THELEAVEN.ORG | VOL. 42, NO. 32 | MARCH 26, 2021
PANDEMIC-PROOF Pastors reflect on keeping the faith, one year in By Joe Bollig
ANSAS CITY, Kan. — Father Dan Gardner was like everyone else last March: locked down, frustrated and wondering what would happen next. “When the announcement came out to shut everything down, I just walked around the house for a couple of days, and I was ready to climb the walls,” said Father Gardner, pastor of St. Ann Parish in Hiawatha and St. Leo Parish in Horton. One year ago this month, “normal life” went away when the national COVID-19 response began in earnest. A national lockdown began on March 16 as part of “fifteen days to slow the spread.” And between March 12 and 19, every diocese in the country prohibited the celebration of public Masses. Parish life largely went dormant. Things didn’t stay that way. Soon, pastors all over the archdiocese began to rally their pastoral staff and parish volunteers to provide the sacraments, operate parish ministries and engage parishioners. On this first anniversary of what many consider the “beginning” of the pandemic in the United States, The Leaven asked some veteran pastors to reflect on the past 12 months.
Facing challenges The top challenges all pastors faced could be placed into two categories, according to Msgr. Thomas Tank, pastor of Ascension Parish in Overland Park. The first was maintaining contact with parishioners and keeping them engaged. The second was finding ways to provide the sacraments. It wasn’t easy to do with all the churches closed. “I had a real difficulty closing the church, which was the decision of the priests of Johnson County,” said Msgr. Tank. “We could still have Mass, but the church was locked. That was terrifically painful, and I’ll never do it again.” Each pastor said they were challenged by the loss of the personal
s From left, Keith Krull, Father Bill Porter, BJ Jonsher and Richard Ackmann prepare fish for Roeland Park’s St. Agnes Parish weekly fish fry. Father Porter said he especially misses being able to interact with his parishioners before and after Mass. u Father Dan Gardner, pastor of St. Leo Parish in Horton and St. Ann Parish in Hiawatha, livestreams daily Mass from his dining room table. Livestreaming was something Father Gardner taught himself in order to connect with his parishioners. contact that normally occurred in the context of the Mass and parish social events. They missed their parishioners, and their parishioners missed them. “The hardest thing was not seeing people before or following Mass to be able to talk with them and see how their personal lives were going,” said >> See “WE’RE” on page 6
Antisemitism Tax deadline changes The IRS has announced that this year’s tax deadline will be extended to May 17.
The Leaven takes a look at the history and recent rise in antisemitism and offers ways to counteract it. Page 7-9