The annual Pitching for Priests softball game was a regular slugfest this year. The annual game between the priests of the Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas and the Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph came right down to the wire when Father Dan Morris, archdiocesan vocations director, scored the winning run to give Kansas a 31-30 victory on July 8 at Legends Field in Kansas City, Kansas.
Middle photo: Father Anthony Ouellette, pastor of Holy Name of Jesus Parish in Kansas City, Kansas, and a veteran of many Pitching for Priests matchups, sends a line drive down the first base line.
Father Tim Skoch, associate pastor of St. Patrick Parish in Kansas City, Kansas, tosses the ball in nice and easy to Father Adam Wilczak, pastor of Divine Mercy Parish in Gardner. Each team pitched to their own hitters to help generate offense.
See more photos on page 16
THELEAVEN.ORG | VOL. 45, NO. 1 | JULY 14, 2023
Top photo: Father Dan Morris, vocations director and coach of the archdiocesan team, brings his players in for a final pep talk and cheer before taking the field against their rivals from across the state line.
Chancery chapel gets a face-lift
By Joe Bollig
KANSAS CITY, Kan. — The small chapel at the Catholic Church Offices here has a new look thanks to its first touch-up in at least 30 years. The work began in April and was completed in June.
All the vinyl wall covering in the chapel interior was removed, as was the old popcorn ceiling coating. The walls were recovered with a neutral beige-colored vinyl covering and the ceiling was painted with a white, knockdown-textured ceiling paint, said Dan Himmelberg, archdiocesan director of real estate and construction.
Some pews, in which cracks had formed in the wood, were repaired.
Additionally, the vestibule just inside the doors to the chancery was painted a light seafoam green after the removal of the vinyl wallpaper, “something warm and inviting,” said Himmelberg.
The chapel was scheduled to reopen for worship on June 20.
The work was done by Dayco Painting Company of Grandview, Missouri.
Arthur Schlesinger Jr., a noted United States historian, famously opined decades ago that anti-Catholicism is “the deepest bias in the history of the American people.”
Another historian, John Higham, called it “the most luxuriant, tenacious tradition of paranoiac agitation in American history.”
Given the intensity and even violence surrounding the volatile issues of abortion, homosexuality and transgenderism, the attacks on the Catholic Church in this country have markedly increased of late.
From May 2020 to May 2022, 139 incidents of violence against Catholic churches occurred in 35 states, including cases of arson, beheaded statues, gravestones defaced with swastikas, smashed windows, pro-abortion graffiti, theft and desecration of the Blessed Sacrament.
Anti-Catholic, documented hate crimes have risen dramatically in this country in the last 10 years.
History of anti-Catholicism
In the past, American anti-Catholicism found its roots in the
July 16 Installation Mass of Father Joel Haug — Sacred Heart, Sabetha
July 17
“Shepherd’s Voice” recording — chancery
July 20
Communio update with Tory Baucum
July 21
Catholic Charities Consortio
July 24 Camp Tekakwitha Extreme Camp opening Mass — Prairie Star Ranch, Williamsburg
In the June 30 issue The Leaven ran a short article titled “Statement on Suspected Abuse,” which was not correct. The archdiocese has found two substantiated allegations of sexual abuse of a minor by Father Francis “Lery” Wendling, a member of the Franciscan Friars Province of St. John the Baptist (Ohio) who died in 2017. The Leaven regrets the error.
Church faces rising anti-Catholicism
against them, American Catholics ardently demonstrated that their faith was not antithetical to being patriotic, loyal U.S. citizens.
They strove to fit in, serving in the military in higher numbers than their percentage of the population, becoming political and economic leaders on all levels, and offering the vast energies and resources of the church to serve the common good and the wider society. As a result, Catholics have “arrived” in America.
by the old Protestant prejudices, but rather by our moral stands concerning abortion, sexuality and gender. Those who push the pro-abortion, pro-homosexuality and pro-transgender agenda rightfully view the Catholic Church as the largest and most influential obstacle in their path of radical activism.
the Dodgers withdrew the invitation, only to reinstate it after an outcry from activists on the left.
European Protestant antipathy toward the tenets and power of the Catholic Church, centered in a rejection of papal authority, the importance of Mary and the saints, belief in the real presence in the Eucharist and the necessity of sacramental confession.
This traditional prejudice, coupled with the fact that the vast majority of immigrants flooding America’s shores in the late 19th and early 20th centuries were Catholic, fomented a virulent anti-Catholic, anti-immigrant hatred which became a nativist movement against anything perceived to be foreign to white, Protestant culture.
As a result of the prejudice and hatred
Today, 148 Catholics serve in Congress and six of the nine Supreme Court justices have some affiliation with the Catholic Church.
In many ways, Catholics have so blended into our society, reaching the pinnacles of power, affluence and influence, that their opinions and practices are indistinguishable from their fellow citizens. When it comes to religious and moral convictions, this homogenization is not a good thing.
A response to violence
This brief history lesson lends context to the current spate of attacks on the Catholic Church, a violence not principally fueled
Many, if not most, political leaders, media, social influencers, corporations and religious bodies have acquiesced before the power of this agenda. The Catholic Church has not.
With serenity, confidence and love, the church continues to proclaim and teach the truth concerning God and the human person.
Faithful Catholics will call out bigotry wherever they find it, even as contemporary cultural outrage remains highly selective and biased.
Recently, the Los Angeles Dodgers invited the “Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence,” a group that has consistently and blasphemously mocked Jesus Christ, the Blessed Virgin Mary and the church, to be honored at their LGBTQ night at the ballpark.
After an outcry from conservatives,
Imagine any group which mocks Muslims, Jews or almost any other category of people besides Catholics, being publicly honored at a ballgame! It would never happen because the backlash would be mighty and fierce, as it should be. So why is it OK to embrace bigotry against Catholics?
Teaching the truth
The church teaches the truth about the human person, revealed by God through the Scriptures, Tradition and natural law, not because we hate or exclude anyone, but because we love everyone and want them to encounter the fullness of life, love and grace which the Lord offers us through a life of faith and discipleship.
The church is not willing to propose mere self-contentment as happiness, which is both isolating and divisive, but rather true happiness and joy, which in this life is an arduous but worthy good that unifies us in charity and truth.
Every NO the church utters against
some practice or attitude in our society is only to proclaim an even greater YES to the truths and values, which bring joy and peace to the human heart.
In that vein, the church says YES to human life and dignity, justice, religious liberty, compassion, forgiveness, solidarity with the poor, beauty, love, the gift of sexuality, marriage, family, friendship, the arts and literature, the value of work, the flourishing of the common good, the importance of political leadership and participation, sports, science, the natural world, joy, peace and every other activity, value, institution and experience which makes us authentically human and holy.
There is nothing true, good or beautiful, which does not find resonance and support in the heart of the church.
Instead of viewing the church as the enemy of cultural progress, I pray that all people will come to realize that it is actually the greatest guarantor of human dignity and flourishing.
Originally published in the Catholic Herald of the Diocese of Madison.
Bishop Donald J. Hying is bishop of Madison, Wisconsin.
The small chapel at the Catholic Church Offices got a makeover recently and now features warmer inviting colors and updated ceilings and walls.
By Joe Bollig
KANSAS CITY, Kan. — The Scriptures tell of God’s people suffering persecution and exile — things the Chin community of St. Patrick Parish here know well.
And they also tell of the triumph of faith — the current experience of the Chin here.
On June 18, members of the Chin community celebrated the 10th anniversary of its establishment at St. Patrick Parish.
The anniversary Mass was held in the St. Patrick Parish center, and afterward there was a Burmese dinner in the St. Patrick School cafeteria.
Archbishop Joseph F. Naumann was the main celebrant and homilist.
Myanmar clergy concelebrating were Bishop Lucius Hre Kung, Diocese of Hakha in Myanmar (Burma); St. Patrick Chin Community minister Father Michael Van Lian; Father Thawng Cem “Eustace” Thang, Archdiocese of Indianapolis, Indiana; Father Pius Chung, Diocese of Kalamazoo, Michigan; and Fathers Theodore Khin and Theodore Chrysostom Ahmaung, both of the Diocese of Wichita.
Also concelebrating from the Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas were St. Patrick associate pastor Father William Dun-Dery, retired St. Patrick pastor Msgr. Michael Mullen and Father Joseph Arsenault, SSA.
Assisting were seminarian Paul Thuantho, Diocese of Kalamazoo, and Deacon Philip Nguyen, Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas.
It was a bilingual Mass. The music and people’s responses were in the Chin dialect, while the celebrants and concelebrants spoke English. Archbishop Naumann gave his homily in English, followed by Father Lian’s translation in Chin.
“Ten years ago, the leaders of the Chin Catholic community approached (then-pastor) Msgr. Michael Mullen about the possibility of a Sunday Mass at St. Patrick’s,” said Archbishop Naumann. “Monsignor was impressed by the desire of the leaders of the Chin community to preserve their Catholic faith. And under Msgr. Mullen’s leadership, St. Patrick Parish eagerly welcomed the
Chin community.
“I’m also very grateful to Bishop Lucius from the Diocese of Hakha for sending an outstanding priest, Father Michael Lian, to provide pastoral care for the Chin community, as well as the Karenni community in our archdiocese. . . . Under Father Lian’s leadership, the Chin Catholic community has flourished at St. Patrick’s.”
After the Mass, four Myanmar religious Sisters — one from California, three from Florida — led a Chin children’s choir. Each non-Chin cleric, including St. Patrick pastor Father Mark Mertes, were presented gifts of colorful Chin jackets. A certificate of appreciation was given to Robert Sibia, one of the Chin community’s early leaders.
The Catholic Chin, a minority of a minority from western Myanmar, were among the tens of thousands of Chin who fled their homeland because of mistreatment by their neighbors and the government.
When they arrived here in 2011, the Catholic Chin began associating with Baptist Chin, a larger and more established group, said Simon Padue, current St. Patrick Chin community chairman.
This was not a good arrangement, however. The Chin wanted to practice their Catholic faith as well as pass it on to their children.
Sibia, one of the early leaders, moved to Kansas City, Kansas, from Massachusetts to help advance that cause. And Masses were occasionally celebrated for the Chin by visiting priests like Father Theodore Chrysostom Ahmaung from Wichita and Father John Mang Peng, a missionary to Cambodia who visited various Catholic Myanmar communities in the United States.
But all of these were temporary fixes. The Chin wanted a permanent home.
Finally, they held a series of meetings to find a parish home starting in April 2013.
“On that night during the meeting
at my apartment, we (all 16 attendees) agreed to form a community and started looking for the parish near our area,” said Sibia. “We found St. Patrick Parish. It was convenient and not far from the area we were living. The appointment was made and 11 of us went to . . . meet [Msgr. Michael Mullen]. . . . We started having Sunday prayers at the school lunchroom.”
The group of 11 Chin men had their first meeting, which was arranged by Padue and his wife Helena, with Msgr. Mullen on April 13, 2013. And Msgr. Mullen celebrated his first Mass for the Chin on Pentecost Sunday, May 19, 2013.
The Chin community at St. Patrick Parish began with 60 members and now has 200.
“The situation now is, I can say, is that I am here for them,” said Father Lian, who arrived at the parish in November 2015. “Every Sunday, they have the Mass
President Most Rev. Joseph F. Naumann Editor Rev. Mark Goldasich, stl Managing Editor Anita McSorley Production/Business Manager Todd Habiger Senior Reporter Joe Bollig Advertising Coordinator Beth Blankenship Social Media Editor/Reporter Moira Cullings Published weekly September through May, excepting the Friday the week after Thanksgiving, and the Friday after Christmas; biweekly June through August. Address communications to: The Leaven, 12615 Parallel Pkwy., Kansas City, KS 66109. Phone: (913) 721-1570; fax: (913) 721-5276; or email at: Postmaster: Send address changes to The Leaven, 12615 Parallel Pkwy., Kansas City, KS 66109. For change of address, provide old and new address and parish. Subscriptions $24/year. Periodicals postage paid at Kansas City, KS 66109. Publication No. (ISSN0194-9799) JULY 14, 2023 | THELEAVEN.ORG 3 LOCAL NEWS LEAVEN PHOTO BY JAY SOLDNER Women of the St. Patrick Parish Chin community join hands in prayer during the 10th anniversary Mass on June 18 in the parish hall. LEAVEN PHOTO BY JAY SOLDNER
Catholics for the past 10 years at St.
Bishop Lucius Hre Kung of the Diocese of Hakha in Myanmar (left) and Archbishop Joseph F. Naumann applaud Chin community minister Father Michael Van Lian for his
to the Chin
Patrick Parish
Kansas City, Kansas.
Saint Mary’s offers new online master’s in social work
By Ben McCarthy Special to The Leaven
LEAVENWORTH — Three years ago, Dr. Joe Squillace was the director of social work for MacMurray College in Jacksonville, Illinois.
When the school abruptly closed in May 2020, the University of Saint Mary in Leavenworth came calling: They wanted him to help develop a new kind of program and degree in his field of expertise.
Squillace says everything about the offer seemed to make good spiritual sense at that moment. The only issue was that the university envisioned beginning a completely online master’s program in social work, while Squillace still saw himself as something of an “old school professor.”
“For me, the physical classroom is natural,” Squillace said. “I’m now learning how to teach in an online format, [whereas to] the younger generation of faculty, technology is native to them and they use it in such a way that online classroom teaching is natural.”
Squillace, now the director of social work at Saint Mary, has just turned the page on the school’s first academic year of offering the 100% online master’s degree in social work (MSW). He’s thrilled with the feedback and results from year one, and looking forward to seeing the program grow in the coming years. In February, the MSW program achieved candidacy for accreditation from the Council for Social Work Education.
The program, which Squillace was brought to Leavenworth to establish, was born out of a desire to help address a severe shortage across the state — and country — in social workers. Squillace says the most recent data continues to forecast a shortage that will persist, making the training of more professionals in the field more essential than ever.
“The overall number of social workers has increased, but the ‘shortage’ exists because of a greater need for services [due to the pandemic],” Squillace said. “Anxiety and loneliness have hit record levels, the aging of the population continues to increase, and social media’s having a real effect on youth and adolescents.”
According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor statistics, almost 75,000 openings for social workers are projected each year, on average, over this decade. There’s a need to find replacements as more professionals choose to transfer to different occupations or leave the labor force altogether.
States like Kansas have begun put-
ting greater focus on getting more social workers licensed. Earlier this year, the Kansas chapter of the National Association of Social Workers (NASW) reported that only 36% of social workers practicing in the state are licensed. The reasons can vary, ranging from cost prohibition, moving into supervisory positions or no longer needing the direct licensure.
Saint Mary has pledged to work with Kansas legislators to develop more bipartisan support for further improvements to mental health services and training, as well as expanding ways for future practitioners to enter the profession. Attempts have been made to lower the cost to renew licenses. Kansas requires renewal every two years, costing $100-150.
Another proposal, the National Social Work Licensure Compact, would facilitate multistate licensing, allowing social
workers in Kansas and Missouri to float back and forth across state lines. The recent growth in telehealth has broadened support to allow professionals to cross borders without restrictions.
“Social work has a long history with ‘burnout’ about five years after being in the profession, due to lower pay and high caseloads,” Squillace said.
“What’s great about offering an online master’s degree is that the technology allows us to find new students in rural areas of the state,” he continued, “and also reach nontraditional or working students.”
There is a real cost savings benefit to students in the program as well. According to the Council on Social Work Education, students earning a master’s in social work could expect to graduate with almost $48,000 in debt in 2020 (up from $32,000 in 2010). Saint Mary has priced the new two-year program at $35,700. The traditional master’s degree for social work would have also cost graduates thousands of dollars in textbooks and fees. Here, students will be directed to open source materials online, bypassing those costs almost completely.
“One benefit of having a program entirely online is that you can find savings on a lot of sunk costs and keep tuition at an affordable price,” Squillace said. “In the current market, we are competitively priced and very affordable.”
The department projects that about two-thirds of students in the program will be regional (Kansas and Missouri), with the others spread out across the
country. Currently, the program has specializations in health/mental health and forensic social work. Squillace says he has tried to shape the program in a way that honors the values of the Sisters of Charity of Leavenworth, who follow in the tradition of Sts. Vincent de Paul and Louise de Marillac, the patron saints of charitable societies and social workers, respectively.
“We chose a specialization in mental health because it aligns with a tradition of the Sisters of Charity,” Squillace said. “We want our mission as a Catholic university to reflect the Sisters of Charity tradition with social work.
“We want to teach the value of dignity for every human being, and COVID has really highlighted how important this is. We have to teach and develop students with an emotional intelligence, so they have that sense of humanity.”
The summer represents no break or vacation for Squillace as he’s focused on what lies ahead for the new program. This includes a class he’s putting together for 2024, which will address spirituality in social work.
“Not only do we believe in making sure the students find spiritual nourishment here,” Squillace said, “we also want to help them understand the various spiritual traditions of their clients. This will help them achieve the best outcomes.”
Student applications are still open for August 2023 enrollment online at:
Strong school enrollment reflects successful integration of Chin
>> Continued from page 3
in their own language and dialect. We can say that their faith is stable.”
The Chin are strong believers in Catholic education, and there are 95 Chin children at the parish school — 85 of them Catholic; 10 are Protestant.
The Chin children now make up 25% of the student body at St. Patrick School. It’s just one sign of the Chin’s ongoing integration into parish life.
“[Integration] is a gradual process and it is one of the goals of our 150th anniversary year,” said Father Mertes. “They will be hosting a parish dinner
in November.”
The Chin have their own Knights of Columbus council, conduct their annual summer vacation Bible school, enroll their children in the religious education program, and are involved with the parish garden project and the Green Club.
“Father Michael Lian keeps them busy with all the aforementioned activities,” said Father Mertes. “Language is an issue since most are first-generation immigrants from Malaysia or Myanmar, and therefore do not have English language skills.”
Language is the greatest hurtle,
agreed Father Lian.
“We train some of our young group and also adults who understand English,” said Father Lian. “We try to get involved in parish activities, but the language is the problem. We try to participate in every area of St. Patrick.
“The Chin group enjoys our educational life at St. Patrick School. Whenever we have school activities, all the parents join with the kids.”
What is the greatest accomplishment of the Chin community over these past 10 years? Finally getting access to the sacraments in their own language, said Padue.
And what do they want for the future?
“We do not have youth activity at St. Patrick’s,” said Padue. “We need to build youth activity for the whole parish together — Chin, Spanish and English.”
He wants the Chin children to grow up and be leaders of their Chin community, protect their Catholic faith and keep the Chin culture alive.
And one more thing.
“Vocations,” he said. “We ask them all the time to become a priest or a Sister. We are praying right now for vocations.”
Dr. Joe Squillace, the director of social work at the University of Saint Mary in Leavenworth, describes the program he has developed which permits students to undertake a 100% online master’s degree in social work.
Schools seek to combat teacher shortage
By Jan Dumay Special to The Leaven
LEAWOOD — Even though she had a successful career in business administration, Casey Carrigan has felt a call to teach for as long as she can remember.
When school starts again this year, her calling will be realized when she begins teaching sixth grade at St. Michael the Archangel School in Leawood, where she is also a parishioner and where her two children have gone or still attend.
Carrigan, who left her corporate job to be a stay-at-home mom, is now participating in a new transition-to-teach program offered by Benedictine College in Atchison. Similar work-study programs are also offered elsewhere in the state, including Kansas State University in Manhattan.
It’s all an effort to address the teacher shortage affecting area schools, including those in the Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas. The archdiocese seeks full- and part-time teachers, counselors, paraprofessionals, teacher aides, instructional coordinators and substitutes.
“I’m so excited about it,” Carrigan said of her new career. “I feel very, very blessed at the opportunity to be a part of this program through Benedictine, and to be serving the archdiocese as a teacher while I’m going through the program. It really is a great opportunity, and while it’s going to be challenging, it’s also going to be very rewarding.”
In the two-year Benedictine program, called master’s of arts in teaching, participants have to have a bachelor’s degree and get recommendations to be accepted, Carrigan said.
“I interviewed and got an offer to become a teacher,” she said. “I had
to go through the process of getting my restricted license, something the state of Kansas offers. If you are in the process of getting your degree, working toward your teaching license, you can teach while you’re going through the process.”
Diana Tate, principal of St. Michael the Archangel, said teaching is a gift of self, and Carrigan is an example of that.
“I have found such a wonderful warmth in the people who work in Catholic schools,” Tate said. “They are really on mission. For Catholic school principals having kind of a pool to come from Benedictine is such a gift to us, too, because we know they are being formed as Catholic school teachers. They are clicking that faith box, which is so important to us.”
To be able to take teaching classes while teaching in the classroom, especially for those in a second career, is a big deal, she said.
“As a second career, you bring a whole life experience that helps the kids answer the question, ‘Why do I have to learn this?’” Tate said.
Allison Carney, associate superintendent of Catholic schools in the archdiocese, said that although a teacher shortage has been on the radar for years, COVID took its toll. The archdiocese typically hires between 85 and 100 teachers a year. Although 88 have been hired this year, more are needed.
Specific classes like chemistry and physics are particularly hard to fill, she added.
“The last couple of years, we’ve had some turnover in teachers that’s been difficult,” Carney said. “For our diocese, our recruiting efforts have really increased.”
These include attending about 10 recruiting fairs every year, holding career fairs targeted toward retired teachers or those who may want to
move from public to private Catholic schools, and building relationships with various colleges and universities in the region, speaking to students before they student teach.
“Our goal now is to try to really connect with them earlier to show them ahead of time what it could be like to be in our Catholic schools,” Carney said. “We want them to see the benefits of Catholic education and sharing their faith, and being in that Catholic environment on a regular basis before they get persuaded to go to a public school where they’d make a little more money. We really work hard in our diocese to keep our pay at 85 percent of public-school counterparts.”
For Carney, teaching at a Catholic school is a call from God. She tells recruit hopefuls that a great pleasure in that environment is that they don’t have to turn off their Catholic faith when they go to work.
“It’s part of who you are and the culture of the school,” she tells them. “We approach things in that virtuebased Catholic faith. We can talk to our kids when they’re struggling, and we can talk to them about cardinal virtues — things that can help them. We can talk to them when they’re doing well, we can talk to them about God’s role, where is God in your life. He is the primary teacher. He is the first teacher.
“Students see that they have good role models that are faith-filled, joyful Catholic men and women. And they see that every day.”
Carney welcomes questions from those who may be interested in positions available across the archdiocese or in learning about the transition-to-teach programs. She can be reached by email at: People may also apply online at: apply or see a full listing of all positions at:
Patty (Klee) and Tom Schmitt, members of Church of the Ascension, Overland Park, will celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary on July 29 with a family dinner in the Flint Hills. The couple was married on July 28, 1973, at Holy Family Church in Davenport, Iowa. Their children are: Tyson Schmitt, Scarlett Crowe and Skyler Schmitt. They also have four grandsons.
Dan and Deborah (Huelskamp) Bartuccio, members of Christ the King Parish in Topeka, will celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary on July 28. The couple was married on July 28, 1973, at Most Pure Heart of Mary Church, Topeka. Their children are: David Bartuccio, Kansas City, Missouri; and Mark Bartuccio, Lawrence. They have one grandchild.
Lou and Ellen (Cribbin) DeSalvo, members of St. Joseph Parish, Shawnee, will celebrate their 60th wedding anniversary in July. The couple was married on July 13, 1963, by Msgr. Joseph O’Brien at St. Raymond Church, New York. They will celebrate the event with their children: Theresa, Kansas City, Missouri; Stephen, Arlington, Texas; and Christopher, Leawood. They also have seven grandchildren.
John and Mary Baehr, members of Curé of Ars Parish, Leawood, celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary on June 30. The couple was married on June 30, 1973, by Msgr. James Kenneth Spurlock (uncle of the bride) at the Cathedral of St. Peter in Kansas City, Kansas. They have a daughter, Malinda Brandenburg, and two grandchildren.
Joe and Kathy Leary, members of Holy Trinity Parish, Lenexa, will celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary on July 14. The couple was married on July 14, 1973, at Immaculate Conception Parish, Leavenworth.
Their children are: Sean Leary, Olathe; Meghan Schlichting, Stilwell; and Erin Leary, Madison, Wisconsin. They also have two grandchildren. They will celebrate with their families in the Wisconsin Dells in July.
Casey Carrigan, a sixth grade teacher at St. Michael the Archangel School in Leawood, talks about the upcoming school year with Diana Tate, principal of the school. Carrigan is participating in a new transition-to-teach program offered by Benedictine College in Atchison — an effort to address the teacher shortage affecting area schools.
Masons and the Catholic Church
Many active, faithful Catholics are not aware of the history of the conflict between Masons and the Catholic Church or the current stance we hold as Catholics. Many have been unknowingly participating in masonic rites, unaware of the context of those rituals. It is important for us to understand what is at the heart of this division and why the Catholic Church has reaffirmed that “Catholics enrolled in masonic associations are involved in serious sin and may not approach holy Communion” (Declaration on Masonic Associations, Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, November 1983). This is a very serious claim and one that demands our attention.
The first thing we should note is that the mentality behind masonry is secular — that is, it diminishes the role of faith and proposes an alternative foundation for living one’s life: in this case,
to be a good Mason and serve a higher notion of natural virtue. This is precisely why, in 1738, Pope Clement XII banned freemasonry. During the initiation rite, the candidate expresses a desire to seek “light,” and he is assured he will receive the light of spiritual instruction that he could not receive in another church, and that he will gain eternal rest in the “celestial lodge” if he lives and dies according to masonic principles. Such secularism puts the members at risk of losing sight of Jesus Christ as the Lord of life and salvation.
The second thing to be attentive to is that the rituals are hostile to Catholicism. Since masonry involves non-Christians, the use of the name of Jesus is forbidden within the
lodge. In some lodges, the practice remains that when one reaches the 30th degree in the masonic hierarchy, called the Kadosh, the person crushes with his foot the papal tiara and the royal crown, and swears to free mankind “from the bondage of despotism and the thraldom of spiritual tyranny.”
Finally, there is an explicit hostility in the masonic tradition towards the Catholic Church. In the United States, one of the leaders of freemasonry, Gen. Albert Pike (d. 1891), referred to the papacy as “a deadly, treacherous enemy,” and wrote: “The papacy has been for a thousand years the torturer and curse of humanity, the most shameless imposture, in its pretense to spiritual power of all ages.”
Such words, along with masonic rituals, illustrate a real and irreconcilable division between Catholicism and masonry.
The church has stated clearly: “Therefore, the church’s negative judgment in regard to masonic association remains unchanged since their principles have always been considered irreconcilable with the doctrine of the church and therefore membership in them remains forbidden. The faithful who enroll in masonic associations are in a state of grave sin and may not receive holy Communion” (Declaration on Masonic Associations, Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, November 1983).
It is critical for us to understand the promises we make and what the organizations we belong to
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stand for. We cannot support organizations such as the Masons that stand against the Catholic Church and have its downfall as one of their objectives. I encourage you to speak to friends whom you may know are involved in masonry and ensure, for their own spiritual well-being, they are aware of the church’s position on masonic membership. But most importantly why: Jesus Christ is our salvation and he cannot be replaced by any organization, even one that seems to provide brotherhood and service to the community.
This article originally appeared in The Message, the weekly newspaper of the Diocese of Evansville. Reprinted with permission.
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ACROSS 1 First man 5 Telegraphic signal 8 Big sand pile 12 OT book of prophecy 14 Government agency 15 Rate 16 Miraculous food 17 Goof 18 Adjust 19 Single 20 The Father 22 Doctoral degree 24 Expression of surprise 25 Large, whitish antelope 27 Fancy boat 29 Greek god of war 31 Austin novel 32 The Baptist 35 Mr. Ryan 37 The __ is my shepherd 41 Wing 42 Digital audio tape 43 Chinese pan 44 Precious stones 46 __ of Babel 48 Rind 49 Detail 51 Pecans 53 Common plastic 55 Group of related families 58 Bro.’s sibling 59 Sheet 61 That girl 62 Terminate 64 “Remember the __” 66 Good grief! 68 Delete 70 Loose parts 71 Water closet 72 Chief ancient Philistine god 73 Every 74 Adam and __ 75 Fresh DOWN 1 Ammunition 2 Goddess 3 Pimpled 4 Staff 5 Feat 6 Spr. month 7 David’s musical instrument 8 Delaware 9 First husband of Bathsheba 10 Silent __ 11 Volcano 13 Mother of Ishmael 15 Lady’s title 21 Wagon pullers 23 Religious song 26 Tribe of Israel 28 Calorie 30 City destroyed by fire 31 Consumed 32 Uneven cut 33 Bullfight cheer 34 Youngest son of Noah 36 Jurisprudence 38 To be in debt 39 Caviar 40 Dekaliter (abbr.) 45 Transgression 46 Recount 47 Great-grandmother of David 48 Pressure unit 50 Typing errors 52 Cornered 53 Country estate 54 Son of Abraham 56 Tan 57 A witch lived here 58 Protected 60 Christmas 61 Footwear 63 Depression 65 Car speed 67 Governor (abbr.) 69 Drink Solution on page 13
Father Zenthoefer is vicar general of the Diocese of Evansville, Indiana, and rector of St. Benedict Cathedral, Evansville.
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Christian funerals rich in symbolism and meaning
By Therese Horvat Special to The Leaven
Just as the recent global pandemic impacted many dimensions of daily life and work routines, it also affected people’s participation in rituals associated with funerals.
At the height of the pandemic when churches closed, families couldn’t hold vigils and funeral Masses in their parishes with relatives and friends in attendance. Sharon Vallejo, president of Catholic Cemeteries of Northeast Kansas, said that once churches reopened for liturgies and gatherings, it became the new normal for people to opt out of one or more parts of what the church identifies as the Order of Christian Funerals.
“Often today, people are choosing to have a private committal service at the cemetery or a ‘direct burial,’” Vallejo explained. “This eliminates the vigil and funeral Mass. Families frequently arrange memorial services at a later date to commemorate the lives of their loved ones.”
Vallejo and two priests who are past board members of Catholic Cemeteries believe this turn of events presents an opportunity to revisit and educate Catholics about the deep spiritual and emotional significance of each of the three parts of the Order of Christian Funerals — both for those who have died and for those who are grieving.
Father Jerry Volz, immediate past chairman of the Catholic Cemeteries board of trustees, said that it is the practice and custom of the Catholic Church and its parishes to be involved with families and individuals experiencing loss. This allows people to show reverence as they pray for and remember the deceased and to offer comfort and consolation to those who are mourning. The three parts of the Order of Christian Funerals provide distinct but interrelated settings for these expressions of respect and sympathy.
THE VIGIL Time for remembering, offering support
The first part, the vigil, offers a more relaxed and informal time for friends to acknowledge and support the family and to remember the deceased in the context of a prayer service. Father Richard McDonald, pastor of Holy Angels Parish in Basehor, and a past board member of Catholic Cemeteries,
said that when held the night before the funeral, the vigil affords those unable to attend the daytime Mass the chance to express condolences, exchange stories and celebrate the deceased person.
Father Volz, pastor of Corpus Christi Parish in Lawrence, points out that vigil prayer services have become increasingly rare today. More often than not, the vigil has given way to visitations that immediately precede the funeral Mass. Appropriately planned and timed, the visitation can serve the purpose of the vigil with readings from Scripture, remembrances by family and friends, or possibly the praying of the rosary.
THE MASS Pre-eminent prayer
In Father McDonald’s estimation, the funeral Mass — the second part of the Order of Christian Funerals — is the pre-eminent prayer for the deceased. “It’s called a ‘requiem’ because we gather to lay people to rest – granting a sense of peace both for those who have died and for those who accompanied them through life. We give the person over to God in what should be a wonderful and loving send-off.”
Father McDonald suggested that the funeral Mass include hymns and Scripture readings that match the tastes
and sensibilities of the deceased. Both priests encouraged families to consider the Mass as the most central part of the Order of Christian Funerals; they said it is also likely the least expensive of the rites.
Recognizing that many people avoid dealing with last things such as death and funeral plans, Fathers McDonald and Volz emphasize the importance of preplanning and communicating endof-life arrangements to ensure that personal wishes are carried out. Father McDonald recommends formalizing these preferences through a legal document or a power of attorney statement that clearly specifies a person’s wishes for his/her final disposition and funeral. This will leave nothing to chance or the choices of relatives or friends.
Final farewell
The committal is the third part of the Order of Christian Funerals. It’s the final ritual that signifies giving the soul and body of the deceased back to God. Gathered at the graveside, crematorium or mausoleum, family members and friends see that their loved one is safely buried or entombed. If the ritual occurs in a non-Catholic cemetery, the priest or deacon blesses the ground or the site. Catholic Cemeteries’ grounds
are consecrated and are thus an extension of the Catholic Church.
At the conclusion of a gravesite ritual, Father McDonald invites those gathered to sprinkle holy water or to place dirt or flowers over the coffin. This final gesture is yet one more time to convey love and appreciation for the person who has died.
“As a whole, the three parts of the Order of Christian Funerals form a symbolic and meaningful remembrance of the deceased and respect for his/her remains, and a source of comfort for those mourning the loss,” said Vallejo.
Father McDonald added that the three parts also provide multiple opportunities to involve different family members and friends in the rituals as readers, speakers, pallbearers or in other roles. He considers the funeral luncheon as an extension of hospitality and support.
While costs related to end-of-life arrangements have escalated, Father Volz says that Catholic Cemeteries of Northeast Kansas offers tools to help people plan financially in the form of insurance policies and a planning guide ( He also recommends the book “Hope to Die: The Christian Meaning of Death and the Resurrection of the Body” by Scott Hahn as an in-depth reflection on death and burial from a Catholic perspective.
Army renames Fort Lee after graduate of St. Benedict’s College
By Moira Cullings
— By age 11, Arthur J. Gregg had faced the Great Depression, Jim Crow laws and the passing of his mother.
Yet he never let a single hardship stop him from chasing his dreams.
Lt. Gen. Gregg rose through the ranks during his more than 35 years of service in the U.S. Army, ultimately becoming a three-star general.
He was the first Black man to achieve an Army rank that high.
This year, Gregg defied the odds yet again. He was one of two soldiers whose names were chosen to replace the name Fort Lee.
On April 27, the Army base in Virginia was redesignated as Fort Gregg-Adams in honor of Gregg and Lt. Col. Charity Adams, who served during World War II.
“I was tremendously proud,” said Gregg of the honor. Driven by relentless ambition and
a positive mindset, the 95-year-old graduate of St. Benedict’s College in Atchison (now Benedictine College) is the only living person in U.S. history to have a military installation named after him.
Set up for success
Benedictine College president Stephen Minnis is elated to call Gregg a
fellow Benedictine alum.
“It is clear why he is the first Black three-star general in U.S. Army history and why he is so highly thought of that a fort was named after him,” said Minnis.
Minnis attended the fort’s redesignation ceremony and spent time with Gregg at a lunch outing in June.
“General Gregg is the most gracious, hospitable, smartest, nicest gentleman I have ever met,” said Minnis.
Retired Lt. Gen. Arthur J. Gregg addresses the crowd during the Fort Gregg-Adams Redesignation Ceremony April 27 at the Gregg-Adams Club. More than 1,000 people were present for the event, in addition to audiences at three viewing sites.
Retired Lt. Gen. Arthur J. Gregg thanks all those present for the ceremony and all supporting the renaming efforts following a sign unveiling April 19 at the newly named Gregg-Adams Club. Formerly the Lee Club, the facility was off limits to Gregg and his fellow Black soldiers when he became an officer in 1950.
Gregg ended up at St. Benedict’s while attending the Command and General Staff College at Fort Leavenworth in 1963 and 1964.
According to Minnis, St. Benedict’s had been approached by the Army during the Vietnam War to create a Bootstrappers program so officers at the Command and General Staff College could earn a bachelor’s degree.
“Arthur Gregg was in that first class of Bootstrappers, graduating summa cum laude in business [administration] in 1964,” said Minnis.
Gregg commuted to Atchison with a fellow classmate from Fort Leavenworth to take courses during a summer and fall session.
“I embraced that opportunity,” said Gregg.
“I regarded all of my instructors as mentors,” he continued. “I felt that they were interested in me and interested in all of their students.
“And just by their example, I think it was a powerful influence — even for students in my category. I was then about 36 years old, and some of the instructors were even younger than I was.”
Gregg said the college cultivated the values instilled in him at a young age.
“I came to Benedictine College with the well-established history of working hard, doing my best, having respect for others, assisting others where I can and always showing proper respect,” said Gregg.
“I was motivated to do my very best in every undertaking,” he added, “and that was embedded in me from my childhood.”
Gregg believes his degree changed the course of his life.
“Benedictine College was a major part of my career and my story,” he said. “It gave me a critical credential to be successful in my career and in my life, and I’m very grateful for that.”
Overcoming the odds
Gregg has always made the most of the opportunities in his life.
He grew up in Florence County, South Carolina, and was the youngest of nine siblings.
The family owned 100 acres of land and livestock, and they grew and sold cotton and tobacco.
“This was during the Depression,” said Gregg, “and it was a tough time.” But the love from his family sustained him.
“It was a great family,” said Gregg. “My father and mother were the very best in my opinion.”
Gregg was raised Methodist, but his father converted to the Catholic faith, and at age 15, Gregg also joined the Catholic Church.
“I have always found the Catholic faith was one that helped me to live my life better,” said Gregg.
“It’s a very practical religion,” he added. “It does not appeal a lot to the emotions, but to practical life experience.
“I’ve enjoyed my Catholic experience.”
Aside from financial struggles, Gregg’s family encountered the additional burden of discrimination.
“The nearest high school was 10 miles away,” said Gregg. “Ten miles in those days was, for the most part, on dirt roads and unlike getting into a car today and driving down a major highway.”
The high schools in the county were only for white students, who also had access to bus transportation.
Fortunately for Gregg, his oldest brother and his family were living in
Newport News, Virginia, at the time, and Gregg’s father sent him to live with them to attend Huntington High School.
Standard of excellence
When Minnis thinks about Gregg’s story, one piece stands out the most.
It was 1950 when Gregg, a newly commissioned officer, was assigned to Fort Lee.
“Although the Army was officially integrated in 1948,” said Minnis, “there were some remnants of discrimination on many forts — Fort Lee was one of them.
“Even though an officer, Gregg was not allowed in the whites-only Lee Officers Club at Fort Lee. This hurt his feelings tremendously as he thought he had earned the right as an officer to go into the officers club.”
Some 30 years later, Gregg’s retirement party was held in that very club, which is now called the Gregg-Adams Officers Club.
“He could have easily in 1950 harbored bitter thoughts,” said Minnis, “but instead he just worked harder and achieved things only a handful of people have achieved — becoming a three-star general.
“[It’s] truly a remarkable story.”
Gregg spent ample time at Fort Lee throughout his career, and he was, and continues to be, invited for ceremonial and special occasions.
His retirement ceremony was held there in 1981, and years later, he was accorded the honorary colonel of its quartermaster regiment.
Renaming reaction
When it comes to the renaming of Fort Lee, Gregg believes it was a long time coming.
“There were many people who obviously favored Fort Lee when it was named,” he said, “but there were also many people who felt that it was wrong to name a major Army base in honor of an officer who resigned his commission when the nation needed him most.
“And not only did he resign his commission, but he joined the enemy forces. And that did not send the proper message to the thousands of young soldiers and officers who would later serve at Fort Gregg-Adams.”
Gregg heard about the potential renaming of Fort Lee and discovered his name was being considered.
“But I was also aware that there were 34,000 names recommended to the commission for the nine bases being renamed,” he said.
“I was obviously more than proud and pleased when I was called and informed that the then-Fort Lee would be renamed Fort Gregg-Adams,” he added.
Gregg was also honored that his name is joined with Adams.
“She was a tremendous officer and a tremendous leader,” he said, “and I’m proud that my name is joined with hers at Fort Gregg-Adams.”
Gregg is grateful for how wellreceived the renaming has been.
“I feel that gives me some added responsibilities to always do the things that would bring credit not only to me,” he said, “but to the military base.
“I want that to be a part of the image of that base that inspires our soldiers
Notable milestones in the career of Lt. Gen. Arthur J. Gregg
1946: Enlisted in segregated military
1947: Promoted to staff sergeant at 18 years old
1950: Commissioned as second lieutenant in the Army
1963-1964: Attended the Command and General Staff College at Fort Leavenworth
1964: Graduated from St. Benedict’s College with a bachelor’s degree in business administration
1966: Promoted to lieutenant colonel and commanded the 96th Quartermaster Direct Support Battalion
1967-1968: Selected to attend the Army War College
1972: Promoted to the rank of brigadier general and, following that, appointed commanding general of the Army and Air Force Exchange System in Europe
1976: Earned second star
1977: Elevated to lieutenant general, earning third star, and became director of logistics, Joints Chief of Staff
and civilians to feel proud to be at the base and to serve our Army at this location.”
Looking ahead with hope
When it comes to the country’s future, Gregg is “tremendously hopeful.”
“I can tell you that the country has changed,” said Gregg. “Americans have changed — and changed for the better, to be more inclusive of all of our citizens.
“And I know sometimes you read the headlines of our newspapers, you look at the news in the evening, and there is clearly a lot of divisiveness.
“But I have great hope and expectation that we will work our way through those challenges and continue to be a better America for all Americans.”
Lt. Col. Arthur J. Gregg promotes Capt. Sandy Hertz to major in Vietnam in 1966. Gregg would go on to become a three-star general in the Army.
COURTESY PHOTO Benedictine College president Stephen Minnis poses with Gregg. “General Gregg is the most gracious, hospitable, smartest, nicest gentleman I have ever met,” Minnis said.
Portugal celebrates ‘venerable’ declaration for Fátima visionary
By Eduardo Campos Lima OSV News
Catholics in Portugal hope World Youth Day in Lisbon Aug. 1-6 will help spread devotion to Sister Lucia dos Santos, who was one of the three little shepherd children who witnessed the apparitions of Mary in Fátima in 1917.
Pope Francis declared the Carmelite sister “venerable” with a June 22 decree that recognized her heroic virtues, filling Catholics in Portugal with joy as they await the August worldwide encounter.
A thorough study on Sister Lucia’s heroic virtues was presented to the Vatican in October 2022, after a group of experts analyzed a vast set of documents related to her life, including 10,000 letters exchanged between her and numerous correspondents over decades.
Now, the next steps are beatification and canonization “if that is God’s will,” explained Sister Angela de Fátima Coelho, a member of the Portuguese congregation Aliança de Santa Maria (Alliance of Holy Mary) and vice postulator for Sister Lucia’s cause. In general, one verified miracle attributed to Sister Lucia’s intercession is needed for beatification, and a second such miracle is needed for canonization.
“We have been receiving several interesting accounts of graces received in connection to Sister Lucia, but none has demonstrated to be a miracle yet,” she told OSV News.
That is why it is “important now to incentivize the people to have faith and confidence in her power to intercede
for us and to pray for it,” Sister Angela added.
“Only people who know her will pray to her. It is our task now to present her to everybody,” she said.
World Youth Day is a good opportunity to talk about Sister Lucia’s life, her virtues and her message to humankind, Sister Angela said, as thousands of pilgrims from the whole world are expected to take part in the event along with Pope Francis, who is scheduled to arrive in Lisbon on Aug. 2 and will be with the young people Aug. 3 and 4.
On Aug. 5, the pope will visit the Shrine of Our Lady of Fátima and will
end his trip to Portugal by celebrating the Aug. 6 closing Mass for World Youth Day.
Sister Lucia’s life can be inspiring for young Catholics for many reasons, emphasized theologian José Carlos Carvalho, a professor at the Portuguese Catholic University who was part of the group that analyzed her letters.
Lucia was 10 years old when the Virgin Mary appeared to her and her two younger cousins, Francisco and Jacinta Marto. Lucia was the only one who could talk to Mary during the apparitions, while Jacinta could see her and listen to her and Francisco could
only see her. She was the one who took notes of the messages Mary shared.
“Francisco and Jacinta died shortly after the apparitions (due to the Spanish flu pandemic) and Lucia had the privilege to live for an additional 90 years. That is why they were beatified and canonized before her,” Carvalho explained.
Sister Lucia was 97 when she died in 2005. Francisco and Jacinta were beatified in 2000 and canonized in 2017.
Although she was a cloistered nun all her life, Sister Lucia “accompanied the spiritual lives of many, many people, exchanged letters with national and world leaders for decades, was visited by cardinals and popes, and was able to spread her message across the world,” Carvalho said.
She became a well-known and beloved figure in Portugal, Sister Angela said. When she died, many people unofficially declared she was already a saint.
“In fact, she really was a saint, despite going through such a harsh period in history, with two world wars. She had many virtues and also developed her theological thought over the years, helping to interpret Our Lady of Fátima’s message,” Carvalho said.
In his opinion, the central lesson in Fátima is that “God always accompanies humankind, even during tragic periods.” That, according to Carvalho, is a message that can resonate among young Catholics who come to know Sister Lucia’s story.
“Even in this secular and violent world, God continues to be present. That is something that can help to bring hope for the youth,” he said.
St. John Paul II meets with Carmelite Sister Lucia dos Santos May 13, 1982, in Fatima, Portugal. Sister Lucia was declared “venerable” on June 22 by Pope Francis.
Holy Angels Parish
15438 Leavenworth Rd., Basehor
July 19, 26 and Aug. 2 at 7 p.m.
The following talks will be given: “The Eucharist, the Passover and the Fourth Cup,” presented by Sebastian D’Amico on July 5; “The Hidden Reality of the Temple,” presented by Austin Krause on July 12; “Living Christianity as Vocation of Suffering,” presented by Brother Leven Harton, OSB, on July 19; “Social Mission of the Church,” presented by Kendra Dudasko on July 26; and “In Search of the True Cross,” presented by Dr. John Hosler on Aug. 2.
St. Patrick Parish
1066 N. 94th St., Kansas City, Kansas
July 15 at 6 p.m.
Join us for a picnic-style dinner and bingo. The cost for dinner is $10. The cost to play bingo is $10 for 10 games.
Curé of Ars Parish (Father Burak Room)
9405 Mission Rd., Leawood
July 15 after the 8 a.m. Mass
The bereavement ministry will have a grief support meeting. For more information, call (913) 649-2026.
Caregivers Support Group
Church of the Ascension (St. Luke Room)
9510 W. 127th, Overland Park
July 19 from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m.
If you are caring for a loved one, we invite you to join us the third Wednesday of each month for an evening of community connection with others walking the same challenging path. Bring your questions, stories and concerns, and leave with coping skills and spiritual support for the road ahead. Questions? Contact Michelle Buzzard at (913) 484-2222.
Stone Pillar Winery
11000 S. Woodland St., Olathe
July 22 from 6:30 - 8 :30p.m.
We have been there, understand the hurt, and welcome you to healing, friendship and hope. Please join us for our upcoming meetings at Stone Pillar Winery. Bring a lawn chair and meet near the entrance barn.
July 22-23
The Kansas Knights of Columbus golf tournament is coming up. Any Knights of Columbus member and their spouses are encouraged to play in the tournament. Information and an entry form can be obtained by
contacting Gene Ohlman by phone or text at (620) 794-2460 or by email at: knightsof
Chicken N Pickle
5901 W. 135th St., Overland Park
July 15 at 6:30 p.m.
Save the date for July 22 and join us at 6:30 p.m. at Chicken N Pickle for food, beverages and games. For more information and to RSVP, send an email to Laura at:; Heather at:; or Damon at: Your RSVP is appreciated, but not necessary.
St. Augustine Parish
1948 Acorn Rd., Sabetha
July 22 at 5 p.m.
There will be a food stand, cards, bingo, a bounce house, music and a cakewalk. For more information, visit us online at:
Prince of Peace Parish (center)
16000 W. 143rd St., Olathe
July 26 from 6:30 - 7:30 p.m.
This event is co-hosted by Prince of Peace Parish and the Catholic Foundation of Northeast Kansas. RSVP online to: or, or call (913) 647-0365.
Lifeteen Rummage Sale
Holy Trinity Parish (gym)
13615 W. 92nd St., Lenexa
July 27-29
This massive rummage sale supports the youth of the parish. July 27 - early bird from 5 to 9 p.m. with a $5 entry fee; July 28 from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. (free admission); July 29 from 8 a.m. to noon (free admission) and everything is half off. Drop-off hours for donations will be July 18-21 from 1 to 8 p.m. and July 24-25 from 1 to 8 p.m. To donate or volunteer, send an email to:
Christ’s Peace House of Prayer
22131 Meagher Rd., Easton
July 28 - 30
St. Elizabeth of the Trinity will be our modern Carmelite guide on this retreat. She focused her interior life on the mystery of the divine indwelling in St. Paul’s epistles. They shaped her soul, leading her to encounter the Lord in silence and solitude. Join us as we learn from her mystical writings, “I have found my heaven on earth, since heaven is God, and God is in my soul.” There are conferences, Eucharistic adoration, Mass, confession, and time for private prayer, reflection and walking.
Cabins/courtyard rooms: $170 single/$250 couple or single guest rooms: $100 (meals included). To attend, fill out the individual retreat form online at: or call (913) 773-8255.
2501 Southwest Boulevard, Kansas City, Missouri
July 30 from 5 - 8 p.m.
This event raises funds for need-based scholarships to Resurrection Catholic School in Kansas City, Kansas. To purchase tickets or to make a donation, visit the website at: Ninety-seven percent of students rely on scholarships to attend Resurrection Catholic School.
Corpus Christi Parish
6001 Bob Billings Pkwy., Lawrence (Father Jim Shaughnessy Hall - South)
July 31 from 6 - 7 p.m.
Navigating a new country can be challenging. We know refugees who are supported by the community integrate faster and become self-sufficient much quicker than those trying to do it on their own. Come learn about the journey of a refugee family and the opportunity to be a part of our Community Sponsorship Program. Light refreshments will be provided. All are welcome! This event is sponsored by Catholic Charities of Northeast Kansas.
Sacred Heart Parish
408 S. Cedar St., Ottawa
Aug. 3 from 8:30 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Aug. 4 from 8:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. (half price)
Aug. 5 from 7:30 a.m. to noon ($2 bag day)
There will be a selection of furniture, antiques, collectibles, home decor, art, books, seasonal decorations, tools, electronics, sporting goods, toys, jewelry, purses, kitchen items, bedding, and tons of clothes and shoes for the entire family.
Sacred Heart Church (hall)
1405 2nd Ave., Leavenworth
Aug. 6 from 11:30 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Cost is $13 for adults and $6 for children (12 and under). Carryouts are available.
Church of the Ascension
9510 W. 127th St., Overland Park
Tuesdays through Aug. 8
This eight-week guided prayer experience is based on the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola. St. Ignatius showed how daily meditative/contemplative prayer enables us to know Jesus more personally, see God in our midst more clearly and,
like the disciples on the road to Emmaus, you too, might come to say, “Was not my heart burning within me?” The cost is $35 and includes a book. For more information and to register, go online to: www.ignatian Questions?
Contact Marguerite Enlow at (913) 660-2811.
Catholic women’s bible study
Holy Trinity (Father Quigley Center)
9201 Summit St., Lenexa
Tuesdays: Sept. 21 to May 3, 2024, from 9:30 - 11 a.m.
We will be studying the Book of Exodus and Mary: The Bible and the Mother of God. Register online by Aug. 25 at: womensbible to ensure that your books are available on the first day. Those who register late will receive their materials later. For more information, contact Theresa Gordzica at (785) 843-0283; Jenny Kropf at (913) 2198528; or send an email to: womensbible Catechesis of the Good Shepherd program is offered for ages infant12 years of age while we gather for the Bible study. Teens ages 13 - 15 are invited to our Junior Bible Study.
Sacred Heart Parish
2646 S. 34th St., Kansas City, Kansas Aug. 12 at 7 p.m.
Sacred Heart Knights of Columbus will be hosting bingo. Refreshments will be sold. Questions? Call Bob at (913) 850-3348.
50th Anniversary Celebration
Christ’s Peace House of Prayer
22131 Meagher Rd., Easton
Aug. 19 from 8:30 am to 4 p.m.
Christ’s Peace is celebrating 50 years of offering an opportunity to meet Our Lord through silence, creation, prayer and retreat. To commemorate this milestone, Archbishop Joseph F. Naumann will celebrate Mass. Lunch will be provided with plenty of opportunity to enjoy and tour the property. Come and celebrate our five decades of serving the spiritual needs of the archdiocese. To attend, fill out the RSVP form online at: ChristsPeace. com or call (913) 773-8255.
Keeler Women’s Center
759 Vermont Ave., Suite 100-B Kansas City, Kansas
First and third Wednesdays
From 1 - 3 p.m.
In a world where bullets enter homes and violence disrupts neighborhoods, where the news seems to report more and more killings and war, come and experience the message of nonviolence that has been preached by Jesus and wise people through the ages. Register by calling or texting (913) 689-9375.
After 43 years in funeral service, I have decided to take a less active role and will be transitioning the daily operations of Brennan-Mathena Funeral
Home to my colleges Paul Wasinger and Curtis Foley. I have taken considerable time and diligence to select the right individuals to carry on my legacy. I know they will continue to honor the tradition of serving our families with the same compassionate and caring manner which has been the cornerstone of this funeral home for the past 107 years. They have the same caring values and professional expertise that our families have come to appreciate. Paul and Curtis intend to support the Catholic community with their involvement in the church, schools and other activities. Please welcome them.
Music lessons - I offer lessons in voice, bass, guitar and piano. I’m a teacher with 20 years of experience. I work from my home studio and at the Johnson County Museum. My teaching style comes from my vocal background; if you can sing it, you can play it. My lessons are a mix of learning great songs tailored to fit each student and solid music theory. Book a lesson today! Steve Uffman, (913) 222-4492, Stuffmn@gmail. com,
Full-time and part-time custodians - The Church of the Nativity Parish School has immediate openings for full-time and part-time custodians. Qualified applicants should have prior custodial experience, specifically in a school environment. Maintenance experience would be a plus. The full-time position is scheduled to work M-F from 7 a.m. to 3 p.m. and the part-time from 4 to 8 p.m. M-F. Some holiday work is expected. Applicants must have a compatible work history, references, dependable transportation and be willing to participate in a background check. The Church of the Nativity expects to pay market compensation commensurate with experience and qualifications. Nativity has a history of retaining its employees, who enjoy the advantages of working at a vibrant, collaborative, faith-based place of worship and education. Nativity Parish School is located at 3700 W. 119th, Leawood. Nativity offers a comprehensive benefit program including medical, dental, vision, vacation and 401(k). Interested applicants should send resumes and work history to: mhyde@ No phone calls please.
Teacher – St. Joseph Early Education Center is seeking teachers to join our team. We are looking for individuals who would enjoy being in an atmosphere where they can help shape the growth of our early childhood children. This position is benefit-eligible, including medical, vision, dental, vacation and sick. Candidate must pass background check and become Virtus trained. To learn more about this position or apply, please send an email to Kristan Mora at:
Food service assistant – St. Joseph School in Shawnee is seeking a food service assistant. Duties include: food preparation, serving meals on food lines, set out prepared foods, replenish containers as necessary, assist with setting up the cafeteria and assist with cleanup. The selected individual is required to lift 20-25 pounds, be Virtus trained and attend safety food classes. Please email Kathy Hirt at: kahirt@ if interested in the position.
Tribunal office administrative assistant - The Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas is the Catholic Church in northeast Kansas: Growing as Disciples of Jesus; Making Disciples for Jesus. The administrative assistant is a full-time position and will be responsible for the clerical work in the tribunal office. This position will support the judicial vicar and office manager. Some duties include answering telephones, data entry, scanning, coordinating with parishes for information and general administrative support. To see a full job description or to apply, please visit: https://
Paraeducator – St. Joseph School in Shawnee is looking for a full-time paraeducator for the 2023-24 school year. Responsibilities include providing administrative support to teachers, monitoring a child’s development and preparing education materials for daily programs. Ultimately, you will work with special education students to help them understand their classroom lessons. Please contact Kelcey McCauley at: kmccauley@ or call (913) 207-7104.
Instructional assistant (aide) - Holy Trinity School in Lenexa is seeking an instructional assistant (aide). This position supports both students and teachers. Interested candidates: Please contact Holy Trinity principal Scott Merfen at:
Music teacher K-8 – St. Michael the Archangel Parish in Leawood is seeking a full-time music teacher. Must hold or be eligible for state of Kansas teaching licensure, bachelor’s degree and practicing Catholic. Includes full range of benefits. For more information or to apply, contact Diana Tate, principal, at: diana. or call (913) 402-3950.
Part-time home care assistant - The MPPCA agency is a not-for-profit organization that enables adults with developmental disabilities to live and work safely on their own. Home care assistants work with clients individually to support them in accomplishing necessary activities of daily living, such as meal planning and preparation, grocery shopping, apartment care, laundry and organizational tasks. Skill plans are implemented by the home care assistants using strategies such as oversight, cueing, prompting, assistance and modeling. Flexible days and hours available; starting pay $16 an hour. Interested persons contact Christine Hernandez at: christinehernandez@; see the website: www.mppca. org.
Microscope service/repair - Are you looking for something new and exciting to do? A locally owned, family business is currently seeking candidates to provide preventive maintenance and repair service on microscopes. No previous experience necessary, on-the-job training provided by seasoned technicians. Good communication, time management and customer service skills needed. Hours are flexible depending on customer needs. Some travel is required. Please contact us at:
Full or part-time day school positions - Little Saints Day School at St. Thomas Aquinas High School is hiring for a part-time or full-time position starting in August. We are looking for individuals who are passionate, caring and faith-filled to teach the young minds at Little Saints. Please contact Jeanne Toy at: or call (913) 319-2476 for more information.
Confirmation coordinator and youth minister - Divine Mercy Parish, Gardner, has two current job openings. We are looking for a 7th & 8th grade confirmation coordinator and a 9-12th grade youth minister. For more information, please visit our website at:; call the parish office at (913) 856-7781; or email: parish@
Eighth grade English/reading teacher – Ascension School in Overland Park is seeking a full-time eighth grade homeroom and English/reading teacher for the 2023-24 school year. This candidate will join an awesome team of junior high teachers! Applicants should send their resume, references and teacher’s license to Becky Wright at:
Music director - Divine Mercy Parish in Gardner is hiring a music director. The position is part time (up to 20 hours per week). Piano and organ experience are preferred. Will be responsible for managing all aspects of the parish music program working under the pastor’s direction. For more information or to send your resume, contact Maria Lopeman at (913) 856-7781 or email:
Life Savers educator - Gift of Life is seeking a parttime Life Savers educator. The part-time educator will give presentations to high school students within the Kansas City Metro area, as well as give adult presentations to groups within the Kansas City community. This position will work closely with our director of education and our Life Savers Program manager to help reach students, educators and adults with varying backgrounds to spread awareness of organ, eye and tissue donation. To learn more and to apply, visit:
Multimedia marketing specialist - Catholic Charities of Northeast Kansas is actively seeking an experienced multimedia marketing specialist to support and promote the agency’s mission of providing help, hope and hospitality to the most vulnerable. This position will be responsible for creating compelling visual stories of hope from those we serve, staff and volunteers utilizing video, audio and photography. Must also be skilled in graphic design to assist with the creation of marketing materials, including brochures, flyers and more. To learn more or apply, visit: and click on “Careers.”
Kitchen coordinator – St. Joseph Early Education Center in Shawnee is seeking a full-time kitchen coordinator. This position prepares menus and meals for our Early Education Center, ordering necessities and record-keeping for filling out forms to be submitted for our lunch program (CACFP). State guidelines and regulations are to be followed. To learn more about this position or apply, please send an email to Kristan Mora at:
Paraprofessional - Ascension School in Overland Park is looking for an enthusiastic, faith-filled individual to join our team as a paraprofessional for the 2023-24 school year. Please contact Becky Wright at: bwright@ or call (913) 851-2531.
Staff accountant - Good Shepherd Catholic Parish and School in Shawnee is looking to hire a full-time accounting manager. Responsibilities include, but are not limited to: overall financial management, general ledger record-keeping, reconciliation of accounts, annual budgeting and monthly reporting to the pastor, director of administrative services and finance council. The successful candidate will have: familiarity and competence with accounting systems and current technology; a minimum of a bachelor’s degree in accounting and five-plus years of relevant experience. Strong communication and interpersonal skills are required. Spanish language skills are an asset. A demonstrated commitment to the Catholic faith and mission is essential, along with a desire to work in a positive, faith-oriented environment. This full-time position is eligible for parish and archdiocesan benefits. Please submit a cover letter and resume to: Resumes will be accepted until the position is filled. Start date is negotiable.
Early Education Center (EEC) program directorHoly Trinity Parish in Lenexa is seeking an EEC program director. The program director is responsible for overall operation and administration of the early education center. The EEC serves 250-plus children through our preschool, after-school and summer programs. This position oversees a staff of 3540; ensures that EEC policies and staff fulfill all requirements necessary for state licensing; determines program curriculum; and maintains relationships with parents. Position is full time and qualifies for archdiocesan benefits. A full position description can be found at: Interested applicants should email cover letter and resume to:
Staff job openings - Donnelly College in Kansas City, Kansas, has the following staff job openings available: admissions counselor, director of development, nursing intake coordinator; director of development; part-time information systems coordinator and vice-president of business affairs/CFO chief financial officer. Find job descriptions and details at:
Community engagement specialist - Are you compassionate, motivated, mission-driven and desire to empower others? Catholic Charities is seeking a community engagement specialist to develop and grow our internship programming, corporate engagement relationships, and assist our volunteer engagement and outreach teams with program operations. To learn more or apply, visit:
Ministry administrative assistant - St. Ann Parish in Prairie Village is seeking a part-time administrative assistant for the school of religion and ministry office. This is a FUN job that offers lots of variety and allows a flexible work schedule. You’ll be working with parish youth in our religious education program, and providing support for some of our ministry groups. The ideal candidate will be proficient with Microsoft Office Suite, Google Drive, have database/data entry experience, have the ability to multitask, and have good communication and organizational skills. Send resume and letter of interest to:
Office administrator - Bishop Sullivan Center in Kansas City, Missouri, is seeking an office administrator. Inspired by Christian faith, Bishop Sullivan Center shows God’s love to people in financial hardship by providing food, help in finding jobs and other aid. This full-time, permanent position will work primarily at our 6435 Truman Rd. location in Kansas City, Missouri, and be responsible for bookkeeping, payroll, back-office support for donor relations, grant support and vendor management. For additional information/ to apply: or (816) 2312971.
Maintenance/custodial technician – St. Joseph Church in Shawnee is seeking a full-time maintenance/custodial technician. This position performs basic maintenance duties including: painting, light plumbing, cleaning (including disinfecting surface areas), dusting, mopping, sweeping, auto scrubbing floors and other miscellaneous maintenance/ custodial. To learn more about this position or apply, please call Joe Keehn at (913) 200-2639.
Assistant boys wrestling coach and dance coach
- Bishop Miege High School is seeking both an asst. boys wrestling coach and a dance coach for the 202324 school year. Contact Joe Schramp, athletic director, at: or (913) 222-5802.
Preschool teacher – St. Joseph Early Education Center in Shawnee is seeking a full-time preschool teacher for 4- and 5-year-olds. This position is benefit-eligible, including: medical, vision, dental, vacation and sick time. Interested applicants should have experience in a licensed early education center. An associate’s degree in early education or related field is preferred, but not required. Selected candidate must pass background check, become Virtus-trained and understand the mission of Catholic education. To learn more about this position or apply, please send an email to Melissa Thomas at:
Open ministry positions - Prince of Peace Parish in Olathe is restructuring our Christian formation office and seeking outstanding people of faith to guide our parishioners and their families in faith formation. To allow the Holy Spirit to call the right people, we are inviting applicants interested in either full-time or part-time options. Positions will include leading children or adult faith formation, as well as possible administrative/clerical positions. If you feel called to serve God and his church through ministry, and are interested in learning about the open positions at Prince of Peace, please contact April Bailey, director of religious education, at: or (913) 747-7744.
Director of facilities and operations - The Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas is currently seeking a full-time director of facilities and operations for the Savior Pastoral Center. The incumbent must be a practicing Catholic in good standing. This position will oversee all aspects of the Savior Pastoral Center, including supervising all facility staff, retreats, program development, activities, food and lodging. A bachelor’s degree in hospitality management, business administration, theology, human resources or related field is required. Prior work experience in hotel or conference center management is preferred. To learn more about this job opportunity or to apply, please visit:
Refugee youth mentoring program specialistCatholic Charities of Northeast Kansas in Kansas City, Kansas, is seeking a full-time refugee youth mentoring program specialist. The specialist will orchestrate and implement a wide variety of civic, career and education-oriented events based on the interest of the youth being mentored between the ages of 1524; conduct program services in a culturally sensitive manner and maintain the confidentiality of all clients; lead outreach presentations to interested individuals and groups about the program itself and the workforce and refugee departments. For more information and to apply online, go to: catholiccharitiesks. org/careers/.
Preschool lead teacher - St. Paul School in Olathe is seeking a lead preschool teacher for the 2023-24 school year. This is a full-time position and benefitseligible. Lead teachers should have experience in a licensed early childhood program and have a degree in early childhood education or related field. Must pass a background check, become Virtus trained and understand the mission of Catholic schools. To learn more about this position or apply, please send an email to Brigid Dempsey at: Bdempsey@stpaul.
Family and sacramental ministry - Holy Trinity Parish in Lenexa is seeking an assistant to support the director of family and sacramental ministry in sacramental preparation/catechesis and coordination of ongoing faith formation for children and families. The ideal candidate will have a degree in theology, catechesis or related curriculum and/or extensive experience in faith formation; excellent communication skills; love of the sacraments; and be computer literate. This part-time position has potential to transition to full time in the future. Hours are flexible and will include some evenings/weekends. For more details or to submit a resume, contact: or call (913) 895-0607.
Liturgical keyboard accompanist - Church of the Ascension is looking for a liturgical keyboard accompanist to play at weekend Masses and accompany the choir in the fall. This position is open as early as July, but must be filled by mid-September, when choir rehearsals begin. A competitive “per diem” salary is commensurate with skill and experience. All inquiries should be made to music director Dorothy Brandwein at:
Building attendant - The Savior Pastoral Center is currently seeking a building attendant. This position is an on-site, live-in staff member who provides hospitality, security, maintenance and custodial services at Savior Pastoral Center. This position will work in the evening and on weekends. To learn more about this position or to apply, visit:
Middle school ELA teacher - Nativity Parish School in Leawood is seeking a middle school ELA teacher for the 2023-24 school year. Applicants should apply by sending an email to principal Luke Jennison at:
Preschool assistant - Ascension Preschool is looking for a faith-filled, loving, compassionate and enthusiastic individual who would like to join their early childhood education team as a full-time paraprofessional. We are looking for individuals who are excited to share their joy and passion for Jesus with our preschool and pre-K students and help them on their path to holiness. If you have formal child care experience and/or educational background in early childhood education and have a love for children, please contact Becky Wright at: bwright@acseagles. org or call (913) 851-2531.
Assistant/catechist - Holy Trinity Church, Lenexa, is seeking an assistant/catechist to support the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd director. This position is a 20 - 25 hour per week position with consideration given to a job share possibility. Eligible candidates would need to be at least Level I- and preferably Level II-trained. CGS material maintenance makes some artistic ability beneficial. Basic proficiency in Excel, Canva, Word and good organizational skills helpful. Submit resume to Diane Jones at: djones@htlenexa. org or call (913) 895-0662.
Make a meaningful impact today - Join L’Arche Heartland as an assistant in our day service program. Contribute to the empowerment and enrichment of adults with developmental disabilities as they engage in meaningful daytime activities. Enjoy daytime hours, Monday - Friday, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. We have immediate, full-time positions available, including evening and weekend availability. We offer a comprehensive benefits package that includes 100% coverage for medical, dental and vision expenses. Conveniently situated in downtown Overland Park. Training provided. Apply now by visiting our website at:
Catechesis of the Good Shepherd coordinator - St. Ann Parish, Prairie Village, is seeking a Catechesis of the Good Shepherd coordinator. The program serves children 3 - 12 years old and school grades K - 2. Responsibilities include: collaborating with catechists, assistants, teachers and administration; creating schedules; maintaining atrium materials; and leading a limited number of atrium sessions. Collaborative communication skills and prayerful discernment important. Flexible hours — about 25/week. L1 and L2 CGS certification required. To apply or for more information, contact Father Craig Maxim at: or Janet Lovick at:
Religious education coordinator - St. Michael the Archangel Parish in Leawood is seeking a Religious education coordinator to support the Director of religious education with organizing and implementing catechesis in grades K - 6. Candidates must have a solid understanding of the Catholic faith and an aptitude for sharing that knowledge with children and adult volunteers. Must have a willingness to learn creative catechetical planning. This position reports to a religious sister with options for full-time hours, including some weekend and evening hours. See additional details at: To apply, send resume and cover letter to: denise. or call (913) 402-3984
Early childhood educators - With multiple locations in Johnson County, Special Beginnings Early Learning Center provides high quality child-care in a safe, loving Christian environment. Our classrooms are full and we are looking to add to our amazing team. We are looking for both full-time and part-time teachers for all ages of children. If you have an excellent work ethic, a heart for children and a willingness to learn more about early childhood education, we would love to meet you. For more information or to apply, call Carolyn Andruss at (913) 894-0131, ext. 102.
>> Continued on page 13
Fifth grade teacher - Nativity Parish School in Leawood is seeking a fifth grade teacher for the 2023-24 school year. Applicants should email principal Luke Jennison at:
Part-time kitchen assistants - Nativity Parish School in Leawood is seeking part-time kitchen assistants for the 2023-24 school year. Duties include: prepping food; setting up/breaking down the service line and garden bar; cleaning; washing dishes; interacting with children and adults in a friendly manner, all while following health department, school and supervisor guidelines. This position will be two to three days a week from 10:30 a.m. to 1 p.m., approximately five - eight hours per week. Must pass a background check, become Virtus-trained and understand the mission of Catholic schools. To apply, contact Julie Bloomingdale, cafeteria director, at:
Youth minister - Church of the Nativity, Leawood, is seeking a full-time, dynamic, high energy, consistently visible and creative Youth Minister to join the Campus Youth Director and Christian Formation team. This position will be responsible for working directly with the Youth Director to aid in the coordination of pastoral youth ministry for the entire campus including high school youth, junior high youth from both the parish school and religious education program, and parish young adults. Ideal candidate will be a practicing Catholic who can work well in a team dynamic closely collaborating with the Campus Youth Director and the Director of Religious Education, displaying strong communication skills through a variety of points of contact, exhibiting interpersonal skills to foster mutual support from families of youth, and a passionate love for sharing Jesus Christ with all youth, knowing any contact with them is a touch point of evangelization. Qualified applicants should have at least two years’ experience in youth ministry or qualifying degree, have or be willing to receive Virtus training, and pass a background check. Please send resume to:
Lead preschool teacher - Nativity Day School is seeking a full-time lead preschool teacher to join our team for the 2023-24 school year. Lead teachers should have at least three years of experience in a licensed early childhood program; have a degree in early childhood education or related field; be a practicing Catholic; and understand the mission of Catholic schools. This position is benefits-eligible. Please contact: or
After-school care teachers - Nativity Parish School in Leawood is seeking after-school care teachers for our day school and K - 5th grades. The applicant should be at least 18 and have a previous teaching or assistant teaching position in a licensed early childhood program. Must be Virtus-trained and CPR/first-aid certified. Please contact:
Caregivers - Daughters & Company is looking for several compassionate caregivers to provide assistance to seniors in their home, assisted living or in a skilled nursing facility. We provide light housekeeping/light meal preparation, organizational assistance, care management and occasional transportation services for our clients. We need caregivers with reliable transportation and a cellphone for communication. A CNA background is helpful, though not mandatory. We typically employ on a part-time basis, but will strive to match up hours desired. Contact Gary or Laurie at (913) 341-2500 if you want to become part of an excellent caregiving team.
Faculty and adjunct faculty job openings - Donnelly College, Kansas City, Kansas, is a Catholic college offering higher education for those who may not otherwise be served. Faculty job openings include: English faculty and nursing school faculty. Adjunct faculty job openings: biology; clinical nursing school supervisor; history and math. Find job descriptions and details at:
Victim care advocate - The victim care advocate works in collaboration with the archdiocesan report investigator and the office for protection and care to accompany victims/survivors. The incumbent is responsible for providing support to and identifying resources for victims and their families, including managing treatment services and other care and resources for immediate and long-term needs. This is a safety sensitive position, exercising a high degree of discretion, trust and confidence. To learn more about this position or to apply, please visit: https://archkck. org/jobs.
Drivers and aides - Assisted Transportation is hiring safe drivers and aides to transport students in Johnson and Wyandotte Counties, in company vans. Drivers earn $14 - $16 per hour. Aides earn $12 per hour. Part-time and full-time schedules available. CDL not required. Retirees are encouraged to apply. Make a difference in your community by helping those in need! Call (913) 262-5190 or visit for more information. EEO.
For sale - Single plot suitable for regular burial or cremation. Mt. Calvary Cemetery, KCK. Section 11, lot 80, space 3-A. Valued at $2200. Sell for $2100 and I pay conveyance fee. Contact David at (913) 980-0042.
For sale - Double companion lawn crypt at Mount Moriah on Holmes Road, located in crypt #23, lot 37, block 23. Valued at $7000, asking $3500, including transfer fee. Call (913) 908-3828.
For sale - Two plots at Resurrection Cemetery, Lenexa. Located in Queen of Heaven lot, section C, spaces 3 and 4. Asking $1200 each. Seller will pay conveyance fee. Call Pat at (913) 645-0876.
Residential lifts - New and recycled. Stair lifts, porch lifts, ceiling lifts and elevators. St. Michael’s parishioners. KC Lift & Elevator at (913) 327-5557. (Formerly Silver Cross - KC).
DRC Construction
We’ll get the job done right the first time. Windows - Doors - Decks - Siding Repair or replace, we will work with you to solve your problems. Choose us for any window, door, siding or deck project and be glad you did.
Everything is guaranteed 100%
(913) 461-4052
Kansas City Design Remodel - We have been working hard over the years to build our award-winning and in-house team to become the top-rated bathroom and basement remodeler in Kansas City! We offer our clients a turnkey approach to remodeling. Our in-house designers guide clients through the design process of selecting materials and finishes and create a space that reflects their personality and lifestyle. Once the design is complete, our designers work closely with our in-house construction ream to ensure that every part of the vision is executed brilliantly. We are dedicated to creating an exceptional experience by committing to transparent communication throughout every step of the remodeling process. We have built a trustworthy reputation throughout the industry with clients and vendors alike and we thrive on continuous improvement and innovation. We take pride in knowing how much joy our clients feel when they get to share their newly remodeled spaces with family and friends. We hope to share our passion with your next project. Call (913) 701-2500 or email:
Popcorn ceiling texture removal
Call Jerry at (913) 206-1144. 30 years’ experience. Member St. Joseph Parish, Shawnee.
STA (Sure Thing Always) Home Repair - Basement finish, bathrooms and kitchens; interior & exterior repairs: painting, roofing, siding, wood replacement and window glazing. Free estimates. Call (913) 5791835. Email: Member of Holy Trinity, Lenexa.
Local handyman - Painting int. and ext., wood rot, mason repair), gutter cleaning (gutter covers), dryer vent cleaning, sump pump (replace, add new), windows, doors (interior and exterior) honey-do list, window cleaning and more! Member of Holy Angels Parish, Basehor. Call Billy at (913) 927-4118.
Haus to home remodeling - Let’s give that room a nice face-lift! Specializing in affordable room remodeling. From small projects to bathrooms and basements. We have lots of other services, too: tile, paint, carpentry, wood rot, decks, drywall, etc. Free estimates. For photos of our projects and to find out more about our company, visit us at: Haustohomekc. com or call Cole at (913) 544-7352.
Free estimates - We are offering free estimates to all those thinking about painting this year. At Stone Painting, we put the customer first. We provide interior/exterior house painting along with deck staining, fence painting, etc. Stone Painting ensures a professional, clean and fair-priced job. Call today for your free estimate at (913) 963-6465, or visit our website to learn more at:
House cleaning - I will clean your house for you. $20 per hour. Call Karla at (913) 626-1641.
Need house cleaning or senior care? - We are experienced and dependable! Let us help you. Call Winnie at (913) 272-5513. Free estimates. References available. Western Wyandotte County or nearby preferred.
Tutoring - for K - Adult. Sessions are fun and meaningful. For more information please call Kathleen at (913) 206-2151 or email:
Landscape lighting - Low voltage lighting install and repair. Improve the visibility, image and impact of your home. Foley’s Lawn Care (913) 825-4353 or
Masonry work - Quality new or repair work. Brick, block and chimney/fireplace repair. Insured; second-generation bricklayer. Member of St. Paul Parish, Olathe. Call (913) 271-0362.
Catholic counseling - For individuals, couples, families, adolescents and young adults. Sam Meier, MA, LPC. Call (913) 952-2267 or book an appointment at:, in person or Telehealth.
Custom countertops - Laminates installed within 5 days. Cambria, granite and solid surface. Competitive prices, dependable work. Call the Top Shop, Inc., at (913) 962-5058. Members of St. Joseph, Shawnee.
Double A’s lawn service
Lawn mowing, mulching, gutters, leaf removal, brush removal and hedge trimming
Free estimates, six years’ experience Alex Spoerre (913) 488-5195
ACT Prep - Founded by a Bishop Miege graduate, Pathway Prep has helped over 250 students during the last four years improve their scores. In-person or virtual sessions available. For more information, visit: and contact Alex Pint at (913) 991-8217 or:
Mike Hammer local moving - A full-service mover. Packing, pianos, rental truck load/unload, storage container load/unload, and in-home moving. No job too small. Serving JoCo since 1987. St. Joseph, Shawnee, parishioner. Call Mike at (913) 927-4347 or send an email to:
Memory quilts - Preserve your memories in a keepsake quality quilt, pillows, etc. Custom designed from your T-shirt collection, baby clothes, sports memorabilia, neckties . . . Quilted Memories. (913) 649-2704.
Wanted to buy - Do you have a car or truck that you need to get rid of? If you do, CALL ME! I’m a cash buyer. We’re Holy Trinity parishioners. My name is Mark. (913) 980-4905. Will buy firearms and related accessories - One or a whole collection. Honest evaluation and top prices paid. Contact Tom at (913) 238-2473. Member of Sacred Heart Parish, Shawnee.
Wanted to buy - Antique/vintage jewelry, paintings, pottery, sterling, etc. Single pieces or estate. Renee, (913) 475-7393. St. Joseph Parish, Shawnee.
WE WANT TO BUY YOUR HOUSE - There are so many new companies in town advertising to buy houses. But we’re the only ones that have been here and we’re local Holy Trinity parishioners. I will give you a fair price on any conditions you are up against. Call Mark Edmond son. (913) 980-4905.
We buy houses and whole estates - We are local and family-owned, and will make you a fair cash offer. We buy houses in any condition. No fees or commissions and can close on the date of your choice. Selling your house has never felt so good. Jon & Stacy Bichelmeyer (913) 599-5000.
CNA - Can provide home care for those needing assistance. Available Monday - Friday, serving Johnson County, Kansas. 20 years experience. Call Serina at (913) 526-0797.
Caregiving - We provide personal assistance, companionship, care management, and transportation for seniors in their home, assisted living or nursing facilities. We also provide respite care for main caregivers needing some personal time. Call Daughters & Company at (913) 341-2500 and speak with Laurie, Pat or Gary.
Family member with dementia or need help at home? - We specialize in helping seniors live SAFELY at home, where they want to live! We also offer free dementia training and resources for families and caregivers. Benefits of Home - Senior Care, www. or call (913) 422-1591.
Pilgrimage to Medjugorge - Sept. 5 -24, 2023. Cost is $2500 per person, which includes airfare, bus transportation, and accommodations, two meals per day and daily local guides. Hosted by visionary Mirfana Soldo. There will also be a pilgrimage to Poland and Medjugorge June 16 - 26. For details, call Grace Legaspi at (913) 449-1806.
Classified Advertising
The Leaven reaches approximately 50,000 subscribers. Cost is $20 for the first five lines, $1.50 per line thereafter.
To purchase a Leaven classified ad, email: beth.
The appearance of advertising in The Leaven is not an endorsement by either the newspaper or the Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas. The Leaven attempts to screen advertisers and copy, but is not responsible for claims and representations made in advertisements.
JULY 14, 2023 | THELEAVEN.ORG 13 CLASSIFIEDS >> Continued from page 12 “Let us show you the many options available when you prearrange your funeral services.” FUNERAL HOME • CREMATORY • MEMORIAL CHAPELS 10901 Johnson Drive Shawnee, Kansas 66203 Telephone 913-631-5566 Fax 913-631-2236 Gregg Amos SOLUTION THE SHEPHERD’S VOICE 8:30 a.m. Sundays on 92.9 FM and KEXS AM 1090 Encore Monday at 11:30 a.m.
They deserve having a second special day. In fact, we should make every day memorable for them.
the gathering place for Sunday lunch or afternoon conversation for relatives and friends.
molded me.
Ps 69: 3, 14, 30-31, 33-34
Mt 11: 20-24
July 19
Wednesday Ex 3: 1-6, 9-12
Ps 103: 1-4, 6-7
Mt 11: 25-27
July 20
Apollinaris, bishop, martyr Ex 3: 13-20
Ps 105: 1, 5, 8-9, 24-27
Mt 11: 28-30
July 21
Lawrence of Brindisi, priest, doctor of the church
Ex 11:10 – 12:14
Ps 116: 12-13, 15-18
Mt 12: 1-8
July 22
I’m talking about grandparents. Many people are familiar with Grandparents Day celebrated on the first Sunday in September after Labor Day. Not as well known, however, is the World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly that Pope Francis established in 2021. It’s observed on the fourth Sunday in July each year, close to the feast of Sts. Joachim and Anne (July 26), the parents of the Virgin Mary and grandparents of Jesus.
Its theme this year is: “His mercy is from age to age,” words from the Magnificat in Luke’s Gospel (1:50) when the young Mary greets her elderly cousin Elizabeth.
This Gospel connection between the generations — the young and the old — mirrors the link between this year’s World Day for Grand-
parents with World Youth Day (Aug. 1-6) in Lisbon, Portugal, whose theme is: “Mary arose and went with haste” (Lk 1:39) to visit Elizabeth.
The pope wants to promote dialogue between the generations.
Pope Francis first spoke about this connection at World Youth Day in Rio de Janeiro in 2013. The elderly “pass on wisdom and life experience” while the young exhibit “strength and
hope for the future.” They complement and need each other.
Staying connected to my grandparents was easy growing up, at least with my mom’s folks. (My dad’s mom died before I was born and his dad died when I had just turned 3, so I don’t remember them.) We lived next door to Grandma and Grandpa Modrcin the first five years of my life and then just blocks away until they both died.
I spent countless hours with them because they were my afterschool and summer caregivers, my parents and I ate supper with them every night, and their house was
I’m able to relive so many of those years through personal memories and old photos. I’m saddened, though, that in all the time I spent with my grandparents, I never thought to ask them about themselves — about their childhoods in Croatia, what they did when they were my age, what it was like to leave family in the “old country” and come to Kansas City, how tough it was to learn English and a different culture, what it was like to work in the packing house, how they managed to support their large family during the Depression or how stressful it was to have six sons serving in World War II.
I also took their Catholic faith for granted and never asked about their baptisms or first Communions or what meaning their faith held for them. And yet, it was their simple, lived faith that impressed and
It reminded me of this conversation in the marvelous book “Have a Little Faith,” between author Mitch Albom and the elderly Rabbi Albert Lewis about why the rabbi keeps Jewish customs:
“My grandparents did these things. My parents, too. If I take the pattern and throw it out, what does that say about their lives? Or mine? From generation to generation, these rituals are how we remain . . .”
He rolled his hand searching for the word. Connected, I said. “Ah.” He smiled at me. “Connected.”
This World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly, connect with them in person (preferably), by Zoom or phone. Ask questions that I never got to ask my grandparents. Take them out to eat or shower them with gifts and praise. And, for goodness’ sake, don’t wait until September 10 to do it again.
Parable of sower and seed speaks to our discipleship
Areal estate agent friend often reminds customers that location is the most important element in buying or selling land. When it comes to buying or selling property, it’s “location, location, location!”
July 25
2 Cor 4: 7-15
Ps 126: 1b-6
Mt 20: 20-28
July 26
Joachim and Anne, parents of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Ex 16: 1-5, 9-15
Ps 78: 18-19, 23-28
Mt 13: 1-9
July 27
Ex 19: 1-2, 9-11, 16-20b
(Ps) Dn 3: 52-56
Mt 13: 10-17
July 28
Ex 20: 1-17
Ps 19: 8-11
Mt 13: 18-23
July 29
Martha, Mary and Lazarus
Ex 24: 3-8
Ps 50: 1b-2, 5-6, 14-15
Jn 11: 19-27
This Sunday’s readings draw our attention to a different kind of location — the spiritual location of the heart, mind and will, and the eternal value and significance of what is taking place there. Everything in our spiritual life depends on our spiritual location. On where we are in relationship to
God. On whether we are close to or far from God’s word and love.
In the Gospel reading, Jesus is followed by a crowd so large
that he gets into a boat and begins to teach in parables as the crowd stands along the shore. And like any good teacher, Jesus uses vivid imagery that echoes in the daily life of his listeners. Jesus’ parables are images, painted with words, that invite his audience to understand how the kingdom of God relates to their daily lives.
The parables engage reflection on discipleship as a call to conversion amid life’s joys and challenges. Through the parables Jesus offers his disciples, and us, his loving invitation to conversion of those interior locations of the mind
and heart. When the disciples question Jesus on why he speaks in parables, he directs their minds to the attitude of openness to God’s words and deeds as a necessary condition of discipleship.
We may have heard the parable of the sower and the seed so many times that we overlook its powerful lesson for daily Christian discipleship. The seed falls in various locations — on a path, rocky ground, among thorns and rich soil.
Each location in which the seed falls results in a different outcome.
Jesus’ lesson highlights the generosity of
God, the sower of the seed, who seeds lavishly, in the hope that it will reach good soil — the best locations.
God’s word is a transformative presence in our daily life, just like a seed that is planted, takes root, grows strong and bears good fruit.
By remaining close to the spiritual location of God’s word, we encounter the grace of God that gradually transforms the soil of our hearts and minds. We discover our true dignity and our life’s meaning and purpose in God, as we pray with joyful hope, “Speak to me, Lord.”
Local communities must be included in fight against hunger, pope says
VATICAN CITY (CNS) — In order to eradicate hunger in the world, committed and experienced action must be taken that includes local and traditional cultures and peoples, Pope Francis said.
“We must be very attentive to and respectful of local communities, cultural diversity and traditional specificities, which cannot be altered or destroyed in the name of a short-sighted idea of
progress which, in reality, risks becoming synonymous with ‘ideological colonization,’” he said in a written statement read July 3 to participants at the 43rd session of the U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization conference being held in Rome July 1-7.
“For this reason, and I never tire of highlighting this, interventions and projects must be planned and implemented in response to the demands of the people and their communities; they cannot be imposed
from above or from bodies that only seek their own interests or profit,” he wrote. “The challenge we face demands joint and collaborative action by the entire family of nations,” he continued, and “There can be no room for conflict or opposition.”
“Governments, businesses, academia, international institutions, civil society and individuals must make a joint effort, setting aside petty logic and biased visions, so that everyone benefits and no one is left behind.”
Sullivan is a professor at The Catholic University of America.
SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Is 55: 10-11 Ps 65: 10-14 Rom 8: 18-23 Mt 13: 1-23
17 Monday Ex 1: 8-14, 22 Ps 124: 1-8 Mt 10:34 – 11:1
de Lellis, priest Ex 2: 1-15a
MAGDALENE Sg 3: 1-4a Ps 63: 2-6, 8-9 Jn 20: 1-2, 11-18 SIXTEENTH WEEK OF ORDINARY TIME July 23 SIXTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Wis 12: 13, 16-19 Ps 86: 5-6, 9-10, 15-16 Rom 8: 26-27 Mt 13: 24-43 July 24 Sharbel Makhluf, priest Ex 14: 5-18 (Ps) Ex 15: 1b-6 Mt 12: 38-42
This is certainly a grand idea
Father Mark is the pastor of Sacred Heart Parish in Tonganoxie. He has been editor of The Leaven since 1989.
Pope names 21 cardinals, including U.S.-born archbishop
By Carol Glatz Catholic New Service
VATICAN CITY (CNS) — Pope Francis named 21 new cardinals, including U.S.-born Archbishop Robert F. Prevost, who took the helm at the Dicastery for Bishops in April, and French Archbishop Christophe Pierre, the apostolic nuncio to the United States.
The pope announced the names after his recitation of the Angelus with the faithful in St. Peter’s Square July 9. He said he would formally install the cardinals during a special consistory at the Vatican Sept. 30.
Cardinal-designate Prevost expressed his surprise and joy upon hearing the announcement, he said in an interview with Vatican News July 10.
“Certainly I felt happy for the recognition of the mission that has been entrusted to me — which is a very beautiful thing — and at the same time I thought with reverence and holy fear: I hope I can respond to what the pope is asking of me. It is an enormous responsibility, like when he called me to Rome as prefect,” he said in Italian.
“I see it as the continuation of a mission that the pope has decided to give me,” he added.
The new cardinals represent more than a dozen countries on five continents. Three of the new cardinals are current Vatican officials, three are current or retired apostolic nuncios, 13 are current or retired heads of archdioceses around the world, one is a rector major of the Salesians and one is a 96-year-old confessor in Buenos Aires. Six belong to religious orders; two of
them are Jesuits.
After the new cardinals are installed in late September, there will be 137 potential voters and the total membership of the College of Cardinals is expected to be 243.
The September ceremony will mark the ninth time Pope Francis has created cardinals since his election to the papacy in March 2013. After the ceremony Sept. 30, he will have created a total of 131 new cardinals in that College of Cardinals, which would make up about 54% of the total college and 72% of potential electors.
With the addition of six new cardinals under the age of 60, the average age of cardinal electors will get one year younger going from today’s
The new cardinals:
• Archbishop Robert F. Prevost.
• Italian Archbishop Claudio Gugerotti, prefect of the Dicastery for Eastern Churches, 67.
• Argentine Archbishop Víctor Manuel Fernández of La Plata, Argentina, incoming prefect of the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith, 60.
• Swiss Archbishop Emil Paul Tscherrig, the apostolic nuncio to Argentina, 76.
• French Archbishop Christophe Pierre, the apostolic nuncio to the United States, 77.
• Italian Archbishop Pierbattista Pizzaballa, Latin patriarch of Jerusalem, 58.
• South African Archbishop Stephen Brislin of Cape Town, 66.
• Argentine Archbishop Ángel Sixto Rossi of Córdoba, SJ, 64.
• Colombian Archbishop Luis José Rueda Aparicio of Bogotá, 61.
• Polish Archbishop Grzegorz Rys of Lódz, 59.
average age of 72 years 8 months to 71 years 6 months. Cardinal-designate Alves Aguiar of Lisbon, 49, will be just six months older than the youngest elector, Cardinal Giorgio Marengo of Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, 49.
Cardinal-designate Prevost, 67, was born in Chicago, and had served as bishop of Chiclayo, Peru, for more than eight years before being appointed to lead the Vatican body responsible for recommending to the pope candidates to fill the office of bishop in many of the Latin-rite dioceses of the world. Recommendations made by the dicastery are typically approved by the pope. Archbishop Prevost has been a member of the dicastery since November 2020.
• South Sudanese Archbishop Stephen Ameyu Martin Mulla of Juba, 59.
• Spanish Archbishop José Cobo Cano of Madrid, 57.
• Tanzanian Archbishop Protase Rugambwa, coadjutor archbishop of Tabora, 63.
• Malaysian Bishop Sebastian Francis of Penang, Malaysia, 71.
• Bishop Stephen Chow Sau-yan of Hong Kong, 63. Born in Hong Kong, he is a member of the Society of Jesus.
• Bishop François-Xavier Bustillo of Ajaccio in Corsica, France, 54. Born in Spain, he is a member of the Conventual Franciscans.
• Portuguese Auxiliary Bishop Américo Alves Aguiar of Lisbon, 49.
• Spain-born Salesian Father Ángel Fernández Artime, rector major of the Salesians, 62.
Pope Francis greets Archbishop Robert F. Prevost during a private audience at the Vatican Feb. 12, 2022. The pope will elevate Cardinal-designate Prevost to the College of Cardinals during a consistory at the Vatican Sept. 30.
Father Viet Nguyen — pastor of St. Vincent de Paul Parish, Onaga; St. Patrick Parish, Corning; and St. Bede Parish, Kelly — safely crosses home plate to score a run for the archdiocese.
Transitional Deacon Aaron Waldeck takes in all the action from the front of the dugout as he waits his turn to take the field.
Archbishop Joseph F. Naumann and Father Matthew Nagle, pastor of Mater Dei Parish, Topeka, sign autographs for the fans before the game.
Father Kent O’Connor, pastor of Good Shepherd Parish in Shawnee, watches the game with his priest teammates from the top of the dugout.
Father George Rhodes, associate pastor of Most Pure Heart of Mary and chaplain of Washburn Catholic Campus Center, Topeka, keeps his eye on the ball as it floats toward the plate.
Umpire Tom Winkelbauer calls Father Quintin Schmitz, pastor of St. Gregory the Great, Marysville, and St. Malachy, Beattie, safe at second base.