06 22 18 Vol. 39 No. 41

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THELEAVEN.ORG | VOL. 39, NO. 41 | JUNE 22, 2018


Archbishop looks to the future with $65 million capital campaign

The One Faith. One Family. One Future capital campaign will generate $10 million to go toward serving the elderly, especially through Villa St. Francis nursing facility in Olathe.

Parishes, schools and evangelization will get $22 million from the campaign.





ANSAS C I T Y, Kan. — No great endeavor can succeed without great leadership, and the leadership given the archdiocesan capital campaign makes Lesle Knop proud. “We want it to be successful, and I’m proud of the leadership of our archbishop and our clergy,” said Knop, executive director of the archdiocesan stewardship and development office. In addition to his normal pastoral duties, Archbishop

Improvements to Savior Pastoral Center is a key component of the campaign. Savior will get $10 million.

Joseph F. Naumann has devoted a tremendous amount of time and effort to make the “One Faith. One Family. One Future in Christ” campaign a success, she said. The campaign came out of the archbishop’s vision of the future. “I just turned 69, which means in six more years I’ll be required to submit

The campaign will raise $17 million to boost priests’ pensions and build a retirement residence for priests.

my resignation to the Holy Father,” said Archbishop Naumann. “I was thinking a couple of years ago about some of the most important things we need to do to put the archdiocese in the best possible shape for the next archbishop,” he said, “and some of the things I would regret if we didn’t address them now.” Those thoughts were the seeds of the effort that Archbishop Naumann will officially launch at 5:30 p.m. on June 25 when he hosts a campaign launch kickoff celebration in the Keleher Conference Center at Savior Pastoral Center, 12615 Parallel Pkwy.,

Kansas City, Kansas. For the campaign, archdiocesan parishes have been organized into three blocks. The launch will be attended by pastors and volunteer lay leadership of the 31 parishes comprising Block 1. “We’ll also invite members of the priests’ advisory committee, the archbishop will be there and some guest speakers,” said Mike Hutchinson, local campaign director. “It’s really a celebration for the pastors and the volunteers running the campaign in their parishes for Block 1.” “It’s going to be a historic >> See “PARTICIPATION” on page 6



ARCHBISHOP NAUMANN June 22 Marian conference Mass — St. Thomas More, Kansas City, Missouri June 23 Wedding — St. Michael the Archangel, Leawood June 24 Pastoral visit — St. Theresa, Perry, and St. Aloysius, Meriden June 27 Life Teen Mass — Benedictine College June 28 Holy Hour for those to be ordained and formation team June 29 National Right to Life prayer breakfast — Overland Park Convention Center Holy Hour for those to be ordained — Nativity, Leawood


Monsignor Gerald “Jerry” Vincke is introduced as the newly appointed bishop of the Salina Diocese during a June 13 press conference in Salina. The bishop-designate is a priest from the Diocese of Lansing, Michigan.

New Salina bishop ready to get to work By Karen Bonar The Register editor


ALINA — One day following the 19th anniversary of his ordination as a priest, Msgr. Gerald “Jerry” Vincke was introduced as the newly appointed bishop of the Salina Diocese. “I want to thank the Holy Father for his confidence in me,” Bishopdesignate Vincke, 53, said during the June 13 press conference. Born outside of Saginaw, Michigan, the bishop-designate was the ninth of the 10 children of Fidelis and the late Henry Vincke. “My dad worked for General Motors, Buick and was also a smalltime farmer,” he said. “I used to get up and milk the cows early in the morning. “We owned about 130 acres, but we farmed about 500, which is really small.” The most obvious difference between the two dioceses is size. The Diocese of Lansing, Michigan, has about 6,200 square miles, compared to the Salina Diocese’s 26,685 square miles. “There’s a big, big difference,” said Bishop-designate Vincke. “It’s going to be a lot of miles they say, but I’m looking forward to it.” Ordained June 12, 1999, at St. Mary Cathedral in Lansing by Bishop Carl F. Mengeling, he was pastor at St. Thomas the Apostle Parish in Ann Arbor, Michigan, from 1999-2001, before being asked by his bishop to start a retreat house for youth. “It was very hard in many ways,” he said of beginning Bethany House. “When you go to a parish you love — to rely on the Lord and the Lord’s will for my life.” Yet the core of his life and philosophy is simple. “I love to pray and I love to work,” he said. “I’m ready to get going, to get started here as soon as possible.” He paused. “Work and pray. It sounds like I

should be a Benedictine instead,” he quipped, “but the Lord called me to the diocesan priesthood.” Following Bethany House retreat center from 2001-04, Bishop-designate Vincke became the director of seminarians and vocation director in 2003 for the diocese of Lansing. He then became the spiritual director at the Pontifical North American College in Rome from 2010 to 2015. It was during those years in Rome that he completed his License in Sacred Theology. The focus of his studies included St. John Vianney and “Evangelii Gaudium,” by Pope Francis. “The number one thing for him was his pastoral charity,” he said of St. John Vianney. “His whole desire to give his life for his people. I think that was really beautiful reading about him. “He used to go visit farms and get to know the families. He made himself available to the people. I think that’s a beautiful lesson. He gave everything he had for the people.” Reflecting on the three main lessons of his priesthood, the bishopdesignate said: “Prayer has to be the number one priority for priests. That’s the number one pastoral priority. “The second is to listen — listen to the people always. “The third thing I think to focus on right now is evangelization — really, why does the church exist? The church exists to be a missionary church, to be disciples — to make disciples — of the people. That’s what I have a heart for — to make disciples of the people.” Bishop-designate Vincke said that he was excited by both the Catholic schools and the vibrant youth ministry he saw in the Salina Diocese. (The Salina Diocese sends one of the largest contingents to the National Catholic Youth Conference.) “I’m anxious to go there and play basketball with the kids, go to Friday night games,” he said of the 11 elementary schools and five high schools. Bishop Edward Weisenburger, his

predecessor as bishop of the Salina Diocese, said he was “overjoyed” to learn of the new appointment. “Bishop-designate Vincke will soon discover that he has been led to a vibrant diocese with a strong and healthy presbyterate and a Catholic lay faithful strong in their commitment to Christ and his church,” Bishop Weisenburger said. “My prayers are with him today, along with prayerful gratitude to God for sending the good people of Salina a loving and faithful new shepherd.” Bishop Weisenburger was installed on Nov. 29 as the bishop of the Diocese of Tucson, Arizona. As he looks to the future, Bishopdesignate Vincke said he is excited to get to know the presbyterate. “I know the western part [of Kansas]. I’m looking forward to going out there and meeting all the priests,” he said. “Many have more than one parish. To me, making the time to be present to them . . . that’s what I hope to do.” Bishop Earl Boyea, of the Diocese of Lansing, said his diocese is honored that one of its priests was selected to be a bishop. “The priests of our diocese, as well as myself, will deeply miss our brother priest as he moves into this new ministry,” he said. “The Holy Father, Pope Francis, has honored not only Msgr. Vincke but our diocese with this appointment. “We offer to Pope Francis our love and gratitude. Certainly, the good people of Holy Family Parish in Grand Blanc, Michigan, will also miss their pastor, since they recognize in him the very gifts which the Holy See finds will provide loving leadership to the Diocese of Salina. He is a fine priest, a man of deep faith in Jesus Christ and a gentle soul. Our loss is most sincerely their gain.” The ordination and installation for Bishop-designate Vincke will take place on Aug. 22 at Sacred Heart Cathedral in Salina.

June 30 Priesthood ordination — Nativity, Leawood July 8 Baptism of third or more children — Cathedral of St. Peter, Kansas City, Kansas July 12 Johnson County Serra Club’s annual seminarian Mass and barbecue July 19 Mass for Confraternity of Catholic Clergy — Savior Pastoral Center July 23 “Shepherd’s Voice” recording July 24 Royals Vitae baseball game July 28 Echo of Kateri Award Mass and dinner — Prairie Star Ranch, Williamsburg July 29-31 Seminarian pilgrimage

ARCHBISHOP KELEHER June 23 Mass — St. Sebastian, Florida June 24 Mass — St. Sebastian, Florida June 30 Priesthood ordination — Nativity, Leawood July 1 Mass — Federal prison camp Baptism — Sisters, Servants of Mary July 8 Mass — Federal prison camp July 9 Mass — Camp Tekakwitha July 14 Mass — St. Francis de Sales July 15 Mass — Federal prison camp July 22 Mass — Federal prison camp St. James Academy auction dinner July 23 Mass — Camp Tekakwitha






Michael Schuttloffel reflects on his decade as executive director of the Kansas Catholic Conference By Joe Bollig joe.bollig@theleaven.org

Meet the new executive director of the Kansas Catholic Conference, Chuck Weber. See story on page 5.


OPEKA — For the past 10 years, Michael Schuttloffel has been “our man in Topeka.” As executive director of the Kansas Catholic Conference, Schuttloffel has worked with the bishops of Kansas to advocate for the public policy interests of the church in the corridors of power in the Capitol. Schuttloffel brought a lot of experience to the job when he signed on in 2008. Previously, he was adviser for transportation policy to Texas Gov. Rick Perry and served as the governor’s liaison to the Texas Department of Transportation. Before his time in Texas, he served at various times as a congressional staffer to four members of the U.S. House of Representatives. Like Archbishop Emeritus James P. Keleher and Archbishop Joseph F. Naumann, Schuttloffel wasn’t born here but became “Kansan at heart,” as much a native son as those who claim pioneer roots. Schuttloffel’s long tenure of service and success will end, however, as he leaves Kansas to do advocacy work for education on the larger stage of the federal government in Washington, D.C. He will be succeeded by Kansas Rep. Gerald C. “Chuck” Weber (R-Wichita) who will resign his position representing the 85th District to become the fifth executive director of the Kansas Catholic Conference on July 15. Before he left, Schuttloffel shared some thoughts and observations with The Leaven:

church has been the honor of my professional life. I am so very grateful to have been able to serve the Kansas bishops — they are such good men. I’m not sure most Catholics give too much thought to who their bishop is these days; people are more focused on their parish priest and the pope. But the bishops are incredibly important to the life of the church, and Catholics in Kansas do not know how good they’ve got it, believe me. Archbishop Naumann is the only one left who was there when I was hired in 2008 — so he is the one to bear the blame — and words cannot express how much I admire the man. He’ll have major time off of purgatory for having put up with me for a decade.


Looking ahead, what are the major areas in which you can see your successor taking the conference?


I look forward to my successor improving the conference’s outreach to Catholics in the pews and to our priests, so that more Catholics in Kansas can support the KCC in its important work.


You’re not from here originally. What impressions of Kansas will you take with you?


What would you identify as your greatest accomplishments during your tenure?


I’m grateful to have been part of some very special victories these last 10 years. Kansas has passed three religious freedom laws in the last five years; I don’t know if any other state can claim that. The Kansas bishops have been at the forefront of those efforts. The win this year on the new law protecting faith-based adoption providers occurred in stunning fashion, passing the House with the bare minimum 63 votes, which very few people thought we could get to. I’ll never forget the feeling I had when it passed — after 12 months of nonstop effort on the bill, I almost couldn’t understand what had just happened. The passage of Kansas’ first school choice law in 2014 was also thrilling and has given low-income children the opportunity to attend the school of their dreams. Finally, it was incredibly rewarding to able to participate in the effort to change Kansas from the abortion capital of the Midwest into a state with



Michael Schuttloffel has worked the past 10 years as executive director of the Kansas Catholic Conference. Staring July 1, he will become the executive director of the Council for American Private Education, an organization headquartered in the D.C. area that advocates for private schools. some of the strongest pro-life laws in the country. The conference played a supporting role in that effort — Kansans for Life was in the lead and did the real hard work — but just being able to help out in some small way will be something I will always treasure.


Are you leaving with any major disappointments? Something that didn’t pass that you wish had?


In 2014, a religious freedom bill we were promoting went down to a very ugly defeat. We were trying to protect people like Jack Phillips of Masterpiece Cake Shop, the baker who just won his case at the U.S. Supreme Court this month. We knew that bakers, florists, photographers and eventually others would be coming under attack for trying to live their faith in their daily lives. We

President Most Rev. Joseph F. Naumann

Publication No. (ISSN0194-9799)

Editor Rev. Mark Goldasich, stl frmark.goldasich@theleaven.org

expected the media and interest groups hostile to Christian beliefs about human sexuality to try to frame the bill in an unflattering light, but some legislators in high places who knew better ended up caving in to the political pressure and gave voice to some despicable untruths. That unexpected development, combined with a relentless smear campaign by local and national media, created an absolute firestorm. In 20 years of working in politics at the federal and state levels, I have never seen anything like it. It is astounding how people continue to lie about that bill even today. It was fake news before there was such a thing as fake news.


What was it like to work with and for the bishops of Kansas?


Being able to work for the

Managing Editor Anita McSorley anita.mcsorley@theleaven.org

Senior Reporter Joe Bollig joe.bollig@theleaven.org

Reporter Olivia Martin olivia.martin@theleaven.org

Production Manager Todd Habiger todd.habiger@theleaven.org

Advertising Coordinator Beth Blankenship beth.blankenship@theleaven.org

Social Media Editor Moira Cullings moira.cullings@theleaven.org

I get all weepy when I try to explain to people what Kansas means to me. I haven’t been able to do it yet like I want to, so maybe I will write something about it someday. Leaving is very painful. I’m a child of the Midwest and saying goodbye to it again tears me up. I moved around a lot when I was a kid, so I’ve never really been able to give an answer when asked “where is my hometown.” But from now on, when people ask me where I’m from, my heart will say Kansas. I think of that final shot in our video about faith-based adoption providers as my love letter to the state.


What’s next for Michael Schuttloffel?


Staring July 1, I will be the executive director of the Council for American Private Education, an organization headquartered in the D.C. area that advocates for private schools. I will be working a lot on school choice. But my gaze won’t be able to help but wander, looking west, over the Appalachians, across the Mississippi, to this place, the heart of America.

Published weekly September through May, excepting the Friday the week after Thanksgiving, and the Friday after Christmas; biweekly June through August. Address communications to: The Leaven, 12615 Parallel Pkwy., Kansas City, KS 66109. Phone: (913) 721-1570; fax: (913) 721-5276; or e-mail at: sub@theleaven.com. Postmaster: Send address changes to The Leaven, 12615 Parallel Pkwy., Kansas City, KS 66109. For change of address, provide old and new address and parish. Subscriptions $21/year. Periodicals postage paid at Kansas City, KS 66109.



Sister Martina Rockers, OSU


Priests lay it on the line for annual softball game Pitching for Priests game set for July 6

By Todd Habiger todd.habiger@theleaven.org


ANSAS CITY, Kan. — Don’t tell the players that the annual Pitching for Priests softball game is just for fun. Oh, there’s plenty of fun to go around. But once the game starts, these men of the cloth are all business, with just one thing on their mind: winning. “The priests are trying really hard,” said Father Scott Wallisch, outgoing archdiocesan vocations director and manager of the archdiocesan team. “They’re sliding, diving and running really hard. “They’re out to give their team a chance to win.” This is the fifth year for Pitching for Priests, the annual softball game between priests from the Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas and the Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph. It is sponsored by the Catholic Radio Network. The game is set for 7 p.m. on July 6 at Community America Ballpark, 1800 Village West Pkwy., Kansas City, Kansas. Tailgating begins at 4 p.m. The series is tied at 2-2, with the archdiocesan team winning the last two contests. Father Wallisch would like to make it three. “We’re playing to keep the trophy,” he said, in reference to the traveling trophy that is presented to the winner at the end of the game. For those unfamiliar with Pitching for Priests, the rules for this game are somewhat different than your typical softball game. It’s slow pitch and 10 men bat each inning, no matter what. That dynamic makes for some interesting gameplay. “You spread out your really good hitters,” said Father Wallisch. “In planning the lineup, I think about who is going to come up tenth each inning. You want someone there who can hit for extra bases just to get as many of the guys on the base paths home.” For the priests, the game is a rare

“THE PRIESTS ARE TRYING REALLY HARD. THEY’RE SLIDING, DIVING AND RUNNING REALLY HARD. THEY’RE OUT TO GIVE THEIR TEAM A CHANCE TO WIN.” chance to get together for camaraderie and competition. “The priests have a lot of fun, not only getting to see one another, but to encourage one another,” said Father Andrew Strobl, pastor of St. John Paul II Parish in Olathe. “We feel like a team for a day, which is awesome. “Even though we have a wide variety of skills when it comes to the baseball diamond, everybody is great. It’s a lot of fun.” For the priests, the game day atmosphere is second to none. With a usually rambunctious crowd and the fact that they’re playing on the professional baseball field at Community America Ballpark, the day definitely has a big-game feel. “In all of us, there was a little boy who at some point dreamed of playing on a professional field in some sport,” said Father Wallisch. “So getting to do that, and feeling the excitement of fans cheering for you, make it special. It places an excitement in the priests that then spills over into the game.” For Father Strobl, the fans make the game a special experience. “It’s somewhat surreal,” he said. “There is no way if I wasn’t a priest that this would ever happen. “So God is good.” Tickets for the Pitching for Priests game are $12 for adults and $5 for children, and can be purchased online at: www.thecatholicradionetwork.com. Proceeds from the event benefit seminarian education.


Priest baseball cards will be available for kids


aseball cards date back to the 19th century. Companies would produce the likeness of a professional baseball player on a card that also promoted their business. A turn-of-the-century Honus Wagner baseball card is valued at $2.8 million. Now, a 2018 Father Mitchel Zimmerman baseball card probably isn’t going to approach that value, but it will exist, thanks to the Catholic Radio Network. The network is printing 1,500 sets of 40 baseball cards, consisting of players from both the Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas and the Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph. The sets will be given on a firstcome, first-served basis to kids 12 and under at the Pitching for Priests softball game July 6 at Community America Ballpark in Kansas City, Kansas. Kids are encouraged to ask their favorite priests for autographs before and after the game. You never know. That that Father Zimmerman card just might become the next big thing!

Priest baseball cards will be given on a first-come, first-served basis to kids 12 and under at the Pitching for Priests softball game July 6.

LATHE — Sister Martina Rockers, 92, an Ursuline Sister of Mount Saint Joseph, Maple Mount, Kentucky, died June 5 in Olathe. The Garnett native was in her 76th year of religious life. Sister Martina was an Ursuline Sister of Paola prior to the merger with Mount Saint Joseph in 2008. She was a joyful servant whose work ethic was legendary. She was the heart and soul of Bishop Miege High School in Roeland Park, teaching and serving there for 60 years. The school’s courtyard is named in her honor. A science award for the Kansas City area bears her name and she was honored by the National Catholic Educational Association in 2008. If school was out, she often accompanied students on a mission trip to help others. Sister Martina was a teacher for 67 years. She taught at Queen of the Holy Rosary, Overland Park (1946-53); St. Ann, Prairie Village (1953-55), St. Agnes, Roeland Park (1955-56); Ursuline Academy, Paola (1956-57); St. Agnes High School, Roeland Park (1957-58); and Bishop Miege (1958-2013). She continued to serve in the development office and spirit shop at Bishop Miege until 2018.

Sister Roberta Furey, SCL


ENVER — Sister Roberta Furey, 82, a Sister of Charity of Leavenworth for almost 65 years, died on May 28 at Presbyterian/St. Luke’s Medical Center here. Sister Roberta dedicated 48 years of her ministry to children and youth at Mount Saint Vincent in Denver, an orphanage that became a residential and day treatment center. She was born on May 6, 1936, in Kansas City, Missouri, the second youngest of seven children of Norris and Mabel (Seiberling) Furey. She graduated from Bishop Hogan High School, Kansas City, Missouri, and entered the Sisters of Charity of Leavenworth in August 1953. She professed vows as Sister Mary Gerald on Aug. 22, 1955. She later returned to her baptismal name. Except for brief times of service as an elementary teacher, a nurse assistant and a purchasing agent for the Sisters of Charity, Sister Roberta cared for youth at St. Joseph Home in Helena, Montana, and Mount Saint Vincent. Denver became her home, the Broncos her team and the children of Mount Saint Vincent the recipients of her love and care. As a child care worker, she taught them life skills. She kept in contact with many of the youth and staff through the years. Co-workers and friends describe her as joyful, very generous, fun-loving and “one of a kind,” propelled by the love of God and love of people.





Chuck Weber named new executive director of the Kansas Catholic Conference By Joe Bollig joe.bollig@theleaven.org


ANSAS CITY, Kan. — The state Capitol is a beehive buzzing with all kinds of special interests. But the Catholic Church is not one of them, said the new executive director of the Kansas Catholic Conference. “At its core, the Catholic Church in Kansas is not a special interest group,” said Gerald C. “Chuck” Weber Jr. “By its very nature, its mission — including public policy initiatives — is to seek the common good for all Kansans.” The Catholic Church has a voice and something to say — to all citizens, as well as elected officials and officeholders. “I think the Catholic Church has, in many ways, the answers to our cultural and political problems and challenges,” he said. “We just have to communicate to people that we are serving the common good of all people.” Until recently, Weber (he prefers to be called “Chuck”) was a Republican state representative for the 85th District in Wichita, serving since January 2015. His tenure as executive director begins on July 15, succeeding Michael Schuttloffel, who served in that role since 2008. Weber will be the fifth executive director in the history of the Kansas Catholic Conference, which is the public policy office of the Catholic Church in Kansas and represents the four bishops of Kansas at the state Capitol. Weber and his wife Cindy have been married since 1985, and have five children. They belong to the Church of the Resurrection in Wichita. Weber was born in Fairbury, Nebraska, but his family moved around and he graduated from high school in Webster City, Iowa. He graduated with a bachelor of arts in communication with minors in political science and English in 1981, from Franciscan-affiliated Briar Cliff University in Sioux City, Iowa. “My main subject in college was basketball,” said Weber. “We had a very, very good basketball program there. My senior year we were number one in the nation in the NAIA division.” Four guys on the team were drafted into the NBA. But Weber got to play a game with the Washington Generals — the perennial foil of the Harlem Globe Trotters. After that game, he received an offer to tour, but chose to concentrate on his career in broadcasting — and marry Cindy. He went on to a career in television journalism as a reporter, anchor and executive. He also taught as an adjunct professor at Wichita State University and was a magazine editor. Weber describes himself as a “cradle


Gerald C. “Chuck” Weber Jr. is the new executive director of the Kansas Catholic Conference. His tenure as executive director begins on July 15. Previously, Weber was a Republican state representative for the 85th District in Wichita

“WHEN I GET TO THE LEGISLATURE, I’M NOT A REPUBLICAN OR A DEMOCRAT — I’M A CATHOLIC. I WANT TO BE ABLE TO SIT DOWN WITH EVERYONE, NO MATTER WHAT PARTY THEY ARE FROM, AND FIND COMMON GROUND. Catholic,” but also considers himself to be “a born-again Catholic.” “I didn’t really connect with my faith until I was about 30 years old,” he said. “I was in Wichita, and I went through an RCIA formation program with a friend of mine who wanted to join the church. For the first time in my life, I fell in love with my faith.” “I knew what Catholics did and how we acted, but I didn’t know why,” he continued. “When I was able to sit in a room and hear the Catholic faith unpacked — about why we did certain things, and the depth of the faith . . . that [became] a turning point in my life.” At the same time, while working for

the CBS affiliate in Wichita as a television reporter, he was assigned to cover the visit of Pope John Paul II in 1987. He and his wife attended a papal Mass in San Antonio. “His words just spoke to our hearts,” he said. “It turned into a pilgrimage for us. That was the beginning of me taking a deeper search about what I was called to do.” As he grew in his renewed faith, he found himself working on projects and jobs that involved the church. He served as communications coordinator at the Spiritual Life Center of the Diocese of Wichita, was executive director of SaintMax Worldwide and opened his own media production company. Weber entered politics to complete the term of Rep. Steve Brunk in January 2015. He won his first election in his own right in November 2016. “Without a doubt,” he said, “I’d have to say that the passage of the Adoption Protection Act [in spring 2018] was the most influential and important piece of legislation that I was involved with. “Not only was it great legislation for Kansas, on another level it opened my eyes to the struggle for religious liberty that is playing out across the country.” Religious liberty is perhaps the number one issue Kansas Catholics and, indeed, all citizens face, he said. Other important issues involve the sanctity of human life and marriage.

As executive director of the conference, Weber wants to organize, educate and motivate Catholics about important issues. Politicians must be held accountable. The number one challenge he faces, in terms of those three goals, is apathy. “The one thing that [I and the bishops of Kansas] agree upon is that we’ve got to do a better job communicating to the faithful what is happening with the church and with attacks on the church, and the challenges we face,” he said. “That will be very high on my list of priorities — what public policy issues are out there and how they impact their lives,” he added. His vision crosses party lines. “At the end of the day, there are not more than two or three people in the entire Legislature that I couldn’t sit down with and talk with,” he said. And although he served as a Republican, when he returns to the Capitol, it will be as something altogether different. “When I get to the Legislature, I’m not a Republican or a Democrat — I’m a Catholic,” he said. “I want to be able to sit down with everyone, no matter what party they are from, and find common ground. “I want to find solutions that work for Kansas, but also meet the level of that common good that we seek through church teaching and Catholic social teaching.”


LOCAL NEWS TOOLS FOR FAMILIES Growing as Disciples of Jesus

Take a vacation from isolation Today I observed eight out of 10 people (families, various ages) absorbed in silently reading from their phones while sharing lunch together. Spending meal time locked into our phone screens means forARTWORK BY NEILSON CARLIN, 2015 feiting real “face time.” Enjoy the color of your beloved’s or children’s eyes and the curve of their smile! Your loved ones are God’s gift to you. Open that gift! • Turn off all cell phones during your next meal. • Share about a place you’d most like to visit on vacation. • Look at pictures in a travel guide; dream and plan. — Deacon Tony Zimmerman, lead consultant for the archdiocesan office of marriage and family life

Topeka Scout earns Eagle TOPEKA

Carson Scheer, a member of St. Matthew Parish here and Boy Scout Troop 18, has earned the rank of Eagle Scout. His Eagle project was creating vegetable beds for the students at St.

Matthew School. He is the son of Darin and Mary Alice Scheer.

Announcements Archbishop Joseph F. Naumann has granted leaves of absence to Father Gerard Alba and Father Lawrence Bowers. Father Gerard Alba, parochial vicar at Holy Trinity Parish, Lenexa, stated to parishioners in mid-May that he requested a leave of absence to engage in a program to help him better serve as a priest by enhancing ministry skills and providing an opportunity for spiritual renewal. Father Alba asks for prayers during his participation in this program. Father Lawrence “Larry” Bowers, pastor of the parishes of St. Patrick, Osage City, and St. Patrick, Scranton, stated to parishioners in late May that he will be engaging in a spiritual discernment and renewal program for several months in Texas, after consultation with his spiritual director, a counselor and Archbishop Naumann. Father Bowers asks for prayers during this time of discernment and renewal.

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Lyle and Ruth Feld, members of Good Shepherd Parish, Shawnee, will celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary with a party with their children and grandchildren the last weekend in July. The couple was married on July 6, 1968, at St. Joseph Church, Mason City, Iowa. Their children are: Christopher Feld, Michele Zahradnik and Kathleen Feld. They also have seven grandchildren.

Paul and Kathleen (Boylan) Ptasnik, members of Sacred H e a r t Parish, Shawnee, celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary on June 15. The couple was married on June 15, 1968, at Church of the Visitation, Kewanee, Illinois. The bride’s brother, the late Father Joe Boylan, assisted at the Mass. A family celebration is planned for late July. Their children are: Katie, Steve and Mark. They also have six grandchildren.

Loyola (Meyer) and Virgil Engelken, members of Sts. Peter and Paul Parish, Seneca, will celebrate their 60th wedding anniversary on July 7. The couple was married April 7, 1958, at Sts. Peter and Paul. Their children are: Julie Holthaus, Carla Wolfe, Lori Lackey, Yvonne Engelken, Lance Engelken and Barry Engelken. They also have 14 grandchildren and six great-grandchildren.

Maxine (Holthaus) and Terry Rice, members of St. Leo Parish, Horton, will celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary on July 14 with family and friends. The couple was married on June 29, 1968, at Sts. Peter and Paul Church, Seneca. Their children are: Rodney, Trina, Shelby, Larissa and Krista. They also have six grandchildren.


Anna Marie (Krogmann) and Anthony “Tony” Heideman, members of St. Patrick Parish, Corning, will celebrate their 60th wedding anniversary with a Mass at the church at 10 a.m. on June 24. The couple was married at St. Patrick on June 28, 1958. They will celebrate their anniversary with their family with a barbecue at the Corning Fire Station following Mass. Their children are: Max Heideman, Collete Boeckman, Bruce Heideman, Todd Heideman, Terry Heideman, Tom Heideman, Mary Kay Schultejans, Dean Heideman, Connie Hutfles and Loren Heideman. They also have 35 grandchildren and 24 great-grandchildren. Francis and Eulaine Schmidt, members of Corpus Christi Parish, Mooney Creek, celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary on June 17. The couple was married on June 17, 1958, at Corpus Christi. They celebrated with family.

Participation incentives benefit parishes directly >> Continued from page 1 and fun event,” said Knop. “[Attendees] will pick up campaign material, signs and giveaway items for their parishes,” she said. “And it’s an opportunity to learn from others who are going through this same exciting time.” Although the pastors have been fully briefed by the archbishop about “One Faith. One Family. One Future in Christ,” many parishioners haven’t had that opportunity. This launch celebration will be a chance for the lay parish leaders to hear directly from the archbishop about his vision for the campaign — and the future of the archdiocese. “A campaign is about relationships,” said Knop. “We are all part of the larger church in northeast Kansas. And we don’t want people to feel like they’re in isolation, that they’re doing this on their own. “There are others who share the same experiences, and ask the same questions and want a successful outcome. They want to learn from others.” The campaign’s goal is to raise $65 million in gifts that will be distributed in four categories: • $22 million for parishes, schools and evangelization • $17 million for priests’ retirement • $10 million for serving the elderly, especially through Villa St. Francis nursing facility in Olathe • $10 million for Savior Pastoral Center in Kansas City, Kansas A participation incentive is an important part of the campaign. Parishes will keep 25 percent of the gifts raised up to their assigned target. Those funds can be used for whatever parish leadership determines to be its greatest need. One need the campaign will address is dear to the hearts of many: care of our elderly priests. Some funds will be used to improve pensions, and some will be used to build and endow a shared retirement residence. Father Al Rockers, now retired, would like to live in community with his peers and experience prayer, socialization and brotherhood.

One Family. One Faith. One Future in Christ campaign prayer Lord, our God, You have graciously given us Our one, Catholic faith, Our one Catholic family, And our one holy future with Christ. We are your disciples: Create in us sincere and steadfast hearts Ready to defend our faith. Create in us generous and giving hearts ready to share our faith. Create in us loving and merciful hearts ready to care for those lonely and forgotten. Lead us to be fearless And to “hope for good things, For lasting joy and mercy” (Sir 2:9). Grant this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, Who lives and reigns with you And the Holy Spirit, one God, For ever and ever. Amen.

“The benefit of a group is that: camaraderie, companionship,” said Father Rockers. “It’s also attractive to seminarians,” said Msgr. Michael Mullen, co-director of seminarians for the archdiocese. “If they can see in a diocese there’s direction and support in the early years, guidance and fraternity in the middle years of service, and [care] as you approach retirement years, it’s very attractive.” Also addressed in the campaign is one of the jewels of the archdiocese: Villa St. Francis in Olathe. The funds raised will be used for the purchase of the now-rented facility and do capital improvements. “With the rise and expected boom of people turning 65 and even 80 over the next couple of decades, statistics show that almost three-quarters of us do at some point — whether it’s long term or short term — end up in a nursing facility,” said Rodney Whittington, administrator and CEO. “The necessity of Villa St. Francis is going to be ongoing, and the support for this ministry is critical.”

Although it may not seem obvious, the imperative for evangelization undergirds the campaign. A good example is what is planned for Savior Pastoral Center. “This is the part that will enhance our ability to engage in evangelization,” said Tim Chik, director of the center. “We’re going to spend some of the money on improving our capacity, particularly in Hunkeler Hall. “A redesign will allow more people to come on retreat, particularly adult overnight retreats for conferences and workshops to grow in their faith. This is what I feel is evangelization outreach.” About 60,000 people a year utilize Savior Pastoral Center, and the vast majority are Catholics participating in church programs and activities. It’s important for people to consider, even if they’ve never been there, that Savior Pastoral Center benefits every single Catholic in the archdiocese. Pastors gather there for their prayer groups. Candidates to become permanent deacons and people in the Spiritual Mentorship Program receive formation at Savior. There are many other groups and ministries that use Savior, too: Cursillo, Retrouvaille, Marriage Encounter, Engaged Encounter, Catholic Youth Organization, Kairos retreats — just to name a few. “We are the behind-the-scenes people and rooms that take care of the people who serve everyone else,” said Chik. “If you think about it, a priest or deacon or spiritual mentor — every single one of those who go through their formation, we serve them. We’re the servants of the servants.” The campaign is not only a chance to address extraordinary concerns and avoid burdening future generations of archdiocesan Catholics, it’s a chance to show gratitude. “There’s a stewardship element of gratitude that permeates this entire campaign,” said Knop. “Trust in Jesus. “At the end of the day . . . we’ll be grateful for our faith, grateful we gave and grateful for the others who have shared the journey with us.”




‘Golden’ couple offers advice to newlyweds

By Joe Bollig joe.bollig@theleaven.org

little hint or reminder. That said, the most important words in a marriage after “I love you,” they believe, are “I’m sorry.”


ANSAS CITY, Kan. — On June 10, Archbishop Joseph F. Naumann celebrated a 50th anniversary Mass for 121 married couples at the Church of the Nativity in Leawood. Do the math, and that’s 121 couples multiplied by 50 years of marital life: or a total of 6,050 accumulated years of marital wisdom. Before the Mass, its sponsors, the archdiocesan family life office, sought to draw on that wisdom by asking each couple to briefly answer this simple question: “What advice would you give to a newlywed couple regarding marriage?” Many of the couples took the family life office up on that invitation; but from the scores of responses emerged only a few themes. We asked Gene and Joyce Klingele, longtime members of Holy Angels Parish in Basehor and themselves celebrating their golden anniversary, to expand a bit on the five things that so many couples pointed to as critical to the longevity of their marriages: communication, commitment, humor, forgiveness and God.

Communication At this point in their marriage, the Klingeles are so comfortable with each other that they don’t even have to say a word. They’re just comfortable “hanging out.” In fact, all they have to do is look at each other’s expressions to know exactly what mood the other is in. Listening is important, said Joyce, but Gene said it’s not only important to listen, but to really hear what the other person is trying to communicate. And there are several practical habits young couples can institute right off to ensure that the lines of communications stay open: • Do things together. • Have “your special together place” to talk about things, like a couple of chairs on the front porch. • Don’t assume your spouse is simply supposed to know something — tell him or her.

Humor Idiosyncrasies — everybody’s got them. One of Gene’s is that he is very particular about the way the dishwasher should be loaded. “If I do it, he’ll come after me and reload it,” said Joyce. You can do one of two things about idiosyncrasies in a marriage, they believe: fight about them, or laugh at them. The Klingeles choose to laugh. It’s a formula that has worked for them. Don’t take yourself so seriously, they both agree. And if necessary, step back and take a longer look at the situation. Does it really matter? LEAVEN PHOTO BY JOE BOLLIG

Gene and Joyce Klingele, longtime members of Holy Angels Parish in Basehor, celebrated their golden anniversary this year. The Leaven asked them their advice on marriage.

“EACH DAY IS ANOTHER DAY TO HELP YOUR SPOUSE ON THEIR WAY TO HEAVEN. IT’S OUR DUTY AS MARRIED PEOPLE TO HELP EACH OTHER GET TO HEAVEN.” • Set aside a night at least once a month to get away from everything and talk with each other about anything and everything.

Commitment Taking vows at the altar is only the beginning. “Each day is another day to help your spouse on their way to heaven,” said Joyce. “It’s our duty as married people to help each other get to heaven.” Putting each other first is part of

your commitment. Other commitments like jobs, chores and kids take time and energy, but couples must keep the tending of their relationship as their highest priority. And don’t expect the effort to always be 50-50, said the Klingeles. Sometimes, they agreed, you’ve got to give 100 percent to pick up the slack for your spouse.

Forgiveness Misunderstandings and mistakes are part of any marriage, said the Klingeles. That’s why forgiveness is important. Forgiveness for accidental wrongs is hard enough, but forgiving deliberate hurts is harder still. “Christ tells us to forgive one another,” said Joyce. “He forgave the worst of us, and it’s only right we forgive the people we love.” The Klingeles advise that couples should always first give each other the benefit of the doubt. It’s possible your spouse didn’t intend to offend you. And don’t fixate on a missed anniversary card or an unwanted gift. Next time, just provide your spouse with a

God One thing that really impressed Joyce when she and Gene began to date was when he took her to church. “I remember sitting next to him in church and hearing him pray and sing, and thinking, ‘This is the guy for me,’” said Joyce. “He wasn’t afraid to express his faith.” Prayer together has always been part of their marriage. They began with rote, memorized prayer and gradually added on over the years. Prayer together is part of their mornings and evenings. It’s a part of their meals as well. They go to Mass together and eucharistic adoration, too. They also pray the rosary and Divine Mercy chaplet together. So, their final advice to newlyweds is to always put God first. Couples need to talk about God, faith and prayer, the Klingeles believe, before getting married. And once married, “don’t just pray by yourself,” they said. “Make it a point to pray together on a regular basis.” If you’re a few years in and haven’t established the habit, the Klingeles conclude, no worries. It’s never too late to start.

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June is here, and that means summer is well un diaconate to celebrations in the street, the Archdiocese of welcoming summer and all the activities i


Lottie Say (left) of Lee’s Summit, Missouri, and Anna Payne of Forest, Virginia, prepare to jump from the power pole to the high bar at Camp Tekakwitha at Prairie Star Ranch in Williamsburg on June 8. Campers participate in a multitude of activities: from zip lines to canoeing, to inspirational speeches, to eucharistic adoration and Mass.

Bishop James V. Johnston of the Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph and Archbishop Joseph F. Naumann of Kan June 6. The procession, which is a joint venture between the two dioceses, began at Holy Cross Church and e



Deacon Cohort 3 assembles at Savior Pastoral Center in Kansas City, Kansas, on June 3 for Mass. Archbishop Joseph F. Naumann installed the 20 deacon candidates as lectors, one of the stages toward their prospective ordination in 2020.

Kansas City, Kansas’ Donnelly College students process into the chapel at Savior Pastoral Center on May 12 for the college’s commencement ceremony. The college’s 69th commencement consisted of 96 students receiving certificates or degrees.


Deacon Carter Zielinski is congratulated by Msgr. Michael Mullen on June 6 at the 39th annual Serra Club golf and dinner outing with priests, seminarians and deacons at St. Patrick Parish in Kansas City, Kansas. Monsignor Mullen will move from St. Patrick next month.



nderway. From graduations to new steps in the f Kansas City in Kansas has been anything but sedentary, it brings with open arms and willing feet.


A large crowd of parishioners from both the Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas and the Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph processes for the solemnity of Corpus Christi through the sunny streets in Kansas City, Missouri, on June 6.


nsas City, Kansas, lead the annual Corpus Christi procession through the streets of Kansas City, Missouri, on ended at St. Anthony Church, where it closed with Benediction.

Archbishop Joseph F. Naumann carries the monstrance during the Corpus Christi procession in Kansas City, Missouri, on June 6. Corpus Christi is the church’s official celebration of the presence of Christ’s body and blood in the Eucharist.



Sister Marie Amata, of the School Sisters of Christ the King, smiles at fellow pedestrians during the annual Blisters for Sisters walkathon on May 5. The walk took place at St. Thomas More Parish in Kansas City, Missouri, in support of religious vocations.

Refugee families, volunteers and employees gather at Catholic Charities of Northeast Kansas on June 7 to recognize World Refugee Day with a potluck lunch. Dishes from more than five countries were prepared and shared.


Runners hit the hills and fields in the annual Running with the Cows half-marathon and 5K in Wea on May 12. The race is a fundraiser for Queen of the Holy Rosary School, Wea, and Catholic Relief Services.




‘That’s unbiblical. That’s un-American’ Bishops across U.S. condemn separation, detention of migrant children By Rhina Guidos Catholic News Service



ASHINGTON (CNS) — From Denver to New York City, the country’s Catholic bishops have joined a chorus of organizations, institutions and high-profile individuals urging the Trump administration to stop separating children from their parents as they seek respite in the U.S. from dire conditions in their home countries, largely in Central America. None have been more outspoken, however, than the bishops with dioceses on or near the border between the U.S. and Mexico, where many migrants, adults as well as children, are being held in detention centers in geographic areas where many of the prelates come into contact with families affected. “Refugee children belong to their parents, not to the government or other institution. To steal children from their parents is a grave sin, immoral [and] evil,” said San Antonio’s Archbishop Gustavo Garcia-Siller June 14 via Twitter, the social media platform he has used to daily call attention to the situation. “Their lives have already been extremely difficult. Why do we [the U.S.] torture them even more, treating them as criminals?” he continued. In a June 5 interview with CBS News, U.S Attorney General Jeff Sessions said: “If people don’t want to be separated from their children, they should not bring them with them,” meaning they shouldn’t bring them along when trying to cross the border, which many do as they seek asylum. The furor over the separation of children from a parent or parents had already started in late May, before Sessions used a Bible passage to justify the actions. Bishop Daniel E. Flores of the Diocese of Brownsville, Texas, said via Twitter May 31 that “separating immigrant parents and children as a supposed deterrent to immigration is a cruel and reprehensible policy. Children are not instruments of deterrence, they are children. A government that thinks any means is suitable to achieve an end cannot secure justice for anyone.” But the outrage began in earnest after


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11900 College Blvd., Suite 203 Overland Park, KS 66210 Phone: (913) 451-9343 Frank Carlson Federal Bldg. 444 SE Quincy - Room 392 Topeka, KS 66683 Phone: (785) 295-2745 CNS PHOTO/JOSE LUIS GONZALEZ, REUTERS

Children of detained migrants play soccer at a tent encampment near Tornillo, Texas, June 18. Image taken from Guadalupe, Mexico. the June 14 speech to law enforcement officers in Fort Wayne, Indiana, when Sessions said the practice of separating families is consistent with the teachings of the Bible because “persons who violate the law of our nation are subject to prosecution. I would cite you to the Apostle Paul and his clear and wise command in Romans 13 to obey the laws of the government because God has ordained them for the purpose of order.” The following day, New York Cardinal Timothy M. Dolan said during CNN’s “Cuomo Prime Time with Chris Cuomo” that while he appreciated Sessions quoting the Bible, the quote he used was not the best. “For one, St. Paul always says we should obey the law of the government if that law is in conformity with the Lord’s law, all right? No pun intended but God’s law trumps man’s law, alright?” he said. “And St. Paul himself, who gave the quote that the attorney general used, he wouldn’t obey Roman law when it said it was mandatory to worship the emperor,” the cardinal continued. “He wouldn’t obey that law. I don’t think we should obey a law that goes against what God intends that you would take a baby, a child, from their mom. I mean, that’s just unjust. That’s unbiblical. That’s un-American. There could be no

Bible passage that would justify that.” After Sessions’ Bible quote, Bishop Mark J. Seitz of El Paso, Texas, also used the Bible to make a point and compared Christ’s time as a refugee in the Holy Land to the migrants. In a June 15 statement, he compared the distance from his diocese to other localities in Guatemala and Mexico, saying that “if Jesus of Nazareth returned, as at that time, from Galilee to Judea, . . . we dare say he would not get as far as Sacred Heart Church downtown [in El Paso] before being detained.” He urged Christians to think about the families fleeing and seeking asylum in the U.S., what they’re going through and said that what’s at stake “is the fundamental question of being Christian today, of being a person of faith today in our country and on the continent that is suffering an hour of Christ’s passion.” Bishop Seitz announced a public prayerful procession “in solidarity with our sisters and brothers who continue to migrate to our border” planned for the evening of July 20 in El Paso but did not release other details. The U.S. bishops also are talking about the possibility of a delegation of prelates going to the detention centers where many children are being held. In mid-June, The Associated Press

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said this year “nearly 2,000 children have been separated from their families at the U.S. border over a six-week period during a crackdown on illegal entries,” according to documents from the Department of Homeland Security, which operates Immigration and Customs Enforcement.

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Young Catholics need church that listens to them By Junno Arocho Esteves Catholic News Service


ATICAN CITY (CNS) — Young Catholics are looking for a church that listens to their concerns, accompanies them in discerning their vocations and helps them confront the challenges they face, said a working document for the upcoming Synod of Bishops on young people. The synod’s “instrumentum laboris” (working document), published by the Vatican June 19, stated that young people “want to see a church that shares their situations of life in the light of Gospel rather than by preaching.” Quoting a presynod gathering of young people who met at the Vatican March 19-25, the working document said young Catholics “want an authentic church. With this, we would like to express, particularly to the church hierarchy, our request for a transparent, welcoming, honest, attractive, communicative, accessible, joyful and interactive community.” The working document is based mainly on comments solicited in a questionnaire last June from national bishops’ conferences around the world as well as the final document of the presynod gathering. An estimated 305 young adults participated in the weeklong presynod meeting, which allowed practicing Catholics and others to provide input for Pope Francis and the world’s bishops, who will meet at the synod in October to discuss “young people, faith and vocational discernment.” Some 15,000 young people also participated in the presynod process through Facebook groups online. The meeting, the working document said, “highlighted the potential that younger generations represent” as well as their “hopes and desires.” “Young people are great seekers of meaning, and everything that is in harmony with their search to give value to their lives arouses their attention and motivates their commitment,” it said. Presenting the “instrumentum laboris” to journalists at a press briefing June 19, Cardinal Lorenzo Baldisseri, secretary-general of the synod, said the synod’s goal is that young Catholics may find “the beauty of life, beginning from the happy relationship with the God of the covenant and of love” in a world that often robs them of their “affections, bonds and prospective of life.” “The synod dedicated to young people gives us the opportunity to rediscover the hope of a good life, the dream of a pastoral renewal, the desire for community and passion for education,” he said. Divided into three parts, the working document outlines the church’s need to listen to young people, to help guide them in the faith and in discerning their vocational calling, and to identify pastoral and missionary paths to be able to accompany them. The responses collected by bishops’ conferences around the world cited a need for ways to help young men and women confront the challenges of cultural changes that sometimes disregard traditions and spirituality. The working document also states that while the church highlights the


Above, Pope Francis prepares to take a photo with young people at a presynod gathering of youth delegates in Rome March 19. The Vatican has released the working document for the October Synod of Bishops on young people, the faith and vocational discernment. Left, a young woman speaks at a presynod gathering of youth delegates with Pope Francis in Rome March 19.

“YOUNG PEOPLE ARE GREAT SEEKERS OF MEANING, AND EVERYTHING THAT IS IN HARMONY WITH THEIR SEARCH TO GIVE VALUE TO THEIR LIVES AROUSES THEIR ATTENTION AND MOTIVATES THEIR COMMITMENT.” importance of the body, affection and sexuality, many young Catholic men and women “do not follow the directions of the sexual morality of the church.” “Although no bishops’ conferences offer solutions or indications, many [conferences] believe the issue of sexuality should be discussed more openly and without judgment,” it said. Young people attending the presynod meeting said issues such as contraception, abortion, homosexuality, cohabitation and marriage are often debated both by young Catholics and

non-Catholics. The working document also highlighted the need to reaffirm church teaching on the body and sexuality at a time when biomedical advancements have pushed a more “technocratic approach to the body,” citing examples such as egg donation and surrogacy. “Moreover, precocious sexuality, sexual promiscuity, digital pornography, the exhibition of one’s own body online and sexual tourism risk disfiguring the beauty and depth of emotional and sexual life,” the “instrumentum laboris” said. Church leaders, it said, must “speak in practical terms about controversial subjects such as homosexuality and gender issues, which young people are already freely discussing without taboo.” Also, “LGBT youths, through various contributions received by the secretariat of the synod, want to benefit from a greater closeness and experience greater care from the church,” while some bishops’ conferences are asking what they can recommend to young people who enter into a homosexual relationship, but want to be closer to the church, the document said. The working document also said young Catholics would like more initiatives that allow further dialogue

with nonbelievers and the secular world to help them integrate their faith in their dealings with others. Young men and women from primarily secularized areas “ask nothing from the church” and “expressly asked to be left in peace, because they feel its presence as annoying and even irritating.” These feelings, the document stated, do not come from contempt but rather due to “serious and respectable reasons.” Among the reasons are the church’s sexual and economic scandals, priests who do not know how to engage with young people, and the way the church justifies its doctrinal and ethical positions to modern society. Young men and women are also hoping the church can help them “find a simple and clear understanding of the meaning of vocation,” which is often misinterpreted as referring only to priesthood and consecrated life. While the church has confirmed that marriage is also a vocation, the document confirms the need for “a youth vocational ministry capable of being meaningful for all young people.” “Called to holiness and anointed by the spirit, the Christian learns to grasp all the choices in existence in a vocational perspective, especially the central one of the state of life as well as those of a professional nature,” it said. “For this reason, some bishops’ conferences hope that the synod will find ways to help all Christians rediscover the link between profession and vocation in all its fruitfulness . . . and in view of the professional orientation of young people with a vocational perspective,” the document said.



EMPLOYMENT Drivers - Ready for the summers off? Join our school transportation division and live like a kid again! Our drivers have the opportunity to serve our community and still get those precious summer breaks. Assisted Transportation seeks caring and reliable drivers to transport K - 12 students in Johnson and Wyandotte counties in our minivans. CDL not required. $12 per hour. Retirees encouraged to apply. Learn more or apply online at: assistedtransportation.com or call (913) 262-5190 for more information. EOE. Lead and assistant teachers - The Goddard School located at 21820 W. 115th Terr., Olathe, is looking for qualified lead teachers and assistant teachers — both full- and part- time positions are available. In our warm, loving atmosphere, our highly qualified teachers support the healthy development of children from 6 weeks to 6 years. Our teachers write and implement their own lesson plans based on our FLEX program, Goddard Developmental Guidelines and our monthly school theme. Lead teachers also complete other duties such as electronic daily attendance reports, progress reports and parent conferences. The hands-on efforts of the school owner and directors allow our teachers to focus on their children, their lesson plans and teaching to ensure a funfilled day of learning. Full-time benefits include: competitive pay; paid time off; opportunities for professional development and career growth; and a great working environment. Qualified candidates must meet or exceed Kansas regulations, have strong communication skills and desire to learn and implement the Goddard School programs. Lead teachers should have an early childhood education degree or a CDA or a degree in a related field with an emphasis in early childhood education. Prior experience in a child care setting is preferred. To apply, email your resume to: olathe2ks@goddardschools.com or mail to: The Goddard School, 21820 W. 115th Terr., Olathe, KS 66061, Attention: Mandy Ellis, director. Asphalt workers - Local asphalt paving and chip-seal contractor with 65 years’ experience is looking for dependable, professional workers. We need equipment operators experienced with distributors, pavers, rollers, skid steers and loaders. A Class A CDL with a current medical card is a plus. Call (913) 441-2555. EOE. Do you enjoy driving? - The Kansas City Transportation Group is looking for chauffeurs to drive our guests to events, airport, dinner, etc. Business is growing and we are in need of workers with flexible hours, those who are retired, etc. Great pay and benefits. Send resume to: jkalbert@kctg.com or in person at Carey, 1300 Lydia Ave., Kansas City, MO 64106. Teachers - Infant/toddler teachers needed for our growing child care needs at St. Joseph, Shawnee, Early Education Center. Good benefits, great environment. Call (913) 248-4589. Financial controller - Hayden Catholic High School in Topeka is accepting applications for a part-time financial controller. The job description can be found on the archdiocesan website at: www.archkck.org/schools; click on “Employment,” then click on “Job Openings.” Stewardship and engagement lead - St. John Paul II Parish in Olathe is seeking a full-time stewardship and engagement lead. This position is responsible for promoting and cultivating parishioner engagement and stewardship, coordinating stewardship appeals and volunteer opportunities, and assisting with capital campaigns. The ideal candidate will be a practicing Catholic in good standing with a passion for missionary discipleship. A college degree and church or non-profit work experience preferred. A complete job description is available at www.jp2kc.org. Interested parties should send a cover letter and resume to: cindyquirk@jp2kc.org or by mail to St. John Paul II Parish, 16680 S. Lind Road, Olathe, KS 66062 by June 30. Preschool teaching positions - St. Ann Young Child Center in Prairie Village is looking to fill staff positions for the 2018-19 school year. Seeking a part-time 3-year-olds preschool teaching position for Tuesdays and Thursdays from 8:45 a.m. - noon. A degree in education is required. Also seeking a part-time preschool aide for Monday - Friday from 8:45 a.m. - 12:45 p.m. Experience preferred but not necessary. Finally, seeking an extended-day aide for Monday through Friday from 3 - 6 p.m. If you love working with children and are looking for part-time work at our distinguished Young Child Center, call Tati at (913) 362-4660. Clinic manager - Olathe Pregnancy Center (part of the Wyandotte Pregnancy Clinic network) is seeking a full-time clinic manager to provide Christ-centered leadership to our new pregnancy center opening late this summer. Bilingual in Spanish a plus. For a complete job summary and application, send an email to: mmason@ wpcnetwork.org. Lay counselor - Wyandotte Pregnancy Clinic is seeking a full-time lay counselor to serve clients and their families in our Kansas City, Kansas pregnancy clinic. Bilingual in Spanish is a plus. For a full job summary and application, send an email to Mary Mason at: mmason@ wpcnetwork.org. Special education teacher - Do you love children and desire to work with unique learners in an elementary school setting? Holy Cross School in Overland Park is searching for a dynamic special education teacher for the 2018-19 school year. Contact Karen Hoopson at: khopson@holy crosscatholicschool.com or (913) 381-7408.

Technology director – Church of the Nativity, Leawood, is seeking a full-time director of information technology. Applicants will be responsible for the management and reliable operation of network devices; Microsoft servers (including Exchange and SQL); student information system; Mitel telecom system; 4th-8th 1:1 Chromebook using Google apps; Apple devices; staff laptops and end user training and support for all these functions. The Director will have responsibility for all IT operations. Qualified applicants will have knowledge of Microsoft Server domain environment; demonstrated trouble shooting and problem-solving skills; experience providing “hands-on” IT support; experience managing external partners and vendors; excellent interpersonal skills; and ability to establish and maintain effective working relations with students and staff. This is a full-time position with medical, dental, vision, etc., benefits. Qualified applicants may submit a resume and work history to: jobapplication@ kcnativity.org. Executive director – The Johnson and Wyandotte Counties Catholic Youth Organization of Kansas is seeking a faith-filled, proven leader and administrator to become executive director for the Johnson and Wyandotte counties pastoral region of the Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas. Responsibilities include providing strategic and energetic leadership for all grade school and high school athletic program offerings. The new director must also be skilled in financial management, strategic planning and development. The executive director will also be expected to be a registered and active member of his or her Catholic parish. Complete job description, application and benefits information available online at: www. archkck.org/jobs. Interested individuals should send cover letter, resume and application to: JWACYO Executive Board, c/o Human Resources Department, Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas, 12615 Parallel Pkwy., Kansas City, KS 66109. Documents may be emailed to: jobs@archkck.org. Position open until filled. Cafeteria worker - Nativity Parish in Leawood has an opening for a part-time cafeteria worker, approximately 15 - 20 hours per week for the 2018-19 school year. Prior experience working in a school cafeteria is preferred, but not required. Compensation is based on experience. Applicants must have dependable transportation, be Virtus trained and pass a background check. Interested applicants should contact Patti Post, cafeteria director, at: patti.post@kcnativity.org with resume and work history. Youth ministry lead - St. John Paul II Parish in Olathe, is seeking a full-time youth ministry lead. This position will oversee and coordinate all aspects of youth ministry for middle school and high school parishioners and their families. The ideal candidate will be a practicing Catholic in good standing with a passion for forming adults and youth to be missionary disciples. A college degree and church or missionary work experience are preferred. A complete job description is available online at: www.jp2kc.org, and interested parties should send cover letters and resumes to: cindyquirk@jp2kc.org or by mail to St. John Paul II Parish, 16680 S. Lind Road, Olathe, KS 66062 by June 30. Language arts teacher - St. Ann School in Prairie Village is seeking a seventh/eighth-grade ELA/reading teacher for the 2018-19 academic year. Qualified candidates should possess a passion for Catholic education, enthusiasm for literature and language arts and hold a current teaching license. The preferred candidate would have a minimum of three to four years teaching ELA in a middle school or high school. Teachers who are interested in joining an innovative and faith-filled team of educators should email a cover letter and resume to Mr. Michael Riley at: mriley@stannpv.org. Extended day care assistant - Holy Spirit School is seeking an enthusiastic person to be the assistant in our after-school care program. This well-established program runs from 3 - 5:45 p.m. each school day. Applicants should be responsible and creative and enjoy working with children. The ability to communicate clearly with children, colleagues and parents is most important in order to foster positive relationships. The applicant must attend a Virtus training and be at least 16 years old. Interested persons should contact Eileen Colling at (913) 492-2582 or send an email to: ecolling@hscatholic.org for more information. Pastoral associate - Visitation Parish, a Vatican II parish in Kansas City, Mo., has an immediate full-time opening for a pastoral associate. The ideal candidate will possess strong interpersonal skills, display sensitivity, demonstrate the ability to work cooperatively and have a solid understanding of Catholic theology. Responsibilities include pastoral care, sacramental formation and retreat coordination. In addition to being a practicing Catholic, a degree in pastoral theology and prior parish experience are important for consideration. Salary will be commensurate with education/experience and includes benefits. Visitation is a vibrant Catholic community of 1,500 families with a professional staff. Submit cover letter, resume and references to Msgr. Bradley Offutt, 5141 Main St., Kansas City, MO 64112. For more information, contact Msgr. Brad Offutt at (816) 753-7422 or send an email to: msgroffutt@church.visitation.org. Science teacher substitute - Saint James Academy is seeking a long-term substitute for the beginning of the 2018-19 school year in science. Ideal candidates will be practicing Catholics who are certified teachers with experience at the high school level. Depending on candidate availability, the position could run the length of the semester. Interested candidates should complete the substitute application process online at: www.arch kckcs.org and send a resume and cover letter to the principal, Dr. Shane Rapp, at: srapp@sjakeepingfaith.org.

Secretary/receptionist - Visitation Parish in Kansas City, Mo., has an immediate part-time opening for a secretary/receptionist. This position is currently a job share situation working 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m., three days per week with the possibility of future full-time employment. The ideal candidate will be organized with strong communication skills, the ability to maintain confidentiality, data entry experience and proficiency using Microsoft Office. Responsibilities will include answering the telephone, greeting visitors, maintaining the parish calendar, record-keeping and general clerical work in support of the professional staff. Send cover letter, resume and references to Msgr. Bradley Offutt, 5141 Main St., Kansas City, MO 64112. For more information, contact Msgr. Brad Offutt at (816) 753-7422 or send an email to: msgroffutt@church.visitation.org. Preschool teaching positions - Holy Spirit School is seeking a preschool teacher for the Tuesday/Thursday morning 3-year-olds class and a teacher for the M - F afternoon 4-year-olds class. Qualified applicants must have an early childhood education degree, a CDA or a degree in a related field with an emphasis in early childhood education. Prior experience in a child care facility is preferred but not required. If you love working with children, are faith-filled, enthusiastic, energetic an seeking part-time work, email your interest and resume to: mwatson@hscatholic.org.

Custodian - St. Francis de Sales Parish in Lansing is seeking a custodian, maintenance person. The ideal candidate will have at least a high school education, extensive cleaning experience and computer proficiency. A practicing Catholic is preferred but not required. The job requires cleaning; maintaining and repair of building areas; some groundskeeping; and cleaning of equipment. Performing minor repairs and maintenance tasks include, but are not limited to, carpentry; masonry; painting and plumbing; basic electronics; and mechanical work. This is a full-time position with some evening, weekend and holiday requirements. For more information, call (913) 727-3742 or send resume and/or references to Father William McEvoy at: Fr.Wm.McEvoy@gmail.com. Director of advancement - St. Benedict’s Abbey is seeking a director of advancement. This position is responsible for recruiting potential benefactors and maintaining a portfolio of benefactors; overseeing gift solicitations, annual giving and other appeals; and sharing the mission of the abbey. The ideal candidate will be passionate about supporting religious life and the abbey; have at least three years of experience in development; excellent written, verbal and digital communication skills; and have a knowledge of grant-writing and research skills. Some travel involved. For a complete job description and to apply, go online to: www.kansasmonks.org/new-blog. Counselor - Keeler Women’s Center is seeking a full-time clinical mental health counselor. Duties include supporting the mission of Keeler Women’s Center (empowering women in the urban core); supervising master-level interns; facilitating support groups and/or classes; scheduling approximately 20 clients per week; maintaining records; coordinating other volunteer counselors; and other duties as needed. Qualified candidates must have an LCPC license; experience working with women and men of all ages and life experiences; prefer bilingual (Spanish); strong interpersonal skills; being hospitable to a diverse population; self-starter; able to multitask, problem solve, detail oriented, compassionate and empathetic; guided by principles of Catholic social teaching and the NASW code of ethics; and able to meet a background check. To apply, send a letter of interest and resume to Sister Bridget Dickason at: KWC@mountosb.org. Lead pre-kindergarten teacher - St. Patrick Early Education Center in Kansas City, Kan., is accepting applications for a lead pre-kindergarten teacher for the 201819 school year. The hours for the position will be 6:45 a.m. - noon, M - F, August - May. The applicant should be a practicing Catholic who loves working with preschool-age children. Primary responsibilities include supervision of children, lesson plan implementation, parent communication, and cleanliness and organization of the classroom. The applicant must have an AA or BA in early childhood education, child development or elementary education. Experience is a plus. For more information or to request an application, send an email to: stpatearlyed center@stpatrickkck.eduk12.net.

HOME IMPROVEMENT Handyman/Remodeler - Quality service with references. Kitchens, baths, tile, painting, garage doors and openers, decks and wood rot repair. Call Jeff at (913) 915-4738. Helping Hand Handy Man - Semi-retired handyman can help with your ‘to do list,’ small and medium projects around your house. Also electrical; ceiling fans, light fixtures, outlet and switches. Most deck and shed repairs, power washing restaining and painting. No yard work. Member of Prince of Peace, Olathe. Call Mark Coleman at (913) 526-4490. Swalms organizing - downsizing - cleanout service - Reduce clutter – Any space organized. Shelving built on-site. Items hauled for recycling and donations. 20 years exp.; insured. Call Tillar at (913) 375-9115. WWW. SWALMSORGANIZING.COM. Decked Out In KC - We fix decks. We repair, power wash and stain wood decks and fences. We power wash and seal concrete drives, walkways, pool decks and more. Call Brian at (913) 952-5965. Member of Holy Trinity Parish.


Father-and-son home exteriors and remodeling - Celebrating my 15th year in The Leaven as a small business owner! We do decks, siding, windows, doors, tile work, floors, wood rot, and interior and exterior painting. We can remodel bathrooms, kitchens or basements. We also reface cabinets and redo pesky popcorn ceilings. Call Josh at (913) 709-7230. EL SOL Y LA TIERRA *Commercial & residential * Lawn renovation *Mowing * Clean-up and hauling * Dirt grading/installation * Landscape design * Free estimates Hablamos y escribimos Ingles!! www.elsolylatierra.com Call Lupe at (816) 935-0176 STA (Sure Thing Always) Home Repair - Basement finish, bathrooms and kitchens; interior & exterior repairs: painting, roofing, siding, wood replacement and window glazing. Free estimates. Call (913) 579-1835. Email: smokeycabin@hotmail.com. Member of Holy Trinity, Lenexa. Water damage restoration - Framing, insulation, painting, Sheetrock, mold treatment and lead-safe certified. Insurance claims welcome. Serving Wyandotte and Johnson counties for 25 years. Call Jerry at (913) 206-1144. Concrete construction - Tear out and replace stamped, stained or colored patios and drives. Retaining walls, footings, poured-in-place safe rooms, excavation and hauling. Asphalt drives and lots. Fully insured; references. Call Dan at (913) 207-4371 or send an email to: dandeeconst@aol.com. NELSON CREATION’S L.L.C. Home makeovers, kitchen, bath. All interior and exterior remodeling and repairs. Family owned, experienced, licensed and insured. Member St. Joseph, Shawnee. Kirk Nelson. (913) 927-5240; nelsport@everestkc.net Rusty Dandy Painting, Inc. – We have been coloring your world for 40 years. Your home will be treated as if it were our own. Old cabinets will be made to look like new. Dingy walls and ceilings will be made beautiful. Woodwork will glow. Lead-certified and insured. Call (913) 341-9125. DRC Construction We’ll get the job done right the first time. Windows - Doors - Decks - Siding Repair or replace, we will work with you to solve your problems. Choose us for any window, door, siding or deck project and be glad you did. Everything is guaranteed 100% (913) 461-4052 www.windowservicesoverlandpark.com drcconswindows@gmail.com. Local handyman - Painting int. and ext., staining, wood rot, power wash, decks, doors and windows, masonry, hardwood floors, gutter cleaning, water heaters, toilets, faucets, garbage disposals, ceiling fans, mowing and more!! Member of Holy Angels Parish, Basehor. Call Billy at (913) 927-4118. Masonry work - Quality new or repair work. Brick, block and chimney/fireplace repair. Insured; second-generation bricklayer. Member of St. Paul Parish, Olathe. Call (913) 829-4336. HARCO Exteriors LLC Your Kansas City fencing specialists Family owned and operated (913) 815-4817 www.harcoexteriorsllc.com The Drywall Doctor, Inc. – A unique solution to your drywall problems! We fix all types of ceiling and wall damage — from water stains and stress cracks to texture repairs and skim coating. We provide professional, timely repairs and leave the job site clean! Lead-certified and insured! Serving the metro since 1997. Call (913) 768-6655.

SERVICES Custom countertops - Laminates installed within five days. Cambria, granite and solid surface. Competitive prices, dependable work. Call the Top Shop, Inc., at (913) 962-5058. Members of St. Joseph, Shawnee. Mike Hammer local moving - A full-service mover. Packing, pianos, rental truck load/unload, storage container load/unload and in-home moving. No job too small. Serving JoCo since 1987. St. Joseph, Shawnee, parishioner. Call Mike at (913) 927-4347 or send an email to: mike@mikehammermoving.com. Speedy Guzman Moving and delivery Licensed and insured Anytime (816) 935-0176 Faith-based counseling to cope with life concerns - Kansas City area. Call Mary Vorsten, licensed clinical professional counselor, at (913) 909-2002. >> Classifieds continue on page 13


CALENDAR MEXICAN FIESTA St. John the Evangelist Parish 1234 Kentucky, Lawrence June 22 and 23 from 6 - 11:30 p.m.

There will be authentic Mexican food, mariachis and live entertainment from Paradize Band on Friday and Grupo on Saturday. There will be carnival-type games on Saturday. Admission is free.

MARIAN CONFERENCE IV OF GREATER KANSAS CITY St. Thomas More Parish 11822 Holmes Rd., Kansas City, Missouri June 22 -23

The conference begins at 5 p.m. on Friday evening and includes youths grades 6 - 12. Sessions begin at 10:45 a.m. on June 23. For more information and to register, go online to: www.stmkc.com/mc.

ty. Bring a shower gift to share with Mary’s Choice. There will be an open meeting following the luncheon. If you know a member or someone in distress, or in need of prayer, call Therese Smith-Lawton at (785) 6401403. If you are interested in learning more about the Daughters of Isabella, call Marilyn Unrein at (785) 230-8448 or Cindy Keen at (785) 228-9863.

‘PREPARING THE BOUNTY’ Keeler Women’s Center 2220 Central Ave., Kansas City, Kansas June 26 from 11 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.

Pat Callaghan from the K-State research and extension department will present a session on how to make the most of the farmers’ market.

SYMPTO-THERMAL METHOD OF NATURAL FAMILY PLANNING Class begins June 27 at 6:30 p.m. St. John the Evangelist School 1208 Kentucky St., Lawrence

A reasonable course fee is charged and online registration is required for this class or an online class at: live-the-love.org. Call Shannon or John Rasmussen at (785) 7491015 for more information.

ALUMNI MASS Holy Spirit School 11300 W. 103rd St., Overland Park June 24 at 10:30 a.m.

All Holy Spirit School alumni are invited to join us for Mass, followed by refreshments, fellowship and friendship.

CHURCH PICNIC St. Mary Parish 9208 Main St., St. Benedict June 24 at 5 p.m.

Come enjoy a buffet-style meal of fried chicken and ham for the cost of $10 for adults and $5 for kids 4 - 10. Take out meals will also be available. Games, inflatables, concessions and an auction featuring quilts will also be on the grounds.

FAMILY FAITH REVIVAL St. Rose Philippine Duchesne Park West 1525 Rd., Centerville June 24 at 10:45 a.m.

The event will begin with Mass. There will be lunch, praise and worship music by Joe Heron, a keynote talk by Chad Pirotte, games and fellowship.

ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION Immaculate Conception Parish 208 Bertrand Ave., St. Mary’s June 24 at 4 p.m.

There will be a celebration of the 25th anniversary of Father Raymond Mays’ ordination to the priesthood. It will begin with Mass and be followed by dinner in the parish hall.

DAUGHTERS OF ISABELLA LITTLE FLOWER CIRCLE 503 Christ the King Parish (Yadrich Hall) 5973 W. 25th St., Topeka June 24 at 12:30 p.m.

There will be a covered-dish luncheon. Mary’s Choice will be with us to share what services they provide to the women in the communi-





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CAREGIVER SURVIVAL TIPS Keeler Women’s Center 2220 Central Ave., Kansas City, Kansas June 27 from 2:30 - 3:30 p.m.

us for a formation series on the gift of self, which helps us fulfill the call to love again. Visit our Facebook page at: www.facebook. com/giftofself143 or send an email to: calledtolove143@gmail.com.

NATIONAL RIGHT TO LIFE CONVENTION Sheraton Hotel Overland Park 6100 College Blvd., Overland Park June 28 - 30

There will be speakers and sessions for those with every level of pro-life knowledge. There will be national speakers and experts, 70 workshops and five general sessions. The cost to attend is $120 for adults; $200 per couple; $65 for college students; $50 for teenagers. For more information and to register, go online to: www.nrlconvention.com.

GRIEF/BEREAVEMENT SUPPORT GROUP Sophia Spirituality Center 751 S. 8th St., Atchison July 5, 12, 19 and 26 from 6 - 7 p.m.

Those who have experienced a loss are welcome to attend a new grief/bereavement support group at Sophia Center. The group is coordinated by Sister Susan Holmes, OSB, who has been a hospice bereavement coordinator for more than 16 years. For more information or to register, call Sister Susan at (913) 360-6173.

A summer camp for families who have a child (or children) with special needs will be held. For information about the camp, go online to: www.archkck.org/specialneeds for details or call Tom Racunas, lead consultant for the special-needs ministry, at (913) 647-3054 or send an email to: tracunas@ archkck.org.

‘FINDING THE SACRED THROUGH DEPRESSION’ Sophia Spirituality Center 751 S. 8th St., Atchison June 27 from 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.

This retreat explores the value of deepening spiritual practices to find new hope and discover one’s own path to the God of grace and compassion. For more information or to register, call (913) 360-6173 or visit the website at: www.sophiaspiritualitycenter.org.

SALAD POTLUCK Most Pure Heart of Mary (Formation Room) 3601 S.W. 17th St., Topeka June 28 from 5 - 7 p.m.

The Christian widow and widowers organization will host the salad potluck dinner. There is no cost to attend. For more information, call (785) 233-7350.

DIVORCED: CALLED TO LOVE AGAIN Church of the Ascension (St. Luke Room) 9510 W. 127th St., Overland Park 2nd and 4th Sundays from 6:30 - 8:30 p.m.

What’s next after divorce/annulment? Join

CHURCH PICNIC Sacred Heart Parish 357 3rd St., Baileyville July 8 at 5 p.m.

The cost for a dinner of roast beef and ham is $10 for adults and $5 for kids ages 5 and under. There will be games for people of all ages and an auction that begins at 9 p.m.

BREATHE RESPITE CARE PROGRAM Holy Cross School 8101 W. 95th St., Overland Park July 21 from 4 - 8 p.m.

BREATHE respite care provides the gift of time away from caregiving for families who have a loved one age 5 years or older with a disability. Volunteers are needed! Prayerfully consider offering your time. Contact Tom Racunas with at (913) 647-3054 or send an email to: tracunas@archkck.org, or Audrey Amor at (816) 739-1197 or by email at: aamore@sjakeepingfaith.org if you have any questions. To register a loved one for the program, or to volunteer, go the website at: www.archkck.org/specialneeds and complete the online form.

JERRY AND KAYE MEINERS’ 24TH ANNUAL PRO-LIFE GOLF CLASSIC Shadow Glen Golf Club 26000 W. 104th Terr., Olathe July 23

Lunch will be served at 11 a.m. followed by a noon shotgun start. The tournament is a four-person scramble for men and women. To participate, visit the website at: www. VitaeFoundation.org/events or call Vitae at (573) 634-4316. Registration deadline and receipt of payment is due July 9, with a fee of $330 per golfer.

Learn new points and find ways to ease the process of caring for loved ones. The session will be presented by Lauren Jilek of Partners in Primary Care.

FAMILY SPECIAL-NEEDS SUMMER CAMP Prairie Star Ranch 1124 California Rd., Williamsburg June 29 - July 1


GARAGE SALE St. Michael the Archangel (gym) 14209 Nall Ave., Leawood July 6 from 8 a.m. - 4 p.m. July 7 from 8 a.m. - 2 p.m.

This is Gotta Have Hope’s 11th annual sale. All proceeds benefit St. Joan of Arc School in Uganda, area villages and medical clinics. For more information, go to the website at: www.gottahavehope.org or call (913) 2266958.

PITCHING FOR PRIESTS Community America Ballpark 1800 Village West Pkwy., Kansas City, Kansas July 7 at 7 p.m.

TOTUS TUUS FOR PEOPLE WITH SPECIAL NEEDS Queen of the Holy Rosary 7023 W. 71st St., Overland Park July 23 - 27 from 10 a.m. - 2 p.m.

The Totus Tuus teams will offer an adapted Totus Tuus program for people with special needs. This program is designed for persons ages 6 to adult with intellectual or developmental disabilities. The registration deadline is July 2. For information on how to register or volunteer, go to the website at: www.archkck.org/specialneeds; call Tom Racunas at (913) 647-3059; or send an email to: tracunas@archkck.org.

Come watch the annual Pitching for Priests softball game. Funds raised support local seminarians. For tickets, go online to: PitchingforPriests.com.

SUMMER MONASTIC EXPERIENCE Benedictine Sisters of Perpetual Adoration 31970 State Hwy. P, Clyde, Missouri July 7 - 12

This event is for single women, ages 18 - 40 who are considering religious life. Spend a few days at the monastery and enter into the daily rhythm of the Sisters’ contemplative monastic life. There is no cost to attend. More information can be found online at: www. benedictinesisters.org. To register, call Sister Maria Victoria Cutaia, OSB, at (660) 9442221, ext. 127, or send an email to: vocation@ benedictinesisters.org.

CARD PARTY Holy Cross Parish 8311 W. 93rd St., Overland Park July 24 from 11:30 a.m. - 3 p.m.

St. Benedict’s Circle will host a card party and luncheon (or game of your choice). The cost to attend is $12. Men are welcome. For more information or to RSVP, call LuAnn at (913) 888-5534 or Judy at (913) 732-2435.

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This little light of mine . . .

TWELFTH WEEK OF ORDINARY TIME June 24 THE NATIVITY OF ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST Is 49: 1-6 Ps 139: 1-3, 13-15 Acts 13: 22-26 Lk 1: 57-66, 80 June 25 Monday 2 Kgs 17: 5-8, 13-15a, 18 Ps 60: 3-5, 12-13 Mt 7: 1-5 June 26 Tuesday 2 Kgs 19: 9b-11, 14-21, 31-35a, 36 Ps 48: 2-4, 10-11 Mt 7: 6, 12-14 June 27 Cyril of Alexandria, bishop, doctor of the church 2 Kgs 22: 8-13; 23: 1-3 Ps 119: 33-37, 40 Mt 7: 15-20 June 28 Irenaeus, bishop, martyr 2 Kgs 24: 8-17 Ps 79: 1b-5, 8-9 Mt 7: 21-29 June 29 PETER AND PAUL, APOSTLES Acts 12: 1-11 Ps 34: 2-9 2 Tm 4: 6-8, 17-18 Mt 16: 13-19 June 30 The first martyrs of the Holy Roman Church Lam 2: 2, 10-14, 18-19 Ps 74: 1-7, 20-21 Mt 8: 5-17 July 1 THIRTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Wis 1: 13-15; 2: 23-24 Ps 30: 2, 4-6, 11-13 2 Cor 8: 7, 9, 13-15 Mk 5: 21-43 July 2 Monday Am 2: 6-10, 13-16 Ps 50: 16b-23 Mt 8: 18-22 July 3 THOMAS, APOSTLE Eph 2: 19-22 Ps 117: 1-2 Jn 20: 24-29 July 4 Wednesday Am 5: 14-15, 21-24 Ps 50: 7-13, 16-17 Mt 8: 28-34 July 5 Anthony Zaccaria, priest; Elizabeth of Portugal Am 7: 10-17 Ps 19: 8-11 Mt 9: 1-8 July 6 Maria Goretti, virgin, martyr Am 8: 4-6, 9-12 Ps 119: 2, 10, 20, 30, 40, 131 Mt 9: 9-13 July 7 Saturday Am 9: 11-15 Ps 85: 9, 11-14 Mt 9: 14-17


o, is your Christmas shopping list ready? After all, Christmas is only six months away! Excuse me for bringing up Christmas when we’ve just officially entered summer, but I can’t help myself. It happens every year when the church marks the birth of St. John the Baptist on June 24. This year, since it falls on a Sunday, many more people will be able to celebrate it. It’s interesting that only two other births are commemorated in the church year: Jesus on Dec. 25 and the Blessed Virgin Mary on Sept. 8. That gives you some idea of how significant John the Baptist is. He’s the forerunner of Jesus, the one who “will go before the Lord to prepare his ways” (Lk 1:76). This feast dates back to the fourth century. In the West, it was celebrated on June 24, based on Lk 1:36, which says that Elizabeth (John’s mother) was six months pregnant at the Annunciation (March 25). (Don’t you




FATHER MARK GOLDASICH Father Mark is the pastor of Sacred Heart Parish in Tonganoxie. He has been editor of The Leaven since 1989.

love how everything is so nicely timed in the church year: Jesus born exactly nine months after the Annunciation; John almost exactly three months after the Visitation.) One of John’s primary roles was to point the way to Jesus. When I reflect on that, the following story pops into mind: As an old man was lying on his deathbed, his pastor noticed that something was troubling him. Eventually, he broke

the silence. “When I was a youngster, Father,” he said, “I played a prank that haunts me to this day. Once, I twisted the highway route signs in opposite directions so the arrows would direct travelers in the wrong direction. “I wonder as I lie here now, how many people I misdirected by that action. And I wonder how many I misdirected by the actions of my life.” (Found in “Sower’s Seeds That Nurture Family Values,” by Brian Cavanaugh, TOR.) Clearly, John the Baptist pointed people in the right direction by his life. In our lives today, our faith asks us to do the same. As we

approach the midpoint of 2018, it’s not a bad time to take stock of what kind of an example we’re setting for others. Some ways to set a positive example might be: • Actively practice your faith — not only at weekend Mass, but by spending some time each day in personal prayer and spiritual reading. • Be kind to others and respect the uniqueness of each person. • Never take people for granted. Be generous in expressing thanks for even the smallest kindnesses. • Listen — not only to people’s words, but to their emotions and body language. • ‘Fess up to your mistakes. Be humble enough to admit you don’t know it all. • Eagerly reach out to those in need — in any way you can with what you can. • Be quick to laugh — especially at your own foibles. • Light up the world with hope, forgiveness and serenity. It’s especially fitting

to focus on light since John’s feast day falls near the summer solstice (June 21). According to Mary Ellen Hynes in “Companion to the Calendar,” many places throughout the world do this literally. For example, some folks in Europe stay up all night to honor the saint by burning St. John’s fires . . . and then celebrate all through the day. In Poland, people light candles on wreaths, which are tossed into a river to float downstream. In Lithuania, a cheese — made round to look like the sun — is sweetened with honey as a reminder of one of the foods John ate in the desert. You know, on second thought, don’t worry about making your Christmas list. There’s plenty of time for that. Instead, strive to be a living example of Christ. Take to heart these words of the Protestant evangelist D.L. Moody: “A holy life will produce the deepest impression. Lighthouses blow no horns; they only shine.”

John’s name encapsulates a prophecy for him

he ceremony of infant baptism begins with the priest asking the parents the question: “What name do you give your child?” This is not only a practical measure to facilitate the ceremony. It is also a highly significant step. The bestowal of a name not only serves as a label to identify the child. It also opens the door to forming a relationship with that person. Ordinarily, when we first meet someone, we learn that person’s name. Similarly, at the baptism of an infant, we announce the infant’s name, to introduce this new member of the community to the other members. The name makes close ties and


FATHER MIKE STUBBS Father Stubbs is the pastor of Holy Cross Parish in Overland Park and has a degree in Scripture from Harvard University.

friendship possible. In Sunday’s Gospel reading — Lk 1:57-66, 80 — the neighbors and friends of Zechariah and

Elizabeth gather for the circumcision of the new baby. This is the ceremony that will make the baby a member of the community, a ceremony analogous to baptism among Christians. They assume that the new baby will be called Zechariah after his father. But instead, Elizabeth tells them: “He will be called John.” Much discussion

POPE FRANCIS Pope Francis told Italian schoolchildren that he grew up in Buenos Aires, Argentina, “the most beautiful city in the world,” and that besides playing soccer, he loved to fly kites as a child. “We would make them with cane and paper, light paper. We made them ourselves,” the pope told about 500 children from schools in the poorer neighborhoods of Rome and of Milan. In the kite championship, he added, there were prizes for “the prettiest one and for the one that went highest.”

ensues. The neighbors and friends are totally bewildered. They point out that none of the relatives is named John. Although we celebrate on Sunday the solemnity of the Nativity of St. John the Baptist, our Gospel reading actually focuses upon the naming of this child, and not just his birth. Only the first line of the Gospel reading mentions his birth. The rest concerns its aftermath. When Zechariah affirms the name by writing: “John is his name,” he once again is able to speak, after having been mute for months. Zechariah then continues with a prayer of praise, which has been omitted from our Gospel reading. This prayer is also a prophecy of the great things that God will

accomplish through this newborn infant: “You, my child, shall be called the prophet of the Most High; for you will go before the Lord to prepare his way, to give his people knowledge of salvation by the forgiveness of their sins.” The giving of a name to this child also looks forward to his future life. The name itself encapsulates a prophecy for him. That is why the neighbors and friends — and in fact all throughout the hill country of Judea — ask: “What, then, will this child be?” Their amazement is fitting preparation for the one who will prepare the way of the Lord. And it all stems from his name. So, what is your name?

With the children seated around him in the atrium of the Vatican audience hall, Pope Francis answered their questions about his childhood, his school, his vocation and the standard question children ask him, “How did you feel when you were chosen pope?” Meeting the pope was the culmination of the “Children’s Train” initiative of the Pontifical Council for Culture and the Italian state railroad. Pope Francis urged the children always to remember their first school and first teacher. “Can a tree whose roots have been removed produce flowers?” the pope asked. The children shouted, “No.” — CNS


CLASSIFIEDS >> Continued from page 12

Tree Trimming Tree Trimming/Landscaping Insured/References Free Estimates/Local Parishioner Tony (913) 620-6063

Ceilings - Renew your old textured, yellowed ceilings! Interior painting. No mess. Call Jerry at (913) 201-1144. Senior hairstyling - Haircuts, perms, roller sets. Savvy Salon, 5910 W. 59th Terrace Mission, KS, one block south of Johnson Dr. $5 off any service on 1st visit. Bonnie (816) 769-8511. Win disability benefits - Disabled and no longer able to work? Get help winning Social Security disability benefits. Free consultation. Eight years’ experience. No fee unless you win. Call (785) 331-6452 or send an email to: montemace2000@yahoo.com or visit montemacedisability.com. Rodman Lawn Care Lawn mowing, aeration, verticutting, mulching, Hedge trimming, leaf removal, gutter cleaning Fully insured and free estimates John Rodman (913) 548-3002 Bankruptcy consultation - If debts are overwhelming you, seek hope and help from compassionate, experienced Catholic attorney, Teresa Kidd. For a free consultation, call (913) 422-0610; send an email to: tkidd@kc.rr. com; or visit the website at: www.teresakiddlawyer. com. Please do not wait until life seems hopeless before getting good quality legal advice that may solve your financial stress. 8 to Your IdealWeight Get Real, Get Healthy, Get Empowered. Release your weight and restore your power in 8 weeks! Certified coach: kathioppold.8toyouridealweight.com. Cleaning lady - Reasonable rates; references provided. Call (913) 940-2959. Quilted memories - Your Kansas City Longarm shop Nolting Longarm machines, quilting supplies and machine quilting services. We specialize in memorial quilts - custom designed memory quilts from your T-shirt collections, photos, baby clothes, college memorabilia, neckties, etc. For information or to schedule a free consultation, call (913) 649-2704. Visit the website at: www. quiltedmemoriesllc.com.

Announcement Joseph A. Butler & Son Funeral Home has re-opened as

Professional window cleaner - Residential only. Fully insured. Over 40 years experience. Free estimates. Contact Gene Jackson at (913) 593-1495. Clutter getting you down? - Organize, fix, assemble, install! “Kevin of all trades” your professional organizer and “Honey-do” specialist. Call or email me today for a free consultation at (913) 271-5055 or KOATorganizing@ gmail.com. Insured. References.

CAREGIVING Caregiving - We provide personal assistance, companionship, care management, and transportation for seniors in their home, assisted living or nursing facilities. We also provide respite care for main caregivers needing some personal time. Call Daughters & Company at (913) 341-2500 and speak with Laurie, Pat or Gary. Act now! - Companion, caregiver, will give superior personalized care for you or your loved one. Retired nurse; cosmetology and massage therapy training. Will take to Mass, doctor, hospital, traveling, movies, out to eat, etc. Will do light housekeeping and grocery shopping. Call (913) 701-6381. Looking for assisted living at home? - Before you move, call us and explore our in-home care options. We specialize in helping families live safely at home while saving thousands of dollars per year. Call today for more information or to request a FREE home care planning guide. Benefits of Home - Senior Care, www.benefits ofhome.com or call (913) 422-1591 CNA - Professional background in caregiving, provides quality private home care assistance for the elderly in the comfort of you home. Part-time or full-time assignments. Will consider live-in arrangements. 20 years’ seasoned experience. Dedicated to clients. Call (816) 806-8104

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Child care services Oskaloosa.Child.Care@gmail.com 707 Liberty St. M - S, 6 a.m. - midnight. Now registering! Just like family - Let us care for your loved ones in their homes. Two ladies with over 50 years’ combined experience. Looking for night shift coverage, some days. Great price, great references. Both experienced with hospice care. Call Kara at (913) 343-1602 or Ophelia at (913) 5707276. Companion - Has experience helping seniors and enjoys helping and spending time with seniors. Call Patty at (913) 499-1469.

WANTED TO BUY Will buy firearms and related accessories - One or a whole collection. Honest evaluation and top prices paid. Contact Tom at (913) 238-2473. Member of Sacred Heart Parish, Shawnee. Wanted to buy - Antique/vintage jewelry, paintings, pottery, sterling, etc. Single pieces or estate. Renee Maderak, (913) 475-7393. St. Joseph Parish, Shawnee.

FOR SALE Residential lifts - New and recycled. Stair lifts, porch lifts, ceiling lifts and elevators. St. Michael’s parishioners. KC Lift & Elevator at (913) 327-5557. (Formerly Silver Cross - KC) For sale - Double lawn crypt at Resurrection Cemetery in Lenexa, Garden of Hope section, double lawn crypt, lot 78 C, space 4. Conveyance fee included. $7500. Call Lou at (512) 294-2869. For sale - Two internal side-by-side crypts in the Mausoleum at Resurrection Cemetery. Call (913) 631-4348 for pricing. For sale - Two plots at Resurrection Cemetery, Ascension Garden. $2000 each. Call Dick at (913) 384-5833.


RENT Wants to rent - Elderly couple looking to rent either a villa or patio home with two bedrooms and a garage in the Olathe area. Call (843) 295-0584. For rent - Share rent and utilities beginning Aug. 1st. Private, spacious bedroom, bath and study in lovely home on Mass street in Lawrence. Garage, kitchen and laundry privileges. Law/grad student preferred. Text 7852508528. For Rent - Three bedroom, single-family home in Prairie Village near 80th and Metcalf. $1650 per month, utilities not included. Call Chip at St. Joseph Realty, Inc., at (913) 724-4010.

REAL ESTATE Whole Estates Need to sell a home and everything in it? We buy it all at once in as-is condition. Call (816) 444-1950 or send an email to: www.wholeestates.com. I NEED HOUSES! - We are members of Holy Trinity Parish and we pay cash for any real estate without any realtor commissions or fees. If you would like an easy, no-hassle sale at a fair price, please call me. We have 13 years of experience. Mark Edmondson, (913) 980-4905.

VACATION Branson condo - Newly updated. Perfect for couples or families. Sleeps six; fully furnished; WiFi; no stairs; close to entertainment; pools; exercise room, tennis and golf available. Call (913) 515-3044.

BUYING AN AD To purchase a Leaven classified ad, email The Leaven at: beth.blankenship@theleaven.org. Cost is $20 for the first five lines, $1.50 per line thereafter. Ad deadline is 10 days before the desired publication date.




Olathe Catholic helps folks start the day off right By Olivia Martin olivia.martin@theleaven.org

with friends and finds it inspiring. “It’s great to see lay Catholics . . . really using their gifts and taking their time to put a Christian presence on the internet,” said Father Pennings. “It’s well-rounded,” said Roberts, “[and] highlights the importance of pro-life [issues] and Catholicism.”


LATHE — Every weekday, Jason Collett of St. Paul Parish here wakes up around 11 a.m. Though his schedule may seem like one out of “Portlandia” or the product of an eternal weekend, it’s anything but. Collett is the creator and currently the sole writer of The Good News e-newsletter, a job that requires large amounts of research, motivation and coffee, though Collett somehow manages to work from 8 p.m. to 5 a.m. without the caffeine.

Truth overcomes all divisions

Same Kansas, new idea Collett grew up attending Prince of Peace School in Olathe, then St. Thomas Aquinas High School in Overland Park. He went on to earn a degree in geography and geographic information systems from Kansas State University, which eventually led him to live and work on Capitol Hill and in seven different states over a five-year period. Even as he was moving, however, the stability of Kansas life pulled him back home. And when he decided to return to Olathe, he returned with an idea. “Since college,” he said, “I’ve wanted to share my faith with people in a unique way and cover the news and the faith in a way that is applicable . . . and digestible.” It started years ago when he and a friend walked the Camino de Santiago pilgrimage to the apostle James’ tomb in Santiago de Compostela, Spain. There, Collett was struck by the beauty of the cathedral and the ancient ritual of the “botafumerio” — in English, “thurible” — which is a giant censer that swings over the heads of the congregation when a group of a few men heave the rope attached to its pulley. “That was something I’d never seen before,” he said. “That made me think about my faith. “There’s so much more history in Spain — things go back thousands of years — and that led me to think about the church.” Collett remembers this moment as the impetus for his long desire to delve deeper into his faith — and then to share it.

Sharing the good news, millennial-style This desire was intensified with the realization that the faith was ab-


Jason Collett, a member of St. Paul Parish in Olathe, is the creator and writer of The Good News e-newsletter. The Good News is a daily email newsletter that summarizes relevant headlines and important Christian news in light of Catholic teaching.

“IT’S GREAT TO SEE LAY CATHOLICS . . . REALLY USING THEIR GIFTS AND TAKING THEIR TIME TO PUT A CHRISTIAN PRESENCE ON THE INTERNET.” stract and nearly foreign to many of his friends and acquaintances from church. Even he didn’t know the faith as well as he would like, Collett admitted, but he wanted that to change. Initially unsure of how to proceed, he ran across a news platform called The Skimm, which encapsulates each

morning’s headlines in an email newsletter. It immediately caught his attention with its brevity and accessibility, both of which hold special appeal for busy millennials. “Most millennials, the first thing they do before they get out of bed in the morning is check their email,” he said. Thus, Collett found his medium — and The Good News was born. Natalie Roberts, a parishioner of St. Agnes Parish in Roeland Park, enjoys reading the newsletter in her free moments. “I appreciate that I don’t have to scour through long articles the newspapers or media sources produce,” she said. She particularly likes the synopses of the daily readings and memes. Father Gary Pennings, pastor of Queen of the Holy Rosary in Wea, has already begun to share The Good News

Part of the appeal of The Good News is that it includes breaking news from around the world, in addition to current events within the church. “I think it’s important for people to learn what’s going on in the church and . . . in the world around them,” said Collett. He explained that change can only be achieved by those who are both informed and engaged in society. “It’s important to know how your faith applies to everyone. . . and every situation around you,” he said. Each vignette in The Good News e-newsletter contains links to the original articles to encourage further reading if one’s interest is piqued — a feature Father Pennings values. He said he found the newsletter’s recent summary of the church’s teaching on alien life, for example, both entertaining and informative. Working on The Good News continues to teach Collett some new truth about the faith, he said. In particular, he’s come to understand more profoundly the truth of the church’s role within politics. “The election cycle in 2016 was so polarized,” he began. “I think the solution to the different ends pulling on each other is Catholic teaching, which I think. . . is the solution for all of our social and political tensions.” This stance is clearly posted at the top of each of The Good News’s emails: “Not left. Not right. Just Catholic.” “What really affects me in all of this,” said Collett, “is the truth of the church, how much I 100 percent believe it’s true.” At the end of the day, The Good News is fueled by grace, motivation and a willingness to endure trial by fire. “It’s definitely been a real challenge,” said Collett, humbly admitting that he didn’t know much about writing, websites, advertising or marketing when he started working on The Good News. “It’s really eye-opening. It’s changed me as a person,” he said. To sign up for The Good News, visit the website at: www.thegoodnewsletter. org.



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