03-19-10 Vol. 31 No. 31

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www.theleaven.com | Newspaper of the Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas | Vol. 31, No. 31 march 19, 2010

New community gets help from Kansas By Joe Bollig

Apostles of the Interior Life

Leaven staff

KANSAS CITY, Kan. — Vince Huber once had a choice to make: become a seminarian for the Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas or be one of the first members of a new religious community in Rome. Huber, from Church of the Nativity in Leawood, chose Rome instead of home. Now, in an unforeseen twist, he will serve both. Thanks to an agreement between the religious community called the Apostles of the Interior Life and the archdiocese, Huber and four other seminarians will become — at least temporarily — archdiocesan priests after ordination. Archbishop Joseph F. Naumann will ordain Huber and three other men to the transitional diaconate on Aug. 21 at the St. Lawrence Center. The four men will be ordained to the priesthood in early 2011, with a fifth man being ordained a transitional deacon at that time, and then a priest later that year. Three of the men are Americans and two are Italians. They have visited Lawrence during the past three summers, where the female branch of the Apostles has a house. “The Apostles of the Interior Life, which is a public association of the Christian faithful, does not have, as of this time, the canonical status of being a religious order,” said Father Gary Pennings, archdiocesan vicar general. “They’re not [in] the Turn to “Brothers” on page 7

Members of the male branch of the Apostles of the Interior Life were installed as lectors and acolytes on Feb. 22 at the Church of St. Ann at the Vatican. The community’s founder, Father Salvatore Scorza, stands in front of (from left) Vincent Huber, Edward Ahn, Alessandro Borraccia, Scott Kallal, and Mirco Sosio.

Seminarians at a glance Vincent Huber

n Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas n First year of study for licen- tiate in sacred theology n Pope John Paul II Institute for Marriage and Family n Ordination to transi tional diaconate: Aug. 21 n Ordination to priest- hood: early 2011

Scott Kallal

n Diocese of Springfield, Ill. n Second year of study for a licentiate in sacred theology n Pontifical Lateran University n Ordination to transi tional diaconate: Aug. 21 n Ordination to priest hood: early 2011

Edward Ahn

n Archdiocese of Chicago n Third year theology n Pontifical Lateran University n Ordination to transi tional diaconate: Aug. 21 n Ordination to priest hood: early 2011

Mirco Sosio

n Diocese of Como, Italy n Third year theology n Pontifical Lateran University n Ordination to transi tional diaconate: Aug. 21 n Ordination to priest hood: early 2011

Alessandro Borraccia

n Archdiocese of Milan, Italy n Second year theology n Pontifical Lateran University n Ordination to the transitional deaconate: early 2011 n Ordination to the priest- hood: mid-to-late 2011

The Apostles of the Interior Life is a public association of the Catholic faithful that has separate male and female branches. The female branch was founded in Rome on April 12, 1990, by Father Salvatore Scorza, a priest of the Diocese of Rome. The members dedicate their lives to God and to an apostolate of evangelization and spiritual direction. The community’s charism and rule of life were approved by the Diocese of Rome in 1996. Msgr. Vince Krische and other priests of the Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas invited the Apostles to Lawrence in 2003. There, they established a house and began to provide spiritual direction to students at the St. Lawrence Catholic Campus Center. In 2009, the Apostles established their provincial house in Overland Park. Today, the Apostles are recognized by the Diocese of Rome and the Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas. Worldwide, the Apostles have 14 vowed women, four in formation, and two discerning. In the United States, there are three female branch Apostles in Lawrence, three in Overland Park, and three at College Station, Texas. The male branch of the order was formally established in Rome by Father Scorza in 2007. All five men — three Americans and two Italians — live and study in Rome. After their ordinations and incardination as priests of the Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas, they will minister part time in Kansas, and study part time in Rome. The Apostles also have a growing number of lay associates, the majority of whom are in the archdiocese.


THE LEAVEN • march 19, 2010

THE LEAVEN • march 19, 2010



Catholics urged to contact ‘swing votes’ on health care

was deeply troubled to learn that Sister Carol Keehan, the chief executive for the Catholic Health Association, has urged members of the House of Representatives to vote for the Senate Health Care Reform Bill. This action by the Catholic Health Association could not come at a more critical time. As I write this article, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is promising a vote soon on health care reform, even while members of the House leadership admit they do not yet have enough votes for passage. One of the most critical groups standing in the way of passage by the House is pro-life Democrats. The Catholic Health Association’s position, in effect, provides cover for any member of the House who chooses to buckle under the pressure of the president and the Democratic leadership to accept government funding of abortion. They can now defend themselves by pointing out that Catholic health care leaders recommended they vote for the bill. The Catholic Health Association’s leadership took this action knowing that the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops continues to urge members of the House of Representatives to vote against the Senate bill, unless a way is found to amend the bill to prohibit federal funding of abortion and provide conscience protection for health care professionals as well as health care institutions. The National Right to Life Committee, as well as every other creditable pro-life organization, recognizes that the Senate bill allows for unprecedented government funding for abortion. Sister Keehan claims: “On the moral issue of abortion, there is no disagreement. On the technical issue of whether this bill prevents federal funding of abortions, we differ from Right to Life.” I find this statement by Sister Keehan either incredibly naïve or disingenuous. Either the bill permits previously prohibited government funding of abortion or not. This is not a technicality. The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, in its analysis of the Senate bill, identifies these specific problems with it: 1) The bill appropriates $7 billion for services at community health centers that can be used directly for elective abortions; 2) The bill uses federal funds to subsidize health plans that cover abortions. By subsidizing plans that cover abortions, the federal government will expand abortion coverage and make abortions more accessible; 3) The bill uses the power of the federal government to force Americans to pay for other people’s abortions, even if they are morally opposed to abortion. If the Senate had wanted to prohibit federal funding for abortion, all they had to do was accept the language that had been adopted by the House of Representatives by an overwhelm-

Catholic Health Association contact information Find information at the Web site at: www. chausa.org, or call Sister Carol Keehan at (800) 230-7823 or (202) 296-3993.

Message to members of the House of Representatives “I am pleased that the House health care bill maintains the long-standing policy against federal funding of abortion. On the other hand, the provisions on abortion funding in the current unamended Senate health care bill are seriously deficient and unacceptable. I urge you to work to uphold essential provisions against abortion funding, to include full conscience protection and to ensure that health care is accessible and affordable for all. I urge you to oppose any bill unless and until these criteria are met.” To send a prewritten, instant e-mail to Congress go to the Web site at: www.usccb.org/ action. The phone number for the U.S. Capitol switchboard is (202) 224-3121. If you have difficult getting through to your representative at the Capitol, call his or her local office. For those phone numbers, you can find information at the Web site at: www.house.gov.

List of key members of the House of Representatives Illinois: Jerry Costello - (202) 225-5661 Daniel Lipinski - (202) 225-5701 Indiana: Joe Donnelly - (202) 225-3915 Brad Ellsworth - (202) 225-4636 Baron Hill- (202) 225-5315 Kansas: Jerry Moran - (202) 225-2715 Lynn Jenkins - (202) 225-6601 Dennis More - (202) 225-2865 Todd Tiahrt - (202) 225-6216 Louisiana: Joseph Cao - (202) 225-6636 Michigan: Dale Kildee - (202) 225-3611 Bart Stupak - (202) 225-4735 Minnesota: James L. Oberstar - (202) 225-6211 North Dakota: Earl Pomeroy - (202) 225-2611 Ohio: Steve Driehaus - (202) 225-2216 Charles A. Wilson - (202) 225-5705 Marcy Kaptur - (202) 225-4146 Tim Ryan - (202) 225-5261 John A. Bocceri - (202) 225-3876 Pennsylvania: Christopher P. Carney - (202) 225-3731 Kathy Dahlkemper - (202) 225-5406 Jason Altmire - (202) 225-2565 Mike Doyle - (202) 225-2135 Paul E. Kanjorski - (202) 225-6511 Texas: Henry Cuellar - (202) 225-1640 Solomon P. Ortiz - (202) 225-7742 Virginia: Tom Perriello - (202) 225-4711 West Virginia: Alan B. Mollohan - (202) 225-4172 Nick Rahall - (202) 225-3452 Find information at: www.house.gov.

ing majority. The Senate rejected this language. Congressman Stupak, who authored

the House language, has invited President Obama and/or the Democratic leadership to use the Hyde Amendment language or similar language in several other already-enacted bills that clearly prohibit federal funding of abortion. To date, they have refused to accept language that has been used for decades to prevent federal funding of abortion. The president and the Democratic leadership reject this tried-andtrue language protecting taxpayers from having to fund abortion, all the while claiming that they do not want to change current policy. If this is really the case, why not use the language that has proven effective? Of course, abortion is not the only problem with the Senate bill. For instance, the bill fails to provide adequate conscience protection for health care professionals as well as institutions. One would think that the Catholic Health Association would be extremely concerned about conscience protection. However, if the Catholic Health Association is willing to compromise on government funding for abortion, then who needs conscience protection? I do not doubt the laudable intentions of Sister Keehan and the Catholic Health Association. No doubt they want to find a way to extend health care coverage to those who are not being served or not being served well by the current system. Providers of health care see gut-wrenching examples of those that the current health care system is failing. However, it is not permissible to try to improve the quality of life for some by cooperating in the killing of the most innocent and vulnerable members of our human family. To believe that President Obama and/or the Senate and House leadership will correct these abortion issues at a later date is foolish. They are the ones responsible for making members of Congress accept government funding of abortion as an integral part of so-called health care reform. President Obama has gone back on many of his campaign promises, but has been scrupulously faithful in his promises to Planned Parenthood and others in the abortion industry to advance their agenda. I urge you to contact your representative to urge him/her to vote against the Senate bill, unless someone finds a miraculous way to fix all of its problems. Moreover, although there are none in Kansas or Missouri, I encourage you to contact the members of Congress who have been identified as the critical swing votes on health care reform. These House members hold the fate of the entire nation in their hands. They need to hear from Ameri-

Publication No. (ISSN0194-9799)

Editor Reverend Mark Goldasich, stl frmark@theleaven.com

Senior Reporter Joe Bollig joe@theleaven.com

Advertising Representative Jennifer Siebes jennifer@theleaven.com

President Most Reverend Joseph F. Naumann

Managing Editor Anita McSorley anita@theleaven.com

Production Manager Todd Habiger todd@theleaven.com

Reporter KARA HANSEN kara@theleaven.com

Archbishop Naumann’s weekly calendar

March 19 Sixth anniversary of arrival in Kansas City

Heath care reform takes center stage Archbishop says CHA’s support of Senate Health Care Reform Bill provides political cover

Mass for the Little Sisters of the Lamb The Catholic Way recording March 20 Mass for the nocturnal adoration group — All Saints, Kansas City, Kan. March 20-21 Pastoral visit — St. Michael, Axtell; Holy Family, Summerfield March 22 U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops ProLife Committee meeting — Washington, D.C. March 23 Administrative Team meeting Priests Personnel meeting Confirmation — Most Pure Heart of Mary, Topeka March 24 Lunch meeting with Hispanic ministry priests Confirmation — St. John the Evangelist, Lawrence March 25 Catholic Education Foundation meeting — Christ the King, Kansas City, Kan. Dialogue with Benedictine College theology and philosophy students March 28 11 a.m. Palm Sunday Mass — Cathedral of St. Peter, Kansas City, Kan.

Archbishop Keleher’s weekly calendar

March 20 8 a.m. pro-life Mass — Sts. Cyril and Methodius, Kansas City, Kan. March 21 Confirmation — St. Joseph, Shawnee Confessions, Curé of Ars, Leawood March 22-24 Basilica Shrine of the Immaculate Conception meeting March 25 Confessions — Church of the Ascension, Overland Park March 28 Confessions — Church of the Nativity, Leawood

cans throughout the country. Finally, I encourage you to contact Sister Keehan and the Catholic Health Association expressing to them your disappointment in their willingness to accept government-funded abortion as part of health care reform.

Published weekly September through May, excepting the Friday the week after Thanksgiving, and the Friday after Christmas; biweekly June through August. Address communications to: The Leaven, 12615 Parallel Pkwy., Kansas City, KS 66109. Phone: (913) 7211570; fax: (913) 721-5276; or e-mail at: sub@theleaven.com.

Postmaster : Send address changes to The Leaven, 12615 Parallel Pkwy., Kansas City, KS 66109. For change of address, provide old and new address and parish. Subscriptions $18/ year. Periodicals postage paid at Kansas City, KS 66109.


By Joe Bollig


Leaven staff

ANSAS CITY, Kan. — Archbishop Joseph F. Naumann has joined a growing number of bishops who have criticized the Catholic Health Association’s support for the Senate Health Care Reform Bill. The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops and several individual bishops have spoken out in opposition to the bill because they believe it allows for federal funding of abortion and lacks conscience protection. In his column in this week’s Leaven (see page 2), Archbishop Naumann said he was “deeply troubled” to learn that Sister Carol Keehan, chief executive of the CHA, urged members of the House of Representatives to vote for the Senate’s health care legislation. He wrote that by voicing its support, the CHA has provided political cover to House members who wish to vote for the Senate’s bill, and that the CHA has taken this action knowing the U. S. bishops opposed the legislation. “I think the Catholic Health Association, to go off on its own in its position against pro-life groups and the leadership of the Catholic Church, is very distressing,” said Archbishop Naumann, in an interview prior to publishing his column. “I have no doubt of the good intentions of those in the Catholic Health Association, but their good intentions do not mitigate the effects of their poor judgment.” In a letter published March 15 on the CHA Web site, Sister Carol, a Daughter of Charity, called the coming vote on the Senate bill a “historic opportunity to make great improvements in the lives of so many Americans.” She conceded that the bill was flawed, but lauded it as a major first step. She also voiced “major concern on the life issues.” Sister Carol said that people would have to write a separate check for abortion coverage according to this legislation, and that monies for abortion coverage would be kept in a separate account, and thus no federal dollars would be used to fund abortion. “The insurance reforms will make the lives of millions more secure, and their coverage more affordable,” she wrote. “The reforms will eventually make affordable health insurance available to 31 million of the 47 million Americans currently without coverage.” She also said the bill had a “wonderful provision” that would provide $250 million over 10 years to help vulnerable women who are pregnant or already parents. Sister Carol also lauded the bill for including adoption assistance. But on March 15, Cardinal Francis George, archbishop of Chicago and president of the USCCB, also made available a press release stating that the bill was too flawed to support. In its analysis of the Senate bill, the USCCB identified three problems: one, that individuals or families would be forced to contribute to insurance plans that fund abortions; two, that billions

Health care reform continues to invite controversy. Archbishop Joseph F. Naumann has joined a growing number of bishops who have been critical of the Catholic Health Association’s support of the Senate Heath Care Reform Bill. of dollars in new funding for Community Health Centers will be available for elective abortions; and three, there are no conscience protections written into the bill. “This analysis of the flaws in the legislation is not completely shared by leaders of the Catholic Health Association,” wrote Cardinal George. “They believe, moreover, that the defects that they do recognize can be corrected after passage of the final bill.” “The bishops, however, judge that the flaws are so fundamental that they vitiate the good that the bill intends to promote,” he continued. “Assurances that the moral objections to the legislation can be met only after the bill is passed seem a little like asking us, in Midwestern parlance, to buy a pig in a poke.” The bishops’ disagreement with the CHA is not a matter of mere “quibbling over technicalities,” said the cardinal. “The deliberate omission in the Senate bill of the necessary language that could have taken this moral question

“I think it borders on the absurd to not realize the reason the Senate did not accept the language of the House [bill]. It’s obvious that they did not want to prevent government funding of abortion.” Archbishop Joseph F. Naumann

off the table and out of play leaves us still looking for a way to meet [President Obama’s] and our concern to provide health care for those millions whose primary care physician is now an emergency room doctor,” said Cardinal George.


wo basic principles shape the bishops’ concerns that the health care needs of all will be taken care of, and that the expansion of health care does not expand abortion funding or force everyone to pay for abortions. “Because these principles have not been respected, despite the good that the bill under consideration intends or might achieve, the Catholic bishops regretfully hold that it must be opposed unless and until these serious moral problems are addressed,” said Cardinal George. The USCCB has urged the Senate to adopt the language of the House bill, which follows long-standing policy, in the Hyde Amendment, of prohibiting federal funding for abortions. Archbishop Naumann said that the CHA’s leadership apparently misunderstands the content of the Senate’s bill. “I think it borders on the absurd to not realize the reason the Senate did not accept the language of the House [bill],” he said. “It’s obvious that they did not want to prevent government funding of abortion,” the archbishop continued. “The fact that they didn’t use accepted language, like the Hyde Amendment, again I think just illustrates how — despite the protestations of the president — they were trying to change existing federal policy regarding the funding of abortion.”

Where to go for more information The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops has produced a number of documents and other resources, many of them on its Web site, to help Catholics understand the church’s teaching about legislation concerning health care. To access these documents, go to: http://www.usccb.org/healthcare/official_documents.shtml. Additional announcements, fact sheets, commentary, letters and statements can be found at the USCCB’s Secretariat for Pro-Life Activities Web site at: http://www. usccb.org/prolife/issues/healthcare/ index.shtml. A particularly good in-depth analysis, “Response to Professor Jost on Abortion Funding,” can be found at: http://www.usccb.org/healthcare/ index.shtml. There is a very great danger that Catholics will be confused by the mixed messages coming from the CHA and the U.S. bishops, he said. “I think there’s a huge danger of confusion, and whether the people at the Catholic Heath Association understood it or not, that’s precisely what they are being used to do — to create confusion,” said Archbishop Naumann. “I think Catholics should understand that the bishops are the teachers of the church and the ones that are entrusted with the responsibility of applying the teaching to the current circumstances. And the CHA really doesn’t have [that] competency.”


THE LEAVEN • march 19, 2010

THE LEAVEN • march 19, 2010

Hayden grads carry high school’s values with them By Marc and Julie Anderson

Special to The Leaven

TOPEKA — Some kids agonize over their choice of high school. Not so with Jennifer Brennan-Emmert. For her, the choice was easy. “[Hayden] was comfortable,” said Brennan-Emmert, a 1989 Hayden graduate. “You felt part of a large family and, while you might not always see eye to eye with your brother or sister — just as in your own biological family — you still wanted to see everyone succeed and cheered for everyone there. All the teachers helped with that.” It’s no wonder that Hayden had that family feel for her. Several members of her family went there. In fact, when listing all her family members who were Hayden graduates, she stopped counting at around 50. That included her grandparents and parents as well as some of her aunts, uncles and cousins. Hayden truly is an “alma mater” — the Latin phrase which means “nourishing mother” or “fostering mother.” Within the city of Topeka, perhaps no other high school exemplifies that description better than Hayden, the city’s only Catholic high school. Hayden High School, founded in 1911 as Topeka Catholic High School by Father Francis Hayden, pastor of Assumption Parish, has educated four and sometimes five generations of some Topeka families. Due to its unique position as the only Catholic high school in a city of 122,600, the student population (currently 650) draws from all seven Topeka parishes. Like one’s own biological mother, it has fostered close bonds between Topeka Catholics and nourished her children with the Gospel message. “Hayden is blessed with four and five generations of family members who have attended the high school,” said Hayden principal Mark Madsen. “The shared value of religious education, the excellence in academic and athletic performance, and the experience of the close community spirit is why so many families have continued to send their children to Hayden High School. They want for their children what they experienced when they were at Hayden.” Generations of Topeka Catholics have sent their children to Hayden because of the faculty and staff that personified the great Hayden spirit. Brennan-Emmert remembers one in particular.

Leaven photo by Marc Anderson

Jennifer Brennan-Emmert, class of 1989, lights a candle in the chapel of the funeral home owned by her parents. She estimates at least 50 members of her family, including her parents, have graduated from Hayden High School. “Ben Meseke cared about everybody,” she said. “He was kind, considerate and caring. . . . He expected and demanded a lot out of everyone, but if there was a kid on the basketball team who needed new basketball shoes and couldn’t afford them, he would buy them.” “He also talked constantly about having a positive mental attitude,” she continued. “He said the right positive attitude makes all the difference in the world.”

Meseke’s words have helped her countless times, said Brennan-Emmert, who directs the funeral home owned by her parents, particularly when she has been especially close to families burying a loved one. And he has served as an example of selfless service. Partly thanks to Meseke, she has become a very active member of Mater Dei Parish. Currently, she serves as a room mother, Girl Scout leader, parish council member and

school council member, not to mention filling in wherever else there’s a need. “I kind of picture myself as a cheerleader and a person who fills in wherever necessary,” said Brennan-Emmert. “If the first-grade teacher says, ‘I need such-and-such,’ I say, ‘OK, I’ll do that for you.’ I love it.” Like Brennan-Emmert, Vance and Sally Hubbell said the role of Hayden cannot be overstated in their lives. The couple began dating their senior year and, after graduating in 1964, the pair said Hayden and the Topeka Catholic community continued to be a major influence in every aspect of their lives. Like Brennan-Emmert, the couple had a lot of family members who attended Hayden. Counting their own four children, they estimate nearly a dozen members of their family have graduated, representing three generations. Since their own graduations, the Hubbells have become active in Most Pure Heart of Mary Parish and also in Hayden High School’s Parents and Alumni for Catholic Education (PACE) organization, which raises money for the school through fundraisers, including concession stands at athletic events and an annual auction. Through the years, Vance Hubbell, a business owner, has served on the PACE board, solicited donations for the auction and helped with the alumni golf tournament. He has also held positions on both the parish and finance council, served with his wife as a lead couple for the region’s marriage preparation program and brought Communion to the homebound. Sally Hubbell, who said she was blessed to be a stay-at-home mom, has also been an active parishioner, sharing in some ministries with her husband, but also serving as an hourly coordinator for perpetual adoration, as a sacristan and a member of the parish’s family life committee. The Hubbells have made a host of friends within the Topeka Catholic community — many as a result of their connections to Hayden High School. Their children then formed friendships with the children of many of their parents’ friends, and so forth. At the time of their interview, the Hubbells were preparing for vacation with two other Hayden families. “Our parents and our Catholic ideals have inspired us to want to help others,”

Turn to “High school” on page 5

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High school fostered two priestly vocations from one class Continued from page 4 Sally Hubbell said. “We truly believe that everything we have is a gift from God, and we are called to use those gifts for the benefit of others — not just our own. “We both believe every child has the right to a Catholic education, and it is everyone’s responsibility to provide that education,” she continued. “It is wonderful to excel in academics, but children need to learn how to have a relationship with God and how to know, love, and serve him and their neighbor. This is the part of our education that brought us a great deal of happiness and satisfaction in our lives.” Like the Hubbells, Teresa Thomas, who graduated in 1969, said her years at Hayden were ones full of rich experiences that she continues to draw upon. “I can still remember vividly our senior retreat — a day of darkness followed by a day of light,” said the secretary for Sacred Heart-St. Joseph Parish, a combined parish with churches in both the downtown and Oakland areas of Topeka. “This retreat focused on relationships: from fantasy, to history, to our very personal ones with each other. It was in total contrast to the earlier retreats which had been days of almost total silence and inner reflection.” “That is not to say that the earlier ones were not good in their own way,” she continued, “but the new concept felt almost radical in its opposition to the normal paradigm. I have applied things I heard and discovered in those two days over and over throughout my life.” For Andrea Hillebert, principal of Mater Dei School and a 1988 graduate, this coming fall will mark the beginning of a new chapter in her connection to Hayden: The oldest of her four children will begin his freshman year. She, too, said the values and friendships formed during her years at Hayden have served her well professionally and personally. “Hayden encouraged us to serve in our community, to participate in the sacraments and to do the right thing at all times,” she said. “I use these same principles in my work as an educator and in my role as mother,” she continued. “For my Faith in Action (a semester-long service project completed during one’s senior year), I worked at the Capper Foundation, which was such a positive experience, I chose education as my area of study.” Hayden has also fostered several reli-

Andrea Hillebert, principal of Mater Dei and a member of Hayden High School’s class of 1988, took time off from her administrative duties to play atomic blasters with a few students. The girls — Josulyn Salsbury (left) and Mary McGuire — eagerly await final instructions prior to the start of the activity. Sally and Vance Hubbell, 1964 graduates of Hayden, show off their prayer corner, an area set aside in their bedroom for daily prayer. To the Hubbells, the prayer corner is a symbol of how richly God has blessed their lives as a result of their connections with Hayden High School and the greater Topeka Catholic community. Leaven photos by Marc Anderson

gious vocations, including those of two of the city’s seven pastors, Father Tim Haberkorn, pastor of Sacred Heart-St. Joseph, and Father Jerry Volz, pastor of St. Matthew Parish, both 1984 graduates. “I would say that it was the little things at Hayden that influenced me to eventually accept the call to the priesthood,” said Father Volz. “I recall the religion classes that formed me in the teachings of the church. I recall a class on death and dying and the trip we took to a funeral home and cemetery. I recall the Faith in Action class that took me to serve in environments like

the Kansas Neurological Institute, the VA hospital and nursing homes.” “Hayden is the only Catholic high school in Topeka and thus represents the entire city and surrounding area,” Father Volz continued. “It is truly a sign of the universal Catholic Church, as it includes youth from various social and ethnic backgrounds — rich and poor — coming together and having a common bond of faith.” Hayden is a blessing for the city of

Topeka as it continues to lead the city in academic performance and excellence and in service to the community, he said. All students practice stewardship in their individual parishes and throughout the city, as well as do their parents, showing a communal ownership and responsibility for its success. “Stewardship is the key to the success of the church universal as well as in Topeka,” he said. “And Hayden is a great example of stewardship in action.”

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THE LEAVEN • March 19, 2010

THE LEAVEN • march 19, 2010

JoCo Catholic high schools plan information fairs KANSAS CITY, Kan. — All parents of 5th-, 6th- and 7th-graders are invited to attend one of the Johnson County Catholic high school fairs that will be held at three elementary schools on three evenings in April. These include: Holy Trinity School, 93rd and Pflumm in Lenexa, on April 13 from 7 to 9 p.m.; St. Joseph School, 59th and Flint in Shawnee, on April 14 from 7 to 9 p.m.; and Holy Cross School, 8101 W. 95th in Overland Park, on April 20 from 7 to 9 p.m. The purpose of the fairs is to give parents a brief look at area Catholic high schools to help with the process of discerning the best one for their child. Representatives from Bishop Miege, St. James and St. Thomas Aquinas will be on hand to provide general information about each school.

Talent show celebrates women

‘Newsmakers’ Jill Jensen interviews Archbishop Joseph F. Naumann (center) and Bishop Robert Finn on March 8 at the World War I Museum at the Liberty Memorial for “Newsmakers,” four-and-a-half minute segments that will air on Time Warner and Comcast. The bishops taped two segments with topics ranging from pornography to vocations to KEXS Catholic radio. The interviews are scheduled to air near the beginning of “CNN Headline News” (Ch. 36 on Comcast; Ch. 43 on Time Warner) and will air at 54 minutes past the top of the hour. They will continue to air until the end of May. The interviews are also available “On Demand” at no charge and can be viewed on The Leaven’s Web site.

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Lawrence — “Genius of Women,” a talent show that celebrates the beauty, dignity, and gifts of all women, will be held on April 16 at 7:30 p.m. in the Gridiron Ballroom of the Burge Union at the University of Kansas here. The event is sponsored by the Institute of Faith and Culture at the St. Lawrence Catholic Campus Center. Both women and men come together to share songs, music, dance, poetry, reading, and artwork that honor true womanhood, with all its richness and diversity. Those participating in the show are KU students. Admission is free, but donations will be accepted.

Brothers will split time between Kansas and Rome Continued from page 1 canonical category that would allow them to incardinate or attach priests to their organization,” he continued. “Since they don’t have that capacity, they need to find another entity, such as a diocese, to which their priests could be connected.” Huber and the other members of the male branch of the Apostles of the Interior Life are grateful for this helping hand from Kansas. “We are extremely happy and grateful to Archbishop Naumann for being so generous,” said Huber, a 2000 graduate of St. Thomas Aquinas High School in Overland Park. “The priesthood is not anyone’s right. It’s an honor that Archbishop Naumann esteems us enough to trust our formation and give us this huge blessing.” Although the five men will officially be archdiocesan priests, they will live in community. The location hasn’t been determined, said Sister Susan Pieper, president of the female branch of the Apostles. They will likely be assigned to serve as associate pastors at different parishes in the same city or general area. “The plan is for the Brothers [the five male branch members] to live and minister in the archdiocese in July, August and September, and then to go back to Rome because most of

“We are extremely happy and grateful to Archbishop Naumann for being so generous. The priesthood is not anyone’s right. It’s an honor that Archbishop Naumann esteems us enough to trust our formation and give us this huge blessing.”

Vincent Huber, Apostles of the Interior Life seminarian

them still have to finish their studies,” said Sister Susan, who is at the Apostles’ Overland Park provincial house. “Also, they will be with the founder [Father Salvatore Scorza] who received the [new community’s] charism.” The Apostles asked the archdiocese to incardinate the “Brothers,” as the male branch members are called, because they have established a very good relationship with the archbishop and the people of the archdiocese. “This archbishop and archdiocese — more than any other —know us,”

said Sister Pieper. “Years might go by before we could approach another, so this is the most reasonable path. On a sentimental basis, we’ve got a relationship with this archdiocese, this archbishop, and the vicars general. This just seemed more rational and reasonable.” There is no set number of years the male Apostles will serve within the archdiocese, said Sister Pieper. That depends on how long it will take for the Apostles to achieve the necessary canonical status. It might take years. “I think [the arrangement] is mutually beneficial,” said Father Pennings. “It enables the Apostles of the Interior Life a mechanism for getting their candidates ordained and incardinated, and at the same time allows us to have some priests that will be available at least part time to assist in parish ministry.” “Another thing, too, is that eventually the Apostles of the Interior life who are being ordained priests hope to offer spiritual direction for parish priests,” he continued. “It’s really important if they are going to [do this] that they have some idea of what a parish priest does. This will give them the opportunity to work alongside diocesan priests and to learn the intricacies of parish life, and thus become better equipped to minister to priests.”

LOCAL NEWS 7 Jon Feder, a member of St. Michael the Archangel Parish in Leawood and Boy Scout Troop 92, has earned the rank of Eagle Scout. For his service project, Feder collected tattered American flags from his parish and troop for two months and conducted a formal Eagle scouts American flag retirement ceremony at St. Michael the Archangel School on Flag Day, June 14, 2009. Nathan Jones, a member of Boy Scout Troop 101 and Immaculate Conception Parish in Louisburg, has achieved the rank of Eagle Scout. He was honored in a Court of Honor ceremony on Jan. 2 at the church. For his Eagle project, Jones installed a commercial grade flag pole in front of the rectory at Immaculate Conception. It was then landscaped with paver bricks engraved with the priests’ names and years of service at the church, from 1886 to the present.

Eagle Scout policy: The Leaven prints Eagle Scout notices on a space availabe basis. All notices should have the Scout’s name, parish, troop number as well as his Eagle project. Notices can be e-mailed to: todd@theleaven.com.

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Recent Ward grads show their elders


Resurrection coaches Matt Orozco (white shirt) and Jake Miller (blue shirt) give their team a pep talk during a break in the action.

How the Game is Played

Setting it up

Dominic Kraly prepares to inbound the ball in a game against the CYO team of Good Shepherd, Shawnee. coaches decided to return “I think they’re great coaches,” he said. “They teach us a lot, and we have fun at practice. “I always shot with two hands, and now I shoot with one hand. They taught me a lot of plays. And I never used my pivot foot before; they taught me that, too.” And he thinks their youth is an advantage. “They could teach us more, and they don’t forget stuff easily,” he said. “You know old people; they forget stuff.”

By Jill Ragar Esfeld


ansas City, Kan. — Bishop Ward High School graduates Jake Miller and Matt Orozco love basketball so much they’re willing to make some serious sacrifices for the sake of the game. Or, more accurately, for the sake of students of Resurrection at the Cathedral Grade School, so they could learn to love the game, too. Miller, a parishioner of Cathedral of St. Peter and a freshman at the University of Kansas in Lawrence, drove back and forth to Kansas City, Kan., three nights a week and on weekends to help coach Resurrection’s seventh/eighth-grade boys CYO team. Orozco, a St. Agnes, Roeland Park, parishioner, shifted his work schedule to nights so he could make all the practices and games. “I’d go to practice from 6:30-8:30 [three evenings a week] and after that I’d go straight to work, till five in the morning,” he said. “On weekends, if it was an 8 o’clock game or an afternoon game, I’d just stay up and wait for the game.” Orozco is also a part-time student at Johnson County Community College. It’s hard to tell when he sleeps. The sacrifices, though, paid off.

‘Assistant’ coaches “When we took over the [seventhgrade] team last year, we had eight kids on the team and none of them wanted to play basketball past seventh grade,” said Miller. “This year we have 12 kids.” The way these coaches figure it, that’s success, regardless of what the scoreboard reads. “It’s not all about winning,” said Orozco. “It’s about grabbing the rebounds and everybody getting experience.” Resurrection eighth-grader Andrew Huey, Miller’s neighbor and his incentive for coaching CYO, explained his coaches’ philosophy. “They were happy if we gave 100 percent for the game,” he said, “if we tried our best.” Miller and Orozco met playing basketball at Bishop Ward. Orozco, a year ahead of Miller, graduated in 2008.

Photos by Chris Vaughan


Push it

Alex Villanueva looks for a weakness in his opponent’s defense as he sets up the Resurrection offense. The next year, when Miller was a senior, he happened to be talking with Andrew about CYO basketball. “I knew he’d never had a real coach,” he said. “They got a new coach every year, and teachers had filled in, just so the kids could play.” CYO rules require that coaches be 21 years old. But Miller wondered if he could coach the boys under the supervision of Andrew’s mother, Joanne Huey. He shared the idea with Orozco, who said he would be willing to help. “So I told Joanne to take the team over,” said Miller. “We would actually coach, and we would just have her sit on the bench.” “So, technically, I’m the head coach,” said Huey. “But this is really their baby. I’m just there because of the CYO technicality, and I’m happy to be there. I’m the team Mom.” Ann Golubski, who coaches fifth- and sixth-grade teams at Resurrection, taught the boys the ropes of CYO basketball. “Without her, I would not have understood how to do anything,” said Miller. “You know, it really is a job, and she kind

Talk it over

Andrew Huey talks strategy with Coach Miller during a timeout in Resurrection’s final game of the season.

of taught me and Matt the whole business side of it — how to schedule practices and all.” The first season went well. Parents were pleased with the coaching style and filled the stands every week. Bishop Ward seniors and former graduates who knew Miller and Orozco also came to cheer the team. “I think it meant so much to our boys to see the boys from high school there,” said Huey. “Matt and Jake not only got support from the team parents and friends, but from their own parents,” she added. “Even Jake’s grandma would come to the games.” As a matter of fact, Grandma Dottie became the team’s number one fan and inspiration — so much so that sometimes

they would cheer her name when they broke from a huddle.

Rebound Miller’s mother, Brenda Miller, attended many of the team’s games and was especially proud of her son’s coaching style. “They exemplified what CYO and coaching are supposed to be,” she said. Huey agreed, saying that Miller and Orozco always stayed focused on the love of the game and teaching the fundamentals. “We had some challenging games, some challenging calls,” she said. “Matt and Jake always kept their cool. They just wanted to make sure the kids understood what happened. They were always teach-

Team portrait

The Resurrection CYO basketball team: (back row) Sal Chinchilla; coaches Matt Orozco, Jake Miller, and Joanne Huey; Dominic Kraly; Andrew Ramirez; and Gustavo Pena; (front row) Baltizar Gurrola; Andrew Huey; Alex Villanueva; Anthony Torres; and Dustin Yonts. ing along the way.” Last year, the Resurrection team finished the season winning the third-place trophy on Miller’s 18th birthday. “That was a good birthday present,” he said. And that made it hard to let the team go. “We thought it would just be a one year thing,” said Orozco. “But we decided to come back and do it again this year.”

“We talked about it and we decided . . . we kind of owed it to them to come back this year,” said Miller. But this year, in addition to attending community college, Orozco was working a one-to-midnight shift. And Miller was a student at KU, living in Lawrence. “So Matt switched his whole work schedule, which has been really hard on him,” said Miller. “And I’ve struggled coming back every night.” “But I’ve never looked back and said it’s a bad idea,” he added. “It’s been hard at times, but I’ve always thought it was worth it.” Orozco agreed. “They are good kids and players,” he said. “They’re really coachable. You can tell them something once, and they’ll do it right away. Plus, we get to play ball with them, too.” Eighth-grader Tony Clark is happy his

Because they had five players this year who had never touched a basketball, there were a lot of lessons that needed to be taught. “Our ultimate goal was to teach them how to play, but to also teach them teamwork, because none of them had ever been part of a team before,” Miller said. But Orozco and Miller also said they worked hard at keeping the team positive. “There was a game they lost by three points,” recalled Miller. “Matt and I told them to keep their heads up because it wasn’t that they didn’t play well — they played their hardest; they did everything they could. “It was just that the other team was better and the other team won. If that’s the way they’re going to lose, then that comes down on me and Matt. “That doesn’t come down on the kids.” Overall, it was a successful season. “We did pretty good,” said Andrew. “We were five and two in the season and then, in the final tournament, we took fourth.” And the team knew the coaches were pleased with those results. “Because we gave it our 100 percent,” said Tony. Huey, who had the opportunity to observe two seasons as “head coach,” couldn’t be more impressed with her “assistant” coaches.” “I think what Matt and Jake have done for these boys is build up their character, build up their self-esteem, give them confidence — not just on the basketball court, but in life,” she said. “These guys went beyond coaching. These guys became their friends,” she added. Orozco admitted their players often confided in them during water breaks and asked for advice about everything from school grades to family problems.

“Actually we had one kid talk to us about a girl problem one time. It was funny,” he said. “Some of them don’t have older brothers they can talk to, and I’m glad they feel comfortable talking to us.” The coaches also gave their team some spiritual guidance. If they saw a player at Mass, especially serving, they would start that player or give him extra playing time. “We would always try to make them understand their faith comes first,” said Miller. “Tony had to leave from a game the other day because he had to go serve.” And they encouraged their eighthgrade players to continue with Catholic education. “There were a lot of kids talking about going to [a public school], and we would always tell them to go to Ward — never leave the Catholic education if they could,” said Miller.

“They are good kids and players. They’re really coachable. You can tell them something once, and they’ll do it right away. Plus, we get to play ball with them, too.”

Matt Orozco, Resurrection CYO coach

‘Their boys’

This year, the last game of the season fell on Miller’s birthday once again, but the results were not the same. “Even though we lost,” said Huey, “we all huddled around out in the parking lot, and parents came up to shake Jake’s and Matt’s hands and said, ‘Please come back again next year.’ “Jake’s grandma made cupcakes and brownies and packed a cooler of soda for the kids.” Even after the game, talking it over with his mom, Miller felt nothing but pride. “He said they did everything they were asked to do, and he wasn’t even upset that they lost,” she said. “He told me how well the team had done and that they could not have expected any more out of their boys.” Andrew will graduate from Resurrection this year, but hopes to try out for basketball at Bishop Ward next year. And what will he remember most from his CYO experience? “To always play my hardest and not lose confidence in myself,” he said.


THE LEAVEN • March 19, 2010

100 Anglican parishes seek to join Catholic Church ORLANDO, Fla. (CNS) — About 100 traditionalist Anglican parishes in the United States have decided to join the Catholic Church as a group. Meeting in Orlando, the House of Bishops of the Anglican Church in America voted to seek entry into the Catholic Church under the guidelines established in Pope Benedict XVI’s apostolic constitution “Anglicanorum Coetibus” (“Groups of Anglicans”), said a March 3 statement. The Anglican Church in America is part of the Traditional Anglican Communion, a group of churches which separated from the worldwide Anglican Communion in 1991. The Traditional Anglican Communion claims 400,000 members worldwide. The request means the 100 Anglican Church in America parishes will ask for group reception into the Catholic Church in a “personal ordinariate,” a structure similar to dioceses for former Anglicans who become Catholic. Churches under the personal ordinariate can retain their Anglican character and much of their liturgy and practices — including married priests — while being in communion with the Catholic Church. The Anglican Church in America is the third group of Anglican churches to respond positively to the Vatican’s invitation.

Mentors at transitional shelter help homeless seniors PHOENIX (CNS) — Ozanam Manor, a transitional senior housing facility here run by the Society of St. Vincent de Paul, offers much more to its guests than a bed and three meals a day. It provides caseworkers and mentors to help homeless men and women get back on their feet again. Jeanne O’Brien, a mentor at the shelter for nearly a decade and a member of the home’s advisory board, meets with some of the Ozanam residents for about an hour each week to help with life skills, while case managers often help with untangling government bureaucracy and making sure these seniors become qualified for future work. O’Brien has helped with basic literacy skills or showing residents how to keep a calendar and stay organized. She’s also just there to talk with people. “Maybe it’s the mother in me, and wanting people to succeed and not feel down,” O’Brien said of her volunteer work at the shelter.

THE LEAVEN • March 19, 2010

Conference views growing religious role in public life

Court ruling on ‘under God’ in pledge just common sense SAN FRANCISCO (CNS) — A federal appeals court’s ruling upholding the constitutionality of the phrase “one nation under God” in the Pledge of Allegiance is a “breath of fresh air from a court system that has too often seemed to be almost allergic to public references to God,” according to the head of the Knights of Columbus. Carl A. Anderson, supreme knight, also called the March 11 decision by a three-judge panel of the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, based in San Francisco, a “victory for common sense.” The Knights of Columbus, which led efforts to persuade Congress to add the phrase to the pledge in 1954, joined the case as defendants when it was filed in 2005 by California atheist Dr. Michael Newdow, a physician with a law degree. Writing for the majority in the 2-1 opinion, Judge Carlos T. Bea said, “Not every mention of God or religion by our government or at the government’s direction is a violation of the Establishment Clause” of the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. “The pledge is constitutional,” Bea added. “The Pledge of Allegiance serves to unite our vast nation through the proud recitation of some of the ideals upon which our republic was founded and for which we continue to strive: one nation under God — the founding fathers’ belief that the people of this nation are endowed by their Creator.” “Today, the (9th circuit) court got it absolutely right: Recitation of the pledge is a patriotic exercise, not a religious prayer,” Anderson said in a March 11 statement. “Best of all, the court said that the words ‘under God’ add a ‘note of importance which a pledge to our nation ought to have and which in our culture, ceremonial references to God arouse.”

By John Thavis

Catholic News Service

CNS photo/Alessandro Garofalo, Reuters


‘STATIONS OF THE CROSS’ APPLICATION FOR IPHONE — This image shows screenshots from the iTunes page that describes an application for the iPhone titled “Stations of the Cross,” which was developed by Ave Maria Press.

Yes, there are iPhone apps designed for Catholics By Mark Pattison

Catholic News Service WASHINGTON (CNS) — In a world that boasts continual technological change, the iPhone by Apple has gained near-iconic status. Even Apple boasts there are more than 140 million applications — or “apps,” in Apple-speak — that users can obtain for their phones. It only follows that there would be some clever Catholics who have devised apps to bolster people’s faith. Dave Brown of Bend, Ore., invented a virtual rosary-beads app as a sign of thanksgiving after doctors found a successful bonemarrow match for his kindergarten-age daughter in 2008, curing her of her leukemia. Brown used his know-how to design an iPhone app that allows the user to pray the rosary. The small screen has animated beads that can be moved with a touch. Corresponding prayers pop up on the screen, along with devotional images. The application knows which

mystery to pray on which day. It even knows where the user left off if the rosary is interrupted. The app also has Spanish and French capability. In California, the Riverside PressEnterprise daily newspaper reported that a San Bernardino priest will use an iPhone app to deliver daily inspirational video messages. Divine Word Father Michael Manning, who hosts a show on cable television’s Trinity Broadcasting Network, will make his iPhone debut in April. And, just in time for Lent, Ave Maria Press has developed its own app: a Stations of the Cross app. While already available free at Apple’s online iTunes app store, it was to be unveiled during the Los Angeles Religious Education Conference, to be held March 19-21. An announcement by Ave Maria said the app works on both the iPhone and the iPod Touch and features artwork by Michael O’Brien. It is based on a biblicalbased Way of the Cross conceived by Pope John Paul II in 1991.

PAINTING OF ARTIST CARAVAGGIO DISPLAYED OUTSIDE HOME WHERE HE WAS BORN — A painting of of Baroque artist Michelangelo Merisi, known as Caravaggio, is seen on a wall near the house where he was born in the northern Italian town of Caravaggio March 8. A selection of Caravaggio’s work is on display at the Scuderie del Quirinale building in Rome, celebrating the work of the Baroque master on the 400th anniversary of his death.

Museums lend Caravaggio masterpieces to Rome exhibit By Father Matthew Gamber

Catholic News Service

ROME (CNS) — Three Caravaggio masterpieces, originally painted in Rome but now part of U.S. museum collections, returned to Rome as part of a historic exhibit of the artist’s work. In a way, the paintings are on a pilgrimage back to their birthplace, said Elizabeth Lev, a Caravaggio expert and professor of art history at the Rome campuses of Duquesne University and the University of St. Thomas. “The bulk of Caravaggio’s greatest hits were produced in Rome, so U.S. museums allowing these works to return home to commemorate the 400th anniversary of their creator’s death strikes me as more than fitting,” Lev said. The show, simply titled “Caravaggio,” opened in February and runs until June 13 at the Scuderie del Quirinale, an exhibition space in central Rome that once housed the pope’s horses and carriages. Michelangelo Merisi, who later called himself Caravaggio, was a native of Milan who came to Rome in the 16th

century and revolutionized painting with his realistic style, using common people as models and depicting stark contrasts between darkness and light. The Rome exhibit of his work contained a mix of sacred and secular themes that shows the range of Caravaggio’s career, which was cut short when he died at age 39 of the flu. Paintings such as “The Adoration of the Shepherds” and “The Annunciation” hang near images of the slightly drunk “Bacchus” and the lusty cupid of “Love Conquers All.” But no matter the topic, Lev said, what was new about Caravaggio was how he used the people and atmosphere of real Roman street life in his art. “When Caravaggio painted a holy story, he didn’t reflect the world of luxury and ease, he painted the men and women working in the street,” she said. “While other artists airbrushed models to a plastic perfection, Caravaggio gave us rough bare feet, filthy clothes, wrinkled faces and dirty fingernails,” Lev said. Lev thinks that the exhibit presents a challenge to all who see it.

VATICAN CITY (CNS) — The role of religion in public life, long written off by many in secular societies, is growing steadily around the world and demands closer attention by civil authorities, speakers at a Rome conference said. “Religion has been and will continue to be a powerful force that shapes and is shaped by historical experiences,” said Miguel H. Diaz, U.S. ambassador to the Vatican. “In our times, we have all witnessed the positive as well as the negative impacts of religion at the level of national and international relations,” Diaz said. “Today, consensus is on the rise that no nation can bypass the contribution of religion if we are to address successfully the signs of our time.” He spoke at a conference March 11 on Christians, Muslims and their relationship with civil authority, sponsored by the Italian Catholic magazine “30 Giorni.” Fred Dallmayr, who teaches political theory at the University of Notre Dame, told participants that today’s “postsecular” society offers a role for religion that was foreseen when Christ urged his followers to be the “salt of the earth” — a term that Dallmayr said rejects religion’s retreat from the world as well as its complete assimilation with the political order. Modern societies and faiths are struggling to achieve this balance, and avoid the “derailment” of religion through its privatization or its politicization, he said. A recent report recommending more positive and sensitive U.S. engagement of religions around the world briefly took center stage in a talk by R. Scott Appleby, director of the Joan B. Kroc Institute for International Peace Studies at Notre Dame.

world 11

Abuse cases show need for greater women’s role VATICAN CITY (CNS) — A greater presence of women in decision-making roles in the church might have helped remove the “veil of masculine secrecy” that covered priestly sex abuse cases, a front-page commentary in the Vatican newspaper said. The article said that despite calls by popes and others for welcoming women into equal, though diverse, roles in the church, women have generally been kept out of positions of responsibility. As a result, the church has failed to take advantage of the many talents and contributions that could have been provided by women, it said. The article, published March 10 by L’Osservatore Romano, was written by Lucetta Scaraffia, an Italian journalist and history professor who has been a frequent contributor to the Vatican paper in recent years. As an example of what the church has lost by not taking advantage of women’s contributions, Scaraffia pointed to the “painful and shameful situations” of sexual abuse by priests against the young people entrusted to their pastoral care. “We can hypothesize that a greater female presence, not at a subordinate level, would have been able to rip the veil of masculine secrecy that in the past often covered the denunciation of these misdeeds with silence,” the article said. “Women, in fact, both religious and lay, by nature would have been more likely to defend young people in cases of sexual abuse, allowing the church to avoid the grave damage brought by these sinful acts,” it said.

Homilies should be under eight minutes, says synod office head VATICAN CITY (CNS) — Homilies should be no longer than eight minutes — a listener’s average attention span, said the head of the synod office. Priests and deacons should also avoid reading straight from a text and instead work from notes so that they can have eye contact with the people in the pews, said Archbishop Nikola Eterovic, secretary-general of the Synod of Bishops. In a new book titled, “The Word of God,” the archbishop highlighted some tips that came out of the 2008 Synod of Bishops on the Bible. The Vatican newspaper, L’Osservatore Romano, reproduced a few passages from the book in its March 10 edition.

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M-F 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Sat. 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. | Summer Months: Sat. 10 a.m to 3 p.m.

12 CLASSIFIEDS Employment Principal - Padre Pio Academy, a K - 8 Catholic grade school in Shawnee, seeks qualified applicants that are loyal to the magisterium of the Catholic church to apply for the position of principal. For detailed information about the school, visit the Web site at: www.padrepioacademy.org. Interested candidates may call (913) 268-3155. Principal - Maur Hill-Mount Academy, Atchison, is seeking a faith-filled, proven leader for our Catholic, international, college preparatory, day and residency high school. Maur Hill-Mount Academy is a coeducational, comprehensive, 9th - 12th grade school with 178 students enrolled and 50 staff employed. The school, accredited by the Kansas State Department of Education and the AdvancEd international accreditation agency, offers a full complement of activities in addition to a college preparatory curriculum. MH-MA prides itself in educating young men and women in the Benedictine tradition — prayer, work, and community. In order to lead the school’s faith initiatives, the new principal will be expected to be a practicing Catholic, a person of great faith, and a registered and active member of his or her parish. In addition, the new principal must be skilled in curriculum and instruction, staff development, and general school operations. The principal is expected to be the instructional leader of the school. Experience with residential secondary education and experience in Catholic school leadership are preferred. Interested individuals should complete the principal application on the education office’s Web site at: www.archkckcs.org and send cover letter, resume, and pastor letter of reference by March 24, to: Maur Hill-Mount Academy, c/o Dr. Kathleen O’Hara, Superintendent of Schools, Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas, 12615 Parallel Pkwy., Kansas City, KS 66109. Documents may be e-mailed to: kohara@archkckcs.org. Pastoral associate - St. Nicholas Parish, Hays, Kan., is seeking applications for the position of Pastoral Associate. If interested, call (785) 628-1446 or visit the Web site at: www.stn-church.com. Part-time bowling machine mechanic - St. John’s Catholic Club, Kansas City, Kan., is looking for someone to maintain a six-lane house in the church’s men’s club. All late model 1960s Brunswick equipment. Call Kenny at (913) 788-9758. Bishop Ward High School - Is seeking a physics/ chemistry teacher for the 2010 - 11 year. Applicants should contact Mr. Dennis Dorr, principal, at (913) 3711201 or send an e-mail to him at: ddorr@wardhigh.org. Financial representative - Due to the success and growth of the Knights of Columbus, we are adding financial representatives in the Kansas City and Emporia areas. This position is ideal for a determined, highenergy, high-expectation, professional, self-disciplined, independent individual desiring to serve others, yet earn a better-than-average income. We provide top-rated financial products to our members and their families and will provide excellent benefits and training. For information or an interview, contact John A. Mahon, 307 Dakota, Holton KS 66436; or call (785) 364-5450.

Services Clutter Getting You Down?- Let Us Help You Get Organized! For a free consultation, contact Kevin, your professional organizer/handyman, at (913) 271-5055. Insured/references. www.KOATindustries.com. Housecleaning - Southern Johnson County area. Experienced, dependable, trustworthy. Affordable rates. Call Kathy at (913) 593-3795. Husband and wife cleaning team - Reasonable rates; references provided. Call (913) 940-2959. Housecleaning - I will clean your house the old fashioned way – hand mopping, etc. 20+ years experience, excellent references, free estimates. Call Sharon at (816) 322-0006. Cleaning - Housekeeping, small office maintenance, post-construction cleaning. Plaza to Johnson County. Experienced, detailed, reliable, insured. Excellent references. Contact Phyllis at (913) 220-3322 or send an e-mail to her at: pculli61@yahoo.com. Bankruptcy - When debt becomes overwhelming, seek professional help. Experienced, compassionate Catholic attorney Teresa Kidd. For a confidential, no obligation consultation, call (913) 422-0610; or send an e-mail to: tkidd@kc.rr.com.

THE LEAVEN • MARCH 19, 2009 Counseling - Confidential and affordable individual, marriage and family counseling and outpatient substance abuse treatment. Call JB Strong, MA, LCPC, AAPS (913) 722-1118 or visit: www.outpatientalcohol drugtreatment.com. Tree service - Pruning ornamental trees for optimal growth and beauty and removal of hazardous limbs or problem trees. Free consultation and bid. Safe, insured, professional. Brad Grabs, Green Solutions of KC, (913) 244-5838. www.GreenSolutionsKC.com. Yardwork and tree trimming Many references. Insured and bonded. Local parishioner. Free estimates. Call (913) 620-6063. Machine quilting - by Jenell Noeth, Basehor. Also, quilts made to order. Call (913) 724-1837. Caregiver needed - Looking for a companion to keep elderly lady company a few nights or mornings each week. Light housekeeping and meal preparation. Extra time may be offered for summer when main caregiver is away. Must like dogs and be flexible. Prefer someone without small children. Call (913) 449-6303. Caregiving - Everyone wants and deserves the BesCare for their loved ones at an affordable price. We provide hourly, daily, weekly, or around-the-clock care including weekends and holidays. You can count on BesCare. Call (913) 638-5385. Caregiving - Mature lady experienced with elderly care will care for your loved one in their home. Good references, reliable transportation, well qualified. Available any time. Honest and dependable. Leawood, OP and Prairie Village areas. Call Flora at (816) 322-9956, mobile, or (816) 921-8223, home. Caregiving - We provide personal assistance, companionship, care management, and transportation to the elderly and disabled in home, assisted living and nursing facilities. We also provide respite care for main caregivers needing some personal time. Call Daughters & Company at (913) 341-2500 and speak with Laurie, Sara or Gary. Retired nurse - Will provide child or elder care, do housecleaning, run errands, and provide transportation to/from appts. Reasonable rates, excellent references. Years of experience with seniors. Call Pam at (913) 5795276. Do you or your parents need help at home? - For as little as $60 per week, Benefits of Home-Senior Care can provide assistance with personal care, shopping and many other daily needs. For details, visit our Web site at: benefitsofhome.com or call (913) 422-1591. Increase your income – Interest rates are low, but a gift annuity with the Catholic Foundation of Northeast Kansas often pays effective rates of over 10 percent for the rest of your life. Your gift benefits your parish or another Catholic organization of your choice in the archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas. You may even get a tax deduction. For information, call (913) 647-0365.

Electrician - Free estimates; reasonable rates. JoCo and southern KC metro area. Call Pat at (913) 963-9896.

For Rent

Swalms Organizing Service - Basements, garages, attics, and shop spaces organized! Items sorted, boxed & labeled; areas cleaned when finished! Clean out services also available. Great references and insured. For pictures of current projects, visit the Web site at: www.swalms. com. Call Tillar Swalm at (913) 375-9115.

Apartment for rent - 1 BR in Shawnee. $500/ month; includes utilities. 10911 W. 59th Terr. St. Jospeh Parish, Shawnee. To view, call (913) 649-7596 or visit the Web site at: www.shawnee-rentals.com.

Tim the Handyman - Insured; free estimates. Carpentry: new and repair deck, doors, windows, siding, screens. Plumbing: faucet, garbage disposals, toilets. Electrical: switches, outlets, ceiling fans, light fixtures. Light landscape: fill dirt, trimming, planting, garden tilling and mulching. Serving Johnson County. Call Tim at (913) 859-0471. The Drywall Doctor, Inc. - A unique solution to your drywall problems! We fix all types of ceiling and wall damage — from water stains and stress cracks to texture repairs and skim coating. We provide professional, timely repairs and leave the job site clean! Insured and serving the metro since 1997. Call (913) 768-6655. Adept Home Improvements Where quality still counts! Basement finishing, Kitchens and baths, Electrical and plumbing, Licensed and insured. (913) 599-7998 Custom countertops - Laminates installed within 5 days. Cambria, granite, and solid surface. Competitive prices, dependable work. Call the Top Shop, Inc., at (913) 962-5058. Members of St. Joseph Parish, Shawnee. Tile and painting - Complete tile and paint repairs and renovation. Ceramic, porcelain, certified limestone tile master. Complete interior paint services and drywall texture finishes. Over 20 years experience. Fully licensed. Service 7 days a week. Contact Mike at (913) 488-4930. Member of Church of the Ascension Parish, Overland Park. Homeowners - We recently ran an ad for our construction services that mistakenly informed that using an unlicensed lead-based contractor could result in fines of up to $32,000 against the homeowner. We have recently been informed that the fine is against the contractor. We apologize for any inaccuracy or inconvenience this may have caused. In most cases, lead work can be performed at nominal cost or within the normal construction cost. Thank you, In-Land Construction Services LLC. For additional information, call (913) 839-8500 or send an e-mail to: in-landconstruction@ comcast.net. EL SOL Y LA TIERRA *Commercial & residential * Lawn renovation * Mowing * Clean-up and hauling * Dirt grading/installation * Landscape design * Free estimates Hablamos y escribimos Ingles!! Call Lupe at (816) 252-3376

Home Improvement Interior and exterior painting and wallpaper removal - 30-plus years experience. Quality work; excellent references; reasonable rates. Senior discount. Member of St. Ann Parish, Prairie Village. Call Joe at (913) 620-5776. Painting, exterior and interior, drywall projects, powerwashing, rotted window sills repaired - Quality products. 20 years experience. References. Call (913) 341-7584. Father and son team - Spring is just around the corner. Thinking about a new deck, retaining wall, fence or even a metal building? We can do it for a reasonable price. Call Josh at (913) 709-7230. STA (Sure Thing Always) Home Repair - Basement finish, bathrooms and kitchens; interior & exterior repairs: painting, roofing, siding, wood replacement and window glazing. Call for free estimates. Cell: (913) 5791835; phone: (913) 491-5837; e-mail: smokeycabin@hotmail.com. Member of Holy Trinity Church, Lenexa. Masonry work – Quality, new or repair work. Brick, block, and chimney/fireplace repair. Insured; second generation bricklayer. Call (913) 829-4336.



Real Estate Land for sale in Archie, Mo. - 47 beautiful, wooded acres. Two ponds alongside the Grand River. Call (913) 631-5644. Two-story, 4 BR, family home - On a cul-de-sac within walking distance of St. Thomas Aquinas High and JCCC. Updated, open kitchen and family room, finished lower level, office/sitting room off master. Spacious fenced yard with deck and patio. Compare price, $219,000. $8,000 potential tax credit. 11535 Bradshaw. Call Rosemary at Masters GMAC at (913) 661-9744. Kanas Land - Buy or Sell 1 (800) 557-9151 www.KansasLandBrokers.com Prairie Village - Large 5 BR, 3 BA home with open floor plan. 3 BR and 2 BA on main floor; 2 BR and full bath upstairs. Formal living room w/ gas fireplace and builtin bookcase. New furnace, paint, stove and refrigerator. Fenced backyard, new deck, exterior vinyl siding, new driveway soon. Close to St. Ann Parish. Call (913) 4844245 or visit the Web site at: homesbyowner.com/99926.

Overland Park apartment - 1 BR; $550/mo. Great location — near Oak Park Mall off 95th St. and Hwy. alt. 69. Large bedroom and living room, bathroom, kitchen and dining area. Lots of closet space, plus bsmt. with storage unit provided. Dishwasher, washer/dryer. Access to swimming pool and play area. Call David at (785) 5547787 or (913) 248-1007. Living at its best on a budget! - 1 BR apt., with rent based on income; all utilities paid; no voucher needed. Section 8 assistance. Great location, only 5-10 minutes from The Legends in Kansas City, Kan. Edwardsville Court Apartments Highrise, 531 S. 4th St., Edwardsville. Call (913) 441-6007. EHO. Handicap accessible.

Vacation Ski cabin in Winter Park, Colo. – 2 BR, 1 BA, on free ski shuttle route. $110/night. Call (913) 642-3027. To view pictures, visit the Web site at: cabin.forcadeassociates.com. Ski vacation - Winter Park, Colo. 2 BR, 1 BA; sleeps 6. Fully furnished, fireplace, rec. center with pool & hot tub. $125/night; $750/week. Call Joe Frederick at (913) 385-5589.

For sale Residential lifts - Buy/sell/trade. Stair lifts, porch lifts, ceiling lifts and elevators. Recycled and new equipment. Member of St. Michael the Archangel Parish, Leawood. Call Silver Cross KC at (913) 393-2042. New Kansas Irish book - “Irish Settlers of Kansas: Memories of the Pioneer Life,” a book by Patricia Callahan Walkenhorst, Father John Lahey and Ellen Cregan Anderton, is packed with handed-down-throughfamilies memories of Irish pioneer life. This collection of real names, places and stories is now condensed into one exciting read. Cowboys and Indians, disastrous weather and Civil War tales abound, along with stories of the clergy who helped build the beloved churches and schools of the Plains. $20. Call Pat at (816) 228-7452 or send an e-mail to her at: patacall@yahoo.com.

Childcare Licensed parents day out program - For special needs children, ages one-year to kindergarten. I am a member of Queen of the Holy Rosary Parish in Overland Park. I have many years of experience in the field, and excellent references. Call Mary Catherine at (913) 7095884. Part-time after school care needed - For 9-yr-old boy in our Olathe home. Approx. 12 - 13 hrs. per week. Must be 16 or older, dependable, and able to provide three references. Salary based on experience. Contact Len at (913) 638-0355.

Wanted to buy ***WANTED*** I buy coins, older watches, silverware, slot machines, old rifles and shotguns, stoneware crocks and jugs, old furniture from basement or attic. Call Chris at (913) 593-7507 or (913) 642-8269 Will buy firearms and related accessories - One or a whole collection. Honest evaluation and top prices paid. Contact Tom at (913) 238-2473. Member of Sacred Heart Parish, Shawnee.

Entertainment Disc jockey - For your wedding, kolos, nightclubs, corporate parties, teenage celebrations, holiday parties, sock-hops, ethnic, birthdays, holiday parties, hip-hop/ rap, golden oldies. Member of St. Therese Parish, KCMO. Call Zepster’s A to Z Party DJ’s at (816) 741-4777.



Archbishop Emeritus James P. Keleher will celebrate the archdiocesan monthly pro-life Mass at 8 a.m. on March 20 at Sts. Cyril & Methodius Church, 44 N. Mill, Kansas City, Kan., followed by a rosary procession to an abortion clinic four blocks away. Eucharistic adoration is available for those not processing; Benediction concludes services at 9:45 a.m. St. Aloysius and St. Theresa parishes will host “Set Our Hearts on Fire,” a one- day retreat for women, from 9 a.m. - 2 p.m. on March 20 at St. Aloysius Church, 615 Wyandotte, Meriden. The guest speaker will be Patty Schneier from the Archdiocese of St. Louis. To register, mail a $10 check, payable to St. Theresa Church, to: P.O. Box 42, Perry KS 66073. For information, call Ruth at (785) 597-5663.

March 21 in the parish hall. All proceeds will benefit Lt. Dan Cnossen, a member of the parish who was injured in the line of military duty. A freewill offering will be collected.


A healing Mass, sponsored by archdiocesan charismatic prayer groups, will be held at 7:30 p.m. on March 23 at Curé of Ars Church, 9401 Mission Rd., Leawood. Father Dennis Wait will preside; fellowship follows. The Keeler Women’s Center, 2220 Central Ave, Kansas City, Kan., will offer a five-part personal growth series for women from 6:30 - 8 p.m. on Tuesdays, beginning March 23. This program is designed to increase self-confidence and develop more positive relationships at home and at work in order to achieve a higher level of success. For information or to register, call (913) 906-8990 or visit the Web site at: www.mountosb.org/kwc.


A memorial liturgy for deceased loved ones will be held at 8 a.m. on March 20 at Curé of Ars Church, 9401 Mission Rd., Leawood. The bereavement ministry will have its monthly meeting following Mass in the Father Burak Room. The topic will be “That’s how it is . . . with grief and loss.” For information, call (913) 649-2026.

“When Your Family Changes through Separation or Divorce: What Women Need to Know to Protect Themselves,” a program for women, will be offered from 1 - 2:30 p.m. on March 24 at the Keeler Women’s Center, 2220 Central Ave., Kansas City, Kan. For information or to register, call (913) 906-8990 or visit the Web site at: www.mountosb. org/kwc.

The Shawnee Knights of Columbus, Council No. 2332, will host their final polka dance of the season on March 20 in their hall, located at 11221 Johnson Dr., Shawnee. The cost of $35 per couple (or $20 per individual) includes a rib-eye steak dinner. Doors open at 6:30 p.m.; dinner will be served at 7 p.m.; dancing to the sounds of the Brian McCarty Band will follow. For information or to RSVP, call Dan Nicks at (913) 631-4633.

The Rockhurst University Library Guild will host its annual critique luncheon on March 25 at the Carriage Club, 5301 State Line Rd., Kansas City, Mo. Award-winning author Diane Eickhoff will be the guest speaker. The cost is $30 per person. All proceeds will benefit the Rockhurst University Library. For information or to RSVP, contact Tori at (816) 501-4807.

The Knights of Columbus, Council No. 2608, will host their annual auction for the seminarians on March 20 in the basement of Sacred Heart Church, 312 NE Freeman, Topeka. The Knights will provide the meat and beverages; bring a covered dish to share. The doors will open at 5:30 p.m., with the auction following dinner. Donated auction items are still being accepted. For information or to donate, call John Reb at (913) 2355875, Frank Davis at (913) 235-5845, or Bill Reeb at (913) 271-6798.


Blessed Sacrament Church, 2203 Parallel Ave., Kansas City, Kan., will present “Highlights from Mozart’s Requiem: Taking a Deeper Look” at 4 p.m. on March 21. This event will be performed by Mark Volk on piano and the newly assembled vocal chamber group Caelestis Harmonia. A freewill offering will be collected. The Knights of Columbus, Council No. 13012, of St. Matthew Parish, 1000 S.E. 28th St., Topeka, will host a benefit breakfast from 7:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. on


“Give Yourself Credit,” a six-week program on personal credit topics for women with credit problems or those who want to avoid credit problems, will be held from 1 - 3 p.m. on Thursdays, beginning March 25, at the Keeler Women’s Center, 2220 Central Ave., Kansas City, Kan. For information or to register, call (913) 906-8990 or visit the Web site at: www.mountosb.org/kwc. The Sanctuary of Hope, 2601 Ridge Ave., Kansas City, Kan., will host a recreation of the Last Supper from 7 - 8:30 p.m. on March 25. For information or to RSVP, contact Julie at (913) 321-4673 or send an e-mail to her at: julie@ sanctuaryofhope.org.


Catholic Community Hospice will host Stations of the Cross at 7 p.m. on March 26 at Curé of Ars Church, 9401 Mission Rd., Leawood. Holy Family Church, 274 Orchard St., Kansas City, Kan., will host adoration of the Blessed Sacrament and Benediction

from 8:30 - 11:30 a.m. on Fridays during Lent following the 8 a.m. Mass.


Bishop Ward High School will host its hall of fame induction ceremony and dinner at 5:30 p.m. on March 27. Five individuals who represent the legacy and tradition of Bishop Ward will be honored. Tickets cost $125 per person. To RSVP, visit the Web site at: www. cyclonecountry.org; contact Amy Nelson at (913) 371-6901; or send an e-mail to her at: anelson@wardhigh.org. The Johnson County Unos will gather for the 4:30 p.m. Mass on March 27 at St. Pius X Church, 5601 Woodson, Mission. Dinner will follow at Applebee’s, 6800 Johnson Dr., Mission. The Greenway Auction will be held on March 27 at McGilley Field House on the campus of Saint Mary University, 4100 S. 4th St., Leavenworth. The auction benefits Xavier Elementary and Immaculata High School. Count on delicious food, fun, and silent and live auctions. Doors open at 5 p.m. Tickets cost $35 at the door. For information, call (913) 682-7801 or visit the Web site at: www.greenwayauction. org.


In commemoration of the 30th anniversary of the assassination of Archbishop Oscar Romero, the Salvador Faith Accompaniment Committee will host a showing of the movie “Romero” at 7:30 p.m. on March 30 at the Tivoli Theatre, 4050 Pennsylvania, Kansas City, Mo. For information, contact Julie Spaeth at (816) 510-1713.



Singles Extravaganza 4, a citywide singles event, will be held from 6 p.m. - midnight on April 3 at the Doubletree, Overland Park. Every singles group in the KC metro area is invited to join for a jam-packed evening of fun, inspiration, and entertainment. Sign up now to enjoy the mingle hour, exhibit booths, bands, and dancing to the sounds of DJ Zepster. For information or to register as an exhibitor, visit the Web site at: www.singles mall.com/boothrentals.html.


The music department at Bishop Miege High School, 5041 Reinhardt Dr., Roeland Park, will host a barbershop concert at 7 p.m. on April 8 in the auditorium. The concert will feature a performance by the district champion Central Standard Chorus and second-place winner Harmony Explosion, joined by the Stag Singers and the Stag Tones Quartet. Tickets cost $5 at the door. The Ladies of Charity of Metropolitan Kansas City will gather for Mass at 10 a.m. on April 8, followed by a general meeting and luncheon, at Church of the Nativity, 3800 W. 119th St., Leawood.

The Ladies of Charity is a nonprofit organization that benefits the Duchesne Clinic, Seton Center and Villa St. Francis. Anyone interested in joining or learning more about The Ladies of Charity is welcome to attend. The cost is $12 per person. For information or to RSVP by March 31, contact Pam Franchett at (913) 592-2706.


The Johnson County Unos will hold their monthly meeting and potluck dinner at 5 p.m. on April 9 at St. Pius X Church, 5601 Woodson, Mission. Bring meat casseroles, salads, vegetables or desserts — enough to feed 8 — or $5 to pay for your meal.

Misc. There are 14 men in the My House men’s groups that have broken free from pornography for over one year! Also, the My House women’s group is available for wives and loved ones who are healing from the effects of their loved one’s struggles. For more information, visit the Web site at: LoveIsFaithful.com. The Singles of Nativity, for all singles 35 and up, welcomes newcomers to its weekly Bible study on Sundays at 9 a.m. in the Nativity conference room, 3800 W. 119th, Leawood, followed by 10:30 a.m. Mass. For information, send an e-mail to Randall at: gaelwynn@yahoo.com. St. Thomas Aquinas High School will offer a variety of summer camps for girls and boys in grades K - 8. These camps are a great way to learn and develop skills in an enjoyable, positive, Catholic setting. Camps include baseball, basketball, cake decorating, dance team, cross country, football, sewing, soccer, softball, volleyball, youth speed and agility, and wrestling. For information or to register, call Michelle at (913) 319-2416 or visit the Web site at: www.stasaints. net/summercamps. El Centro, Inc., will offer classes in financial literacy, home improvement, and home buyer education. The classes are free and open to the public. All classes are held at 650 Minnesota Ave., Kansas City, Kan. Participants are asked to preregister. For dates and times of classes, call (913) 677-0100. El Centro, Inc., will organize volunteer income tax preparation assistance for households earning less than $49,000 per year. These sessions are free and open to the public. Sessions to be held either at Catholic Charities, 2200 Central Ave., Kansas City, Kan., or at Living Waters Fellowship Church, 217 W. Park St., Olathe. For information on dates and times of classes, contact Catholic Charities at (913) 621-1504 or Living Waters Fellowship Church at (913) 780-1655.

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Serving JO.,WYAN.,LEAV.,&DOUGLAS Counties


THE LEAVEN • March 19, 2010

THE LEAVEN • March 19, 2010

Love of neighbor evident in ACTS 2010 results

Mark my words

Catholic Press Association Award Winner 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009

Archbishop Edward O’Meara Award Winner 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2001, 2002, 2003

Quote Week

of the

“I think it borders on the absurd to not realize the reason the Senate did not accept the language of the House [bill]. It’s obvious that they did not want to prevent government funding of abortion.” Archbishop Joseph F. Naumann See story on page 3


When’s the last time you did something new?

t’s almost March 20, time for spring to spring! Until it gets here officially, ponder this little story by Howard Hendricks, a professor at Dallas Theological Seminary and a Promise Keepers speaker: There was once a student who worked in the college dining hall. On his way to work early each morning, he walked past the home of one of his professors. Through a window, he could see the light on and the professor at his desk. At night, the student stayed at the library until closing. On his return trip home, he would again see the professor at his desk, poring over his books and notes. After class one day, the professor was walking through the courtyard when this student approached him with several lecture questions to clarify. Finally, the student asked, “Would you mind if I asked you a more personal question?” “Of course not,” said the professor. The student asked, “Well, every day I walk by your house and you are so intent at work. What keeps you studying? You never seem to stop.” The professor answered, “Well, you see, it’s all for you students. I would rather have you drink from a running stream than from a stagnant pool.” (Adapted from a story found in “Sower’s Seeds of Encouragement: Fifth Planting” by Brian Cavanaugh, TOR.) Which are you: a stagnant pool or a running stream? I would suspect that there are a lot of “stagnant pools” out there, especially after the long and rough winter that we’ve just experienced. You’re probably stagnant if you find yourself merely enduring life rather than savoring it. If each day seems a drudgery — you do the same

things in the same way at the same time over and over again you might catch yourself wondering: Is this all there is? If so, then you’re ready for some spring cleaning. Start with your physical world. The simple act of opening up windows and doors to let in some fresh air and sunlight can send the dark staleness of winter packing. Then toss out some old stuff. Hunt down items that are unused, dusty, broken, or simply not liked. Get them out the door and into the hands of someone who can use them . . . or into the dumpster. Next, look inward. Although there is certainly comfort in routine, there’s also the danger that it can make us dull. Here’s a silly example from my life: A new exit to Tonganoxie and Eudora was recently opened off of I-70. For months, I’d promised myself I’d try it out, but every time I intended to, I talked myself out of it: I’m not sure how paying the toll works (since there is no live attendant in the booth and I might be stuck at the gate for all eternity); there might be a “veteran exit-er” behind me who will think I’m an idiot when I try the exit for the first time, am stumped, and he has to wait for me; it really is out of the way for me. In short, I just didn’t want to do something different and unfamiliar; it scared me. Well, the other day on my way back from Kansas City, I simply went ahead

and tried it out. My fears were baseless; my excuses, lame. It was actually refreshing to see new scenery and to come into town from a different direction. Doing something new, no matter how small, makes us aware of things; it wakes us up from our winter doldrums. As nature is renewed around us at this time of year, we’re to be renewed as well. Our Lenten disciplines should have prepared us well for this. Our prayer, fasting and almsgiving should have made us more aware of our habitual patterns, especially those that are sinful and destructive, and given us a head start on embracing a new and better life. Soon we’ll be entering into the holiest time of the church’s year. The best way to celebrate it is by participating in the special liturgies of the Triduum. If you’ve never been to Mass on Holy Thursday night, to the Good Friday service or to the Easter Vigil, make this the year to treat yourself to these celebrations. In fact, all through the Easter season — through May 23 this year — commit yourself to doing something new each day. Start with some spiritual things: Try a new form of prayer, read a spiritual book, meditate on an unfamiliar book of the Bible, attend a talk on a spiritual topic, or go on a retreat. These new experiences can reenergize our faith and help us to know our God a little better, the One who “makes all things new.” As our catechumens are plunged into the waters of baptism, let’s recommit ourselves anew to that running stream of Life. Last one in’s a rotten egg!

the gospel truth Scripture Readings fIFTh Week of Lent March 21 fifth Sunday of Lent Is 43: 16-21; Ps 126: 1-6; Phil 3: 8-14; Jn 8: 1-11 March 22 Monday Dn 13: 1-9, 15-17, 19-30, 33-62; Ps 23: 1-6; Jn 8: 12-20 March 23 Toribio de Mogrovejo, bishop Nm 21: 4-9; Ps 102: 2-3, 16-21; Jn 8: 21-30 March 24 Wednesday Dn 3: 14-20, 91-92, 95; (Ps) Dn 3: 52-56; Jn 8: 31-42 March 25 THE ANNUNCIATION OF THE LORD Is 7: 10-14; 8: 10; Ps 40: 7-11; Heb 10: 4-10; Lk 1: 26-38 March 26 Friday Jer 20: 10-13; Ps 18: 2-7; Jn 10: 31-42 March 27 Saturday Ez 37: 21-28; (Ps) Jer 31: 10-13; Jn 11: 45-56


Jesus’ words reach through mobs to individuals

t certain unfortunate moments, mob violence has cast an ugly mark on our nation’s history.

For example, in January 1901, a lynching party forced its way into the ing out justice. They point out that the Leavenworth County jail and carried law of Moses condemns her to death off a young black man who was then and they would like Jesus to ratify their chained to a stake and burned alive. judgment: “Now in the law, Moses comFred Alexander, 22, had been held manded us to stone such women. So in the investigation of an assault upon what do you say?” a young white woman. At first, the mob In a sense, they are invitintended to hang him on the ing Jesus to become part of courthouse grounds, but infifth sunday a lynch mob. It does not apstead took him to the scene of of lent pear that they want to bring the young woman’s murder, Jn 8: 1-11 the woman to trial. Instead, where he was doused with they want to drag her to her coal oil and set afire as he death. cried, “Lord have mercy! Lord But Jesus is able to break through have mercy!” the mob mentality. He appeals to the People as part of a mob will somepeople as individuals, not as a part of a times undertake horrendous actions group: “Let the one among you who is that they would never consider as indiwithout sin be the first to throw a stone viduals. We see a good example of that at her.” in Sunday’s Gospel reading, Jn 8:1-11. Notice that Jesus says, “the one A crowd approaches Jesus as he is among you,” not “those among you.” teaching in the Temple area. They have And one by one, the people hear the brought with them a woman caught in voice of their conscience. They had the act of adultery and want to stone assembled as a mob. But they leave her to death. They believe that through as individuals: “And in response, they this act of cruelty they would be carry-

went away one by one, beginning with the elders.” The elders, who should have taken the lead in the pursuit of justice, now take the lead in the move toward mercy. As individuals, the members of the crowd were able to recognize their own need for mercy. They were reminded of the fact that they also were sinners, even if they had not committed the exact same sin as the woman whom they wanted to stone. As individuals, they were forced to face the guilt that they could ignore as members of a mob. I have never believed in the notion of collective guilt. When we look upon ourselves as part of a group, we are able to evade responsibility for our own actions. We can pass the blame on to others. It is only when we look upon ourselves as individuals that we accept responsibility for our actions, even actions performed as part of a crowd. As a church, we acknowledge our sinfulness. At the same time, we do not lose sight of our individuality. For example, we recite together as a congregation, “I confess to Almighty God.” We do not say, “We confess.” Father Mike Stubbs is pastor of St. Francis de Sales Parish in Lansing and has a degree in Scripture from Harvard University.

KANSAS CITY, Kan. — The annual Archbishop’s Call to Share (ACTS) reached an important milestone this month, surpassing the 2010 target in funds pledged. Thirty percent of the 62,000 registered households in the archdiocese have contributed to the appeal, which has exceeded its $4.2 million goal. The average sacrificial gift is holding steady at $22 per month. The money raised sustains the operations of more than 40 agencies and ministries serving the 21-county archdiocese. “Each day in the archdiocese, hundreds of miracles of God’s grace and love happen in our parishes, schools and agencies,” said Archbishop Joseph F. Naumann. “The thousands of individuals who have made sacrificial gifts to Call to Share make these miracles possible by providing the necessary resources. I am so grateful to everyone who made a donation or offered a prayer for Call to Share. Thank you for helping the church to bring the love of Jesus and the light of the Gospel to thousands of children, adults and families.” The Clergy Advisory Committee, which provides input on stewardship and ACTS, has been led for the past year by Father Ric Halvorson, pastor of Holy Trinity Church in Paola. “Our parishes are the most immediate place that our families participate in our faith. Many of the ministries

provided in our parishes, such as religious education, our liturgies, and family life ministries, could not exist without the support and expertise offered through the ministries of the archdiocese,” Father Halvorson said. The ACTS was established more than 35 years ago to further Christ’s ministries throughout northeast Kansas.

“Our priests and lay leaders work very hard to coordinate this effort in their parishes. It requires many hands to do the Lord’s work and to help the archdiocese achieve this important goal,” said Lesle Knop, executive director for the archdiocesan office of stewardship and development. “Every dollar raised in the Archbishop’s Call to Share is needed urgently.” “The ACTS annual appeal is the time to express financially the commitment we have to our Catholic community given in the second great commandment: to love your neighbor as yourself,” Knop said. Bob and Judy Vohs, members of St. Ann Parish in Prairie Village, served as this year’s honorary chairpersons. The theme of “Love,” concluded the trilogy of “Faith” and “Hope,” the themes of the last two years.

An ACTS Allocation Review Committee, comprised of clergy and lay volunteers, reviews each fiscal year’s proposed budgets and grant requests, submitted by ministries and organizations that will be funded by the past year’s Call to Share proceeds. Father Gary Pennings, vicar generalmoderator of the Curia, coordinates this group’s work. Last year’s ACTS provided funds this year for more than 40 pastoral ministries and Catholic organizations, including Catholic Charities, the Catholic Education Foundation, the permanent diaconate, Villa St. Francis, the retired priest medical fund, the school office and Perfect Wings, campus ministries at four colleges, tuition assistance, Schools of Faith, El Centro, a parish and school emergency aid fund, and many others. In 2009, more than $4.8 million was pledged to fund the $3.9 million 2009-2010 budget, with more than $400,000 available to parishes in the form of rebates. Rebates of 50 percent of every dollar raised that exceeds the parish’s target are given back to parishes. Many parishes use these funds for additional pastoral causes. More than 97 percent of last year’s pledges have been fulfilled. For more information about ACTS beneficiaries or to make an online gift, visit the Web site at: www.calltoshare. org.

local news 15 Lee and Judy (Grady) Finegold, members of Curé of Ars Parish, Leawood, will celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary on March 26. Anniversaries The couple was married on March 26, 1960, in San Mateo, Calif. Their children and their spouses are: Kevin and Sarah Finegold; Brian and Sally Finegold; and Dennis Finegold. They also have five grandchildren. A family celebration in Florida is planned for August. Barbara (Harter) Leonard Deters, members of Sacred Heart Parish, Baileyville, will celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary on March 21. The couple was married April 26, 1960, at Sacred Heart. A dinner for family and invited guests will be held at Valentino’s banquet room, followed by an open house reception from 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. Hosting the celebration are their children and their spouses: Connie and Roy Winkler, Corning; Wanda and Bob Sharon, Kansas City, Kan.; Brenda and Kevin Stephenson, Pennsburg, Pa.; Mike and Barb Deters, Kansas City, Mo.; and Neil Deters, Baileyville. They also have 14 grandchildren and five great-grandchildren.


THE LEAVEN • march 19, 2010

Anointing The special Lourdes blessing of the sick was bestowed on participants at the annual healing Mass on March 6 at Curé of Ars Parish in Leawood. The Mass and anointing of the sick are a joint venture of the Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas and the Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph. The event is and is sponsored by the Order of Malta.

Photos by Elaina Cochran s Archbishop Joseph F. Naumann prays silently over a participant at the annual healing Mass. The archbishop, along with Archbishop Emeritus James P. Keleher, Bishop Robert Finn, Bishop Emeritus Raymond J. Boland and priests from both dioceses were among those to offer the sacrament of the anointing of the sick. s

Archbishop Naumann processes into the church with the Blessed Sacrament.

s A priest of the archdiocese anoints the hands of a participant with oil.

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