04-10-09 Vol. 30 No. 33

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Photo courtesy of The Crosiers

“O death, where is your sting? O grave, where is your victory?” Let us rejoice during this Easter season, and always, in the victory over death our Lord Jesus Christ has won for us. May our risen Lord give you his gift of peace.

+ JOSEPH F. NAUMANN Archbishop of Kansas City in Kansas

+ JAMES P. KELEHER Archbishop Emeritus of Kansas City in Kansas






A to Z

Triduum a time to recall our own journey to Damascus


he message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God” (1 Cor 1: 18). lief. The paschal mystery (the passion, death and resurrection of Jesus), in the light of their human wisdom, was pure foolishness. I have been reading some of what has been described as the “new atheism.” In reality, it is not very new, just old ideas repackaged. The tragedy of this new atheism is that it is embraced by intelligent and scientifically knowledgeable individuals. In fact, their intelligence becomes an obstacle to faith. It is difficult for them to accept an intelligence greater than their own. While they have a remarkable knowledge of the physical universe, they fail to recognize how it is much more reasonable to believe that such an amazingly complex, yet wellordered world reflects an intelligent design rather than the outcome of pure chance. For the most part, the Greeks of Paul’s time were not atheists, but rather believed in many gods. Their gods resembled comic book superheroes. They were more like human beings with extraordinary powers than the one and sovereign God who had made himself known to Israel. For Jews and Greeks, though for different reasons, God taking on our human flesh and allowing himself to be the victim of human sin by his crucifixion on Calvary contradicted their preconception of how God or a god should behave. On the other hand, Paul’s encounter with the risen Jesus led him to realize the cru-

During this year, dedicated by our Holy Father to St. Paul, I have been pondering Paul’s understanding of the meaning and the power of the cross. Paul came to the realization that true wisdom and power are to be found in the crucified Jesus. This is, of course, paradoxical, because from a worldly evaluation, a crucified Messiah appears to be an absurdity. After his conversion experience on the road to Damascus, there was no question for Paul about the truth of the risen Jesus. Still, Paul understood from his own vigorous persecution of the disciples of Jesus, the scandalous nature of a crucified Christ to a devout Jew. The chief priests and Pharisees requested — and Pilate authorized — that the tomb of Jesus be secured with guards (Mt 27: 62-65). When these very guards report about an earthquake, an angel rolling back the stone and the empty tomb, the chief priests do not admit their error, but bribe the soldiers to report that the body of Jesus was stolen by his disciples (Mt 28: 11-15). Paul understood, for those who had closed their minds completely to Jesus, even the greatest sign of all, his resurrection, was unable to open their hearts to accept Jesus as the long-awaited Messiah. Paul also had a foot in the Greek world and understood well their love for philosophy, the pursuit of truth and the attainment of wisdom. Greeks rejected the crucified Messiah as an irrational be-

While [atheists] have a remarkable knowledge of the physical universe, they fail to recognize how it is much more reasonable to believe that such an amazingly complex, yet wellordered world reflects an intelligent design rather than the outcome of pure chance.

cified Christ was the key to understanding everything — the best of human reason, as well as God’s revelation in the law and the prophets of Israel. Paul could never cease marveling that the only-begotten Son of God, co-eternal with the Father, chose to take on our human flesh. Jesus reversed the disobedience of Adam in Eden by his obedience in Gethsemane to the will of the Father. Paul is awed that Jesus humbled himself by “becoming obedient to death, even death on a cross” (Phil 2: 6-8). Paul could never get over the truth that even when he was persecuting Christians, the Body of Christ, God still loved him and desired to share eternal life with him. Paul reasons that, in a rare case, someone might be willing to sacrifice his life for a very good person. What makes God’s love revealed in Jesus so amazing is that he gave his life for us while we were still sinners (Rom 5: 7-8).

Paul understood that everything was grace, everything was God’s gift. There is nothing that he could do to earn or deserve the love of Jesus. The acceptance of God’s unconditional love evokes a profound gratitude. From this great gratitude comes an energy and power to live for God and bring his love to others. It is a power to love that is beyond our mortal capacity, but is made possible because, as Paul marvels, “I have been crucified with Christ; yet I live, no longer I, but Christ lives in me. . . . I live by faith in the Son of God who has loved me and given himself up for me” (Gal 2: 19-20). Paul was never the same after his encounter with the risen Jesus on the road to Damascus. It would take months and even years for Paul to grasp fully the ramifications of his conversion. For instance, Paul’s frustration over his failure to perfect himself by following faithfully the Mosaic Law was resolved by his encounter with Jesus. What Paul could never accomplish by his own efforts and self-determination was now made possible by the power of Jesus alive within him (Rom 7: 15-24). During these special days of grace, the church invites us to ponder our own encounters with Jesus. A wonderful meditation for the Triduum is to reflect upon when you most powerfully experienced the love and mercy of Jesus in your life. What was your Damascus Road experience or experiences? Jesus gave his life on Calvary to liberate us from our sin so that we might share in his abundant life now, not at some distant future moment. The crucified Christ still represents foolishness to those who consider themselves worldly wise. Yet for those who accept the cross as the ultimate revelation of God’s unconditional love, the crucified One offers us the peace, the hope, the joy and the very power of God.

Quiet ministry covered all the bases By JOE BOLLIG Leaven staff


ANSAS CITY, Kan. — Father Charles P. Andalikiewicz didn’t like people making a big fuss over him. He was, as many remember him, a simple, quiet, spiritual man who had an enormous impact on many people. Father Andalikiewicz, 78, died at St. Luke’s Hospital in Kansas City, Mo., on April 2. He had been pastor of Immaculate Conception Parish in Louisburg since 2004. “He celebrated the golden jubilee of his ordination last year, and I think he really enjoyed it,” said Pat Richey, consultant for the archdiocesan office of ministry to the deaf and hard of hearing. “But he didn’t want to be the center of attention,” she added. During a recent Communion service at Immaculate Conception Parish, George Karnaze, president of the parish finance council, recalled the many souls Father Andalikiewicz touched during his 50 years as a priest. “I said, ‘Think about all the individuals Father Charles baptized, married, anointed, absolved and counseled — how this one, simple little life of this one, simple little man affected so many souls in the church,’” said Karnaze, who is studying for the permanent diaconate in the archdiocese. Friends and family have a kaleidoscope of memories about him. He was both funny and fun to be around. Father Andalikiewicz was a quiet man with a subtle, wry sense of humor. His quips were delivered with a perfect poker face . . . and sometimes zinged right by some people. Father Andalikiewicz also loved to travel — to the beaches near San Diego, the churches of Rome, the holy sites in the Holy Land, and the village of his ancestors. He liked, as a younger man, to play handball and tennis, and to swim. But most of all, Father Andalikiewicz loved being a priest and ministering to people. He had a good sense of where people were coming from. As a pastor, he was an efficient administrator and a first-rate counselor. His homilies were famous for be-

ing short and specific — in a word, concise. He managed parish finances well and was personally austere. He loved his large, extended family, which eventually grew to include the deaf Catholics of the archdiocese, as well as his blood relatives. He was very proud to be Polish and older parishioners were delighted to meet this priest from the old neighborhood who could still speak the mother tongue. And in addition to Polish, he could communicate in Russian, Spanish, and sign language. He really loved his cat Max, who was an adopted stray. When Father Andalikiewiz walked in the yard, Max would follow him around. He even put Max’s picture on his golden jubilee program. While on trips he’d often say, “I hope Max is doing OK.” Since so many people found his Slavic name so hard to pronounce, he acquired a nickname derived from the

REMEMBERING THE URSULINES The Ursuline Sisters of Mount Saint Joseph in Kentucky wave a welcome to the Paola Ursulines after the merger of their two communities on July 17, 2008. Now, as many of the Sisters prepare to move to Kentucky, The Leaven needs you to share your memories with us. Keep them short (100 words) and send them to: anita@theleaven.com.

first and last letters of his name: Father A to Z. He accepted it, as he accepted so many things, with good humor. Father Robert Hasenkamp, now retired and living near Lawrence, got to know Father Andalikiewicz when they were both newly ordained priests teaching at Bishop Ward High School in Kansas City, Kan. “He was very concise and clear about what he wanted and didn’t want, and he had a very dry sense of humor,” said Father Hasenkamp. “He was a wonderfully engaging person once you got to know him.” Father Andalikiewicz grew up in a very traditional Polish immigrant family and parish in the Russian Hill neighborhood of Kansas City, Kan., said Father Gerry Sheeds, who grew up with him. Father Andalikiewicz loved the church and wanted to be a Turn to FRIENDS on page 7

Father Charles P. Andalikiewicz Dec. 4, 1930 - April 2, 2009 Father Charles P. Andalikiewicz, 78, pastor of Immaculate Conception Parish in Louisburg since July 2004, died April 2 at St. Luke’s Hospital in Kansas City, Mo. He collapsed at his parish on March 27 and did not regain consciousness. Father Andalikiewicz was born on Dec. 4, 1930, in Kansas City, Kan. He was the youngest of the 11 children of Jacob and Maria (Lach) Andalikiewicz, who were from the town of Zdzieciol, formerly Poland, now Dziatlava in the Republic of Belarus. Two of his siblings died in infancy. His father emigrated from what was then the Russian Empire to the United States around 1910 and settled in Chicago. The family followed in 1912, but they did not like Chicago and moved to the Russian Hill neighborhood of Kansas City, Kan. Jacob Andalikiewicz worked at the Wilson Packing Company. Father Andalikiewicz was eight years old when his mother died and he was raised by an older sister, Annie, who married Tony Wolf. The family belonged to St. Joseph Parish (now All Saints), an ethnic or “national” parish for Polish Catholics at the time. Father Andalikiewicz wanted to be a priest from the time he was eight years old, according to an article in The Olathe Catholic News from May 22, 1983. After graduation from St. Joseph Elementary School, he entered St. John Seminary in Kansas City, Mo., a minor (high school) seminary. He studied at St. John for six years, then went on to Conception Seminary in Conception, Mo., where he graduated with a bachelor of arts degree in philosophy. Later in his life, he continued his education by taking postgraduate courses in psychology at the University of Missouri at Kansas City and the University of San Diego. From 1980 to 1981 he attended the School of Theology at Menlo Park, Calif. Father Andalikiewicz was ordained a priest of the Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas on May 31, 1958, by Archbishop Edward J. Hunkeler at St. Peter Cathedral in Kansas City, Kan. He was a member of the secular order of the Discalced Carmelites and was clothed in the habit of Carmel on July 7, 1957, and took the name Brother John of Christ Jesus. Father Andalikiewicz was a founding member of the Kansas City secular Carmelite community and was its Turn to FATHER on page 7




Leaven staff KANSAS CITY, Kan. — More than 200 people involved in parish and diocesan stewardship efforts gathered at Savior Pastoral Center here for the Region IX Stewardship Conference on March 26 and 27. The participants, members of the International Catholic Stewardship Council, came from Missouri, Iowa, Nebraska, and Kansas. Additional participants from outside the region also came, representing the Diocese of Tulsa and the Diocese of Little Rock. The two-day conference offered participants opportunities for education, networking, inspiration, and fellowship. The speakers included Bishop Michael O. Jackels from the Diocese of Wichita, and Daniel Conway, president and CEO of O’Meara, Ferguson, Whelan and Conway. The company, based in Louisville, Ky., is a consulting firm to Catholic organizations. In his opening keynote on March 26, Bishop Jackels discussed how all Catholics need to come to a deeper understanding of the practice of stewardship, which is “integral to the practice of the Christian faith.” “Sometimes I think you could even switch the terms and say we practice Christian stewardship, or we practice Christian faith,” he said. “It’s one and the same.” Stewardship teaches us to recognize and receive all things as gifts from God, said Bishop Jackels. This causes us to respond in gratitude and to use what we receive according to God’s purpose — that is, each person sharing in the mission of the church. “Everyone is called to do this because of the nature of the church, which we describe in terms of the body of Christ, the family of God, the community of believers,” said the bishop. Our sharing will differ depending on the circumstances of our life. “I can’t think of any circumstance that excuses anyone,” he said. The mission of the church is shared by priests and lay faithful alike. The laity is not at the service of the priest, but at the service of the mission of the church, he said. Laypeople have their own part to play and their own special vocation. In terms of mission, the laity are not dependent on the priest, but are not independent either.

Leaven photo by Joe Bollig

Daniel Conway, president and CEO of O’Meara, Ferguson, Whelan and Conway in Louisville, Ky., was one of the keynote speakers at the Region IX Stewardship Conference, held March 26 and 27 at Savior Pastoral Center in Kansas City, Kan.

Leaven photo by Joe Bollig

Good stewardship teaches us to respond in gratitude to God’s gifts and to use them according to his purpose, said Bishop Michael O. Jackels from the Diocese of Wichita. Bishop Jackels was the opening keynote speaker on March 26 at the Region IX Stewardship Conference, which drew more than 200 people. “If the common priesthood of the baptized is exercised in unfolding the grace of baptism, then the ministry of priest in relation to that is helping the baptized to unfold that grace,” said the bishop. This grace unfolds in two ways: lay ministry and lay apostolate. The lay apostolate pertains to conducting our temporal affairs according

to the plan of God, he said. Those in the lay apostolate act as salt, yeast and light to the world. Lay ministry involves serving with and under the direction of the pastor and undertaking roles related to worship, formation and service not requiring holy orders. Not all — whether they be laypeople or clergy — are ready to meet these challenges, said Bishop Jackels. So we

need patience, perseverance, catechesis, good seminary formation, ongoing clergy formation, and prayer. In his keynote address the next day, Daniel Conway returned to a foundational message on stewardship presented by Archbishop Thomas J. Murphy in 1993. The archbishop’s questions, asked again by Conway, were: “What do I own?” and “What owns me?” These questions are key to understanding stewardship as a way of life. “This basic insight permeates all [Archbishop Murphy’s] teaching, and I believe it is the heart of the stewardship message that he sought to convey in his talks,” said Conway. The message of stewardship is countercultural. Most of us are not obsessed by money, but materialistic cravings infect us all. “We cling to whatever wealth and property we have because we are afraid of losing our security, our independence, and our self-respect,” said Conway. “We want to be people of means because we know the world can be a cruel place.” This craving has become imbedded in our culture and we are taught to see ourselves as consumers who must earn more in order to spend more. To break out of this cycle, we must see ourselves as stewards, he said, and that God alone is the owner of the goods of the earth. “Although we believe in the right to own and use property as individuals in a free society,” said Conway, “we acknowledge that, in reality, we are merely stewards of what truly belongs to God.” Although we cannot literally drop everything and follow Jesus, we can accept the Lord’s invitation to let go and trust him completely, he said. This means accepting the Father’s will and acknowledging that everything we have is from God. How do we chart our progress as we grow to become stewards? The Christian steward receives God’s gifts gratefully, tends them responsibly, shares them generously out of justice and love, and returns them to the Lord with increase, said Conway. “As Archbishop Murphy has taught us so well, it doesn’t matter who I am or what I own,” said Conway. “What matters is my response to the good and gracious God who has given me everything I have and everything I am.”

Archbishop Naumann addresses an empty red envelope to President Barack Obama as part of a grass-roots effort to “change the president’s heart” on life issues.

Red Envelope Project hopes to sway changes to abortion policies KANSAS CITY, Kan. — Archbishop Joseph F. Naumann is asking parishioners to join him and millions of others who are attempting to literally flood the White House with empty red envelopes addressed to President Barack Obama. The effort, called the Red Envelope Project, is not the work of any single group or organization. Rather, it is a true grass-roots effort conceived by Massachusetts resident Christ (pronounced like “wrist”) Otto as a way to “change the president’s heart” on matters like abortion, embryonic stem-cell research, and other life issues. The project has been endorsed by Archbishop Naumann and the archdiocesan pro-life office. Ron Kelsey, archdiocesan consultant for the prolife office, said the envelopes should

be sent before the end of May. Here is how to participate: Obtain a red envelope. Address it as you would any envelope, with your return address on the upper left, and the president’s address in the center. (Some parishes will provide envelopes pre-printed with the president’s address, but you will still need to write in your return address.) Seal the envelope and write this message on the back: “This envelope represents one child who died in abortion. It is empty because that life was unable to offer anything to the world. Responsibility begins with conception.” Finally, put a first-class stamp on the envelope and mail it. For information about the project, contact Kelsey at the Web site at: prolife@archkck.org, or call him at (913) 721-1570, ext. 189.

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By KARA HANSEN Leaven staff KANSAS CITY, Kan. — Few laypeople can boast they have an archbishop’s ear. But that number has just grown by 19, as a group comprised primarily of laypeople has now joined Archbishop Joseph Naumann’s closest advisers. A newly formed archdiocesan pastoral council met for the first time March 16. The council’s members represent various regions and constituencies of the archdiocese and are charged with providing advice, feedback, and direction on issues and activities that affect Catholics in the archdiocese. “The Archdiocesan Pastoral Council is one of several bodies that serve to advise the archbishop,” said Father Gary Pennings, chancellor for the archdiocese. “For example, the Archdiocesan Finance Council advises the archbishop on financial matters and on fiscal policy for the archdiocese. The Presbyteral Council, a council made up of priests from the archdiocese, advises the archbishop on matters of both administrative and pastoral nature.” In the first meeting of the pastoral council, Archbishop Naumann told council members he hoped they would help identify pastoral priorities and assist with meeting pastoral needs. He also encouraged members to view issues with a wide, archdiocesan viewpoint even though they each represent regions of the archdiocese. “The Archdiocesan Pastoral Council’s purpose is to investigate and weigh matters which bear on pastoral activity in the archdiocese and to recommend practical solutions for the archbishop’s consideration,” said Father Pennings. “The council is made up of primarily laypersons from various parishes throughout the archdiocese.” Archbishop Naumann also told members he had wanted to establish a pastoral council when he first came to the archdiocese, but waited until after pastoral regions were reorganized. Father Pennings said the council’s membership was designed to be a broad representation of the archdiocesan church. Each pastoral region is represented by one member on the council. The Johnson County, Topeka, and Wyandotte County regions have additional representatives, as their regions contain higher numbers of Catholics. Two priests, one of whom is from the Presbyteral Council, and two Sisters from religious communities also serve on the council. Considerable efforts were also made

to ensure the council was diverse and representative of the parishes and populations across the archdiocese. One young adult representative, a representative from the Hispanic community, and a representative from Catholic education round out the council members. “I was really impressed — the council seemed very representative of the archdiocese,” said Laura Fortmeyer, a parishioner of Sacred Heart Parish in Sabetha and a member of the council. “Everyone there seemed to be thoughtful and provide a lot of depth to discussions. People seemed to bring a great deal of experience from their parishes and ministries.” Lay representatives were chosen from a list of nominees submitted by priests in each of the archdiocesan regions. The archdiocesan office of Hispanic ministry nominated the representative from the Hispanic community, and the archdiocesan education office nominated a school principal as its representative. “In addition, the archbishop has the right to appoint up to three additional people to the council to ensure broad representation,” said Father Pennings. The vicar general, Msgr. Tom Tank, and Father Pennings serve as ex officio members. The director of communications and planning for the archdiocese, Carroll Macke, functions as recording secretary for the council and performs other duties as assigned. The first pastoral council meeting began with dinner and vespers, and continued into a discussion on the purpose of the council as well as a chance to provide feedback on the specific topics for that evening: evangelization and marriage. “I thought the entire meeting was well organized and the purpose of the council — as well as our role — was explained very well,” said Margaret Blevins, a member of the council and parishioner at St. Francis Xavier Parish in Mayetta. Macke said he felt members of the council would provide invaluable direction and feedback. “Everyone seemed to be engaged in the discussions and many had questions. I think they gave good feedback that will be helpful to the archbishop,” he said. The council is scheduled to meet on a regular basis three times a year, but the archbishop can convene the council for additional meetings, should the need arise. Although the council has been formed for a three-year term, the archbishop can reconstitute it if he so desires, said Father Pennings.

Appointments In light of the unexpected death of Father Charles Andalikiewicz, Archbishop Joseph F. Naumann has made the following appointments:

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Archbishop forms new council

Conference teaches stewardship as a way of life By JOE BOLLIG


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Father Keith Lunsford is app o i n t e d parochial administrator of Immaculate Conception Parish in Louisburg, effective immediately, until a new pastor is appointed. Father Lunsford will

continue as pastor of Holy Trinity Parish in Paola. Father Francis Bakyor, a priest of the Diocese of Domongo, Ghana, Africa, and serving with the Society of Our Lady of the Most Holy Trinity (SOLT), and who is currently assisting at St. Lawrence Parish in Easton, is appointed to be a priest in residence at Immaculate Conception Parish in Louisburg and to serve as minister of the sacraments at the parish. The appointment is effective April 18 and until a new pastor is appointed.






Friends found priest there ‘for the good times and bad’ Continued from page 3

Needs grow for Archbishop’s Call to Share


ANSAS CITY, Kan. — The annual Archbishop’s Call to Share reached an important milestone this past month, surpassing the $4 million mark in funds pledged. According to Archbishop Joseph F. Naumann, this is a remarkable accomplishment during these financially difficult times. Nevertheless, with the portion going to provide for rebates to parishes that exceed their targets, additional funds need to be raised to be able to provide the same amount of funding to archdiocesan ministries as last year. Thirty percent of the 61,500 registered households in the archdiocese have contributed to the appeal. The average sacrificial gift is holding steady at $22 per month. “Each Call to Share gift has a farreaching and meaningful impact on the life of the church,” said Archbishop Naumann. “I am personally gratified by the thousands of individuals who have contributed to this year’s campaign. This clear and focused commitment to

the church, in light of all the other demands on limited resources, demonstrates hope and trust in God. “During these challenging times, it is crucial that the church, through Catholic Charities, responds to the needs of those individuals and families directly impacted by recent layoffs. It is also essential that we make more scholarship money available to make it possible to keep children whose families are struggling financially in our Catholic schools. Catholic Charities and the Catholic Education Foundation are the two largest recipients of Call to Share funding.” The Archbishop’s Call to Share (ACTS) was established more than 35 years ago to further Christ’s ministries throughout northeast Kansas. ACTS provides funds for more than 40 parish ministries and organizations, including Catholic Charities and the Catholic Education Foundation. “A prayer of thanksgiving is in order, along with our sincere gratitude to the priests and lay leaders who have


WITH HOLY TRINITY PARISH Paola Ks As we thank the Ursuline Sisters of Paola and wish them well on the journey to Maple Mount Ky.

done so much to help the archdiocese achieve this ambitious goal,” said Lesle Knop, executive director for the archdiocesan office of stewardship and development. “Every dollar raised in the Archbishop’s Call to Share is urgently needed.” “When the $4 million goal was set for the Archbishop’s Call to Share, no one anticipated the economic situation we are experiencing,” Knop said. This year, Don and Liz Arth, who are members of Prince of Peace Parish in Olathe, served as honorary chairpersons. The theme, HOPE, was based on the fact that the church is the herald of the hope and joy of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. An ACTS Allocation Review Committee, comprised of clergy and lay volunteers, will soon review proposed budgets and grant requests that have been submitted by ministries and organizations funded by Call to Share for fiscal year 2009/2010. In 2008, more than $3.8 million was collected to fund the 2008/2009 budget, with an

additional $600,000 available to parishes in the form of rebates. The Clergy Advisory Committee, which advises on stewardship and ACTS, has been led for the past two years by Father Jerry Volz, pastor of St. Matthew Church in Topeka. Other members of the Clergy Advisory Committee are: Father Ric Halvorson, pastor of St. Dominic in Holton and St. Francis Xavier, Mayetta; Msgr. Vince Krische, pastor of St. Ann in Prairie Village; Father Keith Lunsford, pastor of Holy Trinity in Paola; Father Mark Mertes, pastor of Holy Cross in Overland Park; Father Kent O’Connor, pastor of Sacred Heart in Sabetha, St. James in Wetmore, and St. Augustine, Fidelity; Father Bill Porter, pastor of St. Michael the Archangel in Leawood; and Father Richard Storey, pastor of St. Patrick in Osage City, St. Francis of Assisi in Lapeer, and St. Patrick, Scranton. For more information, visit the Web site at: www.calltoshare.org.

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priest from the time he was a young boy. “A lot of us looked up to the guys who were ordained from our neighborhoods, and we just thought that’s what we ought to do, and we did it,” said Father Sheeds. “We were surrounded by churches, so that is where a lot of vocations came from.” Father Andalikiewicz was very supportive of other priests and a dependable friend, said Father Sheeds. “The thing I think I enjoyed about him the most was that he would accept me for who I was, and that he was a close friend,” said Father Sheeds. “And in so much he was always there for the good times and bad times, like when my mother died. He was the first one to say, ‘I’ll take the rosary,’ things like that.” Father Andalikiewicz had a wide range of pastoral assignments, including ones in the inner city, booming suburbs, and small country towns. His legacy includes the founding of Prince of Peace Parish in Olathe, but there was more. “I think the big thing was just how many people he ministered to who no one knew anything about,” said Father Frank Krische, a retired pastor living in Topeka. “He had a quiet ministry.” Father Andalikiewicz was good to his family, said Betty Scherer, a niece. Her mother, Annie, raised him after their mother died. “My parents were both deaf, so they

Father Charles P. Andalikiewicz Continued from page 3 spiritual director. Following his ordination, Father Andalikiewicz served as an assistant pastor at Blessed Sacrament in Kansas City, Kan., and later assistant pastor at St. Joseph Parish, Shawnee. In 1962, he became administrator, and later pastor, of St. Joseph Parish, Kansas City, Kan. While convalescing in 1976, he was assigned to St. Michael Parish in Paradise Hill, Calif. He returned and was pastor of St. Paul Parish in Olathe in 1977, and became pastor of the new Prince of Peace Parish in 1979. He served as pastor at Holy Family Parish, Eudora, and later, Sacred Heart Parish, Gardner. After a sabbatical in San Diego from 1990 to 1991, he was appointed pastor of St. John the Evangelist, Sacred Heart and St. John the Divine parishes in Kansas City, Kan. Father Andalikiewicz began his last assignment, as pastor of Immaculate Conception Parish in Louisburg, on July

were not worldy, not knowledgeable except about their world,” said Scherer. “Father Charles would sometimes take us out on trips and instruct us about things our parents couldn’t. Every time my mother had to go have another baby,

17, 2004. He had the joy of celebrating the golden jubliee of his ordination in 2008 and made a final pilgrimage to Rome with a delegation of deaf Catholics from the archdiocese, to whom he ministered for so many years. Father Andalikiewicz was preceded in death by his parents; two infant siblings; brothers Steve Andalikiewicz and Boley Andrews; and sisters Josephine Schroeder and Annie Wolf. He is survived by brothers Joseph Andalikiewicz, Kansas City, Kan.; and John Andrews, Independence, Mo. The funeral Mass was held on April 6 at St. Joseph Parish in Shawnee. The main celebrant was Archbishop Joseph F. Naumann, with brother priests concelebrating. Burial was at Resurrection Cemetery in Lenexa. The family asks that memorial contributions be sent to the Catholic Education Foundation, 12615 Parallel Pkwy., Kansas City, KS 66109. Condolences may be expressed at the Web site at: www.porter funeralhome.com.

he was the one who’d watch us while she was gone.” Whenever someone in the family had a question, concern or problem, or needed the sacraments, they turned to Father Andalikiewicz.

A big part of Father Andalikiewicz’s ministry was to the deaf and hard of hearing. Sister Ann Albrecht, CSJ, recruited him after learning that he had been raised since the age of eight, after his mother died, by an older sister who was deaf. She discovered, however, that he didn’t know the specialized signs for religious concepts and actions, so she had to teach him. Subsequently, Father Andalikiewicz celebrated a weekly Mass for the deaf for almost 30 years. “I know he was very proud to be the chaplain for the deaf,” said Sister Ann. “When he went to other parishes, he continued to minister to deaf people. He had great respect for the deaf community, and they loved him because they knew that he’d be there for them.” He had a wonderful understanding of deaf culture and a sense of calm and simplicity that helped him adapt, said Richey. “[When] plans didn’t come off, Father Charles would just smile and say, ‘This is God’s way; let’s go on. Calm down. God will make it happen,’” said Richey. “He made it easy to do my job.” The legacy of Father Andalikiewicz is built of living stones — the family, friends, parishioners and fellow priests he loved and served. He truly was, for them, everything from A to Z. “He was true to himself,” said Father Sheeds, “and faithful to the priesthood.”

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Road to Conversion nastasia McCann-Har r is was raised as a Catholic. Now that she is 44 years old, she’s finally going to be baptized. “So that’s going to start a conversation right there,” she said. When McCann-Harris tells people she’s being baptized Catholic, it does raise questions. And she’s happy for that. Since she has become involved in the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) at Christ the King Parish in Kansas City, Kan., McCann-Harris has fallen in love with the Catholic faith, and she’s happy to share her journey with anyone who asks.


THIRD SCRUTINY Father Roger Schmit, OSB, prays over this year’s candidates and catechumens during the third scrutiny on the Fifth Sunday of Lent at Christ the King Church in Kansas City, Kan. Pictured, from left, are Amber Macias, Erica Warrior, Anastasia McCann-Harris, and Larry Harvey.

BECOMING CATHOLICS Although Larry Harvey and Anastasia McCannHarris participate in the Mass (see below), they look forward to receiving the Eucharist for the first time at the Easter Vigil on April 11. Both had been familiar with the Catholic faith for years, but it wasn’t until this year that they decided to take that next step and become Catholics. Both have found the RCIA a faithfilled and enjoyable experience.

The start of a long journey “My mother was Catholic, but my father was of a different faith,” McCannHarris explained. “He found God wherever he went, and he made Become a sponsor the decision that his Each RCIA participant needs a children were going to sponsor. If you are a practicing get to choose for themCatholic, sponsorship can be a selves, so he didn’t alfulfilling ministry and a great way to learn more about your own low my mom to baptize Catholic faith. us.” Sponsors participate in the Because her mother RCIA process, by attending classwas devout in her faith, es and acting as examples and resources for new members. she practiced it reguSister Marilyn Schieber, OSB, larly and raised her pastoral associate of Christ the children as Catholics, King Church in Kansas City, Kan., without the benefit of advises anyone interested in the sacraments. learning more about the Catholic faith to consider being a sponsor. “So even though I “People who want to update was raised Catholic, I their faith make good sponsors. didn’t have the full exThey learn along with their candiperience,” said date,” she said. “The sponsors say every year they learn someMcCann-Harris. “And thing new — even the ones who I’ve always wanted to have done it three or four times.” become a full Catholic. If you’re interested in volunBut I didn’t know that I teering to be an RCIA sponsor, would have to go contact your local parish office. through classes. I didn’t know the classes existed!” In 2002, McCann-Harris married a Catholic. Last year her sister-in-law encouraged her to finally go through the RCIA process and offered to be her sponsor. The experience has been gratifying for the entire family. “This has actually drawn us together,” McCann-Harris said. “My sister-in-law and her family, my father-in-law and his wife, and my husband are getting together and going to church. And it’s really changing our relationship. “We make the time. We’re there together and then usually we go to my mother-in-law’s house and we have breakfast. We talk, and it’s really brought us together as a family.”

McCann-Harris has nothing but praise for the RCIA process at Christ the King and the members of the parish community who are leading her through it. “They are so supportive — they’re better than teachers,” she said. “Sister Marilyn (Schieber, OSB), Don Wolf, Bunny Bragdon, Pat Hoover and Jim Jursch all bend over backwards to make sure if you have a question, you get an

answer. You’re comfortable before you walk away.” McCann-Harris said the culmination of her journey will be bittersweet. She will miss her RCIA group and teachers, but is looking forward to becoming an active member of the Catholic community. “I’m hoping to keep growing, to keep becoming a better person and to be more

involved in the church,” she said. “The more people, the more of a difference you can make. “And I just want to make a difference.”

Home at last Like McCann-Harris, fellow RCIA student, Larry Harvey, had years of expo-

sure to the Catholic faith before he chose to call it his own. Harvey was raised in Kansas City, Kan., and attended Welborn Community Church, just a block away from Christ the King. He married a Catholic and had their three children baptized Catholic. “But I couldn’t, for some reason, bring myself to join the Catholic Church at that time,” he said. “I got involved with the

Grandview Christian Church in Kansas City, Kansas.” Harvey would go to early Mass with his family and then attend services at his own church. Eventually he became an elder at Grandview Christian and was chairman of the board for two years. But he never felt complete. “Something just wasn’t right about the religion I had,” he explained. “For one thing, being the chairman of the board, I received all the gripes about everything. And I really got tired of that.” Just over a year ago, Harvey’s faith was greatly challenged. He lost his oldest daughter to lung disease. A few weeks later, his wife passed away due to heart problems. The pain of loss is still a heavy burden to bear, but Harvey has been impressed and inspired by the Catholic community’s outpouring of concern and support. “Even before my wife passed away, they took really good care of her,” he said. “When she felt good enough, she’d go to Mass. But if she didn’t, they’d bring her Communion. “And then at her funeral service, they did a tremendous job.” After his wife’s death, Harvey, who felt guided by her spirit, began to think seriously about joining the Catholic Church. “I really started thinking, ‘Why hadn’t I done this before?’” he said. “I started going to classes last year and then carried on to this year.” Harvey said he was partly motivated to go to the classes by all the negative things people had told him about the Catholic Church during his lifetime. “I had to find the answers for myself,” he said. “And I found out [the negative things] were wrong.” One of the most gratifying aspects of his new association with Christ the King Parish is the sense of unity and the cooperative spirit he sees in the congregation. “I have not found the bickering and such that I found at the other church,” he said. “There is a better sense of love in the community. They actually care about each other and try to help each other.” He feels the Scripture is more clearly presented in the Catholic Mass and he appreciates the structure and ritual of the service. “The Mass is more organized,” he said. “I’m still not understanding everything I need to do, or remembering when I’m supposed to do it, but I’m trying.” Harvey longs for the Eucharist and looks forward to the day he can share that sacrament with his new community. “Communion has always been an important part of my faith,” he said. “In the Christian church, that was a time when I felt closest to God and communicated more directly with him. “In the Christian church, their elements represent; in the Catholic Church they teach that this is actually the body

and blood of Christ. I haven’t been able to take [Communion] in the Catholic Church yet, but I’m looking forward to it.”

Reaching out Sister Marilyn, who has been in charge of the RCIA at Christ the King for 13 years, knows that many new members to the community, especially those who The Rite of Christian are recent converts, Initiation of Adults feel a need for support and friendship. The Rite of Christian Initiation For that reason, of Adults (RCIA) is the process the parish communithrough which interested adults ty is just as imporcome together to learn about the Scriptures and the teachings of tant in the converthe Roman Catholic Church for the sion process as the purpose of eventually being welRCIA sponsors. comed and initiated into the “I think parish Roman Catholic faith. The process is designed for community is a real adult individuals who are: force in walking • Unbaptized with the people on • Baptized in another Christian the journey,” she faith said. “The sponsors • A baptized Catholic, but with no formal training or sacraments are there to pick The RCIA, which takes about a them up and help year, is usually conducted by a them start over spiritual director and a team of when they fall, but lay church members. The process is divided into four periods: the parish communi• Inquiry ty is a major ingredi• Catechumenate ent.” • Purification and enlightenSister Marilyn enment courages parish • Mystagogy Each period helps the adults members to be outgrow in their relationship with going and introduce God, become familiar with themselves to the Catholic teachings and practices, catechumens and and further their relationships candidates. with people in the parish community. “Talk to them, for Each RCIA participant has a one thing,” she said. sponsor who is a practicing “For another thing, Catholic — friend, family or be a good example. parish member, and serves as a spiritual companion, support and Go to church yourself mentor. on weekends and get During the he final right, usualinvolved in parish life ly at the Easter Vigil, RCIA particiand be a committed pants become full members of the Catholic Christian. Roman Catholic Church. However, adults who choose to Invite them to sit participants in the RCIA process with you sometime at are under no obligation to beMass, or go to coffee. come Catholic. Be a friend.” For more information about the Rite of Christian Initiation of Helping the new Adults, visit the Association for faithful along on Catechumenal Ministry’s Web site their journey can be at: www.acmrcia.org. as rewarding to you as it is to them, Sister Marilyn promised. “The Holy Spirit, I think, inspires people at certain times,” she said. “I think once you experience people’s journey and their struggles, the ups and downs, and you experience the growth in their own faith — it makes your faith stronger.”


THE LEAVEN • APRIL 10, 2009 Arthur (Art) and Delores (Dee) Winters, members of Church of the Ascension Parish, Overland Park, will celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary on April 18. The couple was married on April 18, 1959, at St. Benedict’s Church, ANNIVERSARIES Atchison. Their children are Julie and Ann Winters, Annapolis, Md. Family and friends will celebrate with the couple at a dinner in their honor on April 18.

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Emma and Henry Suther, members of Annunciation Parish, Frankfort, will celebrate their 60th wedding anniversary on April 25 with a Mass at the church, followed by an open house at Annunciation Cigna Center, Frankfort, on April 26 from 2 to 4 p.m. Hosts will be their children: John Suther, Topeka; JoAnn Ronnebaum, Axtell; Janet Johnson, Frankfort; Judy Fangman, Seneca; and Joyce Bauer, Hiawatha. The couple also has 13 grandchildren. They were married April 27, 1949, in Frankfort.

Merlin and Carolyn Wagner, members of St. Lawrence Parish, Easton, will mark their 50th wedding anniversary on April 18. The couple will celebrate with a trip. Their children and their spouses are: Mark and Kim Wagner, Lansing; Michelle and Rod Zimbelman, St. Joseph, Mo.; and Julie Cook, Leavenworth. They also have four grandchildren.

LOCAL NEWS 11 ANNIVERSARY POLICY The Leaven only prints 50, 60, 65 and 70th anniversary notices. Announcements are due by 5 p.m. eight days (Thursday) before the desired publication date. Announcements must be typed. They are for parishioners of Catholic parishes in the Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas. Send notices to: The Leaven, 12615 Parallel Pkwy., Kansas City, KS 66109, attn: anniversaries; or send an e-mail to: Todd@theleaven.com. If you would like your photo returned to you, please include a self-addressed stamped envelope.

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12 CLASSIFIEDS ■ EMPLOYMENT Bishop Miege High School - Is seeking teacher applications for math for the 2009 - 10 school year. Send letter, resume, transcript and credentials to: 5041 Reinhardt Dr., Shawnee Mission KS 66205, or call Lorraine for an application at (913) 262-2701, ext. 235. Looking for employment - As a pastoral assistant and/or director of religion education. H.E.in applied theology, Maryvale, England. Working towards my BA. 5 years experience in parish as PA/DRE; tribunal delegate; Catechesis of the Good Shepherd, level 1 trained. Call Michael Lewis at (931) 801-2894 (cell) or send an e-mail to: seas office@peoplestel. P r i n c i p a l - Thomas More Prep-Marian, a Catholic high school with day and boarding students, is accepting applications for the position of principal for the 2009 - 10 academic year. Applicants must be Catholic. Mail resume to: Thomas More Prep-Marian, attn. Glenn Braun, chairperson, 1701 Hall St., Hays KS 67601. Elementary principal - For Sacred Heart School, Poplar Bluff, Mo. Applicant must be an active Catholic and have a master’s degree in school administration, or working toward it. Administrative experience preferred and 3 - 5 years of Catholic school experience preferred. To apply, contact Ms. Gloria Wilson, principal, Sacred Heart School, 111 N. 8th St., Poplar Bluff MO 63901, or call (573) 7855836. Application deadline is April 17. Bishop LeBlond High School - Is seeking to fill the following positions: Head football coach - Experience and teaching certificate required. Possibly some teaching duties. Relig ion t each er - Catholic; full time; teaching certificate required and willing to take on extra duties such as coaching. Gran t w rit er/lib ra rian - Possible teaching duties, teaching certificate required. To apply, send resume to: Bishop LeBlond High School, 3529 Frederick Ave., St. Joseph MO 64506. P h y s i c a l t h e ra p i s t - Carondelet Home Care Services is recruiting a full- and/or part-time physical therapist for our Overland Park and Lee’s Summit offices. Requires Mo. and Kan. license, excellent communication skills, and team approach to patient care. Supportive environment and excellent benefits, including mileage. Submit resume to: nlaux@carondelet. com. Padre P io Academy - Has three full-time positions open. For information and job descriptions, visit the Web site at: www.napcis.org/ placement.html, or call (913) 268-3155. Cu stomer- dri ven, fri endl y, servi ce- orient ed p eop l e n eed ed - Proficiency in MS applications, able to assist Web users with demos, navigation of our Web application, and other support-related issues. Great opportunity with a growing company. Salary, bonus, benefits, plus 401(k) plan. Send your resume, via e-mail, to: HR@cobraguard.net. EOE. Financia l representa tiv e - Due to the success and growth of the Knights of Columbus, we are adding financial representatives in the Kansas City area. This position is ideal for a determined, highenergy, high-expectation, professional, selfdisciplined, independent individual desiring to serve others, yet earn a better-than-average income. We provide top-rated financial products to our members and their families and will provide excellent benefits and training. For more information or an interview, contact John A. Mahon, 307 Dakota, Holton KS 66436; or call (785) 364-5450.


H ous ec le an i n g – Charmaine will provide you with excellent service you can depend on. Years of experience in satisfying customers. Serving the greater metro area. Call Charmaine at (913) 9727900. E ng in eer – Do you have foundation cracks or water coming into your basement? Are you confused as to what repair is right? Call Mark Schulte – 19 years engineering experience! (913) 851-0606. Bankruptcy - When debt becomes overwhelming, seek professional help. Experienced, compassionate Catholic attorney Teresa Kidd. For a confidential, no obligation consultation, call (913) 4220610; or send an e-mail to: tkidd@kc.rr.com.

THE LEAVEN • APRIL 10, 2009 All Lawn Services/Mowing/ Fertilizing Most city-sized lots $25-30 Call for a free estimate. Family-owned by local parishioners. Lic/Bond/Ins. References. (913) 620-6063 Spring is here! I do mowing, landscaping, walls, decks, patios, and winter cleanups. Call Josh at (913) 709-7230. Southern Johnson County. Machine quilting by Lyn - I also do T-shirt, photo, and memorial quilts too. Located in Overland Park. Call Lyn at (913) 492-8877. Accoun ti ng/cons ul ti ng servi ces - Member of St. Joseph Parish, Shawnee. Reasonable rates. Visit my Web site at: www.allaccountskc.com or call (913) 669-5013. Golf l essons that last! All ages, all skill levels. Individual or group lessons; reasonable rates; certified teaching professional. Member of Holy Spirit Parish, Overland Park. Call Mike at (816) 522-3847. Virtus trained. To play better golf today. . .call Mike. Pres erv e y ou r memori es by t el l in g y ou r li fe story! I can type your memoirs from handwritten or recorded notes. Also provide secretarial services. Call All About Words at (913) 438-5922. Granite, Cambria and Silestone countertops See our new showroom at 5820 Barton, in the heart of beautiful downtown Shawnee. Call The Top Shop, Inc., at (816) 898-8685 or (913) 962-5058. Caregiver - 39-yr-old caregiver with lots of experience; available flexible hours. Great references. Call Kara at (913) 909-6659. I n - h om e c a re n e ed e d – Stroke victim needs weekend assistance. Sat. and Sun. from 7 – 10 a.m. and again from 8 – 10 p.m. No lifting. WyCo area. Call (913) 262-0845. Caregiver needed - Looking for a caregiver to help a visually impaired lady when full-time LPN is not available. Wed. evenings and some Saturdays. Pay is negotiable. Call (913) 449-6303. Do you need help caring for an elderly family member? Contact Benefits of Home – Senior Care and let our social work expert help you build a plan of care. We provide assistance with homemaker and personal care services, in the comfort of your home. To speak with our social worker, contact Benefits of Home at (913) 422-1591. C aregi v in g - We provide personal assistance, companionship, care management, and transportation to the elderly and disabled in home, assisted living and nursing facilities. We also provide respite care for main caregivers needing some personal time. Call Daughters & Company at (913) 341-2500 and speak with Andrea, Sara or Gary. Increase your income – interest rates are low, but a gift annuity with the Catholic Foundation of Northeast Kansas often pays effective rates of over 10 percent for the rest of your life. Your gift benefits your parish or another Catholic organization of your choice in the Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas. You may even get a tax deduction. Call (913) 647-0365 for more information.


Deck W orks - Decks; pergolas; ramps; fences; screened porches; licensed and insured; references available; 15+ years of experience. Serving Johnson, Leavenworth, and Wyandotte counties. Call for a free estimate. (913) 432-DECK(3325). Home I mprov emen ts - Decks and driveways, new and tear-out. Basements finished. Most construction work start to finish. Reasonable rates; licensed and insured. Call Mike at (913) 592-2333.

THE LEAVEN • APRIL 10, 2009 Damaged sheetrock repaired – WyCo and JoCo areas. Ceilings, painted or textured. 25 yrs. experience; insured and reliable. Call (913) 631-5241. Electrician - Free estimates; reasonable rates. JoCo and southern KC metro area. Call Pat (913) 963-9896. Beat the recession, prices will never be lower! Home additions, kitchens, baths, basements, roofs and fences. Green construction options. Repeat clientele. References available. Licensed and insured. Call Ralph Miller at (913) 927-0267. House painting - Interior and exterior; wallpaper removal. 20 years experience. Reasonable rates. References. Call Joe at (913) 620-5776. Ti m t he Ha ndy ma n - Insured; free estimates. Carpentry: new and repair deck, doors, windows, siding, screens. Plumbing: faucet, garbage disposals, toilets. Electrical: switches, outlets, ceiling fans, light fixtures. Light landscape: fill dirt, trimming, planting, garden tilling and mulching. Serving Johnson County. Call Tim at (913) 859-0471. Adept Home Improvements Where quality still counts! Basement finishing, Kitchens and baths, Electrical and plumbing. Licensed and insured. (913) 599-7998 Cus tom-kit chen coun tertops - Laminate tops manufactured and installed within 5 days. Competitive prices, dependable work. St. Joseph Parish member. Call The Top Shop, Inc., at (816) 898-8685 or (913) 962-5058. Contractor - Commercial and residential work — painting and renovating. Free estimates; insured; 20 yrs. experience. Call (913) 206-4524. Eakin Co. remodeling and renovations – From remodeling an existing kitchen, bath, or master suite to creating new living environments, Eakin Co. can do it all! Our past customers can vouch for our attention to detail, our integrity, and the reliable service we provide. Licensed and insured. Call (913) 671-9885 or e–mail: Chris@Eakinco.com. STA ( Su re T hi ng A l w ay s) Ho me Re p ai r Basement finish, bathrooms and kitchens; interior & exterior repairs: painting, roofing, siding, wood replacement and window glazing. Call for free estimates. Cell: (913) 579-1835; phone: (913) 491-5837; e-mail: smokeycabin@hotmail.com. Member of Holy Trinity Church, Lenexa. EL SOL Y LA TIERRA *Commercial & residential * Lawn renovation * Mowing * Clean-up and hauling * Dirt grading/installation * Landscape design * Free estimates Hablamos y escribimos Ingles!! Call Lupe at (816) 252-3376 .


S k i v a c a t i o n - Winter Park, Colo. 2 BR, 1BA, sleeps 6. Fully furnished, fireplace, rec. center with pool & hot tub. $125/night; $750/week. Call Joe Frederick at (913) 385-5589.


House for rent - Recently remodeled home on Long St. in Shawnee, near St. Joseph Parish; 1 entrylevel BR, 1 loft BR, kitchen with refrigerator, bsmt garage with opener, large yard. Very quiet, secure neighborhood. Serious inquiries only. Call (913) 2382470. Owner is a member of Sacred Heart Parish, Shawnee.

Organizing & handyman services - Basements, garages, attics and shop spaces organized! Your items sorted, boxed & labeled; areas cleaned when finished! Wall repair, interior painting, tile work, handicap bars and ramps. Great references and insured. For pictures of current projects, view my Web site at: www. swalms.com. Call Tillar Swalm at (913) 375-9115.

Home for rent - Modern, 2 BR, 1-1/2 BA home with attached garage near 83rd and Antioch in Overland Park. Many adorable updates and amenities including pool and exercise room; and trash, lawn and snow care. Appliances stay. One-year lease. No pets or smokers. Call Catherine at (913) 972-8852.

Ma s onry work - Quality, new or repair work. Brick, block, and chimney/fireplace repair. Insured; second generation bricklayer. Call (913) 829-4336.

A p a r t m e n t f o r r e n t – 1 BR, 1 BA. $495 per month, includes utilities. One-year lease. 10911 W. 59th Terr., Shawnee. Near St. Joseph Parish. View at: www.shawnee-rentals.com, or call (913) 6497596.

■ REAL ESTATE T o p e k a h o m e - One block east of Christ the King Church on the corner of 25th St. and Westport. 3 BR, 2-1/2 BA, 2 fireplaces, office/bonus room, new windows, oversized garage, walk-out bsmt, new carpet; 2,860 sq. ft.; $164,950. Call Kurt at (785) 969-7633 or Bob at (785) 272-0626. Virtual tour: http://www.realestate shows.com/371665 .


Would your kids like to spend the summer at home rather than day care? - Mature, responsible 16-year-old honors student with transportation available for nanny position. WyCo area. Days and hours negotiable. Reasonable rates. Call (913) 7888529. Na n ny - Notre Dame de Sion graduate and KState sophomore looking for summer position as a nanny. Ascension parishioner, flexible hours, have own transportation. Nine years experience with kids up to age 12, and lots of fun! Call Annie Davis at (913) 669-4222 or e-mail her at: ladavis8@ksu.edu. S t . Jos ep h E a rly E d u ca t i on C en t er - Is celebrating its 20th year of high quality early childhood education with an open house from 6 - 7:30 p.m. on April 22. Come and see the center for the first time or come and bring back memories from your early childhood. Refreshments will be served. For information, call (913) 631-0004.


Fo r sa le - Singer sewing machine, surger, 12 hardbound books, desk, chair, light; used to make square dancing outfits; over 100 rolls of thread, many extras. $450, or best offer. Call (913) 7821705. Bulk mulch for sale - Prices start at $28/cu. yd. plus a $50 per load delivery fee. For details, visit the Web site at: www.mokanmulch.com or call (913) 631-7217. For sale - Single cemetery plot at Resurrection Cemetery, Lenexa. Lot 25; section D-4 in the Shrine of Assumption. For information, call (913) 671-7511. Re si d en t i a l li f t s - Buy/sell/trade. Stair lifts, porch lifts, ceiling lifts and elevators. Recycled and new equipment. Member of St. Michael the Archangel Parish, Leawood. Call Silver Cross® KC at (913) 393-2042. Prom/party dresses - More than 40, both long and short. Junior sizes S-L. Some never worn (with original price tags), others gently worn; current styles. Most $25; some less. Separates $5 and less. Some accessories. Prairie Village. Call (913) 6427105 and leave a message to find out sale times or to schedule a viewing appt.


*** BUYING *** Coins — Sterling — Watches I buy coins, old watches, sterling silverware, postcards, photographs, military items, political campaign pins, Zippo lighters, fountain pens, toys, slot machines, old signs & tins, quilts, Indian rugs, beadwork, baskets, pottery and 22-gauge rifles. Call Chris at (913) 593-7507 or (913) 642-8269. W i l l bu y f i r e a r m s an d r e l a te d a c c e s s o r i e s One or a whole collection. Honest evaluation and top prices paid. Contact Tom at (913) 238-2473. Member of Sacred Heart Parish, Shawnee. *** Wanted to Buy *** Antique and vintage costume jewelry Member St. Joseph Parish Renee Maderak (913) 631-7179


Di sc j ocke y - For your wedding, kolos, nightclubs, corporate parties, teenage celebrations, holiday parties, sock-hops, ethnic, birthdays, holiday parties, hip-hop/rap, golden oldies. Member of St. Therese Parish, KCMO. Call Zepster’s A to Z Party DJ’s at (816) 741-4777. TO PURCHASE A CLASSIFIED Send an e-mail to: jennifer@the leaven. com, or call (913) 6470327. The cost is $16 per column inch, five lines or less. Each additional line is $1.50.

April 11

The Legends at Village West will launch its inaugural Easter family fun day from 10 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. on April 11. Providence Medical Center will be providing free Easter egg bags to the first 1,500 children, beginning at 10 a.m. The event is free to the public and features an Easter egg hunt, a visit from the Easter bunny, prizes, a bounce house, story time, a magician, balloon animals, face painting and a pretzel rolling rally. For information, visit the Web site at: www.legendsshopping.com.


The Lawrence D. Starr Global Studies Institute (GSI) at the University of Saint Mary will present Janet Murguía, president of the National Council of La Raza, who will speak on “The Problem of Immigration, Law, and Justice in America” at 7 p.m. on April 13 in the Walnut Room of Mead Hall, 4100 S. 4th St., Leavenworth. There is no cost to attend; however, seating is limited. For information, call (913) 758-6117 or visit the Web site at: www.gsi.stmary.edu. Murguía’s group, the National Council of La Raza (NCLR), is the country’s largest national Hispanic civil rights and advocacy organization.


A 12-week series incorporating education and support for women dealing with addictions and sexual abuse will be held from 10 a.m. - noon on Tuesdays, beginning April 14, at the Keeler Women’s Center, 2220 Central Ave., Kansas City, Kan. The facilitators are Riley Lockridge and Arica Roland. The series is presented in partnership with Friends of Yates and Joyce Williams Shelter. Reservations are required. For information or to register, call (913) 906-8990 or visit the Web site at: www.mountosb. org/kwc.

15 & 16

A program for women who are looking for entry-level jobs, entitled “Would You Hire You?,” will be presented from 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. on April 15 and 16 at the Keeler Women’s Center, 2220 Central Ave., Kansas City, Kan. Deb Foster of Deb Enterprise, Inc., will lead a crash course to help attendees prepare to look for and land their dream job. For information or to register, call (913) 906-8990 or visit the Web site at: www.mountosb. org/kwc.


A healing Mass, sponsored by archdiocesan charismatic prayer groups, will be held at 7:30 p.m. on April 16 at Curé of Ars Church, 9401 Mission Rd., Leawood. Father Peter Jaramillo will preside; fellowship follows.


A memorial liturgy for deceased loved ones will be held at 8 a.m. on April 18 at Curé of Ars Church, 9401 Mission Rd., Leawood. The bereavement ministry will have its monthly meeting following Mass in the Father Burak Room. The topic will be "Understanding Grief." For information, call (913) 649-2026.

The Shawnee Knights of Columbus will host a polka dance on April 18 in their hall, located at 11221 Johnson Dr. The doors open at 6:30 p.m. Music by the Brian McCarty Combo goes from 7:30 p.m. - midnight. The cost of $10 includes sauerkraut and sausage sandwiches and beverages. For information, call Dan Nicks at (913) 6314633. The alumni association at Donnelly College will offer a free financial lecture, given by financial expert Steve Modrcin, from 10:30 a.m. - noon on April 18. The lecture is open to the community and will be held in the college’s first-floor meeting room. For information, contact Roger Berg at (913) 621-8744 or send an e-mail to him at: rberg@donnelly.edu.

Msgr. Mike Mullen will celebrate the archdiocesan monthly pro-life Mass at 8 a.m. on April 18 at Sts. Cyril & Methodius Church, 44 N. Mill, Kansas City, Kan., followed by a rosary procession to an abortion clinic four blocks away. Eucharistic adoration is available for those not processing, with Benediction concluding services at 10 a.m.


Sophia Center, 751 S. 8th St., Atchison, will host “Lectio Divina,” presented by Sister Micaela Randolph, OSB, from 10 a.m. on April 18 through 1 p.m. on April 19. The cost is $100; advance deposit is $35. For information or to register, call (913) 360-6151.


St. Paul School, Olathe, will celebrate its 50th anniversary with a Mass celebrated by Archbishop Joseph F. Naumann at 6 p.m. on April 19 in the church. A family dinner in the parish activity center will follow; freewill donations will be accepted. To RSVP, call (913) 764-0619 or send an e-mail to: ksmith@stpauls olathe.com. The Church of the Nativity, 3800 W. 119th St., Leawood, will host a Divine Mercy Sunday Holy Hour and Benediction at 3 p.m. on April 19. Pope John Paul II officially established this feast. Those who wish to receive the graces of this celebration should say the Divine Mercy novena, beginning on Good Friday; receive the sacrament of reconciliation before the feast; and receive holy Communion on Divine Mercy Sunday. A soul cleansed on the feast of Divine Mercy is like the soul of one newly baptized. Most Pure Heart of Mary Parish, 3601 S.W. 17th St., Topeka, will host a Divine Mercy Sunday Holy Hour and Benediction at 3 p.m. on April 19. Confessions begin at 1:30 p.m. A reception will follow at 4 p.m. For information, call (785) 246-1338. Queen of the Holy Rosary Church, 71st and Metcalf, Overland Park, will host a Divine Mercy Sunday Holy Hour, adoration, the Divine Mercy chaplet and Benediction from 2 - 3 p.m. Children are invited to participate in the flower procession. Flowers will be provided.

V i l l a St . Fr a n c i s Skilled Nursing Facility 170 beds

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Chiquita Miller, in partnership with K-State Extension, will present “When your family changes through separation or divorce: What women need to know to protect themselves and their children” from 1 - 2:30 p.m. on April 22 at the Keeler Women’s Center, 2220 Central Ave., Kansas City, Kan. For information or to register, call (913) 906-8990 or visit the Web site at: www.mountosb.org/kwc.


Father Emmanuel Charles McCarthy will offer a free lecture, entitled “Christian Just War Theory: The Logic of Deceit,” from 7 - 9 p.m. on April 23 at the Christian Foundation for Children and Aging, 31st St. and Southwest Blvd. (behind the QuikTrip), Kansas City, Kan. For information, contact Peg Burns at (816) 3335407.


A singles dance will be held at the Knights of Columbus Hall, 2206 E. 23rd St., Lawrence, on April 24. Dance to the music of DJ Bob. Doors open at 7:30 p.m.; dancing begins at 8 p.m. Must be at least 21 years of age. The cost is $6 for women; $7 for men. For information, call (785) 842-2699 or (785) 550-8667.


Father Emmanuel Charles McCarthy will offer a retreat, entitled “Jesus’ Way of Peace: Nonviolent Love,” from 7 - 9 p.m. on April 24 and from 9 a.m. - 9 p.m. on April 25 at the Christian Foundation for Children and Aging, 31st St. and Southwest Blvd. (behind the QuikTrip), Kansas City, Kan. The cost of $50 includes meals. Scholarships are available upon request. For information or to register, contact Peg Burns at (816) 333-5407.


The Don Lipovac Booster Club will host its annual fuel dance on April 25 at Msgr. Mejak Hall, 513 Ohio Ave., Kansas City, Kan. Dinner will be served at 5:30 p.m.; dancing will follow at 6:30 p.m. Wear your Western attire. The cost is $20 for adults; free for children. The reservation deadline is April 17. For tickets, call JoAnn Lipovac at (913) 299-2792, Richard Schutte at (913) 724-2388, or Mike Waliczek at (913) 342-1785. The Women of Holy Cross Parish, Overland Park, will host their annual spaghetti dinner from 5 - 7:30 p.m. on April 25 in the parish activity center, located at 8101 W. 95th St. Proceeds will be used to offset the cost of food for funeral dinners and coffee and doughnuts after Masses. A donation of $7 for adults, $4 for children, or $25 per family is appreciated. Holy Trinity, Paola, will host its annual benefit auction, “Bella Sera at the HT Ranch,” on April 25 at the Miami County Fairgrounds. Mass will be celebrated at 4 p.m., followed by live and silent auctions and dinner. The cost is $20 per person; a table of 8 is $150. To RSVP, call the church office at (913) 557-2067. For information, contact Leon and Laurie Morgan at (913) 294-5767. The Johnson County Unos will gather



for 4:30 p.m. Mass on April 25 at St. Pius X Church, 5601 Woodson, Mission. Dinner will follow at TGI Friday’s, 11851 W. 95th St., Overland Park.


“Pure Fashion Show,” a fashion show presenting trendy but tasteful clothing for girls and young women, will be held on April 26 at the Mission Hills Country Club, 5400 Mission Drive (not Road), Mission Hills. The doors open at 12:30 p.m.; finger luncheon foods will be served while attendees peruse the silent auction and vendor items. The show begins at 1:30 p.m. The cost of $45 includes lunch. To purchase tickets, visit the Web site at: www.pure fashion.com. For information, send an email to: beckydieterman@aol.com. The Leavenworth region of ACCW will host its quarterly meeting on April 26 in the community room of the Leintz Funeral Home, 4701 10th Ave., Leavenworth. A potluck luncheon will begin at 12:30 p.m., followed by a rosary and the meeting. For information, call (913) 682-8899. The William T. Fitzsimons Assembly 0280, Knights of Columbus, of Christ the King Parish in Kansas City, Kan., will host a Salisbury steak dinner from 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. on April 26 in Father Davern Hall, 53rd and Leavenworth Rd. The cost is $6 for adults; children eat for free. Proceeds will benefit the memorial chalice and seminarian funds.


The Ladies of Charity of Kansas City will host a private evening tour of the Designer Showhouse from 6 - 8 p.m. on April 29 at The Nelly Don Estate, 5236 Cherry St., Kansas City, Mo. The cost of $30 per person includes beverages, appetizers and desserts. For reservations or information, call (913) 491-4475. Proceeds will benefit various not-for-profit groups that serve the underprivileged and uninsured, including the Duchesne Clinic, Seton Center and Villa St. Francis.

May 2

The Serra Clubs of Kansas City will host their annual “Blisters for Sisters” walk-a-thon on May 2 at Visitation Church, 52nd and Main, Kansas City, Mo. Registration begins at 7:30 a.m.; the walk begins at 8:30 a.m. Mass will be celebrated after the walk at 10 a.m., followed by lunch at 11 a.m. To preregister, visit the Web site at: www.blistersforsisters.org.


Father Mitchel Zimmerman, archdiocesan vocation director, will lead a Venite et Videte vocation retreat for young men in grades 6 - 8 on May 2-3. The retreat includes prayer, talks, sports and recreation. The retreat will be at Savior Pastoral Center, 12615 Parallel Pkwy., Kansas City, Kan. The cost of $25 includes lodging and meals. For information or to register, visit the Web site at: www.kck vocations.com.




Editor REVEREND MARK GOLDASICH, STL frmark@theleaven.com Managing Editor ANITA McSORLEY anita@theleaven.com Senior Reporter JOE BOLLIG joe@theleaven.com Production Manager TODD HABIGER todd@theleaven.com Advertising Representative JENNIFER SIEBES jennifer@theleaven.com Reporter KARA HANSEN kara@theleaven.com Circulation sub@theleaven.com

Catholic Press Association Award Winner 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 Archbishop Edward O’Meara Award Winner 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2001, 2002, 2003 Publication No. (ISSN0194-9799) Published weekly September through May, excepting the Friday the week after Thanksgiving, and the Friday after Christmas; biweekly June through August. Address communications to: The Leaven, 12615 Parallel Pkwy., Kansas City, KS 66109. Phone: (913) 721-1570; fax: (913) 7215276; or e-mail at: sub@theleaven.com. POSTMASTER : Send address changes to The Leaven, 12615 Parallel Pkwy., Kansas City, KS 66109. For change of address, provide old and new address and parish. Subscriptions $18/ year. Periodicals postage paid at Kansas City, KS 66109.


The song has some 15 verses that outline the miraculous workings of God among the Jewish people. Here’s a little sample: “If God had split the sea for us, and had not taken us through it on dry land, dayenu! “If God had taken us through the sea on dry land, and not drowned our oppressors in it, dayenu! “If God had drowned our oppressors in it, and had not supplied our needs in the desert for forty years, dayenu!” OK, I’m sure you get the point: God’s blessings are overflowing; his generosity cannot be outdone. Our challenge as God’s people is to mirror to some extent that boundless love — not necessarily in grand gestures, but in small and unexpected ways. A good example is seen in this story

of a 10-year-old boy who, years ago, approached the counter of a soda shop and climbed onto a stool. “What does an ice cream sundae cost?” he politely asked the waitress. “Fifty cents,” she answered distractedly. The kid dug deep into his pockets and pulled out an assortment of change and began to count it. The waitress rolled her eyes and grew impatient with the kid as she had “bigger, more important” customers to wait on. “Well,” the boy said, “how much would just plain ice cream be?” The waitress snapped, “Thirty-five cents.” After counting his money again, the boy said, “May I please have some plain ice cream in a dish?” He handed the correct amount of coins over to the waitress, who then brought him the ice cream. Later, the kid left and the waitress returned to clear away the boy’s dish. When she picked it up, a lump formed in her throat and a tear cascaded down her cheek. There on the counter, under the dish, sat two nickels and five pennies. The waitress realized that the boy had had enough money for the sundae, but he sacrificed it in order to leave her a tip. (Adapted from a story in a 2003

Bits & Pieces booklet.) That the kid above was polite, dayenu! That he left any tip at all, dayenu! But leaving a 43 percent tip? Now, that’s a generosity way beyond what was expected or deserved, especially given the behavior of the waitress. Now that the Easter season is here, that Seder song and the example of the little boy might be powerful guides for us in these 50 days of rejoicing. An “Easter dayenu spirituality” can challenge us to become aware of how God continues to touch our lives: If God had only given us his Son at Christmas, dayenu! If God had only given us the Our Father to pray, dayenu! If God had only given us one miracle done by Jesus, dayenu! If God had Jesus only pray for us, dayenu! You can easily see where all of this will lead: God showers us with blessing upon blessing upon blessing. Not only does Jesus die for our salvation, but he rises to a new life that he wants to share with all those who follow him. And, not only that, the Holy Spirit is sent to strengthen, guide and encourage us. God doesn’t know the meaning of enough when it comes to us. The little boy in the story shows us how an Easter person behaves. We are called to go way beyond what might be expected of us and to astound others with our generosity. Honestly, though, if we rejoiced with all our hearts only on Easter Sunday, dayenu! But if we can keep it up all through the Easter season . . .


SCRIPTURE READINGS OCTAVE OF EASTER April 12 EASTER SUNDAY: THE RESURRECTION OF THE LORD Acts 10: 34a, 37-43; Ps 118: 1-2, 16ab-17, 2223; Col 3: 1-4; Mk 16: 1-7 April 13 MONDAY IN THE OCTAVE OF EASTER Acts 2: 14, 22-33; Ps 16: 1-2a, 5, 7-11; Mt 28: 8-15 April 14 TUESDAY IN THE OCTAVE OF EASTER Acts 2: 36-41; Ps 33: 4-5, 18-20, 22; Jn 20: 11-18 April 15 WEDNESDAY IN THE OCTAVE OF EASTER Acts 3: 1-10; Ps 105: 1-4, 6-9; Lk 24: 13-35 April 16 THURSDAY IN THE OCTAVE OF EASTER Acts 3: 11-26; Ps 8: 2a, 5-9; Lk 24: 35-48 April 17 FRIDAY IN THE OCTAVE OF EASTER Acts 4: 1-12; Ps 118: 1-2, 4, 22-27a; Jn 21: 1-14 April 18 SATURDAY IN THE OCTAVE OF EASTER Acts 4: 13-21; Ps 118: 1, 14-15, 16ab-21; Mk 16: 9-15

Confronting ‘nones’sense

Celebrating our God who doesn’t know ‘enough’ ver get one of those tunes in your head that you keep humming all day? Well, I’ve got a doozy in my noggin right now. It’s a little ditty, called “Dayenu,” that I’ve heard sung at Seder meals that I’ve attended over the years. Dayenu is a Hebrew word that roughly means: “It would have been enough.”

The risen Christ renews his call to his disciples — and to us


hen someone close to us dies, it often tears a hole in the fabric of our lives. It leaves loose ends — plans unrealized, words unspoken, dreams that will never materialize.

tion meant that the disciples could renew their relationship with Jesus. They could find forgiveness. They could start over again, if he would Perhaps we had intended to hold a wipe the slate clean. conversation about a muWe can hear this mestual concern, but never sage of forgiveness and reEASTER SUNDAY: followed through on that newal in the Gospel reading THE RESURRECTION intention. Now, it is too for the Easter Vigil, which OF THE LORD late. can also be used Easter Mk 16: 1-7 Jesus’ death must have Sunday morning, Mk 16:1resulted in this sort of rup7. Three women visit the ture in the lives of his discitomb of Jesus, and so are ples. In particular, their abandonment of the first to hear the news of his resurJesus in his hour of need called for them rection. Significantly, the female discito seek forgiveness from Jesus. They deples of Jesus were the ones to least serted Jesus when he was arrested. merit the charge of deserting him, Peter, the chief of the apostles, disowned since they watched from a distance as him three times. he suffered on the cross. True, they The disciples needed to seek forwatched from a safe distance, but they giveness from Jesus, but how were did not completely abandon him. It is they to do that? He was dead. How appropriate that they should be the could they repair the damage done to first to hear of his resurrection. their relationship with Jesus when The angel at the empty tomb inthey abandoned him? structs the women to relay the news to The good news of Jesus’ resurrecthe other disciples: “But go and tell his





disciples and Peter.” We might ask why Peter is separated out from the other disciples. Perhaps, he is singled out as a way to underline his importance as the chief of the apostles. But there is another possibility. Maybe this is a way of saying that, since Peter denied Jesus three times, he no longer deserves the name of disciple. Maybe the angel is putting Peter in his place. That would also be a way to remind Peter of his need for forgiveness. The angel charges the women to tell the disciples: “He is going before you to Galilee; there you will see him, as he told you.” Why does Jesus choose Galilee as the place where he will meet again with the disciples? Perhaps it is because it was in Galilee that Jesus originally called the disciples to follow him. Jesus wishes to renew that call. He wants his disciples to start over again. He wants to forgive them, to make that possible. The risen Christ wants the same thing for us. His forgiveness of our sins also enables us to start over again, to have new life. Easter means the victory of life over death, the triumph of the cross over the grave. It also means the victory of forgiveness over sin. Father Mike Stubbs is pastor of St. Francis de Sales Parish in Lansing and has a degree in Scripture from Harvard University.


n March, the results of the American Religious Identification Study (ARIS) were reported. The findings confirmed a continuing decline in the percentage of Christians in the United States and an increase in those who claim no religious identification — what they refer to as the “nones.” Since 1990, Christians have declined from 86.2 percent of the U.S. population to 76.2 percent of the population, while the “nones” have increased from 7.2 percent of the population to 15 percent. In pure numbers, the “nones” have gone from 14.3 million people to 34.2 million

— an astonishing 138 percent increase in 18 years! The “nones” now represent the third largest group trailing only the Catholics and Baptists. One of the conclusions of the report is that “the challenge to Christianity in the U.S. does not come from other religions but rather from a rejection of all forms of organized religion” (see the Web page at: www.americanreligionsurveyaris. org). The trends all point in the same direction: America is becoming a less religious country. So what do we do? In the early church, when faced with converting a predominantly pa-

gan society, the catechumenate was what you did. It was the process of making disciples. It was the institutionalization of the way Jesus made disciples. It continues to serve as a model for establishing modern-day processes of evangelization that are adapted to the circumstances of our reality. It is imperative that new processes of evangelization be established that are attuned to the pedagogy of God: processes that are capable of understanding the hoped-for outcome of evangelization, which is the conversion and commitment of men and women to the person of Jesus Christ and the establishment of environments where a fully Christian life can be lived. These processes should take people from first contact to initial conversion to full Christian maturity to apostolic witness. In other words, processes should be complete and total. One such process that our office is working with is called Light of the World parish evangelization. LOTW is a com-

prehensive plan for parish evangelization beginning with a kerygmatic retreat, followed up with the formation of small communities, and missional outreach within the parish. In May we will be hosting two leadership team retreats in Kansas for seven parishes. Another is the Making Disciples training that a few of our parishes are going through. Making Disciples serves to help parishes become evangelizing communities, understand the reality of our current culture, and adapt processes of evangelization within a parish community. We are offering this training for a few pilot parishes in April, June, and September. These programs serve as an opportunity to begin to re-focus our energies on the church’s primary work of proclaiming Jesus Christ and combating the growing secularity in our culture. Matt Karr is the consultant for the office of evangelization and catechesis. He can be reached at: ecat@archkck.org.


Family life calls us to the corporal works every single day


t is in family life that we first experience love; it is the first school of love. It is where words such as God, faith, truth, respect, honor, and dignity are rooted and lovingly nourished. With four children under three, the words hectic, tired and “Oh no, not again,” were often part of my vocabulary. There is an intrinsic holiness that permeates family when God is present in the ebb and flow of family life. Holiness is not always obvious to the eye of visi-

tors, but it is there. It is the sacred in the ordinary. A visitor does not always recognize that a mother has been up all night with a sick child, or a father has come home after a hectic day at work and responded to a child’s plea to shoot some hoops together. A friendly neighbor does not see the sparkling bathroom floor created by a mother mopping up the splashed water from a child’s bath. Nor can a mother’s mind calculate how

many peanut butter and jelly sandwiches have been made for hungry little ones. The work is endless and unnoticed, but it is holy because it is a laying down of one’s self for the sake of another. It is a putting aside one’s needs and wants to care for another. Recently, my friend Marlene told about visiting an older neighbor when her children were young and noticing a rocking chair just like hers. The neighbor’s chair was in mint condition and the wood had a sheen that reflected gentle care. Marlene shared with the neighbor that she had a rocker just like hers. But she added that, unfortunately, hers was not as beautiful because it had seen sticky peanut butter fingers once too often. The neighbor then replied, “You, indeed, have the most beautiful rocker of all.”

It is often hard in the midst of the chaos of family life to see the beauty that is swirling around us. Yet, it is in family life that our sight is more than 20/20 because we are able to see with the eyes of our heart. It is here that we meet Christ on a daily basis as we feed the hungry, care for the sick, clothe the naked, give drink to the thirsty, counsel the doubtful, bear wrongs patiently, and forgive offenses willingly. “To maintain a joyful family requires much from both the parents and the children. Each member of the family has to become, in a special way, the servant of the others.” — Pope John Paul II Jacki Corrigan is the archdiocesan consultant for the office of family life.


Catholics invited to share their experiences of building the kingdom


re you tuned in to all the good work that Christ is accomplishing through his servants in our archdiocese? Our culture can blast a believer out of the pew with the loudness of an electronic media that too often works against the glory of God. That’s why the archdiocesan offices for social justice and evangelization and catechesis have teamed up with local Catholic radio station KEXS 1090 AM with the talk show “Kingdom Come.” Saturdays at noon, “Kingdom Come” lifts up the signs of hope in our community by interviewing local

Catholics working for the kingdom. We call the show “Kingdom Come” because the Our Father is not just postmortem aspiration, but a mission statement for the here and now: Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.” As disciples of Christ we are called to do our own unique part to promote the kingdom of God here on earth . . . right now! I have a friend who once confided to me that even though she had been praying the Our Father her entire life, she had only just realized, “God is go-

ing to look at how I forgive people who have hurt me to determine how he is going to forgive my sins.” How often do we pray as Christ taught us, without thought to how this prayer should change us? Christ is going to look at how you worked to establish his rule of love, his kingdom in this world, to determine your desire to be with him in the next. Our work to make the kingdom of Christ happen is how we knock on the door of heaven. Because we are each unique, beloved children of God through our baptism, our work for the kingdom looks different. “There are different kinds of spiritual gifts but the same Spirit; there are different forms of service but the same Lord; there are different workings but the same God who produces all of them in everyone” (1 Cor 12:4-6). Perhaps your work is to share the

good news through a prison ministry. Perhaps your work is to evangelize your co-workers. Perhaps your work is to advocate for the poor and marginalized in society. Perhaps you have only just realized you have a job to do for God. Whatever your work, we want to hear about it and we want you to hear about the work of other Catholics in our community. Tune in Saturdays at noon to hear “Kingdom Come,” hosted by myself and Matt Karr on KEXS 1090 AM. If you are involved in a ministry that people need to know about, please let me or Matt know. Let’s celebrate the great things God is doing through his people in the archdiocese. Bill Scholl is the archdiocesan consultant for social justice. You can e-mail Bill at: socialjustice@archkck.org.



WHAT’S OLD IS NEW AGAIN Ancient tradition making a comeback By JOE BOLLIG Leaven staff KANSAS CITY, Kan. — The church calendar had been accumulating memorials, feasts and solemnities for centuries. But it wasn’t until 1264 that the universal church set aside a specific day to celebrate the mystery of the Eucharist. That celebration is called the solemnity of the Body and Blood of Christ — or Corpus Christi — which falls this year on June 14. Corpus Christi means “Body of Christ” in Latin. The upcoming solemnity had its start with St. Juliana of Mont Cornillon, in what is now Belgium. She had, since her youth, a great love for the Eucharist and reportedly had a vision that inspired her to seek a special feast in its honor. Eventually, St. Juliana persuaded Bishop Robert de Thorete of Liege to establish Corpus Christi as a diocesan feast. After he died, his successor asked Pope Urban IV to extend the feast to the whole church, which he did. “Sometimes feasts like Corpus Christi, Holy Trinity and Sacred Heart are called ‘idea feasts,’ because they don’t signify a historical moment in the life of Christ, Our Lady, or one of the saints, but focus on a particular mystery of the faith,” explained Michael Podrebarac, archdiocesan consultant for liturgy. Pope Urban IV turned to St. Thomas Aquinas to compile the liturgical text for the feast. St. Thomas’ contribution is retained in the “great sequence” of Corpus Christi, he said. Today, it’s optional, and because of its demands, seldom used. One of the distinctive aspects of Corpus Christi is a procession with the Eucharist displayed in a monstrance. Even today, huge Corpus Christi processions are popular in many countries across the world, but even in the days prior to the Second Vatican Council the processions were not as important a fixture in American society. Following Vatican II, many eucharistic devotions, like Corpus Christi, declined in popularity because many people felt they had to shift their attention toward living the Eucharist in their daily lives. “Of course, it was a false choice,” said Podrebarac. “We don’t have to choose between showing our devotion and love to the Eucharist and living the fruits of that Eucharist in our daily lives. They really go hand in hand.” “I think what’s happening now is a certain rediscovery of the benefits of eucharistic devotion,” he continued. “We’ve seen it for probably the last 20 years in eucharistic practices in our parishes.” Thanks to Archbishop Joseph F. Naumann and Bishop Robert Finn of the Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph, said Podrebarac, there has been a resurgence in the public celebration of the Eucharist through Corpus Christi processions in the Kansas City metro area. Now, Catholics who have never had the

opportunity before to witness to their eucharistic devotion publicly have the chance to do so. And because of the active nature of the procession itself, it makes for a worship opportunity perfect for even families with young children. “I think it would be a great family activity,” said Archbishop Naumann. “I think most of us developed our devotion through the example of our family. I know my grandfather was a great witness to me about the importance of eucharistic adoration.” “We’re especially encouraging families who have first communicants to have them wear their special dress or suit they wore,” he added, “and to celebrate their family member who has just begun the privilege of receiving the Eucharist.” “We also encourage our young people who have been confirmed this past year to participate,” he said. “Part of confirmation is to give a public witness of your faith, and a procession like this through the streets is one of the ways we can do that.” Some parishes in the archdiocese have longstanding traditions associated with Corpus Christi Sunday, and the archbishop encourages them to continue these. “In different areas of the archdiocese there are already local traditions of Corpus Christi processions, and I’m not suggesting that those be changed or altered,” said Archbishop Naumann. “For those communities who do not, I think this celebration in the Kansas City area could be a pilgrimage for some of our parishioners who must travel some distance to come to St. Agnes Parish.” This year’s archdiocesan-wide Corpus Christi celebration will be co-hosted by the Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas and the Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph. Archbishop Naumann and Bishop Finn will preside. The event opens with the exposition of the Blessed Sacrament from 1-2 p.m. at St. Agnes Church, 5250 Mission Rd., Roeland Park, during which time the sacrament of reconciliation will be offered. The eucharistic procession will begin at 2 p.m., heading up Mission Road to West 50th Street, turning left and continuing to Reinhardt, and then turning left again to the Bishop Miege High School stadium, where the event will conclude with Benediction. An ice cream social will follow.

CNS/Gregory A. Shemitz

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