THELEAVEN.ORG | VOL. 37, NO. 37 | MAY 6, 2016
TWINNING! The kindergartners of Church of the Nativity School in Leawood, put on a presentation for their new friends at Resurrection School in Kansas City, Kansas. From left are: Patrick Coughlin, Kendall Worth, Zavier Chapman, Henry Hawkinson, Woods Dowdy, Finn Darby and Lauren Homant.
Resurrection and Nativity schools join forces for ‘perfect fit’ STORY BY MOIRA CULLINGS | PHOTOS BY LORI WOOD HABIGER
Nativity students pass through the Holy Door at the cathedral on their way into Mass. William Volker leads his class in. He’s followed by: Ben Nigro, Allie Vervynck, Rosie Oades and Julie Jefferies.
ANSAS CITY, Kan. — When Leawood’s Nativity School students walked into the Cathedral of St. Peter here, they not only passed through a Holy Door, but they also stepped into a new relationship with Resurrection School. “I think the sky is the limit on this relationship,” said Maureen Huppe, principal of Nativity. The two parishes recently began a twinning partnership, in which they will share a range of resources, as well as come together for various events and celebrations throughout the year. “The blessings of getting to experience a church beyond our own boundaries and to share a broader perspective of our archdiocesan church [are priceless],” said Father Francis Hund, pastor of the Leawood parish.
Intriguing opportunity As part of his 10-year vision, Archbishop Joseph F. Naumann encouraged parishes to consider a twinning initiative, especially in Johnson and Wyandotte counties. “I mentioned this to [Father Hund] on a retreat last June and asked him if Nativity would be interested,” recalled Father Harry Schneider, >> See “PARTNERS” on page 6
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