THELEAVEN.ORG | VOL. 38, NO. 29 | MARCH 10, 2017
Rare Bible on display at Atchison college, abbey By Joe Bollig
TCHISON — A Bible is a Bible is a Bible, right? Wrong — especially if that Bible is The Saint John’s Bible, the first handwritten and illuminated Bible commissioned by a Benedictine monastery in more than 500 years. This month and next, students and the public will have an opportunity to view an exhibition of 25 archival prints and a full-scale replica of the seven-volume masterpiece at Benedictine College and St. Benedict’s Abbey in Atchison. The exhibition is free and open to the public. Additionally, the Benedictine department of music will present a concert of musical works that explore the illuminated passages, and noted biblical scholar Sister Irene Nowell, OSB, will The Benedictine offer a special lecture. College department Sister Irene was part of of music will presthe team that produced ent a concert of The St. John’s Bible. musical works that This exhibition is explore the same co-sponsored by St. passages as the illuBenedict’s Abbey and minations on exhibthe Benedictine Colit. The concert is at lege art department. 3 p.m. on March 26 The convocation and in the abbey church. arts committee, a faculty group, is responsible for the exhibition. The prints and replica volume come from the Hill Museum & Manuscript Library at St. John’s Abbey and University in Collegeville, Minnesota. Some instructors and professors are taking advantage of the exhibition to undertake interdisciplinary instruction, said Bryan Park, assistant professor in the art department, and coordinator of the effort to bring The St. John’s Bible exhibition to Atchison. “It’s hard to know all the different ways they might be used, but the college is offering an interdisciplinary seminar class this semester,” he said. Park will join one faculty member from each of departments of music, theology and history in teaching the class. “The four of us will lead a group of 19 students to look at the history of the Bible and of illumination, the writing of the Bible, and how the writing, illumination and pictures go together to create spiritual meaning. We’re looking at the creation of the [manuscripts] and how the arts in general can be a part of religious and devotional practice.”
Glorious artwork surprised even contributor
ven though she was part of producleading into the room with the New Tesing The St. John’s Bible, tament images. As I turned and seeing its power and glory looked up, right in front of me was on display for the first time the illumination from the beginning was a very moving experiof the Gospel of John.” ence for Sister Irene Nowell, OSB. “Because it’s gold — gold moves “The first exhibit was in Minwhen you move, because of the reneapolis,” said Sister Irene. “I was flection,” she added, “it looked just viewing all the illuminations. The like Christ was walking toward me. Pentateuch was in one room, and I “I burst into tears. It was so was really moved because I worked moving — after we’d done all that Sister Irene on it.” work — to see how powerful it Nowell, OSB “Then I turned the corner,” she was.” continued, and “there was a little hallway The St. John’s Bible came about when
master calligrapher Donald Jackson, from the United Kingdom, told Father Eric Hollas, OSB, from St. John’s Abbey in Collegeville, Minnesota, about his desire to create a handwritten, illuminated Bible the way monks and nuns did during medieval times. The abbey agreed to fund and sponsor the project, so Jackson and a team of artists, calligraphers, scholars and theologians worked from 2000 to 2011 to produce a seven-volume illuminated Bible.
>> See “BIBLE” on page 5
“Baptism of Jesus,” by Donald Jackson, Copyright 2002, The Saint John’s Bible, Order of Saint Benedict, Collegeville, Minnesota, USA. Scripture quotations are from the New Revised Standard Version of the Bible, Catholic Edition, Copyright 1993, 1989 National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
The first heart you might have to change is your own
he Feb. 22 shooting in Olathe killing Srinivas Kuchibhotla, an engineer at Garmin, and wounding another Indianborn man was a true tragedy. Our hearts and prayers go out to both victims and their families. The fact that the senseless killing was motivated apparently by racial bigotry has sadly turned this local tragedy into a national and international story. The perpetrator of this crime is reported to have bragged that he shot these two men, born in India, because he believed that they were Iranians. It was inspiring that the third victim was a Caucasian male who was wounded while attempting to apprehend the perpetrator. It was encouraging to read reports that the vast majority of the bar’s patrons were sympathetic and supportive of the victims. It was impressive to see the large and diverse crowd primarily from the Olathe community who attended the memorial service for Srinivas Kuchibhotla. We hope this outpouring of sympathy and love brought some consolation to the victim’s heartbroken family. Apparently, the civic leadership in Olathe has been both farsighted and proactive in making special efforts to engage in dialogue leaders from a growing Hispanic community. Olathe’s elected officials and the vast majority of citizens have embraced and welcomed diverse new arrivals to their city. I was also heartened by the March 5 front page story in The Kansas City Star that acknowledged how out of character this tragic event was for the Olathe community.
LIFE WILL BE VICTORIOUS ARCHBISHOP JOSEPH F. NAUMANN The Star article actually quoted a couple community leaders who credited, in part, the faith community for helping Olathe welcome people from diverse ethnic and religious backgrounds. While none of our three Olathe Catholic parishes were mentioned in the article, I know they are contributing significantly to the positive spirit within the community. St. Paul has for many years served a large Hispanic community that is both respected and treasured as an important part of the parish family. Prince of Peace Parish serves a significant number of recent immigrants from Africa, as well as being the spiritual home for two different communities of religious Sisters from India. The Catechism of the Catholic Church speaks very clearly about the sinfulness of any form of racism and how such racial bigotry is incompatible with the Gospel of Jesus. Paragraph 1934 states: “Created in the image of the one God and equally endowed with rational souls, all men have the same nature and the same origin. Redeemed by the sacrifice of Christ, all are called to partici-
pate in the same divine beatitude: all therefore enjoy an equal dignity.” Paragraph 1935 builds on this point by quoting “Gaudium et Spes,” a document of the Second Vatican Council: “The equality of men rests essentially on their dignity as persons and the rights that flow from it: ‘Every form of social or cultural discrimination in fundamental personal rights on the grounds of sex, race, color, social conditions, language or religion must be curbed and eradicated as incompatible with God’s design.’” Quoting Pope Pius XII, paragraph 1939 introduces the principle of solidarity as a derivative of our Catholic understanding of the dignity of every human being. The catechism states: “The principle of solidarity, also articulated in terms of ‘friendship’ or ‘social charity’ is a direct demand of human and Christian brotherhood. ‘An error, “today abundantly widespread, is disregard for the law of human solidarity and charity, dictated and imposed both by our common origin and by the equality in rational nature of all men, whatever nation they belong to. This law is sealed by the sacrifice of redemption offered by Jesus Christ on the altar of the Cross to his heavenly Father, on behalf of
sinful humanity.” Recently, I asked one of several priests from India serving in the archdiocese how the tragedy in Olathe had impacted him and his family. Sadly, he told me that many of his relatives had contacted him concerned for his safety. A form of racism is anti-Semitism. During recent weeks in other parts of the country, there has been vandalism in Jewish cemeteries. Fortunately, in the Kansas City metropolitan area, both Jewish and Christian leaders have worked diligently over many years to cultivate strong bonds between the two religious communities. Recently, this was evidenced by the American Jewish Committee/ Jewish Community Relations Board organizing a luncheon to honor Abbot Primate Gregory Polan, who, until very recently, has been the abbot of Conception Abbey in northwest Missouri. Abbot Gregory for many years had served as the interfaith and ecumenical relations officer for the Diocese of Kansas CitySt. Joseph. Over time, he had developed deep friendships with many Jewish leaders in the Kansas City area. It was gratifying and inspiring to see Jewish leaders take the initiative to honor a respected member of the Catholic community who had become for them a cherished friend. Interfaith and ecumenical efforts can sound a bit rarefied and challenging. Yet, the most important and effective work in this area does not happen in planning conferences and banquets but in oneon-one human relationships. We are all called to look for opportunities
March 10-17 Seminary visit — Pontifical North American College, Rome
March 10 Confirmation — St. Pius X, Mission
March 20-22 U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops meeting — Washington, D.C. March 23 Confirmation — Divine Mercy, Gardner March 25 Parish Benchmark workshop talk Pastoral visit — Sacred Heart, Baileyville, and St. Mary, St. Benedict March 26 Pastoral visit — St. John the Evangelist, Lawrence Baptism of third or more children — Cathedral of St. Peter, Kansas City, Kansas
to cultivate relationships and friendships in the unique circumstances of our lives with people of other faiths, denominations, races, nationalities and ethnicities. During this Lenten season, as we examine thoughtfully our consciences, let us ask the Holy Spirit to reveal to us where there may be vestiges of racial bigotry in our hearts. We must seek to eradicate from our lives racism in its many disguises. However, we should also ask ourselves: What have I done personally to help diminish racial, ethnic or religious bias? Is there a Protestant, Jewish, Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist individual in my community or workplace with whom
March 11 Anointing Mass — Curé of Ars, Leawood March 12 Mass — Federal prison camp March 16 Confirmation — St. John the Evangelist, Lawrence March 19 Confirmation — Curé of Ars, Leawood March 21 Mass — Bishop Miege High School, Roeland Park March 22-24 Labor Review Board — New York March 26 Mass — Federal prison camp
I could begin to build a friendship? Similarly, is there an African-American, Hispanic, Burmese, Korean or Vietnamese with whom the Lord is calling me to cultivate a relationship? Perhaps, the Lord is calling us to reach out to one of the international priests or religious Sisters serving in our archdiocese to communicate our gratitude for them leaving their family, friends, nation and culture to help serve the Catholic community in northeast Kansas. We can all help to make racism extinct by changing one mind and one heart at a time, always realizing that the first heart we may have to change is our own.
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MARCH 10, 2017
Summer camps still have open spots for all age ranges By Joe Bollig
Open camp sessions
ILLIAMSBURG — This year promises to be a very good one at Prairie Star Ranch here, as campers prepare to mark the 20th anniversary of Camp Tekakwitha and Camp Kateri. Special events will celebrate the anniversary each session, and a Mass and picnic with Archbishop Joseph F. Naumann is scheduled for July 29. And here’s some more good news: There are still open spots for every age group, so it’s not too late for your child to get in on the fun and faith formation. Archbishop Emeritus James P. Keleher and Msgr. Thomas Tank had long dreamed of conducting summer camps for Catholic youth. Catholic camps were practically nonexistent at the time, but many Protestant denominations had operated such camps for years, and their youths reaped the many benefits. The first archdiocesan camp was held at the former Kansas Grange Conference Center and Camp at Lake Perry in 1998. There were only 36 campers that year, but the next year there were 72. And the numbers kept growing. The archdiocese purchased a defunct 291-acre dude ranch near Williamsburg in 2000, renamed it Prairie Star Ranch and began to hold camps there. As camp programming grew and the facilities were improved, the number of campers rose. Deacon Dana Nearmyer, who is co-director with his wife Debbie Nearmyer, estimates that more than 20,000 youths have attended archdiocesan summer camps in the past 20 years. The Nearmyers are also co-founders of the camps with Archbishop Emeritus Keleher and Msgr. Tank, and they’ve seen a lot of change — even in the campers. “Technology has been a giant change,” said Deacon Nearmyer. “Many of the kids are hardwired into phones and screens like they never were before. It’s a beautiful thing to watch them to go into the woods for a week and become disconnected, and see the light come back into their eyes and them get excited about talking to people. “It takes a day or two for that to kick in.” Prairie Star is also beginning to see the children of former camp counselors and campers coming to camp. “They are so excited and help their kids get ready for that experience,” said Deacon Nearmyer. “They know firsthand how to build on the growth their kids have had from their camp experience.”
Publication No. (ISSN0194-9799) President: Most Rev. Joseph F. Naumann
Check the Camp Tekakwitha YouTube channel to see all the fun, and explore the website and registration page at: www.archkck. org/camp. Camp sessions for senior high campers entering grades 9 to 12 in fall 2017 • Camp Tekakwitha Max Camp — open for boys and girls Camp sessions for junior high campers entering grades 7 and 8 in fall 2017 • Camp Tekakwitha junior high sessions — open for boys and girls Camp sessions for campers entering grades 5 and 6 in fall 2017 • Camp Kateri Session 1 — open for girls • Camp Kateri Sessions 3 and 4 — open for boys and girls Camp Tekakwitha Family Camp for all family members • Open spots Camp Tekakwitha women’s retreat for all women ages 21 and older • Open spots
Horseback riding is only one the many fun activities offered at the various camps at Prairie Star Ranch in Williamsburg. In addition to the outdoor programs, the camp offers a Christcentered environment for kids to express their faith.
The first former camper to send a kid to camp is Tiffany Best, a member of Holy Spirit Parish in Overland Park. Then-16-year-old Tiffany Nab, a
member of the Church of the Nativity in Leawood, attended camp the second year it was open. Although her husband Lenny Best was among the first camp counselors, they did not meet until years later. Today, they have five children. They sent their oldest son Joe to camp last year. “Joe was finally eligible to go this past summer when they opened the camp to kids going into fifth grade,” said Tiffany Best. “He signed up along with his cousin C.J. Best, who is one year older than him.” The Bests were living in Denver last year and were planning to move back to the Greater Kansas City metropolitan area. “We presented it to Joe as a way to meet new friends from the area, get involved with the archdiocese and do
Editor Rev. Mark Goldasich, stl
Production Manager Todd Habiger
Reporter Moira Cullings
Managing Editor Anita McSorley
Senior Reporter Joe Bollig
Advertising Coordinator Beth Blankenship
something with his cousin,” she said. “We knew he’d be going to Holy Spirit School and a bunch of children from Holy Spirit would attend as well.” There was, of course, another reason the couple wanted Joe to choose to go. “We knew he’d love it,” she added. Joe did make new friends at camp. But it also accomplished much more. “The counselors had a very big impact on him,” she said, “They talked about Jesus a lot, and we were very impressed with his prayer time and what he came home with in terms of the faith element. Moreover, the connection was not broken just because camp was over. “Joe received a Christmas card and a birthday card from one of his counselors,” said Tiffany Best. “They really tap into these kids in an intimate way. There’s such amazing leadership and care for these kids, and we felt it directly with our Joe. We were pretty blown away by the counselors.” When they made arrangements for Joe to go back to camp this summer, his shy younger sister piped up and asked, “Hey, what about me?” “We were shocked to hear that she was interested in going at all,” she added. “She may go as well. It would be exciting to have both of them going to camp this summer.”
Published weekly September through May, excepting the Friday the week after Thanksgiving, and the Friday after Christmas; biweekly June through August. Address communications to: The Leaven, 12615 Parallel Pkwy., Kansas City, KS 66109. Phone: (913) 721-1570; fax: (913) 721-5276; or e-mail at: Postmaster: Send address changes to The Leaven, 12615 Parallel Pkwy., Kansas City, KS 66109. For change of address, provide old and new address and parish. Subscriptions $21/year. Periodicals postage paid at Kansas City, KS 66109.
Finding meaning in Middle Earth By Marc and Julie Anderson
OPEKA — Washburn University student Maddie Gallegos has never read “The Hobbit” or “The Lord of the Rings.” But that all might change, thanks to Father Kyle Berens. A priest of the Diocese of Salina, Father Berens presented “Tolkien and the Ultimate Search for Meaning in Life” on Feb. 15 in The Living Learning Center at Topeka’s Washburn University. Sponsored by the Catholic Campus Center at Washburn, the talk drew 65, including students, professors and area Catholics. The hour-long presentation was a summary of Father Berens’ 70page thesis completed prior to his ordination in May 2015. Father Berens said he sees Tolkien’s literary works as “preaching the Gospel without preaching the Gospel.” He also said he sees literature as one of the tools integral to the new evangelization, a concept of helping those not practicing the faith rediscover “beauty, truth and goodness.” One of the first principles of understanding Tolkien’s work, Father Berens said, is that of subcreation. As created beings of an uncreated Creator, people desire to do the same thing. They desire to create something. As human beings, he said, we’re not able to create something out of nothing, but we can take part in subcreation and make something beautiful like a poem, a book or a painting. And when we refashion the reality we see, Father Berens said, we come to a deeper appreciation of it as well as a deeper love of God. Many people do not realize that Tolkien was Catholic, said Father Berens, and that much of his work centers on Catholic themes and integrates a Catholic sensibility. For example, said Father Berens, the protagonist of “The Lord of the Rings” trilogy, Frodo Baggins, experiences a major event on a lesser-known feast
Father Kyle Berens, a priest of the Diocese of Salina, presented “Tolkien and the Ultimate Search for Meaning in Life” on Feb. 15 in The Living Learning Center at Topeka’s Washburn University. day known as Our Lady of Ransom. “It’s just beautiful how he did that,” said Father Berens. In fact, he continued, “All of the big dates [in “The Lord of Rings”] fall on Marian feast dates.” Moreover, said Father Berens, the female characters all illustrate a “different aspect of the Blessed Mother” and exemplify “femininity untarnished.” And, of course, one of the greatest themes of all literature is also the theme of Tolkien’s famous trilogy — the ongoing battle between good and evil. Just when hope seems lost in the battle against evil, he said, something miraculous happens, pointing us to “the hidden reality of God’s grace” as “God’s providence works even in the darkest times.” “How is that any different than the Crucifixion?” Father Berens asked the crowd. When all hope is lost, it’s important to remember that God is always in control, he reminded them. “God will use anything and everything to enrich his plan of creation,” he said.
Tolkien’s works speak to people everywhere and will continue to influence the world, Father Berens concluded, because they contain eternal truths. Afterward, participants had the opportunity to offer feedback. For Mike Ramirez, a member of Topeka’s Most Pure Heart of Mary Church, the presentation caused him to reflect upon his job as a computer programmer and how he can apply the principle of subcreation to help others rediscover truth and beauty. His wife, Anna Ramirez, said the presentation was “a really great outreach” and said she “absolutely loved” Father Berens’ willingness to share his thesis. For Gallegos, student president of the Catholic Campus Center at Washburn, the presentation sparked her interest in a whole new genre of literature. “Well, I’ve never read ‘The Hobbit’ or any of Tolkien’s books,” she said. But she might be reading them very soon. “I enjoyed how Father [Berens] related [Tolkien’s writing] to Christianity. . . . It was relatable, genuine and fun.”
Living room ‘studio’ brings fresh vibe By Moira Cullings
EA — Gather around the living room and enjoy the sweet sounds of The Wea Trio. All you have to do is throw on your headphones or turn up your stereo and you’ll feel like you’re right there with the talented singing group. “Our CD is called ‘One Mic, One Take’ because it actually is — we did it in one mic and one take,” said Brad Steele. Steele and fellow trio members Dennis Coulas and Ernie Ballweg recorded their Gospel album in Steele’s living room. “We’re sitting around a single mic, and [that’s how] we recorded almost every one of these songs,” said Steele. The three singers are part of the 11 a.m. choir at Queen of the Holy Rosary in Wea and decided to record an album a year ago. “Every second Communion song [we play] is, for the most part, an old Gospel tune,” said Steele. “We had a lot of people come up to us after Mass and compliment us on
A group of local musicians called the Wea Trio who are part of the 11 a.m. choir at Queen of the Holy Rosary Parish in Wea have recorded a CD that is on sale now. the music. “I thought: What would be better than to record it and maybe try to make a little money and give back to the parish?” The original plan — to record the album at Ballweg’s friend’s studio — was scrapped when rehearsals in Steele’s living room brought a fresh, unique vibe to the group’s work. “The style is classic Gospel tunes in
a living room setting,” said Steele. The group’s goal for listeners, he said, is: “When you put it in, you feel like you’re sitting in the fourth chair.” So far, they’ve succeeded in that dream. “A lot of the feedback has been remarkably positive,” said Steele, “both inside and outside the parish.” Already giving time and talent, the group will also offer their treasure by giving as much of their profits as possible back to the church. Steele, a Methodist, hopes listeners — both Christian and non-Christian alike — will be inspired by the music. “I hope it brings more people to Mass,” he said. “If people hear it and are inspired to come to Mass more often,” he added, “that’s the best thing we can do with it. “For people who hear it who aren’t Christian, maybe if they hear it, it can bring them in and get them to listen to more than just the music.” If you are interested in purchasing “One Mic, One Take” in digital format, visit the website at: artist/weatrio. To purchase a CD of the album, find the trio after 11 a.m. Mass at Queen of the Holy Rosary.
Joseph and Marlene Christiana, members of H o l y Cross Parish, Overl a n d Park, celeb ra t e d their 65th wedding anniversary on Feb. 16. The couple was married on Feb. 16, 1952, at St. Anthony Church, St. Louis. They celebrated with their children recently in Florida. Their children are: Patti Bell, Joseph Christiana and Carol Tudor. They also have five grandchildren. Paul (Pee Wee) and Mary Zimmerling, memb e r s of St. Grego r y Parish, Marysville, celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary on March 5. The couple was married by Father Ed F. Roberts on March 2, 1967, at St. Gregory Church. Their children are Troy and Terry Zimmerling. They also have five grandchildren and four great-grandchildren. Armand and Rosanna Charbonneau, members of St. Gregory Parish, Marysville, will celebrate their 65th wedding anniversary on March 13. The couple was married on March 13, 1952, at St. Joseph Church, St. Joseph. Their children are: Jerome Charbonneau, Mark Charbonneau, Audrey Pfizenmaier, Denise Long, Dennis Charbonneau and Lori Crownover. They also have 19 grandchildren and 22 great-grandchildren.
• The Leaven prints 50, 60, 65 and 70th notices. • Announcements are due eight days before the desired publication date. • Announcements must be typed. • They are for parishioners of Catholic parishes in the Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas, or for those who have resided in the archdiocese for a significant period of time. Include the following Information: • The couple’s names • their parish • the date they were married • church and city where they were married • what they are doing to celebrate • date of the celebration • names of children (no spouses please) • number of grandchildren and great-grandchildren; Photo specifications: • Emailed photos need to be at least 200 dpi. • Mailed photos can be any size. • If you would like your photo returned, include a self-addressed stamped envelope. Send notices to: The Leaven, 12615 Parallel Pkwy., Kansas City, KS 66109, attn: anniversaries; or send an email to: todd.habiger@
Fiesta prep a labor of love and pride at St. John the Evangelist By Joe Bollig
AWRENCE — Ligia Galarza has been making tamales most of her life, so you might think she was already an expert when she began making tamales 10 years ago for the St. John the Evangelist Parish Mexican Fiesta here. But you would be wrong. “I am from Ecuador,” said Galarza. “The Ecuadorian tamales are different from the Mexican tamales.” Galarza makes the traditional “humitas ecuatortianas” for Christmas Eve. The dough is different, and the fillings include chicken, hard-boiled egg, parsley and green onion. By contrast, the tamales made in the basement of St. John the Evangelist Parish are traditional Mexican, made from recipes handed down by mother to daughter for who knows how long. More than 20 women and about five men were in the basement cafeteria on Feb. 19, working at a fast clip to reach their goal of more than 2,000 tamales before the kitchen would be taken over for Lenten fish fries. Their work had been spread out across four Saturdays since mid-January. Out in the main dining room, about 10-15 women stood on both sides of long tables set end to end. These were the spreaders — smearing a layer of masa dough on moistened corn husks. The husks were then taken into the kitchen, where other volunteers were mixing cubed pork, pork broth and gravy-like chili ancho sauce in big, silver bowls. They ladled the fillings into the dough-filled husks and rolled them up. The rolled tamales were then taken to another room where four men packaged them and stored them in a freezer. Meanwhile, two women soaked corn husks in a sink to make them more pliable. Festive Mexicana music played while they worked. Just as the tamale recipe has been handed down, new volunteers are initiated into the ways of industrial-scale
With skill gained over many years from volunteering for the St. John’s Mexican Fiesta in Lawrence, Sandy Urban and Frank Lemos Sr. spoon spicy pork into husks smeared with masa. They and other volunteers made about 2,000 tamales for the June event. tamale manufacturing. A lot of the veterans like Loretta Chavez come back year after year and train the newer volunteers. Everyone seems to know what to do, how to do it and when to do it. The tamales are the only food items that can be prepared ahead of time. They will be cooked fresh during the fiesta, which is June 26 and 27 this year.
“I’ve been doing this for 38 years, from day one,” said Chavez, a St. John the Evangelist parishioner since 1974. Chavez says she was there when the very first tamale was made for the very first fiesta. And she’s been on the fiesta food committee ever since. There are three essential elements to a St. John’s Mexican Fiesta. They are: good
music, good dancing and good food. The stars of the plates this year will be the tamales — followed by the burritos, tacos, tostadas and Mexican-style rice. They’re ready to serve at 5 p.m. and usually stop at 10 p.m. — because that’s when the food runs out. “We usually end up having hot dogs with nachos,” said Chavez. Making the tamales is a lot of work, but also a lot of fun. “I love it,” said Chavez. “I like to be in the kitchen and cook. . . . [But] it’s not all work. We have our music on and we have a good time. We don’t see each other every day, but when we get together, we have so much fun. We catch up on everybody’s families.” While Frank Lemos Sr. ladles filling into the husks, his son Frank Lemos Jr. stops in to see how things are going. He’s been the fiesta chairman for the past 15 years — inheriting it from another man who also served for 15 years. “This is a dedicated crew,” said Frank Lemos Jr. “They want to make it happen every year and make it a success. . . . This is a well-organized machine.” The importance of the fiesta to the parish cannot be overstated. “To St. John’s, it’s one of our biggest ministries,” he said. “It’s an invitation to the community to come here and enjoy our atmosphere. It brings money to our programs and is great exposure.” There is a lot of pride that goes into fiesta preparations, according to Lemos. It’s about family, parish and community. “The fiesta is mainly a celebration of the Mexican culture in Lawrence,” added Lemos. “It’s not so much the Old Country traditions, but more [from] when these families came here and set roots in Lawrence.” “This is what we celebrate — their arrival here and becoming part of the community, and the community welcoming them, especially St. John’s,” he continued. “St. John’s was very welcoming to the Mexican community back in the 1920s and 1930s when they first started coming here.”
Bible promises to be part of college’s lasting legacy >> Continued from page 1 Sister Irene was the Old Testament scholar of the eight-member committee on illuminations and texts that guided the artists and calligraphers. “They had already decided which passages were to be illuminated,” said Sister Irene. “I would offer an interpretation of the passage and what I thought were highlights that could be illuminated, and what they might not realize about the Old Testament passage.” There is a difference between an illustration and an illumination. For example, an illustrator would draw a sheep and shepherd for Psalm 23, but an illuminator would try to convey deeper meaning in a more symbolic and less literal sense. “You can see in the illuminations of how, with art, we can bring the meaning of a passage into the 21st century. We wanted to use new images that would bring new insight into the meaning of the text,” said Sister Irene. Like the earlier manuscripts produced in medieval times, The St. John’s Bible will serve as an inspiration for centuries. “Father Eric Hollas said, ‘In 500 years, this [Bible] will be the only thing left for people to remember St. John’s by. All the buildings will be gone, but this will very likely be left,’” said Sister Irene. “That’s pretty amazing.”
Exhibition times, locations and events Archival prints exhibition: Because no one space at Benedictine College is large enough to accommodate all of the 25 archival prints, they will be exhibited March 13 to April 16 at three locations: • The McCarthy Gallery of Art in Bishop Fink Hall • The Abbey Gallery on the lower level of the abbey church • The foyer leading to the dining hall. The galleries will be open Wednesdays, 2 to 8 p.m., and on Saturdays and Sundays from 12:30 to 4:30 p.m., or
by appointment. The prints on display next to the dining hall will be available throughout the day. Gospel and Acts of the Apostles exhibition: A full-scale replica volume of the Gospels and Acts of the Apostles will be on display during Holy Week, April 9 - 15, in the main lobby of the library. This one volume will be available for viewing during normal library hours: Monday through Thursday, 7:45 a.m. to 11 p.m.; Friday, 7:45 a.m. to 5 p.m.; Saturday, noon to 5 p.m.; and Sunday ,1 to 11 p.m.
Lecture by Sister Irene Nowell, OSB
ister Irene Nowell, OSB, Ph.D., a noted biblical scholar and member of Mount St. Scholastica Monastery in Atchison, will offer a special lecture on The Saint John’s Bible at 7 p.m. on March 29 in O’Malley-McAllister Auditorium on the Benedictine College Campus. Sister Irene served as an adjunct
professor in the theology department at St. John’s University in Collegeville, Minnesota, and was one of eight people involved in The Saint John’s Bible project committee. She was the Old Testament scholar on the committee that interpreted the biblical texts for the artists who produced the illuminations.
What is an illuminated Bible?
efore Johannes Gutenberg started a revolution by producing the first printed Bibles around 1454 in Mainz, Germany, the only way to produce books was to write them by hand. So, for more than a thousand years, the Bible and many other works were handwritten by skilled calligrapher monks and nuns, many of them Benedictines. They wrote with quills made from bird feathers, on specially prepared leather called vellum, which comes from calves. These manuscripts were produced with great care and lavishly decorated with elaborate letters, colorful decorations and pictures, and gold leaf decoration. These artistic additions caused these books to be called “illuminated,” because it seemed like they had captured the very light.
TOOLS FOR FAMILIES Growing as Disciples of Jesus
Parents modeling forgiveness
hen our children hurt us, Richard C. Brown, author of “Manage the Mess of Family Stress” recommends we follow the example of Mary, asking: “Son, why have you done this to us?” (Lk 2:48) “We may find that our child did not intend to hurt us. . . . By asking the question, we give them the opportunity ARTWORK BY NEILSON CARLIN, 2015 to speak up — not only about their concerns, but also about the hurt they may be experiencing.” This practice helps us to forgive and address legitimate unmet needs of our children. — Deacon Tony Zimmerman, lead consultant for the archdiocesan family life office
Sarah Hutley says Irish Fest — this year on March 11 in Topeka — started out small, but has grown by leaps and bounds over the years.
Happiness is this volunteer’s motivation By Carolyn Kaberline Special to The Leaven
St. Francis Xavier, Burlington Address: 214 E. Juniatta St., 66839 Phone: (620) 364- 5671 Pastor: Father Quentin Schmitz Mass time: Sunday, 10:30 a.m. Email: Website: MORE PHOTOS AND A VIDEO TOUR of this church can be seen online at:
OPEKA — Work in Sarah Hutley’s vineyard began seven years ago on St. Patrick’s Day here. “Some friends and I attended the [Topeka St. Patrick’s Day] parade together, but were unable to find anywhere downtown to eat after the parade and found nothing for families to do,” said Hutley, a member of Mater Dei Parish in Topeka. “After some discussion, and realizing that Mater Dei-Assumption had a prime location,” she said, “we decided to create an event that would solve that problem and help the parish, too.” The following year, Irish Fest was born on the Mater DeiAssumption playground, and Hutley became the food volunteer coordinator, a job she has held ever since. Her responsibilities range from finding the food workers to “prepping the food, putting it in big containers, getting it to the servers and returning the containers to the kitchen for the next go-round.” The first couple of years saw one food line and a limited menu offering a couple of Irish food items, hamburgers, hot dogs and bangers. But now there are several food lines and a much larger menu. “When we started, there was a women’s group in the parish that already did an Irish stew,” said Hutley. “We had originally
planned just to add on to that but, as the event got bigger, they asked us to take over.” Not only has Irish Fest offered additional food items over the years, it has also added a 5K race and family-friendly entertainment. It has also outgrown the playground and now takes up much of Eighth Street in front of the church. Hutley believes the hardest part of her job is “keeping up with everything the day of the event.” The easiest part is the six months of planning that comes before. “Our committee enjoys getting together,” she said. “We enjoy each other’s company as friends.” Hutley also noted that there is never a bad day in her vineyard, although she does worry some about the weather for this primarily outdoor event. “A great day is a sunny one with lots of people, everyone having a good time — and selling out of everything!” she said. Listing herself as one of the workers who came early to the vineyard, Hutley explains that she came because of a desire to fundraise and do something for her parish. While she feels she brought organizational skills, attention to detail and a love of good food to the job, she believes her work has taught her patience — especially when someone runs out of potatoes and a sense of urgency arises. But she admits her job has definitely gotten easier over the years.
“Everyone has the routine down,” she said. “We have the same committee and the same roles as when we started. We learn so much every year. We get better and better.” Despite the work and its sometimes hectic nature, Hutley enjoys her role. And she’s joined in her efforts by her husband Mike, who mans the grill, and her children Lauren, Brendon and Eric, who serve as runners. “I like volunteering and giving back to the community and schools,” she said. “Volunteering is one of the greatest gifts we can give.” Hutley also believes two former members of the Irish Fest committee are watching over her efforts: Lydia Schmidt and Charlie Buhler, both of whom have passed away. Buhler’s son and daughter-in-law have provided many of the recipes used, and Schmidt’s husband Kevin is still on the committee. With this year’s Irish Fest scheduled for March 11, Hutley’s work is already in high gear. “I’m probably the first in my family to really step up and volunteer,” she said. “But when your kids go to a Catholic school, you’re active and do everything you can to keep the parish and school open.” “The parish is part of your family,” she added, “and your actions are examples you want your children to follow.”
National Catholic Sisters Week focuses on thank you, invitation
EAVENWORTH — During this year’s National Catholic Sisters Week, Sisters of Charity of Leavenworth will be offering special prayers for persons they have served and with whom they have served, and inviting people of all faiths, ethnicities and ages to embrace a spirit of charity and service. “We are observing National Catholic Sisters Week this year in the context of marking the 400th anniversary of the Vincentian charism — the characteristic gifts and spirit of St. Vincent de Paul to whom our religious community traces its roots,” said Sister Constance Phelps, community director of the Sisters of Charity of Leavenworth (SCLs). “Vincent is known as the saint of charity whose legacy is that he challenges us to respect and serve persons who are poor.” “On our website and in social media, we’ll also be highlighting the good works of the Sisters — individually and collectively,” added Therese Horvat, director of communications. “They are living examples of embracing St. Vincent’s call to charity through their dedicated service.” This year, SCLs in the Leavenworth and Kansas City area will observe an expanded National Catholic Sisters Week (the actual week runs from March 8-14) with many scheduled activities that include the various people they serve. On March 6, they launched the week with a premiere of a new SCL video, refreshments and games at the SCL motherhouse in Leavenworth, with Sisters and students from the University of Saint Mary, Leavenworth, and Creighton University in Omaha, Nebraska. Then on March 10, a group of Creighton students and SCLs will head to Cristo Rey Kansas City High School, in Kansas City, Missouri, for a “Serving
During last year’s observance of National Catholic Sisters Week, four Sisters of Charity of Leavenworth shared their ministries as advocates and workers for social justice. Pictured from left to right are Sisters Therese Bangert, Sheila Karpan, Vickie Perkins and Cele Breen. with the Sisters” event and meal. That night, there will also be a celebration at the SCL motherhouse and Ross Hall skilled nursing facility in Leavenworth. Finally, on March 15, there will be a “Serving with the Sisters” event at Seton Center in Kansas City, Missouri, where a group of students from Marquette University in Milwaukee will volunteer with the Sisters in different assignments and visit over lunch. “Intermingling the college students and Sisters in service opportunities and social events is a great way to build relationships and share values,” said Sister Constance. “We learn from
one another and draw out each other’s gifts.” The Sisters of Charity of Leavenworth trace their roots to St. Vincent de Paul and St. Louise de Marillac who in 17th-century France founded the first community of vowed women religious that ministered outside the walls of cloistered convents. Mother Xavier Ross founded the SCL community in 1858 in Leavenworth where the motherhouse of the community remains located. The SCL heritage and Vincentian spirit place special emphasis on service to persons who are poor and to
Art events funds scholarship for 40 By Todd Habiger
ANSAS CITY, Mo. — For the fifth consecutive year the Catholic Education Foundation’s annual Futures Art Event was a sellout. Hosted at Boulevard Brewery here, the crowd enjoyed food, drinks and entertainment by guitarist Jeff Jenkins. With the ticket proceeds and money raised during the silent auction of professional works of art, the foundation raised enough money to fund 40 Guardian Angel scholarships. The CEF Futures Guardian Angel Fund provides emergency scholarships for students in CEF schools whose families are facing a short-term crisis, such as a job loss or medical emergency. “You hate for an emergency to be the thing that causes students to lose the opportunity for a Catholic education,” said Bill Kirk, executive director of CEF. “When you think about what a Catholic education does — to try to build a relationship with Christ, to allow these kids to be successful in this world and get to heaven in the next — it would be
Kolter and Kaitlin Krumsic, members of Our Lady of Good Counsel Parish in Kansas City, Missouri, were the winners of a piece of art made by CEF school students. horrific if we couldn’t provide for them.” The 2017 art event saw more than 60 works of art donated from professionals and students from CEF schools. While the professional artwork was auctioned off, the student artwork was given away as prizes at the end of the night, a particular highlight as winners rush to the student art table to claim
their favorite piece of art. Kirk said that fundraisers like the Futures Art Event are important, not just for the money, but for the awareness that they raise. “The work of the foundation is so critically important to the whole archdiocese,” Kirk said. “It’s so important to these families to be able to have a Catholic education.”
working for justice. Sisters serve in the continental United States, Peru, and Sicily. SCLs work in parish and diocesan administration, health care, medicine and nursing, education, social services, spiritual development and other settings. The religious community sponsors ministries including Cristo Rey High School; Marillac Center, Leavenworth; St. Vincent de Paul Center, Piura, Peru; and the University of Saint Mary with campuses in Leavenworth and Overland Park. For more information, visit the website at:
Students invited to Camp Invention
ince 1990, Camp Invention has transformed summer fun from ordinary to extraordinary. The weeklong camp incorporates lessons that explore connections between science, technology, engineering and innovation. In partnership with the National Inventors Hall of Fame, four schools will host the program this summer. St. Ann School in Prairie Village, Church of the Ascension School in Overland Park, Good Shepherd School in Shawnee and St. Paul School in Olathe will offer the nationally acclaimed Camp Invention program to children entering kindergarten through sixth grade. Students will work together to seek solutions to real-world problems and sharpen critical 21st-century learning skills while rotating through several fascinating modules. The young innovators will design and build duct tape creations, build and launch rubber band rockets, blast plastic bottle water rockets over 50 feet in the air, and take apart nonworking machines and devices to investigate their inner operations. Local educators will facilitate program modules, and high school students will serve as leadership interns. Register on or before March 20, using promo code Discover25 to receive $25 off the base price of $230. Every registration includes a complimentary Camp Invention T-shirt. Availability is limited, so go online to: or call (800) 9684332 to secure your child’s spot today.
POPE FRANCIS: PUTTIN THE BONES OF THE THREE Pray for someone who doesn’t like you
By Cindy Wooden Catholic News Service
OME (CNS) — A practical first step toward holiness — as well as for assuring peace in one’s family and in the world — is to pray for a person who has caused offense or harm, Pope Francis said. “Are you merciful toward the people who have harmed you or don’t like you? If God is merciful, if he is holy, if he is perfect, then we must be merciful, holy and perfect as he is. This is holiness. A man or woman who does this deserves to be canonized,” the pope said Feb. 19 during an evening parish Mass. “I suggest you start small,” Pope Francis told members of the parish of St. Mary Josefa on the extreme eastern edge of the Diocese of Rome. “We all have enemies. We all know that so-andso speaks ill of us. We all know. And we all know that this person or that person hates us.” When that happens, the pope said, “I suggest you take a minute, look at God [and say], ‘This person is your son or your daughter, change his or her heart,
Don’t worry how it’s spent; always give homele By Carol Glatz Catholic News Service
ATICAN CITY (CNS) — People who don’t give money to the homeless because they think it will be spent on alcohol and not food should ask themselves what guilty pleasures they are secretly spending money on, Pope Francis said. “There are many excuses” to justify why one doesn’t lend a hand when asked by a person begging on the street, he said in an interview published the day before the beginning of Lent. But giving something to someone in need “is always right,” and it should be done with respect and compassion because “tossing money and not looking in [their] eyes is not a Christian” way of behaving, he said. The interview, published Feb. 28, was conducted by the monthly magazine, “Scarp de’ Tenis” (“Tennis Shoes”), which serves homeless and marginalized people in Milan and is run by the local and national Caritas branches. The pope is scheduled to visit Milan March 25.
Of the several questions the pope was asked, one focused on whether he thought giving money to people begging on the street was the right thing to do. One thing people may tell themselves to feel better about not giving anything, the pope said, is: “I give money and then he spends it on drinking a glass of wine.” But, the pope said, if “a glass of wine is the only happiness he has in life, that’s OK. Instead, ask yourself what do you do on the sly? What ‘happiness’ do you seek in secret?” Or, another way to look at it, the pope said, is recognize how “you are luckier, with a house, a wife, children” and then ask why should the responsibility to help be pushed onto someone else. The way one reaches out to the person asking for help is important, he said, and must be done “by looking them in the eyes and touching their hands.” When encountering people who live on the street, the pope said he always greets them and sometimes inquires about their lives and background. He always chatted with a homeless family and couple that lived next to the archbishop’s residence in Buenos
Aires, Argentina, he said, and never considered getting rid of them. When “someone told me, ‘They’re making the chancery filthy,’ well, the filth is within” one’s heart, he said. It’s important to be sincere because “people who live on the streets understand right away when the other person is really interested” in them as a person or when they just feel pity, he said. “One can look at a homeless person and see him as a person or else as if he were a dog, and they notice this different way of looking” at them, he said. When the interviewer asked why the pope thought the poor were capable of changing the world, he said that in his experience in Buenos Aires, he saw more solidarity in the slums than in less poor neighborhoods, where “I encountered more selfishness.” While there are many more problems in the shantytowns, “often the poor are more supportive of each other because they feel they need each other.” Also, he said, problems are more starkly evident in the poor neighborhoods, for example with substance abuse, “you see more drugs, but only because it’s more ‘covered up’ in other neighborhoods” where users are “white-collar” abusers.
“PRAYER IS POWERFUL. PRAYER DEFEATS EVIL. PRAYER BRINGS PEACE.” bless him or her.’ This is praying for those who don’t like us, for our enemies. Perhaps the rancor will remain in us, but we are making an effort to follow the path of this God who is so good, merciful, holy, perfect, who makes the sun rise on the evil and the good.” The day’s first reading included the line, “Be holy, for I, the Lord, your God, am holy,” and in the Gospel reading, Jesus said, “Be perfect, just as your heavenly Father is perfect.” “You might ask me, ‘But, Father, what is the path to holiness?’ ‘What is the journey needed to become holy?’ Jesus explains it well in the Gospel. He explains it with concrete examples,” the pope said. The first example, he said, is “not taking revenge. If I have some rancor in my heart for something someone has done, I want vengeance, but this moves
me off the path of holiness. No revenge. ‘But he did this and he will pay.’ Is this Christian? No. ‘He will pay’ is not in the Christian’s vocabulary. No revenge.” In people’s everyday lives, he said, their squabbles with their relatives or neighbors may seem a little thing, but they are not. “These big wars we read about in the papers and see on the news, these massacres of people, of children, how much hatred! It’s the same hatred you have in your heart for this person, that person, that relative, your mother-in-law. It’s bigger, but it’s the same hatred.” Forgiveness, the pope said, is the path toward holiness and toward peace. “If everyone in the world learned this, there would be no wars.” Wars begin “with bitterness, rancor, the desire for vengeance, to make them pay,” he said. It’s an attitude that destroys families and neighborhoods and peaceful relations between nations. “I’m not telling you what to do, Jesus is: Love your enemies. ‘You mean I have to love that person?’ Yes.” “‘I have to pray for someone who has harmed me?’ Yes, that he will change his life, that the Lord will forgive him,” the pope said. “This is the magnanimity of God, of God who has a big heart, who forgives all.”
hat better way to start off Lent than a great homily that pushes you to think hard about the way you’re living your life? Here are three homilies taken straight from Pope Francis himself. Read them all in a single sitting, or use them independently as guides to meditation during this Lenten season.
“Prayer is an antidote for hatred, for wars, these wars that begin at home, in families,” he said. “Think of how many wars there have been in families because of an inheritance.” “Prayer is powerful. Prayer defeats evil. Prayer brings peace,” the pope said. As is his custom for parish visits, Pope Francis began this three-hour visit to St. Mary Josefa by meeting different parish groups, including children, who were invited to ask him questions. One asked how he became pope and Pope Francis said when a pope is elected, “maybe he is not the most intelligent, perhaps not the most astute or the quickest at doing what must be done, but he is the one who God wants for the church at that moment.” Pope Francis explained that when a pope dies or resigns, like Pope Benedict XVI did, the cardinals gather for a conclave. “They speak among themselves, discuss what profile would be best, who has this advantage and who has that one. But, above all, they pray.” They use their reason to try to figure out what the church needs and who could provide it, he said, but mostly they rely on the Holy Spirit to inspire them in their choice.
ess a handout, pope says
Be ashamed when tempted to use church for power By Carol Glatz Catholic News Service
ATICAN CITY (CNS) — Whenever one is tempted to use the church for pursuing personal ambitions or to be arrogant, pray to feel ashamed, Pope Francis said. When the competitive bug strikes, reflect whether one can “see my Lord on the cross” and still be capable of wanting “to use the Lord for moving up” the ladder of success, he said Feb. 21 during his early morning Mass in the chapel of the Domus Sanctae Marthae. “May the Lord give us the grace of shame, that holy embarrassment — when we find ourselves in that situation, with that temptation,” he said. In his homily, the pope looked at the day’s Gospel reading (Mk 9:3037) in which the disciples were arguing among themselves on the way to Capernaum about “who was the greatest.” When Jesus asked them what they were arguing about, “they remained silent.” “They became silent because they were embarrassed about their discussion,” the pope said. The disciples “were good people, they wanted to follow the Lord, to serve the Lord. But they didn’t know that the path of service to the Lord wasn’t so easy. It wasn’t like joining a group, a charitable organization, to do good. No. It’s something else, and they were afraid of this,” he said. Laypeople, priests, bishops — everyone is tempted, the pope said. It’s part of being Christian, so whoever wants to serve the Lord had better be prepared to be tempted, he added. Some of the many ways people may be tempted is to use the church to pursue their personal ambitions, like maneuvering, wrangling, pulling strings or backbiting to lead a church group or a particular parish or diocese, he said. The desire to be a big shot pushes people along a path of worldiness, which is why people must ask God for “the grace of feeling ashamed when we find ourselves in these situations.” In the same Gospel account, Jesus is aware of what the disciples argued about and confronts them, saying, “If anyone wishes to be first, he shall be the last of all and the servant of all.” May the Lord protect everyone from “ambition, the worldliness of feeling greater than others,” the pope said, and may he “give us the grace of a child’s simplicity” and [help us] see only the path of service.
s. Peter and Paul Catholic School (grades pre-k - 8) in Collinsville, IL, is seeking applicants for the position of Principal. Applicants should possess a Master’s Degree in Educational Administration and have a minimum of five years of classroom teaching experience. Administration experience is preferred. For more information and to apply visit Application deadline is March 31, 2017.
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Service dogs help some veterans cope with life after war By Aprille Hanson Catholic News Service
ABOT, Ark. (CNS) — U.S. Navy veteran Dave King’s whole world changed when Zack came into his life. The young Catahoula mix plucked from a shelter already has all the love in the world for his new companion. But when Zack is wearing his vest he has a higher purpose — he is a service dog in training to help King cope with post-traumatic stress disorder and traumatic brain injury. Before King got Zack three months ago, he almost became a statistic — about 20 American vets a day commit suicide, according to 2014 data from the Department of Veterans Affairs. “I tried to commit suicide. I stepped out in front of a speeding vehicle and he just happened to stop short and it was a sheriff,” he said, adding he was taken to the hospital for help. King, who was homeless, found A Veteran’s Best Friend, a volunteer nonprofit organization and Christian ministry that helps veterans by training service dogs for free through community and church donations and sponsorships of veterans. Volunteers keep the cost down to about $6,000 to $7,000 per dog. Individuals or groups can pledge $25 a month to sponsor 12- to 18-months of training for a service dog and veteran. For many veterans like King, purchasing a service dog to help him cope with his PTSD and his brain injury, which can cost $20,000 or more, was out of the question. “Somehow they found the absolute perfect dog for me,” said King, who has found housing through the VA Homeless Veterans program. “I have bad nightmares; I’ll talk and make noises. From the first night I had him, he’ll wake me up from a nightmare. He’ll stand there and poke me with his paw.” The organization, based in Cabot, was founded in 2012 and has about 25 volunteers who assist with training and serve on the board of directors. There are currently nine veterans enrolled in the classes that meet once or twice a week depending on the stage in training to prepare the dogs with the necessary skills to serve their owners. All veterans accepted into the class must have doctor-diagnosed PTSD and go through an application and orientation process and home check. While most veterans are hands-on in the training sessions, some dogs are trained solely by volunteers. Instead of buying from breeders, the volunteers search out shelter dogs or rescues from the Paws in Prison program, primarily Labrador and Retriever mixes, and put them through a series of preliminary tests to see if they have the demeanor and skills to make a good service dog. If a dog is adopted and does not work out as a service dog, the volunteers work to adopt them to a loving family. At its core, the nonprofit exists to help veterans. But Frances Kirk, a U.S. Army veteran and parishioner at St. Jude Church in Jacksonville, will be the first to say that these dogs, including her lab mix Domino, are more than just working dogs. They are lifesavers
Volunteers at A Veteran’s Best Friend in Cabot, Ark., pose for a photo with their dogs Oct. 28. The Christian nonprofit helps train service dogs for veterans with post-traumatic stress disorder or traumatic brain injury, at no cost to the veteran. and almost every volunteer within the organization has a story to tell about their four-legged companions. “What the dogs do is give us hope,” Kirk told the Arkansas Catholic, newspaper of the Diocese of Little Rock. “They just give us hope and a chance at life again.” Before the afternoon training session Oct. 28, veterans Kirk, Tyler Naramore, director of operations, Carrie Riley, director of logistics, and David Grimm, dog trainer and past principal at the former St. Patrick School in North Little Rock, shared their after-war stories about struggles with PTSD, everything from not wanting to leave the house for years to always finding the “PTSD seat” wherever they go — a seat with their back to the wall
David Grimm, dog trainer for A Veteran’s Best Friend in Cabot, Ark., gives a command to his service dog Ringo during a training class.
“SOMEHOW THEY FOUND THE ABSOLUTE PERFECT DOG FOR ME. I HAVE BAD NIGHTMARES; I’LL TALK AND MAKE NOISES. FROM THE FIRST NIGHT I HAD HIM, HE’LL WAKE ME UP FROM A NIGHTMARE.” that has a full view of the exits. Frances explained PTSD as a traumatic event or a series of events that have happened to a person, and “their body and mind is stuck in that trauma. . . . They’re hyper-vigilant, scanning rooftops, hands” and are often forgetful, Kirk said. Grimm, who served in Vietnam and Iraq for the U.S. Marines and Air Force, had stopped leaving the house and isolated himself so he wouldn’t have to hear “I understand” from those who couldn’t possibly understand. “I’ve had people ask, ‘Why don’t you talk about your experiences?’ And my statement to them is I don’t want to put them through what I went through,” he said. “But since I have had Ringo, I get out. A year ago, you wouldn’t see me in a class like this, the room would be too confining. I’ve gone to some of my grandkids’ games, plays at school. I’m getting out more.” Ringo, a 2-year-old Goldendoodle who was surrendered by his owner, is crucial to calming his fears out in public. “I’d get really emotionally upset if
somebody was behind me,” something he and other veterans in the program often struggle with, Grimm said. “So he’s trained to, if I’m standing some place, he’s looking behind me. I can be talking to you, but I still see him and he will move or alert, and then I can see what is behind me.” The dogs are trained to detect stress and will nuzzle, paw, cuddle or actually lead a person out of a place or situation if an anxiety attack is happening. Following Assistance Dogs International standards, the dogs must pass the Canine Good Citizens test, Public Access Test and specific training for PTSD tasks before certification. “We emit pheromones when we’re stressed. They pick up on our stress pheromones and are like, ‘Hey, quit stressing,’” said Army veteran Chris Wilson, who does not yet have a dog. Volunteers like Mardy and Audrey Jones, members of Christ the King Church in Little Rock, help foster and train dogs while they wait to be placed with a veteran. Much of the training revolves around putting the dogs in a variety of situations, locations and with various people and animals to get them accustomed to proper behavior. Although the Joneses are not veterans, they view this volunteer work as a service to God. “The Bible can be confusing. But I can understand that I am to love. I am to love others and to love is to serve. And to be a service dog trainer, is to serve my fellow man and my dogs, too,” Audrey Jones said. “One morning I was on my knees saying my prayer and I had one dog cuddled up over here and one dog cuddled up over here and it’s like, this is God telling me ‘good job.’ And then it’s like these dogs are God’s love with skin on.”
CLASSIFIEDS EMPLOYMENT Web manager – The Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas is accepting applications for a full-time web manager. Duties include managing and maintaining internal websites and managing the digital media center. The ideal candidate will be a practicing Catholic in good standing. Position requires bachelor’s degree in related field, and the candidate must have past experience in web design and management. Knowledge of Blackbaud Net Community a plus. A complete job description and required application are available on the archdiocese’s website at: Interested individuals should mail cover letter, resume and application to: Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas, Office of Human Resources, Webmaster, 12615 Parallel Pkwy., Kansas City, KS 66109, or send via email to:
Director of special events and development - The Catholic Education Foundation (CEF) seeks to hire a director of special events and development ( The director will work with the executive director and staff of the CEF to envision, plan and execute events and to develop and cultivate donor and community relations in support of CEF’s mission of providing scholarships for students in need in targeted Catholic schools in the Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas. The director of special events and development should have highly polished marketing and presentation skills, a charismatic communication style, exceptional organizational abilities, the capability of working with limited direction, and the ability to speak authentically about the importance of Catholic education. The director will facilitate, plan and manage all aspects of CEF fundraising events, including: advertising and promotion; preparing event budgets and tracking event finances; securing event sponsors and donors to meet event budget goals; coordinating event-related internal and external communication; recruiting and managing event volunteers; and coordinating event-related donor relations. The director will also assist the executive director with CEF general development activities, including: prospecting and cultivating new donors; coordinating existing donor relations; and maintaining accurate development databases. Candidates should have a bachelor’s degree or higher; demonstrated success in event planning, sales and/or fundraising and donor development; and competency with Microsoft Office. A working knowledge of Catholic school operations is preferred. Must be a practicing Catholic in good standing. Individuals interested in this full-time position should send a cover letter and resume to: Full-time openings - Padre Pio Academy in Shawnee, which offers a classical curriculum, has full-time openings for the 2017-18 school year. For more information and details, contact Joanne at (913) 530-6553. Bookkeeper position – Catholic Cemeteries of Northeast Kansas has an immediate opening for a full-time bookkeeper position. The bookkeeper will assist with month-end closing activities, balance-sheet account reconciliations, account analysis, a/p, a/r, as well as manage the external audit of financial statements. The position requires a high school diploma or equivalent, two years’ related experience and excellent communication skills. Qualified individuals should email resume to: or mail to: Catholic Cemeteries, Attn: Sharon Vallejo, PO Box 2327, Kansas City, KS 66110. Teacher assistant - Special Beginnings, Lenexa, is seeking full- or part-time after school teacher assistants at all locations. We are looking for a teacher assistant candidate who has an excellent work ethic, heart for children and a willingness to learn more about early childhood education. Experience and/or education is a plus, but we will train the right candidate. Teacher assistants will work with the lead teacher to care for and educate the children. Primary responsibilities include assisting the lead teacher with: care and supervision of children, lesson plan implementation, parent communication, and cleanliness and organization of classroom. Starting hourly pay ranges based on experience and education. Pay increases are based on job performance. Opportunities for advancement are available, as the company prefers to promote from within. Apply by sending an email to: or in person at 10216 Pflumm Rd., Lenexa, KS 66215. Teachers - St. James Academy is seeking several teachers for the 2017-18 school year. The ideal candidates will be practicing Catholics with a passion for evangelization and discipleship who are licensed and experienced in their content areas. Current openings include physical education and Spanish teachers, as well as a campus minister. Interested candidates should apply to the Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas at: www.archkckcs. org. Send resumes and cover letters to the principal, Dr. Shane Rapp, at: Drivers - Assisted Transportation is now hiring caring and reliable drivers to transport K-12 students to and from school and other activities in company minivans. Positions are now available in Olathe, Overland Park and Kansas City, Kansas. Competitive wages and flexible schedules. CDL not required. Retirees encouraged to apply. Call (913) 262-3100 or apply online at: EEO.
Office help - Optometrist in need of part-time office help. 10 - 12 hours per week, Lenexa. Email resume to: or fax to (913) 307-0535. Cafeteria/catering manager - Bishop Miege High School is accepting applications for the 2017-18 school year for a cafeteria/catering manager to supervise the preparation of daily breakfast and lunch during the school day, as well as catered events throughout the school year. Qualified applicants should have experience in menu preparation, supply management, financial accounting, as well as strong organizational, supervision and personal skills. Email letter of interest and resume to Mariann Jaksa at: Assistant to ReachKCK coordinator - The Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas is accepting applications for a part-time administrative position in the ReachKCK youth ministry outreach of the office of evangelization and Catholic formation of youth. This position is approximately 15 hours per week. Duties include supporting youth programs and events, creating publicity materials, data entry, managing social media and handling various logistics. Ideal candidate will be a practicing Catholic in good standing and have a minimum of three years’ work experience, including at least one year of administrative experience. Knowledge of youth ministry in an urban setting and Spanish preferred. A complete job description and required application are available on the archdiocese’s website at: Interested individuals should mail cover letter, resume and application to: Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas, Office of Human Resources, Youth Search, 12615 Parallel Pkwy., Kansas City, KS 66109, or send via email to: jobs@arch Drivers - Special Beginnings Early Learning Center is seeking part-time drivers for its school-age program located in Lenexa. Candidates must be able to drive a 13-passenger minibus, similar to a 15-passenger van. CDL not required, but must have an excellent driving record. Candidates would pick up children from area schools and then work directly with them when arriving back at the center. Experience preferred. Must have strong work ethic and the ability to work with children. Insurance provided. Background check will be conducted. Great opportunity for retired persons or those seeking a second job. Job responsibilities include: ensuring safety and well-being of children who are being transported at all times, including loading and unloading. Driving short, round-trip routes to elementary schools in Lenexa/Olathe area. Summer only: Driving short, roundtrip routes to two Lenexa city pools. Maintaining mileage log. Keeping interior of vehicle clean. Apply by sending an email to: or in person at 10216 Pflumm Rd., Lenexa, KS 66215. Principal/administrator – Sacred Heart School (PreK12) in Sedalia, Mo., is entering its 135th year of Catholic education with remarkable achievements that few schools can rival. Last year alone, the accomplishments of our dynamic student body included numerous state and regional awards in math, science, speech and athletics, to name a few. Our faith community of 380 students, a full-time assistant principal and 33 faculty members are seeking a dynamic and enthusiastic leadership for its next phase of growth. Applicants must be practicing Catholics. Requirements include a master’s degree and principal’s certificate. Applicants should email an application to the Diocese of Jefferson City at: and send a letter of interest to Father Mark Miller at: Review of applications will begin on March 15 and will continue until the position is filled. Parish administrator - Prince of Peace in Olathe is seeking an exceptional and experienced leader to be our parish administrator. This is a full-time, key leadership position that would work closely with the pastor and would be responsible for the leadership and management of the business operation of the parish. This position includes administration of parish finances, facilities and personnel. Seeking an individual with working knowledge of accounting principles, familiarity with archdiocesan policies and proven management and personnel skills. Full job description and application details may be found at: Physical education instructor and head football coach - Sacred Heart Jr.-Sr. High School in Salina is now accepting applications for a strength and conditioning/ physical education instructor and head football coach for the 2017-18 school year. Sacred Heart School serves approximately 200 students in grades 7 - 12. A competitive salary and benefit package with a matching 401(k) is being offered. Teachers committed to excellence in education and the development of a Christian spirit within the Catholic faith community are encouraged to apply. Interested applicants should send a letter of application and resume to: John Krajicek, Principal, Sacred Heart High School, 234 E. Cloud, Salina, KS 67401 or send an email to: Drivers needed - Medi Coach Transportation is looking for caring and reliable drivers for nonemergency transportation. CDL is not required. Contact Jeff at (913) 8251921.
Early childhood director - Prince of Peace Parish in Olathe seeks a director for our Early Education Center with strong leadership, communication and motivational skills. This is a full-time year-round position. The program has full-time child care/preschool, part-time preschool and afterschool care for children 2 to 12 years. Applicant must be a practicing Catholic, have a degree in ECE, taught for a minimum of three years or have administrative experience in early childhood. Full job description and application details may be found at: www. Office manager/bookkeeper - Small family-owned manufacturing company in Shawnee is seeking an individual to manage day-to-day office needs including reception, a/p, a/r, payroll and bank reconciliation. Prior office experience, knowledge of general ledgers, great customer service skills and computer proficiency included. Office applications preferred. Full range of benefits included; health and 401(k). Contact Andrea at (913) 441-4120 or email resume to: to apply. Girls basketball coach - St. James Academy is seeking a head girls basketball coach and cheer and dance coaches for the 2017-18 season. The ideal candidates will be practicing Catholics with a passion for evangelization and discipleship with experience coaching at the high school or college level. Interested candidates should email resumes and cover letters to the activities and athletic director, Mr. Mark Huppe, at: mhuppe@ Adult faith formation - Prince of Peace Parish in Olathe is seeking a coordinator of adult faith formation to be responsible for all adult faith formation such as RCIA, ChristLife, CRHP and to assist in a new “Family First” approach to religious education for youth. This is a fulltime year-round position. We seek a committed Catholic knowledgeable about RCIA and adult evangelization in a Catholic setting. Seeking an individual with a degree in theology, pastoral studies, religious education or related field with a minimum of three years’ experience. Full job description and application details may be found at: Sales associate - Kansas City Home Medical Supply, a locally owed multilocation medical supply company, is seeking a retail store sales associate. Part-time and full-time positions available in Overland Park and Lee’s Summit. Candidate must enjoy working with the elderly, be enthusiastic and outgoing with great customer service skills. Candidate will work with a multidisciplinary team and be open to in-house training of safe and appropriate product usage. Computer literate with attention to detail a must. Open to community education in the future a plus. Send resume to:
SERVICES Bankruptcy consultation - If debts are overwhelming you, seek hope and help from compassionate, experienced Catholic attorney, Teresa Kidd. For a free consultation, call (913) 422-0610; send an email to: tkidd@kc.rr. com; or visit the website at: www.teresakiddlawyer. com. Please do not wait until life seems hopeless before getting good quality legal advice that may solve your financial stress. Quilted memories - Your Kansas City Longarm shop Nolting Longarm machines, quilting supplies and machine quilting services. We specialize in memorial quilts - custom designed memory quilts from your T-shirt collections, photos, baby clothes, college memorabilia, neckties, etc. For information or to schedule a free consultation, call (913) 649-2704. Visit the website at: Rodman Lawn Care Lawn mowing, aeration, verticutting. Hedge trimming, mulch, leaf removal. Fully insured and free estimates. John Rodman (913) 548-3002 Mike Hammer local moving - A full-service mover. Packing, pianos, rental truck load/unload, storage container load/unload, and in-home moving. No job too small. Serving JoCo since 1987. St. Joseph, Shawnee, parishioner. Call Mike at (913) 927-4347 or send an email to: Clutter getting you down? - Organize, fix, assemble, install! “Kevin of all trades” your professional organizer and “Honey-do” specialist. Call or email me today for a free consultation at (913) 271-5055 or Insured. References. Cleaning lady - Reasonable rates; references provided. Call (913) 940-2959. Agua Fina Irrigation and Landscape The one-stop location for your project! Landscape and irrigation design, Installation and maintenance. Cleanup and grading services It’s time to repair your lawn. 20% discount on lawn renovations with mention of this ad. Visit the website at: Call (913) 530-7260 or (913) 530-5661
Doll dresses - First Communion dress sets for 18” or American Girl dolls. Includes dress, veil, shoes, tights and cross necklace. Full line of doll clothes and accessories in south Johnson County. Call Patty at (913) 345-9498.
HOME IMPROVEMENT EL SOL Y LA TIERRA *Commercial & residential * Lawn renovation *Mowing * Clean-up and hauling * Dirt grading/installation * Landscape design * Free estimates Hablamos y escribimos Ingles!! Call Lupe at (816) 935-0176 The Drywall Doctor, Inc. – A unique solution to your drywall problems! We fix all types of ceiling and wall damage — from water stains and stress cracks to texture repairs and skim coating. We provide professional, timely repairs and leave the job site clean! Lead-certified and insured! Serving the metro since 1997. Call (913) 768-6655. Swalms organizing - downsizing - cleanout service – Reduce clutter – Any space organized. Shelving built onsite. Items hauled for recycling and donations. 20 years exp.; insured. Call Tillar at (913) 375-9115. WWW.SWALMS ORGANIZING.COM. Local handyman - Painting int. and ext., staining, wood rot, power wash, decks, doors and windows, masonry, hardwood floors, gutter cleaning, water heaters, toilets, faucets, garbage disposals, ceiling fans, mowing and more!! Member of Holy Angels Parish, Basehor. Call Billy at (913) 927-4118. DRC Construction We’ll get the job done right the first time. Windows - Doors - Decks - Siding Repair or replace, we will work with you to solve your problems. Choose us for any window, door, siding or deck project and be glad you did. Everything is guaranteed 100% (913) 461-4052 Concrete construction - Tear out and replace stamped, stained or colored patios and drives. Retaining walls, footings, poured-in-place safe rooms, excavation and hauling. Asphalt drives and lots. Fully insured; references. Call Dan at (913) 207-4371 or send an email to: Thank you for another great year - Through your support, my family has been blessed and my business has grown. We do windows, trim, siding, doors, decks, interior and exterior painting, wood rot, bathroom renovations, tile and sheetrock. If you need work done around your home, we can do it. Josh (913) 709-7230. Handyman/remodeler - Quality service with references. Kitchens, baths, tile, painting, garage doors and openers, decks and wood rot repair. Call Jeff at (913) 915-4738. HARCO Exteriors LLC Your Kansas City fencing specialists Family owned and operated (913) 815-4817 NELSON CREATIONS L.L.C. Home remodeling, design/build, kitchens, baths, all interior and exterior work. Family owned and operated; over 25 years experience. Licensed and insured; commercial and residential. Kirk and Diane Nelson. (913) 927-5240; STA (Sure Thing Always) Home Repair - Basement finish, bathrooms and kitchens; interior & exterior repairs: painting, roofing, siding, wood replacement and window glazing. Free estimates. Call (913) 491-5837 or (913) 579-1835. Email: Member of Holy Trinity, Lenexa. Custom countertops - Laminates installed within 5 days. Cambria, granite, and solid surface. Competitive prices, dependable work. Call the Top Shop, Inc., (913) 962-5058. Members of St. Joseph, Shawnee. Rusty Dandy Painting, Inc. – We have been coloring your world for 40 years. Your home will be treated as if it were our own. Old cabinets will be made to look like new. Dingy walls and ceilings will be made beautiful. Woodwork will glow. Lead-certified and insured. Call (913) 341-9125.
CAREGIVING Looking for assisted living at home? - Before you move, call us and explore our in-home care options. We specialize in helping families live safely at home while saving thousands of dollars per year. Call today for more information or to request a FREE home care planning guide. Benefits of Home - Senior Care, or call (913) 422-1591.
>> Classifieds continue on page 13
CALENDAR TACO DINNER AND SALAMI BINGO Holy Family Parish (Msgr. Mejak Hall) 513 Ohio, Kansas City, Kansas March 11 at 5:30 p.m.
The dinner and bingo will be hosted by the Holy Family Altar Society. Dinner will be served from 6:15 - 7:15 p.m. Bingo begins at 7:30 p.m. The $15 donation includes one bingo card, one taco dinner and all the cold beverages you can drink until the games end. No one under the age of 21 admitted. For tickets, call Sandy Sachen Cannon at (913) 396-1564 or Cathy Schneider at the church office at (913) 371-1561.
MATER DEI IRISH FEST AND 5K RUN Assumption Church 204 S.W. 8th Ave., Topeka March 11 from 8 a.m. - 6 p.m.
The day begins with Mass at 8 a.m. at Assumption Church. A breakfast at 8 a.m. and a 5K run will follow. Go to the website at: for more information. There will be a parade at noon with Irish music, entertainment, games, Irish food, beverages and fun. For a complete schedule of events go to the website at: www.mater
ANNIVERSARY OF THE MARTYRDOM OF BLESSED OSCAR ROMERO St. Sabina Parish 700 Trevis, Belton, Missouri March 11 at 6 p.m.
Father Angel Renderos, who is a co-founder of the Bishop Romero Association, will preside at Mass. A fiesta will follow the Mass. This event is sponsored by the Benedictines, Good Shepherd Parish and the Sisters of Charity of Leavenworth. For more information, call Kris Larkey at (816) 331-4713.
skills. Through centering, one taps a source of praying from within our own innate, undiscovered creativity. For more information or to register, call (913) 360-6173 or visit the website at: www.sophiaspirituality
for adults; $5 for kids ages 5 - 12; kids under 5 eat for free. There will also be raffle items available.
DINE TO DONATE TO THE SISTERS OF ST. JOSEPH Jasper’s Restaurant 1201 W. 103rd St., Kansas City, Missouri March 22; call for reservations
Enjoy a delicious meal and help the Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet at the same time. Twenty percent of all lunch and dinner sales will be donated to the good works of the Sisters. To make reservations online, go to the website at: or call (913) 941-6600.
HEALING MASS Curé of Ars Parish (Father Burak Room) 9405 Mission Rd., Leawood March 16 at 7:30 p.m.
POTLUCK DINNER Most Pure Heart of Mary (Formation Room) 3601 S.W. 17th St., Topeka March 23 from 5 - 7 p.m.
A Mass with prayers for healing, sponsored by archdiocesan charismatic prayer groups, will be held. For more information, call (913) 649-2026.
The Christian Widow and Widowers Organization will host the potluck dinner. There is no cost to attend. For more information, call (785) 233-7350.
ST. PATRICK’S DAY DINNER/DANCE St. Paul Parish (gym) 900 S. Honeysuckle Dr., Olathe March 18 from 6 - 10 p.m.
LECTURE BY PHOTOJOURNALIST/ DEATH PENALTY ACTIVIST Donnelly College Event Center 608 N. 18th St., Kansas City, Kansas March 23 at 10:40 a.m.
There will be a traditional Irish dinner of corned beef and cabbage, potatoes, carrots, rolls and dessert. Beer and wine will be available. BYOB welcome. The cost for tickets is $15 each. Ages 21 and over only. Proceeds will be donated to the Knights of Columbus for vocations. For more information, call Chris or Vicki Dieterman at (913) 780-6428.
Scott Langley’s lecture will be in conjunction with an exhibit of his work displayed at Donnelly College. The lecture and exhibit are free and open to the public.
There will be a memorial liturgy for deceased loved ones followed by a grief support meeting in the Father Burak Room. The topic will be: “The Many Shades of Grief.” For more information, call (913) 649-2026.
We will pray the joyful, sorrowful and glorious mysteries of the rosary. Benediction will follow, as well as an opportunity for attendees to enroll in the brown scapular. For more information, visit the website at: www.
There will be a dinner of corned beef and cabbage, homemade pies and more. There will also be raffle prizes and traditional Irish music. The suggested donation is $10.
CORNED BEEF AND CABBAGE DINNER Immaculate Conception-St. Joseph Parish 711 N. 5th St., Leavenworth March 12 from 11:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.
The cost for dinner is $10 for adults and $3 for kids. Carryouts will be available. There will also be a $1000 cash raffle, a silent auction, and spirits and Irish coffee.
‘GROWING A MANDALA THROUGH CONTEMPLATION’ Sophia Spirituality Center 751 S. 8th St., Atchison March 15 from 1 - 4:30 p.m.
Drawing a mandala is a form of creative prayer experience that requires no drawing
ST. PAT’S IRISH FEST St. Benedict Parish 1001 N. 2nd St., Atchison March 25 at 9 a.m.
There will be a 5K fun walk/run for all ages and a 10K trail run that is challenging. A pancake breakfast will be available during and after the run event. The $30 entry includes a T-shirt as long as supplies last. Register online at:; type in “St. Benedict” and Atchison, KS. For more information, call Jason Johnson at (913) 683-8029.
A DAY OF SPIRITUAL REFLECTION St. Joseph Parish (Knights Hall) 308 Iowa St., Olpe March 25 from 9 a.m. - 3 p.m.
ST. PATRICK’S DAY DINNER St. Patrick Parish, Emerald 33721 N.W. Crawford Rd., Williamsburg March 12 from 11 a.m. - 2 p.m.
DAUGHTERS OF ISABELLA, LITTLE FLOWER CIRCLE 503 Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish 201 N.E. Chandler, Topeka March 19 at 8 a.m.
There will be a corporate Communion Mass. Plan to arrive at 7:15 a.m. to pick up sashes and proceed into church as a group. If anyone knows of a member or family member who is sick or in need of prayers, call Theresa Smith-Lawton at (785) 640-1403. For more information about the Daughters of Isabella, call Theresa Renfrow at (785) 969-1779 or Smith-Lawton at (785) 640-1403.
FEAST DAY DINNER St. Patrick Parish 302 Boyle St., Scranton March 19 from 11 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.
A dinner of ham or turkey and trimmings, pie and beverages will be served. The cost is: $9
Senior care and helper - I am a registered nurse with a master’s degree in nursing and a master’s degree in business administration from the University of Virginia and the University of Mary. I am also a husband and father of two young children. I enjoy working with, learning from and exchanging stories with the senior population and America’s Greatest Generation. This may include, but not be limited to, nursing care, grocery shopping, yard work, medical appointments, companionship and helping around the home. Parishioner of Holy Trinity Parish. Call Matt at (913) 721-6543 to set up a no-obligation meeting to see if we are a good fit for one another. Caregiving - We provide personal assistance, companionship, care management, and transportation for seniors in their home, assisted living or nursing facilities. We also provide respite care for main caregivers needing some personal time. Call Daughters & Company at (913) 341-2500 and speak with Laurie, Pat or Gary. Experienced CNA - Excellent references, flexible schedule, light housekeeping, cooking, errands. Can assist with medications and distribution; can also provide transportation to and from doctor appointments. Can cut and style hair as well as do massages and shaves. Call Chris at (913) 548-7656.
FOR SALE Residential lifts - New and recycled. Stair lifts, porch lifts, ceiling lifts and elevators. KC Lift & Elevator at (913) 327-5557. (Formerly Silver Cross - KC) For sale - Double lawn crypt at Resurrection Cemetery in Lenexa, Garden of Hope section, double lawn crypt, lot 78 C, space 4. Conveyance fee included. $8100. Call Lou at (512) 294-2869. For sale - Single crypt at Resurrection Cemetery in Lenexa. Holy Family Mausoleum, St. Joseph corridor, tier D, #13. Valued at $6850, selling price is $6250, including opening and closing. Holy Spirit parishioner. Call (913) 642-1017.
The dance is sponsored by the Singles of Nativity. The cost for tickets is $20 at the door and includes food, drinks and DJ. For more information, call Maria at (913) 314-9844 or go the website at:
ROSARY RALLY IN HONOR OF OUR LADY OF FATIMA St. John the Baptist Parish 708 N. 4th St., Kansas City, Kansas March 12 from 3 - 4:15 p.m.
>> Continued from page 12
For sale - Double crypt at Resurrection Cemetery in Lenexa. Prince of Peace Mausoleum, Mother of Church corridor, tier C, #103. July value was $12,715, including two opening and closing fees. Asking $9,750. Call Don at (913) 522-2714.
ST. PATRICK’S DANCE Church of the Nativity Parish (hall) 3800 W. 119th St., Leawood March 18 from 7 - 11 p.m.
MEMORIAL LITURGY Curé of Ars Parish 9405 Mission Rd., Leawood March 18 at 8 a.m.
Monsignor Swetland will present a day of reflection on “Living Life to the Full.” Topics include: “Faith in Secular Life,” “Why Bother with Church?” and “Becoming Who You Are.” Reservations are required by March 22 to plan for food. Call (620) 475-3767 or send an email to: st.joseph_olpe@yahoo. com.
LINGER OVER COFFEE Marillac Center 4200 S. 4th St., Leavenworth March 7 - April 4 (Tuesdays) mornings 10:30 a.m. - noon
Marillac Center staff will host a series of sessions dedicated to reflecting, sharing and praying with the question: “Who is Jesus?” Come to one session or to all the sessions. The suggested donation is a freewill offering. For more information, call (913) 758-6552.
Calendar notices are due eight days before the publication date. Because of space considerations, notices may only run two weeks before the event. Send notices to: beth.blankenship@
For sale - Maintenance free home. Backs up to Ascension Catholic Church. Two bedroom, 2.5 bath, study, open floor plan. Great for entertaining. Call for appointment. (913) 6698178.
WANTED TO BUY Will buy firearms and related accessories - One or a whole collection. Honest evaluation and top prices paid. Contact Tom at (913) 238-2473. Member of Sacred Heart Parish, Shawnee. Will buy houses in any condition - We pay cash and you sell as-is with no warranty. You can leave anything behind if you don’t want to move it. My name is Mark and my family is part of Holy Trinity Parish. I hope I can help you. (913) 9804905. Wanted to buy - Antique/vintage jewelry, lighters, fountain pens, post card collections, paintings/prints, pottery, sterling, china dinnerware. Renee Maderak, (913) 631-7179. St. Joseph Parish, Shawnee
Horizon Academy Summer School Programs for students with learning disabilities: Orton-Gillingham Tutoring Math Tutoring June Full Day Program July Half Day Program More info:
Wagner’s Mud-Jacking Co.
Specializing in Foundation Repairs Mud-jacking and Waterproofing. Serving Lawrence, Topeka and surrounding areas. Topeka (785) 233-3447 Lawrence (785) 749-1696 In business since 1963
COMMENTARY SECOND WEEK OF LENT March 12 SECOND SUNDAY OF LENT Gn 12: 1-4a Ps 33: 4-5, 18-20, 22 2 Tm 1: 8b-10 Mt 17: 1-9 March 13 Monday Dn 9: 4b-10 Ps 79: 8-9, 11, 13 Lk 6: 36-38 March 14 Tuesday Is 1: 10, 16-20 Ps 50: 8-9, 16bc-17, 21, 23 Mt 23: 1-12 March 15 Wednesday Jer 18: 18-20 Ps 31: 5-6, 14-16 Mt 20: 17-28 March 16 Thursday Jer 17: 5-10 Ps 1: 1-4, 6 Lk 16: 19-31 March 17 Patrick, bishop Gn 37: 3-4, 12-13a, 17b-28a Ps 105: 16-21 Mt 21: 33-43, 45-46 March 18 Cyril of Jerusalem, bishop, doctor of the church Mi 7: 14-15, 18-20 Ps 103: 1-4, 9-12 Lk 15: 1-3, 11-32
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INSTAGRAM theleavenkc
he older I get, the more I wonder: Is everything I learned really just an urban legend? To be fair, the information about the man in this column would be classified as “mixed” on, the website that investigates “urban legends, internet rumors, email forwards and other stories of unknown or questionable origin.” “Mixed” means that there is at least some truth about what most of us learned about this man. His name is John Chapman, born on Sept. 26, 1774, in Leominster, Massachusetts. He traveled extensively in Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana and Illinois, what was then the American frontier. He was a devout missionary of the Church of Swedenborg, also known as The New Church, and never married. Chapman was a vegetarian and a fierce opponent of cruelty to animals and even insects. And he was probably considered a kook, dressed as he was in a coffee sack, sporting a tin pot hat and going barefoot. These biographical notes are
How do you like them apples? MARK MY WORDS
FATHER MARK GOLDASICH Father Mark is the pastor of Sacred Heart Parish in Tonganoxie. He has been editor of The Leaven since 1989.
reliable. Things start to get a little dicey when it comes to when he died. Although sources agree that it was in Fort Wayne, Indiana, in 1845, some date his death in the summer of that year, while others believe it was actually on March 11 . . . or March 18. Oh, by the way, Chapman came to be known as Johnny Appleseed. And it’s when we talk about this frontier folk hero that some “facts” go off the rails. For example, I thought that Johnny Appleseed
tossed around those seeds from his bag like a drunken sailor; actually, he planted orchards strategically and for profit. At his death, he owned about 1,200 acres of valuable land. I also believed that every time I bit into a juicy apple, I had Johnny Appleseed to thank. At least that’s how he was portrayed in the short Disney cartoon about him. In actuality, Chapman planted “spitters,” or small, tart, inedible apples that were made into hard cider or applejack — in other words, alcohol! Holy cow, Disney conveniently forgot to mention that. Well, I’m not here to set the record straight on Johnny Appleseed, but rather to use some of his real life as an in-
spiration for our Lenten journey. First of all, he was a missionary who taught respect for all of God’s creation. Lent is an ideal time to read — and share — Pope Francis’ encyclical “Laudato Si’, on Care for Our Common Home,” to find inspiration on how to better respect this world and its resources. Secondly, Chapman was a bit of an eccentric, especially in his attire and philosophy of life. This might be a call not only for us to embrace a simpler lifestyle, but also, in a sense, to be “fools on Christ’s account” (1 Cor 4:10.) Being a person of faith in the world today and advocating for the environment may make us a target of ridicule, but that’s part of the cross that we’re called to bear. Third, there’s no doubt that Johnny Appleseed changed the apples of America. According to author Michael Pollan, “From Chapman’s vast planting of nameless apple cider seeds came some of the great American cultivars of the 19th century.” Lent is all about transformation, isn’t it? We’re
called by prayer, fasting and works of charity to change our own hearts for the better and then to positively influence the world around us. Perhaps we can do that by planting a spring garden. Although I was not blessed with a green thumb, everyone, I’m sure, can plant a special type of garden based on the following directions: • Plant three rows of peas: peas of mind; peas of heart; peas of soul. • Plant four rows of squash: squash gossip; squash indifference; squash grumbling; squash selfishness. • Plant four rows of lettuce: lettuce be faithful; lettuce be kind; lettuce be patient; lettuce truly love one another. • Plant three rows of turnips: turnip for meetings; turnip for church services; turnip to help one another. • Plant three rows of thyme: thyme for yourself; thyme for family; thyme for friends. Water freely with patience and cultivate with love. (Adapted from an anonymous author) By cultivating such a garden during these days of Lent, may we become ever more the apple of God’s eye.
Moses and Elijah endorse Jesus by their presence
unday’s Gospel story, Mt 17:19, immediately raises some questions. It tells us that Moses and Elijah appeared alongside Jesus. We might ask how the evangelist was able to identify them. After all, they had been dead for centuries. No one alive had ever seen them. Did Jesus inform Peter, James and John of the identity of these strangers? Or, did they introduce themselves to the disciples, who in turn passed on this information to the evangelist? How did the evangelist learn about all this? Frankly, the evangelist did not concern himself with these questions, which can so easily fascinate the
FATHER MIKE STUBBS Father Stubbs is the pastor of Holy Cross Parish in Overland Park and has a degree in Scripture from Harvard University.
modern reader. The evangelist did not care how all this happened. Instead, the evangelist focused on why this wonderful encounter
When life gets difficult, trust in God and don’t worry unnecessarily about tomorrow, Pope Francis said. “Trusting in him doesn’t magically solve problems, but it allows for facing them with the right spirit — courageously,” he said before praying the Angelus with those gathered in St. Peter’s
took place, why Moses and Elijah appeared with Jesus. Moses represented the Law, Elijah the prophets. Together, they stood for the entire Old Testament. In fact, whenever Jesus referred to the writings of the Old Testament, he would ordinarily use the phrase: “the law and the prophets” (Mt 5: 17; 11:13). The question remains:
Why did these figures representing the Old Testament appear with Jesus? What was the significance of their appearance? By their presence with Jesus on the mountain, Moses and Elijah, representing the whole Old Testament, indicated their support of him. They endorsed Jesus’ message as a continuation of their own. Their presence looked forward to the endorsement that would come only a few moments later in the voice from heaven: “This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased; listen to him.” The voice from heaven is God speaking. God would also speak through his Son Jesus, the incarnate word of God. That is why we are instructed to listen to him.
Square Feb. 26. “I am brave because I trust in my Father who cares for everything and loves me very much.” The pope’s reflection looked at the day’s Gospel reading (Mt 6:24-34) in which Jesus tells his disciples to “not worry about your life,” what to wear and what to eat. Instead, look at how God provides for the wild flowers and animals, and learn from them that
It may sound strange to us that, on descending the mountain, one of the first things that Jesus tells the disciples is not to say anything about these marvelous events: “Jesus charged them, ‘Do not tell the vision to anyone until the Son of Man has been raised from the dead.’” We might wonder why Jesus imposes this silence upon the disciples. In any case, it does not apply to us. Jesus has been raised from the dead. Consequently, we cannot only listen to him, as the voice from heaven instructs us, we can also echo what he says. When we do that, we will be following in the footsteps of Peter, James and John, just as much as if we ourselves had been on the mountain.
worrying will not “add a single moment to your lifespan,” the passage reads. Too much worrying “risks taking serenity and balance away” from one’s life, the pope said. “Often this anxiety is pointless because it is unable to change the course of events.” — CNS
Lent reminds us that Christ died for all of us
hen Jared walked into our emergency assistance center, we were his last choice. Unemployed, with only a meager amount of money, Jared had run out of food. He had nowhere else to turn. The emotional and difficult decision he made to ask for help was only outweighed by his physical need for food and shelter. His eyes were downturned, his voice lowered and his shoulders slumped — all physical symptoms of a person whose circumstances seem to have robbed him of his self-esteem. Pope Francis once ad-
KEN WILLIAMS Ken Williams is the executive director of Catholic Charities.
dressed a crowd, stating: “It is certainly necessary to give bread to the hungry — this is an act of justice. But there is
also a deeper hunger . . . the hunger for dignity.” Human dignity is the innate right to be valued and respected. It’s not something that’s earned or acquired. It’s the right of everyone — regardless of race, religion, ethnicity, sexual preference, IQ score or socioeconomic status.
Everyone. Period. At Catholic Charities of Northeast Kansas, we understand the importance of acknowledging the dignity of those we serve. Recognizing a person’s intrinsic worth doesn’t have to be a grandiose gesture. We gave Jared food that day to nourish his body. But we didn’t just hand him a bag of food and escort him to the door — although that in itself would still be considered a corporal work of mercy. Instead, Jared shopped. By pushing a grocery cart and selecting his own items from the shelves, Jared was able to maintain his personal autonomy. Acknowledging his ability
to make his own choices is a small way of bringing dignity to an experience most of us can’t imagine. Jared’s case manager listened closely to his narrative, looking him in the eye as he spoke. Jared’s despair stemmed from unemployment. His difficulty finding consistent work caused him to lose sight of his own inherent value. Catholic social teaching holds that work is dignified and an intrinsic good. Work is more than simply making a living. It’s fundamental to the dignity of the person. The social teaching of Pope John Paul II affirms that dignified work not only makes adequate housing, food and medical care possible,
but also fosters positive participation in society. Utilizing our employment support resources, Jared’s case manager helped him obtain meaningful work. More than earning a wage, Jared’s sense of self-worth was restored. He has taken the next step toward self-sufficiency. At Catholic Charities, we believe that one’s circumstance does not define their God-given dignity. We all know a Jared. Perhaps, at some point, we have even been Jared. Lent is a perfect time to remind ourselves that Jesus died for us all. Therefore, we all have equal value in his eyes, regardless of our situation.
Meet the woman who shared the Triduum with the world
bet you never guessed that the church was in the travel business, but it’s true. And each year, it hosts a wonderful pilgrimage to unparalleled destinations with breathtaking scenes, a truly remarkable itinerary and deluxe accommodations. It’s called the Easter Triduum, and you need venture no farther than your parish church to take advantage of this exclusive opportunity. In fact, it was a fourth-century Spanish woman’s diaries from her travels in the Holy Land that sparked much of what we do in church every Holy Thursday, Good Friday and Holy Saturday.
MICHAEL PODREBARAC Michael Podrebarac is the archdiocesan consultant for the office of liturgy and sacramental life.
Egeria was her name, and she witnessed firsthand how the Christians in Jerusalem
commemorated the last week of Jesus’ life on earth, beginning with his triumphant entrance into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday. She wrote of these experiences to her community back home. Her contribution to the development of our Western liturgical calendar is evident in the fact that, first in
Spain, and then eventually in Rome, Holy Week became marked with palm processions, feet washing, veneration of an image of the cross and a late-night vigil centered on salvation history and baptism. Want to know more? I’ve been privileged to have been invited to Mother Teresa of Calcutta Parish in Topeka on March 30 and St. Francis de Sales Parish in Lansing on April 5 to share about Egeria, her travels and the magnificent gift of the Easter Triduum. These 75-minute presentations will begin at 7 p.m. All are most welcome to attend. I’d be happy to come to your parish community sometime as well. Pilgrimages are a
significant part of our Catholic faith — so important that the church has, with Egeria’s help, enshrined the church year with regular visits to places like Bethlehem, the Jordan River, the Sea of Galilee and, of course, Jerusalem. We travel in the footsteps of Jesus and experience his ministry firsthand through the sacred liturgy. He even brings us to heaven each time the Mass is celebrated! The celebrations of Holy Week and the Triduum are more than just historical adventures. They are life-changing experiences of just how much we are loved by the good Lord. Join us on March 30 in Topeka or April 5 in Lansing. And then
join us, via your parish church, from April 13-16, as we commemorate the “Three Days” that changed forever the world and the human race. Archbishop Naumann cordially invites you to attend these celebrations at the Cathedral of St. Peter in Kansas City, Kansas, as well. And don’t forget that other pilgrimage down the Via Dolorosa, the “Way of Suffering,” offered weekly in most parishes: the Stations of the Cross. You know, St. Francis invented this devotion as a pilgrimage opportunity for folks who couldn’t venture to Jerusalem. But that’s another story. . . .
Catholic Store 119 SE 18th Topeka, KS (785) 232-2543 Hrs. T-F - 10 a.m. 5:30; Sat. 9 a.m. to noon
Concrete Work
Any type of repair and new work Driveways, Walks, Patios Member of Queen of the Holy Rosary Parish
Harvey M. Kascht (913) 262-1555
Archbishop Joseph F. Naumann delivers the homily at the junior high youth rally Mass Feb. 26 at Prairie Star Ranch in Williamsburg.
Kyle Heimann, from the Catholic rock band Popple, delivers the keynote address to the hundreds of kids that turned out for the event.
Kansas City performance artist Mike Debus throws paint on a canvas as he creates an image of Christ and his mother.
Before Mass, the girls at the junior high youth rally formed groups and worked on making suitable soil to help their young plants grow. Pictured here are: (from left) Nicole Stallbaumer, Khalea Bergman, Erin Deters, Abbi Russell, Haylee Kramer and Demelia Funk.