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THELEAVEN.ORG | VOL. 42, NO. 22 | JANUARY 15, 2021



Zipporah Kamau, a nursing student from Kenya, has completed her courses with the help of Catholic Charities’ St. Rita Program and is studying for her boards. She also translates for Catholic Charities.

Catholic Charities offers hand up through career development effort


etting an education or learning a new skill has always been important in gaining a competitive edge in the workplace. But perhaps now, more than ever, it’s critical. The economic turbulence left in the wake of COVID-19 has resulted in staggering unemployment. Even before the pandemic, those individuals who were unemployed or underemployed were struggling. In times like these, the St. Rita Program, a ministry of Catholic Charities of Northeast Kansas, has become a much-needed career development resource.

“I am a legal immigrant from Kenya and a single mum. It was challenging for me to pay bills as well as upkeep for my daughter and I,” said Jane Waichigo of Olathe. Waichigo was attending Johnson County Community College to earn her LPN in nursing when she learned of the St. Rita Program. The cost of a single e-book threatened to end her education. “One day at college, I did not have the required e-book and it was super-expensive. I gathered the courage and approached my professor and told her that I could not do the required assignment because I did not >> See “PROGRAM” on page 13

Lenten dinner notices The Leaven will publish a list of Lenten dinners being held in the archdiocese in the Feb. 12 issue. Notices are limited to around 50 words and are due Feb. 2. Please email your information to: todd.habiger@theleaven.org.


Jeremiah Higbee reads to his daughters Violet, left, and Lilliana, right. Higbee completed the St. Rita Program to earn his certification in electrical technology.

March for Life Find out all the details about the local and national March for Life. Page 3

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