THELEAVEN.COM | VOL. 36, NO. 37 | MAY 15, 2015
Luis (far left), Jaime, Angel and Reina gather water near their home in Honduras. Reina’s life was thrown into chaos when her husband Luis died in a motorcycle crash. Thanks to Randy and Pam Brown, who sponsor Luis and Angel through Unbound, Reina was able to survive the tough times. She has since married Jaime.
‘GOD PUT US TOGETHER’ By Elizabeth Alex Special to The Leaven
eina and her husband Luis were young and happy, despite the harsh life they lived. Poverty is just part of life in Honduras. Work is scarce. Education is not guaranteed. People who cannot afford food simply don’t eat. But Reina and Luis dreamed of a bright future. They worked hard, loved each other, their 5–year-old son Luis and the new baby that was on the way. Reina’s tough life became almost unbearable when Luis was killed in a motorcycle crash. Luis had been a day laborer. The small income they had died with him. Following his death, Reina, who was 21 years old and four months pregnant, had a hard time securing enough food for her little family; covering the school fees and providing supplies for her growing little boy was even harder.
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“Without his dad, it was hard to even buy a pair of shoes,” Reina said. She was also depressed. But life in extreme poverty allows for little
time to process grief. “I missed their father,” Reina recalled. “He was very responsible. He always tried to give the best.” But Reina discovered she wasn’t
Luis and Angel are sponsored by the family of Randy and Pam Brown in Stilwell, through Unbound. That assistance became life-changing when their father was killed.
truly alone. Outside of her parents and siblings in Honduras, she had friends in an unlikely place — Stilwell. “It was like God put us together,” said Pam Brown. The two moms’ lives are quite different. Nothing about their homes, their incomes or opportunities is the same. But the common bond of motherhood seemed to bridge all differences. “I’m really kind of blown away,” said Pam. “Thinking about her children and a mother’s love and her loss and her desire to do her very, very best by her children.” Pam, her husband Dr. Randy Brown and their kids — Alex, Evan Will and Anna — already sponsored young Luis through Unbound, a Kansas City, Kansas-based humanitarian organization that was founded by lay Catholics in 1981. The Browns were inspired by a visiting priest saying Mass at their parish, Church of the Nativity in Leawood. “We just felt this call to say yes,” >> See “SPONSORSHIP” on page 6
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