12-07-12 Vol. 34 No. 17

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theleaven.com | vol. 34, no. 17 | december 7, 2012

WHEN GOD HAS OTHER PLANS Sister Gabrielle Kocour, OSB, keeps fighting the good fight long past the time she thought she’d ‘put my feet up and relax’


Sister Gabrielle Kocour, OSB, has spent her life working for the poor and disenfranchised. Over the course of 65 years, she’s worked in a wide variety of ministries that champion the poor.

TCHISON — Sister Gabrielle Kocour, OSB, didn’t answer the phone when I first called her to ask for an interview to write this story. Being in the business of calling people repeatedly begging for interviews, I just figured she was deliberately avoiding the probing, incessant questions of the fledgling Leaven reporter. I was wrong. Sister Gabrielle was on the other line with a nurse who, due to unfortunate circumstances, was living

Story by Katie Hyde Photos by J.D. Benning

3 Catholic Identity

Benedictine president Stephen Minnis works with the U.S. bishops on higher education.

out of her car at the mercy of Kansas weather. Desperate for food, shelter, and a job, she called the right person. By the time Sister Gabrielle called me back five minutes later, she had helped the woman schedule a job interview. The long process of getting back on her feet had begun. Over 65 years of service, Sister Gabrielle has earned a reputation in Atchison and beyond for her dogged commitment to social justice, whether it be internationally — or just next door.

5 future priest

Lawrence Bowers is ordained to the transitional diaconate.

>> See “Benedictine’s” on page 6

8 the buck stops here

St. Patrick religious education coordinator Susan Buck knows how to get things done.

16 king of the hill

The Strawberry Hill Museum is rich with Catholic history.

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12-07-12 Vol. 34 No. 17 by The Leaven - Issuu