10-14-11 Vol. 33 No. 11

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Leaven photo by Elaina Cochran

Lisanne Milford (right), a nurse at Shawnee Mission Medical Center, gets to know baby Julaya Bradley as new mom Ciera Williams gets ready to take her daughter home. Milford was recognized in September for excellence in the workplace at the FIRE in the Workplace Honors Banquet. The Integrity Resource Center presents the awards to recognize people in the community who are honoring God through their work.


Nurse honored for care she provides families in times of happiness — and heartbreak


By Jessica Langdon Leaven staff

VERLAND PARK — On her own and nervous, Ciera Williams arrived at the hospital in early October to give birth to her baby girl. It was Williams’ birthday, and baby Julaya Bradley was determined to share the special day. With her family out of town, Williams was “a nervous wreck,” she admits. That didn’t last long. She quickly found herself in the good hands of the staff of Shawnee Mission Medical Center, including a labor and delivery nurse named Lisanne Milford. With Milford by her side, “I felt more secure,” said Williams. “And I felt less alone about the situation.” “You weren’t alone,” assured Milford, as she watched the new mom snuggle her daughter, “because we were all here with you.” Milford — a wife, mother of three, nurse and parishioner of Prince of Peace Parish in Olathe — loves to share

the happy times that come with working in labor and delivery. Not every story is a happy one, though, and she feels equally blessed to care for families during their most heart-wrenching times. There are situations when a baby has died in the womb or has health problems so severe the child will die soon after birth.

Honored for excellence Milford’s work in those cases touched the people at Integrity Resource Center in Olathe. The center presents the FIRE in the Workplace honors. In September, Milford was recognized for excellence in the workplace. The center was especially drawn to the faith-filled touches she brings when families have lost a baby. “When the families are willing,” said Integrity Resource Center president Rick Boxx, “she actually does a special little prayer dedication for the child that just passed away and is able to encourage and honor the families.” The FIRE awards honor God by recognizing that he works through people in the community, said Boxx.

Turn to “MARY” on page 4

“Her obvious training and expertise make her a good nurse. Her great attitude, care, and understanding make her a great nurse. Her obvious compassion and her sacrifice of personal and family time for the sake of our family make her an exceptional nurse.”

— Excerpt from a letter about nurse Lisanne Milford’s care for a family

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