| vol. 34, no. 7 | September 21, 2012
‘To stir the hearts of the faithful’
Leaven photo by Lori Wood Habiger
Mike Scherschligt, executive director of the School of Faith, delivers one of the two keynote speeches at the Sept. 13 kickoff of the Faith Initiative at Savior Pastoral Center in Kansas City, Kan.
Archdiocese launches Faith Initiative
ANSAS CITY, Kan. — In an effort to “stir the hearts of the faithful” in a “new Pentecost in northeast Kansas,” Archbishop Joseph F. Naumann launched the new archdiocesan Faith Initiative on Sept. 13 at Savior Pastoral Center here. The initiative’s name is as simple
By Joe Bollig and direct as its purpose — “Faith: Love It, Learn It, Live It.” The celebratory kickoff event — which drew close to 500 parish representatives, pastors, deacons and religious — offered inspiration and a broad overview of the initiative.
3 your vote counts
The bishops of Kansas offer moral guidelines for the upcoming election.
The Our Lady & St. Rose Choir gears up for its annual fall concert.
Would you like to see the Faith Initiative video again? Do you need a copy of the Faith Initiative prayer? Do you need to know about the various Faith Initiative programs? All this and more can be found on the archdiocesan website at: Click on either the English or Spanish Faith Initiative logos.
“My appeal to every Catholic in the archdiocese this year is simple and direct,” said Archbishop Naumann in his homily at the closing Mass for the event. “I am asking each of them to do something significant.” “By that,” he continued, “I mean something sacrificial on their part to both deepen their friendship with >> See “GOALS” on page 5
6 Soul lifting
To the Source
7 A seminarian’s day
Leaven reporter Jessica Langdon breaks down the day of eight archdiocesan seminarians.
14 making a change
Father Mark Goldasich explains the changes you will find in this issue of The Leaven.