compromising our of one...or two.’” generalist orientation.
Information Technology TheThe appropriate appropriate use use of information of information technology technology is probably is probathebly most thecomplicated most complicated issue we issue arewe grappling are grappling with, since with,it’s since both it’sso both ubiquitous so ubiquitous and such and such a double-edged a double-edged sword. sword. It isIt’s alsoalso a moving a moving target, target, given given thethe rapid rapid pace pace of technological of technological innovation. innovation. It’sIt’s difficult difficult to believe, to believe, for for example, example, thatthat FaceFacebook, book, YouTube, YouTube, Twitter, Twitter, andand iPhones iPhones didn’t didn’t exist exist 10 10 years years ago,ago, andand thatthat iPads, iPads, FaceTime FaceTime andand Instagram Instagram weren’t weren’t introintroduced duced until until 2010. 2010. In In recognition recognitionofofthe theongoing ongoing evolution of of Web Web2.0 2.0and andWeb Web3.0 3.0technologies, technologies, wewe developed developed keykey principles principles to guide to guide the the School’s School’s adoption adoption andand useuse of of information information technology technology (see next (see page). next spread). Fundamentally, Fundamentally, we believe wethat believe information that information technologytechnology should be ashould means,benot a an means, end –not thatan is, end it should – thatserve is, itour should educational serve our aims educational and not vice aimsversa. and not Ultimately, vice versa. any Ultimately, use of technology any useatofLawrenceville technology atmust Lawrenceville be consistent must with be our consistent educational with our philosophy, educational whilephilosophy, mitigating while the dismitigating tractionsthe anddistractions depersonalization and depersonalization of mobile devices. of moTeachbileing devices. and learning Teaching at and Lawrenceville learning athave Lawrenceville always beenhave about always relationships, been about andrelationships, while not every and class whileisnot taught everyaround class a is taught Harkness around table,a the Harkness Harkness table, sensibility the Harkness – learning sensibility in an en– learning gaged, collaborative in an engaged, manner, collaborative reducingmanner, the traditional reducingbartheriers traditional between barriers teachers between and students, teachersencouraging and students,students encouraging to take responsibility students to take for responsibility their own andfor others’ theirlearning, own andetc. others’ – is embedded learning, etc. in our – is culture. embedded in our culture. Faculty Faculty members members have have begun begun to to combine combine information information technology technology with with Harkness Harkness teaching teaching in ways in ways thatthat stretch stretch thethe
possibilities possibilities of of both. both. ForFor example, example, teachers teachers areare using using iPads iPads around around thethe table table to access to access andand annotate annotate Web Web documents documents andand manipulate manipulate shared shared data. data. They They areare “flipping “flipping their their classclassrooms” rooms” so more so more class class time time cancan be be used used for for guided guided problem problem solving, solving, andand they’re they’re creating creating blogs blogs thatthat extend extend Harkness Harkness dis-discussions cussions beyond beyond thethe confines confines of the of the classroom classroom or stimulate and posting thequestions next day’stodiscussion. stimulate the In part, next day’s because discussion. our students In part, arebeso at cause easeour with students technology, are sothe at ease Webwith is expanding technology, Harkness the Web is conversations expanding and Harkness making conversations them more inclusive. and making Thethem student more whoinclusive. begins the The term student reluctant who tobegins speak the in class termsometimes reluctant to finds speak a comfort in classlevel sometimes online first. finds With a comfort our peers level in New online Enfirst. gland, Withwe’re our also peersstarting in NewtoEngland, explore how we’reonline also starting or blended to exlearning plore how best complements online or blended our educational learning bestapproaches complements andour fits educational with our residential approaches communities. and fits with our residential communities. We recognize that integrating technology well will require We bothrecognize significantthat professional integrating development technologyand well careful will reattention quire both to digital significant citizenship professional for students, development faculty and andstaff, careful so that attention we alltobecome digital citizenship responsibleforconsumers students, faculty and creators and staff, of digital so thatcontent. we all become We believe responsible that Lawrenceville consumers should and creators be a “leading of digitalfollower” content. in Wethis believe arena, that soLawrenceville we are efficient should and be sensible a “leading aboutfollower” our investment in this arena, in information so we aretechnology, efficient and andsensible we are about committed our investment to using web in data information and resources technology, to and are decisions, committedrefine to using web data and resources help us we make programs, evaluate invest- to ments, helpand us make providedecisions, more personalized refine programs, communication evaluate and investfeedback. ments, and provide more personalized communication and feedback.
Harkness Harkness 2.02.0 We aim to harness the power and ubiquity of information We aim to harness the power and ubiquity of information techtechnology to strengthen Harkness teaching and enhance nology to strengthen Harkness teaching and enhance student student learning, while at the same time minimize the downlearning, while atbytheeducating same time minimize the downsides sides of technology students, faculty and staff of technology by educating students, faculty of anddigital staff content. to be responto be responsible consumers and creators R R R R
sible consumers and creators of and digital content. Strengthen Harkness teaching learning R Strengthen Harkness teaching and learning Standardize technological systems R Standardize technological systems Develop digital literacy and citizenship R Develop digital literacy and citizenship Promote Web 2.0/3.0 teaching and learning R Promote Web 2.0/3.0 teaching and learning Harkness materials and resources A Harkness materials and resources Haiku learning management system
Haiku learning management system A CAore digital and coding skills embedded A A A A
inA the curriculum Core digital and coding skills embedded in the curriculum Enhanced technological professional development faculty A Enhancedfor technological professional development for faculty Technology mentor teacher program A Technology mentor teacher program Student technology mentors A Student technology mentors Collaborative ESA blended learning initiative A
Collaborative ESA blended learning initiative
Key Information Technology Principles 1. Fundamental Principle: Alignment â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Information technology should serve as a means to accomplishing
“Students, “Students, faculty faculty and staffand staff be trained and educated shouldshould be trained and to be responsible consumers and educated to be responsible creators of digital consumers and creators of content.” digital content.”
the mission and goals,Principles complementing and enKeySchool’s Information Technology hancing our core features: the House system and Hark1. Fundamental Principle: Alignment – Information ness teaching and learning. technology should serve as a means to accomplishing 2. Personal Relationships Personal relationshipsand are enthe School’s mission and–goals, complementing at the heart our of both Lawrenceville experience and hancing corethe features: the House system, Harkness adolescents’ development. The School should strive teaching and learning, and student leadership. to mitigate the isolating, dehumanizing aspects of infor2. Personal Relationships – Personal relationships are mation technology and leverage its potential to facilitate at the heart of both the Lawrenceville experience and human connections. adolescents’ development. The School should strive to mitigate the isolating, dehumanizing aspects of infor3. Global Access: Here and Away – The School mation leverageto itsbring potential to facilitate should use technology informationand technology the world human connections. to Lawrenceville and Lawrenceville to the world, while maintaining its commitment to face-to-face interactions 3. Global Access: Here and Away – The School and the value of being physically immersed in school should use information technology to bring the world life. to Lawrenceville and Lawrenceville to the world, while maintaining its commitment to face-to-face interactions Teaching and Learning – Information 4. Harkness and the value being in school technology shouldofserve thephysically needs of immersed teachers and life. reinforcing the School’s Harkness approach students, to teaching and learning and advancing the School’s 4. Harkness Teaching and Learning – Information academic goals: mastery of core academic skills, critical technology should serve the needs of teachers and thinking, participation and collaboration, authentic students by reinforcing the School’s Harkness approach learning and inquiry, personalized assessment and feedto teaching and learning and advancing the School’s back, and media and information literacy. academic goals: mastery of core academic skills, critical thinking, participation and collaboration, authentic 5. Comprehensive Professional Development – The learningadoption and inquiry, personalized assessmentwill and thoughtful of information technology re-feedback, and media and information literacy. quire significant professional development, both technical and pedagogical, so that faculty and staff can make 5. Comprehensive Professional Development – The thoughtful adoption of information technology will require significant professional development, both
pedagogical, so and that faculty faculty can andadapt staff the technical best use ofand new technologies can make the best use ofaccordingly new technologies and faculty their instructional methods (e.g., flipped can adapt their instructionalproblem-based methods accordingly (e.g., classrooms, guide-on-the-side, learning). flipped classrooms, guide-on-the-side, problem-based 6. Reversed Roles – Students and other “digital nalearning). tives,” such as teaching fellows and other faculty and 6. Rwho staff eversed grewRoles up using – Students Web 2.0and technologies, other “digital will connatribute tives,” notsuch onlyasasteaching consumers fellows and and learners otheroffaculty knowl-and edge, staff butwho alsogrew as producers up using of Web digital 2.0 technologies, content and teachwill coners tribute of the more not only senior as learners faculty and andstaff consumers in the of School, knowlwhoedge, for the butmost also part as producers are “digital of digital immigrants.” content and teachers of the more senior faculty and staff in the School, 7. Digital Citizenship – Students, faculty and staff who for the most part are “digital immigrants.” should be trained and educated to be responsible consumers 7. Digital and Citizenship creators of digital – Students, content,faculty to useand Webstaff 2.0 technology should be lawfully trainedand andappropriately, educated to be and responsible to under- constand sumers the so-called and creators “Three of digital P’s”: allcontent, information to useposted Web 2.0 online technology is Public,lawfully Permanent and appropriately, and might be used and to forunderPurposes stand other thethan so-called what “Three was intended. P’s”: all information posted online is Public, Permanent and might be used for Pur8. “Leading Follower” Investments – Given the exposes other than what was intended. pense and rate of technological change, efficiency and good “Leading sense suggest Follower” that Lawrenceville Investments should – Given be a “leadthe ex8. ing pense follower” and in rate its of adoption technological and usechange, of newefficiency technolo-and gies,good incorporating sense suggest thethat bestLawrenceville tools and practices should once be athey “leadhave ingbeen follower” tried and in its tested. adoption and use of new technologies, incorporating the best tools and practices once they 9. Data-Based Decision Making – The School should have been tried and tested. use data and web resources to make decisions, refine programs 9. Data-Based and processes, Decision evaluate Making investments, – Theand School personshould alizeuse communication data and web resources and feedback. to make decisions, refine programs and processes, evaluate investments, and personalize communication and feedback.
Information Financial Uncertainty Technology WeThe continually appropriate striveusetoofbalance information our current technology and is future probafinancial bly theand mostfacilities complicated needs.issue In 2003, we arethe grappling Board adopted with, since a Financial it’s both soEquilibrium ubiquitous and Plansuch to strengthen a double-edged the School’s sword. It’s finances also a after moving thetarget, “tech given wreck” theofrapid the pace earlyof2000s. technological The disciplined innovation. implementation It’s difficult toofbelieve, that plan for example, and the successthat Faceful book, completion YouTube, of our Twitter, $218 million and iPhones Bicentennial didn’t exist Campaign 10 years notago, onlyand improved that iPads, theFaceTime School’s financial and Instagram health, weren’t but also introprepared duced until us well 2010. for the global financial crisis of 2008. Although In we recognition weathered of that the crisis ongoing well,evolution there continues of Web to 2.0beand considerable Web 3.0 technologies, economic uncertainty we developed around key principles the world,toand guide we the recognize School’s that adoption market and returns use are of information likely to be softer technology in the(see future nextthan page). theyFundamentally, were in the decades we believe before that 2008. information In technology the wakeshould of thebe2008 a means, market not an downturn, end – thatMoody’s, is, it should which rates bonds, tightened its not credit We curserve ourour educational aims and viceratings. versa. Ultimately, rently nearly $360 million in endowedmust fundsbeand $55 anyhave use of technology at Lawrenceville consistent million debt, a markedphilosophy, improvement from our $189the mil-diswith in our educational while mitigating liontractions endowment $67 million inofdebt in 2003. In order and and depersonalization mobile devices. Teachto maintain our Aa3atMoody’s rating in the always short term ing and learning Lawrenceville have beenand about improve it in the and long while run, we created antaught ad hocaround Debt a relationships, nothave every class is andHarkness Unrestricted Committee to identify strategies forentable,Asset the Harkness sensibility – learning in an further reducing our debt burdenreducing and increasing our unre-bargaged, collaborative manner, the traditional stricted overteachers time. and students, encouraging students riers assets between Among the factors that to maintain ouretc. to take responsibility forhave theirallowed own andusothers’ learning, Aa3– rating are ourinstrong admission numbers. As the pool is embedded our culture. of domestic Faculty members full-pay applicants have begun to to boarding combine schools information decreases technology and the with demographics Harkness teaching of school-age in ways that children stretchinthe
thispossibilities country continue of both.toFor evolve, example, competition teachers for are the using most iPads outstanding students willaccess continue intensify.Web It is essential around the table to andtoannotate documents thatand ourmanipulate admissionshared approach the“flipping personalization data.reflects They are their classthatrooms” consumers so more in all class fields timehave can come be used to for expect guided andproblem that we solving, are ableand to they’re compete successfully for extend studentsHarkness from alldiscreating blogs that backgrounds and regions of the nation the world. cussions beyond the confines of the and classroom and posting questions stimulate thewe’ve next day’s discussion. part, be During thetopast decade, also made good In progress cause ourour students are so at ease with technology, addressing deferred infrastructure needs with the the Web re- is expanding Harkness andthe making them of more placement of the steam conversations and water pipes, upgrading The drainage student who begins reluctant to theinclusive. storm water system, and the the term refurbishment in the classslate sometimes a comfort first. of speak most of roofs onfinds campus. Whenlevel Pop online Hall reWith in our New we’re also starting to exopened fallpeers 2013,inwe hadEngland, completed renovations on evhow online or blended best complements eryplore academic building, except learning for the math building, andour approachesspaces and fits with The our residential on educational most of the residential as well. field housecomis munities. need of refurbishment, as are the dining cenin significant We future recognize that integrating technology wellHouse will reters. The of Haskell, Kinnan and Foundation both significant professional development and and careful alsoquire needs to be determined before they are restored, attention to digital citizenship for students, staff, some deferred maintenance remains, such as faculty the roofand and that wesystems all become responsible consumers and creators air so handling in Gruss Center of Visual Arts. We of digital are continuously content. Weworking believe that to grow Lawrenceville our endowment should be thorough a “leading investments follower”and in this fundraising. arena, soInweaddition are efficient to in-and creasing sensible ourabout unrestricted our investment reserves asindescribed information above, technology, we’re currently and wefocused are committed on raising to using endowed web funds data and for resources financial to aid,help so we increase the percentage of students receiving uscan make decisions, refine programs, evaluate investassistance 30 percent to personalized 35 or 36 percent, and for otherand ments, from and provide more communication core expenses, including cyclical maintenance and faculty feedback.
and staff Harkness 2.0compensation. The heart of a school is its people, committed to admitting the most Weand aimwe to are harness the power and ubiquity of outstanding informationstudents andtohiring and retaining a first-rate and staff. technology strengthen Harkness teachingfaculty and enhance student learning, while at the same time minimize the downsides of technology by educating students, faculty and staff Financial Sustainability to be responsible consumers and creators of digital content. R R R R
In order to ensure our long-term financial health and fulfill our responsibility to be good stewards of all the Schoolâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s resources, Standardize technological systems we must maintain our financial discipline, extend our fundDevelop digital literacy and citizenship raising capacity, continue to attract outstanding students, and Promote Web 2.0/3.0 teaching and learning balance our personnel, facility and programmatic priorities, as Harkness materials and future resources well as our current and needs. Strengthen Harkness teaching and learning
Haiku learning management system R Increase unrestricted assets CRore digital and coding skills embedded Maintain strong admission position in the curriculum R Raise money for identified fundraising priorities Enhanced technological professional R Explore additional revenue sources development for faculty R Maintain financial discipline Technology mentor teacher program A Unrestricted reserve and increased unrestricted assets Student technology mentors
A Robust admission numbers A Collaborative ESA blended learning A
initiative More personalized admission approach
KeyA Information Principles CompetitiveTechnology tuition 1.
Increased operating R&RAlignment funds FAundamental Principle:
â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Information technology should serve as a means to accomplishing
Increased financial aid endowment
Competitive faculty and staff salaries
Field house renovations
New math building
Renovations to Gruss Art Center
Long-term faculty housing plan
Increased TLF/TLPF participation
Profitable summer program aligned with mission
Consumer choice health care program
Contingency plans for weather events
Economic Inequality & Political Polarization Since Since thethe economic economic crisis crisis in 2008, in 2008, there there hashas been been increased increased economic economic inequality inequality andand political political polarization polarization in the in the United United States, States, as evidenced, as evidenced, for for example, example, by by thethe increasing increasing wealth wealth gapgap between between American’s American’s eliteelite andand ourour overall overall citizenry, citizenry, thethe increased increased focus focus andand media media attention attention on on thethe “top “top oneone per-percent,” cent,” thethe riserise of of thethe TeaTea Party Party andand Occupy Occupy Wall Wall Street, Street, andand thethe gridlock gridlock in Washington, in Washington, D.C. D.C. For For private private schools like Lawrenceville, Lawrenceville, this thistrend trendsometimes sometimes manifests manifests itself itself as as a threat, a threat,such suchasasrecent recentefforts effortstototax taxnonprofit nonprofitorganizations organizationsor orcurtail curtaildeductions deductionsfor forcharitable charitable contributions. contributions. It Itcan canalso, also,however, however,be be an an opportunity to to extend extendwhat whatformer formerNAIS NAISPresident PresidentPatPat Bassett Bassett calls calls “the “the public public purpose purpose of private of private education.” education.” Lawrenceville’s Lawrenceville’s public public purpose purpose encompasses encompasses many many as- aspects pects of the of the School. School. Our Our greatest greatest impact impact on on thethe world world out-outsideside ourour gates gates hashas always always been, been, andand willwill continue continue to be, to be, thethe contributions contributions ourour graduates graduates make make in whatever in whatever professions professions theythey choose choose andand whichever whichever communities communities theythey Thus, Thus, in- inspiring spiring andand training training ourour students students to be to be leaders leaders is essential. is essential. OnOn campus, campus, we we cancan counter counter thethe national national trend trend toward toward class class polarization polarization by ensuring by ensuring thethe socioeconomic socioeconomic diversity diversity of the of the student student body body through through ourour admission admission andand financial financial aidaid pol-policies, icies, andand we we cancan attempt attempt to improve to improve town-gown town-gown relations relations andand become become a better a better neighbor neighbor by by being being more more intentional intentional andand proactive proactive in our in our community community interactions interactions andand relationrelationships. ships. In addition, In addition, we we willwill continue continue to find to find ways ways to serve to serve as as
a national a national model model for for other other schools, schools, both both public public andand private. private. Former HeadHead Master Master Bruce Bruce McClellan McClellan was was an avid an avid proponent proponent of town-gown of town-gown partnerships partnerships and his and commitment his commitment endures. endures. DuringDuring the past thetwo pastdecades, two decades, we helped we helped to establish to estab-and lishsupport and support key community key community organizations organizations including including thethe LawLawrence rence Township Township Education EducationFoundation, Foundation,Lawrenceville Lawrenceville Main Main Street, Street, andand Sustainable Sustainable Lawrence. Lawrence. Through Through Strategic Strategic Directions Directions I, we I, we reinvigorated reinvigorated ourour public public purpose purpose by by en-encouraging couraging senior senior staffstaff andand faculty faculty to share to share their their expertise expertise both both regionally regionally andand nationally nationally andand by modeling by modeling for for students students what what it means it means to be to aberesponsible a responsible leader. leader. Most Most notably, notably, LawLawrenceville renceville hashas become become a national a national leader leader in in sustainability sustainability through through thethe incubation incubation of of thethe Island Island School, School, thethe creation creation of Sustainable of Sustainable Lawrence Lawrence andand Sustainable Sustainable Fare, Fare, thethe opening opening of our of our 30-acre 30-acre solar solar facility, facility, thethe initiation initiation of the of the Green Green Cup Cup Challenge, Challenge, andand thethe ongoing ongoing development development of an of an online, online, sec-secondary ondary school school version version of of STARS. STARS. Lawrenceville Lawrenceville alsoalso concontinues to be a training ground for for school leaders; indeed, tinues to be a training ground school leaders; indeed, over over thethe pastpast decade, decade, more more than than a dozen a dozen Lawrenceville Lawrenceville fac-facultyulty members have been named heads of schools or upper members have been named heads of schools or upper school school heads. heads. Building Building on on thethe successes successes of Strategic of Strategic Direction Direction I, through I, through Strategic Strategic Directions Directions II we II we seekseek both both to mitigate to mitigate thethe threats threats posed posed by the by the trend trend toward toward greater greater economic economic inequality inequality andand political political polarization polarization andand to better to better deploy deploy ourour considerable considerable resources resources to to make make a bigger a bigger difference difference in in thethe community community
andand the the nation. nation. Toward Toward those those ends, ends, in March in March 2013, 2013, we we convened convened about about fourfour dozen dozen students, students, faculty, faculty, staffstaff andand comcommunity munity leaders leaders to envision to envision howhow Lawrenceville Lawrenceville could could extend extend ourour public public purpose. purpose. TheThe assembled assembled group group identified identified three three keykey strategies: strategies: 1) build 1) build more more partnerships partnerships withwith andand provide provide more more services services to the to the local local community community andand local local schools; schools; 2) 2) integrate integrate service service learning learning andand citizenship citizenship more more fullyfully intointo classes, classes, senior senior projects, projects, independent independent studies, studies, co-curricular co-curricular programs programs andand summer summer opportunities; opportunities; andand 3) deepen 3) deepen andand better better coordinate coordinate ourour existing existing community community service service initiatives. initiatives. TheThe effect effect of those of those efforts efforts willwill be be notnot onlyonly to extend to extend ourour public public purpose, purpose, butbut alsoalso to fulfill to fulfill ourour mission mission to inspire to inspire andand educate educate Lawrenceville Lawrenceville students students to become to become responsible responsible leadleaders ers andand engaged engaged citizens. citizens.
Lawrenceville’s Lawrenceville’s Public Public Purpose Purpose
WeWe seekseek to broaden to broaden andand deepen deepen the the engagement engagement of students, of students, faculty faculty andand staffstaff in the in the community community in order in order to cultivate to cultivate pos-positive,itive, mutually mutually beneficial, beneficial community community relationships; relationships; inspire inspire andand prepare prepare Lawrenceville Lawrenceville students students to beto responsible be responsible leaders; leaders; strengthen strengthen our our brand, brand; andand increase increase our our institutional institutional impact. impact. R
R Extend Extend environmental environmental sustainability sustainability initiatives initiatives
R Enhance Enhance community community relations relations
R Strengthen Strengthen educational educational leadership leadership programs programs
R Increase Increase service service learning learning opportunities opportunities
R Deepen Deepen community community partnerships partnerships
ESA A ESA STARS STARS metrics metrics for for independent independent schools schools
Economically A Economically sustainable sustainable School School Farm Farm
Endowed A Endowed sustainability sustainability director director position position
Village A Village Players Players community community theater theater program program
“Sustaining A “Sustaining Excellence” Excellence” symposium symposium
Regional/national A Regional/national leadership leadership in teaching in teaching andand learning learning
Scholarship(s) A Scholarship(s) for for local local public public school school students students
Endowed A Endowed community community service service program program
Comprehensive A Comprehensive school school partnership(s) partnership(s)
Increased A Increased service service learning learning courses courses
Economic Faculty andInequality Staff Development & Political Polarization In order the quality of 2008, the Lawrenceville experience, Since to theensure economic crisis in there has been increased it’s economic essential that we continue attract polarization and retain excellent facinequality and to political in the United ulty and staff. To that end, we’re committed to ensuring that our States, as evidenced, for example, by the increasing wealth salaries are competitive and that we provide both faculty and staff gap between American’s elite and our overall citizenry, the members with adequate feedback and professional development increased and media attention on as the “top one persupport, so theyfocus can continue to learn and grow professionals. cent,” the rise of the Tea Party and Occupy Street, We also recognize that building community among allWall the constituents at a gridlock boarding in school is important and that, particularly in and the Washington, D.C. a residential School setting, can learnthis from staffsometimes as well For private schools likestudents Lawrenceville, trend as faculty. To those ends, we have established a staff/faculty commanifests itself as a threat, such as recent efforts to tax mittee to enhance staff/faculty interactions, and we have begun to nonprofit organizations or curtail deductions for charitable identify ways to more formally involve staff in School life, includIt guest can also, however, an opportunity ing contributions. as House affiliates, speakers in class,be project advisors, etc. to extend what former NAIS President Pat Bassett “the We are also committed to graciously welcoming and fully calls engaging public faculty purpose spouses and School life, as appropriate. of families private in education.” Just as it’s important for our faculty, staff encompasses and students to many contin- as Lawrenceville’s public purpose ually learn, Lawrenceville as an institution must also continue to pects of the School. Our greatest impact on the world outevolve, particularly given the rapid pace of technological change side our gates has always been, and will continue to be, the and increased global competition. Our upcoming reaccreditation graduates make in our whatever willcontributions provide us withour an opportunity to assess programprofessions against they choose and whichever communities they live. Thus, innational standards, and going forward, we will more systematically survey the School’s many constituents. Each we conduct a vaspiring and training our students to year, be leaders is essential. rietyOn of campus, student surveys to counter help us improve our programs. Over the we can the national trend toward class course of the next couple of years, we will review and rationalize polarization by ensuring the socioeconomic diversity of the those surveys to be sure that we only conduct student surveys that student body through our admission and financial aid polultimately inform our educational practices. We will also continue icies, visiting and wecommittees can attempt to campus improveto town-gown relations to invite to our periodically review and become a better neighbor by being more intentional our academic and other major departments, and over the coming years, as a faculty led community by the department chairs, will andwe, proactive in our interactions anddiscuss relationourships. grading andwe review our foundational to as In policies addition, will continue to find curriculum, ways to serve be sure that it is serving all students well.
A Community of Teaching and Learning: Support, Development & Feedback
Given the uncertainty and rapid pace of change that characterize modern life, we remain committed to attracting and retaining a first-rate faculty and staff by providing them with adequate feedback and professional support to continue to learn and grow and by fostering a strong sense of community on campus. R
ystematize faculty/staff feedback and augment S professional development Better integrate staff and faculty families into School community
Create a more sustainable pace of life
Enhance data-based decision making
Institutionalized faculty/staff feedback
Revamped faculty mentoring program
Expanded Penn fellows program
Critical friends groups
Enhanced staff professional development
â&#x20AC;&#x153;Staff as teachersâ&#x20AC;?
Constituent surveys
Rationalized student survey administration
Regular rotation of visiting committees
Our Mission The Lawrenceville School inspires and educates promising young people from diverse backgrounds for responsible leadership, personal fulfillment and enthusiastic participation in the world. Through our unique House system, collaborative Harkness approach to teaching and learning, close mentoring relationships and extensive co-curricular opportunities, we help students to develop high standards of character and scholarship, a passion for learning, an appreciation for diversity, a global perspective, and strong commitments to personal, community and environmental responsibility.