THELEAVEN.ORG | VOL. 42, NO. 23 | JANUARY 22, 2021
A shot in the arm to end isolation
Benedictine Sisters of Atchison receive their first COVID-19 vaccination By Susan Fotovich McCabe Special to The Leaven
TCHISON — It’s a story akin to the miracle of the loaves and fish. On Jan. 8, 150 Benedictine Sisters and laypeople within the Mount St. Scholastica community and its long-term care facility here, the Dooley Center, received their first of the two-dose, Pfizer COVID-19 vaccination. There was only supposed to be enough of the vaccine to cover 100 people. “According to the state’s Phase I eligibility criteria, residents of the Dooley Center, its direct care employees, kitchen and cleaning staff were first to get the vaccine,” said Sister Esther Fangman, OSB, the Mount’s prioress. “After that, we had a limited number of vaccines available for the Sisters. That’s how the day started,” she continued. “I thought there might be 20 of us who wouldn’t get it. That number dropped to 10 and eventually everyone who could get the vaccine got it. It was a miracle!” Because the Dooley Center is a licensed long-term care facility in Kansas, its residents and direct care workers were among the first group of individuals eligible to receive the first vaccine, according to Sister Esther. As a bonus, the young CVS pharmacy intern who administered the vaccine to the Sisters and laypersons was a St. James Academy, Lenexa, graduate and longtime admirer of the Benedictine community. Mikayla Rico, 21, is currently a first-year pharmacy student at the University of Kansas. One of the first lessons of her first semester focused on vaccines — their history, how to counsel recipients, how to screen out those who should not get one, and more importantly, how to actually administer the vaccine. Through an internship with pharmacy giant CVS, Rico has been tasked with vaccinating people across Kansas. To date, she’s logged trips to Seneca, Junction City, Osage City and, of course, Atchison, where she spent a long day visiting with and vaccinating the Sisters. “Everyone was so appreciative and relieved that we were there,” Rico said. “There was a lot of emotion. The Sisters haven’t left the Mount since March. This was a light at the end of a tunnel that will soon allow them to see family and attend Mass regularly.” >> See “BENEDICTINES” on page 13
Mikayla Rico, 21, a first-year pharmacy student at The University of Kansas, delivers the first of the two-dose, Pfizer COVID-19 vaccination to Sister Esther Fangman, OSB, prioress of the Benedictine Sisters of Atchison.
Lenten dinner notices The Leaven will publish a list of Lenten dinners being held in the archdiocese in the Feb. 12 issue. Notices are limited to around 50 words and are due Feb. 2. Please email your information to:
The road to Catholicism Father Anthony Chendumalli talks to The Leaven about his family’s conversion from Hinduism to Catholicism. Page 3