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THELEAVEN.ORG | VOL. 39, NO. 28 | MARCH 2, 2018



A teary Angela Rodriguez receives hugs from the members of the Christ the King CYO team as she holds the framed jersey of her son Vincente Valdivieso who died last year. The Christ the King team retired Vincente’s jersey on Feb. 3 before one of their games.

Christ the King youth has jersey retired after sudden death


By Moira Cullings moira.cullings@theleven.org ANSAS CITY, Kan. — If you saw a list of people Vincente Valdivieso impacted, you’d never know his life was cut short at just 12 years of age. “I know deep in my heart as much as it hurts . . . he did his job on earth and succeeded in the 12 years [in a way] most can’t even complete in a lifetime,” said Angela Rodriguez, Vincente’s mom. “And I know that God needed him to watch over us, since his job was done here,” she added. Vincente, a student at Christ the King Church in Kansas City, Kansas — known fondly as

“Vinny” — passed away from asthma complications just months after completing sixth grade. Luis Pineda, Valdivieso’s basketball coach from third- through sixth-grade, said the loss was a big one for his team. “All the kids are still taking it pretty hard,” he said. “He’s one of their classmates, a teammate and a friend.” So Pineda wanted to find a way to honor his former player. “I asked the boys, ‘What do you think would be a cool idea to do something for his [family] and for basketball?’” Pineda said. The players came up with the idea of retiring Vincente’s jersey at one of their games, framing it and presenting it to his family. Pineda was touched by the idea and scheduled the ceremony for right before the team’s Feb. 3 game against Church of the Nativity’s team at Bishop Ward High School in Kansas City, Kansas.

Pineda asked Nativity’s coach if his team would like to be there to support the boys as they presented Vincente’s family with the jersey, and the latter quickly agreed. “They even came over and gave condolences when we were done, which shows what a class act that school was,” said Pineda. “It made it more emotional,” he continued. “We all had tears in our eyes.” The boys presented the jersey to Angela, who walked onto the court with one of her three daughters. Although Vincente’s father Frankie was unable to attend the event, the entire family was grateful for the ceremony. “Vincente’s teammates honoring him in this way was so touching, it still gives me chills,” said Angela. “It was an honor that his jersey was retired >> See “YOUNG” on page 7





Lent is a perfect time to examine your spiritual life

Jesuit told me that after the collapse of the former Soviet Union, Fidel Castro was asked if he was going to reconsider Cuban economic and political policies. Castro replied that one thing he remembered from his Jesuit education was not to make changes during a time of desolation. My Jesuit friend could not verify the authenticity of the anecdote, but it certainly makes a fascinating story. During the first days of January each year, I participate in a retreat with the bishops from Kansas, Missouri, Iowa and Nebraska. This year, our retreat master was Father Timothy M. Gallagher, OMV, who has devoted much of his energy and talent to acquainting Catholics with the rich spiritual guidance contained in St. Ignatius of Loyola’s writings on the discernment of spirits. We spent the entire six days of the retreat unpacking the 14 rules for spiritual discernment found in “The Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius.” The Ignatian rules for spiritual discernment are consistent with our rich Catholic tradition regarding the interior life. However, Ignatius was original in codifying practical methods for interpreting and responding to the dynamics that we all experience in our spiritual lives. St. Ignatius experienced a dramatic personal conversion while undergoing a long convalescence from combat injuries. Ignatius underwent two surgeries to repair a leg that had been shattered in battle. Both surgeries required lengthy periods of recuperation. Up until this time, the entire focus of his energies had been devoted to becoming a

LIFE WILL BE VICTORIOUS ARCHBISHOP JOSEPH F. NAUMANN skilled military officer and indulging in worldly pleasures. It was during this time of convalescence with no other books available that Ignatius read a “Life of Christ” and the lives of the saints. Ignatius noticed the contrasting effects on his spirit when he pondered worldly thoughts as opposed to when he reflected on the life and ministry of Jesus, as well as the heroism of the saints. The basic premise of St. Ignatius is that we all experience in our spiritual journey times of consolation alternating with periods of desolation. Ignatius noticed a pattern in his own spiritual life. When he filled his mind with worldly desires, they brought him immediate pleasure but left him afterwards feeling empty and sad. On the other hand, when he pondered the life of Jesus and the saints, Ignatius experienced a peace and joy that remained with him. Ignatius developed a threefold paradigm to help individuals deepen their interior life. First, one must be aware of the inner movements in one’s soul. Secondly, one needs to understand the source and meaning of these spiritual mood swings. Thirdly, we must act to either accept or


reject the inclinations we are experiencing in our hearts. The first two Sundays of Lent illustrate the spiritual ebb and flow that even Jesus experienced in his humanity. On the First Sunday of Lent, we always read one of the Gospel accounts of the temptation of Jesus in the desert. Jesus experiences a type of desolation as the devil attempts to entice him to abandon the mission that the Father entrusted to him in order to gain worldly comfort, power or fame. On the Second Sunday in Lent, we always reflect upon one of the Gospel accounts of the Transfiguration. Jesus is glorified while he is engaged in conversation with Moses and Elijah. The Father is providing Our Lord with a great consolation. At the same time, the three, who compose the inner circle within the Twelve Apostles — Peter, James and John — are given the profound consolation of witnessing Our Lord’s transfiguration. They are given a glimpse of not only the glory of Jesus, but the glory in which they are to share some day. Peter, James and John will also accompany Jesus on Holy Thursday night in the Garden of Gethsemane. They witness Our Lord’s agony. The experience of the Transfiguration was to strengthen them for this moment. While John remains with Jesus throughout his passion

ARCHBISHOP NAUMANN March 3 Anointing Mass and reception — Curé of Ars, Leawood Pastoral visit — Queen of the Holy Rosary, Wea March 4 Pastoral visit — Holy Angels in Garnett and St. John the Baptist, Greeley March 5 Confirmation — Curé of Ars, Leawood March 6 Adoration with Bishop Ward students — Cathedral of St. Peter, Kansas City, Kansas Catholic Foundation of Northeast Kansas board meeting — Savior Pastoral Center Ethics Council meeting March 7 Bishop Ward auction winner dinner March 8 Religious Alliance Against Pornography conference call Confirmation — Church of the Nativity, Leawood

are eminently practical. The principle Fidel Castro remembered from his Jesuit education was actually a misapplication of Rule 5. Rule 8 encourages individuals during periods of desolation to remind oneself this state will not last forever. Similarly, Rule 10 counsels individuals during times of consolation to remember that desolation will return. Thus, now is the time to store up memories and develop strategies to combat future attacks by the evil one. Rule 13 points out to those seeking to progress in their prayer life the valuable perspective of a good confessor or spiritual director. When

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and crucifixion, Peter denies Our Lord and James flees in terror. Ignatius encourages those serious about the spiritual life to be aware of their experiences of consolation as well as desolation. We also need to understand that the devil uses desolation to cause us to doubt God’s goodness and to question our ability to persevere in following Jesus. Once we are aware, we must seek to understand that our desolation is the devil’s work that seeks to create obstacles between ourselves and God. Once we understand that consolation is a gift from God and not something we can make happen or create, we learn to accept this great grace from God allowing us, for a time, to taste the joy and peace he desires for us. Similarly, once we understand that desolation is the result of the evil one’s lies by which he attempts to separate us from God and to cause us to doubt our ability to live a virtuous life, we learn to reject the temptations toward worldly pleasures and despair. If we learn to notice and accept the consolations Our Lord provides for us, we can treasure the gift and make ourselves aware that this state of peace and happiness cannot last forever, but our memory of it can help shelter us from the attempts of the evil one to lead us into future despair (Rule 10). Similarly, once we recognize the devil is the source of desolation and his purpose is to sow seeds of discontent in order to separate us from God and distrust his love, we can choose to reject his suggestions by electing to increase our prayer, meditation and ascetical practices (Rule 6). Ignatian rules for spiritual discernment



Member of Queen of the Holy Rosary Parish

Harvey M. Kascht (913) 262-1555

March 9-10 Conception board meeting March 10 Confirmation for those with disabilities — Queen of the Holy Rosary, Overland Park March 11 Mass and blessing — St. Joseph, Shawnee March 12-14 U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops meeting — Washington, D.C.

ARCHBISHOP KELEHER March 3 Knights of Malta confessions and Mass — Curé of Ars, Leawood March 4 Federal prison camp Mass — Leavenworth March 10 Lansing Correctional Facility confirmations March 11 Federal prison camp Mass — Leavenworth March 13-16 Bishops’ meetings — Indianapolis

the devil is trying to isolate us and deceive us into attempting alone to combat his deceptions, confessors and/or spiritual directors will provide us with an objective evaluation of what we are experiencing. If you wish to learn more about the Ignatian rules for spiritual discernment, I encourage you to purchase Father Timothy Gallagher’s book: “The Discernment of Spirits — An Ignatian Guide for Everyday Living.” I am confident it will help you to understand better the dynamics of your prayer life, as well as provide tips that will open up new vistas for spiritual growth.


Catholic Store 119 SE 18th Topeka, KS (785) 232-2543 Hrs. T-F - 10 a.m. 5:30; Sat. 9 a.m. to noon



Left is an artist’s rendering of the new rectory for Most Pure Heart of Mary Parish in Topeka. The parish broke ground on the rectory on Feb. 18.

Topeka parish breaks ground on new rectory

Below, Archbishop Joseph F. Naumann and Father Greg Hammes, pastor of Most Pure Heart of Mary Parish in Topeka, use ceremonial shovels to break ground for the new parish rectory.

By Marc and Julie Anderson mjanderson@theleaven.org


OPEKA — In the face of wind gusts clocking over 40 miles an hour, Archbishop Joseph F. Naumann joined pastor Father Greg Hammes in breaking and blessing the ground for a new rectory at Most Pure Heart of Mary Church here on Feb. 18. It was a moment more than a century in the making. “The current rectory is about 100 years old and has been built onto a couple of times,” said Janice Hoytal, cochair of the rectory building committee. “It has needed to be renovated or replaced for a long time,” she added, “but there were always other parish expenses that were more pressing.” In 1995, when Father Frank Krische served as the parish’s pastor, Sister Ann Moylan, SCL, coordinator of the parish’s aging ministry, began visiting Gertrude McCabe and taking Communion to her and her sister Mary Bothe. According to parishioners, McCabe was an absolute joy. “She was the most delightful woman in the world,” said Barb Chamberlain, a parishioner and friend who often visited with McCabe. Over time, parishioners Ken McGarity and his late wife Velma began visiting McCabe, too. “She was a great lady,” said McGarity. McCabe eventually decided to leave her entire estate to the church, and specifically wanted it to benefit the priests that had served the parish so faithfully. So McGarity, a certified public accountant, helped McCabe establish a trust, one designated specifically to build a new rectory. The money would stay in the trust until the death of both McCabe and her sister. Both had already lost their respective husbands, William McCabe and Frank Bothe, and the sisters thought the rectory would be a nice way to honor their memories.

Publication No. (ISSN0194-9799) President: Most Rev. Joseph F. Naumann


In 2016, the trust came to maturity, and Father Hammes asked Hoytal and her husband Joe to lead the effort to renovate and repair the current rectory or determine the best location for a new one. “We evaluated the current rectory and determined it was not feasible to renovate,” Janice Hoytal said, adding it was cost-prohibitive. “We toured other rectories


in the area and talked with the priests to determine what the best option would be.” That’s when providence stepped in, leading parishioners back to the site of a house that had once belonged to founding members of the parish. “It just so happened that there was a house across the street from the church property that had been vacant

Editor Rev. Mark Goldasich, stl frmark.goldasich@theleaven.org

Production Manager Todd Habiger todd.habiger@theleaven.org

Social Media Editor Moira Cullings moira.cullings@theleaven.org

Managing Editor Anita McSorley anita.mcsorley@theleaven.org

Senior Reporter Joe Bollig joe.bollig@theleaven.org

Advertising Coordinator Beth Blankenship beth.blankenship@theleaven.org

for some time,” said Janice Hoytal. “We approached the owners and toured the house,” she said. “It, too, was not going to be able to be renovated, but the location was perfect. “We approached the owner stating we would like to purchase the house, but that it would either be moved or demolished. We were not sure how they would accept that

Reporter Olivia Martin olivia.martin@theleaven.org

idea as the house was owned by the daughter of the original owners and had sentimental value.” As it happened, the original owners were George and Betty Noller, founding members of the parish formed in 1946. Their daughter Kay Mauck was very excited that “we would be building a rectory on the site and knew her parents would be very happy,” Hoytal said. With construction expected to take a year, the new rectory will be located at 1741 S.W. Stone Avenue, across the street from the church, the school and the church offices. From the beginning, the committee’s goal was to build a rectory “for our priests that provided them with a warm and welcoming place to relax and rejuvenate from their busy lives,” Hoytal said. “We wanted to be good stewards of the money left to us and build a house that everyone in the parish would be proud of,” she continued. “We wanted something that would withstand the test of time and last at least 100 years, as the current rectory has.” The new rectory will have room for the priests to accommodate overnight guests and seminarians and it also includes a handicap-accessible suite. The priest in residence will have his own private area and space to entertain. The house will also include a chapel. During the groundbreaking ceremony, Father Hammes thanked everyone involved in the project and told those in attendance they were there due to “the vision of one lady” who wanted to leave a lasting gift on behalf of her sister and their respective husbands. “It was a very generous gift,” Father Hammes said in his opening remarks. Elsewhere in his remarks, Father Hammes thanked the archbishop for his presence, as well as those of the roughly 100 parishioners gathered. He also recognized the building committee members and Mauck.

Published weekly September through May, excepting the Friday the week after Thanksgiving, and the Friday after Christmas; biweekly June through August. Address communications to: The Leaven, 12615 Parallel Pkwy., Kansas City, KS 66109. Phone: (913) 721-1570; fax: (913) 721-5276; or e-mail at: sub@theleaven.com. Postmaster: Send address changes to The Leaven, 12615 Parallel Pkwy., Kansas City, KS 66109. For change of address, provide old and new address and parish. Subscriptions $21/year. Periodicals postage paid at Kansas City, KS 66109.




Music workshop part of ongoing catechesis By Joe Bollig joe.bollig@theleaven.org


HAWNEE — There’s more to music ministry than most people realize, and even musicians need some help to keep up with changes and the latest resources. Learning more about music’s role in the Mass — and spending time in prayer and fellowship — drew about 100 persons involved in parish music ministry to a half-day workshop on Feb. 10 at Good Shepherd Parish in Shawnee. The workshop, “Here I Am, Lord: Answering the Call to Music Ministry,” was sponsored by the Greater Kansas City National Association of Pastoral Musicians. Those who attended included parish musicians, parish music directors, cantors, choir members and clerics. “We were hoping to gather as a Catholic community to learn more about the music we are singing at Mass,” said Kristen Beeves, music director at St. Agnes Parish in Roeland Park, and one of the event’s organizers. “Hopefully, those people who attended will share what they’ve learned to grow their parish music ministry and spread their knowledge to all parishioners,” she added. The workshop included time for prayer, singing, reflection and discussion. Participants examined music for the Triduum and the Easter season. They also studied excerpts from “Sing to the Lord: Music in Divine Worship,” a November 2007 document published by the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops. Many involved in parish music ministry — and pastors, too — are unaware of the aforementioned document and some of the changes regarding music in


Ron Sondag, pastoral associate at Good Shepherd Parish in Smithville, Missouri, gives a presentation at a music workshop Feb. 10, sponsored by the Greater Kansas City National Association of Pastoral Musicians. the Third Roman Missal, said Barbara Leyden, director of music at St. Joseph Parish in Shawnee. “Even though [‘Sing to the Lord’] was put out many years ago, and the Third Roman Missal [in 2011] and the General Instruction, a lot of Catholic musicians aren’t aware of these documents that are supposed to guide our ministry,” said Leyden. The workshop was beneficial to John Martin, a volunteer lector and cantor at

Holy Spirit Parish in Overland Park. “I wanted to learn about the recent developments in the liturgy,” said Martin. “It’s been 10 years now, but we’re still implementing changes in the liturgy [in the Third Roman Missal] and learning new techniques that I can implement in my personal practice of music ministry at Holy Spirit Parish.” One of his major takeaways is that there is a need for Catholics to be educated about the role and proper

use of music in the Mass. This would eliminate confusion and misunderstanding. “Even many of us involved in liturgical music in our parishes may not be familiar with the changes and recommendations made by the United States bishops,” said Martin. “We have a need for catechesis,” he said. “We should be communicating the changes throughout the parishes.”

FertilityCare offers practitioner training By Joe Bollig joe.bollig@theleaven.org


ANSAS CITY, Kan. — The good news is that more women want to learn how to practice natural methods of fertility regulation and gynecological health. The bad news is that consumer demand in the Greater Kansas City area is greater than teaching supply. That will be changing this year, said Brooke Gonzalez, executive director of FertilityCare Center of Kansas City. FertilityCare, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, plans to add more certified practitioners by conducting a two-phase training April 28-May 5 and Nov. 3-8. The class size will be limited to 10 persons, so those who want to learn how to become certified practitioners need to sign up as soon as possible, said Gonzalez. But it has never been easier to become a certified practitioner, thanks to Gonzalez. Gonzalez, who has been with FertilityCare for 10 years, began as a practitioner. Three years ago, she became its executive director. Seeing the need for local training, she underwent training at Creighton University in Omaha, Nebraska, to become a certified educator. “That’s why I became an educator, so I could hold these training programs in the Kansas City area and reach out to and service more people in our area,”

she said. “Otherwise, they’d have to go to Omaha to receive this training, or even farther away.” Currently, FertilityCare has 12 certified practitioners and one practitioner intern. They work in the Greater Kansas City and the St. Joseph, Missouri, areas. All practitioners work out of local parishes or hospitals. The first session of the training will take place from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. from April 28-May 5; the second session will run from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Nov. 3-8. Classes will be held at St. Robert Bellarmine Parish, 4313 S.W. State Route 7, Blue Springs, Missouri. No prerequisites are required, but students should have a bachelor’s degree (no specific field) and a desire to work with couples and single women to assist them in learning how to use the Creighton Model of fertility regulation and gynecological health. Sometimes, students are able to get grants or scholarships from parishes. “Generally, we find a lot of churches are willing to provide scholarships and a lot of parishioners will help a coparishioner do this,” said Gonzalez. For more information, go online to: www.fertilitycarekc.com. To download three documents useful to students — “Practitioner Program Outline,” “Finding Funding” and “Your Year in the FCP Program” — and to enroll, click on “Want more information” under the headline “Our Practitioner Training Program.”


Brooke Gonzalez, executive director of FertilityCare Center of Kansas City, receives her educator certificate from Dr. Thomas Hilgers.




Catholic physicians called to imitate Christ By Marty Denzer Catholic Key associate editor


ANSAS CITY, Mo. — A Mass celebrated Feb. 10 at Christ the King Church here honored Catholic physicians, nurses, paramedics and others in the healing professions. Bishop James V. Johnston Jr. of the Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph was the principal celebrant. Archbishop Joseph F. Naumann of the Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas and Father Gregory Lockwood, parochial administrator of Christ the King Parish, concelebrated. They were assisted by Father Anthony Williams, director of mission integration and priest-chaplain and manager of the spiritual care department of St. Joseph Medical Center in Kansas City, Missouri, and St. Mary’s Medical Center of Blue Springs, Missouri. Deacons Todd Brower, Kevin Cummings and Joe McNeal also participated. Named for the white garments worn by those in the medical community, the White Mass has been celebrated in the United States since the development of the Catholic Medical Association in the early 1930s. It has been a joint diocesan celebration in the Kansas City area for a number of years. In his homily, Archbishop Naumann reminded his listeners that Feb. 11, the World Day of the Sick, was established by Pope St. John Paul II in 1992 on the feast of Our Lady of Lourdes, to “express our solidarity with the sick and how important they are in the life of the church. How they are seen in a special way, united with our crucified Lord.” He urged prayer for the sick, but also for the doctors, nurses, therapists and administrators who care for the sick — in fact, all those involved in Catholic health care. “In his remarks for the 26th World Day of the Sick,” the archbishop added, “Pope Francis said, ‘The church’s maternal vocation to the needy and to the sick has found concrete expression throughout the two thousand years of her history in an impressive series of initiatives on

behalf of the sick. This history of dedication must not be forgotten. It continues to the present day throughout the world. “‘In countries where adequate public health care systems exist,’ the pope continued, ‘the work of Catholic religious congregations and dioceses and their hospitals is aimed not only at providing quality medical care, but also at putting the human person at the center of the healing process, while carrying out scientific research with full respect for life and for Christian moral values. “‘The memory of this long history of service to the sick is cause for rejoicing on the part of the Christian community, and especially those . . . engaged in this ministry. Yet we must look to the past above all to let it enrich us. We should learn the lesson it teaches us about the self-sacrificing generosity of many founders of institutes in the service of the infirm, the creativity, prompted by charity, of many initiatives undertaken over the centuries, and the commitment to scientific research as a means of offering innovative and reliable treatments to the sick. This legacy of the past helps us to build a better future, for example, by shielding Catholic hospitals from the business mentality that is seeking worldwide to turn health care into a profit-making enterprise, which ends up discarding the poor. Wise organization and charity demand that the sick person be respected in his or her dignity, and constantly kept at the center of the therapeutic process.’” Archbishop Naumann said the Holy Father’s words remind us of the challenge in our nation of keeping health care accessible to everyone, while, at the same time, protecting it from becoming overly bureaucratic, where the individual person becomes lost — both in the methods of research and the models of care. He reminded the congregation of the challenges in the Kansas City area, “the decline of Catholic hospitals serving not only Catholics but our entire community.” He therefore prayed for those actively engaged in Catholic health care, that the Lord would help them continue in that profession.


Archbishop Joseph F. Naumann delivers the homily at the White Mass on Feb. 10 at Christ the King Church in Kansas City, Missouri.

Conference helps women identify, develop their unique gifts By Olivia Martin olivia.martin@theleaven.org


ANSAS CITY, Kan. — Pope Francis is pleading with women. And at least some of them are listening. This year, the pope has issued a plea for women to develop and deepen their understanding of the unique gift of their femininity and its importance to their personal identity and to the church. The GIVEN KC conference is a response to this plea. Dani Bell and Katrina Even, both members of Our Lady of Good Counsel Parish in Kansas City, Missouri, with the help of a small committee of young women, planned and organized this year’s conference, which will be held on March 24. GIVEN KC is a daylong conference for women ages 18-35 who desire to live their femininity and faith more fully, to address the wounds that modernity inflicts upon women and to discuss what it means to be an authentic woman. GIVEN KC serves, according to Bell, “to empower women to know who we

are and what we’re made for through the feminine genius and the unique gifts women bring to the world and to the church.” The idea for GIVEN KC, said Bell, sprung from a challenge she and Even received after having attended the original GIVEN forum in Washington D.C., two years ago. Each attendee from the forum was posed the question: “If you come [to GIVEN], what are you going to do in response?” Bell’s response was simple. “My action plan was to bring it back

to KC.” When asked how being involved with GIVEN KC has changed her, Bell explained that as a psychiatrist, she sees the drastic results of people who truly don’t understand “who they are and what they’re made for. “That destroys the human person,” she said, “even to the point where they want to end their own life. “So having attended this conference and being a part of helping people answer that question [of what they’re made for] and allowing the Holy Spirit to work through that is encouraging for me in my daily work.” This year, the specific hope for the women who attend GIVEN KC “is to really encourage them to live out their gifts, identify their gifts, and then put them into practice,” Bell said. Emily Kippes, a member of Church of the Ascension in Overland Park, is one of the committee members that helped organize this year’s conference. “I went to the conference last year,” said Kippes. “I really enjoyed it. I decided I wanted to get involved in the community. “This year, I offered to help and want to help other women embrace

their femininity and live it out.” Three themes will be the focus this year: the dignity and beauty of women, living at the foot of the Cross as a woman, and receiving the gift of femininity. Speakers will include Archbishop Joseph F. Naumann and Bishop James Johnston, teachers, the founder of a Kansas City nonprofit, a cancer survivor and more. GIVEN KC will be held at St. Michael the Archangel High School in Lee’s Summit, Missouri. The doors open at 7:30 a.m. for registration and breakfast, followed by an opening prayer by Archbishop Naumann. Mass and opportunities for reconciliation will accompany the panel of speakers in the plan for the day, with the concluding prayer at 3:15 p.m. Registration is available online at: www.givenkc.org or at the door the day of the conference. Tickets are $35 and include breakfast, lunch, workshops and spiritual resources for personal development. “You’re not alone!” Bell declared in a gesture of sisterhood. “There are many other people striving to live out their faith and their feminine genius. The church needs that.”




TOOLS FOR FAMILIES Growing as Disciples of Jesus

Share the good news of marriage The number of young U.S. adults choosing marriage as a way of life continues to decline. How sad! Shine your light to dispel this darkness and: • Celebrate your anniversary as a family with cake and punch. • Recall the memories with a walk through the wedding album. • Share “your” love ARTWORK BY NEILSON CARLIN, 2015 story with your children. • Share what you most love about your spouse today. • Give a boost to your love story with a Marriage Encounter Weekend or a “Living in Love” retreat. • Engage in daily prayer for your marriage and your beloved!

Keith Williams talks about the 37 Days of Kindness challenge at St. Thomas Aquinas High School in Overland Park. LEAVEN PHOTO BY JOE MCSORLEY

A challenge that’s contagious

— Deacon Tony Zimmerman, lead consultant for the archdiocesan office of marriage and family life



St. Matthew, Topeka Address: 2700 S.E. Virginia Ave., 66605 Phone: (785) 232-5012 Pastor: Father John Torrez Mass times: Saturday, 5 p.m.; Sunday, 8 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. Website: saintmatthews.org MORE PHOTOS AND A VIDEO TOUR of this church can be seen online at: www.theleaven.org.


By Susan Fotovich McCabe Special to The Leaven


TILWELL — Keith Williams’ greatest wish for the members of his family has always been that they would reunite in heaven after a long, healthy life. That was before his 12-year-old son Henry died unexpectedly last May. Henry, who was in 7th grade at Aubrey Bend Middle School, is now the inspiration behind the Stilwell family’s initiative and challenge called 37 Days of Kindness. “After Henry passed, we started getting cards and letters from people who told us all the things he did that were quite phenomenal,” said Williams. “We heard that he used to take tests in the office with another girl,” he added, “and he would always hold the door open for her.” “Another parent told us that Henry made friends with her son who has autism and would tell him stories and jokes when they were together,” Williams continued. “She said those were her son’s favorite


Website: www.37kinddays.org Facebook: 37 Days of Kindness Twitter: #37kinddays

In February, Williams spoke at St. Michael the Archangel Parish in Leawood. The Williams family never guessed their challenge would be so widely accepted. Williams originally planned to order 100 wristbands. He was talked into ordering 5,000. At last count, they have distributed over 10,000 wristbands and there are people taking Henry’s Challenge in all 50 states and 12 other countries. The challenge’s success leaves the Williams family inspired. “Henry was full of spirit, joy and a super kid to be around,” said Williams. “We were blessed to be Henry’s parents and to be good stewards of his spirit now.” To participate in the challenge, go online to: www.37kinddays.org and request a free wristband that will serve as a reminder to offer acts of kindness for 37 days.

Papal diplomat to lead Basehor retreat By Joe Bollig joe.bollig@theleaven.org


ASEHOR — Father Roger Landry, author of an acclaimed book of spiritual practices, will lead a retreat March 23-24 at Holy Angels Parish here. Father Landry is a priest of the Diocese of Fall River, Massachusetts, and works for the Holy See’s Permanent Observer Mission to the United Nations.

After a week of bad weather canceled two games, Bishop Ward High School was back in action on Feb. 23 against BasehorLinwood High School to wrap up its regular season. Ward lost the Kaw Valley League game 68-39. Check out Lori Wood Habiger’s photos from the game on Facebook.

days at school. “We were blown away with the things our son was doing for others.” What started out as Williams’ personal challenge — to be kind like Henry — became an initiative designed to inspire others to perform random acts of kindness in their own daily lives. It blossomed from there. Today, a Facebook page and website are dedicated to 37 Days of Kindness, and bracelets freely distributed from the site serve as reminders to be kind. Williams and his wife Cheryl also spread the message by speaking regularly at local churches and schools. Last fall, he spoke to students at St. Thomas Aquinas High School in Overland Park. They were touched by Henry’s story. “Keith reminded me that acts of kindness don’t need to be complex,” said Aquinas senior Devin Diggs. “Sometimes, it’s the simple acts that impact people the most,” he added. “His stories about his son inspired me to take on more simple acts of kindness.”

Father Landry’s book, “Plan of Life: Habits to Help You Grow Closer to God,” is published by Pauline Books & Media. It describes the spiritual practices that sinners and saints have found helpful to grow in their communion with God in daily life. The book, said Father Landry, is a written response to St. John Paul II’s 2001 call for a “genuine training in holiness adapted to people’s needs.” It offers a spiritual game plan for everyone. Published on Feb. 1, it is available

Diana (Branson) and Edward Kovac, members of Curé of Ars, Leawood, celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary with a surprise party thrown by their children. The couple was married on March 1, 1968, at Blessed Sacrament Church, Kansas City, Kansas. Their children are: Deborah Phan and Edward Kovac Jr. They also have three grandchildren.

at Catholic bookstores, online and from the publisher. The retreat will be held from 8-10 p.m. on March 23, and 8:30 a.m. – 4:15 p.m. on March 24, closing with Benediction. The event will take place at the parish, 15408 Leavenworth Rd., Basehor. There will be a barbecue lunch available for $8, but diners must reserve their meal in advance by calling the parish office at (913) 724-1665. A freewill offering will be taken up for Father Landry.

ANNIVERSARY submissions POLICY: The Leaven prints 50, 60, 65 and 70th anniversary notices. DEADLINE: eight days before the publication date. WHERE TO SUBMIT: Send notices to: The Leaven, 12615 Parallel Pkwy., Kansas City, KS 66109, attn: anniversaries; or email: todd.habiger@theleaven.org.



Young athlete makes a lasting impact >> Continued from page 1 because he has worn the same number for many years, since he was so small in stature,” she continued. Pineda was grateful for the chance to pay tribute to Vincente, who he describes as “full of joy.” “He would make you smile,” said Pineda. “He was always the shortest kid on the court playing ball,” he added. “But he was full of heart to where he was always pushing everybody else to succeed.” If the team would get down after losing a game, Vincente was there to brighten their spirits. “He’s the one right there pumping everybody back up, almost like he was a coach himself,” said Pineda. “I loved it.” For Angela, receiving support from the team her son treasured meant the world. “I know Vince had a heart of gold when he was on the court and loved what he did,” she said. “He was a tough little guy that always tried to push [himself] to make it for the team,” said Angela. The team felt Vincente’s presence particularly during the jersey retirement game. “We had our best game of the year,” said Pineda. The team lost, but only by six points; Nativity had defeated them by 20 points the last time they competed. The game drew a large crowd from the Christ the King community, which was inspiring for Pineda. “Everybody comes together, especially in a time of need, and [the community] really shows up when things like this happen,” he said. “It’s just beautiful.” Angela agreed. “I know now I have made the right decision on sending [my kids] to a Catholic school,” she said. From the jersey retirement to the kind words she’s heard from students and teachers, Angela finds hope, knowing her son lived a full life. “I am ecstatic that my little guy touched so many hearts,” she said.


Camp Invention helps kids explore realworld solutions By Stephanie M. Boyles Special to The Leaven


ANSAS CITY, Kan. — Put away the bug spray and leave the swimming suits at home. This summer camp is all about the tech — and


Christ the King CYO head coach Luis Pineda hugs Angela Rodriguez while her daughter Selena Valdivieso looks on. Coach Pineda is holding a framed jersey of Vincente Valdivieso who died last year at the age of 12 from complications of asthma.



“Healing from the Scandal of Abuse by Clergy, Religious and Others in Authority within the Church”


he Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas cordially invites you to join Teresa Hartnett for a day of reflection, exploring ways to move forward and heal from the scandal of abuse by clergy, religious and others in authority within the church on Sat., April 21, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Savior Pastoral Center. We encourage all Catholics to attend, including religious Sisters and Brothers, deacons, priests, lay ministers, as well as any Catholics grappling with the spiritual wounds we share as a church. All survivors of abuse, their friends and family members will find this information helpful and edifying; anonymity will be protected. Teresa Hartnett is founder of Spirit Fire (SpiritFire.Live) and The Healing Voices magazine (thehealingvoices.com).

fun. This summer, children will have an opportunity to go to a different kind of camp — Camp Invention, which is in partnership with the National Inventors Hall of Fame. Camp Invention will be held from June 4-8 at St. Ann School in Prairie Village, June 11-15 at Ascension School in Overland Park, and July 9-13 at Good Shepherd School in Shawnee. The camps are open to children entering grades kindergarten through sixth. At Camp Invention, participants will spend a week exploring connections between science, technology, engineering and innovation. They’ll work with other children to seek solutions to realworld problems and sharpen critical learning skills as they rotate through various modules. Here’s what campers will do: • Design their own smart home filled with gadgets and innovative technology • Take apart robotic dogs and compare their inner mechanics to the anatomy and physiology of a real dog • Design tracks for optibots and explore different modes of transportation • Explore chemistry, non-Newtonian fluids and magnetism as they investigate magnetic slime. Local educators will facilitate the program modules and high school students will be Leadership Interns. The ratio of instruction will be one staff person per eight children. For your child to participate, register using promo code Ideas25 and save $25 (expires March 23), or Ideas15 to save $15 (expires May 4) off the price of $230. Registration includes a complimentary Camp Invention T-shirt. Availability is limited, so go online to: www.campinvention.org, or call (800) 968-4332.


Called to the company of the crucified C



ANSAS CITY, Kan. — Sullivan McCormick was tentative when he was told to put his cash and credit card in an envelope and hand it over. “It wasn’t the quantity of the money,” said McCormick. “It was that initial shock of realizing that you’re not going to have ownership of things and that your idea of possessions is going to change,” he added. McCormick wasn’t the victim of a random holdup. He was a new novice studying to be a Jesuit priest. And as he laid his money in front of a statue of Mary, it was not without some emotion. “At first, I was kind of angry or just resistant to it,” he said. “Eventually, it became more freeing.” McCormick and his fellow novices from the Central and Southern Jesuit Province in Grand Coteau, Louisiana, spent seven weeks ministering in the Kansas City metropolitan area as part of their two-year novitiate formation. The group of 12 stayed with Father Harry Schneider at the rectory of the Cathedral of St. Peter in Kansas City, Kansas, and a rented house down the street. This was the eighth year men from the novitiate have come.

Why choose the Jesuits?

after ordination. “One of the things Jesuits talk about is having this sense of availability as part of our charism, just going wherever we’re needed,” said Kuehl. “That was appealing to me,” he added, “being able to discern what my gifts and talents are and go where I’m most needed.”

The novices offered many reasons for choosing to enter the Jesuit order over other orders or even the diocesan priesthood. “A big thing for me was community,” said Kevin Kuehl. The men live, work and take part in retreats as a group. “Jesuits have Ignatian spirituality,” added Kuehl. “We have a spiritual structure that’s going to help give life The formation team of the province to our prayer, to our communal life, to was first drawn to Kansas City because our work and in ministry as well.” of the urban setting and ministry opFor Hunter D’Armond, the Jesuit portunities here. lifestyle was most apThe novitiate in pealing. Grand Coteau is lo“We don’t have cated in a rural part cellphones,” he said. of the deep South, “We retreat from the explained Father “WE HAVE A world a little bit more Drew Kirschman, SJ, than a regular semiassistant director of SPIRITUAL STRUCTURE nary would ask for.” novices. Another major “One of the chalTHAT’S GOING TO HELP aspect that attracts lenges [of the locamany aspiring JesuGIVE LIFE TO OUR tion] is it’s a more its is ministering to rural, isolated setPRAYER, TO OUR those in need. ting,” he said. The novices’ twoAlmost a decade COMMUNAL LIFE, TO year novitiate inago, the priests in cludes interspersed charge of the novicOUR WORK AND IN service opportunities es contacted Jesuits MINISTRY AS WELL.” in both local commuthey knew in Kansas nities and those far City and decided away. it would be a good “Having the opportunity to do difurban area for the men to work in. ferent types of ministry, travel [to] In addition to serving at the cadifferent places and bring those expethedral, the novices work at multiple riences back to the community rather agencies each day of the week. than be in one place permanently was The agencies that hosted this year’s appealing to me,” said Philip Nahlik. group included Cross-Lines CommuDuring outreach, the Jesuits come nity Outreach, Keeler Women’s Center, to understand their own talents and Catholic Charities’ Mobile Resource interests, which helps them determine Bus, Bethany Prison Ministry in Leavwhat assignments they might enjoy enworth and more.

Kansas City connection

Philip Nahlik explains what his average day in Kansas City is like and how ministry impacts his overall for

Father James White, a Jesuit is a sacramental minister in Kansas City, Kansas, talks with novice Chi Nhan Nguyen over a meal. Because the men are Jesuits, their perspective is different from that of an average volunteer. “My big question that I started off the experiment with is: ‘What does it mean to be a Jesuit?’” said Nahlik. Whether working with kids at Resurrection Catholic School in Kansas City, Kansas, or helping the homeless, the novices’ work is built on a foundation of

spirituality. Justin Kelley’s favorite part of the experience was working at the soup kitchen at Cross-Lines. “It’s a good mix of behind the scenes grunt work,” he said, “cleaning showers and making soup. “It’s also real ministry — one-onone. I get to sit and eat with the homeless and get to know them.”


Christ in the world of today


Nick Blair, nSJ Eric Couto, nSJ Hunter D’Armond, nSJ Dan Finucane, nSJ John Guerra, nSJ Justin Kelley, nSJ Kevin Kuehl, nSJ Sullivan McCormick, nSJ Philip Nahlik, nSJ Chi Nhan Nguyen, nSJ River Simpson, nSJ Bryan Torres, nSJ


Sullivan McCormick listens as Justin Kelley talks about his journey to the Jesuit order. Father Drew sums up their purpose with a little help from St. Ignatius. “Ignatius calls us to accompany the crucified Christ in the world today,” he said. “The invitation for these guys,” he continued, “is every day to go into the various social settings and find themselves with folks who are struggling in our world.”

Unique growth Whether Jesuits become teachers, foreign missionaries or serve as parish priests, their extensive spiritual and hands-on experiences give them much to draw on. One of the most pertinent times for novices is a 30-day silent retreat in which they practice “The Spiritual Ex-

ercises” created by St. Ignatius. “For me, one of the things I got is a great zeal, and it was a grace I was given later in the exercises,” said Kelley. “It was a zeal to teach people or show people all that I learned in the ‘Exercises.’” “I felt sincerely God’s love,” he continued, “and that was so sincere and so profound that I wanted everybody to feel that same love.” When Nahlik struggles with his prayer life, he’ll reflect on those 30 days. “It was so good for me, growing in that relationship with Jesus and wanting to keep that up,” he said. “I feel more committed to that prayer in my own daily life.” Kuehl agreed. “I think there’s a greater certainty that God communicates with us through prayer,” he said. When you pray that deeply, added Kuehl, you know God’s love is real. Many times, the impact of experiences like the silent retreat comes later on, said D’Armond, who was surprised by how well he was able to minister to a homeless person during his time in Kansas City. “I went back to one of my prayer periods during the exercises in that moment and was able to reflect on that,” he said. “God gives us this great gift and it doesn’t come into effect immediately because we can’t even grasp it,” he continued. Another unique opportunity for the novices is when Father Mark Thibodeaux, SJ, director of the novices, will send them on a pilgrimage. “This is when they get a one-way bus ticket and five dollars,” explained Father Drew. “They spend 10 days tapping into the abundant generosity of God as seen through the world around us,” he said. The experience teaches the novices to give themselves over to God and completely trust that he will provide, he explained. Father Drew and the novices are grateful for the time they were able to spend in the Kansas City community and the impact it had on their formation. “Father Harry has been an intricate part of that,” said Father Drew. “The diocese, the bishop and the parishioners here have been incredibly welcoming,” he added, “very warm in their hospitality and very gracious. “We just want to affirm the extraordinary work this diocese is already a part of.”


St. Ignatius of Loyola founded the Jesuits in 1534 with six other men — one of whom was St. Francis Xavier.

The Society of Jesus


he Society of Jesus, popularly known as the Jesuits, was founded nearly 500 years ago in Spain by St. Ignatius of

Loyola. Ignatius was one of 13 children born into a noble family in northern Spain. As a young man, he had dreams of becoming a knight, performing great deeds in battle and falling in love. After being seriously wounded in war with the French in 1521, the soldier experienced a conversion while reading about the lives of the saints. It was during this year that he first began to write what eventually became “The Spiritual Exercises,” still used by Jesuits and millions of others today. In 1534, he and six other men — one of whom was St. Francis Xavier — gathered to profess vows and became the first Jesuits. Unlike contemplative orders, Jesuits can be found seeking to fulfill the order’s mission to “find God in all things” in a variety of professions. However, the men must first undergo serious formation. A man must be educated in philosophy and theology, participate in ministry within the community and profess four vows to become a full Jesuit: a vow of poverty, chastity, and obedience, and the final vow is obedience specifically in regard to worldwide mission. How long does this take? A surprising 13 to 30 years. You can become a surgeon quicker than a Jesuit. “Most orders just do a one-year [novitiate] — we do a two-year,” said Father Drew. “Part of the reason for that is Ignatius wanted us to have ample experiences outside of the novitiate context.” The variety of professions in which Jesuits can be found is also grounded in Ignatian spirituality. “One need in the church is to have folks who have a diversity of academic training and pastoral training,” he said, “so they can be sent into various environments and use a lot of different tools in their toolbox to respond to the different needs that exist there.”




Court blocks Trump administration’s effort to end DACA By Rhina Guidos Catholic News Service WASHINGTON (CNS) — The U.S. Supreme Court has dealt a blow to the Trump administration’s effort to end a program in March that protects young adults brought to the U.S. without legal permission as minors. On Feb. 26, the court declined to hear and rule on whether the administration has the right to shut down the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, or DACA program. In September, President Donald Trump announced his administration was ending the program, giving lawmakers until March 5 to find a legislative solution to protect the young adults benefiting from DACA. Two federal judges have blocked the Trump administration’s efforts to end the program, ruling the government must continue to accept renewal applications for DACA. In turn, the administration asked the Supreme Court to hear and rule on one of those decisions, from a judge in California, in an effort to bypass the process of an appeal going through the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals based in San Francisco. That means the March 5 deadline essentially no longer of any significance and those benefiting from DACA can


Activists and recipients of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, or DACA program, march up Broadway in New York City Feb. 15 during the start of their “Walk to Stay Home,” a five-day 250mile walk from New York to Washington to demand that Congress pass a clean DREAM Act to save the program. keep applying to renew permits that protect them from deportation and allow them to have a work permit and other documents, as long as they meet certain criteria. The decision was announced the day the U.S. Conference Catholic Bishops called for a “National Call-in Day for the Protection of Dreamers,” encouraging Catholics to call their repre-

sentatives in Congress to urge support for the young “Dreamers.” The name comes from the DREAM Act -- the Development, Relief, and Education for Alien Minors Act. The legislative proposal has explored allowing qualifying youth residency and down the line permanent residency, but it has been repeatedly defeated in Congress.

“Although the Supreme Court decision buys Congress time to address the situation of undocumented youth, it should not give them an excuse to delay action,” said Kevin Appleby, senior director of international migration policy for the Center for Migration Studies in New York. “These young people remain at risk and deserve permanent protection and a chance to plan their futures. Catholic advocates should continue to push Congress and the president to grant them a path to citizenship.” Archbishop Jose H. Gomez of Los Angeles, in a statement and via Twitter, warned Feb. 26 that the high court’s decision “does not change anything.” Without legislative protection, “these young people will lose their permission to work in this country and face deportation. This is wrong and it is up to Congress to make it right,” he said. In an opinion piece for The New York Times titled “If You’re a Patriot and a Christian, You Should Support the Dream Act,” Cardinal Joseph W. Tobin of Newark, New Jersey, wrote that “the Gospel of Jesus Christ calls on us to welcome and protect the stranger. This should not be hard to do when the stranger is young, blameless and working hard to make this country a better place.”

Program on mental health helps students in Catholic schools

By Mike May Catholic News Service


MAHA, Neb. (CNS) — Catholic schools in the Omaha Archdiocese are taking seriously the problems of student anxiety, depression and other mental health issues. Through a partnership with archdiocesan schools, Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Omaha is supplying a licensed mental health therapist to provide direct therapy services at each school one half-day per week, said Theresa Swoboda, clinical nurse manager and coordinator of the program. “Our intent was to begin this for the second semester, but there was so much need expressed by the schools, that we began in October. Anxiety is the number

one problem,” Swoboda told the Catholic Voice, Omaha’s archdiocesan newspaper. In addition to the demands of school, students may struggle with family problems or divorce, and the impact of increased social media activity. “Since 2008, the youth suicide rate has continued to increase, correlating pretty closely with the increasing availability of smartphones and social media,” she said. “Research shows that students’ mental health, social and emotional balance, and academic performance improve if you can go to the kids in their own environment,” Swoboda said. “And students don’t have to leave school to see a therapist.” Catholic Charities also has now begun an outreach to rural schools through a tele-health option with online resources,

she said. Swoboda said Catholic Charities hopes to obtain funding to expand the program, making it available to any Catholic school in the archdiocese. Schools involved in the pilot program are St. Mary in Bellevue, and Ss. Peter and Paul, St. Vincent de Paul, Mary Our Queen, Roncalli Catholic High School and Duchesne Academy of the Sacred Heart, all in Omaha. In addition to the counseling services, Duchesne Academy makes mental and physical health information part of the curriculum through healthy living classes, said Laura Hickman, principal. “We want to provide [students with] deeper education on what a healthy lifestyle looks like, signs of depression in themselves and their peers and ways to deal with anxiety,” she said.

The school also created a Facebook page to inform parents about mental health and foster an exchange of information. Duchesne also helps students find time for quiet reflection through prayer services and guided meditation during classes, and is considering small-group sessions with adult moderators, Hickman said. “For students to learn, their basic needs have to be met, but when we have students dealing with debilitating anxiety, depression or other emotions they don’t know how to express, learning becomes difficult,” she said. “Everything we can do as a school to help students feel healthy and in control of their emotions makes a difference.”





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Rome Colosseum bathed in red in honor of modern martyrs By Cindy Wooden Catholic News Service


OME (CNS) — Rome’s Colosseum, long a symbol of the persecution of early Christians, was bathed in red light late Feb. 24 as a reminder of and a prayer for the thousands of Christians being persecuted for their faith today. The family of Asia Bibi, a Christian woman sentenced to death under Pakistan’s highly criticized anti-blasphemy laws, and Rebecca Bitrus, a Nigerian Christian who was held in captivity for two years by Boko Haram terrorists, told their stories before the red lights were shined on the Colosseum. Bitrus and Bibi’s husband and daughter had met earlier in the day with Pope Francis at the Vatican. They were accompanied by leaders of Aid to the Church in Need, a Catholic foundation that has a long history of assisting persecuted Christians. Alessandro Monteduro, director of the Italian section of Aid to the Church,


The Colosseum in Rome is lit in red to draw attention to the persecution of Christians around the world. said the 40-minute meeting with Pope Francis was “extraordinary,” particularly because the entire encounter took place in an atmosphere of prayer by the

pope and by his guests. The pope “wanted everyone to pray together in their own languages,” he said. So Eisham, Asia Bibi’s youngest

daughter, prayed in Urdu and Bitrus prayed in Hausa. “It was a moment of extraordinarily intense emotion,” Monteduro said. Eisham had visited her mother in prison Feb. 17 and told her about the trip to Rome, he said. Asia Bibi told her, “If you meet the pope, give him a kiss from me.” And the young woman did. Monteduro said the pope told those present that Bitrus and Asia Bibi are “marvelous women martyrs, examples for a civilization that is afraid of suffering.” Cardinal Pietro Parolin, Vatican secretary of state, represented Pope Francis at the service at the Colosseum, expressing his hope that by lighting up such an iconic monument, people would overcome their indifference to the plight of anyone persecuted for his or her faith. “This evening we remember all victims of hatred,” he said, and all who suffer because of a spreading “mentality that leaves no room for others,” that tries to “suppress” those who are different, rather than integrate them.

Speakers decry detention for migrant, refugee children By Beth Griffin Catholic News Service


NITED NATIONS (CNS) — Migration is not a crime and vulnerable migrant and refugee children should not be detained as if they were criminals, speakers said at a U.N. program Feb. 21. More than one dozen speakers addressed “Ending the Detention of Migrant and Refugee Children: Best Interest Determination and Alternatives to Detention” in a discussion hosted by the Permanent Observer Mission of the Holy See to the United Nations. U.N. agencies estimate more than 65 million people are currently stateless or forcibly displaced from their countries and 51 percent of them are children. In many countries, newly arrived migrants and refugees are held in detention facilities similar to those used for criminals. “Regardless of the conditions, detention has a profound impact on a child’s health and development,” including

anxiety, symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder and long-term cognitive and physical effects, said Ted Chaiban, UNICEF director of programs. “Vulnerable people on the move are a passionate priority of Pope Francis,” said Jesuit Father Michael Czerny, an undersecretary for the Migrants and Refugees Section of the Vatican Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development. Alternatives to child detention vary widely. Chaiban said Ireland prohibits child detention altogether; Spain, Portugal and Italy allow it but don’t use it; and Zambia has guidelines and protocols in place. Sweden accommodates unaccompanied children in the receiving community. Father Czerny said “best practices” may include “legal channels for family reunification, mechanisms of regularization that would allow children to live with their parents, and educational and employment opportunities for young people.” Ashley Feasley, director of policy for


Children play in a double-fenced playground area outside the T. Don Hutto Family Residential Facility in Taylor, Texas. Migration is not a crime and vulnerable migrant and refugee children should not be detained as if they were criminals, speakers said at a U.N. program Feb 21 in New York City. the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops’ Migration and Refugee Services, said the CARA Family Detention Project in Dilley, Texas, is a promising example of aid to children and their families in detention centers in the United States. The Catholic Legal Immigration

Network is part of CARA. Representatives to the United Nations, members of U.N. agencies, and speakers from nonprofit agencies described the challenges of their approaches to migrant and refugee children.

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CLASSIFIEDS EMPLOYMENT Associate superintendent of schools -The Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas is seeking an associate superintendent for schools. This position works with the superintendent and other office staff to support school leaders in ways that will enable them to be effective spiritual and instructional leaders for teachers. The associate superintendent provides services to assist school principals and faculties in a variety of areas, including, but not limited to, curriculum, instruction, assessment, professional development and school accreditation. The ideal candidate will be a practicing Catholic in good standing and have a minimum of 10 years in education, some of which must be leadership within the Catholic school setting. Requires master degree in educational leadership; post-master’s coursework/training preferred, particularly in the areas of curriculum development and instructional systems planning and design. A complete job description, application and benefits information are available on the archdiocese’s website at: www.archkck.org/jobs. Interested individuals should send cover letter, resume, application and pastor’s letter of support. Send via email to: jobs@arch kck.org; or mail to: Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas, Office of Human Resources, Associate Superintendent of Schools Search, 12615 Parallel Pkwy., Kansas City, KS 66109. Submission deadline: March 2. Teacher assistant - Special Beginnings, Lenexa, is seeking full- or part-time after-school teacher assistants at all locations. We are looking for a teacher assistant candidate who has an excellent work ethic, heart for children and a willingness to learn more about early childhood education. Experience and/or education is a plus, but we will train the right candidate. Teacher assistants will work with the lead teacher to care for and educate the children. Primary responsibilities include assisting the lead teacher with: care and supervision of children, lesson plan implementation, parent communication, and cleanliness and organization of classroom. Starting hourly pay ranges based on experience and education. Pay increases are based on job performance. Opportunities for advancement are available, as the company prefers to promote from within. Apply by sending an email to: chris@specialbeginningsonline.com or in person at 10216 Pflumm Rd., Lenexa, KS 66215. Campaign field directors – The Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas is seeking two full-time campaign field directors with the expectation that the position will last approximately 18 months or longer. This position is temporary and benefit-eligible. Duties include managing assigned parish campaigns; working with clergy and volunteers to execute parish campaigns; training staff, volunteers and clergy; and other campaign tasks. The ideal candidate will be a practicing Catholic in good standing and have two to five years’ fundraising or sales experience; college degree required. A complete job description, application and benefits information are available on the archdiocese’s website at: www.archkck. org/jobs. Interested individuals should mail cover letter, resume and application to: Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas, Office of Human Resources, Campaign Field Director Search, 12615 Parallel Pkwy., Kansas City, KS 66109, or send via email to: jobs@archkck.org. This position will remain open until filled. Director of faith formation - Good Shepherd Parish is seeking a full-time, professional director of faith formation to plan, develop, organize and evaluate faith formation programs for grades K - 8. The director will coordinate, recruit and facilitate training for volunteers in faith formation and have oversight of religious education and sacramental preparation. The director works with parishioners, parish leadership, volunteers and parish staff to provide a comprehensive approach to formation for children and families. The candidate should have a minimum of a bachelor’s degree and successful formation experience in a parish or diocesan position. Related degrees and experience will be considered. Bilingual (English/ Spanish) candidates are preferred. Candidate should be a practicing Catholic with in-depth knowledge of Catholic doctrine and beliefs. Also needed are: strong administrative, leadership and communication skills; good interpersonal and collaborative skills; and a working knowledge of computer software applications. Interested candidates should email a letter of interest and resume before March 30 to: Deacon Steve Lemons, director of administrative service, to: slemons@gsshawnee.org. Office manager, tribunal office – The Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas is seeking an experienced office manager for a full-time position. This position has a canonical responsibility to authenticate acts of all annulment cases processed in the archdiocese. The office manager supervises a staff of two and oversees all office procedures, ensuring that cases receive timely attention and proceed according to the dictates of the law and the mandates of the judges. The ideal candidate will be a practicing Catholic in good standing and have a minimum of five years’ experience managing and supervising. Requires college degree; prefer canon law degree or related experience. A complete job description, application and benefits information are available on the archdiocese’s website at: www.archkck.org/jobs. Interested individuals should send cover letter, resume, application and pastor’s letter of support via email to: jobs@archkck.org; or mail to: Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas, Office of Human Resources, Office Manager - Tribunal Search, 12615 Parallel Pkwy., Kansas City, KS 66109. Submission deadline is Feb. 28. Do you enjoy driving? - The Kansas City Transportation Group is looking for chauffeurs to drive our guests to events, airport, dinner, etc. Business is growing and we are in need of workers with flexible hours, those who are retired, etc. Great pay and benefits. Send resume to: jkalbert@kctg.com or in person at Carey, 1300 Lydia Ave., Kansas City, MO 64106.

Drivers - Special Beginnings Early Learning Center is seeking part-time drivers for its school-age program located in Lenexa. Candidates must be able to drive a 13-passenger minibus, similar to a 15-passenger van. CDL not required, but must have an excellent driving record. Candidates would pick up children from area schools and then work directly with them when arriving back at the center. Experience preferred. Must have strong work ethic and the ability to work with children. Insurance provided. Background check will be conducted. Great opportunity for retired persons or those seeking a second job. Job responsibilities include: ensuring safety and well-being of children who are being transported at all times, including loading and unloading. Driving short, round-trip routes to elementary schools in Lenexa/Olathe area. Summer only: Driving short, roundtrip routes to two Lenexa city pools. Maintaining mileage log. Keeping interior of vehicle clean. Apply by sending an email to: chris@specialbeginningsonline.com or in person at 10216 Pflumm Rd., Lenexa, KS 66215. Campaign coordinator – The Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas is seeking a full-time campaign coordinator with the expectation that the position will last approximately 18 months or longer. This position is temporary and benefit- eligible. Duties include: providing support to the campaign executive director and campaign team; coordinating the collection and processing of weekly reports; reporting and handling queries from Raiser’s Edge; data entry; and various other campaign tasks. The ideal candidate will be a practicing Catholic in good standing and have one to three years’ experience in an office environment; nonprofit experience and college degree preferred. A complete job description, application and benefit information are available on the archdiocese’s website at: www.archkck. org/jobs. Interested individuals should mail cover letter, resume and application to: Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas, Office of Human Resources, Campaign Coordinator Search, 12615 Parallel Pkwy., Kansas City, KS 66109, or send via email to: jobs@archkck.org. This position will remain open until filled. Assisted transportation - Ready for the summers off? Join our school transportation division and live like a kid again! Our drivers have the opportunity to serve our community and still get these precious summer breaks. Assisted Transportation seeks caring and reliable drivers to transport K - 12 students in Johnson and Wyandotte counties in our minivans. CDL not required. $12 per hour. Retirees encouraged to apply. Learn more or apply online at: assistedtransportation.com or call (913) 262-5190 for more information. EOE. Part-time positions - Sincerely Susan is currently looking to fill several part-time positions immediately: Stylist position - Must be available to work every other Saturday and Sunday. Weekdays late afternoon/evening. Need to be outgoing, personable and willing to work with clients. Fun, relaxing environment and flexible schedule. Pay will be determined by experience. Runner position - Looking for a “runner” to work every other or every Saturday, hours of 11 a.m. - 4/5 p.m., with the potential to add more hours in the future. Runner would be responsible for putting dresses back on the racks for the stylist, answering phone, and greeting the customers, etc. This position would be perfect for a high school student! Pay is minimum wage. If you are interested, call (913) 730-8840. Caregivers - Daughters & Company is looking for several compassionate caregivers to provide assistance to ambulatory seniors in their home, assisted living or in a skilled nursing facility. We provide light housekeeping/ light meal preparation, organizational assistance, care management and occasional transportation services for our clients. We need caregivers with reliable transportation and a cell phone for communication. A CNA background is helpful, though not mandatory. We typically employ on a part-time basis, but will strive to match hours desired. Please contact Pat or Murray at 913-3412500 to become part of an excellent caregiving team. Groundskeeping position - $30K - Catholic Cemeteries is seeking an individual for a full-time groundskeeping position. This position requires heavy lifting. Must be physically fit; experience operating construction equipment would be a plus. Must be a fast learner and flexible on hours. Interested individuals should contact Matt Wirtz at (913) 371-4040 or you may send a resume online to: svallejo@cathcemks.org. Teacher openings - Bishop Miege High School has teacher openings for the 2018-19 school year for theology and journalism/publications, including yearbook and newspaper (English endorsement a plus). Send a letter of interest and resume to Mariann Jaksa at: mjaksa@ bishopmiege.com. Volunteer coordinator - Villa St. Francis, a skilled nursing community sponsored by the archdiocese, is seeking a volunteer coordinator to promote and support the community’s mission by coordinating and enhancing an effective volunteer program. Duties include: recruitment; training; placement; and management of volunteers. The ideal candidate will possess strong leadership and communication skills, along with a creative, detail-oriented approach to the position. Email a letter of interest and resume to: nhendricks@villasf.org.​ Director of development - Villa St. Francis, a skilled nursing community sponsored by the archdiocese, is a seeking a full-time director of development to build and grow the community’s development initiatives and public relations outreach. Duties include: establishing and implementing fundraising goals and strategies; supervising day-to-day fundraising; and management of current and prospective donor database. The ideal candidate will be a motivated self-starter with development experience and possess a true passion for the Villa St. Francis mission. Email a letter of interest and resume to: rwhittington@villasf.org.

Records and gift processing specialist – The Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas is seeking a part-time (approximately 25 hours per week) records and gift processing specialist with the expectation that the position will last approximately 18 months or longer. This position is temporary and not benefit eligible. Duties include managing the campaign pledges and gifts in Raiser’s Edge database including processing and receipting; updating and maintaining donor information in the database; training temporary data entry staff; and various other campaign tasks. The ideal candidate will be a practicing Catholic in good standing and have two to five years’ experience in support or operations in a fundraising environment; nonprofit experience and college degree preferred. A complete job description, application and benefits information are available on the archdiocese’s website at: www.archkck.org/jobs. Interested individuals should mail cover letter, resume and application to: Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas, Office of Human Resources, Record and Gifts Processing Specialist Search, 12615 Parallel Pkwy., Kansas City, KS 66109, or send via email to: jobs@archkck.org. This position will remain open until filled. ELA teacher - St. Patrick School is seeking a full-time ELA teacher for grades 6 - 8 for the 2017-18 school year. Interested applicants should complete the teacher application process online at: www.archkckcs.org. For more information, contact principal Felicia Torres at: ftorres@ stpatrickkck.eduk12.net. Career opportunity - Due to the success and growth of the Knights of Columbus, we are adding a financial representative in the Kansas City metro and Topeka areas. Ideal for a determined, high energy, high expectation, professional, self-disciplined, independent individual desiring to serve others, yet earn a better than average income. We provide top-rated financial products to our members and their families and will provide excellent benefits and training. This is a full-time position. Please contact John A. Mahon, general agent, for more information or an interview at 1275 Topeka Blvd., Topeka, KS 66612 or call (785) 498-8806. You can also send an email to: john.mahon@kofc.org.

HOME IMPROVEMENT DRC Construction We’ll get the job done right the first time. Windows - Doors - Decks - Siding Repair or replace, we will work with you to solve your problems. Choose us for any window, door, siding or deck project and be glad you did. Everything is guaranteed 100% (913) 461-4052 www.windowservicesoverlandpark.com drcconswindows@gmail.com STA (Sure Thing Always) Home Repair - Basement finish, bathrooms and kitchens; interior & exterior repairs: painting, roofing, siding, wood replacement and window glazing. Free estimates. Call (913) 579-1835. Email: smokeycabin@hotmail.com. Member of Holy Trinity, Lenexa. Swalms organizing - downsizing - cleanout service - Reduce clutter – Any space organized. Shelving built on-site. Items hauled for recycling and donations. 20 years exp.; insured. Call Tillar at (913) 375-9115. WWW. SWALMSORGANIZING.COM. Rusty Dandy Painting, Inc. – We have been coloring your world for 40 years. Your home will be treated as if it were our own. Old cabinets will be made to look like new. Dingy walls and ceilings will be made beautiful. Woodwork will glow. Lead-certified and insured. Call (913) 341-9125. NELSON CREATION’S L.L.C. Home makeovers, kitchen, bath. All interior and exterior remodeling and repairs. Family owned, experienced, licensed and insured. Member St. Joseph, Shawnee. Kirk Nelson. (913) 927-5240; nelsport@everestkc.net Father-and-son home exteriors and remodeling - Celebrating my 15th year in The Leaven as a small business owner! We do decks, siding, windows, doors, tile work, floors, wood rot, and interior and exterior painting. We can remodel bathrooms, kitchens or basements. We also reface cabinets and redo pesky popcorn ceilings. Call Josh at (913) 709-7230. Helping Hand Handy Man - Semi-retired handyman can help with your ‘to do list,’ small and medium projects around your house. Also electrical; ceiling fans, light fixtures, outlet and switches. Most deck and shed repairs, power washing restaining and painting. No yard work. Member of Prince of Peace, Olathe. Call Mark Coleman at (913) 526-4490. HARCO Exteriors LLC Your Kansas City fencing specialists Family owned and operated (913) 815-4817 www.harcoexteriorsllc.com Local handyman - Painting int. and ext., staining, wood rot, power wash, decks, doors and windows, masonry, hardwood floors, gutter cleaning, water heaters, toilets, faucets, garbage disposals, ceiling fans, mowing and more!! Member of Holy Angels Parish, Basehor. Call Billy at (913) 927-4118. Concrete construction - Tear out and replace stamped, stained or colored patios and drives. Retaining walls, footings, poured-in-place safe rooms, excavation and hauling. Asphalt drives and lots. Fully insured; references. Call Dan at (913) 207-4371 or send an email to: dan deeconst@aol.com.


The Drywall Doctor, Inc. – A unique solution to your drywall problems! We fix all types of ceiling and wall damage — from water stains and stress cracks to texture repairs and skim coating. We provide professional, timely repairs and leave the job site clean! Lead-certified and insured! Serving the metro since 1997. Call (913) 768-6655. EL SOL Y LA TIERRA *Commercial & residential * Lawn renovation *Mowing * Clean-up and hauling * Dirt grading/installation * Landscape design * Free estimates Hablamos y escribimos Ingles!! www.elsolylatierra.com Call Lupe at (816) 935-0176 Handyman/Remodeler - Quality service with references. Kitchens, baths, tile, painting, garage doors and openers, decks and wood rot repair. Call Jeff at (913) 915-4738.

SERVICES Doll dresses - First Communion dress sets for 18” or American Girl dolls. Includes dress, veil, shoes, tights and cross necklace. Full line of doll clothes and accessories in south Johnson County. Call Patty at (913) 3459498. Tutoring - Sessions are customized to fit student’s needs. Single sessions or packages available. Tutor has 15 years experience in K - 12 subjects, French Spanish, piano and voice. Call/text Kathleen at (913) 244-3655 or send an email to: Klmamuric@yahoo.com. Life Simplified - Professional organizing for home and business in the Greater Kansas City area. We organize tools to toys, garages to attics. Pre- and post-moving support for upsizing or downsizing. We advise on what to keep, donate, recycle or toss and offer personalized strategies on keeping organized. Supportive, confidential and non-judgmental. Call (913)-725-8151 or email: info@lifesimplified.biz. www.life simplified.biz. Bankruptcy consultation - If debts are overwhelming you, seek hope and help from compassionate, experienced Catholic attorney, Teresa Kidd. For a free consultation, call (913) 422-0610; send an email to: tkidd@kc.rr. com; or visit the website at: www.teresakiddlawyer. com. Please do not wait until life seems hopeless before getting good quality legal advice that may solve your financial stress. Speedy Guzman Moving and delivery Licensed and insured Anytime (816) 935-0176 Custom countertops - Laminates installed within five days. Cambria, granite and solid surface. Competitive prices, dependable work. Call the Top Shop, Inc., at (913) 962-5058. Members of St. Joseph, Shawnee. Tree Trimming Tree Trimming/Landscaping Insured/References Free Estimates/Local Parishioner Tony (913) 620-6063 Mike Hammer local moving - A full-service mover. Packing, pianos, rental truck load/unload, storage container load/unload, and in-home moving. No job too small. Serving JoCo since 1987. St. Joseph, Shawnee, parishioner. Call Mike at (913) 927-4347 or send an email to: mike@mikehammermoving.com. Rodman Lawn Care Lawn mowing, aeration, verticutting, mulching, Hedge trimming, leaf removal, gutter cleaning Fully insured and free estimates John Rodman (913) 548-3002

FOR SALE Residential lifts - New and recycled. Stair lifts, porch lifts, ceiling lifts and elevators. St. Michael’s parishioners. KC Lift & Elevator at (913) 327-5557. (Formerly Silver Cross - KC) For sale - Two cemetery plots side by side at Chapel Hill Memorial Gardens Cemetery in Kansas City, Kan. Owner will pay transfer fees. Single plot $2900; both plots $5000. The going rate for these plots is $3750 - $4200 each. Call or text Joan and Don at (816) 536-4838. For sale - Double mausoleum at Gate of Heaven Cemetery. St. John Corridor, tier A, crypt 6. Asking $10,000. Call Janet at (913) 522-0489.

CAREGIVING Retired nurse - Available M - F, some weekends. 30 years’ experience, recent references. Call (913) 5795276. Situation wanted - Retired nurse will do private care. Excellent current references. Superior personalized care for you or your loved one. Cosmetology and Swedish massage training plus hospice care. Call (913) 938-4765. No agencies. >> Classifieds continue on page 13


CALENDAR OBESITY AND DEPRESSION Keeler Women’s Center 2220 Central Ave., Kansas City, Kansas March 5 from 1 - 2 p.m.

How does one relate to the other? Is there a connection? This talk is presented in partnership with Hearing Health Associates.

‘AN EVENING OF SONG’ Corpus Christi Parish 6001 Bob Billings Pkwy, Lawrence March 3 at 6 p.m.

The evening features the adult choir, handbell choir, children’s choir and parish instrumentalists. The concert will include songs from their CD, “Cantata Per Annum,” and much more. The suggested donation is a freewill offering. There will be refreshments in the Holy Family Hall following the concert.

ST. JOSEPH TABLE AND PASTA DINNER St. Joseph Parish (McDevitt Hall) 11311 Johnson Dr., Shawnee March 4

The St. Joseph Table will be blessed at 8:30 a.m. Viewing will be until 2 p.m. A variety of items will be for sale. A pasta dinner will be served from 11 a.m. - 3 p.m. The suggested donation is a freewill offering. Proceeds will benefit the needy in the parish and the Shawnee community. For more information, call Christine Marion at (913) 268-6677.

PANCAKE BREAKFAST St. Patrick Parish Corning Community Center Main St., Corning March 4 from 7 a.m. - 1 p.m.

There will be pancakes, eggs, sausage, juice, milk and coffee. A country store and a raffle will also be featured.

SPAGHETTI LUNCHEON St. Mary Parish 446 Hwy. 137, Purcell March 4 from 11 a.m. - 1 p.m.

The luncheon is sponsored by the St. Mary Altar Society. There will be spaghetti, a salad bar, desserts and beverages. The suggested donation is a freewill offering.

‘DEAD MAN WALKING’ AUTHOR TO SPEAK KU Memorial Union (Woodruff Auditorium) 1301 Jayhawk Blvd., Lawrence March 5 at 7 p.m.

Sister Helen Prejean will give a talk advocating against the death penalty. Book sales/ signing and reception follow the event.

RUNNIN’ REVS BASKETBALL GAME Bishop Miege High School (gym) 5041 Reinhardt Dr., Roeland Park March 5 at 7 p.m.

Priests and seminarians will challenge eighth-grade and high-school youth from Catholic schools in a fun and competitive game. Donations and a silent auction will benefit seminarians. For more information, go online to: kckvocations.com, click on “Events,” then on “Runnin’ Revs.”

PRAYING WITH PICTURES: CONTEMPLATIVE SEEING Sophia Spirituality Center 751 S. 8th St., Atchison

March 6 from 9:30 a.m. - 4 p.m.

In this mini-retreat, explore photography as a spiritual practice, along with the symbols and images that remind us of God’s presence. Participants are asked to bring the camera they usually use, from phone to DSLR. For more information or to register, call (913) 360-6173 or go to the website at: www.sophiaspiritualitycenter.org.

EMBRACE: ENRICHING MANY BY REACHING ALL IN CATHOLIC EDUCATION Christ the King School 3027 N. 54th St., Kansas City, Kansas March 6 from 6 - 8 p.m.

There will be a free taco dinner and a community information night on the topic of anxiety. Dr. Ashley Smith will speak about how to help your child/student manage anxiety at home, school and in everyday situations. Children are welcome. For more information, visit the website at: www.embraceks.org or call (913) 362-7223.

DAY OF REFLECTION Holy Trinity Parish 13615 W. 92nd St., Lenexa March 10 from 8 a.m. - 12:15 p.m.

AN IRISH CELEBRATION Corpus Christi Parish (Holy Family Hall) 6001 Bob Billings Pkwy., Lawrence March 10 at 5 p.m.

Celebrate Irish traditions with an Irish menu of shepherd’s pie and corned beef and cabbage. There will be games and prizes. The Celtic band Beyond the Heather will perform for hours of dancing. Tickets are $20 per person ($10 discount for ages 70-plus) and can be purchased by going online to: cccparish.org/irish.

ST. PATRICK’S DAY DINNER St. Patrick Parish 33721 N.W. Crawford Rd., Emerald March 11 from 11 a.m. - 2 p.m.

There will be a dinner of corned beef and cabbage, Irish soda bread and homemade pies. There will also be raffle tickets with prizes including a handmade quilt, hand-loomed rugs, cash prizes and many other items. The suggested donation for the meal is $10.

DAUGHTERS OF ISABELLA LITTLE FLOWER CIRCLE 503 Immaculate Conception Parish 208 Bertrand, St. Marys March 11 at 11 a.m.

The speaker will be Sister Anne Marie Walsh, SOLT. From her study of spiritual theology, theology of the body, and women’s issues in our culture and church, she will speak on “The Mysteries of God’s Love in Creation - Reclaiming a Sacramental Vision of the World.” Registration before March 1 is $10 per person. Registration after March 1 or at the door is $15 per person. Send checks and your name, phone number, address and home parish to: Joan Putman, 25103 W. 98th St., Lenexa KS 66227. Call her at (316) 616-4339 with questions.

There will be a corporate Communion Mass. If you know of a member or their family member in distress, sick or in need of the circle’s prayers, call Theresa Smith-Lawton at (785) 640-1403. If you are interested in or would like more information about the Daughters of Isabella, call Marilyn Unrein at (785) 230-8448 or Cindy Keen at (785) 228-9863.

TACO DINNER AND SALAMI BINGO Holy Family Parish (Monsignor Mejak Hall) 513 Ohio, Kansas City, Kansas March 10 at 5:30 p.m.

Dinner will include ham or turkey and trimmings, plus pie and a beverage. The cost is: $10 for adults; $5 for kids ages 5 - 12; kids ages 5 and under eat for free.

A donation of $15 includes one bingo card, one taco dinner (three tacos, rice and dessert) and cold beverages. The event is sponsored by the Holy Family Church Altar Society. For tickets, call Sandy Cannon at (913) 396-1564 or Cathy Schneider at (913) 371-1561. Must be age 21 or older to attend. Dessert donations are welcome!

DAY OF REFLECTION Queen of the Holy Rosary, Wea 22779 Metcalf, Bucyrus March 10 from 7:45 a.m. - 1 p.m.

There will be inspirational speakers, a light brunch and an opportunity for prayer and reconciliation. To register, send $10 to Queen of the Holy Rosary, Wea, 22779 Metcalf, Bucyrus, KS 66013, attn: Altar Society. Send an email to: dkerra53@yahoo.com with questions.

‘TIPPING THE SCALES IN FAVOR OF LOVE’ Marillac Center (Ross Chapel) 4200 S. 4th St., Leavenworth March 10 from 10 a.m. - 3:45 p.m.

This will be a Lenten day of prayer with morning and afternoon presentations. The day will conclude with Mass. The registration fee is $35 and includes lunch. Contact Sister Susan Chase online at: schase@scls. org or call (913) 680-2342 to register by March 5. For more information, visit the website at: www.marillaccenter.org.

FEAST DAY DINNER St. Patrick Parish (basement) 302 S. Boyle, Scranton March 11 from 11 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.

18TH ANNUAL ST. PATRICK’S DAY CORNED BEEF AND CABBAGE DINNER Immaculate Conception-St. Joseph Parish 711 N. 5th St., Leavenworth March 11 from 11:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.

There will be a $10 adult menu, a $3 kids’ menu and carryouts will be available. There will also be a $1000 cash raffle, a silent auction, spirits and Irish coffee, and great fellowship.

ALUMNI GATHERING AND LUNCHEON Bishop Ward High School (cafeteria) 708 N. 18th St., Kansas City, Kansas March 14 at 11 a.m.


>> Continued from page 12 Looking for assisted living at home? - Before you move, call us and explore our in-home care options. We specialize in helping families live safely at home while saving thousands of dollars per year. Call today for more information or to request a FREE home care planning guide. Benefits of Home - Senior Care, www.benefitsofhome.com or call (913) 422-1591 Caregiving - We provide personal assistance, companionship, care management, and transportation for seniors in their home, assisted living or nursing facilities. We also provide respite care for main caregivers needing some personal time. Call Daughters & Company at (913) 341-2500 and speak with Laurie, Pat or Gary. Medication support - Need help filling weekly pill boxes? Need daily medication reminders? We can provide these services in your home with daily or weekly visits. Call to learn about our exciting new medication solutions that allow you to continue living safely at home. Call Home Connect Health at (913) 627- 9222. Just like family - Let us care for your loved ones in their homes. Two ladies with over 50 years’ combined experience. Looking for night shift coverage, some days. Great price, great references. Both experienced with hospice care. Call Kara at (913) 3431602 or Ophelia at (913) 570-7276. Reliable companion care for seniors - Available immediately. Provides companionship, light housekeeping and transportation for seniors in their own home. Part time, flexible hours, strong references available. Contact Mary at (913) 908-6896.

WANTED TO BUY Will buy firearms and related accessories - One or a whole collection. Honest evaluation and top prices paid. Contact Tom at (913) 238-2473. Member of Sacred Heart Parish, Shawnee. Wanted: Antiques and collectibles, postcards, sterling silverware, Native American turquoise, antique jewelry, crocks and old political buttons. Call (913) 593-7507

REAL ESTATE Whole Estates Need to sell a home and everything in it? We buy it all at once in as-is condition. Call (816) 444-1950 or send an email to: www.wholeestates.com.

PILGRIMAGE Pilgrimage to Medjugorje - from April 26 through May 3, 2018. Call (913) 449-1806 for details.

BUYING AN AD To purchase a Leaven classified ad, email The Leaven at: beth.blankenship@theleaven.org. Cost is $20 for the first five lines, $1.50 per line thereafter. Ad deadline is 10 days before the desired publication date.

Come back to Bishop Ward and celebrate with classmates and peers. The cost for lunch is $25. Enjoy fun, fellowship and food. To RSVP, email Greg Duggins at: gduggins@wardhigh. org or call (913) 229-3828.

ST. PATRICK’S 5K/10K RUN/WALK St. Patrick Parish 19384 234th Rd., Atchison March 24 at 8:30 a.m.

There is a choice of an easy trail or a more challenging trail. March 7 is the deadline for the early registration fee of $25 that includes a T-shirt; after March 7, the entry fee is $30 and includes breakfast for all entrants. If not participating in the run/walk, breakfast is $5. For more information and to register, call Heidi at (913) 426-1921.

Want to help someone heal from an abortion?

Call or text 913-621-2199



All hands on tech!

THIRD WEEK OF LENT March 4 THIRD SUNDAY OF LENT Ex 20: 1-17 Ps 19: 8-11 1 Cor 1: 22-25 Jn 2: 13-25 March 5 Monday 2 Kgs 5: 1-15b Pss 42: 2-3; 43: 3-4 Lk 4: 24-30 March 6 Tuesday Dn 3: 25, 34-43 Ps 25: 4bc-5ab, 6-7bc, 8-9 Mt 18: 21-35 March 7 Perpetua and Felicity, martyrs Dt 4: 1, 5-9 Ps 147: 12-13, 15-16, 19-20 Mt 5: 17-19 March 8 John of God, religious Jer 7: 23-28 Ps 95: 1-2, 6-9 Lk 11: 14-23 March 9 Frances of Rome, religious Hos 14: 2-10 Ps 81: 6c-11b, 14, 17 Mk 12: 28-34 March 10 Saturday Hos 6: 1-6 Ps 51: 3-4, 18-21b Lk 18: 9-14




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INSTAGRAM theleavenkc


hew! I didn’t breathe normally until last Friday morning when I got to the office and could see The Leaven with my own eyes. The reason for my anxiety was simple: How would the Feb. 23 issue look? You see, we had a little bit of a problem last Tuesday, our deadline day. Overnight on Monday, the skies decided to rain down ice. I awoke on Tuesday morning to the pinging of a text message. That’s never a good sound at 6:39 a.m. It was Anita McSorley, our Leaven managing editor, warning the staff of the hazardous weather conditions. Dozens of text messages and emojis later, it was determined that none of us was going anywhere safely anytime soon. That’s a big problem on a deadline day. We had a good portion of the paper done, but not all of it. And although we could “theoretically” do the paper online, we’d never “actually” done it that




FATHER MARK GOLDASICH Father Mark is the pastor of Sacred Heart Parish in Tonganoxie. He has been editor of The Leaven since 1989.

way before. Further complicating things was that we were caught off-guard by the severity of the storm. Most of the staff hadn’t even taken their laptops home! Well, to make a long story short, everything did work out last Tuesday. We did get the paper to the printer on time and you did get a Feb. 23 issue as usual. There might have been a few more errors in it than usual, since the set of eyes that looks at the pages after

I do the corrections didn’t get to do her due diligence. Otherwise, though, we fared OK and learned from the experience. I don’t know what we would have done without our modern technology. Now, moving from technology’s practical use to its purely entertainment side, I also spent last Friday distracting Leaven staff members from their work by carrying an empty wine bottle from office to office. (And, before you ask, I was not drinking on the job.) The bottle once held a red Australian wine called 19 Crimes. These crimes in 18th-century England resulted in their perpetrators being “pun-

ished by transportation” to Australia, instead of suffering the gallows. Since this is a favorite wine, I wondered what those crimes might be every time I opened a bottle. Then one day — duh — as I was tossing the cork into the trash, I noticed that it had a number and words on it! I was surprised to discover that each cork has a different crime stamped on it. That’s interesting in itself, but why was I carrying that empty — that is, cork-less — wine bottle around last Friday? Because its label speaks! Well, actually, it’s the criminal on the label that does all the talking. When you hold your smartphone (with the LivingWine app) up to the label, the convict blurts out his story. It’s called AR or augmented reality. You have to see it to believe it. It is beyond cool. I recall these two instances whenever I hear someone lamenting how bad technology is. Actually, technology is morally neutral; it’s what we do with it that makes

it something good (getting our job done easier or providing wholesome entertainment) or something bad (cyberbullying or spreading fake news). As Catholics, we’re so lucky to have patron saints to guide and help us in so many of our daily tasks, like using internet technology. Pope John Paul II proposed a patron for the internet: St. Isidore of Seville. He died in the year 636, and left behind a 20-volume work, listing everything known in the world at that time. The pope felt that Isidore’s quest for knowledge fits right in with internet users’ curiosity about our world today. I thought about printing the prayer of St. Isidore of Seville here, but, since he’s the patron of the internet, it would be so much more appropriate for readers to use the Net to find it on their own. Just Google “Internet prayer of St. Isidore” and you’ll be good to go. In the meantime, I’ve just got to say: St. Isidore of Seville, thanks for “teching” care of us on our icy deadline!

Temple reference carries double meaning

ike a good teacher, the prophets of the Bible sometimes drew on visual aids to make a point. For example, the prophet Jeremiah smashed a clay pot to pieces while saying: “Thus says the Lord of hosts: Thus will I smash this people and this city, as one smashes a clay pot so that it cannot be repaired” (Jer 19:11). He got his point across. Jesus also was a good teacher. We see him getting his point across by means of a visual aid in Sunday’s Gospel reading, Jn 2:13-25. While in the temple in Jerusalem, he drives out the livestock dealers and money-changers, and overturns their tables. What is the message that Jesus is attempting to convey by this action?


FATHER MIKE STUBBS Father Stubbs is the pastor of Holy Cross Parish in Overland Park and has a degree in Scripture from Harvard University.

Is it merely a criticism of buying and selling in a religious arena, or is it something deeper? It is entirely possible that Jesus was pointing to a complete overhaul


of the temple, one that would require its destruction in order to make something new. During his trial before the Sanhedrin, Jesus was accused of envisioning the destruction of the temple: “We heard him say, ‘I will destroy this temple made with hands’ and ‘Within three days I will build another not made with hands’” (Mk 14:58). A temple not made by hands would be a

It’s time to break free from fear, fake online personas and looking at the world through a digital screen display, Pope Francis told young people. “Do not allow the spark of youth to be extinguished in the darkness of a closed room in which the only window to the outside world is a computer and smartphone,” the pope told youths in his annual message for local celebrations of World Youth Day. “Open wide the doors of your life! May your time and space be filled with meaningful relationships, real people with whom to share your authentic and concrete experiences of daily life,” he said in the message, published Feb. 22 at the Vatican. Many young people today are afraid — afraid of never being accepted,

temple made by God, instead of human beings. This charge is later echoed when Stephen is brought before the Sanhedrin: “This man never stops saying things against this holy place and the law. For we have heard him claim that this Jesus the Nazorean will destroy this place and change the customs that Moses handed down to us” (Acts 6:13b14). Both Jesus and Stephen are accused of plotting to destroy the temple, or at least talking about its destruction as necessary for its renewal. Significantly, that destruction does take place years later, in A.D. 70. The Romans demolish the temple in Jerusalem and destroy the entire city. When that happens, the followers of Jesus do

not seek to rebuild the temple. Instead, they decide to replace it with Jesus himself as their focus of worship. It is through Jesus that they will encounter God from now on. They reinterpret his words about the temple’s destruction to refer to his death and resurrection as a metaphor, and not to the actual building. This explains the editorial comment in Sunday’s Gospel: “But he was speaking about the temple of his body” (2:21). In any case, Jesus’ criticism of the temple makes up one of the charges that lead to his death. But three days later, he rises to new life. He fulfills the words we hear in the Gospel: “Destroy this temple and in three days I will raise it up.”

of finding a good job and even of their real selves, the pope said in his message. The only way forward is to face one’s fears head-on, identify them clearly and come to terms with them, he said, “so as not to find yourself wasting time and energy by being gripped by empty and faceless ghosts.” People have to act, which requires faith in God and his grace, otherwise fear and doubt will make people “become inward-looking and closed off to defend ourselves from everything and everyone, and we will remain paralyzed,” he said. In preparation for the next international celebration of World Youth Day — which will be held in Panama Jan. 22-27, 2019 — many dioceses will have their own celebrations Palm Sunday, March 25.






The Fellowship of Catholic University Students hosted a Legacy Conference Feb. 23 – 25 in Overland Park, challenging Greek students to discover God’s plan, live with a purpose and establish a meaningful legacy for the future — both on campus and in eternity. FOCUS Greek missionaries invited fraternity and sorority members to learn more about their faith and grow both as individuals and as leaders on campus. The conference provided an opportunity for fun fellowship with other Greeks, music, prayer and inspiring talks from dynamic speakers such as FOCUS CEO and founder Curtis Martin, left. Below, Archbishop Joseph F. Naumann and Bishop James V. Johnston celebrated Mass for the students on Feb. 25.




he Catholic bishops of Kansas are conducting a search for an executive director for the Kansas Catholic Conference. The Kansas Catholic Conference (kscathconf.org) is the public policy voice of the Catholic Church in the state of Kansas. It operates on behalf of the archbishop/bishops of the Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas, the Diocese of Dodge City, the Diocese of Salina and the Diocese of Wichita. Its purpose is to advocate on the federal and state level to promote public policy objectives consistent with the social teachings of the Catholic Church. The principal areas of concern are life issues, family life, education, poverty, the environment and general social well-being. The executive director represents the Kansas Catholic Conference to the governor, legislators and other government officials; serves as the official spokesperson for the conference, articulating its positions on life, social and educational issues; and directs programs in media relations, public information and governmental relations. The executive director also: • contacts and confers with legislators and public officials to persuade them to support legislation consistent with Catholic social teaching, and plans and coordinates meetings between bishops and elected officials to discuss legislative issues and proposals, allowing legislators to respond to conference concerns.

• studies and analyzes proposed legislation in the light of Catholic social teaching to determine the possible impact of specific bills, and contacts individuals and groups having similar interests in order to encourage them to contact legislators and to present their views. • prepares news releases and other educational materials and conducts news conferences to communicate the church’s views on public policy issues, and organizes and/or presents testimonies given before various committees. • conducts research, keeps bishops abreast of activities of other state conferences and public opinion, and presents the conference’s position to the public; advises the bishops on public policy and speaks on their behalf when appropriate.

Announcement Joseph A. Butler & Son Funeral Home has re-opened as

• reports to the bishops of Kansas at regular and special meetings, follows and implements policy directions given by the bishops, reports to the archbishop of Kansas City regarding administrative decisions, manages the conference office and staff, plans the meetings with bishops/staff and other activities. • prepares and recommends annual budget for approval of the bishops. Candidate must be a practicing Catholic and a good steward in his/her parish, articulate regarding teachings of the Catholic Church, comfortable and responsive to church authority, self-directed, self-motivated, familiar with the legislative process and lobbying, possess outstanding oral and written communication skills, and be conscious of public image as a representative of the Catholic Church. Undergraduate degree required; master’s degree or equivalent desired. Candidate should be able to reside in Topeka during legislative session. Please email resume, applications and pastor’s letter of support to: jobs@archkck.org or mail to: Kathleen Thomas, Director of Human Resources Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas 12615 Parallel Pkwy., Kansas City, KS 66109 ATTENTION: KS CATHOLIC CONFERENCE

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In a handbell choir, each instrument plays a single note with each member responsible for hitting the note just right. Ringers, such as EJ Monson, above, must pay close attention to play their notes in harmony with the rest of the ensemble.

Though they look sturdy, handbells are actually quite fragile. Ringers wear gloves to protect the delicate handles and bronze finish.

Director Helena Vasconcellos, who has degrees in both piano performance and conducting, finds handbells fascinating because of the many techniques used to make the music.

By Jill Ragar Esfeld jill.esfeld@theleaven.org

RINGING IN THE LITURGY A short history of the handbell choir


ENEXA — Holy Trinity parishioner Helen McGown is a ringer who can shelley; and if you know anything about handbell technique, you know that’s impressive. “Shelley means I have two bells in one hand,” she explained. In the upper octaves, bells are so small it’s possible to use this technique. “Most people will have a total of five bells in front of them,” McGown said. “I will have a total of 10 because I would play f6 and f7, which both have a sharp and a flat, to go with them.” In other words, she knows her stuff. And she’s not alone. The members of the handbell choir at Lenexa’s Holy Trinity, Bells of Joy, have made music together for more than 15 years. To the casual observer, they may look like a group of people simply ringing bells. But to the ear, the sound is so heavenly you know it entails much more finesse. “You have that melody going from ringer to ringer and the different rhythms,” said director Helena Vasconcellos. “And it’s very difficult. “It’s very challenging because you have to know exactly how loud that person on your side is playing to continue that melody.” The term “together” is the cornerstone of this group’s success, because ringers act as a single instrument. “If you take one of the bell songs we play,” said McGown, “and everyone stood around a piano and had their finger on that one key and played it when it was their turn — that’s what it’s like.” Much like the body of Christ. “Exactly,” said McGown. “We’re all part of the whole with each one having a part to play. “And when a part is missing, it can throw other people off.” Even the smallest, most insignificant bell is critically important. McGown has a degree in music, but it’s far from required to be in the group. At the other



Susan Gasper is an integral part of the handbell choir. Even though she doesn’t read music, Gasper is able to play by marking her notes with colored pens that coordinate to her bells.

Hear the Bells of Joy If you’d like to hear Bells of Joy, Lenexa’s Holy Trinity handbell choir, it will be playing at Mass on March 17 at 4 p.m., and on Easter Sunday at 9:30 a.m.

end of the line, literally, is Susan Gasper, who doesn’t even know how to read music. “I use colored markers to follow the notes,” she said. Handbell ringers, regardless of their level of experience, move and work together, learning first how to ring the bell and then learning technique. “You can produce different sounds with your bells,” explained Vasconcellos. “You can use the mallets, you can ring the bells on the foam on the table, and you can use your thumbs to mute the sound. “It’s a fascinating realm of music.” Though the bells look like big sturdy chunks of metal, they’re actually very fragile. Ringers wear gloves because oil from their hands can degrade the finish on them. Bells must be polished,

maintained and occasionally sent out for tune-ups. “Even though they seem sturdy, they’re very easy to damage,” said Vasconcellos. “The equipment is very, very expensive. “ The bells were donated to Holy Trinity, and that was the impetus for putting together a choir. A notice was put in the bulletin, and Jill Hagel, who still plays with the group, was the only respondent who had any experience with handbells. Amy Knudsen was the group’s first director. She got the choir started, wrote accompaniments for the hymns and conducted for 10 years. The reaction of the congregation when the handbells first rang at Mass? “Oh, they were amazed,” said McGown. When Knudsen left in 2013, McGown held the choir together until another director could be found. Vasconcellos, who has a degree in piano performance and a second degree in conducting, was pleased to take over the seasoned group. “I had been a choral conductor for a long time,” she said.

“I decided to give this a try because I was always fascinated by the bells. “I found a group of people who are so dedicated, so united and have such passion. It was a grace of God to be able to have them in front of me. “It’s just a joy to work with them.” The ensemble practices once a week and plays once a month, rotating Masses. “We do a different program every time we ring,” said Vasconcellos. “And usually we have four rehearsals to learn new things.” Dedication to attending rehearsals is essential because the fragile bells are only available for practice during that time. Choir member Joan Immethun tapes rehearsals and posts them online so people can practice at home, but without the bells. At home, you use spoons,” said McGown. “You have the music in front of you; you can listen online to what we just practiced and play your part with it. “The bigger bell people might use a hammer.” At the beginning of each practice, the handbell choir says

andbell choirs are a testament to the truth of the proverb: “Necessity is the mother of invention.” Handbell music finds its roots in the church towers of England, centuries ago. The English had a method of ringing tower bells called change ringing — a mathematical system that required several people to ring a series of bells in alternating sequences. But learning these sequences was no easy task. A group of bell ringers would be required to climb the often damp and cold bell tower and spend hours ringing the same sequence over and over. During these rehearsals, the sounds of change ringing echoed through the neighborhoods around the church towers. No surprise the neighbors complained of the noise almost as much as the ringers complained of the discomfort. The subsequent invention of handbells allowed ringers to practice their change ringing inside, where they could be comfortable and private. It wasn’t long before they realized the handbells made beautiful music; consequently, the first handbell choir was born.

a prayer that begins with the words: “Oh Lord, please bless this music that it might glorify your name.” This attitude of serving God through music is at the heart of this choir. “Everyone has the same mindset,” said Vasconcellos. “We are there just to enhance the liturgy, not to be acknowledged outside the church. “It is very humbling to do such a beautiful work primarily for God.”

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