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THELEAVEN.ORG | VOL. 38, NO. 33 | APRIL 7, 2017


Leawood parishioners host food packing party to combat area hunger

From left (with Royals shirt), Beau, Blake and Cindy Barnes take part in a packing party in the gymnasium of Curé of Ars School in Leawood. Workers poured cups of rice, soy, vegetables, vitamins and cheese into a bag that would be distributed later by the organization Something to Eat.

Story by BOB HART Photos by JOE MCSORLEY


EAWOOD — On a chilly and rainy Saturday morning in March, they descended on the Curé of Ars school gymnasium. The youngest arrived in the arms of a parent or toddling on their own. The oldest were helped to their stations by their grandchildren, entire multigeneration families having come


together on a morning when sleeping in might have seemed an easier and more appealing option. The attraction? A Lenten “food packing party,” organized in conjunction with the local organization Something to Eat, which in the past eight years has packed more than four million meals for

The Leaven will not publish the week after Easter. The Leaven will publish on April 14, skip April 21 and then resume a regular weekly schedule until May 21, at which point it will begin its biweekly schedule.

>> See “PROJECT” on page 6

For more information To donate to Something to Eat, visit the website at: somethingtoeat.org/donate. Parishes, as well as businesses, schools, civic or social organizations and others interested in the possibility of hosting a food packing party, can call (913) 262-3900.


Greg Bole is working through the Catholic Charities La Luz Center to help find immigrants a path to citizenship in the United States. Page 3




Plan now to attend most powerful liturgies of church’s year


uring a recent flight, the man seated next to me shared that his mother is a very devout Catholic. He told me that his mother derives great strength, comfort and joy from her faith. I inferred from our conversation that he did not consider himself a practicing Catholic. I asked him if he attended any church. With a certain amount of dejection in his voice, he responded that he struggled with faith. I asked him what the sticking point was that made it difficult for him to believe. For this man, it was not a case of being wounded or hurt by any representative of the church. For him, what made faith difficult was that it seemed too good to be true. When he considered the vastness of the cosmos that contained many universes like our own, it was difficult for him to believe that the God who created all of this could be concerned about our tiny planet — Earth — much less care about him as an individual person. I acknowledged that our Christian faith is indeed amazing and even startling. We believe precisely in what this man found so difficult to accept — namely, that the creator of the cosmos, the King of kings and Lord of lords desires a personal relationship, friendship, with each one of us. I encouraged my fellow passenger to go to one of our eucharistic adoration chapels and invite Our Lord to reveal himself to him. I urged him to invite Our Lord into his heart. He

LIFE WILL BE VICTORIOUS ARCHBISHOP JOSEPH F. NAUMANN impressed me as a man of integrity and virtue. Please join me in praying for him that he will be able to overcome the obstacles that are preventing him from faith in Jesus and his church. This coming week, we commemorate the central events by which God revealed his unconditional love for us. What we believe as Catholics is astounding and outrageous: “For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him might not perish but might have eternal life.” It is mind-boggling that our creator became a human being in order that we could share in his abundant and eternal life. As Catholics, we do not believe in a distant, impersonal God, who created the universe and who is now detached from the creatures that he brought into being. We believe in a God who knows us better than we know ourselves. He knows our weaknesses and vulnerabilities and loves us nevertheless. I encourage you this week to read prayerfully one or more of the Passion narratives in

the Gospels. On Palm Sunday this year, we will read St. Matthew’s account of the Passion and every Good Friday the church presents us with St. John’s version. The Passion narratives are the heart of the Gospels. They describe the events that are foundational for our Christian belief. Even though if you are reading this article you are most probably already a strong believer, still we all need throughout our lives to have ongoing encounters with Jesus. We need frequently to invite Jesus into our hearts to reveal anew his unique and personal love for us. If you read the Passion as an historical account of long-distant events, it will have a minimal impact on your life. On the other hand, if you read the Passion narrative as an eyewitness account of what were life-changing events for the reader 2,000 years ago and for us today, you will experience it to be transformative. In the liturgy, we only read the Passion narratives on Palm Sunday and Good Friday. We need to take advantage of these days when everything in the church is attempting to focus the attention of our minds and hearts on the crux of the Gospel.

Holy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter change everything. If we believe in what happened on these days, we will never doubt God’s love for us, despite all our defects and frailties. We will know that we can never be separated from the love of God. Our life will never be without purpose or meaning, even — or especially — during moments of difficulty and suffering. We will never be without hope, because we know our God is a God of miracles and our destiny is to live with him and the saints forever. I urge you to participate in the Triduum liturgies at your parish: the Mass of the Lord’s Supper on Holy Thursday, the Celebration of the Lord’s Passion on Good Friday and the Easter Vigil on Holy Saturday night. These are the most powerful and beautiful liturgies of the year. This special week with its unique moments of liturgical prayer and worship has the ability to put us in touch with the central mysteries of our Catholic faith. Each Holy Week, Our Lord offers us an opportunity to renew and deepen his peace and joy in our hearts. Through these sacred liturgies, we do not simply remember what happened 2,000 years ago, but we actually touch the events that gave us life in Christ. Please know that you are also invited and most welcome to come to the Cathedral of St. Peter in Kansas City, Kansas, for one or more of the Triduum liturgies. On Holy Thursday, the Mass of the Lord’s Supper begins at 7:30 p.m. On Good


Priests Personnel meeting

April 7 Eucharistic adoration — Hayden High School, Topeka April 9 Palm Sunday Mass — Cathedral of St. Peter, Kansas City, Kansas April 11 Chrism Mass — Savior Pastoral Center, Kansas City, Kansas April 13 Holy Thursday Mass — Cathedral Johnson County priests luncheon April 14 Good Friday service — Cathedral April 15 Holy Saturday Mass — Cathedral April 16 Easter Sunday Mass — Cathedral April 18 “Shepherd’s Voice” recording

Friday, the liturgy of the Celebration of the Passion of the Lord begins at 3 p.m. The Easter Vigil begins at 8 p.m. on Holy Saturday. I will also be the celebrant for the 11 a.m. Palm Sunday Mass, as well as the 11 a.m. Easter Sunday Mass. The cathedral is a church that belongs to everyone in the archdiocese. For the disciple of Jesus, every moment, every encounter and every relationship with another is fraught with meaning and purpose. Through our baptism and friendship with Jesus, we possess a freedom from which

“We are proud to be a locally owned family funeral home serving our community.”

Administrative Team meeting Catholic Education Foundation Futures meeting

ARCHBISHOP KELEHER April 9 Mass — Federal prison camp Confessions — Church of the Nativity, Leawood April 11 Chrism Mass — Savior April 13 Mass — Sisters, Servants of Mary April 14 Good Friday service — Cathedral April 16 Mass — Sisters, Servants of Mary April 19 Confirmation — St. Joseph, Wilmette, Illinois

no earthly power can deprive us. It is the freedom to give glory to God and to love others, no manner the circumstances of our lives. Even in life’s darkest and most difficult moments, our Christian faith gives us reason for not only hope, but the capacity for joy. Because God is with us always, we are never alone. We can never be deprived of the source of our peace. May this Holy Week renew our gratitude for the tremendous gift of our faith! May it motivate us to do all that we can to share this priceless gift with others!


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APRIL 7, 2017



‘What if I were on the other side?’

Lawyer works to find legal avenues to citizenship for immigrants By Doug Weller Special to The Leaven

Immigration and refugee terminology


ANSAS CITY, Kan. — Talk in the nation’s capital of clamping down on illegal immigration and deporting people who don’t have legal documentation has Greg Bole scrambling. On Wednesday mornings, the day the lawyer opens the La Luz Center for Immigration Legal Assistance to anyone who wants to talk to him, upwards of 50 people crowd the reception area to learn if they have any legal options to stay in the country. “There are a lot of anti-immigration voices right now,” said Bole, who specializes in immigration law at the center operated by Catholic Charities of Northeast Kansas. “With immigration law, you are looking to see if you can fit someone in a legal category, to see if they qualify,” he said. Most, however, don’t have a legal avenue. The anti-immigration sentiment often is heard among Catholics, Bole acknowledged, and he frequently finds himself explaining why the Catholic Church is involved in the issue. “I try to emphasize that the pope and the archbishop and the Catholic Church generally tend to take a pro-immigration, pro-refugee stance. But what we don’t do is work outside the law,” he stressed. One needs only to read Scripture to learn why the Catholic Church does what it does, said Rachel Pollock, director of Catholic Charities’ refugee and immigration programs, which opened the La Luz Center at 2220 Central Avenue in Kansas City, Kansas, in 2010. “I grew up in the church and felt like it was modeled to me by Scripture and the people I looked up to. Compassion — welcoming the stranger — was ingrained in me,” she said. Once you hear why people are in this country, it’s difficult not to feel compassion, she added. “I listen to their stories and imagine, ‘What if I were on the other side? What type of mercy and love would I want to see?’” she continued. “In the tradition of Jesus, I want to treat everyone personally as if it was Jesus himself,” she explained. The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops offers details on church policy on its website at: justiceforimmigrants. org. It explains the church’s principles on migration, why people leave their native countries and what Catholics can do to help. The Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas has been involved in immigration and refugee assistance since 1980, Pollock said. As with any controversial issue, she noted, people need to educate themselves to better understand the complexity of immigration. “When you don’t have contact with

Publication No. (ISSN0194-9799) President: Most Rev. Joseph F. Naumann

• Lawful permanent resident Commonly called a green card holder. A green card gives a person the right to live in the United States, apply for a Social Security number, work and travel. The card can be revoked because of a criminal conviction or other reasons. A green card holder cannot vote. Eligibility includes having a family member legally living here, being legally sponsored or being offered employment that meets certain requirements. People offered refugee status automatically qualify for a green card. A green card places the holder on the path to citizenship, subject to various requirements. • Non-immigrant visa A U.S. visa allows a person to apply for entry into the United States as a student, visitor or temporary worker. U.S. Customs and Border Patrol determines admission, length of stay and any conditions. • Naturalization and citizenship A person who has gained U.S. citizenship has been naturalized. In general, green card holders are eligible to apply for citizenship after five years. It costs $725 (biometrics fee is $85) to apply for citizenship; many who are eligible must wait until they are able to save that fee.


Immigration lawyer Greg Bole talks with a client at the La Luz Center for Immigration Legal Assistance, operated by Catholic Charities of Northeast Kansas. Bole looks for ways to help immigrants stay in the United States. people who are immigrants or refugees, I understand why people feel scared,” she said. “It just changes once you start meeting people, hearing their stories. You would make the decisions they did. Everyone is just trying to survive and provide for their kids.” Most of Bole’s work at La Luz involves working with people who came here from Mexico or Central America, although it runs the gamut. Recent clients have included a Burmese woman admitted to the United States as a refugee who became a citizen and a Kenyan man who was able to obtain legal residency because he was victimized by his U.S. spouse. “I tell people to come see me first. We’ll go over their personal information and their options . . . what needs to be done to begin the process,” Bole said. People’s options are based on how they got to the United States.

“Broadly defined, an immigrant is anyone who has come from a new country for any reason: better opportunities for their kids, education, to reunite with family, get married,” Pollock said. “A refugee is someone who has been granted access to this country because of specific reasons, such as persecution.” A refugee automatically is on track to obtain U.S. citizenship. That often is not the case for an immigrant. The key to living and working in the United States legally is possession of a green card — the common term for a permanent residence card. That entitles the holder to apply for a Social Security number and legally hold a job. Bole first tries to find out if an immigrant can obtain a green card. Most undocumented residents learn they can’t. They are destined to live in the shadows unless immigration reform allows them the opportunity to legalize their

Editor Rev. Mark Goldasich, stl frmark.goldasich@theleaven.org

Production Manager Todd Habiger todd.habiger@theleaven.org

Reporter Moira Cullings moira.cullings@theleaven.org

Managing Editor Anita McSorley anita.mcsorley@theleaven.org

Senior Reporter Joe Bollig joe.bollig@theleaven.org

Advertising Coordinator Beth Blankenship beth.blankenship@theleaven.org

• DACA — Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals Ordered by President Barack Obama, DACA allows people who came to the United States illegally as children to apply for protection from deportation. The two-year deferral can be renewed. Initial application and each renewal application costs $495 (biometrics fee is $85). DACA-approved individuals can then apply for a work permit. President Obama’s attempt to expand DACA and enact a separate program to give protection to parents of lawful permanent residents was stopped by a federal judge’s temporary injunction, which was reviewed by the Supreme Court but upheld by a split decision. COMPILED FROM INFORMATION BY U.S. CITIZENSHIP AND IMMIGRATION SERVICES, USCIS.GOV

residence here. “There is value in knowing they have no legal options,” Bole acknowledged. “That might stop the person from turning to nefarious individuals who promise immigration assistance for a steep fee. These people, known as ‘notarios,’ say they can help, but often they can damage an immigrant’s case or inadvertently alert immigration >> See “CITIZENS-TO-BE” on page 7

Published weekly September through May, excepting the Friday the week after Thanksgiving, and the Friday after Christmas; biweekly June through August. Address communications to: The Leaven, 12615 Parallel Pkwy., Kansas City, KS 66109. Phone: (913) 721-1570; fax: (913) 721-5276; or e-mail at: sub@theleaven.com. Postmaster: Send address changes to The Leaven, 12615 Parallel Pkwy., Kansas City, KS 66109. For change of address, provide old and new address and parish. Subscriptions $21/year. Periodicals postage paid at Kansas City, KS 66109.









Five Ursuline Sisters celebrate jubilees


APLE MOUNT, Ky. — Five Ursuline Sisters of Mount Saint Joseph here, who were Ursulines of Paola, are celebrating jubilees of religious profession this year. The Ursuline Sisters of Paola merged with Mount Saint Joseph in 2008. Sister Mildred Katzer, a native of Garnett, is celebrating 80 years. Sister Mildred taught at St. John School, Greeley (1943-45, 1973-85); Holy Name School, Kansas City, Kansas (1945-54); Queen of the Holy Rosary School, Overland Park (1954-58, 1960-73); St. Agnes School, Roeland Park (1985-90); and Holy Angels School, Garnett (1990-99). She also taught in Tulsa and Bartlesville, Oklahoma. She volunteers at St. Therese Parish in Richmond, where she has been since 1999. Sister Martina Rockers, a native of Garnett, is celebrating 75 years and has been an educator for 71 years. She taught at Queen of the Holy Rosary, Overland Park (1946-53); St. Ann, Prairie Village (1953-55); St. Agnes, Roeland Park (195556), Ursuline Academy, Paola (1956-57); St. Agnes High School, Roeland Park (1957-58); and Bishop Miege High School, Roeland Park (1958-present). She was elected to the leadership Council in Paola from 1978-82. She currently serves in development, in the science department and the spirit shop at Bishop Miege. Sister Emerentia Wiesner, a native of Richmond, is celebrating 75 years. She taught at Holy Name School, Kansas City, Kansas (1945-47, 1950-52); Holy Angels School, Garnett (1947-50, 1963-64-principal and teacher); Holy Rosary-Wea School, principal and teacher (1955-57);

Sister Mildred Katzer

Sister Martina Rockers

Queen of the Holy Rosary, Overland Park (1957-60); St. John School, Greeley, principal and teacher (1960-61, teacher 196673); Holy Trinity, Paola, principal and teacher (1961-62, 1964-66, tutor 1987-89); and St. Agnes in Roeland Park (1962-63). She was a nurse and director of Monica Hall in Paola (1974-87) and involved in community service at the motherhouse (1989-2009) when she moved to Maple Mount. She is currently a seamstress and craft maker at Maple Mount. Sister Pat Lynch, who spent her youth between Pennsylvania and Kansas City, Missouri, is celebrating 50 years. Sister Pat was superior of the Ursulines of Paola from 1994-2002, and served as an elected councilor from 1982-90, and again from 2002-2008. She served 15 years in ministry at the Lakemary Center in Paola as a speech therapy aide (1971-72), speech pathologist (197481) and education coordinator (198186). From 1987-94, she was an outreach minister at the St. Lawrence Catholic Campus Center in Lawrence. She served as director of vocations and formation (2002-06) and added spiritual direction in 2006. From 2009-2016, she served as office manager/campus minister at the

Holy Week at the Community of the Lamb


Sister Pat Lynch

he liturgy of the Holy Week in the Community of the Lamb is a retreat in which all are invited to follow Jesus step by step in his passion, death and resurrection. Beginning April 7 with the Mass of the Good Shepherd and running every day through Easter, the offices are more numerous and more developed than those celebrated in most parishes. Most of the offices are followed by eucharistic adoration. The Community of the Lamb is located at 36 S. Boeke St. in Kansas City, Kansas. For more information, call the Community of the Lamb at (913) 621-1727 or go online to: www.theleaven.org.

Sister Helen Smith

Sister Emerentia Wiesner

Didde Catholic Campus Center at Emporia State University. She is now assistant congregational leader for the Ursuline Sisters of Mount Saint Joseph and lives at Maple Mount. Sister Helen Smith, a native of Bartlesville, Oklahoma, is celebrating 40 years. She was a teacher at Queen of the Holy Rosary, Overland Park (1979-80, 1982-83) and St. John School, Greeley (1981-82). She was principal and teacher at Holy Trinity School, Paola (198394) and principal at Holy Cross School, Overland Park (1994-2000), and Holy Rosary-Wea School (2000-2005). She was elected as a councilor from 1990-98 and from 2002-2006. She was assistant superior from 2006-2008, until the Ursuline Sisters of Paola merged with the Ursuline community in Kentucky. Sister Helen handles sacramental preparation work with children at the Church of the Nativity in Leawood, where she has served since October 2010. She was elected as a councilor for the Ursuline Sisters of Mount Saint Joseph on Nov. 5, 2016. Jubilee congratulations may be sent to: Ursuline Sisters, 8001 Cummings Road, Maple Mount, KY 42356.


Cheryl and Jim Gray, members of Immaculate Conception Parish, Louisburg, will celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary on April 8. The couple was married on April 8, 1964, at Immaculate Conception by Father John Dunnivan. Their children are Lisa Johnson and Crystal Barnes. They also have four grandchildren. They celebrated early with an Alaskan cruise and will have another celebration with family. Marilyn (Harkin) and Gene Heideman, members of Mother Teresa of Calcutta Parish, To p e k a , will celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary on April 8. The couple was married on April 8, 1967, at Church of the Assumption in Topeka. The couple will be honored at a 50th wedding anniversary dinner and reception at the Dillon House, 9th and Harrison in Topeka, on April 8. Friends of the couple are invited to attend the reception, starting at 1 p.m. They request no gifts. Their children are: Michael Heideman, Omaha, Nebraska; Bill Heideman, Overland Park; and Scott Heideman, Shawnee. They also have three grandchildren. Darryl and Sylvia (Hagemann) Wecker, members of Sacred Heart Parish, Emporia, will celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary on April 15 with a small family celebration. The couple was married on April 15, 1967, at St. Joseph Church, Olpe. Their children are Tiffany Simpson and Brad Wecker. They also have four grandchildren. Sue and Dick Gervasini, members of Sacred Heart-St. Casimir Parish, Leavenworth, celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary on April 1. The couple was married in 1967 at the Shrine of St. Therese, Fresno, California. Their children are: Michael Gervasini, Huntersville, North Carolina; Christopher Gervasini, Overland Park; and Julie Ray, Shawnee. They also have nine grandchildren. They will celebrate with their family this June at Gulf Shores, Alabama. David and Nanette “Tommie” (Stephens) Karnowski, members of St. Bernard Parish, Wamego, will celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary on April 8 with family and friends at the Columbian Theatre in Wamego. The couple was married on April 8, 1967, at Seven Dolors Church, Manhattan. They celebrated with a Caribbean cruise. They will return to Seven Dolors Church on April 9 for a Mass, followed by brunch with family. Their children are: Llara Baska, Tonya Taris and David C. Karnowski. They also have 11 grandchildren.




Two Topeka parishes ‘JUMP’ for justice By Marc and Julie Anderson mjanderson@theleaven.org


OPEKA — It might not resemble the athletic move it brings to mind, but TopekaJUMP is certainly not short of a similar energy. And if organizers get their wish, more than 1,000 people will leap into its Nehemiah Action Assembly on April 25 at Topeka’s Grace Cathedral. The assembly is just one activity JUMP conducts annually “to build people-based power to influence local decision-makers to consider policy and funding changes that address systems which unintentionally perpetuate poverty and justice.” The JUMP acronym stands for Justice, Unity and Ministry Project. Formed in May 2012, the coalition consists of 19 Christian churches across Shawnee County, including two Catholic parishes: Mother Teresa of Calcutta and Most Pure Heart of Mary.

Justice For Steve Schiffelbein, a member of Mother Teresa Parish and an at-large member of JUMP’s executive committee, involvement allows him to put his faith into action. Retired from state government, Schiffelbein worked in social services and saw this as a natural fit. “Basically, it’s a way to put faith in action,” he said. “You’re joining forces with other like-minded people who have the same values and are concerned about justice. And then, you can have more of an impact in your community that way.” Lloyd Becker, also a member of Mother Teresa, has been involved in all types of mercy charities, but longed for a way to become active in justice ministry. “For me, there are several references in the Bible about doing mercy and justice. And I’m pretty big on the mercy part, but I don’t really do anything for justice,” he said. “So that’s why I got involved.” Christy Grecian, executive secretary of JUMP and a member of Most Pure Heart of Mary, has a similar mindset. “I help these people today, but tomorrow they’re going to have the same problems,” she said. JUMP provides long-term systemic solutions to the problems.

Unity The opportunity to create systemic solutions also appealed to Anne Martinez, also a member of Most Pure Heart of Mary. A neonatal intensive care nurse, Martinez has heard countless stories of how a lack of affordable housing or medical care, among other factors, contributed to infants having special health care needs. The idea of being able to prevent


The Justice, Unity and Ministry Project was formed in May 2012. The coalition consists of 19 Christian churches across Shawnee County, including Mother Teresa of Calcutta and Most Pure Heart of Mary parishes in Topeka. The above photo was taken at last year’s Nehemiah Action Assembly.

“WE’RE BECOMING A COLLECTIVE VOICE FOR PEOPLE IN OUR COMMUNITY THAT DON’T HAVE A STRONG VOICE.” some of those situations spoke to her. But what she didn’t count on was the friendships she’s developing as a coalition member. “This was an opportunity for us to step out into the community a little more and engage with our brother and sister churches in our community. And to me, that has been a really beautiful part of JUMP — getting to work side by side with folks that I might not have met that are now good friends.” Most importantly, JUMP translates into action. “We’re becoming a collective voice for people in our community that don’t have a strong voice,” Martinez said. Like Martinez, Roberta Wirth, a member of Mother Teresa of Calcutta, has been encouraged by working with other churches. “It’s so powerful to hear other people share your passion for justice,” she said. Most Pure Heart pastor Father Greg Hammes has been gratified to see his parishioners grow in fellowship with other Christians. “That’s been a real blessing,” he said. JUMP’s lead organizer, Shanae Elem, considers unity the coalition’s greatest asset. “This coalition is one of the most diverse organizations in the county,” Elem said.

Nehemiah Action Assembly 7 p.m., April 25 Grace Episcopal Cathedral 701 S.W. 8th Ave., Topeka Facebook: TopekaJUMP Phone: (785) 783-3721 TopekaJUMP.weebly.com

“We haven’t covered all the bases yet, but one of the more challenging barriers for groups to overcome in the city of Topeka has been race. And we have done that successfully now for four years, building strong relationships from the super-conservative Pentecostal black churches to . . . Mennonites to Catholics. But, she continued, they are overcoming significant barriers in the community as well. “One of the strongest elements of the organization is that we engage people who live [in] poverty and injustice. We engage them in becoming leaders, in becoming a part of forming the solution to those problems,” she said. “It’s very hard to engage the people who are working two and three jobs, who are dealing with substance abuse, who are living those issues,” said Elem. “We’re one of the only groups in Topeka who has been able to do that successfully,” she added. That unity, according to Schiffelbein, is hard to ignore because it crosses many lines. “We’re nonpartisan. We show up at those public meetings with the city council, county commissioners, the school boards or whatever civic group it is with no vested interest. . . . We’re coming in there from a biblical perspective, a moral perspective.”

Ministry Moral perspective is the whole basis of the coalition, said Elem. “My calling is about creating an opportunity, establishing a vehicle through which congregations who follow the Gospel can live out God’s call to do justice,” she said. “This is a way to live that out, and it’s important to me to engage congregations in this work because I believe that it’s through this work that the church can reclaim its prophetic voice in our community,” she continued. Most Pure Heart parishioner Lenora Kinzie sees JUMP as an opportunity to address both the symptoms and causes of poverty. It’s not enough to notice that there is bleeding, she explained, or even to stop that bleeding. “You can Band-Aid it all you want but, at some point, you’ve got to deal with the issue,” she said.

Project Dealing with the issue is the underlying premise of JUMP. In four years, JUMP has been involved in several projects or campaigns to propose systemic solutions and best practices to government leaders. One campaign focused on helping at-risk elementary school students; a second, on finding additional money for employment services for those with mental illness. For these and others, the process has been the same, Wirth said. “You listen to the community,” he said. “You get the ideas. You choose which ideas to act on, and then you study it to figure out what you’re going to do. “Then you rally the people behind it.”




TOOLS FOR FAMILIES Growing as Disciples of Jesus

Let the saints lead the way


he saints are amazing examples of living out our Catholic faith. They’re also terrific role models for our children. Hearing about their lives makes for great conversation starters over dinner or sitting in the car waiting for a dance class or basketball practice to end. Franciscan Media ARTWORK BY NEILSON CARLIN, 2015 offers a Saint of the Day recording online at: www.franciscanmedia.org/ source/saint-of-the-day. Try listening to these stories and talking about them with the family. — Ray Martin



Tyler Anderson helps keep the line moving by delivering new packages of dried goods to the packing stations. The average participant was able to package between 200 and 240 meals in just an hour’s time.

Project draws helpers across generations >> Continued from page 1

St. Stanislaus, Rossville Address: 703 Main Phone: (785) 437-2408 Pastor: Father Raymond May Mass times: Saturday, 7 p.m.; Sunday, 8 a.m. Email: ksgardner43@aol.com Website: http://www.ststanchurch.org MORE PHOTOS AND A VIDEO TOUR of this church can be seen online at: www.theleaven.org



the hungry, many of them in the Kansas City area. “We think hunger is way across the ocean, and it certainly is,” said Father Richard Storey, pastor, in his opening remarks to the more than 300 assembled. “But we cannot forget the hungry right here in Kansas City.” The Something to Eat organization refers to its targeted beneficiaries as those living in “food insecure households.” Its website defines food insecurity as “the limited or uncertain availability of nutritionally adequate and safe food” and reports that one in five children in Kansas City lives in those circumstances. Parishioner Jeff Jaworski had taken part in an earlier packing party at Culture House, a Christian-based performing arts academy in Olathe, and thought it would make a great parish project for Curé of Ars. “This is all about bringing a community together to do something different and worthwhile,” he said. His two sons, ages 13 and 11, were eagerly participating in the parish effort, he added. Jaworski coordinated the Curé event with assistance from fellow parishioner Joan Bellinghausen,


St. James Academy St. James Academy participated in a quad tournament with Gardner-Edgerton, Blue Valley West and Shawnee Mission South high schools on April 3. Leaven photographer Doug Hesse caught all the action. Go to: www.theleaven.org for all the action.

Anna Simek hands off her package of dried goods to a packing station worker. More than 300 people volunteered to help pack food for those in “food insecure households” on March 25. who reported “tremendous response” from the moment it was announced. “We filled up within five days,” Bellinghausen said. “We had 330 people sign up,” with an additional 100 on a waiting list, according to Father Storey. Working from stations set up throughout the gym, participants poured cups of rice, soy, vegetables,

Understanding food insecurity

ccording to information provided by the Something to Eat organization: • Almost 50 million Americans live in food insecure households. That’s 15.5 percent of the population. • One in five children lives in households that lack the means to get enough nutritious food on a regular basis. That’s 16.2 million children in the United States. • Thirty-five percent of single-mother households are affected by food insecurity. Social factors — including unequal opportunity for education and employment, domestic violence, inequitable wage compensation, insufficient child support and lack of access to affordable health care and housing — make it difficult for mothers to put and keep food on the table. • College administrators report seeing more hungry students, especially at schools that enroll a high percentage of students from low-income families or are the first generation to attend college.

vitamins and cheese into a bag and then weighed, sealed and boxed each bag. The average participant was able to package between 200 and 240 meals in just an hour’s time. Something to Eat then partners with food pantries to see that the meals are distributed to those in need. At one table, Tom Waris worked alongside two of his grandchildren, Lila and Sam. Waris said he has seven grandchildren in the parish school and thought the party provided a great opportunity for shared activity and role modeling. “We try to lead by example,” he said. “This is a chance for all of us to do something together.” Dylan Aebersold, Something to Eat program director, was also on hand to guide the volunteers through the packing process and remind them of the importance of their efforts. “Hunger is so much more than being physically hungry. It’s also emotional,” Aebersold told the group. “If we take Jesus at his word, we are feeding him today.”

APRIL 7, 2017


Citizens-to-be are tutored in English, U.S. history >> Continued from page 1 officials to the person’s illegal status.” Bole said there is uncertainty how immigration policy might change under the new administration in Washington. “Some people are waiting to see how other cases like theirs shake out before they go forward or decide not to do anything and stay off the radar,” he said. That uncertainty about immigration policy has been a challenge for Bole, as well. “It’s a tough situation. My job as an attorney is to know the rules. And right now, I’m not sure how these rules are going to be interpreted,” he said. For those who have legal status in the country, Catholic Charities offers several assistance programs. “One place is our citizen preparation program,” Pollock said. “People who are eligible for citizenship are so proud and excited to be walking down that path.” The classes are full, she said, and 25 graduates became citizens in March. These assistance programs utilize volunteers, and that’s where Catholics can step forward to make a difference. The citizenship program, for instance, needs tutors. People seeking citizenship must have a command of the English language and learn a significant amount about U.S. history and civics. “It’s very difficult, especially for people just learning English,” Pollock said. She also suggested that people read more about immigration and refugee issues to better understand why people leave their home countries. Information is found on the Catholic Charities’ website at: catholiccharitiesks.org/refugees and on the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services website at: www.uscis. gov. “Look at Scripture, and talk to your priest and fellow parishioners to learn how our faith mandates us to respond,” Pollock recommended.

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IMMIGRATION BY THE NUMBERS (from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, dhs.gov) Number of

Other statistics, for the year 2015 1,051,031

Green card holders in the United States (as of January 2013)

13.1 million

people obtained permanent legal status (green card holders)

Of them,

8.8 million


25% of green card holders are from


are eligible to seek U.S. citizenship once they have met the requirements.

refugees were admitted

people became U.S. citizens

Mexico, the largest nationality represented.


Unauthorized Immigrant Population

undocumented people were apprehended; of these,


(as of January 2012)

11.4 million

were deported. The remainder voluntarily left the country.

59 percent

Of the 333,341 who were deported,

are from Mexico


were deported because of criminal activity.

14 percent

are from El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras

States with the largest immigrant populations California 2.8 million Texas 1.8 million Florida 730,000 New York 580,000 Illinois 540,000 New Jersey 430,000 Georgia 400,000 North Carolina 360,000 Arizona 350,000 Washington 270,000

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From left, Elsa and Mike Robinson and Don and Susan Murphy prepare to dish up this Thursday night’s meal at Shepherd’s Supper at Sacred Heart-St. Casimir Parish in Leavenworth. The supper is free and open to the entire Leavenworth community.


From left to right: Maria and Mo Minchew, Mike and Elsa Robinson, Don and Susan Murphy, and Ellen and Keith Hustings, all parishioners of Sacred Heart-St. Casimir Church in Leavenworth, find doing for others enormously rewarding. Not only does their church and community benefit from their work, their marriages do, too.

SERVING STILL Couples find that feeding the hungry fuels their marriages as well


EAVENWORTH — Many couples participated in Renew 2000, a parish-based spiritual renewal program that used small faith-sharing communities to promote prayer and study of the Catholic faith for the jubilee year. Not many kept meeting after the program ended.

“We even went through the books a second time!” said Ellen Hus-

tings, of Sacred Heart-St. Casimir Parish in Leavenworth. It was probably that experience, she said, that led her and her

husband Keith to join two other couples of the parish in founding a new ministry and outreach at their parish — a ministry that would serve the greater Leavenworth community at large.

Ellen and Keith Hustings had long the Leavenworth community provides belonged to the Leavenworth parish. an average of 300 meals, both on-site But Mike and Elsa Robinson and Don and carryout, to those in need. and Susan Murphy and their families On the fourth Thursday of every were later arrivals. Both men are remonth, all four couples can be found tired army officers, and their final milat the parish hall, along with at least 20 itary assignments brought them here. to 25 other volunteers, preparing food, “We decided to look for something greeting guests, busing tables, serving . . . that had to do with the parish doing desserts and visiting with guests. something for the community — not It’s a system that has worked well the parish doing things for the parish,” for four years. But the couples are said Mike Robinson. quick to point out that’s because they His wife Elsa agreed. all play off one another’s strengths. “The little questions at the end of And they don’t care about who gets every little chapter for Renew kind of the credit — only about serving those always asked, ‘What are you going to in need. do? What is your role? What will your “One strength that we have is somerole be?’” she said. thing that we don’t have,” Keith Hus“And we kept running into that questings said. “We don’t have anyone that’s tion,” she added. “It out there for the never went away.” glory or to be the One night, the leader. . . . We’re a three couples talked team.” in-depth about those Mo Minchew action-oriented agreed. “WHEN YOU DO questions and even Also retired milmade a list of their itary, he said he’s THINGS TOGETHER AS involvement in the used to working in parish and communiteams. And when A COUPLE THAT BRING ty. The list was long, working in teams, as each couple was you always “supSATISFACTION involved in parish life port the leader [as TO EACH OF US, PLUS in a variety of roles well as all team as sacristans, choir members] and supBENEFITS OTHER PEOPLE, members, lectors, port what’s going greeters, community on.” IT’S A BLESSING.” concern committee Calling themmembers and Fall selves one big Fest organizers. family, all four couYet, all six agreed that none of those ples also said they simply enjoy volunministries, despite being important, teering and ministering together with satisfied their longing to do something their spouses and with the other coumore. ples. According to Mike Robinson, the They all also believe their shared couples were looking for something ministry as married couples strengththat would utilize the parish as a base, ens their marital bonds. “spreading the word [of God] through “We’ve all been blessed with our acts of mercy and community suphealth and with the time to give to port.” other people, and it feels great to be By this time, the couples had also able to do that,” Ellen Hustings said. befriended Mo and Maria Minchew Susan Murphy agreed. and their family, who had joined the “It’s a bonus when you’re spending parish in 2000. time together doing good and a unified The Minchews, like the others, were purpose strengthens your relationactive in various parish ministries, as ship,” she added. well as some of the same communiDon Murphy thinks that’s one of the ty service organizations. Maria also graces of the sacrament of matrimony. served on the community concerns “When you do things together as a committee at the invitation of Ellen couple that bring satisfaction to each Hustings. of us, plus benefits other people, it’s a Eventually, Don and Susan Murphy, blessing,” he said. along with Maria Minchew, took an “That all comes from the sacrament idea to Father Phil Winkelbauer, the of marriage,” he continued. parish’s pastor. Now known as ShepBut it’s not only their own marriagherd’s Supper, the outreach ministry to es they strengthen, said Sacred Heart-

Keith and Ellen Hustings were among the original founders of Shepherd’s Supper, an outreach that now feeds some 300 people on the fourth Thursday of every month at the parish in Leavenworth.

Maria and Mo Minchew found a home in Leavenworth when Mo retired from the military, where they found a team of like-minded couples at Sacred Heart-St. Casimir Parish. St. Casimir Parish secretary Sheila ings the joint service has brought Thibault. about in their own lives. “You always see them together,” Secondly, they hope to impart she said of the couples. They serve some of the same values their parents, as a witness and inspiration to other grandparents and other family memcouples, she said, and help to create a bers gave them growing up. Learning sense of family within the parish. the value of Christian service and the The military lifestyle they lived so importance of healthy marriages is long, said Elsa Robinson, might have critical for society, they believe. started them down that road together. Susan Murphy said she remembers She and her husband Mike are used watching her parents, particularly her to doing all sorts of mother, always activities together, helping someone she said. in need — whether “As military couit be opening their ples . . . our life is home to immidifferent [from that grants or provid“ONE STRENGTH THAT of civilian couples],” ing food to someshe noted. one who might be WE HAVE IS SOMETHING “We’re not hungry. THAT WE DON’T HAVE. with our extended “They were family,” she continvery generous WE DON’T HAVE ANYONE ued. “So [as couin that respect,” ples], we’re very she said. Her best THAT’S OUT THERE FOR bonded. We rely on advice to her chileach other extendren and other THE GLORY OR TO BE THE sively.” young couples? LEADER. Mike Robinson “Stay commitsaid the two of them ted,” he said. “Look . . . WE’RE A TEAM.” realized very early for ways to enrich on in their marriage your relationship. that, if they didn’t Being strong in the take care of their marriage, their life church is really a strength in our marwould be much more difficult as they riage. moved every two years throughout his “It’s always been a rock for us everymilitary career. where we lived.” Maria Minchew agreed. Ellen Hustings’ advice was even Although she says she is usually simpler. the one to initiate their activities, oc“Let God be a partner in your marcasionally Mo is the one to say they riage,” she said. should do something in particular. She encouraged couples to start “If you don’t do things together, with something small. then why do it?” she said. Maria hopes “Take a small step. Do a small thing the example of always doing things totogether, and see how it comes out,” gether — especially their example of she said. “Maybe you can go on from serving in church ministry together — there.” will rub off on their children as they “The greatest gift we as parents marry and have families of their own. can pass onto our children,” concluded The other three couples have simDon Murphy, “is our faith. ilar hopes for two main reasons: The “Live out your faith, and you’ll be first is because they’ve seen the blessfine.”




Bill allows states to redirect funds away from abortion clinics


ASHINGTON (CNS) — The Senate voted late March 30 to override a rule change made in the last days of the Obama administration that prevented states from redirecting Title X family planning funding away from clinics that performed abortions and to community clinics that provide comprehensive health care. “The clear purpose of this Title X rule change was to benefit abortion providers like Planned Parenthood,” said Cardinal Timothy M. Dolan of New York, who is chairman of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops’ Committee on Pro-Life Activities. “Congress has done well to reverse this very bad public policy, and to restore the ability of states to stop one stream of our tax dollars going to Planned Parenthood and redirect it to community health centers that provide comprehensive primary and preventive health care,” he said in a March 31 statement. Midday March 30, Vice President Mike Pence, as president of the Senate, cast a tiebreaking vote that allowed Senate action to proceed on a joint resolution to block the Obama-era regulation that went into Jan. 18, two days before President Barack Obama left office. Pence also had to cast a second tiebreaking vote so the Senate could pass the measure. The joint resolution, H.J. Res. 43,

People pass a Planned Parenthood clinic March 17 in New York City. The U.S. Senate voted March 30 to let states cut off funds for Planned Parenthood.


Donald Trump, who is expected to sign it into law. Title X of the Public Health Services Act was passed by Congress in 1970 to control population growth by distributing contraceptives to low-income families. Planned Parenthood is the largest recipient of Title X funding. Planned Parenthood also is the nation’s largest abortion network — performing over a third of all abortions in the U.S. It receives more than half a billion dollars in federal funding each year. Under the Hyde Amendment, federal funding for abortion already is

prohibited, but federal family planning funds were allowed to go to clinics and facilities for other health services. States have been acting on their own to prohibit Title X funding to agencies performing abortions. The joint resolution is one of a series of bills Congress has passed under the Congressional Review Act, which allows federal regulations put in place during the final days of the previous administration to be rescinded by simple majority passage.


was introduced in the House by Rep. Diane Black, R-Tennessee. It passed 230 to 188 on Feb. 16, a vote that was largely along party lines. In the Senate, the measure was introduced by Sen. Joni Ernst, R-Iowa. Her fellow Republican Sens. Susan Collins of Maine and Lisa Murkowski of Alaska voted against allowing the legislation to move forward and then against the bill itself. Republicans control the Senate by only a 52-48 margin, so Pence was called on twice to break a 50-50 tie. Now the measure goes to President




Loving families are central to bringing joy, mercy to world, pope says By Carol Glatz Catholic News Service


ATICAN CITY (CNS) — Pope Francis urges families to discover God’s love and be generous, forgiving, patient, helpful and

respectful. Family life will be better if people use the words “please,” “thank you,” and “I’m sorry” every day, he said, and the world will be a better place if the church reaches out to the imperfect and the wounded. The pope’s reflection was part of a letter to Cardinal Kevin Farrell, prefect of the Dicastery for the Laity, Family and Life, which is helping plan the World Meeting of Families in Dublin, Aug. 21-26, 2018. The Vatican released the text of the pope’s letter March 30. When asked about the pope’s plans to attend the event next year, Cardinal Farrell told reporters at a Vatican news conference, “We hope. I can’t say absolutely” since it depends on the pope’s schedule, but the pope has expressed his desire to go. The letter was meant to help Catholic families and parishes around the world prepare for the gathering, which will focus on the theme, “The Gospel of the Family: Joy for the World.” The pope said he hoped the event would help families reflect on and share his apostolic exhortation, “Amoris Laetitia.” “Does the Gospel continue to be a


This is a promotional image for World Meeting of Families to be held Aug. 21-26, 2018, in Dublin. The theme of the meeting is “The Gospel of the Family: Joy for the World.” joy for the world? And also, does the family continue to be good news for today’s world?” the pope asked. The answer is, “yes,” he said, because God’s love is his “yes” to all of creation and a “‘yes’ to the union between man and woman, in openness and service to life in all its phases; it is God’s ‘yes’ and his commitment to a humanity that is often wounded, mistreated and dominated by a lack of love.” “Only starting from love can the family manifest, spread and regenerate God’s love in the world. Without love, we cannot live as children of God, as couples, parents and brothers,” he said. Making sure family life is “based

on love, for love and in love” means “giving oneself, forgiving, not losing patience, anticipating the other, respecting. How much better family life would be if every day we lived according to the words, ‘please,’ ‘thank you,’ and ‘I’m sorry.’” Every day, people experience fragility and weakness, Pope Francis said. All families and pastors need humility so they will become better disciples and teachers, better at helping and being helped, and able to accompany and embrace all people of goodwill. “I dream of an outbound church, not a self-referential one, a church that does not pass by far from man’s

wounds, a merciful church that proclaims the heart of the revelation of God as love, which is mercy,” he said. Archbishop Diarmuid Martin of Dublin told reporters that the pope’s letter shows the clear, central role families have in the pope’s great dream of renewal of the church and society. “The family is called to be a place of encounter with that divine mercy which heals and liberates,” he said. The family is where spouses learn to love, “not in vague romantic terms, but in terms of their everyday realities and difficulties.” “The pope’s vision of the mission of the family does not attempt to hide the fact that families experience challenges, weakness, fragility and even breakdown,” the archbishop said. “Families need a church which is with them, accompanying them in a process of discernment and integration though helping them to respond with a ‘yes’ to the divine love.” Happy, loving families should be recognized and be a resource for the renewal of the church and world, he said. But the church, Archbishop Martin said, also must be “a place where those who have failed can experience not harsh judgment, but the strong embrace of the Lord, which can lift them up to begin again to realize their own dream even if only imperfectly.”

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CLASSIFIEDS EMPLOYMENT Freelancers needed - Great for retired journalists, and writers/photographers looking to supplement their income! The Leaven, the official newspaper of the Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas, is looking for freelance reporters and photographers to assist staff in covering this busy beat. Story and photo shoots are assigned on an as-needed basis. Applicants from all parts of the archdiocese welcome. For freelance reporting, a working knowledge of the Catholic Church and excellent writing and reporting skills are a must. Actual professional journalism experience is a plus. For photography, a diverse portfolio with a working knowledge of the Catholic Church is required; experience in low-light photography and professional photojournalism experience is a plus. To be considered for freelance reporting, send a letter of interest, a simple resume and published clips or links to what you’ve written. To be considered for freelance photography, send a letter of interest, a simple resume and samples of your work or a link to an online portfolio. Send all materials by email to: freelanceforleaven@gmail.com.

Director of special events and development - The Catholic Education Foundation (CEF) seeks to hire a director of special events and development (cefks.org). The director will work with the executive director and staff of the CEF to envision, plan and execute events and to develop and cultivate donor and community relations in support of CEF’s mission of providing scholarships for students in need in targeted Catholic schools in the Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas. The director of special events and development should have highly polished marketing and presentation skills, a charismatic communication style, exceptional organizational abilities, the capability of working with limited direction, and the ability to speak authentically about the importance of Catholic education. The director will facilitate, plan and manage all aspects of CEF fundraising events, including: advertising and promotion; preparing event budgets and tracking event finances; securing event sponsors and donors to meet event budget goals; coordinating event-related internal and external communication; recruiting and managing event volunteers; and coordinating event-related donor relations. The director will also assist the executive director with CEF general development activities, including: prospecting and cultivating new donors; coordinating existing donor relations; and maintaining accurate development databases. Candidates should have a bachelor’s degree or higher; demonstrated success in event planning, sales and/or fundraising and donor development; and competency with Microsoft Office. A working knowledge of Catholic school operations is preferred. Must be a practicing Catholic in good standing. Individuals interested in this full-time position should send a cover letter and resume to: CEFAdmin@archkck.org. Assistant principal - St. Therese School is accepting applications for assistant principal. St. Therese is an award-winning Catholic school located in Parkville, Missouri, with over 570 students in grades K-8. Basic requirements for the position include: practicing Catholic in good standing with a pastor’s letter of recommendation; master’s degree in the field of education and certification (or working toward) certification in administration; minimum five years teaching experience; outstanding people skills; excellent organizational skills; and effective communication abilities. To submit an application, email Theresa Roth at: troth@sttheresenorth.org. Administrative assistant - BGMAC is searching for a highly motivated and hardworking administrative assistant with accounting experience. The candidate must be a great team player with good communication skills and the ability to mulitask. This is a full-time position, starting pay $13.50/hour, Monday-Friday. Background check and high school diploma or equivalent required. Submit resume and cover page to: skemp@bakergroupmac.com. Teacher assistant - Special Beginnings, Lenexa, is seeking full- or part-time after school teacher assistants at all locations. We are looking for a teacher assistant candidate who has an excellent work ethic, heart for children and a willingness to learn more about early childhood education. Experience and/or education is a plus, but we will train the right candidate. Teacher assistants will work with the lead teacher to care for and educate the children. Primary responsibilities include assisting the lead teacher with: care and supervision of children, lesson plan implementation, parent communication, and cleanliness and organization of classroom. Starting hourly pay ranges based on experience and education. Pay increases are based on job performance. Opportunities for advancement are available, as the company prefers to promote from within. Apply by sending an email to: chris@specialbeginningsonline.com or in person at 10216 Pflumm Rd., Lenexa, KS 66215. Office manager: priestly vocations - The Diocese of Kansas City/St. Joseph is seeking an office manager who will oversee and manage office policies and procedures with individual attention to and in support of diocesan seminarians. This is a full-time position based on a schedule of 40 hours per week, and is eligible for health and welfare benefits, paid time off and participation in a defined benefit retirement plan. This position is located at the chancery. For a full job description and to apply, go to the website at: careers.hireology.com/thecatholicdioceseof kansascitystjoseph and scroll down for a list of available jobs. Looking for something new? - Use your administrative skills to help a developmental optometrist change people’s lives. Monday - Thursday, 11 a.m. - 6 p.m.; summer hours vary. No health benefits. A background in Word, Excel, QuickBooks, customer service and medical office experience helpful. Send resume to: Dr. Beth Basin, 13600 Washington, Kansas City, MO 64145 or send by email to: bbazin@visiondevelop.com.

Full-time openings - Padre Pio Academy in Shawnee, which offers a classical curriculum, has full-time openings for the 2017-18 school year. For more information and details, contact Joanne at (913) 530-6553. Administrative assistant - Saint Thomas Aquinas High School is accepting applications for an administrative assistant in the student activities/athletic department. The position is a 12-month assignment and the individual will work directly with the director of student activities and athletics. Send a letter of application and resume to Dr. William Ford, President, St. Thomas Aquinas High School, 11411 Pflumm Road, Overland Park, KS 66215 or send an email to: wpford@stasaints.net. Librarian/media specialist - Saint Thomas Aquinas High School has the following opening for the 2017-18 school year: librarian/media specialist. Qualified candidates must have or be able to obtain the proper Kansas teaching license for the position. If interested, send a letter of application and resume to Dr. William P. Ford, President, St. Thomas Aquinas High School, 11411 Pflumm Road, Overland Park, KS 66215 or send an email to: wpford@ stasaints.net. Administrative Assistant - Chad Equipment is seeking an individual who can provide administrative and clerical support to others to maintain an efficient office environment on a part-time basis (approximately 20 hours/week). Primary job responsibilities include: maintaining the office files; input data for customer and vendor item cards; assist with customer and vendor purchase order entries; answer and screen incoming telephone calls and direct to the appropriate person. Candidates should have a high school diploma or equivalent, competent computer skills including MicroSoft Office or equivalent; internet skills including use of emails; group messaging and data collection. Chad Equipment, a division of Birko Company, is located at 19950 W. 161st St. in Olathe. Chad manufactures food safety equipment which is sold throughout North America. Interested individuals call Michelle Roe at (913) 764-0321 or email resumes to: mroe@birkocorp.com. Head cheer and pom coach and assistant - Bishop Miege High School is seeking a head cheer and pom coach and an assistant cheer and pom coach for the 2017-18 school year. Call Mike Hubka, athletic director, at (913) 222-5802, or send an email to: mhubka@bishopmiege.com. Principal - St. Ann Elementary School in Carthage, Missouri, has an open position for principal. Requirements: active Catholic with a passion for Catholic education; Missouri (or other) educator certification; master’s in education administration (or in progress) and administrative experience, especially in Catholic school, preferred. Send resume with three professional references to: Father J. Friedel, St. Peter the Apostle Catholic Church, 812 Pearl Ave., Joplin, MO 64801. Drivers - Special Beginnings Early Learning Center is seeking part-time drivers for its school-age program located in Lenexa. Candidates must be able to drive a 13-passenger minibus, similar to a 15-passenger van. CDL not required, but must have an excellent driving record. Candidates would pick up children from area schools and then work directly with them when arriving back at the center. Experience preferred. Must have strong work ethic and the ability to work with children. Insurance provided. Background check will be conducted. Great opportunity for retired persons or those seeking a second job. Job responsibilities include: ensuring safety and well-being of children who are being transported at all times, including loading and unloading. Driving short, round-trip routes to elementary schools in Lenexa/Olathe area. Summer only: Driving short, roundtrip routes to two Lenexa city pools. Maintaining mileage log. Keeping interior of vehicle clean. Apply by sending an email to: chris@specialbeginningsonline.com or in person at 10216 Pflumm Rd., Lenexa, KS 66215.

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CAREGIVING Looking for assisted living at home? - Before you move, call us and explore our in-home care options. We specialize in helping families live safely at home while saving thousands of dollars per year. Call today for more information or to request a FREE home care planning guide. Benefits of Home - Senior Care, www.benefits ofhome.com or call (913) 422-1591. Caregiving - We provide personal assistance, companionship, care management, and transportation for seniors in their home, assisted living or nursing facilities. We also provide respite care for main caregivers needing some personal time. Call Daughters & Company at (913) 341-2500 and speak with Laurie, Pat or Gary.

FOR SALE Residential lifts - New and recycled. Stair lifts, porch lifts, ceiling lifts and elevators. St. Michael’s parishioners. KC Lift & Elevator at (913) 327-5557. (Formerly Silver Cross - KC) For sale - Single crypt at Resurrection Cemetery in Lenexa. Holy Family Mausoleum, St. Joseph corridor, tier D, #13. Valued at $6850, selling price is $6250 including opening and closing. Holy Spirit parishioner. Call (913) 642-1017. For sale - Double lawn crypt at Resurrection Cemetery in Lenexa, Garden of Hope section, double lawn crypt, lot 78 C, space 4. Conveyance fee included. $8100. Call Lou at (512) 294-2869. For sale - Double crypt at Resurrection Cemetery in Lenexa. Prince of Peace Mausoleum, Mother of Church corridor, tier C, #103. July value was $12,715, including two opening and closing fees. Asking $9,750. Call Don at (913) 522-2714. For sale - Double niche at Resurrection Cemetery in Lenexa. Holy Family Mausoleum, Jesus Son of God corridor, tier A. Includes bronze diamond companion urn. Current price $6690, selling price $5000. Call (913) 8976433.

REAL ESTATE For sale - Maintenance free home. Backs up to Ascension Catholic Church. Two bedroom, 2.5 bath, study, open floor plan. Great for entertaining. $385.000. Call for appointment. (913) 669-8178. For sale - Three bedroom, 2.5 bath, fenced yard, 2-car garage, w/d, other amenities in Lawrence. Perfect for first-time home buyer or student. $137,500. Call for details. (785) 764-9466.

WANTED TO BUY Will buy firearms and related accessories - One or a whole collection. Honest evaluation and top prices paid. Contact Tom at (913) 238-2473. Member of Sacred Heart Parish, Shawnee. Will buy houses in any condition - We pay cash and you sell as-is with no warranty. You can leave anything behind if you don’t want to move it. My name is Mark and my family is part of Holy Trinity Parish. I hope I can help you. (913) 980-4905.

Kansas City’s Premier Deck, Fence & Concrete - We repair, power wash and stain wood decks and fences. We power wash and seal concrete drives, walkway, pool decks and more. Call Brian at (913) 952-5965. Member of Holy Trinity Parish.

Wanted to buy - Antique/vintage jewelry, lighters, fountain pens, post card collections, paintings/prints, pottery, sterling, china dinnerware. Renee Maderak, (913) 631-7179. St. Joseph Parish, Shawnee

Thank you for another great year - Through your support, my family has been blessed and my business has grown. We do windows, trim, siding, doors, decks, interior and exterior painting, wood rot, bathroom renovations, tile and sheetrock. If you need work done around your home, we can do it. Josh (913) 709-7230.

Wanted to buy - Cucina LLC is an entity that buys commercial real estate. Lou Serrone, a member of Good Shepherd, and Tom Disidore, a member of St. Agnes, are members of Cucina LLC. Tom and Lou are licensed brokers in both Kansas and Missouri. If you are a seller of commercial real estate, call Lou at (913) 219-9924.

HARCO Exteriors LLC Your Kansas City fencing specialists Family owned and operated (913) 815-4817 www.harcoexteriorsllc.com NELSON CREATIONS L.L.C. Home remodeling, design/build, kitchens, baths, all interior and exterior work. Family owned and operated; over 25 years experience. Licensed and insured; commercial and residential. Kirk and Diane Nelson. (913) 927-5240; nelsport@everestkc.net STA (Sure Thing Always) Home Repair - Basement finish, bathrooms and kitchens; interior & exterior repairs: painting, roofing, siding, wood replacement and window glazing. Free estimates. Call (913) 491-5837 or (913) 579-1835. Email: smokeycabin@hotmail.com. Member of Holy Trinity, Lenexa. Rusty Dandy Painting, Inc. – We have been coloring your world for 40 years. Your home will be treated as if it were our own. Old cabinets will be made to look like new. Dingy walls and ceilings will be made beautiful. Woodwork will glow. Lead-certified and insured. Call (913) 341-9125. Custom countertops - Laminates installed within 5 days. Cambria, granite, and solid surface. Competitive prices, dependable work. Call the Top Shop, Inc., (913) 962-5058. Members of St. Joseph, Shawnee.

BOYS CAMP Camp Kapaun Catholic boys camp. Sports, team building, virtue growth, spiritual formation, Boys ages 9 - 14. June 4 - 10, Conception Abbey, Missouri Email Victor Rodriquez at: vcrodrc@gmail.com

PILGRIMAGE Fatima/Medjugorje pilgrimage - Celebrate the 100th anniversary of apparitions in Fatima with a pilgrimage to Fatima and Medjugorje. Oct. 25 to Nov. 9, 2017. Call Grace at (913) 449-1806 for details. (Dates subject to change.)

VACATION Branson getaway - Walk-in condo on Pointe Royale Golf Course. Sleeps six. Close to lakes and entertainments. Fully furnished. Pool and hot tub available. No cleaning fee. Nightly rates. Wi-Fi available. Discounts available. Call (913) 515-3044.


CALENDAR ‘LIVING STATIONS’ Holy Trinity Parish 9150 Pflumm, Lenexa April 7 at 7 p.m.

Holy Trinity School students will be enacting the “Living Stations.” There is no cost for this spiritual opportunity.

SACRED CHORAL MUSIC CONCERT St. Gabriel Parish 4737 N. Cleveland Ave., Kansas City, Missouri April 8 at 7 p.m.

The Voce Chamber Choir from Xavier High School in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, will present a concert with a repertoire ranging from early music to contemporary choral music. The concert is free and open to the public.

COPING WITH LIFE ALONE Mother Teresa of Calcutta Parish 2014 N.W. 46th St., Topeka April 18 from 7 - 9 p.m.

This Beginning Experience grief support program meets each week for seven weeks to help those who have lost a loved one due to death, divorce or separation. For more information or to register, call Michelle at (785) 640-1177.

HEALING MASS Curé of Ars Church (Father Burak Room) 9401 Mission Rd., Leawood April 20 at 7:30 p.m.

A Mass with prayer for healing, sponsored by archdiocesan charismatic prayer groups, will be held. Father Dennis Wait will preside. For more information, call (913) 649-2026.

EAT BREAKFAST WITH THE EASTER BUNNY Strawberry Hill Museum 720 N. 4th St., Kansas City, Kansas April 8 from 8 - 11 a.m.

Stop in for breakfast and photos with the Easter Bunny. The cost for breakfast tickets is $6 for adults; $5 for children under the age of 10. The cost for photos with Mr. Bunny is $5. Proceeds support the museum.

The nationally recognized music trio Ensemble Aubade will perform in the O’Malley-McAllister Auditorium inside the St. John Paul II Student Center. The concert is sponsored by the Benedictine College convocation and arts committee. Free admission.

BARBECUE CONTEST Holy Cross Parish 8311 W. 93rd St., Overland Park April 22


A reasonable course fee is charged and online registration is required at: www.ccli. org. Call Dana or Eric Runnebaum at (785) 380-0062 for more information or go to the website at: nfptopeka.blogspot.com.

FINANCIAL SUPPORT FOR CHILDREN WITH SPECIAL NEEDS Prince of Peace Parish (Marian Room) 16000 W. 143rd St., Olathe April 15 from 7 - 8:30 p.m.

Meet with financial advisers who will explain the Able Act and share their guidance on how to establish a special-needs trust. For more information, call Tom Racunas, the archdiocesan lead consultant for special needs, at (913) 647-3044 or send an email to: tracunas@archkck.org.

‘LIVING IN TRUTH’ CATHOLIC WOMEN’S CONFERENCE Church of the Ascension 9510 W. 127th St., Overland Park April 22 from 8 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.

Mass will be celebrated by Archbishop Naumann. The speakers will be Sue Ellen Browder, who wrote “Cosmo Writer to Catholic Mom,” and Jennifer Roback Morse, Ph.D. The cost to attend is $25 for early registration; $30 at the door. To register, go the website at: www.livingintruthkc.com.

a day of prayer, adventure, outdoor activities and time to reconnect. Opportunities include horseback riding, canoeing, rope activities and time for prayer. Register online now at: www.archkck.org/ranch or contact the team at (785) 746-5693.

STRAWBERRY HILL 5K Strawberry Hill Museum 720 N. 4th St., Kansas City, Kansas April 22 at 8 a.m.

The run begins on the museum grounds. The cost is $35 and includes a T-shirt. Enroll online at: www.strawberryhillmuseum.org before the race, or at the race by 7 a.m. There will be refreshments, aid stations and volunteers along the race course. Proceeds support the museum.

The program will honor Auxiliary Bishop Robert Barron and Elmer Fangman with the presentation of a Lumen Vitae medal for their service and leadership in sharing the light of Christ. For more information, to make reservations or for sponsorship options, call (913) 360-7908 or send an email to: Kansasmonks.org.

SMOKED PORK CHOP DINNER Annunciation Parish Cigna Center 402 N. Maple, Frankfort April 23 from 11 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.

The cost to attend is: $10 for adults; $5 for kids ages 10 and under. There will be special kids meals available. Takeout meals will be available, as will delivery in Frankfort. Call the parish office during morning hours (M-F) at (785) 292-4462. There will be baked goods, crafts and much more.

FAMILY DAY Prairie Star Ranch 1124 California Rd., Williamsburg April 23 from 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.

TACO TRIVIA NIGHT St. Pius X Parish 5500 Woodson Rd., Mission April 29 at 5:30 p.m.

The cost for a taco dinner is: $7 for adults; $4 for kids ages 7 through 10; kids under the age of 6 eat for free. Dinner includes two tacos and sides. Extra tacos will be $0.50. Trivia teams can be from one to eight people and cost $20 per team to play. There will be cash prizes for the winner.

SUMMER LEADERSHIP CAMP University of Saint Mary 4100 S. 4th St., Leavenworth June 19 - 21

Young women entering sixth, seventh and eighth grades are invited to the Summer Leadership Camp hosted by the Sisters of Charity of Leavenworth and the Benedictine Sisters of Mount St. Scholastica in Atchison. The registration fee of $125 covers lodging, meals, special activities and a T-shirt. Partial scholarships are available. Registration deadline is May 1. For more information, call Sister Vicki Lichtenauer at (816) 718-2660; send an email to: vickiL@ scls.org; or visit the website at: www.scls.org for a brochure with registration form.

SYMPHONY DESIGNERS’ SHOWHOUSE 816 Gleed Terr., Kansas City, Missouri April 25 from 10:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.

FIFTH ANNUAL CAR, TRUCK AND CYCLE SHOW Sacred Heart Campus 2626 S. 34th St., Kansas City, Kansas April 22 from 8 a.m. - 2 p.m.

Our Lady of Unity will host and proceeds will go to the school. Each car, truck and cycle entry is $20 until April 14 and $25 after that date. The entry fee includes a T-shirt and goody bag for the first 100 entries; dash plaques for 150 entries. There will be food booths and vendors. Entry is free.

HOLY WEEK/TRIDUUM RETREAT Sophia Spirituality Center 751 S. 8th St., Atchison April 13 - 16

Experience the beautiful liturgies and profound silence of the monastery beginning with an orientation at 3 p.m. on Holy Thursday, April 13, and ending with the Easter Eucharist and dinner. For more information and to register, call (913) 360-6173 or go to the website at: www.sophiaspiritualitycenter.org.

There will be a memorial liturgy for deceased loved ones followed by a grief support meeting in the Father Burak Room. For more information, call (913) 649-2016.

ABBOT’S TABLE Sheraton Crown Center 2345 McGee St., Kansas City, Missouri April 22 - Mass at 4 p.m. Social hour at 5:15 p.m. Dinner and program at 6:30 p.m.

Team entry fee includes up to four people. The entry fee is $150 per team. Make checks payable to Holy Cross School. Categories include chicken, pork and pork ribs. Teams may arrive as early as 5 p.m. on April 21. A full list of details will be emailed to the team captain prior to the event. A copy may also be found in the Holy Cross School office.

CHAMBER MUSIC CONCERT Benedictine College 1020 N. 2nd St., Atchison April 10 at 7 p.m.

MEMORIAL LITURGY Curé of Ars 9401 Mission Rd., Leawood April 22 at 8 a.m.


The Ladies of Charity of Metropolitan KC will host a private showing of the 2017 Symphony Designers’ Showhouse. Tour the 108-year-old home and enjoy a box lunch, raffle and shopping the KCSA boutique. The cost for a ticket is $30 per person and helps support the Duchesne Clinic, Seton Center and Villa St. Francis. To register, mail a check payable to “Ladies of Charity” before April 15 to Karen Camarata, 5508 W. 129th St., Overland Park, KS 66209. For more information, call Marnie Robinett at (913) 451-2484.

‘ABUNDANT LOVE’ WOMEN’S RETREAT AT CAMP TEKAKWITHA Prairie Star Ranch 1124 California Rd., Williamsburg April 28 - 30

This is a retreat for women ages 21 and over. There will be space to relax, rejuvenate and reconnect. There will also be speakers, fellowship, large and small groups, individual reflection and free time. Mass, Eucharistic adoration and reconciliation will also be offered. More information can be found online at: www.camptekakwitha-womensretreat. com.

Step away from everyday life and enter into


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COMMENTARY HOLY WEEK April 9 PALM SUNDAY OF THE PASSION OF THE LORD Mt 21: 1-11 (procession) Is 50: 4-7 Ps 22: 8-9, 17-18, 19-20, 23-24 Phil 2: 6-11 Mt 26:14 – 27:66 April 10 Monday of Holy Week Is 42: 1-7 Ps 27: 1-3, 13-14 Jn 12: 1-11 April 11 Tuesday of Holy Week Is 49: 1-6 Ps 71: 1-4a, 5-6ab, 15, 17 Jn 13: 21-33, 36-38 April 12 Wednesday of Holy Week Is 50: 4-9a Ps 69: 8-10, 21-22, 31, 33-34 Mt 26: 14-25 April 13 HOLY THURSDAY OF THE LORD’S SUPPER Ex 12: 1-8, 11-14 Ps 116: 12-13, 15-16bc, 17-18 1 Cor 11: 23-26 Jn 13: 1-15 April 14 FRIDAY OF THE PASSION OF THE LORD (Good Friday) Is 52:13 – 53:12 Ps 31: 2, 6, 12-13, 15-17, 25 Heb 4: 14-16; 5: 7-9 Jn 18:1 – 19:42 April 15 THE EASTER VIGIL IN THE HOLY NIGHT Gn 1:1 – 2:2 Ex 14:15 – 15:1 Is 55: 1-11 Rom 6: 3-11 Ps 118: 1-2, 16-17, 22-23 Mt 28: 1-10




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hought I was gonna die. Most people probably missed it, but in my Jan. 6 Leaven column I mentioned — in parenthesis, no less — that I’d just joined a gym earlier that week. It’s called Anytime Fitness and I’d walked past it many times before, heading into a bar and grill next door. When I signed up, the manager asked if I’d like to hire a personal trainer. As I looked at all of the instruments of torture — I mean, exercise equipment — I said, “Sure,” but never imagined that little word would throw open Pandora’s box. Jasper, my personal trainer, has a friendly, welcoming smile and laid-back personality. Those traits prevented me from realizing that, in a previous life, he’d obviously worked for the Spanish Inquisition. He led me through a “light workout” our first session that consisted of treadmill walking, squats, several hundred (OK, it seemed like it) step-ups and some planks thrown in at the end. I felt proud for getting through these various exercises, when Jasper said, “Now, we’re


Is this an exercise in futility? MARK MY WORDS

FATHER MARK GOLDASICH Father Mark is the pastor of Sacred Heart Parish in Tonganoxie. He has been editor of The Leaven since 1989.

going to do two more reps of each!” My perspiration that night could have ended the global drought. When Jasper asked how many times a week I’d like to meet, I thought about saying, “Annually,” but managed to gasp, “What do you recommend?” “Two or three . . .” Before he finished his sentence, I blurted out, “Two!” As I wearily hobbled away, I thought I was gonna die. I ached in places that I didn’t even know I had.

But I’ve returned almost every Wednesday and Saturday. And Jasper keeps coming up with different workouts. Even crazier, though, is that every time I’m lifting weights, there’s always a “husky” (some might say “overweight”) man across from me parroting my every move. Jasper insists that it’s just a mirror, but I have my doubts. Last week, I did some crunches. I’m pretty sure that my body has not been contorted like that since I was in the womb. I’ve also come up with my own names for the exercises. What Jasper calls the hollow rock, I call the “I’ve fallen and I can’t get up”; the mountain climber I’ve renamed “the Jello mold,” since my midsection jiggles during it to beat the band. Yet I keep going back,

inspired by this little story: A young man presented himself to a local expert on gems and said he wanted to become a gemologist. The expert brushed him off, fearing the youth wouldn’t have the patience to learn. When the young man pleaded for a chance, the expert consented. The next morning — and many mornings after that — he put a jade stone into the boy’s hand and told him to hold it. The expert then went about his work — cutting, weighing and setting gems. The boy sat quietly and waited. Eventually, as the youth held the jade stone, he could no longer stand the silence. “Master,” he asked, “when am I going to learn something?” “You’ll learn” was all he said and went back to his business. After several more days, the expert approached the boy and beckoned him to hold out his hand. The boy was about to blurt that he could no longer go on. But as the master placed the stone in his hand, the young man exclaimed, without looking, “This is not the same jade stone!” The master smiled and


said, “You have begun to learn.” (Found in “The Sower’s Seeds,” by Brian Cavanaugh, TOR.) Working out about a week ago, I noticed something: I have much more stamina. Gradually, with the guidance of a great and patient trainer like Jasper, things have changed. I’m in better shape than I’ve been in years. It’s come about through consistency and the unfailing encouragement of my trainer. Like the boy in the story, I’ve begun to learn. Isn’t that how it is with faith? If we live it consistently, with the encouragement of our faith community and God’s grace, we’ll be stretched and grow stronger, into the saints that we’re called to be. Our Lenten “gym” has been preparing us, slowly but surely, for the new life of Easter. I’ll close with what Kelly, a personal trainer in my parish, posted on my Facebook page this week: Me (sobbing): I can’t see you anymore. I won’t let you hurt me again. Trainer: It was a sit-up. You did one sit-up. Hmmm. Wonder if she’s been talking to Jasper?

Passion accounts differ, but all serve the truth

he Gospel of Matthew, like the Gospel of Luke, draws heavily upon the Gospel of Mark as its source, with a few additions of its own. All three place Jesus’ death on the cross on the day after the first day of Passover, when the Passover lamb would be eaten in the Seder meal. That would make the Last Supper with Jesus and his disciples a Seder meal. On the other hand, the Gospel of John follows a different timetable. It places Jesus’ death on the day of Passover itself, when the Passover lambs would be slaughtered. It is only a difference of one day, but that difference is full of meaning. According to the Gospel of John, Jesus, the Lamb of God, is



FATHER MIKE STUBBS Father Stubbs is the pastor of Holy Cross Parish in Overland Park and has a degree in Scripture from Harvard University.

killed at the same time that the lambs would be slaughtered in the city for the Seder meal. For John, that connection stands out as most important.

People should stop blaming and complaining so they can be filled with God’s joy and rise up to life’s challenges, Pope Francis said. Forgetting what joy is and languishing in self-pity come with the sin of sloth, the pope said March 28 in his homily during morning Mass at Domus Sanctae

However, the synoptic Gospels of Matthew, Mark and Luke wish to link the Last Supper to the Seder meal, which celebrates the liberation of the Hebrew people from slavery in Egypt. Similarly, Jesus will liberate us from slavery to sin. Sometimes, Christians will attempt to draw a parallel between the current version of the Seder meal and the Last Supper of Jesus.

For example, the current ritual of the Seder meal stipulates that four cups of wine should be consumed, and at what point in the meal they should be consumed. (The whole cup of wine does not need to be consumed each time, but at least a sip.) Some try to identify which of those four moments is when Jesus takes the cup of wine and says, “This is my blood of the covenant, which will be shed on behalf of many for the forgiveness of sins.” However, we should not be hasty in making any conclusions. The current ritual used in the Jewish Seder dates back many centuries, but it is not certain that it is exactly the same as the ritual in use at the time of Jesus. At any rate, it is very possible that the Last

Marthae. “It’s a terrible disease: ‘Well, I’m comfortable as is, I’ve gotten used to it. Life, of course, has been unfair to me.’ You see resentment, bitterness in that heart,” he said. The pope’s homily was a reflection on the Gospel of St. John reading in which Jesus heals a lame man at the pool of Bethesda. A large number of people who were ill, blind or

Supper of Jesus was a Seder meal. (Unless you follow the timetable of John’s Gospel.) So, which is correct, John’s Gospel, or the synoptic Gospels of Matthew, Mark and Luke? On the issue of an exact point in time, we cannot say. But we can affirm that all four Gospels have an important message of faith. Their differences in detail offer us valuable theological insights. And those insights are not contradictory but, rather, complementary. That is why we will hear the Passion account from Matthew’s Gospel this Sunday, and the Passion account from John’s Gospel on Good Friday. Both have an important message for us.

crippled gathered at the pool because it was believed if a person immersed himself just when the waters were stirred by an angel, he would be healed. Jesus saw a lame man, who had been waiting by the poolside for 38 years, and asked him, “Do you want to be well?” — CNS




Tend your gardens with Christian stewardship

his time of year, we get serious about our gardens. We’ve constructed boxes for raised beds, cut back plants and cleared mulch from tiny shoots awakening from winter hibernation. Praise the Lord, it’s spring in Kansas! In the U.S. bishops’ pastoral letter, “Stewardship: A Disciple’s Response,” we are reminded that God created the first garden and gave the first humans the responsibility to cultivate and care for it. This is our first call to stewardship from God. Many years ago, I heard an address by Bishop Robert Morneau, auxiliary bishop of the Diocese of Green Bay,




LESLE KNOP Lesle Knop is the executive director of the archdiocesan office of stewardship and development. You can email her at: lknop@archkck.org.

Wisconsin, at an International Catholic Stewardship Council conference. Called “The Twelve Gar-

dens of Stewardship,” his talk was unforgettable. Recently, as I visited with Archbishop Emeritus James P. Keleher about his upcoming keynote address for the biennial Region IX Stewardship Symposium at Savior Pastoral Center on Friday, April 21, he mentioned his old friend Bishop Morneau.

Archbishop Keleher was among the original authors of the pastoral letter and was among the early episcopal moderators of the ICSC. Bishop Morneau was also among the authors back in 1992. In his address for us in Kansas City this month, Archbishop Keleher will reflect on the past 25 years of Catholic stewardship. I hope you can attend. You can register online at: www.steward shiparchkck.org/register. These “12 gardens” help me to apply Christian stewardship to every area of my life. I hope that you will find them helpful also, as we each continue our Lenten journeys and prepare for Holy Week: 1. GARDEN OF THE

BODY: Get proper nutrition, exercise and rest; avoid chemical abuse, smoking, obesity. 2. GARDEN OF THE SOUL: Cultivate a life of prayer. 3. GARDEN OF FAMILY AND FRIENDS: Take the time to nurture relationships with those important to you. 4. GARDEN OF THE GLOBE: Care for the environment; recycle; don’t waste natural resources. 5. GARDEN OF EMOTIONS: Aim for an emotional balance in life; work at being in good humor. 6. GARDEN OF THE “POLIS”: Be politically aware, be an informed and involved citizen and vote; participate in community meetings. 7. GARDEN OF THE

MIND: Keep learning. 8. GARDEN OF DECISIONS: Make wellinformed choices; work toward understanding and consensus; keep the vision and mission of Jesus in mind. 9. GARDEN OF THE CHIP: Use technology for good purposes. 10. GARDEN OF HISTORY: Know and value the things of the past; keep the lessons of history fresh in the mind. 11. GARDEN OF THE ARTS: Listen to, read and watch the best in books, music, movies, theater, artwork, radio and television. 12. GARDEN OF MONEY: Use financial resources well; set and keep a budget; set spending limits; ask how much money is enough.

Students set Lenten example to pray, fast and give

he end of Lent approaches. In my home hangs my firstgrade daughter’s school art project, reminding us of the three pillars of Lent: PRAY, FAST, GIVE. A glass jar, adorned with the image of the suffering Christ, sits in our kitchen, inviting us to place a bean in it for each sacrifice we make for each other and for his sake. With the hope that the dried beans will be replaced with jellybeans at Easter, the kids are very willing to “offer it up!” I am grateful that my children have the opportunity to attend one of our archdiocesan


BILL KIRK Bill Kirk is the executive director of the Catholic Education Foundation. You can reach him at (913) 6470383 or send an email to him at: bkirk@archkck.org.

schools and — in addition to reading, writing and

arithmetic — learn the virtues that prepare them for a fulfilling life in this world and ready them, as well, for their eternal life in the next with Our Lord. Let me share some special ways that some of the children attending CEF schools are living out the three penitential

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practices of Lent this year. PRAY. At Holy Cross School in Overland Park, students in the 7th and 8th grades are praying the Stations of the Cross in a unique way. The students meet in small groups to read and discuss all 14 Stations and related scriptural passages, identifying a particular moral concern with each one. Through this experience, the students are entering more deeply into Christ’s passion and connecting their own lives to Jesus’ walk to Calvary. FAST. At St. Paul School in Olathe, students are fasting from bad habits by following the theme, “Create in me

a clean heart, O Lord!” The students are contemplating the virtue of order by organizing and cleaning a particular area of the school. Keeping our environment clean helps us to remember the greater importance of the purity of our hearts! GIVE. At Sacred Heart School in Emporia, students are having a “Change Challenge.” Each class has been challenged to contribute money to a coin jar. The class that collects the most money will decide how all of the money is used to make a positive change in their community. As the last week of Lent draws to a close, might I ask you to PRAY, FAST or GIVE to the

Catholic Education Foundation? Would you pray — by offering one Mass, praying one rosary or spending one hour in eucharistic adoration — for the intentions of CEF and the families it serves? Would you fast — skip the cream in your coffee, pass on a second helping, do a boring chore without complaint — for this intention? And, finally, would you consider a financial gift to the Catholic Education Foundation (www.cefks.org) to support our work to make high-quality, faithfilled education possible for children living in poverty?




OKLAHOMAN TO BE BEATIFIED Atchison monks learn about martyred relative

By Marc and Julie Anderson mjanderson@theleaven.org


TCHISON – It’s official. Abbot James Albers, OSB, head of St. Benedict's Abbey here, and Father Meinrad Miller, OSB, chaplain of Benedictine College, can both say they’re related to a recognized martyr. Both priests have familial ties to servant of God Father Stanley Rother of Okarche, Oklahoma, who was murdered July 28, 1981, while serving at the mission of Santiago Atitlan in Guatemala. Last December, Pope Francis declared Father Rother a martyr, clearing the path for his beatification. On March 13, the Archdiocese of Oklahoma City received word the beatification will take place Sept. 23 in Oklahoma City. It’s a fact that Father Meinrad finds inspiring for him personally, especially as it relates to Father Rother’s first name. “My name, before becoming a monk, was Stanley. An aunt of mine told me I should keep my name because I had a relative who was a priest who was killed in Guatemala,” Father Meinrad said. Abbot James, who enjoys genealogy, said it’s been interesting to discover the number of priests and religious in his family tree, including Father Rother. “[Father Rother] was actually in my genealogy program,” said the abbot, who uses a computer program to conduct research. “I had him plugged in. We have several priests and religious in our family,” he said. “At the time I first learned about him, I thought, ‘There’s another one.’” Abbot James admits he didn’t give the priest much thought after that until Bishop Edward Weisenberger, of the Diocese of Salina, mentioned the martyr at an event which Abbot James attended. Bishop Weisenberger serves as the promoter of justice for the cause for canonization. His role is to help the church study and examine the life of Father Rother. The promoter, he said, is there to ask not only the “nice questions” but also to “ensure that all the facts are uncovered in the process and that all questions, including difficult questions, are asked.” That role has included several trips to the mission in Guatemala. “It’s always a very moving experience,” said the bishop, “especially to spend some quiet time in the room of the parish rectory that still has the marks of the bullet holes where Father Rother was killed. “It has been turned into an unofficial chapel where people still slip in to pray.” Having served as pastor of Father Rother’s home parish in Okarche, the bishop said he got to know members of the Rother family personally. “When the cause began, I was a former pastor of Holy Trinity Parish in Okarche, having served there from 1995-2002,” the bishop said. “Those were seven exceptionally happy years of my life. That parish has produced a host of vocations to priesthood


Father Stanley Rother, a priest of the Oklahoma City Archdiocese who was brutally murdered in 1981 in the Guatemalan village where he ministered to the poor, is shown baptizing a child in this undated photo. The Archdiocese of Oklahoma City announced the North American priest will be beatified Sept. 23 in Oklahoma.

Abbot James Albers (left), OSB, head of St. Benedict’s Abbey in Atchison, and Father Meinrad Miller, OSB, chaplain of Benedictine College, have discovered that they are related to Father Stanley Rother, a martyr who will be beatified Sept. 23 in Oklahoma City. and religious life.” “It should not be surprising that such a vibrant parish would produce vocations and now a potentially canonized saint.” When Abbot James attended that event with Bishop Weisenberger, he said it was easy to understand the bishop’s enthusiasm. That event also helped the abbot to realize he might have a connection to the late priest, one he later verified using his genealogy program. His great-great-great-great-grandparents were the same as Father Rother’s greatgreat-great-grandparents, making he and Abbot James’ father third cousins, meaning the abbot is a third cousin once removed. That same genealogical research led the abbot to discover another tie. He and Father Meinrad are related. Father Meinrad’s great-great-grandparents are the same as of those of Father Rother’s great-great-great-grandparents.

Even with these connections, Abbot James said he still does not know much about Father Rother’s life other than what he has read. Currently, he is reading “The Shepherd Who Didn’t Run,” a biography published by Our Sunday Visitor, and often shares bits of Father Rother’s story as a recent example of someone who led a holy life. That’s a sentiment with which Archbishop Paul Coakley, of Oklahoma City, agreed. “Tertullian said in the second century that the blood of martyrs is the seed of Christians,” the archbishop said. “Martyrs are witnesses to the truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. It is hard to argue with such fidelity, even unto death. Witnesses to the faith are crucial in the process of evangelization and the transmission of the faith. We need such credible witnesses today, as in every age, to inspire and encourage us in the midst of our daily trials The archbishop grew up in Overland Park and graduated from the University of Kansas. He also studied at


Mount St. Mary Seminary in Emmitsburg, Maryland, Father Rother’s alma mater. “When I learned that I was being appointed as archbishop of Oklahoma City, one of the first things that came to mind was that this was the home of Father Rother,” the archbishop said. “I had first learned about him when I was a seminarian at his alma mater,” he added. “He was killed when I was a seminarian there.” “I have always been inspired by his witness,” he continued, “and so was thrilled at the prospect of being able to continue the work of my predecessor, Archbishop [Eusebius] Beltran, in promoting his cause during the Vatican phase of the process. “Even before the official public announcement that I had been appointed the new archbishop, I made a clandestine visit to Okarche, Father Rother’s hometown, to pray for his intercession.” The archbishop prays that Father Stanley Rother’s life will inspire Catholics. “It is my hope that the upcoming beatification and the grace associated with such an event will become a catalyst for the renewal of faith in Oklahoma and the spread of the Gospel of Jesus Christ as embodied and proclaimed in the Catholic Church,” he said. “I hope it will inspire a longing and desire for holiness among all our people.” Abbot James said he and Father Meinrad plan to attend the beatification. “I like to touch history, and this is an example of touching the history of our faith,” the abbot said.

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