09-27-13 Vol. 35 No. 8

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theleaven.com | vol. 35, no. 8 | September 27, 2013

special report

Shattered dreams The Leaven travels to Tijuana, Mexico, to put a human face on immigration reform Stories by Katie Hyde | Photos by Elaina Cochran

familiar face

Leaven intern Katie Hyde interviews Father Pat Murphy, CS, former archdiocesan animator for Hispanic ministry, who now directs Casa del Migrante, which provides respite to deportees in Tijuana.


A deportee waits for his introductory interview after arriving at Casa del Migrante. Buses arrive at the Casa throughout the day, bringing groups of men who have been deported directly from the California border.

American nightmare

What happens when, after 26 years in the United States, a man is suddenly ripped from his family and deported? Page 7

broken system

Father Pat Murphy, CS, sees the heartbreaking reality of deportation on a daily basis. Page 8

Helping hands

Volunteers from around the world help the deportees cope with life after deportation. Page 10

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