THELEAVEN.ORG | VOL. 42, NO. 34 | APRIL 16, 2021
Most Pure Heart students learn from nation’s heroes that
By Marc and Julie Anderson
OPEKA — Sometimes, the best things are right under your own nose. At least that’s what Christy Sheetz, the seventh- and eighthgrade theology teacher at Most Pure Heart of Mary Grade School in southwest Topeka, said about the eighth grade’s recent class service project. “We have been preparing for the sacrament of confirmation, and I was hopeful that my students could participate in an all-class service project,” Sheetz said. “Many of them have performed service projects on their own, but there is great value in participating in service altogether. “I feel like it provides vibrancy and life not only to the surrounding community, but to the participants as well. It brings people closer together in mission.” One day, while passing by the Veterans Affairs Medical Center on her way to school, Sheetz said an idea came to her. “Sometimes the best opportunities are right next door!” she said. “The VA hospital is just blocks from Most Pure Heart of Mary School. My dad is a Vietnam veteran, and [my dad and I] access the VA from time to time.” “I’ve always thought that our school and the VA are so close,” Sheetz continued. “If we could do something there, it would be a great opportunity for our students to show support for our veterans.” Sheetz’s next step was to enlist the support of the school administration. That part, she said, was easy. “My principal, Eric White, maintains that our kids have missed out on so much [because of the pandemic]. He believes that whatever we can do to provide them with opportunities to perform service or grow in community is a worthy endeavor,” Sheetz said. “I remember I texted the idea to him, and he just came back with: ‘Sounds good.’” With the principal’s backing, Sheetz turned to the logistics of scheduling a “walking field trip” to “visit” residents of the VA’s Community Living Center. >> See “BOXED” on page 4
From left, Finley Leiker, Broderick Desch and Josslyn Randa, eighth grade students at Most Pure Heart of Mary School in Topeka, visited a Veterans Affairs Community Living Center during their two-part walking field trip held on March 19. After their visit, the students walked to Apple Market, a nearby grocery store, to purchase groceries for the schoolwide Lenten food drive.
Missionary priest dies
Crucial conference
Father Marc Tillia, an archdiocesan priest who spent the majority of his priesthood in Brazil, died on April 1.
The Rural Catholic Youth Conference helps young Catholics plot the course.
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