| vol. 35, no. 1 | july 5, 2013
Photo courtesy of the Drumm family
Newborn Zeno Joseph Drumm grasps the finger of his mother Megan Drumm, of St. Teresa Parish in Westphalia. Named for his great-grandfather, Zeno was diagnosed in the womb with anencephaly, a serious neural tube defect that meant he would not live long after birth. Born on March 29, he lived for more than a day, and his family cherished every second of their time with him.
Brief life grips hearts
Community rallies around baby born with fatal birth defect
Story by Jessica Langdon
ESTPHALIA — The baby’s heart beat robustly. The sonogram showed 10 tiny, perfect
fingers and toes. Megan Drumm didn’t know it yet, but it also revealed the baby to be a boy. She planned to carry that news home to Westphalia in a sealed envelope; she would open it later with her husband Michael. They would share the news with their families at Thanksgiving. Instead, that sonogram performed the day
before Thanksgiving 2012 revealed news that launched the family on a life-changing — and heart-rending — journey. The baby, who was developing normally in every other way, had a fatal birth defect called anencephaly, which is estimated to affect one in 4,859 babies in the United States. So when their baby boy, Zeno Joseph Drumm, was born in late March, no amount of time with him was guaranteed. As things turned out, his family was given 33 hours with him — 33 hours to hold him, memorize him, and shower him with a lifetime of love. The Drumms never imagined this would be their story.
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